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wolf-of-tyr · 4 years ago
What are some of your favorite songs/art pieces/stories that you associate with Tyr?📚🎶
Also how do you feel about the idea that he was once the principal Norse deity/sky god?🌤
Sorry for the delay, this took a bit and I'm easily distracted 😅
Favorite songs!:
-"Tyr" by Wardruna
-"Tyr" by Danheim
-"Don't Lose Your Heart" by Dream on Dreamer
-"Throne" by Bring Me the Horizon (this isn't one that I associate with him as a deity; it's closer to a tool a therapist would use to help a patient, with Tyr as the therapist in this analogy)
Those are the specific ones. He seems to enjoy anything by the first 2 artists, and in general I like he has a pretty broad taste in music.
Check out my #ledestjerna tag, and my Tyr Aesthetic board on Pinterest! The board has things related to my relationship with him mixed in as well
I honestly love every story of him that I can get my hands on, but the myth of how he shows up at his dad Hymir's place, lies about Thor's name, and steals Hymir's cauldron, takes the cake. It will forever be hilarious to me.
How do I feel about Tyr having once been the principal Norse deity?:
Aaaaalllll kinds of feels. I. wish I had a time machine so I could see what a Tyr-headed pantheon looked like back when it was a thing. I kind of wish it still was, just because it makes more sense to me. I always got the feeling he stepped down willingly, too, not like he had a mutiny on his hands. And a whole lot more that I honestly just don't know how to put into words.
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lokahjarta · 5 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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dovesndecay · 5 years ago
I have two deeply held pet peeves when it comes to how people perceive or depict Tyr and Fenrisulfr. 
1. I need artists to stop depicting Fenrisulfr in chains. He broke every chain they tried to use on him. That is W H Y they had to trick him into wearing Gleipnir. It's a fucking ribbon. 
"They showed him the silken ribbon and bade him burst it, saying that it was somewhat stouter than appeared from its thickness. And each passed it to the others, and tested it with the strength of their hands and it did not snap; yet they said the Wolf could break it. Then the Wolf answered: 'Touching this matter of the ribbon, it seems to me that I shall get no glory of it, though I snap asunder so slender a band; but if it be made with cunning and wiles, then, though it seem little, that band shall never come upon my feet."  https://bit.ly/2N1zE0r 
2. Every time someone tries to tell me that Tyr is a God of Law. Nah, bruh, he's a God of Justice. We all know that Law and Justice are not the same. 
Tyr is Norse Batman. 
He's Mr. Incredible. ("What are we teaching our kids?" / "To respect the law." / "Even if the law is disrespectful?!"). 
He is the God of every survivor who has sought justice, those who have been denied it, those who were silenced before they could seek it. Tyr is the God of Necessary Evils in the Name of Good. 
Stop telling me this is the God of Law while the Law kills the marginalized and keeps us beneath their boot. 
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tyrs-warrior · 5 years ago
The battle rages all around you. And o, child, does it rage. But you, mighty warrior, will rage back twice as strong! Pick up your head, back into the thrall!
Tyr to me
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witchtig · 7 years ago
In honor of You, I will settle affairs in compromise when it is required. 
In honor of You, I will not hold unfair judgments of myself or others. 
In honor of You, I will not go down without a fight. 
In honor of You, I will not be but a witness. 
In honor of You, I will make sacrifices for others when it is necessary.
In honor of You, I will be brave in the face of loss. 
In honor of You, I will do the right thing, even if it is difficult.
In honor of You, I will be true to the oaths I make. 
In honor of You, I will overcome fear. 
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wolf-of-tyr · 2 years ago
Also sacrifice, as Tyr knew he'd be losing his hand and did it anyway
Justice is different from revenge. The first is "show me you can do better" while the second is "I'll show you I can do worse."
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biestcallisto · 7 years ago
Tyr + selfharm
I did self harm and I see lots of people loving Tyr mention struggling with self harm as well.
Which made me wonder.... was it just duty that made Tyr give his hand to Fenris or was it a form of self harm as well?
I mean, I do not care too much about Lokasenna, but I gotta quote it:
Tyr spake:
37. "Of the heroes brave | is Freyr the best Here in the home of the gods; He harms not maids | nor the wives of men, And the bound from their fetters he frees."
Loki spake:
38. "Be silent, Tyr! | for between two men Friendship thou ne'er couldst fashion; Fain would I tell | how Fenrir once Thy right hand rent from thee."
My interpretation is, that Tyr actually loves peace and harmony but as soon as someone is a dick, he will disturb the peace to bring justice. Cause that’s who he is. And that’s why I think it’s reasonable to assume that Tyr understands selfharm. He loves Freyr but he is so not Freyr himself. And I think lots of selfharm comes from a place were you want to be a certain way but just can’t. Or is that just me?
So, go off, I guess.
I mean, what are your thoughts? Am I totally off? Am I onto something?
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tyrsbeast-blog · 7 years ago
Týr being smart
@wolf-of-tyr mentioned that she saw Tyr described as "unintelligent" and my blood boiled over for a short second. 
