#ukrainian subculture
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24meiocardia · 1 month ago
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✶«EXTREME» (також «Х3М») – культовий український журнал присвячений субкультурам, музиці (зокрема хіп-хопу) і неформальному життю. Заснований журнал у 1999 році в Києві О. Єременком та Д. Тімченком. Виходив раз на місяць з 1999 по 2010 роки, статті в журналі друкувалися російською, українською та англійською мовами.
Основна тематика: екстремальні види спорту, сучасна українська та світова музика, урбаністична культура. Крім самого Х3М, у «Экстрим-пресс» выходили спецвипуски «400мл» (назва походить від місткості балона з фарбою, що зазвичай використовують графіті-художники) та «Breaks» (про брейкданс), а також повноцінні журнали «К9», «Молоко» та «ПОНТ».
Дмитро Тимченко, співзасновник та перший головред:
"В середині 90-их у нас виникла ролер-тусовка, одна з найперших в Україні. З часом на екстремальні (я їх називаю молодіжними) види спорту почали звертати увагу спонсори та рекламодавці. Ми каталися на роликах та роздавали рекламні листівки у центрі міста, агітували за певні політичні сили. Потім до нас зверталися компанії Roces та Salomon (виробники спортивного обладнання — прим. ред.) з пропозицією провести змагання, на яких рекламували б їхні бренди. І всередині цієї ролер-тусовки я та Олексій Єременко вирішили заснувати журнал про екстремальні види спорту. Авторів набрали серед друзів. Всі були без досвіду роботи в медіа, писали, як вважали за потрібне. Крім спорту, ми акцентували увагу також на музиці, частіше всього хіп-хопі, а також на вуличному мистецтві."
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На обкладинках журналу було заявлено 5 тематик: «X-Sport», «Graffiti», «Breakdance», «Music» та «Life». Під час створення засновники орієнтувалися загалом на східноєвропейські видання, зокрема, на польський Slizg.
��Імперія Х3М» представляла собою не тільки друковані видання. В 2000 році Дмитро організував фестиваль «Экстремизм» на честь першого дня народження журналу. На ньому виступили ТНМК, Тартак, Димна Суміш, ДНД та інші. Ця подія заклала фундамент для більш масштабних фестивалів екстремальних видів спорту та вуличного мистецтва: Х3МЬЮЗИК, SNICKERS URBANIA та RED BULL. Це були головні події року для молоді.
З 1999 по 2002 роки акцент в журналі ставився на матеріали про молодійжний спорт. Водночас в Х3М вдало співіснували статті про мейнстрімні та обскурні явища популярної культури.
Оригінальна стаття сайту Амнезія; Подивитись всі обкладинки;
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dewardin · 3 months ago
Goth Valeria Lukyanova
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onekindredspirit · 1 year ago
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This photo is the last remaining evidence that I once stood before the mystic portal of the O.K. Corral. Everything else except memory has been taken with time, and so I deposit this remnant here in salt and light and code. The O.K. Corral was a crumbling, condemned 5 bedroom Victorian villa that featured in my life when I was young. I rented it with a friend for, initially, $40 per week. That price was later negotiated down to 'rent free'. Mr. Fox, our landlord, was seen only once more, and on that occasion he tried to sell the place to us for $10,000. The current market value is around $1.5 million ... but money isn't everything. The O.K. Corral was a 'Dude Ranch' and the definition of that is "... an all-inclusive immersive vacation that includes lodgings, meals, horseback riding, fishing and hiking and more." Okay, there was no horseback riding, fishing or hiking but there were other things going on ... and more. Interestingly, the word 'dude' has changed meaning over the last 140 years. Today 'dude' means something like 'bro' but back in the 1880's, when 'Dude Ranches' first began, it was slang for an urbanite. As I write, things continue to fall into place.
