#ukwon scenario
daebakinc · 2 years
His Biggest Fan
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Pairing: Ukwon x Reader Prompt Rockstar Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Mention of driving under the influence
~Admin V
Bastarz was the hottest trio since the Jonas Brothers. Everyone loved them, even the ‘tough guys”. You especially took refuge in their music. Your favorite member was Kim Ukwon. Like any fangirl, you may have had a bit of an obsession, but you couldn’t help yourself. He was sweet and caring. He always had a smile on his face. Even when he was annoyed or angry, he was smiling. It came as no surprise that your bedroom was decorated with Bastarz paraphernalia, especially Ukwon items. The outside of your door had a heart with Ukwon’s name on it. Before entering your room, it was routine to kiss your hand then place it over the door-heart. Entering your room, there wasn’t a single inch of wall space in sight. Posters covered the surface like wallpaper. You had charms and figurines. Your favorite possession was the life-size cutout of Ukwon. When you were tucked into bed you wished him goodnight and when you woke you greeted him good morning.
             Unfortunately, life as a rockstar wasn’t so easy or glamorous for Ukwon. It was simple for him to put on a smile when cameras were on him, which admittedly was quite a lot. But lately, he was being overworked. Endless dance rehearsals, singing lessons, and photoshoots left Ukwon feeling exhausted. Tonight would be the 3rd night of a weeklong concert in LA, and the lack of sleep and energy had finally caught up to him. Ukwon was sick with a head cold. His manager immediately sent him to a clinic for an IV pack to help rejuvenate him. It didn’t help that his dance coach also practically had him drinking the bottle of cough syrup. A stage hand gave him a special drink their mother used to make when they would catch illness. Soon Ukwon was drunk with medicine. He wanted to sleep more, but his manager told him it was almost time to perform and he needed to get ready for the stage.
             Ukwon decided he didn’t want to go on tonight. In his drunken state he walked away from the dressing rooms successfully found the parking garage. He recognized his face on the side of a tour van and got into the driver’s seat. The keys were sitting in the ignition, as if the rock gods knew he was coming. He wasn’t sure of where he was heading, but he just wanted to get out.
            He made a game of following the street lights along the highway. With all the traffic coming in for the concert, there was barely a car driving the same way he was going. Soon his game led him to the suburbs. Ukwon’s heavily medicated mind didn’t allow him to consider the speed limit would be lower here and at a sudden turn he lost control of the van and it veered into a large tree. He punched the airbag away and was able to get out of the van. He cursed a few times and sat on the curb. He looked up at the house across the street, and in the upstairs window, he saw himself, just like on the side of the van. Another sign from the rock gods!
            Once he finished stumbling across the street he tried to open the door. Locked. That couldn’t be right. The house had to be for him. He jiggled the handle again. Nothing. Frustrated he kicked a flower pot next to the door. It fell over and shattered. That’s when he saw something shiny. A spare key! It took him a few times, but he finally got it in the lock and could open the door.
            Luckily the stairs leading to the second floor were the first thing he saw. Even with nothing but a hall nightlight, he saw his name on the door and smiled. “I’m home,” he mumbled. He opened it and sighed with relief when he saw a dark square which could be nothing else but a big bed, waiting for him to fall on. “Thank you, rock gods.”
            Unluckily for you, even on the weekend your body’s biological clock woke you up around 8 a.m. You heard your parents making breakfast downstairs. You lay on your side and opened your eyes to see your beautiful Ukwon cutout. “’Morning, Baby.”
            Suddenly there was movement behind you and an arm snaked around your waist. “Morning, Honey.”
            What. The. Fuck.
            You immediately jumped out of bed and turned to look at who was in it.
            What. The. Fuck.
            You were dreaming. You had to be. You were dreaming.
            Ukwon recoiled from the lack of warmth now that you weren’t next to him and rolled over to his other side.
            Dreaming. You were definitely dreaming. You ran to the bathroom and let cold water run in the sink. You cupped your hands under and splashed your face. You did it a couple of times. It felt like ice, but you didn’t feel like you woke from the dream. You ran back to your room. He was still there. Kim Ukwon was in your bed.
            “Holy shit,” you breathed.  You quickly snatched your phone off your nightstand and dialed your best friend’s number. You backed away as far as possible but never took your eyes off him.
            “It is a Saturday and it’s before twelve,” you heard him grumble into the phone. “If someone hasn’t died, believe me, I’ll kill you myself.”
            “Kyung, it’s an emergency.”
            “What kind of emergency? Are you okay?” You could hear him sitting up from his end of the call.
            “I’m not sure. I don’t think I am. I think maybe I’m hallucinating.”
            “You called me because you’re hallucinating?”
            “Kyung. I swear to god, if I’m not hallucinating then you’re gonna think I’m crazy.”
            “You’re awake right now on the weekend. I already think you’re crazy.”
            “Fine, what’s the emergency?”
            “Kim Ukwon is passed out in my bed.”
            You had to take the phone away from your ear the laughter was so loud.
            “Kyung,” you hissed. “Will you please? I am serious.”
            The laughter simmered but it was still there. “Sure, the almighty rock god is in your bed. Hey, I’ve got Chloe Moretz in mine.”
            “I’m not fucking with you Kyung. I’m freaking out! He’s here. In my bed. My parents are downstairs. What am I supposed to do?”
            “You’ve really gone off the deep end,” his laughter continued.
            “Park Kyung. Would you please just get your ass over here. Now!”
            He groaned on the other line. “Now you’re making me get up?”
            “If I am lying to you, I will give you $100.”
            “Keep talking.”
            Damn your best friend and his little shit antics. “This is not the time!”
            “You want my help or not?”
            “Fine,” you grounded out your teeth. “The money and I will grade all the papers from your T/A job for a week.”
            “2 weeks.”
            “Kyung, I will do it for a goddamn year because I’m not lying. He’s in my bed!”
            More laughter. “We’ll see about that. Be there in a few, Crazy.”
            You hung up. You weren’t as quiet as you thought because Ukwon started to stir. He rolled on his back, moaning when he stretched. He rubbed his eyes. When he opened them, he looked around then smiled at you. “Hey.”
            “Uh, hey.”
            “Are you room service? Can I order some eggs?”
            “Uh . . .” What the hell? You didn’t know what to say.
With the door behind you, you could hear one of your parents trudging up the steps.
            “Shit.” You ran to the bed, pushed a grumbling Ukwon off so he hit the floor with a thud, then turned and sat on the edge of the bed in time for your mom to open the door.
            “You drop something?”
You shook your head.
            She looked you up and down. “You alright?”
            You nodded.
            She gave you one more questionable look then sighed. “You’re father and I are going to the farmer’s market. You need anything?”
            You shook your head again.
            “You sure you’re feeling okay?”
            Another nod.
            “Did you not sleep well because of the accident outside?”
“Yeah. A hit and run. Literally. They left the vehicle there. Your father called a garage to come pick it up.”
“I didn’t hear anything.”
She stared at you for a long time.
            “If you say so. We’ll be back in a bit. Call us if you need anything.” She closed the door behind her.
            You exhaled and fell back on your bed.
            Ukwon popped up, a scowl on his face.
            “The hell kind of service is this?”
            Startled, you also jumped up.
            He stood up, then walked closer to you. “Service? This hotel has the worst I’ve even seen.”
            “You . . . you think you’re in a hotel?”
            He straightened. “Well, yeah.” He looked around, seeing all of your memorabilia seeing your laundry piled in your chair waiting to be folded, your book bag and books scattered on the floor.
            You watched him from the bed. He looked so confused, but also mesmerized, probably astonished as to how one person could have so much of his goods.
            “Did we meet at the concert?”
