#um to be clear in case anyone thinks this is about a real person im talking about chucky from doll 👍
elfdyke · 2 years
me and the mutuals behaving abnormally about the lake shore strangler. we are feelings and thinking many things
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teeth--thief · 7 months
HI UM! i was just looking through your blog and i saw that you really like toptunov and. ummm yeah me too AUSHSHSNSNSNA im so excited :33
i was wondering if u had any resources to learn a bit about him? im gonna read through the books on the drive but if theres anything specific on him i would love to know !!! i read midnight in chernobyl so there's that! but if theres anything else
and um yeah! his whole story and being is so. captivating to me. he was just a guy!!! he told jokes ajd AUGHHH can u tell that im insane
Wow that is so odd that you'd ever think I have an interest in that man. I'm a serious and respectable researcher. So anyway, let's get into my girlfriend, dead wife and favourite boy - Lyonya!
I'm afraid there isn't one definite source to read to learn all about him... what he was up to after the explosion is described in a particularly gut wrenching way in the book by Yuri Shcherbak, (not the translated one, the Russian original) if that's something you're interested in. Midnight in Chernobyl is probably the book to read if one is interested in his person, there's little else you can learn about him from other books, sadly.
I can share any and all interesting bits I do know about him that aren't just in any particular... thing... that I have learnt up until this point in my quest to find out absolutely everything. For starters in Midnight in Chernobyl, Sasha Korol claimed our dear Lyonya got into a drunken fight with the thermodynamics tutor, right? Well, Lyonya's room-mate from collage says otherwise :)
Y.I. (I'd rather not put him on blast in case he'd prefer to keep a low profile) commented under Kupnyi's interview with Korol:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The translation is in the alt text but the jist is this: there was never any fight with any tutor or professor or anyone else (Y.I. says Toptunov was "non-confrontational"). There was, however, an argument between Lyonya and another student, which got reported to the higher ups by a professor who witnessed the whole thing. And yes, his dad saved his ass, just like it's described in the book. Not something he would have been saved from that easily if he actually beat up a member of the teaching staff, I reckon.
Korol is an unreliable narrator, unfortunately. Nothing against him, I'm sure his objective in life is not to make Toptunov look bad, if the fact that they had each others' keys and were always real... close together in pictures - hey, I'm not judging, you guys do you - is anything to go by, but to me it's pretty clear that the years took their toll on him. Perhaps he wanted to make Lyonya seem cooler.
He worked (or interned?) in Kiev, in the Department of Nuclear Safety and Control of Reliability of Reactor Installations. Maybe that's where that one mysterious photo of him, in which nobody knows what he's doing, comes from...
Another interesting thing? Apparently Lyonya wasn't too keen on being a Lyonya. He preferred being called Lyosha. Okay, well, what does that even mean? asks any non-Slavic speaker at this moment. It means that he used a diminutive not for his name - Leonid - when introducing himself, but for the name Aleksey. So much so that in an interview with Stolyarchuk, he just straight up calls him "Aleksey Toptunov". Lyosha is also how (at least one of) his Prypiat neighbours knew him. Given that his name was not that popular in his generation, maybe he felt as if it was too old school... an Old Man's Name.
There are two lost media... bits regarding him, too. I learned about both from @/toptunovleonid on Instagram who is THE Toptunov expert, truly. Nobody does it like she does, 10/10, I'd trust her with my life. One is an apparent article from around 2015 claiming that he was in the collage choir for a short period of time and another being medical documents, perhaps related to army admission or training. He was apparently 185cm and 86kg at, I'm guessing, 18-19. There is literally no "professional" explanation as to why and what do I know this for.
With this weirdly specific titbit, I'm done. For now, at least. Can't share all the things at once, can I? Hope you enjoyed this alarmingly long post. Next time I shall share Every Picture I Have Found Of Him. Perhaps. We'll see.
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nanjokei · 11 months
man idk if my opinions on smt are bullshit or not but im not backing down from "mainline is pretty mid actually" at this point.
its strange because the games, i dont see them ad individually mid, but coming from the era of when "play a real shin megoomy tensay game" was a proliferating (AND IRONIC. i dont think most people got that it was supposed to be ironic!!) meme, the lionization of mainline now kind of feels unearned aside from it being the sort of center of a digimon-like evolution chart.
really, smt is an in an incredibly awkward spot.
original smt established a formula, and was a pretty fine game on its own. i respect it a lot, and reexperienced it in the form of an lp. i can say despite everything, it holds up, if youre willing to meet it where its at.
the only mainline i dont have enough experience with to judge is smt2... though i do believe its a great game.
smt if is great. anyone who followed me a decade ago knows i freakin love smt if. amazing mainline spinoff
smt nine is really misunderstood i think. they made a lot of capital C choices with it, but i cannot look at it with scorn and disrespect. really, i see it and see a different future we could have had. it was incredibly ambitious, and i realized it had a lot of things that i wanted out of smt in the current day. its anything but stagnant. absolute clusterfuck of a game but i say this as a cautious compliment
nocturne really broke the mold in so many ways, incredible game, i think atlus had balls shifting smt so much with this one release, but their behavior with its legacy later on really sours me on it personally. but yes, nocturne has such a strong identity.
i didnt play a lot of strange journey. but unlike 2 i feel like i can talk about it. as a mainline spinoff, like if, it had a lot of wiggleroom to be more experimental both in its story and overall vibe. they could do it without worrying about the weight of "this is a mainline, we have to please people".
smt iv, what an insane game. honestly, i applaud it for trying. it is more valuable to me for trying than anyone could even imagine. i think it tried to be fresh. the thoroughline between it and strange journey is quite clear— both in terms of literally "sj happened" and the philosophies of the two games. the routes and endings may suck ass but walter, jonathan and isabeau are such strange and endearing characters regardless
apocalpyse. well, the gameplay is fun! i dont hate it as much as other people do, but im confused at why the story is suddenly so pamby namby and dumbed down. i dont follow the belief that ~nanashi ripped off demifiend~ because thats fucking silly, i actually think its the right way to call back to demifiend, but man. um. i like hallelujah i think hes so cute and good :)
smtv. lol. idk its trying so hard to be nocturne 2 but with all the mid legacy of smt as a mainline series. having someone tell me directly that most of the characters in the game are nothingburger does not help its case. i dont get why they did this. honestly, it pisses me off. they made me wait so long for nocturne 2 instead of actually coming up with something new. this is why ill always defend iv even if its kind of failson.
i think smt's issue really is that atlus is not willing to let nocturne go. its becoming very stagnant and its infecting the spinoffs, even.
like sorry but i dont think soul hackers 2 was personafied, i think it was smt mainline-ified. think about it. i already talked about it once. im not repeating myself (also due to tumblrs shit search i cant find the post i made about it atm 🤣)
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wagner-fell · 3 years
“Hey whore. Can I ask you a question?”
“Excuse me?”  the shocked voice of Tessa Gray asked. “That is no way to anyone, let alone your mother.”
Kit’s eyes widened in horror. “I, er, um. Haha, wrong number. Bye. Love you.”
“Christopher Jonathan Herondale, don’t you dare hang up on-” He hung up.
Kit placed his phone onto the cold, stone bench, case facing up. He took a quick look at the two photos wedged between the thick plastic of his Otterbox and the hard copper of his literal lifeline.
The first one was of himself, Jem, Tessa and Mina in front of a Christmas tree. It had been taken last year by a begrudging Mari. She grumbled away the entire time about ‘why in the world was she willingly being the angel bitches servant’ but in the end she was the one who had printed it for him in the first place.
Mina was clutching Church for dear life, a euphoric smile spread across her tiny face. It never ceased to amaze Kit how quickly she was growing up.
The second photo was of all the Merry Hoes in Blessica’s basement just a few weeks ago. They all sported their matching jackets. It was slightly off center as Blessica’s brother was blind and therefore had no way of seeing what he shot on the old Polaroid. But it was perfect.
Blessica’s brother is the only person in her family who knows she is a werewolf. Her parents and two sisters just think she sleeps over at Maria’s a lot.
Kit drug his hands down his face and sighed deeply . He was definitely going to pay for that later. He would have been surprised Tessa was still awake at three am if he weren’t too mortified to feel any other emotion.
With another sigh, he picked up the phone and scrolled through his contacts once more. He took extra care to click on the right name.
“Hey whore. Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course, daddy,” answered his intended target immediately. Astrid Yang may have been a lesbian, but she was also a kinky bitch.
“What would you do if your ex-crush who you're still sorta kinda not over liked a post with you and your girlfriend.”
The line went dead for several minutes before she responded. “In this hypothetical scenario, who has the bigger mommy milkers?”
Kit scratched his head and held the photo closer to his ear. “Well the first one doesn’t even have tits so..”
“So what was I doing simping over her? I obviously stay with my current girlfriend. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.”
He could have told Astrid about a million things, ranging from asking her if she was really that shallow to reminding her that she has literally almost passed out because a hot girl winked at her (she’s not as picky with her crushes as she thinks she is) but instead he sputtered out, “this isn’t about leaving Mari or not.”
Several things crashed on the other side of the phone. “You're leaving Mari?!”
“No! I just said-“ Kit took a long breath and sighed for the third time. “You know how when I’m bored I keep updating Insta?”
“Yeah, we all know that you’re a massive narcissist, go on.”
“Well I was doing that because I couldn’t sleep and Ty liked one of my posts with Mari. You know, the one where we’re doing that Tik Tok dance.”
“No I don’t know. You guys do like a million Tik Tok dances.” There was a rustling noise on Astrid’s end. It sounded like she was picking up the stuff that clattered to the floor.
“The one where she calls me an ‘uncultured slut’. Which I blame you for.”
“Oh, yeah. I did say that. Haha.” A small grin made its way into Kit’s face, despite the dire situation.
“But when I refreshed it again, it was gone. So now I’m wondering if he deleted it or I imagined it.”
“Hmmm. If Mitski’s ex-girlfriend, with equally big boobies, liked her post with the girl she was seeing now, what would she do?”
“Ast, what does Mitski have anything to do with my struggles?” Kit could practically hear his friend rolling her eyes.
“My parents always used to say,” she cleared her throat and imitated her dad’s gruff voice. “’If in trouble, ask yourself, what would our lord and savior Jesus Christ do?’ But Mitski is my lord and saviour. Besides, Mitski is always relevant in some way.”
“First of all, agreed. Second of all, I told you, Ty isn’t my ex-boyfriend. He’s my ex-crush.”
Astrid was the only one out of the Merry Hoes who knew about Ty. It wasn’t that he was purposely trying to exclude everyone else. Astrid had just happened to be the one who was nearest the day of the anniversary he left Los Angeles.
“Wait, for real? Why not? You’re a total babe!”
“Thanks. But we didn’t really get the chance to go on a date as I may have confused my love for him than ran away to a different country. Lol!”
“Kit, my dude. This is way too juicy, I mean serious, a topic to discuss over the phone. Wanna come over? I have crisps and a Stranger Things binge calling your name.”
Kit was fully aware that he went to her house, they weren’t going to talk more about the insistent. They were going to laugh so hard water would come out of their noses. And see how many candies could fit on their tongues. And Kit appreciated that.
“That would be great. I- hold on. My dad’s calling me. See ya soon.” Kit switched lines. “Hey, I’m really sorry for-”
“Greeting whore,” Jem said in the most monotone voice possible. There was silence for moments before Kit’s parents started laughing.
Kit has never been more confused in his life. Okay, that is a total lie. But this is definitely up there.
“We looked it up on this website called Urban Dictionary,” Tessa reported gleefully. “It’s a compliment now!”
@the-wckd-powers This fic is like an aftermath to your fic ‘Your Doing Great Out There Without Me, Baby’. I love your writing and it made my cry :) (I know there is a eight hour time difference from LA to England but shhhhh)
@adoravel-fenomeno @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @thechangeling @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @sofiatheskeleton @cncnbr @its-taff @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @noah-herondale-lightwood @maxboythedog @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @jo-herondale
Tèłł mè if you want to bè addèd or rèmovèd from thè tag łist!
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queenmylovely · 3 years
Hello! I was just wondering if I could request something? I know it’s silly to feel bad about it but basically, I’m 20 and I’ve never had a partner, never had sex, never been kissed etc. so I was wondering if you could do something where Ben maybe finds out and takes the reader on a date to show her how she should be treated then teaches her how to kiss and maybe takes her virginity and it’s all just really sweet and loving and gentle? Sorry if it’s too much 😅 thank you!! ❤️❤️
Definitely don’t feel bad bc i’m 21 and in the same boat. I did most of this but bc it’s a blurb I couldn't fit it all. Thank you for the request, lots of love (warnings are a little bit of cussing; 1.5k words) 
“Well what do you mean you’ve never done anything?”
“I mean I’ve never done anything, can you not make me spell it out?” you sighed, feeling a flash of nervous adrenaline as Ben asked you about a topic you didn’t often talk about.
“So you’ve, like, only made out? Over the clothes stuff?” Ben asked, trying to clear it up.
The only reason you were even answering is that Ben seemed genuinely confused and curious. A lot of the time when someone learned about this, they were judgy or teased you, so this was refreshing at least. And Ben really wasn’t the type to judge or tease when it was something so personal as this. You knew that much from your half year or so of friendship.
You looked at him across your kitchen table where you had been eating lunch before the subject of that new coming of age movie came up and Ben started talking about the beginnings of his sex life and asking about yours.
“Ben,” you said quietly, making sure he was looking at you. “I have not made out with anyone, I have not touched or been touched by anyone, and I have not kissed anyone. Ever.”
“Oh,” a look of slightly stunned realization crossed Ben’s face. A few beats went by of you looking at Ben and Ben looking off into the distance.
Suddenly he looked back at you, and the abrupt eye contact made you jolt a little.
“Wanna go on a date with me?”  
You blinked, “Um, that’s a hell of a non sequitur.”
Ben shrugged, “Well I was just thinking–”
“Hold on, is this some sort of virgin kink?” you asked, starting to lament the fact that you were about to lose a friend because as nice as he seemed, he was actually a total weirdo.
“No, no! Oh my gosh, not at all. I actually only really brought up that movie to bring up the idea of us dating,” Ben explained frantically.  
“How would talking about teenagers having sex for the first time lead to a conversation about us dating?” you questioned disbelievingly. Not to mention your disbelief at the idea of Ben wanting to go on a date, or multiple, with you.
“Well, if you’ll remember, the main characters are friends first who then start dating,” Ben reminded and now that you thought of it, you were the one to bring up the funny and awkward after-sex scene.
Now it was your turn to say, “Oh.”
“Yeah, so… how about it?” Ben smiled at you, that bright smile that reached his eyes and made you feel excited all over.
“But, why do you want to go on a date with me?” as much as you wanted to, it was hard to just trust Ben and agree.
“Well, first of all, I know we get along great. You’re funny, we always have a good time, you’re incredibly caring and kind to me and to everyone. Not to mention you’re super smart and always teaching me about obscure things I never would’ve known about on my own. And oh yeah, you’re gorgeous,” Ben said, and the sincerity and meaning of his words hit you like a ton of bricks, but in a really, really good way.
You were too flustered to even speak for a few moments.
“So did I make a good enough case?” Ben prompted. With a little chuckle, you nodded, “Yes, those were all fine reasons.”
Two days later, you were walking into an Italian restaurant after work for your first date together. You were so nervous it felt like you were sweating bullets. Not only was this your first date in a long time, it also felt like your first date ever that had real potential. Which was nerve wracking.
Ben had texted you that he was already sitting down, so you told the host that you were meeting someone and started looking around. You found him next to the stained glass window on the left side of the restaurant. As you walked towards him and he stood up to greet you, you couldn’t help but admire how good he looked. Sure, he was handsome and conventionally attractive, that was obvious to anyone who looked at him, but knowing that he looked this particularly good because of you was something else entirely.
Ben reached for you as you got closer, pulling you towards him and towards his face. You panicked for a second, but he was just going for a cheek kiss and quick hug, which you were familiar with, and returned happily. Then he offered for you to sit down and you did with a smile.
“I just got here, but I ordered us both Negronis, I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is, you know it’s my favorite drink,” you reassured him, reaching across the little table to touch his arm.
You were used to casual physical contact with Ben as friends, but now even touching his arm made your skin feel electric and your nerves came back, like your body knew where this kind of touch might lead at the end of the date. Still, you waited a few seconds before pulling your hand back, enjoying the moment between you and Ben.
There were a lot of moments like that throughout the meal. Cheersing with strong eye contact when your drinks came, offering bites of food of your meals to each other, dabbing at a bit of sauce that got on Ben’s chin, and Ben damn near lasciviously eating a maraschino cherry that came with the dessert, all the while looking to the side innocently.
The tension grew as the night went on, and soon the nerves from the beginning of the meal were replaced by a desire for any sort of closeness or contact with Ben that was currently being prohibited by the table you were sitting at.
When the check came, you didn’t put up a fight at Ben paying (other than to say you would pay next time) because you wanted to get out of the restaurant as quickly as possible. As you left, Ben was right behind you, his hand on the small of your back, making your skin unbelievably warm.
