#umm chile anyways so
fanaticloser · 11 months
When people try to add stuff to your post and it’s not even funny
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demonwebs · 25 days
camp be like: gods we're running out of food, we might starve! vhaal, drow from murder city like: don't worry, there's always cannibalism
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multifandom--mess · 5 months
big boobs?? 🤨 umm chile anyways, so--
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chaotic-so3k · 2 months
Episode 11: ... And The Beast From The Sea
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I love you, Molly
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Avoiding questiond AGAIN??
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Umm chile anyways, so-
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And what a slut he is for that
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This is soo funny even in context
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Hanni saying 'crazy sons of bitches' is outta pocket and hilarious as hell
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Hit him with the Bungo angle then I guess
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hi guys, sorry for dying lmao. anyways... do you guys want some ninjago ethnic and cultural headcanons??? (theyre almost all east/south/southeast asian btw // srry if u wanted more central/western asian rep.. caucasus dont count theyre too european /hj)
Arin: y'know the fact that there's like a ton of different tribes in papua new guinea? yeah, maybe one of those but i don't wanna be disrespectful so i'll do more research first before fully commiting. other thoughts are timorese or other indigenous groups from/near eastern indonesia.
Sora: look at those cat ears and try to tell me that she is NOT japanese. just- cmon man. plus, imperium is like a futuristic imperial japan or a futuristic version of that time the tokugawa family was in charge and locked down the country.
Lloyd (as well as the entire FSM bloodline): either tibetian or bhutanese. FSM just gives some budhist vibes so yeah. this isnt going to be about religion but religion does kind of affect ethnicity and culture so it does have a very minor role in making these headcanons. nepali works too but nepal is kinda nore hindu so yeah..
Kai and Nya: indomalay. mostly the indo part.. like- cmon, fire and water, indonesia is an archipelago with a shit ton of volcanoes (philippines too but we'll get there, sandali lang muna ;) ) i cant get into specifics cuz im not too well-researched but yeah. also, vibes 👌
Zane: siberian or he's from one of the islands extremely north of japan that japan and russia keep on disputing over. purely because of geography and ✨vibes✨
Cole: mixed black latino-filipino. as a filipino myself i wanted to make someone filipino =). since a lotta people were making cole black, i thought that i might as well make him mixed <3. plus, the philippines is also a former spanish colony so it just makes sense. if you want a more specific country, either colombia or the dominican republic are cool. not very well-researched on the different latin american countries so if anyone wants to tell me the most appropriate country for cole pls let me know 🥰.
Jay: umm, i sorta have a dillema over this. im thinking either korean or he's from somewhere in the gobi desert like mongolia or inner mongolia (its a province in china btw). korean bc the entertainment and beauty industry as well as the student and work culture kinda fit him. but somewhere in the gobi desert is nice bc the desert is where he grew up. maybe he's korean but grew up in a mongolian-chinese environment but yeah, im not too sure about him 🤷‍♀️. im leaning more towards korean but yeah, not sure.
Wyldfyre: i um... this was very hard. first of all, she's not gonna be asian since i couldn't find a good enough area in asia and well, im pretty sure she's not from ninjago so she doesn't have to be asian. so, i got maori in northern new zealand but 1. i know nothing about the maori people 2. it might be disrespectful to portray them like that. and 3. er, the geography is kinda off. where she grew up looks very desert-y and volcanic. i think a more suitable reigon is in south america towards the coast like peru or chile but um i know even less about the those reigions than new zealand. plus, it has the same first 2 problems i listed earlier. (yes im ignoring her clothes for these headcanons srry guys my brain loves topography too much) TLDR; idk man shes too hard to sort out lol. it adds more to her mystery and chaotic energy anyway so yeah.
if u know more abt latin american countries, pls give me pointers so that i can have more accurate headcanons for cole and wyldfyre. i can do my own research for kai, nya, and arin but any help with that is also very much appreciated 👍. peace ✌️
(this is what happens when u become a geography nerd... im not at my full potential yet bc my latin american knowledge and all of africa knowledge sucks. but yeah. bye fr this timeee)
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years
Umm chile anyway so ummm…Him hat?