            You shook your head. “I can’t go to your concerts. They sell out too fast and the scalpers jack up the price like crazy.”
            “Huh,” he continued looking, pausing at the cutout.
            As promised, it only took Kyung a few minutes to put on pants and walk over from 2 houses down. He made himself known as he was marching up the steps. “Hey, did you see someone crashed their van into Mr. Rasch’s . . . tree. . .” He looked at Ukwon, then to you, then back to Ukwon.
            “What. The. Fuck.”
            “I told you!”
            Kyung looked at you hard. “Did you fricken kidnap him? I knew you loved the guy, but risking jail?”
            “I told you! I woke up and he was in my bed.”
            Kyung and Ukwon started at each other, then Kyung looked at you again. “Did you like make a wish at a fountain? Or meet a genie?”
            “I’m sorry,” Ukwon rubbed his head. “What’s going on?”
            “Uh,” you scratched your head. “I don’t really know.”
            “This isn’t a hotel?”
            Both you and Kyung shook your heads.
            “Where am I?”
            “You’re in my house, in the burbs of LA.”
            Ukwon sat on your bed. “LA. Right. Concerts.”
            “Any idea why the hell you’d be here of all places?” Kyung asked.
            Ukwon shook his head. “No clue. I know I was feeling sick yesterday. Had a lot of meds forced on me. Feel better now.” He looked around your room and pointed at his cutout. “I kinda remember seeing that.” He looked at your open door and pointed to the heart with his name in it. “And that.”
            All three of you looked at his stomach as it growled. “Think maybe we can figure this out over breakfast?”
            Kyung responded before you could. “You said you were having concerts this week. Doesn’t that mean they’ll be looking for you today if you perform tonight?”
            Realization washed over Ukwon’s face. “I don’t think I performed last night.” He looked at you. “You don’t know how I got here. And I don’t know how I got here. Which means my managers don’t know where I am.” He threw his arms in the air, punching at it excitedly.
            “A-are you okay?”
            “I’m free! At least for today! I don’t have to go on interviews, or dance practices, or stage rehearsals! No one knows where I am.”
            “Isn’t that a bad thing?”
            “No, ‘cause we know where I am. And I am taking the day off.” He stood up and rested his hands on your shoulders. “We can work out the details over breakfast, cutie. Where’s your bathroom?”
            You pointed toward a door in the hall.
            He smiled and your knees nearly buckled. “Thanks.” He sauntered out of your room.
            “Is this real?” You looked at Kyung.
            “Who did you pray to last night? ‘Cause Ima need to start praying to them, too.”
            “But this is crazy right? Kim Ukwon is in my house?”
            “Holy shit! The van! Did you sneak out to the concert last night and highjack his van while he was in it? We both know you have failed your driving test more than enough times. It would explain why it’s in a tree right now.”
            You glared at him. “He’s my idol! I’m not a criminal mastermind trying to kidnap him! He was in my bed when I woke up!”
            “How was that?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you.
            “I freaked out and called you.”
            He shook his head.  “Maybe this needed to happen, you poor deprived little fiend.”
            “Shut up. What are we going to do?”
            “I mean, do you really want to question it, or do you want to experience a day with your celebrity crush.” The man had a point.
            “Hey guys,” Ukwon yelled in the hall. “Can we have eggs?”
            Whelp, the fates were finally on your side for once, even if it was crazy. Who were you to deny them?
            “I think my parents may have left some on the stove.” You looked at Kyung and whispered. “Day with Ukwon it is.”
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Block B “S/O wears their hoodie”
Ask:  Can I request a reaction with block b and their s/o is wearing their hoodie? I really like you're writting style~ Sry for my not so good english but its 2am here and I'm tired ;-
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You walked into his studio, holding two coffee cups. The sleeves of Jiho’s sweater that you stole slipped down slightly but you weren’t bothered. You handed him his coffee and he glanced at your hand, recognizing the sleeve. Looking at you, he smiled and saw how the sweater looked over your jeans. It wasn’t a big deal to him, you took his sweater and you looked good in it. 
“You look good in that.” 
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He came home late, not expecting you to be up and was thoroughly surprised to see you curled up with your book on the couch. It surprised him even more to see the hood of his hoodie over your head and not much else on you. Kyung dropped his bag, a small smile playing on his lips. You peeked over your book, cocking an eyebrow at his fingers trailing over your legs. 
“Do you always wear my clothes when I’m not around?” 
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Taeil had such a collection to pick from when it came to stealing his sweaters. You loved it and he loved catching you. He was feeding his fish when you subtley walked past and he noticed the familiar color out of the corner of his eye. Dropping the fish food, you noticed him start to chase after you and you gave him a literal run for his money. Finally, he had you pinned on the floor with his hands agressively tickling your sides. 
“I warned you to stop stealing my sweaters, but you don’t listen.” 
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He didn’t notice that you had been sleeping in his hoodie until the morning. You were curled into his chest, burried in the material of his hoodie and chuckled to himself, not wanting to wake you yet. Deciding against it, he poked you and woke you up, stroking your hair softly. 
“So is this something you always do? Or is it just to tempt me?” 
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You walked into the practice room admiring the hard work everyone was putting into their dancing. You had brought everyone food and thrown on the first thing you could find, his sweater. He noticed  you and smiled, seeing the sweater he loved on you and the bags of food in your hand. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you. Ukwon loved it when you wore his clothes. 
“Did you wear this on purpose? Or is this a coincidence?” 
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You walked into your shared bedroom, only innhis sweater and your underwear, getting ready for bed. Minhyuk looked at you, his eyes trailing to your bare legs and he pulled you into his chest. Lifting the fabric slightly, he exposed more your skin. You always looked so sexy in his clothes, even if you were trying to be comfortable. He kissed you gently, making you smile while he played with the fabric.
“You look damn good in my clothes. So effortlessly sexy.”
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Jihoon played with the sleeves of your sweater, mindlessly as he watched tv. He glanced over to you, noticing it was his sweater and not yours. Smiling, he pinched your cheeks, cooing over you as if you were the most precious thing alive and to him you were. 
“You can have all my sweaters as long as you look this cute in all of them.”
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sinsofstrays · 6 years
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~Kpop Moodboard~
Blue Aesthetic Ukwon 
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zicosmullet · 6 years
Bathing with Ukwon
- Part 5/7 of my Bathing with Block B Imagines.
- Warnings: NSFW implications.
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Similar to with the B-Bomb scenario, you two have probably showered together frequently, but never actually bathed together.
As stupid as it sounds, you actually got the idea from helping him bath his dogs once.
Afterwards you just kinda make a casual comment like “Now I need a bath too”, not really meaning anything by it.
And he just responds with “Yeah, me too” before a lightbulb kinda just goes off in his head and he’s like “Want to?”
And you’re like “What?”
“Take a bath?”
“What like...together?? At the same time??”
And even though you’re dating you’re oddly flustered by the idea, like it seems sorta childish but also super intimate for some reason. Especially because you can’t exactly tell what his intentions are. He sorta half smirks when he suggests it despite how calm and collected he seems overall, so you can’t tell if he’s actually serious, just flirting, or straight up messing with you.
BUT he actually ends up drawing you a bath and you’re like oH okAY I guess we’re actually doing this.
You’re initially a little freaked out because you’re like which position is he gonna want to sit in?? Is he gonna want to do the weird one where I sit between his legs and his dick is just awkwardly there??
But the cool thing is that you actually have a round tub!!
He’s the first one to get in and he can sense you feel a little unsure about the situation, so he coaxes you over by saying something cheesy like “Come on on over here, I won’t bite...unless you want me to~”
You roll your eyes at that comment but playfully splash him a bit on your way over before comfortably fitting in next to him.
