abstractfrog · 17 days ago
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Happy 1 year anniversary to Mr Sherlock Holmes! Here's a litttleee celebratory comic from me
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illegal-spiegel · 3 years ago
Firsts w/ Kaoru
Pairing: Kaoru Hitachiin x gn!reader Genre: fluff Warnings: none
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first meeting:
y’all met through, you guessed it, The Host Club
it wasn’t your idea to go
but Haruhi, poor, sweet, innocent Haruhi, was about to lose her marbles
she practically got onto her knees to beg you to keep her company
and what kind of friend would you be if you declined?
(you mainly just went because she bribed you with free tea and desserts)
when you showed up to Music Room #3, it was all that you were expecting and not at all what you were expecting at the same time
you eventually spotted Haruhi through all the people and eventually made your way over to her
the look on her face was almost comical
she bid her guests she was entertaining farewell and they left with watery eyes
you covered your mouth to hide your giggles as you took a seat on the soft couch across from her
“Thank god you showed up,” she groaned as she slumped back into her seat
you let your giggles out freely, studying her tired form
“Awe, is Haruhi tired of flirting?” you teased
she only grunted in response, closing her eyes and letting out a content sigh
you hummed in return, picking up a cookie that was on the table and started to munch on it
you two had a few minutes of silent peace before it was rudely interrupted
“Oh, Haruhi!” you hear two voices shout from behind you in unison
you swear you saw an irk mark appear on her forehead
you raise your brow and go to turn around to see who was causing her so much trouble just by saying two words when two people were suddenly leaning over the back of the couch you were sitting on
you looked to your left and saw a boy your and Haruhi’s age
you turned to the right and had to do a double-take when you saw the same face
‘these must be the infamous twins,’ you thought as you studied them
“What?” Haruhi groaned with dead eyes
you could see the smirks come onto the two boys’ faces
“What are you doing slacking off-” the one on the right started off
“-when you have a guest?” the left one finished you raised a brow at them as you pursed your lips
“She could ask you two the same thing? Why aren’t you tending to your guests?” you defended
the twins’ eyes widened as they turned to look at you, both silently studying you for a moment
“We got bored-”
“-so we came to see what Haruhi was doing.”
your brows furrowed as you look to the one on your left
“You just left your guests?”
Haruhi was the one to respond
“Kaoru probably ran out of fake tears,” she said with a smirk
the twins’ attention went back to her, the one on the right’s eyes widening
“Fake tears? My tears are real!” he defended
you took a mental note that the one on your right was Kaoru. Haruhi may have told you about them before but you were terrible with names
Haruhi only grunted in response before closing her eyes again
you saw their mouths open, ready to bother her some more
so, being the good friend you are, you quickly said something before they could
“Just leave her alone, okay? How about you entertain me?” you offered
from what Haruhi has told you, the twins liked to mess around with people. Whether it is playing pranks and tricks or just annoying them
so, you figured they’d happily take you up on the offer to ‘entertain’ you
as soon as you finished your sentence, a smirk was curling up on their lips
“Entertain you?”
“Why, we’d be honored!”
they ended up trying to actually do so at first, using their little brotherly love act
you quickly shut that down
once they realized you knew all their secrets, including Haruhi being a girl, there was a sudden shift in the way they acted towards you
they were more open suddenly
hanging out:
after meeting, he instantly took a liking to you
he and his brother wanted to become friends with you, mainly to annoy Haruhi 
they hung out with you as much as you allowed them to, which was often so you could give Haruhi a break
it took a couple weeks for Kaoru to work up the nerve to ask you to hangout with him without his brother there as well
you were surprised when he asked you, to say the least 
“Hey, would you wanna go to this museum with me? I somehow won free tickets in class and Hikaru doesn’t want to go. I, uh, know it sounds boring but—”
“I’d love to go with you, Kaoru,” you reassure with a big, warm smile
it was the first time he felt his heart do something weird in his chest 
that weekend, you two went to the museum and honestly had a really good time
you two pretty much just wandered around and talked the entire time, which was several hours 
he found it surprising and like a fresh breath of air at how easy it was to talk to you
he liked studying you when you would stare at something before you, your figure glowing under the big lights 
he knew by the time you two left that he had feelings for you
first hug:
you two hugged for the first when he took you home from the museum, actually 
his palms were sweating just from thinking of doing it 
he tried to tell himself that it wasn’t a big deal but he was just so nervous 
he opened the car door for you when you reached your house and even walked you to the door 
“Thanks for today, Kaoru,” you say softly, giving him that radiant smile that he loves so much 
“It was nothing. I’m just glad you agreed to go,” he admits with a small chuckle
you giggle in return and then you both go into silence 
“Well, I’ll see you at school on Monday,” you say to break the silence
without another word, he quickly pulls you into the hug then
he hears and feels you gasp, your arms staying by your side for a moment before slowly wrapping back around him 
“Yeah, see you on Monday,” he whispers, still holding onto you
you two hug each other a little longer than necessary but neither of you cared 
when you finally did let go of each other, both of your faces were warm
“Goodnight, Kaoru,” you whisper a little breathlessly 
“Goodnight, (Y/n),” he whispers back, finally stepping back to let you go inside
he walks back to his car and watches you unlock your door to make sure you get inside okay 
he then finally leaves with a racing heart and a red face
first time holding hands:
after going to the museum together, you two slowly started to get closer
you texted more often, always called, hung out without Hikaru more, and so on 
it didn’t take long for you to fall for him but you were unsure if he liked you back 
well, that is until October came around
the boys decided they wanted to do a haunted house type thing for their monthly event
after Kyoya talked it over with the principal, the club got permission to do it and to have it held inside the entire school
Kyoya went all out too. He hired professional actors and businesses to scare in the school
the club held it during Halloween weekend, that way they could clean up all the props before Monday
the club made a killer with the amount of people that wanted to participate and walk through the ‘haunted’ school
on Sunday, after the��‘maze’ closed, the host club decided that they should be able to walk through it as well
that’s how you ended up partnered up with Kaoru to walk through together
you two went last out of all of the groups, both of your hearts racing as you two walked into your dark school 
after the first jump scare, you two clung together before relaxing until the next scare
after a few scares, you two just ended up holding hands the whole way through 
you honestly didn’t even really notice since you were too focused on what’s around the corner, what’s in that room, or what that sound was
but Kaoru’s entire focused was on your hand in his, the way your skin looked, the way it felt
when you came out the back main exit of the school though, you instantly noticed
you both shyly smiled as you let go, trying to ignore everyone’s teasing as you all started cleaning up 
first date:
it wasn’t until mid-November that Kaoru asked you out on a date
you both were blushing like crazy as he stuttered out his date proposal and it was the most enduring thing you’ve ever seen 
he asked you out, to which you instantly said yes to, but when you asked where you two would be going, he refused to tell you 
he ended up taking you to a festival that was in town after you said that you didn’t want him wasting a lot of money on you 
plus, he’s really competitive, so it’s fun to play games with him 
you two tease each other back and forth the whole night, both of you winning a lot of games
he even won you a stuffed animal to which you playfully named it Hikaru
he ended up getting too much cotton candy and begged you to help him finish it 
you two spent the entire day there and when the sun started to set, he dragged you onto the ferris wheel 
it was very cliché but he kisses you at the top and you loved every second of it 
when he drove you home, neither of you were ready for the night to end 
so, you just ended up sitting in the car for hours just talking up a storm
when your first yawn is released, he does his best to ignore it but after the second time, he sighs and gives you a soft smile 
“You should head inside. I’ll text you when I get home, okay?” he says quietly, secretly wishing he didn’t say anything when you start to pout 
you rub at your eye though as you yawn again, slowly nodding your head
“Okay. Goodnight, Kaoru,” you whisper sweetly before hugging him
just before you get out of the car, you quickly peck his cheek before practically flying out of the vehicle
he chuckles at how flustered you are as you walk to the door of your home
he makes sure you get inside okay before driving back home
he sticks to his word and texts you when he arrives at home to which you both stayed up late texting each other because you didn’t want the mystical night to come to an end
first time giving a gift:
(we ain’t counting the stuffed animal (Hikaru) he gave you on your first date)
you two had been together for 3 months when Kaoru decided to get you something to celebrate
he asked all your friends along with all the people in the Host Club what they think you’d like 
he got many ideas ranging from clothes to food
he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to get you but he’d figure it should be something nice but ‘simple’ 
on the day of your 3 months together, he picks you up from your house and takes you on a date
you tried telling him that you two didn’t have to celebrate the 3 month mark, but he wasn’t having it 
“You’re special to me and being together this long means a lot to me,” he said softly to you before kissing the back of your hand
he ends up taking you to a hill that looks over most of the town, a smile coming to your face when you see the view 
“It’s beautiful,” you reply when he asks what you think
“Not as beautiful as you,” he teases, shooting you a wink before hauling the picnic basket over to the blanket he set down for you both 
after setting everything up and getting comfy, you two dig into the food that he made
once you two have had your fill, you curl up together and watch the sunset
just before the sun completely sinks below the horizon, he pulls away from you a bit to reach into the basket
“Here,” is all he says as he offers you a rectangular box covered in velvet
you raise your brow up at him but gently take it from him and open it up 
you jaw drops open a bit when you see what rests inside, your heart skipping a beat as your tummy fills with butterflies
“Oh, Kaoru...” you whisper breathlessly, staring down at the intricate necklace
“Do you like it?” he whispers, worriedly staring at your shocked face 
“I, um, got it to represent our first date at the festival...” he continues when you don’t reply. “Sorry, I know it’s ugl—”
“No! No, I love it, Kaoru,” you quickly interrupt when he starts to backpedal. “Sorry, I just was thinking that it looks kind of expensive...”
“Well, ha, you see—”
“Kaoru, how much did you spend on this?”
he stays quiet for a moment, knowing how you’d react when he tells you 
he finally pipes up when you give him the look™️
“It was, um, ¥43,687...”
“Kaoru Hitachiin!” you screech, fully turning to face him with a horrified expression
“What? It’s not that bad!” he shouts, his cheeks starting to warm for some reason 
“Not that bad? Not that bad? You’re right. ¥43,687 is way worse than bad!” 
he groans and rolls his eyes, taking the box from you and taking the necklace out 
“Turn around.”
“No way! What if I break it? What if I lose it? What if—”
“What if zombies raised from the ground right now and killed me? Bam! Dead! Wouldn’t you want something to remember me by?” he teases with a smirk
it’s your turn to huff and roll your eyes now 
“That would never happen.”
“Well, yours would never happen either,” he argues
“Yes it could!”
“We can go back and forth all day, sweetheart. We can never know the future and it’s best to just live in the present.”
When you don’t reply, he smiles at you and holds up the necklace 
“You like it, right?”
“Well yes, but—“
“And you like me, right?”
“Do you?”
“Yes! But, Kaoru—”
“Then put it on!” 
you two have a stare off before you give in, letting out a hefty sigh and turning to put your back to him
he slips the necklace onto you and your hand instantly goes to the ferris wheel pendant resting between your collar bones
“There. Ya see? That wasn’t so bad and you look even more beautiful than usual.”
your cheeks warm with the compliment as you spin around to face him again
“Shut up and kiss me,” you snap with a pout
he chuckles and leans forward to do just that 
first “I love you”:
you both actually wanted to say this on your picnic date but both ended up chickening out since you both thought it was too soon
ever since then, you both have tried and failed to say it 
when is the right time to say it? How long do you have to be dating for it to be okay? What if the other person wasn’t ready to say it back yet?
yeah, a lot of unnecessary worries and insecurities
it isn’t until it’s almost your sixth month anniversary that Kaoru finally works up the nerve to say it 
he was planning a little get away vacation for you two during the summer
when you came over to his house one day to hangout, he first plays it cool
you two do the normal stuff whenever you two hangout, watch your show, makeout a little, make food, the works
after you two are done eating and go to continue watching your show, he stops you
“Hey, there’s something I want to show you.” 
you raise your brow at this, wondering what he could want to show you
maybe a new show he wants to watch? 
“Yeah?” you ask, watching him pull something out from between the couch cushions 
he hands over an envelope to you with a smirk, making your brows furrow 
a letter?
“Go on. Open it,” he says with a chuckle 
you let out a short hum in reply and begin to open it up
you pull out two tickets to something, turning them around to look at the front 
“Are these first class tickets to Italy?” you ask, your voice trembling a bit 
“Yeah! I figured it was about time we went somewhere together!”
you shake your head and offer the tickets back to him, feeling as if you’re going to be sick 
“Kaoru, no. This is too much. I don’t need to go somewhere far or fancy or expensive to have fun with you,” you force out with wide eyes
he frowns at your words, refusing to take the tickets out of your shaky hands
“What? (Y/n), this is an amazing opportunity! Besides, these tickets were for me and Hikaru to go with our mom to one of her fashion shows in Italy. Hikaru is grounded now though for that stunt he pulled in class and she asked if I’d like to take you instead,” he explains with a soft smile, bringing his hand to your free one to give it a squeeze
you relax a bit at this news, now knowing he didn’t waste thousands of yen on you 
“Your mom offered?” He nods his head. “You’re sure she doesn’t mind me coming?” 
“Of course not, baby. You haven’t been around her much since she works so often, but she really does like you. She wouldn’t have asked you to come if she didn’t want you there. Plus, she has to punish Hikaru somehow.” 
you chuckle at that last part with a nod of your head
“Okay, fine. I’ll ask my parents about it and see if they’ll be okay with me going,” you agree
he lets out an excited squeal and surges towards you for a hug
“Yes! You’re the best! I love you!” 
at the three words, you both freeze and stare at each other, both of your faces heating up to a dangerous degree
“Sorry, I, um, I d—”
“I love you too, Kaoru,” you rush out before he can take it back
his grin comes right back to his face before he kisses you passionately 
first trip together:
turns out your parents were okay with you going since Kaoru’s mom will be there 
when you three were on the plane, you and Kaoru leaned against each other the entire time
to keep you busy, you two watched your show and movies, played card games, played games with each other on your phones, and so on
when you all finally reach your destination, you’re exhausted but you instantly perk up when you reach your ride to your hotel
you climb into the limo and both you and your boyfriend ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at the beautiful scenery 
when you get to the hotel, his mother announces that Hikaru will share a bed with her while you get the other one. You don’t really mind since she’s paying for all this and you’re in Italy for crying out loud, but Kaoru whines and pouts for at least fifteen minutes
once you’re all in your jammies, you all practically pass out as soon as your heads hit the pillows 
you three were there for two weeks and you and Kaoru had so many cute dates
you went hiking, rode on gondolas, went on tours, took cooking classes, saw a musical, visited ancient buildings, went to the beach and did lots of swimming (where Kaoru got burned), and lots more!
his mom even let you participate in her fashion show
she dressed you up in expensive clothing and pushed you to walk on the runway
you were nervous at first but eventually got into it the more claps and cheers (from Kaoru) you got 
it was honestly some of the best days of your entire life
when it was the last day of being in Italy, Kaoru took you on your last date in the beautiful country
you both shared lots of ‘I love you’s followed by several kisses
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Kaoru 
Tag List: @pointlesslygay, @katsuhera​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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theunquenchablethirst · 4 years ago
Joyride (Jerome X Reader)
Smut, NSFW, 18+, porn without plot, honestly just hot, nasty filth 
Do not read unless you are a deviant!
Reader is walking home down a street she knows just like the back of her hand, but today there's an unfamiliar car parked up. Paying it no mind she continues past it, but soon discovers today is not going to be any regular day when a sinister voice calls to her from the mysterious car behind her.
Vaginal fingering, blowjobs, rough sex, semi-public sex, car sex, bondage, chocking, spanking, dom/sub undertones, dub-con, strong language, murder, kidnap
I walked that street nearly every day, to and from Gotham High. I had for years. This would be my last year as I was 18 and about to graduate.
Everything seemed as normal as ever. The pretzel cart, the lady that walked her little dog, the kids playing jump rope. A fairly quiet street. I didn't know it then, but that day would be anything, but normal.
I was approaching the end of the street where I would cross the road. There was a car parked up I hadn't seen before. Big, black with tinted windows. I didn't pay it much attention and wasn't hesitant to carry on my walk past it. I reached the end of the street and stood waiting for the traffic to quiet so I could cross over, then behind me I heard the familiar sound of a car window winding down.
"Hey, princess." A sinister voice called.
I turned to look and peering out of the black car window was him. The most dangerous, most wanted man in Gotham city. Jerome Valeska.
I'd only seen him on the news and in papers before, but even then, he had scared me. He'd brought the city to its knees and left a trail of bodies and madness wherever he went. And now he was right in front of me.  
"Can I give you a ride?" He asked with his signature smile plastered on his scarred face, voice dripping with menace.
I froze still. I wanted to run as fast as I could, but his stare glued me to my spot.
"Come on, doll. I'll be nice."
I took a step back, weighing the risk of making a run for it. He sucked his teeth and looked down for something.
"I'd offer you candy, but uh..." He pulled a gun up to the window and pointed it at me.
"... Something tells me I won't need to." His smile somehow grew bigger as he locked his eyes on mine.
My heart was beating so loud I thought the whole city would be able to hear it. I had no choice. Knees weak, I nervously walked around to the passenger side door and opened it. I sat in the seat next to him, but pressed myself as close to the window as I could. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible, even if it was only by a few inches.  
"Ah, safety first. Seatbelt." He said dropping his smile and cocking his head.
Not caring weather or not he was joking, I pulled down the belt and buckled myself in. I did not want to make him angry. He grinned eerily and panic rose in my chest as his eyes burned holes in me.  
He reached a gloved hand out to my face. I flinched as he brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear and stroked his knuckles down my jaw line and neck. His hand moved lower still down my arm, only stopping when he got to my shaking hand. I was grasping my bag so tightly my knuckles had turned white. He tugged at it a few times wanting me to let go. I released the bag and he pulled it off my lap and into his.
"Let's see what we got here."
He started to rummage through my possessions pulling each one out, mostly dubbing them boring and dumping them out of the window.
"Pain killers, boring. Pencil case, extra boring. Ooh, Jolly Ranchers! Don't mind if I do!"
He popped a sweet in his mouth, threw the rest over his shoulder into the back seat and got back to snooping.
"Keys, boring. Oh! A diary! I'll save that for later! A can of mace...."
He paused then let out a loud cackle as he held the mace.
"Oh, princess! Bet you wish you'd switched this out for a gun right about now!" He continued to giggle as he dived a hand back in.
"Aha! Phone!" He dropped my bag back in my lap and opened up my flip phone.
"You won't be needing this." He smirked and snapped it, letting the two halves fall and disappear under the driver's seat. Dread began to settle in as it dawned upon me that I now had no way to call for help and my mace was lying in the street. Not that it would've been much use against him anyway.
"Ok! Let's get this party started!" His giggled as he turned the key in the ignition. He turned towards me and revved the engine.
"Vroom, vroom." He mocked.
I sat there clutching my bag, waiting for the car to start moving. He fiddled with the gear stick and then slammed his foot down on the pedal as if there was a deadly bug that needed to be squashed. The tyres screeched like they were taking a layer of tarmac with them and he took off like a boy racer.  
I let out a scream as the sudden, fast pace sent a shockwave right through me. I sent my hands searching for something, anything to hold on to. There was a turn coming up, but I noticed it too late and I was flung into the side of the door like a ragdoll. All the time the loudest noise in my ear was maniacal laughter coming from Jerome in driver's seat. He was driving like he stole it, but then again, it was entirely possible he did.
"More?" He looked at me with a mischievously.
I shook my head, breathlessly, praying to any god that was listening that he actually cared about my answer.
"I think more." He sharply turned into an empty car park and spun around and around and around. I was pressed right up against him as I clung to the bottom of my seat. He laughed and banged his hand on the wheel, continuing to spin us around.
"You stupid son of a bitch!" I screamed forgetting myself.  
"Oh, I love 'em with fire!" He laughed again.  
Then all of a sudden, he stopped. I jolted forwards like a crash dummy so hard I thought I would hit the windshield. He'd been right about the seatbelt. I stared straight ahead and tried to catch my breath, when I heard angry shouting. An employee of the restaurant that owned the car park was making his way over to us with a red face.
Jerome stuck his head out of the window.
"What's that, pal?"  
I heard more shouting.
"Ok." Jerome reached for the gun and shot the employee straight in the head. I gasped at the sound and he fell down like a sack of bricks.
"Problem solved." Jerome grinned and pocketed the gun.
I felt my stomach turn. I'd just seen a murder right in front of me. That poor man. Jerome started the car again and left the car park, where he'd left a dead body and certainly tyre tracks.
"Some fun, eh kid?" He smiled at me. I couldn't find any words to reply. He sighed.
"I hate awkward silences." He reached down and turned on the radio. He flicked through a few channels until he found one playing music he seemed to like. An old rock station.
"Now this is better!" He looked at me with a satisfied smile, but dropped it when I still didn't reply.
"How do I get you to talk? Do I gotta drop a quarter in ya?" He turned another corner onto a straight, quiet road.
"I know." He smirked with a menacing look in his eyes.  
He pushed the pedal down, once again picking up speed. He was driving like there was money on it, but I'd at least managed to brace myself this time. He slowed a little as he got in place to drive side by side with the only other car on the road. He chuckled darkly to himself and then I realized why. Fear took my senses when I saw in the not too far distance, heading straight at us was a giant truck. The driver in the car next to us began to honk the horn and flash obscene hand gestures as the truck grew closer, but Jerome simply turned the radio up and began singing along with the words.
"Jerome..." I said tugging at his arm.
Nothing. And the truck was now honking at us to move.  
The truck was too close for comfort. The sense that I was about to be flattened because of the idiot at the wheel filled my body.
"Jerome, move the damn car!" I shook his arm fiercely and slammed my fists in my chair.
He finally burst out cackling maniacally with an outrageous smile.
He slammed down the pedal and pulled forward in front of the car beside us, missing the truck by a hair. He laughed and howled like it was the funniest thing he'd ever experienced, whilst I sighed the biggest sigh of my life and slid low down my seat. He pulled over and parked.
"Nothing like a little near-death experience to get the blood flowing, eh doll?"  
I had melted into my seat and wasn't really paying attention.
"So, how'd you like me so far?"
"Is that a serious question?" I replied breathlessly. I didn't know where I got the confidence for it, but the words were coming out.
He just giggled.
"Ok, how about I behave... For a while."
"How about you let me go?"
He lifted a long finger at me.
"Tut tut, doll face. Don't make me wiggle my finger at you."
I shuffled backwards in my seat, propping myself upright again.
"So, you know my name? Are you stalking me?" He put his hand on his chest in mock fear.
"Everyone in Gotham knows your name. You're Jerome Valeska. You've terrorised the city and murdered dozens of people. The Gotham Gazette makes sure we don't miss these things."  
"The Gotham Gazette, huh? Note to self, send a gift basket their way." He chuckled to himself then looked at me.
“So, what’s yours?”
I told him my name. I was reluctant, but I was already here in the car with him.
“Hm, cute.” He replied.
I didn’t know why, but him calling me cute made me blush a little. I hoped he didn’t notice.
“You look fun.” He smiled.
“What do you mean?” I asked the question, but I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know the answer.
He pulled my diary out of the door pocket.
“Let’s get to know you, shall we?”  
“That’s private.” I said sheepishly. I really didn’t want him reading what was in there, but I knew I couldn’t stop him.
“Not anymore.” Jerome flicked through the pages, skimming them for interesting thoughts and secrets. It didn’t look like he was finding anything juicy, until he stopped at one page and read it in its entirety.
“I got asked out by a guy in my maths class. He’s nice, but really boring. Just like everyone else in my life. Even if I wanted to go out with him, my dad wouldn’t allow it. He says men are the devil and the only one I can trust is him. Yeah right, Mr it’s 5’oclock somewhere. Even if I took that seriously, he doesn’t have anything to worry about. The only guys in my life are complete clichés. So very predictable, so very dull. I’m so bored of this same old-same old. I want something exciting, an adventure. I need some thrills in this beige goddamn existence!”
He repeated back to me the words I had written just a week prior. He turned to me with a predatory look in his eyes. He let the diary fall from his hands carelessly and I knew then that I would be his prey. He took his gloves off and reached a hand towards my knee. He stroked and squeezed my leg and then journeyed up higher, fingers crawling underneath the hem of my skirt.
“Be careful what you wish for, doll face.” He smirked, darkly.
My breath caught in my chest and I felt a warmth in my core.
"I thought you said you were gonna behave." I peeped.
"I did, didn't I? I guess I lied."  
He pulled my skirt up and ran a finger along my panty covered slit. He was turning me on. I wanted him. He was everything I had been looking for, but it was wrong. I couldn’t give in to this.
"Please... Stop..." I pleaded pathetically.
"Mmm, I don't think I will."  
He softly rubbed my folds through the white cotton. My breath got heavier and I felt the heath build.