I was eating my supper when I read this and I had to put my phone down so I wouldn’t choke on my food because this made me laugh like an idiot 💀💀💀
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butchkaramazov · 1 year
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anyways- well- umm
ily XD
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chile so anyway-
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90363462 · 2 years
12 Things To Do During Oral Sex - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty
Shellie R. WarrenFeb. 04, 2022 08:36AM EST
It's my personal opinion that oral sex doesn't get discussed nearly enough. And that's pretty much my starting and finishing reason for why I'm writing this. C'mon. It's not like most of us don't indulge or engage and yet, when it comes to finding ways to make the experience more enjoyable (because a mouth simply being on another's genitalia is a really low bar), we don't seem to do as much research as we should.
It's no secret that more women climax from cunnilingus than intercourse itself (I'll expound in a moment). And it's definitely no newsflash that fellatio tends to put huge smiles on most men's faces. Still, there's nothing like going from good to great in your oral sex game, right? Something tells me that if you incorporate the following 12 tips, that is exactly what will happen.
1. Treat It Like an “Appetizer.” Not the “Meal.”
Let's start with where our, umm, heads should be about oral sex—whether we're giving or receiving. For starters, if it's gonna be grand, it'll be both. Anyway, while I do know some people who tend to take a hard pass on oral sex for a variety of reasons (by the way, religious married folks should check out Proverbs 5:15) and I certainly say to each their own, gone should be the stigma that there is anything "wrong" or "nasty" about doing it. Besides, 75 percent of women aren't able to have a vaginal orgasm. Oh, but do you know how they can climax? Some good old-fashioned cunnilingus! The main reason is that there is so much direct clitoral stimulation during the act.
Speaking of the stigma and the "ick attitude" that so many still seem to have about oral activity, that's a part of the reason why I think that cunnilingus and fellatio should be seen as appetizers (foreplay) more than the actual meal (intercourse). Think about it. How big of a deal is kissing? Especially in an intimate relationship, it's basically a given, right? Well, oral sex is a form of kissing...kissing genitalia, that is. And when you look at it from the perspective of stimulating your partner and building up excitement for what is to come, that can take a lot of pressure off of doing it. The acts can relax you, significantly so, as you're heading into intercourse. Appetizers are dope. They get the palate ready and prepare us to sit back and enjoy our meal. I think oral sex should be seen in a very similar fashion. How about you?
2. Shower Beforehand. Possibly Together.
I'll tell y'all what, if there's one thing that 2020 did, it got me super up close and personal with streaming apps. Not the ones you've gotta pay for (some of y'all have so many of those that you might as well have cable, chile)—the free ones. One of them being Tubi. Anyway, a series on there that I started watching not too long ago isSecret Diary of a Call Girl. It's…interesting. At times. Anyway, I'm bringing that up for this piece because Belle (the call girl) tends to give tips throughout each episode. One of her first was this—make sure that your partner showers from the moment he steps in your door.
I promise y'all that when I see movies or television shows where folks are all sweaty or are even just coming in from work and oral sex is simulated, I semi wanna gag just like an 80s valley girl. No, no…NO. Oral sex is so much more pleasant when you know that everything is super clean and fresh down there. You can even up the excitement by taking a showertogether. Whatever you do, just make sure that hygiene is a top priority. For everyone's sake. And pleasure.
3. Create the Ambiance
Whether you adore oral sex (giving and receiving), you low-key loathe it or you merely tolerate it, the overall experience is going to be so much better—and far less awkward—if the atmosphere is sexy. Use candlelight or colored LED light bulbs. Turn on some slow R&B music. Dress sexy. Bring a few pillows into the mix (when you're "propped up", oral sex can be so much more comfortable). Hit a few other erogenous zones. Maybe give each other a massage (with hands and/or with tongues).
Sometimes oral sex can feel stressful at first, usually because we're rushing into it way too fast. Slow down. Set the mood. Enjoy each other. You've got time. If you're doing it right, you do, anyway.
4. Mutually Discuss What’s Desired. Each Time.
If you don't get anything else out of this, please hold on to this one particular point. Sometimes, we can be in a mood to receive oral sex in a different way than we did the time before. We might want more pressure applied or less. We might prefer it to be wetter or less wet. Sometimes 69 sounds like a good idea while other times, it's the absolute last thing that we want to attempt. But if we don't discuss all of this with our partner and instead, we put the expectation on them to be able to read our minds, that can make us frustrated with them—and ultimately, the act itself.
No one is saying that you have to present a—pardon the pun—full-on oral presentation about what you expect all of the time. I'm just saying that whispering in his ear what you are in the mood for (followed by asking him what he would like) can never hurt. It can only help, actually.
