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super-hero-confessions · 24 days ago
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solaraurora · 29 days ago
finally watched The Last Of The Mohicans for the first time. absolutely beautiful film with such a heartwrenching bittersweet ending. I love it so much. this film now holds a special place in my heart.
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my heart broke & I cried so hard when Uncas & Alice died. their relationship was so sweet. they really cared about each other so much. it's so unfair.
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also Nathaniel & Cora have become a new fictional couple for me to obsess over. the romance portion of this film was wonderful. they're so perfect.
"stay alive. I will find you" ❤️
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also Daniel Day-Lewis with long hair my god
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edgessunflower · 3 months ago
Pairing: Uncas x Fem reader
Description: Uncas saves you and soon the two of you fall for each other
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You knew something was wrong when a branch broke after feeding a deer before a hand yanked your arm leading to you screaming and running through the woods all alone and terrified trying to get away from Magua who was trying to kill or capture you but everything went black when you slipped and fell hitting the side of your head on a rock as you rolled into a hidden ravine. Uncas was put hunting when he noticed an arrow in a tree then a boot definitely more feminine and not made like the Mochicans shoes were leading him to find the bloody rock and torn clothing before he found you laying in the ravine unconscious and hurt leading to him slowly picking you up and taking you back to fort William Henry where he took you to an empty tent and tended to you rather than letting the doctor do so as he cleaned the mud off your body and the blood on your head before putting you in a loose mohican dress he had kept after his tribe was killed and he couldn't help but feel an odd protective feeling as he sat by you gently running his knuckle over your face in a gentle caress as you woke up and he explained how he had found you. The next few days were a blur of resting before you ran off with uncas and the others where Cora and Hawkeye ran off and Alice went off on her own leaving you and uncas together as you walked to the edge of the waterfall before he quickly pulled you back as silence fell over the two of you looking at each other while your heart raced as he caressed your face before pulling you into his arms holding each other under the water fall losing yourselves in each other as the two of you kissed running your hand through his hair hearing him softly whisper against your lips while the two of you held each other asking him what he said before he gently cradled your face in his hands, "I said I love you my flower" your heart swelled at those words before kissing him softly before holding each other tightly under the waterfall and he braided your hair before both of you slowly fell asleep.
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motivi6 · 8 months ago
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bookworm925 · 9 months ago
This movie, and especially these characters, holds a special place for me!
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The Last of the Mohicans: Alice & Uncas (for anonymous)
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hitchell-mope · 14 days ago
Good movie. Incredibly slow going. But still. Good movie.
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spearkarrier · 11 months ago
The Mark of Uncas
This has quite a few tidbits of culture in it, as well as why the Mohegan tribe’s origin story isn’t as fantastical as so many others. A good watch. Perseverance, Honor, Integrity
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theirmarks · 2 years ago
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Uncas. Poquoiam. Woncase. His Marke.
Sagamore of Mohegan. Born ca. 1590, his homelands at Shantok and across some southeastern parts of present-day “Connecticut.” Descendancy and kinship ties across Narragansett and Pequot communities. Present at the Massacre at Mystic Fort, responsible for the execution of Narragansett sachem Miantonomo. Died ca. 1683.
This document outlines the areas Uncas considered to be “Pequid” lands. This document, also signed by Robin Casasinamon, asserts that Pequot homelands [a time before the colonizers stole the land], extended “to a brooke called weexcodawa…unto the end of that water or pond called nekeeequoweese…the land falling betweene that & the pond called teapanocke.” The signed document continues on to say the land “eastward of the brook weexcodawa is & was Naraganset Land belonging to Ninagras and his heires.”
Some of Uncas’ kin: parents Owaneco (I) and Mekunump; sons Owaneco (II), Attawanhood (II) or Joshua, and Benjamin Uncas. 
This document signed August 4, 1662 in so-called New London, Connecticut. Seen at the Massachusetts State Archives.
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the-viking-goddess · 2 years ago
The 'there but not there', what could have been potential of this storyline kills me every time I watch this film, goddamn...
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luxthestrange · 11 months ago
TWST Incorrect quotes#678 Godparents
Leona and Yuu are Cheka's Godparents...Leona made it official once you two started to date, which now...has Cheka calling you both his 2nd parents-...which has funny consequences-
Leona*Glued to the window, Seeing His Nephew running out of the house his own summer home to...his new friend who is a girl....who came to pick him up in a bike that looks like a motorcycle*...Alright, I'm not liking that...
Yuu*Beside him rubbing his back*P-pfft~
Leona*Squinting eyes and frowns*...Im really not liking that SHIT-she coming to pick him up motorcycle?...My queen I'm not...isn't he too fuckin young to have a girlfriend-*Sees his little nephew gets behind his friend on her bike and slams his forehead on the window*...FUCK MY LIFE-
Yuu*Having a giggle fit and tenderly giving him head pats also seeing him ride off*-He's GOOONE~
Leona*Silent whimper as he sees him off*....*Grabs his phone and calls someone*...Code Red,I repeat code red-
Yuu:..Honey, who are you cal-
Ruggie*Who crashed into the floor as he opened the door entrance*...Im here for my favorite crotched gremlin-
Yuu:...Now im scared to think what will be your reaction to our other child...
Leona:...Yuu we dont have another child aside grim and che-
Yuu*Smilling holding little pink booties*... surprise?~
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The biggest joke in life is Leona didnt want kids...and now legally...has three-...and now ruggie is the cool unca he was destined to be-
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crystallizsch · 4 months ago
goodbye this is the funniest scene to come out of playful land part 2 (they’re riding a carousel)
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andromacheofappalachia · 23 days ago
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"You just said you can't choose destiny. You chose me."
"One look at you and I had no choice at all."
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brooksbutler · 7 days ago
Elrond couldn't save his mother, Elwing, when she jumped into the sea to prevent the Silmaril from being taken.
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Then he had to watch as Galadriel did the same for Nenya.
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Do you think he thought of how he couldn't save one woman he loved but had the power, this time, to save the other?
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akadoodles · 4 months ago
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“Governor’s Hall”
Digital Painting, Made in Procreate
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hitchell-mope · 14 days ago
And it’s goodnight from him and her.
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writebackatya · 2 years ago
Can you imagine if somewhere down the line Donald Duck had a kid of his own
I’m talking about him being the biological father and all
And one of those days that kid will speak
That kid will look at Donald right in the eye and their first words will be “Dad” or “Dada” or “Daddy”
And then Donald Duck
In that moment with his child looking directly at him would be like
“…That sounds weird. Can you call me Uncle Donald?”
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