#ues im making that a tag now
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kindheartedgummybears · 10 months ago
No Thoughts, head empty. Just the Milton Siblings smiling <3
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oletus-manors-log · 2 years ago
Sorry everyone, I might not be able to take on anymore requests this week.
My PC is facing some massive difficulties so I've sent it to repairs hours ago. As of right now, I hadn't received any news of it's condition, so for the time being I'll be putting requests on hold till it gets fixed.
As for the requests before the repair, don't worry— I'm currently doing those right now, but it's going to stay in drafts because I don't have their respective banners yet. I'm also enduring a writer's block and it has not been very fun seeing those asks and thinking that you all are waiting for me to answer it to no avail.
I hope you all understand why I'll take a step back this week on doing requests till I get news. I'll reblog this with updates in case to update y'all— as of now, I won't take any requests and will be closing my letterbox (inbox).
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months ago
Naming Systems
For the humans and tieflings of Baldur's Gate (and half-orcs and half-elves who follow human naming systems rather than that of their non-human culture) Dwarves, elves and others will be done another time to save space.
Obviously I imagine you've all named your Tavs and Durges by now, but idk, I felt like doing this and maybe you've got random background OCs to name.
Sometimes people like to name their kids after gods. Like "Helm" and "Torm".
By far the most common names and surnames in Baldur's Gate (including non-human names).
Quite often people have no official surnames and use locations and vocations as surnames, like in real life (Blackgate, Cliffgate, Tumbledown, Tailor, Gardner)
Families of Cormyrean descent usually favour portmanteau surnames: Evenwood, Breakwood, Ironwinter, Summergate, Amblecrown, etc.
Residents of the Dalelands who move abroad often use the name of their Dale and shorten it. For example, Barantra from Tasseldale upon moving to Baldur's Gate would call herself "Barantra Tassel" and her descendants might continue to use that as a surname.
Dales: Archen, Scar, Tassel, Deeping, Harrow, Battle, Feather, High, Mistle, Shadow, Moon*, Sessren*, Tarkhal*, Teshen*, Dagger, Merry* *These dales have fallen to history. In the case of Merrydale, the name was changed to Daggerdale after an incident involving a brutal vampire infestation that led to a lot of violence and made everybody suspicious and hostile, so these surnames would indicate it's been a long time since your ancestors left the Dalelands.
Sembian families like to invent newer and grander surnames, in an attempt to make themselves look rich and important. This is less likely to be seen in the Western Heartlands, but I suppose it still may occur. Families often hyphenate their names so you might meet "Shandri Clarandal-Tarlroyal", or "Roakyn Dauncrown-Sardar"
Canon common given names: Masculine: Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd. Feminine: Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele. (Plus a few dozen more I'm not typing out)
While the following isn't exactly canon I feel like you can get a name that "sounds about right" by breaking the syllables down and shoving on a syllable that goes on the end.
Like with the names "Lureene" and "Arveene", the ending is "eene" and you get the syllables "Lur" and "Arv". Then you could get new names by taking, idk, "Kerri" and "Miri". Ker+ri, Mi+ri = Lurri and Kereene and Arvri. Mieene doesn't really sound right, but idk.
Syllables Dar, Dor, D, Even, Gor, Gors, Gr, Mal, M, Rand, Ran, St, S, Arv, Esv, Jhes, Ker, Shand, Bev, Tes, Al, Ald, Alvae, And, Gal, Galag, Cath, Coran, Bold, Bol, Elbas, Ind, Jath, Ont, Prend, Baran, Coel, Dar, Em, Shar, Galiy, Hael, Saldv, Dal, Torv, Varan, Joy, Sar, Pip, Nan, Zor, Nok, Rorn, Far, Soor, Mi
Endings Masculine: -in, -vin, -orn, -dur, -ur, -tag, -stag, -im, -ark, -al, -dal, -edd, -arl, -rel, -rus, -us, -or, -ion, -stion, -ond, -dor, -yn, -dyn, -yk, -ryk, -ke, -il
Gorion, Darvin, Malryk, Tesor, Jathstag...
Feminine: -eene, -ele, -sail, -ri, -dra, -tra, -ra, -la, -ria, -ara, -arra, -one, -ue, -due, -syl, -ala, -ys, -ae, -naem, -ice, -e
Shandra, Miele, Darla, Arvone, Sarice, Cathtra, Bevra...
The second most common group of names heard in the Gate, although early in the city's history I suspect Calishite and Illuskan names were more common. I note that "Jaheira" is likely an Alzhedo name (which makes sense, she's from Tethyr).
So, Calishite filial piety and subsequent naming standards are very detailed and specific: "A person is worthless without the identity gained by his name and that of his family."
A slave will have their given name and the name of the family that "owns" them. A large part of the population of Baldur's Gate are descended from former slaves, exiles and dissidents of the Calishite Shoon Empire, and would likely have originally borne names under that system.
In this case it's [name] adh [master's surname] So for example, Hamlil adh Tahandral. It's possible that it Hamlil had migrated northwards with her family that one of her descendants might be Miri Tahandral or something.
A freeman would list their title/s, their given name, their matronym or patronym, their family name, and their home town.
So if your name is Aseid, your father is Haseir, you're of House Dumein and you live in Baldur's Gate then: your full name, in the traditional manner, is "Aseid yn Haseir el Dumein yi Baldur's Gate," while if you have a sister, Ceidil daughter of Atala is called "Ceidil yr Atala el Dumein yi Baldur's Gate."
Adding your hometown onto the end is usually not necessary, and using it all the time is a sign of civic pride.
Diaspora, such as the Baldurians, usually drop the articles. Aseid Haseir Dumein Ceidil Atala Dumein.
Aseid may chose to use a matronym, Aseid Atala. This deliberately draws attention to her identity over her husband's which is unusual. It implies that his mother is particularly high ranking or infamous. Likewise Cidil may name herself Ceidil Haseir.
Clergy traditionally replace their family with their god, so if Aseid decides to go to the Rose Portal shrine and take up life in service to Lathander, he will be "Aseid el Lathander" or "Aseid Lathander".
Syllables As, Am, And, Bard, Has, Khem, Khe, Meh, Sud, Sudei, Zash, At, Ceid, Cei, Ha, Ham, Jah, Jas, Mei, Meil, Seip, Sei, Yash, Bash, Dum, Jas, Khal, Kha, Most, Mos, Pash, Amj, Tah, Tahan, Bhal, Mjo
Endings: M: -eid, -eir, -ed, -med, -en, -men, -man, -ad, -id, -al, -ein, -an, -ar, -ein, -san, -ir
Amen, Mehsan, Khemad, Zashein...
F: -ala, -edia, -eira, -eda, -il, -a, -ma, -al, -lil, -ida, -eina, -ana, -ara, -eina, -sana, -ira
Jaheira, Bhalil, Yashana, Tahma...
?: -sha
Canon common names: Masculine: Aseir, Bardeid, Haseid, Khemed, Mehmen, Sudeiman, Zashtir. Feminine: Atala, Сеidil, Hama, Jasmal, Meilil, Seipora, Yasheira, Zasheida. Common house names: Dumein, Jasan, Khalid, Mostana, Pashar, Rein.
Third most common group.
I can't find much of anything about how naming systems are supposed to work for Illuskans.
Some don't use them at all.
Some go for patronyms and matronyms: -sson and -sdottir, so you get like, Malcersson and Cefreysdottir. These do not seem to be common. Some surnames are: "Kurth", "Helder", "Rethnor", "Stornar", "Rhuul"... This is entirely headcanon/guessing, but maybe they're patronyms and matronyms with the suffix removed? Luthin Cefreysdottir -> Luthin Cefrey?