The fresh breeze as you walked outside helped to cool you a little, but Ben’s hand dropped down to grab yours, and your face heated again. The two of you picked the river, only a couple blocks away, to stroll along.
You walked for a ways, chatting about what you saw: the people, birds, water, and sky. As the sun began its descent, you relished the last rays of warmth since you knew the dark would start you walking back and the date would be all but over.
Hearing the call of a bird, you spun to watch it land on one of the riverside trees, smiling and pointing it out to Ben. Turning back to look at him, you bumped into his chest and tilted your head to meet his gaze.
“Oh,” you breathed, surprised at his closeness.
“Hi,” he murmured with that grin of his.
“Hi,” you returned, a grin of your own painting your lips.
You didn’t know what else to say, or whether to say anything at all, not wanting to ruin the moment, but also not sure this was the moment you thought it could be.
Thankfully, you didn’t have too much time to think about it or say anything, because Ben leaned down towards you. His smile lessened bit by bit, until he was only an inch or so from your face, pausing there to look down at your lips and move his free hand to the side of your face. You waited for him to close the gap, waited, waited, until you couldn’t take it anymore and pressed your lips to his.
His lips were warm and soft against yours, and you delighted in the feeling of kissing Ben. He pulled back a little, adjusted the angle, and this time he kissed you, using a light touch on your jaw to move you. Ben was unhurried, gentle, and sweet, letting you get acquainted to the feeling at the speed you wanted.
Parting your mouth, you ran the tip of your tongue on the center of his lower lip and he smiled before parting his own. He kept letting you lead the way, try whatever you liked, and when you accidentally knocked your teeth together, all he did was squeeze your hand reassuringly; you could’ve sworn your heart melted right there.
Of course things couldn’t go on too long, since you were in public and it was now dark save for the streetlights. Reluctantly, you broke away, a warm look passing between you. As you walked back, you let go of Ben’s hand, but only to grab it with the other and wrap his arm around your shoulders. Ben’s eyes twinkled as he looked down at you, and you returned his smile as you squeezed his hand.
tagging for the length: @riseetothesun @drowseoftaylor @caborhapch @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @theblossomknows  @buckyluvrs @im-an-adult-ish @sleep-i-ness (unable to tag italics)
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tanakavox · 3 years
A look into the multiverse chapter 5
Soooo. Due to post limit im gonna have to reblog this post with the rest. Just tell y'all when you wonder where the rest is lol. Anyways intro for Winter is done by ExiledDarkness. Everything else is all meeee! On with the post.
A flash of light blinds everyone in the room. As it dies down, Winter Schnee is shown to be standing in the middle of the room.
"Winter?!" Weiss exclaims in shock. The rest of the cast, except for Qrow who groans in annoyance, keeps silent as Weiss explains to Winter about the situation they're in.
Winter nods. "I see. How interesting. I usually wouldn't do something like this but it appears that I have been given no other choice."
"Yeah, that seems to be the case with everything going on in my life." Jaune says while scratching his head.
The screen's light flickers on again and shows a boy setting up his computer and putting a helmet on his head. The sound of the computer starting up is heard.
"Link start!" With those words a flash of light appears with lines of color streaking across the screen.
"That voice sounded familiar …" Winter muttered to herself
"What was that Winter? Weiss asked, turning to her sister.
"Ah. It's nothing"
"Ah. Sword art online." The boy thinks to himself, sighing wistfully. "It's been a while since the beta. Wonder if they change anything?
A man in his early 20s with white hair looks and sees that ads plague the area around him.
"Oh c'mon guys, really? That's just disgusting." The man said to no one, his disgust at the ads was apparent.
"Yeah, seriously. That's just annoying. Qrow said with a grimace.
"Active Adblocker" A screen appeared in front of the young saying it was 29.99 for the Adblocker DLC. The man chuckled darkly. "I'm gonna burn this F***r to the ground.
"Please do!" Nora said a manic grin on her face.
The scene cuts to Blond man with long hair being tackled by a pig, the man blonde groaning in pain.
"That's Sun." Blake said almost immediately.
"How can you tell? Yang asked.
"I just know."
"Well he just got his ass kicked by a pig." Jaune said, laughing a bit
"Wow, Congrats. You were defeated by a pig." The white hair man was there looking down at Blonde unimpressed.
"F**k you man, that's like a pig from hell! The blonde cried, looking at the boar in terror.
"Really?" The white hair man smirked, and picked up a rock and threw it at the boar's ass killing it. It exploded into shards and a screen showed the exp he had got from killing it.
"Wow. This either that blonde guy sucks that bad or the other guy just that good." Mercury said with a grin.
"My god." He gasped with a shit eating grin on his face. "I've stumbled across the most powerful weapon in the game"
"Stop" The blonde whimper.
"The Mithril Pebble of pig smithing!"
"Please stop."
The white hair man takes a deep breath of air as the Blonde groans.
"My god, this sounds like something Whitely would do." Weiss said with an annoyed look.
"For you see, long ago, this pebble was forged in the fiery pits of tartarus,by the grand blacksmith of Lucifer himself. In a time before the world began…
The blonde facepalm as his party member continued. The sun had started to fall when the white haired man was finishing up.
"And thus, Mardoza, Guardian of the pebble, fell to his knees, and passed from this world, leaving behind the mighty weapon. For he knew... that one day, it's power would be required once more.
"Are you done?" The blonde asked.
"Yes." But then he whispered: The legacy of the pebble lives on.
"I have a feeling you get beat up a lot in real life." The blonde snarked.
"And he's using it as some kinda power fantasy cause he can't be that cool in real life." Yang added.
"Shut up! Here I have power!"
"Right, anyways, I've got a pizza coming, and I'm gonna meet up with some friends later.
So thanks for the quick tutorial on pig slaying and the not so quick tutorials on…. rocks…Shirou Yuki?" The blonde slowly wording out the other's username.
"Hey,no problem. I had fun taunting you." Shirou said with a grin. "Ballsdeep69"
"Yeah that's Sun." Blake said, shaking her head. "Only he would come up with such a dumb name."
Meanwhile Winter had a good idea who Shirou Yuuki was, but didn't want to say anything until she was 100% sure.
Ballsdeep69 laughs a bit. "Yeah it's uh, it's just a joke name. Just a character to dick around with while I get a hang of the game. I'm gonna make my real character later."
"Yeah yeah. No, I get it."
Shirou and balls look at each other awkwardly for a while when Shirou breaks the silence. "So uh...your pizza?"
"Right,right logging out." Balls swipes the air with his right hand and goes to log out but notices something odd.
"Hey,Shirou?" Balls called out. "Um, Totally noob question, but how do I log out?
"Are you serious, man?" Shirou asked exasperated.
"Yeah, Really dude? How hard is it to logout?" Jaune asked just as exasperated.
"Hey this Nervegear man. I can't Alt-F4 this sh*t.
Shirou sighs. "Alright fine. It's right…" He looked at his menu screen in confusion. "Here?"
"Oh thanks, player's guide." Balls deadpan.
"No it's here. But it's just blank."
Balls turns back to his menu and something catches his eye. "Oh wait, something scrolling Across mine. HahahahahahahaHAHAha"
"I get it." Shirou said with a frown.
"Wait, Wait, there's more. Ha."
"Wait so they can't log out? What happened?" Ruby asked the rest of the confused viewers
"Eh no worries I'll just take the nervegear off like SO!" Balls reaches around his head and tries to take it off to no effect.
"Hey, dumbass, It doesn't work like that." Shirou sheerned. "The Nervegear disables your motor function so you don't move around in the game. Don't you remember all those videos of the beta testers?
The clip on Dustube plays, A man walking around in nerve gear is marlouving at the tech is shown. Someone, a friend of his walks up and offers a greeting to the man and he mistakes his friend for a troll and goes to pummel his friend into the ground.
It goes back to Shirou and Balls.
"So many lawsuits." Shirou muttered.
A few of the viewers had a good laugh at that.
"Uh, Do you feel tingly?" Balls asked before the two were transferred from mellow they were in a city square.
"No. Why?" Shirou asked casually. The two looked around and it seemed that other players were being teleported into the city square.
"What the hell is that?" Balls asked, looking at the sky going red.
"Well, I believe some people call it a Hexagon? Ain't 100% on that, gonna have to check my sources." Shirou snarked.
"Man f*ck off."
"I like this guy." Mercury said with a grin
The sky started to seem like it was starting to bleed.
"And The sky's bleeding" Shirou observed, not seeming to really care."
"Yeah, they are really pushing for that M rating." Balls repsoned on caring as much as Shirou.
"Wow the sky bleeds and they don't even care." Winter said.
"Probably because they know it's a video game, Ice Queen." Qrow reposned
A hooded figure appears flooding in the air. A wave of dangers fills most of the players in the area.
"Oh it's a person." Expect for one player.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Jaune Arc, Head programmer!"The figure greeted."
"Jaune made this game?" Ruby asked, looking towards the blond.
"Nice Vomit boy." Yang said slapping Jaune on the back. Jaune grunted a bit but smiled towards Yang.
"Welcome to the unparalleled online Sword art onli-" Jaune was interrupted by the player being to talk frantically among themselves. Jaune tried to get them to focus their attention on him by muting them, but ended up muting himself.
"He knows he muted himself right?" Balls asked.
"Give him a minute." Shirou mutters. Jaune unmuted himself.
A few laugh at Jaune's mistake as the Blonde himself facepalms at his mistake.
"Alright. Just realized what happened there. It's very funny. But right now, serious time. How many of you have seen Tron?" He was met with complete and utter silence. Jaune looked over the crowd and was met with blank stares, not counting Shirou. "W-what seriously?! None of you have seen Tron?! " Jaune asked, completely baffled. "I was really banking on that."
"Seriously?! No one had seen Tron?" Jaune all but screamed.
A few viewers didn't want to admit to not seeing Tron either.
Jaune cleared his throat, and proceeded to wing the entire thing. "Much like the world of warcraft, none of you are here by choice anymore. Unlike WoW, however, your being held here by me, not by a need to escape your empty f*cking lives. There is no longer any way to log out of Sword art online. If someone on the outside attempts to log you by removing your Nerve gear, well… Has anyone seen scanners?
Jaune once again looked and was once again met with silence.
"Uh Scanners. It's a movie…. Seriously?! He grumbles to himself about how the people here had no class and pulled up a clip of a man's head exploding. "Okay. That was from Scanners… and basically that.
"First Tron, now Scanners?!" Jaune facepalm.
"You just trapped god knows how many people in a video game, and you're worried about what movie they haven't seen?! Weiss retorted. Jaune flinched and wisely kept quiet.
The crowd gasped in shock.
"Finally seeing some gears turning, making progress."
"Why would you do such a thing?!" One player cried out.
"Stephen? Stephen is that you?" Jaune asked happily "How are you enjoying that advance copy?"
"I'm playing it with my family!" Stephen repiled.
"Oh, that's right!" The hooded figure laughed. "Happy birthday Timmy!"
Little Timmy began to cry.
"Aw, They grow up so fast." He said, sighing. " Cherish these moments Stephen. Cherish these moments. So as I was saying, the only way to keep the nervegear from going Gallager on your grey matter, is to make your way through castle Aincrad and beat Sword Art Online!"
"So you want us to beat a MMO?" A random player asked.
"That is the correct response when someone says to beat a MMO" Ren said.
"Is it really that bad?" Oscar asked and he receive a loud
"WOAH! Getting a lot of hostility here. Do not appreciate it."
"Well honestly!" The same player began,"When was the last time you heard of someone beating Everquest?"
"When was the last time you heard of someone playing Everquest?" Jaune fired back. There was a slight pause.
"That's fair."
"Everquest…. That's a deep cut." Qrow said, sighing thinking back.
"Anywho, for all you guys that wanted to play as girls, and you know who you are," Despite not seeing his face they could tell Jaune had a huge grin. "I've got a surprise for you!"
A mirror appeared in everyone's hands and a light filled the city.
A young boy, no older than 14 was where Shirou was. He still had the white hair and was wearing the same clothes but was more lankey and shorter than the man who was once there.
"Shirou Yuuki?" The boy turned and a familiar face was shown.
"Whitely?!" Weiss cried out at the sight of her brother.
"I knew it was him." Winter said. The username gave him away, Not only is it the username for when he goes on forums, Shirou Yuuki has the same meaning as his real name.
"How do you know what username he uses when he's online? Weiss asked her sister, a question that went unanswered.
"You're not a girl!" A fat player cried out.
"And you're not 17!" Another skinner one also cried out."
"I'm okay with this!"
"Me too!"
"LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER!" Someone shouted out.
"A wise seminent. Ozpin said sipping his coffee."
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softxhariana · 3 years
34+35 live stream
description: ariana’s live stream before debut of 34+35 remix music video.
word count: 2.22k
A/N: little piece based off this live stream that ariana did in the countdown to her releasing the 34+35 remix music video with doja and megan. obvs not included every question but just a few fun bits and harry mentions for you x
also disclaimer, this is NOT real, if u don't wanna read about these two then don't, i’m not tryna act like they’re together it is fiction.
❤ anywayz hope u enjoy luvs xox
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❖   "HELLO EVERYONE! thank u for coming to this premier,” ariana smiled sweetly at the camera, as the video cut to a shot of her for the beginning of the countdown.
“we had so much fun making this 34+35 remix video for you, and uhh, we hope you love it.” she continued, playing with her hair. no matter how long she did this for she swore she would never cease to get slightly nervous in these situations. where it was her alone, in front of a camera. but her fans made her feel at ease, and she felt she owed them something, as she hadn’t done many quarantine interviews like other celebs have.
“i thought i would come celebrate and join the countdown with you guys. which is something that I've never done before, but i’m very happy to be here and i was very excited to get some questions from you all...” she held up the sheets of twitter questions she had received, “um that i’m gonna be answering while i’m here so, i cant wait to celebrate this together and countdown and answer some of your questions!” she finished with a smile.
and it was genuine. a real smile that her fans were thrilled to see.
ariana was genuinely so happy and content with her life right now. with her family, her music, her friends, harry. harry her FIANCE!! might she add.
everything just felt perfect, and after all the shit the last couple years had thrown her way, she appreciated the break.
 she got her love back, she was making music that she fully loved, and put her whole soul into, and she had fans who had stuck with her and supported her through some of the darkest times in her life, that were now able to experience her happiness and personal growth with her. so truly, little things like this, felt like the least she could do for them.
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“ohh this is a good one because its 34 35 related” she tucked her hair behind her ears, “@noirgrande said ‘ummm its just i wanna the end of 34+35 is it awww shit or nooo shit, i just wanna sing the song right”
“umm it is indeed no shit” she confirmed, smiling matter of factly at the camera before reciting the closing line of the song.
“@arianalocks1223 said ‘will we get to see the track list before the songs release?’” she paused for a second to process - which turned into a few more seconds, she was a bit slow today. she had told harry with full sincerity that she thought it was because she was getting old but he had just cracked up at her absurd statement, and told her that if that was the case he’d still think she was a milf
“you will!” she nodded with certainty, “indeed. ummm... i can tell you them now” she blurted, oops.
“i suppose thats not like... is that against the rules? can i do that?” she turned, to question scooter who was supervising off camera, not wanting to get her label mad at her for releasing too much information, something she has a tendency to do. 
after getting the nod of reassurance from him she turned back to the camera, “so out of ‘POV’, you go into, um, an interlude called ‘someone like u’. after that is a song called ‘test drive’, after that is the 34/35 remix with doja and meg” she smiles lightly, “and after that is a song called ‘worst behaviour’, and after worst behaviour is... a song called ‘main thing’...” she finishes, a shy smirk forming on her face, dimples appearing, “so that’s the tracks.” 
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continuing with the countdown, ariana felt her heart warm at the love her fans were giving her and this album. she loved interacting with them and making them happy and proud of her so knowing she had done just that, was an amazing feeling.
“umm hesbloodsline... @hesbloodsline ... i’m really fond of this question because its really to the point, ‘where's the pig and where the fuck is harry?’” she smiled, holding in a laugh.
“piggy’s here, she's great, she's really doing so well and life is really good for her right now, she's really thriving and doing her thing” she ranted, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, “um, i make her big salads everyday that she likes, she's doing really great. she asked me to stop posting her as much because she's actually really offended by a lot of your jokes that you make on twitter, she asked me to have a word with you guys” she continued to joke, well aware that she probably found herself more funny than anyone else did right now.
“she doesn't like the jokes about being eaten, they really hurt her, umm yeh, and she asked me to convey that... no she’s great...” she finally decided to answer, “and harry, is on set today, so um, yeh thats where he is... but don't worry i will tell him to keep you in the loop, i’ve got you” 
ariana unconsciously let a small smile take over her glossed lips when talking about harry. he had been so excited about this new project and seeing him passionate and happy about anything he’s doing, always made her happiest.
“nicole! @nastyctrl. nicole said ‘who helped come up with the concept for the positions music video, love u sm ari’ love you so much to, i love you so much more” she paused, she loved this story,
“um this is actually a really funny story, dave and i had been going back and forth on several different concepts, and i couldn't, like... marry one... i couldn't really, like, really commit to one, i wasn't 100% sold. and it was missing a certain element of empowerment. and i kept, you know, trying to think of things that would make it more impactful cause i wasn't loving what we had...”