5. Incorporate a Favorite Flavor
I know all of us have heard that if you and your partner drink pineapple juice, everything will be right with the (oral sex) world, but that's not a complete truth. What is a fact is your diet plays somewhat of a role in how your natural lubrication as well as your partner's semen taste. This means that if pineapple juice is a part of your daily diet, it can knock some of the acidity out of both of your fluids, making them an itty bit sweeter. But if you're looking for everything to taste like a piña colada, you're only setting yourself up for failure. No food can do that.
The flip to this is if you bring a favorite sweet condiment into the mix, that can make you less—what would the word be—apprehensive, about diving in, head first (with the pun totally intended). Chocolate syrup, honey, whipped cream, frosting, flavored lubricant—all of these can be super seductive and a delicious distraction, if you happen to like the act but you'd prefer to avoid the taste of the "natural flow of things" as much as possible.
6. Use Some Ice Cubes
Here's the sexual version of IcyHot (LOL). While you may have never thought about "pulling a Mookie" in the bedroom (the real ones know what I'm referring to), it's something that you definitely should take into some serious consideration when it comes to oral sex. For you, the person on the giving end, it can help to produce a lot more wetness which can take off the pressure to produce more saliva. Then, when it comes time to receive, the combination of hotness (from your partner's mouth) and cold (from the ice) can actually stimulate you in a way that nothing else can. It doesn't have to be plain ice either. Popsicles or some Buko Ice Candy (a Filipino kind of icy treat; there's an easy-to-make recipe here) can easily be added to the mix too.
7. Perfect the “Build-Up”
One time, while in a session with a married couple, surprisingly, they both had the same complaint when it came to giving oral sex. It wasn't that they didn't like doing it so much as they felt like their partner took FOR-E-VER to orgasm. When I did a bit of deeper digging, I realized that, when it came to the act, there really isn't any wooing or seducing that was transpiring. They both would just take off their clothes and start. Not only is that not very sexy but this approach means that you have to not only "warm your partner up" with your mouth but then keep going until completion (because most of us go until completion…right?).
That's why I'm all about folks learning how to perfect the build-up. All I mean by that is there should be all about lots of kissing and caressing before oral sex begins. Shoot, even once they get to the genital region, there should be some seductive teasing by kissing/licking the hips and/or inner thighs. Again, if everyone slows down and relishes in the anticipation, by the time the act itself goes down, climaxing shouldn't be too difficult and definitely shouldn't take three television programs long. Not at all.
8. Switch Up Positions
I don't know what makes people think that oral sex always has to consist of being in some variation of the missionary position. It. Does. Not. If you'd like a little bit of a breakdown on how certain positions can prove to be most beneficial, a few years back, we published "6 Oral Sex Positions That'll Elevate You Even When You're On Your Knees." I also like the his-and-her positions that the site Your Tango took on. You can check it out here. Sometimes, just a change in angles can make all the difference in the world.
9. Yawn. Kinda.
Not all penises are created equal (check out "Sex Hacks For Different Kinds Of Penises (You Heard Me Right)"). That's a good thing. That said if you happen to have a partner who has the kind of penis where you find yourself repeatedly experiencing a gag reflex, try fake yawning during fellatio. This simple hack will help your throat to open up and your tongue to flatten, so that it's easier to…take everything all in.
10. Bring in Some Lubricant
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we simply can't produce enough saliva or we need some help to keep our hands from causing the oral sex version of rug burn on our partner. Something that can help both of these things from being an issue is lubrication. A recipe that you might want to try consists of coconut oil and margarita flavoring. Now please keep in mind that since oil-based lubes can actually semi-melt latex condoms, this should be used when it comes to oral activity only (and after being STD-cleared because you can get one from oral too). Still, if you're looking for a way to bring more "slip" into your second or third round, an easy and tasty recipe is right here.
11. “Seesaw It” All
There are some partners who've told me that the way oral sex happens for them is extremely compartmentalized. They do that—and then they have intercourse. There is no overlapping. What in the world? Do you know how hot it is to seesaw it? What I mean by that is to go five minutes with oral, have intercourse to the point of edging, and then go back to giving—or receiving? Whew. 
It's always important to remember that sex isn't supposed to be regimented. Learn to go with the flow and do whatever feels good at the moment. It'll turn you on more and make oral sex so much more erotic. And that's always a good thing.