I had known my friend since I was 6 years old. I don't think I liked him much back then. He was an extrovert and pushy when getting the painting resources at school. I didn't sit with him anyway because I was a 'foreigner' and I had to sit next to the only other foreigner in the class, Elizabeth Federinko, a Ukrainian girl who couldn't speak English and drew horses all day. I think it was the horse drawing that eventually drove me crazy or maybe it was something else ... possibly bad blood. Anyway, I'll call my friend 'Bukowski'. By the time we were 20 years old I quite liked the guy. Sure there were other arenas of male competition but I found myself better equipped to deal with those. The cool thing about pushy people is that they make thing happen and 'Bukowski' was no exception. For example, he could cook. We had a litany of weirdos and 'freaks' pass through the O.K. Corral. A note to the sensitive - to be called a freak back then was the highest form of compliment in our subculture. It was all a little crazy and you would be disappointed in me if I told you about life at the O.K. Corral, so I won't. Let's talk about something else. One day 'Bukowski' decided to move to another region of New Zealand, some place warmer that would better suit a boho gentleman with alcohol thinned blood. I have rarely lived alone but for a week I did until one morning I was woken at 1am by someone sitting on the end of my bed and talking to me. I wasn't clear as to what she was saying but I wasn't at all concerned as this was probably 'normal' when you don't lock your doors. Realising I was now awake she turned on the light.
I didn't know her but I knew who she was. I'd seen her riding around the city on a Norton Commando motorcycle which had impressed me because of her small size and once she had smiled at me as we passed each other on a city street. I remember that smile, it was powerful enough to stop and turn me around. It was a beautiful smile. The following morning she returned with her possessions and we shared my bed. I feel I had been looking for this person most of my life but when you dream someone into your life there's a danger that the results may be "... reductive and diminutive and I think basically misogynistic ..." as the writer Zoe Kazan once said in an interview when discussing the 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' trope. Clementine, in the movie 'The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' warns Joel - "Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours". One thing though, I was never quite sure if she was my projection or if I was, in fact, the projection of her own desires. But I'm comfortable with that. We lived together. She taught me a lot. I gave her love in return. 'Clementine' eventually moved to Australia, a place better suited to her large personality. Years later I was sitting having an espresso at Fidel's Cafe on Cuba Street when 'Clementine' walked past the large plate-glass window. I had only a glimpse of her face but from that brief moment I sensed that she was not happy and that her health was not good. I didn't get up and rush out to catch up with her. I didn't run after her seeking some meaningful reunion. I let her go ... and watched as she disappeared into the crowd. Sometime in the not too distant past I had discovered that the person I had been looking for all through my youth and into later life was myself. I let 'Clementine' go. But the night I wrote this I dreamed of 'Clementine' and it was a beautiful dream.
- One Kindred Spirit
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dontforgetukraine · 5 months ago
“Burn the whole Russian subculture within yourselves. Burn all childhood memories related to the Russian-Soviet. Burn your relationships with relatives or friends on the other side, with everyone who is a carrier of the Russian subculture. Otherwise, it will burn you out.”
—Roman Ratushny, 24
At 16, Roman Ratushny was among a large group of Ukrainian students violently attacked and beaten by the Ukrainian riot police during their peaceful protest in 2013 against President Viktor Yanukovych’s pro-Kremlin government. The ensuing public outrage sparked the Euromaidan revolution. Ratushny, one of the prominent young activists who emerged there, fought illegal construction in a Kyiv park despite the threats from Ukrainian oligarchs before he volunteered to fight for Ukraine in 2022. After he was killed in battle the same year, people were galvanized by his adamant views that peace in Ukraine is impossible while Ukrainians tolerate any kind of Russian influence.
Source: The words of Ukraine’s fallen soldiers inspiring the nation to fight on
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farasen · 9 months ago
I've been putting it off for too long, hoping that I'd finish at least one thing with dwk AUs, but I've lost interest and didn't come up with design for those who are left, so I'll just spill out what I have
So it's a Russian reality AU. The events are happening in the mid 2000s (like 2005-2007), and I haven't decided on the rest, but I thought they could like fight with people (aka The Ubeatables, Cool Kickers and 1FC) from other neighbourhoods, gang on gang kind of shit. Normal activities of 2000s kids. But they're pretty harmless, just being noisy teens.