Some gain names for themselves, self-bestowed or bestowed by reputation, based on aspects of themselves or their deeds that they're proud of or that give them fame: Nimoar "the Reaver", Ornar "of the Claw".
Most have surnames of some kind, some are portmanteaus: "Tenfeather", "Hornraven", "Windrivver", "Hathwinter", "Brightwood", "Lackman", "Stormwind", "Gnarlybone." This seems to be the most common form of surname. I'm entirely hypothesising, but Illuskan cultures value bravery and strength (particularly in battle) so I'd assume those are deed-names, possibly inherited from a famous ancestor?
Syllables: And, Bla, Bl, Br, Fr, G, Lan, Land, L, Mal, Malc, Sto, Tam, Am, Ama, Be, Beth, Ce, Keth, Mar, Ol, Sili, West, Wes, Or, Alas, Aga, Jaun, Von, Oj, Ost. Uth, Nash
Endings: M: -er, -ath, -ran, -eth, -uth, -der, -or, -an, -nar, -gar
Nasher, Oruth, Landgar, Ander, Vonor, Westran...
F: -frey, -tha, -ra, -ga, -tra, -da, -in, -ya
Agatha, Ojya, Malda, Stoya, Ceda, Luthin...
Canon common names: Masculine: Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Maler, Stor, Taman, Urth. Feminine: Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra.
Rashemi (Gur)
The Gur still speak a variant of the proto-Rashemi tongue amongst themselves in private, so depending on how much they assimilate or not I imagine at least some of the names might be similar?
I can find even less about Rashemaar surnames than I can anyone else right now.
Surnames used by Rashemi are: Chergoba, Dyernina, Itazyara, Murnyethara, Stayanoga and Ulmokina. Names like that might be Gur tribe names?
Syllables: Fyev, Bori, Bor, Faur, Hulm, Hul, Jand, Jan, Im, Kanith, Kani, Kan, Madi, Mad, Nav, Madis, Ralm, Shau, Shaum, Vladis, Vlad, Dyna, Min, Tam, Yul
Endings: M: -vik, -gar, -ik, -ar, -islak, -ak, -evik, -insk
F: -arra, -mith, -ith, -zel, -el, -dra, -ra, -heir
Canon common names: Masculine: Borivik, Faurgar, Jandar, Kanithar, Madislak, Ralmevik, Shaumar, Vladislak. Feminine: Fyevarra, Hulmarra, Immith, Imzel, Navarra, Shevarra, Tammith, Yuldra,
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lyranova · 2 years ago
Hello! Im not sure if your requests are still open but if they are could I pls ask for Fuegoleon, nozel and nacht (or just fue and nozel) with a sweet and lovely s/o who is mute because of some trauma from before she started dating them and something happens like the boys save her or does something exceptionally romantic and s/o talks for the first time in years and it's his name?? It's so fluffy and cute I'm gonna combust >x<
Hiya anon! My requests are open so don’t worry! And Of course, and since you requested for 3 characters I’m going to assume these are Headcanons and not fics 😅. They aren’t really romantic but I do think/hope they are sweet, and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of Trauma and being Mute
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• Was a little worried when you wrote a letter to him, asking if it was okay if you went on a mission with him and his squad. He didn’t want you to get hurt, or for something on the mission to accidentally trigger your trauma. But after some persistence he reluctantly allowed her to tag along.
• He made sure to keep you safe the entire time. Even though you were mute you were still able to communicate your feelings to him through various means, whether it was sign language, body language, or by writing notes and letters. It took him a while to learn it all, but now was able to tell how you were feeling with ease.
• During the mission Fuegoleon left you alone for a moment to check on his squad almost as soon as he did the ground beneath you cracked and rumbled before splitting open. You watched the sky get farther and farther away as you fell further and further into the cracked ground. But before you could close your eyes and accept your fate you watched Fuegoleon and Salamander appear in the sky.
• The quickly flew down into the cracked ground with you and Fuegoleon scooped you up into his arms and held you close before Salamander flew you all out. Fuegoleon tried to comfort you as you shook in fright, this was one of the reasons he hadn’t wanted you to come along.
• “ F-F…ue…Fue…goleon.” The man in question blinked in surprise and looked down at you. You had tears in your eyes but a smile on your face. “ Fuegoleon…thank…you.” You continued to speak and Fuegoleon felt tears well up in his eyes. You had never spoken a single word since you two had been together, and now you did. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.
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• Nozel had been firm in not allowing you to accompany him on missions. You could get hurt or used as a hostage were his reasons. You pouted and signed to him about how none of those things would happen and that you could take care of yourself!
• Of course Nozel knew this too, but still he couldn’t help but worry. He loved you dearly and was very protective of you after you told him about the trauma you suffered that caused you to become mute. He didn’t want you to see or experience something that would make it worse.
• But finally he relented and allowed you to go on a mission with him. It was a small, easy one that had a 0% chance of you getting scared or injured.
• And yet even with that 0% chance you somehow managed to get lost. You hadn’t meant to get seperated from the squad. You walked and walked for what felt like hours before you finally stopped to take a rest. You wiped the frustrated tears out of your eyes and waited for someone to find you. After a minute you heard some twigs snap behind you, thinking it was a predator. You grabbed the nearest branch and swung at it with your eyes closed once it got near.
• You felt something grab a hold of the branch and you opened your eyes to see Nozel standing there with a worried expression. “ No…zel?” You said softly as the tears that had welled in your eyes earlier suddenly spilt over. Nozel looked at you in surprise. “ Noz…el.” You repeated and before you could say anything else Nozel grabbed you and wrapped his arms around you. He was so happy to hear you say his name for the first time. He softly told you that it was okay and that you were safe.
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• Nacht wasn’t going to let you go out on a mission with him period. The missions he went on were particularly dangerous and he didn’t want you to get hurt. After you told him how you went mute due to trauma he made your safety and security his number one priority.
• Instead he decided to take you out on a scouting mission. It was simple, easy, and the two of you could get away from everyone for a short amount of time. Plus nothing eventful ever happened on them, aside from his Devil’s giving him a hard time.
• You and Nacht stayed hidden behind a group of rocks as you watched the targets move back and forth, Nacht quietly told his devils that they were to protect you at all costs if an enemy were to appear. Gimodelo began to tease him about it a bit before you pulled on Nacht’s sleeve to get his attention.
• “ N-N…Nacht.” You had whispered as you pulled on his sleeve. He and Gimodelo blinked and turned to look at you. “ N-Nacht…L…Look!” you whispered again and Nacht turned to look and saw a bunch of beautiful fireflies flying around them.
• But he couldn’t focus on that, because at the moment he was so happy and elated that you were able to overcome your trauma and actually say something. He suddenly pulled you into the tightest hug he could manage without hurting you. Seeing you come over your trauma and push past your limits gave him the hope that maybe he would be able to too.
