#uhhh hh
zero-braincells-left · 5 months
not a vent post but idk if anyone actually wants to listen to me talk about romance and my gf and. my confidence in my romantic attraction shattering right in front of me lmao. anywho
tldr: hmmmmmmmmmm hey i might be lithromantic. but first let’s go on several unrelated tangents that only barely go together to prove whatever point i was trying to make??
ive kind of felt like i feel romance. wrong ? like i know there isn’t a wrong way like this and whatnot but it’s still just. idk. first of all like,,,, i just don’t get the concept of falling in love (romantic). what being in love would even feel like. but most definitely not in an aromantic way, no, i 100% do have crushes. i am. extremely sure about that part. but that’s just liking people. i feel like im too young to be in love, but everyone else announces such. last time i used the word love romantically was fucking forever ago when i was in 4th grade with my very first crush. that, in fact, was not love. love is just a strong word.
(after writing everything else im unsure where to put this where it fits, but also, I haven’t really been able to imagine myself in any sort of long term, romantic relationship. i don’t want to get married, and i can’t see myself dating someone for, like, life.)
but i love my friends. because that’s platonic. love is a perfectly acceptable word to use for platonic or familial things in my mind. just not romance, at least not for myself? like i get the thing of having a partner and being able to say “i love you” and i mean. cmon. with all the ships i have I’ve imagined that with characters plenty of times. but like
i love my best(?) friend so, sosososo much more than i “love” my girlfriend. because, with dating, i just like her. romantic . and she knows that and the feelings mutual because love is just too strong a word for a relationship both of us know isn’t forever. but. do i even like her (romantic.)? i think so? i had a crush on her for like. half a year. and i know that was a crush, for sure. and that day on Halloween when we started dating i was happy, i was excited. but something about calling her my “girlfriend” felt so. weird. ive never dated anyone before, not even a shitty 3 day long elementary school “dating” kinda thing, so i just kinda chalked it up to that. i still can’t pinpoint what it is but right now. yeah, okay, we’re dating. whenever i think about that fact—I like the thought of it but i don’t like that it’s real. that it’s happening. the thought of being ‘romantic’ or holding hands or anything feels genuinely uncomfortable if i think about it now, even when it used to be a nice idea. and in practice, before either of us knew the other liked them, and we had all sorts of “fake” flirting bullshit, i was also perfectly fine and even happy (and flustered) by the closeness because. i liked her. and now with a relationship, even if the idea makes me really uncomfy, in practice I don’t really mind. it’s just, kind of, neutral.
speaking of which, I’ve made several “if you say that again im breaking up with you” or when she does something dumb/silly and goes ‘oh yeah? what you gonna do? break up with me?’ “yes” jokes. and like. she’s fine with that and we both think it’s funny but. i genuinely don’t not mean it, like, the idea of breaking up with her doesn’t bother me (well, it does a bit.) and the idea of staying with her, still dating, also doesn’t bother me (well, it does a bit). again im just completely neutral on it, and she knows this. but i feel like im only here because she likes dating me more than i enjoy it. i cant tell if I like this or not.
it’s like, knowing my feelings were reciprocated and being able to date her like I wanted to, made my feelings go away or at least. lessen (cause i still, I guess, do like her? sort of?)
anyways i guess I might be lithromantic then ? i already know of that label AND I’d considered it before.
for long as I can remember now, I guess, whenever I have crushes I can get over them really quickly. it’s just having that closure that’s fine. hell, earlier this year I liked one of my friends so i told him, got confirmation he didn’t like me back, and then got over it the next day. that was just a few months of crushing though—a couple years ago, i had a crush on one of my main friends at the time for one whole year. December to February of the following year. my feelings didn’t weaken over that time, either. then i got peer pressured into confessing, got confirmation it was a no, and the VERY. NEXT . DAY. i was over him. i knew it was a no so I didn’t dwell on it.
it’s just always been like that, I guess. i can get over anyone if I have the closure.
but nobody’s ever liked me back before. what happens if that ‘closure’ is a yes? i thought about it one time maybe a year or so ago and thought that, yeah, maybe I’d stop liking someone if that was the case. and now it… sort of is. i don’t know how I feel about my gf or what to do about it and I don’t know how to talk to her about it. i know she’s understanding of that so it’s not that im scared she’ll think im weird or wrong for it, just. idk. i dont even know what I’d say, but I might try tomorrow.
im fine dating her, i honestly don’t mind it, i just feel like being able to. express how i do feel about it at least haha. and i feel really guilty that this might be mostly one-sided on her end.
i have another thing to say actually but I’ll rb and add it on cause I want to end this specific thought here
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cloudysfluffs · 3 months
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kiss kiss!!!! <33333
~kink/nsfw blogs dni please!!!~
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
(-your old buddy old pal)
U asked this twice pookie 😒 /h
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I did the swap based on the person they share the most personality with and not what they would actually wear. Charlie would definitely pick the jester outfit lmao
First meet under cut vvvvvvvv
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It's the slutty goth-coded outfit that made Pomni guess that.
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tangledinink · 7 months
I really love how Donnie and Leo are comfortable being hugged by Gus! Leo seems genuinely happy to be receiving affection and, even with his injured shell, Donnie doesn't pull away from the contact! Plus Donnie was leaning on Gus!
I get the sense that the two of them don't really receive much physical affection from anyone but each other but I'm so happy that Gus is there and just showering them with it.