"It would be so easy for me to push these little things out of the way and slide my fingers inside you, right now. Wouldn't it?"
"Please... Don't..."
He giggled darkly.
"Oh, princess. You're just too cute."  
He smiled as he moved the material to the side exposing my entrance. He slid his fingers up and down my slit, my juices covering the tips. I squirmed at his touch and tried to scooch back in my seat.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, doll, but you wouldn't be this wet if you didn't really want me inside you." He cooed. His words crashed into me like rocks. He could read my body just as well as my diary. I couldn't hide my desire from him and I didn’t want too.  
He continued to rub for a few more seconds before plunging a finger deep inside me. I let out a gasp at the sudden intrusion and he smirked, seemingly satisfied with my response. He worked me with his finger, pulling out before sliding it back in and deciding to add another. He slowly pulsed his fingers inside me, palming over my clit as he slid in and out, again and again. The swell of warmth in me grew as I rocked my hips.
He pulled his fingers out entirely, leaving me disappointed and empty. I looked at him as he examined the juices coating him. He smiled at me and raised them to his mouth, sucking them clean.
"Mmm. You're so sweet." He said as he lowered them, his voice now deeper and slightly raspy.
He unbuckled his seatbelt, then did mine. He pushed the bag off my lap down to where my feet were and reached his arm around my waist, pulling me backwards, closer to him. He leaned me against him as one hand travelled up from my waist and wrapped around my throat. His other came down, pulled up my skirt and parted my thighs. He pushed my panties to the side once again and introduced his other hand to my wetness. His two fingers sliding in and out, but this time a little faster and much deeper. I let a yelp escape my mouth and his hand squeezed harder around my throat. His hot breath in the crook of my neck gave me goosebumps and sent chills down my spine.  
He explored my walls entirely, hitting all the right spots, hot pleasure pulsing through my muscles as they clenched around his talented digits. He palmed my clit applying a gentle amount of pressure and rubbing in circles. I bit my lip in an attempt muffle my moans.
"Nuh uh. Let me hear you, baby girl." He taunted in my ear.
Two fingers from the hand around my throat pulled my mouth open and played with my tongue.  
"You got something to say, princess?" He pushed his fingers deeper into me until his knuckles stopped him from going any further and pumped them, his thumb circling my clit in sweet slow motions. A loud moan escaped my throat and he smiled evilly.
"That's better." He snarled as he put his full hand back around my throat.  
My legs started to stiffen and I felt my climax build as I tightened around his fingers.
"You wanna cum, baby?"  
He worked his fingers inside my walls and his thumb on my clit, slightly increasing the pressure. His breath came closer to my ear and I felt him take it gently in his teeth. I yelped at the shock of his bite.  
"Mm. So cute."
I rocked my hips against his hand. My release was close, it just needed a little push.
"Cum for me, princess. Cum on my fingers."
As if on his command, the dam burst and my climax washed over me. My legs shook and I moaned as I rode it out. He pulled his fingers out of me slid them in my mouth so I could taste my own juices.
“See, gorgeous. I can play nice.” He buried his face in my hair and took in my scent. He hummed to himself and I felt his grip on my throat tighten. He pulled me forwards and pushed me towards the back seat.
“My turn.” He grinned as he sat up.
I climbed into the back, closely followed by Jerome. I sat down and he straddled me, towering over me with his red hair brushing against the car ceiling. I saw the outline of his hard member pushing against the inside of his trousers. It was right in front of my face and my mouth watered for it. I suppose he caught me looking because he started to palm himself and lifted my chin up so I was looking at him.
“Do you have something sweet for me?” He leaned down closer to me, his grip on my face tightening.
I swallowed and felt the lump in my throat. He crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was hard and forceful, just like he was. His tongue pushed into my mouth and fought for dominance over mine. It was an easy win for him. He tasted sweet, like the Jolly Ranchers. I assumed that wasn’t the first candy he’d eaten that day. He pulled away from me and smiled, studying my face with hooded eyes.
“Yummy.” He whispered.  
He rose back up and unbuckled his belt. He pulled it from out of its loops, held it in front of him and snapped it quickly. I flinched at the loud sound of the leather.
“Hands.” He ordered in a serious, intimidating tone that aroused me all the more.
I held my hands up to him and he looped the belt in and around my wrists, tightly bonding them together.
“No hands for this. I wanna see how that pretty little mouth works.” He smirked lifting my chin again, tugging my bottom lip with his thumb.
He palmed himself a little more and then unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, letting them fall around his knees. I could see through his boxers that he was fully erect already. He slid them down and they joined his trousers. Jerome was big. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to take it all, especially without the use of my hands. He balled my hair in his hand and gripped hard. I gasped at the sudden pain.
“Come on, princess. You know what to do.” He pulled me forwards and plunged into my open mouth. He let out a hiss of pleasure.
He raked his free hand through my loose hair before clenching it in his fist. He used his grip on my head to move me up and down his shaft, prompting me to start. I swirled my tongue around him and started sucking. He hissed again through gritted teeth and pushed in further. My tongue climbed up and down his shaft, licking the sticky coating of precum from him and teasing the head. I hollowed my cheeks and bobbed up and down, letting my saliva cover him.
“Oh, yeah... Fuck, pretty girl.” He groaned in his throat and bucked his hips forwards with force.
He hit the back of my throat and I gagged. The noise seemed to please him so he did it again and again and again. My lips touched his base as he assaulted my throat, gripping tighter on my hair with each thrust. I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face and eyes begging for breath, but it just pushed him further.
He let out a primal growl and pushed my head right into the back of the seat. He held me steady and started to thrust into my face fast and hard. My throat was aching and my jaw was locking. His breath was shallow and erratic. I could tell he was close. I sucked harder for him and my throat clenched tightly.  
“Fuuuuck...” He groaned finally coming to a stop.  
I felt him throb and twitch in my mouth as his climax shot straight down my throat for me to swallow. He was still for a few seconds, then he pulled out with a pleasing pop. He looked down at me catching his breath with a smile.
“Don’t have to tell you twice, huh?” He laughed and lowered his head to kiss me.
He didn’t seem to care he’d just cum in my mouth and kissed just as rough as the first time. This time biting my lip as he pulled away. He slid his hand back up into my hair and balled it again.
“As great as that was princess, I’m still harder than Chinese algebra. So...” Jerome climbed off my lap and shoved me down onto my front.
“All fours.” He commanded.
I positioned myself on my knees and elbows, which was difficult considering my wrists were tied. I felt him roll my skirt up and part my legs. I swallowed. After having him go so rough on my mouth, I was nervous about how he was going to be with this.
“I gotta say, this is some view back here. Shame I don’t have a camera.” He said caressing my thighs.
He hooked his fingers under the band of my underwear and slid them down around my knees. I felt so exposed and my face started to heat up and turn red with embarrassment. I couldn’t believe I was allowing myself to be this vulnerable for a criminal lunatic.
He started to rub my entrance with two fingers. Warmth welling in my core, any thoughts of reservation vanished from my mind. I felt a fast, harsh sting as he brought a hand down to spank me. I gasped at the smack and he stroked the spot where it landed, where there was sure to be a red handprint.  
“Now I really wish I had a camera.” He giggled darkly.  
I squirmed at his touch and tried to close my thighs, desperate for friction, but he kept them spread by sliding his knee between them.
“Oh no, gorgeous. I need you open wide.” He smirked.
I whimpered needily, wanting nothing more than to take him inside me.
“You want something, baby girl? Speak up.” He taunted evilly, sliding his fingers along my slit. He raised his hand back up and then... another spank.
All I could do was whimper. I didn’t want to say what I wanted from him.
“I can’t hear you....” He sing-songed. “What do you want?”  
He circled a finger over my clit teasingly. He was purposefully not giving me enough. Just baiting me. He brought his hand down again for another swift spank. I was sure there was a bruise forming.
“I want you...” I whispered.
“What’s that?” He mocked, sliding his fingers in the slickness of my entrance.
“I want you! I want you to fuck me!” I snapped. I couldn’t take the teasing and taunting any longer. I just needed him.
He chuckled menacingly.
“You want me to fuck you? You wanna take me?”
“Yes! Yes! God, yes!”
He laughed at my neediness. I felt pathetic.
“Sure thing, doll.”
He lined himself up so he could enter me and pushed forwards, grasping hard onto my hips. I moaned loudly as he filled me for the first time, making a low, throaty groan. He reached deep into me and set me on fire in places that I didn't even know were there.  
He kept a quick rough pace, digging his fingertips into my flesh tighter to keep me still and steady. I knew he was leaving marks, but I couldn’t have cared in the slightest in that moment. His thrusts made me whine and whimper for him, to have more of him. He growled like he was letting out some kind of inner beast.
He let go of one of my hips and slid his hand up my back and into my hair. Once he had a good fistful, he pulled it like a leash, tugging my head up and back. I gasped at the sharp pain, but the sound only seemed to feed more into his sadistic wanting and he pounded harder into me. The feel of how deep he was inside me banished all the pain and replaced it with pure pleasure and I bit down hard on my lip to stifle wanton cries. I felt another rough tug on my hair.
“Don’t you dare, little girl. Let me hear it. I wanna hear everything.” He demanded through short, quick breaths.
He pulled back on my hair again and I released a squeal of half pain and half pure elation. I could feel myself tightening around him. I was getting ready to burst.
“I... I’m...I’m gonna...” I panted.
“Oh, no you fucking don’t.”  
He gripped the back of my scalp and pulled me backwards, slamming me down onto my back and climbing on top of me.
“I wanna see it this time.”
He had acted so fast, I barely had time to register what he was doing and he was back inside me almost as soon as he had pulled out.
He buried his head in the crook of my neck, sucking and kissing, his teeth leaving delicious hickeys and bitemarks. When he came back up for breath, he wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed my bonded arms above my head, which I was grateful for as they were getting squashed between us. He crashed his lips onto mine for a rough kiss. His tongue demanded entrance to my mouth, which I gladly allowed.
With his other hand he caressed and stroked his hand down my thigh and under my calf. He then pulled it up and pushed it back so far it almost reached my shoulder. He adjusted himself to straddle my lower thigh and picked up a faster, harder pace. With my leg like this he was able to plunge deeper. He was forceful and powerful and I relished in every thrust. I cried out completely taken by my lust for him, closing my eyes to savour it all. I felt the sting of a slap on my cheek and flashed them back open.
“Right here, princess. Eyes right here.” He said, his voice low and raspy.  
His pupils were completely dilated, leaving only the thinnest ring of green around them. He seemed to be an apex predator that was in the midst of ravaging its prey and I was only too willing to be led to the slaughter.  
“Exciting enough for ya, sweetheart?” He smirked with a fiendish giggle.
“Uh huh...” I nodded dazedly.  
His laugh continued through the onslaught of fierce, deep thrusts pounding intensely into my lower regions. I tensed around his pulsing erection as I felt my climax creep back up on me. I let out loud erotic moans, as he built up more and more of that blissful warmth in my core.
“That’s right. Cum for me.” He grunted through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on my throat.
His pounding got faster and rougher, hitting my sweet spots exactly right. I was right on the edge of what I could tell was going to be a fantastic release. I got louder and louder as I came closer and teetered the brink.
“Yeah.. I... I’m.. Yeah... I’m gonna...”
“Go on, princess. Cum. Cum for me.”  
My orgasm shattered through me like a rock through glass. My body convulsed as my moans turned into lustful screams. The ferocity of it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. The sheer ecstasy took me higher than I’d ever been before. I was on a cloud and I could have stayed there forever. Jerome followed shortly after, growling like a beast as he exploded inside me. He collapsed breathlessly on top of me as I gently floated down from that little piece of heaven.  
“Oh, baby girl. I’m keeping you!” Jerome dropped a kiss on my lips and lifted himself up.  
I came to my senses and started to register the severity of what I had done. Or had it happened to me?  
“What does that mean?” I asked, nervous of his answer.  
He pulled up his underwear and trousers and tidied himself up, even taking time to straighten his tie.
“It means, baby doll, that this is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship.”  
He laughed his signature maniacal cackle and hopped back in the driver's seat.
“Hey! Are you gonna untie me?” I called to him starting to get very worried.
“I don’t know, doll. I kinda like you like that.” He laughed.
He turned the key in the ignition and revved the engine.  
“Hold on, doll!” He cackled again, before speeding off again.
What have I gotten myself into?
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strawberrymilkgeorge · 4 years ago
Part Four. "You hosted me?? In MINECRAFT??"
warnings: swearing but that’s it (i think)! just karl being a goof and dream being a little shit but whats new word count: 3k (not ncluding pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Y/n  sat to Karl's left, out of the camera's view as he scrolled through Twitter on his PC.
"Um... oh, how did you guys meet?" Karl read before looking offscreen at Y/n. "Uh... school?"
"What? I was going to make up a funny story but I'm appalled by the seriousness in your voice! Is that really how you think we met?"
The embarrassment on his face answered her question. "Karl! I'm two years younger than you, how would we meet have met at school?"
"I don't know!" he said back defensively, raising his shoulders. "Clubs?"
"Like I was in any of the nerd clubs you were in."
"Well, then, how did we meet?"
Y/n sighed with a laugh. "Our moms–"
"Oh, wait wait, I remember!" he cut her off, excitedly looking towards Y/n. "Our moms are friends and they forced us to hang out." He smiled proudly and looked back to his screen as he continued scrolling for good questions. "If I'm honest, I only still hang out with you because my mom makes me."
Y/n smacked Karl's arm and he laughed but pretended to be hurt. "WHAT THE HONK, BUGSY?!"
"I can't stand you. I barely hit you, nimrod."
Karl giggled and read another one. "How tall is Bugsy? Two feet, four inches."
"No, I'm 7'6," Y/n lied easily and Karl laughed.
"How tall are you actually?"
'I think 5'10 or something? Maybe 5'11. I'm not 6' but I'm taller than you for sure, I know that much–"
"Okay, you are not taller than me. Just to be clear. Chat, Bugsy is not taller than me."
"Yes, I am. Wanna test it?"
"No," he replied quietly in defeat.
"Because you know I'm right," Y/n laughed as her eyes flicked over to read chat. They were spamming their surprise, expecting her to be short. "Yeah, no, chat, I'm tall. I'm taller than Karl."
"Only because your shoes make you tall! Doc Martens are tall and that's pretty much all you wear!"
"You're shorter than me when I'm barefoot!"
"That's literally false. Like completely."
"Just accept it, shorty."
"I'll accept that you're taller than George and Sapnap, but not me. I'm barely taller than you but I'm still taller."
"Whateverrrr. I'll move on to protect your dignity."
Karl ignored her and laughed, pointing to a message from Dream in Karl's chat.
"Dream said I have short girl energy," Y/n read.
"You kinda do."
"What does that even mean?"
"You're shy around new people and you act all sweet."
"So tall girls can't be shy and sweet? Or shy and sweet girls can't be tall?"
"Stop twisting my words," Karl groaned.
"Also, wait, what do you mean I act sweet? Am I not?"
"No, you are. But I mean you also aren't when you don't want to be. Upset Bugsy is scary Bugsy."
Y/n frowned, not recalling a time she's ever been angry or upset at Karl but she let him move on. He pointed to another tweet as he looked at Y/n, giving her an 'I told you so' look. She read it before shaking her head at him.
"Don't read that one."
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"Pleeease, can I answer?"
"No!" she whisper-shouted. I don't want to be shipped with him for asking or you for answering, she mouthed so Karl's chat couldn't put together clues.
"Are you assuming I'll answer positively?" he teased, earning him a hard smack on the arm.
Y/n couldn't help but notice every time she put her hands in the frame, which was usually to hit Karl, half of the chat turned into simps requesting a hand pic because they could see her bracelets and nail polish and now that they knew she was tall they wanted to see how big her hands were. They really wanted every crumb of content they could have regarding her looks. She caught one that said something pretty kinky about her hands which she tried to scrub from her mind immediately.
"Fine," Karl sighed at her request to not read Dream's tweet out loud, instead reading another. "Bestie sleepover? Yes! Bestie sleepover! Bugsy and I are gonna cuddle all night--"
"No, we aren't. I'm sleeping on a completely different bed. Or couch. Nowhere near you."
"Karl! Stop trying to get me to cuddle with you!" Y/n laughed as she pushed away his arms, which were trying to give her a hug. "You're a freaking heater and I don't like touching people!"
"That's my worst nightmare in a friend, how did I end up with you?"
"No idea. Deal with it. It's still a bestie sleepover even if we don't cuddle."
Karl giggled and looked back at his stream. "Oh, by the way, in case anyone ever wanted to know or was Dreaming about it, Bugsy is very cute. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone was wondering or if anyone tweeted specifically asking..."
Y/n smacked his arm again as she yelled, "Karl!"
He grabbed his arm in dramatic pain as if it had been cut off. "Ow! Ow! Bugsy hit me!" he cried as he fell to the floor. "Oh my gosh. Someone call a doctor!"
"I cannot stand you," Y/n  informed as she stared down at him. She glanced at chat, who were all joking about how bad his condition was, saying things like they might have to amputate his arm. "Chat, don't encourage him. Oh, Karl I know what we can do!"
"As long as I don't need two arms for it..." his voice still laced with fake pain.
"Karl Jacobs."
"What is it?"
"Give me a tour of Dream's SMP. Dream whitelisted me yesterday."
"Oh, yeah! What could have possibly made you think of him?" he teased as he got back in his chair.
Y/n glared at him and he cowered slightly.
"Minecraft, yes. There's a PC in the other room you can play on. Do you need help setting it up?"
"No, I've streamed once or twice," Y/n teased as she stood up.
"I'm just trying to be a good host! Gosh!"
"Wait, I have to cross over to leave the room."
"Just do it? What's the issue? Literally no problem, just walk?" he joked before zooming in his camera on his face so it took up the whole screen. Y/n laughed as she went across the room, chat now forced to look at disturbingly close footage of Karl staring directly into the camera with his eyes crossed.
Y/n called Karl on Discord after logging in. "Hi, Karl and Karl's stream."
"Are you on yet?"
"I'm logging in to my Minecraft account right now."
"Okay, join a vc on the smp discord so others can talk to us if we run into anyone. I'll be over in a minute, just give me a bit to read some donations." They both muted, leaving Y/n to herself.
She typed in the IP address to the server and joined a random voice channel that no one was in. She spawned and looked around, confused by the cobblestone wall around her. Her phone lit up so she occupied herself with the texts from Naomi.
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A green figure caught her eye on the screen and she looked up. In the distance was Dream's infamous green Minecraft skin punching the air as he faced her. He ran towards her and stopped in front of her. She set her phone down and slid it away, crouching as his character did the same.
Dream whispers to you: are you streaming you whisper to Dream: no but Karl is and he's about to get on to tour me Dream whispers to you: hmmm okay here
He uncrouched and dropped a few diamond blocks before punching the air again and running away.
Dream whispers to you: shh don’t tell anyone you whisper to Dream: omg :D ty <3 you whisper to Dream: first twitch donos now mc donos you whisper to Dream: rich man over here giving out money and diamonds to everyone like it's candy Dream whispers to you: no, only to you Dream whispers to you: a little gift before our date ;) Dream whispers to you: oh and this
He came back and paused in front of Y/n before dropping a red poppy and sprinting away again. She acted cool despite the huge smile on her face.
you whisper to Dream: charming you whisper to Dream: you give me a flower and dart away before I can properly thank you Dream whispers to you: oh yeah? how would you have thanked me?
Y/n smiled, her cheeks flaming up as a dirty thought entered her mind. Stop, he's not flirting, she told herself. It’s literally a block game and he’s not flirting.
you whisper to Dream: guess we'll never know ;) KarlJacobs joined the game
"I'm back," Karl's voice filled her headset as he joined her voice channel, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Where are you?"
Y/n looked away from the chat in Minecraft and turned around in the game. "Still at spawn. Some forest and cobblestone walls."
"Go left and I'll meet you halfway."
As she ran, the Minecraft chat reappeared with new messages for everyone to see.
<Dream> hey Karl <KarlJacobs> hello Dream <Dream> thanks for answering my question on your stream <KarlJacobs> just doing my civil duty as a bugsy dream shipper <KarlJacobs> official petition for the name to be dreamsy <Dream> signed
"Oh my gosh," Y/n muttered, making Karl laugh.
"What?" Karl asked innocently, but his laugh was maniacal. "Oh, I found you. This way! I built everything on the server, by the way. So if anything is impressive, just remember that I did it."
"Karl, that's the biggest lie you've ever told me. I watch the lore videos."
"Well, I did build it all so I don't know what to tell you. Let's go this way first."
Y/n followed as he showed her stuff, including background and unknown facts about things that have happened off stream. After the tour, they messed around the chessboard. At some point, she found a blue cornflower and turned to Karl.
"Do you have an anvil?"
"I don't exactly have one on me at the moment but I think there's one over here. What for?"
She killed some chickens with her fist to gain XP so she could carry out the task in mind. "I need to name this flower I found." She followed him a few blocks away and clicked the anvil and named the flower 'love, bug'. "Okay, thanks."
"Why did you name it?"
"It's a gift for someone."
"Me?" he asked as his character jumped up and down.
"No. My presence is your gift."
"Ouch. You know, honestly, I'm really hurt by that. Like, why would you say that to me? It's just sorta rude."
"Fine, I'll go get you a flower."
"Well, I don't want it if it isn't sincere. Who's that one for?"
"...no one."
"Tell me or I'll keep complaining about not getting a gift."
"I can deal with that."
"Okay, then tell me or I'll make you sleep in my bed and I'll smother you to death with my affection."
"Ah, okay, fine. It's for Dream."
"Wow you really hate me that much!" Karl laughed.
"No, I'm just not touchy like you!" she defended. She always worried she offended Karl since he was so physically affectionate towards his friends but she just wasn't a physical person.
"Oh, speaking of Dream..." he turned and Y/n followed his characters line of sight, having to zoom in to see the green figure perched at the top of a tree.
"He's very menacing."
"He does that."
<Bugsy> come here pls dream <Bugsy> i have a gift :]
Dream ran towards Y/n and stopped in front of her expectedly. She looked at Karl then back at Dream and dropped the gift, backing up after and crouching.
His character picked it up and held it, pausing to read the name. After a moment, he slowly looked up at Y/n's character before jumping and spinning in circles. Y/n hid her smile in her sleeve even though no one could see her.
<Dream> wait lemme see the one I gave you <Bugsy> what D: <Dream> I wanna name it
"What is going on?" Karl giggled.
"Gift exchange. Mind your own business."
"Woah!" Karl gasped dramatically. "Uncalled for."
Dream came back and dropped the renamed flower for her. Y/n picked it up and hovered over it to read the name.
'host, dream'
She gasped and started punching his character. He backed up and ran away but joined the call seconds later.
"Wait! Stop hitting me!" Dream yelled into her headset.
Y/n laughed, trying to contain her smile as she continued to hit the green character. "Dream! Are you kidding? I tried being all cute and you hosted me?? In MINECRAFT??"
"It was a joke! You said something like that to Wilbur on Twitter a while ago, I was just using your humor!" Dream's giggles filled Y/n's headphones and she smiled but quickly dropped it so her voice could sound serious.
"Give it back."
Dream looked at her before letting out a small, "What?"
"Give me back the flower so I can go burn it with the other one."
"What is going on?" Karl asked through a cackle. "Dream, did you hurt Bugsy??"
"Yes, Karl! He hurt my feelings! He gave me a flower and gave it back to name it something mean!"
Dream just laughed so Y/n punched him again.
"Dream! You can't hurt Bugsy!" Karl defended, also punching Dream.
All Y/n could hear was the sound of Dream wheezing, his character running as the two chased him. "Stop! You guys are so– STOP HITTING ME!"
"Fine," Y/n finally said, crouching and facing the ground as she walked into a corner to look like she was pouting. "I'm just not going to go on any Minecraft dates anymore."
"Wait, no," Dream protested in a soft voice, his character stopping to look at her's. "Take that back."
"Heart been broke so many times..."
"You're so stupid."
Karl gasped happily. "You guys have a Minecraft date? Can I help plan it?!"
"We did. In exchange for letting you give me the tour. But I've changed my mind since I've been so betrayed."
"Oh my gosh, you're so..." Dream trailed off but his wide smile could be heard through his voice.
"So what? Finish that sentence, Dream," Y/n dared teasingly.
"DREAM! SAY YOU'RE SORRY!" Karl yelled.
"Okay! I'm sorry! Bug, I'm so sorry. Really. Please let me... let me rename your flower something cute. It'll make you so happy that you'll fall in love with me all over again and–and we can go on our date. Please don't burn our flowers."
"And what if I don't give them to you?"
"I'll just kill you and pick them off your corpse."
"Woooooowwww. Okay, it's like that?"
"Yes, it is like that," he said through a smile. It was so apparent in his voice that he was grinning like a kid on Christmas morning.
