#KPop Scenarios
seungfl0wer · 2 days
🩵Hi Saturn🩵
Angsty game prompt 20 and Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin 🩵
Prompt 20: “You’re staring at her”
Warnings: Cursing, Self Doubt, Tiny bit suggestive (Seungs), Sorry for any mistakes
Invisible Ink Game Master List
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💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat
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babeyun · 2 days
falling alone ✩ l.hs [teaser two]
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✩ series m.list | taglist form ✩ synopsis: cold cases were heeseung’s specialty, and he cracked every single one. cold hearts were your specialty, and you have yet to make a single chip in your husband’s. ✩ genre: established relationship au | hurt-comfort ✩ pairing: lieutenant!lhs x housewife!reader ✩ word count: 1.4k | [full fic: tbd] ✩ rating: 18+. minors dni. ✩ warnings: a little more pining between husband!hee & wife!reader, a bit of outsider help. nothing explicit ✩ author's note: hello everyone! i just wanted to let you all know that i am trying my best to get this fic out before the end of the year (and if i don't, i do go on winter break from uni in early december! so we can expect a few fics in that time.) this being said, i will add a taglist link here as well as the series masterlist because i cannot for the life of me keep up with urls at the moment. the people tagged below have already been added to said taglist, but if you wanna jump on and don't see yourself tagged, please fill out the form linked above! thanks!
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Heeseung knows that Dr. Bahng told him to leave work at work. However, Dr. Bahng said nothing about bringing home to work. He said nothing about thinking about you at work, or missing you, or daydreaming about you instead of analyzing the reports that a pair of rookies messed up. He also said nothing about reading articles by some sketchy romance columnist on how to keep your relationship alive, which is exactly what Heeseung was scrolling through right now. 
There are things in a relationship that must always be shared in order to avoid, or resolve conflict. How the other person is making you feel, how you are making them feel, and how to tackle both negative checklists properly. It is key to always remember that it must be you and your partner against the problem, not you and your partner against each other.
You make Heeseung feel…alive. You make him feel loved, cherished, and even at some bizarre times, worshiped. You make him appreciate waking up at the ass crack of dawn, your sleeping face relaxed as he peppers kisses across your warm skin – something he's thankful never manages to wake you up, but it adds to all the adoration he holds in his heart for you.
How does he make you feel? Dejected, neglected, rejected. Pushed aside for the true love of his life – work. You never bring it up unless he asks. You never brought it up until last July, when he was slumped in his office chair after drinking half a bottle of sherry whiskey, listening to music and thinking about yet another dead end that deterred him from finding Soyoung. You had approached him with a gentle gaze, a soft touch to his shoulder and asking about taking a shower together. You never questioned him, you never pressured him, you never tried to make him something you assumed he just wasn't – an attentive, doting husband.
And he remembers how he asked you, too. He remembers spinning around in his chair, asking you if he was everything you'd ever wanted. Asking you if he was living up to your expectations, as a husband, as a life partner, as a friend, even.
And he remembers the way you sighed carefully before perching on his desk. "You're everything I've ever wanted, and I'm sure you'll continue to grow and be even more deserving of the love I hold for you." You had smiled, your hand coming to rest on his cheek. "Nothing we can't work through, you know? If I was given a choice in another life, another world – I'd still choose you."
He will never forget it, and he can still feel the warmth of your lips against his as you led him to the bathroom. He can still feel the ache of your love on his skin from the way you held him under the running water, quietly basking in his presence as the mint of your shampoo filled his nose. Nothing is as special to him as you are. 
There are things that should routinely be shared in order to maintain a homeostasis of the calendar. Asking how their day was, if you have any ideas for dinner tonight, or if you'd like to do something this weekend to celebrate the mundane. It shouldn't be difficult to establish a routine with your partner, if you are in tune with them. A kiss goodbye in the morning, a warm embrace in the evenings. A shared meal, a shared bath, a shared bed. 
Heeseung can't remember the last time he fully checked in with you – you always have something to do. You always attempt new creative projects, and his fingers toy with the fabric of his slacks as he remembers that you hand stitched them. He thinks about how you waited for him all night yesterday, and the disappointment you must have felt when he arrived late. He thinks about how he just doesn't make time to tackle the problem that you two are constantly glossing over by being intimate – he knows you don't feel loved. 
He didn't ask you about your day yesterday, or the day before, or last week. He didn't ask you if you were sewing anything new, learning any new pieces on the piano collecting dust in the living room. He hasn't asked about your mother, but at least he knows you don't like to talk about her. 
Heeseung hasn't asked you a single thing about yourself, or your life, and he doesn't know how long it's been. Even last night, your eyes were focused entirely on him – the way his lips twitched when you said you liked the wine he chose, the way he pulled your leg over his in the booth you were sharing. You asked him about work, and he just shook his head as he pointed out the new menu items. 
You love him so selflessly.
Something that works for my partner and I is parallel play. We aren't necessarily doing something together, but we are present in the same room and doing our own thing. Knowing that he is there, and that if I need him, I can reach for him, adds a comfort to our relationship. Aside from this, we also come together every two weeks and address any issues we may be experiencing – both in our relationship and our individual lives. We resolve the issues about us together, and advise the other on our personal issues. Balance!
You do this a lot. If Heeseung is home, you'll wander to wherever he is and sit down where you can, and quietly go about your business. Sometimes it's a new cross-stitch, sometimes it's just putting a headphone in and listening to music. Sometimes you're giving yourself a pedicure, sometimes you're just sitting there staring at his corkboard of paraphernalia while matching your breathing to his. It was subtle, something you thought he'd never notice.
He sighs, exiting out of the tab before grabbing his coat off the back of his chair. Tugging it on, he uses one hand to log out of his computer when he hears three knocks on the door. A lightness of the rapping knuckles similar to yours…and your smiling face appears as you crack open the door. "Surprise?" He hates that he can't bite back his smile, a few of his fellow officers wide-eyed at his expression. He nods silently, and you extend your hand for him when you hear his coworkers whispering about you. With a dejected look, you tuck your hand back into the pocket of your jeans, "Guess we don't want them gossiping, right?" "Right." He mumbles, his own hand twitching around the doorknob as he pulls it shut behind him. He wants to reach for you, embrace the warmth you bring, show you off to the people he often calls his friends. Sunghoon catches his eye, a quizzical look on his face before shaking his head. 
Heeseung reaches for you, but you've already made your way towards the door. Your smile has lessened as you open the door, holding it for him. "How was work?" You ask as he joins you in the cool air, and he wastes no time wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you in close, his nose buried in your hair. You hesitate to wrap your arms around him, instead leaning back to try and meet his eyes. "Hee?" "Don't ask me about work." He mutters, before pressing his lips to yours softly. You let out a noise of surprise, but you can't melt into his touch before he pulls away. "I hate talking about work, let's talk about you. Over lunch." He takes your hand in his, gently pulling you to his side as he makes his way to the car. He doesn't see yours in the parking lot, so he only assumes you got a rideshare before you clear your throat. "Are you okay?" The words are slightly jumbled as he leads you to the passenger side, opening the door for you, helping you step in. "Hm? Why do you ask?"
"Well…you're actually out of the office. And you want to go to lunch…and you don't want to talk about work?" Your voice is meek, and it makes his chest ache as he reaches to buckle your seatbelt in for you. "I just want to spend time with you. Shall we?" His smile is a little forced, until he sees the soft gloss of embarrassment over your eyes. "Okay."
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BABEYUN © 2024. no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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TAGLIST [those in red could not be tagged] @thesassy-mia @starfallia @ramenoil @hoonieversies @wintabite @shnnzsworld @eneiyri @jjongsha @ilovejungwonandhaechan @oopshee @capri-cuntz @petalsofink @teddybeartaetae @chocminteu @moon0fthenight @delvziion @heeseungthel0ml @bbyjw @marimariiiiiiii @thenastone
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lilacmingi · 2 days
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. And please don’t spam-like!
Pairing: Dr. Facilier!Mingi x fem!reader
Word count: 8,130
Note: I was rereading over this while drafting it here from my Wattpad and I totally forgot how much I loved it 😫
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The sound of the front door being slammed shut echoed throughout your home, followed by the sound of keys being dropped into the glass bowl kept in the foyer.
"You're not gonna believe what just happened." Your brother, Wooyoung, hissed angrily as he stormed into the living room.
"What?" You asked, rolling your eyes.
"I went to that voodoo guy and he screwed me over."
"You what?" You sat upright, giving him a sharp glare. "You know those people are quacks."
"I was curious." He defended.
"What exactly did this guy do?"
"He did some card reading to predict my future and it was horrible."
"I don't see what the problem is. You paid to have your future told."
"He was all upbeat and excited saying that he saw a bright future for me and then when I paid him and pulled cards, he told me I was gonna lose all my money and die alone."
"Seems pretty accurate to me."
"Hey!" He huffed, slapping your arm.
"It's the truth! You lost money on that reading."
"Don't you get it? He made me think I was gonna get a good reading and I didn't. I was tricked."
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know. Something."
"Do something, Y/n." He whined, shoving your shoulder.
"Cut it out."
"Not until you do something."
"You can take care of it yourself. If you're not satisfied, go talk to the guy."
"If I go back, he'll recognize me. Plus, he has a sign up that says no refunds."
You stared up at the purple and green sign that read: Dr. Song's Voodoo Emporium. There were two torches up on either side of the sign, casting an orange glow on the letters.
You didn't even know why you were there. Maybe you did care that Wooyoung got scammed or maybe you knew he wouldn't quit complaining about losing money if you didn't do something.
"It's now or never." You muttered to yourself before pulling open the creaky door and stepping inside.
"Welcome." A deep and somewhat husky voice greeted you from somewhere in the shadows. "You know, I always say fate brings people into my little shop."
Suddenly, the room was illuminated by many candles and lanterns, all being set aflame on their own and all at once. Stepping out from the dark shadows was a tall, slim man with silvery hair pushed away from his face. He donned an outfit consisting of a vest, an animal print suit jacket, dark trousers, and boots. In his hand was a cane with a gold skull on the end.
"So, darling, do you think fate brought you here?" He asked, extending his hand to you.
"I think you ripping off my brother brought me here." You answered.
He retracted his hand, his strong brows tugging together. "What ever do you mean?"
"You scammed my brother."
"I don't know your brother." He stated.
"You told him you saw a bright future for him and when he got a card reading, you told him he would lose all his money and die alone."
"Sorry to inform you, but I can't control that."
"Yeah, right."
"I swear. It's not me. It's the cards."
"The cards?" You scoffed. "Please."
"It's true. I don't decide people's futures."
"I knew it. You're just a scam artist." You hissed, stalking towards the exit.
"Woah, woah, woah, woah!" The man hurried to stand in front of the door, his hands up as he tried to stop you from leaving.
You sighed, crossing your arms as you waited to hear what he had to say.
"I'm a man who likes to make bargains. So, how about this? I give your brother another reading for free if you let me give you a reading right now."
"You scammed my brother and you think I want a reading from you? No thanks. I'm not interested in your tricks."
"No tricks."
"You're lying. I know how con men like you work."
"Fine. I guess you don't want to help your brother."
"You know that's not true."
"Oh, but it is. If you really wanted to help your brother, you would take this simple deal."
"Why do you want to give me a reading so badly?"
"Can I not give a pretty lady a free reading?"
Your eyes narrowed. "If I do this, you'll give my brother another reading?"
"Of course." He grinned, extending his hand. "What do you say?"
"Fine." You give in, shaking his hand.
"Wonderful." He smiled, gesturing to a round table in the middle of the room. "Have a seat."
I can't believe I'm doing this. You thought to yourself.
"I don't want any funny business, Dr. Song."
"Please, call me Mingi. And I can assure you, no funny business."
In a flash, a deck of tarot cards appeared in his hands. He shuffled through them before fanning them out across the table, three of them sticking out from the rest.
"Oh." Mingi gasped. "It seems fate has already picked for you."
That's weird.
You didn't even see him touch the cards. They just moved on their own.
Mingi flipped the cards over, humming to himself. "Interesting."
"What?" You inquired, leaning forward to get a look at the cards.
"You're lonely, aren't you?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're lonely." He looked up at you, his dark irises boring into yours.
"No. I'm not."
The corner of Mingi's mouth twitched as a breathy chuckle left him. "You are."
"I'm not. I'm content."
"Are you?"
"I..." You trailed off, swallowing.
Were you lonely? You didn't feel lonely. Not all the time, anyway.
"You've never been one for relationships, have you?" Mingi inquired, tapping on the first card.
"How do you know that?"
"I know all. Past, present, and even the future. And it seems to me that you've always been hesitant of getting into relationships. You say you're content now and, while that may be true, you're unhappy." He tapped on the second card, most likely indicating the present.
"I'm not unhappy." You denied.
"Deep down, you are. I see it clear as day." His sharp eyes stayed focused on you.
You didn't like the way he was looking at you. It felt like he was staring right into your soul, reading your every emotion.
"Let's see your future, shall we?"
He glanced down at the third card, his brows raising in fascination .
"Seems like you're going to find love in an unexpected place." Mingi's head tilted, a strand of silvery hair falling over his forehead. "A very unexpected place."
You blinked a few times, waiting for him to continue. "And?"
"That's all."
"That's it."
"What will he look like? Where will I meet him? How long will it be until I meet him?"
"I don't know."
"But you said you could see the past, present, and future."
"To a certain extent. I don't know all the details."
You pressed your lips together, feeling slightly peeved. To your disappointment, you couldn't exactly be mad at him. The reading wasn't a bad one, it just wasn't as detailed as you'd hoped. Part of you wanted to hear more, but the other part wanted to leave that place as quickly as possible.
"You seem rather interested for a person who thinks I'm a scam artist." Mingi smirked.
You immediately backpedaled. "I'm not interested. I just expected more detail."
"That's not how my readings work. In fact, that's not how any readings work. You don't always get what you want."
"Well, I let you give me a reading, so a deal's a deal. You give my brother another reading for free. No tricks."
"Of course." He placed one hand over his chest and raised the other. "I assure you, I'm a man of my word."
"We'll see about that." You turned on your heel, ready to leave the establishment.
"Wait. I never got your name."
"You don't need it."
You reached for the doorknob only to have the lock turned by some strange shadow that resembled Mingi. The sight was unsettling and caused you to step away from the entrance.
You glared over your shoulder at Dr. Song.
"Unlock it."
"I'd like your name first."
"It's Y/n."
The door unlocked in an instant.
"That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
You abruptly pulled the door open, ready to leave. You had only taken one step outside when Mingi called out for you again.
"One more thing."
You huffed out a sigh of annoyance as you turned towards the fortune teller.
"Here's my card." He held a small business card between his middle and index finger, offering it to you. "In case you ever need me."
You took the card from him, knowing you'd never use it.
"I'll see you around, my dear." He waved as he watched you leave the shop.
"I get another reading?" Wooyoung asked.
"Yes. No charge."
"Will it be a good one?" He questioned, skeptically.
"He didn't say."
"What if I get a bad reading again?" He whined.
"You should just be thankful he offered you another for free."
"You're right. Thanks for going down there."
"You're welcome."
"So, should we go down there tomorrow?"
"We? No, no, no, no. There is no we. You're going down there alone. I'm not going back there." You denied.
"Why not?"
"He's annoying."
"That's not a valid excuse."
"I don't see why I have to accompany you."
"What if he tries something? Any tricks, I mean."
"He promised no tricks."
"I still want you to come with me."
And that's how you ended up back at Dr. Song's Voodoo Emporium... again.
"I don't wanna do this." You groaned.
"It won't be that bad. We'll be in and out in no time." Wooyoung assured you.
You highly doubted that.
Your annoyingly optimistic brother stepped inside, pulling you with him.
The shop was lit up better than the previous day, allowing you to see all the strange doodads inside: jars lined up on driftwood shelves, bottles of of every shape and size filled with multicolored liquids, books with foreign symbols on the spines, even animal skulls.
"Well, look who's wandered back into my shop."
You rolled your eyes as Mingi stepped from the shadows, making yet another dramatic entrance.
"It wasn't by choice." You stated.
"I'm here for my free reading." Wooyoung spoke up, stupidly unaware of the tension between you and Mingi.
"Ah, yes. Wooyoung, right?"
Your brother nodded.
"Come. Have a seat. Since your last reading for the future was bad, I'll give you a redo for it."
"Sounds good."
You stood off to the side, giving the two some space. From there, you watched Mingi, making sure he didn't pull any tricks.
He pulled out his deck of tarot cards, shuffling them around before presenting them to Wooyoung.
"Pick three cards and we'll see what your future holds."
Your brother's hand hovered over the cards laid out across the tabletop until he selected his first card, then the second, then the third. Each selection was made carefully, as he didn't want to get another bad reading.
"Alright. Let's see what we have here." Mingi hummed, flipping over the first card.
"Oh. This one is good. It means that you'll have some luck."
Mingi then flipped over the second card.
"Mhm." He hummed, with a nod. "This one could mean that there will be a rough patch for you at some point."
Wooyoung frowned.
Mingi flipped over the last card, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Well, it seems that you'll get through that rough patch and be content in where you are in life."
"Really?" Wooyoung asked.
Mingi nodded.
"What about getting rich? You mentioned that last time before you got me to pay for a reading."
"Ah. Well, I can make that happen for you if you still want it."
Your brows furrowed as you watched their exchange, feeling unsettled by Mingi's words, as well as his shifty behavior.
"Yes!" Your brother answered, enthusiastically. "Is that even possible?"
"Of course it is, Wooyoung. I have friends on the other side that can help me to change your future around."
"Woah. Seriously?"
"Of course. I can make your dreams come true. What do you say?" Mingi extended his hand out towards Wooyoung.
As your brother reached towards Mingi's hand, you saw that shadow from the day before reaching towards Wooyoung. Sensing that something wasn't right, you jumped into action, lunging forward and pulling your naive brother's hand away.
Wooyoung looked at you with wide eyes and an expression that said, 'What's wrong with you?'
"Are you insane?!" You shrieked.
"No. I'd say I'm the complete opposite actually. I'm about to be rich!"
"No you're not, you idiot. He's trying to trick you. Are you not even the slightest bit worried by these so-called 'friends from the other side'? There could be some serious repercussions to this."
"Uh..." He trailed off.
"Are you seriously going to trust the guy who scammed you?"
His jaw dropped in realization.
"You!" He pointed at Mingi. "You we're trying to trick me again."
"You almost fell for it." He muttered under his breath.
"Unbelievable." You scoffed. "We're leaving."
Wooyoung stood up and the two of you started to walk out.
"Don't be like that." Mingi called out.
"Look, my brother got his free reading and that's that. We're done here."
You didn't allow him any more time to speak as you and Wooyoung left the shop, slamming the door behind you.
"Now do you see why I wanted you to come with me?" Wooyoung asked once the two of you were outside.
"I do. I'm glad I was there, but that doesn't mean I wanted to be."
"You're right. He's a total scam artist."
"I know. Good news is, we won't have to deal with him ever again. You got your free reading, so everything is settled."
Wooyoung gave a nod of finality as the two of you walked away.
You scanned the shelves for any snacks that caught your eye. Wooyoung was in "desperate" need of honey butter chips and annoyed you into going to the convenience store. You figured since you were going out of your way to get his snacks, you might as well get something for yourself.
"Well, would you look at that."
Your brows furrowed at the familiar voice. Turning your head, you spotted someone you didn't expect to see.
Mingi stood at the end of the aisle with one hand resting on his cane and a shopping basket over his other arm, a smug grin on his face.
"You've gotta be kidding me." You muttered.
"What was that?" He asked, walking over.
"Why are you here?" You questioned, ignoring him.
"What does it look like?"
He chuckled. "Just because we happen to be at the same place at the same time doesn't mean I'm stalking you. You know what I call it?"
"Well, I call it annoying." You remarked, walking away.
"Ouch." Mingi hissed. "Those are harsh words."
"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have shopping to do."
You left the aisle you were in, not wanting to share the same area with that fraud. You relocated to a different aisle, perusing the snacks there, picking up a couple things. To your disappointment, Mingi had followed you.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"Because I have no interest in speaking to you. Nor do I have a reason to speak to you."
"That's a shame."
"Yeah. A real shame." You remarked sarcastically.
You tried, yet again, to get away from him, but to no avail. No matter where you went, he followed.
"Why don't you tell me about yourself? Do you have any hobbies?" He inquired.
"Is that your way of flirting? If so, you're doing a terrible job."
He had that same shameless smirk on his face, letting you know that he didn't care that he was annoying you to no end. You already have Wooyoung harassing you at home, you didn't need another one.
"Come on. I wanna know more about you, darling."
"Don't call me that."
"Why?" He asked, leaning over your shoulder. "Does it make your heart race? Hm?"
"No, it makes me want to throw up."
"You are merciless." Chuckled Mingi. "Don't worry, though. I'm a very persuasive man. I'm sure I could get you to change your tune."
Your patience was wearing thin. You didn't know how much more you could take. This man's incessant questions and flirty remarks were beginning to drive you to madness.
"Look," You started, placing a bag of snacks into your basket. "I'm not interested, okay? Nothing you say and nothing you do will change my mind, got it?"
Mingi's brows raised at your harsh words, but you could see that he wasn't affected by them. In fact, he actually had the audacity to smirk.
"We'll see about that."
Weeks passed and every time you left the house, you ran into Mingi. It didn't matter where you went, he was always there. He had somehow found a way to be exactly where you were every single time—and it was annoying.
Mingi's shadow slipped underneath the front door of his shop, slinking across the walls until it got to the office located in the back.
"Ah. There you are." Mingi greeted. "What have you found out?"
His shadow moved close to him, leaning in, telling him something in a hushed voice.
"What's that?" Mingi asked, leaning closer so he could hear better.
His shadow whispered in his ear, a smirk tugging at Mingi's lips as he listened to the information his shadow provided him.
"Ah. So, she's going to an art festival? Perhaps I'll pay her a visit."
You walked along the sidewalk, browsing the tents set up on the street. There were many different artists selling a wide variety of wares. From uniquely-shaped vases to colorful works of art—they had it all. You enjoyed going places alone every once in a while, so when you heard about a nearby art festival, you knew you had to check it out.
Your fingers ran over a canvas painting, feeling the texture of the pigment. Bright colors were spread across the surface, layered and mixed to make different hues and shadows in the artwork.
"This is a really nice painting." You told the vendor. "How long did it take you?"
"Around 48 hours."
"Woah. That's a lot of work."
"It is." The vendor nodded. "But, I enjoy it, so I don't even realize how much time passes."
You smiled softly.
You loved hearing about the interests and hobbies of others, especially how they enjoy it so much it doesn't feel like work or that they get so immersed in it that they lose track of time.
"Fate just keeps bringing us together."
The soft smile on your face fell immediately.
That better not be who I think it is.
You slowly turned towards Mingi who stood behind you, propped on his cane that he constantly carried with him.
Every time you saw him, he was wearing some sort of vest and jacket, each one with a different pattern or color. Today was no different, except that there were round glasses perched on his nose. You had to admit, the spectacles made him appear softer in a way.
You paused.