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popponn · 1 year ago
hehe popon !!! i'm like trying my best to keep my eyes open bc i am v tired 😞 so i am apologising in advance if there are any grammatical mistakes in this chunk of text 🤞🏻😸 but hi lovely:
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WISHING U A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POPON !!!! i not sure whether it's like ur birth date where u live yet, but it is for me, so i hope this mssg is on time ! but happy birthday to one of the cutest, cleverest and sweetest yoichi kissers in the world 🫶🏻😽 isagi loves u sm and giggles and kicks his legs when u post him on ur blog (real. bro told me and i was "damn yoichi 🤨")
on my friends' birthdays, i usually write a letter and give them my thanks for a number of things. and i think the number one thing i wanna say "thank u" to u for is definitely our interactions <3 u have always been friendly to everyone who interacts w u, including me, and i reckon i'm rly lucky to met u this year !!! u're a kind soul w a lot of love to give, and i think that's why we all love u sm !!! and i'm super thankful for all the times u've visited my inbox/mssges 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it makes me happy hehe
i must also mention that i am so thankful that i was able to find "coincidences and flickers" one fateful day,, like that series has the potential to forever change me as a person and even make me become a temporary isagi kisser (never forgetting who i am 😤) <33 it was that series that helped me find ur blog and realise the insane amount of talent u have for writing !! my favourite writers on this platform often changes (sometimes it's a, or sometimes it's b), but i think u have a fixed position up there <3 i truly adore u and the way u write, so thank u for all the works u post 🫂 it's such an honour to be mutuals w a v skilled writer
i also wanna thank u for all the reblogs u make on everyone's works <3 when u reblog my fics w a bunch of tags, it truly makes me feel like that the effort i have put in didn't go to waste bc there was someone who appreciated what i wrote. also like,, the quality of my writing often fluctuates (😞💔), but u reblog them anyways, and i will ALWAYS thank u for that !! i love uuu (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ🫂💞
oh, and, thank u for constantly feeding my reo delusions 😸😸 not sure if i'd love him the same without u telling me that reo loves me too lol 😽🧎🏻‍♀️
i do hope that everything will treat u nicely today !!! and every other day bc u deserve it <33 eat cake, laugh w friends and mb be silly for a little while—u're not a grandma yet, so have fun being in ur twenties, popon !!!!
love u always 🫶🏻☹️
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(i hope u like words bc this was a bit of a read lmao)
SAKI IM SOBBINGGG???????? WHATT????? D: JESUS I WILL BE WORDY TOO!! HOW DARE U MAKE ME ALL SOFTTTT thank u so much for typing all this despite being very tired omg ;;;; im gonna bawl mom im so glad i meet saki the sweetest adgudk (also...my grammar is also a mess i hope this shall be forgiven as i am sincere ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡))
it already is!! :">> thank u for remembering it bae :""" and omg yoichi did all that? i get even more in love :(( pls tell yoichi i also kick and giggle when he breathes :(( AND HEY YOU ARE OVERPRAISING ME WHAT IF MY HEAD GET BIG [ahjussi voice]
saki :(((( im also very thankful i get to meet you this year ue ue ue ;;; i never thought i will ever talk to you (or anyone here at all tbh sksk) like i was very shy and hesitate a lot, but then you are there?? being so sweet friendly and welcoming ;;; like you are one of the reasons i'm here and i mean it??? like you are one of the person who gave me courage to be more friendly here too hehe <3 im so glad i meet someone as kind you saki <3
im gonna start blushing and bawling fr now. IM SO GLAD I MAKE THAT SERIESS ;;;;; (CHAPTER WILL COME SOON TRUST!!) hdfkdj idk what to say here before sounding like a madman so uh ;;;; pls know that i was so happy too when u commented and reblogged so positively ;;;;;;; ghjk saki your praises i think i read them over and over girly u r too sweet for me sometimes ;;;;;; ♡( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
okay channeling my coolness energy a bit, saki 🫵i like your writing GENUINELY!!! okay! so im glad you like the madman ramblings in the tags :>> and come on buddy fic writer to fic writer, it would be impossible to like everything we write SKSKSK remember that one time i immediately lose it after posting that rin studying fic. sigh. stupid ass me. BUT YOU AND EVERYONE WERE THERE AND IT SERVED ITS PURPOSE HOHOHO SO I TOO FEEL IT WASNT A WASTE HEHEHEHE
and i will keep feeding ur delusion get ready (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ also quick mention real quick your cats are cool sunglasses or not
THANK YOU FOR THE WISHES SAKIII!!! omg :((( thank you so much for?? writing all these gosh uhuhuu i will reread this over and over again a lot of times today hehe (no matter how busy and hard it is to open tumblr today!!!) this make my day so much ;;;;;; uhuhuhu and aw <3 i will!!! i wanna make a grandma joke again but for today i will spare saki uwu
i love you always too!!!! 🫶🏻😤
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sakumasmut · 2 years ago
this ask will probably very long and pathetic so im sorry ahead of myself </3 YOU DIDNT JUST CHANGE THE POST TEXT TO TALK ABOUT THE GIFT AGAIN,, well obviously i wouldnt say no, and natsume,,, im always open to more natsume content because he is my everything (* >ω<) but you know, as you said in another rb's tags theres seriously so little content of my other favorites that id just feel bad to waste the gift opportunity when i can uhh, magically bring forth more nsfw wataru and leo content because. seriously. theres so little of it!! how!! i went thru their nsfw tags like, these days, and well. ashamed to say the very few there are of wataru, some are from me and even some that contain him and are related to the oddballs are still asks from me!!! no one wants this guy besides me.. ugly sobbing. but also was shocked at how little nsfw content there is of leo? surely hed be more popular so its like.. where is it.. wheres the content!! i did think about you wanting to give me a gift, and i can imagine why youd want to give it (and thinking on par that its not just a late birthday gift </3 but still thanks regardless!!), i was thinking something something with leo and ritsu but.. im not sure what! again if its anything you can just dm me about it or something i suppose </3 or if you do want to keep it as a secret little gift thatd pop up one day i dont mind either! but yeah i realized lately just how sick i am over leo and ritsu. yeah. yyeah. ive been rereading all your content w ritsu and especially the catboy ones.. uwehehe... (´_ゝ`) i kept thinking of scenarios of ritsu inviting leo over in his room with the reader also being there and erm,, wheres mika? i dont know! he can be anywhere he wants to just not here! (i am sorry mika fans. do not make me talk about him or we will reach the forbidden eroguro content. still so sorry for the one anon that didnt know what eroguro is and googled it?? then ended up asking you (゚ω゚) i didnt expect to catastrophically ruin someones life like that... supposedly. my bad) but back to the main thing just uuuuw ive been missing your hcs things that were talking about two characters pursuing the same reader imagine it with leo and ritsu! oh the drama! how jealous filled creatures they both are! incredible! and absolutely phenomenal! but also them both having to share you? think of all the side-eyeing and purposefully paying attention to who you seem to give more attention towards.. they'd be so cute. i have worms in my brain(・ω・`*). imagine if they were both catboys and so needingly desiring your affection. at once! im going to stop before i explode. i just need them both all over me right now i think. ue. i dont have much to say on behalf of wataru. at this point id just take anything with him because itd be such a rare legendary thing to witness.. ohh the holy grail of ultra rare wataru nsfw (no one wants this clown except me and exactly two other people on your blog) as you said yourself once hed be pretty much open to anything!! the opportunities are endless!! why limit them!! but also ouhhhh i have missed the wataru breeding hcs post.. id almost forgotten hes in puffy bunny even. whenever i think about fucking like rabbits phrase my mind just auto fills it in to nazuna. but ah. applied to wataru. ah. yeah. dont really have anything else to add there but amazing post 10/10 hit me like a rock when i saw it for the first time and may the person who requested that have my forever blessings. i will now sign off before i blow up right in this moment —darlingnon
mmm yeah I suppose you’re right, natsume is quite popular (I even have something for him for next month) but like you said there’s not a lot of writing for wataru or leo, so I’d wanna give you some content for them too! I definitely wouldn’t mind adding ritsu to a leo thing though, more the merrier!
