#uhhh loveless out
lovelesslittleloser · 2 years
loveless give me a prompt that isnt about marriage, i need to write
You make that sound like most of my prompts are about marriage
Hmm, let’s see here, what do I have… *rummages through piles of empty notebooks* ah, here it is! *grabs the lone used notebook* so many good times, so many orphans.
Alrighty then… Would you prefer:
Orphanage mafia (MC is child of the deceased boss, young orphans don’t know about the mafia, older ones do, and the adults are all in it officially)
MC is one of few(ish) people who randomly got a mutation; they got raven wings, & they (along with any other mutants) are forced out of the city and into hiding. At some point there’s probably a high school arc, because of course there is.
MC reincarnates as a plant (preferably magic, or at least carnivorous, but normal will do as well)
Cowardly MC gets isekai-ed (via truck-kun, of course) and is able to choose their race, and they choose to be a siren/cubus demon mix (fishy siren with nice voice/sucubus-concubus-incubus for sexy), and somehow ends up becoming an idol and getting a vampire bf (who is also like a fourth or less incubus). Also in this specific world humans don’t exist anymore because they were too horny and interbred with all the monsters so much that the monsters are all humanoid now and humans are gone as a species
Every time the MC scares someone, they get something. Maybe just money, maybe they get stronger. High potential for becoming evil here
The earth has been taken over by a higher species, and now the MC (a human) has been taken as a pet.
A prison in which the only person who’s actually there for committing a crime is the MC (and it wasn’t anything cool either)
I’ve got plenty more, but I should probably stop here so I have material for next time.
Happy writing bestie x
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack take Wired’s Most Searched for Questions interview
How does it go?
Is Sephiroth evil?
Sephiroth: Not yet.
Is Sephiroth gay?
*Sephiroth stares blankly at the camera with his mouth parted open*
Is Sephiroth left-handed?
Sephiroth: I'm ambidextrous, though I prefer using my left hand to write, eat and maneuver a sword.
Is Sephiroth part cat?
Sephiroth: Perhaps I would be happier if I were.
Why is Sephiroth shirtless?
Sephiroth: An excellent question.
Why is Sephiroth so attractive?
Sephiroth: I seem to have inherited my looks from my mother. She was very beautiful.
Where are Sephiroth's parents?
Sephiroth: Ah. I've tried looking this question up. It's ineffective and provides no answers.
Why does Sephiroth hate Genesis?
Sephiroth: That's absurd. I like Genesis very much. He's my best friend. He's a special person to me. If I were asked who my vest friend is, I would have to say Genesis.
Who is Sephiroth's best friend?
Sephiroth: Angeal! He's very dear to me. We have a good relationship and there is no one in the world who I like more than him.
Why does Sephiroth like pasta?
Sephiroth: I feel complete and whole when I eat it. I assume that's what being loved feels like.
Why is Sephiroth's hair long?
Sephiroth: Because it's not short.
How old is Genesis?
Genesis: How dare you insinuate that I'm old.
Is Genesis gay?
Genesis: Hm. About 50%, sometimes it's 75%. It depends on the day and my mood.
Is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Genesis, through gritted teeth. I am.
Why does Genesis like red?
Genesis: It's the most vibrant, eye-catching, attractive color of the rainbow. Like me.
Why does Genesis dye his hair red?
Genesis: Lies and falsehoods.
Why is Genesis obsessed with Loveless?
Genesis: And I'm expected to answer with one sentence? I need an hour at least to accurately describe how much it means to me.
Why is Genesis called Genesis?
Genesis: I'm sure Dr. Hollander was trying to be poetic.
Why is Genesis annoying?
Genesis: WHAT?
Why is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Why does Genesis say his hair is red when it's brown?
Is Angeal related to Zack?
Angeal: Not blood related, but he's like my little brother. Don't tell him I said that though. He'll cry and hug me and then I'll be covered in Zack snot.
Is Angeal dating Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Simultaneously?? Dating one would be a nightmare on its own.
Why is Angeal so attractive?
*Angeal stares up at the camera blankly, blushing profusely*
Is Angeal single?
Angeal: Uhh...yeah.
Does Angeal have a girlfriend?
Angeal: No, I don't.
Why is Angeal single?
Angeal: Who's writing these? My mom??
Is Angeal dead?
Angeal: Only on the inside.
Is Angeal stronger than Sephiroth?
Angeal: I'm not sure. I can sit on him and he starts flailing and struggling though. That's very funny.
Is Angeal older than Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Believe it or not, I'm the middle child.
Does Angeal kill plants?
Angeal, tearing up: I—...No? Once...It was a sunflower. There's barely any sun in Midgard.... I learned that the hard way.
Is Zack alive?
Zack: Yeah I am! *finger guns*
Is Zack stronger than Sephiroth?
Zack: Not yet.
Why is Zack popular?
Zack: Uhhh.... because I'm a nice guy? At least I hope I am! I like to make friends, so maybe that's why.
Why is Zack called a puppy?
Zack: Because Angeal thought he was funny when he compared me to a puppy, so now the nickname stuck. I don't mind though! Although it'd be cool if I had a badass nickname like wolf. Or snake!
Why does Zack do squats?
Zack: Because it's fun! Plus, it's a great exercise. It strengthens your core and leg muscles. .....I also have a lot of energy and don't like being still for too long. It stresses me out.
Why is Zack so adorable?
Zack: Aww! Am I? That's just my natural charm.
Does Zack have ADHD?
Zack: The TV in my room is HD, yeah.
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soll-amca · 9 months
Do you have any Alessi headcanons for someone desperate ?🫣 Too shy to come off anon to ask ..
uHHHHHHHH MAYHAps :) Thank you for the ask! I’ve been dying to write for awhile :) !
I legit don’t know what I have and haven’t posted yet since I haven’t been on tumblr for a hot minute but uhhh uhhhhhhhh. There’s lore-dumps near the top, but it gets better near the end I promise
Obligatory song for my headcanon posts. There’s no specific reason for this song, it’s just a banger, and I’m also trying to be very normal about Walid Toufic and not put his music for every single Alessi post
Alessi’s of Lebanese-Armenian descent, but extremely estranged from his Armenian roots due to internal family issues — mostly his father facing scorn from his intolerant side of the family for marrying an Armenian woman. Despite this, Alessi was very close with his mother and, even as a grown man, regrets not learning more from her. Of course, he’s never going to admit this, no matter how obvious it may be that he tries to pick up parts of the Armenian language and culture 
Alessi was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1951, but was eventually forced out due to a civil war in 1975. Though, what gave him the final push to leave was a falling out with his siblings. With both their parents gone, his sister going off to a loveless marriage, and his brother wanting to join the war effort, Alessi loses control of Sethan during a confrontation and turns them into children. This ends up as a strange, happy accident as he would try keeping up the charade for a few days, exploiting their memory being reverted to fake a “happy family” in an effort to keep the last remnants of his old life from slipping away 
Things end horribly for Alessi as his siblings eventually find out and oust him from the home they all grew up in. With nothing left for him, he leaves and dedicates himself to mercenary work throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa to keep himself afloat
With fourteen years under his belt by SDC, Alessi’s considered one of the best in the region. And since he’s well-traveled, he’s proficient in a majority of the Arabic dialects, so nine times out of ten, nothing got past him in Dio’s mansion regardless of where the other assassins were from
The joke is that most Arabs don’t understand North Africans, but everyone can understand Egyptians, so whenever Alessi wants to phase out of a conversation, he’ll slowly change to to a dialect that’s “further out” and difficult to understand despite Levantine being his first
Since French is a secondary language in Lebanon, much more prevalent during Alessi’s time in schooling, and especially North Africa for mercenary work. He knows enough to get around like the basics, but can’t read or write for shit. His little brother was easily more fluent than him, so he has a weird sort of resentment yet fondness for the language. Whatever French he knew definitely came back when he was chasing around Polnareff in the Sethan arc
Very, very curly hair, but he doesn’t take care of it. Back as a kid, when he had his mom, she would help him and he was basically a puff-ball, but as an adult, he doesn’t have the slightest clue on how to style it while also maintaining his hair. If you catch him when he just wakes up, or immediately after a shower, it’s seemingly perfect but then he’ll proceed to douse himself in a can of hairspray 
The gun he uses in SDC isn’t his, it’s his late brother’s. But going into that right now on why and how he even got it should be it’s entirely own post so —
Any endearment at all related to babe/baby will have him throwing up in his mouth. It’s one thing to mention a child, it’s another to somehow relate it back to HIM. Honestly, Alessi doesn’t read as a “habibi” person to me, he’s too bitter to be a “habibi” person. Albi and eini come much more easily to him as petnames to call someone
He’s a sucker for trashy American television. He used to think he was above it, but now if you leave him alone for long enough, he’ll put on TLC and binge whatever’s on. Although back home, he had a thing for spaghetti westerns even if they were horribly dubbed in Arabic
Adding to the Western trend, he was super into Lucky Luke comics as a kid. Since they were really popular in the Middle East, and the translated ones were produced in Egypt. It’s definitely not a stretch that during the 80s and SDC, his grown, mercenary ass sat down to watch cartoons of his favorite cowboy. Would Alessi hog the mansion’s TV to watch Lucky Luke? Perchance. Would he stay cooped up in his Luxor hotel room to watch it? Also perchance
Tintin was popular, too, but I think I need an outside opinion on that. If a Tintin person could come back to me about this please help
Hol Horse fascinates him. Not in an admiration sort of way, but a “holyshit a real cowboy” sort of way. To Alessi, it’s like Hol crawled out of his family television and old comic books
I don’t know who it was, but I want to say back in like,, 2016ish one of the original Dio’s Fuckhouse blogs had a headcanon that Hol was actually from New England or something, but basically nowhere near “the Wild West” or even the South. So the image of Alessi being interested and asking him stuff while Hol Horse is just,, sweating bullets because he’s not a “real cowboy” is hilarious to me
Because of what happened with his sister, Alessi’s very standoffish when it comes to love. He’ll take any chance he can get to mock touchy couples and heckle anyone that he thinks is getting “too intimate” in public, but I think we all know he’s compensating for something
But the moment someone touches him or is very direct about making a move, he flusters and doesn’t know what to do with himself. Cheesy pick-up lines will only embarrass him and he can’t tell whether or not you’re making fun of him
Having gone through wide extremities of emotions when he was younger, and then having to suppress them all as a mercenary, Alessi wouldn’t understand sensitivities. Especially since he’d have to adopt a pragmaticism in his line of work to keep himself alive — and arguably sane. He’d get confused over someone being upset over an inconvenience that isn’t “up to par” to what he went through, but at the same time fly off the handle at small things happening to him since he bottles up all his emotions
If someone cries around him, he falls into the routine of having this initial frustration, stuffing it down to not make things worse, and eventually follow through with a weird shoulder pat — sorta like “there, there”. After that, he’s clueless
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ronwestbreeze · 6 months
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so here’s the hate love child of tus’tey and reeds. tbh i have already created this guy but didn’t have a back story for him but looking back at him he does look somewhat like tus’tey (or lo’ak twin brother lol) i put his age between kiri and lo’ak (assuming if reeds gives birth to him right around the time neytiri gives birth to lo’ak). idk if it’s ok i kinda use your story as his back story?