Now design concepts (names are based off English dub, since this version is more common to Russians)
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Peretc Rinat Sabirovich 
That's Deniz. He's tatar in this reality. Same old rich boy, who has a good computer at home and buys original clothes and not on the market square. Wears an earring in his left ear, which some people call him gay for, but it's actually for the sake of the music. Also people joke about his surname, because it literally means "pepper" and he tells them "Kit mannan Na kutak".
Butkova Vasilisa Lavrentievna
Vanessa, as you can see. Half-Ukrainian, her parents moved to Russia after USSR collapse. Unlike her original version, doesn't like to be called by full name and preferes Asya or Vasya. The meme is that Vasya is a male name.
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Khazanovsky Dima Fedorovich
Jojo. Don't have much to say about him. His Би-2 (Bi-2) t-shirt is the only thing left by his father. He also wears rubber bracelets from a local shop. Likes ''classical rock'' like said Bi-2 and Kino.
Belyaev Roma Valentinovich
Raban, can't say much about him either. He's like a nerd goodie-goodie, even his clothes are more 80-90s.
From now on I don't have any reference sheets, so it's just information about the characters.
Veresov Kolyan Mikhailovich
That's Leon. Even though his name is Kolya, Vanessa calls him Nikita (an asshole name in Russia). Jokes on nefors (subcultures like punk or emo), but actually doesn't mind them.
Veresov Tolik Mikhailovich
Marlon. He and his brother are also known as Tolyan and Kolyan duo. Mostly listens to hip-hop like Detsl, but also listens to Korol i Shut, Kino and some other foreign artists. His style of clothes is more hip-hop-like so some people call him ''not true rock fan'', even though he never stated he was lol.
Temirov Kirill Timofeevich
That's Markus and I don't have any headcanons on him. Like zero. But he might be an emo.
That's all for now, maybe I'll come back to it at some point and at least finish the concepts :p
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ironspike · 3 months ago
Yo, I recently registered on tumblr. And I want to find friends who belong to the subcultures goth, scene, emo or those who like older brother core, emo core, scene core, goth core. who like subcultures from the 2000s to 2016. I would like to find guys who speak Russian, Polish or Ukrainian (one of these languages) fluently because I can speak these languages. I hope to find at least someone from my city.
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meanhare · 6 months ago
very specific distractions
because things like "read, draw, walk" are kinda not hepful for me personally (what to read? what to draw? where walk?). also if you have no friends you can do all these alone bc i also have no friends. warning: some of them are kinda edgy
learn about sodas over the world and make a list of 10 (or more) sodas you want to try the most
draw your fav character in decora, scene, patched crustpunk or any other clothes/style that are long and/or hard to draw
learn armenian, georgian, katakana or any other unfamiliar alphabet/writing system
find in library and read any book about antarctica
watch bela tarr's satantango
find hungarian bands that play your fav music genre
google and read about twonosed dog breeds
go outside and take pics of your fav 10 buildings in your city
take some money and buy more pants and/or socks (theres always not enough of them +you dont have to try on them and then cry in change room)
depict your ideal room in details
create an alien/fantastic animal/breed, draw it and describe its habital, height, weight, color, natural enemies, diseases it prone to, how common are mutations like albinism or polydactylia etc
write n details whole 5 pages of how you feel like. if you feel bad, write how awful is everything, how you want (or dont want)it to end, how shitty is your mood. if you feel nothing, write how you are not feeling, how empty and desolated it feels.
