#udo bock
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imjustsomebodyelse · 11 months ago
aot tinies
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besides the black uniform version, i also drew several characters in their regular outfits!
they are available as mini stickers or inside candybag charms in my shop, starting april 20th!
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soa2024 · 8 months ago
08.07.2024 Von Moers nach Frankfurt
Eigentlich Urlaubsstimmung, aber erstmal noch früh aufstehen und die letzten Stunden arbeiten. Unser Zug geht um 16:10 Uhr ab Duisburg, so dass wir im Hyatt noch entspannt einchecken und anschließend in Ruhe essen gehen können. Nach der Arbeit noch kurz Rasen mähen, damit Udo nicht so viel zu tun hat.;-)
So entspannt ist der Morgen dann aber doch nicht. Christin muss noch mit Ohrenschmerzen zum Arzt, Christina ist noch einen Hauch positiv und Paddy hat keine Zeit uns zum Bahnhof zu fahren. Immer diese arbeitende Bevölkerung. Der Anruf bei allen Taxiunternehmen in Moers gibt eine Absage. Alles belegt zu unserer Uhrzeit. Bleibt nur die Option eine Stunde früher als geplant zum Bahnhof zu fahren. Zusammen mit dem Arztbesuch schmeißt das unsere Planung ein bisschen um, aber die Eltern springen ein und holen Jürgen und Christina ab.
Und letztlich nutzen wir die Stunde mehr in Duisburg um mehrfach auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz anzustoßen. Ergebnis: 2 Flaschen Crémant und eine halbe Flasche Wein sind weg, noch bevor der Zug einfährt. Die Kinder trinken mehrere „Safer sex on the beach“ weg und sind zufrieden. McDonald’s darf für die Kinder auch nicht fehlen, denn natürlich haben beide wieder hunger. Urlaub in Duisburg - einfach top. Aber zum Glück bleiben wir ja nicht mehr lange.
Ausnahmsweise kommt der Zug mal pünktlich, im Zug gibt es noch ein paar Bier für die Herren und Lillet für die Damen. Angeschickert vergeht die Zeit verdammt schnell und wir können gerade so die letzte Flasche Bier leeren und die jungen Damen bekommen gerade so ihr Schinken-Käse-Sandwich auf, das Jürgen spendiert hat.
Trotz nicht funktionierender Rolltreppen kommen wir sehr schnell am richtigen Gleis zur Weiterfahrt an. Eine Station bis Gateway Gardens. Die super Bahn-App lässt mich nur einzeln Tickets buchen und als wir im Zug sind, habe ich erst ein Ticket von acht kaufen können. Vier Kontrolleure steigen in unserem Eingang zu, und als der Zug schon wieder los fährt, habe ich gerade mal zwei Tickets gekauft. Ich zeige das Erste vor - ungültig. Nach kurzer Nachfrage, wie viele wir denn sind, hat der Schaffner keinen Bock mehr und zieht weiter. Bis zum Ausstieg zwei Minuten später schaffe ich es, noch zwei weitere Tickets zu buchen. Ein weiterer Kontrolleur grinst sich nur einen und beim Ausstieg habe wir lockere 9€ gespart, die wir später in Getränken umsetzen können.
Der Check-in im Hyatt geht schnell, die Zimmer sind klein, aber völlig ok. Gute 15 Minuten später geht es weiter zum Italiener um die Ecke (danke Anika für den Tipp). Brechend voll, zum Glück haben wir reserviert. Das Essen ist wirklich gut und die erste Rutsche Wein gibt’s für lau, weil der Kellner den falschen Wein eingeschenkt hat. Nach dem Essen gibt es noch einen kleinen Absacker an der Hotelbar, bevor es aufs Zimmer geht. Morgen steht ja wieder ein langer Flug an.
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scepterno · 3 years ago
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hey-dont-touch-that · 4 years ago
Levihan parent HC:
Levi would so be the dad to sleep in the crib with the baby. Imagine one night the baby is crying and Hange is so tired that he just gets up, walks to the room and sees the baby up he climbs into the crib and falls asleep with the baby. In the morning when Hange finds Levi and their baby curled up and asleep in the crib.
In conclusion Levi would be a great dad and would have no problem fitting in the crib.
I think they would have this type of crib.
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Hange often finds them like this in the morning
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ackermansupremacy · 4 years ago
hiiiiii I hope yorue having a good day, can I request the Marley kids finding out their moms pregnant?
just fluff, fluff, more fluff but whatever you like! 😘
Omg TT this is literally so cute!!!!!!!!! Also i am fresh out of gifs for my babies
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Y’all play one of those lil games 
When you give out hints and such to see if she can guess 
She guesses like IMMEDIATELY 
She basically tackles you in a hug
She always said she basked in being an only child but deep down she wanted a lil sibling to do her little schemes with her 
She took the idea of having a sibling as a side kick and RAN with it
All of her friends knew like ten minutes after you told her 
So full of questions
‘Will i have to share my room?’ ‘When do we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl?’ ‘Wait what day are you supposed to go into labor again?’ 