12. Watch It All Go Down (Pun Intended)
I know. Sometimes it all feels so good that you couldn't keep your eyes open if you tried. But a lot of times, we don't make eye contact during any kind of sex act because we simply don't think it's that big of a deal, one way or another. Oh, but it is. Eye contact during physical intimacy conveys that you want to make a deeper connection with your partner. And, when you do it during oral sex, they are able to get more turned on by either watching what you are doing to them or seeing all of the nuances of your facial expressions while they are gracing you with their skills.
Oh, and if you really want to take things to another level, you can even tape your partner during the act. Or, if a tape, to you, is too risqué, the next best thing is to watch with the help of a full-length mirror that's directly in front of you.
As you can see, these aren't "oral sex hacks" so much as they are tips to remind you to relax your mind, stay in the moment and—again, pun intended—take it all in. Oral sex can be unbelievable. You've just got to open up and let it be.
Featured image by Getty Images
Originally published February 19, 2021
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sillyinternetgf · 3 months
here to tell all the things that no one asked
1. What do you really need right now?
- a jay, haagen dazs caramel cone ice cream, and a road trip
2. What are some of the things that have made you who you are?
- bad horror movies, generational substance abuse, and my childhood dog
3. What are some of your pet peeves?
- not reaching my potential and the lack of empathy
4. Share a dark thought? (Go on, vent a little)
- umm read my blog duhh
5. Something that makes you ridiculously happy?
- finding a toad after a fresh rain
6. What are you craving?
-affection only another person with mental illness could give me
7. Song stuck in your head?
-my first kiss by 3oh!3 ft kesha
8. Last thing you watched?
- x2 (god I love cheesy superhero movies)
9. Shows on your watch list?
-arrested development, jujutsu kaisen, and maybe eventually I'll get to shameless
10. Books on your reading list?
-keepers of the garden by dolores cannon and green delusions by martin lewis
11. Something on your wish list?
- headphones
12. Something you want to monologue about?
- the frustration of forced stagnation
13. If you were a note, what note would you be?
-post-it notes: that pretty mid blue color, music notes: G note, notes in general: pls don't tow my car i will be right back
14. Tactician, fighter, generalist, or supportive role?
-shikamaru nara
15. Talk about a stuffie.
- my baby kitty is my childhood stuffie that I carried around until I was 13 yrs old it's the "starlett 2000 ty beanie baby" and wow does she hold so much trauma
16. They say you can tell a lot about a person from the state of their desk... Do you have a desk? Can you describe it?
-no desk, the world is my surface and i do not wish to work at a desk
17. Space, enchanted forest, magical kingdom, or underwater city?
- enchanted forest
18. What are some of the meanings of your name? (Or url if you don't want to say.)
-my parents chose my name as a mix between a popular movie and something that sounded original. horrible idea. i just go by my nickname now, Dani.
19. What fictional doctor do you wish was your doctor?
- Dr. House
20. Are you a gamer? What was the last game you played?
-sims 4 with basemental drug mod
21. How do you take your pizza?
- large, green chile, pep, topped with parmesan and a side of buttermilk ranch
22. Strangest thing that has happened to you this week?
- getting sick for the first time in over a year
23. Share a bit of philosophy?
- just be ur weird, off putting self bc if they don't like u, then they were never able to handle u anyways
24. Do you follow the news?
25. What's on your mind?
- my summer plans
26. What is your dream mode of transportation?
- teleportation
27. What fascinates you about humanity?
- the love and pain we all share
28. What about life makes you smile?
- finding a song that tickles my brain
29. A dream you wish to make true?
- avenging my child/teenage self
30. What is your favourite way to create?
-through self expression and being funny i create relationships with people even if it means liking each other's posts
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doublestandardlove · 4 months
chat what the actual hell...
storytime !! tl;dr a dude from my school saw me at my job and called me kittenwhiskers 🤢
this guy from my school ordered from me at concessions tonight. i know his name and face bc he's well-known and my dad taught him in middle school.
he goes: "oh hey, do you recognize me?" ofc i do ;-; but i'm feeling a bit silly, so i go: "hm, idk you look a bit familiar, but i don't think so."
he asks why i wasn't at grad rehearsal yesterday (i was) so i just reply: "there were like, a million people there. ofc you didn't see me."
so i ring up his order, but i grabbed the wrong drink. i apologize and get him the right one, and what is his response?