“anddd then me and harry were on this huge hike, and he just turned to me and was like, ‘what if you were the president?’ which was like, not at all fitting cause i was dying and complaining the whole time. but i was like,” she tried to imitate a shocked face through her smile and laughed 
“and when i called dave he was like ‘oh... kay, ill call you guys back’ and had the whole production team redo everything, and i had mimi pull completely different outfits and we completely started over cause that idea was what i was, craving and missing. and i was like, wow, thats so perfect” she smiled, shrugging her shoulders, “so yeh, honorary directing credit to harry styles, if you liked that”
“this is from @borderlinevinyl, who said ‘how much of the album was recorded at your little home studio?’ ummm..” she sang, looking off camera in thought, everything in quarantine had honestly just blurred into one so she was struggling to remember what exactly she recorded where,
“um... a lot of it was... i think i did parts of everything here and parts of things at tommy's i know i did, um, the final chorus ad-libs for positions at home” she began listing in her head, “i know i did all of off the table at home... i know i did the final chorus of my hair at home because we- i-” oops. she had to control the laugh threatening to leave her lips at the lack of subtlety in her correction
“-i got out of the shower and he was like ‘oh your whistles are really here right now’, and i was like y’know what... yeahh they are aren’t they” she laughed as she squinted her eyes and recited that part of the conversation, even trying to imitate his deeper accent.
she had been singing in the shower - as she always did - and harry joining her never seemed to stop her from belting out any whitney or old one direction classic she wanted to. he would even join in sometimes and they'd end up with their own mini concert, dancing around naked, shampoo and conditioner bottles in hand singing their hearts out to everything from high school musical to nicki minaj to fleetwood mac.
while it felt like too bold of statement to make as she truly revelled in and enjoyed everything they did together, showering with him was truly one of her favourite’s. whether it was steamy shower sex that had all glass surfaces in the room fogging up or letting loose and dancing and singing under the pouring water, every moment felt so intimate and sacred. it truly made her feel like they were they only people in the world. 
of course he would claim she was out singing him every time she whistled and would jokingly try to replicate the note but he was truly just in awe off the sounds that came from her mouth (in all senses of the word;)
"-and so i opened ‘my hair’ and just randomly did that” she continued, “um what else did i do here, i did the a lot of the backgrounds and ad-libs for 34+35 here, um, obvious was done at home, a lot of six-thirty was done at home”
caught in her own thoughts she only realised she had probably been droning on for too long when she caught scooters eye across the room and with a blush she shook her head as if to clear it, “this is an annoying answer, everything was kind of all over the place but i did a lot, a lot, a lot of the vocals for the album at the house" she finally finished the long answer, moving on quickly as she realised she didn't have long until the premiere and she wanted to answer as many of the questions as possible.
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“ok, second last question from hannah, ever- @everdxystxless, im sorry i don't know how to pronounce that” she laughs looking up at the camera with wide eyes, not sure how exactly how she was supposed to go about pronouncing the username, 
“im sorry, um, but anyway she say’s ‘ari baby, how do you feel about harry getting to do a movie with florence pugh, we know your a big fan of hers, ps. i love you so much!’ well hannah, i love you too” she replies, as she thinks back to when harry first introduced the two, after she had gotten over the initial fangirling, the pair became amazing friends. florence struck ariana as such a genuine, loving person and they shared the same dry sense of humour. plus ariana might of been just a little obsessed with her accent - not that she would ever admit that and scare the girl off.
“and... um, yeah, it literally, made me beyond happy, i was fully like, fangirling when i met her the first time” she laughs as she plays with her hair, “she honestly, probably was like, ‘who the fuck is this girl? what is she doing?’”ariana imitated, a faux scared/weirded out look on her face, playing the part of a mildly pissed off florence - which she luckily had never been on the receiving end of, “im sure i was being the opposite of subtle about it but, no, she really truly is the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, talented human being” she emphasises, the thought of any news outlets of fan’s trying to spin a ‘jealousy’ story about this making her internally role her eyes,
“midsommar is, like, one of my all time favourite movies, and she's amazing in it, and harry’s like so fucking lucky its crazy. so yeah, thats insane”
"...so yeah... thank you so much! this was so much fun!” ariana exclaimed as she wrapped up the Q&A, smiling wide at the camera, she knew her fans were going to love the music video and she couldn't wait for them to watch it, plus interacting with them in this way always made her happy.
“i love you guys, i miss you” she reminded, “i am so appreciative of everything you've done for this album, for these singles, for this music. i hope that, um, that this makes you super happy, i hope it makes you smile...we had so much fun shooting it and um, the girls are so fantastic, so i hope you love this and i hope you love the deluxe!” 
ariana didn't know how many more ways she could say thank you and express her gratitude but she still had over a minute and a half so she’d have to come up with something, even if it meant she’d sound like a broken record
“i am so thankful for everything and for the love that you've shown this music i cant even begin to articulate it properly so, thank you! i appreciate it so much” she breathed out all in one, “but anyway, the video should be starting soon, so... i hope you like it, don't refresh! it’ll be here soon... i promise... just don't refresh” she urged dramatically, she was really dragging this out, “but yeh” she got out through laughs “the video should be starting anytime now, i love you guys” she blew a kiss to the camera before moving as close to the lens as possible “byee”.
🖤 there u go!! i hope you liked it, and any feedback would always always be welcomed and so so appreciated pls and thanku x 
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dazzledamazon · 3 years
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Misunderstood 7/?
She went to answer the door, checking the peephole first. Fuck. What were they doing here? Why? Why now? Rick was still in the shower. Maybe If she were fast enough, she could get them out of there before he got out. She never realized that every ounce of progress she’d made those few days, was becoming undone. Her ex boyfriend and new wife were on the other side of the door.
Taking a deep breath,”Hi! What are y’all doing here?,” she asked, with a smile through gritted teeth.
“We were passing through town on our way to see Laura’s grandparents. Figured since you couldn’t see us, we’d try to see you,” her ex said, as Laura, just walked in the apartment.
“Interesting decor. Early disaster?,” Laura snidely commented. “Bachelorette days make you lazy? Or did some of those criminals follow you back from your job?”
All of it was out of ear shot of her husband. But as soon as Laura spotted a photo of her with Harley,Boomer, Diablo and Weasel she called her husband over.
“I told you that reason she couldn’t come to wedding was because her boyfriend was a jailbird. Look it’s gotta be this guy,” Laura yelled happily, pointing at Diablo. “And this has got to be a pet right? Stray dog?,” pointing at Weasel.
“Look at this chick. One guess as to what she’s in for. Wonder what she charged?,” her ex mused. “And this oaf. He just oozes idiot.”
Rick, was just getting out of the shower, and heard voices. Harley had thrown a wedding invitation towards him earlier and said this was part of a big problem. He looked at it. Saw it was addressed to her. Filed the info away. Heard the name Laura and put on a pair of sweatpants. He decided to stay in the bedroom unless he felt he shouldn’t. Rick left the moment he heard the comments start about the photo. Knowing that things were going to get real ugly quickly. No one ever talked about them disrespectfully near her. Last time she knocked out two guards for just saying that Boomerang was dumber than his boomerangs. They were scared of her. She defended Rick as well. Those guards saluted him now. No one would tell him what went down either. Had to save her from getting arrested. He did the first thing he could think of.
“Missed me babe?,” he asked, turning her around and kissing her.
She was in shock. But quickly returned it. The kiss didn’t last long, mainly because they were interrupted by a clearing throat. They broke apart, but Rick refused to let her go, pulling her back against his bare chest.
“Who’s this? Fly by night? I’m Laura,” she purred, eyeing Rick’s shirtless chest and the rest of him.
“And I’m her husband. And her ex boyfriend,” her ex, cheerfully said, as Rick shook his outstretched hand.
“I’m her boyfriend Rick. You two just got married right? Why aren’t you on your honeymoon?”
“Just stopped in to say hi. To find out why she’s been avoiding coming home. Now I see why,” Laura said, running her tongue over teeth, trying not to drool.
Rick pulled her closer to his chest. He could tell she was about to kill the woman. Laura was making him very nervous. She kept staring at him like he was a soon to be conquest.
“Do you approve of her working around criminals and psychopaths?,”Laura snidely questioned. “I mean she’s probably screwing this one,” Laura said to Rick, pointing to Diablo.
Rick had to hold her back again, tightly wrapping one arm around her waist. The other grabbed one of her hands, kissing the top of it, “Remember murder is illegal. But I’d never disagree with it in this case,” he whispered in her ear.
She snatched the photo back from Laura angrily.,“That is my brother Diablo. And my FRIEND Weasel. And if I EVER HEAR YOU CALL HARLEY A HOOKER AGAIN IT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER DO! I’ll let Boomer take care of you,”she growled at them. “You aren’t good enough to clean up their shit,” she growled, trying to get out of Rick’s grip.
Rick kissed the top of her head proudly. He wished he could’ve recorded this for the gang. They’d have loved seeing their Miss Sweetness getting like this. Especially for them. No one ever did. He gripped her tighter to him, but really just wanted to let her go to beat this bitch. But knew he’d be bailing her out of jail. There was a lot of bad backstory.
“Are you going to let her talk to me like that?,” Laura asked Rick.
“Yes. I agree with her. This is one of the many things that made me fall in love with her. How much she loves her real friends,” Rick said,turning her face up to look into her eyes. “And how she treats them like human beings. Unlike you who doesn’t deserve that distinction,” he said turning a cold gaze towards Laura.
Her eyes widened in shock at Rick’s words. As did Laura’s. Her husband hid a chuckle and turned away to look at photos on the wall. Rick never spoke that way to anyone. Rick was the nicest guy. Unless you crossed him.
“Get the fuck out of my house. Don’t contact me in any kind of way. If you do… well… I do have a question for you. Have you heard of Harley Quinn? The one that was with The Joker in Gotham?,” she asked.
“Duh. Who hasn’t?”
The smile on her face was sicky sweet, “Bitch, contact me again and see this beautiful lady in this photo you called a hooker?”
“That’s Harley Quinn. A personal friend of mine. You don’t want a visit. Trust me.”
She cackled,” You don’t have the guts.”
Rick laughed,”Yes she does. Those two are tight. Harley is a bad influence.”
“You’re a former inmate. I knew it,” Laura said triumphantly.
“This one is a piece of work babe,”he said to her,” Im a Colonel. Special Forces.”
Her eyes stared daggers through Laura. The other woman, finally realized that the years of torturing her were over. She’d have to find another victim. Laura glared as she turned and stormed out of the door. Her ex stopped and looked at them.
“I’m sorry for all of this tonight. I never wanted this. You’ll always be my best buddy. If you ever need or want anything just call. Or just say hi. Um.. if possible maybe later could I borrow Harley? Laura scares me,” he said.
“When you come back I’ll see if I’ve thought of something. Be safe huh?”
“I’m glad you found someone who loves you like Rick does. You deserve the world. Love you buddy,” he said running out of the apartment.
“Love you too,” she called after him. “My friend.”
Rick’s arms tightened around her. She turned and snuggled into his chest.
“It’s never boring around you, that’s for sure,” he teased.
She started laughing as he led her to the sofa.
#Rick Flag x reader. #Rick Flag
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I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chapter Four
Ao3,   Masterpost,   C.1  C.2  C.3
Relationships: eventual queer-platonic intruality, mentioned platonic relationships
tumblr edits out my italics when i copy/paste, and its midnight on a school night, so. italics arent in the tumblr version of this chapter cuz im not manually replacing them rn :P
Warnings: Taxidermy, swearing, fights (verbally, not physically), mentions of death, sexual innuedo (thanks remus), sympathetic everyone but there is Conflict. 
Word Count: 2,645
Patton had learned, in his many years of emotion-filled life, that every person interacted with others uniquely. An obvious thing to learn, maybe, but in his younger years he felt like it really wasn’t made clear enough.
When it finally hit Patton that other people didn’t feel things in just the same way he did, it came with slow disbelief. Shocked was he to learn that not only were people so vastly different inside, but that he might’ve been one of the most different of all- even with the other sides. After all, each of them had seemed to understand all their differences like it was second nature, while Patton tried to come to terms with the information.
And come to terms with it he had, throughout Thomas’ late teens to early twenties. It was just Patton’s nature to try and learn about his friends, and that didn’t change when the task got harder. If anything, he’d become furiously determined to know how to care for all his family better than anyone, even if it more than once sent him spiralling in thought.  
Logan, for example, was at his best when he was around other people; calmly talking, debating, doing work in the same space, anything that amounted to time spent together. So, even when Patton didn’t know what he was going on about, he did his best to at least be someone Logan could talk at. Which must’ve have worked somehow, because Patton couldn’t even count the times anymore he’d realized it had been hours after starting a conversation with his best friend, the both of them grinning and talking and enjoying each other’s company. Color Logan understood!
Roman, an even easier case to crack, didn’t really care what kind of attention he got- as long as it was positive. Which Patton was of course happy to provide! Though Roman became easily suspicious of any signs of friendship, Patton liked to think he’d weaseled his way into being a close companion, if the amount of times Roman dragged him off on adventures was any indication. Roman, too, was a check! 
Virgil had been harder to figure out; not enough support and he got nervous, too much and he’d get overwhelmed. Fine balances did not come easily to Patton, so there had been more than a little trial and error. He’d eventually landed on treating him not unlike a wild cat: to just exist in the same space and let Virgil do whatever he wanted in his own time (a method that had found resounding success!). Virgil, much as he wanted to seem mysterious, was also marked off the list of understanding. 
Janus was deceptively easy to work out. He just needed someone to challenge him, all in good sport, to be friendly and frustrating at the same time. Call it environmental enrichment, but with people! Patton was more than happy to be one of those people, pushing and pulling in equal parts banter and genuine conversation. Janus, surprisingly, was clear as well. 
Patton wondered if it was weird to think about it so much. He thought about all of them, and he wondered if they took time to decode him, too. Or maybe they just knew already- they saw the heart on his sleeve (or chest, as it were) and had him all figured out right then.
He liked to believe they did spend time thinking about it, though. It was nice to think he wasn’t the only one that cared enough to take the time, and he knew that they cared about him already! Even if they didn’t say it as much as he did, even if they showed it all differently, and even if sometimes it felt like they didn’t understand him… 
They still cared. The hoodie around his shoulders said so. The card framed on his wall said so. The stray dog dander on his clothes said so. So long as he had that, who needed the luxury of understanding?
Patton shook his head, no, he wasn’t worrying about all them right now. Right now, there was someone else to worry about.
Remus. Remus, who always chatted on and on, but sometimes went dead quiet for no reason at all; whose expression never seemed to match his words, who laughed when he was happy and when he was angry, who yelled when he was bored and when he was overwhelmed. Remus, who threw himself around a corner for a cheap jumpscare every five minutes, limbs broken and wrapped in ragged, punk-style clothes. Who would also drape himself all the way across Patton gently and calmly, wearing something baggy and impossibly soft (but still neon as ever), talking and talking and acting like it was all perfectly normal. Remus, who Patton wasn’t even sure was officially his friend yet.
Patton wanted him to be. But there was still… something in the way. Some kind of frustrating, tense, unknowable barrier that left him on edge around the trait. If Remus could just tell him something, anything, or give him any hints at all about what Patton was supposed to make of him, then it wouldn’t be so downright impossible. But he was inscrutable, an open book written in a language Patton didn’t know.
Whenever Remus walked into the room, it was almost like nothing had even changed since his acceptance. 
Speaking of-
Patton barely had time to dodge out of the way as Remus leapt onto the couch, landing in a sprawl and taking up as much space as possible. He looked out of breath, so he’d probably booked it down the hallway and stairs, too. Just as probable was him having no reason for doing so at all. 
“Hello,” Patton said.
Remus, from his laid down position, arched his neck up until he was peering upside-down at Morality. He had a reserved look in his eyes, but it was obvious he was fighting not to grin. 
“Guess what I did.”
Patton paused. There were… a lot of ways that could go. Most of them weird.
Remus made a disturbingly accurate buzzer noise, exclaiming, “Took too long!”. He flipped over onto his stomach and propped himself up on his palms, his legs draped over the arm of the couch, and rocked back and forth excitedly. “I made you something!” 
The worry slipped out of Patton’s mind, replaced by curiosity. He hummed, smiling, and asked:
“Like a gift?” 
Remus beamed.
“Something like that!”
As Patton laughed by response, he ran his thumb compulsively over his bead bracelet (that he hadn’t taken off even once since getting, of course). 
“That’s so sweet!” he chirped, “You didn’t have to do that.”
The Duke puffed out a breath, ruffling the white section of his hair. He rolled his eyes and shifted around, pushing up until he sat upright. 
“Yeah, I know. Haven’t we done this dance before, Morey?”
“Okay, okay, I know,” Patton shrugged, his expression turning sheepish, “What is it, then?”
Remus’ grin widened in that almost impossibly way of his, and something about the glint of his teeth was distinctly threatening. It probably wasn’t intentional, but Patton could never really tell, when his claws tapped impatiently against his leg and something mischievous wormed into his expression.
