#((clicking on the image links to the song this was inspired by btw))
totallyblooktacular · 7 years
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When the sky is pink, someone falls in love.
That is what you said to me back when we were young.
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If I had musician skills I'd start releasing music and putting "remastered" and like an ueara in the 2000's. And everyone will be like oh when where the originals? I never heard of this. Anybody knows? And nobody knows because I made that shit up. And the. They'll look at me and be like "wdym 2008 remastered this mfer was clearly a child in 2008 what the hell" and then in interviews I'd say oh no I did it myself. It's not songs of like a parent or smth. I made this :) and they're gonna ask when it was originally made and I'm gonna start panicking and anxiously look around and make the Convo awkward and say we don't talk about that. Please let's change subject. I prefer not to say that.
And the more it'll go the more the opinions are gonna be divided between "ugh clearly a publicity stunt" and ppl rlly invested in understanding what I'm talking about. And the more they'll push the more I'll say bits. Oh I can't, really, I can't say that. Oh yeah you could say it's... A contract in a way. Really I can't say more. it's a secret haha anyway. No please don't make me say anything. I had an agreement yes with someone. I don't know who. I know who. We know who. You know ewho. Haha idkkk lol. Please I can't say anything else. It involved blood. I can't ,really I can't. And I'll continue to use the remastered format and people will just drop it and become accustomed with it even if it's still eerie as people start talking AB it as a joke and I still am very serious about the whole thing. Deadly serious. And I'll get rich. Buy a manor or make build one. I'm talking gothic, I'm talking 1800, castle, and throw parties in it, disco vampire I'm talking. And this would be in half secret btw, I started ""hiding"" from when I started living in the manor. So from time to time article pops up "new shots from [insert name]'s hiding spot making yet another fabulously dark party, will they ever return to music?
Then I'd return. Hyping the whole thing. Going to talk shows. This time it's not remastered. Hyped a whole album, saying all the experiences at the manor gave me so much inspo, how much it's haunted and old (yes even if I built it). Then I'd make a singular post on all social media platforms saying "It's out now." And then a link to a website. Start your experience. And another link for the physical preorder. And it has a whole aesthetic. The "main track" starts after few clicks in this gothic inspired vintage adventuresque website yk. And it's hyping up the actual start of the song. Then black screen.music fades into radio noises bullshit then silence. Website automatically redirects to YouTube. It's the rickroll. The second link gives you just the image of a lemonade. A random lemonade. I never mentioned lemonade ever in my entire career. Ever. I change identity and disappear again. Buy my own manor. "Look at this young entrepreneur with a love for the internet buy the manor of [insert name], quote, "for the memes", how funny!" I adopt cats. Still have enough to live comfortably. Give the rest to charities and my numerous lovers.
When I die, a letter is sent to the medias. Omg before passing away the left this. For those of you who don't know who this insternet sensation is, it all started-. And it's a long letter. Passionate. I hired people to make it, afterall. Amazing letter. It builds up my reasons. At the end I finally explain. "Idk I thought it was funny lol". Point blank end of the letter. Nothing else. Videos of the biggest fans go around, saying cheers and drinking lemonade "this one for you."
People will speculate in the years the strangest things. In reality I just felt like it. I'm dead. I don't care. I live gay and vampiringly and that's what matters.
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diamantefangs · 4 years
Love Yourself Challenge
Tagged by @herb-acious​ !
“rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other’s to awesome works!”
I’M GONNA BREAK THE RULES A LITTLE because while I’ve done a lot of stuff last year, there’s more I wanna talk about in my artistic catalogue.
Under the cut to avoid dash clutter, btw some stuff I’m gonna talk about is Rude so be warned before clicking links
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I’m not someone who enjoys drawing backgrounds and scenes, despite loving them. So the perspective of this piece in the full image mixed with the time and effort I put into the background still makes me happy and is probably one of the first images I show when anyone asks me about my art.
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I really want to make music, I’m slowly learning bits and pieces. This was the first song I ever made! And... is probably going to be the Only song I’ll make for a while. I honestly think that for my first proper whack at music, I did a really decent job. It’s repetitive, sure. But as a first attempt? I still love the hell out of it! It was massively inspired by living in a high rise building, seeing the lights of the city in the distance, hearing traffic rush by and rain against the windows. I made it just before my final year of university and I actually think I captured the view well in audio form.
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Despite this comic aging like milk on a hot summer day, I actually love it. It’s my first taste of like... internet popularity? It also taught me that I’m not great at handling it. But it brought a lot of cool people into my life and I really felt validated in a weird way? Like... sometimes my scribbles Are good????
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CAUTION THERE’S A BIG BIG WEENIE IN THAT LINK!!!! But the reason I love this one is b/c I think Diesel looks Great here. This is also marks a super recent change in how I draw eyes that have over-exaggerated eyelashes and it’s a change I think really suits my art style!
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I’ve grown up around Tarot. Being raised Catholic but with a mother who also practices witchcraft is very strange I have to say. But despite my relationship with religion being Who Knows, I’ve always stuck with witchcraft. And I honestly think that this piece I did kinda reflects my whole deal with spirituality and what I practice. I’m not Wiccan, but I also don’t know my own feelings on any religion. So it’s like, this is just what I do and practice. It’s my own take on it
I HATE TAGGING PEOPLE so if u wanna talk about all ur great stuff, pretend I tagged ya!
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