#uhhhhhh i guess ill just tag
kaiserouo · 4 months
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shwarmii · 1 year
okay, ill make a new one 🤡 ive personally only seen off-shoots of Booboo The Fool (somehow. dont ask me how. i have no idea either) that shortened it to Bobo. but also, some of these pronounciations make me laugh so i needed an update to better include them too (also, no, this isnt a case of that "bullying works" joke lmao the people who were polite convinced me, the people who played along regardless of spelling convinced me, the people who gave me new pronounciations convinced me, and the people who affectionately called me as "from the Bobo-verse" convinved me, not anybody else; i didnt feel bullied at all lmao rip)
i just heard one of my favorite youtubers say this meme out loud in a video and the pronounciation FLOORED ME so now i gotta know:
poll is just "which way do you say it"; tags are "which way is right", assuming your answer to "which way is right" is different to "which way do you say it". or i guess tags are also uhhhhhh if your answer is complicated and if you wanna explain, if you have a diff way of pronouncing (pls tell meeeee), or whatever else you want, im not your parents, idk
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goredoesstuff · 4 months
i want to talk here about all the weird dreams i have and how a lot of em take place in one specific world and theY HAVE STORYLINES
its all weird and shit but theyre dreams what do you expect ANYWAY
so I've been drawing out some stuff related to those dreams and i really wanna make a comic based on some of the storylines like its so cool just RAAAAAAAAAA i cant not do something wit it!!!!!
there's lore and everything!!! its insane!!
like how there's people with masks on all the time and theyre called "freelancers" cause they do odd jobs and stuff but the thing with freelancers is THEY DONT DIE so whenever im in the shoes of the main POV character and some crazy shit happens, I DONT DIE
the POV character just wakes up and is like "well, shit, that happened i guess" and goes on with their day
there's reoccurring characters and some of them have NAMES that i found out in the dreams. there's a whole huge city that makes no sense and very much sense at the same time. there's the outskirts, farmlands and forests inhabited by huge friendly spiders. monsters are absolutely EVERYWHERE and you never know wether ones friendly or trying to kill you. THERES THE NOT-BIRD
its crazy but so so interesting to me
anyway uhhhhhh pls feel free to ask anything about the dreams i am completely normal about them mhm absolutely only normal thoughts here you can trust me
all this to say ill be tagging my dream posts/sketches/drawings with the same tag so i dont lose em lmao
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starryjellyfishies · 2 years
Thank you @captastra for the tag!! Since you asked to know more about my captains, I also added little blurbs for each of them!
Part 1: using this picrew!
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Part 2: taking this uquiz
I got Underrated: You are that one amazing character who everyone seems to forget about. You're smart, funny, kind, and you save the team's ass on multiple occasions, but everyone but your extremely dedicated but small fanbase seem to forget about you, despite the fact you absolutely deserve better.
(Blurbs under the cut!)
May— she/her, long gun shooter, dialogue (persuade) build, made for my first (and anti-Board) playthrough, seems colder than she is, would die for Anubis, teams with Felix and Max
She's very good at playing the right part to get on people's good sides, and will keep it together no matter what... (except for when Celeste got killed she did murder those guards for that, and also except for when Sophia asked her to wipe out edgewater... but telling Sophia to go to hell was worth it, okay?) She refuses to regret her actions and can be a bit hypocritical at times, but all in all she did a lot of good (tho she did divert power from edgewater, but uh. I didn't know you could convince Reed to step down at the time)
Dran— he/him, pistol shooter, leadership build (...mainly bc if Felix left my party I would have stopped playing on his save), made for my Board playthrough, Tired™️, has a soft spot for sprats, teams with Parvati and Ellie
Dran used to be rich on earth so he's salty when people act like he doesn't belong in Byzantium. He does whatever he can to get paid the most, as quickly as possible. He's willing to shoot people in the back, but is very loyal to his crew (even Felix who he doesn't particularly like), and WILL fuck you up for insulting them. He's VP of Sublight, and wiped out Edgewater for Sophia. He's... been putting off skipping the hope (as I play the DLCs) and is starting to realize he has morals— he's unhappy about this.
Azzy— he/they, 1-handed melee fighter, doesn't have a specific build, made for my dumb playthrough! Himbo energy, teams with Nyoka and SAM
They barely remember any of their life on Earth, and they're just here to help people out! They're very dumb but loveable. Did some good on purpose, some on accident— he avoided a fight between MSI and the Iconoclasts because he forgot to give the targeting module to either of them and then left the planet.