“Well, you have to close your eyes, first!” Remus clapped his hands together, and there that glint seemed to get brighter.
“Oh, uh-”
“It’s not gonna be my dick, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Patton yelped, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment. 
“Well I wasn’t worried before you said that!”
Remus shrieked with laughter. Patton didn’t move his hands from his cheeks, a flush of discomfort starting at his ears and pricking his skin. 
“You’re hilarious, but no- not this time, at least,” -Remus winked- “But just close your eyes, okay?”
Patton took a couple deep breaths, glancing up to give Remus his best approximation of a stern glare. He then let his hands drop to his lap, palms up, and squeezed his eyes shut. 
There was a soft whoosh, and something small was dropped into Patton’s waiting hands. He ran the pad of his thumb over its surface, tracing something like fur. Soft, short fur, but when he pressed it was far too stiff to be a plush animal. 
“Remus,” Patton felt along the object with both hands, jolting when he felt something scaly at the end, “What-”
“You can look now!”
Patton did as told, staring down at his lap. 
There laid a rat. 
A dead one, to be precise. A dead, taxidermized rat, posed up on its hind legs like some goofy little cartoon character. It’s eyes were impersonal glass orbs, but its skin was perfectly, horribly real.
Patton looked up, his eyes wide with disgust, to see unfiltered excitement shining on Remus’ face. 
“I made it myself!” His pride echoed in the words, that grin stretching his lips looking all the more unnatural.
It was then that Patton’s body caught up with his brain, and he realized what exactly he was holding. He dropped it- all but threw it, actually- kicked it and scrambled back and anything to just get away. 
The gift fell to the floor with a dull thump, toppling under the coffee table and out of sight. Patton pressed his hand against his mouth, the other one tightly fisted in his lap. He felt sick- sick enough that his brain was leagues away from rationality. Because he’d really touched- held- that corpse, that thing that used to be a cute little critter, what was now a homemade trinket of horror.
He turned his attention back to Remus, and a million thoughts and feelings rushed him. Betrayal, horror, fear- and weirdest of all was surprise.
Remus’ smile twitched, and he tipped his head from side to side.
“You dropped it,” he pointed out, “I thought you liked rats?”
The noise Patton made was something between a gasp and a cry. 
“I like alive ones!” He exclaimed, pushing himself back until there was a good cushion’s distance between himself and Remus. 
Remus’ smile dipped lower. 
“Well, this way you don’t have to take care of it! It’s all of the cute with none of the trouble!”
“You think this is cute?!” 
He couldn’t believe this was happening, after everything- he hadn’t gotten through to Remus even a little? It was all still a game for him to terrorize Patton? To shove dead things into his lap and laugh about it?
But Remus wasn’t laughing, strangely. In fact, he was very still. 
“You don’t like it?”
In hindsight, Patton would look back on what he said with remorse so strong it gave him headaches. He had scores of memories like that, of course, but this one’s sting would never fade, not even long after they’d moved on from it. But in that moment of fear, of revile, he could not think about anything else but the feeling of being tricked by his almost-friend laying heavy in his stomach. 
“Like it? Is this- are you joking? Remus, you made me touch a dead animal! I thought we were starting to be friends, but- oh my God, what is wrong with you?!”
Patton was sure he stopped breathing right after he said that, his voice choking out. In the silence that followed, you could’ve heard a pin drop. 
Remus stood up, and everything about the way he moved showed a woundedness that didn’t suit him. He looked at Patton with an awful intensity, his ruby-red eyes practically glowing. There was nothing vulnerable about him when he was hurt, nothing at all like how Patton would respond to something like an argument. There was only anger and tension.
He didn’t smile, but his voice stayed pitchy. Gleeful. 
“Everything,” Remus hissed, “I thought you’d catch on before now, but.”
Remus spun on his heel, and the floor beneath him bubbled with oil and acid and plague as he sank into the ground and out of the living room. The carpet shriveled, sick-green, in his wake.
That was when the understanding hit him. A lot like a train. 
“Oh, no,” whispered Patton, “Oh, no.”
Patton struggled to his feet, as if on autopilot. Was he going to go after Remus? No, no, that definitely wouldn’t go over well. He was probably halfway into the Imagination by then, anyway, ready to take his anger out on his creations and not do any talking at all. 
Patton tore his eyes away from the spot where Remus had sunk out, stumbling over to the coffee table instead. He crouched, reached his hand under it, and let his fingers touch the fur of his discarded present. He grabbed it, looked down at it. The wave of nausea when he saw the little rat was now less disgust, and much more regret. 
He cradled the preserved creature in his hands with all the gentleness he could. There was a slip of thick, yellowish paper attached to it, that in all the upset had gone completely unnoticed. It was folded in half, tied with twine to the rat’s neck. 
Patton looked into the rat’s shiny, empty eyes for far too long, watching his reflection be distorted by the spheres. He took a shuddering breath, then, and thumbed the edge of the paper, felt its grain, and flipped it open. 
“This is Jenner. You can have him, because even if you’re a priss, if you can handle me you can handle having cool shit like this. Plus, you’re weirdly nice to me, so I guess I don’t mind being nicely weird to you.
-R (the funnier one <3)”
Patton read the note once. Twice. Three, four, maybe six times the words ran over each other in his head.
The paper slipped from his fingers. He held his rat in both hands and stared down its coffee-brown snout. Patton couldn’t help bringing the figurine to his chest and hugging it tightly, like it was the thing he’d hurt so badly, serving as surrogate. Its sharp fingers and tail poked through his shirt like needles, but he ignored it, holding the irrational hope that the inanimate object could forgive him somehow. 
Jenner was creepy, that was probably intentional; his proportions and pose were so uncanny it couldn’t have been an accident. And it was so, so very Remus of a thing that Patton couldn’t stand to hate it. His shift in view was so sudden, and in some sad way he realized that the conflict had been the final piece he’d needed. What let that understanding crash into Patton’s mind, painting the picture of somebody layered.
The picture of Remus, who he was, had finally clicked into place- and at the exact worst time for it to do so.
Patton had fucked up. Massively. 
He didn’t react how he thought he would when he realized it. He didn’t grow weary and exhausted, desperate to apologize and then collapse into unthinking sleep for days. Gone was the emptiness of making promises that he hoped he could hold true on, just wanting to have gotten it right the first time. No, Patton felt something burning under his skin, something itching him to take action because he’d learned from a mistake. He knew exactly what he’d done, and he was ready to do better right damn now. 
Patton breathed in deep and exhaled sharp, because first… 
He sunk out to his room, Jenner tucked into the crook of his elbow. He rose up at his bedside and shoved a handful of knickknacks off the nightstand. With enough space cleared, Patton set his rat down on the table and stood it up on his alarm clock, facing the bed. And then, as just a final touch, he smoothed back the fur of its head and gave it a peck on the forehead.
Now, he had some planning to do. 
Chapter Five
Taglist: @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @donnieluvsthings @intruxiety @thefivecalls @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @gayformlessblob
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kimmietea · 4 years
Double Yikes! Part 1 (Ben Hardy x Reader)
Summary: Ben and Reader go on their date.
Warnings: Dirty thoughts, cursing...sickly sweet touching moments
Continuation of Yikes!
A/N: Wow ok hi everyone! Is this actually happening? Im actually posting this! So i decided to break up Double Yikes into 2 parts. First of all because it has been way too long and i feel awful for making you all wait and 2 because I’m struggling with the end and I'm hoping this will buy me some more time. I don’t bite so please tell me what you all think. Do you hate it? Love it? Want more? Tell me all of it. I love to hear from you. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for when part 2 is finished. Ok I think that’s it...oh don’t forget Italics is reader thinking to herself in her head. Alright let’s do this!!
TagList:: @borhapqueen92  @radiob-l-a-hblah  @gwendolyns-stacy @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @mythicmazzellos  @hardforbenhardy @onceuponadetectivedemigod
“Wait wait, read it to me again.” Morgan said stuffing the last bit of her lunch into her mouth. You were both sitting in your office for lunch, talking about Ben and your upcoming date that night, when he texted you as promised a few hours before.
“It says 'Do you mind if I pick you up for our date? I really want to be a perfect gentleman.' Then there are the fingers crossed emoji and in brackets '🤞(please say yes).' You read and flipped the phone around to show her.
"Want to be? Hell he already is."
"I'm so nervous. He still didn't say where or what time. What if I don't get out of work in time to shower? Oh god I'm gonna smell on our first date. What am I gonna wear? If I don't have enough time to shower then I might not have enough time to change. Oh god what if i wear what i'm wearing now. He's gonna look and smell so good. All showered and sexy in whatever he's got on and I'm gonna be this gross, smelly potato still in her clothes from work. Im freaking out!" You were spiraling.
"Alright calm down. One thing at a time. Let's come up with a reply. Do you want him to pick you up?"
"Of course I do." You smiled. "Better chance of a goodnight kiss."
"Or a good morning kiss" She muttered.
"Morgan!" She held her hands up in defense.
“I’m just saying what you’re thinking.”
She’s not wrong
“Oh shut up and help me.”
 Together you came up with a reply and he responded with the time he would be by to pick you up and the dress code, to which he described as 'Fancier than work but not the royal wedding.', because he refused to tell you where you were going, causing you to stress about it for the rest of the day. At least you would have enough time to shower and change.
By the time you left work, you were nothing but a big nervous mess. When you got home you had 2 hours to get ready before Ben would be there. You went straight to the shower making sure every bit of you was clean and any place that needed shaving was taken care of just in case things ended the way Morgan said they would.
You were definitely not the type of girl to sleep with a guy on the first date but there was something about Ben. A pull you just couldn't explain. A need to be close to him but at the same time a need to be far away because you were so nervous you may vomit all over him. Plus this very well could be the last time you see him, him being an actor and his career on the verge of skyrocketing and all. So why not make the most of it if the opportunity arises.
After your shower you spent way too long in the closet trying to pick something to wear. You finally decided on what Morgan called your "Posh Spice Dress". It was a simple black dress that stopped mid thigh, with thin straps.
Hair and makeup came next and you kept things simple. Minimal makeup and a simple, messy sort of bun with a few pieces falling around your face. You received a text from Ben notifying you that he was on his way.  Shoes on, wallet and keys in purse. You snapped a quick picture in the full length mirror and sent it off to Morgan as promised.
The knock at the door made you jump and almost drop your phone.
Jesus that was fast.
You could feel your hands start to sweat and your heart pound as you walked to the door.
Breath you manic, it's just a date. Breath.
You opened the door and the breath you just talked yourself into taking was stolen from you. Ben was dressed in a wonderful black suit and dark green shirt, making his eyes stand out. His hair was tousled just enough so a piece hung over his forehead. He was looking at the floor but when the door opened he looked up. He shook his head to get the stray piece or hair off his forehead but it did nothing but make you weak in the knees.
Fuuuuck! You beautiful bastard. My god, I'm gonna be distracted all night.
The effect he had on you must have shown on your face because his cheeks were a light pink.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Hi." You managed to get out. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You were grateful you were still holding the door otherwise you'd be on the ground.
"Wow you look... absolutely stunning." You looked to the ground to try and hide the furious blush that was now burning your face.
“Oh um these are for you.”  He handed you the small batch of daffodils you hadn't noticed he was holding.
“My favorite. How did you know?” Trusting your knees wouldn't fail you, you moved inside and gestured for him to follow. In the kitchen you found a vase and filled it with water before turning to face him.
“I may have called the office and asked Morgan.” His bottom lip pulled between his teeth. You clenched your legs together and did everything you could not to moan out loud.
How inappropriate would it be if I jumped him right now?
“Sorry. That’s kinda creepy now that I say it out loud.” He laughed.
“No it’s not creepy. It’s thoughtful. They’re beautiful, thank you Ben.” You reassured and touched his arm gratefully. He nodded and when you turned to place the vase on the counter he let his fingers brush where you had touched his arm.
“Ready?” He asked, clearing his throat.
“Yep.” You grabbed your things and headed out the door to Bens car that was waiting in the parking lot of your apartment building. Keeping up his promise of being the perfect gentleman, he walked you to the passenger side and opened the door for you. His hand on your lower back the entire way. Once you were both settled in the car he passed you his phone, spotify was pulled up.
“Alright D.J. do your thing.” He said, pulling out of the lot and onto the street. You laughed and took the phone from him.
Ok do NOT fuck this up!
“Ah the real test.” You scrolled for a little.
“You probably think I'm going to play something Queen.” You saw the smirk on his face but he stayed silent.
Don’t be a cliche bitch.
“While i do love Queen, I'm sure that's all anyone ever plays for you now and I refuse to be that person.” You hummed and scrolled through his playlists. Surprisingly you had a lot of the same taste in music.
Should I pick something funny? Maybe a love song? No, to mushy.
“Oh I got it.” You said before clicking the one you had chosen. ’Thank you’ from Led Zeppelin. Just the right amount of lovey without being obvious. You watched his face as the music started. The smirk faded and a soft smile appeared.
“Why yes boys, she’s not just a pretty face, she’s got great music taste too.” You joked. His face didn’t change. He turned to glance at you before returning his eyes back to the road, smile still in place.
Oh shit. No real reaction.
“So, how’d I do?” You asked. You felt almost nauseous with the butterflies in your stomach. He looked to you again, a look you couldn't place.
"Perfect." He answered in almost a whisper. There was something more to that answer, you could feel it. There was tension in the car. Not a bad one, not a sexual one. Just an energy, an electric charge. This wasn't going to be just a regular date.
I wonder if he can feel that too.
Before either one of you could break the tension your phone chimed with a text message. You took your phone from your purse to see a message from Morgan.
‘YAS you sexy bitch! Get that dickin’ down girl!’ You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up and out of you.
“What’s so funny?” Ben asked.
Oh shit
You put your phone on silent and put it back in your purse after texting her back a thumbs up and a winking emoji. The mood in the car shifted, it was light, fun and you could breathe normal again.
“Just Morgan being Morgan.”
“Is that the ‘Let me know if you need me to get you out of this awful date and I'll make something up.’ text?” You laughed and shook your head.
Nope, just my best friend wishing me good luck on tryin to sex you up tonight.
“No, actually believe it or not, we didn’t even have that conversation.” You told him truthfully. The thought of coming up with an escape plan in case things went south didn’t even cross your mind. His smile grew.
“Feelin’ pretty good about this date then?” He chuckled, doing his best to joke but you could hear the nerves in his voice. You turned your full attention to him and put your elbow on the middle console, your chin resting in your hand, a warm smile on your lips. He pulled up to a stop light as you answered.
“Very good.” He turned to look at you, his smile still soft, that look in his eyes you couldn’t place was still shining at you. You watched as his eyes moved all across your face, as if he was doing his best to capture every inch of it, commit it to memory so he would never forget.
Oh my god please kiss me.
The mood shifted again and you found it hard to catch your breath.
There is no way he isn’t feeling this. It’s too strong.
He brought his hand up and let the back of his knuckles gently run along the side of your face.
How have I not noticed how full his lips are. I bet they feel amazing.
“Me too.” He whispered.
Oh god I'm in trouble.
The light turned green, the mood shifted again and Ben continued to the restaurant. As if that intense moment hadn’t just happened. All the mood changes were making you dizzy.
The rest of the ride was nice, you chatted about little things, his upcoming projects, how the rest of your work day was. When you pulled into a spot at the restaurant, Ben jumped out and ran around to your side of the car opening the door for you and offering his arm. You grinned at him and looped your arm in his.
Once inside and at your table, a perfect cozy spot in the corner, Ben pulled your chair out for you. You recognized the name of the restaurant, ‘Ember’ . It was the new hot spot. It was only open a few months and already the reservation list was booked up till a year and a half from now.
How did he get us in here? He doesn't seem like one of those actors to use his name or the fact that he’s an actor, to get what he wants.
You stopped looking at your menu to look at him, his eyes were roaming the page.
“I have to say, I’m a little impressed you were able to get us here on such short notice.” He laughed and glanced up at you.
“Don’t be. The head chef, Ryan, is a close mate from back home. I had to beg him for about an hour after I left your office to get us a table.”
Ugh. The cutest.
“That and while i'm in town I owe him 3 nights of babysitting his 4 year old daughter, Olivia, so him and his wife can go out. So yeah not too impressive.”
Jk, that was the cutest. And now I'm picturing Ben with a 4 year old. I am fuckin done for.
“I wouldn’t say that. I find the fact that you called my office to find out my favorite flower, begged your friend for a table at his restaurant and gave up 3 of your nights to babysit all to have dinner with some girl you just met 10 hours ago kinda impressive.” He smiled and set his menu aside.
"Well she's definitely not just some girl." You also put your menu aside, your head tilted sweetly to the side.
"Oh no?"
"No, she's special." Your heart skipped a beat. That same electric feeling from the car was back.
"Well she thinks you're pretty special too." His face went red and he looked down at the table to try and hide it. The waitress approached the table. She was young, early 20s for sure, pretty and clearly recognized Ben. The electric feeling was gone again.
"Hi, I'm Kate. I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?" She said a little too sweetly. She angled herself towards Ben, her back slightly to you. You could already feel yourself getting agitated.
Please do not fuck up my night with this man you little hoe.