"it's alright, kittenwhiskers."
sorry, WHO- who are you talking to rn sir, is the cat in the lobby with us ?? be so fr -_-
anyways, the thing is, he DID see me at graduation. he prob didn't even register me as being on the same plane of existence, but i was there.
he was all up in my personal space, backing up towards me while talking to his friends like i wasn't even there 😒
umm... anyways, chile ;_;
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amberthefantasy · 5 months
Chapter 6: Not Alone
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“12th century?” I gaped at her.
Roxie smiled and hummed at her. “I believe it was Iris… yes Iris, I do wonder how she is…” Roxie’s eyes were distant as she stared into space, lost in thoughts of the past. She blinked a few times, bringing herself back to the present. “Anyway, I’m here to help you train,” she explained. 
“You said that Tanya called you?” I asked.
“Oh yes, we’ve known each other for a long time,” Roxie waved her hand. 
“How long?”
“Hmm, since she was quite a young vampire. We’ve kept in touch over the centuries. When your young Edward told her that a siren had transformed in Forks she called me for help.”
“And you came,” I said softly, stepping closer. 
“Of course I did,” Roxie smiled at me. She walked towards me and placed a soft hand on my cheek. I looked up at her with slightly widened eyes, trying to blink away the tears that threatened to spill as the realisation that there was another person like me who had come from however far away just to help me. “Shh shh little one,” Roxie said quietly, placing her arms around me in a soft hug.
I stayed wrapped in her arms for a minute, finally letting myself relax, before pulling back. “Thank you, for coming,” I said softly.
“It is my pleasure,” Roxie ran her hand along my cheek. “I was very happy when Tanya called me.”
“How did you meet her?” Esme’s voice almost made me jump. I had almost forgotten the Cullens were still here.
“Oh I met her when she was around a hundred, still a youngling.” Roxie began to explain, pulling back from me. “I stayed with their family for a short while before moving on. I met Tanya a few centuries later and since cellular phones have become a common device we keep in touch more than we used to.” She said as she took a seat on the empty sofa. 
“How old are you?” Emmett asked, leaning towards Roxie. 
“Emmett!” Esme admonished her.
Roxie laughed. “Did your mother never tell you not to ask a woman her age?” She teased. Emmett leant back, I guessed that if he could still blush he would be. “But I take no offence,” Roxie waved her hand. “I was born in Illyricum, during the Republic of Rome.” I stared at her. I had guessed that Roxie must be quite old but Ancient Rome old? 
“Roman Republic?” Rosalie’s eyes were as wide as mine must be. 
“Hmm,” Roxie hummed. “Old, am I not?” She smiled and let out a soft laugh. 
“You must have seen so much of the world,” I said. Jasper placed his hand on my shoulder and led me over to sit beside Roxie.
“I have travelled much of the world,” Roxie nodded. “I mostly stayed in Europe, close to my home. But I have travelled as far east as Japan and as south as Chile.” She smiled. “Most of the time when I travel it is to find other sirens.”
“I thought all the sirens were in hiding?” Carlisle’s voice was questioning.
“We are,” Roxie confirmed. “But some of us have managed to stay in touch over the years. I saw Theo just a few years ago, fifty or so.” I blinked, fifty years was a few to her? 
“Theo,” Carlisle repeated.
“Theodora of Thebes?” Roxie said, cocking her head in question. “Princess Theodora.”
“Oh of course,” Carlisle nodded.
“Of course?” I cut in, raising my hand slightly to draw attention to me. “I’m sorry but who is Princess Theodora?”
Roxie blinked at me. “You really are brand new aren’t you?” she said softly. “Princess Theodora is the daughter of the guardian queen, Thessamara of Thebes, she’s a kind girl.” 
I nodded, processing the fact that there was apparently a guardian queen. That was probably something I should ask more about but there was another question in the front of my mind that I needed an answer to first. 
“You have a question,” Roxie said with a smile. 
I smiled and let out an awkward huff. “Umm… I was just wondering… well I’ve been wondering how you work out what your special ability is?”
Roxie smiled softly. “It may take a while my dear,” she sighed. “It took me years to discover mine.”
“What is yours?” Alice asked. I almost jumped, having forgotten she was behind me. 
“Shall I show you?” Roxie asked with a smirk. Alice clapped her hands. Carlisle nodded with a smile and Emmett called a loud yes. Roxie laughed and stood. “Mayhaps you will want to distance yourselves my new friends, my gift can be harmful to vampires. Jasper stepped back from behind me and the other vampires leant away. Roxie held her hands out in front of her. I stared intently at her, waiting. 