here’s fun facts!
1. tus’tey first child and reeds only child. his birthday is like, the day before lo’ak’s (don’t ask me how i know it makes no since since reeds would have probably be in the second trimester when lo’ak born) and since i can’t decide on what his name is officially let’s call him lokota, cause i feel like that could pass as a navi sounding name.
2. in my back story lokota never gets to officially meet his mother since reeds according to his father, died from an attack by the other tribe when he was a newborn, and his father didn’t want to risk bringing the tribe to war with the other for killing his mate.
3. his parents have agreed on a loveless mateship just solely for duty. so tus’tey is not really that close with reeds even tho they were mates during that short time she was pregnant with their son. neytiri on the other hand is devastated she lost who she saw as a close friend.
4. for most of his young life, lokota never actually knew neytiri wasn’t his mother until spider said something about reeds (in this one i had reeds adopt spider as her son before she mated with tus’tey) he was understandably furious his father never told him about his true mother. in this picture he is around 14 when he found out about his true mother.
5. the necklace lokota is wearing is actually his mother’s necklace. she made it for him while she was pregnant with him. he of course didn’t know and figured his father made it for him. (i actually have this necklace and figured it be cute he would wear it)
6. spider has a matching necklace like his except the beads are blue, spider treasures his necklace very much as that was his last gift from his adoptive mother when he was uhhh, 4?
7. i consider lokota and spider brothers, although lokota is not happy about that and doesn’t consider him a brother. mostly mad spider has memories of his mother but he doesn’t.
8. tus’tey is actually keeping a LOT of secrets about his mate from lokota, as lokota will find out from norm (after threatening the poor guy to confess) some things like:
1. his mother is not dead like he and the whole village thought.
2. she decided to leave out of her own will, why? he is not sure and tus’tey refuses to answer why.
3. he finds out from norm that his mother actually left him a notebook with journal entries she wrote to him everyday while she was pregnant with him, mostly like life lessons for him and little tidbits about how big he was growing and stuff like that. as well as like a letter asking him for forgiveness for abandoning him. unfortunately the letter didn’t state why she did abandon him.
4. he believes it’s his father’s fault that his mother abandoned him, but tus’tey pleads with his son to not let the village know who his true mother is.
5. he will eventually go on an adventure when he’s 18 to find his mother and ask her why she left him.
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archduke-enver-gortash · 10 months
For the OC interview questions, for Oleander - "Why were you named the way you were? Is there a special meaning behind your name (or middle name if applicable)?"
whipping a scenario for this one out of my ass rq uhhh you stumbled into ollie’s hut while out foraging during a thunderstorm seeking shelter and he has made you soup (don’t ask what that kind of meat that is)
oleander is difficult for these because he is mostly a listener and responder in conversations but. i’ll try.
The man in front of you smiles a smile that is eerily warm despite the sharp fangs protruding out of the scarred, left side of his mouth baring themselves to you.
“Are you familiar with the art of growing your own garden? I shall answer your question at once, but do take this to heart: If you aren’t, it is definitely something that you should be. Why, you ask? Oh, I would love to tell you! You see, while all the technicalities of it are certainly of great importance, I am of the opinion that to grow something, make something bloom into a new life from nothing, you have to give your young as much of yourself as they will certainly return to you one day. I am speaking about love, of course. Nothing in this world can flourish without it, even if some sadly try to make it otherwise.
Oh my, I apologize! That went on for quite a bit longer than I had hoped. To get back to you—I was named by the magnificent oleander itself. It was the first time I had the joy of experiencing one of my young blooming in the flesh.”
You see tears well up in his eyes. You undoubtedly awoke a fond memory in this stranger.
“It returned to me it’s great love. I had to honor this gift in the only way the hopeless, loveless, nameless wanderer I was back then knew how.”
ahaha ha ollie the freak that you are. ollie does never corrupt with lies. if you know his backstory you know that he’s literally talking about growing his garden in the rotting flesh of the people he’s killed :/
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Hi, uhhh I'm not really sure who to go to for advice so maybe you'll have some, or at least some resources to refer me to...?
I think I might be on the aromantic spectrum somewhere, but it's complicated. I love the idea of love and I want it so badly, but every time I get into a relationship it lasts for like a week before I can't take it anymore.
I don't know if it's me potentially being on the aro spectrum or if it's because I've never had a good experience with it, but now every time I think about being in a real relationship it scares me.
Thank you in advance for any advice ;-;
Hi there!
I haven’t really publicly this but I also ID on the aro/ace spectrum, but am not “loveless”.
My general advice for people who are interested in polyamory or think they might be polyamorous (and this goes for aro/ace too!) is that sometimes you just don’t know until you try. It seems like you’ve tried, and now you know. But, I also think that maybe you never know until you find a situation that actually works for you- but how do you know if there’s going to be one? Maybe you are aro and it is never going to work. And how many times is worth trying to try?
If you want to ID as on the aromantic spectrum go ahead! There are plenty of microlabels you can use too that would fit someone questioning! And if you’re scared to be in a relationship don’t bother! Only try again if you really feel like it’s what you want.
Resources? Check out the aro wiki. There’s terms for things like “feels romance but it fades really quickly” or “unsure” etc. etc.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
Random anime/manga recommendations (good oldies!) I have for y'all just bc I love them and hope you would too! also I just want to talk about them bc I love and miss them all!!!
In the list:
Hikaru no Go
Shaman King
Yami no Matsuei
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hikaru no Go:
it's about the board game Go but I promise it's so much more heavy than that and the character interaction/development is top tierrrr. also one of the only series that made me bawl like a dumb baby. also!!! you get to watch the characters GROW UP!!! from tiny baby faces to grown teenagers!!! and the fun of it is that while you watch/read, you don't even notice it happening!!! you just look back and go holy shit they were literal BABIES!!!
85 episodes and one OVA, but the OVA only covers half of the final arc, which is manga only. very faithful to the manga otherwise though.