<Ranboo> how is the tour going Bugsy was shot by Dream using DEFINITELY NOT PENIS <Ranboo> ah going well I see
Bugsy screamed in her mic as the death screen appeared. "DREAM!"
"You took too long!" He wheezed as Bugsy respawned.
"I don't know where I am!"
"Hold on, I'll avenge you!" Karl declared before he died too.
"You thought you could kill me with your fists? Karl, you're naked and I'm wearing full Netherite."
"You weren't when I started punching you! You pulled that out of thin air!"
<Ranboo> canon
Y/n smiled at Ranboo's comment. She had never talked to him but she knew he and Tubbo were close friends and he seemed really funny. He had already proved he had a dry sense of humor in the 30 minutes she was on the SMP and she loved that. Y/n made a mental note to befriend him before returning to being drama queen to Dream.
"So, Dream, now that you've made me an enemy–"
"WhAT? We are not enemies, Bug. I'm actually naming a flower something really cute as we speak. Enemies don't do that."
"Maybe I'm not your enemy but you sure are mine."
"Oh come on now," he mumbled lowly, running chills down her spine. What the hell was that?? "What do I have to do to make it up to you?"
"You-you murdered me in cold blood. Nothing will make it up."
"So I could get the flower! It was out of love! So I could give you a better present! Does that count for nothing?"
"Hm," she hummed. "We'll see what new name you come up with and then I'll decide."
Karl and Y/n got back to the chessboard and waited for Dream to return with his new flower.
Breaking character and turning towards her best friend, Y/n laughed at Karl. "Sorry for distracting from our BFF shenanigans time."
"This is way more entertaining," Karl assured. "Me and my chat got front row seats to the Dreamsy love saga."
"Shut up," she mumbled as she punched him in-game.
"Okay, okay, I'm back!!" Dream announced and they saw his figure sprinting and jumping towards them. He dropped the flower for Y/n and stepped back, crouching and standing repeatedly.
Y/n picked up the flower and hovered over it to read the name.
"Is it worthy of your forgiveness, Bugsy? Does it pass the vibe check?" Karl asked with a giggle.
Y/n bit her lip as she smiled at her screen.
to the prettiest girl in the world. love, dream <3
It was a joke, obviously. He was just continuing the joke of flirting with her like he does on Twitter just like Sapnap and Karl and George and Quackity do. They all joke about flirting with her and this was another joke.
But it still gave her tummy butterflies.
"Bug?" Dream called softly.
But why would he joke like that when neither of them were streaming? Karl's chat wouldn't see it so there was no one to point in feeding into the joke, unless he meant for Y/n to show Karl? She was overthinking. She needed to play it cool. 
She also needed an enderchest so no one could find it and no one could take it away from her and destroy it but they didn’t need to know she liked it that much.
"Mmm.... it'll do."
A/N: yeeee hope you guys liked this one! i think this is my favorite so far i just think dream was being too cute and i wanna be best friends with karl so much it hurts. we’re gonna get deeper into the dream relationship soon!! i just needed to indugle in bff karl content real quick!!!
taglist: open (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb​ @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot​ @bellomi-clarke @possiblyanxioushuman
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inkandpen22 · 3 years ago
Dazed and Confused (S 1: 4/?)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female!Reader
Warnings: mild language and violence
Word Count: 3.1k
Part Summary: Steve and Y/N spend the weekend together and on Monday, Nancy can’t remember a thing... 
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I woke up early with a headache and decided the best course of action is a hot shower. I let Steve stay in bed, after the tough night he had he deserves it. 
After hopping out of the shower, I turn down my radio and quietly bop to 
Culture Club. I wipe down the foggy mirror and start my hair routine. It takes a lot to get the voluminous hair of the decade. Once I'm done, I emerge back into my bedroom to grab a change of clothes, leaving my radio going. 
"Morning," Steve voices, staring up at the ceiling. 
I jump, squeezing my towel around me. "Oh uh, hi, sorry! I thought you were still asleep!" 
He lifts his head and realizes I'm in a towel. His eyes grow wide. "Oh shit! No, my bad! I uh... I'll go downstairs!" He rushes to climb out of bed. 
"No! No! It's okay! I'll go get ready in the bathroom! Let just me grab some stuff!" I hurry over to my dresser. 
Steve settles back down with a sigh, clearly happy to be able to rest after the night he had. 
"Have you been up long?" I ask. 
"Nah, just thinking about last night and what happened with Nancy..." he states solemnly. 
"Well, it's Saturday," I remind him of the perk. "My parents are gone to Chicago for a business trip for a few days, which means we can hang out here. A nice big chocolate chip pancake breakfast," I suggest, heading back toward my bathroom door. 
"Sounds nice," he grins. "And then we could go to the mall, maybe rent a movie?" 
"Splash?" I request. 
He nods, meeting my gaze again. "Deal." 
I move to head back into the bathroom to get ready with a content smile. 
"Hey Y/N?" He rushes out, flying up from his laid position.
I hum, turning over my shoulder. 
"Do you-" oddly, he stops himself, shaking his head. "Never mind," he laughs. 
"You sure?" 
He nods, "yeah. Don't worry about it." 
I shrug and head back into the bathroom. Weird. 
Steve and I are curled up on my couch, watching Splash, one of my favorite movies. A bowl of popcorn and M&Ms shared between us, along with a blanket. 
I shake my head, immersed in the movie. "I love- 
"Tom Hanks," Steve chuckles, tossing some candy into his mouth. "How many times have you seen this movie?" 
"At least a dozen," I confess. 
He glances over at me. "You have a problem." 
"Tell me about it," I smirk proudly. 
Abruptly, the phone in the hall starts to ring. I huff, hopping up off the couch to get it. 
"Want me to pause it?" Steve checks. 
"Nah, I've seen it," I giggle and pick up the phone.  "Hello?" I greet. 
"I need you to come over, right now!" Dustin panics. 
I frown, glancing at Steve through the archway in confusion. "Now? Why? What's wrong?" 
"I've found a giant slug!" He rushes out. 
"A slug," I repeat in annoyance. "Seriously, Dustin." 
"I've named it Dart!" 
"I'll see it on Monday," I move to hang up. 
"No! You have to come over now!" He insists. 
"Kinda busy here," I grumble under my breath. 
"Busy? How are you busy? You're never busy." 
"I am too! I have company!" I tell him. 
"You don't have company, Steve is over," he argues. 
I hurry over to the window, the phone cord following behind me. Steve watches me in curiosity as I scan up the road at Dustin's house. "Are you watching my house again?" 
"That's not important!" He shouts, clearly guilty. "Why are you hanging out with Steve?" 
"Why do you have a giant pet slug?" I fire back. 
"Fine, just bring him too!" 
"We can't, we have plans." 
"Son of a bitch, you're really no help at all you know that?" 
I scoff. "Oh save it, I drive you to school every day. Bye!" I hang up the phone. 
Irritated, I walk back over to the couch and pull half the blanket back over me. Thankfully, I didn't miss anything good in the movie. 
Steve hands me the candy bowl. "What was that about?" 
"I don't have any biological siblings but I do have a little brother," I remark, making him snicker. 
On Monday morning, I blast Night Ranger through my Walkman as I unload my bag into my locker. Dustin wouldn't shut up about his stupid slug all the way to school. He was pretty annoyed that I didn't come in and see it this morning. I assured him that I would stop in when I drive him home. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I spin around, removing my headphones. 
Nancy nervously rocks on her heels, gripping her books to her chest. "Hey, have you seen Steve?" 
I frown. "Not yet, why?" 
"Have you seen him since Tracy's?" 
"Yeah..." I reply hesitantly, wondering where this is going.
"Well, he hasn't answered my calls all weekend," she tells me in a hushed tone, glancing up and down the hall for eavesdroppers. "Whenever I left a message, his mom called back and said he was out. Do you know what's going on with him?" 
"I don't..." I drag out, debating on if I should tell her the whole truth. "After a certain point, all I remember is Billy hitting on me and Steve driving me home." I stick to what I know for sure happened. 
Her face changes from concern to confusion. "Wait, he drove you home? I thought he drove me home." 
"No, I mean unless he drove you home and came back."
She whines, glancing down the hall anxiously. "I better go talk him. I'll see you later!" 
I nod and mumble an 'okay.' I watch as she hurries down the hall toward the gym where Steve likely is hiding. I slip my headphones back on with a sigh. This won't be good. 
I walk out of Algebra with my friend Veronica, gushing about the newest Elton John album. Abruptly, a hand wraps around my wrist and I yanked away from her. 
"Woah! Jesus!" I blurt out and my eyes land on Steve as he hurries me down the hall. "Okay Harrington, where are we going?" I laugh nervously. 
He releases my wrist and presses his hand to my back. "McDonald's, a park, anywhere, I don't know! I just want to get out of here." 
"But I still have chem before lunch," I remind him. 
"You can afford to miss one class," he laughs. "Your GPA is what 3.9999-" 
I roll my eyes but comply nonetheless. "Well, there goes my perfect attendance." 
Steve and I run by McDonald's and enjoy our milkshake and fries in the parking lot. Steve has the radio quietly going in the background as he fills me in on the details of his talk with Nancy. In summary, it didn't go well. 
"So she doesn't remember any of it?" I clarify. 
"Appears not." He rolls his eyes, shoving some fries into his shake. 
I nod, processing it all. Then, I remember what happened Friday morning. "I forgot to tell you. Jonathan came up to me on Friday and accused us of sneaking around behind Nancy's back." 
Steve nearly chokes on a fry. "What?" He coughs. 
"He saw you climbing out of my window," I explain. 
"Well-" He starts to panic. "Well did you tell him we're just friends?" 
"No, I told him we're having a wild, passionate, affair," I sass. "Of course, I told him!" 
He releases a sigh of relief, holding his chest. 
Geez, he's so dramatic. 
"Maybe I should apologize to her," he determines. 
My brows scrunch together. "For what?" 
"Good point... Do you think he'll tell her?" 
I shrug, how am I supposed to know? "I don't know. Probably not," I remark a tad more annoyed than intended. "Have they talked lately?" 
"He drove her home that night. I told him to," he tells me. 
"Oh..." I mumble, allowing my focus to wander outside. 
Steve shifts in his seat to face me. "Do you think he knows I was at your place?" 
"I don't know..." 
He huffs, tossing his head back stressfully. "How did things get this fucked up?" 
I reach across the divider and place my hand over his gently. "It'll work out." 
He sighs, his eyes meet mine worriedly. "You really think so?" 
I hum to reassure him, but frankly, I have no idea. I just don't have the heart to tell him the truth. Plus, it hurts to watch him worry about Nancy when a piece of me is selfishly happy that they're over. 
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
MC is Half-Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Part 2!
Part 1 Lessons 1-5 Lessons 5-6 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
Okay, They’re Your Cousins but You’re Not Sure How They’re Related to You...
(Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, and Luke)
(It’s mostly Luke)
Barbs likes smol Lucifer. Smol Lucifer likes Barbs. They bake together with Luke. MC nearly set the kitchen on fire. MC needed to learn to cook.
MC is forever delegated to mixing duty because they refuse to admit that they don’t know how to work the oven.
Simeon is the one telling MC embarrassing stories about Lucifer and the rest of the Student Council from when they were all angels. Lucifer never hated Simeon more than when he found out that Simeon told MC about how hard Lucifer cried when he got to hold baby Mammon for the first time. MC was sworn to secrecy.
Well... sworn to secrecy, but if Uncle Mammon just happened to find out through a series of coincidences it wouldn’t be MC’s fault, right?
Simeon also tried to help teach MC to fly... but he kept distracting them with stories about Lucifer and Michael learning to fly.
“So my father was even WORSE than he told me he was?!”
“Yes, he actually challenged Michael and Raphael to a race at one point. Lucifer ended up slamming directly into a wall because he didn’t know how to stop.”
Solomon was absolutely fascinated with MC. How did their half demon half human nature affect their reaction to certain spells and potions? Do half demons have more or less magical strength than normal demons? Can half demons make pacts with humans? Wait- Lucifer why are you taking MC away they were talking- Lucifer!
Immortal troll needs to troll. MC is the unwitting victim of many of Solomon’s shenanigans.
“Why must I speak in rhymes?! This is the end of times!”
“MC, just stop talking.”
“Father, I don’t mean to be a bother but-”
“So the rhyming spell works the same on half demons... interesting...”
“I’m leaving, Lucifer. I’m leaving!”
Aw! Two kids in the Devildom! They were fast friends. Sure, Luke was a little annoying and MC was a bit of a dick, but their mutual smallness and desire to impress their parental figures brought them together.
“Michael’s just so cool and amazing! The way he flies, the way he commands everyone... I want to be just like him someday!”
“Is that why you’re making a cake?”
“Michael has a sweet tooth, and I want to impress him.”
“I wonder if Lucifer likes sweets...”
“Why would you want to give HIM sweets?”
MC just gave Luke a toothy grin and started making the dough for the cake.
Remember back in Lucifer’s section where I said MC would keep their lineage a secret to freak people out? Yeah... they kept it from Luke. At first it was a joke! They were going to tell him! They just uh... it got really awkward. They planned on revealing it to Luke right after they learned how to properly fly so they could swoop in, pick their angel buddy up and zip the two of them to school. It’d freak Luke out at first, but it was meant to be funny! MC would have even sung the song from Aladdin! It um... didn’t turn out that way.
“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” MC growled at the lesser demons that were crowding Luke.
“O-oh... uh... nuh-nothing...” a few of the demons backed off, mumbling a few harried apologies to MC as they scurried away. The remaining demons seemed a tad more... hmm... they say there’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
“M-MC! You can’t fight demons! I’m an angel I-I c-can...” Luke sniffled, but tried his best to step in front of MC.
“Oh please, the little half-breed and the lowest ranked angel are going to put up a fight?” One of the demons jeered, a few of the remaining demons joined in.
MC’s eyes narrowed, their glare as cold as the worst winter storm. “I’m going to tell you once, and once only,”
Their wings sprouted from their back, horns now fully grown and on display, teeth sharper and glistening in the light. Hm, it seemed half demons could make their eyes glow too, how delightful.
MC gave the other demons a sweet smile, it would have been comforting if it weren’t for the amount of teeth they were showing off. They lazily placed their hand on Luke’s head and lightly moved him out of the way.
“Leave, or I will make you regret ever crossing us exchange students.” MC’s carefree smile couldn’t mask the malice that coated every single word that left their lips. “Run along now, you’re not needed here.”
The demon that had started the taunts stiffened, he looked from MC, to Luke, to the other demons, before scoffing and shaking his head. “Whatever, the two of them aren’t worth it anyway...”
When the offending demons weren’t leaving fast enough for MC’s liking, they snapped their fingers and shot a fireball right behind the fleeing demons’ feet. They cleared out pretty quickly after that.
“Luke?” MC turned to look at their friend. “Are you...”
Luke was backing away. That look in his eyes, he was... scared. Scared of MC...
“Y-you’re a d-demon?” He whimpered, taking another step back.
“Half demon, actually.” MC let their demonic elements disappear. “I meant to tell you, I really did! It just was never the right time-”
“You lied to me! You said you were human! But you’re a demon like the rest of them!” Luke shouted, he wiped at his eye with his sleeve and sniffled. “I tried to help you, but you just..! I thought you were my friend!”
“Luke- hang on!” MC took a few steps forward, but Luke was already running away. MC felt something twist in their gut, something awful. That ball of innate pride twisted and practically screamed, filling MC’s head.
“He’s not worth it!”
“You’re above him anyway...”
“If he can’t understand how perfect you are, he doesn’t deserve your kindness.”
“Don’t grovel for his forgiveness. He’s beneath you.”
“Your help was rejected. Let him hate you. You’re the child of one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom, who is he to make you upset?”
The thoughts filled MC’s head as they desperately tried to shut them up. They were their father’s child, their pride wouldn’t be easily combated.
“Just be quiet!” MC clawed at their head.
“You’re better than this. You’re better than this. You’re better than this-”
“Luke!” MC called out again. “I’m sorry!”
It truly was a shame that their friend didn’t understand how much an apology from MC really meant.
They guessed Luke was right, wasn’t he? Demons were nasty awful liars. MC was no different...
That hurt.
Lucifer noticed his kid was moping around, not even Detective Toe Beans could cheer them up. Mammon even came home covered in mud from a failed money-making scheme and it didn’t even make MC crack a smile! He needed to get to the bottom of this.
Upon hearing the reason for his child’s woes, he was fully ready to break down the door of Purgatory Hall and throttle the little chihuahua, but Lucifer came to his senses and realized that MC probably didn’t want that.
He teamed up with Simeon and Solomon the things he did for MC... And managed to get both Luke and MC to the Demon Lord’s Castle to hang out with Barbatos.
It didn’t take a genius to realize that Luke missed his friend too. Sure they called him a chihuahua sometimes, but they were still the bestest friend he had made during his time in the exchange program... maybe ever...
Maybe... just maybe... he overreacted. MC did protect him after all, and they never tried to hurt him...
Barbatos was fully ready to fulfill his role as Luke’s second dad and help his angel-son make up with his friend.
It may have been awkward at first, but the two had to join forces to stop Solomon from getting within a hundred metres of the kitchen. Nothing brings two people back together more than fear for your tastebuds.
Mission success. Lucifer could relax knowing that his kid and the chihuahua were back to being friends. Maybe MC could convince Luke to quiet his infernal yapping... Lucifer was trying to work here!
For some extra fluff, after many days of asking and asking, Lucifer and Simeon agree to take Luke and MC up to the human world for Halloween. They got to go trick or treating, and everyone complimented MC and Luke on their ‘costumes’.
*insert sitcom laugh track here*
Sure, it may have been a little immoral for MC to use their powers to manipulate the humans into giving Luke and MC more candy but... candy...
Oh shit would you look at the time- they had to get back to the Devildom for Diavolo’s birthday party- MC STOP WITH THE CHOCOLATE! THE SIGN SAYS TAKE ONE! DON’T BE LIKE MAMMON.
The exchange year had been a success. Well... sort of. MC wasn’t exactly the average Joe human the Student Council expected, which is why after a lengthy break where MC went back to the human world to visit their other parent and human friends, the seven rulers of Hell (+MC) were sitting and waiting for the new exchange students to arrive.
Unlike the previous year, the entire student council was present. That included Levi who they had to physically drag there, Belphie who was carried there and had to be placed in his seat because he was completely passed out, and finally Mammon, he just had to be threatened.
“Father,” MC pouted from their seat next to Lucifer. “Why isn’t my chair as big as yours?”
Lucifer sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Because you’re much shorter than me. You can have a bigger chair when you grow a few more inches.”
“Mmm...” MC murmured, crossing their arms. “Are the students going to get here, or what?”
“Can you be patient?” Lucifer asked. “They’ll be here any moment now. I can trust that you’ll behave, right?”
MC looked scandalized, placing a hand over their heart and gasping. “Father! Of course! I’ll be the most polite person these humans have ever met!”
Not so deep down, Lucifer severely doubted that.
“Come now, Lucifer and MC!” Diavolo said from his elevated seat. “It’s almost eight am!”
Right on schedule the portal opened, two sets of screams followed.
“The next big priority should be making the trip more comfortable.” MC huffed. “It’s demeaning getting dropped straight down like that and just slamming into the floor.”
“Hm.” Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Perhaps instead we can just teleport them up to the Celestial Realm, start a war, and have them crash through not one, not two, but all three barriers between the realms with no portal.”
“Father...” MC matched Lucifer’s eye roll. “That has the same energy as ‘when I was your age I walked to school 100 miles through a blizzard!’ The polite thing to do for the exchange students is to not let them hit the floor at 100 mph and possibly give them a concussion.”
And slam straight onto the floor the two other exchange students did. Well, one of them slammed right into the marble, the other had tried in vain to use their wings to slow their decent or fly back up.
Oh and would you look at that... one looked like... and the other looked like-
Lucifer had to keep himself from actually shouting in frustration. One normal day... one day of no exchange student issues was all he asked for...
“Out of over ten million candidates out of over eight billion humans...” Lucifer grumbled. “How in my father’s name did this happen again?”
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buckyismybicycle · 3 years ago
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Title: teach me how to love - AO3 Pairing: Bucky x Reader (teacher) Rating: Explicit (for Chapter 9 & 12 & 20) Tags/Warnings: godfather!Bucky, canon-typical violence/death of character, fluff, angst, learning disability, almost a spy AU, PTSD, nightmares, mentions of anxiety, oral/penetrative sex, body modification, pain and angst, hurt/comfort, surgey/operations
PREVIOUS CHAPTER | [series masterlist] | [overall masterlist]
Author’s Note: hello my friends, sorry for the unusual delay! As some of you know, I was participating in the SamBucky Big Bang 2021 and uh, I managed a 40K fic O_O I was just wiped after, and I have a TON of other events coming up. Did I maybe sign up for too much? Er, probably. But I tried to make up for it with a *spicier* chapter and lots of movement - things are happening! If all goes well, in two chapters, I'll be dropping my toddler shout outs to everyone that messaged/commented. See you all soon, enjoy! <3
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“Trick o’ treat!” Yelena, AJ and Cass all chime in unison as a woman opens the door with a wide smile
You stay back with Bucky, arms looped through his as Sam and Riley walk up ahead, laughing at something on Sam’s phone.
“I did not see this coming,” Bucky murmurs quietly to you.
“Me neither,” you agree, watching as the two men seem to gravitate towards each other, heads tilted. “God, they’re so cute together!””
“Cuter than us?” Bucky asks with a private smile.
“Not in a million years,” you tut.
Yelena, dressed as a ballerina, is smiling with her plastic pumpkin bucket brimming with candy as she walks back up to the sidewalk. AJ and Cass are right behind her, snickering about trading candies.
Sam plucks a pack of chocolates out of AJ’s hand and it’s nice to see their little group laugh so freely after the past few tense days.
When Sam had showed up with Riley, and proper introductions were made, Bucky had been very sheepish about how he had reacted back at your apartment. Riley had of course not faulted Bucky at all, and once they got talking, they were like two peas in a pod.
At first, Bucky had been nervous about going out in public, due to the arm and the fact that his mobility was still limited. Of course, he put on a brave face for Yelena and had agreed to take her, but after forty minutes, you could tell he was reaching his limits.
“I should’ve worn comfier shoes,” you complain. While the heel isn’t very high, the strap around the back of your ankles is starting to redden enough that you could pass it off as needing to call it a night.
“I’ll walk you back,” Bucky offers, like you knew he would. “Yelena -”
“Wait! No, papa, please I don’t wanna go home yet!”
“We can take her,” Riley interjects quickly, giving you an obnoxious wink that everyone except the children can see. Sam gets a wide grin on his face before getting on board with the plan.
“That’s right. I bet AJ and Cass would love to have more company. Isn’t that right?”
“YES!” All three children screamed. You finally part with grateful smile, and you’re both relieved to be inside again.
“Thank you for coming tonight, I know Yelena really wanted to go trick or treating,” Bucky says with drooping eyes.
“I’m not so sure we were even needed, did you see those two tonight!”
“Was a bit busy looking at somethin’ else,” he says shyly, not quite meeting your eyes as he takes off his jacket, being gentle with the left side. You let him take his time, hanging his jacket up on his own as you kick off your shoes.
“Wonder what could have possibly caught your eye,” you tease. He comes to you and it’s like you can breathe again - his smile is easier, body less tense, and eyes brighter than they’ve been in the past little while.
“Yeah, I wonder,” He kisses you as soon as he reaches you, and your arms instantly wrap around, welcoming him to you. Apparently you’re not the only one to feel the overwhelming need to be close, because Bucky kisses you deeper, his arm digging between your shoulder blades as you run your fingers down his chest.
Without either of you really meaning to, your legs carried you up the stairs to his bedroom where you tumble in bed.
You haven’t been all that intimate with each other yet - Bucky getting used to his body and being around you, while you had to still consciously think about how to treat Bucky that didn’t make him self-conscious. Besides a few kisses, and only a handful of them heated, you hadn’t quite made it past that.
Tonight though, Bucky held you impossibly close, and your hands were dying to get to him underneath all his clothes.
“Angel, I -”
It’s the tone of voice he always uses, when he’s unsure of himself or wary of your reaction. You know to cut him off right away.
“I want you just like this,” you rush, pulling him back in for a kiss. He goes easily with you as you lean back in the bed, but when you go to take his shirt off, he still seems reserved about taking it off, so you decide you have to incentivize him. You remove your own top first, then your jeans, leaving you in a set of black undergarments.
He looks at you like you’re the most incredible thing he’s ever seen, and is much less adamant about stopping you now. It’ll be the first time you really get to study his new scars and damage, beyond what peeps over his shirt collars.
You’re able to straddle Bucky’s lap and lay atop him like you didn’t weigh anything at all, pushing the fabric over his head. He swallows thickly when you pause to look - thinking you’re studying the missing part of him but your lips return to his with just as much urgency.