Ben ordered a bottle of wine for the two of you after looking to you for the okay which you gave with a smile and nod. Kate leaned into him just so as he ordered an appetizer for you to share. You were not normally a fan of guys who ordered for their dates but something about the way Ben did was incredibly sexy.
"Is that alright my darling?" He asked. His eyes were wide and innocent, a slight blush on his cheeks.
He's so considerate. And completely oblivious.
You could see the annoyed look on Kate's face as he addressed you. You smirked.
"Of course, whatever you want. I trust you." You said and placed your hand on top of his that was resting on the table. His smile grew so wide it took up his entire face.
He's gonna kill me with that smile.
He flipped his hand over in yours so he could hold it properly. He glanced down at them then back up to you, a questioning look on his face. You smiled and squeezed his hand in reassurance. His wide smile was back again.
"I'll go put this in." Kate said, trying to pull his focus.
"Thank you." He replied and held the menus out of her to take. His eyes never leave you. You felt a surge of confidence pull through your whole body. She huffed, took the menus from him.
"Don't we need those to order?" You asked.
"Oh, Ryan said he wanted to make us something special. For us to just order an appetizer and wine and he would take care of the rest."  
Wow VIP treatment. I'm seriously impressed.
Kate rolled her eyes and turned to leave.
"Oh Kate, could we also get some water please?" You smiled at her. You couldn't help that it was a little smug. Before she could answer Ben brought your joint hands up to his lips, placing a kiss to your knuckles before returning them to the table.
Perfect timing you charming bastard.
"Of course." She answered with a fake, forced smile and left. Your eyes returned to Ben. His smile was shining, addictive and contagious. You could feel yours growing to match. The conversation flowed easily. You talked about everything. Gone were any awkward moments. It was like you had known each other for years vs. only a few hours. You both were still shy and nervous at times but were growing more confident and comfortable as dinner went one. After you both had the amazing meal Ryan prepared for you, he came over to the table.
"Well well if it isn't little Jonesy." He laughed and threw his arm around Ben's shoulders, pulled him close and tousled his hair.
"Mate come on. I'm on a bloody date. Stop it." He struggled to get out of his friend's hold. Ryan laughed and placed a big smacking kiss on Ben’s cheek.
“Muah! Missed you mate.”
“Yeah yeah I missed you too. Now get off of me.” He shook him off but he was grinning the entire time. Ryan shoved at his shoulder with a matching grin before turning his attention to you.
"You must be Y/N, It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, offering his hand to shake.
"And you. Thank you so much for that meal. It was amazing. You are very talented" You gushed and met his hand with yours.
"Great taste and extremely beautiful." Ryan said letting your hand go and leaning into Ben's side.
"That she is." Ben answered, his eyes trained on you. Your heart fluttered.
"She's far too good for you Jonesy." Ryan joked.
"Don't I know it." You were sure your face was red and flushed.
Well that couldn't be more untrue. I'm so worried you're going to realise I'm just an average girl and then you'll be gone.
"Alright shove over, let's catch up for a bit." Ryan said grabbing a chair from a nearby table and pulling it up to yours. Ben slid his chair over to make room.
Oh shit, here we go nerves.
He was now sitting next to you rather than across. His arm instinctively draped over the back of your chair.
Okay, okay deep breath. Fuck he smells so good. No more deep breaths.
The boys chatted away, mostly about what they've been up to and Ryan's family. Ryan asked what you did, you told him and explained that was how you and Ben met.
"You know I would love to do a piece on you." You said taking a sip of wine. Having Ryan there had calmed your nerves, took some of the pressure off. You were relaxed and you could tell Ben was too. He leaned back in his chair, arm still draped over the back of yours. You were lent forwards, elbows on the table engaged in the conversation.
"Me?" Ryan laughed surprised.
"Yeah, I think the people would love to learn about the head chef at the new hot spot. I mean only if you're interested that is. You don't have to. Just a thought."
“That sounds good. Jonesy can give you my number, give me a call and we’ll set it up.” You smiled, feeling proud.This was gonna get you some serious points with your boss.
“Alright, I'm going to stop hogging your date and get back to work. Y/N it really was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again.” He said leaning over to place a kiss on your cheek.
“Jonesy I’ll see you soon for babysitting.” He laughed, hugged his friend and whispered to him.
“She seems perfect for you mate, don’t fuck it up.” Ben laughed and kissed his cheek the same way Ryan had upon arriving at the table.
“I’m sending you guys some desert so get comfortable.” He said before leaving. You turned to look at Ben over your shoulder, he was grinning at you.
"What?" You asked, now matching his grin. He brought the hand that was draped over the back of your chair, up to your exposed back and let the tips of his fingers run across the skin. Despite feeling hot all over, you shivered and goosebumps appeared.
"I've never seen him take to someone so fast. Especially someone I'm interested in."
Ok butterflies, calm down.
“I guess that means I'm pretty awesome.” You joked and leaned back in your chair, turned towards him, your knees now touching. His hand moved to the side of your face. He brushed a piece of hair behind your ear and let his finger gently continue over the shell of your ear, down your jaw and across your chin. Your heart was hammering in your chest. His touch was so soft and gentle you couldn't help but lean into him slightly.
Fuck. Me. Up.
“I’d say pretty awesome doesn't even begin to cover it.”
I swear if you don't kiss me right fuckin now i will exploed.
As if he was reading your thoughts he leaned in slowly, giving you the chance to pull away. He was so close now, you could feel his soft, warm breath across your face.
"Here's your desert." Kate, the waitress interrupted and placed a plate of chocolate covered strawberries on the table between you.
God damn it!
She had a satisfied smirk on her face.
Ben pulled back, cleared his throat and offered a weak smile to Kate. It took everything in you not to huff and pout like a child not getting the toy they wanted.
"Chef asked me to give you this." Kate said and passed what looked like the check to Ben before leaving again. You watched as his eyes traveled over it and a grin spread across his face.
"Cheeky shit." He laughed and handed it to you. It was a note from Ryan.
Dinner is on me. Not because of you Jonesy, cause your beautiful date. She charmed the pants off me. The wife's gettin lucky tonight! Hope you are too.
A warm blush spread across your cheeks.
"Well that was very sweet of him." You said trying not to focus on the "hope you get lucky" comment.
"He likes to embarrass me." Ben laughed and nudged the plate towards you. "Strawberry?"
You both ate your dessert and continued to chat. You couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to him. Sure you still got nervous and giddy when he smiled at you and your heart would speed up, making your hands sweat but for the most part your nerves had calmed down enough for you to hold a conversation without stumbling over your words and flushing at the smallest up turn of his lips. When you finished Kate returned to the table to remove the plate and ask if you needed anything else.
“Actually may I borrow your pen?” Ben asked. She nodded and handed it to him. A hopeful look on her face. He took the note from Ryan, turned it over. You watched over his shoulder as he wrote:
Thanks for dinner you sexy man. See you soon for babysitting.
And signed it with a heart.
Kate looked disappointed.
“Oh me next” You said, getting an idea. You searched your bag for your lipstick. Red lipstick wasn’t really your style but Morgan had convinced you to buy it once and it’s been in your bag ever since. You put it on, making sure to get it in the corners and lay it on thick. You could see Ben watching you out of the corner of your eye. His mouth was parted slightly and his eyes followed your hand as it traveled across your lips. You smirked at him a little as you rubbed your lips together before pressing your lips to the paper, leaving a perfect kiss mark. You wrote a quick thank you next to it.
“He’s gonna love that.” Ben said, his voice deep and a little rough.
Holy hotness batman
He gave Kate her pen back and asked if she would pass the note back to him. She agreed and left with the plate and note. Ben stood and held his hand out to you.
“Ready love?”
Your heart jumped a little.
Fuck I hope i never get used to hearing that
“Ready” You slyly wiped your sweaty hands on your dress before placing your hand in his. He helped you up and intertwined your fingers, pulling you close to his side as you both walked out of the restaurant. The car ride back to your apartment was filled with laughs. Ben was telling you stories about him and Ryan and all the crazy things they used to do, how they met, how Ryan met his wife and when Ryan asked Ben to be Olivia’s godfather.
When he pulled into the parking lot of your building he insisted on walking you to your door. ‘All part of the perfect gentleman package’ he told you. He took your hand again during the elevator ride up to your floor and swung your connected hands slightly as he walked you to your apartment and released it when you stood in front of the door.
Ok, goodnight kiss, let's do this!
"Thank you Ben, I had a really great time." He took a small step forward and placed one hand on your hip, your heart sped up. His hand felt heavy and the heat coming from him being so close spread through your entire body.
"So did I. Thank you for agreeing to go out with me tonight. I never do this kind of thing but I couldn't leave your office without a definite way to see you again." He laughed a little to ease his nerves, his head leaning slightly closer to you.
Oh god ok, breath
"Well I'm very glad you did." You said, much softer than you intended. Ben had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as his eyes traveled over your face, landing on your lips. He was close and you could feel his breath across your face again, like at the restaurant. His heavy hand still firm on your hip, his thumb now rubbing along soothingly.
Please kiss me
He brought his other hand up to the side of your face, letting the tips of his fingers run over your cheekbone.
Pleeeease kiss me
You took a chance and placed your hand at the nape of his neck, letting your fingers intertwine in his hair. He smiled and licked his lips.
"Y/N, can I kiss you?" He whispered.
Too afraid you'd actually say what you were thinking, you nodded. He smiled and leaned in slowly to close the space between you. You instantly felt an electric shock travel through you causing you to move closer towards him and tug on his hair. He moaned into the kiss and slid his hand from your hip to your back, pulling you flush against him.
You sighed at the feeling of him being pressed against you and your lips parted. Ben wasted no time and slid his tongue along yours. You moaned and let your unoccupied hand glide up his torso, feeling his tight muscles under his shirt to rest on his chest. Ben's hand that was near your face moved to join his other on your back.
Your entire body was on fire, your head spinning, either from the intensity of the kiss or the lack of oxygen, you weren't sure. Just when you were about to pull back to see if he wanted to move things inside, he slid one of his hands down to rest on the curve of your ass.
You whined and pushed back into his hand. He moaned and gripped your ass roughly, causing you to involuntarily snap your hips forward into his. He moaned again and finally pulled away. Ben was panting heavily, his lips were swollen and red, his cheeks flushed and warm. You were sure you looked the same.
Alright, say something cool and invite him inside
You opened your mouth to speak but he beat you to it.
"I can't do this." Your heart dropped and you could feel the color drain from your face.
A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger but i need to make sure you come back! Don’t hate me!
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szamsson · 4 years
are you writing more chapters of the sander bad boy fic you did ages ago?
Part 1
(I might make it like a 5 parter if ya’ll like it)
When Sander entered his apartment, he first checked if anyone was home. He knew that his parents had plans to be out all night, as per usual, but he just wanted to double check. He immediately sprang into action, ordering a slab of bear to be delivered in the next hours, shoving all dirty laundry into his cupboard and clearing all the space on the coffee table. He had no idea why he was nervous. He wanted to get laid but given the innocence of the other boy he didn’t know exactly how this was going to work out. He thought, worst case scenario, Robbe would freak and he’d just meet his friends wherever they were tonight. At least he’d be able to scope out the precocious little junior and see what his deal was.
 Sander could read him like a book. The fake confidence and the niggling, underlying nervousness and insecurity, with a touch of what might be internalised homophobia? He wasn’t quite sure yet. What he didn’t understand was what had suddenly made Robbe become so bold. He’d been semi flirting with Robbe from afar for the better half of the year (amongst others but he wouldn’t mention that). So, what happened to spur Robbe on now. He pulled out his phone as he felt it vibrate against his thigh, smirking as he saw the influx of messages from an unknown number.
Robbe: Hey
Robbe: Sorry, it’s Robbe.
Robbe: You know the guy from outside school today.
Robbe: It’s fine if you don’t remember me, I mean why would you.
Robbe: Or if you think I’m pathetic, because I basically threw myself at you.
 Sander chuckled at the uncertainty in the messages. He was so damn cute, and Sander could tell that this was the real Robbe, the false bravado he had earlier today completely stripped back through text messaging.
Sander: Of course, I remember you, and no pathetic is not the verb I’d use to describe you. Adorable? Hot? Sexxyyyyy… All of the above maybe.
 Sander laughed out loud again as he watched the typing bubbles appear then disappear, then appear and disappear on a loop for the next 10 minutes. Sander knew that was going to throw the younger boy, he sensed he wasn’t the type to take compliments well. Sander waited; the ball was in the younger boys court now. Eventually, his phone vibrated again.
Robbe: So you said I could maybe come over?
Yes. This is what Sander wanted. He wasn’t going to pressure the boy that wasn’t his style. And he still wasn’t even really sure of the younger boys’ intentions, so he wanted Robbe to feel like he was taking the reins. He knew his reputation and he knew Robbe knew it too, so there was really only one reason Robbe would be coming over. Sander was used to it, he wasn’t known for his witty repartee, he was known as the bad boy who fucked around in every sense of the word. Sander set off a quick text with his address and told Robbe to come over at any time.
Robbe was nervous as he took the elevator up to Sanders apartment. He lived in a nice part of town, in a nice building and Robbe wasn’t nervous about leaving his bike tucked up in a corner out the front. He’d forgotten his bike lock on his hectic race to shower and try on three different hoodies before putting the one that he wore most days back on and leaving the house. He didn’t know how he thought tonight was going to go, he honestly didn’t have any expectation. Of course, he originally wanted…well that. But the more he thought about it the more his palms were sweating, and he was starting to feel apprehensive.
He thought Sander would be the best person to be his first time. He was clearly well experienced; he didn’t know any of Robbe’s friends and he was hot as hell. But the more he thought about Sander the more he was intrigued by the boy. He only knew what everyone talked about and Robbe knew there had to be more to his story than that. He was intrigued and had an overwhelming urge to get to know the older boy.
He held his breathe as he knocked at the door, quickly running a hand through his hair, as if he could do anything to fix it now. Sander opened the door and immediately smiled, pulling the younger boy in by the hand. He looked so good. He was wearing sweatpants that clung to his slim hips nicely and a tight black t shirt. His white hair was dishevelled like he had been running his hands through it, and his tan looked even deeper under the dim lighting of the apartment.
Robbe looked about him taking in the apartment. It wasn’t huge, probably the same size as the flat share, but it was neat and homely. There was a soft looking leather couch with heaps of throw blankets and pillows heaped on it in the living room, where Sander led him, pushing Robbe down as he collapsed, sinking into the warm couch grinning.
“Hey cutie,” Sander said, leaning down from his position towering over Robbe to give him a kiss on the cheek. The kiss was really close to the corner of his mouth and Robbe just about melted into contact. “Beer?” Sander asked, already practically skipping away towards the kitchen.
 “Um sure,” Robbe said, still slightly dazed at the contact. Whilst Sander was gone, he shook his head and gave himself a mental pep talk. Get it together Robbe, jeez. Sander returned handing him a beer, putting two extras on the coffee table and sitting alarmingly close to Robbe on the couch. He could feel the body heat up against his side and he had to do everything in his power not to melt into the touch.
 “So, how are you?” Sander said a little teasingly, eyes sparkling as he took a sip from his beer, clearly noticing the way Robbe’s eyes followed the bottles journey.
Robbe coughed as he hastily took a sip of his beer that went down the wrong pipe. “Im—good,” he sputtered, then seemed to gain control of himself. “Thanks for having me over” Robbe said trying to do his best impression of a flirty voice as he took a tentative shuffle towards Sander on the couch.
Sander just laughed at him, chucking an arm around his shoulders playfully. “Right to business hey Robbe? You’re not even going to romance me first? Some wining and dining?”
Sander could tell by the boy’s body language he wasn’t sure and was once again putting on the false bravado. Sander didn’t want Robbe to think he only invited him over here to have a quick fuck and then see ya thanks, make sure to give me 5 stars on booking.com on your way out. The younger boy intrigued him, and he wasn’t sure why. His big bambi eyes held such innocence but confidence at the same time, something so alluring to Sander. But apparently Robbe was only interested in one thing.
Putting his bottle down on the table, Robbe got really bold and threw a leg over his lap, straddling Sander on the couch as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Okay, Sander thought, this is all Robbe wanted. He couldn’t help swallowing down the disappointment. But he guessed this was what he was good for.
He stared up at Robbe waiting for the younger boy to make the first move. Robbe stared down at him, smiling slightly as he shifted on Sander’s lap and got more comfortable. Then in the most confusing move of confidence and hesitance mixed into one, Robbe leaned down and took Sanders mouth. His lips were sweet and soft, and Sander moaned into them as he gripped Robbe’s waist. The boy knew how to kiss, or maybe Sander was just developing a crush on the younger boy’s sweet mouth. He nipped at Robbe’s bottom lip which made Robbe gasp into his mouth.
They made out for what felt like forever but couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes, when Sander started moving things along. He kissed down Robbe’s jaw and into his neck, sucking and softly biting marks into the pale skin. Robbe was moaning and gasping, so responsive at just making out that Sander wasn’t sure he would make it to the main event. His hand wrapped around Robbe’s ribs, bringing it down over his stomach and inching lower until he felt Robbe’s entire body stiffen. Sander looked back up at him, trying to understand the look in his eyes.