Shaman King:
uhhh okay hear me out you gotta like, read the manga first or watch the 2001 anime first, then do the other one. then you can read the spinoffs. then you can read the sequel if you feel like it but it's more second gen esque and has been off and on for many years, long story, and it's also cut into two different names, long story, but it's flowers and the super star.
once you've read the manga and watched the 2001 anime, the 2021 anime is the remake of the 2001 anime bc the 2001 anime was concluded bc the manga was on hiatus and had caught up to the source material, so they did an anime only ending while sprinkling in bits and pieces of canon into that. the remake was insanely rushed though and cut a lot of content (including a majority of my favorite characters' content which was already low!!!) and super cut corners so imo it's really not a replacement for the manga, hence why I suggest the manga first.
some ppl have said watching the 2001 anime after the manga kinda made the anime feel less great overall bc of the anime only direction it had to take (if it hadn't, it would've ended up like naruto with filler and if y'all were there for that ride, uhhh... never again lmao), so it may be a better experience to watch it first then read the manga.
the anime is aaaaalmost completely faithful (some changes and alterations, but mainly ones that were meant to develop the main characters more and quicker) up until around episode 25, and then it starts getting... timeline-wonky but does follow canon. it just follows the events somewhat incorrectly, put in anime only aspects and swapped things around. after that point, when the characters reach the Patch Village, it's all basically anime only from there with the very final arc sprinkling in some manga only stuff.
anime ending is pretty standard shounen unfortunately, but the manga's ending was a breath of fresh air where it actually follows its themes and story beats right to the end.
that said, the original series is completed. the sequel is... ongoing... sometimes... when it's not blocked by a wall of hiatus bc of the magazine it gets into going under like every single magazine it goes into... but if you don't care for the sequel (understandable tho since it's very different!) that's not a problem. there are tons of spinoffs/side stories though that are both completed and ongoing. there are... a... lot... so basically SK universe is like forever ongoing, but the main series is completed.
** fun fact: hikaru no go and shaman king ran together in shonen jump!
okay so I promise this one is good, but it does feature trigger topics and overall more mature topics.
general premise is hella cringe, cat ppl with cat ears and a tail until they have sex. generally a shounen-ai but there are also het and wlw relationships. older dude claims to be in love with younger dude but it's actually fake and he was just told to say that, so that part goes from cringe to like, actually having backstory.
pretty much a psychological series with side romance (bc as much as it markets itself as romance, there's no "real" romance between the two main characters and the only confirmed pairs are not them). tackles a manipulative, emotionally abusive person who is yandere toward his younger brother, hence tackling more mature and potentially triggering topics. rape is also talked about/implied, though we don't actually see it in explicit detail.
series is complex though and some enemy characters become friendly with the main characters, some just neutral, and some become very close to them. the relationships and dynamics are all amazing though and I love how the more mature topics are handled (tastefully, in other words. it doesn't make light of them and gives depth to the characters) and how the main villain is handled. some more morally gray leaning villainish without being a villain characters are there too.
unfortunate parts of this is that the anime is only like 12 or 13 episodes and was never brought back. worse part is that volume 13 started and the manga went on indefinite hiatus a very, very, very long time ago and has not been touched since and probably never will be again. still an amazing series, but pretty much in permanent limbo unless the author magically decides to take it up again.
Yami no Matsuei:
uhhh listen it's another shounen-ai BUT it's not just romance. i don't really read purely romance series and always need substance and story/plot.
uhhh listen this one's kinda difficult to explain but basically it's a group of dudes who are detective-like ppl who are all actually dead and they get partners assigned who are also dead. villain is batshit nuts.
story can be pretty heavy on the romance/one-sided romance and stuff, but that didn't deter me.
also, talking bird buddies.
as above, the unfortunate parts are one season of about 13 episodes and not picked back up, and the manga is on indefinite hiatus and probably will not continue.
Yu Yu Hakusho:
uhhh you all probably at least know the premise of this one but im gonna come out and say it!!! ...watch the jp dub. promise. i know ppl say the dub was good but. i don't. rly feel that way??? despite growing up with the dub??? and also the sub sounds better to me???
anyway watch this series (or read it!)! :D
** fun fact again!: this series also ran with hng and sk in shonen jump!
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
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Ugh no, I dislike Marian bc she manipulated my friend Tam. She kept blocking then unblocking him, putting them in some kind of sick cat-and-mouse game. She always tried manipulating him away from me and Club, and her behavior was intolerable. Ik you're all for innocents getting manipulated, but I ain't dealing with it, dear.
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Honey what's so hard to understand that what was said was an OBVIOUS TYPO? That's why I paid no mind to it at first, BC I USED MY GODDAMN BRAINS! YOU WERE CLEARLY JUST USING IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO FURTHER HARASS CLUB! HE HID THE COMMENT BC YOU WERE FALSELY ACCUSING HIM OVER IT! Club isn't a groomer, and the people saying he is are either ableist trolls like you wanting a "good" excuse to harass someone, or they're misinformed people who were manipulated by said trolls. How many times will we have to explain it, smh. I would never support actual groomers (such as you lmao), but Club ISN"T ONE.
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Uhhh prettyyyy suree Loveless is the one stalking Club, lol. Wouldn't you be as paranoid as he was if you were getting endlessly slandered and harassed like that? Ugh. You do WAY worse to your enemies.
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Uh okay and you're just as bad as Sam. Only you're a whole group of people doing this shit. So in a way ig you're worse LMAO...also what happened wasn't Club or Tam's fault so quit making it up as it is.
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No Tam probably just wanted to defend their friend, why do you assume everything is Club's fault? I swear, one day they'll blame him for the birth of Hitler. And you know what's fucked up? Seeing Tam as nothing but a minion bc of his age. Oh and for the record, you DO lash out and attack them. All the damn time lmao. Do I even have to link the examples???
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Bro stop acting like Club's manipulating me when YOU'RE the ones clearly doing it! And just bc I'm a kid doesn't mean I can't say no! Saying children can't stand up for themselves is just wrong. But the reason I don't is bc I GENUINELY APPRECIATE AND CARE ABOUT CLUB! I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HIM! And if you did think this was true, why did you harass me later on for "not saying no" then? Tsk tsk tsk. And he supports all minorities. But when he made those cute little pride flag drawings YOU MADE FUN OF HIM FOR IT!
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Sweetheart if you're so sorry for us then stop contributing to our harassers and also quit accusing us of being future pedophiles. Just ew. Be ashamed of yourself now 7-7
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Not all of the hub attacked me, it was probably only Sam. Tri has always been friendly towards me and the whole group shouldn't be blamed for this. Keep in mind this is a place where ANYONE and EVERYONE is allowed to talk! Both good and bad people! Bc unlike you, Tri's actually fair. And unlike this group, YOUR ENTIRE GROUP WANTS TO HARASS ME!
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"why do this? is it cuz he gives you crappily drawn art? Is it cuz he tells you stupid shit like 'happy april hurr de durr’ is it cuz he gives you points and core which is WORTHLESS in the grander scheme of things?" Nah it's bc he's our friend and ya'll just salty you don't have any real ones 7w7
"If you continue to ignore this then sorry we are not going to protect you anymore if you are that brainwashed by that shit stained loser Club." Sweetie please you saying you were EVER protecting me is just gross. Kindly fuck off, if you really want me to be safe <3 (Which btw you don't, you're just disgusting manipulators.)
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Smh I'm his friend, and listening to a friend's problems IS THE LEAST YOU CAN DO FOR THEM! Club was NEVER trying to harm me! I'm completely fine with being there for him! BC HE'S MY FUCKING FRIEND! Is this how you would react to a friend of yours if they asked if they could vent to you? Just pitiful. If you don't have the emotional energy to listen to someone at the moment, politely tell them so like a normal person jfc.
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The only reason why he felt the need to seek validation from his friends is BECAUSE OF YOUR GOD-AWFUL TREATMENT OF HIM! You think you can do all the things you did and expect him to still be in a good mental health-state and have good self-thoughts? You think you can gang up on him and tell him he's a terrible person and expect him to not be insecure, scared, self-conscious, OR ANY OF THAT? You need to grow up and learn that your actions HAVE FUCKING CONSEQUENCES, YOU GODDAMN SELFISH 6-YEAR-OLDS! But then again, you would never in your life care if you ever hurt a person, now would you?
Sighhhhh I think that's enough for now lol -w-
Bye, see you tomorrow evening, and sorry for this big one, hehe.
That’s alright. Some people like them have explaining to do, more than they ever can or will.
Regarding the eighth point, admittedly things have improved a lot ever since that was a problem. I can guarantee these days Sam is a non-issue, he may come around but would have his hands tied by better paradigms when he does.
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jimothystu · 2 years
thank you @donttelltheelff for the tag!! <3
what book are you currently reading? just started Loveless by Alice Oseman, and I'm slowly making my way through No Country For Old Gnomes by Delilah S Dawson and Kevin Hearne
favourite movie you saw in theatres this past year? idek when i last saw a movie in theatres lmao. probably like, the last star wars movie that was released a few years ago??
what do you usually wear? anything comfy lol. lately it's been sweatpants or loose jeans and a sweater or flannel
how tall are you? 5'5" ish i think
what's your star sign & do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? taurus and idfk
do you go by your name or a nickname? usually nicknames. most people call me jenn, but family and family friends call me jenna
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child? well i sure as hell did not study or am looking to become a paleontologist or veterinarian so... lmao no.