The mere thought that Mingi looked softer put you back in your place. You quickly reminded yourself that this man was a scam artist (and a stalker, apparently) and shook away any thoughts about him being remotely soft, pushing them away to the deepest corners of your mind, hoping they wouldn't resurface.
You told the vendor goodbye and wished them luck on their sales before approaching Mingi, your expression cold and void of any emotion except anger and annoyance.
"If you don't quit stalking me, I'm going to call the cops."
"The cops? I'd like to see them try and do something." He chuckled.
"Why can't you just leave me alone? I only visited your measly little shop to right a wrong for my brother. The deal is done. I have no business with you any more, so I don't know why you keep following me around."
Mingi tilted his head to the side, an amused expression plastered on his face.
"What do you want from me?" You asked flat-out, not cutting any corners.
"I want you, Y/n."
You weren't expecting that answer at all. You tried to cover up the fact that you were caught off guard, responding in a cold voice.
"You can't have me."
"Is that a challenge?" He raised a brow.
"No. It's a statement."
You turned on your heel, leaving him standing on the sidewalk. You didn't care that you had ditched him. After all, he's the one who encroached on your day out.
A nearby tent caught your attention. The vendor had many intricate wood carvings on display. They were so beautiful that you stopped for a moment to admire them, complimenting the man on his incredible handiwork. You chatted with him for a moment, asking how he makes such complex creations. You ended up purchasing a small keychain with a carving of a skull hanging from it.
You continued down the street, taking a few moments to check out anything that caught your eye. One of those items was a medium-sized canvas with multicolored neon shapes painted on the surface. The background was black, making the vibrant hues stand out. You loved it and you had to have it.
Greeting the woman running the booth, you immediately picked up the canvas, mentioning how much you loved it. After glancing at the price, you decided you would purchase it. You looked down only for a moment, digging through your wallet to retrieve some cash for the lady. You had just counted out the money when a hand extended past you, neatly folded bills held between two slender, ring-clad fingers.
"I got it covered."
The lady took the money, thanking the person. You turned to see Mingi behind you, his tall form leaned over you slightly. You had to keep it together long enough for the vendor to hand you the canvas which had been placed in a plastic shopping bag. You gave her a friendly smile and wished her luck on the rest of her sales before walking away so she wouldn't hear you scream at Mingi.
As much as you wanted to think he bought that for you out of the kindness of his heart, you knew he didn't. He had something up his sleeve.
"Aren't you gonna thank me?" Mingi asked before you had the chance to say anything to him.
"Ah. Well, I suppose that's fine. However, you do owe me."
"I beg your pardon?" You asked, stopping in your tracks.
"You owe me." He repeated.
"I don't owe you anything."
"Oh, but you do. I just paid for that painting."
"That was your choice. I had nothing to do with it."
"You still owe me."
"You know what?" You muttered, digging through your wallet. You pulled out enough money to cover the cost of the painting, shoving the cash into his chest. He stumbled a bit, placing his hand over the money to keep it from falling.
"I paid you back. We're square now." You told him.
"Did you?" He raised a brow.
You narrowed your eyes at him as he showed you an empty hand. You looked in your wallet, then began patting down your pockets, reaching into one of them, pulling out the wad of cash you'd just given to Mingi.
"Wh-what? How did you—"
"Like I said, you owe me."
"You... you..." Trailing off, you tried to find the right words to describe the man in front of you. "You snake!"
He seemed unfazed by the attempted insult.
"Whatever it is you're wanting me to do, I won't do it." You snapped.
"Spend the day with me." He told you.
"You really think I want to spend the day watching you scam people? No thanks."
"Would you rather do something else? I'm sure I could think of other ways for you to make it up to me." He told you, his eyes looking you up and down.
Your mouth fell open. "You sicko."
"That's not what I meant." He huffed. "Look, I just want you to spend the day with me, that's all. Come hang out at my shop with me."
"I'm not interested." You told him, sternly.
"Excuse me, young lady." Someone called out, catching your attention.
You turned towards the voice to see where it was coming from. A man in a black coat wearing many odd necklaces made of bone stepped out into the street.
"Me?" You pointed to yourself.
"What is it?" You inquired, stepping towards the man's tent, noticing all the unique and odd jewelry he sold.
"You are quite a stunning young woman."
"Oh. Thank you." You responded, thrown off by the strange and sudden compliment.
"I think you'd look lovely wearing this necklace." He grabbed a black velvet box from behind the table, opening it up to show you the product.
The chain was silver and on the end was a unique pendant, one that you'd never seen before. An iridescent stone was encased in intricate, silver designs. The gemstone is what really caught your attention. It changed colors in the light, looking purple from one direction, then a green-ish teal color from the other. But, if you looked at it straight on, it was a mix of colors—it was enchanting.
"It's beautiful." You commented.
"I made it myself." The man told you, removing it from the box. "Go on. Have a look. You can try it on if you'd like."
You stepped forward, your hand reaching for the necklace. Just then, Mingi's hand shot out, grabbing onto your wrist before you could even touch the pendant. You turned to him with a questioning look on your face.
"Sorry, but we're not interested." He told the man in a stern tone, his voice dangerously low.
The vendor gave Mingi a hard glare as you were dragged away.
"What was that about?" You asked once the man was out of earshot.
"There was a bad energy surrounding that necklace." Mingi responded, his face solemn. "It's probably cursed."
"Cursed? Why would someone try to sell me a cursed necklace?"
"There are dangerous people in the world who love meddling with the lives of others."
"Isn't that what you do?"
"No. I help people. Sometimes I have sneaky ways of doing it, but it's nothing like what that man does."
"You both trick people. I don't see the difference." You stated.
"That may be true, but at least I don't try and sell people cursed items."
You were about to tease him for admitting that he indeed scams people, but you knew all along, so there was no need to joke about it.
You did feel a little touched by the fact that he stopped you from getting a malediction from a cursed necklace. You honestly didn't think he had it in him.
"I'll spend the day with you." You spoke up.
"What?" Mingi turned to you, his normally sharp and narrow eyes now wide in surprise, glimmering with hope.
You had to stop yourself from fawning over how insanely adorable his eyes were.
You cleared your throat before repeating yourself. "I'll spend the day with you."
"Really? What made you change your mind?"
"You just saved me from catching a curse. I guess I owe you for that."
The very next day you found yourself standing in Mingi's voodoo shop again, this time on your own volition. You walked around the room, getting a good look at everything inside. If you were going to be there all day, you might as well make the most of it.
He had all sorts of strange knickknacks, trinkets, and novelties. One of those being lucky rabbit foot keychains. You figure that was typical for a voodoo shop. On the driftwood shelf, besides all the strange liquid-filled bottles, there appeared to be elixirs and bath salts, some promising good luck, while others just promised a boost of energy. In a basket under a wall of ominous-looking masks were dozens of voodoo dolls.
"Do people actually use these?" You asked.
"They sure do, my dear." Mingi answered.
"Seriously?" You turned towards him. "Do they work?"
"Would you like to test one and find out?"
You recoiled your hand, not liking how confident his tone was. "No thanks."
"Very well. The offer is still on the table if you change your mind." He hummed, straightening his jacket and smoothing his hair out.
The door to the shop opened, catching your attention. A customer stepped inside, looking around the small building.
"Ah. Welcome." Mingi greeted. "Is there anything I can help you with on this fine morning?"
"I was told you do card readings." The young man spoke.
"I do indeed. Have a seat."
You watched as Mingi's shadow moved across the floor, pulling the chair out for the customer. Every time you saw his shadow move, you got a shiver down your spine. Something wasn’t right. It may be Mingi's shadow, but it seems to have a mind of its own and is beyond his control.
"Am I interrupting something?" The man asked, noticing your presence.
"No. She's just watching me work, that's all." Mingi brushed it off. "So, what would you like to know? Your future? Or maybe there's a certain someone you have your eye on and you want to see if you'll win them over. Hm?" He raised a curious brow.
"Y-yes! How'd you know that?" The man questioned.
"I know everything. I can see right into your heart and soul." He responded, shuffling his tarot cards.
Mingi then began the card reading, holding them out to the customer. He selected his cards and Mingi begin interpreting each one. He shook his head, making a tsk sound.
"Seems like you won't ever get with this girl."
"What?" The man frowned.
"Yes. The cards are telling me that she'll find someone else."
You crossed your arms, upset by the man's reading.
"Aw. Don't look so down." Mingi cooed, placing the end of his cane under the man's chin, using it to lift the his head. "I have something that'll help win her heart."
"Really?" The man's face lit up instantly.
"Of course." Mingi stood from his chair, striding over to a cabinet. He retrieved a small box, carrying it over to the table. He open it up revealing a beautiful necklace with a heart- shaped charm.
"That's beautiful."
"It's powerful too."
"The necklace is charmed. If you put it on her, she'll fall in love with you."
"For real?"
Mingi nodded.
"Hm." The man hummed. "Do you have anything else?"
Mingi seemed disappointed, but turned up the charm, smiling brightly. "Of course."
He strode over to the shelf of bottles, retrieving one of them. "How about a love potion?"
You rolled your eyes.
Yeah, right.
"A love potion?" The customer parroted.
"Yes. If you give her some of this, she'll fall for you instantly."
"Really? How do you know?"
"I got it from my friends on the other side. They can make all sorts of magic potions."
Friends on the other side?
He's said that before. As far as you know, you've only seen his shadow, so who are these friends of his?
"How much?" The man asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
You cleared your throat, grabbing Mingi's attention. You stared at him intently, shaking your head no, silently telling him not to trick that man.
"Excuse me a moment." Mingi walked over to you, making sure you were both far enough from the man that he wouldn't hear.
"What are you doing?" You whispered harshly.
"Business." He responded, plainly.
"No you're not. You're scamming. What's the truth behind that necklace? And that so-called love potion?"
"Well, they both really do work. If he uses the love potion, he has to be the first person she sees. The necklace only works when she's wearing it. And as soon as the necklace is clasped around her neck, her soul immediately belongs to my friends on the other side."
"What?!" You whisper-yelled trying not to completely freak out. "You're gonna let him sell this girl's soul without knowing?"
"If he chooses the necklace, yeah."
"How can you be so nonchalant about this? Do you not have any remorse?"
"I have to please my friends on the other side."
"You see, doll. I have these friends—beings, if you will. They help me make things become a reality for people, but they need something in return. I do the bidding for them and give them what they want, and in return, they give me something I want."
"That's sick." You spat.
"It's just business, dear." He brushed you off, returning to his unsuspecting customer.
"So, what do you say?" He asked, taking his place back at the table.
"How much for the necklace?"
"Free of charge." Mingi smiled. "All I ask is payment for the card reading. That's it."
The customer was enticed by the offer and was ready to accept.
Knowing what you know now, you didn't want the poor guy to get caught up in a bigger mess. You stared Mingi down, shaking your head. He stared back, his eyes not leaving yours for a long moment as he reconsidered. Then, before the customer could answer, he spoke up.
"Actually," Mingi started. "Forget the necklace, the potion too. There's another way you can possibly change the outcome of all this."
"Really? How?"
"What you need to do is take her out. Ask her on a date and see where it goes from there."
"Are you sure?"
Mingi nodded. "I can't guarantee that it will work, but it's worth a shot. The sooner you do it, the better. That way no one else snags her before you."
"Okay. I think I can muster up the courage to ask her. Thank you so much." The man smiled, pulling money from his pocket. "I'll definitely try that."
Mingi took the cash from him. "Before you go, take this." He grabbed a rabbit's foot keychain, placing it into the man's hand. "Good luck."
"Wow. Thanks a lot!" The customer beamed, leaving the shop.
As soon as the door closed, the fortune teller turned to you.
"Are you happy? You probably screwed me out of a customer." He grumbled, counting the cash.
You saw his eyes widen before he began to frantically recount the bills in his hand.
"He paid me extra."
"He paid me a few dollars more than what I charge." He gaped.
"Yeah. He must have really liked my advice." Mingi smiled, shoving the money into his pocket. "I'm a genius."
"You wouldn't have given that advice had I not stopped you from completely ruining his life."
He pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes. "Fine. I suppose you have a point."
Throughout the day, you watched Mingi give readings to people and try to sell them items that you knew had a twisted backstory to them. Somehow, you were able to get him to rethink things and give his customers an actual solution to their problems rather than scamming them into purchasing something that would possibly ruin their lives.
All in all, you'd say your time spent with Mingi wasn't all that bad and you were glad that you were able to possibly save the souls of a few people during your time in the shop.
"Well, today was... enlightening to say the least." You said. "I should go now."
You prepared to leave until Mingi stopped you.
"Would you like something to eat before you go home? You've been here all day and neither of us have eaten. I'll pay."
"You won't use it as an excuse to say I owe you again, will you?"
"No." He shook his head. "Promise."
You were pretty hungry and you couldn't turn down free food, so you agreed. A delivery order was called in shortly. You assisted Mingi in tidying up his shop after a long day while you waited for your meal to be delivered.
Half an hour passed and you found yourself sitting at the round table in the middle of the shop chatting with Mingi while the two of you ate.
"So, what did you think?" Mingi asked, grabbing a large bite of ramen.
"Well, I didn't like how you tried to trick people. I did, however, like what you told them after you chose to be honest."
He couldn't help but feel proud of himself after hearing your words. At first, he was angry that you made him feel guilty for attempting to scam people, but as the day went on, he realized it wasn't so bad. He'd have to find a way to make up for it when he contacts his friends on the other side later, but he wasn't really worried about that at the moment. He was having a wonderful time with you.
Mingi's shadow was agitated that you managed to get in his head and talk him out of striking any deals. The shadow knew you were bad news from the start. You deterred Mingi from doing many tasks, which caused his friends on the other side to become impatient. What happened today would be the cherry on top. They would show him no mercy if he continued this behavior.
"So, the voodoo dolls do work?" You questioned.
"Of course."
"I bet you sell those to people without warning them of the consequences." You commented.
"On the contrary. I actually do warn people before they buy those. I don't want anyone to do something they'll regret."
You looked at Mingi's expression and the way his eyes stared into yours. He was telling the truth.
"Hm. So you do care for your customers." You teased playfully.
He let out a chuckle. "Of course I do."
"This food is great, by the way. Thanks for buying."
"It's the least I could do. I know you didn't exactly want to be here today."
"Actually, if I'm being honest, it wasn't all that bad. Also, I appreciated the way you protected me yesterday when that weirdo tried to sell me a cursed necklace. I felt like I really did owe you."
"I just didn't want you to get yourself in a messy situation. Truth is, I care about you a lot." Mingi admitted.
His words surprised you and made your heart melt at the same time.
Before you could process what was going on, Mingi's shadow lunged for you, knocking you from your chair, pinning you to the ground.
You let out a yelp, struggling to pull yourself off the floor. You couldn't help but wonder how a shadow was so strong.
"Hey!" Mingi shouted. "What are you doing?"
He got up from his seat so fast, his chair nearly fell over. "Get off of her!" He roared, his voice so gravelly and threatening that it sent a shiver down your spine.
Then, you felt the ghostly grip on your wrists disappear. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, your heart pounding violently against your rib cage.
"Y/n." Mingi panted. "I'm so sorry. I... it's never done that before. I swear I had nothing to do with it."
"I need to go home." You responded, your mind in a haze.
"Wait. Please—"
"I can't handle this." You told him, heading towards the door. "I'm sorry. I need to leave."
That's the last time Mingi saw you.
You were in the middle of cleaning your room, tossing things you didn't want into a donate box and throwing away invoices from past online orders and other paper junk into the trash.
There was a knock on the front door, but you paid no mind to it, assuming your brother would answer it since you had your hands full at the moment.
However, the knocking persisted.
"Wooyoung! Can you not hear there's someone at the door?" You shouted down the hallway.
"Yeah." He called back from the living room.
"Are not gonna answer it? I'm kinda busy."
"You do it. I'm in the middle of a drama."
You let out a long sigh, stomping into the living room.
"Can you not pause it?"
"No." He responded, his eyes glued to the TV.
"You're unbearable." You said through gritted teeth, going to answer the door.
The person on the other side was not who you were expecting.
Mingi stood at your doorstep, his head hanging low. You would have told him to go away had you not noticed he wasn't wearing his usual getup. Instead of his customary vest and cardigan or suit jacket combo, he had on a white dress shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks. It was much more toned-down than the outfits he usually wore.
Before you could open your mouth, he spoke.
"I'm done."
"I cut ties with the shadow realm."
"For you."
"For me?" You parroted.
He nodded. "This crooked and shady life I'm living isn't the life I want. Especially if it ends up hurting you."
"This isn't a trick... is it?" You inquired.
He shook his head.
"So, let me get this straight. You cut ties with those friends of yours for me?"
"I did."
"And what about your...shadow?" Your eyes trailed to look at the shape cast along the concrete walkway behind him.
He followed your gaze, noticing your uneasy behavior. "It's gone. Just a normal shadow now. Cutting ties got rid of all the abilities I had."
"I see."
"I'm really sorry about what happened that evening at my shop. I had no control over my shadow. It just attacked without warning. Truthfully, I think it's because it knew—"
"Y/n! Who's at the door?" Wooyoung shouted from the living room, cutting Mingi off.
You let out a sigh, rolling your eyes.
"None of your business!" You shouted back before turning to Mingi. "I'm sorry about him."
"It's fine. Maybe we could just stand outside and talk." He suggested. "That way we have some privacy."
"Good idea."
You stepped outside, closing the front door so Wooyoung wouldn't try to eavesdrop.
"Alright. You were saying?"
"Right. My shadow... I think it knew that I was going soft."
"Going soft?" You inquired.
"Yes." He nodded, taking in a deep breath like he was preparing to say something extremely important. "Y/n, I was drawn to you from the start. I got my shadow to follow you around after you first came to my shop. That's how I always knew where you were. I just wanted to see you any chance I got. Then, my feelings began to get more serious and I wanted to do things to make you happy. I wanted to protect you. I guess my shadow realized that I was becoming soft and drifting from my old ways. It tired to hurt you because it thought you were getting in the way."
There was so much information to take in. Mingi had his shadow follow you? But, he likes you and obviously cares for you. Not only that, but he's changing his ways for you. He cut ties with the shadow realm for you. That's a pretty big commitment.
"You were right for calling me a stalker. In a way, I was. I'm sorry." He apologized.
"Actually, it's okay. Technically, it wasn't you following me. Also, I can see that you've changed drastically. You're not the same voodoo shop owner I met a month ago."
Mingi's heart soared hearing you say that. Knowing that he had, at the very least, earned your trust was a big accomplishment for him.
"So, would you maybe be willing to give us a chance?" He asked, softly, his hands finding yours.
Your eyes landed on your joined hands, looking at the way his large ones encased your smaller ones.
"I think..." You trailed off, looking back up at Mingi. "I think I'd be up for that."
His eyes became wide, looking rounder and more innocent, sparkling with hope.
"Yeah." You nodded.
Being caught in the moment, Mingi started to lean in, only to catch himself before he got too close.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, softly. His voice barely above a whisper. He didn't want to do anything you weren't okay with.
"You can."
Mingi then closed the narrow gap between your faces, his full and plush lips pressing delicately against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed immediately, melting into the kiss. His large hands let go of yours, holding the small of your back, pulling you against him. The closeness had your heart racing. You had never experienced anything like this before. You were feeling emotions and feelings you had never felt in your life. A rush of heat flooded your body and it felt like butterflies were running rampant in your stomach. All these new feelings were overwhelming but so amazing.
The feeling of Mingi's hands running up and down your back sent tingles up your spine, making you feel warm from the inside out.
Your fingers latched onto the ends of his silvery hair, grabbing at the long strands in the back. Based on the sigh he let out against your lips, he liked that.
After a while, you pulled away, feeling short of breath. You and Mingi stared at each other for a few moments, both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. Mingi's partially exposed chest rose up and down with each huff as his hooded eyes stared into yours. Your arms were wrapped around his slim waist, holding him tightly, not wanting to let go.
"You were right." You spoke up, still breathless.
"What do you mean?"
"About finding love in an unexpected place."
You could see Mingi's cheeks tint pink.
That's exactly what he said to you after your card reading. At the time, Mingi could see into the future, but even he didn't know who you would end up with. He had no idea he would be the one.
"I guess I found love in an unexpected place too." He admitted.
"Why do you seem so surprised? I thought you knew everything." You teased with a smirk.
He couldn't help but grin.
"As much as I hate to, I'd better get back inside. You know, before Wooyoung comes out here and starts harassing me."
"Right." Mingi chuckled.
"I'd like to see you again." You told him as you went to open the front door.
"You have my card. Just give me a call." He winked. "We'll sort something out."
Hongjoong: Hades ⟡ Seonghwa: Maleficent ⟡ Yunho: Captain Hook ⟡ Yeosang: Evil Queen ⟡ San: Cruella de Vil ⟡ Wooyoung: ⟡ Jongho:
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz @laylasbunbunny @iammeandmeisiam @delulu18
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tmzrkstan · 21 hours
"Where do you want it?"
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genre: bf!jisung was giving the opportunity to choose where to release himself in you; short.
The initial plan was just a date at your house, watching movies and eating junk food. You would have a cuddle session, and he would leave. That was it.
However, when the seemingly innocent movie starts to have some very spicy scenes, you and Jisung realize that it has been a long time since you two shared intimacy. With some time to spare and encouragement from both parts, they ended up on the sofa naked and committed to relief and proximity.
"Baby..." his voice suffered, struggling to be loud enough for you to hear through moans. "I'm not going to last long..." Your orgasm was very close too.
Everything was so delicious, the rhythm touches and the feeling of him inside, massaging your walls. Wanting to give him the same ecstatic feeling, you managed to muster your strength to form sentences.
"Where do you want?" his eyes previously closed were now opened in surprise. He even had to slow down a bit.
"I... what?" You grabbed his hair, taking out the pleasure.
"I want you to choose." He felt something going through his body that he had never felt before. His heart raced.
"I want..." A groan. "Can i cum inside?" he rarely went raw in you, already knew the feeling. If he wasn't releasing inside the condom, it was somewhere on your body.
But you never did that. Give total freedom to chose. Or to even less to cream you. Your mind wasn't working hard enough to think much. All you could think was "yes."" in bold and very large several times. "Go ahead, baby..."
He wanted to confirm one more time, but there wasn't going to be time. Just stretched his body, squeezing your thighs.
He felt like your contractions from your orgasm were trapping his member inside your intimacy. Almost screamed when he filled you whashing your walls.
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peacheeeliz · 2 days
prologue. try it bite lick it spit it
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synopsis ⤏ mark, desperate to talk to the cute girl in his japanese class, forms a study group. who knew that other struggling college students might want to join a study group?
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@teenyfinds @kittydollzz @dudekiss3r @413ktz @aek1ra @nneteyamss @mmjhh1998 @onlyhyunjin @malaysianctfan @txpxwxk @urlocalbeaner5 @injunnie-lemon @stareaa @rikisluv @nessaassen02 @nicholasluvbot @slayhaechan
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marksdaydreams · 2 days
Mark came into your study with your drink in hand. He was off for a few days and he would be staying for a bit — but it was a critical time at work and you were required to be available.
“You good, baby?” he asked, patting your head.
