#ultra weird girl rambles
ultraweirdgirl13 · 5 months
no because the way Edwin and Charles first met....
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le-agent-egg · 4 months
Sorry i gotta yap for a second. Why do Leon and Kanon have different last names if their dads are brothers.
Like it says in their wikis that Leon’s dad is Kanon’s dad’s older brother. So like. Why do they have different last names? The only explanations i can think of is that, either they had different last names at birth, either Leon or Kanon has their mom’s last name, or one of them has two dads (though i think this is the least likely since their parents were probably married in the late 80s or early 90s, and same sex marriage wasn’t legal back then like. Anywhere.)
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This is my personal headcanon: their dads have the same last name, but Kanon has her mom’s last name, since she didn’t take her husband’s last name; Leon’s mom took her husband’s last name, which basically means Leon has no other option for a last name lmao
What’s Leon’s natural hair colour? Because it is said that he dyes it (side note why would you willingly dye your hair ginger-)
Here’s what I think: Leon is a natural blonde (womp womp) and I think this for a couple reasons. First off his beta design is blonde which I feel like would be a coolio reference. BUT SECOND. GET READY CAUSE IM GOING FULL ON BIO TEACHER ON YOU.
Kanon, while her wiki page says she has chestnut brown hair (bullshit look at her) probably has blonde hair. It looks like a really really pale blonde. Which means that her parents at least need to have one dominant gene and one recessive gene each (since blonde hair is a recessive trait) if we assume Kanon’s dad is blonde, which makes him recessive/recessive, that means that it’s probably likely that his parents (L and K’s paternal grandparents) at least have one blonde person, since getting recessive/recessive out of two dominant/recessive is pretty unlikely. This means that it’s very much possible for Leon’s dad to also have that recessive/recessive or dominant/recessive gene for hair. If we assume that Leon’s mom has at least one recessive allele, that means Leon could very well be blonde. Additionally it’s implied he does have decent genetics in terms of hair because yada yada constantly grows out - if he’s bleaching AND dyeing that shit there’s no way is it still fluffy and nice and grows out well and fast.
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Just for a little reference for myself, this is how i personally draw them (with genetic bullet points!!)
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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monokumafightclub · 4 months
ultra despair girls is by, both technicality and in practice, a survival horror game with a female lead in similar vein as silent hill 3, rule of rose, fatal frame, clock tower, haunting ground, and so forth
but ya'll ain't ready to have this conversation
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nervocat · 3 months
I forgot how odd (understatement) Danganronpa was......
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designernishiki · 2 years
god I……love club sunshine so fucking much…………
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austajunk · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Ultra Despair Girls is listening to the kid characters talk.
Like Jataro and Kotoko especially just ramble on and on about weird shit because their attention spans are still at this young age. Even Monaca just automatically gets bored with something if it fails to properly catch her attention. Nagisa doesn’t typically display this trait out of all of them because of his childhood and how he was pretty much raised by abusive parents to be an overachieving perfectionist to even get any scrap of worth or acceptance from them.
So many kid characters in anime are boring or there to be all cutesy. I really love that the Warriors of Hope are just… really gross and absent-minded. It’s not that they aren’t clever or anything, but their imaginations are at the age of just being on overdrive and so they go on tangents or lose interest and think of something better, cutting off their current thought processes…
Like Kotoko just has to tell everyone what her favorite food is and also what her least favorite food is and what she thinks about giraffes or eggs… and that’s just funny and cool of her. Hell, I love it even when the kiddy stuff covers up darker things like Masaru’s design of this standard shounen-esque kiddo with the little bandaids and scratches look is really hiding an outwardly and physically abused child.
It’s just really neat is all.
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ladyloveandjustice · 9 months
Fall 2023 Anime Overview: I'm in Love with the Villainess
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Premise: Rae is reincarnated as the heroine of her favorite dating sim. But she has no interest in romancing any of the boys- she's head over heels for Claire Francois, the villainess of the game. Claire is horrified to find the major target of her bullying suddenly enjoys it, often pleading "step on me harder". But Rae isn't just here to flirt with Claire- she has a plan to save her beloved from a horrible fate.
I'm allowed to have a problematic gay fave. In fact, I would call it my right as a lesbian. And I enjoy I'm in Love with a Villainess a lot, despite some bumps in the road. It's tropey as all get out and a story that shows signs of having an inexperienced author, but it has real heart to it, it's full of joy, and connects with me in surprising way.