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? not in a relationship. have a crush. not gonna share here lmao i'll let y'all guess
what is something you're good at vs. something you're bad at? good at writing. also bad at writing lmfao
dogs or cats? idkkkk cats ig?? but i love my dog to death
if you draw/write/create in any way, what's your favourite picture/line/etc. from something you created in the last year? oh god khsjnndkjsnsa. uhhh. idk??? i really really loved writing this 1634 fic and this 2072 fic. i'm also really happy with the current original story i'm working on it's totally not a gay hockey romance wdym
what is something you would like to create content for? i'd love to do more painting or digital art in general!
what's something you're currently obsessed with? arber xhekaj and his relationship with jural slafkovsky!!! also the hockey team(s) i made up for my gay hockey romance novel lmfaooo
what's something you were excited about this past year that turned out to be disappointing? ig maybe the journalism program i was going to start in the fall but ended up having to drop out before it begun so i could have surgery on my back that only partially helped my pain :D don't get me wrong i am so grateful to have had the surgery and for it to have decreased some of my pain but :/ fuck man chronic pain is stupid
what's a hidden talent of yours? i can kind of sing??
are you religious? not really, no. slightly spiritual but it isn't a big part of my life
what's something you wish to have at the moment? a fucking break dude. or just, yanno, a brain that worked. more realistically, a job would be nice lol
tagging @wonderlandsandi @lifeofpriya @introvertedperson16 @lam-ila and anyone who wants to do this <3
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pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
Get to Know Me Tag
Hey, hi, hello! Thanks for the tag @emelkae!
Relationship Status: single :) Favorite Color(s): uhhh ... pink, purple, orange, yellow? Favorite Food: hate this question!! what is food? ummm. bread, honestly, but you can never go wrong with tacos. xP Song Stuck in My Head: Gentleman Soldier (& the drums they go ratatatat & the fifes still loudly play, say, fare thee well polly my dear I must be going away) Last Thing You Googled: ...amphetamine salts vs dextroamphetamine salts bc ADHD meds! my starting dose was useless but I swear I felt more of an effect from those than I am from my new dosage & I'm half convinced it's bc I got a different kind of pill this time for some reason >.> Time: 9:05pm Dream Trip: ummm.... Ireland, Scotland ... oh! someone told me about a thing in Greece (real life River Styx, hell yeah) so I wanna check that out. xP Last Thing You Read: like, finished reading? shit, I think that was You've Reached Sam (I was very disappointed). Unfinished ... um. Mean Baby by Selma Blair (memoir, have only stopped reading bc book is Too Big for my bag xP) The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab (enjoying a lot, but it's also too big for my bag) & I'm currently reading Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu (on page 109/156, totally meant to finish it tonight & start another book tomorrow but I took a 'nap' instead, whoops.) Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: again, finished? bc I'm enjoying Addie LaRue, but for a finished book .... Loveless by Alice Oseman! I swear I have at least half the book underlined bc it made me laugh, or bc I related so hard... I was maybe 50 pages in & raving to my sister just like 'if you still don't really understand asexuality after hearing me talk about it for 4 years, read this book omg'. It's so good, y'all. Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: ummm.... I ... don't cook. >.> & I haven't baked in a minute. grilled cheese, maybe? Favorite Craft to Do in Your Free Time: .....I'm saying um a lot, but. ummmm. I ... don't? Like, I got into knitting for a hot second, but all that's been in a drawer/box/on a shelf for at least a year and 3/4 at this point. (Oh no, longer! I was still in AZ when we did the knitting thing! It's been 3 years!) I tried crochet but couldn't get the hook to do the thing. I honestly can't think of any other crafty thing I've tried, sooo. Yeah, no. I don't. Dx Most Niche Dislike: ummm. okay, actually? the zebra printer on my desk at work. I am the only one that hears the high-pitched whine/hum it makes all day but my god I hate it. Opinion on Circuses: I misread that as 'citruses' earlier. xP Um. I wanna go to one - I think I maybe have a vague memory of going to one? But all I really remember is noise & cotton candy & that it was nighttime, so maybe it was a very vivid dream or just a fair. I dunno. Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: Nope! None! Do not ask me where I am or how to get anywhere bc I don't know!
xP Okay, soooo. Open tag! bc I dunno who to tag for this. it has been days since I was tagged & I know I saw a few people do it & now I can't remember who. so! If this shows up on your dash & you wanna play, have at it! (Do it. @ me; you read my rambling, I'll read yours xP)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 months
so uhhh my school just got completely evacuated/canceled because of a bomb threat to the district, how would the firsts + Zack and Cloud cope?
First of all, I'm so sorry that has happened and I hope you and everyone else are safe ❤️
• Unfortunately a bomb threat to the Shinra building means everyone is involved in the deescalation. Sephiroth would be in charge of securing key areas and neutralizing potential threats. He's likely been through this before and knows the protocol well enough to not crumble under pressure.
• Genesis and Angeal are stuck (probably working with the Turks) identifying the origin of the threat and the countermeasure plan. Genesis is overly cocky and pretending that all is well. Meanwhile he's written his will four times in the back of his Loveless copy and 100% things he's going to die. Dramatic as always. Angeal is stressed and has had to slap Genesis out if it twice.
• Zack and Cloud, along with the rest of the lower classes and the infantry would be in volved in the evacuation process. (If this is an unserious threat) They found each other during the scuffle outside and are now clowning around trying to cope with the stress. Zack pulled out a Bluetooth speaker and started playing Burn by Ellie Goulding. Lazard found them, confiscated the speaker and beat Zack upside the head with it.
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whataboutthesun · 1 year
okayyyyyy quick thoughts on some of the new albums I listened to in april
Hounds Of Love - Kate Bush - liked it a lot, really really good pop album!! honestly I wish I listened to this one sooner. also hounds of love (the song) is at least as good as runnning up that hill imo. uhhh solid 9/10
Psychopomp - Japanese Breakfast - I listened to her other two albums last year and I really liked them both so I decided to check this one out too. it was a lot more shoegaze-y than her other albums which I wasn't expecting. not quite as good as the later albums but I definitely enjoyed it!
Loveless - My Bloody Valentine - I've never listened to shoegaze music before and tbh this was not at all what I expected. However I did really enjoy it. still have trouble telling the songs apart in my head though lol, I assume that will improve if I listen to it more, which I probably will
When The Pawn... - Fiona Apple - my first Fiona Apple album, and again different than I expected but not in a bad way!! I really like her singing it's soooo good
In Rainbows - Radiohead - it was uhhhhhh. really good. And it's still kinda cool to me - because it's not something I'm used to - that most of these songs were kinda confusing and impenetrable on first listen, but after a few listens were really really good. which has been my experience with every radiohead album I've listened to so far (this being my third) and I was still kinda surprised by the depth of emotion it pulled out of me on like the third listen. really neat
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aviawrites · 2 years
open the door (rafe cameron)
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭!𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞, 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐀𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞!𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞,
𝐀/𝐍: 𝐢’𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐭. 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞😭. 𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐢𝐥𝐲<𝟑
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You hear the click of the front door unlocking, the high ceilings of the Cameron house causing it to echo.
“Oh shit.” You whisper, reaching to grab your bra from the nightstand. 
The blond between your thighs doesn’t move an inch, continuing to lick you mercilessly.
“Topper!” You lightly pull his hair. He looks up at you with wetness all over his mouth, looking like a messy child. 
Without a sound, you motion toward the door. After listening for a moment, Topper realizes who’s home. 
“Fuck.” He curses, letting go of your thighs and searching for his boxers. 
“Where is my shirt!?” You ask, frantically pulling your underwear up your legs.
He looks up at you with a dropped expression, reminding you of what he did. Him ripping your top was hot in the moment, but it’s really unfortunate now.
“Uhhh, here!“ He picks up his collared pink polo and tosses it to you, “Take this.”
You’ve barely caught it before you’re pulling it over your head. Rafe’s heavy footsteps toward his room start getting louder and if the two of you don’t move now, it’s over for you. 
Topper without a shirt or pants, and you without underwear, scramble into the  bathroom and lock the door. Without missing a beat, you hear Rafe walk into the bedroom.
Topper holds a hand tightly over your mouth as you struggle to steady your breathing. You flip the light on in attempts to make Rafe believe your using it, praying he doesn’t ask any questions.
“Y/N?” He calls, the clank of his keys hitting the nightstand making you flinch.
Topper slowly removes his hand as your lip quivers in fear.
“Yea, babe?” You choke out.
There’s a pause before he responds, you can already imagine his head cocking at your tone.
“You alright?”
“Mhm.” You hum.
You look back at Topper and immediately can tell your acting was shit by the way he deadpans. It’s silent as your back meets his chest, leaning on him. Because if you don’t, you’re gonna collapse.
See, you’re only sneaking around with him in the first place because your relationship with Rafe is loveless. It’s full of disloyalty on both ends, but you never let him know that. He’d come home after openly cheating on you and you’d still stay with him, because who in their right mind would cross or anger a Cameron. Besides, you knew you’d always have Topper. Whether it was emotionally or sexually, he was there for you. Caring and kind in a way Rafe could never be.
“Angel…” Rafe speaks up from the other side of the door.
You hear him move toward the bathroom door and you hope he can’t hear your heart beating out of your chest.
“Who’s shorts are these?”
You heart sinks at his comment. Topper’s shorts. You face him with a look of horror, having to cover your mouth to stop from crying. Rafe 100% recognizes the shorts, and his calm tone is telling you he knows exactly what’s going on.