He rests his arm on the back of the tub behind you so that you can lean into him a bit.
And you have to admit, this is pretty nice. After just a bit, it's not awkward at all.
You end up talking for awhile and making lots of stupid flirty remarks.
With his arm on the back of the tub, his fingers will occasionally reach down to brush your shoulder.
When you get too hot from sitting so close together in the warm water, you both turn around and lean your elbows on the edge.
With your back exposed, Ukwon plays around a bit by scooping up some water in his hand and then pouring it out over your back and watching it trickle down.
And after a bit he’s moved on to running his fingers along your back,,,until he can’t take it anymore and moves over behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso as best he can while laying his head on your back.
It’s kinda cute because you can feel his cheek squishing into your back.
But it gets a little beyond cute when he starts kissing your back,,,and you start leaning into his touch more.
So you’re like “Hey, I came over here because I was too hot. You’re not helping me.”
And he’s like “Tch. I’ll show you too hot” and reaches a hand down between your legs,,,,
yeAH that got kinky pretty fast.
Not saying you guys fuck during your first time in the tub together but,,,yeah never mind that's EXACTLY what I’m saying.
He tried to keep it tame but apparently baths bring out his kinky side.
How is he supposed to hold himself back with your gorgeous skin exposed in front of him like that? So he doesn’t.
He doesn’t even give you any opportunity to try and turn yourself around,,,,because he decides to take you from behind right there against the edge of the tub.
Dirty talk is one of his favorite things and this position is optimal for it. Since you can’t really see him from your position, he likes to use this to his advantage and lean down to whisper something into your ear at random times to surprise you and to remind you how amazing you feel.
Also has a thing for your back, which is another reason why he likes this position.
He might seem pretty dominant and a little rough when he’s feeling extra kinky, but still likes to kiss your back and the back of your neck a whole bunch.
SO ANYWAYS yeah,,,you guys go at it there. Water sloshes out of the tub and it's not the most comfortable place to fuck but it's still a good time. :^)
Afterwards he’d like to pamper you a bit for the rest of the bath while occasionally mumbling little compliments into your ear.
So yeah that was basically your first bath together.
Baths aren’t super frequent for you two, especially not as a form of relaxation.
But when it’s cold or rainy outside, you’ll often decide to take a bath together.
And it's usually just an excuse to fuck tbh but there's nothing wrong with that ofc.
He’s usually the one to initiate things but sometimes you do when you see him watching you out of the corner of his eye and you can’t take it anymore.
He’s always down for it because there's something particularly thrilling about bath sex for him for some reason.
Oof so overall baths with Ukwon tend to get pretty steamy, so have fun!!
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“Hola Mami.”
Requested by an anon. This beautiful man, I just can’t.
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Yu Kwon in enjoyed everything about you. From head to toe. Inside and out. You were just so perfect. It was very obvious he had the biggest crush on you. You could spot it a mile away. Of course you didn’t listen at all when his members were trying to tell about his little crush on you. 
Even their manager saw how Yu Kwon would act around you. It made it worse since you were assigned to him as his makeup artist. 
You were a makeup artist under KQ Entertainment. You were studying abroad in Korea. It was far away from home, but you liked it here. You needed to make money to help pay for your way of life. You didn’t want anything basic. Batista is so overrated. 
KQ Entertainment was in need of new makeup artists. You decided to take it upon yourself to had in for a job interview and got it. You weren’t big on the whole Korean music scene or KPOP. You stuck to your traditional Mexican folk and Bachata. (I love bachata, dude! Just Spanish music in general. It’s amazing) That’s what you listened to, not all you listened to. But mostly. 
Your first day was fairly easy. Your first assignment was of course easy. At first you were assigned to Zico. You became good friends with him. While doing his makeup, you’d talk about your everyday lives. 
Yu Kwon didn’t like it one bit. Ever since he laid his eyes on you, he felt like it was destiny to talk to you. He didn’t like how close you were to his group mate. He was as happy as he could be when you were reassigned to him. He just loved your smile. He didn’t know much about you. Your smile and body attracted him to you. But he wanted to get to know you. 
As the days went on, you grew closer to him. You liked to spend time with him. Sometimes you spent time together when you weren’t working. He showed you Korea in detail when he had the time. He even showed you places you’ve never heard of before. The both of you enjoyed each other’s company.  
Today after work he took you to a newly opened cafe just down the street from the building. You were your happy self today. He noticed. “Hey, Y/N, are you okay?” 
“Oh, ah. I’m fine. I just miss somethings from home.” You said very quiet. 
“Things? Like?”
“Dances. Clothing. Parties. Just a few things.”
“We dance here in Korea.”
“It’s not the same Yu Kwon. I want to see salsa dancing again. I want to hear the sounds of my home countries music with my family. I miss going to Mexican styled parties. It’s just not the same here. I want to speak Spanish and not be looked weird at. I want to dance to Bachata! I might even wanna salsa dance in a traditional dress.” He couldn’t understand.
“Huh? What’s that?”
You sighed “Yu Kwon, what I’m trying to say is, I want to go home. Thank you for dinner. See you later.”
You got up from the table and left. He felt bad. He thought of ways to make it up to you. The word ‘Bachata’ he kept repeating in his head. He began to say it to himself. Trying to get the word correct. 
He grabbed his phone and searched. “Spanish lessons online.”
He was going to make me happy again, no matter what it took. He didn’t care if he had to upset people to put a smile back on your face. 
For the next couple of weeks he’s been learning about the Mexican culture for you. The language, the music, the dancing, and the parties. He needed you to smile again. 
Finally you had came back into work. It’s been about two to three weeks. You had no more vacation days left. It was going to be awhile until you got a refill of vacation. You wanted to go back home. Yu Kwon spotted you a couple of feet away. He made his way over to you. You looked slightly and waved. “Hola mami. Come estas?” 
You arched your eyebrows. “What did you say?”
“Le dije hola mami, come estas?” He reapeated moving a bit closer to you. “Are you trying to hit on me in Spanish?” You asked. 
“Is it working?” He whispered. You shook your head no with a huge smile.
“Okay then. Y/N, I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise? Where is it?” 
“You have to wait to receive it.” He added.
You groaned. You hated waiting for things. But usually if Yu Kwon told you to wait, it must be something really good. “Can I have a hint?” You asked holding his arm and giving him the puppy eyes. 
He never could resist those puppy eyes you had. If it was any other girl, maybe he could. But it was you. The woman he’d been had a crush on the longest time. 
“UGH! Fine, it’s a party. I can’t tell you anymore. Just be ready at 9 tonight. Okay?”
You nodded and smiled. You got to work and finished up everything you needed to do early. You decided to leave work early and go home. When you got home, you began to prepare for the party. It always took you hours to get ready for a party. I mean who doesn’t take about two to three hours get ready for a big party? 
You slipped on a beautiful tight red dress that went to your to the top of your knees. You picked out a pair of Louboutin Bianca 140 Black Patent Leather (A/N: It’s oddly specific, I’m sorry. I really like those shoes) to go with it. 
You began to put on a few layers of makeup. You didn’t want to put too much on. You knew you’d get a mouthful if Yu Kwon spotted you with a lot of makeup. He didn’t like when you had a lot of makeup on. 
He loved your bare face. He was fascinated by it. No matter how much makeup you thought you needed to wear, Yu Kwon loved you with no makeup the best.
At 8:40, you heard a rather loud knock at the front door. You walked to the front door and opened it, to see Yu Kwon in a suit looking as sharp as ever. “Woah, Yu Know, you look sharp. Is this party that formal? Should I go change?”
“No! You already look so stunning. It’s already 8:42, we should get going. Are you ready?” You nodded and the two of you locked arms. He walked you to his car and you both got in.