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sh5 · 2 years
huge overshare in the tags
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rexscanonwife · 5 years
*wakes up at 3pm* oh SHIT I LOVE BEETLEJUICE *runs into heavy traffic*
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terraeferaearchive · 2 years
which imaginary illness do you have?
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You are losing yourself, bit by bit. Your own skin is peeling away, moths forming out of it as you shed more of yourself. Your breaths birth hummingbirds and doves as they abate, your fears turning into savage things of teeth and claw. How much more of yourself will you have to grate away until you fit the mold you set yourself today? How much more will have to go tomorrow? How much longer until you've shed too much of yourself - until the pieces you left by the roadside are more than what little you have left?
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Blooming Pox
Their roots have taken hold inside your veins, your breath is shared now. Life grows from your flesh - an inescapable, floral infection. It will feast upon you until you have nothing left to give, it will trap you and make you unable to move forward. You know all this as you watch the flowers bloom just above your skin, their own petals stained with crimson - but isn't it nice to be needed, doesn't it feel good to have them depend on you for them to grow out of your not yet rotting corpse.
Tagged by: @noctiilvcent​
Tagging: Uhhhhhh... Steal it from me, I guess?
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totallyblooktacular · 7 years
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When the sky is pink, someone falls in love.
That is what you said to me back when we were young.
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Ok @ feychols swap anon Im gonna post stream of consciousness as I try to figure out how Kristoph works in the au because I have an inkling if an idea.
Phoenix and Kristoph start a law firm together. They take on Larry as their first client. Case 1 proceeds normally. Ill figure out the thinker stuff later.
Uhhh we skip normal case II, jump DIRECTLY to Turnabout Samurai. Zak Gramarye is dead. Apollo is introduced (don't know why he's with Kristoph yet I'll figure it out as I go. Maybe I'll figure it out ehile I'm trying this. Anyways The people at Global are:
Wendy Oldbag
Uhhh Sals still there I guess
Clay???? If he's swapping with will powers....
Simon Blackquill (swapped with cody)
Lamiroir??? Cause maybe I'll make dee a music producer??? And thalassas accident=Manuel's death
And Valant
Anyway Kristoph is guilty of this crime (also he keeps making jokes about how "don't discard my brother as a suspect")
Actually we might be able to just cut sal. or reintigrate him into 4-3
Oldbag stays oldbag though
Uhhhhhh I should go back and tag my other posts for this AU. So I can reference them later.
Anyway maybe then we reinsert case 2? It wouldn't be edgeworths introduction, and any big gay moments would happen in this new case 3 aka case 2
The victim would be.... Hmmm, Marvin Grossburg maybe? Anyway this post was supposed to be about Kristoph.
The reason Apollo would be with him... It wouldn't make sense to have the Gavins be feys but that makes most sense...
Unless.... Kristoph replaces Morgan. Morgan becomes the culprit in the second trilogy (insert kronk "oh yeah its all coming together" here)
So the Gavins are Feys branch family and young Apollo is living in Kurain Village.... Yeah they would know each other.
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hi welcome back to me realising that maybe just maybe I should at least make an attempt to promote my fan fiction on here so uhhhhhh 
I started a multi-chapter sastiel fic oops
Title: The List
Pairing: Castiel/Sam Winchester, Sastiel, Samcas
Tags: #oopsie daisy its a list fic #Mutual Pining #human!Cas #Bucket List #this was a dare by my boyfriend #so blame him #First Kiss #hand holding #Fluff #being stupid and oblivious for funsies #I guess ill add tags as I go? #im horrible at tags so uhhh #yeehaw
Summary: Cas makes a list of things he wants to do now he's human, and where's the sense in doing it alone? Especially since Sam is so willing to lend a hand.
if you’d like you can read it here < 3
anyway enjoy the rest of your day/night folks, happy pride!!