You turned towards him and nodded. You missed him, and you hated that you were working at a time he was here.
Mark smiled and pressed a kiss to your hair. He set the mug down but didn't leave, hanging around your chair, watching you take your meeting. He
“You look so cool,” he mumbled, rubbing his neck. “All professional and stuff. You look very cool. And very awesome.”
You stared at him, completely amused by this. Mark had such an interesting job that he absolutely loved, and he was finding what you did cool?
“You think so?” you asked, chuckling and pulling Mark towards you.
“I've never seen you work before,” he said sheepishly. “You're so smart, and you handle things so well. I bet your colleagues love working with you.”
“Spoken like a guy that's never spent a day in corporate,” you grinned, making Mark roll his eyes.
“Just when I was complimenting you —”
“I don't know about loving colleagues, but I do have an arch-enemy in HR — do you think you could fight Janet for me? I just know she's the one who voted for the coffee machine to be moved to the ground floor, and I don't think I can find it in my heart to forgive her,” you teased.
Mark made a show of bowing elaborately.
“Your wish is my command.”
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mint-yooxgi · 15 hours
Gunsmoke & Leather Prologue
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Biker!AU - Part of the Gunsmoke & Leather Collab - With @kpop-stories-21 @anyamaris @pyeonghongrie @sanjoongie
@nebulousbrainsoup @stardragongalaxy and @yoonguurt
Genre: Mature, Angst, Fluff, Humour, Non-idol!AU
Pairing: Ateez X Reader - Prologue in Third Person, individual parts to follow
Words: 1,480
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Warnings: Allusion to kidnapping and supernatural occurrences. Mature themes.
A/n: *Insert laughing lizard gif here* As always feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Summary: Eight online friends meet in person for the first time and plan to have a wild weekend. However, things quickly go awry when they are kidnapped by a notorious biker gang. Hilarity, misadventures, and perhaps even feelings ensue.
Stars twinkle in the night sky above, the light of the full moon illuminating the pavement as an old microbus makes its was through the city. Peals of laughter can be heard from within, a chorus of eight voices shouting along to lyrics they all know by heart. Every so often, a streetlamp provides insight to wide smiles stretched across bright faces, most dancing in their seats or shaking their other friends lightly in excitement.
This trip was meticulously planned. Simply getting everyone’s schedules to line up was a pain, but as luck would have it, an opening seemed to appear for them all. Furious calls were made and messages sent to arrange the perfect getaway for these eight friends, excitement lingering in every voice to finally be able to spend some time with each other.
What better way to spend some quality time with friends than on a road trip?
Thus, a microbus was rented, bags were packed, and the meeting point was set. All that is left to do is make it to their hotel for the night, and pick right back up where they left off tomorrow.
“I still can’t believe you convinced that guy in the chicken costume to take a picture with us.” A large grin stretches across Elara’s features as all heads turn to look at Aurora.
“And it made for a good memory!” She beams, pulling out her phone to begin swiping through the photos. “Look how happy we all are!”
“The photos did come out really nice.” Larissa hums, reaching forward to grab Aurora’s phone.
“Look at our faces!” Nix cackles, swiping the phone and zooming in on the picture. “Caly and Aries are giving the chicken man the worst side eye imaginable.” 
“Any man who says ‘let’s cock-a-doodle-doo this’ deserves to get the side eyes of death.” Aries replies bluntly, leaning back in his seat to get more comfortable.
“Fair enough,” Rhea laughs, patting the taller male on his shoulder. “What’s your reasoning Caly?”
All heads turn to the woman in the driver’s seat who has been quiet this whole time. A slight frown mars her brows, eyes flicking between the dashboard and the road ahead.
“Caly?” Eris tilts her head in concern, noting how her friend’s lips purse in worry. “What’s wrong?”
A few glances are shared around the vehicle, each friend sitting forward in anticipation.
“Calypso?” Aurora leans forward in the passenger seat, making sure her face is in view of her friend’s peripheral.
“Sorry guys, the check engine light came on about five minutes ago and it hasn’t seemed to want to turn off.” Caly finally responds, noting a small parking lot about a block away. “I’m just going to pull in here and make sure it’s nothing serious-“
Almost as soon as those words escape her mouth, grey smoke begins to billow out from the engine.
“Oh shit, something is definitely wrong!” Nix’s eyes widen as they pull into the empty parking lot.
The moment the vehicle comes to a stop, it lets out a loud rumbling groan. A few clicks can be heard before the microbus shuts off, more smoke rising from the engine.
“Well, that’s not good.” Rhea blinks, unbuckling their seatbelt and opening the side door.
It takes about a minute for all eight passengers to exit the vehicle, a few of them circling the microbus. Phones come out, flashlights turned on to inspect the surrounding area.
“Good thing we got insurance.” Aries sighs, popping the hood.
Slowly, the smoke seems to be dissipating, all eight friends crowding around the front of the vehicle.
“We were almost out of the city, too.” Elara sighs, looking briefly off in the distance.
“We still had an hour to go before we reached the hotel, though.” Eris comments, checking the map on her phone.
“We shouldn’t drive it any further tonight.” Caly sighs, pulling up a contact on her phone. “I’ll call a tow.”
Fifteen minutes later, and some mumbled complaints from friends, a tow is called.
“They said they should be here in about an hour, so we’ve got some time to kill.” Caly says, tucking her phone into her back pocket.
“What are we supposed to do for an hour?” Larissa frowns, letting out a soft exhale. Her foot begins to tap rhythmically on the ground.
“Maybe there’s something around here still open that we can check out?” Aurora suggests.
“What would still be open at this hour?” Crossing her arms over her chest, Nix huffs.
“Well, it looks like there’s a bar across the street…” Rhea points out.
All heads turn to see a faint neon sign, a few windows with a dull light illuminating the inside. The place seems pretty busy, too.
“Thank goodness,” Larissa already begins hustling across the street. “I have to pee.”
The others follow closely behind, a few chuckling affectionately at their friend.
“I could use a drink.” Nix hums, Aurora happily agreeing.
“Maybe we can order some food while we wait?” Elara suggests, the others nodding along with her words.
Aries holds the door open for all of them, and as they all step inside, it’s as if a small electric shock travels through their bodies. Sounds seems to muffle for the moment as the atmosphere surrounds them. Spines straighten and brows furrow, a few shuffling from foot to foot once they notice just how crowded the bar is.
“Did anyone else feel that?” Eris’ hushed whisper gets ignored as the hustle and bustle of the bar assaults their ears suddenly in full force.
Larissa is the first to seemingly snap out of her daze, blinking a few times before marching through the crowd and towards the sign labelled ‘bathroom’. Little does she notice the eyes that follow her every move.
Shortly after, Aurora, Nix, and Elara all begin to weave through the crowd and towards the bar. Soft chatter is heard all around, yet the three girls all manage to hear each other for the moment, discussing what drinks they should get.
“I wonder what food they have here…” Elara mumbles, sidling up to the bar.
Unbeknownst to them, three sets of eyes track their every movement, a male drifting towards each individual almost subconsciously.
“Maybe we should grab a table?” Rhea suggests lightly.
Nods are shared by the remaining friends, searching through the crowd for an open space to fit all eight.
“There.” Aries flicks his head to a table in the corner by the front windows.
Wordlessly, all four of them walk over, sliding into the rounded booth to wait for their friend’s return.
Every few minutes, Calypso keeps checking her phone. A worried frown tugs at her features, and she keeps glancing out the window towards that parking lot across the street.
“I’m gonna go wait by the car,” she says, sliding out of the booth a moment later. “You know, just in case the tow comes early, or something. I don’t want to miss their call. Plus, it’s a little too loud in here.”
“I’ll come with you!” Rhea hops out of the booth. “Maybe there’s another place open we can check out.”
“Sounds good.” Aries hums, casually resting his one arm across the back of the booth while Eris scopes out the place.
With a final wave, Caly and Rhea part from their friends, heading back out the door they had just walked in only minutes before.
Two males behind the counter share a look.
A few minutes pass by, Eris continuously glancing over towards the bar to keep an eye on her friends. Though, with the amount of people weaving between tables and lingering about, it’s getting harder and harder to spot her friends. In fact, she’s already lost visual on Elara and Aurora. Luckily, Nix seems to still be in plain sight.
“Issie is sure taking a long time in the bathroom.” Eris comments, worrying her bottom lip. “I can’t see Lara or Rora, either.”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Aries hums, glancing out the window to see Caly across the street leaning against the car, and Rhea heading down the street. He turns his attention back to the bar, having felt eyes on him. “I can see them right now.”
“Alright,” Eris replies, a vary tone to her voice. “But I’m going to go check on Issie.”
All Eris receives from the taller male is a nod in response. Carefully, she slips out of the booth, heading in the same direction Larissa did only minutes before.
A pair of eyes follow her through the crowd, yet she is none the wiser. A pair of eyes which glance around the room, flashing briefly as they lock with several other sets that all seem to share the same thought.
Eight subtle nods are given, and eight friends are soon separated, never to see each other that night again.
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jjunieworld · 4 months
SO SOAKED ˒˒ 엔하이픈 ﹙ hyung line ! ﹚
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╰┈⪼ in which you have shower sex with your boyfriend for the very first time.
pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ enha hyung line x afab!reader 𓄷 iηcℓudᥱs 𓈓 none!
genre﹙💬﹚⸝⸝⸝ scenerios/headcannons, smut, established relationship
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ shower sex, petnames (good girl, pretty girl), blowjob, slight throat fucking, head pusher!hee, wall fucking???, needy!jake, throat grabbing, clit stimulation, free use and dacryphilia if you squint really hard
kipo’s note ‎⸝⸝⸝ this drove me crazy and it didn’t help that i was listening to so soaked by shy smith while writing it… enjoy!! all feedback and reblogs are welcome! ♡
∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , request ]
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definitely would’ve been after a particularly messy session. the two of you were suppose to only take a simple shower… wash all of the previous session off of you… until you noticed how heeseung’s eyes kept traveling over your exposed body. then you were suddenly being pushed into the shower wall, cold tile and water against your skin as he pounded into you from behind.
“fuck—you’re so addictive,” heeseung groaned as his hips snapped against your ass. he had your hands pinned behind you in his tight grip that only tightened the more you tried to wiggle free to touch him. you whined loudly as the tip of his cock repeatedly hit your cervix with his relentless thrusts.
behind you, you heard heeseung chuckle. “yeah? you like that?” he asked, suddenly pulling out of you. you turned to look at him, whining loudly again at the loss.
suddenly you were being pushed down to you knees on the shower floor, the back of your head getting soaked from the shower stream. heeseung’s large cock brushed against your lips as you looked up at him with wide eyes. “if you do a good job, maybe i’ll let you cum again,” he said with a smirk.
immediately you wrapped your hands around the base of his cock, lips gliding over his tip as you slowly took in all of him. once you felt him in the back of your throat, you bobbed your head up and down while looking up at him. you rocked your hips against nothing, savoring the way heeseung threw his head back at the pleasure you were giving him.
his hand tangled in your wet hair and pushed your head down further onto his cock. “fuck…” heeseung muttered. he started to move his hips. “such a good girl.”
𓏲 𖧷ˊ JAY
what started as a simple shower together, nice and intimate as you helped wash each other’s bodies, quickly turned into a heated makeout session. then that session turned into jay slipping inside you as the stream of warm water overhead glided over the both of you.
jay’s hand glided over your thigh as his lips chased after yours when you pulled away to breathe. you moaned against them just as jay lifted your leg, gaining better access as he pushed in and out of you. it was achingly slow and you were grinding your hips up for more.
“please…” you begged against his lips. jay hummed, lips now trailing down your neck and making you shiver despite the hot water. you leaned your head back against the tile as you struggled to form words, your hips speaking for you as you grinded up further.
“faster,” you moaned out. you felt the vibrations of jay’s chuckle against your neck and he tapped your other thigh. you jumped slightly, wrapping your legs around jay’s bare hips as he pinned you tight against the wall. his lips latched onto yours again.
his once slow thrusts accelerated rapidly and you broke away from him to moan loudly. “fuck, jay!” you whined, burying your head in his neck. the hot stream of water did nothing to cool you down.
the rope in your stomach tightened and tightened until it snapped, making your nails bury deep into the back of jay’s neck and your cum drip down his hard cock. you breathed heavily as he continued to piston into you, cock twitching as he finally came inside you with a loud moan.
𓏲 𖧷ˊ JAKE
you were showering when you heard the bathroom door creek open and the sound of your boyfriend’s voice calling out your name. “jake?” you asked over the pouring water and freezing your movements. you peeked your head out behind the shower curtains to see what he wanted and was shocked to see him stripping off his clothes.
“what are you doing?” you giggled, resuming your shower. you were washing the soap off your body when you felt his firm hands grab your hips. he peppered kisses up your neck from behind you and you stretched your neck to give him better access.
jake’s arms wrapped around your waist. “i need you,” he practically moaned against your jaw. you felt his big cock press into your ass, it only growing more and more the longer he placed kisses onto your skin.
“you could’ve waited until after my shower,” you laughed as you turned around in his arms. immediately, his lips pressed hard into yours—catching you by surprise. he backed you up against the wall, hand dipping inbetween the two of you to grab his hard-on.
“can’t,” was all jake replied.
he spun you so faced away from him and lifted one of your legs high into the air. a soft moan escaped you as he lined himself up with your entrance and pushed into you, wasting no time with his quick pace. you pressed your hands flat against the tile of the shower and leaned your forehead against it at the stretch of his thick cock, whimpering at the way his hips slammed into you.
within no time jake’s warm load filled you, dripping out of you around his softening cock and down your thighs. you exhaled heavily as you turned to bring his mouth to yours. jake moved you under the water stream to clean you off before turning the knob to shut it off completely. “let me make you feel good now,” he said lowly at the shell of your ear before pulling you out the shower.
after a particularly tiring day, you saw how stressed your boyfriend was and wanted to do something nice for him. it was your idea to let him use you as something of a stress reliever.
you saw the gears in his head turning despite his blank look at he stared at you with slightly narrow eyes. the two of you stood in your shared bathroom; you with a towel wrapped around your naked body and sunghoon fully clothed. “i can see how stressed you’ve been today, so use me,” you repeated yourself.
sunghoon’s arms were crossed against his chest and you could see the way his hands twitched at your request. to make your offer more enticing, you let the towel slip from your grasp, leaving you completely naked in front of him. the sound of your abandoned shower rang in your ears, filling up the silence as sunghoon’s eyes trailed your figure—not saying a single word.
in the blink of an eye he was stripping his clothes off until you were both bare. he grabbed your arm, yanking the curtain back so the two of you could step in. you didn’t have time to think as your back hit the tile wall and his lips were on yours. “use you?” sunghoon asked, pulling away briefly to speak. “you don’t know what you’re asking of me.”
you smiled coyly against his lips, hand going to pump his already hard cock. “because i will ruin you right where you stand,” he added, breath scattered. suddenly you were flipped around and being filled to the brim with his long cock, whimpering loudly as one of sunghoon’s hands came to rub circles onto your clit and the other trailing up your throat to make to look at him. you were pressed tightly against his chest as he fucked into you at a relentless speed.
loud and shameless moans fell from your mouth as you felt your walls flutter around him, taking in every inch of him. tears brimmed in your eyes as you made eye contact with him. his pupils were completely blown out, lust and desire clouding them. sunghoon lips curled up ever so slightly, “my pretty girl.”
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yanwonnies · 1 month
ꜜ : 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ﹙ 엔하이픈 ! ﹚
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↝ How ENHYPEN reacts when his cute member refuses/avoids their kisses?
⠇↴ Pairings: poly!ot7 x added member!reader ⠇↴ Words: 12.0K
Warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ suggestive (except for the ni-ki part), lots of kisses (again…),neck kisses, desperate!Heeseung, domestic!jay as well as possessive!jay, throat grabbing (p.js part), Special guest!Layla (s.jy part), Jealous!Jake, a little bit mean!sunghoon, allusion to shower sex (p.sh part), a little angst (k.sw part), soft comfort (k.sw part), changing in front of each other (k.sw part), a little insecure! Jungwon
Wonnie’s note ‎⸝⸝⸝ Okay, honestly, after writing this, I can't stop thinking about Sunghoon's and sunoo's, they got me like 🫠🫠. ni-ki's one has me kicking my feet 🤭, I found it more cute than i imagined. Again, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are misprints or if lose the sense in some parts. thank you very much for taking the time to read my work. ᵔᴗᵔ
𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴 2024 © 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥.
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˖ ࣪ › Lee Heeseung ー 이희승
In the studio's bustling dressing room, the members of ENHYPEN were preparing for their upcoming performance. The space, filled with bright lights and reflections, was permeated with an organized frenzy. Makeup artists and hair stylists, moved with precision, making sure every detail was perfect for the show.
Heeseung, sitting in a high chair in front of a mirror that reflected the buzz around him, watched everything with apparent calm. His face, transformed by flawless makeup, looked even more beautiful under the dressing room lights. A light touch of gloss on his lips made them stand out subtly but effectively, adding a touch of magic to his already captivating appearance.
As the team worked around him, Heeseung tried to keep his concentration on his own preparations, but his thoughts were constantly diverted by a presence he couldn't ignore. Out of all the movements and conversations, your lips, glistening with lip gloss, captured his full attention. It was a fleeting flash at first, but quickly became a fixation.
Your lips glistened under the dressing room lights, reflecting each beam with a tantalizing sparkle. It was as if every particle of glitter was designed to catch Heeseung's gaze. The colors seemed to change with every little movement you made, from a subtle pink to an almost silvery sparkle, creating mesmerizing highlights and shadows.
Heeseung felt time slow down as his eyes followed every movement of your lips. His focus was narrowed solely on that small but fascinating part of you. Every time you moved your mouth slightly, Heeseung felt an almost magnetic attraction. It was as if those lips were a magnet, and he couldn't help but be drawn to them.
Then, when the team of stylists and makeup artists were distracted for a moment, Heeseung saw his chance. With deliberately leisurely movements, he rose from his chair. He approached you with calculated slowness, avoiding making as little noise as possible, as if every step had to be measured and perfect. When he reached your side, he carefully positioned himself behind you.
His presence was unmistakably warm and comforting. The proximity of his body, the warmth emanating from him, was a refuge amidst the chaos of the dressing room. With an almost reverent gentleness, he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you from behind. The embrace, though unexpected, was a mixture of tenderness and protection that seemed to offer a brief respite in the maelstrom that surrounded you.
Feeling him close, you raised a hand and gently caressed his head. Your fingernails gently brushed his hair. Slowly moving your head, you turned to look at him. His eyes, which were normally serene, were now filled with hunger. Looking at you with intensity, he tried to move even closer, his lips just inches from yours. The tension in the air was almost palpable, charged with the promise of forbidden contact.
But before his lips could touch yours, you gently pulled away, a smile full of tenderness and concern on your face. -We can't -you whispered, your words a soft murmur that only he could hear -You're going to ruin the makeup, and stylist-unnie is going to be mad
Heeseung pouted, his expression changing to one of obvious disappointment and moodiness. With a resigned sigh, he turned away from you, crossing his arms and shooting you furtive glances as he plopped down in a nearby chair. At that moment, Ni-ki, came over to you and settled into your lap. Ni-ki's body, much bigger than yours, was surprisingly warm and comforting, especially when he felt half asleep. You smiled at the scene and began to stroke his hair tenderly. As your fingers moved gently through his hair, he seemed to relax even more, enjoying this small indulgence.
In the midst of this peaceful scene, Heeseung, who had been at a distance, shared a glance with you. However, his attention again was not on your face, but on your lips.
You smiled softly, a gesture that conveyed a mixture of complicity and affection. Without looking away, you sent a small flying kiss across the room. The gesture, though simple, was charged with a cuteness that seemed to cross the distance between you with delightful efficiency.
Heeseung, picking up on the subtlety of the gesture, experienced a visible reaction. His face became tinged with a subtle blush, a change that contrasted sharply with his usual confidence. His skin, normally so controlled, now showed a slight redness extending from his cheeks to the base of his ears. He looked away with an almost imperceptible movement, his eyes trying to escape eye contact, seeking refuge on the dressing room floor.
Later, after a successful performance, Heeseung didn't waste a second. Taking you by the hand with palpable determination, he dragged you into a small cleaning room nearby. He closed the door behind you with a dry click, isolating you in the gloom of the room.
Without a word, he moved in quickly and pushed you gently against the wall. The contact was immediate and enveloping; the coldness of the wall against your back contrasted with the warmth of his body. The proximity was so intense that the air between you seemed charged with electricity.
His lips met yours in a desperate kiss. The pressure of his grip was firm, almost as if he was trying to melt into you. You felt the warmth of his body through the fabric of your clothes, a sensation that enveloped you completely.
Your hand instinctively slid to his neck and jaw. You sought support in the solidity of her figure, your fingers finding an anchor in a warm, firm skin. As you clung to him, you felt the racing rhythm of his heart. Heeseung's tongue joined the contact, exploring with an urgency that spoke of pent-up desires built up all day.
The warmth of his breath, the wetness of his lips, and the pressure of his hands on your body created a heady combination that left you breathless.
Finally, when the two separated, the air in the room felt lighter, though charged with a residual energy. As they returned to the dressing room, the contrast between the intimacy of the small room and the noise of the dressing room was palpable. The gazes of the other ENHYPEN members rested on you with a mixture of curiosity and complicity. Heeseung, now beaming, wore a satisfied smile that lit up his face. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of joy and triumph, a reflection of the intensity of the moment he had just shared.
You, on the other hand, the blush on your cheeks still lingered, and your lips, slightly swollen from the fiery encounter, gave you an air of vulnerability that you couldn't hide. The other members of the group exchanged complicit glances, knowing without words what had happened in that small cleaning room.
˖ ࣪ › Park Jongseong ー 박종성
Jay woke up slowly, slipping into a pleasant sluggishness after a long tour. The feeling of rest spread through every corner of his body, like a warm embrace that refused to let go. His eyelids slowly lifted, allowing the first glimmers of morning light to filter through the curtains, bathing the room in a faint golden luminosity.
With a lazy movement, his hand sought the familiar warmth beside him, but touched only the cold loneliness of the empty sheets. A sigh of resignation escaped his lips, a low sound that was lost in the morning silence. Jay slowly sat up, stretching his aching body and calmly waking up before pulling on a crumpled shirt he had left on the floor.
The first impulse was to find you, the need to see your face and feel your closeness.
As he left his room, his steps were soft and cautious. The kitchen, normally a place of morning calm, was filled with soft murmurs and unusual warmth. Jay approached with stealth, his steps light and his movements measured. As he peeked through the doorway, the outside world seemed to fade away, and all that remained was the scene unfolding in front of him.
There you were, in the center of the kitchen, wrapped in Jay's huge shirt that fit you like an overflowing dress. The fabric moved gracefully around your figure, accentuating your presence in a lovely way. Your hair fell freely over your shoulders, a few strands framing your face with a natural softness.
Jungwon was hugging you from behind, his arms wrapping around you with palpable softness. He was so close to you that he seemed to melt into your body. His movements were slow and synchronized, as if he was adjusting to your every move. Your back was pressed against his chest, and you moved with him like a koala clinging to a tree.