“Are you - mmf - are you sure it doesn’t - bother you?”
He tucks your loose hair behind your ears as you lean over him.
“The only thing that bothers me is that it’s hurting you.” You kiss his cheek softly, then his neck, then his collarbone. You avoid the shoulder only because it still looks tender.
It’s unhurried, a tender moment as you explore each other all over again, your tongues running against each other’s skin.
“I can’t believe I almost lost you,” Bucky murmurs against your lips.
“I’m not going anywhere, anymore,” you promise as you shimmy down, leaving a trail of kisses down his chest.
Even though it hasn’t been long since his surgery, you could tell he wasn’t eating as much as he used to as you circled your tongue over his hip bone, taking off the remainder of his clothes. As his erection finally springs free, he exhales through his nose, watching with rapt attention as curl your delicate fingers around him. You don’t do much at first, just gripping him firmly, miniscule movements as his body twitches in response. Lowering your head, you give an experimental lick up his shaft and hear him inhale sharply.
“You don’t gotta -”
You wrap your lips around the head of his cock, the slightest bitterness on your tongue already.
“Nnnng,” he whines in his throat. “God.”
Feeling only encouraged, you continue growing bolder, and bobbing your head further and further down, leaving a trail of saliva. Your hand also picks up speed, when you come up for a breather and you take a look at Bucky’s face. He looks wrecked and enraptured, and he’s absolutely beautiful like this.
You get your mouth back on him for a moment longer before you feel him stroking his fingers through your hair, his hand shaking where it cups your face when you hollow out your cheeks.
“Darlin’, please,” he whispers, tugging at you to come to him. With swollen lips you crawl back up his body.
“You’re incredible, baby. Let me - Let me make you feel good too.”
“Bucky, you -” You stop yourself as you look into the determined eyes blinking up at you. “Okay.”
“Good, get these off,” he instructs, a finger hooked in your panties.
You fumble to do as he says, and sitting back on his lap, can’t help but rock your hips against him.
“I miss tasting you,” he murmurs in a husky voice, sending shivers down your spine. “Next time. He grips your hip, and guides your grinding back on his manhood. A soft moan escapes you as you follow easily, and then he cups your face to bring you back to his lips. Running his tongue along yours languidly, you can feel the heat spread throughout your body, a steady ache between your legs as you both take your time.
“Bucky,” you whine, giving a sharp roll of your hips, smearing yourself down his cock.
“God, you’re so wet for me already, doll, and I ain’t even inside you yet.” His eyes are hooded, filled with awe and lust.
“But I need you to be…” You dig your hands into his firm pecs as you raise yourself up. You know for a fact that your slick is more than enough to act as lube, you just need him inside of you. Now.
“Nice and easy, sweetheart,” he coos, hand tight on your thigh as you line up his cock with your entrance. It only takes a few thrusts for you to take him, inch by inch, while he whispers praises about how well you’re taking him.
Bucky plants his feet on the mattress and tips you back, and you rest your elbows on his knees as brings his hand down to lightly ghost over where you’re now joined. You inhale sharply at his touch. He rests his hand on your lower abdomen, slowly teasing your clit with his thumb in slow, gentle strokes, until you become a quivering mess above him.
You haven’t even moved yet, but he has you soaking all over while the smallest, unhelpable clenches around him keep him hard.
It’s torturous and it’s only when you beg that he lets you fall forward, braced against the headboard and his chest.
“Bucky,” you gasp at the change in angle while he rolls his hips up experimentally.
“So goddamn beautiful like this, angel,” he tells you before his hand braces your ribcage, right underneath your breast, and he really starts to thrust.
It feels wild and erotic, the way you bounce above him, breasts in his face, as he hits your sweet spot time and time again. It doesn’t take you long at all, considering how much time he spent with just foreplay.
He looks up at you in reverie, trying to memorize every face you make for him. To see you lost in pleasure makes his heart pound, makes him realize that he’s still whole – because he has you.
As your arms tremble and you slide down to melt on top of his chest, he curls his hand around the back of your neck.
Mine, he thinks as he bucks up into your spent pussy.
“Ah, Bucky,” you moan breathily in his ear, and he comes so hard he nearly blacks out.
Thankfully, you were not in a rush to move anywhere either, which meant that the two of you could lie down, trying to catch your breath, with Bucky’s fingers running along your scalp.
Even though you rest on his right side, you still worry about hurting him, and yet he’s the most relaxed you’ve seen him since the surgery. You lightly ghost your fingers over his collarbone, and can feel him hum beneath your palm.
“Hi,” Bucky says softly after a few moments.
“Hi,” you reply, smiling into his neck.
“I’ve, uh, been thinking about what we talked about. How I want to maybe get the new arm,” Bucky clears his throat. His fingers twirl in your hair as he continues his thought. “I think - I think I want to see Tony soon. And see what he has to say.”
You push yourself up slowly to look at him. His eyes have a flicker of nervousness in them, that you wish you could soothe.
“I think it’s worth hearing him out,” you settle on, with a reassuring smile. He takes in a breath so deep that you raise up with his chest.
“It might be a lot to ask of you, but… Well, I was wondering if, maybe, you’d come with me?” His eyes bore into yours, a little crease forming between his brows.
“Of course, Bucky. Anything you need.”
The smile, and kiss, he gives you in return, is worth everything.
Things go back to the way they were surprisingly fast - you go back to school, Yelena seems to settle back in, and your friends go back to pestering the both of you.
Now that Bucky’s life is more or less back to the usual, sans arm, he takes a steadying breath before he goes to text Tony back.
“Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, I just struggled thinking it over. I think, if it’s alright with you, and the offer is still on the table, I would be interested in seeing what you’ve got.”
The response comes back not even a minute later.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
The next message is simply a date and a time. Bucky lets out the breath but he hadn’t realized he was holding, and confirms. He’s further relieved when he texts you the appointment details and you don’t hesitate to say yes.
When the day comes, Yelena and Peter hang behind to wait with you for Bucky and you feel nervous on his behalf. The kids don’t entirely understand, but know enough - Yelena is nervous, you can tell by the way she’s been distracted all day and the way she clings to Bucky the instant he walks through the door.
The four of you wait for Happy, who’s quite cheerful as he greets you. The car ride consists mostly of Happy and Peter keeping up some chatter. Bucky turns to you, looking somewhat pensive and nervous, and you squeeze his hand. I’m here for you.
He takes his hand and brings it to his lips for a kiss.
“I know this isn’t easy for you,” you whisper in a low voice. “But I’ll be with you the whole way.”
“Yeah I know.” He starts rolling his shoulder like the phantom pains have come back and he stares off into nothing ahead. You figure it’s going to take him some time to process all the information still.
Thankfully Yelena seems to loosen up on the drive, and you know the children will keep each other company while your job is to make sure that Bucky was okay.
Upon arriving at Stark Industries, you marvel at how large the facility is. What surprises you more is that Bucky seems to know exactly where he’s going, bypassing security entirely with nothing more than a nod. You follow his lead into the elevator all the way up to what has to be the empiest floor in the whole building. Bucky leads you all straight up to the big double doors and presses the intercom.
The buzzing, followed by a click, indicates the door opening, and as soon as Bucky turns the handle to pull it over, a man’s voice echoes through the large chamber on the other side.
You raise your eyebrow at the nickname. Tony Stark looks rather energetic with his wide eyes and lopsided grin. He smiles at Bucky like they’ve been lifelong friends and Bucky shakes hands with him, while Yelena waves and says, “Hi Mr. Stark!”
“Mr. Stark! Can me and Yelena play with the bouncy tube?!” Peter piped up.
“Sure thing, sport. Just make sure Ms. Pepper is with you the whole time okay?” Tony proposes.
Pepper, it turns out, is a tall woman who looks like she doesn’t take any nonsense, and her heels click-clack on the floor as she walks. Quick introductions are made for you and you feel instantly warm in their presence.
Looking around at the seemingly half-completed projects and blueprints, you imagine Tony working every minute of the day.
“Alright, have a seat, you two. We have a couple of minutes before our meeting with Shuri, and she’ll go over the arm specs with you. What I want to go over is the old arm.”
Bucky takes a deep breath beside you, and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb soothingly while Tony pulls up a 3D image for Bucky to look at.
“As you know, Dr. Reyes and I spoke at length about the damage it caused and why, considering you’d had it for a while. Most of the fault is the anchoring system. It relies mostly on the strength of your bone and muscle, but doesn’t account for any sort of external force. The hardware, to be frank, was rudimentary for the advanced piece of technology they were aiming for.”
You didn’t understand all of the notes in Tony’s diagram, but you understood the words just fine: Bucky’s arm had been hurting him. Badly.
“The new arm, should you want it, would have to be fused with your bone at this point - any more bolts and screws and your bones are gonna crack like this.” Tony snaps his fingers for emphasis. “If there’s any change you want to take the arm off or uninstall it, the good news is that we can simply disconnect it from the part that’s infused with your bone. Think of it as a reinforcement. “Handling it okay so far?”
Bucky nods quietly and not a moment later, a ringing blares from the ceiling and Tony swivels to his keyboard to accept the incoming call.
“Honey Nut Shurios!” Tony calls as soon as the screen comes alive with a young woman’s face. Her hair is pulled back into two circular buns on top of her head, and she looked young, full of energy.
“Tony, hi!” She waved at the camera. Tony adjusted some settings and then it seemed like she could see all of them as she greeted you both.
“Alright, down to business,” Tony leads. “Shuri, Dr. Reyes and I have put our brains together to make you an arm that encompasses everything we could think of. Dr. Reyes gave me all the medical stuff so I could coordinate with Shuri on the specs here. While the arm should function even better than your old one, it has to be more durable, all around. Lighter, so it doesn’t strain your body.”
“Not prone to overheat, as that would cause damage to your tissue,” Shuri adds on.
“Quiet, so as to not disturb your day,” Tony continues. They go back and forth like that, pointing out what the arm should and shouldn’t do. Bucky licks his lips - a tell you’ve since come to know as anxiousness. The information is quite overwhelming, you’ve been paying close attention of course, but when they finally pull up the final design, you’re both speechless.
You sneak a glance at Bucky and his mouth drops a little in amazement. The arm looks as smooth as the last one, but the interlocking plates are much more intricate. Different angles allow for smoother, more precise movements.
“The vibranium is lighter than titanium, but even stronger. It’s never been used for something like this, but it should work well. The only thing is that you may need to readjust your balance,” Shuri explains.
“Which brings us to the fun stuff,” Tony sighs. “Now because this is a side project, and really a pilot test, we do have to warn you that this has never been tested before. So, it could go horribly wrong, we don’t know. I’m pretty confident it won’t, but for legal purposes, I just can’t make that promise.”
Bucky nods once, still processing the information. You’re not sure if it’s even your place to speak, but you clear your throat timidly and smile.
“You both have thought up something remarkable,” you compliment. “I was wondering, if this arm would have a mechanism, or something, in place for Bucky to take it off whenever he pleases? It, um, wasn’t something the last one could do.” You look nervously at Bucky, hoping it was okay to bring that up and he smiles, his shoulders losing some tension.
“That’s absolutely something we thought of,” Shuri assures you. “On the recommendation of Dr. Reyes, as it would be good to rest your body when you can. So, perhaps when you are sleeping, taking it off to help alleviate the stress of having it on during the day could help. The mechanism would be fairly simple, but we are just smoothing out the details.”
“Yeah, the lock on it will need to be secure, but not so much that you would need help with it. Right?”
“Right,” Bucky agrees, speaking for the first time since they started their presentation.
“We have an idea for it, but we just want to test the mechanism before it gets installed of course,” Shuri explains. “Most importantly, we need your input on the arm itself, as that will change how we process the anchoring system and socket portion.”
“Exactly,” Tony claps ecstatically. “So, what do you think, Buckaroo? Think you like it enough for us to continue?”
He looks back and forth between the two geniuses and to you. You smile at him, but try not to answer for him – this was his decision and his alone.
“This is… Really something. Way more than I could even begin to understand, really. Thank you both. So much. For your time and efforts on this already. I, uh, I don’t know how I can repay you for this –”
“Let me stop you right there,” Tony interrupts with an accusatory point of his finger. “We’ve already been over this - no guilt or whatever this is. Remember that it’s a risk to you as well. I mean like, I’d have to get you to sign a waiver.”
Your heart skips a beat but Bucky nods like he’d already been expecting it.
“And if this is successful,” Shuri affixes. “It’s very possible we will need you to come back for testing. If it really works, it could change the field of prosthetics entirely, and if we published our findings, you would no doubt be called upon to support our findings.”
“Consider it done,” Bucky replies quickly. That brings a bright smile to the young woman’s face, and even Tony gets a softer look in his eyes.
“So, it’s a yes to being our guinea pig?” Tony grins, sticking a hand out.
“It’s a yes. Thank you, both of you,” Bucky agrees, shaking his hand.
“Wonderful! Tony, I’ll send you everything you need. Let me know which day and I’ll set aside the time so you can call me in case you need anything –”
“Whoa, whoa, princess, I’m flying you in, of course! So pack your bags along with that vibranium.” He looks back to Bucky. “We’ll set a date soon.”
“I would be honoured!” Her voice has a tinkle to it in her happy outburst. “Amazing, I would love to go over some of those projects you keep mentioning.”
“Ah, the real reason I’m flying you in - to help me clear out this lab.”
When all is said and done, Shuri says it should only be a few more days until the mechanism is tested thoroughly and surely. A few days, until Bucky gets a new arm.
Happy offers to drop you all off, and suddenly, you’re lying in the bath, soaking in the warmth in complete silence for the first time in days. So much has happened, and you can't help but melt into the bath, finally processing everything for yourself. Of course, this was Bucky’s journey, but you had to be at your best, if you were going to support him.
You were so proud of him it made your chest burst a little. After your bath, you decide to text him with just that, hoping to send him to sleep with something sweet.
In response, you get a picture of him and Yelena, where she’s curled up into his right side, book in hand. You smile when you see it’s one of the recommendations you had made way back in the beginning - what had started all of this, really. Even when he had all this going on, Yelena still came first. The picture gets saved instantly to your phone, and you smile at their faces.
Good night, Bucky.
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NEXT CHAPTER>> | Series Masterpost by Chapter | [overall masterlist]
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🙏 Thank you as always for getting to this point! 💟
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donutloverxo · 4 years ago
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*gifs not mine*
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Note - this is inspired by a hc @sweater-daddiesdumbdork once wrote me and gave me a frigging murder kink. Life ruiner😡😡
Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
Summary - Steve saves you and plans on never letting you go again.
Warnings - 18+ only, smut(m/f), kidnappings, being held hostage, murder, blood, non descriptive violence, captain kink, slight murder kink.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 6.8k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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One of the most amazing thing about living with you was that Steve never had to come home to an empty house. He was now responsible for you, he’d have to shoot you a text message, he had gotten pretty good at texting, thanks to your guidance, or call you, he definitely liked calling and hearing your voice better. He’ll always be old school.
You’d get that slight waver in your voice as you tried to pretend that you weren’t sad, he could see your cute little pout through the phone. And while he would never want to cause you any sort of pain, knowing that you’d be waiting for him, that you’re missing him when he’s away, made him feel wanted.
That even someone like him deserved love and happiness and a safe, boring life. That may be there was a reason he died only to wake up again in a strange new world.
That wasn’t to say you didn’t come with your own set of challenges. You were messy if anything, leaving clutter everywhere and putting off doing your dishes and laundry for days. Maybe not the most practical but definitely the cutest roommate in the world.
He’d learn to put up with it because it was worth it. Maybe, he could even learn to 'let loose' a little as people always recommended to him.
At first, he couldn’t wait to ask you to marry him. He had even impulsively bought a ring with your birthstone, he knew you were obsessed with them and astrology and maybe even dark magic. But then you surprised him with a date to an old diner and introduced him as your boyfriend to your friends.
He liked your friends quite a lot, he couldn’t really understand what they were talking about half the time. From what he could tell - by their fascination with his muscles and all the touching and squeezing to his biceps, them wanting to hear about his life before the ice - it seemed that they liked him too.
But hearing you call him that, your guy, your boyfriend, your beau, as your friend Stacey had put it, he decided that he wasn’t quite ready to let go of this blissful courting period. He was rushing things.
He needed to live in the moment and just enjoy being your boyfriend for now, he had all the time in the world to wife you up - preferably not to late though.
He was so unbelievably happy, ecstatic to see you, to surprise you, his mission ending a week early he got home as soon as he could. He thought of maybe taking you to Vermont for the weekend, he had never been but Nat told him it’d be a nice little getaway and that you’d love it.
His wide smile slowly fade away as he looked at the state of his door - the latch broken. Forced entry. Somebody broke his door in. He pushed the door wide open and made his way in.
He knew what was to come next but he willed that thought away. Maybe you kicked it in yourself, maybe you forgot your keys. He kept telling himself that because he was terrified of thinking the alternative.
He stepped in as soon as he was able to shake himself out of his haze. Looking at the state of his, and your, apartment. A broken vase, and the coffee table smashed in.
Crouching down to take a closer look he saw some blood on the ceramic. Whoever did this to your home, better hope that it’s wasn’t yours.
He got up, directing his simmering rage towards his new mission. He didn’t panic, not yet, he couldn’t give himself that kind of luxury. His mind coming up with ten different to find you and make the bastards who did this pay.
NOBody can hurt the people he loves, especially his girl, and get away with it.
Your eyes fluttered open before scrunching shut to adjust to the harsh fluorescent light. You blinked, looking around you while squinting.
Some sort of empty grey room... a window to the side but it was dark outside. You dress sticking to your skin as your whole body was covered in a sheen of sweat.
Three men in a corner, one for them shouting at the others in a foreign language.
You felt a yip of pain radiating in your arms and then realised they were tied up behind you - strapped to a creaky chair.
You tried to shake free of them, by wiggling your wrists but then winced at the burn it caused, capturing the attention of your kidnappers.
One of them smiled at you, walking towards you.
“Finally awake, are we?” he asked in an abnormally chirpy way. “You were out for quiet some time. Did you sleep well?”
He squatted before you, you could see his face, his cold grey eyes betraying the warm smile that graced his lips. Many white scars littered over his jaw...
And then you remembered.
How you rushed home when you felt someone was following you. Locking the door, you tried to call Steve but couldn’t get through to him.
And then your stalker broke into your home. You tried to smash his head in with a vase but couldn’t really do any real damage. Everything was hazy after that. Maybe he drugged you - you couldn’t recall.
You exhaled shakily when you realised he was watching you both from the corner. You could never forget his dark hoodie and hair. Or fresh cut on his forehead. You had never so much as hurt a fly or even slapped anyone. How you managed to smash his head in you’ll never know.
You looked at the man before you again when you heard him calling out your name, his smile haltered for a moment as he looked back to your stalker.
“I’m sorry about that, he’s a rookie. He’ll be reprimanded soon enough. This wasn’t exactly our plan but we’ve decided to improvise.”
You tried to speak but with your throat and mouth dry and your mind in shock the words wouldn’t come out.
“Oh, that’s alright, don’t struggle. We don’t want anything to do with you, you’re just a normal plain Jane going about your life, aren’t you?”
You could only give him a weak nod, still trying your best to shake yourself free of your bounds without him noticing.
“That’s right. You haven’t done anything wrong, you don’t deserve to have anything bad happen to you, do you?”
You nodded again. Your breath hitched when he got closer to you, in your face, his hands planted on your bare thighs with your skirt pooled just below your hips.
“But we don’t always get what we deserve. You’re close to the Captain, that’s right Michael’s told me all about how taken he is with you. I mean... I never would’ve imagined Captain America would pick someone like you but to each their own,” he cupped your cheek, the cracks in his palm harsh against your soft skin.
“What do you want?” you asked, not looking away from him.
“I want justice. For things to be in the right order. You’ll have to suffer for it, but know that it’s for a good cause.”
“You’re wrong,” you shook your head, “he’ll come for me.”
“We’re counting on that,” he snickered.
You’re not sure what came over you, all you knew was that you wanted his disgusting hands off of you, “He’ll come for me, and then you’ll regret ever touching me.”
“Uh, I don’t know about this,” you pulled on a thread from your skirt with your right hand, your other hand in Steve’s as he held onto your waist, pulling you into his side. “It’ll be inside me?” you shuddered.
“Yes, but,” Bruce scratched his head, he was adorable like that. You never would’ve imagined him to be the hulk, a 'rage monster’. “it’s not as bad as you think. You won’t even feel it. All shield agents and Avengers have one. Except Thor, because that wouldn’t be of any use. The radius is only on earths surface. You would’ve thought that would be enough,” he chuckled.
You pressed your lips in a thin line, looking at the chip, smaller than an acrylic nail, watching Bruce load it up.
“I know it’s not ideal, doll. But I’ll feel much better knowing I can find you, in case something goes wrong.” He kissed your temple, as you braced yourself.
“Will it hurt?” you gulped as Bruce lined the shooter or gun, by the looks of it, to your forearm.
“Just a little. You’ll barely feel it.” He gave you a sympathetic smile.
“Look at me, pup,” Steve gripped your chin, moving your head till you looked into his blue eyes, he pressed his lips to yours, massaging your tongue with his to distract you.
“Mm,” you winced and moaned into his mouth when you felt the piercing pain. It was like getting a flu shot but you had never having been a huge fan of needles either.
He released his hold on you as Bruce worked on cleaning your the blood seeping through your pierced skin. “You did good.” Steve said.
“Do I get a sucker?” You asked Bruce and he chuckled - as if you were joking, you do not joke about candy, “No I really want one.”
“Let’s keep this between us.” Steve told you both.
“Of course,” Bruce nodded, “I can keep tracker dormant till we need it but are you sure?”
“I’m not sure who I can trust.” But he knew he could trust his teammates.
You sniffled, keeping your tears at bay because really something so little shouldn’t make you cry, rubbing your hand over your wounded bicep as Bruce handed you some gummy bears.
“They’re Tony’s. He leaves snacks everywhere, it’s annoying.”
“Thank you.” You blinked up at him and offered some to Steve.
You never thought you’d need it. Until now, you were sure your friends or your mother would notice that you’ve been gone and Steve will find out and track you down. You knew he would. He had to.
He frowned, his nails digging into your cheekbones, pluckering your lips, “Where’s all that confidence coming from?” he quirked a curious brow up, “He’ll walk right in and pay for everything he’s done,” he snorted.
“You’re way underprepared to take someone like him on,” shut up, shut up, shut up, why the fuck are you egging him on? “He’s strong, he’s a survivor.” Even without the serum, he survived an abusive household, being bullied, being sick, and you knew how protective he could be. To the point where it was downright irritating.
“We’ve got all the time in the world to prepare, you should be worrying about yourself,” he spat.
You had always been bold, even in the most inappropriate of situations. Like when you lectured a boy for over an hour on respecting boundaries for throwing spitballs at you, in kindergarten. Steve even said that he fell for that ‘spunk' in you.
‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’ your mother had told you.
And really, you liked that about yourself as well. You liked that you found a man that would encourage that side of you instead of calling you ‘difficult’ or ‘bossy’.
However, you immediately regretted everything you had said. Not because it was untrue, but because your captor took out a sharp pocket knife, a dark glint in his eyes.
“We only need you alive,” he said as you gulped, “I suppose, it wouldn’t matter if you’re missing a finger or two.”
You frantically shook your head, choking on a sob. “No,” you pleaded, “you’ll... he will find me and you will - ”
“Go to prison at best. It’s a risk we’re all willing to take,” he put the blunt end of the knife against your cheek, “We have to do something to kill the time.”
You couldn’t breath, your heart hammering in your chest, what if he doesn’t come for you? You won’t be able to do anything about it. It wasn’t like you could protect yourself, at least in this situation, all you could do was wait for him.
You shut your eyes, and braced yourself for the pain. Except... it never came, you simply heard someone fall down, some sort of clattering sound.
Upon opening your eyes you saw one of his friends face down before your in the corner, the other guy, your lovely stalker, drawing out his gun, looking at the only window to your left. You swore you a saw a glimpse of a flying disk knocking your stalker out.
The man before you cursed under his breath, “Get. Up. Come on!” he ordered.
“Yeah, if I could do that I probably would’ve,” you snarked, still trying to get your aching wrists free.
You barely even registered - who could only be your Captain - sneaking up behind him, snapping his neck with his hands in a matter of seconds. He collapsed on the ground and you could finally see Steve.
His clenched jaw and cold eyes softened up on seeing you, you couldn’t help but let out a sob as you realised you were going to be free.
“You’re okay, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he soothed you, kissing your forehead before swiftly free your hands.
You stood up on wobbly legs, holding onto his arms for support, “Steve,” you breathed out, “you came for me.”