You hear two slow knocks on the door as you see the shadows of his feet.
“Honey, open this door for me.” Rafe eerily demands, sounding like more of a threat.
“What? I can’t, I’m peeing.” You lie.
“You’re not peeing, open the door.” His voice shakes.
“Rafe…” You caution, sure he’s about to snap, “listen-“
“Open the door!” He shouts, harshly banging.
“Rafe, I’m using it!” You scream through your fallen tears.
“Open this fucking door now!” He continues to bang, his voice turning almost monstrous. “Open the door!”
“Rafe, please!” You sob.
“What you’re gonna cry?” He taunts. “Unlock this goddamn door! Who’s in there!?” 
“No one’s in here baby, stop!” Your throat starts stinging from your ragged yelling. The bangs stop and the room seems dormant for a moment.
“Top, man.” He calmly starts, making you freeze. “This shit is low. Come out now and let’s talk.”
“Rafe, no one is in here.” You say, staring right in Topper’s face.
“Just come out.” 
“Please, calm down.” 
“Okay, I’m calm. Open the door.” He dismisses.
Topper looks at the door and back at you. You desperately shake your head when you realize what he’s thinking.
“Rafe, dude…” He starts.
You push at his chest, your mind thinking of a million things. 
‘What are you doing?’ You mouth to him. He just looks back at the door, somehow thinking this is a good choice.
“We don’t have to do it like this, man. We can talk it out.” He reasons.
You almost face palm at the lack of logic he’s using right now. This is Rafe we’re talking about, any reasonable part of him is long gone by now.
“Are you fucking-“ 
The bathroom shakes when a huge boom rings through the door. It’s obvious that Rafe has resorted to kicking it down.
“Rafe!” You yell.
“Rafe, man. Don’t do this!” Topper joins you in screaming over the blasts.
“Rafe stop!” 
After much shouting and a hole in the door, the lock gives way and it swings wide open. You see a furious Rafe in front of you, blonde strands falling into his face, his cheeks red and flushed. You stand in front of topper, surely looking dumb trying to guard him.
 Rafe looks the two of you up and down before looking away, his tongue piercing his cheek. He nods before looking back at you. Or better…behind you. He begins stalking forward, eyes glued to Topper.
“Rafe…” You warn. Before you can finish your sentence, he raises an arm and shoves you aside, sending you crashing into the bathtub.
He doesn’t give you the time of day before pushing Topper even harder than he pushed you. Topper goes flying into the wall, just barely catching himself.
“So this is the shit you’re doing now?” He cuts Topper off, getting in his face. “Fucking around with my girl? Really?” 
“You weren’t making her happy.” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Rafe orders you before turning his attention back to Topper. “I’m not making her happy? Is that what she told you?”
“Yea, man.” Topper nods, trying to hide his fear. 
“That so?” He looks back to you. “Is that why she comes over and chokes on my cock every night?” 
You can only shake your head at him as he stares you down, not an ounce of mercy in his eyes. He looks back to Topper.
“Did she tell you how she can’t walk after nights with me? I don’t know, seems pretty satisfied-“
He’s cut off by Topper’s swinging fist hitting his face. You audibly gasp and cover your mouth as Rafe holds his cheek, smirking. You can practically sense his need for violence.
He stares dead at Topper before striking him back even harder. Before anyone could think, they’re on the ground pounding fists into each other’s faces.
Forced to do something other than watch, you leave the tub and grab onto Rafe’s shoulder. You damn near get elbowed in the face before he registers that you’re even there. 
“Get the fuck out! Get out!” He shouts at you in a fit of rage.
“Stop it!” You scream back a him, seeing Topper’s face becoming more disfigured with each punch.
Rafe swiftly turns around and grabs you by the throat, standing up and pushing you backward until you’re out of the bathroom. 
“The fuck out.” He shoves you and slams the door.
You run back up to it and start banging when you realize it’s locked, only hearing their grunts in return. 
“Rafe stop! Please stop, it’s my fault!” You plead, feeling awful that you got Topper in this situation.
You only continue to hear Rafe landing blow after blow behind the door, a squelching sound beginning to follow. You have no doubt that Topper is bloody and near unconscious by the aggressiveness that is Rafe Cameron.
You stand still behind the door, stunned at the stamina of this man. But at some point, the thumps stop and the house falls silent. 
Suddenly, Rafe unlatches the door and swings it open. His back is facing you, extremely scratched and red, presumably from Topper’s defense. But it was no use, because now he’s being slid out of Rafe’s bathroom by the arms.
“Oh my god, Topper!” You yell, dropping to the floor and following him as Rafe drags him out. “What did you do to him? Is he…“  
Rafe carelessly pushes Topper’s body outside of his bedroom door, a blood trail now following him. 
“Stained the fucking carpets.” Rafe mumbles, coldly staring down at the blood stains around the body.
“Did you-“
“And you.” He shoves you back into the room, shutting the door behind him. “You fucking cheater.”
“Is he breathing?!” 
“That’s what you care about right now?” Rafe seethes.
“Yes, Rafe! I do! He’s not fucking good.”
“Fuck that, don’t worry about it.” Rafe shrugs. “Did you tell him I’m not making you happy?”
“Would you move?” You spit, attempting to push past him. He grabs both of your shoulders, easily overpowering you.
“Did you?”
“So what if I did?” 
“If that were true you wouldn’t come each time you fuck me.” He reassures himself.
“Do I?” 
Rafe clearly takes the insult to heart, searching your eyes for any hint of a lie. He quickly realizes he won’t find it, and gets angry once more.
“Fine. You want me to make you come?” He tilts his head.
“You can’t. Not better than him.” You gesture toward the door. 
This was definitely not the time to be courageous, but all of your logic went out the door when you saw Topper’s battered body. 
Rafe roughly grabs a fistful of your hair before leading you to the bed. He presses you into it face down, ass up. 
“We’ll see.”
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aro-culture-is · 3 years
Hi, sorry not a "culture is" but I have a question.
Can I be lovepunk, lovequeer, AND loveless at the same time? /gen
I sorta feel like they all fit to some extent and I'd like to use them all. Are they too contradictory or can I use them all? /gen
Also your blog is amazing, thank you <3 /gen
okay so to start out with: loveless doesn't require a person to feel no love whatsoever (common misconception), though we often feel fewer types of love, feel disconnected from the concept as a whole, and/or reject it as a whole.
to quote what i believe was the coining post for lovequeer,
I’m coining the term lovequeer. To be lovequeer is to fully reject the concept of “love” as society applies it for romance, and to redefine the word around oneself and the types of love neglected by amatonormativity.
and to quote what i believe was the coining post of lovepunk:
Lovepunk can be both an identity and an opposition to the societal norms surrounding the concept of love. Lovepunk rejects the norms surrounding gender, attraction, orientation, and relationships, while actively resisting aphobia (arophobia, acephobia, aplphobia, etc) and the oppression caused by defying these norms. One doesn’t have to be aspec to be lovepunk, but lovepunks stand with aspecs. This term is open to anyone who feels that they defy societies norms surrounding the concept of love, either via intentional rebellion or simply existing as their true self.
For example: arospecs, acespecs, aplatonics, loveless, lovequeer, polyamorous people, trans and nonbinary people, queer people, neurodivergents, disabled people, BIPOC, and anyone else may feel that their society’s standards for love were not made to include them and were potentially even used to dehumanise them.
this all noted, I see nothing that feels contradictory and honestly even then I don't think I'd say you "couldn't" be contradictory in labels. feelings and labels are complex, i'd rather not pretend they encompass everyone and everything perfectly.
so... yes! go forth and have fun with your many fun labels :)
- mod phoenix
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auroracalisto · 4 years
for the first time
summary: the reader finally sees her life in a new point of view, thanks to carlisle, who has helped her with her abusive husband, her baby girl luna, and her life in general.  
pairing: carlisle x female! married/widowed! abused! reader
word count: 1.6k words
warnings: female reader, married and eventually widowed reader, reader is abused by her husband, reader has the surname Wolf in this bc comedic reasons, reader has a child named Luna by said husband, mentions of murder, no depictions but carlisle definitely did the stabby stab (at least if that’s what you wanna assume he did), uhhh reader got them widow benefits by the end but that’s a story for another time, ALSO for some reason i put this in the year 2005 and it goes on to 2006/2007?  so this would technically be the same timeline as bella and edward meeting.  so first movie.  yes.  i love the technicalities of everything.  honestly didn’t mean for it to happen but it did so 
a/n: i have no words
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Carlisle first had the honor of meeting you at your then-husband’s Christmas party.  It was December 20th, 2005.  Your child was most definitely due by the end of January.  You were quite literally glowing, and Carlisle believed you were the most beautiful thing he had seen in some time.  However, most of the beauty was because of your skill with makeup.  Without it, bruises galore would be revealed to the outside world, and your husband would not be too happy to find out that you showed off the newest shiner he gave to you. 