All in your like, third month of pregnancy 
She really really wants a little brother
If you go to your doctors appointments alone you best believe shes not letting you
But she’ll stay in the car LMAO 
She takes good care of you tho
Like if you need something she’ll get it for you won’t complain about it or be bothered really in the slightest 
Shes just happy to help 
Recommends dumbass names
“Why don’t we name him Turbo?” “And if its a girl?” “...Turbo..?”
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He had a little suspicion about it 
But he kinda brushed it off 
You wouldn’t have another kid because him and Colt are enough of a handful...right? 
Cries when you tell him????
Colt probably smacks the back of his head and tells him to pull it together 
He promises you he’ll be a better child from now on and cause you less trouble
Despite being the most unproblematic child ever?
Slaves for you on the DL 
He always makes sure you have everything you need and are comfy 
And when you tell him he doesn’t have to take care of you so much he’ll just say something along the lines of “I’m making up for all the times I was a bad kid” 
Which is half true, the other half is a cheap tactic to not share his room
Basically prepares how to be a parent because he knows if you ever leave him and Colt to babysit Colt will just leave him to take care of the baby himself 
Probably asks Zofia how to change diapers and practices on one of her old baby dolls 
Colt doesn’t really care as much as he does
But Falco’s kind of torn
Hes super excited to have a younger sibling but hes also heard horror stories about being the middle child and knows he won’t be babied anymore 
Hes always basked in being the youngest child and spent a lot of time with you and knowing you won’t have quite as much time for him makes him v melancholy
But deep down his excitement overweighs his worry
And hes super excited to be a big brother
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This is the moment shes been waiting for
She had a suspicion before you even did
In the mornings she would notice that you were skipping breakfast
Or just having a cup of tea and plain toast complaining about feeling sick
She was probably the one who told you that you should probably consider taking one
At first you didn’t really want to
I mean
You didn’t have morning sickness when you had Zofia, so why would you have it now?
You both are two peas in a pod, as close as a mother and a daughter could get
So Zofia’s intuition was relentless
And so she was able to successfully convince you to take a test
My girlie was overjoyed!!
Basically all shes ever wanted was to be an older sister
She doesn’t slave for you as much as some of the others but she def helps out a lot
She probably sews a ton of baby clothes and helps designs the nursery
And makes custom baby blankets ofc!!
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But he hides it pretty well
Don’t get me wrong, hes excited about it of course!!
But being an only child is all hes ever known
And he got to bask in that for 13 years of his life
So knowing he won’t have your undivided attention anymore kinda stresses him out
Of course you two talk about it and you reassure him you’ll still have just as much time for him
It feels bittersweet for him, but he takes it as a part of growing up
Since he’ll be entering high school soon
It takes him longer to cope with the fact that if he ever has a really bad nightmare again that he won’t be able to crawl into bed with you for a couple hours
It takes until like halfway through your pregnancy for him to make peace with it and get excited
He waits in the car during your doctors appointments
And he’ll check in and make sure you’re taking any necessary medications
The experience for him is really maturing
And whats better than seeing your kiddos grow up 😭
And honestly hes the best big brother anyone could’ve asked for
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Well hot diddly damn its been a minute!! Yes i am still alive I’ve just been going through it a little bit nothing bad tho!!
I have time now so i’m back at it again working on requests! I’m about to be on vacation so i’ll have a ton of free time to write! Look forward to it!
Thanks for requesting! I hope you enjoyed!
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incorrect-marley · 4 years ago
gabi: (accidentally hits udo in the face)
gabi: (trying to decide between saying "i'm fucking sorry" and "are you okay")
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miniea · 4 years ago
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incorrectsnkaotquotes · 4 years ago
Pieck, to Gabi, Udo, Zofia and Falco: The best revenge, really, is being nice!
Porco, in the distance: Or Murder!
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eyes-brainrot · 4 years ago
AU where both Bertholdt and Reiner makes it home. Next gen warriors are:
Zofia as Colossal Titan
Udo as Cart titan
Gabi as Armored Titan
And Falco as Jaws
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jpnoyaiba · 4 years ago
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wip! hange just got back from work (?)
started drawing hange and pieck but they have a who happens to be udo.
that’s a huge head cannon i have LMAO they all look a lot alike tbh.