learn how to make an origami of your fav animal
burn some trash
create a secret blog. it may be for something you like, for writing honest opinions, for pretending that you are cishet christian gymbro, anything. take time to made out a good name and url and find a good pfp
learn few songs on other languages
try every tea you can find. sometimes theres boxes of assorted teabags with different tastes, its good for trying different kinds
do some jigsaw puzzles. theres many online jigsaw sites
(re)watch or read an interview of your fav obscure music band
find even obscurer music band
learn about some east asian holidays and plan to celebrate some of them
draw your recent dream in mspaint
switch language on you tumblr/phone/computer to one you dont know (but only if you familiar with your device enough and know how to change it back for if necessary)
find some longass 100question ask game and answer every question (no need to post it, you can do it in your head or write it down in a notebook)
make picrews of yourself, ideal you, your friend, your imaginary friend, pet, musician or character
learn how to swear on every language
go to any poll blog and vote
duolingo. yes
if you dont have mustache and beard, draw it on your face and maybe take some selfies with it for fun
watch that movie someone somewhere once recommended you but you still didnt watched somewhy
write or draw something very unsetting what would probably get you termed instantly if you post it online
brush your hair, your dog/cats hair, your toy ponys hair, anything brushable
read the whole wikipedia page about any subculture you find interesting
get some stickers and stick them anywhere in your room
write lists of favs (fav drinks, bands, dog breeds, movies etc)
read modern ukrainian writers. sergiy zhadan, irena karpa, yurij andrukhowych (idk if i wrote their name in english correctly) also make music, check it out
search for your local bands (the easiest way is to search your city tag in bandcamp)
then search for your local concerts. go to your local concerts of your local bands. most of them are cheap
get a blindbox toy. idc if youre adult. its fun. maybe get a kinder surprise egg if you can (a chocolate egg is usually 110-120kcal)
watch some good old bloody slasher or japanese horror movie
get a notebook with a locker and make a fucking anadiary. make it sappy or overdramatic or heroinchicy or 80rockstary. doesnt matter
google about arsons in your hometown and look at cool fire pics
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fortressofserenity · 1 year ago
Where are the Goth guys in fiction?
That's not to say there aren't any Goth guys in fiction at all, they certainly do exist and nonstereotypical ones do exist. But it seems when the latter does show up at all, it's usually either a story aimed at Goths (Writhe and Shine) or a story done by somebody who likely has a Goth phase at one point like South Park where one of its creators listened to The Cure, a seminal Goth band.
It gets complicated by things like how not a lot of women want to date or marry Goth guys the way they do with geeky guys, I think mostly because they want somebody with a knowledgeable air or a love of the whimsy, that any non-Goth guy interested in anything Goth usually tend to portray Goth girls as the love interests and the Goth guy is the rival, not the self-insert or the audience surrogate.
To the point where there is some weight to how some people fetishise Goth women a lot, but show no real interest in the Goth subculture themselves. I did do a story with a Goth guy as the protagonist and I also came up with a superhero named John Zelensky (don't blame me, I can't think of any other Ukrainian surname) who has the ability to manipulate electricity but listens to Goth and punk bands and tends to be plant-based.
As if Goth men are pretty much an afterthought, at worst a nobody when it comes to people's dating radar. Not that we should fetishise them either, but that it's real hard to come up with an authentic Goth character let alone a male one at that. You might say he's unrelatable, but for some reason romance novels often have women going after rather unattainable men.
They're fine for as long as they're not Goth, to the point where Goth guys are actually kind of overlooked in fiction.
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carnocus · 1 year ago
FLAYMER - What is the most widely spread myth?
FYLCHE - What kinds of body modifications are common? Are they practical or aesthetic?
PEFE - What was their most significant historical event?
Thank you for the ask!!! I'm doing this ask game for the nation Karniv from "The Age of Carnocus" (TAOC for short).
FLAYMER - What is the most widely spread myth?