Your every little movement was accompanied by Jungwon's slight adjustment, his arms wrapped lovingly around you. His face, partially hidden in the hollow of your neck, showed an expression of serenity and contentment. Jungwon's eyes were closed, and he seemed to be immersed in a kind of deep calm, enjoying the intimate moment.
As you moved about, concentrating on preparing something in the kitchen, the sensation of his body so close to you was a constant reminder of his presence.
The image of you, wrapped in his shirt and embraced so affectionately by Jungwon, filled his heart with a mixture of emotions, he stood there, at the threshold of the kitchen, allowing the moment to be etched in his memory.
Suddenly, Jungwon, noticing Jay's presence, raised his head and slowly turned around -Hyung -he said in a soft, friendly voice. His eyes sparkled with a spark of joy.
Your attention was redirected to Jay as you heard the greeting, and as you turned, your warm, genuine smile made Jay feel even more caught up in the moment. That smile, so pure and sincere, lighting up your face in a way that made Jay's heart beat faster.
Jay watched you closely, appreciating every detail with almost reverent attention.
-Would you like some toast? -you asked, interrupting Jay's moment of admiration with a simple, everyday offer. Jay nodded, his gaze still fixed on you as he watched you fondly.
Jungwon, with a playful smile and a glint of mischief in his eyes, leaned toward you and gave you a kiss on the cheek before rising to find the others.
Seizing the opportunity, Jay rose from the table, his movements deliberate and laden with intent. Every step he took towards you was filled with desire and a certain need to be close, to wrap you in his own hug. He walked slowly, almost as if every second stretched, building anticipation in his chest.
When he reached your side, he wrapped his arms around you. His hands, firm but gentle, were placed on your waist, feeling the warmth of your skin through the thin fabric of your shirt. His touch was a constant reminder of his presence, of his desire to be near you.
The rhythm of your breathing synchronized with his, creating a bubble of calm and affection between you. Jay's proximity made you feel more aware of every little detail: the soft breath on your neck, the steady beat of his heart against your back, the way his fingers traced slow circles on your skin.
You looked at him for a few seconds, your eyes searching his, finding in them a mixture of desire and affection that made you feel even closer to him. Jay fixed his gaze on your lips, his deep dark eyes reflecting an intensity that seemed almost palpable. A mischievous smile looming on your face, playing with the anticipation of the moment.
Suddenly, when Jay leaned in to kiss you, you pulled away just in time, causing him to only press a kiss to your cheek. The fleeting contact of his lips on your skin left a warm, slightly tingling sensation spreading across your face. The surprise in his eyes quickly turned into a warning look.
-T/N -he said, his voice low and gravelly, each syllable delivered with an intensity that made you shiver. The way he said your name sent a shiver down your spine. His eyes never left yours, his expression filled with a mixture of lust and playful warning.
You watched his expression with feigned innocence, your lips curving into a slight smile as you cocked your head to one side, as if you didn't really understand what was going on. -What…? -You asked, your voice soft and curious, though your eyes sparkled with mischief.
With a quick, decisive movement, his hand moved to your neck, wrapping around it firmly, but without becoming rough. The touch of his hand was a combination of softness and authority, a clear message of his desire to control the moment. You felt the pressure of his fingers on your skin, sending a current of excitement through your body.
With a gentle but firm tug, Jay pulled you to him, eliminating any space between your bodies. The force of his action left you breathless for a moment, your heart beating frantically in your chest. Jay tilted his head and captured your lips in a fierce kiss. His lips moved with an urgency that spoke of a repressed urge, a need to reclaim what he considered his own. The kiss was deep, your mouth demanding an immediate response. You felt the force of his passion in every movement, his tongue invading your mouth with a possessive familiarity.
Jay's hand on your neck kept his pressure on, controlling your movements and making sure you couldn't escape. The intensity of his kiss left you dizzy, your hands instinctively clinging to his shirt, searching for some sort of stability.
Finally, when the air became necessary, Jay pulled away slightly, his eyes still full of desire and a satisfied smile curving his lips. He looked down at you, enjoying the reaction he had provoked in you. His fingers were still gently brushing your neck, maintaining that intimate, electrifying contact. The skin on your neck burned under his touch, and you could feel the racing beat of your own heart echoing in your ears.
His warm breath caressed your skin as he murmured defiantly -Don't play with me, T/N.
Jay released his grip gently, allowing your neck to regain its freedom. Then, he calmly pulled away and sat back down at the table, his expression affirming that he had won a small victory at your own game.
˖ ࣪ › Sim Jaeyun ー 심재윤
The band members were immersed in their rehearsal, the sound of their footsteps and the synchronization of their movements creating an energetic and almost hypnotic choreography. The lights cast reflections on their concentrated faces, and sweat glistened on their foreheads as they worked their hardest.
At that moment, the door to the hall opened with an unusual creak, breaking the frantic pace of the rehearsal. The band members, used to the routine, looked up distractedly, but the real impact of the interruption came in the form of a small golden whirlwind. Layla, Jake's beloved Golden Retriever, made her triumphant entrance, her paws wagging with playful grace and her tail waving like a banner of overflowing happiness.
Time seemed to slow down for Jake as soon as he saw Layla. The impact of the sight of his loyal pet, her eyes shining and her body shaking with excitement, was so powerful that Jake froze for a brief second. On his face was a look of astonishment that soon turned into a smile of pure happiness.
Layla, detecting Jake's gaze, let out a joyful bark and her paws rushed in his direction, moving with a speed that only dogs can achieve in a state of euphoria. Jake knelt on the ground, opening his arms to receive his furry friend's affection, and Layla leapt toward him with infectious enthusiasm. The love in his eyes was evident, and he whispered loving words as he scratched behind her ears, causing Layla to wag her tail even faster.
In a corner of the room, you were resting next to Sunoo, who had found a corner on the floor to relax after an intense session. You had made yourself comfortable on the floor with Sunoo's head resting on your stomach, the warmth and quiet of the moment providing a needed respite. Sunoo had closed his eyes momentarily, enjoying the calm, while you played with the hair at the nape of his neck, feeling the contrast between the softness of his hair and the firmness of his body.
The cameraman, stationed in a nearby corner, was capturing the authentic essence of the band's rehearsals and daily life. However, upon seeing Layla appear, he couldn't help but capture the scene with an intrigued look. Both you and Sunoo noticed the change in the atmosphere. The sound of Layla's barking filled the room, and you both stood up at the same time, drawn by the pet's vibrant presence.
Layla ran toward you, her paws pounding the floor with a frantic rhythm. When she reached your side, she pounced on you with uncontrollable exuberance, her eyes shining with happiness.
Her licks were so fast and abundant that your face was soon covered with her wet affection. His paws stretched across your chest made you feel his light but joyful weight, and you couldn't help but laugh with that infectious laughter that seems to come from deep within the heart when one is surrounded by unconditional love. The sound of your laughter mingled with the laughter and shouts of the other band members, who, seeing the scene, joined in the chorus of joy.
Jake, who watched the scene with a mixture of fondness and concern, quickly approached you. With an affectionate but determined gesture, he tried to pull Layla away from you, concerned about the dog's overflowing enthusiasm. His hands moved carefully, seeking to balance Layla's affectionate invasion with the need to allow you to breathe and recover from the barrage of licking.
As Layla continued to insist on her display of affection, Sunghoon came over and, with an amusement-filled smile, helped you up from the floor. The scene was charged with a joyful energy, and Sunghoon's face reflected genuine amusement as he extended a hand to help you to your feet. The atmosphere in the room had transformed into a spontaneous party, with Layla performing her new role as your personal bodyguard with a dedication that bordered on the comical.
Jake, with a sigh of relief and a hint of resignation, watched Layla as she settled in next to you during breaks. He watched as Layla moved next to you with such intense fidelity that, at times, it seemed almost comical. Every time you got up or moved, Layla would get up too, wagging her tail with a mixture of enthusiasm and vigilance, as if she were your personal guardian of your every move.
From the first meeting between you and Layla, the dog had demonstrated a surprising level of protectiveness and territoriality. Whenever Jake approached for a kiss, Layla seemed to detect the intent immediately. The dog would rise with a quickness that surprised, moving between Jake and you with a playful but determined energy. Before Jake could touch your lips, Layla would intervene with an enthusiastic leap, placing her muzzle between you.
The scene repeated itself with increasing frequency, and each attempt by Jake became a kind of game between him and Layla. Jake's patience was wearing thin with each new canine kiss, and his face wore an expression that combined amusement with mild exasperation.
Finally, after two days of this unusual and comical dynamic, it was time to say goodbye. Layla had to return to Australia, and the atmosphere in the room was permeated with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. The ENHYPEN members approached the dog, petting her and bidding her a fond farewell. Jake, with a fond expression and a hint of sadness in his eyes, watched as Layla slowly walked away. The dog looked back one more time before leaving, her eyes reflecting a gleam that seemed to understand the importance of the moment.
As soon as Layla walked through the door, Jake turned to you with determination. The expression on his face was a mixture of relief and lust. Without wasting any time, he took your hand with a firmness that conveyed urgency. He guided you through the hallway with quick steps, his grip on your hand revealing a mixture of anxiousness and a need to be alone with you.
When you reached your room, the door closed with a click that echoed in the air, creating an intimate and private atmosphere. His hands, firm but loving, rested on your waist, wrapping around it with a strength that made you feel his wish to hold you close. His fingers sank into the softness of your skin, pressing you against him with a passion that made you feel his warmth and his need.
He kissed you with a desperation that seemed to release all the emotion built up over the previous days. His lips found yours with an intensity that spoke of a need to connect deeply with you. Each kiss was an expression of the need to rediscover each other without interruption.
He laid you down on the bed with a mixture of intensity and care, each movement charged with pent-up emotion. His legs tangled with yours as he leaned over you, his hands still firmly gripping your waist, as if he feared you might vanish if he moved an inch away. The sensation of being gently imprisoned against him, his chest against yours, his hands on your waist, enveloped you in a wave of warmth.
When he finally broke away, the difference between the fiery passion of his kiss and the frustration that still showed on his face made you laugh. The sound of your laughter was a mixture of relief and amusement, and the contrast between the fervor of his kiss and the blush on his cheeks was comical to you. Jake, flushed and with an expression of curiosity and mild annoyance, looked at you and asked with a touch of disbelief -Why are you laughing?
You, with a playful smile on your lips, answered him with a mischievous twinkle in your eye
-I can't believe you're jealous of your own pet.
Jake's face reddened even more, a mixture of embarrassment and affection in his eyes. With a sigh of surrender and a smile, he buried his face in your neck, leaving a trail of wet, smoldering kisses. His lips moved slowly and deliberately, each kiss on your skin was like a fiery caress that ignited a wave of pleasure. His lips explored every nook and cranny of your neck, from the base to behind your ear.
-My pet tried to steal my girlfriend.
As Jake continued to fill your neck with soft kisses, you fiddled with his hair, feeling the silky texture of his locks between your fingers. His warm breath and gentle nibbles on your skin created an electrifying sensation that spread throughout your body. The small moans of pleasure that escaped your lips were absorbed by Jake's lips, their close, burning contact stoking the desire that had been building for days.
˖ ࣪ › Park Sunghoon ー 박성훈
The living room was immersed in a deep silence, a haven of calm in the daily routine. The wall clock, with its constant ticking, marked the hour when the house was usually in its most serene state. The atmosphere was peaceful, barely disturbed by the soft murmur of the television, which cast a warm light over the space, accentuating the tranquility of the evening. At that moment, the only inhabitant in the apartment was you, enjoying the solitude and quiet while the others were busy fulfilling their commitments.
You were on the sofa, sinking into its soft cushions, immersed in your thoughts. Each time the clock ticked another minute, it seemed that the silence deepened, enveloping the room in an almost palpable sense of peace. The corner you had settled into felt like a little haven where you could disconnect from the constant activity that normally surrounded your life.
Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening broke the silence of the room. The entrance made its presence known with a slight creak, and the echo of the door closing quickly faded into the air. You curiously sat up from your position on the couch, your mind anticipating the arrival of Heeseung, who should be returning from one of our long recording sessions.
Instead of him, it was Sunghoon who stood there, an unexpected change to the usual picture. Sunghoon appeared with a remarkable presence; his defined muscles were taut and glistening in the soft light of the foyer, giving him an almost heroic air in his appearance. He was wearing gray sweatpants that clung to his athletic figure, accentuating the firmness of his posture. The fabric of the absorbent material was slightly clinging to his skin, revealing the traces of his recent workout.
The intensity of his training was reflected in the slight panting he still dragged with him, and his breathing, though regular, seemed to carry an intensity you had learned to recognize.
Sunghoon, noticing your gaze, could not help but smile with a mixture of satisfaction and mischief. His smile, which started at the corners of his lips and spread to light up his eyes, was a reflection of the amusement he felt at seeing your reaction.
He advanced towards you with firm, determined steps. You knew exactly what he was going to do, and the familiarity of his actions only heightened the anticipation you felt.
You tried to deflect the situation with a warning tone that, despite its serious intent, was far from convincing. -Don't do it -you told him. The warning tone was almost a game in itself.
Sunghoon, with his expression of feigned innocence, arched an eyebrow in a gesture that only accentuated his mischievous smile. -What shouldn't I do? -he asked, his voice soft and teasing. The question was clearly meant to prolong the game, and his naughty smirk was a clear indication that he already knew the answer to his own question. His gaze did not leave yours, and you could see in his eyes the spark of amusement that lit up his face.
Sunghoon moved with a speed that surprised you, and in an instant, you found yourself caught in his arms. The force with which he enveloped you was firm and sure, preventing any possibility of escape. The contact of his hardened abdomen against you was unavoidable, and every tense muscle was felt through the fabric of his sport shirt. The intensity of the workout was reflected in the feel of his skin, which, though still warm from exertion, was moist and slippery.
You tried to move, twisting and writhing, trying to free yourself from his tight embrace. The texture of his sweaty skin under your hands and the firmness of his grip made your movements limited. Each attempt at release only seemed to tighten the embrace, and the heat built up between you became increasingly noticeable. Despite your efforts, you couldn't help but feel the security and comfort that came with close contact.
Finally, you surrendered to the inevitable reality of the moment. The struggle to free yourself faded into an acceptance of his embrace, and you allowed him to settle against you. Sunghoon, aware of your surrender, adjusted his position with a mixture of softness and satisfaction. His movements were smooth and meticulous, as if each adjustment was designed to maximize your comfort, despite the lingering wetness of his skin.
As he settled in, Sunghoon leaned toward you. The sound of his breath on your neck, combined with the warmth of his skin, created a sense of intimacy that was hard to ignore. His face, buried in the hollow of your neck, seemed to seek refuge in you, and the sweat on his skin mingled with the warmth of your own body.
Despite your discomfort, there was something undeniably tender in Sunghoon's gesture. The closeness and the way he clung to you, the warmth of his body and the faint scent of sweat he left in the air.
The contrast between the sweat and the warmth of his skin, along with the softness of his hug, created an enveloping atmosphere.
Sunghoon, feeling the need to assess the situation, stepped back slightly. His eyes softened, and a tender smile appeared on his lips as he saw how adorable you looked at that moment. The look on his face reflected a mixture of affection and amusement, and he leaned toward you, bringing his lips close to yours with the intention of kissing you. However, you dodged the contact, turning your head slightly away.
-You don't deserve it -you said, trying to maintain a tone of indignation.
Sunghoon, with a derisive chuckle escaping his lips, was not deterred by your evasion. Without warning, he pressed you against the wall of his room with a nimble and decisive movement. The action was swift, and before you could react, his legs were placed between yours, pulling you even closer to him. The brush of his body against yours, combined with the firmness of his grip, created a sense of closeness that was hard to ignore.
He leaned into you, and the brush of his lips against your neck was delicate, but loaded with intentionality. His breathing, deep and rhythmic, became more noticeable as he drew closer. The soft kiss on your neck was a light caress, his mouth moving deftly along your skin, exploring every sensitive nook and cranny with a precision that made you shiver.
The brush of his lips, though gentle, was effective in provoking a response in your body, causing an involuntary tremor to spread from the point of contact to the rest of your skin. The combination of the warmth of his body and the moist touch of his breath created a sensory experience that was hard to ignore.
-Sunghoon… don't mark-s -you said in a shaky whisper, trying to maintain a semblance of seriousness as you felt the effect of his caresses. The tone in your voice, though laden with warning, failed to hide the pleasure you were experiencing.
Sunghoon, with a playful expression on his face, decided to intensify the game. He gently pinched your waist, a movement that, though slight, caused a gasp to escape your lips. The pinch, unexpected and sudden, was enough to make you shiver, and your body reacted instantly to the surprise. The mixture of pain and pleasure set off a series of chain reactions, increasing the closeness between the two of you.
Taking advantage of the moment when your body tensed and you gave in to gasping, Sunghoon leaned even closer to you. His lips found yours in a kiss that started soft but quickly became more intense. The intensity of his kisses was palpable; his lips moved with an urgency and hunger that left no doubt about the desire he felt, a combination that was impossible to ignore.
Every movement of his tongue against yours seemed to be a declaration of his desires, and you, between whispers and moans, surrendered to the experience with submission. His hands, still firmly positioned on your waist, guided you toward the bathroom.
Sunghoon moved with smooth determination, never stopping kissing you for an instant. The bathroom door closed with a soft click behind you, plunging you into an even more intimate space. The room was illuminated by a soft light, creating a cozy and private atmosphere.
With a fluid gesture, Sunghoon turned on the shower faucet, and the hot water began to fill the space with an enveloping steam. The temperature of the water, combined with the gathering steam, created a warm, moist atmosphere that enveloped their bodies. Sunghoon, without taking his eyes off you, began to strip off your clothes, his movements slow and careful while his lips still sought yours in a lingering kiss.
˖ ࣪ › Kim Seonwoo ー 김선우
The drive back to the dormitories was quiet, with the sound of the car's engine being the only background noise. The night sky was clear, revealing a blanket of stars twinkling softly above the moving vehicle. Street lamps dimly illuminated the deserted streets, casting long, eerie shadows that danced to the rhythm of the car's lights. The interior of the vehicle was warm and comfortable, providing a cozy shelter from the cold breeze of the night outside.
Ni-ki, his young energy already spent, rested with his face buried in your neck. You felt his soft, rhythmic breathing, a warm whisper against your skin. His soft hair tickled your neck with every little movement. Ni-ki's arms, despite his drowsiness, clung lightly to you. With every little bump in the road, his body would instinctively adjust, snuggling closer and seeking an even more comfortable position.
Sunoo, on the other hand, snuggled into your lap, his light weight and slender body fitting snugly against yours. Her hair, silky and fine, slipped through your fingers as you played with it. You felt the softness of his hair, creating a soothing sensation that helped you calm your own restless thoughts.
Concern for Sunoo kept nagging at the back of your mind. All day long you had noticed his tiredness and distraction. You watched every little gesture, every slow blink and every sigh, trying to decipher what could be going through his mind. You saw the tension in his shoulders and the slight dullness in his eyes that indicated his exhaustion.
The dim light from inside the car illuminated his face, revealing his delicate features and the tranquility that could only be experienced in sleep. You decided not to move until the cart finally stopped at the apartment complex, wanting to prolong that moment of peace and connection with the two maknaes.
Finally, the car arrived at its destination. The engine was turned off and the silence grew even deeper. You woke the two maknaes gently, whispering their names and stroking their cheeks so they would slowly wake up. Ni-ki woke slowly, his eyes still half closed, blinking heavily against the soft light inside the carriage. Sunoo moved lazily, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand and stretching like a small cat, letting out a tired sigh.
Everyone got out of the vehicle and you felt Heeseung put his arm around you, providing support and a touch of warmth in the cold night. The cool night air snuck in through the open spaces, making you snuggle a little more into his embrace. The managers waved goodbye to you with a smile and a nod of approval, as you headed inside the building. As you went upstairs, the silence remained, only interrupted by the soft hum of the elevator slowly ascending.
Each floor you passed increased the sense of calm and the accumulated exhaustion of the day seemed to settle even more on your shoulders.
The elevator stopped with a slight clink and the doors slowly opened. Arriving at Jake, Sunoo and Jungwon's floor, you turned to Sunghoon, who was watching the maknaes with concern.
-Sunghoon, can I stay with the maknaes tonight? -Your voice was a whisper that barely broke the silence of the hallway.
Sunghoon looked at you with surprise at first, then his expression softened in understanding. His eyes reflected slight curiosity and concern as he replied.
-Sure, but may I know why, are you okay? -He asked, his tone showing a mixture of genuine concern and a need to understand.
You turned to Sunoo, who looked just as tired, if not worse, than he did at the end of the recordings that afternoon. His eyes were dull, and his posture betrayed a deep exhaustion that seemed to sink his shoulders downward. His movements were slow and heavy, as if each step cost him monumental effort.
-I'm worried about Sunoo, and I want to take care of him tonight -you replied.
Sunghoon nodded slowly, his gaze shifting from you to Sunoo and then back to you. His lips formed a small sympathetic smile as he looked at the young man intently, recognizing the need for your request.
The soft glow of the lights illuminated everyone's tired faces. You said goodbye to Heeseung with a soft kiss on the mouth, feeling the warmth in his gesture, a silent promise to be there for you.
You did the same with Sunghoon, who kissed you back with a quiet smile. His lips were warm and soft, and the kiss was a mutual comfort. Jay also received a kiss on the lips, his hand clasped briefly around yours in a gesture of silent support.
When you reached Ni-ki, who could barely keep his eyes open, you kissed him on the cheek and caressed him tenderly. His skin was warm under your lips and his breathing was slow and heavy with exhaustion. The brush of your fingers on his cheek brought a slight smile to his face before his eyes closed again.
Jake was waiting for you outside the elevator, his tall, comforting figure standing out in the dimly lit hallway. He took your hand with a gentleness that contrasted with his usual strength. His hand was firm but gentle, conveying a sense of security.
As you entered the apartment, the atmosphere was calm and orderly. Jungwon, who had been conversing quietly with Jake in the hallway, approached you with a genuine smile and gave you a kiss on the lips. It was a brief gesture but full of affection, his lips were soft and warm.
Jake wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. His arms were strong and protective, the embrace was brief but intensely warm, his lips touching yours in a soft kiss that left a trace of warmth on your skin.
You approached Sunoo, who was in the kitchen, leaning on the table with a glass of water in his hand. His posture looked tired, and his skin paled slightly under the kitchen light. Touching his face with a gentle hand, you felt the warmth of his skin, and he slowly opened his eyes. Fatigue was clearly visible in his expression, but at the sight of you, a faint smile appeared on his lips. That smile, though faint, gave you a breath of relief; at least he didn't seem to have a fever, and that reassured you.
-Should we go to bed? -you asked softly, the concern in your eyes evident, but your tone was calm and comforting.
Sunoo nodded slightly, his hand taking yours with a delicacy that reflected his exhaustion. Together, you walked towards your room, the floor of the apartment creaking softly under your footsteps, echoing faintly in the quiet hallway.
They entered his room, a space decorated in a simple but cozy style.