Suddenly, two bright red flames burst from her hands and flickered over her skin. I gasped. “Pyrokinesis,” I whispered. 
“Hmm,” Roxie nodded. The flames ran over her hands and down her wrists. “It is quite a useful talent. Good for food and fighting.” She looked at me. “I imagine they may not have told you about vampires' weakness to fire?” 
I shook my head, looking at Carlisle, who shrugged. “It was not important information. You are in no danger from vampires here.”
“You are here,” Roxie commented. The flames that were flickering on her hands died. 
“We are no danger to Lizzie,” Esme insisted in a slightly offended tone of voice. 
“Perhaps not,” Roxie inclined her head. “If Tanya trusts you, I do as well. But you must have friends who may visit, friends who may not be inclined to risk their lives for a siren.”
“We visit our friends, they do not visit us,” Carlisle said. 
Roxie hummed. “I’m sorry, risking their lives?” I blinked. “Carlisle you never said-”
“-I did tell you that the Volturi hunt down all the guardians they can, didn’t I?” Carlisle cocked his head.
“I mean.. yeah” I could feel my heart rate increasing. The implication had been that they would be under threat from my being here but to hear it said to casually was still jarring.
“It is very unlikely the Volturi will ever find out you are,” Carlisle waved off my concern. I just let out a gasp. Struggling to find the words to express the stress and fear that was coursing through my body right now.
“Roxie,” Alice spoke before I could. “Lizzie here has been practising her telekinesis abilities, maybe you could give a demonstration of that too?”
Seeming to realise that Alice was trying to change the subject before I could have a panic attack, Roxie nodded. She waved for Emmett and Rosalie to stand up. They did, stepping away from the couch they had been sitting along to allow Roxie access. Slightly annoyed at Alice’s topic change, I still wanted to see how easy it would be for Roxie to lift the couch that I had struggled with the day before. 
Roxie took a breath. Then a soft barely visible silver mist began to coalesce around the couch and it lifted slowly into the air. I looked between it and Roxie, her face was smooth, the only thing giving away that it was her lifting the couch was the slight twitching of her hands and the glowing silver of her eyes. She held the couch in the air for a few moments before softly placing it back on the ground. 
“You didn’t move your arms,” was the first thing I said after the couch stilled on the wooden floor. 
“For such small things as a two-seater couch it is unnecessary,” Roxie explained, when she looked at me I noticed that her eyes had returned to their soft brown. “When moving multiple things or heavier objects I do find it easier to control them by guiding them with my hands.”
“I have to use them for everything,” I confessed softly.
“I used to as well,” Roxie said. “After a few years of practice you will find it easier to use your telekinesis without moving your entire arm, eventually just your fingers will be needed for things such as that.” I nodded. It made sense that after practising for a while it would become easier, just like any skill. 
“Can you help me practise?” I asked, standing up and walking over to stand by her.
“That is what I’m here for isn’t it?” Roxie smiled. “Show me what you can do.”
I managed to convince Dad to let me go to the Cullens again the next day. Though he insisted I only stay for two hours at the most, he wanted a proper Sunday dinner on Bella and I’s first Sunday in Forks. 
Roxie was an obsolete treasure to have around. She was not only helpful in practising my abilities but she was funny as hell and had some great stories to tell. Every now and then while we were training she’d tell some funny story about her own struggles with learning to use her powers. 
“Of course, Mater was very helpful but she could be a bit too… how would you say? Strict.” Roxie was saying as we walked down the stairs into the Cullen's backyard. “She just wanted to help me grow but she was intense and sometimes pushed too hard.”
I hummed. My mother was nothing like that but some of my old friends' parents had been like that in California. “But anyway, that’s not important. I bet you’re wondering why we are outside today,” Roxie paused to look at me.
“Yeah… are we lifting rocks or something?” I asked.
“Not today,” Roxie smirked. “How do you like running?”
I stared at her. “You’re joking?”
“Not at all,” Roxie fixed the loose sleeve of her shirt. It was the first time I’d seen her in anything but a dress, instead wearing a simple pale green top and dark shorts. “You’re faster than regular humans now and you need to practise running like that.”
I let out a loud sigh, but the tone of her voice told me it would be foolish to try and argue with her. “Right, lead on.” Roxie laughed at my tone and took off running, forcing me to try and catch up with her. 