I'll try not to ramble too much, since I'm planning on writing a longer article on this series-- so keep your eyes peeled.
I'm in Love with the Villainess might not always be polished or expertly crafted, but it is very fun and entertaining. Rae ignoring all the male love interests to stan for her mean girl fave is ultra relatable to me, and her gremlin energy is off the charts. Claire is also a super fun character-- if you love ridiculous ojou-sama characters, she is max ojou sama. But she's also hiding a lot of insecurity and of course, a secret soft side-- her character arc over the course of the series is really satisfying.
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However, Rae's pushiness might be a sticking point for some. Her worst moments are mostly contained to episode 2 where she does inexcusable things like ogling Claire while she's changing (against Claire's wishes) after having wriggled her way into a position as her maid (against Claire's wishes, though Rae does have secret noble reasons for that one). This is her worst moment and she calms down a bit from there as the story starts to find itself. Her pushiness remains, but gets a bit less uncomfortable as it becomes clear Claire likes her too.
This pushiness clashes a bit with a really interesting thing ILTV does--which is engage bluntly and honestly with homophobia and stereotypes. There's a great moment in episode three where the series. Rae is asked point blank if she's gay, she responds yes. When Claire moves away from her in response, it's pointed out to her that's a form of homophobia, and it's pointed out how screwed up it is to believe anyone who's gay is automatically going to creep on every girl they see. Rae also gently corrects someone who gives her the common "she just happened to be a woman, you're just falling in love with the person right? Your love just transcends gender?" line, (which is a common line that's used to avoid talking about queerness directly in manga and anime) with "no, I'm a lesbian, I only fall in love with women."
And yes, homophobes got big mad at this scene. How dare a yuri anime be gay! I'm in Love with the Villainess does not let homophobic yuri fans feel safe.
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It's really refreshing to see a silly isekai series directly engage with stereotypes and lesbian issues like this, and it was a very pleasant surprise when I read the novels.
However, this message is a little muddled by the fact Rae did harass Claire, so Claire has every right to feel uncomfortable around her. The show does acknowledge this. The story makes it clear it knows Claire has a right to distrust Rae and it's her responding badly specifically to Rae saying she's gay is the problem. But it's still very weird to simultaneously have a "gay people aren't automatically predators!!!" coupled with "well also our gay main character does commit a little sexual harassment sometimes".
(Some of this weirdness could have been rectified if the story had character besides Claire act badly to Rae saying she was gay, and have them get the lecture, since the point was supposed to be that gay people don't hit on every member of the same gender they meet...but again, that point falls flat if the lecture recipient is Claire, since Rae has already been hitting on her).
I don't really begrudge the author this- Inori was obviously just engaging in the unfortunately typical anime tropes, but also decided to also use her story to passionately educate about and defend gay people and couldn't quite reconcile the dissonance. However, it is very "have your cake and eat it too".
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But ILTV does do a very interesting thing with the common anime trope of the overly demonstrative lesbian character who does wacky hijinks and declares her love in a "funny" way. Rae reveals she's so used to being treated badly and rejected by friends and crushes for being gay that she treats her feelings as big joke as a defense mechanism. Because she’s so used to being rejected for her sexuality, she’s given up on earnestly pursuing Claire from the beginning. She doesn’t think she has a shot and she doesn’t want to risk being rejected. However, if she’s loud and obnoxious about her love for Claire, the inevitable rejection doesn’t hurt so much.
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She makes it so Claire’s rejecting her for being a weirdo, not because she’s gay. If it's a joke, then when everyone laughs at it and dismisses it, it doesn’t hurt…and she can still be honest about and open about being gay. She can fool even herself and stay around Claire without any of that heartbreak and awkwardness that destroyed relationships the other times she confessed her love.
Rae's arc throughout the show is overcoming her assumption that Claire would be happier with a man and there's no point in earnestly courting her. She's so used to being degraded, she thinks it's impossible she could give Claire a good life and impossible that her real feelings will be accepted.
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It doesn't excuse Rae's actions, but it does make her a very interesting character, and one that's meaningful to me as a lesbian. It adds surprising depth to a usually tired trope.
There's also some other interesting aspects of the anime, like how Rae simps for Claire but doesn't simp for her classism. She often gently challenges her on it, and the "commoner uprising" plot, while pretty weirdly paced and (temporarily) resolved, does treat the commoners sympathetically. Considering how other kinds of isekai regularly excuse shit like buying slaves, it's nice to see one that very much sympathizes with marginalized.