Panic. All Sander saw was panic and it looked like Robbe was fighting his own brain inside his head. Sander wouldn’t push, it was obvious the boy wasn’t ready for that and if he was honest, he’s be happy to just make out for the rest of the night, maybe order some food, talk a little. He wasn’t going to push anything physical, he wasn’t that type of guy. All of a sudden Robbe’s hand fell down to grip Sander through his sweatpants and he nearly jumped off the couch at the contact. He moaned and kissed towards Robbe’s ear again when he came back to himself and realised Robbe was as stiff as a board in his arms. He sat back and Robbe had his eyes screwed shut as if he was in pain.
Sander grabbed Robbe’s hand off his pants and brought it to his lips.
“Robbe…” Sander asked tentatively. Robbe was having some sort of battle with his emotions and suddenly his eyes went wide and he stuttered an apology.
“I’m—I’m sorry, sorry no I can do it now, I’m just” Robbe let out a frustrated groan and pulled Sander back to his body, pulling his t shirt over his head, “I’m just being a baby, I’m sorry, you can do it now.”
Okay nope. Sander was putting a stop to this right now. He carefully pushed Robbe off his lap, finding his discarded t shirt on the floor and carefully pulling it back over Robbe’s head. Robbe looked miserable and stared at him in shock and embarrassment that was completely unwarranted.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he said almost desperately now, “I’m not being a tease you can do it I swear, just do it.” And the fact that Robbe couldn’t even say the word sex, or fucking or literally anything was enough of a sign that Sander had made the right choice to stop. Robbe put his head in his hands and Sander could tell he was about 6 seconds from bolting.
He pulled Robbe’s face up so that they were inches apart and said, in a completely casual tone, “It’s fine baby,” kissing him lightly on the lips. “How about we order some pizza and you can actually tell me some stuff about you huh?” Sander said, reaching for his phone and winking at Robbe, who still looked so sad.
“I’m ruining your night,” Robbe mumbled.
“Hey!” Sander said, giving him a light tap on the chin, “I didn’t invite you here for that.”
Robbe gave him an unbelieving look.
“Okay maybe I did a little, but you intrigue me.” He said simply, “Now tell me your favourite pizza topping before I order something ghastly with pineapple.”
Robbe visibly relaxed at that and mocked outrage, “Hey I like pineapple on pizza!”
Sander jokingly sighed and shook his head, “So much to teach you my little angel.”
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amazon-me-bitches · 3 years
If anyone is interested at all... I wrote a story about the “sweet angelic” character. from the TS shorts video
Title: I did not think of a name for this and I have to get ready for work so call it whatever you want. Pairings: LAMP No Warnings needed I don’t believe. This one is pretty chill.
Roman was sound asleep, when the door to the imagination popped open and out stepped a bright eyed, freckled, little wisp of a thing. The boy looked around Romans luxurious bedroom taking in the art and majesty of it all before remembering why he was there. 
He walked over to the bed and leaned over the sleeping prince. He gave him a light nudge and smiled giddly as the prince murmured a bit but never fully woke up. He wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue a bit ah! he had it! He climbed onto the bed with him and straddled the princes hips and leaned over him.
“Excuse me! im looking for King Creativity!” he all but shouted in the sleeping mans face. That got Romans attention real quick and he shot up so fast he slammed his head on the bookshelf above him. Damn Logan for insisting he install one that close to his bed. He groaned and flopped back down not opening his eyes. “Patton?” he guessed then peaked an eye open. The boy on him giggled and shook his head. “I don’t think so.” He sat up a bit more eyes widening and taking in the boy in front of him, “ w-who are you!?” He demanded, Roman pulling the covers up his body as best he could. The boy shrugged. “wait I know you, aren't you a character from a shorts episode?” Roman asked groggily relaxing a bit. This was too much to deal with before breakfast. “yeah! I’m a little…lost…Someone told me I needed to talk to the king?” Roman sighed “I’m not the king, you must have talked to someone very old in there but…. I’m Prince Roman and the ruler of the light side of the imagination so…I mean you are in the right place.” he assured them rubbing his eyes.
“oh goody!” he bounced a little but paused when a hand came down on his shoulder and he turned to see a very pissed off purple clad man holding a bowl of cereal behind him. “Hi! Who the hell are you?!” he snapped angerly. “Hi! oh! forgive me I was just helping the Prince wake up.” the boy said cheerfully. “whow! Virge nope, nope see my hands? no touchy touchy!” Roman said holding his hands out to show nothing was happening. “Well let me make a few things clear to you about who is and is not allowed to be straddling that prince in that bed.” Virgil growled bending the spoon in his hand so much it broke and fell to the floor. “Easy Vee, but yeah get off me.” Roman gently picked up the boy and set him over to the side of the bed and sat up. “he is just a creation Virge, remember the shorts video a few days ago, that’s why he is here. You’re lost?” The boy nodded his head “my…frenemie was with me but we got separated…and… I’ve been wandering around but I can’t find him and I can’t find….anything… I don’t know where I’m supposed to go…” he said sadly looking down as his lip started to tremble a bit. “oh hey, It’s okay listen, The shorts have a village where they all live It’s on the north side of the main village and up Disney drive, go past the waterfall and there is a fork in the road the right leads to Lego land and the left goes to the village where all the characters who have been in Thomas’ short videos live.” he calmly explained.
Patton and Logan came in a minute later with coffee and stopped short at the door. “ whats going on?” Logan asked observing the situation and taking in their new guest. “ooo whos this now?” Patton asked approaching the boy.  The boy gave him a smile and a wave. “Hi! im new!” “Hi new im dad!” Patton laughed. “whats your real name kiddo?” the boys smile faltered and he looked nervous again. Virgil could feel it in the air slightly and sighed. Gently he waved his hand and letting a calming aroma of lavender to fill the room. The boy took a deep breath and smiled softly again. “I don’t have a name…” he confessed. “Can you give me a name?” he asked Roman hopefully. “well um…I think…perhaps we should just bring you to see Thomas and let him name you.” he suggested patting the boys head. The boys eyes widened . “no! im not going to bother Thomas! he only created me for a short silly video he doesn’t want to see me again!” he blushed. “well actually if you want to get technical Roman created you but Thomas and Roman both worked together to help make you a reality or…a figment of his imagination…It is WAY too early for this…” Logan grumbled. “Still this…doesn’t have to involve him we can just….not do that…I mean what if he decides to just get rid of me all together because I’m making trouble.” he said nervously. “h-have you ever…met Thomas? He is not like that, I was the biggest thorn in his side for the longest time and he still gave me a chance and now we are best friends. He is very forgiving and very sweet, trust me as someone who thought those same thoughts for a lot of years  I can tell you with 100% confidence he will not banish you or hurt you or yell at you or anything you are thinking of.” Virgil explained softly as he gently touched the friendship bracelet on his arm Thomas had made for him. He sat on the bed next to him so he wasn't looming over the newcomer. The boy launched himself into Virgil's arms immediately to hug him. “oh! okay we are doing this now, wow, okay, your okay.” he said wide eyed mouthing ‘what the heck’ to the others behind the boy. “there there come on now lets go see Thomas.” he said patting the guys shoulder. “your SURE he isn’t busy?” he asked one more time. “busy doing what? Watching Parks n Rec in his underwear eating pizza? no your fine come on” Virgil took the guys arm gently leading him to the real world.  
“Thomas we have a bit of a dilemma” Logan said as he rose up. The others rose up as well and Thomas we indeed right where Logan said he would be. “see does that look intimidating to you?” Logan asked gesturing to Thomas. “hey guys! want to watch Casper with me? it just started.”  he grinned and sat up pausing the show. “ohhh nostalgia!” Patton about squealed. “whos he?” Thomas asked pointing over to the boy. The boy shook his head and stepped behind Logan a bit. “aw hey no come on its alright, I just wanted to know your name.” Thomas coaxed gently. “I-I don’t have one….Sir…” Virgil snickered at that and Patton lightly smacked him in the back of the head. giving him a scolding look. “whow easy, Thomas is just fine.” he laughed. “so you don’t have a name right I don’t think I ever gave you one. you’re from that short video about characters that I made the other day, where's your friend or lover or whatever?” he asked looking around. “I don’t know they are lost somewhere in the imagination too I think.” “fear not, for we are going to find them later when I escort him to the village for the short video characters.” Roman explained. “See there ya go, Roman will take care of you, he is a smart and savvy prince and my hero.” Thomas said smiling softly. “Roman you’re blushing.” the bespeckled man whispered. “shut up” he murmured back not breaking eye contact with Thomas. “So does that offer still stand to watch the movie?” Patton asked hopping a bit excitedly. “ sure absolutely come on over and find a spot.” They all clamored over and got comfy as Thomas hit play on the TV. The boy had never watched anything before and was completely enamored. bouncing giddly at some parts and looking slightly frightened at others.
When it was over Virgil and Patton were asleep snuggled up on the couch and Logan was leaning on Roman barely awake. “are you awake love?” Roman murmured. “mmhmm” Logan replied but never opened his eyes.  Roman smiled and kissed his cheek softly before gently picking him up and laying him on the couch and covering everyone up. “how you feeling dude?” Roman asked the guy. “that was so much fun!” he replied giddy as ever. “thank you so much for inviting me!” he smiled to both Roman and Thomas. “you are very welcome uh…huh we still never gave you a name…” Thomas pondered. The man picked up the movie case and looked at it… can…can it be Casper?“ He asked smiling softly. ”you-  yeah! absolutely! I think that is a wonderful name!“ Thomas smiled. Casper beamed and gave Thomas a hug too. woo this kid was going to give Patton a run for his money as the number one huggy person in the whole Thomasphere. ”Okay Casper lets get you back to the village I bet your…friend? lover?…something is waiting for you and getting worried.“ Roman smiled taking him back into his room and back into the imagination.
”THERE YOU ARE. don’t you ever run off again, I was scared out of my mind!“ the ‘badass hellspawn of a character’ called running over and hugging Casper. ”I’m okay but boy do I have a lot to tell you about. come on. thanks Roman! thank you for everything!“ He took his friend/lovers and gave Roman a wave before walking into the newly formed house in the village.
Roman smiled and made his way back into his room to see everyone had migrated to his bed. good thing it was a king sized.  He sighed and snapped into some PJs and wiggled his way into the middle of his boyfriends. He wrapped an arm around Patton and leaned back on Virgil trying not to put his feet directly on Logan. He sighed as he unsuccessfully fought for some cover. They were so lucky they were all cute. Patton murmured something about cookies and Roman smiled and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep.  The End.
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misterbitches · 3 years
some thots. having a bad time so this is rougher than usual. oh well
i guess he really does know hiim best cos if that was my mans (man specifically cos if anyone else did that id take it more srsly) i would be like oh my god ur singing me a love song? i would love it but i woudl SCREAM in embarrassment. UNLESS it was a really deep love song that's about us dying together.
like i want to eat ur skin type of thing (drain u nirvana) lmaoa but i really like this song it reminds me of that velvet underground song (the only one i know cos of juno lmao) and nico or whatever 'i'm sticking with you)
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my adhd would be out of fucking control i had to spend my time listening to this looking around i kept getting distracted by a tissue and thinking "wow this song is nice but i wish it would end bc i am getting distracted" and lo and behold i paused it and i have to pee and i know it's gonna take forever to undo this
ok about 12m later i turned it back on and they kissed and then he bit the corn then that night li chen also lost his virgin teas after watching gay porn and being like "hm interesting" and he'll be like "i see, ur dick is not medium sized"
i'm honestly gagging i cannot at this 12 year old marrying his mom
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beautiful theyre beautiful
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ayea you fucking psycho we do too because he was 17 and we had to witness it (or well, other people did cos i didnt watch the show even tho wayne song is [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEP] and i want him to [BEEEEEEEP] and ppl even liked it which is fine like i get it in theory but they put this in my eyeballs so i'm gonna make fun of it bc it's fuckin DUMB lmao like i can't I CANNOT and he said "u were so persistent" BITCH UR 30??!?!???!?!?!?)capi hve it on mute and i tried to get a screencap of li chen and mu ren like together and not just his face but i cant find the timestamp and seeing their faces as they get married is literalyl traumattizing i'm like scremaing at my screen going "HE'S 5 HE'S 5 HE'S 5" and every time theyre like "we acn live forever together" like no bitch ur bones rae creaking
also is the officiator white? if anyone knows why or if that's common i'd love to know more. EDIT: HE ISN'T I JUST THOUGHT HE LOOKED LIKE MOBY FROM THAT ANGLE
anyway here
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i'm almost done with this fucking bullshit and i am in a really ould mood and usu they make it a bit better but imo it's kind of....annoying i guess balancing all these story elements and introducin gother couples (even in the periphery) since the story in itself can't focus. i feel like all in all the time spent with these two is a lot more limited and we get the feel for the rship because of their chemistry as actors, irl chemistry as friends and colleagues, and hopefully being happy and working on a good set. so it isn't the strength of the writing or production.
for some reason they get like less dynamic ways of being together which i think is part of their charm, they do things their own way, but the writers really should have substantiated this more. it's really just the way everyone in the show has managed to deliver these AWFUL story lines and production decisions (like seriously who the fuck was on costume? lighting?)
like maybe hot take but all the moments that are cringe and insane in the show are not pleasant, per se, because they aren't thought out clearly. so they're not a joy to watch in the normal sense but the actors are good enough to pull it off. i didn't cringe at the talks they had because it felt like actors like acting these lines out instead of us being embarrassed for it and you CAN TELL theyre embarrassed.
this is a huge kudos to the casting director and the actors and whatever crew that actually did a good job. i don't particularly like watching bo xiang and his grandfather husband not because of the content but because i feel like, to me, they're so awkward even though they have chemistry. i don't have that issue with xing si and his rapist brother boyfriend because watching them is actually really pleasant, it's intimate. this isn't to do with the story though because when it hits you how devoid this other person is and how stupid the situation is it changes (for me, for me, for me, this is all my opinion think whateverrrr u want im not telling u 2 ok!)
so truly kudos to this cast. idk if i'm misremembering here but imo the most cast appropriate series in this was crossing the line and close to you. one is a decent atmosphere and execution (yes even with that brother story line, notice the major key differences though because that's a sincere false equivalence. they try to execute power imbalances soooo badly and then fail every time but here's one meant to shock too and it was just likelmao ok girl?)
it may not make sense to say either in a writing way or for the character to do it but i believe that whoever the characters these people are supposed to be especially those super not well written on the page still get that message aacross (yong jie's actor is a good ex. not sure if i should ccongratulate him for having the worst job on earth and the worst character and his character is flat but. ostensibly they should let their actions speak for themselevs but what they do is they back themselves into a ccorner with unsuretyabout their characters or a dilemma that pops up they just want to excuse it. well guess hwat u couldnt do enough legwork. but to some extent the disposable side couple works here on a um "our eyes see them and get it" way
also to me it seems like they chose this story just to have this specific wedding. like it's a timely topic and i'm pretty sure like another provision? (correction? idk) was made WRT taiwanese same-sex marriage so it's topical but it isn't like a "papa and daddy" situation where they're interacting in it and there (for ex: the pride parade) and there being like real life terms and consequences. here it seems like they were like ah yes wedding ah yes dumb couple from modc bc we kiled off the other one sooooo (then outsource them to life love on the line u__u) then hamfisting in some fucking message which is funny bc
- despite the hints peppered in and the clear attraction they both acknowledge ur like ~not gay just him~ even tho...i mean i just. again they dont read over what they write i don't think considering. but wahtever.
- the only gay dude (verbally said) is with his rapist brother with an awful power dynamic oh or IS a rapist (gao) (or his brother but i think it was just a "im a psycho so it's him" thing unless they said it. in which case idc cos i wasnt paying attn but that's also not great) or i guess the wedding but like....that's also a ridiculously inappropriate and dumb relationship taht it's built on. i mean i don't really see much respect her so i dont particularly want to hear abt gay weddings being important when they didn't even utilize it in the story beforehand and have we ever. this is a huge indication to me that it was a reverse engineered chosen story beforehand (if it was one) or thought of
so reversal of that....it didnt give us enough time to breathe with these two at all but for both of the actors they can capitalize what's on the page and the writers didn't. like their dynamic is very i give/you give like taking car eof each other etc that's why
again, no artist worth their salt will ever say their work meant nothing. that's a cover up. i'm sick of lazy production and then getting away with it claiming being subversive or attacking an issue by not doing anything. we show crazy shit all the time but it has a POINT and ur point is "i like the gays" then girl.....i mean it's not great
but the acting really carried it. i have a feeling if this series continues it might continue to use more experienced actors cos maybe the budget goes up but they also have less inhibitions now when it comes to acting. i like the way li chen expresss himself and teng teng too. i like anson a lot and there's some angles that did not do any favors and i think eh has to get more control of his body movements (bc he's SO LARGE and thin) but he wasn't bad at all and there were real human tears. of course i, personally, favor charles tu. he has more control over his body because he has...less to work with and he's a bit bigger and he was really great in this role. he's a himbo a bit of a meathead but you like him. you like them. there's some things i think they had them say and do that they wouldn't let happen if they stuck to the characters and the story (mainly liking that dumb idiot rapist)
what i notice is that the reprehensible actions people criticize others for in the show and in real human life lalways gets turned around. teng teng being surprised that this boy's grandfather boyfriend met him when he was a junior in high school and he's 12 years older and him apologizing for being shocked and then whatshisface going "ur better at it than most people" and then the convo about gao with whatshisface and then rapist brother comes to pick him up. they are admonishing gao but thinking that rapist brother is noble for doin gwhat he did (and oh rapist brother shows up) like the hypocrisy and the decisions are immense. so now it's like "guys see he's a great guy" like girl STICK TO SOMETHING but whatever so i live in this universe where muren and li chen do everything right and have lots of different interesting fun seex with all their friends. i would write this but i cannot i am dying
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 7 - Comme Des Garçons, criticism of wigs used in show.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with The Freedom of Expression. Um, Last time...Oh, Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. Last time...I don't know if it was that movie's curse, but suddenly, there were technical issues..with the video.