But I can see why someone might think that. If you define intelligence through cunning and deceit. No, not even that, the specific deceit of a bullshitter. Tyr is not a conman. In a pantheon where Odin, the great trickster, is chieftain and Loki is, at least on tumblr, widely worshipped. 
Týr is a law maker and a war strategic. Both requires intelligence. 
But in the Norse pantheon other gods are known for being cunning, hella smart and full of tricks.
Imho his defining character trait is his integrity. In old times one would have called it honour, today integrity is the fitting term. 
Just because he chooses honesty and integrity and fairness over deceit, doesn't mean he is not highly intelligent. I'd even argue that staying on top when you choose this way requires intelligence. 
If the Norse were a lawyers TV show, Týr would be the judge who sees through the deceit of the other roles. 
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wolf-of-tyr · 7 years ago
If anyone is interested, I have Pinterest boards for Tyr and Fenrir.
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the-fenwolf · 8 years ago
This was going to be added onto another post, but it started to get long winded so I thought it should stand alone. I’ve come to realize that Tyr helps me a lot with some of the abuse and gaslighting I’ve dealt with. Tyr helps me keep tabs on what’s real. When stuff goes south, he lets me know “This was not your fault. That was wrong. Come on, stand up now, brush off your knees. You know the truth, and you are strong enough to face this.”
And I think part of why it took me so long to realize what Tyr was saying to me, is because Tyr so often gets pigeonholed into being THE god of war. You see, Tyr’s a god of war and sacrifice, but he’s the god of so many other things, too. Tyr’s the god of justice and morality, right along with Forseti. He’s the god of courage, resolve, and perseverance. Tyr is about fighting for what you know in your heart is right and true. For me, he’s the ever standing beacon of truth and righteousness in some very dark places. He’s a warm hand on my shoulder when I need someone to help pick me up.
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tea-rabbits · 8 years ago
1. How were you introduced/how did you come into Heathenry/Norse Paganism?
The short(est) story is that I read Harry Potter, researched ancient runes, found the Elder Futhark and realized Norse Mythology existed.  At the same time I was looking into paganism and Wicca and realizing Wicca wasn’t for me, but a lot of paganism was.  And then I read Tyr’s myth and started honoring him, and everything has grown from there.
longer stories here: when did i become pagan?why am i not wiccan?why i honor the norse gods in particularwhy Tyr and Fenrir?how/why did i start honoring the Wolf?about my pagan pathwhy paganism?how i found paganismmusings about my path
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tyrsbeast-blog · 8 years ago
Sky god Týr
Why? I have read the association multiple times and feel the same and in a way his rune points to the sky.
But why? What indicated to scholars that he is a sky god? It can't simply be because Tyr as a noun means "god". Like, I read this bit over and over again, mostly after the author explained the meaning of the name but it's never explained why he is a sky god. 
I mean, I feel it's true. But where does it come from? 
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wolf-of-tyr · 7 years ago
Re-doing intros anon: That was a cool thing to read and does answer what I meant. Except for the joint ritual. I more meant that I wondered if you ever did something like giving things to Tyr and Fenrir at the same time?
Ah, okay! With those two it’s actually fairly common for me to sing for them at the same time. I have a playlist of some of my favorite songs that I listen frequently on my drive to work, and some of them for both gods. So far they’re the only ones I do that with, but I might end up offering things to Thor and Taranis at the same time at some point in the future.
My wedding in September is also going to feature somewhat of a blót in it later that day, but I haven’t decided which god(s) we’re going to dedicate it to.
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biestcallisto · 7 years ago
What I really like about god of war, besides Jörmungandr, is how they clearly love Tyr. 
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biestcallisto · 5 years ago
Tyr is, imho, the God of law MAKING, not of law. If a law is unjust, Tyr will fight with you to change it. Tyr  is definitely NOT on the side of bad cops. He stands with the activists.
You're going to look me in my eye and try to convince me that Tyr the god of justice, of oaths, is going to in anyway support hate, racism, UNJUST ATTACKS ON UNARMED CITIZENS & PEACEFUL PROTESTORS!?
Fuck right off with that bullshit.
Oaths were sworn; to protect & serve. Oaths are being broken. Some oaths have never been upheld.
There is always a payment for the breaking of an oath.
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tyrsbeast-blog · 7 years ago
I really wish I would bookmark good texts.
There was this essay about the significance of wolves in the old Norse/Germanic societies.
Basically, no, wolves were NOT evil, not at all. Instead the represented a great might and power. Which is why wolves make day and night by chasing the sun. Which is why it paints Odin as very mighty since he even controls not one but Two great wolves. 
Which makes Fenrir basically the newest mightiest nuclear bomb that could ever exist. 
In fact Odin saw his potential of destruction and became aware that Odin would never be able to control him, so he was bound.
Meanwhile Týr befriends the pup. 
I mean, Týr. Týr who once may have been the head of the pantheon before Odin took over. Týr, a tall and handsome fella, sidelined, but never forgotten. Týr, who sacrificed his hand, so that Fenrir could be bound. 
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