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now-at-ex-radfem-notebook · 5 years ago
So sweet, that is what they deserve 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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@reibertweek day 4 - Parents AU I was surprised to see how little people did cadets for this promt! O: Used references for this one.
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mcwscollective · 4 years ago
@thecommanderzoe || continued.
There were two different stories going on that, if Udo hadn’t seen them with his own two eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that both of them could have existed within the same group of people. One had taken them as captives, while the other hardly hesitated before giving them an opportunity to be trusted.
Even with feeling uncomfortable under the circumstances, he had to admit that there was the smallest chance of continuing to be treated as (almost...) human, if not more so. He looked to his hands as they were freed, and slowly dragged his attention up to the brunette standing before him again. They were speaking with the Commander? Just what had been the plan for putting them face to face with someone so high in ranking?
“I’m--” He was sharply scolded for thinking of giving away any information from the loudest of their little group. It took a moment to gather himself and try again. “Udo...” and another moment before deciding it was only fair to give his full name, since this Hanji Zoe had done so first. “Bock.” His hands gripped the sides of his chair, knuckles tight as he tried to wiggle into a less awkward way of sitting (even though he’d already been in the most acceptable position.)
“And if you could just send us all home, we promise we won’t say anything!” The last bit had been let out in a rush, his head dipping in whatever fraction of a bow he could conjure up for a bit of manners and formality. His attention remained on his lap until he noticed his glasses slipping, and hesitated before pushing them back into place over the bridge of his nose -- movements slow, as though making sure no one had reason to believe he’d acted suspiciously. 
“Please,” he asked quietly, daring to lift his head. “I don’t want my parents to worry...”
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leapingtitan · 5 years ago
Pieck’s Full Name
According to notes from the Final Exhibition Guidebook, Pieck’s original design was meant to be a middle-aged man which we already knew.
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But what’s more and namely that which the guidebook states is that his full name was going to be “Oliver Pieck”...
So... if that were to carry over, would that mean Pieck is her last name and like... Olivia would be her first name? I don’t know, seems kinda interesting.
Also, Udo’s last name was supposed to be Bock and Zofia’s was supposed to be Reitsch, none of which were mentioned in the manga sooo... yeah.
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scepterno · 3 years ago
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like father like son
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agatha-abstinent · 6 years ago
Tag 1440 / Heute heißt das Keyword
Früher hieß es Schlüsselbegriff oder wichtiges Wort.
Ich war heute ziemlich ich in dem Gespräch. Fünftes Vorstellungsgespräch in diesem Jahr. Das Jahr ist noch jung. In sieben Tagen das nächste. Ich werde besser, komme wieder rein, komme überhaupt rein ins Leben, ins Reden. Ich habe da Bock drauf - sagte ich. Obwohl wir uns siezen, obwohl das ein spießiger Rahmen war.
Schlechtere Technik, nicht die neuesten Rechner, das nimmt mir Stress. Habe aber beinah zwei von vier Aufgaben überlesen und vergessen.
Der Mann neben mir in der U-Bahn hat eine Udo Jürgens-DVD in der Hand: "Einfach Ich". Und dann holt er noch Hildegard Knef raus "Ihre größten Erfolge". Was meine größten seien, worauf ich stolz bin - typische Vorstellungsgesprächfrage. Dass ich hier sitze. Dass ich hier bin, obwohl ich gestern so verzweifelt war. Dass ich hier sitze in diesem Outfit, in diesem Zustand, mit dieser Geistesklarheit und Schlagfertigkeit.
Ein komplett diskriminierungsfreies Gespräch. Ich habe schwierige Situationen in einem mehrmonatigen Klinikaufenthalt gemeistert. Darauf kann ich auch stolz sein. Das war eine langfristige Belastungssituation. Das gehört zu meinen größten Erfolgen.
Ich kann zum Teil bestimmte Berufskompetenzen, Quantität an Arbeitserfahrung nicht vorweisen. Doch bin ich mir sicher, wertvollere Kompetenzen, Lebenserfahrung gewonnen zu haben.
The Source ft Candi Staton You've got the love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7dMGw3uzEU
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years ago
marley kid question!! what kind of movies/tv genres do you think the kids are into?? personally my guesses are - gabi is into action adventure movies, obviously. maybe a bit of a marvel girl. falco will watch them with her, he likes action movies too but his favourite genre is probably romcoms tbh (though he’d never admit it). zofia strikes me a horror movie kinda gal. when it’s her turn to pick the movie during sleepovers everyone knows they’re in a for a ride, but they def enjoy it anyway. udo is definitely a documentary kid. i can see him kicking back with some david attenborough. he’s also into mystery’s, and likes older films. definitely thinks jurassic park and clue are cinematic masterpieces.
ah, another after hours post. you already know i love answering questions about my favorite kiddos!