Is Gus the only staff member that the boys are close with? They obviously don't share information with Gus but other than that, how close are they with him? I'm just so curious about this additional lore about their home lives!
also I think they deserve more cuddles and it warms my heart to see Gus just hugging them with abandon <3
heck yeah tail wags <3 where do you think the gemini learned it from? ;3c
and there are a few other staff members that the gemini are relatively close with, which i've touched on in the past! gus is probably who they're closest with, though, and the only one they get any physical affection from. he's known them since they were first adopted by big mama, and his main 'job' at the hotel has long been to keep an eye on them and keep them safe when they're in the hotel. he has the 'late shift' and spends nights in a big dog bed out in the hallway of the gemini's floor, guarding their rooms while they sleep, just in case anything happens or they need him.
i would say they're very close with gus! he's like a 'beloved family dog' and 'protective dopey uncle' combo and did a lot of caretaking when they were little-- the only constant amongst the ever-revolving cast of nannies, aside from their mother's occasional appearances.
that being said, there's a reason gus shares the color of another gemini character rather than having his own. despite everything, the twins are well aware of where gus's loyalty lies at the end of the day, and who he answers to. and as lovely as their relationship is, it's not them.
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Ayo the reason Vaggie falls on her ass right here is because she doesn’t know how to right herself in air without her wings even three years later.
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irrieia · 2 years
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microtyalm13 · 6 months
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alright shitposting hours are over. have some wips with gavriil's reference
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umbreonix · 6 months
I’m the one who sent the Hazbin ask lol. I personally liked the trailer but Husk’s new VA being Keith David is messing with my head (he’s a good VA but I don’t feel he fits the role for Husk). I miss Pilot!Husk.
Yeah one of the hard things for me as someone who wrote SO much radio\\husk fanfiction is I played those voices in my head every single day 24/7 to plot out dialogue and I spent a lot of time writing about the unique vocal quirks of each character. Husk's gravel was something that became one of my fav qualities:
"The way Husk’s voice breaks into deep gravelly rumbles when he talks this quietly is a soothing balm to the distressed overlord. It’s the kind of voice that would be absolute garbage for radio. Simply incomprehensible under all the static and interference. No, it’s a voice made to be savoured only in-person. He sinks into Husk's touch and feels himself slowly calm back down." I can't tell you HOW MANY TIMES I replayed this song Mick did in Husk's voice to tune into the character before I wrote: https://twitter.com/ricepiratemick/status/1338898935675408386
It's so beautiful and mournful, it makes me feel so many things T_T That being said, yeah Keith David's is a LEGEND. He's going to crush it (and maybe is one of the strongest of the new casting as a veteran in the VA industry) but sometimes you just get too used to/attached to something. I am so adverse to change, I used to throw fits when I was a kid and my parents wanted to do so much as 'rearrange furniture'
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cloudymistedskies · 8 months
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hi cloudy :3
But Hi Sakura !!! How are you in this fine day? :3
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gregoftom · 1 year
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#tomgreg#THEYR E SO CUTE IM GONNA actually be sick.#i hate so much tom's fuckin. laugh here bc its so high pitched and heS NOT HOLDING BACK. AGAIN.#something something he's his true self around greg something something after years of repression he feels alive again something something#schoolboy tom makes another appearance. he's so playful!!!#AND TOUCHING GREG'S SUIT AGAIN. just like the tie before in fucking UHHH i cant remember the episode. but s2 i think.#he does it really quickly though. like he remembers they're in public and he's gotta stop treating greg like they really are spouses.#and abt the next part don't worry i'm gonna be. talking. about That. but this part gets its own bit bc!!!!!! man#OH AND DONT THINK I DIDNT NOTICE GREG TOUCHING TOM TOO. TOUCHING HIS ARM UNNECESSARILY. they're so touchy here. sigh. sigh.#yet not a hug. just light touches. a hug would be too friendly. if that makes sense? these touches are more. spousal.#like you'd hug your mate at a party right. and sure you might hug a partner or spouse. but idkkk idk it reads more.#just the touchings of the suits. oh you look nice tonight dear. don't wanna spoil your pretty outfit. that'll happen later at home. GODDDDDD#BECAAAAAUSE OF WHAT THEY SAY NEXT!!! THE WHOLE. PROVE IT THING! OH  HH GODDHNWEW#my head cracks open. ok okok ig ot ta go i'm going i'm fucking. bye#im so fuckin pressed about the nero sporus thing IF TOM HADNT SAID THAT BULLSHIT I WOULDNT BE THINKING SHIT LIKE THIS#i mean maybe i would BUT I WOULDNT ACTUALLY PUT ANY STOCK IN IT BC HE WOULDNT HAVE SAID IT OUT RIGHT. god. i'm in pain#lord send the plagues. end my suffering
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yumeyleo · 3 months
whos long ass tmnt rp is on my dash 🔥😭
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a-sad-rat · 9 months
purrgatory server (wowza)
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sasster · 1 year
Ah, understandable. Have they ever visited Ilioneus? I bet they're happy to see you in such a nice community
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“Achina visits more than the other two. They’re far too busy.”
They’re happy for me though.”
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angeloftrumpets · 1 year
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
fucking collapses. my advisor wants me to do a doctorate
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x-amount-verbs · 2 years
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Ivy in chapter 21
Lmao more like 23 ahahahahah
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