He drove to the venue. When you got there, you looked at the venue building. It was huge! “Yu Kwon, are you sure this is the right place? It looks a bit too formal for a party.” 
“Of course I’m sure this is where it is. Y/N, trust me. Don’t worry about anything. I just want you have a goof time tonight. I want you to remember this night years from now.”
He parked his car and the both of you got. You locked arms and walked into venue. When you walked in, you went through wide double doors to see a beautiful Mexican themed party that looked just like the parties back at home. 
“SURPRISE!” A crowd suddenly appeared. 
The crowd was filled with coworkers, his members, your friends, and your mother. 
“Yes, it’s me Hija.”
You rushed over and hugged her tightly. “I missed you so much hija. How is Korea treating you?” 
“Good mama.”
You let go of her. “How did you get here?” You asked. 
“Your boyfriend over there, helped me. I rode in a private jet! Can you believe that?”
You smiled hearing the joyful in her voice. It had been awhile since you had seen her. You ignored the part where she called Yu Kwon your boyfriend. 
During the party you watched dancers attempt to dance the salsa. Most did it very well. You turned to your left to see a hand reached out for yours. It was Yu Kwon’s. “Let’s get out there and show them how it’s done.” “What the heck.”
You grabbed his hands and followed him to the dance floor. You were center. The rest of dancers backed off. The DJ changed the song. He quickly grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close. “Follow my lead.” You nodded in amazement. 
And that you did. You followed his lead, your eyes not once leaving his. There was something about Yu Kwon dancing salsa that was unlike anything you’ve seen before. He was already a very attractive man, but he was even more attractive dancing to the salsa. 
Your mother always wanted her son in law to be a good dancer. Maybe she might get her wish.
Suddenly he spun you around. You swayed your hips against him. He spun you back around to face him when he stopped, he picked up your leg and wrapped it around his waist. He dipped you slowly. His hand slowly caressed your body. You could hear the sudden screaming of the crowd. 
He slowly picked you back. Your faces were about five inches apart. Your eyes were fixed on his lips. His eyes were fixed on your lips. “Are you just gonna stare at my lips or are you gonna kiss me?” 
He smiled a bit before smashing his lips on yours for a passionate kiss. You were on cloud nine. The crowd clapping, screaming, and hollering was being drowned out. You pulled away and became back to reality. 
“Would now be a bad time to say I like you?” He asked. 
“No, now is a perfect time.” You answered. He gave you a sweet kiss to your lips. 
The party went on for a couple of more hours. You were in the corner with Yu Kwon. His head was in your lap. 
“Yu Kwon, thanks for tonight. I really enjoyed it. And thanks for getting my mom here. I think she likes you.”
“No problem. And good, so she’ll be at our wedding and by then, maybe I could say our vows in Spanish.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Well keep practicing. Maybe I could teach you a thing or two.”
I’m back finally. I hope you enjoyed. I kind of rushed because I lost the original ending and I don’t remember what it was. I’m really sorry about my little “hiatus” and the ending of this. Thanks for reading. Have an amazing day/night. 
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gvf23 · 4 years
I have just found out that U-KWON of Block b will be enlisting on my 18th birthday 😭 which is May 18th. This means that he will enlist in 10 days ( 9 days in Korea ).
I hope he stays healthy and well during his enlistment. Let's show him all the love and support he deserves before, throughout and after his enlistment ❤️
This also means that the others could also be enlisting soon 😥
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Block B x OC Profiles
Words: 345
Pairing: Taeil, B-Bomb, U-Kwon, and Zico x OCs
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
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Full Name: Stella Beatrice Johnson
Birthday: September 18, 1992
Hometown: New York City, New York USA
Height: 5’3
Nationality: Korean-American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
S/O: Taeil (m. March 23, 2019)
Children: Joseph Kim (b. February 16, 2018), Madison Lee (b. June 12, 2020)
-Stella’s family is her mom and dad. She was an only child.
-She’s half-Korean and half-Caucasian.
-She was married to SHINee’s Jonghyun from February 2017-December 2017.
-Stella participated on American Idolback in 2011, but didn’t make it to the final round.
-She still makes music and posts it to YouTube and SoundCloud.
-She has a “roses for Jonghyun” symbol tattooed on the back of her neck.
-Stella is bilingual in English and Korean.
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Full Name: Mary Bae/Bae Nayoung
Birthday: October 3, 1992
Hometown: Portland, Oregon, USA
Height: 5’2
Nationality: Korean-American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
S/O: B-Bomb (m. June 24, 2017)
Children: Marissa Lee (b. November 18, 2018)
-Mary’s family includes her mom, dad, and younger sister.
-She met B-Bomb back in 2012 when she attended university in Seoul.
-She’s a stay-at-home mom, but she works part-time as a florist.
-She studied biology in college.
-She’s bilingual in English and Korean.
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Full Name: Hailey Tsai
Birthday: April 7, 1994
Hometown: Miami, Florida, USA
Height: 5’4
Nationality: Taiwanese-American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
S/O: U-Kwon (m. June 20, 2018)
Children: Tyler Kim (b. May 9, 2019)
-Hailey’s family includes her mom, dad, and older brother.
-She has a YouTube channel where she posts vlogs.
-She’s known for having a funny and bright personality.
-She speaks English, Mandarin, and Korean.
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Full Name: Sabrina Victoria Carson
Birthday: July 25, 1995
Hometown: Salem, Oregon, USA
Height: 5’5
Nationality: American
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
S/O: Zico (m. November 3, 2018)
Children: Gabriella Woo (b. August 13, 2019)
-Sabrina’s family includes her mom, dad, and older brother.
-She’s been skating since she was four and is an Olympic gold medalist.
-She met Zico when she was asked to be in one of his music videos.
-She speaks English and is learning Korean.
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
The Type to: Block B Edition
Zico: The type to have condoms stashed in every room just in case. ‘Cause you never know when you’ll need one in the pantry.
Taeil: The type to be so nervous he eats the chocolates he bought you before your date. But it is okay! He filled it with chicken nuggets and dipping sauce instead.
U-Kwon: The type to pretend he’s okay. Yeah, he broke his arm when he fell a minute ago ice skating, but he doesn’t want to cry or freak you out.
Kyung: The type that only watches the same 10 movies over and over and never feels the need to venture out and see another or add another to his favorites.
Jaehyo:  The type to not put the lid on the blender correctly and make a complete mess. He will clean it up himself without being asked though, so you can relax.
B-Bomb: The type to “Not realize” that the lush bombs and bubble bath in your bathroom were yours and “accidentally” on purpose use it.
P.O: The type to tuck you in when you fell asleep before he got home and not even re-tuck you when he realizes he didn’t leave enough blanket for himself. He’ll just cuddle closer.
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Block B is on tour and U-Kwon & B-Bomb send you snaps of your boyfriend Jaehyo
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ahgasetay · 5 years
block b m.list
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B Bomb
U Kwon
finding your secret tattoo
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what-in-fresh-hell · 6 years
Block B as fashion eras
× Taeil as 50s greaser. Its impossible to find a perfect reference picture but imagine his long black hair slicked back and his shirt sleepless rolled up and a toothpick hanging on his lip
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× Minhyuk as 70s dirty punk, think sex pistols, chains with padlocks around his neck and facial piercings
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× Yukwon as 80s new romantic. The pictures say it all tbh
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× Jaehyo as 1800s gothic (also if you don't think he'd be the cutest shyest vampire ur lying to ur self sis)
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× Kyung as modern student culture. He looks like he from an adorable college kdrama look at his cheeks he's a straight A student he likes reading and playing with dogs
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× Jiho as 90s Street fashion. OK Jihos body was m a d e for loud patterns and questionable fashion choices which we all know was a main part of the early 90s
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× JiHoon as 40s army captain (idk man jihoon in lots of buttons and blond hair does something)
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textmybias · 6 years
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Jealous/Needy texts W/ P.O
(lolol needy as in smutty or nah? I didn’t make it smutty though sorry if that was the request!)