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Though the commoner uprising plot does lead us to the other huge caveat with the anime- incest. Yeesh. There's a plot twist where it's revealed that side characters are in an incestuous relationship, and they're treated as tragic and sympathetic, they have a love that cannot be accepted, etc. The anime makes this worse by having Rae say "homosexuality isn't the only kind of forbidden love", which (unintentionally?) equates queerness and incest, which is something homophobes often do too. (The novels aren't innocent either, Rae laments "Why can't people be free to love who they want" at one point in a way that less explicitly equates the two things). However I was able to stand this because it's mainly executed as a plot twist. We don't get any details about the character's relationships, we barely see them even stand next to each other, and they're out of the plot fairly quickly. I can absolutely see this being a deal breaker for someone less numb to anime bullshit through.
And finally, a character comes in who acts fairly manipulative and skeezy towards Rae herself, though the drama she does stoke is great stuff.
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So yes, I mean it when I say it has problems! But I find the fun shenanigans, blatant lesbian wish fulfillment, honest advocation for queer people, and the joy and earnestness of the series worth it enough I can grit my teeth through it all. It should also be noted that Inori, the author, is a trans lesbian, and that's another big reason why this is so special to many people-- it's a lot easier to forgive a new author for some uneven writing when she has a stake in telling queer stories.
The anime is obviously one that doesn't have a lot of resources (and I missed some of Rae's interior monologue, which gets more into what a nerd girl she is) but it does a decent job with what it had (though I would have liked it to condense or cut some of the magic duels and Rae doing harassment to focus more on the stories strengths, but alas). I have my fingers crossed for a second season, but the yuri don't tend to get those, so I'm not holding my breath.
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Is ILTV's pacing sometimes weird? Yes, the commoner uprising doesn't get as much attention as it should. Is it sometimes clumsy? Oh yes. Do I still get a joy like no other when Rae kicks aside the screen prompting her to choose a male interest to yell for Claire instead, or when she fantasizes about herself and Claire being warriors together? Hell yes.
ILTV is often silly, often flawed, but you know what, queer people get to have our silly, flawed, but still occasionally touching stories as well. Straight people have has a monopoly on it too long. It's not a series for everyone, but it's a series that spoke to some struggling queer people regardless, and it's a series that makes me smile, and that's all that matters at the end of the day.
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anonzentimes · 6 months
What is your opinion on servant/despair nagito?
AUGH! hello autism activating anon thank you from your ask!
Servant I think honestly is pretty well written and doesn't erase any of Nagito's character which I really love. Also he's in like the most bdsm outfit??? ever??? HUH?? it's kind of hilarious tbh.
Mostly, I really enjoy that as a Despair Nagito's beliefs aren't just erased. He's willing to do even more for hope than before, becoming despair himself, whereas before he seemed to have a limit he wouldn't cross. Which is honestly saying something since he thinks murder can be valid in the name of hope beforehand anyways.
I also like the funny detail that he's a servant with a chain on his neck at all times, but no one is really pulling the strings? Like, he's a "servant," to the warriors of hope but truly he has control over the situation. He chooses to stay there, if he truly desired to he could have left. His chain is there, he has the appearance of a servant, but no one is tugging on it, he's the one truly in control. Hopefully that makes sense lmao!!
I also thought that him seeing Komaru being a normal girl and knowing Makoto had hidden hope as a talent thinking she might have hope as well is pretty well written! It definitely makes sense why he'd think that.
Also, as weird as it is I actually really like how he looks as servant. The artwork for his sprites and the fanart I've seen is really awesome honestly!!
I used to think that he was just in Ultra Despair Girls for fan service, which probably a bit, but I do actually really enjoy how they use his role as a contributing antagonist properly. It's mostly expanding upon the idea of him as a Despair that we see in Chapter 0 of Danganronpa 2 with his love and hate obsession with Junko. He wants to be more involved than ever before and has no limit for how far he'll go, he actively will create the despair needed himself for hope to thrive. And that's so cool!!! It's basically pulling him and his beliefs their utmost extreme to explain how someone like him could become a despair, and the best part is that it makes sense! You can understand it given his character. He hates despair, so the only way he'd ever be okay with becoming despair is if it was in the name of hope, and that's exactly what they do!