“Of course I did,” he sighed, gently pushing your face against his chest as he hugged you close to him. “As if I’d ever abandon you,” he smoothed a hand over your back and decided to not dwell on your comment. This wasn’t about him, you were in shock.
“I was so scared,” you sniffled, “he said, he - ” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you broke down in a fit of sobs and hiccups.
“You’re safe now,” he promised.
“You - did you kill him?” you pushed away from him to look up at his face so you could take him in.
You had never seen him in his uniform. Only ever seeing him on the news but he had his cowl on and a suit that was much more on brand for ‘Captain America’ than the darker one he had on now. It made him look bigger - if that was even possible. Bigger than the shield now strapped to his back.
His usually clean shaven face had the faintest shadow to it while his hair was slicked back. He looked beautiful, so soft and innocent, definitely not someone who’s capable of hurting anyone.
“He hurt you,” he replied, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your bruised wrists, “and so many others, he got what was coming to him.”
“You knew him?”
“Yes. He got away the last time we tried to catch him - but we don’t have to talk about that right now. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
You shook your head, “No, I’m just thirsty and I really want to lay down,” you murmured, resting your head on the star in the middle of his chest.
He pressed a hand to his ear, letting his team know that he had found you. You vaguely saw agents clad in black gear storm the room.
“We did a sweep of the place. No one else is here,” Natasha said. “How you doing?” and then frowned when you didn’t respond.
“She’s tired. It’s okay, love,” he kissed your temple, snaking a hand under your knees and picking you up with ease.
You weakly nodded, wrapping your hands around his neck, glad to be babied by him because you didn’t have the strength to stand.
“They didn’t give you anything to eat?” Nat scoffed as you shook your head.
“How long have I been here?” you looked at Steve, struggling to stay awake.
“A day and a half. We’ll get you fixed up,” he swore, carrying you towards the quinget.
“Where are we?” you nuzzled your nose against the rough kevlar of his suit.
“Bermuda,” he said.
“Oo, I’ve always wanted to come here... just maybe not like this,” you chuckled but Steve didn’t find it all that amusing. You cupped his cheek in your palm, hoping to maybe calm him down a bit before falling asleep.
You vaguely heard a familiar voice calling out your name, you’d recognise it anywhere, it was one of your favorites, one you’d known your entire life.
“Mom?” you muttered, opening your eyes and looking around the room to look for her. You smiled when you saw her sitting on a chair just beside your bed, the faint, annoying beeping told you that you were probably in a hospital.
“Hey there, honey,” she smiled back at you, her eyes misty as she pressed her lips to your cheek. “Do you have any idea how much you scared me?”
“I’m sorry,” you tried to sit up as she fluffed your pillow up to support you. “I was... um... kidnapped.” Saying it out loud made it feel so ridiculous. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought.
“Yes, Steve filled us in on everything. So, Captain America, huh?” she raised her brows.
“Yeah,” you chuckled nervously. Doing a once over to your large, mostly white room to look for him. He wouldn’t just up and leave you, would he?
“How long has it been going on?” she asked.
“Um, three or four months?” you winced when you realised just how much trouble you were in.
“And, you live with him. Linda filled us in on everything. You’re quitting your job too now.”
“It’s - it’s not as bad as it sounds...”
“Never mind that, you need to rest. Then you won’t have to worry about all this. I’m taking you home with me. And you’re never coming back here again.”
“What? No! I still have over two years of school left.”
“You can do it online! You can find just as a good a job in Queens.”
“No! I’m not coming,” you whined.
“Well, you’re not living with a man you barely know either.”
You were interrupted by a knock on the door. A doctor entering, apologising for disturbing you and Steve right behind her. He still hadn’t changed out of his suit.
He stood at the end of your bed, squeezing your foot to let you know he was there for you as your mother glared daggers at him.
“Looks like you’re doing good. Blood sugars back to normal as well...” the doctor said, “You’re free to go home.”
“Really?” you smiled. So done with everything. Sleeping in your own bed sounded like heaven.
“Yes, let us know if you need anything.” She looked over your chart again and then left.
“Good then, you can come home now.”
“No! I’m going to my apartment in Manhattan, the one I share with Steve.” You rolled your eyes. Pleading Steve to back you up with your eyes.
He cleared his throat, “Um, ma'am, you can come stay with us, if you like.”
He held your mothers gaze, to let her know that he was serious and earnest.
He knew he wasn’t perfect by any means. He had a million flaws and cuts that ran deeper than anybody would ever know but he always thought, or maybe arrogantly assumed, that if nothing else he was someone ‘you take home to mama’ as Clint had once put it. He thought that your parents, like most, would like him. That he’d easily get their blessing to be with their daughter. He was known to be America’s golden boy after all.
But your mother had ripped him a new one as soon as she saw him. Accusing him of abusing his power to woo you. That you were here because of him. That he’s not worthy of you.
And all he could do was stand there and take it because everything she had said was the truth. He didn’t deserve you, you were captured and possibly traumatised because of him.
At the same time, he couldn’t just let you go. Not till he gets to the bottom of who had hurt you and makes sure that you’re safe from now on.
“No, thank you.” She scoffed, looking back at you and shaking her head. “What are you doing with your life?”
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes but being with Steve definitely isn’t one,” you looked over to him, he looked just as tired as you, “I just want to go home. My home with Steve.”
“Fine, I’ve always let you make your own decisions.” she sighed, finally giving in.
“And I’ve never disappointed you.”
“That’s debatable,” she snorted, “I’ll come check on you tomorrow then. Maybe send me your address. You know? Something you should’ve done months ago.” She returned to glaring at Steve.
“I’ve only been living with him for a month!” you tried to defend yourself.
“I can take off my own clothes, Stevie,” you giggled, him kneeling before you to help you out of the sweets the med bay gave you. Your dress was dirty and ragged now. “I really liked that dress though. I don’t have many like it. You think we can get it back?”
“Maybe, I’ll see what I can do, doll,” he kissed your bare thigh before rolling your panties down your legs.
“You’re kinda dirty too,” you remarked, sniffing him. He didn’t smell bad, as if Steve would ever smell bad to you. Just a bit of gunpowder, like that of firecrackers, a bit pungent instead of his normal piney and woodsy scent.
“Thank you,” he deadpanned before cracking a smile, “I was just excited to see you. Or I would’ve showered before coming home and then I didn’t get a chance to.”
He worked on unbuttoning your shirt He insisted on you getting a button up instead of a t-shirt considering how sore your arms were from being toed up for so long. Tied up... like an animal.
“Hey,” you whispered softly, caressing his cheek, “come back to me.”
“Sorry, I’m just... I don’t know,” he shook his head. He couldn’t let you know the guilt and despair he felt, you’d end up comforting him instead of the other way around. “It’s just been a long day.”
“Yeah. Still can’t believe any of this was real.” Running your hands up and down his suit, the feel of the material almost soothing to touch. “You wanna shower with me?”
“Don’t know, doll. That showers pretty small.”
He did have a pretty generous salary but opted to live in a more modest apartment, he never took more than he needed anyway, with a small shower. Not too small, but definitely not big enough for you both.
“We’ll make do, come on. I’ll make you squeaky clean.”
He took over ten minutes to get rid of the suit. You watched intently as he removed more latches than you could count.
“Is it bulletproof?” you wanted to know.
“Yes. But probably not as good as a vest. I’ve never been shot so I wouldn’t know.” He answered, taking off his undershirt.
“It’s funny because I always thought y’all were naked under there,” you chuckled, and then your jaw dropped as he took off his briefs.
You had never seen his cock while it was soft before. He was always more than excited when you got to him. It was amazing how pretty he looked either way.
“You and so many other people,” he almost shuddered at the thought of having been asked the same question so many times.
After making sure the water was hot enough, you both stood under it.
You took some of the lavender wash you had bought from lush, squeezing it on your sponge. Steve, bless him, was amazing at so many things. Shopping - it seemed was not one of them. All he had in his bathroom was a bar of soap, one toothbrush and a vintage straight razor.
Which just won’t do for you, so you took it upon yourself to stock the whole place up with your favorite stuff. The lavender being Steve’s favorite, you remembered how flustered you got when he told you that you smelled good. And then tried to explain that you always smell good while turning redder than a tomato.
You did his front, asking him to bent his neck a bit so you could wash his hair because he was almost a foot taller than you. You were about to do his legs, you’d take any excuse to feel up his thick thighs but he told you he’d do the rest himself.
Taking the sponge from you, he ran it under some water, working on cleaning you thoroughly. Under your arms, your breasts, your stomach, between your legs and then your legs.
You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen - he knew that since the moment he had met you. But something about washing you up like that felt so intimate even though there was nothing erotic about it.
After washing you thoroughly he wrapped you up in a towel, “My cute lil' burrito,” he booped your nose.
You puffed your cheeks out, you weren’t sure if you liked that nickname. Observing just how gentle he was with you, helping you into a cotton nightie, as opposed to drying himself off hastily and carelessly before pulling some sweats and briefs on.
“Don’t wear a shirt,” you pleaded, he looked amazing shirtless, but that wasn’t the only reason, you really liked feeling his skin on hours, pressing kissing on his perfect, smooth, golden skin, ”pretty please.” Right now, he’d give you anything you wanted and you intended on milking that as much as you can.
“Alright, doll,” he replied, pulling you up in his arms again as if you were his bride, as you giggled so sweetly, “now, what would you like to eat? No take out, it has to be healthy. And remember my culinary skills are limited,” he said, carrying you to the living room and putting you on the couch as he started working in the kitchen.
“Stevie, I’m not hungry. Well, that’s not true, I’d like some ice cream,” fluttering your lashes at him, “Mint chocolate chip? I’m pretty sure we have some.”
“Of course, puppy,” you smiled, at the prospect of getting a sweet treat and the nickname, “as soon as you eat something.” He added and you huffed in annoyance.
He whipped up a sandwich for you, two for him because he was starving, some peach iced tea so you wouldn’t eat his ear off while complaining.
You only picked at your food, giving more than half of it to him. You truly didn’t feel like eating, instead craving some cuddles with him.
You tried striking up a conversation with him multiple times. Not because you didn’t like silence. You did when it came to him, you could go hours without talking and it would feel so serene and perfect. You never had to talk just for the sake of it when you were with him.
But you had come to read Steve pretty well. He seemed distant and closed off. The air around you both thick with tension. You tried to ease it while telling him about how brave you were while quitting and didn’t cry at all, how Tony dropped by and was apparently stalking you - which was a bad idea because it seemed to make him angry, clench his jaw tight, his brows furrowed as he placed your plates in the sink.
Unsure if you had done something wrong or were mean to Tony, who was technically his boss, you twiddled with your fingers, “Um... I - I’m sorry,” you stuttered, trying to hold back tears. Spending the night at your mom’s house sounded like the better choice now.
“Hm?” he looked back at you, he could do the dishes tomorrow, “what for?”
“I shouldn’t have been snarky with Tony. I know he’s your boss and all that but he’s kinda cocky... And I got really mad when I found out he did like a ‘background check' on me. I mean I get why he would but still. I can apologize to him.”
“No no,” he shook his head, kneeling before you, taking your hands in his, “you misunderstood, love. I’m not mad at you, I could never REALLY be mad at you. It’s Tony I’m angry with, he went behind my back, ambushed you at work.”
“To be fair, you did the same when you asked me out,” you snickered as a blush crept up his neck.
“Right.” He finally cracked a genuine smile placing feather light kisses on your knuckles and the to the bandages on your hands.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” you asked, running your hands through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly with your nails.
“It’s probably better if we don’t talk about it,” he said, laying his head on your lap. Your slight scratching massaging his never-resting head.
“I think we should. My mom said I don’t know you. And to some extent, she is right. I don’t. Maybe I’m just imagining things but... sometimes it feels like you’re holding back.”
He gathered enough courage to look up at you, your almond shaped eyes looking down at his and he knew that he could talk to you about anything. He did. But there will always be that little voice that tells him that he shouldn’t. He would only trouble you.
“Don’t you pride yourself on being honest?” you caressed his scratchy cheek.
He snorted. He really was dense enough to think he was the perfect son-in-law package.
“I just, the way you looked at me, when I killed that man, I’m afraid that you’re scared of me now. That’s the last thing I want. It’s my worst nightmare really.” He leant into your touch.
“Steve, that wasn’t because I’m scare of you. It was because I’m fond of you. You were so strong and brave and you saved me. I liked being the damsel in distress more than I thought,” He chuckled at that, his doubts a bit relieved, “that’s... not all though.” You murmured.
“What is it?” he wanted to know.
“You, um, the fact that you would do that for me... it’s just. I never thought anyone would love me that much.”
“I only regret doing it in front of you. I’m sorry you had to see that or go through any of that.”
“I’m not a child, Steve,” you rolled your eyes.
“Of course not, but you’re you. You’re pure and an angel. I - I’m tainted - tainted by blood, tainted by war - ”
“Steve, that’s not true. You’re not, you’re the pure-est person I know. War and - that doesn’t define you.”
“You wouldn’t feel that way if you knew about all the things I have done, sweetheart.” The sweet nickname he had for you, which now he used in a patronising tone, “I let my best friend die. And I couldn’t do anything about it.”
“What’re you talking about?” you frowned. You heard about Bucky from him and your history textbooks but you don’t remember reading anything like that.
“It’s... something I’m not ready to get into.” He put his forehead on your knee. He knew you loved him but there was only so much baggage you would be willing to accept.
“Okay. You can take your time and tell me if and when you’re ready, baby.” You went back to idly playing with his, “But I need you to know that I love you. Nothing you could ever say will change that. To think that... for a second I thought that you wouldn’t come for me.”
He snapped his head back up, “What?”
“I thought, that you’d be busy with your mission. You wouldn’t even find out I was missing or... you just wouldn’t care enough to come yourself. I mean, I knew you would come, obviously. But you have other more important work...”
“No,” he shook his head, “How could you ever think anything's more important to me than you and your life?”
“Yeah, I was being stupid.”
“You can be a bit silly sometimes, doll.” He nuzzled your tummy, making you giggle. “I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I was so scared I’d never see you again,” he confessed against your nightgown.
“That’d be a bit hard to do. Keeping an eye on me like that. But if it means I get to spend more time with you then I’m down.”
You convinced Steve to let you have some ice cream. He only let you have half a scope, telling you that you’d have trouble sleeping otherwise.
“I’ve been sleeping for most of the last two days.” You tried to argue but it was hard to change his mind once he had it set on something.
You both brushed your teeth together and he stared at you as you went about your night-time skincare routine.
Cleanse, serum, moisturize, sleep mask.
All he did was wash his face and he still looked fucking perfect.
He stayed true to his word, sticking by your side to the point where you had to kick him outside to have some privacy to pee in peace. He was right there waiting for you when you opened the door.
Finally, you were in your cosy bed. Light’s off and cuddled tight with your boyfriend. Your stuffed unicorn and your Captain America plushie to your other side.
With your legs tangled together, you rubbed your feet up and down his legs. Which were unfortunately covered with his sweats.
“Steve,” you whined.
“Take off these damn pants. They’re hurting my skin. So friggin' prickly.”
“Sorry, doll. I know how precious your skin is.” He sounded like he was mocking you but he followed, pushing his pants away.
“Good?” he asked holding you close to him again.
“Mm-hm,” you hummed against his naked chest. “Let’s sleep like this everyday, please.”
“Sure.” He replied. He liked being a ‘human furnace' for you.
He wasn’t going to fall asleep. Not after everything that happened. He hadn’t slept well in the past week but he was afraid that if he’d shut his eyes for a single moment and you’d be gone. This time, he wouldn’t be lucky enough to find you.
He hadn’t been to crunch or even prayed in a while. Losing his faith a long time ago after all the terrible things he had seen. But he had prayed when he came back found his home to be wreck. He prayed that you’d come back to him because there were some things he just could not control. Nobody could.
After a while he lowly whispered your name. “Are you awake?” he asked.
It was silly but he missed you. Even though you were laying right next to him in his arms - the safest place you could be.
“Yeah. I can’t sleep. Even though I’m so tired.” You yawned. “You okay?”
“You sure?” You snorted. “You’re not a good liar, Steven.”
“Can I ask you something? And you can say no if you want I won’t mind.”
“Sure, shoot.”
“Can I, um, have you? I just need to feel you, sweetheart. After everything – I need to know you’re really here.” he was cut off by your lips crashing on his.
You winced when your teeth clamped together but he soothed your upper lip by nipping at it with his tongue.
“Steve,” you panted as he broke awake, shifting under the sheets and pushing the helm of your gown up.
He placed quick open mouthed kisses all over your thighs, over your stretch marks, spreading your thighs further to accommodate his broad shoulders, he made sure to check in with you again.
All you did was push his head towards your heat, begging him to eat your pussy - as if he needed to be told twice.
Swirling and spreading your glistening juices of arousal around your weeping lips, he dove in for his prize. Drawing patterns on your bundle of nerves before sucking at it harshly, he plunged his tongue inside. Lacing his fingers with yours and pinning your hands down by your hips.
You kept desperately pushing your hips up, wanting more. Arching your back up and holding onto his hands tightly as he lightly grazed his teeth over your clit.
“Say my name, sweetheart,” he demanded against your heat, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure up your spine.
Your orgasm washing over you in waves, electrifying every nerve in your body as you clamped your legs around his head, holding onto him.
He kept lapping you up through it, taking everything you’d give him.
He loved worshipping you - spending as much time as he could between your legs - because you were his goddess but right now, he just needed to feel you.
He climbed up the bed, hovering over you, he pushed two thick fingers inside you mouth till the second knuckle.
“Get them nice and wet, doll.” He instructed.
You moaned around him, making loud suckling noises, “Yesh, Captain,” it came out muffled, what with your mouth full.
“Captain?” he smirked. You had only ever called him that as a joke, he never knew being called that in a salacious way could stroke a fire inside him. Making him them painfully hard in the confines of his tight briefs. He pulled his fingers out of you, pushing his hand down till it was between your legs. Nudging your entrance with them.
“Sorry, it slipped out.” You were too unabashed to feel guilty. 
He scoffed, “Say it again.” 
Pushing his fingers inside you. Pumping them at a fast pace before you even had a second to think. It was desperate and fast so unlike how it is usually between you both. He needed to be inside you but your needs would always come before his. 
“Captain,” you mewled, chewing on your lower lip and holding onto his face. You couldn’t see him clearly in the dark but you still need to look at him. “I told them my Captain would come for me. And you did...” he swallowed your screams with his mouth as you clenched around his fingers. 
“That’s right,” he groaned, sucking your slick off of his fingers, “I’ll always protect you. I’ll do anything for you.” 
Shaky fingers working on taking his cock out of the hard confines of his uncomfortable underwear. He didn’t waste a single second before sinking inside you, as deep as he could. He moaned into your neck, “So fucking tight, doll. Like you were made for me,” he bit your neck. 
Drawing his hips back he thrusted inside you, brushing against your g-spot, making you keen. 
He stopped immediately, propping himself up on his elbows he looked down at your hooded eyes. “You alright, sweetheart?”
You nodded, “Yes, it’s just so good,” as if to prove it you clenched around his length, to make him feel all of you just as he was doing to you. 
He groaned at that, his balls already tightening, aching for release, “What’s the safe word?” 
“Mm... buttercream.”
“That’s right, good girl,” he cooed as you whimpered at his praise as he withdrew his hips again, loving you in a slow soft way. 
Pushing your gown up till it was above your breasts - he didn’t really have the patience to properly take it off. He sucked a spot just above your breast, so you’d remember his love every time you looked at it. Your nipples pebbled and goose bumps painted your skin, with your cunt tight around him he knew you were close. 
Wrapping his mouth around one bud, He pulled and pinched at the other. He stopped his ministrations, he needed to look at you as you climaxed. To know that you needed him at least half as much as he needed you. 
Your face scrunched up as you met your bliss, your nails drawing blood from shoulders - not that he cared in the slightest. 
His hips retracting and thrusting as he lost all sense of rhythm and finesse chasing his end as you laid boneless beneath him. He kept fucking into you, filling you to the brim. 
He heaved above you, making sure not to collapse on top of you. Reluctantly he pulled himself out of you. 
Pulling you close to him, his lips pressed up against the crown of your head, he whispered sweet nothings to you. “My brave girl.” He kissed the tip of your nose. “You’re so strong, sweetheart.”
“Stronger than the hulk?”
“Yes, definitely,” he replied, tracing the bandages wrapped around your wrists. “Now try to get some sleep.”
“Oh, I’ll sleep alright. Thanks to you.” You giggled. 
tags will be in the reblog.
this was my longest fic!i know it wasnt the best conclusion to something i drew outover 4 chapters but its the best i could do. sorry for weird format tumblrs mad i had too much fun lol. comments and reblogs are really appreciated!!
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hwatermelonsuga · 3 years ago
Piercing my Heart
° pairing: piercer y/n x Hyunjin
° genre/theme: crack, fluff
° words: 2.1k
° warning: mature language, description of piercing someone, Changbin slander
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It was a long day and it’s only… 2:00 p.m.?! I could have sworn that it was later than that. Anyway, I’ve been in the shop for a few hours now and I’m seriously thinking of leaving early. I mean technically I can since I don’t have any appointments left and who’s really coming in to get piercings like that? Sure I’m the main piercer but we have Felix… or do we? SHIT.
I run out of my room to Felix’s and pull back the curtain.
“FELIX,” I shout, causing the blondie to jump up.
“AHH, umm uh I- I mean hey y/n, you need anything,” Felix clears his throat.
There's silence…
“Nah, see ya.” He’ll be fine. I go back to my station and start to pack some of my things in my bag. I’ll just text Chan later that I left early. They’ll be fine.
“Y/N!” I heard I.N. call my name. I sighed and left my room to the front of the shop. I found I.N. sitting at the desk looking at his computer. I leaned on the desk, grabbing one of the candies in the bowl.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“You have a walk-in, he’s over there,” he said as he gestured to the sitting area. I look over my shoulder to see a squirrel looking motherfucker with blonde…ish short hair. He looks kind of short but I shouldn’t say since he is sitting down. I sigh and walk over to the guy.
“Hey, I’m Y/n. You?”
“Alright Han, follow me.” Sadness. Anyway, I led the way to the hallway and right to my station which was the third room to the right. I opened the curtain and went to sit in my chair with Han following and sitting in the customer’s chair.
“Okay Han, what are we getting today?”
He sat for a moment to think and I tried not to give him a blank stare. I could’ve snuck out already man!
“Hmm well I was thinking either my eyebrow or my lip, like snake bites or something. What do you think?”
I stared for a while to think. I mean he would look good with either. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to get both though. I wouldn’t even do that to myself. Hmmmm, I understand now why it’s taking him long to choose.
“Well, either one would be nice on you-”
“Oh thank you,” he winked and I swear at that moment I wanted to throw this man.
“I think the eyebrow would fit better.”
After a minute of talking about it, Han agreed with the eyebrow piercing. I put on my black gloves and got all that I needed and made sure they were all the same sizes.
“Alright, you ready?”
“Not really but let’s do it!”
I cleaned the area and marked three options of where the piece of jewelry would be.
“Okay, which spot would you want it?”
He picked a spot and I got down to business. I cleaned the area again making sure I had the correct spot down and went to get the needle.
“Deep breath.”
Once he exhaled, I gently pushed the needle in and through. It didn’t take too long and a few seconds later I was finished. I grabbed a hand held mirror and gave it to Han.
“You like it?”
“Ohhh this looks awesome! Thank you so much.”
I took him to the front so that he could check out and be on his way. I saw a guy with dark hair who went up to Han and gave him a noogie. I held my laugh as Han whined and told him to stop as they were on their way out. I asked I.N. if there were anyone else that wanted me. Luckily there wasn’t so I ran back to my area and cleaned up.
“What are you rushing for?”
I look over to see Changbin, one of the tattoo artists, leaning on the doorway.
“Ah, shut it, leprechaun. Don’t worry about what I’m doing, you should worry about making straight lines.”
“Blah, blah, I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Now’s time to do nothing but sit on my ass for the rest of the day… as I should.
A few days have passed and the amount of customers I’ve gotten hasn't really changed. Luckily, Chan (the owner of the shop) hasn’t said anything about me leaving early the other day. Let’s hope he doesn’t at all. Right now I’m getting a new tattoo for my sleeve done by the one and only Chan.
“And so then I decided to trip him in front of his girl. So yeah… that’s why Changbin and I are fighting.”
“Ahh, I see. Speaking of, he came to me yesterday to say that you left without telling anyone.” That bitch.
“Well, see what had happened was… I- I was done for the day.” Chan gave me a look and I tried to avoid it but I still felt his gaze on me.
“How’s the tatt going, huh?”
“Y/n, don’t change the subject.”
“I was going to tell you… eventually.”
“Mmmhm, you’re lucky you’re my favorite.”
“Yay, you’re my favorite too. NOW FOCUS OLD MAN,” and he gave me the look again. “I’m sorry, continue with your job please.”