Thanks for requesting ❤️
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Block B “Asking for forgiveness”
Ask:  Hi! I loove your reactions! I'd like to ask you for a block b reaction to them asking for your forgiveness after they've done something really bad (like cheating, may be something else). I hope you are having a nice day and you find this request interesting. Kisses and thanks for making great content! 😚❤
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The moment you walked out was the moment his world shattered and it was all his own fault and he knew it. He never should have yelled at you to that extent. Jiho always had issues controlling his emotions and you tended to push a little. This time you might have pushed to much. He was a busy man and the frustrations were high. 
He told you to come in after you knocked on the door. “Hey Jiho, I brought you some coffee. How is the new track coming?” You asked and set the mug down next to him. “Fine, babe I’m working. Could you come back later?” He asked and you sighed. “Alright, but before I go, what do you want for dinner?” You asked and he groaned. His reaction made you cock an eyebrow. 
“God would you just leave. I am busy and I don’t have time for your bullshit. Leave me the fuck alone!” He yelled and turned to you. You refused to cry and just looked at him.
“You want me to leave you the fuck alone? Fine I’ll leave you the fuck alone.” You said and stormed out, grabbing a suitcase and filling it with your things. A person could only handle so much. 
Jiho watched you leave, fighting the urge to punch a wall. He shouldn’t have said anything. He waited a day before calling you, he knew you needed to cool off and he knew he needed to think about his actions. 
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Kyung was a flirt and you were used to it. You didn’t like it, but you were used to it. You had mentioned it to him before that it bothered you slightly and he promised he would work on it. But it turned out his promises were empty.
This time it was worse. You and Kyung had went out to lunch for a nice day but the tables quickly turned. Your waitress was very pretty, you admitted that but it wasn’t an excuse for him to blatantly flirt in front of you. 
“What are the specials, sweetie?”  He asked the young girl and you rolled your eyes. She listed them and they both chuckled, exchanging smiles. “You are very pretty.” Kyung added the girl blushed. “You’re funny. I will be back with your food shortly.” She said and smiled before walking away. Kyung watched her leave and you roughly threw your napkin on the table. He looked at you confused and you just scoffed, graabbing your bag and standing up. 
“If you are trying to make me feel like I’m worthless, you’re doing a great job. Go flirt with your adolescent waitress and never talk to me.” You snapped and left him alone in the resturaunt. Kyung felt bad, those weren’t his intentions. He was just trying to be friendly but not in that way. He would think about wha the was going to say to you before leaving the resturaunt. Kyung would also stop by the florist and get you some roses to apologize with.
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It was well known that Taeil had an odd humor. But lately his humor had changed from odd to borderline insulting. He didn’t see it that way and really didn’t mean anything by it but they were getting worse and worse. 
You guys were hanging out with the other Block B members and everyone was cracking jokes. You weren’t fragile, you could handle being teased and if you dished it out you should be able to take it too. “I totally get it, I find myself questioning Y/N’s clothes all the time.” Taeil said and you looked at him funny. “Oh really now, you don’t see me complain when you wear t-shirts big enough to be dresses on you.” You fired back and the guys laughed. 
“At least I don’t excentuate all the wrong things on my body.” Taeil “joked” and the room was silent. He knew you were sensitive when it came to your body. “Oh really? I guess I better get my ass to the gym.” You implied and he rolled his eyes. “I didn’t say that.”  He told you and you nodded. “Not today, but this isn’t the first time you have hurt me with your ‘jokes’. If you need me I’ll be home. It was great seeing you guys again.” You told him and left after greeting the boys. 
“Y/N’s not wrong, you have been pretty rough on him/her.” Yukwon said and Taeil rubbed over his face. “I didn’t even realise it.”  He said and leaned back in his seat. He vowed to himself that he would make it up to you and make you feel beautiful. Taeil also vowed he would be a little less brutal with his humor. 
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Jaehyo is undoubtably very attractive and as an idol he has to interact with other attractive people. But the recent album shoot went too far. You were in a relationship with him and everyone knew it on set, the director, the models etc. 
You had expressed your slight discomfort with the situation, but you had also expressed that you understood that it was his job. He knew there were boundaries he shouldn’t cross. So there you watched as the beautiful model draped themself over him. Jaehyo looked at you to see any discomfort in your face. 
This you didn’t mind, but what happened next nearly made you pop your top. The model leaned over, their lips brushing as the photographer got his images. Jaehyo didn’t seem surprised, as if he knew it would happen. When it all ended he looked at you only to find you had left. 
Jaehyo knew he should have told you, he didn’t want to freak you out. Now he was only filled with regret. He sighed to himself, knowing he would need to do a lot to get you to forgive him. 
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Ukwon had the tendency to snap when frustrated and that always lead to explosive arguments. They were always about little things and this time it was the same. 
“You want me to be around more?” He asked and you sighed. “You know what I mean.” You said and avoided eye contact. “Obviously I don’t. I’m not around enough? You do know what my job is right? Jesus Christ I earn the money that pays for the shit you own.” He snapped and you looked at him with disbelief. “Excuse me, I work too. You do know that right. Stop acting like I wouldn’t be able to survive without you.” You said and moved from the kitchen to your bedroom. 
“Watch me survive without you.” You called out while walking away and quickly started packing a suitcase when you reached your room. You didn’t want to be around him, not when he was acting like this. The tears fell from your eyes and while sobbing you left your house, slamming the door behind you. 
Ukwon would need a day or maybe even two to calm down after an argument like this one. If he was really in the wrong he would apologize with grand gestures. Roses, candles, maybe even a fancy dinner, just to say sorry.
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Minhyuk and Ukwon had been chosen to do a special dance with 2 female idols. Your relationship had been quiet to the public so the fact that everyone thought he was single, the dance was going to be intimate. 
You understood and you knew you shouldn’t have had issues with it, but they were practically having sex with clothes on and it was difficult to watch. You called Minhyuk over to the side of the practice room. He approached you with a smile and cupped your cheek sweetly. “I know what you are going to say and believe me, nothing is going to happen. Have a little faith, babe.” He said and pecked your lips. He always knew how to reassure you. 
Though the night of the show, you sat faithfully in the front row, ready to see him dance his heart out. Which he did, but the grand finale went too far for you. The idol he was dancing with wrapped their arms around his neck and pulled him in for a quick, yet sloppy kiss. You immediately got up from your seat, knowing you shouldn’t have believed his reassuring words. 
Minhyuk knew you were and he nearly immediately pushed his dance partner off of him afterwards. When he noticed you were gone, he immediately knew he was in the dog house. Minhyuk would rush home and try to explain the situation to you, hoping you would believe his distaste in the situation.
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Jihoon was so blissfully innocent. There were moments where you treasured this and there were moments when you wished he would be just a little less oblivious. Especially the moments when people flirted with him and he flirted back, not realising it. You had mentioned it to him and he said he would try to watch it a little. 
“Oh my god you are so funny!” The girl sitting at the table next to yours called out to Jihoon. “Really, Y/N doesn’t think so sometimes.”Jihoon laughed and you couldn’t help but frown more. “You are so cute too. I could just take you home and eat you up.” She called out and he smiled even brighter. SOmething about this stung, he seemed to genuinely enjoy her company more than yours. You waited until they were engrossed in covnersation before slipping away. 
You sent him a text explaining yourself and headed home, not wanting to see him at that moment. You understood that he didn’t, yet it frustrated and hurt you anyways. 