I also think it's SO funny that out of all of the despairs, he's the most harmless out of them. Like, Sonia burned her own country to the GROUND, Teruteru ate his OWN MOTHER, but Nagito? He was just a servant to some weird terrorist kids, and ultimately was the main contributing factor to hope winning in the end. He brought Komaru so there could be a fair fight with Hope and Despair after all!
I think Mocaca's character after Ultra Despair Girls was kind of treated badly lmao, like, I feel like there was a lot of missed potential but they just threw her to the side because they never planned to do anything with her. However the Idea Nagito's ramblings just made her sick of the world is HILARIOUS though. Kind of Ironic that he saved her in hopes to be a successor to Junko for more hope to win in the end when his contributions led her to becoming nothing.
Also pretty Ironic that he KNEW what Izuru was going to do, and he wanted to see Junko again. But he never did, he died before he got to see what him as a Despair wanted to see. By his own hands nonetheless!!
Nagito as a Despair is really fucking weird with his outfit and all, but I actually really do love him. I really love the outfit, the approach they take to the only way he could become a despair with his beliefs, and his role in the story.
The brainwashing plot is a little clumsy, but I do enjoy that the way they treat brainwashing in the Danganronpa franchise is that the despair video manipulates your emotions. It doesn't overwrite anything, it just adds a desire to cause despair or excuses causing despair more. I think it's a little more realistic than just a whole bunch of teenagers being talked into becoming terrorists anyway.
servant you are iconic mwa <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Find the word
Thanks @honeybewrites here, @paeliae-occasionally here, and @the-golden-comet here!
My words: reverse, patience, lock, listen, open, discover, leave, stay, given, yourself, finite, glory
Your words: not, new, neutral, narrow
Tagging @mx-ryder @pluppsauthor @emabatis @pluto-murphy-writes @pluttskutt
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Keep reading for:
Only George cares
Meet Hye-Jin
Liam hates American cheese
Carla doesn't make sense to Maddie
Ash uses her psychic power
Lexi meets Akash
Rose is excited
Akash messes with his hair
Noelle's mom
Wait, what is standing?
Multiverse talk!
Reverse - from The Secret Portal Part Two (George POV)
Right now, I was on one of the larger couches in the Sublevel Three breakroom. The holoscreen was broken, and I was the only one who wanted to fix it. Everyone else was working on someone else and didn’t think the video games I wanted to play were important enough. It wasn't the only thing I cared about that the fully-growns didn’t. Carla, for one. She had been frozen in time ever since—that was it. Frozen. She could be fixed, I knew. Dad had been working on a way to reverse the effects of a chronokinetic’s power. I told them that. But they instead wanted to work on large-skill replication of chronokinesis. Dad managed to do so, but now it was ultra-important since the Refuga had it on a large scale.
Lock(ed) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
Patience - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Hye-Jin POV)
I said goodbye to my mother and hopped out of the car. I ran toward my friend Lexi’s house and knocked on the door. Then I stood waiting patiently for an answer. Lexi and I had known each other for years, given that our fathers had as well. I looked down at Lexi’s present in my hands. Hopefully she’d like it.
“You lost your rights to call anything American cheese after your processed product that has the same texture as the plastic-wrap single it comes in that you have the gall to call cheese!” “Hey!” I protested. “The only people whose favorite cheese is American cheese are people who have never tried other cheeses.” Liam’s fiery gaze locked onto mine, ready to fight. I peeked into his mind out of curiosity to find the section on Muenster cheese. The creamy gooiness he’d described entered my mouth. Holy shit that was good.
Listen - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked Carla sitting in front of me. Carla folded her hands on the table. “Maddie, I am well-versed in how all the Alii powers work. So, yes.” I sighed, resting my chin on my hands I had propped on the table by my elbows. Liam had an after-school debate thing to go to, so until he got here, Carla had volunteered to walk me through the basics of shapeshifting, at least what she knew about it from her books. Personally, I thought doing it would be more informative, but Carla disagreed. We now sat at one of the tables shoved into the corner of the training room. While everyone else got to do things, I was now forced to sit and listen to this weird talking thing I didn’t understand. I was itching to practice morphing.
Open - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I tried expanding my mind to find anything that could help with the situation. I felt my consciousness stretch out over the entire building, a large, elaborate mansion, as I could now tell. I heard that screaming girl again, but pushed her aside. I’d already figured she was most likely a memory. A sudden pull caused my eyes to fly open. I jumped to my feet, spinning to run in the opposite direction.