J: The video crashed when we were talking at the end.
T: Really?
K: Yeh. But it happened once at first.
J: Yeh
K: Then after it happened the second time, we re-shot it properly.
J: Yes, we had tried before that, but it crashed again. Only when we were talking about that movie.
T: The second try was the same?
J: Yes, the video crashed.
K: It was only when we talked about that.
T: Scary!
K: *laughs*
J: Up to then, the first three episodes had been fine, but it was only when we talked about Antrum, the movie where you die if you watch it, that the technical trouble happened. And it happened twice. We really experienced that.
Kami: Stop talking about this! *K laughs a lot*
J: Oh, Kami is scared...a cowardly god can't do a night shift by himself, can he?
K: Ok, Joe, the topic this time please.
J: Yes, please listen to this news I found interesting.
"Comme Des Garçons, criticised for 'cultural appropriation' due to wigs used in show."
The Japanese fashion brand Comme Des Garçons have been accused of cultural appropriation, after using wigs of a haistyle often seen on black people, for a white model.
Comme Des Garçons introducted thier male Autumn-Winter collection during Paris fashion week on January 14th. On this occasion, some white male models appeared on the catwalk wearing wigs fashioned in the style of cornrows, which are mutliple small plaits. Criticisms such as, 'Thats offensive', or, 'Japan's avant-garde brands have taken a step back', appeared on social media. Comme Des Garçons have put out the following in response : 'The wigs used in the Comme Des Garçons 2020 male Autumn and Winter collection show were inspired by the look of an Egyptian prince, and were not intended to hurt or offend anyone. We sincerely apologize if we have caused offense'. The hairstylist responsibile for the wigs, Julien d'Ys, responded to the criticism on his Instagram: ' The items worn for Comme Des Garçons were insipred by an Egyptian prince, a style which I found beautiful and inspirational, a homage. It was never intended to offend. If I have hurt or offended anyone, I am truly sorry.' Although this post gained over 2000 likes,  it also recieved a lot of criticism.
Well, rather than cultural appropriation, this could be seen as an issue to do with racism. Using a black hairstyle on a white person...there is possibly some anger as to why a cosmopolitan white person did this. I mean, when you think about white culture appropriating black culture, the origin of Rock music was Blues. White bands like The Rolling Stones copied what was originally black music, and as a result rock was born, blues spread...So rather than misappropriation of black culture, you could ask why a black hairstyle was used on a white model is so offensive. What do you think about this, Kaoru?
K: Hmm, well...It looks ok to me.
J: I also couldn't really see a problem..
K: If you think about it rather in terms of spreading culture, how does it seem? It seems like it isn't forcibly connected to black culture. They just want to say that.
J: Ah, about the complaints *1
Kami: Never take away the freedom of wigs.
J: Oh, we've come to the freedom of wigs? The choice of which wig to wear?
Kami: Yes..what type of wig should they wear?
J: Well, yes.
K: It might be like if a white person paints thier face to look like a black person.
J: Oh yeh, they used to do that in American comedies and such, white people would on paint thier faces to imitate black people, and black people were very insulted by this, so it became a problem. Well, if you are in Japan its not easy to understand, but you could say there is still quite a division, a wall...between white and black people.
K: Thats right.
T: What about that group 'Rats and Star'?
J: I don't think that was seen as a problem in Japan. Its because in Japan there were not that many black people here. If they did that in America they would be ridiculed.
Kami: Is painting your face white ok?
J: What do you mean? Painting your face to look like a white person?
Kami: No, painting your face completely white.
J, K, T: Ahh.
Kami: If a Japanese or Asian person did that, they wouldn't be seen as trying to imitate white people would they?
K: Ah, well..thats a good point, they wouldn't really.
Kami: If you say that, it never ends.
J: Yes, i think so.
Kami: So never take away the freedom of wigs.
J : The freedom of wigs *laughs*
Kami: Also never steal wigs.
J: Right...Are you surrounded by many people connected with wigs?
K: Oh, but there were also black models wearing these wigs!
J: Yes, there were..I can't help feeling this is close to an unjust charge...However, what exactly is discrimination/racism? On the one hand, when white people paint themselves, black people call out the discrimination, but racial discrimination is a very complex problem . To ask, 'what is discrimination?', well,  im gonna get serious here, 'discrimination' is something that can't be logically explained. For example, in America, university intake is very ethnically balanced. They are raising the pass numbers for Asians, or for black people, so as to maintain diversity. If they didn't, there would be only white people. So they go ahead and lower the number of passes for white people and raise them for black people, or that type of thing, or vice versa. So as for a logical explanation, no one challenges this in America. However, there was that news in Japan last year about lowering pass marks for female entrance to medical school. This could not be logically expained in Japan. For example, whether or not its right, if they had said there was a shortage of emergency staff in hospitals, so we need to utilize more male doctors from now on or something...then there is a possibility it might have been accepted, but actually that situation could not be logically explained. That was seen as total gender discrimination. In this current case, the Comme Des Garçons hairstylist has given a clear explanation, so if you try to pick a fight with that, this will never end. I do not think this is discrimination, I think the people who are saying that are the more prejudiced ones.
K: Yes
Kami: Japan is discriminatory, right?
J: Yes, I think it is. All countries have discrimination, but its become almost taboo to talk about discrimination in this country. Freely talking about these taboos isn't much forgiven by the media, so awareness towards them is steadily slipping away. In America you bump into these issues from time to time, so there are many opportunities for people there to talk about them, for better or worse. In Japan we don't have those opportunities, we don't get under the surface, and we just bury the problems.
T: We (Japan) are really bad at debate.
J: Especially.
T: It always ends up becoming an emotional debate.
J: Yes, it does.
T:....'I hate those guys..' etc.
K: Thats true, yeh.
J: Well, I don't think Comme Des Garçons needed to apologize really.
K, T: Yeah
J: People are quick to apologize these days.
K: Yeah
T: If you have an idea, you should assert it
J: Yes, yes, but they caused discomfort. If I had to say, anything you say can cause discomfort to someone.
K: Yes, i think so.
J: Do you get complaints?
K: I don't, but our office might, Im not sure.
J: Well, but I think art can hurt people, it can cause discord, right?
K: Mmm.
J: It can't be helped really.
Kami: No, but if you apologize, its all over quickly.
J: *laughs* I see. He's keeping it real. Kami, do you apologize when you make a mistake?
Kami: Oh, yes. Like, 'im sorry, im sorry!' *everyone laughs*
K: Even when you didn't do anything wrong?
Kami: Of course...it draws out if you get angry.
J: Well, yes.
K: Ahh, getting angry is annoying, so just apologize.
Kami: Yes, its too much, trouble so i just apologize.
K: How about that?
Kami: But never take away the freedom of wigs.
J: In relation to that right?
K: Okay well...
K,T: Yep
K: Thank you very much, please watch again next time.
T: And please subscribe.
*1 Did i understand this correctly?
*also, ヅラ is wig??
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harrysbbby · 5 years
European Adventure Part 5 - Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: im backkkkk! im so sorry for the delay but i went to a music festival and got absolutely wrecked and now college has gone back so uploads wont be as frequent but i hope you all enjoy this part!
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You and Peter strolled along the streets of Prague, a brisk breeze and shared nervousness causing both your teeth to chatter slightly amidst your fumbling awkwardness. You both searched for the words to begin the conversation but failed, continuing to walk in silence. Your bag was slung over your shoulder, holding the very valuable piece of evidence you were going to present to Peter to either confirm or deny your suspicions.
You made your way over a bridge, arms swinging by your sides. With one swift movement the back of your hands brushed. You both quickly pulled them into yourselves, looking at one another and smiling gawkily. Peter chuckled,
“Sucks that the trip got cancelled.” He said, you nodded.
“Yeah really sucks...” there was a lapse of silence before you spoke again, “especially because you didn’t get to complete your plane, hey?” With this sentence your heart gave a pang, but you masked it but looking at the ground.
“Wait- what plan?” Peter’s voice went up at octave as he asked, genuinely confused. His heart lurched as the first thing his mind went to was the elementals and-
“You know with MJ?” you said, raising your eyebrows as if your answer was obvious. He screwed his face in confusion, so you continued, “you know, Paris, the necklace…” you trailed off. Your voice trembled slightly with the hurt you were feeling knowing that the plan was not intended for you, but also because of your inclination that Peter is Spider-Man.
“What?” he queried. He looked at you astonished- mainly because he had not thought about this plan since the bus to Prague. That when he knew Brad had that photo of him he was petrified he was going to show MJ the photo. But ever since you helped him, without judging, without knowing the full situation- hell, you even distracted the whole class, so he could jump out the emergency exited- he started to see you differently. (Especially after accidentally seeing your texts with your sister, thanks to Edith).
You were just the girl in a couple of his classes, the one he had hung out with on the trip, the one who gave him advice on how to get MJ, the one who had made his heart flutter when you asked to do something together and then made his heart sink when he had to bail for saving-the-world-duties. That’s why he had agreed to hang out with you- to spend more time with you, develop his feelings, and maybe tell you he was over MJ.
“Oh that plan,” he clarified, “oh yeah…” he said quietly before perking up again, “actually, NO!”
His sudden rise in volume made you jump slightly. You turned to him and he did the same, stopping in the middle of the bridge.
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly, “I mean, I have a new plan actually. And I wanted to speak to you about it- “
“I wanted to talk to you about something too.” He was taken aback by your words but nodded, indicating for you to continue.
You took a deep breath before letting the words you had been dwelling over for day leave your lips:
“Is your new plan to do with Spider-Man?”
His face whitened. His eyes widened. You saw his breathing begin to sharpen. His brows pulled together as he tilted his head to side.
Peter was freaking out- how did you figure it out? He knows he hasn’t been the most discrete he could have been about it, but he didn’t actually think you’d put the dots together. He ever had the stealth suit made so that this exact thing would not occur.
His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he racked his brain for the right words to say, highly aware that the longer it took to do this, the less he was helping his case.
“What!” his voice squeaked as he narrowed his eyes at you, “No! What!” Me, Spider-Man? I’m not- no way! What, um, what gave you that impression?” he stumbled over his words, crossing his arms in an attempt to act nonchalantly.
You pursed your lips together, finding his words unconvincing.
“Well Peter, I mean there was the white string coming out of you in Venice. The ride to Prague where you literally jumped out of a moving bus! The fact you ditched the Opera and then showed up where the monsters were- you knew my name!”
“Have you been watching me, Y/N?” he asked coyly, raising and eyebrow. You were caught off guard- maybe you had been watching him, you did in fact like him, so it was hard to not watch him- but you played it off by scoffing.
“No!” you said (unpersuasively), “and stop trying to change the subject.” You said sternly, pointing your finger at him. He uncrossed his arms and let his shoulders relax, looking at your sincerely.
“I’m not Spider-Man,” and you could’ve almost believed him, “besides that guy last night was Night Monkey.”
“Then why does Night Monkey have the same webs as Spider-Man?” you said, digging your hand into your bag and fishing out the silver contraption. You handed it to Peter, and he took it curiously, seemingly dropping his façade.
He looked at perplexedly, “What is this?”
“I have no idea, it just came off your web last night-“
“Hey, I said it wasn’t me!” he said almost sharply.
“Then where were you last night?” you countered.
“I was sick…” he said slowly. You rolled your eyes slightly.
“You were the last one to come back!”
“I got lost,” he tried to convince you again, but his attempts fell short.;
“Peter-“ you said, beginning to become extremely irritated, but your frustrations were cut short when a beaming light emitted from the silver object. Peter dropped it as it cast a scene in between the two of you.
The monster was swirling around above you before it disappeared.
“What did you do?” you asked.
“I barely touched it,” Peter grumbled, bending down to inspect the device. “What..” he whispered to himself lightly grazing his fingers along the metal and over the- his?- webs. “Does this mean-“
“is all fake?” you said finishing his sentence. You both looked at each other perplexed. Peter picked up the device holding it between the two of you.
“But we were there, everything was real- the destruction, the fire-“
“Wait, we? Peter you just said-“ he ignored you as he continued to ponder.
“Who would do something like that?” his question was answered as quickly as it was asked. The device began to project again, but this time, swirling around the monster was a trail of puffy green smoke…
“Mysterio.” You said, looking back at Peter. He was already looking at you, eyes opened as wide as they could, a look of sheer terror on his face.
“Y/N” he started, “I am Spider-Man” – your heart skipped at the confession- “And I messed up really bad.” He said, cringing at the end of his sentence.
“Wait, you are Spider-Man?” you clarified. He nodded, his face still fear-stricken. “You’re being serious with me right now?!” you screeched.
“Yes, I am. I’m Spider-Man and I need your help.”
“Oh my god, Peter! You’re SPIDER-MA…” you were cut off by his hand covering your mouth.
“Don’t shout it out for everyone to hear! Come on, I’ll explain everything on the way back to the hotel.” He said, taking your hand in his and leading you back along the bridge. Your heart was already beating fast from the confirmation of your reservations but skipped a beat at the feeling of his skin against yours.
On the way back to the hotel Peter explained what had been going on- how Mysterio had showed up and claimed to be a soldier from another Earth. How Mr Stark (who it took you a moment to realise meant Tony Stark aka Iron Man, once you realised Peter had the Stark “Internship.”) gave him the glasses aka Edith and how Mysterio must have been using the same technology to create the illusions.
“I can’t believe I gave Beck those glasses. I cannot believe I was so stupid,” Peter sighed, shutting the curtains in his room. “He’s probably spying on me right now,” he said moving towards his laptop, “or send drone to come and kill me.”
“You had access to killer drones?” you asked dubiously.
“Yeah” he said, almost too indifferently, “but I didn’t really want them especially after I nearly killed Brad.” He slammed the compute shit and walked over towards you, picking up his phone on the way.
“You nearly killed Brad!” you whisper yelled, looking at him scoldingly.
“It was an accident! Besides you helped me!”
You looked at him in bewilderment, “I didn’t help you kill anyone!”
“Oh no, like, you helped me stop the drone that was going to kill him. You know, ‘baby mountain goats’” he said with what you could only assume was a terrible attempt at impersonating your voice.
“Oh,” you said, nodding your head slightly, still confused as to how that situation got to the point that Brad nearly died.
“Anyway,” Peter said shaking his head, changing the subject, “I have to call Mr Fury and tell him that Beck’s a fraud, but I think he tapped my phone…” he said trailing off, looking up at you for support.
“What are you going to do?” you asked softly. You could see the cogs turning within his rich brown eyes.
“Uh, well I need my suit,” he said, grabbing the large black bag from the corner arm chair. “And I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr Fury in person.”
In one swift movement he unzipped the bag and emptied its contents on to the bed, before moving his arms to the bottom of his torso and lifting his shirt over his head.
He turned to look at you in embarrassment, eye wide open. Your eyes however were drifting lower and lower from his eyes down to his toned chest…
Peter cleared his throat awkwardly. “Um,” he started, still looking at you but at a loss for words.
“Oh! Sorry,” you said blushingly before turning around. You hair created a curtain around your head, but you found yourself twisting slowly on the spot to have another look-
“No! That’s so wrong and pervy” you thought, but still found yourself trying to catch a glimpse of his abs through the gaps of your hair. You saw movement from the corner of your eye and turned to see the hotel room door open. There stood Ned, a look of mild stress on his face.
Peter turned around and saw his best friend and sighed, “Oh, Ned, perfect.”
“Costume looks great!” he spoke quickly, eyes darting between you and Peter. You narrowed your eyes at him, “for the costume party…” his voice trailed off as Peter shook his head.
“She knows, I told her.” He clarified, and you see Ned visibly relax against the door frame.
“That’s cool,” he nodded.
“Technically, I think I figured it out,” you said somewhat cheekily. You turned to Peter with your brows raised when a voice carried from behind you.
“See, another person figured it out Peter. You have got to get better at this.” MJ was now stood behind Ned, arms crossed across her chest. Peter frowned at her, but you could only see his eyes squint because of the suit.
“MJ knows too?” you asked.
“Yeah, I figured out a long time ago,” she replied, “like, a really long time ago. You know, you really should have a better hold on your identity by now…”
“We can work on better hiding my identity when I get back,” Peter interrupted, waving a hand dismissively at her.