We raced through the trees. Roxie avoided every obstacle like she had been through this forest a million times, but the new unusual speed made me have to keep adjusting course and dodging, I even tripped a few times. Which I could swear I heard Roxie laughing at. 
She led me along a path that she seemed to have planned before. Through the trees and around the Cullens house before we finally stopped once again in the back garden. “Well done,” Roxie praised after we came to a stop. “You did well for a first timer.”
“Tha-” I paused, a new scent reached my nose. It was a scent I recognized but couldn’t quite place. Then the sound of footsteps reached me, and a few seconds later a person came into the yard. “Edward!” I called. Edward paused and looked at me. His bronze coloured hair was slightly messy from the run through the forest, but the rest of his appearance was as put together as the rest of his family always were. 
“Lizzie,” Edward nodded to me. “It’s nice to see you again.” Then he glanced at Roxie, who had stepped up beside, hands tensed when he entered the backyard, but relaxed when I spoke.
“This is Roxie,” I answered his unasked question. “She’s a siren too, and a friend of Tanya’s.”
Edward’s butterscotch eyes flashed with recognition, “yes, Tanya mentioned her. A pleasure to meet you Roxie.”
Roxie walked around me to offer her hand to shake. “The pleasure is mine, Edward.” They shook hands firmly. 
Then there was a small person racing past me and Alice flung herself into Edward’s arms. “Welcome back Ed!” she chirped.
“Thanks Alice,” Edward smiled at his sister
“That was a quick decision, I barely got a warning,” Alice complained, slapping his arm.
Edward shrugged. “Well, I think I can handle it now.”
“Handle it?” Roxie asked. 
“Edward had come trouble controlling himself around my sister, her blood is apparently quite tempting,” I explained. 
Roxie nodded and hummed. “She is your cantor then, a rare thing. It was wise to leave before you lost control.”
“Cantor?” I asked.
“Blood singer,” Roxie translated. “There are many terms for it in many languages but in my native latin we called them cantor. A human who’s blood is almost irresistible to a specific vampire.”
Edward huffed. “That certainly describes Isabella. But I think the week away helped.” He nodded. “I can last a few hours in biology with her.”
“And if you can’t?” I asked.
“Then I’ll leave,” Edward said firmly. 
“Good,” I nodded once. “Because I may be young, but hurt my sister and I might just discover what that unique ability is.” I stared him down.  Edward gave a single resolute nod.
Sophie flicked my forehead. “Focus!” She snapped.
I jumped. “Sorry, uhh what did you say?” I winced slightly. I had been so distracted all day by thoughts of training my abilities that I had gotten lost in thought so much Sophie was beginning to just ignore it. Now though I was worrying about something else, it was fifth period, Bella and Edward’s biology class. So my thoughts were solely focused on my sister. Would Edward be able to control himself? Would she be safe? What could I do to make sure? 
“Lizzie!” Sophie’s exasperated voice called. “We get one study lesson to share and you're distracted by something else, what is it?”
I grimaced slightly. “Uhh, my sister. It’s nothing really, I just haven’t seen her since this morning.” That wasn’t a lie, I had gone outside again at lunch today so I’d missed seeing Bella then. 
Sophie smiled sympathetically. “I guess I understand, I only have a brother so it’s probably different to a sister.”
“Probably,” I muttered. 
The bell rang a few minutes later and Sophie and I walked to Spanish in silence. I glanced up and down the hallway, trying to spot Bella or Edward but neither of them were in view. Sophie seemed not to want to pull me out of my thoughts for the entire lesson, even Mrs. Goff didn’t call out my obvious distraction. Sophie muttered a goodbye as we left the class. I responded with one of my own, but didn’t really look at her as I sped walking into the parking lot. 
I let out a long breath when I saw Bella walking towards her car from the other side of the lot. I almost ran over to her and smiled widely. “Hey Bells!” I leant against her car. “Good day?”
Bella blinked at me. Her eyes were somewhat distant as she blinked at me. “Oh yes, uhh… did you know that Edward Cullen was back in town?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, there was no point to lie about it. “He came back while I was at their house yesterday.”
Bella nodded, distractedly as she climbed into the car. I furrowed my brows. I looked back to where I knew the Cullens were parked. Edward was leaning against his Volvo, three cars down, staring intently at the drivers side of the car. I narrowed my eyes. Something was wrong. Something had happened between them in class. If Bella was too distracted to tell me, that would be Edwards' job the next time I saw him. Seeming to sense my eyes, Edward broke contact with the car and looked at me. I gave a small questioning twitch of my head, but Edward made no move to respond. 