Discover - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
Eventually, we entered a clearing where a handful of people were scattered around. “Robbie!” A boy about his age waved him over. “Where were—” he noticed Kelsey. “Oh, you found her.” “Take her to Wade,” said Robbie, passing Kelsey to the other boy, who led her further into the clearing. It wasn't until then I realized the strange smoothness of the kid’s movements and glanced down to discover he was flying.
Leave - from The Secret Portal Part One
“I think it’ll be interesting,” said Rose. “We’re fighting against a corrupt government. That sounds like fun.” “Since when do you do things because they’re fun?” Noelle asked. “Well, I dunno about the rest of you,” said Rose, “but I’m going back next weekend.” “Really?” Lexi asked. Rose nodded. Rose thought this plan sounded awesome. A chance to defy authority? A chance to not just get out of the house, but leave the dimension?
Stay - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
I glared at my reflection. My hair wouldn’t stay down no matter what I did. I sighed. If the definition of insanity was repeating the same thing and expecting a different result, I should’ve been locked away years ago.
Given - from The Secret Portal Part One (Noelle POV)
“I’ll admit, I was disappointed that you weren’t Inutilia, too.” “Why?” Mom sighed, turning to face me when we pulled up to a stoplight. “You can’t comprehend what it’s like to grow up powerless in a world of power. You learn to hate the society that oppressed you. And you’re now part of those oppressors.” I broke my gaze away from her. “Carissa, look at me.” I obeyed. “You’re in a unique position. I want you to fight for the Inutilia. If you must be given powers, you might as well do something good with them. I’ll let you decide what that is.”
Yourself - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
“You wanna sit down?” Gwen asked me, gesturing to the spot next to her. I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’m good just flying.” “Doesn’t it get tiring?” she asked. I laughed, rubbing my hand through my hair. “Nah, it’s pretty relaxing, actually.” That was true. At first, I had to consciously keep myself up in the air, but now it was just as easy as standing. Or how I assumed standing was. Maybe you actually had to consciously keep yourself upright. I didn’t know.
Finite - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Gwen POV)
“Not all universes are complete,” Liam pointed out. “Dimensiokinetics are rare enough to where most data is from those who can sense universes, rather than travel to them. Regardless of what level of a dimensiokinetic, however, there’s no possible way to gather all the data. Kamanzi could have likely sent a dimensiokinetic to a universe that showed potential for whatever she needed, but she wanted some eyes on the inside of how it operated.” Lexi put her head in her hands. “We’re not getting anywhere with this.” “We can still sort through the dimensions in the database,” Gabriel offered. “I can sort through the ones there and eliminate what I can. It will take a very long time, though, even with the finite that have been recorded.”
Glory - N/A
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catgirl-catboy · 5 months
Weird opinion but, I’m a big Hifumi fan and I feel like he’s extremely underrated compared to Tsumugi, a more conventionally attractive weeb.
oh, he is 100% underrated, expecially considering the fandom made Gonta into basically Hifumi 2.0.
I was talking to my friend Crow about this the other day, and I genuinely think Hifumi should not have been a trial 3 character, and that he makes a better victim for Sayaka than Leon.
Two young kids are very lonely. One's family is never mentioned until Ultra Despair Girls, one has an absentee father.
They both find something that changes the course of their lives, and gives existence meaning.
An idealized image of a girl.
They both devote their entire selves into chasing that image, and have no relationships outside of that.
One is glorified for her devotion, the other is demonized for his "obsessiveness", despite this being the school for obsessive types.
Both are dehumanized.
It'd be the perfect commentary on how Hope's Peak as a whole fails every student that attends it, and it wouldn't be at the expense of Leon's character either!
He fits with the themes of chapter 3 beautifully, and honestly I'd buy him making the mistakes with Robo Justice before I'd buy Hifumi making them. Leon is about coolness over practicality, and nobody gets good at art without having at least a passing interest in anatomy.
Also also also, if you take Hifumi's character with any degree of seriousness, which I do because I am way too serious about everything Danganronpa- he meets all the criteria for a depersonalization/derealization disorder. Celeste WANTS to belive she's living her dream. Hifumi is actually living his dream.
There's a potential for a really interesting arc there, where Celeste descends further into self-delusion while Hifumi pulls himself out of it and begins to see his classmates as people and not characters.