Once Jihoon recieved the text, he frowned. He didn’t want to hurt you, he never meant to hurt you. He would come back to the house, with the intentions to please. he would have a sweet smile on his face as he apologized to you and would shower you with love. 
A/N: i have been working on this all day and it was a really good way of getting my mind off of my mental breakdowns. 
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Block B- MTL to go bungee jumping or sky diving
Group: Block B 
Theme: Bungee jumping or sky diving
Type: MTL
- U-Kwon
- PO
- B-Bomb 
- Taeil 
- Zico 
- Jaehyo 
- Kyung
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*why is it so hard to find a gif of these dorks TT  and evn PO is missing in this one
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i-nonowanna · 7 years
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zico + glowing moodboard
× requests are open
- sungkyun
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noonanoowz-blog · 6 years
Bloodlines-Chapter 10
So the ‘Keep Reading’ is giving problems with everyone. I know people like to keep their dashes all pretty, but go hit
To catch up, check out the [MASTERLIST]
WARNING: This story will have violence, drug-references and maybe some sexual stuff in nature. To be safe this story is Rated-R. We are not into graphic depiction of things, at least we try not to be. We rather be safe, but not sorry. We are never sorry about our work.
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BooBoo Snuggles, Misty decided, was the only entity that she could tolerate in this godawful place she suddenly had to call home.  It helped that he was alive because, save Tablo, living things were in short supply at Zico Corp headquarters...but it also helped that he didn't talk.  And that he didn't want anything from her.  She was just a warm body to curl up against when it was nap time, and Misty was okay with that.  She was also okay with not changing out of cat form for any reason any time soon, no matter how many dirty looks Zico shot her.  After all, it wasn't her fault he fell asleep waiting for the boys to come back with bacon-cheese residue on his fingers.  Or that he smelled appealing.  Or that he was ticklish in the crook of his elbow and smacked himself in the face when she came over to get a closer sniff.  That was what he 
got for being a grumpy jerk.
"Boss?  Boss, we're back!"  Misty, currently hiding under Tablo's bed, flicked an ear in the direction of Jaehyo's voice.  There were three people with him, and he'd only left with Min and Yukwon, so they must have found Phee.  And Phee had found...
"Holy jesus, what did you do to ‘Kwon?"
Zico was on the other side of the house, but she could hear him like they were in the same room.  Misty lifted her head.  It was unusual for Zico to sound so hysterical, and she was almost tempted to see what all the fuss was about.  Almost.  But appeasing her curiosity meant coming out from under the bed, and why do that when she could hear everything just fine where she was? 
"Angels," Yukwon muttered.  “And yoga gurus, and herbalists, and holistic spiritual shamans, but mostly fucking Angels.”
"I told you to find Phee, not murder your brother."  The snap in Zico's voice must have been directed at Jaehyo.  There was no way he'd speak to Min like that when Min was probably feeling most of Yukwon's suffering already.
"They did find me,"  Phee's voice said.  "And I'm sorry. I didn't know he was so sensitive.  He was fine while we were at the bake shop, but I guess the frosting on the princess cupcake caused a reaction..."
"He ate frosting? You let him eat Angel-made frosting?? Oh for fuck's sake, Phee!"  
Someone was running.  And fast.  They jetted past her hiding spot and down the hall to the main bathroom. 
"No, I'm fine, I just need an aspirin."  Misty wasn't sure exactly who Min was talking to because whoever had asked him the question was drown out by the argument that was suddenly going on between Zico and Yukwon.  But as he approached, she could smell something strange and sweet on him that made her wrinkle her nose.
"You can turn it off though, right?  The link?"  Jaehyo was opening something that sounded like a pill bottle. 
"I'm going to have to," Min said.  "Otherwise..."
There was another loud yell, and a then a splash, and Misty could not hold back her curiosity any longer.  She crept out from under the bed and padded to the door, peeking carefully around the corner.  Jaehyo and Phoenix had their backs to her, and Min was looking down, rubbing his temples.  
None of them noticed as she slipped out and headed in the direction of the yelling.
She found quite a scene when she reached the bathroom.  
"Kwon, come on.  You know this is the fastest way to get the swelling down.” Zico was straddling the bathtub, hands clasped tight around Yukwon's wrists, empty bottles of Holy Water strewn everywhere. And Yukwon was down on his back, fully clothed and half submerged, his skin covered in angry, red welts. 
"And you know it hurts, Zico.  Let me up!!!" Yukwon wheezed.  
"Just a few more minutes.  Hold on for just a few more minutes."
"No.  Shit.  Zico, fucking stop.  It hurts.  Let me u...!"
Misty leapt onto the counter just in time to see Zico shove Yukwon underwater and sit on his chest.  Yukwon thrashed, and Misty felt a trill of fear run through her until logic kicked in and she realized Zico couldn't really hurt him because he was already dead.  And when he did let him up, the redness had paled significantly, and Yukwon's breathing was a lot less labored.
He wasn't any less irritated, though.
"Better?" Zico asked.
“No.”  Yukwon shook his wet hair out of his eyes.  “I still I feel like I've been stung by a thousand bees.  And you're heavier than you look.”
"What possessed you to eat something that had passed through the hands of an Angel?" Zico asked, shifting so he was sitting on Yukwon’s thighs.  "You know better.  I know you do!”
"Zico, please don't lecture me right now.  It was stupid, and I was stupid. Can we just leave it at that?"
"But I don't understand..."
"Zico, the bottom line is that the world has gone crazy."  Min entered the bathroom, a bag of ice cupped to the back of his neck.  "Crazy enough that we all ate at the bakery and didn't think twice.  Kwonnie's reaction just happened to be the worst."
Zico sighed.  "Y'know, I once thought it would be cool to live in a world without so many damn rules, but honestly, it’s not.  It’s fucking annoying.”
“It is pretty shitty."  Yukwon pushed himself to a more comfortable sitting position.  "And I don't think it’s going to get any better until…"
He trailed off as he spotted Misty.  Since it was too late to run, Misty simply flicked her tail and pretended not to notice the way his smile lit the room.  But of course she did, and of course Yukwon’s notice of  her caught everyone else’s attention.
"Well, apparently she doesn’t hate you," Zico said.  “Yet anyway. She came to make sure I wasn't killing you."  
"I'm flattered."  Yukwon continued to smile despite Misty turning to look in the opposite direction.  "And I'm okay, Kitty.  No need to worry."
"She doesn't look worried,” Min noted. “She looks put out.”
"How can you tell?" Zico asked.  
"The ears.  The tail twitch.  Have neither of you paid attention to the zillions of cats Kwonnie has brought into this house over the years?"
"Well yeah, but that's Misty.  She's not a real cat."  
Misty’s attention whipped back, her glare enough to make Min flinch and Yukwon hide a giggle behind the back of his hand.  The bathroom filled with a tense silence, and Zico looked back and forth between all of them for several long minutes, before throwing up his hands.
“What?” he demanded.  “She’s not a real cat! Why are you all acting like I just said something blasphemous?” 
“I think we’re just amazed,” Min said.  “That, despite being a vampire, you have no idea how the supernatural works.”
“What is there to know?  Her true form is human!”
“But she’s not human right now,” Yukwon pointed out. 
"Because she is stubbornly refusing to be!  Although..."  Zico’s eyes narrowed.  “Although didn’t you manage to make her turn involuntarily that one time?”
Misty’s ear’s flattened. She fixed her gaze on Yukwon, half angry, half pleading, and was relieved to see that Yukwon wasn’t any more interested in replicating their unfortunate first meeting than she was.
"That was an accident," Yukwon said.  "With a very unexpected result.  It's better we let her come out of it on her own."