honestly I might just surprise you one day? since I don’t wanna promise a deadline and not make it 🙇 but also very flattering you check my older writing fjehsbdn
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waxingdissolute · 2 years ago
i was tagged by the venerable @keingleichgewicht (hi!!!) so here are my top 5 most played songs recently as per statsforspotify(dot com)!!!! start!:
BANGER song!!!! really good cover!!! uhhh listen to folk punk
another banger!! from TMBG!! i imagine locked tomb amvs to this song often :)
bee song!!! its about bees (it isnt.) its also about love <3
(ue wo muite arukou) ITS SO GOOD!!! i heard it in bullet train (GREAT MOVIE) and i was like dang!!! i love that song!!! so i found it on spotify!!
i made a spotify blend playlist with a couple besties and this was on it!!! and i like it a lot so! :3
thus concludes our musical journey <3 im going to tag some folks!! if you dont use spotify just guess what your top 5 recent songs are!! <3 and you dont *have* to this of course but i think it would be fun hehe
nows my turn to tag some unsuspecting FOOLS @renegadeartist @yknowliken14 @foiltin @decaying-illusion alright get to it and make it snappy /lh
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astrxealis · 2 years ago
i am so motivated now this feels unreal 😭😭😭
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love-strawberry · 3 years ago
truly, honestly, completely
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summary : in which they're fighting and everyone notices it and tries to get them to make up.
pairing : ben barnes x reader
warnings : language
author's note : <3 nothing but feels,, also i have written a small blurb for this so yeah, check that out!!
tagged : @mrsben-barnes @ellora-brekker @slut4benbarnes
truly, honestly, completely 2.0
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liked by jessie_mei_li, jacktwolfe, freddycarter1 and 3,925,329 others
y/n_ the only man i need in my life <ollie3
username ummm ben?
username noooo my parents are fighting
username ben didn't like this post, he always likes within an hour
jessie_mei_li men suck anyways,, dogs>>men
username jessie spoke fax
username they both haven't posted anything together for days
amitasuman_ open up!! we're here with ice cream and rom-coms
username yup,,, definitely fighting
freddycarter1 i miss my man, visit soon or i'll kidnap him
username okay but her hair is goals
username ollie is sooooo cuteee
lbardugo sending love and your favourite jam darling
username the cast being besties with her
kittheyounger missing ollie. you, not so much
username love love love love ollie
username ollie is the main character fr
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liked by tchalamet, freddycarter1, kittheyounger and 3,268,975 others
benbarnes 🧃🧃
tagged tchalamet
username timothee and ben. timothee and ben. timothee and ben. timothee and ben. timothee and ben. timothee and ben. timothee and ben. timothee and ben.
username their friendship>>>
username i miss the black brothers soooo much
freddycarter1 forget my mocha and you're sleeping outside
username sirius and regulus 🛐🛐🛐
username y/n didn't like this AND didn't comment
username i miss ben and y/n
username 🤰🤰🤰
danielle_galligan i'm mad at you but bring me a caramel frappe. peasant.
username why my otp no long interacting
tchalamet you seriously need to cheer up, you were the embodiment of black coffee tonight
username ben being sad makes me sad :(
jacktwolfe sooo my espresso??
username the cast having ben bring them all coffee is something that's so personal to me-
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liked by zendaya, benbarnes, archierenaux3 and 3,825,428 others
y/n_ sir- stop making it so hard to stay mad at you please
tagged benbarnes
username IM SO HAPPY RN
username hshhegxksgshskdgwhxksndj
freddycarter1 finally!! it was hard to listen to him whine about you not talking to him
danielle_galligan thank heavens,, i don't think i could've gone another day with you whining about ben and you fighting
username omg they made up
username i missed them sm
tchalamet mom and dad are back, fuck yea
amitasuman_ please never fight again
username their friends>>>
benbarnes we're never fighting again, just making this clear
-> y/n_ oh, definitely. i think we broke kit and timothee
username kit fr like us
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liked by y/n_, jacktwolfe, calahan.skogman and 3,825,924 others
benbarnes flowers saved me from another day of silent treatment but darling, i love you. truly, honestly, completely
tagged y/n_
username AWWWW
tchalamet more like flowers saved your relationship boi, i've seen y/n mad and believe me, you do not want be on the other side of her anger. she would've destroyed you
username lmfao timothee is brutal
username so so so so so so so glad they're not fighting anymore
jessie_mei_li does this mean you'll stop blasting heartbreak songs?
username 🤧🤧
y/n_ be grateful that i loved the flowers
-> benbarnes i'm already grateful for you
username me and who when? when huh?
username wow, im so single
freddycarter1 so happy. now stop blasting taylor swift at 2am. please
username ben is so dramatic
username not her being so pretty like ma'am-
username i wanna be you so bad
archierenaux3 🤍🦋
username i want this why can't i have this why
username otp otp otp otp otp
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graveyardcat7-moved · 2 years ago
Hii *On hands and knees* good Gerry fics/author recommendations please?
under the cut! as its long and a bit silly
first off, anon, if you would like a document entitled "jongerry fic recs" send me a dm anytime. it is a detailed list through my favorites to ones i hate, alongside some other recommendations. some things from there will be mentioned here, but not all! feel free to dm me abt that i dont bite ^__< besides that. most fic recs ill give are romantic. i love romance so much. so:
author recommendations:
verboseDescription <- wrote one of my favorite jongerry fics ill ever read. really interesting writing style, GREAT character voices, ALSO wrote the BEST timgerry series out there it makes me go bonkers. IceEckos12 <- wrote a howl's moving castle au i've reread 3 times. i drew art for that fic (ITS OLD ART NOW). generally has a GREAT gerry voice and really interesting, heartwarming fics. PitViperOfDoom <- STILL REGULARLY WRITES REALLY WELL DONE TMA FICS, TYPICALLY INCLUDING GERRY (WHO IS QUITE WELL WRITEN) ITS. i really appreciate it. i like, ADORE their work.
fic recomendations:
fool me, fool me - andro(slur im not comfortable typing LOL) : every single time i read this fic i cry it's so funny and sweet and ive read it 4 times and tis perfect and amazing and and and (EXPLODES INTO A FINELY CRUSHED DUST, SCATTERING UPON THE EARTH AND PROVIDING THEM WITH WONDERFUL NUTRIENTS) so like read it. ok? ive got his number from the great beyond - verbosedescription : basically the same as above except less on the funny more on the oh my fucking god. oh my god. oh my god. ue, ue, ue. ive read it 3 times bailey school kids - verbosedescription : this fic genuinely hurts me to read because it makes me so emotional i cried so hard i couldnt see at the end of this once. ive read it 5 times he stands in front of the mirror with a net, hoping to catch something - blackwood (transjon) : this fic is utterly heartbreaking. its so well written. it makes me fucking crazy. why'd it have to be a bin. it didnt have to be a bin! fuck! god! auhhhh!!!!
i'm going to be so serious i literally have so little gerry standalone fics because they are never well written. i've tried so much they're all bad. theres one where he fucking converts to christianity i am SO fucking serious rn. i read the whole thing because i was intensely curious and it ended with him going to a fucking church in america it was literally INSANE i HATED IT. maybe one day ill trudge through his tag, but. its also just full of him making a one-off appearance and never being a meaningful character so it doesn't feel worthwhile, really? meaningless standard trite that contains just the most bland takes and writing styles ever. also porn. and i dont. read that so... i have a lot more recommendations but they're all in that document or in the mentioned author's works! dm me whenever ill literally always wanna talk about gerry he specifically has been my special interest for... two years...
tldr: read fool me, fool me, all of verbosedescription's work, and dm me for a google doc of jongerry recs with some other stuff in there. yippee!! ^__<
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chasseuses · 4 years ago
reasons why i love jade leech pt.2
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so i guess I'm doing this again.
this is more of a repeat of everything I said in part one but with more sobbing and coherent words.