“Okay,” she said looking disinterested, “I’ll pencil you in.” she deadpanned. Peter grunted, clearly frustrated with his friends antics before continuing.
“Mysterio is a fraud,” he explained to them. Ned looked confused.
“But he saved me and Betty’s lives. Y/N was there too.”
“It was fake,” you stated, “he’s using illusion tech.”
“He’s using these hologram projectors to create the whole thing.” Peter continued. Ned’s eyes widen whilst Michelle’s continued to be impartial.  
“Wow that’s…crazy.” He said anxiously.
“Yeah,” you sighed, looking at Peter. Both Ned and MJ noticed the way your eyes lingered on one another. MJ’s lips fell into a smirk whilst Ned said,
“Were you guys working the case or something?” he laughed light. You nodded,
“Kind of, although, it has been mostly me,” you whispered the last part, bring the back of your hand to the side of your lips. Ned’s brows creased.
“Look Ned,” Peter said stepping forward, “I need you to call May and ask her to call Mr Harrington and say that I’m going to be staying with family in Berlin until this all blows over.” He spoke quickly, you having to blink a couple times to keep up and comprehend what he was saying.
Without hesitation Ned affirmed, “yep, got it.”
“Wow,” you said in astonishment, “you came up with that so fast. You lied so easily,” looking between the two of them in surprise. Ned chuckled humbly.
“Get used to it,” MJ said, picking at one of her nails, clearly not as invested in this as the rest of you were.
“I gotta go,” Peter said, placing a gloved hand on your shoulder as he moved passed you. As he opened the curtains you saw a glint of light reflective off some silver.
“Wait,” you stopped him, grabbing the projector and chucking it at him. “You’re going to need this.” He caught it in one hand with ease.
“Don’t tell anyone about this okay?” he said, “anyone who knows about this in danger.” You nodded. He pulled his mask down over his eyes and with a THWIP had swung out the window.
You let out a sigh and let your shoulder relax. Ned’s voice cause you to turn to him.
“So, you know too?” he said. “That’s cool, we have a bit of a squad going here,” he laughed comically, referring his hand over his should to MJ who was still stood by the door. “But you know I’ve known first and the longest… but it’s not a competition,” he assured.
You laughed slightly at him, “Okay, Ned.” You said turning back around to look out the window thinking- What the hell have I gotten myself into now?
If it didn’t tag you it meant it wouldn’t let me
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tuanhood · 5 years
not stalking
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pairing: im jaebeom x reader (ft. a bit of mark)
genre: fluff, angst(?)
word count: 3,346
summary: you’re finally ready to really talk to your crush… except someone else is in his usual place.
a/n: um so this is really bad and I don’t know why I wrote it but here u go! not edited WHOOPS
Even you had to admit what a stupid idea it was to keep coming back here almost every single day. You had done the internet stalking before, but actual physical stalking? It was a first time for everything.
You couldn’t help but wonder if this was what it was like for your grandparents or even parents. To be so enthralled by someone that you come to their workplace day after day. Maybe then it was sweet, but now in 2019 you knew it would be considered creepy. And yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from passing by the window of the animal shelter on your way home from university. Although it wasn’t on the typical route back to your place, you would constantly make excuses as to why you had to go that way.
Examples of excuses you would tell yourself and your friends include, but not limited to:
Ah well my second favorite coffee shop is nearby, and I haven’t been in forever!
I heard they’re doing construction work the other way.
There’s something fresher about the air this way.
I can’t deal with all the people holding clipboards and asking questions, even if it’s the quicker route.
I like to look at the animals at the shelter.
The last one was for sure a lie. Well not for sure, because you did enjoy looking at the animals, but there was something or someone else that you enjoyed the sight of.
It started on a day in May when you accompanied your old housemate to the local animal shelter to help her and her girlfriend choose a dog. You didn’t realize what you had been signing up for was your own adoption to a certain boy who worked at the front desk. Never in your life had you immediately become so hooked to someone. It was as though the minute the two of you locked eyes, he demanded that you dedicated the rest of your life to obsessing over him. And so far, that was telling to be true. That day you couldn’t pay attention or hear your old housemate ask what you thought about a certain dog, instead all you were concentrating on was him, his brown eyes and that smile that melted your heart.
You had never been in a serious relationship before and you had to admit to yourself that maybe it had something to do with your tendency to throw yourself into crushes, but never act upon them. With the way this guy made you feel upon first look, you knew something had to be done – even if it took a year.
Throughout the entire adoption process, as your former housemate signed the papers for her new dog you kept trying to think of something to say on your way out that would impress him or better yet make him declare his love for you.
After the last signature and last filled in blank, you stood up and began to exit the shelter. Your palms began to sweat a little and you felt nausea begin to build in your stomach. Passing by the front desk, you had turned to your right and let out a big sigh, thinking, here goes nothing.
“Um bye, thank you!”
That was it. That was all you had thought of to say in the moment. Thirty minutes of thinking and sitting in a chair as you waited for the adoption papers to be signed you had completely been erased from your memory. Apparently, anything intelligent in your vocabulary had also been erased. “Um bye, thank you,” didn’t even deserve a response, but to your surprise he had turned to you with a big smile.
“Thanks for coming in and adopting a new friend! See you around!”
See you around. He was practically asking you to come back, to come pass by the shelter’s window every day. At that moment you had glanced down at the shirt he was wearing with a name tag attached.
From that day Mark had your heart. Mark… Mark… something? So, you weren’t sure what his last name was, but did you really need to to be in love? You had tried to do some in-depth Facebook stalking, but you didn’t have much to go off of except Mark and the place he works. After all who even updates their Facebook profile with their workplace anymore?
Regardless, that led to you passing by almost every day and even going inside sometimes to talk to him. It would often be to just ask a simple question about the adoption process or what kind of breeds of dogs or cats they had in. No matter what it was Mark always managed to answer you with a bright smile and cheerful voice.
Luckily, he hadn’t recognized you yet. Although of course the end goal was to get married or just you know… something – you were nervous about him getting freaked out about you constantly coming in. It wasn’t like an animal shelter was a coffeeshop. You timed out how often you went inside to ask a question to no more than once a week, usually every Tuesday. And every Tuesday you would talk yourself up as to how this would be the time you ask him out or just talk about something that doesn’t have to do with the adoption process and best type of dogs for hiking, but it never happened.
However, you felt really good about this week. This week you had planned on asking Mark about the bracelet he always wears on his left wrist. You had noticed it probably the third week you had gone inside the shelter. Who knows? Maybe it would lead to a conversation about something personal and intimate? Probably not, but you could only hope. Taking a deep breath, you reached the front doors of the shelter without looking into the front window. You didn’t want to see him just yet in case it was going to make you talk yourself into not going through a real conversation with him yet again.
Reaching for the handles of the doors and pulling them open, you stared at the floor. You knew you probably looked like a crazy person, but the butterflies in your stomach began to build. Taking the few steps you needed to get inside, you marched towards the front desk and lifted your head to see Mar-
Not Mark.
Instead, a boy with jet black hair, two moles above one of his eyes and a blank face sat in his place. Your face had fallen and he had noticed.
“Can I help you with something?”
You blinked twice in confusion, “Uh sorry?”
Now it was his turn to blink, “You came in here… I’m assuming you need something. To adopt an animal perhaps?” You wondered why he had emphasized the word animal so strangely, but you decided to discard the thought and answer him.
“Um no sorry, my mistake. I thought- nevermind.” You took this as your chance to turn around and leave completely defeated, but a thought entered your mind. Maybe this could be your chance to gather some kind of intel on Mark? At least his last name so you could stalk him on social media later. What was this mole guy going to say? Hey dude some girl came in asking about you? Mark would never know it was you.
Pausing, you turned around once more back to the occupier of the front desk and cleared your throat. You wanted to come off as confident as though you actually knew what you were doing.
“Actually… I was wondering. Where’s Mark today?” He furrowed his eyebrows at you and took out one of the AirPods he had stuffed into his ears as you had had your internal conflict about leaving the shelter or staying for Mark intel. “Mark who?”
Was this guy new? Then a scary thought had come to you, what if this guy was Mark’s replacement? What if Mark didn’t work here anymore? You would have never known if he had put in his two weeks, after all it’s not like he would have told you. How were you supposed to find him now? Was this it? You stumbled over your words, “M-Mark the one who-who’s usually here.”
Upon hearing your reply, the guy at the desk leaned back in his desk chair and brought his pointer finger to his chin, slowly tapping it in thought. “Hmm… Mark. Mark…. Mark, Mark…”
Taking a closer look, you could tell that he had a slight smirk on his face as if playing with you. Was this guy really just trying to wind you up?
“Sorry, don’t know him,” he said bringing his entire hand down to rest underneath his chin, leaning against the table. It was the clear smile on his face that made you realize that he was indeed teasing you. But why?
“I know you know him. Can you just tell me?” He gave another smile and shook his head from left to right a few times, “Sorry that would be against company policy.”
At this you furrowed your eyebrows, “What kind of company policy would that be?”
“The one where we don’t tell any private information to stalkers.”
You immediately froze. This guy knew about your weekly visits into the shelter? And perhaps even your daily passing by? If he knew… that must mean Mark knew. You felt your stomach drop.
As if reading them, your new tormentor interrupted your thoughts, “Don’t worry Tuan doesn’t pick up on that sort of stuff.”
“Tuan?” You asked. He closes his eyes and hits his hand against his forehead in clear frustration, “Fuck, I didn’t mean to say that. Please don’t look him up on Facebook, Instagram or whatever you use to perform your stalking rituals. It’ll just go to his head and I’ll have to hear about it.”
You had it! Mark Tuan! Mark freaking Tuan. Mrs. Mark Tuan. Mr. Mark Tuan and Mrs-
“I can already tell you’re trying to imagine what your name would sound like with his and I’m getting secondhand embarrassment from it.”
“T-That’s not what I’m doing!” You replied with a strained voice, although it was very much what you were doing. He snorted, “Sure.”
Who did this guy even think he was? He doesn’t know you. Sure, maybe he picked up on the fact that you had been coming by an unhealthy amount to see Mark, but that doesn’t necessarily give him the right to characterize you as a stalker!
“And what if I was doing that? It’s a free country. I’m allowed to have a crush on anyone!” You responded. At that, the guy rolled his eyes and you couldn’t help but feel even more attacked, “Yeah, but a crush on Mark isn’t really a good idea.”
“And why’s that?” It was difficult to gauge your emotions. You couldn’t exactly tell if you were annoyed, frustrated or generally curious about the guy’s notion to tell you that Mark wasn’t a good crush to have. “Mark’s just… not interested in dating.”
“I’m not trying to date him!” You said quickly.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “so are you just trying to fuck him?”
Your eyes widened, “No! Of course not! I’m-” What were you trying to do? Well of course you wanted to date Mark, but the mole guy didn’t need to know that… But it seemed as though he already knew that.
“Listen I work in the cat center here, and us cat people know these things. So it’s better if you just lay off Mark.”
“You work in the cat center?” He nodded his head and looked at you as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “How do you think I knew you were passing by every day?”
You mentally face palmed yourself as you realized that when walking by the animal shelter, the window does not cover just the reception desk, but the cat adoption center as well. Not only had you been walking by Mark every day, but apparently this guy too. “Well that’s beside the point. I’m not going to lay off Mark, just because some random guy told me to. For all I know you might not even really know him!”
He sighed, “Listen I might as well tell you this, because either way you’ll find out once you go home and stalk him on social media, but Mark just got out of a long term relationship. And he’s kind of still hoping that they’ll get back together. Haven’t you noticed that he hasn’t caught on that you’ve been coming in here so much?”
Hearing this, your heart fell a bit. Not as much as you thought it would, but you still felt a piece of it chip away. “I-I just thought maybe he wasn’t very observant.”
“Well, that’s true… but he’s also just so invested in his ex he hasn’t really paid attention to anyone else.”
A tight smile came to your face and you wanted nothing more than for the moment to just be over. You already embarrassed yourself enough and standing in front of this guy you barely knew only made things worse somehow. “I-I should just go then. There’s no reason for me to be here then. Thanks for all your… help.”
He got up from his chair, and moved around the desk to grab your wrist, just as you began to turn towards the door. Startled at his sudden closeness, you looked into his eyes. For the first time since you came in, you felt him shy away from you a bit, not having the same confidence and cocky attitude as before. Searching his eyes, you felt him wanting to say something to you, but not knowing exactly how to say it.
He cleared his throat, “you can come and stalk me as much as you like.”
“I wasn’t stalk-“ You stopped yourself from finishing when his words finally caught up to you, “w-what?”
He rolled his eyes at you, “do I really have to say it again? Are you going to make me?”
You stepped back from his grasp, “sorry I’m just a little confused.”
He closed his eyes tightly as if cursing at himself for going about this the wrong way. You laughed at his frustration over the situation, it was actually… kind of cute?
With his eyes still closed, “why don’t we just start over? You know before I-” you cut him off before he could finish, “ruined my harmless crush?”
His eyes shot open, “okay harmless? You were coming in here almost every other day and watching him through the window when you walked by every day!”
“For your information I only came in once a week!”
He blinked twice and thrusted his hand forward, “I’m Jaebeom.”
This was not how you expected this day to go at all. You thought at worst Mark would just ignore you and at best you would maybe end up with a coffee date. What was even happening?
Reluctantly, you took Jaebeom’s hand in yours. You told him your own name and felt Jaebeom’s hand draw back. “I-I know actually,” he paused, “we kind of go to the same university. I’ve seen you around campus a couple of times and then when I noticed you passing by here I kind of just you know…”
“stalked me?” You finished for him.
Jaebeom took a step back in panic, “n-no! I was not stalking you! I just looked you up online… You know… just through a friend of a friend’s profile.” He mumbled the last part.
“Oh so a completely normal thing to do, right?” You teased.
He sighed deeply and looked at the ground, shaking his head. “Ugh I probably shouldn’t even be saying this, because it’s so embarrassing… but I thought you recognized me from school and that’s why you had been passing by here,” he avoided making eye contact and kept his head down towards the floor, “then when you come in and I saw the way you asked Mark all those random questions, I realized it wasn’t for me.”
Finally, Jaebeom looked up at you and gave you a shy smile. You took in his facial features which at first had seemed sharp and cruel, but his nervous and almost bashful behavior in front of you made you see how gentle he truly was. His eyes looked into yours sadly, as if he waited for you to make fun of him.
“You know… It’s not that often that I have a stalker. I really have to make the most of this.”
He groaned, “I wasn’t stalking!”
“Sound familiar?”
“Okay maybe I was a little.”
You smiled, “how far did you get on my Instagram?”
His eyes widened and he raised his voice, “yah! I’m not that much of a creep!” You raised your eyebrows at him and he gave in, simply muttering, “your senior prom, 2015. Your friend was your date.” He avoided all eye contact once again and you had to stop yourself at giggling at how cute he was.
You straightened your posture as you channeled your utmost confidence, “Verve is my favorite coffeeshop.”
Jaebeom looks at you confused, “what?”
“It’s my favorite coffeeshop and I may or may not be there after you get off your shift,” you shrugged and took a step towards him, “isn’t that something stalkers want to know?”
He smiled, looking into your eyes and took a step forward as well, “I guess it is.”
Your closeness to Jaebeom was interrupted by the ring of the front door’s bell, signaling the arrival of someone in the shelter. Both of you took a step back.
“I know I said I couldn’t come in today and that’s why I begged you to cover me but I had to come back because I left my metro card when I locked up last night.”
Both you and Jaebeom turned to the front to see Mark quickly rushing in, immediately darting behind the front desk in search of his metro card, paying no mind to you.
“Ah! Found it! I knew it was here. You know how annoying it is to just walk everywhere? It’s like- If I’m paying monthly for this thing, might as well use it and not forget it at wor-” In the midst of his rant, Mark paused when he noticed you and Jaebeom together.
Mark blushed embarrassedly, “sorry I didn’t realize you were with a customer Jae.”
Jaebeom looked from Mark to you and wondered if you would forget all about him and simply return to having Mark be the object of your affection. “Yeah man, I was just trying to help her-”
You cut Jaebeom off, “actually I’m not a customer.”
Jaebeom looked at you confused and Mark spoke up, just as perplexed, “oh?”
“I come in here all the time and pass by every single day on my way home from school.”
Mark looked at you as though you were crazy, “and why is that?” Smiling you answered him, “because I have a crush on someone who works here.”
“No way! Who? Jinyoung? Yugyeom? I bet it’s Jackson…” he paused and took a step back to look at you, “you look like a Jackson girl.”
You moved closer to Jaebeom and softly grabbed his hand. He looked at you in shock as if he couldn’t believe that you’d choose him over Mark. “Nope not them.”
Mark looked at your hand in Jaebeom’s and his eyes widened, “what! Jae? Wow… That’s actually really cute,” he pouted for a moment, “I wish someone would come in to see me everyday. Hana would never do that for me. You’re lucky Jaebeom. Hold on to this one!”
You felt Jaebeom stroke his thumb against the top of your hand, he smiled.
“Oh trust me, I will.”
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