“Liz?” Bella called from the car.
“Sorry,” I slipped into the car and gave her a small smile. She had turned on the heater in the car, and though the cold temperature of Forks didn’t bother my toughened body as much as it would a human, it was still nice to be out of the cool misty rain. 
Bella glanced around to make sure the way was clear. I saw her jerk when she noticed Edward’s eyes on her, but she looked away from him and threw the truck into reverse before I could ask any questions about her odd behaviour. The car jerked when Bella stomped on the brake. I let out a shocked gasp and Bella apologised to me quietly. She took a breath. The car began to move more slowly out of the spot. Bella began to drive out of the lot, but as we passed him, I spotted Edward laughing quietly beside his car.
Starlight masterlist / post masterlist
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softcarebears · 1 year
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like dude could've asked my friend to ask me for my number not just take it from her phone without asking wtf like who does that??i thought it was my friend who gave him my number but nope ?dawg i have the right to be mad and also i just because i ghosted him for 7 minutes and he is causing a whole damn scene...it did make me laugh though he's kinda funny but bruh also because i replied "your mom" from the text "what are you doing?" i accidentally ghosted him on as a joke and i already told him i was not interested to my friend beforehand like months ago.he said he was offended because he loves his mom a lot.he was sending audio recordings on my friend's phone so my friend was being the messager here LMFAO.i only replied to his messages because i met him for only a brief time in real life the other day i did not want to seem rude....I DID NOT MEAN TO GHOST HIM EITHER I WAS TALKING TO THAT SAME FRIEND ON THE PHONE ABOUT IT AND SHE TOLD ME SHE NEVER GAVE HIM MY NUMBER ALSO WHO TF GETS MAD FOR SOMEONE GHOSTING THEM 7 MINUTES ITS NOT LIKE A WHOLE DAY well atleast he prob ain't gon text me now since he said that after my "ur mom" response that "he prefers to give up already and that our roads will separate there even though they never joined"....OK THE SHAKESPEAREAN VERSION OF OOMPA LOOMPA HUMPTY DUMPTY HEADASS BITCH DIDN'T NEED YO UGLY ASS ANYWAYS😱😤😨🥰🤩 umm chile anyways i know he is joking and lmfaoing and stuff but bruh why so aggressive like bro its giving fragile masculinity😭 idk anymore i need SOMEONE ELSE'S HONEST OPINION on this SEND HELP
this post is giving reddit am i the asshole dawg I CAN'T
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nowus33m3 · 1 year
My list of thoughts while reading t & c (incl. alllll of the cringe and almost in order)
- never say nooo
- W book W Declan W love interest
- This book is not for children
- When I tell you I’m obsessed
- “Stop being social and there is no ladder to climb” signed an introvert who hates social gatherings
- “Tuck her into my side” 🥹
- “Always have iris’ best interests at heart, even if they jeopardize mine” 😭
- “This is only a game to me” okaaaay angst
- Knows multiple languages 🇯🇲🇧🇷🇳🇬
- He’s just like me fr (except rich)
- Girl you won fr
- Not them tag teaming dad
- Pronouns he cause I’ll never be him (Seth)
- Girl you better than me 😭 I am def not that strong
- Girl, sameee
- gg girl
- Sir if you don’t go sit down
- Sir umm Chile anyways so
- (triggered)
- Cut the track
- Mans gonna build homegirl a greenhouse > he did not build her a greenhouse > oh wait nvrmind
- “People are going to think what they want with the facts they are presented with”
- Abhorrent
- The audacity tf
- Sir if you don’t go after her
- Wtf is this man saying
- “You bury me” facts bro
Bonus (while/after reading fine print): consensus, I like broken things but not youngest children
- Rowan my least fav bro in a normal way
- I’m ILW Declan obv
- Callahan my sweet golden retriever
• Rowan he abandoned
• Declan he hardened
•but Callahan, he truly f’d up
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sneeplerbeepler · 3 years
i got back into that weird hyperfixation i had with this game so uh
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character belongs to @gatobob​ 
Don’t interact with this in any way if you’re under 18. 
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juliecurve · 4 years
does charlie gillespie play guitar with his shirt off?
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cherryobx · 4 years
english is not my first language so finding out that it’s written “surprise” instead of “suprise” was very shocking to me
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