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Jade Leech, Octavinelle's vice dorm leader and the twin brother of Floyd. Many might say that Jade is better than Floyd, although that may seem true to people who don't know him well enough, some people were smart enough to know that Jade was just as bad.
Despite being so fucking shady and nasty, I couldn't help but slowly learn how to love his character. His shadiness is only a part of his charm ❤️ I mean— don't you want that? Don't you just want to look at him and wonder what the fuck is going through his mind right now?
He could be either plotting murder or thinking about tonight's dinner and I would still find his shady expression 🥺 oddly attractive to say the least. I'm being weirdly serious here and typing in lowercase so in a few bullets, expect me to go feral once again.
His eyes are gorgeous. I don't know about you but I get mesmerized everytime I look at them, I swear I could drown in them and never want air ever again. His mismatched eyes,, absolutely beautiful sir please shock my heart eheheh 👉👈 haha jk !!! he doesn't have to use his unique magic to shock my heart bfjfkfjfkfjkffk
His smile is breathtaking, my sun— my light in this dark world of mine. Even if his smile is practiced and insincere, I can't help but go crazy over it. Imagine if he smiled genuinely, no restraints at all as he let out a hearty laugh and a genuine smile took over his expression. I would cry on the spot, I am cryimyfjrkfjkffk.
SPEAKING OF TEETH, MAN I REALLY AM CURIOUS AS TO HOW SHARP THEY ARE. A PART OF ME WANTS TO SHOVE MY HAND INTO HIS MOUTH AND JUST TOUCH THOSE TEETH AND SEE HOW SHARP THEY ARE 🤡 haha imagine if he suddenly bit down tho hahshhhshsdrijfrknfkrgntknffknflfnflffnkfnfkjfkdjfofjddlifjf ok I'll shut up.
I don't think I mentioned it here (i already did) but I am telling you that the idea of someone as composed and reserved as Jade starts pining, IT'S GUARANTEED TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE 🗿 OH GOD THE THOUGHT OF JADE PINING?? ABSOLUTELY *CHEFS KISS* MAN THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE IF YOU SEE ANY PINING JADE PLEASE TAG ME I WILL START CRYIMG
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Oh my god. Have I told you how beautiful Jade's lips are? Please please please please look at them they look so nice ahahahha so irresistible and kissable UEEEEEEEEEE
The way his lips are like that 🗿his fucking smile/smirk. GOD GIEV EME THE ABILITY TO KITH THIS MAN JUST ONCE PLEASE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M FUCKING CRYING.
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I'm ashamed to admit that the earliest reason why I liked Jade Leech was because of his hands. Please forgive me, Lilia-sama. I cannot help but get attracted to such beautiful hands- it was if it was sculpted by the god of sculpting himself! It's such a shame that his gloves cover up its blinding beauty- though my eyes can see through the deceit, I know that his fingers are glorious beneath that piece of cloth. My one and only wish in life is to be able to hold his hand- without the gloves, and that's all for my confession.
I'M SORRY BUT I JUST REALLY LIKE HIS HANDS OK. LIKE 😳 haha...!! what if we held hands,, without the gloves 😳 haha jk...! unless ...?9£4(_8 UE UE UE UE UE MR. LEECH LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND PLEASE I'M GONNA BEG
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st a rts sobbing
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
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I'm fucking crying why the fuck is he so cute gof forbid this man from being so fuvking cute i cannot.
People be telling me: cute?? jade is terrifying.
and I go like: that's cute.
UE UE UE EU UEHFHRJFJJDJF HAVE U GUYS HEARD OF WHAT HE DOES TO PEOPLE HE BETRAY HIM???? I LITERALLY WENT 😳 "ahahahh mr leech i will personally betray you just to make you do that to me" you know. like a simp.
U know what I'm going back to lowercase
His extreme love for mushrooms is probably his comic relief so it doesn't completely make him seem like a shady bitch in the game- it's a surprise as to how cute and vulnerable he can get when he talks about or does something related to his precious fungi. It even goes as far as to make him completely lose his sense of surroundings, which is really rare for someone as observant as him- and usually dangerous sjfbjdbf. It's also EXTREMELY CUTE as to how they made Jade someone who really likes mountains- he even goes as far as to found his own club to appreciate them!!
He has pretty deft hands, being able to create a terrarium and care for it as a hobby is applaudable- not everyone has the ability to do just that, you'd have to be able to be extremely precise and careful, and add a little bit of extreme determination to the mix. He would probably smell like mud from all the time he spends in the greenhouse, and stays up late because of creating terrariums. It shows us that he isn't completely a shitty eel who collects dirt on people as his job and I think that's pretty fucking cute not gonna lie!
There was one voice line of him mentioning that he likes gazing at stars, which was completely unexpected for me! He didn't seem like the type to gaze up at the stars and just- watch! Though I expect him to be always alone whenever he does that- he isn't exactly the most approachable person in NRC, people tend to avoid the Leech twins because of Floyd- mostly. People are just scared of them and I don't think Jade has any friends aside from Azul and Floyd. And I don't think either of them would be willing to stay with him to do just that, Floyd's excuse would be because "it's boring~!" and Azul's would be "I have much more important things to do." And I think that's pretty fucking sad.
God please send me to their world I will watch the stars with him please i love him so much I'm—
Look. No amount of words can actually describe my feelings for Jade Leech no words can do my love justice UE UE UE UE which is why I do the second best thing— keysmash.
Please please please I could give him the whole world and it wouldn't do my love for him justice 🗿 UE UE UE UEJFBRKFBTKNFRKFBFKFHJFHFDKHFKDBFKDHFKRBFRKBFRKBRKFBFKFNFKFJFKFJDKFK
I also uh, want him to step on me! Y',)!92+_)£_+ Y'know... He would stomp on my back and dig his heel into my back and probably hurl insults towards me 😳 man. I'd be hIS FUCKING DOORMAT IN A HEARTBEAT.
Omg this is getting long
The first part was much more 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 but I still do this anyways.
Anyways. Please stan Jade Leech I love him so much 💕
i would've included my brainrot but ppl would just go 🗿 "taku you really are a jade simp huh" and NO I DON'T WANT THATTTTTTTTT
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mjfass · 3 years ago
So instead of watching survivor series im gonna fantasy book UE vs The Elite.
- Cole and the Bucks, along with Fish run roughshod over the tag division.
- O'Reilly debuts in AEW, teams back up with Fish, thus we get the Undisputed Elite, with the reDRagon contingent of this group nabbing the tag titles from the Lucha brothers.
- Cole starts feuding with Hangman over the title.
- in January, Sammy Guevara holds an Open Challenge, which is answered by Kevin Steen. He package piledrives Sammy into the mat and becomes the new TNT Champion before joining the Superkliq + ReDRagon for a Mount Rushmore reunion
- Kenny returns and questions why Cole is 1) recruiting new people and 2) calling the shots
- There's a tense argument between Elite members both old and new in the ring.
- On the next week, Cole, O'Reilly, Fish and Steen turn on the Elite, creating The New Era, turning the Young Bucks and Kenny face.
- Matt swallows his pride and unbeknownst to Kenny or Nick, asks Hangman for help.
- Hangman tells the Dark Order that he's got some business to attend to. Business that is is for him and him alone to handle and that they should focus on HFO or whoever the Dark Order are feuding with at this point.
- The New Era are cutting a promo in the ring when Kenny and the Bucks appear on the ramp, coming through the babyface tunnel.
- The New Era are like "lmao u guys wanna fight? we rinsed you guys last time. you're outgunned. What do you guys have now that makes you guys think you can step to us?"
- Matt responds. "Cowboy shit."
- Out comes Hangman!