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As far as Gabi goes, your right on the dot!!
She loves action and adventure movies
She LOVES LOVES LOVES marvel and i think ive mentioned that in previous headcanons!
She constantly slanders dc movies even though they’re Falco’s personal favorite
Gabi really likes girl power stories, so captain marvel and black widow are some of her favorite movies
However of course spiderman is her all time fav
She even went as spider gwen for halloween one year
However something else she also loves is star wars! the four of them all love star wars!!
They always go to the movies the first day of the new star wars movie showing
And plan sleepovers around when episodes of the shows drop sometimes
However only Gabi and Udo are the only ones that really keep up with the shows
Like the clone wars, the mandalorian (my personal fav) and the book of boba fett
Gabi is horror movie enjoyer, although she’ll never admit most of them scare the absolute hell out of her
Often times at sleepovers she’ll be forced to watch some that Zofia’s brought anyway
She insists she would survive them all and theorizes about how she would with her friends
She won’t watch them alone, but hokier classics are her fav
She especially loves the childs play series
Shes also a pretty avid anime watcher, hunter x hunter is totally her fav
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Honestly Falco has mixed tastes when it comes to pretty much anything
His guilty pleasure is turning on some PBS or BBC channels while he does his homework so he doesn’t pay attention but doesn’t sit in silence
But somehow he always gets distracted when those damn cooking tutorials come on ESPECIALLY Julia Child (if you know you know :))
Which eventually gives him a love of the food network!!
He doesn’t try any of the recipes himself but he does suggest them to his mom
Or convinces Udo to make them
When it comes to serious TV watching, he does love DC comic movies
hes loved batman since he was a kid and won’t let gabi bully him out of it
Although he does tell her that he likes marvel better in hopes that it would score him some points
His other guilty pleasure is definitely romcoms though
He came home one day and his mom was watching one and he got hooked
Hes too scared of Colt catching him watching them alone, so he only watches them with his mom
Christmas hallmark movies are his personal fav
And he has occasionally shed a tear over them
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Zofia is most certainly a horror fan
She loves all the classics
Nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th, the Halloween series, Childs play she ways them UP!!
She watches a lot of obscure and older horror movies that not a lot of people have heard of
But she also watches the fucking DISTURBING shit
Like megan is missing, tusk and midsommar
And she’ll watch them alone in the dead of night and sleep just fine
She always says they only scare her in the moment not after shes finished watching them
Only one horror movie has ever actually scared her
It was hereditary, but she got over it really quickly
She watched it with her friends and it scared them all so bad Gabi went home early, Falco threw up and Udo didn’t sleep for four days
Shes always gravitated towards creepier things when she was little, her favorite movie was probably the last unicorn and her favorite show was goosebumps
As for TV shows, she likes true crime
Shows like Tiger King, Forensic Files and cold cases are some of her favorites
And of course law and order
She also likes those cheesy YA shows like riverdale, pretty little liars and tiny pretty things
Its what she normally turns on during the day while shes just snacking or painting
Although shows like that seriously convince her fashion choices
Her absolute guilty pleasure is the twilight series though
She really likes it and all her friends make fun of her so she pretends that she likes it ironically
But in reality she has all the books and the limited edition dvd’s
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Although he prefers reading
Udo really likes fantasy!
Star wars, harry potter, lord of the rings you name it he loves it
When he gets older, game of thrones is his absolute favorite
Thick book sets are on all of his bookshelves and even stacked neatly on the floor when they don’t fit
He likes to read book series then watch their movie/show counterparts
But of course he likes documentaries
Animal planet, national geographic and autobiographical are nice background noise for him while he studies, reads or cooks
He even occasionally even watches conspiracy documentaries
He thinks it keeps him sharp and he learns something new and a new perspective everytime he watches them and values that
But of course he loves 80’s movies
Jaws, the goonies are jurassic park are some of his favorites
80’s horror movies are the only horror movies he can handle
He thinks clue is a cinematic masterpiece and hes totally correct. clue is the greatest movie of all time and no i don’t take criticism.
Its his favorite movie to watch with his mom ever since she showed it to him
His favorite does have to be old mystery movies and shows
Old as in ones that he watched with his grandma when he was little
Agatha Cristie works like Ms Marple and Poirot are his favorites
He saw murder on the orient express when he was little and it was a really big inspiration for him and it really started his love for mysteries.
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wowowowowow. is udo’s mom a self insert of myself in these? absolutely. clue has been my favorite movie since i was a teen so seeing it mentioned had me STOKED.
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