As Chan went back to my arm, I got a notification on my phone. I grabbed it from my lap and saw that I had an appointment set for today at about 6 pm. His name was Hyunjin. When I saw that he set the appointment yesterday, I’ve been curious as to what he looks like. I’m tempted to look him up now on Instagram but Chan’s here and I don’t want him to tease me or look at me weird because I’m stalking a man. I’ll just wait.
“Alright, you’re done.” I look to see the finished product, SUKUNA’S FINGER!
“Thank you Chaaan. Now we’re matching, bestie,” I commented seeing that he had Sukuna tattoos, black bands decorating both arms.
“Umm no.”
“Wha- come oooon bestie!”
“Get out of my chair.”
“I thought I was your favorite.”
“It’s Minho now.” As he said that, the man mentioned passed by.
“HA,” Minho yelled.
“Wha- fair enough. Alright, whatever, I’ll see you later.”
“Better let me know if you leave early.”
“I thought we were passed that,” I stuck my tongue out and rushed to my room before he could say anything.
And now I have nothing to do for the next hour. Time to bother Felix… if he’s here. I walked over to his area and pulled back the curtain slightly. There he was… being a whore on Tik Tok. Instead of laughing, I decided to join him. I mean, why not. And we did more videos. Some of them were dancing ones and others were just funny challenges. After a while, we had to stop as Felix had a customer come in. I also went to bother Minho for a while until he threatened to tattoo a dick on my forehead. I had to run away cause knowing him, he’d do it. Seriously, though… I’m afraid of that man.
After some time had passed, my next appointment came in the door.
“Y/n, your 6 o’clock is here,” I.N. told me as he walked into my station.
“Send him back here.”
I’m prepping my station when I hear him come through the curtains. I glanced up and there was a moment that everything was nothing and that one of the most beautiful men had appeared in my eyesight. Tall, slightly long dark hair, smooth looking skin… looks kinda MILF-ish but I like it…
Before I could even observe him anymore, I had to snap out of this hypnosis that this man has me in. He came in and sat down in the chair. We introduced ourselves before we got down to business.
“Hey! So what are you getting today?”
“Uhh so I’m thinking my belly button.”
We discussed it for a while and came to an agreement. I got my gloves and the jewel as I instructed Hyunjin to pull his shirt up. When I turned around, not gonna lie, my brain went brrrr. I gotta get my shit together, so I focused on something else. His tattoo. It was a really cool line design on the side of his stomach.
“Nice tattoo.”
“Thanks! I drew it myself.” I- wow…
“Oh really?,” I asked in surprise. “Well maybe I should have you draw me one.”
UGH I SHOULDN’T HAVE SAID THAT! No artist would want someone to tell them that.. At least I wouldn’t cause, uh hello, stranger danger. I bet he’s annoyed. Oh god, he’s gonna hate me.
“...maybe I should.” Oh lord I’m ‘bout to bust.. I mean uh…
Anyway, I noticed he gave me a certain glance. What does it mean, I have no idea but paired with that smirk I could only look back to my hands and instruments as I felt my face heat up. After that, I noticed that he got a bit nervous when he paid attention to the needle that I held. He slightly fidgeted in his seat and looked at the drawings and pictures on the walls. Because of that, I decided the best way to get through this was to talk about whatever to get his mind off of the pain. We talked about how he’s an artist and our shared love for art, shit that happens here at the shop, his dog that doesn’t love him back, and Han and his antics (apparently Han told Hyunjin about me… thanks bestie). Also, I feel like he was flirting. Was he? Maybe I’m delusional, at least that’s what Minho tells me every other week.
Anyway, it was a quick process but we stayed to talk some more. I noticed that the times when he would talk about things that he loved, his face would light up and it honestly melted my heart. This man… his hold on me.. And we literally just met.
Who was that?
I looked around to see the curtain being yanked back, revealing Han and this other guy that I have never met before. Before I could ask what was going on, he introduced himself as Seungmin. Him and Han went over to Hyunjin to look at the new addition to his boy. They seemed in awe of the body jewelry. As I was cleaning up, Han went to touch it but I smacked his hand away before he could.
“Ah, don’t,” I scolded him.
I went on to tell Hyunjin how to take care of it and to come back if any problems arise. Walking the three out, Hyunjin pulled me aside.
“Thank you for the piercing.”
“No problem, and I’m holding you to that tattoo you promised.”
Hyunjin laughed me off and I couldn’t help but be in awe of his expression. His plump lips turned up into a smile revealing his perfect teeth. It took me a moment to realize he was also staring back. I didn’t know what to do at this moment. Bro hug? No, that’d be weird. Kiss? Nah, that’s too forward.. and probably also a bit weird. High five? We’re too close for that. As I’m contemplating on what to do, I noticed that he started to lean forward more with a grin on his stupid, beautiful face. The gradual movement snapped me out of my thoughts and I now feel a hand gently gripping my waist. My eyes widen a bit in shock as I wait for his next move.
His other hand comes up to lift my chin, his thumb caressing my bottom lip. IS THIS HAPPENING? I- I- WHAT? I really hope this is a dream but also please let this be real. I have the urge to pinch myself but the majority of my body is stuck, hypnotized by his gaze and his touch, the only real moment I can attempt is laying my hand on his chest. I ready myself as he leans a bit closer. I flick my eyes between his and his lips. As I gently close my eyes, he’s less than a centimeter away. I mean at this point I might as well just go in for the taking since he’s taking so goddamn long-
“How about we talk about it when I take you out?”
He pulled away with a smirk and a wink, and walked towards the door.
I- What just happened?
I couldn’t help but feel my face get hot as I watched that punk walk out the shop. He left me hanging. After all that I’ve done, he left me hanging.
“Son of a bitch.”
I’m still going on that date though.
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tag you're it: @felixtok @sunnytaes @burningupp
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years ago
i’ve got a tangent, buckle up. (and yes i know this probably isn’t at all accurate. bite me.)
Steve didn’t really talk about his family. He left for home at five thirty and spent Sunday’s presumably at church with them, but he never really spoke of them. And no one really minded.
Sure, Billy had asked once or twice if he could meet someone in person. Steve would shrug his shoulders and agree to mention it. No one was very surprised when it never got brought up again. And Steve never relayed a response to his supposed offer.
No one knew what was up. Until The Mishap.
Now, Maxine Mayfield had a tough skin to break through in order to hurt her feelings. It took a lot. But something about the boy was oddly familiar in a sore way. His eyes, she’d consider, they were exactly like someone she knew. Innocent in such a guilty manner and soft even though he spoke with steel. How he stood like he had something to his name and how he only seemed to speak after thinking it through.
So, yeah, it took a lot for Max to get weepy, to get butt-hurt. People like Billy and Steve knew that, threatened to do every form of revenge in the book (although that was mostly Billy by a vast majority). Steve was kinder about it, offered her a quarter for the gum-ball machine and walked with her to calm down.
“What happened today?”
She turned the crank slowly so she could hear all the gears, “Some kid saw my low test score in history and kept making stupid jokes.”
Steve pressed his lips together, “I know that feeling all too well.”
Max looked up before opening the flap for the prize, “Really?”
He grinned, “What? You think I was this cool before puberty?” She rolled her eyes and he laughed quietly, “You just have to learn to make them feel bad about it so they stop.” Max nodded and pulled out a pink ball. “What’s this kid have going on? What’s he dress like, this town acts like there’s factions. Should be pretty easy to find him.”
Max threw the candy in her mouth and spoke around it, “Kind of dirty jeans, expensive shoes, colorful shirts.” She laughed, “He dresses similar to you actually. Isn’t that funny? He has darker hair though, and a bitch personality.” She crunched down on the gum-ball aggressively.
Steve didn’t seem to find it funny at all, in fact his face dropped, “Was his name Troy by chance?”
Max scoffed, “Yeah actually.” She grew worried when Steve still didn’t answer, “Why?”
Steve patted her shoulder and nodded at Billy over at the food counter, “I’ve got to go deal with some stuff. I’ll see you two later tonight!” he jogged out and Max noticed Billy looking a little too disappointed.
Steve did return that evening. To the Mayfield-Hargrove house with a kid towed behind him. Max couldn’t see their face as they hid behind Steve’s back, but she opened the front door before Steve even knocked anyway. Smiled and called for Billy like any other time (she always ignored Neil’s shout for who it was).
Steve crossed his arms, “Bud, you have something to say?” he looked over his shoulder and Troy peaked around hesitantly.
“Common, Stef, I don’t wanna.”
“If you can use your rotten mouth to pick on people than you can apologize too.” When Troy continued to stare at his shoes and Max stood taken aback still, Steve poked at the boy’s head. “I’ll wash your mouth out with soap, don’t think I won’t.”
Troy sighed but looked up, “You’ve been threatening that for years.” Steve narrowed his eyes but stayed silent. Max glowered until he spoke again, “I’m sorry for bullying you and your friends, that was a coward thing to do.” Steve nodded along and Max heard Billy walk up. “I promise not to say anything like that again and I hope you can accept my sincere apology.” Something about the words felt off, scripted. She almost said something until she saw a far away and similarly off-put look to Steve’s eyes. It wasn’t dishonesty, but something different. She didn’t know what, so she locked it away for another discussion.
She regarded him for a long moment, so long that Billy started tapping his foot, “I guess I can agree to that.”
Troy seemed relieved and looked back at Steve, “See? I can be nice.”
Billy stepped closer, “What’s going on?”
Steve looked a little sheepish, “I told him that if he didn’t apologize for being rude to Max than I wasn’t making dinner so,” he spread his arms out like wings, “Here we are.” Billy huffed, agreeable.
Max rose her eyebrows and smirked, “And how do you know him, Steve?”
Troy tried to bite him when Steve whacked his head, “This catastrophe is my little brother.”
Billy leaned against the doorframe, “I don’t see it.” Steve smiled at him and Troy’s eyes widened in some sort of realization.
“That’s him?” he asked pointing at Billy (who in turn looked affronted).
Steve rolled his eyes, “I’d rather have a private conversation involving that topic. Later.” Troy continued to stare, bug-eyed at Billy.
Max stepped outside, “Let’s go get ice cream.”
Troy jumped up and tugged at Steve’s reluctant arm, “Good idea! Let’s go, let’s go!”
Steve looked over at Billy, “He’s been, uh, excited to meet the best player on Hawkins’ basketball team.”
Troy made a face, “No, I’ve been waiting to meet your boyf—”
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aphrodite-would-be-proud · 4 years ago
I dont know if your accepting requests right now, but I love your kiddo headcannons. Could you do the Kiddo's reacting to Reiner asking you to marry him? I just really want to know who's going to get excited for the wedding, if any of the kids are going to be upset...your headcannons are just the best!!
Hey! Yes my requests are open, it's written in my bio tho i get it might be confusing. Imma make sure to also write it on the navigation post.
And by the name of persephone this the cutest most wholesome kiddo scenario! How did i not think of that? Just what realm of heaven are you living on Anon? Whatever it is thank you for blessing us with this thought💛
You're with Reiner, he wants to propose but his cousins overhear him.
{ Reiner x reader | tw:marriage tw:proposing tw:parental-neglect tw:heavy-angst | cartoony?, fluff, angst with comfort | modern }
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{ The Lanterns, circa 1910 by Charles Courtney Curran 1861-1942 }
"And no opening the door to anyone no matter how sorry you feel for them, okay?" Colt said while adjusting the tie around his neck, making sure it's even as he takes one final look at himself in the mirror before putting on his coat.
"Okay" Falco replied, watching as his brother was getting frustrated with the too many buttons on his coat. "Do you need help?"
Nodding his head, Colt let Falco do his buttons while he reached for the cup of coffee he left on the table, quickly finishing it all. "And make sure to get to bed on time, no staying up reading comic books, you have school tomorrow."
"Don't worry I won't" Falco looked in concern at the empty coffee cup, "isn't this your third one today? I don't think you should be drinking this much..."
"You worry too much Falco, just take care of yourself okay?" Colt rubbed his brother's hair, before patting his head. "I'll text you to check on how you're doing so make sure to charge your phone."
And just like that, Colt wrapped a scarf around his neck, grabbed his keys, and left through the door. Leaving Falco standing there at the entrance, alone in the house.
Looking around the quiet room, Falco picked up the empty cup before washing it in the sink. Just as he was putting it away, the door bell rang.
'Did he forget something?' He thought, wondering if it's his the keys again. But looking at the table, he could see nothing was there.
Wait...Colt did take his keys before leaving, why would he be ringing the doorbell.
The ringing got more frequent, followed by aggressive knocking. Falco took a step back into the kitchen, thinking if he could dash upstairs to get his phone in time.
But he didn't want to trouble his brother...Think Falco think! What would captain america do in this scenario? But Reiner always told him he should think for himself...
And so he grabbed a knife, slowly inching towards the door but then he heard it, that fimilar sound.
"Falco? You in there? It's freezing open the door!"
"Gabi?!" Dropping the knife, Falco rushed to the door. Quickly unlocking it as a very cold looking Gabi stepped inside.
"What took you so long? I can't feel my fingers!" Rubbing her hands together to attempt to warm them up, Gabi glared at Falco.
"Sorry I thought you were a-" he looked away at the knife "uh..anyway let me get you a blanket" before he could rush up the stairs, Gabi pulled him back.
"No there's no time! We have to leave now." Holding his hand, Gabi dragged a very confused Falco out the door and they began making their way to the next destination.
Soon enough, the pair found themselves standing outside Udo's house, directly under his window.
"You still haven't told me why we're here." Falco watched as Gabi was looking for something on the ground, he stiffened when she smiled after picking up a small rock.
"I will tell you once Udo and Zofia are here, it's very important." She handed him the rock. "Now let's focus on getting Udo here, make sure to aim for his window because his mom is a really light sleeper."
"Wait if that's the case then why didn't we go to Zofia's house first? She lives right opposite of mine!" Falco whisper-shouted.
"Because! Neither of us can deal with a sleeping Zofia and you know that, only Udo knows how to wake her up." Gabi explained, crossing her arms while getting impatient. "So hurry up and throw the rock!"
Flaco looked at Udo's window, then at the rock. He looked at Gabi one last time before closing his eyes and throwing it, it made a sound as it hit the window....nothing happened
"Why am I the one throwing the rocks?" He looked anxiously at Udo's dark window, moving his weight from one leg to the other.
"I'm stronger. If i throw it, I'll break the window." Gabi was looking for another rock, having found one slightly bigger than the last. "Here try this one"
Having reunited again, the four of them were walking down the street to Reiner's house late at night. Gabi leading the group, Falco following her reluctantly, Udo keeping a still sleepy Zofia from walking into a wall while in her pajamas.
"This better be good Gabi, otherwise you can forget about copying my math homework for a month." The thought of just turning around and going back home to bed was still in the back of Zofia's mind.
Having almost reached Reiner's house, the four of them could see multiple cars parked outside of it, some of them they recognise.
"See! I told you all it'd be worth it. They're having a secret party without us! I heard Reiner talking about it on the phone with Zeke this morning when I was pretending to be asleep so I don't have to walk home." Gabi said as they sneaked to the side of the house.
"That's mister Zeke's car, miss Annie's and...even Porco's too.." Udo said as they climbed the house fence.
"They invited Porco but not us?" With that information, Zofia was fully awake.
"That's exactly what I've been telling you guys about! Here look!" Standing on her toes, Gabi looked through the window, between the curtains. Three heads joining her soon.
Looking inside, they could see the living room they were so fimilar with, looking really different. For once it wasn't a mess of pillows and candy wrappers! It was actually clean with various candles adding to the atmosphere.
Zeke and Pieck could be seen siting next to each other on the couch, drinking some wine while Colt is in the arm chair next to them with Porco pushing a drink in his hands.
Annie and Bertolt are leaning against the wall, she's holding a plate of donuts while he's talking about something.
Finally, you and Reiner are sitting on the couch opposite to Zeke and Pieck. His hand is around your shoulder and he keeps taking glances behind him at bertolt, while Zeke stares at him from the front.
If you focus, you can hear the muffled sound of music playing in the background.
The four kids watched as Reiner whispered something in your ear, before you noded, got up and headed towards the kitchen. The second you left, all of them crowded at the couch next to Reiner, Talking in hushed tones.
"What...are they doing?" Udo watched as Reiner took out a small red box from his pocket, hands shaking while the people around him leaned in to see what's inside as he opened it.
Quiet gasps and awws followed after as the ring inside came into view, glittering in the dark by the candlelight. Although that only seemed to fluster Reiner even more.
The four of them looked at each other with wide eyes, then back at the ring as Reiner reached out to hold it delicately in his hand for a few seconds as if he's offering it up to the air in front of him, the room got quiet, everyone holding their breaths.
"Oh " Falco said, "i...think i know what's going on." Both Udo and Zofia noded.
"What?" Gabi knitted her eyebrows, tilting her head, "what's going on?"
Before any of them could answer, Zofia told them to keep quiet when she noticed you walking back in the room, the ring back in the box inside Reiner's pocket.
Everyone was now standing, smiles on their faces, even Annie showing one of her rare ones. You were holding a new plate of donuts when you noticed them, with Reiner in the middle, nervous eyes staring right at yours.
Stepping towards you, Annie took the plate before going back to her spot. A few chuckles from Zeke, Bertolt and Pieck followed while Reiner shock his head.
Still outside, the kids saw Reiner start talking about something. Whatever it is, it must have been emotional because everyone in the room was listening with anticipation.
"I can't hear anything" unlocking the window, Gabi opened it just slighly. The muffled sound of music becoming clear as Reiner was finishing his speech.
"And you'd make me the happiest man in the world" he got on one knee, hand taking something out of his pocket. "If we could spend the rest of our lives together and I'll cherish every single moment you're by my side."
He opened the red box, holding the ring in front of you, eyes pleading. "Will you please marry me?"
The second you said yes, Reiner pulled you in the tightest most loving hug in your life, muttering "thank you"s under his breath. You could taste saltiness of his tears when he kissed your lips, still not letting go.
"He's crying" Udo said, feeling his own glasses getting a bit blurred.
"They're kissing." Falco's face was as red as a tomato, covering his blushing face with his hand but looking through his fingers.
"Annie finished all the donuts" was Zofia's comment with a pout.
Gabi's hold on the window got tighter, her lips quivering. "We have to stop them. They can't get married!" And like that, she slammed the window open before climbing inside.
"Gabi! Wait!" Falco tried grabbing her sleeve but was too slow, so he climbed after her into the room.
As expected from two children suddenly breaking in the room through the window, everyone's eyes were on them with surprised expressions.
Looking straight at Reiner, Gabi pulled you away from him before snatching the ring box from his hand. "NO! no one is marrying anyone" with all her might, she threw the box to Falco before telling him to run away.
Having been dragged into the middle of this, Falco looked at Colt's concerned expression, Reiner's confused face and Pieck's amused one. Stepping near Colt, he was about to give him the ring when he saw Gabi's face, making his stop midway.
"Run Falco! Just go!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face, legs shaking. "They can't leave us! Not like our parents did..."
Falco felt his chest tightening, recalling how empty the house feels with just him and Colt being away for work most of the time. How cold it is, unlike the warmth he feels whenever they stay over at your house.
He began tearing up too, holding the box so tightly to his chest.
It was Reiner who made the first move, while everyone was stunned looking at the two crying children. Pulling the both of them to his chest as they sobbed, he wrapped his arm safely around them. He looked at you and you followed in his steps.
After some time and explaining, Colt was comforting Falco while on the couch with Pieck doing the same on his other side. You had Zofia on your lap while she ate some Donuts you stashed away from Annie. Gabi was still clutching to Reiner with Udo on his other side doing the same.
Gabi would take a bite out of a donut, cry a bit then take another bite. Sometimes glancing at the red box on the table.
With time, reassuring words and Zeke making the kids laugh, things slowly got better. Reiner and you completely reassured them that you're never leaving, you love them more than anything in this world. That getting marriage is going to get you even more closer together than anything.
Hearing those words calmed Gabi down, each of them made you make a pinky promise to not replace them ever, same thing to Reiner.
That's when Bertolt brought up the fact you still haven't worn the ring, and it might make them feel better if they were the one to place it on your hand. And that seemed to grab their attention as they began arguing between themselves which one of them should do the honour.
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{ The Lanterns, circa 1910 by Charles Courtney Curran 1861-1942 }
Strap in because boi are we in for a ride. These kids went through a lot even in a modern non-war world
They all have an altered negative view on marriage, especially Gabi and Falco.
Both of Falco's parents are deceased, he lives alone with Colt who's trying his hardest to work and take care of both of them, of course Zeke and Pieck help a lot too and try to be his stand in parents.
He knows about love and how good it is, he just thinks marriage would mean you and Reiner might also go away.
Gabi's parents are alive and well, they're just rarely in her life. She's an alone child with no siblings, so far Reiner has been her only relative that she counts as family.
Her parents often leave her at her aunt's house whenever they go on a trip away, or as she started getting older, alone in the house. It gave her a lot of freedom but also a misguided and neglectful life.
Reiner has been trying to fill both roles of her parents for her, and when you came along it was like a dream coming true, she suddenly has someone who truly cares for her being and loves her unconditionally.
So when she heard you were getting married, something in her snapped and fears about you both leaving her too just like her parents clouded her mind.
Udo and Zofia both have their moms only, they bond over it. In Udo's case it was after his father passed away in an accident that his mother became really overprotective and Borderline overbearing.
She's worried about everything, he feels like it's his fault somehow and can't help but copy her anxiety and paranoia.
When he heard about you getting married, he felt a sting of pain and guilt, like he's getting in the way and it never was his real family to begin with.
Zofia's mom is another case, her dad left them when she was younger without a word. Her mother lost trust in anyone after that and was emotionally unavailable.
She saw how hurt her mother was over her dad, she wanted to be strong for her mom and never have to depend on anyone.
So when she heard you were getting married, a sense of dread filled her at realising one of you will hurt the other somehow and she will have to be strong on her own again.
The four of them looked up to you both, were loved and cherished by you both like they've longed for so long.
They fear losing you, they fear losing the warmth, love and care you showed them.
So take it slow with them please, they've been hurt a lot. They don't mean to be ungrateful or rude they're just kids who are terrfied.
Be paitent and slowly introduce them to marriage in a new light, let them grief over their own parents in a healthy way while comforting them. Make them feel included in the planning and wedding and everything and I promise you they'll be fighting for the flower girl spot at the wedding if you just take it slow and gentle.
Yes even Falco and Udo want to be the flower girl.
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moeyy-writes · 3 years ago
Imagine the guys finding out Jay and you are together…
Jay Wasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, friendly teasing, brief hint of sexual tension, theme of being sick.
Word Count: 808
My Full Master List
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Jay stared down at his phone and smiled, chuckling to himself at something you had texted him. You were back in Vegas, sick, and weren’t able to join the guys for a lockdown in LA.
(5:52pm) Y/N: I bet you’re laughing now. Ha! Anyway, I miss you.
(5:52pm) Jay: I miss you too. <3
(5:53pm) Y/N: Can I call you?
(5:53pm) Jay: Yeah.
You video called him, and he picked up on the first ring.
“Hey,” he greeted in a whisper, his hair mildly disheveled. He looked so adorable.
“Hey back,” you answered with a giggle. “Where are the guys?” Jay leaned against a door frame and sighed.
“We’re at the hotel. We’re about to leave to set up at the location. We’re all in Zak’s room. The guys are in the main area looking at the cameras. I’m just wandering now.” Jay rested his head against the doorframe.
“Well, stop slacking handsome and get to work!” you joked, sticking out your tongue.
“Yeah, you know me. Total slacker. I don’t even know why they keep me on the show.” Jay shrugged.
“You’re the eye candy, obviously,” you teased. Jay chuckled and shook his head.
“Not exactly,” he retorted. You paused and furrowed your brow.
“Well, I think you’re cute. And that’s what matters, right?” You winked, making his blush.
He nodded. “Yeah, I guess so—"
“Hey!” Billy’s voice shouted. Your eyes widened, locking on Jay. “Who the heck are you talking to, Jay?” Jay’s face turned bright red as he slowly turned toward the voice.
“Yeah, who’s calling you cute?” Zak’s voice boomed. You heard the men approaching.
“Uh, no one—”
“Did I hear Y/N’s voice?” Aaron asked through a chuckle. You just at there, staring at your phone.
The two of you had been dating for the last few months, and hadn’t really said anything to the guys. You didn’t want to make a huge deal for the sake of the show. Plus, the two of you were very private people. They would know when they needed to know.
And apparently that was now.
Billy’s face quickly came to view, followed by Zak’s.
“Oh, hey Y/N!” Billy greeted, before Jay pulled away.
“C’mon guys,” Jay muttered. Zak laughed, shoving Jay’s shoulder.
“What? You want some privacy so she can keep telling you how cute you are?” Zak poked, making Jay roll his eyes.