The idea that only special people are able to amalgamate, which a large part of the conflict of TAOC revolves around. Basically, humans in TAOC have the ability to manipulate dead flesh, but only if they become cannibals first. A long time ago the members Clergy (the government of Karniv) decided that they wanted to keep power over Karniv in their family lineages and began spreading the myth that Carnocus (the god they worship) only granted special people the gift. Over centuries, they eliminated all recollection of how amalgamation powers can be induced. Because cannibalism is rare, not many people have caught on... yet.
FYLCHE - What kinds of body modifications are common? Are they practical or aesthetic?
Piercings are more common in Karniv than IRL, serving an aesthetic purpose. That's about everything I can think of... I need to develop the style of Karniv more. It is supposed to be a blend of modern subculture styles (goth, metalhead, etc.) and traditional Ukrainian styles, so its a cool blend.
PEFE - What was their most significant historical event?
DEFINITLY Carnocus' ascension. Carnocus is a parasitic alien that has lived in the Earth for millennia, and in the 1990s reached the next stage of its life cycle. It expanded and started releasing creatures that serve it onto the Earth, causing an apocalyptic event that completely altered the Earth. After humans learned to communicate with Carnocus, he granted them the gift of amalgamation, and now humans in Karniv worship him as a God.
Thanks again for the ask :)
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safety-pin-punk · 2 years ago
I don't know if you've talked about it before, but how DID you get into punk? I'm kind of curious :o And are you into hardcore punk? Any good bands you know of? Oh also do you listen to bands in languages that aren't English? I'd love to hear about them!
Sorry, I know these are a lot of questions^^; You can tale your time with answering them. Have a nice day/night!^^♡
I love getting questions like this that dont require me to do much thinking lol I hope you have a good day/night as well anon!!
How did I get into punk? Great question! It was more of a transition though. Believe it or not, I was a redneck country kid through and through. I still own a few cowboy hats and listen to Johnny Cash occasionally. I can think of one moment in my life that kinda flipped that switch though. I was in my sisters car when I was around 15(?) (mind you she is 10 years older than I am) and a Bowling for Soup song came on. Specifically it was 1985, and I just fell in love with it. And despite my dad being a DJ, he played a lot of weddings when I was younger, so I didn’t listen to much alternative music. But from there, I started doing a lot of research on alternative subcultures. Believe it or not, but punk has a LOT in common with real redneck culture. Anti government, let people do what they want, take care of your community. And maybe its just SW PA rednecks that are like that, but it made for a pretty easy transition to punk. Honestly old country music and punk music has a lot in common too, its just a question of does it have a fiddle or an electric guitar lol
Am I into Hardcore Punk? Not really. I listen to some hardcore stuff, occasionally a bit of metal, but my heart and soul belongs to pop punk/alt rock/post punk type stuff
Good bands I know of? Im assuming you were talking about hardcore bands from the way the question was structured, but I dont listen to much outside of bigger names with hardcore when I do listen to it. However, I will certainly take this opportunity to promote an alt pop band whose songs are currently living rent free in my head: Arrows in Action (its not punk but still good music)
Bands in Languages That Arent English? YES I DO ACTUALLY
I cant find it right now, but towards the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia, I made a post with a bunch of Ukrainian punk bands. So that’s floating around somewhere
Theres also this Russian band I found on tiktok when I still had the app (dark days I know)
And this French band that I ADORE
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alightineverydarkness · 2 years ago
Year 2022 AD, or Something Terrible Has Happened to Everyone I Know
Now I am not a young musician from Kyiv, Ukraine. I am not poor, or subcultural, or famous. I am not single or dating, I am not in love or broken-hearted. I don't know what I am. I feel both the strongest, the most focused l've ever been, and the most fucked up inside I've ever been. I am the iPhone military salute emoji: half a head, the half that gets work done.
The war, the proximity of death, cuts off the superficial and shows you what you suspected you always were. You find whether you would do the right thing, or cheat; you see the life you lived and the life you haven't.
