hive-fleet-blight · 1 year
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WIP Tyrannofex kitbash from a Psychophage
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alphaxenos · 2 months
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wh40kgallery · 6 months
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Tyranid Tyrannofex
by Paul Dainton
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phoub · 7 months
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petterwass · 1 year
Tyranid Tyrannofex
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abearirl · 2 years
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billy the birthday bug is primed and ready for painting!! he also has a man-snack in his claw for later >:3c
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jermagaunt · 11 days
I'm going to attempt to start posting quick battle reports from my games of 40k and this here is my first attempt. Please give me any feedback and stuff if the report makes no sense or stuff I guess. Alright, here goes, first battle report
Black Templar (righteous crusaders) Vs Tyranids (invasion fleet) 2k points.
Didn't get any pre game photos but my templars held nothing in reserve and were defenders and the Tyranids had a winged wive tyrant, a mucolid spore and parasite of mortrex in deep strike as well as a neurolictor and a unit of genestealers in strategic reserves. In my land raider I had two units of sword brethren (one with Helbrecht and a lieutenant and one with a judiciar) (also i was proxying some terminators as eradicators because i only have 3) and my opponent had a broodlord attached to a unit of genestealers not in reserves. Our game was a search and destroy deployment with burden of trust and hidden supplies as our primary mission and mission rules.
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I won the roll off for first turn and here's what the board looked like after deployment and our first scout moves (lots of scouts from me with my crusader squads). I also selected the vow to give sustained hits to all my melee because I always do because I love the enhancement that gives me crits on a 5 if I'm in that vow.
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Turn One
First turns secondary missions were sabotage and marked for death, pretty poor pull but thankfully my scouts in the back left corner are able to sabotage for a few points, units marked for death are the swarmlord and both tyrannofexes so I have no chance of that this turn. I push all my melee forwards and get overwatched by the tyrannofex acid spray torrent cannon thing and keep my lancer in cover for the first turn. My eradicators get some damage on the carnifexes and their push ability got them into engagement with one of the crusaders squads after rolling a 6 on the dice for a big 8" push. Unfortunately this did leave the carnifexes in sight of my gladiator who was able to kill old one eye after some pistols finished off the carnifex left on 2 wounds. With the carnifexes gone my crusaders charged the gaunts and warriors behind the wall in my opponents deployment zone and the squad closest to me charged the genestealers. The squad in the middle failed their charge so are left on the centre objective. At the end of my turn I discarded marked for death.
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After a brutal first turn my opponent drew no prisoners and bring it down. Tied into his deployment zone he didn't have much movement apart from rushing his gaunts and failed his battle shock on the lone warrior, deciding to keep him in combat. A mean rupture cannon with no other targets turned a scout into jam and my opponent scored 2pts on no prisoners from the genestealers and broodlord finishing off their squad and my crusader squad on the lone warrior consolidated into the tyrannofex to stop it from overwatching next turn.
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Turn Two
Turn two saw me drawing engage on all fronts and bring it down so it seemed as good a time as any to get rid of that space marine murdering acid spray. I pushed my land raider up the side and both units of eradicators towards the middle objectives. I had pulled my scouts off the far objective in no mans land but had left my lone op lieutenant over there so scored for two objectives and (spoilers) successfully guarded one. The scouts returned to the board via their special rule to score me engage on all 4 fronts and I managed to shoot a lot of wounds of the tyrannofex and both my crusader squads just managed to finish it it off in combat with their power fists getting me bring it down. The other living crusader squad decided to eliminate the genestealers threat but did very poorly on their rolls leaving the broodlord alive with 3 wounds and only two power fists alive to get him next turn, but surely they can finish him off on my opponents turn...
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My opponent drew marked for death as his extra objective and so I marked my lone op, the scouts and my intercessor squad (forgetting about his genestealers still to come on). My opponent pushed his gants to grab the objective and brought in his reserves, surprisingly not bringing on his genestealers but his neurolictor and the parasite to try and get my units marked for death and deep striking his hive tyrant and prime into the battle. The tyrannofex repositioned to get a line on my lancer and took his two shots. I popped smoke and armour of contempt to try and save my poor tank and he rolled a 1 and 2 to hit. A free reroll from the hive tyrant saw one hit and a wound but he rolled a 1 on damage, still resulting in 7 damage leaving my tank on 5 wounds. The parasite made his charge and killed two intercessors and the sergeant punched some wounds off him with his power fist. My two power fists got 4 wounds on the broodlord and my opponent made all 4 saves and wiped another crusader squad with him.