Even while pregnant, he did not care for your wellbeing.  Hell, he made it quite obvious that he would never care for the little girl growing in your midsection.  But even if he was a terrible prick, you decided to have this child.  Of course, maybe it would have been better for you to end the pregnancy early on.  However, a part of you didn’t want that.  A part of you wanted to have the baby and leave your husband.  Whichever order it came in would be fine.  But knowing now that it would be the latter made you nervous.  
The second time Carlisle saw you was in the middle of a grocery store, calming down your newborn baby.  Your husband had sent you out in the middle of February, just a month after giving birth.  You were alone, and everything was upsetting.  Your baby’s little cries caused your own tears to well up in your eyes.  
When the two of you made eye contact, you finally broke.  You didn’t want anyone to see you like that, and yet, here you were with your husband’s co-worker, crying in the middle of the bread aisle.  
“Mrs. Wolf, please.  Let me help you,” Carlisle softly said, leaving his buggy on the other side of you.  He came over, looking at your baby.  “I’ll get her to calm down.”
You took his word for it, allowing Carlisle to comfort your crying child.  “Please.  Don’t call me that.  [Your name] is fine.”
He watched you with soft eyes and nodded.  “And who is this?” he softly asked, looking down at the fussing infant.  Her eyes were shut and she never once had actual tears—one thing that never sat right with him was how babies couldn’t form tears until they were about two months old (sometimes even longer).  
“Luna,” you softly spoke, watching as your little girl started to calm down in his arms.  You sniffled softly, wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeve.  You should have been more careful, but you didn’t care at this point.  It was getting harder and harder to do this; if someone saw a bruise, someone saw a bruise.  
“That’s a beautiful name,” Carlisle spoke, looking back at you.  “She is very lucky to have you as a mother.”
By the third time Carlisle had properly talked to you, your husband had died.  Under mysterious circumstances, but he was gone.  And you couldn’t have been happier.  You had an idea of what had happened.  Especially when you once opened your eyes in the middle of the night to see a flash of blond hair.  But you drifted off back to sleep, not thinking anymore of it until the morning after when your husband was missing.  However, you never once said anything.  
Weeks after he had passed, you had hired a babysitter for the evening.  Carlisle’s two girls.  
And for once, you did not have to worry about the makeup covering your bruises.  In fact, you wore your makeup how you liked it instead of having to wear it to protect your dead husband.  You found yourself sitting in your car, in front of the hospital.  Alice had informed you that her adoptive father was currently at work—that he was constantly working, and he never once took a break.  
Maybe you should have just turned around.  Maybe you should have just left Washington, altogether.  But your legs started moving before you could stop them.  And once you saw Carlisle, you knew that you had to speak with him.  
You didn’t even have to say hello to him for the man to walk in your direction.  He smiled kindly at you, and you wanted to say something.  You desperately wanted to thank him for saving you, even if he never admitted it.  
But the words never found your tongue.  Your arms wrapped around the doctor, your face buried deep in his blue dress shirt and his white lab coat.  Carlisle had never been more grateful for not carrying his clipboard around.  He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close.  
Although the two of you never said anything, one thing was clear; you were both grateful for each other’s existence.  Even if you lived vicariously through passing glances and thoughtful actions.  
Luna was nearly one by the time you decided enough was enough.  You were a widow, now.  You did not have to worry about what your husband would say.  And one thing was certain; the blond-haired doctor had your heart in more ways than one.  
He was so kind to you, always offering help and joyful smiles.  His conversations carried you through your long days and kept you awake at night as you thought of how you could tell him how you truly felt.  
But now, you knew enough was enough—you knew that you were not getting any younger, and neither was Carlisle (of course, because he was human—of course, you wouldn’t learn that until later).  You needed to talk to him.  You needed to take a course of action.  
You grabbed your keys, walking to your door.  Luna was babbling in her car seat.  You sat it down to get the door open, nearly jumping out of your skin when you saw Carlisle standing there, prepared to knock.  
He had a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand and a rather awkward smile.  
“My apologies... are you going somewhere?”
Your cheeks began to burn.  You sat your keys on the table beside your door, shaking your head.  “I was going to see you, actually.”
Luna giggled up at the man when he came into her line of vision.  She adored Carlisle.  
“Oh, that makes this easier then,” he let out a soft laugh, hesitantly holding out the flowers to you.  “These are for you.  I... I had asked Alice what your favorites were.  I hope you don’t mind.”
You smiled.  “No...  No, I don’t,” you said, clearing your throat.  You moved out of the doorway so that he could come into your house.  “I was hoping that.. well, I am hoping this now.  I’ve needed to talk to you.  For a while now.  I really, really need to just get this off my chest, you know?  I just—”
“—could I be of any assistance?” he chuckled softly.  “Perhaps I can find the words that you are searching for.”
You rolled your eyes, unable to keep your smile from forming.  “Carlisle, I’ve... loved you since before my husband died.  I know that for a fact, now.  And I... hope that you feel the same way.  About myself.  And Luna.  We’re a package deal, you know.”
He chuckled softly and nodded.  “I know that you are a package deal.  I... am very glad you feel that way, too.”
“Yes,” Carlisle smiled at you.  “I have loved you since the first time I have set eyes on you.”
You snorted out a laugh, crossing your arms over your chest.  “That long, huh?”
He just smiled, watching you with kind, golden eyes.  “There are many things I need to tell you, [Your name],” he said, finally shutting the front door behind of him.  He looked down at Luna and got her out of the carrier, especially when she happily reached for the man.  “Perhaps we can take this evening to talk?”
You smiled, nodding.  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but yeah.  I’d like that.”
All of you made Carlisle’s beatless heart skip.  He could only hope that it was the opposite for you (he could definitely hear how fast your heart began to beat the closer he got to you).  Luna entertained herself with the buttons on Carlisle’s shirt while the two of you talked until she fell asleep against him.  
Perhaps it was that moment that you truly knew that you were in love with Carlisle.  No—that action only fortified your love for the man.  You knew you had loved him just as long as he had claimed to love you.  And for once, you were not afraid of what love could do. 
Because you believed you loved your deceased husband, you married him.  You slowly watched him become a horrible person.  And then you had Luna with him.  Of course, that was the one good thing that came out of him.  Perhaps the chance of meeting Carlisle as well.  
But you knew that now, the love you felt for Carlisle was as real as the infant in Carlisle’s arms.  And it would never burn like your last loveless love.  
For the first time, it felt like you were seeing yourself in a new light.  You were seeing everything from a different perspective.  And Carlisle allowed that.  Carlisle helped you find that.  
Even if he hadn’t have been there, you would have still found it.  However, you knew that he made it so much easier than it would have been.  
For the first time, you knew real love.  With Luna, and now with Carlisle.  
Despite everything that had happened to you, it seemed as though the universe was finally connecting the dots.  And you couldn’t wait to see what she was going to give you, next.  
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fific7 · 3 years
Dangerous and Divine - Epilogue
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: The final part!! This does not follow canon, it’s mainly fluff & lemon zest 🍋 Hopefully you’ve guessed by now that is my “Billy Russo Deserves Real Love AU” as I totally refuse to accept what happened in S2! The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
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(My GIF)
Six Months Later
You opened up your eyes slowly, becoming aware of a finger trailing gently down your arm; it felt like a butterfly fluttering on your skin. Two dark chocolate eyes were gazing down into yours, sparkling with mischief.
“Good morning, Mrs Russo,” a very self-satisfied Billy Russo whispered, smiling at you.
You yawned, stretching out out your limbs and enjoying the feeling of a light breeze on your body coming through the patio doors.
“Morning, Billy,” you replied, reaching up and kissing his lips, scratching a finger along his bristly jaw. “And how is my wife this morning?” he asked, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “I’m good... actually, very good,” you smiled up at him. “Just as well we’ve got our own villa, angel. You were so noisy last night, screaming my name,” he teased.
Getting up, you stretched again, aware of Billy’s eyes on you as you picked up your little silky robe, slowly putting it on and enjoying the disappointed look on his face. “That’s just to big up your male ego, poppet,” you teased back. He flung himself onto his back on the bed, faux-sulking, “How can you say that, sweetheart?! ....after I kept you up half the night making love to you?”
“Only half the night? Would’ve thought the love god that is Billy Russo would be claiming it was all night!!” A pout instantly appeared on his handsome face and that was just too much, so you leant down over him, stroking his face and kissing him passionately. He grabbed you, pulling you down onto him and your robe came off a lot faster than it went on, unceremoniously dumped on the floor. “Ride me,” he whispered in your ear.
You had to bring him back down to earth though, as you quite urgently needed to visit the bathroom and so you’d extricated yourself from his arms and stood up, picking up your robe. The pout had got even poutier and his eyes looked huge as he gazed up at you from where he lay on the crisp white Egyptian cotton sheets. “Oh, okayyy,” he drawled, grinning, both hands going up behind his head as he lazed back on the pillows, “....so now we’re married, you’re gonna start slappin’ sex bans on me, huh?” You slipped your robe back on and put your hands on your hips, “Billy Russo! Don’t be such a drama king! You’d think you were on your honeymoon or something!” He just kept on grinning at you.