You told Sunoo that he needed to change to sleep. Though he groaned with a slight sigh, he walked to his drawer. The movement of his legs was leisurely and fatigued, and his posture clearly reflected the accumulated fatigue. He opened the drawer with a trembling hand and began to search through his collection of comfortable clothes.
Meanwhile, you stood near the bed, watching Sunoo rummage through her clothes. The room was shrouded in dim light, which came from a table lamp in the corner, creating a warm, soft glow that accentuated the quiet atmosphere. The soft hum of the heater in the background added an additional layer of comfort to the space.
Sunoo stopped and asked you in a faint voice -Why don't you change?
-I wasn't really planning to stay with you, so I don't have pajamas -you admitted, a little flushed by the confession.
He returned to his drawer and, with a deliberate movement, offered you one of his shirts. The garment was obviously large for you, its long sleeves and loose-fitting fabric contrasting with your figure. The shirt was made of a soft, comfortable material, and had a familiar scent that made you feel even closer to him.
-You can wear this -Sunoo said, his voice had a soft tone, full of care and a hint of concern for your well-being.
Sunoo's scent intensified as you wrapped yourself in the garment, filling you with a sense of comfort and closeness.
Sunoo, watched you with a gaze that combined admiration and affection. His eyes followed your every move, and he couldn't help but break the silence with a voice full of sincerity.
-You're beautiful -Sunoo said, his words floating in the air with a soft tone full of affection.
You blushed at the compliment, warmth spreading across your cheeks as you turned to him.
-Thank you -you said, your voice a whisper full of gratitude.
You approached him with a gentle, attentive manner, your movements careful and deliberate, as if you wanted to make sure you didn't invade his personal space.
-Do you want me to wash your face? -you asked in a soft tone of voice, almost like a whisper, your eyes fixed on his with an expression of sincere care.
Sunoo nodded slowly, his eyes already heavy with fatigue. He settled himself near the sink, allowing you to approach with all the attention you offered him. The mood in the bathroom was serene, with the warm light creating a play of soft shadows on her fatigued features. You immediately sprang into action.
You began to wet a small towel with warm water, the sound of dripping water the only noise that broke the still silence. With delicate movements, you began to clean Sunoo's face, who, half asleep, was enjoying your gentle massage on his skin.
His arms were wrapped around you with a strength that, although relaxed, conveyed a sense of security.
Your fingers moved in small, meticulous circles, gently massaging his cheeks and forehead. Sunoo relaxed under your touch, his eyelids slowly closing and his lips curving into a contented expression. He opened his eyes from time to time to look at your face, completely focused on the care you were giving him.
When your eyes finally met his, Sunoo raised a hand slowly, touching your cheek tenderly. His touch was subtle, but it was full of affection. His hand was warm and his touch, though light, was firm in its gratitude. He drew you to him gently, as if he wanted to make sure you were as close as possible. The pressure of his arms around your waist did not slacken, keeping you immobilized.
Carefully, you finished wiping the soap residue from his face. The soft towel moved easily over his skin, encircled by his firmly secured arms. Finally, after completely drying his face, Sunoo looked up at you with an expression of sincere thanks. His voice, laden with a sleepy, loving tone, broke the silence.
-Give me a kiss -Sunoo asked in a low, melodic voice, a request that combined tenderness and a touch of neediness.
You approached him with a warm smile and kissed his forehead gently.
-Not there, noona… -he complained with a slight pout on his lips.
You smiled at his complaint, the play on words and the childish gesture gave him an adorable air. You slowly moved down to kiss both of his cheeks, the contact was soft and affectionate. Each kiss was a light caress on his tired skin, and you felt the tension in his face begin to relax under your touch.
However, Sunoo seemed to lose patience.
In a decisive, passionate move, he lifted you up and placed you on the countertop of the bathroom sink. The cool surface of the sink contrasted with the warmth of your body, creating an intriguing and electrifying sensation.
Once you were seated on the countertop, Sunoo positioned himself between your legs. He kissed you with an intensity that took you by surprise. The kiss was urgent, his lips pressed against yours with a palpable need. His hands moved firmly around your waist, pressing you even more against him and creating a physical connection that seemed unbreakable.
Your hands rested on his shoulders, feeling the muscle tense under the fabric of his shirt. The strength of his grip enveloped you in a sense of security, and the closeness between you was almost overwhelming.
Sunoo, with a purposeful movement, guided your legs around his tiny waist, making sure you were completely connected to him. The way his hands moved across your body was firm but full of care, each gesture conveying a mixture of desire and protectiveness. His hands were positioned just below where your ass began, offering solid support as he carried you in his arms towards the bed.
The sensation of being carried by him was both comforting and exciting. His steps were sure as he made his way to the bed, and the contact of his body with yours was a constant source of warmth and closeness. He gently settled you on the bed, lowering you gently onto the mattress with reverent care.
Sunoo broke the kiss and looked at you with an expression of deep affection. his eyes, searching yours, and the silence between you was filled with a quiet but powerful connection. The light in the room went out, plunging the room into a warm, cozy gloom.
He got into bed next to you, his movements gentle but sure, as if he wanted to make sure you were completely comfortable and tucked in. His arm went around you, and he placed his face in the crook of your neck. The warmth of his breath against your skin was comforting.
As you settled into the bed, your hands began to gently play with his hair. Each caress was a delicate and loving gesture, moving your fingers slowly through her silky locks. The touch of your hands in his hair was comforting to both you and him, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and closeness.
Sunoo snuggled closer, his breaths becoming deeper and more regular as he settled into the bed. His body was completely relaxed against yours, and the warmth of his embrace enveloped you in a sense of security and peace. The gentle rhythm of his breaths on your neck helped you relax, and the closeness between you created a perfect space to rest.
˖ ࣪ › Yang Jungwon ー 양정원
The studio was meticulously prepared for the occasion, lit with bright lights that reflected a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. The décor was reminiscent of a traditional classroom, with desks, chairs and various school supplies arranged in an orderly fashion. The atmosphere was designed to make conversation flow naturally, as if it were a casual conversation between classmates.
You and Jungwon were seated at a table in the center of the set. You were both wearing student uniforms, the attire evoking a youthful and fresh image. When you sat down at the desk, Jungwon noticed that there was nothing to cover your legs. With a thoughtful gesture, he asked for a blanket to be brought to you, wanting to make sure you would be comfortable during the recording.
The MC, a friendly young man about the same age as you, led the conversation with enthusiasm and curiosity. His questions focused on both of your school experiences, exploring topics such as favorite subjects and funniest anecdotes from your time at school.
Whenever the MC spoke to you, his eyes sparkled with a mixture of interest and admiration. It was evident that he found you a source of fascination, and this behavior did not go unnoticed by Jungwon. His jaw visibly tensed, and a shadow of concern darkened his gaze. The situation was becoming increasingly palpable to him, as he watched the MC become more and more attentive and dedicated in his conversation with you.
The MC, seeking to add a touch of familiarity to the conversation, proposed an idea. With a friendly smile and a casual tone, he said - Should we ever go out for a meal and a drink together? That would be fun, don't you think?"
Your reaction was immediate. You laughed sheepishly, feeling a slight warmth in your cheeks. You looked at the MC with a soft smile and replied -Sure, that would be fun someday -Although your response was kind and open, you did so with a modesty that reflected your shyness.
The MC, with an expression of curiosity and amusement on his face, decided to change the subject to keep the mood light and entertaining. He looked at Jungwon with a playful smile and, in a tone that invited an interesting anecdote.
-Hey, Jungwon, what was T/N like in school? Was she popular or something?
Jungwon, adjusted his posture, seeking to appear relaxed.
-Well… T/N noona was pretty famous. I'm not kidding, Heeseung Hyung used to go to look for her at her salon because she was always surrounded by people. She was like a star, everyone wanted to spend time with her….
While Jungwon was telling the story, his hand, unbeknownst to you, started to move gently under the blanket covering you. The sensation of his hand slowly sliding up your thigh was unexpected, and a slight shiver ran across your skin. The softness of the touch surprised you, and your mind struggled to stay focused on the conversation.
The MC, seemingly oblivious to the tension that had settled under the blanket, turned his attention back to Jungwon with a knowing smile. He scratched his chin, as if pondering an interesting question.
-So, Jungwon, what do you think about me dating T/N, would you give me your approval? -he asked.
As he asked the question, the MC pointed to the screen behind him, which showed clips of Jungwon acting very protective of you at various events. In the videos, he could be seen keeping a close eye on your interactions with others, and on one occasion, even playfully interrupting a conversation between you and another idol friend.
Jungwon, with an expression of seriousness that contrasted with the light tone of the conversation, pressed his hand on your thigh more firmly. He slowly ran his hand up your thigh and with a serious tone, he replied -No, I definitely wouldn't give you my approval.
The comment caused an awkward silence in the studio. The laughter died down and the atmosphere became tense, with those present clearly surprised by Jungwon's seriousness. The light atmosphere had quickly evaporated.
Jungwon, noticing the change in the atmosphere and intending to soften the situation, tried to correct the tone with a forced smile and an attempt at humor -It's just that, honestly, you'd break the fans' hearts! I can't allow that.
Jungwon's joke managed to partially relieve the tension, and the atmosphere on the recording set began to return to its original tone. The laughter timidly resumed and the MC followed up with a couple more questions. Although the atmosphere had relaxed, Jungwon kept his hand firmly on your thigh, squeezing from time to time with an intensity that made it difficult to concentrate on the conversation.
Finally, the MC applauded to close the interview and expressed his thanks to all the participants. The set was filled with a hubbub of goodbyes and greetings. Politely, you said goodbye to the production team, trying to maintain a professional attitude. You felt the pressure of Jungwon's gaze on your back, but made a conscious effort not to look back at him. The intensity of his gaze was palpable, almost as if he could burn you from a distance. Without pausing, you quickly made your way to the dressing room, seeking a refuge where you could clear your mind and take a breather.
Arriving at the dressing room, you plopped down in a chair located in a secluded corner. You pulled out your phone, hoping to immerse yourself in some distraction that would help you unwind. You checked messages and notifications, though in reality your mind was focused on the recent incident. You weren't completely annoyed, but it was clear that Jungwon's behavior couldn't become a norm every time he felt threatened.
Suddenly, you felt Jungwon approaching, his presence unmistakable and powerful. You tried to get up and fetch a bottle of water to avoid confrontation, but Jungwon wouldn't let you move. With a swift movement, he grabbed your hand with a strength that surprised you, and pulled you to him with an intensity that made you bump against his firm chest.
The unexpected contact made your heart race. You felt the warmth of his body and the beat of his heart against yours. Jungwon lowered his head, his face close to yours, and his voice sounded husky.
-I'm sorry... -he said, his eyes searching yours with an intensity that showed his sincerity, though his behavior did not warrant it.
You did not respond immediately. The physical closeness and the intensity of his gaze made you feel nervous. Your heart was pounding, the effect his close presence had on you.
Jungwon, noticing your silence, leaned closer to you, his lips urgently approaching yours. He tried to kiss you, his lips were warm and his breath brushed your skin. Despite your effort to avoid the kiss, his hand on your waist was firm, almost relentless, holding you close to him. His embrace was not a cage, but a barrier that made it difficult to move freely.
-Jungwon, this is not the way to handle things -you said, trying to remain calm despite the trembling in your voice. -You're supposed to trust me….
Jungwon, with an expression of frustration and despair on his face, sank his face into your neck. The heat of his skin against yours was almost scorching, and the wet contact of his kisses on your skin made you shiver. His kisses and warm breath created a charged atmosphere that made it difficult to hold in the anger you felt.
-I trust you, but not what the others might do -Jungwon murmured, his voice low and laden with a mixture of anguish and desire. His lips continued to leave wet kisses on your neck.
With considerable effort, you pulled his face away from your neck and held him gently by the sides of his face. His eyes met yours, dark with burning desire.
-I belong to you -you whispered, almost as if sharing an intimate secret.
Jungwon did not respond with words. Instead, he leaned forward, his lips crashing against yours in an urgent, burning kiss. The initial contact was like a spark igniting a flame; the softness of your lips mingled with desperate intensity. His hands, still firmly clinging to your waist, pressed you against him with a palpable need, as if he feared the moment would fade.
His tongue, warm and soft, slid in with an expert touch, playing and teasing with enveloping movements that made you sigh.
Your hands slid into his hair, tangling in the nape of his neck with a fervor that responded to the fervent kiss. You felt the texture of his locks under your fingers, each tug and caress entangling your deepest emotions in the act of kissing. His hands descended to your hips, exerting a firm but passionate pressure that made you feel even closer to him.
Jungwon, with a mixture of determination and passion, began to lean back. Without breaking the kiss, he sat down on the couch. He made you settle astride him, the pressure of his body against yours amplifying the shared pleasure.
In the middle of the kiss, Jungwon bit your lower lip urgently. The bite was a gesture charged with intensity; his teeth sank gently into the flesh of your lip, creating a sensation of pressure that combined the tender and the passionate. The sensation of his hot breath, combined with the bite, made every second of the kiss feel like an eternity of shared enjoyment.
Then, he parted slightly, bringing their foreheads together in a gesture of complicity. The warmth of their bodies melted into a comforting calm. The tensions of the moment seemed to dissipate in the intimacy of their embrace. The outside world seemed to fade away, leaving them in a bubble of tranquility.
˖ ࣪ › Nishimura Riki ー 西村 力
After one of the tour's concerts, the atmosphere was permeated with the residual energy of the performance. The excitement of the audience was still vibrating in the air, mingling with the smell of sweat and lotion from the band members left in the dressing room. Upon returning to the hotel, an atmosphere of relaxation and camaraderie settled in your room, where you, Sunoo and Ni-ki were looking to decompress the tension of the day.
We had decided to play Super Smash Bros after the group dinner, a lively gathering that included the rest of the staff and the other members of the group. The dinner had been a mix of laughter, lively conversation and inside jokes that only those who lived through the experience together could fully understand. The restaurant had been full of life, the tables overflowing with exquisite dishes that contrasted with the fast food they often resorted to on tour. Stomachs full and spirits high, the decision to follow the evening with a game seemed perfect.
In your hotel room, the soft light from the table lamps created a warm and cozy atmosphere. Thick curtains blocked the view of the city, isolating the space from the hustle and bustle outside. The three of you were at ease on the bed, a vast expanse of white sheets that rustled with every movement. Ni-ki lay between your legs, his body relaxed against yours, his head resting on your stomach. You could feel his rhythmic breathing, the slight rise and fall of his chest. Every now and then, his soft hair brushed against your skin, causing a pleasant tingling sensation.
Sunoo, with his inexhaustible energy, was facing the TV, lying on his stomach. His legs swayed in the air, feet moving to the rhythm of an imaginary melody. His eyes sparkled in the light of the screen, a reflection of changing colors that illuminated his face with an almost childlike enthusiasm. The television screen, excessively large for the room, projected a bluish light that bathed the space in an atmosphere of playfulness.
The three of them stared at the screen, controls in their hands, each absorbed in their own strategy and concentration. Friendly competitiveness hung in the air, a subtle current that maintained the tension of the game, but without breaking the atmosphere of complicity. Every time Sunoo won, his little shouts of excitement could be heard. His high-pitched, clear voice echoed in the room, and his leaps on the bed made the sheets crumple under his weight. His movements were quick and effusive, as if each victory injected him with an extra dose of energy. His eyes would close for a second, his hands raised in triumph, and his laughter would fill the space, a melody of pure happiness.
When you won, the feeling was different. You let out an elongated "yessssss", an exclamation held back by Ni-ki's weight on you. It was a sound of deep satisfaction, but tempered by the presence of your boyfriend on top of you. You could feel his head move slightly with your exclamation, but he remained in place, seeking comfort in your closeness.
That night was definitely not Ni-ki's night. He barely won once, which had him grumpy. His face showed a mixture of intense concentration and mounting frustration. Each defeat was reflected in his eyes, a spark of irritation that quickly faded into resignation. His lips formed a thin line, and his sighs were deeper, almost as if with each exhale he was trying to release pent-up frustration.
Time passed almost unnoticed, and soon the clock struck one in the morning. The room was still illuminated by the dim light of the television and the soft glow of the table lamps, which cast elongated shadows on the walls. Suddenly, the sound of the telephone broke the atmosphere of concentration and playfulness. Sunghoon was calling to say that Sunoo had to return to the room they shared.
The vibrant energy of the game and Sunoo's company had faded away, leaving a quiet calm in its place. You shared a room with Ni-ki, while Sunghoon was with Sunoo, Jay with Jungwon and Heeseung with Jake. This room sharing was familiar, a routine part of life on tour, each finding comfort in the company of their designated roommate.
While you were in the bathroom doing your skin care routine, you listened to the soft murmur of the room and the low hum of the air conditioner. The bathroom was illuminated by warm, soft light, reflecting off the mirrors and creating a soothing ambiance.
As you carefully applied moisturizer to your face, you felt arms wrap around you from behind. At first, it was a light pressure, as if Ni-ki was testing whether his affection would be welcome. Then, the arms squeezed tighter, enveloping you in a warm, firm embrace. You continued with your routine, moving with the familiarity of rehearsed movements, as Ni-ki, koala-like, hugged you from behind. His face was buried in your neck, and you could feel his warm breath against your skin. The faint whisper of his breath, along with the weight of his head on your shoulder, created a sense of protection.
His arms were firmly entwined around your waist, his body glued to yours insistently. Despite his usual dislike of physical affection, he would occasionally get like this, clingy to the point where he wouldn't let go. Over time, you had learned to accept and, in fact, expect these moments. Physical closeness was a form of silent communication, a way for Ni-ki to express her feelings without the need for words.
As you applied the cream to your face, your movements became slower and more careful, taking the time to savor the moment. You could feel Ni-ki slowly relax, his breathing becoming deeper and more regular.
Looking through the mirror, you noticed the pout on Ni-ki's face with a clarity that stood out against the brightness of the sink. -Why are you pouting? -you asked, your voice soft and curious, trying to soften the moment with a touch of humor.
Ni-ki lifted his head slightly from your neck, his face so close to yours that you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. -I'm not pouting -he replied in a defensive tone. The response, far from discouraging you, only added to the tenderness of the situation. Laughter escaped your lips, a soft but joyful sound that mingled with the echo of the bathroom.
As the laughter faded, you carefully arranged your skin care products on the shelf. Then, you leaned against the sink, your eyes reflecting Ni-ki's image as he raised his head to look at you.
The light from the bath, soft and warm, brought out the details of Ni-ki's face. His eyes, a little hesitantly, sought yours in the mirror, but were soon diverted as the color in his cheeks intensified. He turned red, the blush spreading from the tips of his ears to his cheeks, a clear sign of his embarrassment. Then he buried his face in your neck again, seeking refuge in the warmth and comforting embrace.
The sight of Ni-ki hiding in your neck elicited another wave of laughter from you, this time more joyful and deeper. -Don't laugh, noona -he said in a plaintive voice, the tone slightly distorted by the proximity of your skin. The way the words were muffled by your position made the sound feel even closer and more tender.
As Ni-ki continued with his face buried in your neck, he whispered softly, the words almost inaudible, -I lost because I was tired. Otherwise, I would have beaten Sunoo hyung and you -His words were a whisper full of sincerity and self-righteousness. The way his breath caressed your neck added an extra layer of cuteness to the moment.
You turned slowly, moving carefully so as not to disrupt the embrace and the sense of closeness they had created. Your every movement was deliberate, trying to maintain the softness of the moment as you positioned yourself so that you were facing Ni-ki. The light from the bath fell softly on both of you, creating a warm glow that accentuated the intimacy of the environment.
With a gentleness that reflected the affection you felt, you lifted a hand and placed it gently on her cheek. The touch of your fingers on his skin was light, but filled with a tenderness that could be felt in every caress. The warmth of your hand seemed to absorb the tension in his face, providing a small breath of comfort. Then, you slowly leaned toward him, making sure not to rush, to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Ni-ki's reaction was immediate. His cheeks grew even redder, a color that seemed to intensify with each passing second. The skin on his face took on a warm, glowing hue that contrasted with the soft light of the bath. His eyes averted from yours, unable to hold your gaze, and his body tensed slightly in an attempt to control his embarrassment. The shy smile that appeared on her lips was small but significant.
Without warning, Ni-ki hid his face in your neck again. The blush on his cheeks seemed to radiate warmth, and the slight tremor in his breathing revealed the intensity of his emotion.
-You're so cute -you told him with a soft voice and a mixture of amusement in your words.
-I'm not cute! I'm already a man! -he protested with a mixture of indignation and disdain, his voice slightly drowned out by the contact with your neck. The need to assert his maturity only underscored the cuteness you felt.
-Yes, of course -you replied with a hint of sarcasm in your voice, the smile tugging at your lips revealing the amused disagreement with her self-assessment. The response was laden with a playful warmth, a way to continue the game you had started.
-Give me a real kiss -he requested, his voice sounding almost pleading and full of longing. A way of asking for a gesture of affection that, was clearly charged with affection. His face, still hidden in your neck, moved slightly in an attempt to look you in the eye, though his gaze remained partially hidden.
-I already gave you a real one. It's the kiss you deserve for placing third in Smash -you told him, sticking your tongue out playfully.
Ni-ki reacted with a series of dramatic complaints. -That's unfair! -his tone was filled with a mixture of frustration and amusement, as if he was angry, but he couldn't help but smile.
You laughed, a clear and joyful sound that echoed in the bathroom, creating a warm and light atmosphere. The laughter drifted softly, full of affection and amusement, and mingled with the echo of the walls. After the laughter, you walked away to the small table where you were charging your cell phone. Ni-ki followed you, moving with light, purposeful steps, his presence a constant at your side, like a shadow that didn't want to miss a second of your attention.
When you turned to rearrange the bed, the sight of Ni-ki in the middle of the comforter was almost comical. He had thrown himself in the center, flattening the comforter with an air of triumph. The comforter crumpled and sagged under his weight, creating a mountain of soft, disheveled fabric piled around his figure. Ni-ki was stretched out in a carefree manner, arms outstretched at his sides and legs slightly spread, as if the comforter had been custom-made for his form. His attitude reflected a mixture of defiance and comfort, an image of total relaxation amidst the mess.
-Ni-ki, get up, please -you asked, with a hint of amusement in your tone.
He shook his head, a firm and determined movement that underlined his obstinacy. The refusal was clear and defiant, a gesture that made it clear he had no intention of moving. As you tried to pull the comforter from under his body, you were met with solid resistance. Ni-ki remained immobile, his weight creating an effective barrier that made it nearly impossible to move the quilt without moving him first. Every tug and adjustment of the comforter revealed the difficulty of moving it, and the way he resisted only accentuated his determination to remain in position.
You moved closer to where his face was, which was partially hidden between the wrinkles of the comforter. As you met his face, you saw an expression of mischief mixed with amusement. His eyes sparkled with a mischievous sparkle and his smile, slightly hidden, seemed wider as he tried to maintain his defiant attitude.
-Please get off -you repeated, your voice laden with a mixture of exasperation and laughter. The repetition of the request was not without endearment, and the tone in your voice was a combination of gentle pleading.