- The brawl leads to Tony Khan booking The New Era vs The Elite in a Blood and Guts match AKA AEW WarGames.
Listen, the fact that you included Kevin Steen debuting AND winning the TNT Championship already made this something absolutely spectacular. I got shivers reading that and imagining that freaking match that would absolutely… no, there are no words to explain how great it would be.
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maddiesup · 5 years ago
Tag game!
I was tagged by @ohbabycupcakes thank u💖
RULES: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people + leave comments on all of them
This is gonna be hard, where do I even start?
1) Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Okay I'm- trying not to laugh too hard because oh boy, this show was a complete mess. BUT Keith still stays as one of my favorite characters ever just because no matter how badly I was hurt by vld he'll always be precious to me 💖 He's hotheaded, cool and a lone wolf, but needs affection more than anyone else on the team. He's easy for me to relate to as I am more likely to push someone away than to keep them close just to avoid being hurt as well. His development is amazing tho and I love love him so much 😭 also it might be just that I have a soft spot for emo characters lmao
2) Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Academia)
This just reinforces my statement earlier since Todoroki is pretty emo too :') But in a different way than Keith. If you are a part of bnha fandom you know he's generally a little bit overrated, but I couldn't help falling in love with him at first sight anyway lol His backstory is tragic but he keeps pursuing his dream and damn is he good at it. Also the combo of fire and ice is aesthetic goals. However, what I admire the most about Shoto is probably his loyalty to his friends, his will to fight and sometimes his goofy attitude (even if he probably isn't aware that he's being goofy lol) In conclusion: I love him, let's move on.
3) Uenoyama Ritsuka (Given)
Can I just stop to say how much I love given for a moment? Like I've never seen a bl anime/manga that would portray gay characters so respectfully 😭❤️ Ue is basically me gay panicking, I feel the boy so much :') OH also what's up with gays & guitars bc first given, then why r u and now also 2gether :') (I might be falling in love with this trope help) okay so: Ue is panicking when he starts liking Mafuyu but he handles it so well in a way? He doesn't deny his crush even if he is slow to notice it lol He's straightforward and sometimes a little bit rough around the edges, but even if he's supposed to be "the cool guy" we see him in the most hilarious settings and that just makes me love him all the more 💖 he respects Mafuyu and his boundaries and I want more of that in bl anime please
4) Eiji & Ash (Banana Fish)
Uhhhh this anime,,, I CANNOT choose between Ash and Eiji, I'm gonna forever see them as a pair and that's simply it. Ash is another emo one I would like to say that but he's actually not. He's backstory is heartbreaking and the life he has to live is dangerous and scary. He gets used to this reality where he has no one to rely on and no one to trust but then Eiji appears tearing his walls down and making him finally be able to show his soft and sensitive side to someone. Eiji is like a salve for his wounds and yes, I'm still emotional about it bc their relationship is one of the best developped I've ever seen. Their bond is so strong it's beautiful, they would literally die for each other. It's so apparent that they love each other and care for each other so much (don't mind me crying in the corner)
5) Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
PJ technically got me into fantasy/sci-fi in elementary school and it stays at the top of my favorite book series list ever (big props to Uncle Rick 👏) The whole series is funny and I would say pretty light-hearted even tho you know,,, Percy saves the world several times, lol, usual demigod things™. He's lovable. Son of Poseidon so he has seaweeds instead of a brain (or so you thought, he is brilliant at strategic planning and has a charisma to be a great leader), has a very good sense of humor, is loyal and would risk everything for his friends. Also he loves his girlfriend very much and I was crying while reading the House of Hades but no one needed to know that oh well. I'm also gonna mention Nico de Angelo here, since he fell in love with Percy (didn't we all tho) and was the first gay character I saw portrayed in the book and oh do I love him 😭💖
6) 707 (Mystic Messenger)
Was I losing sleep over this game? I was. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. I think my choices are pretty boring tho, since Seven is literally everyone's favorite but oh boy there's a reason for that. Apart from being a talented hacker who knows too much (and I think is cautious of us the most at the start) he has a lovely happy-go-lucky personality composed of all the lame jokes, questions "have you eaten already" and anxiety (another emo one). He's that type of a character who will always try to make you laugh but you never know what's going on inside his head. He's mysterious and we don't get to know him well till his route so pretty much till the end of the game lol. Also he loves his brother, phd pepper, honey buddha chips and Elizabeth 3rd the most in this entire world and I love him for that
7) Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen)
ANOTHER EMO ONE okay but hear me out Evan has social anxiety and its portrayal is almost too real for me. He makes a big oopsie which at the start seems like a little innocent lie but then snowballs to enormous sizes. He gains everything in this bargain, a best (dead) friend, a caring mother, a father, a girlfriend even - and then everything falls apart since it all is built on one fat lie. He makes a lot of mistakes and then some more but you get it and you feel for him, and you cry with him and you're happy for him. And when all of this is over you're glad that he's still there trying his best, taking it one day at a time. And sidenote: Ben Platt's voice is angelic and I love him as Evan 💖💖💖
8) Isak (SKAM)
Another gay panicking one. I'm starting to realize there's a set of traits that I particularly like in fictional characters lol But ye, when I was watching skam ofc it was the third season which gripped me the most and kept me on the edge, bc yet again Isak taking an "are you gay" test was way too real for me. He makes a lot of mistakes along the way of figuring out his sexuality and sometimes stuff with Evan becomes really messy (for both of them) but he stays with him nevertheless ❤️ Skam is literally so good in its portrayal of the characters :') Anyways: alt er love 💖
9) Viktor & Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Em, another one that I absolutely can't break up to just one bc how could I? Yuri on ice got me into skating ❤️ I went to an ice rink for the first time bc of this anime and I almost died but now look at me actually finishing my first three months of ice skating training and watching real life figure skating competitions :') Little did I know then. But they're not only my favourites bc of that, I genuinely love the development of their relationship from fan - idol through skater - couch to lovers and history makers in the end. I love how Yuuri is a ball of insecurities and how Viktor manages to reassure him. I love how Viktor fell in love with drunk Yuuri clinging to him. I love how at first Yuuri wasn't able to get too close to Viktor without getting flustered and it changes so drastically to them basically always holding onto each other. I love how Viktor was stuck with no inspiration but then Yuuri came and turned his world upside down. I love how they support and respect each other. I could probably go on into eternity like that and Yuri on ice isn't even the best anime I've ever seen but it's certainly my favourite one ❤️
10) Tutor (WHY R U)
I can't believe I'm so obsessed with thai dramas rn and I'm only gonna include Tor on this list smh He's mental attitude inspires me. He's able to hold so much and appears totally unfazed even if he's barely holding on inside. He's hardworking and doesn't want others to pity him since he can manage it all just fine. He has a kind heart, he's a wonderful friend (especially to Hwa, he always listens to her, gives her pieces of advise, supports her and tries to cheer her up). He never forgets to say thank you when he genuinely feels grateful. But as we've seen he also is passionate and when he loves he LOVES. Also he's the biggest tease to Fighter and I love him for that :') I am so satisfied just by seeing him happy, please do not change that whyru gods 🙏
As it appears I'm done .-. I have no idea what have just happened and if my rambling even makes sense but not that I care at this point. If you read this far, please drink some water now, that was a lot of reading to go through ❤️
Tagging: @wir-ro, @saecookie and any other 8 people who might want to ksks (im too tired to tag lmao)
Don't be like me and go to bed at reasonable hours despite this whole quarantine thing .-. thank again Doreen for tagging since it was really fun 🥺❤️
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zeravmeta · 5 years ago
Ok so, my thoughts on the VR ending and VR overall as the 6th entry.