“Well! You either wait two minutes so I don’t have an accident on those lovely clean sheets, or maybe I’d better just call my divorce lawyer right now!” you mock-threatened. His face fell, “Angel! I’m only jokin’ y’know!” You burst out laughing, “Me too, you silly big sap! But not about going to the bathroom!” Flouncing out of the bedroom, hearing his answering laugh as you went.
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Once you were in the bathroom, you let your mind drift back over the last few days. You and Billy had been married just two days ago, a small wedding just as you both wanted with close family and friends only (Billy’s Marine buddies being his family). You’d had the most perfect day, but after all the planning and rushing around in the run-up to the big day, you felt as if it had all gone by in a flash. Whoosh - and it was all over. One minute Karen and your little cousin had been fussing round you, helping with your hair, your makeup, your dress, and in no time at all - it seemed - Billy was taking your hand and leading you out of the reception party, accompanied by a chorus of wolf whistles and catcalls.
You two had stayed that night in the beautiful hotel in upstate New York where the wedding had been held. Billy had picked you up ‘bridal style’ while you were in the hotel elevator and then carried you along the corridor to your suite, kicking the door shut behind him and laying you gently down on the bed. Then he had slowly and sensually slid your wedding dress and underskirts up over your thighs, smile as bright as the sun as he ran his hands over your stockings and garter belt, pushed aside your lacy underwear and had taken you right there and then, whispering to you all the while that now you were truly his.
The next day, you and Billy had flown from JFK to Ibiza in the Balearic Islands, Spain. He’d been surprised when you’d said where you wanted to go for your honeymoon. He thought you’d want to go to the Caribbean or the Maldives or suchlike. But you’d spent some very happy times there when you were on your travels a while back, and you knew he’d love the laid-back vibe of the island.
So he’d booked a luxurious villa for a whole month, in the pine-clad hills above a large cove with a beach called Cala Llonga, east of Ibiza Town. The aromatic scent in the air was truly intoxicating and you closed your eyes, inhaling it from the small breeze making its way through the bathroom window, open just a tiny bit.
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You sighed happily; both workplaces had been asked to contact you only in a dire emergency and with Frank and Jake left in charge while you and Billy were on honeymoon, after initially being anxious about being away for so long you now felt surprisingly relaxed about it.
Washing your hands and making your way back to the bedroom, you smiled as you saw your new husband sprawled out on the bed, naked and looking at you with a devilish smirk on his handsome face.
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Billy happily stretched out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and hearing the water running in the bathroom in the background. The more he thought about it, the more he could hardly believe it - he’d actually managed to persuade her to marry him. He really thought he’d blown it when he’d proposed the first time. When she’d changed her mind and said ‘Yes’, he’d been so happy he thought he’d explode like a human hand grenade.
Still somewhat surprised about his complete turnaround from playboy to lovesick sap, he’d decided long before the wedding to just lie back and accept what the Fates had in store for him. Maybe they’d decided to give him some good karma for a change, after his solitary and loveless childhood and the difficulties he’d had after he left the Marines.
He thought back to just before the wedding ceremony, when Frank had been helping him tie his silver silky cravat after he’d put on his fancy morning suit and dress shirt. His big friend had suddenly clasped his shoulder, saying gruffly, “Bill.... you’ve finally got a chance to be ‘Happy Ever After’, y’know bud. Don’t fuck it up, whatever you do.”
Grabbing the big paw on his shoulder, he’d said sincerely, “I won’t, Frankie... believe me, I won’t.”
He’d also thought about a text he’d received the night before the wedding, and which he’d decided not to mention to his girl. Because it was from Madani. She’d heard the news about Billy getting married from Sam, who he’d met by chance in a local bar a few days before the wedding.
Typical vitriolic Madani, he thought. Saying how he was making a big mistake and he’d regret it in the end. Meaning, of course, because he hadn’t chosen her. Hadn’t even wished the two of you well, couldn’t bring herself to make even that small concession.
Bitch. He’d angrily deleted the text along with the whole string of her past messages, and had then deleted her contact details out of his phone. A feeling of great satisfaction had washed over him as he’d hit the ‘Delete Contact’ button on Dinah Madani. Gone and very definitely forgotten.
Now he looked over to see his angel walking back towards him, looking totally edible in her silky robe.
Grinning, he patted the sheet next to him, “C’mere, sweetheart....”
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Billy grabbed your wrist, pulling you down next to him and pouncing on top of you. The robe came off again and he was kissing you hungrily, appetite undiminished even after your mutual athletics the night before. He ran his hands all over you, pulling your body closer against his, telling you how much he loved you, wanted you, needed you. Then he rolled over onto his back, grinning over at you, “C’mon, angel... I need you to ride me.”
Grinning back at him, “Might do,” you replied. He shook his head, “No, really.... angel... you need to do it and do it now.” You also lay down on your back, “What’s the consequences if I don’t?” you teased. He looked horrified, “You sayin’ No to me?” You shrugged, smirking. “Angel! Please.... what... uhhh... do I gotta beg?” You nodded, “I think you do.” So Billy sighed, getting up and then kneeling beside the bed, hands clasped together and held up in supplication to you, “Please, goddess, m’beggin’ you.... pleeeease! Please!”
From your lofty perch on the bed, you looked down at the male masterpiece currently on his knees in front of you. The early morning sun highlighted his sculpted muscles to perfection, including the delicious-looking erection he was sporting, and you couldn’t keep up the pretence any longer. You reached down and grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging on it several times as his now-grinning face looked up at you.
“Ahhh... so I got the green light, goddess?” You nodded imperiously, and he leapt up and onto the bed at the speed of light. You pushed his shoulders down into the pillows and climbed on top of him, seeing his eyes widen in anticipation. Leaning over, you slid your fingers to the back of his neck and began gently stroking, then took his ‘tache between your lips and sucked gently, before running your tongue over it and then sucking again. Hearing small whimpers coming from him, you moved on to the tufty bit of beard under his bottom lip, giving it the same treatment. Then you ran your tongue very slowly over his bottom lip and suddenly you heard an agonised ‘Fuck!” from Billy, and wetness spread over your stomach and thighs.
Sitting up, you looked down in surprise at the sheen you could see glinting on your skin. A very sheepish-looking Billy was gazing up at you, “Uhhh....m’sorry, angel,” he whispered, “....y’got me too excited.” He covered his eyes with one big hand, then you saw two dark chocolate eyes peeking out between his fingers at you. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, somewhat fearfully. You leant down and kissed his nose, “No! Course not, Billy.”
He slid his hand away from his face, “Really? Been goin’ on at you to ride me then don’t even get inside you before.....!” and he gestured at the pearly liquid on your skin. His face was tinged pink by now, “M’so embarrassed!” he wailed. “Honestly, Billy.... I’m not mad at you,” you said, tweaking his nose between finger and thumb before getting up and heading through to the bathroom. Grabbing a handful of baby wipes you went back to the bedroom, sitting on the bed and quickly cleaning yourself up before teasing Billy by running a baby wipe slowly and sensually along his velvety length. You heard some low soft moans from him, and knew it wouldn’t be very long before he was fully aroused again.
So you kept on stroking him. Laying the baby wipe aside, you continued using just your hand on him. “Sweetheart, what you tryin’ to do to me?” he asked in a breathy voice. “Oh, poppet.... I think you know exactly what I’m doing,” you smirked down at him, loving the way he looked at that moment, vulnerable and at your mercy, big wide eyes gazing up at you, lips parted slightly. You slid your hand in between his legs, taking hold of his balls, gently massaging and squeezing them while still working his cock with your other hand. He squirmed below you, breath catching in his throat, one hand going to the hand you were stroking him with and pulling it to the head of his cock. Taking the hint, you concentrated on it, squeezing and rubbing at it while Billy writhed under you, letting out a string of swears.
Then you decided to add a little something to the mix and leant down to lick him, letting your tongue drag over his tip back and forth with quite some force. Billy had cried out really quite loudly as you started doing that and you smiled, thinking he’d made a good point about having a private villa. You could both be really noisy when you wanted to be. Feeling him stiffening in your hand, you increased the speed and firmness of your stroking and also took him more fully into your mouth.
“Please.... sweetheart!” groaned Billy, “....gotta get inside you... please!!!” You could hear him beginning to pant so without further delay you guided him inside you, before sinking down onto his length. He gave a long low moan, while you gasped with pleasure as soon as he was fully sheathed inside you. Billy was giving out soft whimpering moans and began desperately thrusting up into you, hands running up the sides of your body onto your breasts and he began slowly massaging. In turn you started moving on him, hands on his chest, relishing the feeling of both his firm muscled body and how he filled you completely. “You...” Billy whispered, big dark eyes gazing up at you, “...you’re perfect for me, angel. Fit me like a glove.” His hand moved down to where your bodies were joined and began rubbing your clit with his thumb.