Ni-ki, however, simply shook his head again, his attitude stubborn and his body still squashed into the comforter. The slight curve of his lips, still visibly tilted in a mischievous smile, left no doubt that he was enjoying every moment of this little tug-of-war.
You were standing on the side of the bed, your hands resting on either side of his head, creating a natural frame around his face. The proximity between you was remarkable. The distance between your face and his was close enough for your breaths to mingle.
-What do I have to do to get you off? -your question was soft and playful, laden with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. The tone of your voice, light and full of affection, was infused with a tinge of sweetness that reflected your willingness to continue this little game. Your body leaned forward slightly, drawing you even closer to him
-Give me a real kiss -he replied, his words coming out with a clarity that underscored his desire for a genuine gesture of affection. The way he phrased his request, with a slight elevation in the tone of his voice, revealed his expectation.
You laughed softly, a sound that filled the air with a light and cheerful melody. The laughter that escaped your lips had an infectious quality to it, adding a touch of amusement to the moment. With a smile on your lips and a gaze full of tenderness, you leaned into him.
The kiss was firm and determined, your lips acting with a pressure that, though intense, maintained a sweet quality. The feel of his lips against yours was warm and moist, a contact that conveyed an underlying urgency but also a deep affection.
As the kiss unfolded, you felt the warmth of his breath mingling with yours. Each exhalation from Ni-ki was a warm whisper that caressed your skin, the sensation of his breath creating an atmosphere of closeness that made the outside world seem to fade away.
You caressed his cheek with a gentleness that contrasted with the intensity of the kiss. Your fingertips traced soft paths over his skin, adding a sense of calm and softness to the frenzy of the moment. Ni-ki let out a sigh of contentment, the sound escaping his mouth with a mixture of relief and pleasure. The sigh was deep and drawn out, an echo of the joy and contentment he felt at that moment. The vibration of his breath against your lips and the way his body relaxed slightly revealed how deeply he appreciated the gesture.
When you finally broke away from him, the look on Ni-ki's face reflected a mixture of complete satisfaction and happiness -I won.
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sluttywoozi · 9 days
(Boy)Friend Material | Part I of II | csc x f!reader
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You'd think that, having matched with Seungcheol on a dating app, you would be, well, dating. You suppose you're lucky, but not that lucky.
Rating: sfw (this part) | WC: ~3k | Pairing: csc x f!reader | Genre: emotional fluff, friends/idiots to lovers
Warnings: suggestive thoughts, down bad reader, implied alcohol drinking, kissing
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Matching with Seungcheol on Bumble was a fluke, or maybe a miracle, considering the fact that you re-downloaded the app on a whim and his profile was the first to come up. 
The second you saw him in that blue baseball cap and white tee, his jawline sharp and his bicep thick, you knew there was no point in trying to find anyone better. So you conferred with the group chat to crowdsource a good opening line, something about how his birthday should be a national holiday, and awaited his response with bated breath. 
He replied within minutes, saying that he’d always thought so but was intrigued as to why you did too, and you, ignoring your friends’ advice to play it cool, told him that he was obviously a gift to the masses to get them through these troubling times. He got bashful then, but apparently you didn’t come on too strong in a bad way, because the next thing you knew he was asking for your number and requesting to meet up for some coffee. 
That was four months ago, and though it never went further in a romantic sense, you know you’re lucky to have him as a friend. Unfortunately, the thoughts you have about Seungcheol aren’t the kind you’re supposed to have about a friend. 
You wish you could say you haven’t always wondered what those plush lips would feel like on yours, or if he’d be big enough to stretch you out, or whether he’d take you gently or pin you down and fuck you like he means it, but you’ve wanted Seungcheol ever since you first locked eyes with him, even if it was just through your phone screen.
It would be one thing if you only wanted to sleep with him, but it’s a million times worse because you want to love him too. You want to hold hands, and go on cute dates, and get him little gifts just to see his eyes light up. You want to fall asleep in his arms, and take care of him when he’s sick, and tell anyone who will listen that he’s your boyfriend. 
How could you want anything less when he looks like all of your dreams come to life? When he gazes at you with those big brown eyes, always listening so attentively, as if you’re the only one in his world that matters? When he takes care of you without thinking, like it’s just second nature?
Even at a house party like this, where there are plenty of girls eyeing him and more than a few of his bros wanting to talk to him, he’s by your side. The second your shoulders twitched in a shiver, his jacket was covering them. As soon as your cup was empty, he was accompanying you to the kitchen to refill it. And you know that when you give even a hint of wanting to leave, he’ll be guiding you to his car and taking you home, perfectly sober because he volunteered to be the designated driver tonight just so you could have fun and be safe. 
If only you could tell him to take you back to his place instead of yours. The problem is that he would, and he’d take your makeup off all gently, and give you a big t-shirt to sleep in, and tuck you into his bed before going to sleep on the couch, even though it hurts his back and his feet dangle off the edge. You know because that’s exactly what he did the time you managed to scrape together enough courage to ask if you could stay over after a night out. 
You can’t have a repeat of that, not when you woke up wishing you were his (after dreaming that he’d fucked you into his mattress). You barely kept yourself from begging him to make your dreams a reality that morning, especially when he greeted you with bedhead, a gravelly voice, and your favorite pastries from the bakery down the street. 
It took you weeks to get over it, to be able to look into his eyes without wanting to either confess your love or jump his bones. And still, almost two months later, you’re pushing down both of those desires. Holding your feelings back when you’re with him is a constant struggle, one that’s only made more difficult by his affectionate and protective nature. It’s becoming painful, knowing he likes you but not in the way that you like him, being so close to him but never as close as you want. 
Near Seungcheol is your favorite place to be, but you’re starting to think it’s not somewhere that’s good for you, which is distressing because at this point, he’s one of your best friends. You see him nearly every week for meals and little excursions, and you’d go for every day if you didn’t have to keep him from your other friends lest they give away your secret. You don’t know how you’d cope with not being around him, but you can only assume it wouldn’t be well when he’s so enmeshed in your life, even your landlord knows about him.
God, you cancel one maintenance call after Seungcheol fixes your leaky faucet and Jerry thinks every other repair request is bullshit…
You startle as Seungcheol leans in close to ask you something, though you’re too distracted by the weight of his hand on your waist to process his question. It’s warm even through the cotton of your shirt and the denim of his jacket, and he must think it’s too loud for you to hear him because he uses it to tug you closer as he asks again, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I think I’m just ready to go,” you respond weakly, forcing a smile that must look as fake as it feels. Knowing you’re not telling the truth about the first part, he frowns reproachfully at you and lets go of your waist to intertwine your fingers with his, pulling you behind him to the front door. There’s a chill in the air though it’s barely September, and he drops your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulders, syncing his steps to yours and holding you tight.
It’s a short walk but the quiet tension makes it feel like eons have passed by the time you arrive at his sedan. He opens the passenger-side door for you and takes your bag so you can climb in unhindered, gently placing it at your feet before patting your knee and shutting you in. You watch as he jogs around the hood and gets in next to you, taking care not to slam his door. You wonder if it’s because the first (and only) time he did on a night like this, you thought he was upset with you for wanting to leave early. 
He was so sweet and concerned when you brought it up, instantly rejecting your offer to uber home so he could go back to the party as if he was offended you even asked, before telling you that there was no point in staying if he didn’t have you with him. That was just one of the many moments that have ruined you for anyone else. 
“What’s on your mind?” Seungcheol asks quietly, turning his body toward you and reaching for your hand. Unsure of what to say, you give it to him silently and fight back a shudder at the feeling of his warm, rough fingers against yours. 
You hate lying to Seungcheol, partially because you always want to be honest with him but mostly because you’re so bad at doing the opposite. He picks up on it immediately, and then he gets this sorrowful, wounded look on his face and goes all quiet, which makes you feel like you’re the worst person on the planet. 
How honest can you be, though?
You could leave out the part about wanting him to fuck your brains out and lead with the non-platonic feelings you hold for him. Or you could leave out the emotional side of things and simply share that you want to ride him into the sunset. Or you could tell him everything, bare your soul and your pussy, and hope for the best. But what if the worst happens? What if he tells you he could never want you like that, that you’re like a sister to him, that he doesn’t want to see you ever again because you’ve ruined this friendship? 
You don’t think you can risk it. 
Still, you’d like to avoid deceiving him and hurting his feelings in the process, so maybe you could just be vague instead. 
“A lot of things, but nothing I want to talk about right now,” you finally answer, avoiding his eyes and pushing down the voice in the back of your mind that screams you’re a coward.
His mouth scrunches to the side and his brows furrow, but after a minute of silence, he accepts it. 
“Okay, just… You know you can tell me anything, right?” He lowers his head to find your gaze, sincerity emanating so brightly from him, it burns. 
Anything but this.
“I know,” you whisper, attempting a smile to appease him, though the way he sighs defeatedly and looks away makes you feel like you’ve just made him worry more. 
Facing the wheel again, he turns the key in the ignition and carefully reverses just enough to pull forward out of his makeshift parking spot. The music coming through his speakers is soft and low, too quiet to really fill the silence sitting between you and him, silence that isn’t usually there. You don’t know what to say so you don’t say anything at all, your body thrumming with a nervous energy that you’re sure Seungcheol can feel. 
Glancing over, you find his hands tight on the steering wheel and his lip caught in between his teeth. You hate the idea that your anxiety has seeped into him, but he’s always seemed to think your happiness is his personal responsibility, so you suppose it makes sense. 
“Are you taking the long way?” You ask in confusion when you face forward again and watch the on ramp to the highway pass you by. 
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay… Just wanted a bit more time with you,” he murmurs with a melancholy tinge to his voice. 
“Of course that’s okay, I love being with you.” Shit, you wanted to make him feel better but you didn’t mean to sound so-
“Do you?” 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you never…” He looks over at you and shakes his head, taking a deep breath before continuing to speak. “I know we’re taking things slow but I feel like you’re always holding part of yourself back from me. You never touch me, I’m always the one touching you. I make the majority of our plans. All my friends know you but I don’t know any of your friends,” he sighs in frustration and pulls over into an empty parking lot, putting the car in park. “And now tonight you don’t feel like you can tell me what’s wrong… I just- If you want to break things off, please just say so.”
When he finishes, he gazes at you, dejection swimming in his eyes like you’re breaking his heart. 
In your mind, you repeat the words that stand out to you as if they’re new arrangements of letters with meanings you’ve never encountered before.
T a k i n g  t h i n g s  s l o w.
B r e a k  t h i n g s  o f f.
What  t h i n g s?
“Seungcheol… Please don’t get upset, but I think we might not be on the same page,” you say slowly. “What are we? Because I was under the impression we were-”
“Friends,” you finish just as he responds, like it should be obvious, “Together.”
“You think we’re just friends?! We met on a dating app,” he bursts in a barely contained explosion. 
“You’re so hot, and sure, we went on that one coffee date, but we never went on any others-” You scramble to explain your reasoning. 
“We’ve gone on at least three dates a month since we met! Did you think we were just hanging out?” 
“I plan them, I dress nicely, I pick you up, I pay,” he lists off on his fingers, clearly growing heated. 
“Okay, so maybe those were dates! But we don’t kiss, or have sleepovers, or talk to each other about our feelings,” you attempt to defend yourself. 
“I was trying to follow your lead,” he grimaces regretfully and pinches the bridge of his nose. “God, could I have been kissing you this whole time?” 
“You could have been doing a lot more than kissing me,” you laugh to yourself, thinking about all the wishes and desires you’ve had since you first laid eyes on him. Then you see his face, and it doesn’t really feel funny anymore. 
He looks equal parts irate and amorous, that strong brow furrowed in displeasure though his gaze is greedy, like he’s had enough of you but at the same time, he could never get enough of you. 
“Alright, since I apparently need to lay it all out, here’s what we’re gonna do,” he turns to face you, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. You barely resist the urge to lean into it before realizing you don’t have to resist anything anymore when it comes to Seungcheol, your hand coming up to cover his and hold it to your face. 
His eyes soften at that, his thumb brushing your cheekbone as he says, “First, we’re going to talk about our feelings and get on the same page. Then, I’m taking you to your place to pack an overnight bag and to mine for a sleepover, and this time I’m not staying on that goddamn couch. It’ll take a while to make up for four months of not kissing you, but we can start with tonight. Does that all sound good to you?”
“Everything sounds great,” you breathe dreamily, already envisioning being on your back beneath him with those perfect cherry lips on yours. 
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that,” he groans, his head falling sideways against the headrest. “We have to talk first.”
“Are you telling me or yourself?” You ask teasingly, giggling when he squeezes his eyes shut and swears under his breath. 
“Both,” he sighs out before saying nervously, “I’ll start, because I’m a good boyfriend.”
You have to swallow down the squeal that threatens to burst from you just at the thought of Seungcheol being your boyfriend. 
“I’ve been into you since I met you,” he begins. “You make me laugh, you make my heart race, and you make me want you, all the damn time. The past four months have been the best of my life. You’re smart and beautiful and special and I want to be with you for as long as you’ll have me.”
Hearing Seungcheol say these things sends a rush of pure joy through you, followed by a flood of affection. He’s all you’ve wanted for four months, and now you know he likes you. And wants to be with you. It’s almost too much for you to handle… Almost. 
“Seungcheol, as soon as I saw you on that god-forsaken app, I knew I could stop looking. You’re funny and kind and thoughtful and devastatingly good looking, and I liked you so much that I tried to be happy just being your friend, but I always wanted more. I think it’s because I was so blinded by my crush on you that I didn’t realize we were more. We are more. Hopefully, you’re okay being with me for a long time, because I don’t know if I’ll ever want to let you go.”
He gazes at you, his face soft and his eyes earnest, adoring. “That’s fine with me,” he murmurs, leaning in. “Can I kiss you?”
“I literally thought you’d never ask,” you whisper, inching forward and holding your breath until his lips finally meet yours. 
They feel supple, lush, just like you knew they would, and he kisses you with a gentleness you didn’t expect. After four months of waiting, you thought he’d be impatient, rough, but he’s moving like he has all the time in the world, like you’re something worth savoring. He pulls away reluctantly, but you’re not done yet, your chin tilting so you can press your lips to his again. 
He sighs against you and you glide your tongue over his bottom lip, gasping when he opens his mouth to lick into yours. His hand shifts to cup your neck, tilting your head so he can kiss you at a different angle, and that’s when the moan slips out. 
It’s quiet, but obvious in the silence of the car, and you pause self consciously for a second before he brushes his thumb over your jaw and moans back. The sound is so hot that you’re inches away from unbuckling your seatbelt and climbing over the center console into his lap, your mind already wrapped up in thoughts of feeling his thick, sturdy thighs under you. He doesn’t let you get that far, breaking away with a gasp and staring at you heatedly, as if he can hear your thoughts. 
“I want too much from you for our first time to be in my car,” he pants raggedly, fighting to catch his breath after you attempted to steal it from him. 
“I suppose I can’t argue with that,” you acquiesce, watching as he shifts into drive and makes his way out of the parking lot. When he’s on the road again, he rests his palm on your thigh with a glance and a raise of his brow, as if to ask if his placement is okay. You just smile and intertwine your fingers with his, trying to shove down the giddiness bubbling up within you as you get closer and closer to your apartment.
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AN: there was a natural separation between scenes so i decided to make this a two parter!! smutty part two will be posted sometime this weekend (hopefully)
please i am begging u to tell me ur thoughts and ur thots i am deep in seungcheol brainrot and i need to commiserate
edited to add: drop a comment to join the taglist!
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seungfl0wer · 2 days
Invisible ink prompt 21 for our aussies 🐨
Prompt 21: Family Drama
Warnings: Reader in hospital (bin), self doubt (Lix), mentions of fighting at home (Chan). I know there’s mistakes I’m sorry I didn’t realize until after I had it all done :(
Invisible Ink Game Master List
Other Members (changbin) have been added to this
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💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat
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sleepyhoon · 8 months
— texting boyfriend!lee heeseung
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✰ summary — series of texts based on dating everyone’s favorite bambi boy
✰ genre — fake texts, college au, fluff, humor, suggestive content
✰ warnings — swearing & suggestive content (minors dni)
✰ a/n — lowkey starting to run out of ideas but hope u like it nonetheless hehe always have so much fun making these xx
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tasteleeknow · 4 months
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fluff. chan x fem!reader. no content warnings. unless you're repulsed (??) by sickly sweet boyfriendf!chris. in which case, look away.
"You alright?" he asks, ducking below the table to join you. You're sucking on the tip of your finger as you shoot evil eyes at the deceptively violent shard of broken glass. You'd thought you were being careful.
His fingers wrap around your wrist. "Told you to wait," he scolds. It's gentle.
That's how he was with you.
"Lemme see," your boyfriend says, pulling your finger from your lips with his delicate grip on your wrist. He inspects the tiny spot at the tip of your pointer finger until it beads red again. Then he wraps his lips around it.
"Do you think I'll live?"
His eyes lift to yours before they crinkle a little with amusement. Then your finger is freed. "Just," he says. "Lucky for me." His thumb strokes against your wrist in barely-there brushes. It's mindless; a common habit.
You've forgotten about your near-death experience by the time you're both under the covers, ready for sleep an hour or so later. Instead, you're focused on the tiny kisses he's pressing to your palm... then to each finger—soft, warm lips to your chilled skin.
His frequent treatment for your chronic cold hands often started this way. Like he could kiss the cold away in the same way someone might kiss a grazed knee for a child.
When he's done, you turn over—letting him tuck himself against your back the way he always does. His breath tickles your neck, another offering of warmth.
You grasp his hand to your chest, locking his arm around you.
"All good?" he asks, voice heavy as sleep closes in.
It seemed to come naturally to him, the checking in—the taking care. He was a giver, your boyfriend. Receiving came a little less naturally. He'd often duck his head when you offered him some of that gentleness in return, averting his eyes. It helped to whisper the words into the darkness at moments like this.
"I love you," you breathe, his knuckles brushing your lips. "So much."
His lips curve against your neck. And then, one last oh-so-gentle kiss.
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karinasbaby · 9 months
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"surprise, slip my panties to the side."
PAIRING. lee heeseung x fem!reader (+17)
WARNINGS. mentions of alcohol, mentions of smoking, drunk hee (for a bit), cursing, bondage (ropes & handcuffs), hee is a bit angry n feral, his mood changes suddenly but it’s ok <3, bj + hj, oral (f & m), face sitting, lots of teasing, edging, overstimulation, fingering, pet names, praising !, multiple rounds (?), bath sex in a way, thigh riding, morning sex, pls tell me if i missed any !
WORD COUNT. 9.3k :0
SYNOPSIS. jaeyun pitched you one of his “genius” plans to celebrate heeseung’s birthday— but how will heeseung take it?
A, NOTE. happy new year my loves !! i would greatly appreciate it if we all ignored the fact that this was supposed to be published on hee’s birthday <3 it took me an unnecessarily long time to write, but i hope u enjoy ! + pls check a, note part 2 and the end <3 (this is also proofread at 4 am so 🙏🏼)
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red and blue lights scattered messily across your vision, the smell of intoxicating alcohol, tobacco and sweat infiltrating your senses leaving you slightly light headed, your fingertips grasped at the hem of your dress, situated around your thighs to pull the mini dress lower, eyes roaming desperately for the towering figure of your boyfriend,
your boyfriend, lee heeseung— the birthday boy who god knows where he is right now.
you took cautious footsteps once you began to surround the approaching mass of people, sweaty bodies dancing restlessly in each and every corner of the house whilst your gaze roamed, hands clammy with sweat from the lack of air, your lungs constricting as it got harder to breathe the longer you stayed among the crowded room,
“there you are!” a familiar voiced boomed behind you, a feeling of relief washing down once you recognised the loud voice over the deafening music, jaeyun approached you with a large smile gracing his face, brown strands untidily cascading down his features as his arm wrapped around your exposed shoulder, the other hand bringing his drink closer to his mouth,
“enjoying the party?” you questioned next to his ear, taking in the sight of the slightly tipsy man who was busy winking at a random girl across the room, “of course!” he quickly replied, catching your amused gaze with his twinkling one.
“i’m here to tell you about a surprise for heeseung,” he spoke, hand lowering from your shoulder to wrap around your waist as he led you away, “a surprise? i already have a gift for him though.” jake’s flushed face turned towards yours after he signalled the random girl to a different room, “i have a better idea.” he giggled
and whilst you were being walked out of the room, your eyes caught the sight of heeseung’s wet form out of the window, standing besides the pool as his other friends encouraged him to drink more while other figures jumped into the pool, the view of him being covered by nothing more than his dripping white button up shirt that carved all his chiseled muscles out along with a black tie hanging loosely around his neck made your head reel, thoughts rushed to your head when your gaze dropped lower to his flexing thighs beneath his black pants,
his clothing material all soaked due to his previous jump into the water, as a result of a stupid dare. you could hear his drunken laughter over the music as his face kept getting warmer, a soft blush adorning his sharp features due to the alcohol, his black locks sticking to his forehead contrasting his reddened skin,
“trust me, heeseung’s going to love it.” jake chuckled besides you, ultimately stealing your attention away as he opened the door to the guest room, the image of a pair of handcuffs along with a large rope was the least expected one in your mind, and once your confusing gaze landed on jaeyun’s smiling face, you began to doubt whatever his idea was,
should you trust jake?
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you shouldn’t have trusted jake.
as trusting jake lead you to this current predicament, wearing a purple coloured lingerie beneath your feathery robe, "his favourtie colour" jaeyun's voice rang in your ears, the pair of handcuffs situated in your hand while the rope was in the other as you stared at heeseung’s shirtless passed out form with his tie around his neck, in your shared bed,
the party had ended hours ago, leaving you with a drunk, sleeping heeseung that currently seemed to be in a deep dream, lips partially opened as quiet snores left his mouth, evidently exhausted from the events of tonight,
your footsteps light as you stepped deeper into the bedroom, the wood quietly creaking beneath you while your gaze was fixated on heeseung’s form between the satin sheets, chest heaving upwards softly to allow short pants of his breath to escape,
countless thoughts ran through your head as your eyes kept scanning his body in the dim lighting of the room, should you proceed? what if he wakes up in the middle of everything? what if he doesn’t enjoy it?
throughout the duration of your dilemma the only thought that circled your mind continuously was the possibility of heeseung enjoying this night, jaeyun— his best friend, would never set you up for failure would he? never.
and with the prominent thought of this night becoming a memorable one for heeseung, you decided to continue.
opting on inhaling in a deep breath, you inched closer towards the bed till you moved atop his body, legs carefully caging around his waist whilst your shaky hands wrapped around his wrists, thankfully heeseung had his arms behind his head, ultimately making the situation easier for you to mend,
with caution, you wrapped the iron material around his wrists, the soft click of the cuffs increasing the rapid beating pace of your heart, nervousness etched its way throughout your body as heeseung was always the one to guide you in any sort of intimate situation, but now here you were, taking that freedom away from him.
and as your hands grabbed the rope to wrap his cuffed hands against the headboard, the man beneath you slightly moved, your breath hitched as you were only one pull away from completing his knot yet you froze once his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes remained closed as you awaited his awake, breathing out a sigh of relief after taking notice of his continued slumber,
with the final knot in place, heeseung was successfully cuffed and tied up, landing him in a situation where he had absolutely no chances of touching you as he always does and loves to, your eyes remained on the rope decorating his veiny hands, the contrast between his soft, delicate skin and the harsh rope—
“baby?” heeseung raspily called, tone laced with sleep and exhaustion as his bleary eyes searched for yours, he could feel your figure atop his yet his gaze searched for yours in the dim lighting, heeseung attempted to move, confusion cascading his face once he realised the restriction around his hands,
“what’s all this?” he questioned, head looking upwards to the unexpected sight of the rope covered handcuffs surrounding his wrists, you stared at his face wide eyed, studying his every expression as your breathes quickened once his frown deepened,
“surprise?” you responded, heart thumping between your ribs, innumerable thoughts swirled in your mind dizzyingly, heeseung's second tug at the ropes rendering him futile made you become hyper aware of the situation that you had— of the power you had over him.