"But we could hurry it up..."
"No, Zico."  Yukwon stood up from the bathtub, skin almost completely back to normal.  "We're going to let her come out of it on her own."
Zico rolled his eyes.  “Fine,” he said.  “You play the hero and protect your precious kitty. But don’t expect her to fall for you just because you came galloping in on the proverbial white horse.”
“I can take no for an answer," Yukwon said.  “I don’t need to be get my ass kicked in public to know when I’ve overstepped a woman’s boundaries."  
"Oh wow," Zico said.  "Low blow, Kwonnie. Seriously."
"Don't meddle with my affairs and I won't meddle with yours."
"Don't eat princess glitter cupcakes and I won't have to!”
"Oh really? How quickly you forget who carried you home last night!”
"How quickly you forget who is allowing you to live a normal life!"
“Okay, that's enough."  Min stepped between them.  "Yukwon, you get back in the tub and finish healing.  Zico, you come with me.  We found Phee for you, so you're going to go talk to her."
"And the cat?" Zico asked.
“Let her be.  She can take care of herself."
Min pushed Zico toward the door.  Zico surprisingly let him, allowing Min to bully him into the hall with little to no protest.  That left Misty and Yukwon alone, the former still on the counter, the latter still soaking wet.
"I can’t ride,” Yukwon said at length.  “I mean, I can but I wouldn’t go through all the trouble of tracking down a horse just to make an entrance.  Walking is so much easier.”
Misty flicked her tail.  
“Okay, lame humor,” Yukwon admitted. “Comedy was never my strong suit.”
Misty blinked.
“Right,” Yukwon said.  “I need to stop talking.  Um…see you around?”
Misty tilted her head.
“I would prefer to get back in there without all these clothes on,” he said.  “And I’d like to shut the door.” 
Misty held his gaze and curled her tail around her feet.
“Oh, c’mon. That’s not fair."  There was a hint of humor now in his tone.  “Cats hate closed doors.  And I know you’re going to start begging to be let out as soon as I’m in my underwear.”
Misty made a quiet, grunting noise.  And she fully expected him to stop there and wait for her to leave, but Yukwon went right ahead and stripped off both his hoodie and his undershirt.
Misty gave a tiny peep.
"What?  I told you I wasn't getting back in there fully dressed."  He sauntered over, reaching out to scratch her ears.  "You can still go.  But you better decide.”
Misty grunted again, but before she could jump down, Yukwon caught her by the scruff, pulling her into his chest.
“Ah, too late,” he cooed.  “You should have gone when I told you to the first time.  Now you’re coming in with me!”
Misty squirmed.  As a rule, she wasn’t adverse to water, even in cat form, but everything about this was a bad idea.  From the cuddling, to the nuzzling, to the affectionate little noises he was making, Misty knew this was going to end badly.  But alas, it was too late.
With a tiny noise of distress, Misty resumed her human form.
"Ohgodohgodohgod no no no no noooooooo!" she moaned, and Yukwon looked extremely startled when he realized his arms were full of naked girl instead of soft, fluffy cat.
"Oh..." he began.
Misty vigorously shook her head.  “Don’t talk, just get me a towel.  And close your eyes. Or something.   Please?"
"I can't see my way to the linen closet if I close my eyes…”
"Then look...somewhere else! Be fascinated by the ceiling!”  Why did this keep happening around him?  Was she cursed? 
"All right, all right.  Calm down."  Yukwon averted his eyes as he carried her over to the linen closet.  "I'll open the door, you grab, okay?"
He did as promised.  And Misty could not pull the entire stack of towels down on top herself fast enough as he set her on her feet and turned his back.
When she was sufficiently covered, she peeked over her shoulder, cheeks deep red.  Yukwon was back in the tub, still looking everywhere but in her direction until Misty cleared her throat.
“Oh,” he said.  “Um…hi.”
They stared at each other awkwardly.
“So uh…if you want to get dressed, I grabbed some stuff for you when we took Phee over to your place.” 
"You...wait, what?”
"I grabbed you some clothes.  It was Phee’s idea, but she put me in charge of execution.  I got your toothbrush and stuff, too.”
“I...oh,"  Misty said.  “Um. Thanks."
"You're welcome. I hope it helps.”  There was another awkward pause, and the he added, “Are you mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Jaehyo said watching us feed last night upset you."
Misty bit her lip.  “It was just creepy,” she said.  “And that on top of everything else was just…too much. And that guy.  Your superior.  You know he's a..."
"Shifter. Yes. I know," Yukwon said.  "And I know that's what you were trying to tell Phoenix during the ceremony, but that is a huge, huge secret that has to be kept.  Not even Zico knows.  The only reason I do is because he’s sleeping with Min."
Misty blinked.  “Okay, I don't know what to ask first.  How is it possible to have a vampire shifter, or why Min?"
"He's not a shifter in the way that you are.  He can only take one form.  And what's wrong with Min?  We're twins you know!"
"No, I know.  I'm just saying that it’s not a couple I would have ever paired up in a million years.  I mean Min's so...and he's so..." Lacking words, Misty gestured with the hand that wasn't holding up her towel.
Yukwon snickered.  "Even vampires can't help who they fall in love with.  I know we're undead and all, but we can feel.  Our bodies die, our emotions don’t.” 
He looked at her pointedly and Misty felt her face heat up again. "I should...put some clothes on," she said, desperate to change the subject.  “And you should finish soaking. Because the kind of reaction you just had is nothing to play around with!”
“You sound concerned.”  Yukwon folded his arms on the lip of the tub.  “Were you worried about me, Kitty?”
“I…no!  Maybe.  Regardless, I don’t like seeing people hurt.  And it’s a little scary knowing something else out there can make things worse than they already are.”
“Angels and vampires have never been on the same side,” Yukwon said.  “They aren’t around to make things worse so much as be our polar opposite.”
“And make you sick?”
“Well, no.  Most vampires just get irritated by them in a sort of annoying-rash fashion.  I’m just…special, I guess.”
“Of course.  I would choose to care about the one vampire who goes into full-blown anaphylactic shock…” 
 Misty clapped her hand over her mouth.  But it was too late.  She’d already spoken aloud.
“You should go get dressed.”  Yukwon’s voice had taken on an unmistakably affectionate tone, and he was looking at her with a very knowing smile.  “But just so you know, I was thinking about checking out some episodes of a new drama later.  If you’re interested, come watch with me.  It might take your mind of things.”
“I’ll think about it,” Misty said, and she darted from the room before she could dig herself any deeper into the proverbial hole. 
Back in the kitchen, Zico was making the most ridiculous sandwich Phoenix had ever seen.
"Please tell me you did not just put pickles and fried egg on top of that giant slab of salami."
"I'm stressed," Zico said.  "I get strange food cravings when I'm stressed.  Now what the hell were you doing talking to Angels?"
"I found a feather," Phoenix said.  "In Tablo's house.  So I went to find Amber."
"So Amber gave Yukwon the cupcake?"
Zico slapped some mayo on his sandwich.  "And here I thought she was one of the decent ones."
"Of course she's decent, she's an Angel."
"No, I mean she was decent for an Angel.  Like, not afraid to get her hands dirty.  Willing to linger in the moral grey area. Not a stickler for rules.”  
"Are you trying to say she deliberately tried to poison Yukwon?"
"I'm saying I would have though she, of all people, would have know better than to give a vampire a princess cupcake."  
"He wanted it!"
"Of course he did!  Angel food smells delicious.  But so do a lot of things.  That doesn't mean you should put them in your mouth."
"Please don't put that sandwich in your mouth, then, because it smells disgusting."  