Sorry this got long I love to ramble about DR and will do so at the slightest provocation.
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punalippulaiva · 1 year
I'm going to ramble more about the Barbie movie. This post also contains spoilers for the film btw.
One of the first things my partner asked me as we walked out of the cinema was "did you find representation in the film?" And, perhaps somewhat strangely for someone who was brought up as a male and believed themselves to be a man for most of their life, I actually found more representation in the Barbie movie than I have ever really seen anywhere.
First of all, I identified with Gloria about being a parent and having a shitty job where no-one actually listens to you. I also identified with Sasha about being a teenager who have come to be ultra-critical and embarrassed about their old interests. I identified with Weird Barbie about being ostracized as weird but still wanting to help people. I could identify with Gosling's Ken's desire to come across as hypermasculine (while not pulling it off right) and having trouble forming any kind of meaningful relationships with other Kens.
But most of all I identified with Allan. He's Ken's pal and all Ken's clothes fit him, but he is not a Ken. When Ken forms the Kendom, Allan doesn't participate in it. Quite the opposite, he tried to flee to the real world. When that proves not to be an option, he immediately sides with the Barbies. There is no discussion about it, there is no grand scene where Allan says he refuses the Kens' bullshit, it just happens. No-one questions it, no-one comments positively on it. Because while he looks like a Ken, Allan is not a Ken.
I found more representation about my gender identity and my place in the world in a movie about fucking plastic girl's toys than I have seen in probably any mainstream film ever.
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ultraweirdgirl13 · 5 months
See cause now I'm depressed AND pissed off
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juneknight · 2 years
I’ve re-read The Thing About Marc Spector maybe 4 times in the last 12 hours and I’m telling you it’s perfect, like his ultra calm attitude while washing his hands to focusing on making her feel good and caring about her insecurities and their established relationship seems so cute and when she tries to say get off me I’m gonna pee but he just keeps going oh my god I won’t be able to function today
Sorry for coming in here with a MOOD
Dorm room!Marc is so fucking sexy to me. I can't explain it. He was driving the reader feral with the hand washing. Hand washing has never been so sexy. The guy is washing up like he's a surgeon about to be wrist deep in her guts and honestly it's not too far off the mark.
And just between us, for a while, he didn't think she was going to squirt; I mean, not everyone with a vulva can (he sure wasn't going to turn down an opportunity to fingerbang his girl either way). But as soon as he realized she could and she would, he was filled with this weird rush of pride and amusement at reader's continued panic that she wouldn't be able to---I'm sorry, I'm rambling, I've just been thinking about him all night and day lmao.
Anyway YES, he was so calm. He knew she didn't have to pee. He wasn't going to back down, not when it seemed so strangely important to the reader. Boy was going to get it out of her one way or another.
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monokumafightclub · 5 months
being hyperfixiated on ultra despair girls of all danganronpa games is so frustrating because on the one hand, komaru and toko are incredibly well-written as a buddy duo and as a story revolving around them, their relationship, and their involvement in the events unfolding around them, it's pretty damn strong!
on the other hand... okay i know it's an easy target to go after ch3 and everything regarding kotoko, but there's so much else established in UDG's story that either never gets expanded upon, ultimately falls flat or never goes anywhere, or gets tossed aside as quickly as they're introduced. and then there's the ending and credits cgs which really feel like they're building up to something but then that also never goes anywhere beyond capping off monaca's story in DR3.
UDG is a 'full' experience as a game (well, at least for psvita standards), and as a tokomaru story it's pretty complete, but god it just feels like there could've been so much more, you know?
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team-calm · 1 year
Hello Hello ~
I'm really not sure how to phrase this, so sorry for rambling. Why exactly do you think you should change pokemon the way you do? Like, why should pokemon suffer from decreased survival instincts and shit? Why do you think gible or tyrunt or fucking glameow need to have changed behaviour in order to be loved and be kept as pets?
Don't get me wrong, i understand very well that people are stupid and afraid of things they don't need to be afraid of. People always give me a weird look with my poison types and TSA is a fucking pain in the ass and all that shit. But i have a perfectly normal, unaltered Scolipede who is a very gentle girl, and those are also usually considered scary and they are predators in the wild.