Also because most of my thoughts aren't...complimentary im editing the names so they dont appear in the general tag. This also got LONG so readmore.
The Good:
- A//i's character still managed to be the one thing that saves VR as a show for me. Even with all the weird...contradictory plot issues, A//i still manages to be a compelling character who brings up the question of the right to live. I actually do like how he made it so itd be an ultimatum that he loses in either way, even if the ending kinda ruins the weight behind the action (which I will get to in a bit).
The meh:
-the ending was left somewhat open to interpretation which for a show as...empty as this was works out but honestly it was so vague as to A//is fate is that it may as well not exist.
The Bad:
-The main conflict behind the entire show is...simulations. No joke. Every conflict in the show can be traced back to someone doing a simulation and deciding to lose it. Even if they gave the (rather stupid) explanation that AI experience simulations like actual life (which btw the first villain wasnt an AI so this reason doesnt work), the fact that Yu//sa//ku took a bullet for one of A//is robot bodies that he literally has millions of is...just stupid and there solely for the "uwu drama".
-They actually killed A//i off but wait hes actually alive, so like the final duel literally had no purpose aside from...drama??? The episode is called Compromise and yet A//i had to lose just to keep Yu//sa///kus win streak and theres no compromise whatsoever. Yu//sa//ku litetally destroys the CompromA.I.se card so its just, no comrpomise in any way.
-This....wasn't a happy ending??? I have no idea why both the show and the fanbase frame this as a happy ending bc think about it in context: A//i pretty much loses everything, so does Yu//sa//ku who just isolated himself from everyone else for 3 months in order to comb the network for whatever remnants of A//i exist.
- So many of the supporting characters are just...there. Like, there is no side/supporting character who actually has a character arc in this show. Lets go through the list: Ao//i is pretty much the same character as when she started and goes through 2 unnecessary costume changes for a character growth that isnt there because she has literally ONE victory against an opponent that was stated multiple times to be weak and faulty and have her lose and tortured multiple times for no reason whatsoever, G//o had this weird deterioration that may have lead to something but ultimately didn't, Ak//ira is pretty much the same, J//in has ALL HIS TRAUMA ERASED SO THERES THAT, literally the only side characters who have some sembalnce of an arc are Sho//ichi (the best one anyways) from his "betrayal" in S2, and E//ma with her reconciliation with her brother. Outside of that, nothing. Yu//sa//ku, Re//volv//er and Ho//mu//ra are pretty much the only characters with an arc and even then they're not too solid? Which brings me to-
- Yu//sa//ku has been so wildly ooc since the end of S1. Ive seen so many say that his enphasis on bonds and friendship are character growth but actually looking at the sequence of events he suddenly just like. changes completely around his first duel with Ea//rth. Plus, the message of "revenge is good" was always so weird? Like, he got his revenge so all his trauma is ok now and never brought up or explored again aside from within the first 20 episodes. Theres nothing about it after that and its never built upon. The whole point of a revenge arc is to show that its BAD and yet he starts preaching that revenge is wrong AFTER he successfully gets revenge??? And even then its not exactly a revenge as it is more lashing out since it was Ko//ga//mi who was behind it all. Yu//sa/ku was definitely at his strongest characterization in S1 where we see how badly the Lo//st Incid//ent hurt him but S1 had its own share of problems that led into S2 and so many random plot threads that never went anywhere (such as the Anot//her Incid//ents, the Cy//berse deck being irl despite that A//i didnt have a physical body before then, The Bl//ue Mai//den meetup that was repeated by Nao//ki like 10 times in S2 which seemed to be leading up to something but never did, and the fact that theres 4 recap episodes in S1 already spelled some early problems). So much of the supporting cast function to just say "he turned this whole situation around...with ONE card..." i kid you not watch back every Yu//sa//ku duel I GUARANTEE you'll see someone saying hes a great duelist and serve only that purpose. ALSO THE END OF THE SHOW IS JUST MORE DRAMA?? They make him suffer for no reason other than that they can??? What purpose does his suffering at the end serve aside from just "uwu...poor baby..."???
-Re//volv//er is not a good rival. At all. He's so incredibly bland because much like Yu//sa//ku he was at his strongest characterization in S1 where he actually had some solid motivation in continuing his fathers work and being unable to accept that his dad was evil, yet most of that just flies out the window with all the collateral he's willing to inflict with the K//O//H?? All his character amounts too post S1 is "yeah i told you robots are evil and YOU didnt believe me". The most we got of him growing out of this mindset was calling A//i by his name exactly one time and nothing ever again. Also the fact that in the end we see him and his crew working for S//O//L despite the fact that they were gonna turn themselves in for their crimes just. leaves a rotten taste in my mouth. hes not a good rival at all. All he proves to me is that a good design can get anyone to like a character.
- Ho//mu//ra is...there. I literally cant say anything about him because he absolutely has the strongest motivations of the three but then the show jumps through hoops to push him to the back of the other two. He also has a bunch of early victories I do feel are undeserved (ESPECIALLY the A//oi duel that one pissed me off so much). Also the fact that the show just made him Yu//sa//kus friend immediately whereas it took Sho//ichi several months to get Yu//sa//ku to warm up to him just had me :/.
-The speed duels were a cool concept but they just became these huge cheat fests? Seriously Play//Maker uses StAccess literally every speed duel to pull out a new monster from whatever plot holes the writers need to patch up. I am not kidding. You can go back to every single speed duel Yu//sa//ku was in and youll see this. Skills just werent a good mechanic because when a protag pulls a new card its supposed to be representative of some growth/characterization but he stays the same pretty much throughout the entire show up until S2 where he wildly just switches personality. Plus the fact that Que//en could literally use a skill whenever just shows that it was cheating???
- The villains were overall lackluster. Boh//man was the best because Re//volv//er is just flat whereas A//i struck me more as an anti hero. And again: simulations are the enemy. Light//ning ran one and decided to go ham. Kog//ami ran one and decided to go ham. A//i ran one and decided to go ham. The conflicts are all the same and it just makes things happen rather than following a consistent plot thread? I will say that Boh//mans characterization of a hive mind to become perfect does strike my tastes but thats more my personal preference in villains rather than any merit he has.
- This is a bit of a personal pet peeve but I've seen some of the praise to this show about being the "darkest Y//G//O to date so therefore its good" and im just...no? Edge does not make a good show and just because they lightly focused on the tragedy in Yu//sa//kus life (and it IS lightly because its barely touched upon after mid S1) most of the stuff that happens in this show is pretty tame in comparison? The most that happened here was an attempted global hack of everyones minds from S2 and destroying the internet in S1, with a few references to the torture that happened during the Lo//st incid//ent. To compare: the previous series had this huge interdimensional war that, even if they could reverse the carding of people (which makes Den//nis' attempted suicide even more tragic), ended with an entire dimensions full of brainwashed soldier children, a dimension with huge class inequality that was still being heavily worked upon since there were canonically slaves, and a dimension that was savaged by a genocide and total global destruction. Hell, the series before that had a huge war where the arc actually did focus on the tragedys the characters faced and held consequence (even if they pulled a dbz revive everyone at the end). And as far back into the very first series there were even more graphic depictions of war and death? Idk i feel like people are overplaying the edge here just to find a way to complement this show.
I'm...genuinely dissappointed. VR really had so many strong starting points but it all just fell apart at execution. Really the only reason I even bothered to watch it as kong as I did was because Im a longtime fan of the series and wanted to give it a chance rather than jump on whatever love/hate train the show has. Its been rated poorly on the JP side and most of the approval is a vocal minority. Just to be clear: this isnt me bashing the show, my opinions are mine and you can agree or disagree to any capacity, and even if a show isnt well written you can still find a reason to enjoy it despite the flaws.