Now Europe is not a beacon of hope, but a gigantic bureaucrat octopus: European authorities deal with a genocide in progress in the same unwieldy manner as they do with a bus fare dodger. The collective Western Left is far too knowledgeable about the wants and needs of a person being murdered by fascists, and will happily lecture them on how to die. Shelling a sovereign country daily for a year, deporting its children, executing civilians, seems certainly frowned upon, but generally, «these things happen» — yes, the things that should never happen. And only Ukrainians are wonderful, but being wonderful is hard, hard work.
There has never been a time like this.
Nothing of my life is left. What I wouldn't give to go back to late 2021 and its hardships and joys. But the past is over, there is only now. And there may be a future where I start living again, where, in due time, I figure out what kind of music I have to make and where, maybe, I meet someone who would've waited for me to come back.
I am no longer in any kind of contact with the person I intended to marry in 2022, reasonably considering them the love of my life. Since the beginning of the year, I spent one evening with them in October, and was broken up with within the first hour. It is a loss so large it cannot be processed or grasped, but there she goes; we may never speak again, and all of my ideas about a future are useless now.
I have no reason to believe I will ever get to work on music full-time, or at least in my pre-2022 capacity ever again. The music scene has left me behind: it flourished, and I wasn't there for it, and will I ever be? At nights it seems like the people I used to talk to on Discord are all now famous and I am a soldier in a war that makes few headlines, and l'Il toil away like this until anything I was is extinguished. When I went back for a week and saw the streets of my life, I got lost quickly. And how much of my life has belonged to someone else?
There's this person holding a rifle and it's not me. There's this person sleeping with my fiancée and it's not me. Are there two or me, or zero?
I am so horny I can see through people's clothes.
Someday I will be free, in a room I've never been in, staring at a dead assortment of expensive music gear I ordered on my soldier's salary and don't know how to use. This is the light at the end of this particular tunnel. Not a train station kiss or tear-eyed hug, but nonetheless it is a life to be figured out and lived, as opposed to this. For now, I'll keep ordering whatever music equipment I may need, delivered to my mother's apartment.
I will be discharged before this war ends, and someone else will take my place, and I will not get any of the happy endings I imagined. I am tired. It feels like tonight I could sleep standing up.
There is a little part of me that is being destroyed every day.
But somewhere there's a day when nothing hurts, and a heart that's true, and a truth that is beautiful.
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
The strange story of ‘PMC Ryodan’
Over the weekend, the Russian media reported mass brawls at shopping malls in cities across the country. Citing vague police reports, journalists attributed the string of fights to an online subculture built around the Japanese anime “Hunter × Hunter” and an antagonist in the story called Phantom Troupe (Gen’ei Ryodan), also known as the Spiders. After hundreds of arrests, State Duma deputy Nina Ostanina even appealed publicly to Russia’s Interior Ministry, demanding a ban on all content associated with “PMC Ryodan.”
According to a new report by the independent news outlet Mediazona, however, the hysteria surrounding this youth subculture almost completely misunderstands the violence that fueled the weekend’s news. Semantically, the first thing to grasp is that “PMC,” or private military company, is used facetiously when describing the Ryodan group. Despite their spider-themed clothing and love of “Dota rap” (Gen’ei Ryodan apparently owes its following in Russia to a “song” by the “musician” Shadowraze who popularized the fictional gang), Ryodan community members are usually the targets — not the instigators — of the brawls breaking out at youth hangouts in Russia. (The group supposedly got its “PMC” nickname after some of its followers were attacked at a mall and defended themselves better than expected.)
According to research by Mediazona, so-called ofniki or okolofutbolniki (“soccer-related fans”) have organized many of the reported fights, often seeking to punish the anime fans in connection with thoroughly, painfully adolescent squabbles rooted in exchanges in online chatrooms and message boards.