“Guys, be nice,” you reprimanded to no avail. All three of the guys started laughing. Then, Aaron started making kissing noises.
“You guys are so cute! I knew you two would eventually be together. I mean, the sexual tension between you two—”
“Zak!” you shrieked, mortified. Jay shook his head, pressing his fingers into his temple.
“Okay, guys. You figured it out. It only took you three months. Now, can Y/N and I be left alone?” Jay sighed, staring at each of the men, then back at you on the tiny screen.
“Fine,” Zak sighed. “But when we get back to Vegas, you two are going to get an earful for a while. Just warning you,” he explained, almost nonchalantly. You rolled your eyes again.
“I’m sure we will. Okay, goodnight guys,” you saluted, giving Jay the cue to find another spot.
So, Jay shuffled into the hotel hallway, then two doors down to his own room. Once he was through the door, he sighed.
“Sorry,” he muttered, his face still flushing. “I guess our secret is out now.” You smiled.
“Yeah, but they were bound to figure it out at some point. They are just a bunch of children,” you giggled.
“They are.” Jay paused for a moment, then smiled. “I do miss you, though. How are you feeling?”
You nodded. “Better. I don’t feel like my body is falling apart anymore, and I’m done puking my brains out. Damn norovirus.” You smiled sweetly and tilted your head a little. “I’m sorry I can’t be there. Don’t have too much fun without me.”
“Oh, don’t worry. We won’t.” Jay checked his watch and cursed. “We need to leave in twenty minutes, so I should get going.” He let out a long breath, then offered a half smile. “I love you.”
Your heart pounded at the words. You were still getting used to hearing them since he first said them a few weeks back.
“I love you too, Jay.” You both smiled before there was a loud thud on Jay’s door.
“I loooove you Jay!” Aaron’s voice mocked from the other side of the door. The three other men laughed. Children.
“Smack all of them for me, okay?” you requested with one last eye roll. Jay nodded.
“I think I can do that.”
You blew Jay a kiss, then waved. He repeated the gesture, then ended the call, before heading back to the group of children in the hall.
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Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated! <3
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 4 years ago
Breach Masterlist
Warnings: non/dubcon sex (series), general angst
This is dark!Winter Soldier/Bucky and explicit. 18+ only.
Note: Uh, yeah, the long awaited update! And we’re very close to an ending. A necessary explanation that the timeline of the MCU has been changed for the purpose of this series. As of this chapter, the year is 1989. Anyways, let’s welcome back James and Luka!
I won’t demand but do ask for feedback; likes, reblogs, replies, comments, asks, especially on this series, but again, enjoy in your own way! <3 Love you!
You’d never been on a plane before. You’d ridden in the cargo bay of a large boat from Europe, hidden amid the barrels and fishing nets. The rest of the way, had been marked by the back of rickety farming trucks and mule-drawn carts. But never a plane.
Weeks on the road, by foot, by car, until you reached the short dock along the winding river; a peculiar, small plane floating on the water. 
James handed the man a handful of bills and turned back to you as he felt the pistol hidden beneath his jacket. Luka sat on your hip and asked a dozen questions as you were helped into the aircraft, the pilot ahead of you and James behind. How did it fly and float? Where were you going? Were you going to space? 
You hushed him as you sat on a crate against the wall and James sat on the next. You turned Luka so that his back rested against your front and the man beside you tapped his gloves fingers on his knee. 
You listened as the pilot flipped switches and cranked the plane to life. It rumbled around you and you latched onto James’ arm without thinking. He leaned in until his arm met yours. Luka laughed in delight as the propellers began to spin.
“It’s alright,” James said in Portugeuse; he warned you not to speak Russian. “Be calm. I rode in worse.”
“Maybe you have, but I do not like the idea of being so high up,” You hissed and retracted your hand. “Must we go so far away?”
“We’ve spent long enough here.” He whispered close to your ear. “And now is the time to go. So many people are moving around, we will hardly be missed.”
“You still haven’t told me where we go,” You hugged Luka as the plan began to move.
“Best I don’t. Yet.” He said pointedly and raised his finger to his lips to signal silence.
You nodded and rocked Luka. The canvas bag on your back held a change of clothes for both of you and the woolen wolf toy you’d knitted him when he was still in the cradles. James told you to bring as little as possible. Enough to survive. He had a bag on his own back stuffed with salted rations, ammunition, and his own clothing. He was geared more to war as you felt little more than a refugee running for the hills.
The constant roar of the engine set you on edge and tugged at your exhausted mind. As the plane lifted from the water in a flurry, you clung tighter to Luka and he grabbed onto your arm to keep you from squeezing him too hard.
“Mama, mama,” He called over the noise. “You will hurt me.”
“Here,” James reached out and took Luka’s arm. “I’ll take him. You should try to rest.”
“Up here?” You let go, reluctant. The boy was your only comfort as you lifted into the clouds. “I don’t think I can.”
“Try.” He ordered. “We will still have far to go after we land.”
“We always have far to go,” You crossed your arms.
He was silent. Again. In those days you’d traveled, he had been even less talkative than before. His brow wrinkled as he forged on, aimed towards some unknown target. He was even more insistent, even more impatient, but you did not have the strength to hope that he was eager for some end to the road. Only another pit stop.
Despite your nerves, despite the way your skin pricked every time you thought of the dearth of land beneath you, and the altitude made your ears ache, your eyelids closed. At first you did not doze, merely tried to hide from the world before you. But your own fatigue overwhelmed your obstinacy and you fell asleep.
In your dreams, you were there again. As you were every time you slept. The bright cell, the anguished cries of your child, the sinister shadow of the soldier. Not James, the soldier. And the doctors poked and prodded at you as they whispered. You screamed but no sound rose and you woke with a start.
You blinked through the haze as the engines whirred still and you glanced over as James quickly folded up a piece of paper. You saw only the picture of a man, taken long ago, blonde hair and square jaw; stoic. You covered your yawn with your arm as James tucked the paper into his pocket, jostling Luka who slept silently against his chest.
“You okay?” He asked. “You were dreaming again.”
“Was I?” You played dumb.
“You make noises,” He said. “Sometimes you speak.”
“Oh,” You shifted on the crate. “How long did I--”
“Mmm,” He shrugged. “We’re almost there.”
“There?” You asked.
“Almost ready to land,” He explained. “You don’t trust me.”
“Why do you say that? I have trusted you, James. You have kept us safe.” You argued.
“But you watch me.” He said. 
You lowered your head and rubbed your hands together. “You are quiet. You… never tell me anything.”
“I tell you what you need to know. Any more and it would be dangerous.” He pushed back his hair. “Can you trust that I am taking us somewhere we will be safe? Somewhere we might be able to stay?”
“And where would be such a fantastical place?” You challenged.
“Another thing I cannot tell,” He smiled grimly. “But will you trust me one last time?”
“Always trust,” You assured. “Always.” You reached over and touched Luka’s cheek. “Even then, you saved him. You took him from those monsters.” You sniffed. “You never had to take me too.”
He bent his head and looked down at the child in his lap. He rubbed Luka’s back and sighed.
“Do you think I would’ve left you?” His voice was brittle.
“You weren’t James then.” You placed your hand over his as his fingers, the metal ones concealed in his leather glove, began to twitch. “You are now, but you still hide from me.”
He shook his head and turned his face away from you. “The soldier, James…” You could barely hear him. “They are the same person and they both hurt you.”
“You are not--” You tucked your fingers under his palm and held his hand as he tried to pull away. “No, you did not know the soldier as well as I. You are not the same, James.”
He kept his face hidden but squeezed your hand. He took a deep breath and rested his head on Luka’s smaller one. “I try…” He muttered. “I try.”
Back on solid ground, you didn’t stop moving. The only thing that changed, was the world around you. At first, the signs remained in Spanish and after a stop at a checkpoint, they turned to English. You could not read that so well and the few people you met, spoke too quickly for you to keep up.
You could surmise that you were in America. You knew that James was born there, it was of the few details he offered about who he was, or who he had been. You stopped at a bank, he waited for the other customers to clear out, and he exchanged his real for dollars. He kept his head down as he returned to you, hidden with Luka behind a cafe, and kept on.
He bought a rusted old Chrysler from a dealer on a dusty road. It rattled but didn’t putter. He stopped only to fill the tank and buy coffee and processed sandwiches from the stations. You stopped once to eat in a restaurant but James had hurried you through the meal as Luka began to shout loudly in Spanish, Russian, then English.
States lines were little more than painted signs on the road. The landscape changed, it grew wetter, lusher, swamps then forests, then sprawling farmlands. James kept away from the cities and forged along the back roads. And then he stopped and stared down an impasse.
You were tired. Days spent sleeping in the car, almost a whole week, with the brooding man and the bored and energetic child. It had all mounted on your shoulders and in your head. You wanted a bed; a real bed. You wanted to stay still.
“What is it?” You asked.
“We’re almost there,” He said.
“Almost where?” You wondered as you unwrapped a candy bar for Luka. A treat you’d saved for him a few days back.
James let out a long breath and turned the wheel as he hit the gas. He didn’t answer as he drove on. He wasn’t going to tell you. You could tell he was anxious. You could tell he was uncertain. And you were too.
You played a game with Luka to distract yourself. He grew tired of it and so you sang with him, out of key, but it eased your nerves. You went silent as you reached the city. You didn’t need a sign or a map. You knew it from the magazine and the television. It was New York.
You looked over at Bucky in disbelief.
“This is--”
“Where I’m from,” He said. “I was born here. Up in Brooklyn.” His voice was wistful. “A very long time ago.”
“Very long,” You chided. “You are not so much older than me.”
“I don’t look it,” He kept his eyes on the road and slowed with the traffic around him. “I…” He swallowed. “I have to meet someone and then I will tell you. Everything.”
“Meet who?” Your heart was fluttering.
“An old friend,” He stopped as the car before him did and he leaned against the car door as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out that paper, newsprint, folded and refolded time and time again. “Here.”
You unfolded it carefully. The article was printed in English. You frowned. “I cannot read so well this language.” You said.
“You can read enough.” He insisted. “You will have to learn to speak it too.”
You squinted and looked over the paper. The same picture of the blonde man; words you recognized; a name. ‘War hero, Captain America, found in Arctic’. Your eyes roved the page; thawed, alive, preserved, miracle. You shook your head in confusion.
“That is my friend,” James said. “He can help us. He knows people. People who can keep us from Hydra.” He eased onto the gas. “I can’t fight alone. Not anymore.”
“You sure they will?” You asked. 
“I know he will.” He gripped the wheel tightly. “If not me, you and Luka.”
“All of us.” You insisted.
He looked grim as he nodded but said nothing more. You folded up the paper and looked around at the crowded buildings.
“Mama, there’s so many people,” Luka chimed. “And everything’s so tall.”
“Yes, Myshka,” You said. “So tall.”
It was dark. You sat in an alley with Luka in your lap, a disposed orange crate beneath you. James stood against the wall, hidden in shadows as he kept his eyes on the opening. Every time a pedestrian passed, he grew tense. You weren’t sure what his plan was, you were only scared. You needed somewhere to sleep, even the car, but he was too nervous to leave you alone, even locked in the old Chrysler.
Then he marched forward. You watched him as he grabbed the silhouette and dragged it into the alley. The man was taller than him, his figure limned in sunlight as he pushed back against James and forced him against the wall. The two men struggled with each other as they grunted.
James caught a fist than an elbow, barely keeping himself from being thrown off his feet. He was holding his punches, refusing to hit the man.
“Steve, Steve!” He hissed. “Hey, punk, it’s me!” He snarled. “Bucky.”
The other man suddenly stopped. He held James, or this person he knew as Bucky, against the wall as he tried to see him through the dark. He released him and stepped back, stunned.
“How--” The man uttered.
“I can’t explain. Not here.” James said as he lowered his voice.
“It can’t be,” Steve gasped. “Bucky. What the hell are you doing scaring me like that?”
“I didn’t know how else… I spotted you just down the street but-- had to take a chance.” James said nervously. “And I-- We need a place to go. Just for the night.”
“Just for the night?” Steve asked. “Is that all?”
“Well, no, but--”
“Wait, you said ‘we’,” Steve interjected. “Who--”
Bucky waved two fingers and signaled you over to him. You stood from beside the stinking bins and neared as Luka asked what was going on. You hushed him and came to stand by James, just behind his shoulder. The moonlight shone past the tall apartments and you saw the man clearer as he saw you in turn. He smiled.
“Buck,” He said. “You--”
“My son, Luka,” James said pointedly then introduced you.
“How did you--”
“We can’t talk out here.” James urged. “I know it’s a lot to ask but I can’t take them anywhere else.”
“It’s nothing, pal,” Steve patted his shoulder. “Stay as long as you need.” He looked between you and James. “So, let me show you my place. Not much…” He inched towards the mouth of the alley. “But it smells much better than this hole.”
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kaistarus · 4 years ago
Drunken Christmas Party Confessions
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 2.2K
Summary: Nishinoya and Tanaka are throwing a Christmas party and maybe he’s had too much ‘hot chocolate’, but you’re really working that ugly sweater.
Notes: This is a college au, so that’s why they have dranks. Thanksgiving is over and it snowed where I live which means it’s officially Christmas. Which means it’s time to write too many Christmas/Winter themed fics.  I don’t make the rules lol
 Nishinoya wasn’t the brightest crayon in the Crayola 64 box sharpener included, but he knew three things for damn sure. When given the option you should never let Shoyo DJ a Christmas party, buying Christmas trees from Amazon is only a good idea if you pay attention to the size chart, and you looked really good in an ugly sweater.
Nishinoya swayed back and forth to the tenth rendition of ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’-apparently the only song Shoyo had on his Christmas playlist-while shamelessly watching you with hooded eyes. You looked so pretty in the ugly reindeer sweater that you’d stolen from his closet ten minutes before this party started. He could practically hear your laugh from across the house as you sling an arm over your stomach, gripping onto Yachi’s shoulder for stability.
He pursed his lips. Yachi’s joke probably wasn’t even that good. Nishinoya was a million times funnier than her for sure.
“Bro, are you even listening?”
“Hah?” Nishinoya rolled his head toward Tanaka who had apparently been talking to him.
How long had he been there?
“I said I think I’m finally going to make a move on Kiyoko,” Tanaka said with a lopsided grin, gazing over Nishinoya’s shoulder where Kiyoko probably was. Nishinoya wrinkled his nose and took a sip of the spiked hot chocolate from his classy red solo cup.
Tanaka must be drunker than he was if he thought this was the first time he was making a move on Kiyoko.
“That sounds super awesome dude.” Nishinoya tuned out Tanaka again, his eyes trailing back to where you were leaning on the false-granite countertop, smiling so wide the corners of your eyes crinkled.
You were so cute. Did you know you were the cutest person to ever exist ever?
“Do you think that’s a good plan?”
“Uh-huh, yeah. For sure.” The corners of Nishinoya’s mouth quirked up when you waved your hands around, your face expressive and your lips moving quickly as you told Yachi a story of some kind. He loved how passionate you got over the littlest things.
“Dude, you’re definitely not listening,” Tanaka was close to Nishinoya’s ear now and if he had his usual reflexes he probably would’ve jumped. “What are you staring at?”
The coolest person in the whole world.
Whoa, he should definitely tell you how awesome you are. You would be so wooed at how profound and suave he was.
Without a word he exited the one-sided conversation with Tanaka, ignoring the offended gasp, and made a wobbly bee-line for the kitchen. He handed off his hot chocolate somewhere along the way to some random party-goer. He was a man on a mission and hadn’t bothered paying attention to who had been the victim.
“....guchi said he tried to pretend it was his brother’s.” Yachi was having a hard time getting through the sentence without laughing, Nishinoya observed once you both were in earshot.
“Why would it be in his closet if it was his brother’s!?” You snorted with another belly aching laugh that made his heart skip.
“That’s what I said!”
“Hello ladies,” Nishinoya slid up against the counter opposite you and Yachi and definitely didn’t miss the ledge with his elbow his first try. That would have been embarrassing.
Yachi’s hand covered her mouth and her body shook lightly. How dare she laugh at his epic moves.
“Hello Noya,” you smiled at him in the way that made his heart feel all funny. Like, when he made a really good receive that made adrenaline course through his veins except he was also wrapped in fluffy blankets on a cotton candy cloud.
He gave you a finger gun and closed one eye in an attempted wink, “I thought this was an ugly sweater party. Not an… uh…” He squinted at the tray of desserts behind you. “Good looking sweater party?”
You blinked at him, not saying a word due to what he assumed was how stunningly swept-off-your-feet you were while Yachi glanced between the both of you adorning a sly smile.
“I’m going to go,” Yachi pointed toward the living room where Nishinoya and Tanaka had placed their pathetic miniature plastic tree. “Talk to you guys later.” She winked at you when she left and Nishinoya felt like he should analyze that one, but he was not up for critical thinking.
“So,” you gave him a once-over which made him smile dopily back at you. “You look like you’ve had a good night.”
“I cannot remember the alphabet.” Nishinoya said confidently, giving you two thumbs up. Another rendition of ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ began playing and Nishinoya whipped his head toward the living room where Shoyo was standing conspicuously near the speaker. “Shoyo, I swear to god!”
“It’s a Christmas classic!” He shouted back, getting in a defensive stance in front of the speaker. “I’ll play it as many times as I want.”
“Not in my house you son of a-” Nishinoya began climbing over the counter for the quickest route to fight the orange-haired punk when you reached out and grabbed his wrist. He looked down at your amused smile with wide eyes.
“Let’s go outside.”
“But it’s snowing,” Nishinoya pointed out the obvious before his slow to process brain realized he’d be alone with you. He nearly fell on his face hopping off the counter. “Outside it is.”
Nishinoya had you walk in front of him to the front door, like he assumed a gentleman would, and behind your back he gave Hinata an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture. Hinata stuck his tongue out and it took every bit of self-control Nishinoya had left to not go over there and teach him why he shouldn’t disrespect his elders.
“Here,” you were offering him his red winter jacket by the time he turned around, already having put yours on. His heart warmed that you had remembered what his coat looked like-ignore you two walked to class together multiple times a week. He still knew you were the smartest and nicest and coolest person ever for bothering to remember that detail about him.
He flung his coat on and trailed after you into the winter night. A shiver racked his body at the drastic temperature change when he stepped onto his snow dusted porch, the white fluff falling lightly from the sky.
Nishinoya loved snowy nights. More specifically he loved how the sky was lighter than it should be, a shade of pink that only seemed to exist during a quiet snowy evening where the snow was sparkling and untouched. Before it became disgustingly dirty from cars on the streets or crushed by people’s footsteps as they walked across campus to classes they dreaded.
He was also a sucker for throwing snowballs at an unsuspecting Tanaka, but that was a separate story.
He had zoned out so hard he hadn’t noticed you brushing off the front step of his porch, clearing off a place for you both to sit. You patted the space beside you and without thought he was already down.
“It’s pretty,” you admired, looking out toward the freshly covered lawn.
“Yeah,” Nishinoya said, focusing on you. Even with the porches overhang the snowfall’s slight angle caused snowflakes to collect on your hair and jacket. He wanted to reach out and touch one, but clenched his fists instead.
You glanced over and caught his blatant staring, but he was too at peace to be embarrassed. He just enjoyed looking at you, especially when your nose and cheeks were painted red from the winter’s cold. Or maybe you were blushing. Maybe you were as affected by his presence as he was yours.
That would be nice.
“I’m happy,” Nishinoya proclaimed, glancing out towards his untouched lawn. He should build a snowman… What was that little thing from that Disney movie? Sven? No that’s not it. He should build that though. That would be sick.
“I’m glad,” your voice came out barely above a whisper and oh yeah he was in the middle of something important. He felt his heart do the skipping thing again that only happened around you. He wondered if you knew the effect you had on him.
Nishinoya gave you a lopsided smile, “I like being with you.” He leaned back on the porch with the support of his hands. “But you make my chest feel funny.”
“Yeah,” he rubbed his coat over where his heart was currently beating sporadically against his rib cage. “Like, when I do a good Rolling Thunder.”
“I make you feel like Rolling Thunder?”
“No, that doesn’t...” Nishinoya put a hand on his forehead. That wasn’t right at all. He tried to reach past the thick layer of fog in his mind for the right words, but it was too dense. “It’s like… when you’re sick, but then someone makes warm soup and after you eat it you don’t want to vomit anymore!”
You just stared at him which led him to believe he didn’t explain it well.
“Okay… how about when you go to McDonalds in the summer thinking the ice cream machine is broken, but it’s not!” He threw his hands up, excitedly. “So, you thought you were going to suffer, but you end up getting a sundae.”
You were still looking at him with a brow raised and this was turning out to not be his night.
“Um… Oh oh oh! it’s like when you really have to poop and you think somebody else is in the bathroom, but it turns out there’s not! That relief you feel when you finally get to just let it-”
“Okay,” you put a hand over his mouth and his eyes lit up with elation. Hell yeah, he did it. He was fucking shakespeare. A true poet. English classes would be studying this moment for centuries to come. “I have no clue what you’re trying to say.”
“What?” He pulled your hand off his mouth. “How?”
“You just told me I feel like a poop.”
“No, you feel like the relief during the poop, not the poop itself!” He rolled his eyes. It seriously wasn’t a hard concept to grasp.
You blinked several times before your eyes slowly widened in realization. “Are you trying to tell me you like me?” Then a hand flew to your forehead. “Through poop metaphors?”
“There were several metaphors actually but-”
You punched him in the shoulder and he rubbed it with a whine. He had never confessed feelings before, but that probably wasn’t a desired reaction.
“You can’t just do that while you’re drunk, you asshole.”
“Wow, name calling seems a little uncalled for don’t you-”
“I can’t kiss you when you’re drunk.” You let out a frustrated groan and buried your face in your hands. “I can’t even fully trust that you mean it.”
Nishinoya’s jaw went slack. His brain was half functioning, but kissing definitely sounded like good times. Wait, what was that last part? Trusting him for, huh?
“I don’t lie,” he tilted his head slightly confused. “I don’t care if you don’t like me back, but I would never make something like this up to hurt you.”
You peeked up at him wearily, which still made his heart drop a little, but when you nodded he felt better. All that mattered was you trusted him. He didn’t care about much else in the moment. Although that kissing comment had not been overlooked.
“I also…” Your face turned a deeper shade of red than the snowy weather had allowed and Nishinoya definitely settled on you blushing. “Don’t not like you.”
Double negatives was a trip for someone who’s brain wasn’t at full capacity, but he worked it out. He beamed at you and bounced lightly in his seat on the porch step you both resided on. He could easily work with that. More than work with that it was everything he’d wanted.
“We should probably do something about it then,” he suggested, his smile softening as he gazed at you through hooded eyes. “I have a feeling I’ll be hungover tomorrow.”
You cocked your head to the side, clearly confused at his topic change. “A genius observation, yes.”
“We should go get a hangover brunch since I’ll wake up miserable at noon,” he propped himself up by placing his cheek in his palm. “Hangover days are always best when you spend them with your favorite people.”
The corners of your mouth quirked up into a smile as you reached over, brushing some snow out of his hair and lightly trailing your knuckles down his cheeks. “Yeah, sounds like a date.”
Nishinoya hummed in agreement, wanting to do little now beside exist with you and watch the snow as it fell from the midnight sky. He was exhausted. His brain had done way too much work that night and he needed to lay down.
He peeked back over toward you, adorning a content smile on your lips and he sighed deeply.
Nishinoya had never been the brightest volleyball in the basket, but he knew three things for damn sure. After watching a movie over fifteen times he apparently was still incapable of naming the main cast, alcoholic hot chocolate was his new best friend, and he liked you.
He really really liked you.
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candychronicles · 4 years ago
elysian // s. daichi
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A/N: my take on the Haikyuu Headquarters mythology nsfw collab! this was my first time writing for Daichi. i took a greek myth route and had so much fun!!
CHARACTER PAIRING: Daichi Sawamura x F!reader
WARNINGS: manipulation, oral (F!receiving), mentions of several religions
SYNOPSIS: all your life you had been fighting only to end up at a boring 9-5 with nowhere to turn. Daichi has a proposition and you accept without realizing the consequences. 
Want to read more myths and legends? Click here! 
you were always fascinated with the idea of something larger than you, something so fantastical and great that it consumed the earth over and over again. while many people turned to other religions or no religion at all, satiating their own desires for redemption, love and acceptance, you chose to dig deeper, look at what truly resonated with your life and dutifully settled upon the greek gods. 
they didn’t sugarcoat the bad things they did, that they used their power any way they pleased, that they were stronger, faster and larger than life. they were powerful gods who held powerful positions and were unpredictable, wild and fluid in their dance with humanity. you admired the stories from years ago of how they defeated the titans and split the land between the three sons: the skies for Zeus, the seas for Poseidon and the underworld for Hades. 