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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tag 9 ppl you want to get to know better
thanks @reluctant-bi for tagging me!! for the record i think ur a funky gal and would love to talk more to u
three ships: oh gee huh. malec, the polycule™ uhhhhhh no thots actually i guess ill go with rinharu since im like pretty much still as invested in this ship as i was in 2013 or smth even if its basically dead, it holds a special place in my heart
last song: that i listened to? under pressure - queen. that i like, found out about, i guess was te faço um cafuné - mariana aydar
last movie: the old guard
currently reading: a bunch of college shit lmao and i guess for fun ive been reading a revolution in eating by james e mcwilliams
currently watching: nothing fudndidn i guess im rewatching sh because of a fic but its been a while because college. im a pretty slow watcher i watch like three shows a year or smth
currently consuming: internet? idk
food im currently craving: literally just had lunch so nothing lmao
im tagging @magnusedom and @deamaia since u 2 r ppl i dont talk to a lot but would like to cuz yall nice. anyone else who wants to do it can consider themself tagged
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cannibaldatingsite · 4 years
thank you @hanniba1​ and @fairytalegay​ for tagging me!!!!!!!!!!!
rules: tag people you wanna get to know better! this is like SO long so im putting it under a read more thing
your name and then what you would have named yourself: my name is sara but i also use bille which means beetle in danish i just Dont wanna b called billy in english lmao
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): leo
when did you join tumblr and why?: uhhhh i joined wayy back in like 2011 i really dont remember why specifically but this account i made like ?2 ?months ago?? cus of the hannibal reunion stream and i wanted to like join the community again🥺🥺🥺
top 5 fandoms: in my experience every fandom is awful if ure in it long enough
top 5 favourite films: omg idk but 5 movies i really LIKE are mother (2009), monos (2017), oldboy (2003), zappa (1983), ginger snaps (2000)
go to song when you wanna Feel something: george michael - you have been loved
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: im not faithful but the religion i feel closest to is probably norse paganism?
a song that makes you feel seen: caramelldansen
if you could have any career: i think it would be very fun to be a full-time taxidermist but i would only wanna do animals that had died of natural causes or like car accidents and whatevr
do you have a type?: uhhhhh women
what does your heart/soul yearn for: feeling useful?
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: excitable, opinionated, observant, flamboyant, pragmatic
favourite subjects in school: i mean obvsly arts but i also like chemistry now that im literally having it for the first time at age 20
where does your soul feel most at home: surrounded by quiet and nature and rain
top 5 fictional characters: MY HEAD IS EMPTYYY IDONT KNOW UHHH SPOCK? from star trek? VARRIC FROM DRAGON AGE!!!! hoban washburne from firefly...........hannibal.....ME
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: season 2 finale of buffy, ending of star trek II twok, uhhhhhh idk i dont ugly cry a lot i guess ive cried to mizumono at some point?
the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the earth
favourite kind of weather: i LOOOOVE a good thunderstorm i love rain i love misty weather i HATE like really warm sunny weather it makes me feel ill i think my preferred weather for being outside in would be like kinda cold but ure not shivering in a t-shirt and then like light rain? i really like rain
top 3 characters you kin with: data from star trek, bones from bones, uhh jimmy price from hannibalDFKSYUYFKY
favourite medium of art: to do? digital art
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert??? i guess??
a favourite literary quote: idk man im not like a quotes type person at all
some of your favourite books: best served cold by joe abercrombie, a bright red scream by marilee strong, and like idk i really like the hobbit by tolkien lol
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: hmm maybe sme place with more nature cus i live in the city but still denmark
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: take away the fact that im a lesbian ive always thought id make a really good monk like just spend my time transcribing books and making funky margins and keeping a strict routine
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: boring answer is drums but i think itd b real funky to master like the harp or smtg
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: bro i have no idea i feel way more connected to fucked up little monsters and trolls than i do gods and goddesses
and lastly, favourite recent selfie in your camera roll: i like dont take a lot of selfies this is the best recent one i got where im not like mid-breakdown 😭😭😭😭😭IDONT KNOW WHY ITS SO CLOSE I HAD LIKE 3 AND THEY WERE ALL THAT CLOSE
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if u wanna do this just say i tagged u 😭👊
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phantomtied · 4 years
SHIPPING INFO Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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I guess it would have to be infinadow??,tho in recent im not really sure im starting to favor a lotta ships again fjg,cole has to yet find anything and lance rn well thats in the works!
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? uh fluff angst,and nsfw though ill most likely do nsfw stuff on my side account for it or in private like discord im shy when it comes to the stuff .
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: uh im not  sure if this means like with muns or muse dfh
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Kinda?,ive have had some not great experiences with shipping so im slightly picky but im getting better! so this might change as time goes on.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NS/FW?: uh im not sure tbh haven't had enough moments to say lmao
zero : nack with @pistolbitten​ ,and something in the works with @fortruechaos​ and fleetway @chaosbcund​
cole: none atm!,the boy needs love..
lance : something in the works with bean @gitbeaned​ but u didnt hear that from me uwu
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: uh not really just pitch a ship to me! i suppose!