"surprise? baby.. what are you planning?" he repeated, his eyes narrowing down on you, gaze swiftly lowering to widen at the sight of his favourite colour wrapping around your body alluringly, his nervous gulp went unnoticed by you, yet you were able to feel his length twitching beneath all articles of clothing between both of you easily.
breathing in a sharp breath— "angel.. how about you untie me so we can both enjoy the night? hm?" he spoke out, desperately beginning his negotiation, and there was no way you were giving up your power.
to have lee heeseung tied up, helplessly beneath you was once in a lifetime occurrence, you might have adored all the nights of him taking full and complete control over you, sometimes deciding to be generous enough to allow you to have a small taste of what its like to take control by guiding you to please him,
"how does it feel?" you questioned ignoring his words, eyes avoiding his as it followed the path of your hand slowly brushing down from his shoulder towards his collarbone, the shaky rise of his chest beneath your fingertips heightened your senses as you felt a throbbing sensation from beneath you,
"angel.. what?" he puzzledly asked, attempting his best to control his breathes as your fingertips inched closer towards his nipple, attempting his best to distract himself from the warmth of your cunt seeping through the lingerie directly to his hardening dick, and yet again, all his attempts deemed inaffective.
"how does it feel to be under me?" you paid no mind to the sudden surge in confidence gushing through you, attention captured by the way heeseung's eyes immediately darkened, his mind was reeling from your teasing as he wasn't used to this at all, he was more accustomed to eat up the sight of your writhing, twitching body beneath him, not the sight of your hungry gaze staring down at him as he was tied up, he could see the numerous emotions spiraling in your vision.
a burning sensation expanded throughout his chest, his need and desire for you fueled by the remaining alcohol in his system, the absolute need to have you beneath him as he pleased you was almost blinding, and the constant throbbing around his wrists from the tight ropes was pushing his patience further,
"answer me hee, how does it feel? hm?" you copied his soft tone in persuading you once he remained silent, your hands gently caressing his smooth skin, heeseung began to shift beneath you, his body hot and bothered by your contiunous teasing and warmth surrounding him yet your lack of movement was driving him crazy, his breaths became shorter, eyelids became heavier as he stared at you,
he so desperately wanted to be angry with you, to somehow manage to stir the control to him— yet your twinkling, curious gaze made him almost play along with your silly game,
"infuriating." he seethed out from between gritted teeth, eyes closing entirely once he felt you press your hips against him, resulting in him tugging against the ropes feebly again, you cooed mockingly at his frown, going further to rile him up by bringing your hand to caress his cheek soothingly, and almost instantly he leaned towards your touch, heeseung's breath hitched as he felt you beginning to slowly roll your hips against his,
opening his eyes to the sight of you looking beneath you both after you quickly discarded your robe, taking notice of his abs flexing, his length's outline steadily becoming more prominent, "just what is going on inside that pretty little head of yours, angel?" he smiled in frustration at you, your needy gaze locked with his own before you shrugged tauntingly,
"i just want to make you feel good." you replied with honesty, slowly lowering yourself towards him, heeseung hissed as he felt your plump lips ghosting kisses against his burning hot skin, his breathes quickened the wetter your kisses got while you went lower, his own lips getting caught hostage between his teeth when he felt you sucking his skin needily,
"baby.. come on," he urged on, the hem of his pants felt like scorching iron rubbing against his skin, his resolve slipping further at the feeling of your hands caressing his abdomen, your tongue swiftly circling his belly button before finally reaching his pants once you were satisfied with his surprised gasp, he breathed out a sigh of relief as you quickly tugged the constricting fabric along with his boxers down,
he was unbelievably hard, heeseung’s head was thrown back at the feeling of you blowing air on him once his large length was freed from his boxers, teeth grinding against one another once your cold fingertips wrapped around his burning skin, “don’t tease me more, angel.” he rasped out, a clear warning in his words as he was close to losing his mind at this point, yet you only smiled at him.
“just enjoy what i’ll give you.” his nails scratched angrily at the ropes from your words, he could feel his frustration leading his body as he thrusted uncontrollably into your hands, in need for any kind of friction, he could taste his blinding climax on the tip of his tongue and yet at the same time it felt so far away, his body felt like it was on fire as for the first time— he couldn’t get what he wanted instantly.
heeseung was new to this situation, one where nothing was under his control and he was left with nothing but his desperate breathes for your mercy, a small portion of him was more accepting of the drastic change, yet that small voice was nothing in comparison to the warning alarms ringing in his head,
and he knew he was completely fucked the moment you decided to lick up a long stripe starting from his base then trailing upwards to circle his raging tip torturously, a shaky breath involuntarily escaped once you repeated the action once again, countless empty threats died in his throat at the feeling of your warm mouth engulfing him, hot tongue pressing flat against the underside of his cock,
the salty taste of his continuous precum took over your senses, he was leaking a ridiculous amount just from simple teasing, using his precum as a lube substitute you began to jerk your hand up and down his length, the sudden change in pace resulting in his legs spasming around you, then a satisfied hum vibrating around his tip making him close his eyes shut,
his breathes got heavier the longer you moved, suckling on his tip sloppily with the incessant motion of your hand bringing him closer to his release, heeseung’s muffled groans got louder as he attempted his best to silence himself, not used to being the vocal one that much.
you looked up to the sight of his head thrown back, chest and face flushing a pretty pink along with a sheen, thin layer of sweat glistening along his rapidly rising chest, he looked breathtaking under the dim lighting, abs and legs flexing as he felt his abdomen tightening even more,
“d-don’t stop angel… i’m close,” he whimpered out, the sound of his voice breaking and stuttering out made your brain short circuit, a sound so sweet and addictive that you’ve been deprived of for months, you decided to tease him more,
the moment the tip of your tongue licked along his prominent vein beneath the head of his cock was enough to have his eyes roll back into his skull, plump lips agape to let out a quiet shocked gasp, you continued applying pressure, his thighs shaking next to you whilst his biceps flexed around his head, the rope slowly damaging his skin yet all his mind could focus on was your tongue and the unexpected quickened build up of his climax,
his head fell to the side, pleasure overtaking his body as the coil in his abdomen only tightened further, your hands lowered to fondle with his balls whilst your tongue remained teasing his vein, heeseung could swear he began to see stars the longer you continued, chest rising speedily to inhale deep breathes that felt nonexistent for him,
“right there baby.. so c-close i’m cu-“ yet he couldn’t finish his sentence, the intense build up of pure delight running in his veins abruptly ended, his eyes snapped open in shock when you just pulled away,
“baby what the fuck are you doing?” he spat out angrily, his head lifted swiftly, irritated gaze landing on the sight of your swollen lips and glistening eyes staring back at him, his breathes quickened in frustration as his cock twitched desperately at the view of you, “i can’t have you finish so quickly, where’s the fun in that?”
and with ease, your words affected him efficiently, his brown pools instantly darkening, pupils reducing in size the longer he felt his release slipping away from his body, “i’m gonna fuck that attitude out of you the moment i break these shits,” he tugged on the ropes again, heeseung has never felt so sexually frustrated before, his throbbing length was aching almost painfully when your hold slightly tightened around him,
“you talk too much,” was your only response, heeseung couldn’t bring himself to respond back in time before you lowered yourself yet again, he was suffering whiplash after whiplash from the ‘surprise’ and your frustrating teasing, his head fell back against the pillow once he felt your warm mouth engulfing his tip again,
“you’re going to r-regret this so much, pretty.” he choked out, face burning hot once he felt his impending release returning in an embarrassingly quick manner, you started with licking gently at his sensitive, leaking slit while your hands jerked off his cock below slowly, one hand moved to milk his length while the other stayed lower to cradle his balls,
the familiar stars returned to his vision when you only hummed around him at his words, his frustration mixed with the intense pleasure were feelings his body couldn’t keep up with, and he was under your control with his twitching body directly beneath your hands.
“please angel… don’t stop, i’m so close,” he begged you, voice scratchy and hoarse as he felt his lower half slightly go numb with the continuous build up, his creeping climax approaching in a way his mind couldn’t keep up with, one second he was holding back moans while the other he felt mere moments away from his orgasm,
his abdomen tightened, as he could yet again taste his release on the tip of his tongue, so close, so dizzyingly close he was, his mouth fell open at the feeling of his climax moments away from washing over him, hips jerking into your hold once you quickened only for all of it to come crashing down once you pulled back again,
“what the fuck-“ heeseung growled out, his body searing in anger and pain when all he could feel around his raging length was the cold air, not your wet mouth and warm hands, his mind was reeling with curses as he lifted his head up again, “did i ruin it?” you questioned as you smiled at him.
“did i ruin it, again?” and there you sat, dolled up in his favourite colour, lingerie barely covering any part of you while you looked at him, eyes twinkling with mischief as you smirked at him, and his painfully red length right infront of you, he didn’t respond,
“come on hee, is this not fun for you?” you spoke, hands reaching upwards to caress his twitching thighs, finger tips going as high as his hips, torturously close to his length before going down to his knee, heeseung didn’t respond, his eyes remained close whilst he breathed heavily from his nose,
you failed to notice the way his veins were bulging at this point all around his arms, specifically his hands, you failed to notice his fingers and wrists turning red around the cuffs as he tugged, busy pushing your teasing further with running your index finger from the base of his length to his tip,
all you could feel was authority and power, your first taste as you wished to prolong the view of a whimpering heeseung under you, “you could tell me-“ you completely failed to notice the small crack! around the headboard that the rope was fastened to,
you were too late, your heart dropped to your stomach at the sudden loud sound of wood breaking, followed by clank of metal, the large scattered piece of wood landed on the floor followed by the ripped ropes and the handcuffs, you sat frozen in your place in shock and attempting to process the fact that— heeseung just broke completely free?
he sat there, dark strands falling all over his eyes that were staring at you half lidded, you could see the pent up frustration and anger in them, most importantly the relief now that he was free, the feral glint intensified when he gently moved his hands around his wrists, his hand caressing the slightly damaged skin all while maintaining eye contact with your shocked face,
you really shouldn’t have trusted jake.
because jake never brought up the high possibility of the result of his plan to be a feral heeseung staring at you in a predatory gaze with a broken headboard behind him, “you had your fun didn’t you, baby?” he smiled at you, chest remaining to pant heavy breaths,
you only nodded your head, still stuck on attempts to process the fact that jake’s plan entirely backfired, what now?
“now it’s my time to have fun, it’s only fair that way isn’t it?” he finished your thought for you, he cooed at the sight of your confused gaze, yet you werent completely sure. judging by his sudden attitude change, there was no way he was going to be this nice with you, not after everything you did?
“come here” he pushed himself upwards on the bed before he patted on his lap, his length still standing proud and hard, yet the expectant look in heeseung’s eyes made you obey him completely,
you hastily crawled towards him, his needy hands instantly caressing and fondling every inch of skin he could reach, “look at you.. all dolled up for me, you look stunning, angel.” he trailed kisses down your shoulder once your back pressed against his chest, his length throbbed by your lower back whilst his hands gripped around the frail fabric around your body, his hands were rough,
god if you only knew what you were in for.
“just for you, hee.” you whispered to him, turning your head to face his lovesick eyes, the sudden changes in his gaze made your head spin as the heeseung that was glowering at you a mere minute ago, was currently drowning in your eyes with nothing but pure adoration and need for you,
“yeah? all for me, right?” he breathed out against your lips, large hands now finding comfort on your waist, stroking your soft skin gently as he nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck, you felt his lips curving upwards into a smile when you nodded in confirmation to his words,
“open your legs for me, darling.” his hands lowered to grip your thighs apart, fingertips brushing soothingly against your supple skin before they inched towards your center, your soiled panties coming in contact with his fingertips made him chuckle, “already this excited, baby?” he questioned, his smile widening when you turned your blushing face away from him,
his fingers quickly pushed the soaked fabric away, immediately moving towards your sopping hole, your wetness gushed around his finger once he teased the tip of his finger in, his other arm came up to wrap around your waist once your breathes began to get heavier, face flushed whilst he carefully pressed you more against him as he leaned back against the remaining part of the headboard,
“look at you taking me in so well, angel.” he praised, eyes locked and fascinated on the way his fingers disappeared between your swollen folds only to come out glistening, you looked below you, the sight of your dripping cunt covered by his long fingers never failed to make your heart skip a beat, only increasing the warmth spreading around your body once he dipped back in,
his rough skin caressed along your gummy walls, easily reaching your weakest and sweetest spots to please you in the best ways possible, his priorities seemed to remain unchanged even in his state of pure rage, he still had to make you cum at least once on his fingers or tongue before proceeding with anything else,
it was when he swiftly added his other ring finger to please you along with his middle one, then proceeding to use his other hand to rub slow circles on your puffy clit, steadily dragging your climax closer, you began to see stars,
colourful indecipherable shapes clouded your vision as heeseung fingered your first release out of you with ease, your glazed eyes rolled to the back of your head when he continued, aiding you in riding out your climax with his movements between your twitching legs whilst he whispered unintelligible praises to your ear, ending each word with a gentle kiss that echoed in your mind,
he was so gentle with you as you moaned quietly for him, your noises heard as melodies for him and only him, he studied your every expression while you were coming undone under his touch, though he’s seen you in this state countless times your short gasps, furrowed eyes and closed eyelids that were complimented by your flushed cheeks never failed to leave him mesmerised,
your hand quickly reached out to slow his movements, heeseung was close to beginning overstimulating you, his fingers resumed to thrust into your gushing cunt, knocking your breath out, yet before you could ask him to stop he beat you to it, “you took all this away from me tonight,” he whispered, tone undergoing an astonishing change as he spoke in anger,
the pleasure and sensitivity was beginning to numb your mind once you felt another impending orgasm building up, your abdomen twisting in tension at your imminent release, “hee please-“ you whimpered out before he cut you off, “take all of it, didn’t you want to make me feel good?” he asked, breathes getting harsher against your ear while your heart raced, your legs ached once heeseung moved his own beneath them to keep yours open,
“make me feel good, angel. cum for me,” he ordered, his hands increasing in pace as he quickly added a third finger making your eyes almost cross, your wetness by now was gliding down his hand and inevitably ruining the sheets beneath you, the force of his fingers pushed back against your convulsing hips, whilst he busied himself with trailing bites down your neck,
“i’m c-close, hee” you warned, voice cracking with each syllable as your oncoming climax felt more intense, the coil in your stomach twisting and turning once your release was moments away from overtaking your body, “come on, angel. i’ve got you,” his words were the last ones you registered before your ears began to ring as you squirted all over his hands, body trembling in his hold while heeseung continued to fuck you with his fingers, riding out the entirety of your orgasm whilst he basked in your moans and whimpers of his name,
“did so well for me angel,” he breathed out, his fingers pulled out from your dripping folds, reaching upwards to teasingly press on your puffy clit, eliciting a needy whimper from you, “doesn’t feel that nice when you tease, does it?” he asked with his voice heavy, eyes glued on your face twisted in pleasure and slight overstimulation, “no, i’m sorry, it doesn’t feel nice.” you quickly responded, wishing in your head for this to be over as the exhaustion from your mind blowing releases was slowly shutting down your brain,
yet heeseung noticed the prolonged period of your closed eyes, there was no way you thought that the night could possibly end any time soon, right? absolutely not. he hasn’t even started yet,
with a particularly unexpected slap to your dripping cunt your eyes shot wide open, a shocked gasp escaped your throat before all the noises in the room were replaced with your mewls that rung out once he began to toy with your overstimulated clit, “wanna go to sleep, baby?” he questioned while his fingers teased around your entrance again,
your body shivered beneath his arms as he pushed the tip of his two fingers in, “can we sleep, please?” you cried out, a thin veil beginning to form around your eyes once all the nerves in your body sparked, pleasure shooting all throughout your veins when heeseung pushed his fingers knuckles deep again, “our night hasn’t even started yet, pretty.” he replied with a chuckle,
your moans broke apart further the more his fingers began to fuck out orgasm after orgasm from you whilst he savoured every pretty noise you made, each sound making him fall deeper into the haze of the lust that was intoxicating the room, the longer you squirmed in his hold, the longer you made the prettiest sounds, the worse he ached beneath you, he relished in all the unintentional movements to his throbbing length behind you, swallowing back every moan of his in every few seconds that you moved just right,
“you can give me another one, can’t you?” his hot breath landed against your ear, by now both of your bodies felt sticky and hot, drenched in sweat atop the steadily soaking sheets, your breath mixed with his whilst his fingers never left your drenched pussy, heeseung’s mind was reeling with pain and pleasure at this point, his body had probably gotten more sensitive than yours yet he knew it was all going to be worth it in the end,
you shook your head in denial, however your body was contradicting all your thoughts once you gushed around his fingers again, heeseung smiled in satisfaction at your spent state, your sweaty chest rising up rapidly in despair for air, he had to fight the urge to bury his face between your legs once his fingers pulled away to reveal multiple, clear spider web like strings that connected his fingers to your cunt, their rightful place.
heeseung was absolutely hypnotised by your weak body above him, twitching legs behind his for when he attempted his best to keep yours open, captivated by the way your hands gripped around his for support as you tried to regulate your breathing,
he gently moved your body towards the bed, laying you down carefully whilst you opened your unfocused, watery eyes to gaze at his love and concern filled ones, “you alright, baby?” he whispered against your lips, lowering body as close to possible to yours, curious eyes searching your tired ones when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to lower him for a gentle peck, you nodded your head in reassurance to him, oh how you wish you didn’t.
as the moment that you did, his eyes flashed with the same anger they had minutes ago, “you still have energy, i know you do.” he replied, assuring himself more than you before he flipped your body over in the blink of an eye, the last expression on his face that you saw was of him smiling at you,
his hands brushed against your sides from the bottom to the top, like a predator checking their prey. his hold tightening the more he inched lower before he reached your hips, “so perfect for me,” he whispered his praise more to himself while his eyes took in every inch of your exhausted body,
you whimpered in his hold in surprise when he spread your cheeks apart, revealing your dripping gaping hole to his eyes, the sight alone made an incredibly painful throb to resonate from between his aching legs,
he wasted no time in propping himself on his knees, hips angled towards yours with his raging red tip positioned at your entrance, without a warning he pushed in,
the satisfying burn and tightening made you moan in unison, heeseung by now was completely acting on his own desires, body overtaken in pleasure and absolute need to have himself buried to the deepest point in you, your figure pressed against his while he fucked you till the sunrise, till both of your bodies were so sensitive and unable to handle a single touch,
his thrusts were merciless as he pounded into you, pushing your body further against the bed before pulling you back by your hips, you moaned into the pillow as heeseung took complete control of the situation, ridiculous how you thought tonight he would be under your control.
and as the thought was formed in your head, he pushed harsher against you before he rasped out, “you tried to…” cut off by his harsh breaths, his hips suddenly slowed down to become more powerful, “tried. to. control. me?” he asked through gritted teeth in an incredulous manner, accentuating and bringing more strength to every word by following it with a harsh thrust, his tip pressing against your cervix with each word making your eyes roll back whilst your jaw went slack,
his cock brushed against all your sweet spots, length perfectly stretching your walls with the tiniest tinge of burn due his large size, you could feel each and every vein bulging along your guts as he pounded into you,
“tried to guide me?” he followed with a laugh, and there he was. the heeseung you were expecting to appear since the moment you tied him up, the wild and vicious side of him that you’ve rarely gotten to see as he much preferred showing you his gentler side, however those were in situations that were under his control.
humiliation took over you at his words in the best form possible, his words of mock only resulted in you tightening around him making him groan, he leaned forward, hovering his chest above your back as he completely caged you beneath him, before he brought himself closer to your ear, “you looked so cute trying to tell me what to do, baby” he whispered, hips pressing flush against your ass with every syllable,
your throat had gone hoarse by now, as all you could hear were your mewls followed by heeseung’s words, the tears that aligned by your waterline had slid down a long time ago, staining your face in the prettiest way possible, heeseung’s favourite way.
“looked so cute acting all tough like you don’t need me to help you with anything, hm?” he continued, chuckling into your ear as more tears aligned by your jaw before dropping onto the pillow,
“looked so cute trying to suck me off like you don’t need me to push your head down my dick everytime,” his arm came upwards, you had buried your head in your pillow soaked tears as his cock continued moulding you into his size while he spoke to you, unbeknownst to you he expertly pulled off the tie hanging loosely by his neck,
and in a split second, heeseung had wrapped the narrow fabric around your neck, you gasped as heeseung lifted your head upwards, the tie applied perfect pressure to your jugular veins instantly resulting in you becoming lightheaded whilst heeseung’s animalistic eyes bored into yours,
“what made you think that’ll work?” he smiled at you, revealing his pearly whites as if he wasn’t pounding into you, whines escaped your mouth before you could process any of them, heeseung stared at your every expression with admiration and conceitedness,
“have i not made you take control enough when you wanted to?” he pressed on, smile widening as he had an unrecognisable expression on his face, you couldn’t tell if it was his reddened dark eyes, or his flushed face with his black locks that stuck on his forehead contrasting the light blush, but you could barely recognise him, the unfamiliar expression on his face sent pulses of warmth throughout your body,
“you could have asked me if you were that interested, instead of putting those pathetic shits around my wrists.” he finished off, tilting his head to the side once you closed your eyes, his thursts never faltered as he brought you closer to your release, abdomen twisting and churning in preparation for your oncoming climax, you felt your ears ringing again when heeseung slightly pulled on the fabric around your neck,
“eyes on me, pretty.” he groaned, his own voice laced with exhaustion and need, the desire to release his climax from hours ago now blinding his senses, you opened your unfocused eyes to land upon his, and while his hips were grinding against yours, every inch of his cock caressing every inch of your walls that swallowed him up entirely, he spoke out,
“open your mouth, baby.” his grip shakily tightening further around the tie, you breaths getting heavier and more difficult as you opened your mouth, heeseung spat onto your lolled out tongue, eyeing the way the string of saliva landed on your tongue before he pulled the tie more, “swallow.” and you did whilst he studied your every move,
once you showed him your clean tongue to satisfy him, he began to lower himself towards your neck, your head ultimately fell against the pillow again as heeseung began to trail soft bites along your shoulder while his hips moved against yours, both of you ridiculously sensitive from the prolonged edging and overstimulation, holding back desperately to lengthen the period of him inside of you, you moaned his name in need as his tip kept kissing your cervix,
“taking me in so well, milking my cock so good angel.” he praised, the pleasure finally overtaking his body as your walls only sucked him in further while more slick poured around your legs and onto the sheets, your moans mixed with his needy ones, sweaty bodies rubbing against one another messily as both of you chased your highs in desperation,
“s-seung, i’m so close.” you stuttered out, eyes closing when heeseung softly tugged at the tie, his own eyes shut once he felt his climax mere seconds away from washing down on him, the dizzying feeling of euphoria already running through his veins and intensifying with the build up, he could see stars clouding his vision similar to the ones clouding yours, “i’ve got you baby, cum for me.” he sweetly whispered,
and he followed his words with one, two and three delicious thrusts right against your cervix that had you coming undone for him, release washing over you mind numbingly, body weak as your legs shook beneath heeseung’s while his hand caressed your hips in attempts of comforting you, lips never stopping from kissing sweet words into your ear as you shook beneath him, the torturous tightening of your walls easily pushed heeseung over the edge as a few moments later you could feel his warm ropes of cum filling you up completely,
you struggled to return to your senses, body overtaken with exhaustion while heeseung kept peppering open mouthed kisses along your shoulder, his arms moved to wrap around your waist, gently fondling with your breasts as he was still cumming, he filled you up so well,
quiet and loving praises fell against your ear once heeseung was finished, still buried deep inside of you with his tie around your neck, your breathes were nearly shaky as he pressed his body closer to yours, “did amazing for me, baby.”