But if Im being perfectly honest? I do not like this show. It's rushed, choppy, has no consistent or clear plot threads, most of the genuinely interesting characters are wasted for the protagonist to look better and he never really does because he ALSO has an interesting idea behind him but it never goes anywhere. It started strong but ended so poorly. Id be angry but im more dissappointed because Ive watched this show from day 1 and wanted to see the good things it has rather than focus on the negatibes but. yeah. This show really had potential and yet it just fell flat.
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catfish-and-the · 6 years ago
tag game!!
THANK YOU @stopmakingtheeyes IM EXCITED TO DO THIS!!!!!!
Favorite snack: i fucking love blueberries Favorite place to go on vacation?: uhh i dont think i have a favorite place but if vacation were a state of mind i love the accomplishment feeling What’s a song that makes you dance immediately: COLD DUCK TIME BY THE ALAN BAYLOCK JAZZ ORCHESTRA. UES Tea or coffee? And what kind?: GREEN TEA Do you play an instrument?: ye i play alto sax, guitar, and piano!! What’s your favorite type of personality?: i dont think i have one but if u make me laugh or r kind i will automatically like u Favorite comedian?: i dont have one but i am also watching brooklyn nine nine rn and im dying Gummy candy or chocolate?: CHOCOLATE What did you ‘want to be when you grew up’ as a kid?: as a kid i wanted to be a doctor smh What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself?: not 2 sound weird but i was on the swim team for many years many years ago and now i have toned legs and its pretty great When was the last time you watched a show or movie on a TV?: i just paused an episode of brooklyn nine nine to do this Unpopular opinion: i dont rlly like the 1975 ://// Are you scared of bugs?: YEAH unless they r dragonflies or butterflies Dogs or cats?: cats Are you allergic to any foods?: NOPE Does the description of your star sign match your personality?: i cant tell tbh?????? i feel like irl i tend 2 not be a pisces but when i think abt ezra or van im 100% pisces Favorite type of accent?: all accents r so cool i wish i had a not american one :/ Name the first song that comes into your head!: New York - Sex Pistols Who is the sexiest famous person to you?: honestly,,,, gotta go w van mccann When was the last time you read an entire book?: i finished pride and prejudice a couple weeks ago!! Favorite junk food: srsly love cool ranch chips Do you like your height?: its ok i gues???? if i were an inch shorter tho i wouldnt mind Apples or oranges?: apples Do you like salad?: HELL YEAH THE CRONCH What person inspires you the most?: van mccann and ezra koenig What is a song that has made you cry?: She - Fickle Friends
I’ll tag @soon-5sos @toucanss @vans-pacifier @myguyvan @gototownonyou @longsh7t @vanmccantfish @amna000 but dont feel obligated to do this!!
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iwritesometimes · 6 years ago
thank you to the gorgeous @wordssometimesfail for tagging me in a get to know you thing RIGHT when I most needed some procrastination material!
Nickname: i don't have one that people outside my family use. my folks call me "sis" or "sissy" cause it's how my little sister's always referred to me.
Zodiac: your friendly neighborhood textbook capricorn.
Height: some nebulous area between 5' and 5'1". *fistbumps Aaliya* we were too powerful. god had to nerf us.
Amount of sleep: for optimal sarah maintenance, 7 hrs a night, but I can function okay on five and sometimes push it further bc i am not well adjusted.
Last movie i saw: watched the first installment of Lonesome Dove with @northstarfan last week, and my baby boy got et by water moccasins, so that went well.
Last thing i googled: "symphony of the night voice actors" looking for the name of Alucard's VA, bc the wiki unhelpfully just lists Yuri Lowenthal as Alucard's voice and i knew that couldn't be right. this gleaned me one of my favorite things: a series VA comparison collection, which has given me my favorite and now forever canon Alucard incarnation.
Favourite musician: it's been the band Keane for a long time, and it probably still is, but lately i have been reminded just how insanely good nickel creek are, so as keane is on indefinite hiatus/probably never making another album at this point, they're a top contender too.
Song stuck in my head: "bloody tears" bc it's been lodged in there for about two weeks straight and is the only song that matters to me anymore. but liberally seasoned with "simon's theme" and "vampire killer."
Do i get asks: sometimes! i always crave more. please PLEASE come scream at me about anything in which we're mutually interested!!
Blogs following: is this blogs i'm following, or blogs following me? it's 200 and 809, respectively, though only maybe a quarter of those following are real people.
What im wearing: a-line skirt with a tiny black and white herringbone print and black piping, and a royal blue peasant top w/ 3/4 sleeves and a big swirly white embroidered floral pattern on the front. and my Magical Talisman Bracelets. :)
Dream trip: i mean. everywhere. i wanna go so many places i'll never be brave or partnered enough to go to. at the moment i'm dreamily "planning" a road trip through northern california and the pacific northwest to see the redwood forest, the pacific coast, Seattle, etc. i also want desperately to visit Iceland and drive the ring road.
Dream job: not really sure anymore. i'm really comfortable as a copy editor, with a good salary doing a job i'm good at on a team i like, and when i'm off the clock i get to forget about my job completely and do whatever the hell i like with my free time. i think at this point all of those things are more important to me than having The Best Job Ever.
Favourite food: macaroni and cheese, hands down.
Languages: just English, shamefully. i really wanna pick Spanish and German back up, though...and lately i've been reminded what a fun language Romanian is.
Play any instruments: "played" cello for a school year, actually played flute for about seven. gonna try to pick it back up. i also own a guitar and want to learn.
Favourite song: it's been "crystal ball" by Keane for years, but "sovereign light cafe" and "won't be broken" are awesome too. i also love, in no order except that in which my dumb brain remembers them: "rest of my life," "why should the fire die," and "love of mine" by nickel creek; "the mighty rio grande" by this will destroy you; "on the nature of daylight" by max richter; "to build a home" by the cinematic orchestra; "magnificat" by arvo pärt; "i thank you god for most this amazing day" by eric whitacre; "welcome home" by coheed and cambria; "televators" by the mars volta; "übers ende der welt" by tokio hotel; "geht ab," "grau," "perfekt," and "bevor du gehst" by panik; "sarajevo" and "majka ruži kćer" by dino merlin (actually the whole Burek album); "heroes of earth" by wang leehom; "mirror", "vanilla", "returner," and "orenji no taiyou" by gackt (+ hyde on that last one; actually the whole Mars album); "ue o muite arukō" by kyu sakamoto; "to zanarkand" by nobuo uematsu; "somewhere i belong", "the radiance," "breaking the habit," and "the messenger" by linkin park (really both Meteora and A Thousand Suns albums); "o nata lux" by morten lauridsen; "the book of love" by peter gabriel covering the magnetic fields; "castle in the mist" by michiru oshima and koichi yamazaki; "lover's cross" by jim croce; "the mountain wayfarers" by the woodsheep; and like a thousand others. but when it comes right down to it, i think my actual bulletproof favorite song of all time might just be the king's singers covering airwaves' "you are the new day," aka, the greatest love song of all time.
Random fact:  i'm double jointed in both thumbs! this has not garnered me any edge in video games, which i consider a gross oversight on the part of the universe.
okay this took me like three whole days to finish and i would link all that music but i think i'll do that in another post in the interest of finally finishing this one. so i tag @bebeocho @omicheese @lazaefair @poemsingreenink @syphrilfox @filigods @look-and-wonder @northstarfan @pixelhanzo (obv only if you want to!) and LITERALLY anybody else who's feelin chatty, tag me if you do so i can come spy on ur life!!
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