Hades had always spoken to you in a way you couldn’t describe. when you worshipped him needing guidance, offering him dark chocolate and sweet, rich red wines, he complied with very little hesitation, always wanting to seemingly please you as long as you kept up your worshipping of him. he became quite moody, jealous and wouldn’t want to talk to you for days if you spent too much time interacting with the other gods. to be frank, you loved the attention he showered you with and felt at ease knowing he would protect you for life.
sighing, you pulled your apron tight around your waist, ready for another day at work slinging coffees and cakes to the less than pleasant customers that walked through the door. being a barista seemed like fun in cliche stories and movies but it was actually just another job that got you through your boring summer. 
it only took an hour before people began screaming and shouting, angry at your lack of speed and pleasant smile on your face. it was just you and two other people there serving a line of ten plus at any given time and while you all tried your best, things never seemed to go the way they were planned.
“one large coffee, black.”
you took a deep breath before plastering a smile on your face, giving the man with the honey sweet voice a price and looking up, the smile threatening to spill onto your cheeks as you recognized Daichi, one of your favorite customers and now good friends.
“thought you might need one friendly face among the crowd of crazy,” he joked, tapping his sleek black credit card against the machine to pay, making sure to leave a hefty tip before nodding and walking away.
he sat for another two hours in the shop, nursing on his coffee and working on his laptop as he waited for you to get a break. when the line finally died down, your rushed from behind the counter and plopped yourself down in the booth across from him.
“what brings your handsome face around here?” you asked, tapping your feet against the ground as the anxiety of the day began to wear off.
“coming to see you as always,” he replied smoothly, downing the last of his coffee before placing the cup back on the table.
“you haven’t been around for awhile,” you pouted, not caring that you sounded desperate.
“i’m sorry but you know work can get oddly busy at times. how about i make it up to you? dinner, tonight at seven? my treat, anywhere you want to go.”
you gaped at him, not sure of what to say. you two had been flirting for months, the only friendly face you had really seen outside of the occasional older lady who always bought you a snack or drink for being so kind and patient with them. he was always sweet as candy, sugary words viscously flowing out of his mouth. at first you thought he was just some tightwad business man looking to get into your pants but as you got to know him, you realized he was just naturally kind, always looking out for the underdog. he treated you with the respect and decency that you deserved and maybe you were just so used to being treated like shit most of the time but his upfront and honest nature just blew you away.
before you had a chance to even reply, he looked at his phone, frowned and stood up.
“i’ll see you at seven, text me your address, yeah?”
with that and a gentle caress of your chin, he practically dissolved into thin air. you blinked once, twice, three times trying to process what had just happened before digging into your pocket to text him your address, not even remembering giving him your number but sure enough, there he sat in your contact with a simple flower next to his name.
the rest of the day went by in a blur and before you knew it, you were sitting on your couch, donned in your best dress, sparkling earrings dangling from your ears and shiny jewels adorning your body. you frowned as you checked the time, noticing it was already ten past seven. just as you were about to give up, you received a text from Daichi.
i’m sorry princess. something big came up at work. i’ll make it up to you. first thing in the morning, dress for the outdoors and bring a jacket, it’ll be a bit chilly where we’re going. i’ll see you then.
you huffed, throwing your phone down on the couch before stuffing your face in your hands, trying not to cry. you began methodically undressing yourself, taking off all your accessories and makeup, barely listening to the TV in the back drone on about some factory explosion that had happened in the next town over, killing two hundred people practically at once. you stopped to share some of the jewels with Hades, lighting his black flame and watching it dance in excitement, thanking him for never leaving you, even in the harshest of times. with all the makeup off, the dress peeled from your body and your shiny jewels laid on the table, you collapsed in bed, too tired and confused to dress yourself again.
a knock on the door had you scrambling off of your bed, hurrying to find a robe before peeking through the peephole to see who woke you up at such an early time on your rare day off. your eyes widened in surprise before squeaking, peeling the door open just a pinch to greet Daichi who held a rather large bouquet of flowers in his hand, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck and squinting his eyes as he held the petals out towards you.
“Daichi, i-”
“i’m real sorry about last night. crazy last minute meeting, totally unexpected. i promised i’d make it up to you though, right?”
you opened the door to him at that, blushing when you realized you were only in your robe before practically sprinting to your bedroom to begin getting ready. when you were ready, jacket in hand, you walked back out, a sheepish smile on your face.
“i uh, really didn’t think you would be here in the morning. thought you were just trying to lead me on or something,” you confessed.
“now doll, i think you know me better than that by now,” he chastised, standing up from your couch to offer you his arm.
you took it instantly, a bounce in your step as you followed him out of your apartment, listening to the door close with a resounding thud. 
it took only a few minutes before you were sat in his sleek black car practically oozing with the feeling of money. you gingerly sat down in the leather seats, instantly feeling drowsy. shaking your head, you tried to fight it off but was stopped by Daichi.
“it’ll be a little bit of a drive before we get to where we’re going. you can take a nap, it’s okay. i’m a safe driver. i promise i won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
with his soothing words, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, allowing yourself to be completely relaxed in his presence.
a small jerk woke you up and you blinked, looking out the window to see fields and fields of picture perfect flowers. you were practically surrounded by them, the only clearing being the dirt road you came on and patch of grass leading up to a hill.
“Daichi…” you breathed, speechless by the beauty of the location.
“c’mon, lets eat.”
you practically scurried out of the car, eyes wide as you continued to scan your surroundings. he dutifully began taking the picnic out of the car, setting down the blanket, basket, food and drink in a tasteful and elegant way. you absolutely melted seeing all the delicious food that was laid out for you. before you had a chance to eat, however, Daichi grabbed you by the waist, pulling you into his arms and looking you in the eyes.
“y’know, i’ve been absolutely fascinated with you since the first day i met you, all doe-eyed and innocent. the world has knocked you down so many times and yet you still get back up to fight another day. tell me, if i offered you a life of luxury, of eternal peace, full of love and richness, never having to work a day in your life if you didn’t want to, would you take it?”
you were taken aback by his words, not understanding where they were coming from. sure, you two had spent so much time chatting at your coffee shop, sharing your hopes and dreams with him, confiding in him like you would no one else, but you didn’t realize he had taken it all to heart, that he had actually fallen in love with you like you him. you didn’t even realize in that moment that you had even really loved him until he said those words, looked deep into your soul like he knew everything about you and then some.
“i mean, if you’re offering, yeah, i think i’d like a life like that, but maybe once i got to know you first,” you only half joked, wanting to know more about him, a sucker for an idyllic life.
“just say yes and you can spend all the time in the world getting to know me.”
“yes, Daichi, i would take it in a heartbeat.”
he surged forward with that, lips attaching to your own with such ferocity that you weren’t even sure what to do. he tasted like rich chocolate, wine and coffee, a delicious medley on your tongue as you reacted on instinct alone. something about this, with him, felt so right. your head was muddled with thoughts of Daichi and only Daichi, a man who was so mysterious and yet so supportive, always there when you needed him, seemingly popping up out of the blue on your worst days. listening to your problems with a frown on his face, doing everything he possibly could to make you feel better, never overstepping his boundaries and cherishing the time you spent together like there was no tomorrow.
he whispered sweet nothings in your ear as he took you to the ground, flowers crunching around your body as he laid on top of you, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin of your neck, relishing in the way you went breathless just from his lips alone.
“tell me that you want me, that you need me, that you worship me, that i’m the only man you’ll ever need,” he commanded, popping the buttons open on your shirt and ravishing your chest, tweaking your bare nipples in his hands, the cold shocking you to the core.
“you’re all i’ll ever need, Daichi,” you confirmed, too consumed in your own pleasure, wanting to feel more and more of him until he was all you could think of.
“let me take care of you princess.”
with that, he delicately pulled your shirt off, your pants coming down next, your underwear not receiving such a kind fate as they were cruelly ripped off your body. you gasped as you felt his hot breath on your thigh, squirming underneath his touch, the way his tongue danced along your inner thigh, flesh sinking in between his teeth. you whined at the way his cold fingers ghosted over your clit, just barely there but enough to make you go crazy.
“Daichi, please, i need you, please.”
he complied without resistance, his tongue darting out to kitten lick your clit, relishing in the way you instantly melted underneath his touch. you were absolutely enraptured with the way he felt against your body, the cool of his hand tracing seemingly meaningless patterns against your silky inner thigh, his other sinking into your heat, enveloping his digits with warmth, something he rarely felt, his tongue licking and sucking on your bud like your life depended on it. it was all too much, the feeling of him on top of you, doting on you like you were everything to him and you came suddenly, pulsating around his fingers, your own carded in his hair to ground yourself, tears leaking out of your eyes at the sheer feeling of him, only him.
he slowly calmed you down from your high, eyes never leaving his body as his fingers gently continued to pump in and out of you, his other hand continuing to soothe your body, kisses placed anywhere he could reach. when you were finally calm, he removed his fingers, still cold despite the warmth the received, and licked them clean, watching as your eyes rolled in the back of your head at the sight of him worshipping you.
“let’s get you cleaned up and get some food in you, yeah?”
he spent the next few minutes gently wiping you off, dressing you back in most of your clothes sans the underwear he destroyed, a sheepish and apologetic smile on his face as he promised to buy you a new pair, no matter the price. you shrugged your jacket on over your shoulders, finally noticing how cold it was, a chill running straight to your core as you tightened clothing around you.
after a few moments of catching your breath, you stood up with the help of Daichi, walking over to the picnic and sitting down, mouth drooling at the sight of food, suddenly ravenous.
“were you really serious about saying yes, about being mine forever?”
“like i said Daichi, i do want to get to know you better, but i can’t deny i’m not falling in love with you. something about you feels familiar, like you’ve been with me my whole life, like you know me better than i know myself. i feel so comfortable and safe around you. so yes, call me a dumb romantic, but i was serious about that.”
with a satisfied nod, he began feeding you, watching you closely as you swallowed food after food, a delighted smile on your face. you felt stronger, more relaxed, less cold and certainly happier eating and drinking, taking the time to really talk to Daichi, learn about him, his thoughts and feelings, some of his tragic past and your heart hurt more and more as you listened to him.
when all was said and done, you stood up, wiping the crumbs off your body as looked at Daichi, a smile plastered on your face.
“when are you taking me home?” you questioned, looking around the field to see if you could spot anything else to do.
“well, my dear, whenever you’re ready, i’ll show you your new home right away. after all, what kind of king would i be if i didn’t let my queen see her palace right away?”
“what?” you questioned, looking at him quizzically. 
when he stood up, you noticed the whole mood had shifted and so did the world. the flowers, as bright and beautiful as they were, were no longer illuminated by a brilliant sun but rather a striking moon, darkness encircling your very body. you felt cold and yet not cold at all, like it was a very part of your being. Daichi seemed to stand immortally tall before you, an air of authority that was not there before. beautiful houses scattered the flowerbeds, people milling about, people from stories you had read to soothe yourself to sleep as you dreamt of one day being a hero of your own.
“Daichi, what is going on?” you asked, frightened and confused.
“well, doll, i did ask you several times to make sure but i knew in my heart that you would come to accept and eventually love this life as i have,” he started, gesturing for you to turn around to look out behind you, a whole world opening up in front of your eyes, “this is the underworld, i am Hades, you’re currently in the Elysian Fields, now that you ate the food down here, you are an immortal part of me and this, my queen, is your new home.” 
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ourloveisforthelovely · 4 years ago
Princess Part 6
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 5 
Parings: Regulus Black. Mentioned Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Rating: Explicit- smut warning 
“It's Christmas Eve tomorrow. I still have to get your mother’s present.”
You said as Regulus pushed a small path through the hordes of people that were out snagging last-minute gifts.
“I figured that you would have had everything done weeks ago.”
Regulus commented, rolling his eyes as the fourth person ran into him. You wrapped your arms together around his to prevent separation.
“Well, I would but she’s been hovering over me since we returned home. It's hard to buy a present with her breathing down my neck, however, I could have turned around and asked her if she liked whatever the item was.”
Regulus smirked.
“Father got her a nice necklace and diamond ring this year. I thought last year’s gift to that self-help seminar was a wonderful gift. Father was right. Mother needs to get out of the house more and network with other basketcases.”
You said his name with a sly smile remembering last year’s horrible Christmas disaster when Orion gave Walburga those tickets to that seminar. Walburga didn’t speak to Orion for three weeks. She, instead, insisted upon following Regulus and yourself around questioning everything that the two of you were doing?”
“So, is this what teenagers are doing today?”
“Regulus, do you really have to play quidditch? What if you fall or hurt something?”
“Where is your jumper?”
You could still hear her shrieking in your mind. Both Regulus and yourself had politely dealt with Walburga’ meddling. The two of you were too polite to say anything to her. It wasn’t until Orion came home with jewelry did she start speaking to her husband again.
Even Kreacher was delighted for his mistress and master to be speaking again. The poor elf had taken refuge under Regulus’ bed resulting in sex not happening.
“Master and mistress, just pretend that Kreacher isn’t here.”
Both Regulus and yourself were looking at each other with disturbing expressions and given up on whatever thought of sex that was once had.
“I know what you are thinking about and Kreacher is not living under our bed for three weeks again.”
Regulus whispered, rolling his eyes. The two of you had finally gotten to a place where people weren’t running into you. Regulus pulled you closer to him.
“Yes, we don’t need a house-elf living in our room again. That was awkward.”
Regulus glanced over his shoulder. His eyes had stopped on the candy store that had the one type of chocolate his mother enjoyed.
“I’m going to run in there quickly. Mom needs her chocolate fix. Are you coming?”
You shook your head upon realizing just how many people were in the store.
“Go ahead. There are too many other humans in there. I’ll wait for you here.”
Regulus shrugged and disappeared into the shop. You took a breath and looked down at your watch. 7:30...Walburga was probably wondering where the two of you were. Forget the fact that Regulus and yourself were almost adults. Walburga, after Sirius’ departure, turned up her worrying over Regulus (and yourself too) to new heights.
When Regulus’ dark mark started burning and he had to leave, Walburga turned into a worried child whose blankie was in the wash. She would pace the floor until her son returned home. Her out of character behavior was never mentioned, however. If someone mentioned Walburga acting differently over Regulus now, she would deny it.
You looked up the moment that you heard your name being called. The moment that you met the source, you froze seeing Sirius standing in front of you. A few feet behind him stood James and Lily Potter.
It had been ages since you had seen or spoken to Sirius last. After he ran away, Walburga made it crystal clear that she didn’t want Regulus or yourself speaking to him. Regulus was just fine obliging to his mother’s request. Your lover wouldn’t admit it but he was devastated by his brother leaving. Sirius leaving was, in Regulus’ mind, Sirius saying that he didn’t care for him anymore. It was harder for you to stop talking to Sirius cold turkey. The two of you had always been friendly. You were the go-between when he was having issues with his brother or mother.
“Hello, Sirius.”
You said, softly before looking around to make sure that Regulus wasn’t coming back. Regulus would be livid if he saw you speaking to Sirius. Livid or jealous...which one it would be was yet to be determined. Regulus has always been jealous of your friendship with Sirius. Why, you weren’t sure. You had been dedicated to Regulus since day one. He was the one that you played wedding with. Regulus was the one that you followed around like a shadow and vice versa.
“It's good to see you! It's been a long time...I heard that you agreed to marry Regulus.”
You could tell Sirius was struggling with the subject. There had always been a part of Sirius, whether he wanted to admit it or not, was sour that you didn’t “choose him.” After all, you had been meant for Sirius in the beginning. When you took to Regulus that plan was shot to hell.
“Yes, we are getting married after school is over. How have you been?”
You asked, changing the subject. Sirius shrugged.
“You know me...just going about here and there. I’ve been doing some traveling. I have a question and it's a bit awkward to ask but I need to know…is Reggie really a death eater? As the person that knows him the best, I figured that you would know.”
You blinked a few times seeing Regulus step out of the store. His eyes instantly narrowed on his brother as a cold glare set on his face. Sirius noticed it too.
“We don’t have much time. Blink once for yes and twice for no. I won’t tell him a thing.”
You blinked twice. Sirius put his head down, knowing that it was a lie. The moment that he looked back up, you blinked once. Sirius wanted nothing more than to offer to help keep both Regulus and yourself safe. He wanted to get his brother out of that mess but he knew Regulus would never say yes to him or the order.
“Look who it is.”
Regulus said coldly as he finally reached you. His arm went around your waist as Sirius met his eyes.
“Regulus, it's good to see you.”
Regulus only stared at Sirius. He made no move to speak to his brother. It didn’t matter deep down that Regulus wanted to talk to Sirius. He wanted nothing more than to beg his brother to forgive him for being so cold but that wouldn’t happen. Regulus was “the good son” and his parents were counting on him.
“We should go, Y/n.”
Regulus said before wrapping his wrist around your hand and tugging you with him. Sirius held his hands up.
“So you aren’t going to say anything? You’re just going to stand there like some kind of zombie?”
Regulus turned.
“You don’t deserve a moment of my time.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at the hurt expression on Sirius' face as Regulus tugged you along with him. There had been many run-ins with Sirius when he was still at Hogwarts that resulted in Regulus hexing his brother. Many MANY times you were pulling Regulus away as he shouted any insult that he could at Sirius. When you couldn’t get him away it was Evan and Snape hauling him off.
“Can we slow down?”
You snapped as you almost lost your balance for the third time. Regulus turned and glared down at you with jealousy in his eyes.
You thought. It was going to be one of those nights. Nothing that you had to say would please Regulus at the moment. It didn’t matter that it was his engagement ring on your finger or that you were chasing after him. All that Regulus could think about was the fact that you were supposed to be Sirius’ betrothed. The insecure side of him questioned in you or Sirius actually cared for each other and was just too good to say it.
“Let’s just go home. We don’t need to talk.”
Regulus replied before turning and starting back in the direction of Grimmauld Place. This time his hand wasn’t around yours making sure that you didn’t get pulled off. Regulus had shoved his hands in his pockets and reminded you of a jealous child.
You commented before following him. If he wanted to be difficult then you would let him.
Thankfully Walburga and Orion were in bed when the two of you arrived home. You immediately followed Regulus to your shared bedroom. He took off his jacket and tossed it carelessly on the floor.
Shaking your head, you reached down to hang it up.
“Leave it. That’s what Kreacher is for.”
Regulus snapped. You blinked a few times having to bite your tongue. There were a lot of things that you could say to Regulus at the moment but you didn’t want to sleep alone or end up sleeping on the sofa.
Regulus had started the fire in the fireplace before sitting down on the sofa to glare coldly at the flames. He knew that he was being childish but he didn’t care. You didn’t seem to realize how much Sirius still hurt him. Seeing you talking to the jerk with none other than James-Fucking-Potter close by was enough to make the jealous little shit in Regulus come roaring back with a vengeance.
You gave Regulus half an hour to “get over himself” before plopping down on his lap in emerald green lingerie that left little to the imagination. Regulus was still scowling as he looked you over. You sighed.
“Stop acting like a child Regulus Black. I’m your fiance and you know it.”
Regulus sighed.
“If you weren’t my fiance I would be worried about you sitting on my lap dressed like this, princess.”
You smiled. There was your prince charming.
“I was saving this for our wedding night but given our current situation I figured this would be better than me just rolling around naked on your lap.”
Regulus reached up to stroke his hand over your cheek.
“You don’t see how he looks at you.”
You frowned.
“Are we still talking about Sirius?”
Regulus nodded.
“Uh-huh. He looks at you like you’re something to eat. I see how his eyes roam over your body. He doesn’t seem to understand that you are mine.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned into the kiss Regulus’ lips. He didn’t stop you. The kiss was tender for a moment before leaning backward further on his lap. You knew that you would tell him all about Sirius dating Remus Lupin. Why this was so lost on Regulus was still a mystery. You could have picked those two out as lovers without either of them saying anything.
“I assure you that he sees me as nothing more than a friend. Reggie, he knows that I am devoted 100% to you. He’s known it for a long time. Besides, I don’t have what Sirius needs. I’m made for you.”
Regulus had to grin at that though. Hell yes, you were “made for him.” Your bodies fit together perfectly. Everything about the two of you went together.
“Princess, you’re killing me.”
He groaned as you wiggled your ass on his now prominent erection. You giggled before kissing his bottom lip.
“I’m down for some nice jealous sex.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow before harshly pulling your upper body against his.
“Well, then love, you are in luck. All of your slutty self is all mine.”
He growled against your lips before possessively kissing you. You reached up tangling your fingers in his curls. Resisting the urge to start tugging, you instead stroked your hand through his hair earning a moan from your lover.
Regulus’ hand had fallen to your ass and roughly squeezed your plump flesh. He gently pushed you backward on his lap.
“I believe we should take this to our bed.”
You didn't wait to be told twice before getting up and hurrying to your shared bed. Regulus had gone to the door to lock it. The last thing that he wanted was his mother walking in and screaming when she realized what was going on. He turned to look at you as you pulled back the heavy duvet and blankets.
Your foot became stuck in one of the soft blankets resulting in you slipping. Regulus had rushed forward and caught you.
“You’re so clumsy. If I wasn’t around to catch you all of the time, you would forever have broken bones.”
“Yes, lucky for me.”
You said, kissing him and laying back on the bed. Regulus shook his head and began to undress. Your heart began to pound the moment that you heard Regulus’ belt unbuckling then the loud noise it made upon hitting the hardwood floors.
Regulus was on top of you before you were able to formulate another thought. His hand immediately went between your legs and shoved the emerald thong to the side.
“Oh, look at that, you are wet...just as I suspected. You’re so wet and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
His voice was almost mocking as he glared down at you. You knew that game that he wanted to play now and as messed up as it sounded, you were excited.
“Why wouldn’t I be wet for you?”
You squeaked when Regulus shoved his index and middle finger inside of you.
“You could be wet for him too.”
“It's always you, Reggie. I only want you.”
You gasped as he scissored his fingers. Regulus didn’t reply. It wasn’t until you reached out to wrap your hand around his length did he push you away.
“No touching.”
Regulus leaned down and smothered his face in your neck. You swallowed as he bit down. A pornographic moan left your lips as he continued to manipulate your already spasming core. Regulus’ breath on your neck was hot as he sucked love bite after love bite onto your neck. There would be no mistaking on whose woman you were.
You whined the moment that his hand left your body. His grey eyes silenced you with one disapproving look. You fought back as he tugged the emerald thong off and tossed it over his shoulder.
“Now, where were we?”
You wanted to scream to answer the question...Right here! We were right here! Just touch me! Anything!
You knew that, however, would get you nowhere. Regulus would probably get out of bed and leave you moaning for him. He wouldn’t come back to you until he was good and ready.
“You’re such a good girl, princess.”
Regulus praised you as he took his length in his hand. You moaned as the tip rubbed over your clit then down to your entrance multiple times.
“Reggie, don’t be a tease.”
“Who said that I was teasing?”
Regulus replied. His face was dead serious. He had returned to his stoic reserved nature as he continued his game. A loud moan escaped your lips as Regulus shoved in. His hand instantly clasped around your mouth.
“Hush now. Mummy will hear us.”
Regulus whispered before giving you a little grin. He knew exactly what you were thinking about. That little comment alone brought back memories from years past. Regulus would make that comment when the two of you were early teens and started messing around. Gone were the days where Regulus could get off by seeing you naked. You could simply take off your shirt for him and let Regulus put his mouth or hands on you. He would barely touch himself and come. Now things were different. You had to work to make Regulus come.
“You’re a fucking tease.”
You said with a giggle as you took his hand in yours and brought it to your lips. Regulus leaned back on his heels but made sure to remain snuggly inside of you. His eyes winded as your mouth wrapped around his middle and index finger. You sucked the digits like you would if they were his cock.
“Love, you call me a tease.”
“Then fuck me…”
“You asked for it.”
Regulus hissed before pulling out and slamming back into you at a furious pace. You couldn’t help crying out as he ravaged you. Regulus didn’t care that the headboard was slamming into the wall and that you were screaming. Too much blood had already left his head to leave him incapable of thinking of anything other than fucking you. His goal was to leave you so sore that you couldn’t put your legs together the next morning.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, leaving you light headed as your body began to spasm around Regulus’ length. As much as you enjoyed sensual lovemaking, you equally enjoyed Regulus using you as his own personal toy.
“I need to come.”
Regulus groaned. You moaned at his words alone. Your body tightening was enough to push Regulus over the edge. His body shivered as he emptied inside of you.
“Come, love.”
He choked out through his own orgasm before teasing your clit with his fingers. It took two or three circles before you were coming screaming his name like a prayer.
Regulus was the first to pull out. His come coated your thighs as he leaned down for a kiss.
“Shall we have round two?”
Before you could respond, someone was pounding on the door. Regulus’ face went scarlet as he looked down at you. Your eyes were wide as Orion’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Okay, you two...we have heard enough for one evening. Go to sleep!”
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