“how about i run both of us a bath then we can go to sleep?” he once again kissed your shoulder, smiling against your skin once you nodded,
you nodded in hopes of returning to clean satin sheets to drift off to slumber in the arms of your only love.
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the smell of his favourite lavender bath bomb overwhelmed your nose when heeseung carried you into the warm bathroom after discarding you of your lingerie, gently lowering you into the warmth of the water before quickly taking his place behind you, your back laid against his chest, his hands ran up and down your arms in comfort, heeseung’s chest warmed as he noticed goosebumps aligning all over your skin at his touch the longer you leaned into him, his fingertips ghosted over your skin in a pleasant way.
your head was placed on his shoulder as your face was turned towards his neck, eyes closed in exhaustion from the restless night, heeseung cooed when he noticed all the narrow tear streaks on your cheeks, his hands massaged all your aching muscles whilst his lips kissed away your dried tears,
“you okay, pretty?” he softly called out, voice quiet and gentle next to your ear, his soft side returning quickly, your gentle and caring heeseung gazed at you with concern and love shimmering in his eyes that filled with relief once you nodded, “i’m sorry if i was a bit rough, angel.” he continued, lips now moving along your neck with each word while his hands lowered to your thighs,
“it’s okay, i liked it.” you replied honestly once your eyes opened to look into his own expectant ones, voice quiet and hoarse as your throat felt sore, “yeah i bet you did, you looked pretty pleased you know.” he smiled before attempting to mimick your expressions that resulted in a pinch to his hand from you,
“though i’m… not that satisfied yet.” heeseung voiced out quietly, his smile widened when your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not that satisfied?
“what do you mean?” you questioned in bewilderment, you could still feel how sore all your muscles were there was no way he still had the energy for another round,
“i mean… it is my birthday isn’t it?” he began, you nodded along his words which was his cue to continue, his eyes trailed all along your shoulders and neck that were littered with his bites, “and you do want to make me happy on my birthday, right?” of course he was going to use his birthday card to get what he wants, you should have seen it coming from heeseung. “and i can get whatever i want on my birthday.”
“yes you can— heeseung, what do you want?” you asked, by now you had half your body turned to face him as you were genuinely curious to what he wanted, especially now when heeseung had a soft blush dusting his gorgeous features,
“i want you to ride my thigh, pretty.” he spoke out almost shyly, your heeseung who always surrounded you with his teasing and flirty nature, now was looking at you with twinkling eyes and blushed cheeks as he asked you to ride his thigh.
he cleared his throat before his natural, intimidating expression returned, “you don’t have to, if you’re too tired.” he added, but how could you deny such a request when he was staring at you with his plump lips swollen and red, his lids heavy on his eyes that were begging you to comply to his request, his hands that were ghosting around your waist lovingly only pushed you further,
and instead of answering him, you quickly moved your sore body to face him making the water ripple around you, your leg lifting over his to position yourself where he requested you too, heeseung instantly began to guide you, flexing his muscles beneath you once your overstimulated, puffy clit came in contact with his skin, he relished in your quiet whimper as he rocked your hips against his thigh,
your hands gripped onto his shoulders for support, nails digging sharply into his skin as you felt pleasure shooting from every nerve in your body, heeseung settled his head into the crook of your neck, lips returning to their rightful place of kissing your skin and every inch of it they could reach while his hands never stopped from aiding you in riding him,
your soft moans landed directly on his ear easily sending him into a trance as he felt overstimulated by feeling you everywhere around him, all over him and this was undoubtedly his favourite place to be, you could feel your release steadily building up as heeseung kept altering between relaxing and tensing his thigh, each movement sending jolts of pleasure throughout your whole body,
you could by now feel his length standing proud and poking at your other leg that was placed between his, his own breaths getting heavier against your neck while his nails dug into your hips, “i’m so close, hee.” you mewled out next to his ear, eyes closing once you felt the coil in your abdomen mere seconds from snapping, the water splashed around the tub, some droplets landing against the floor while you continued,
he nodded along to your words, “i know, baby.” he whispered against your skin, your movements quickened the more you felt your release approaching, your climax right around the corner while heeseung’s lips never left your skin, praises falling into your ear as his body practically moulded with yours, he held you closer once he felt your legs twitching besides his, “i’m cumming, hee— oh my god!” you cried out as your release washed over you headily, your wetness spurting all over his skin once intense waves of pleasure filled your body,
whispers of i got yous were the only thing keeping you grounded when you saw dots littering all across your vision, body spasming in pleasure as heeseung helped you in riding out your orgasm with his praises remaining continuous, if you thought you weren’t spent then, you totally are now.
“did so fucking well for me, baby.” he spoke quietly to you as you nuzzled further into his chest, “but you didn’t finish—“ you started off, hand lowering to his abdomen to help him before he gripped your hand, bringing it upwards to place a soft kiss to your knuckles, he held your it close to his lips as he cut you off, “no baby, you already did so well for me, this is something i’ll take care, okay?” he replied tenderly, pressing a soft kiss into your cheek after you nodded to his words,
“now let’s get you out and go to sleep, how does that sound, love?” he asked, smiling adoringly at your tired state, “amazing.”
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soft groans reached your ears as the sunlight steadily peeked through into your shared bedroom, the arms that wrapped around you as you fell asleep a few hours prior suddenly had a tighter grip on you, heeseung’s hands moved on your body, caressing and fondling every inch of skin beneath his fingers while his hot breaths landed on your shoulder as your back was turned towards him,
“hee?” you called, voice laced with sleep while your eyes remained closed, heeseung’s movements paused for a second, you could tell he was trying to regulate his breathing behind you before his hands resumed, “i need you angel, i want to please you so bad.” his needy and whiny voice shocked you, knocking away any remaining thought of sleeping out of your head the moment you heard him, inevitably causing a familiar wetness to pool in your panties, did he see a dream or something?
“seung what-“ “please, just let me eat you out.” he cut you off, and if you weren’t shocked before you for sure were now, he quickly turned you around to face him to see just how desperate he was at this sudden moment, “i couldn’t stop thinking about it yesterday, you were too tired but now that you slept i have to do this,” he rambled out, his body felt ten times hotter than yours as his arms pulled you towards his chest, “sit on my face.”
and you really didn’t have to be told twice,
so here you were now, gripping on the headboard— well what remained of the headboard with your legs placed around heeseung’s shoulders, back arching as he fucked his tongue in and out of your sopping hole,
your body shook with intense pleasure, still weak and aching from a few hours earlier yet still so responsive to every move made by heeseung, the same arms that broke free of the iron cuffs and ripped the ropes from yesterday now had a vice grip on your thighs and hips to keep you in your place, guaranteeing that you have no choice but to take what he’s been dying to give you since the moment your tongue ran along his dick yesterday,
quiet moans left your mouth when heeseung began to switch between fucking his tongue into your cunt only to suck on your sensitive bundle of nerves a second later, and he made sure that when he thrusted his tongue in your gummy walls, his nose pressed against your clit perfectly, his hips were yearningly thrusting into the blanket in hopes of slightest bit of friction, yet his main focus still remained on pleasuring you.
your groans and whimpers increased in volume as you felt the tightening of the coil in your abdomen increase, the pleasure already running through your veins intensely from the mere build up, heeseung mirrored every noise you were making on your cunt, each hum sending a dizzying vibration that pushed you further to the edge,
“hee, baby— i’m so close.” you moaned out, heeseung could already tell you were moments away from your climax from the way you were gushing on his mouth and he was glad to lick every drop, the pace of his movements surged in speed at your words, “cum for me, angel.” he hummed against your clit and that was enough to have the familiar stars dazzle your sight,
your legs shook uncontrollably around his head whilst heeseung licked and sucked everywhere, he continued eating you out sloppily as your wetness decorated all over the lower half of his face and he couldn’t be happier.
heeseung was humming along to your moans of pleasure, feeling just as high on ecstasy as you were, jaw slack while he licked up all what you had to offer before opting to just place soft kisses,
your body was holding on for dear life— the only form of stability was the headboard that you could no longer depend on as your grip got weaker the longer heeseung kept kissing you in a mind numbing manner, your body melted in his hold while your brain felt like it turned into mush, the grip he had on your legs tightening when your convulsing legs attempted to move away once he slowly began to overstimulate you,
your whimpers turned shaky when he pressed one long kiss before he finally allowed you to pull away, his hands instantly moved to hold your body close to his, proudly displaying his smiling face that was glistening with your wetness to you,
“heeseung you’re rock hard,” you stated as your eyes unintentionally lowered to the obvious tent in the middle of the blanket, “baby, the way you moaned my name was so hot. i would literally cum if you touch me once right now.” he replied, nuzzling his face closer to you while being mindful of keeping you clean,
“then let me help you,” and before heeseung could protest again, your hand briskly went under the blanket, dipping below his boxers to finally give attention to his throbbing cock,
in an instant, a low moan was drawn out from his chest whilst his eyes immediately closed in pleasure, your fingers ran along his length, his leaking precum aiding in the smooth movement of your hand, jerking your wrist to move up and down before pausing to press your thumb atop his gushing slit,
heeseung hissed in sensitivity, the hold he had on your waist tightening when he inched his mouth closer to your ear, “don’t tease me if you don’t want me to repeat yesterday.” he warned quietly, and you had no intentions to do so whatsoever,
“i really just want to please you,” you replied honestly making heeseung smile, “you’re already doing so well.” he moaned out once your hand picked up the pace, his red tip was covered with his precum as his cock throbbed in your hand, you quickly went closer towards his legs once his thighs began to twitch, leaving heeseung to throw his head back on the pillow while his hands gripped the sheets beneath him,
“so close.. i’m so close,” he babbled out, eyes shut in pleasure with his hips jerking forward uncontrollably, you studied his every twitch and shake as you continued the movement of your hands, studied the flexing of his abs as the coil in his stomach tightened unbearably, studied the way his jaw went slack while moans reverberated from his chest, studied the way his veins were popping from the tight grip he had on the sheets,
you could tell he was moments away from his climax, and with the sudden thought of heightening his pleasure you quickly acted upon it— the motion of your hands continued with heeseung’s eyes shut and head thrown back and the moment you lowered your head so lick at his tip had him shaking beneath you,
you swiftly began to suck on his pulsing tip, tongue licking along his slit as you hollowed your cheeks before pushing your head lower to his length, the sudden change made heeseung’s head bolt upwards, wide eyes that lined with a thin veil of tears gazed at you, his breaths getting shakier the longer you kept moving your head up and down his cock,
“fuck— right there baby, just like that. just like that, angel,” he rambled on, head falling back against the pillow as he could feel sweat rolling down his temples, the pleasure in his body flared when you once again began to tease that one pronounced vein that had his eyes rolling back to his skull
“baby— oh my god” he moaned loudly, not having the chance to warn you before his climax flushed over his body, hot spurts of his cum ran down your throat while you continued to suckle on his tip, pressing your tongue against the underside of his cock as your hand continued to jerk off his length, heeseung felt light headed, absolutely delirious when he started to feel himself being pushed into overstimulation, his deep moans echoed through the walls of your room as you kept pleasuring him,
he could feel the continuous sensation of ecstasy and euphoria running through his veins and numbing his head, sparks of pleasure shooting along his spine once you forced yourself lower and deepthroated him, and god he was cumming so fucking much.
you were struggling to keep up with him, tears aligning in your waterline while some escaped from the intense burning in your throat as you struggled to accommodate his length so deep in you, yet you remained with your nose pressed against his pelvis while his body shook, you finally gave him what he’s been waiting for since yesterday and god heeseung has never felt this good.
once his body calmed down to slight twitches you pulled away, the sight of your swollen and glistening lips covered in his cum made heeseung’s sensitive cock twitch, his eyes remained glued on you as you lolled your clean tongue out to show him, and he had to fight the urge to pound into you like yesterday.
he smiled at you in exhaustion before easily pulling your body upwards, he kissed along your face and jaw, relishing in all of your giggles as he held you close to him, tight in between his arms, right where you belong.
“satisfied now?” you questioned out as you nuzzled closer into his chest, “so satisfied i could marry you tomorrow.”
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“he WHAT?!” jake’s voice pierced throughout your room, it was currently the evening, the day after heeseung’s birthday where his closest friends came to visit your apartment, and while heeseung was busy gaming with sunghoon in the living room, jaeyun pulled you into your bedroom to question you about how his “genius” plan went.
“he broke the handcuffs, jake.” you sighed in exasperation, you’ve already explained the story three times yet jake’s mind refused to process the fact that his plan completely backfired,
his widened eyes stared at yours in shock and bewilderment, having difficulty understanding just how heeseung broke free— “what about the ropes? how did they not-“ “he ripped them in a second, jake.” you cut him off before he started another endless rant,
now jake knew that heeseung and sunghoon (along with jongseong sometimes) went to the gym, building up a consistent routine that took place mainly in the mornings, and yes he was aware that the routine was established a few months ago— yet he was sure that heeseung would stand no chance against iron handcuffs, and to ease his doubts he added the ropes,
“you underestimated him terribly, jae.” you spoke out, exhaustion evident in your tone as you hadn’t been able to have the best sleep of the night, your mind attempting to process all the events that took place yesterday yet the one that disturbed you the most was how unaffected heeseung was now, as he was helping jongseong in the kitchen a few minutes ago before agreeing on playing a few rounds with sunghoon,
“well.. i’ll have to invest in better handcuffs next time, how are you by the way?” he replied, curious eyes studying your movements, “hm?” you questioned in confusion, uncertain of what he was implying, “are you like… sore or anything?” he replied, his gaze now avoidant as he used his hands to aid him in expressing himself, oh.
“what do you think?” you looked at him, eyes very clearly indicating that you’ve reached your limit, “well.. he does have a pretty bad temper, i hope it wasn’t anything too harsh.” he smiled innocently, nodding his head along to his own words to convince himself
“who has bad temper?” oh gosh, speak of the devil.
heeseung stood at the doorway of the room, his gaze switching between your figure on the bed and jake’s standing one, “clearly you.. what even made you break the headboard last night?” jake asked cluelessly attempting his best to switch the topic of conversation,
“why are you interested about last night?” heeseung questioned, eyebrows knitting together before his gaze found the bag next to jake’s leg, it was jake’s bag, and it had the broken handcuffs and ropes from yesterday, and suddenly a light bulb went off atop heeseung’s head as his eyes widened
“so it was you?!” heeseung practically yelled at jake, an accusatory finger pointing at him when all the dots connected, “me?!” jaeyun pushed his innocent act further, mirroring heeseung’s shocked expression and pointing in confusion at himself while you just stared in anticipation at the two grown men,
“it was your idea, sim jaeyun!” and with that final yell from heeseung, jake ran out of the room.
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A, NOTE. pt2: the first part of the whole tying up & handcuff breaking was inspired by a jungkook fic i read on wattpad years ago so credit goes to that author for the inspiration ! i unfortunately can’t remember the fic nor the title :(
i’m so sorry for the delay that happened with this fic, it’s crazy to think about how this was supposed to be posted 2.5 months ago yet i just finished it, i’ve come to the realisation that i prefer longer fics that have more scenes in them which obviously require a lot of writing so i’ve decided to not set release dates for my future fics,
the foreshadow soulmate!jake is one that i’m still working on ! and it’s 100% going to be longer than this one considering that now this “surprise” fic is my longest one :0 a bit shocking for me honestly, anywho next up i’ll try my hardest to put out my jake fic but if not & i put out smth different just know that im still working on it bcs i really like soulmate tropes :] anywho happy new year ! wishing everyone happiness & health for this year <3
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peacheeeliz · 20 hours
bonus 2: gaslighting her way out of a scandal
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synopsis ⤏ you're trying to peacefully build your starter house on the empires server when your neighbor so rudely (accidentally) kills you, starting the biggest war on the server just one day in.
bonus 1 / masterlist / bonus 3
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ taglist is closed!
@davinashifts333 @potatos-on-clouds @s0shroe @staytinyluv @teenyfinds @weasleys-wizard-weasleys @borahae-reads @starryunho @dalsuwaha @oddin4ry @aerivrs @rosescarlettx @deptheuphoria @ateezswonderland @busy-daydreaming02 @00iheartmingi00 @jaytheatiny @txpxwxk
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slytherinshua · 1 month
genre. vampire au/bthb au. established relationship. warnings. sunghoon is very jealous. profanity. kissing. slightly suggestive maybe. reader wears a dress. pairing. vampire!sunghoon x fem!witch!reader. wc. 1k. request. no. a/n. bthb is probably one of their best mvs ever it was so well made like omg?? giving tim burton film vibes esp at the end and every scene was just so stunning, obv it gave me fic ideas ksdjks. written esp for @blue-jisungs @hursheys and @loserlvrss
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“Jesus, fuck, Sunghoon—” You shrieked when you entered your apartment, not expecting your boyfriend to be hanging from the ceiling, eyes staring at the door. He floated down to the floor, not moving a muscle. You were used to his… supernatural way of moving around by now, but you hadn’t expected him to jumpscare you like that.
“What did I say about hanging from the ceiling?” You muttered, brushing your coat off. Sunghoon slid over to you, hovering over your shoulder, eyes piercing your cheek. You figured something must be up. He didn’t act so vampirish unless he was pissed, reverting back to his old habits of hundreds of years.
“What did I say about going out without telling me?” He grunted in response, a very evident scowl etched on his face.
Ah, that’s why he was pissed.
“I did tell you, dumbass.” You slid your heels off next, padding your bare feet over to your shared bedroom. Sunghoon followed you, still too lazy to use his legs. 
“You didn’t say you’d be going in that outfit.” He countered, scarlet eyes shining brighter with his annoyance. 
“Seriously? I thought I looked pretty.” You huffed, grabbing one of his hoodies draped over a chair and glancing at the full-length mirror. You quite liked the dress you had picked out. Sure, it was a little revealing for your taste, but you wanted to try something different. All your friends were going to be dressing up nice. The dresses in your wardrobe were all gloomy colours and long-sleeves; very witchy thanks to your profession. 
The dark vermillion stained dress was sleeveless, adorned with jewels and a slit on the leg. You had bought it the week previously with your friend after trying it on and falling in love with how it looked. The colour reminded you of Sunghoon’s eyes. 
“You do look pretty. That’s the problem.” He muttered, biting his lip with his fang.
“There’s no need to be jealous, babe. I wasn’t looking at anyone else.” You assured him, pulling his black hoodie over your head. 
“People were looking at you, though. And for the record, I’m not jealous.” He frowned, his eyebrows furrowed as he too looked at the mirror, seeing the obvious absence of his reflection next to you. He hated that. Why did he always feel invisible?   
“Whatever you say.” A hint of a smile played on your lips. No matter how annoyed and angry Sunghoon got, you were never intimidated by him. He couldn’t hide the fact that he was secretly a softie. You pulled on his arm, and as he held no resistance, his body fell perfectly into your arms. 
“Geez, you’re burning up. Sure you’re not a little jealous?” You giggled, feeling his forehead and cheeks. Although they didn’t hold any colour, they were warm to the touch. You knew enough about vampires to know feelings of jealousy made their stolen blood boil. Literally. You had focused on vampires in your witch studies. 
“The room is just hot.” He made up an excuse, dipping away from your reach before you could see that he was lying. You shook your head, amused at him. He pursed his lips, taking a seat on the bed and avoiding eye contact with you out of spite.
You slid the dress off under his hoodie and grabbed a pair of pyjama pants to put on instead. His clothes were always the perfect amount of oversized on you, plus the added bonus of smelling just like him. It was like you were wrapped in a warm hug at all times.
“Burn it.” Sunghoon’s voice broke the silence in the room. You turned back around to him, quickly figuring out that he meant the dress.
“Good grief, you’re ridiculous—” You started to protest, but seeing his serious look painted in his eyes, you figured it was probably best to not test him when he was sensitive. You picked up the dress, using a simple spell to burst it into flames.
He nodded, satisfied. He tilted his head, and you felt a tug on your sleeve; his sorcery yanking you gently, a silent plead to come sit with him. You complied, knowing already what would get his mind off the burning jealousy he was feeling.
“Need your kisses now, hm?” You ruffled his hair lovingly, enjoying the grumpy expression on his face. Sliding his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, you drew closer to his face. He couldn’t wait a second longer to taste your lips, his scorching possessiveness creeping in every cold vein of his body, heat shuddering through his skin.
He was annoyed at you and how you occupied his every thought. He just couldn’t get you out of his head, whether you were by his side or away from him. His entire life had turned upside down the second you walked in and trampled all over his heart. Now, he was stuck, inexplicable feelings swallowing him whole. He wasn’t used to it. No one else had such a big effect on him. He loved you too much.
He poured out his frustration into the kiss, fangs nipping at your lips, one hand holding the side of your neck to pull you closer. It wasn’t enough. Even as his tongue melted with yours, it wasn’t enough. He still felt the jealousy creeping up his spine, the thought of other guys seeing you look so pretty distressing his mind. 
You pulled apart for air, the eagerness of Sunghoon’s kiss depleting your breath quickly. He peppered kisses to your face and neck as you rested, tracing over every inch of skin he could reach as if to dispel any doubt that you were his. 
“Still burning up.” You mumbled to yourself, feeling the skin of his neck and shoulder junction. You smiled, wondering how many kisses it would take to cool him off again. Something was telling you that you would be there for a while.
↳ enhypen taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @ddeonudepressions,, @minholing,, @delcakoo,,
@kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @cha3w0n-hearts,, @candewlsy,, @blossominghunnie,,
@amara-mars,, @wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,,
@bananabubble,, @talkingsaxy,, @sxmmerberries,, @nicholasluvbot,, @dimplewonie,,
@50-husbands,, @hursheys,, @stannwjnss,, @gong-fourz,, @nonononranghaee,,
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