Even conservative “safe Internet” crusader Ekaterina Mizulina criticized Russia’s news media for amplifying the PMC Ryodan story. While she embraces the conspiracy theory that the Ukrainian military is waging a psychological warfare operation to boost fears about Ryodan inside Russia, Mizulina emphasized in a Telegram post that ofniki are responsible for starting many of these fights, and she argued that the real culprit in these brawls is teenage boredom and Russia’s failure to engage young people constructively. (To address this problem, she urges even more state involvement in “steering” the energies of the nation’s youth.) Incidentally, Ukrainian officials in cities as far apart as Kharkiv and Ivano-Frankivsk have also complained about violent flashmobs supposedly involving PMC Ryodan.
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volathemoon · 3 months ago
For almost ten years now, I've been into text-based role-playing games. But there is one problem – I have played only with Russian-speaking roleplayers, as I myself, being a Russian-speaking Ukrainian, sat only on the Russian-speaking Internet. My path started in Amino, continued in Telegram, stalled on Discord. And today I decided – I want to join Tumblr with a giant English-speaking community!
The first thing I'll do is describe myself as a roleplayer so you understand who you're writing to:
I have a bit of a problem with the English language. But I look at the opportunity to role-playing with someone as an opportunity to practice my English, which I will be able to raise thanks to you!
My characters are freaks. Back in the Russian-speaking role-playing community, I was disliked for my characters, who often differ in some personal peculiarities: albinism, vitiligo, limited abilities (blindness, deafness, inability to walk), unusual ethnicity (I'm into ethnography. By the way, visit my ethnography blog), subculturalism, and many other things. I have a variety of characters, each with their own peculiarities and oddities beyond «normal».
I write large posts in third person literary style. It's very difficult to take the first person.
I don't role dominant characters. A dominant role in a romantic relationship is completely uncomfortable and unpleasant for me. Even if I play Kevin, the pumped-up American football player, it's not a dominant character in a relationship.
I roleplay in the genres of het, femslash, non-binary and would also love to try poly.
Now for the role-play partner I'm expecting:
I don't role-play with male. I've never been interested in playing with them.
Don't ignore! I despise people who are incapable of writing «I'm sorry, but I don't think we're right for each other» and instead start ignoring. Thousands of years of evolution have created a wonderful invention – writing!
I only role-play with an adult.
Speaking of the plot I'm hatching. I'm not looking for anything heavy and grand yet in the beginning of my English-language RPG journey. So I want a simple, light and ordinary theme – teen romance! I'm fascinated by teenage romance and stories about it, so I'd be gigantically happy to breed this theme. It really appeals to me: just a nice warm romantic relationship between two teenagers. Maybe I'm trying to cover some complexes with this one, huh?
I'll be waiting!
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anumacy · 5 months ago
Canada doesn't have a specific culture, it has many sub cultures included along its lines, same with various subcultures, and it simply has a similar culture in major to that if the US and Britain, wich are also unique in your own ways, I used to think similarly about where I lived until I researched about it
Srry if this is rude
Sub cultures
It doesn't
Canada has OTHER COUNTRIES cultures
The list goes on
Which is what I'm talking about.
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beastblade69 · 11 months ago
modern punks mostly are so hypocritical. lije y'all scream "WE'RE ANTIFAAA!!! FUCK FASCISTS!!!" and yet support artists from fascist countries by listening to their music or consuming their content. or I even followed a korean "punk" band some time ago and they straight up went touring in russia while the full scale war was happening for 2 years already. and russia is a straight up fascist state which has committed genocide of ukrainians (and are still committing tho). and that's why I mostly am very sus towards punks because like y'all use that label just to be edgy and without an intend of being politically active or having a political position which doesn't go against subculture's philosophy. that's exactly why I have no intend of calling myself a punk because yeah I listen to punk rock from time to time but I'm not politically active enough to be a real punk and not jist a hypocrite so like yeah that's my point
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gulyas069 · 1 year ago
how do you think are your average ukrainian draftee feels about there being an entire internet subculture around acting like they're the ones dying in the ukrainian trenches for posting pictures of a shitty fucking meme dog
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