#and theyd be like U H H HH H H H H H and figure something out
tangledinink · 11 months
I really love how Donnie and Leo are comfortable being hugged by Gus! Leo seems genuinely happy to be receiving affection and, even with his injured shell, Donnie doesn't pull away from the contact! Plus Donnie was leaning on Gus!
I get the sense that the two of them don't really receive much physical affection from anyone but each other but I'm so happy that Gus is there and just showering them with it.
Is Gus the only staff member that the boys are close with? They obviously don't share information with Gus but other than that, how close are they with him? I'm just so curious about this additional lore about their home lives!
also I think they deserve more cuddles and it warms my heart to see Gus just hugging them with abandon <3
heck yeah tail wags <3 where do you think the gemini learned it from? ;3c
and there are a few other staff members that the gemini are relatively close with, which i've touched on in the past! gus is probably who they're closest with, though, and the only one they get any physical affection from. he's known them since they were first adopted by big mama, and his main 'job' at the hotel has long been to keep an eye on them and keep them safe when they're in the hotel. he has the 'late shift' and spends nights in a big dog bed out in the hallway of the gemini's floor, guarding their rooms while they sleep, just in case anything happens or they need him.
i would say they're very close with gus! he's like a 'beloved family dog' and 'protective dopey uncle' combo and did a lot of caretaking when they were little-- the only constant amongst the ever-revolving cast of nannies, aside from their mother's occasional appearances.
that being said, there's a reason gus shares the color of another gemini character rather than having his own. despite everything, the twins are well aware of where gus's loyalty lies at the end of the day, and who he answers to. and as lovely as their relationship is, it's not them.
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