Phoenix and Zico both turned around as a sleepy, shirtless Mino shuffled into the kitchen.  He looked pale, but he was also dead, so Phoenix wasn't too worried about that.  However she didn't remember the line of his shoulders being so broad, or his chest being so defined.  Or his arms being so...arm-y.  
"Hey," Zico said.  "No nudity in my kitchen."
"I'm not naked, I'm wearing sweatpants."
"I don't care, go put a shirt on."
"I don't feel like it."  Mino opened the fridge.  "What happened to Yukwon?"
"He had an allergic reaction to an Angel-made cupcake," Phoenix said.
"Angel?"  Mino closed the fridge, jar of kimchi in hand.  "Like, an angel-Angel?"
"Yeah," Zico said.  "Lawful good, sickeningly sweet personalities, big white wings?  Angel."
"Are they bad for us?" Mino asked.
"Vampires tend to have reactions to them," Phoenix said.  "To varying degrees, but Yukwon is apparently highly allergic."
"Which he knows," Zico said.  "But something scrambled his judgement. And for once, it wasn't Min messing with his head."  
"Maybe it's another side effect of the chaos," Phoenix offered.  
"It's possible..."  
"God, Mino.  Get a bowl."  Interrupting the conversation was Taehyun, also sleepy and also shirtless.  He frowned hard at Mino as Mino helped himself to kimchi right out of the jar with a pair of chopsticks. ”Someone else might want to eat some of that, you know.  That's so gross."  
"Um, Nammie? We're dead.  It's a little pointless to become a germaphobe now."
"It has nothing to do with germs and everything to do with bad manners."  Taehyun snatched the jar out of Mino's hand.  "Get a bowl, Song Minho."  
"Are you sure he's Yukwon's fledgling and not yours?" Phoenix asked, looking at Zico.
"What are you trying to say?" Zico returned.  "Anyway, to answer your first question, yes.  It's possible it's another side effect of the chaos.  Though honestly, I don't even know any more.  I feel like everything is just wrong, and it gets more wrong the more we try to find an explanation." 
"That's not the chaos, that's just everyday life with you."  Still damp from the bath (but fully clothed), Yukwon joined the kitchen party.  "I'm fine, by the way.  Thanks for checking back in."
"You had the cat.  She wasn't going to let you drown," Zico said.
"And you wonder why I like her so much," Yukwon sniped back.  
Zico raised an eyebrow, but let the sass stand, something that surprised Mino and Phoenix.  They exchanged a look. 
"I'm glad you're okay, Yukwon," Mino said, jumping in in an attempt to smooth any ruffled feathers.  "But I'm sorry I slept through everything.  I didn't even hear you guys come in."
"You've been a vampire for less than 48 hours.  Sleeping is what you should be doing,"  Yukwon said.
"Yeah, but..."
"Seriously, Mino.  Don't worry about it."
Yukwon walked out of the room.  The remaining four stared after him for a long time before Mino broke the silence.
"Jesus, man.  What did you do?"
"I don't know," Zico said.  "I saved his ass.  Unless he’s still be pissed about last night…”
“On the subject of last night, you know you were one hell of a mess, right?” Phoenix asked.  "You acted like a dick, and ruined my shoes."
"And her dress," Mino chimed in.
"And my dress," Phoenix agreed.
Zico broke off a piece of his sandwich and chewed thoughtfully.  "You know, I don't actually remember much," he said.  "I remember finding 'Kwon, and him carrying me home, but not…being messy.”
“You were,” Mino said.  “Figuratively and literally.  You threw up right before you passed out. Maybe you blacked out, too?”  
"Maybe," Zico agreed, but he didn't look convinced.
In the ensuing silence, Taehyun helped himself to some Mino’s kimchi.
Misty made it back to her room without encountering anyone, which was the first stroke of good luck she'd managed to have since de-catting in Yukwon's arms.  And she was startled to find two bags of her belongings sitting on the bed, alongside her favorite hoodie, a pair of track pants and...lacy, pink boyshorts.  Misty felt her face heat up.  Of course, it wasn't anything terrible.  It was actually surprisingly thoughtful that he remembered underwear.  She wondered if he'd remembered bras as well, but then she decided she didn't want to think about Yukwon going through her intimates drawer and, instead, changed quickly, foregoing anything more than a camisole since she wasn't leaving the house.  And she was about to leave to go say hello to Phoenix when she spotted something on the pillow.
Walking over, she picked it up.  It was the journal she kept by her bed where she jotted down things she needed to remember, especially after she'd shifted when things could fade quickly.  Most of it was nothing more than random, broken half-thoughts, but there were some doodles, too, and a few angry rants.  Hopefully Yukwon hadn't seen the one where she called him 'the stupidly attractive freak that roams around with Zico.'  In her defense, it was from before she knew his name, but it was still a private thought.  Especially the attractive part.
Setting the book back down, she zipped up her hoodie and left the room.  She really should say hi to Phee.  And maybe beg her to stay for a little while so she didn't have to feel so alone.
She was totally not prepared, though, for the number of half-naked men she found in the kitchen.  
In addition to Taehyun and Mino, Seunghoon and Jinwoo had stumbled in, the former in pjs, the latter in only a pair of boxers and caring less about it.  Misty cleared her throat to announce her presence, but the fledglings only looked at her and went back to eating, unphased by the addition of a female presence.  Misty wondered if lack of modesty was a universal vampire trait since they seemed to be some of the most clothing-adverse people she'd ever encountered.
"Hey," Phoenix greeted her.  "You're back."
"For the moment," Misty said.  "Did they tell you what happened?"
"Yeah, the boys filled me in, and I went by to see the damage myself before coming over here.  I'm really sorry, Misty.  I wish I knew what they were looking for."
"It's going to take days to get everything sorted and figure that out," Zico said.  "And we'll need Tablo's help for sure."
"If you give me a little bit, I might be able to help, too," Misty said.  "But right this second, I don't want to go back there."
"Did you see anyone?" Phoenix asked.  "Or smell anything?"
Misty shook her head.  "Nobody, and nothing.  Which was weird.  Even the normal household smells were gone.  It was just...it was like this weird empty, sensory void."
"That's really beautiful."  Mino looked up.  "Those words, I mean."
"Like lyrics," Taehyun said.  "Can we use that?"
Misty shrugged.  "Sure, if you want.  Though I don't know when you two think you're going back to work."  
"We'll figure out something."  Jinwoo looked at her and batted his eyelashes.  "I'm Jinwoo, by the way.  I know I saw you last night, but I never got to ask you your name."
"Her name is Misty," Zico said.  "And don't get any ideas, pretty boy.  Kitty is spoken for."
“Don't call me...oh forget it."  At this point, it wasn't even worth the argument.  "Is there anything to eat that I don’t have to cook?  I’m kinda hungry.”
“Yeah.  There’s leftover ramen.”  Mino stood up and went to get Misty a bowl.  "You want spicy? Or leave it mild?"
"Mild.  I still feel a little woozy from coming out of cat form.”
"Is shifting hard?"  Jinwoo asked.
"It can be," Misty said.  "It's better when I consciously decided to do it.  Less residual weirdness than when things sort of go on instinct.”
Zico lifted a brow, but Misty ignored him in favor of the bowl Mino set down in front of her. 
"Here you go,”  he said.  ”I put a little soy sauce on it, but no spices. And, for what it’s worth, I think it's really cool that you can change your form at will. How did you learn?"
"I've been able to do it my whole life.  It's a family trait.  All my sisters are shifters, too.”
"Wait, you have sisters?" Zico demanded.  "There's more of you?"
"At least three," Misty said.  “That I remember.  There are probably some others that I don't know about, but three for certain.  They’re all older.”
Zico took an angry bite of gross sandwich.     
Phoenix didn't even try to hide her smile.  
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