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: mmm im not sure ?,every now and again 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: uhhhhhh silverxwhisper silver X shard infinite and shadow shadow and manic shadow and tikal shard and nicole infinite and rouge rouge and knuckles
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: just write with me!,and lets develop! I love trying to make some chemistry between muses before hand or during-also just pitch a ship idea too me to if youd like!
Tagged by:  Stole from @fortruechaos​ love u ren! Tagging: Anyone who feels like talking about Ships!!
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asravine · 5 years
8 people i want to get to know better tag game
tagged by @thespacenico and @lancemcclain ✨
name/alias: grace
birthday: 23rd december
zodiac sign: capricorn (though i dont really believe in astrology whoops)
height: 1.76m ( for u americans thats like 5′9?? i think)
hobbies: drawing, reading, watching ALOT of shows, going on trips?? does that count??? i like to take pictures of nice scenery aa
favourite colours: TEAL, blue but like ocean blue, ive recently taken a liking to golden yellow as well
favourite books: i have a soft spot for the PJO and Magnus Chase series, basically the riordan-verse books bc nostalgia. the lunar chronicles is a good series as wellllll OH!!! The Little Prince!!! that was cute. The Five People You Meet In Heaven is great too. Im sure im forgetting a few others hahah
last song i listened to: BREAKFAST by half・alive (pls listen to them they are GREAT)
last film i watched: i honestly do not remember but i believe it was Spider-Man: Far From Home!
inspiration or muse: uhhhhhh im not sure HAHA i love funny comics and memes i guess!! storytelling via visuals as well?? movies and shows that have clever plots and cleverer visuals that accompany it!! (spiderverse and mp100 im looking at u babey)
dream job: i dont have a specific dream job but my dream is to have a job where i have enough money to pay off the loans of broke college students and go overseas when i want to AHAHA
meaning behind your url: *BDG voice* it came to me in my dreams like a prophet receiving visions from an angry God (no but uh i wanted to change my handle for awhile so!! I just mashed a few words tgt lol)
uhmmmm i dont know alot of ppl here so ill just tag a few!! @palalances @fauxghcst @starlightments @minnowminn (u dont have to do it if u dont want to!!)
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flutenby · 5 years
Tagged by @in-the-key-of-f-major
1. Nicknames: don’t have any, my name is too short lol
2. Zodiac Sign: scorpio but I give 0 fucks
3. Height: 164cm idc about your silly system length means nothing to me anyway
4. Hogwarts House: slytherin yeet
5. Last thing I Googled: “shostakovich symphony 5 score“ bc its in an audition and i like to listen and follow along with the score except nope nope cant find that for free and downloadable (theres the nyphil one but I cant access it on a plane which is fiiiine i guess ill do it when I actually get home or maybe borrow the actual score from the library who knows we’ll see)
6. Favorite musicians: mmmm this goes in cycles but right now keiino and hatari (eurovisioooooon)
7. Song stuck in my head: Praying by keiino (fortunately its a song I like lol)
8. Followers: 106
9. Following: 230
10. Do you get asks: nope
11. Amount of sleep: uhhhh 9ish because im on break now, when im not like 6 or 7?
12. Lucky number: no such thing
13. What are you wearing: my pajamas (long thick winter ones), grey and dark grey
14. Dream job: musician without having to teach (please i get asked about how i want to career enough idk fam)
15. Dream trip: uhhhhh probably a europe trip that involves getting masterclasses? or doing auditions? or like a summer school maybe?? idk. id like to see bolshoi at bolshoi though thatd be goood (or any russian ballet in russia tbh)
16. Instruments: flute
17. Languages: just english. i, like us all, attempt to pick up languages and fail drastically very quickly but I can read cyrillic script and take a close enough guess at pronuciation, and I can read some japanese as well (what little kanji knowledge i had has dwindled though...)
18. Favorite song: uhhhhhh changes week to week but atm praying by keiino it goooood
19. Random Fact: i am attempting to keep doing ballet bc its great so yeah i slightly ballet still
20. Aesthetic: sparkly fashion scarves, stuff falling everywhere, always an extra pencil or 5, inner city buildings, pride flags, face up to the rain
tagging: @purpletrackies @elliefluteelephant @the-argumentative-viper @narpas @ignorance-on-fire uhhhh probably forgot some people sorry!
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