I guess you've been doing that for years, so this is probably fruitless, but i hope you come to your senses and stop this "ultra domesticated" nonsense
- @koffing-time
//ooc: i find this stuff you're doing super cool (well, from a story perspective), and I'm very interested where this is going. So, uh, please don't stop???
Uhh- No?
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aradiabotism · 5 days
Aradiabotism’s Awful No Good Very Bad Pinned
Hello! My name is Bethel, but you can also call me Aradia or Aradiabot if you like. I use a variety of pronouns, including zhe/zheyr, xai/xhyn, shx/hxr, ey/em, and zey/zem as my personal favorites. It may be unconventional or whatever, but I do not use she/her, he/him, it/its, or they/them. I will provide a guide on how to use my two favorite pronoun sets below the cut :)
I’m a mean angry man-hating feminist lesbian. /half joke. My style of making collages is actually inspired by some riot grrrl zines, fun fact. Oh, yeah. That’s what I do on this blog. I make collages. I make collages for fandoms, OCs, ships, aesthetics, movements, basically anything! Even pride flags*!
*as of now, I will do pretty much any queer identity as long as you send me a link to the flag or a picture of the flag. As long as it doesn’t fit in my DNI!
I don’t wanna overwhelm your senses so more rambling + DNI + pronoun guide beneath the cut :)
current to-do list : aradiabot collage (personal), godcat collage (personal), transfem erivris <3< collage (personal), tavnep <3 collage (personal), evan redditstuck collage (personal)
DO NOT INTERACT : radqueers/TransIDs, discourse accounts of any kind (syscourse included), proshippers, anti-religion (I get the concept but I’m personally religious and it just feels weird to talk with someone who I know doesn’t respect that), basic criteria ofc, transphobic radfems/TERFs, exclusionists, and uhh idk man please just be Normal Respectful People.
BEFORE YOU FOLLOW : I will not share my stance on *any* discourse other than shipcourse, I am avidly anti-ship but I also stand for anti-harassment. I support most good faith identities (aside from TransIDs/radqueer shit, but I don’t even know if that qualifies as good faith) including mspec lesbians/gays! I draw all the art for my collages so requests will take longer than you’re expecting. I do not typically draw the art for pfps/icons unless requested to do so (I will happily do so btw I just usually don’t). YES, I will include your niche headcanons in my art! I love niche headcanons! You want me to draw Vriska Serket using crutches decorated with stickers? Done. Your blorbo with a nose ring? You got it! Your favorite ship wearing a really ugly pair of matching sweaters? ABSOLUTELY! Give me ALLLLL your weird and hyper specific headcanons >:)
BEFORE YOU REQUEST: Egbert will automatically be transfem in any request involving her, im sorry guys but I’m a June truther forever. I was debating on allowing other headcanons of her but I just can’t my June heart can’t handle her being male.
apart from my DNI, I have some ships/characters/fandoms im not comfortable making collages for. As a whole, my blog accepts collage requests for *any* fandom except the ones listed below!
Most creepypastas (I have a weak stomach yall)
Real People (including Minecraft YouTubers im sorry gays 😭)
Menhera Chan characters
I also won’t do requests involving certain characters!
Haiji from Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls
The Ancestor from Homestuck (ex, The Grand Highblood)
Doc Scratch from Homestuck
Dottore/The Doctor from Genshin Impact
As for ships, I will not do these:
Romantic/Flushed/<3 meowrails/nepquius. They are qpps in my heart forever.
ANY form of Tavros x Vriska
Meenah x Vriska ( a lot of people forget that Vris was a MINOR when they started dating
Davejade (including davejadekat) (I’ll do jadekat by itself tho)
Saioma/Saiouma/however u spell it
Kanaya Maryam x Men (unless it’s <> I guess)
Rose Lalonde x Men
Honestly any dancestor x troll ship, there’s massive age gaps there that I don’t feel comfortable with.
ANY proship. Including abusive/toxic.
finally here’s the promised guide for how to use my two favorite pronoun sets, zhe/zheyr and xai/xhyn.
Have you met Bethel? Zhe runs a tumblr blog. Yeah, aradiabots? That’s zheyr blog! All the art zhe posts is zheyrs. Zhe’re cool, I guess, but zhe talks way too much about zheyrself.
Hey, isn’t that Bethel? Xai is probably writing something to post on xais blog. Xai really never shut up xhyn blog. It’s all xhyn talk about lately. Xai must be really proud of xaiself.
okay that’s it you should follow me while you’re here :)
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