“Could say the same about you, Marine,” you breathed against his ear, leaning down and giving him a dirty open-mouthed kiss before moving your mouth onto his neck beard, and running your tongue over it. You felt Billy tense up and knew he was about to climax, and you felt your own orgasm building. Both of you were wound up tighter than springs! You wrapped your arms round your new husband’s shoulders and let the waves of pleasure roll over you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
A lot later on, you and Billy strolled down to Cala Llonga and joined the small queue of people waiting on the little stone jetty for the water taxi to Ibiza Town. The boat was fairly small and you all crammed onto the wooden benches which filled most of it. Billy wrapped his arm round you, glaring at the Dutch guy sitting on the other side of you who’d been smiling and trying to make small talk with you. “We’re on honeymoon,” he growled at him, butting in just as the guy asked where you were staying. “Oh that’s great, congratulations!” he said, and you’d smiled at him, “Thank you.” Billy however was still glowering at the poor guy, so you elbowed him and he said reluctantly, “Yeah, thanks.”
You tried to distract Billy by pointing out several landmarks as the boat bobbed and puttered its way round the coast, and then the main town on the island came into sight as you rounded the last headland.
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Billy gazed at the sight of the Dalt Vila (Old Town) in front of him and said in an awestruck voice, “Oh hey, that’s so pretty.” You smirked at him, “Told you you’d love it.” He looked back to you, “What’re our plans for this afternoon then?” Pleased that he was handing over the reins to you, smiling fondly at him you said, “Well, first of all I’m gonna make sure my hungry husband gets fed and watered. There are some lovely little outdoor restaurants along the marina.” You heard his stomach rumbling quietly as you mentioned food and he gave you a huge grin, “Now that’s what I call a plan.”
Stepping off the ferry, you guided him to one of the restaurants you’d eaten at before, and chose one of the tables at the front overlooking the yacht moorings. There were quite a few superyachts - some the size of small ocean liners - moored up so the oligarchs were in town, you thought to yourself.
The two of you enjoyed a leisurely lunch, before heading into the maze of narrow streets of the Old Town. Strolling right up to the old church at the very top of the hill, Billy oohing and ahhing at the whitewashed old houses and the view once you reached the church. He leant on the wall enclosing the courtyard in front of the church, looking out over the town, the two marinas and the surrounding hills and you heard a big happy sigh. He turned his head towards you, “This is perfect. You’re perfect. I love this place. And I love you.” He leant in for a kiss, and things started to get a bit raunchy before you heard a throat being cleared loudly behind you. The two of you broke apart, turning to find two elderly Spanish ladies glaring at you with outraged expressions on their faces.
You smiled at them, “Ah... lo siento, señoras, estamos en nuestra luna de miel.” Instantly, large smiles appeared on their faces and they moved away in a flurry of waving hands and staccato Spanish which you couldn’t quite catch. “What d’you say to them, sweetheart?” asked Billy. “That we’re on our honeymoon,” you grinned, “...didn’t understand all of the replies but rest assured, we’re forgiven!” He leaned in, “Well, reckon we should pick up where we left off then,” mouth back on yours. You surreptitiously ran a hand over the zip of his jeans and felt an interesting bulge there, hearing his low gasp, “Okay, but we better leave most of it till we get back to the villa... otherwise we’ll get arrested!” He sighed, nuzzling your neck, “Couldn’t we just go down one of these little streets an’.....” Laughing, you walked away holding out your hand to him, “No we can’t! C‘mon, tiger,” and with a pout firmly in place he followed, taking your hand in his.
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Heading back down through Dalt Vila into the main part of town, you came to Paseo Vara de Rey, a wide, short tree-lined boulevard near the marina. In the evenings, the locals would come here for their before-dinner strolls, stopping for a chat with friends or a quick aperitif. It was just starting to get a bit busier as locals and tourists alike came along to enjoy the late afternoon sun.
You and Billy joined the strolling groups of people, looking in the shop windows and at people sitting in the open-air café sections, gradually making your way towards the marina end of the Paseo. Steering him towards a large hotel situated on the corner of Vara de Rey and into the cool white interior of its bar, you suggested he might want to buy you a cocktail. Leaning on the bar, he grinned at you, “Okay, I will... but then can we go back to the villa?”
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“But why do you want to go back to the villa, Billy? I thought you were having a nice time here in town?” “I am!” he protested, “...and you know perfectly well why I wanna go back!” said with an accompanying eyebrow wiggle, “...we’re on our honeymoon!”
One of the barmen overheard him, “Ah, señor y señora! Let us make you very special cocktails in celebration of your wedding!!” Bill looked round, embarrassed, “Oh no.. s’okay, honestly - we’re fine, thanks.” Shaking his head vigorously, the barman grabbed a couple of cocktail shakers and tossed one of them to his co-worker, “But we must! It will take just a few moments.”
Then there was a flurry of pouring, shaking, ice, fruit and citrus slices being added before a couple of glasses were placed on the bar in front of you with a flourish. You and Billy eyed each other before taking a sip from your drinks. It was pleasant enough - you could taste rum and fruit - but not particularly what you’d’ve chosen for yourself. However, in the same spirit as the drinks were offered, you both made appreciative noises and thanked them profusely, before escaping to a table by the window overlooking Vara de Rey. Sitting down, Billy chuckled, “I guess I better learn to keep my big trap shut!” You agreed, “You’re forgetting that most of the locals speak really good English, so don’t be giving away any more of our secrets!” “What... like the fact you love my dick and think it’s really pretty?” he sniggered, while you slapped his arm, looking round quickly to make sure no-one had heard him.
Seeing no-one within earshot, you leant forward and said, “No... more like you telling me you’re in love with my ‘perfect pussy’ and how you’d be inside me 24/7 if you could be!” He snorted out some of his drink, and the two of you just sat and laughed at each other for a few moments in sheer happiness. “I love you,” he said, serious all of a sudden. “I mean, like really love you.” You smiled at him over the rim of your glass, “Well that’s good, Russo, cos I love you. Like, really love you.” Again, you sat looking at each other with goofy grins on your faces. You caught sight of both barmen looking over at you and smirking so you finished the last of your cocktail, purposefully making a noisy sucking sound through your straw as you did. “Hey, Billy... will we have one more drink and then head back?”
His eyes lit up, “Yeah!!! What d’ya want to drink this time round, angel?” “I’ll just have a mojito, please.” A few minutes later, a luscious mojito-filled glass was placed in front of you, while Billy had decided on a Sidecar, which he polished off in a few quick gulps and then sat looking expectantly at you. Shaking your head and laughing at him, you said, “I won’t be downing my lovely mojito as if it was a beer, Billy. I will be sipping it in a ladylike manner.” His face fell, “Oh.” “You’ll just have to be patient, loverboy.” He perked up a bit, “But if I’m a good patient boy, I’ll get a nice reward when we get back to the villa, yeah?” You patted his silky-haired head, “Yes, you will,” and couldn’t resist tugging on a few locks of it while you were at it. His grin grew devilish, “You wanna tug on something else, angel?” You slid your hand onto his thigh under the table, giving him a very innocent smile, “No, I am not going to lower the tone of this fancy hotel bar by misbehaving, Mr Russo.” His hand covered yours on his thigh and pulled it up onto his zip, “Well, I haveta say I’m very disappointed, Mrs Russo,” before bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing it, putting on his best puppydog eyes and pout.
You had to admit, a frisson of excitement had run through you as he’d done that - Billy had made sure you realised he had an impressive erection. So in fact you picked up your mojito and drained the glass like a sailor who’d just hit a bar after six months at sea. “Okay, Billy,” you smirked, “....you win. Let’s go, tiger.” Billy sprang up from the table and pulled you by the hand towards the door, waving over at the barmen as he went, while you gave them a smile as you passed them.
Then you had to contend with an impatient Billy, pacing up and down at the marina while you were waiting on the water taxi back to Cala Llonga. Eventually it appeared, and Billy hustled you on board, making you sit at the back and beginning to kiss you as he boxed you into the corner seat. More passengers joined soon though and you pushed him back slightly, “Billy.... behave, please. We don’t want to upset any more people with PDA’s.” He grinned, “Okay, okay, I’ll keep my hands and my mouth to myself ... for now.” As the boat began to manoeuvre backwards and away from the quayside, you pointed at the town, “So, what did you think of Ibiza Town then?” Billy nodded, “Yeah, I loved it. It’s beautiful. But y’know, as long as you’re with me.... wherever we are, that’s what I really love.” You poked him in the side, “You big sap!” you laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, “...but you’re my big sap, as they say.”
Those gorgeous dark eyes of his sparkled back at you, and his hand stroked your cheek, “Yeah I am, sweetheart... and that’s the most important thing. It’s all anyone needs to know about us. I’m yours, and you’re mine. And we’re in love. And together. Forever.” You put your lips next to his ear, “Yes, Billy... forever,” you whispered as the little boat carried the two of you away into the gathering dusk.
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Additional A/N: Hope you enjoyed this little journey with Billy and his sweetheart. All I ever wanted for Billy Russo was for him to be happy. Maybe we’ll meet these two again, who knows? Thanks so much for reading.
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@blackbirddaredevil23 @galaxyjane @omgrachwrites @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @ourloveisforthelovely @swthxrry
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