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Turn Three
Shadow in the Warp
Shadow didn't actually do much, both my vehicles failed and the lone op lieutenant also failed (slightly annoying because he was going to grenade to ensure assassinate (spoilers)). I pulled assassinate (the spoiler in question) and cleanse from secondaries. I pushed my crusader squad to take out the biovore and lost all but one to overwatch from the swarmlord when I failed every single save. Thankfully he was still able to move within 8"of the broodlord to grenade him to death (I guess I really wanted to use grenades this turn) otherwise I think he would have been a big issue. I think I advanced my eradicator squad and accidentally cleansed with them because they move so short so neither of us noticed when it came to doing the action that they weren't eligible. Shooting saw my take a chunk out the tyrannofex who was then charged by the sword brethren squad with the judiciar from the land raider (love assault ramp) who destroyed him with ease.
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My opponent pulled containment and engage on all fronts. I haven't mentioned but he has been shooting spore mines over the board so engaged was pretty well sorted. He moved his genestealers on my deployment zone to take my home objective and contained with his gants and prime in the corner. My sword brethren got double charged by swarmlord and the winged prime but the judiciar gets fights first so I was fairly confident I would be able to kill the hive tyrant before it struck. I spent two command points to switch into lethal hits vow (2 because of swarmy being there) and absolutely flopped my rolls and he passed a lot of feel no pains from his stratagem. Hive tyrant had 4 wounds left and the two of them picked up the squad. Neurolictor also charged my intercessor squad but they held strong ready to fall back again
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Turn 4
Also known as the "I'm definitely getting more eradicators" turn. I pulled defend stronghold and containment, the scouts came back on to do some containing. Land raider dropped off helbrecht this time and he ate the swarmlords torrent overwatch, also failing lots of saving and losing two and a half models (he was going to overwatch the eradicators when they got into range but I told him that helbrecht was about to get out the land raider, it's a friendly game after all). The parasite and my lieutenant have been having a slap fight all game now and the intercessors fell back from the second horrifying bug to eat one of them allowing my landraider to (over)kill the neurolictor and park it's dumptruck wagon on the objective. The eradicators let loose with their melta and with all the rerolls caused 10 wounds on the swarmlord per squad! This freed the lancer to complete containment and Helbrecht happily finished the hive tyrant off.
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In my opponents fourth turn he did what he could to score a few more points but the points had crept away from him. He drew defend stronghold and recover assets and was able to get 6 points on recover assets but called the game there. We added up points and I drew our last turn secondaries (behind enemy lines and area denial for me and area denial for him) to see how many points we would get and here are the final results of the game with paint scores (we always add them on regardless of painted standard)
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Wow this took a lot longer than I thought it would, might not do it for every battle but it was fun :) please give me any feedback and if anyone wants to know lists used i can add them too.
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wh40kartwork · 2 years
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by Paul Dainton
(via Warhammer Art)
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ultraminis40k · 2 years
So ths is another one of my kitbashes. It was a Castellan Knight, however I added in parts from The Great Unclean One, a Tyrannofex, Green Stuff, Resin, and Cork. His name is Anthraxus, Corrupted Knight of Nurgle. Hanging on his back are the faceplates of the Imperial Knights who dared challenge him and failed. Let me know your thoughts.
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banshee-king · 1 year
Tyranid Model Thoughts:
I love the new poses for the Hormagaunts, they look great. I was kind of hoping they’d get some weapon options similar to Termagants though, oh well. Termagants did get a new gun though, plus some weapons they used to have and lost. Very happy to see that.
Genestealers! They look good, still have their old Ymgarl heads, and now it looks like they’ve got actual parts for their Acid Maws too. Not gonna lie, I was still hoping for more. Kill Team gave units so much customisation options, and Genestealers are the corner stone for an entire faction. In Space Hulk we see so many different types of Genestealers; stealthy ones, armoured ones, exploding ones. Also, Hybrids can have whips and boneswords, that DNA they receive from Genestealers, I’d hoped that therefore they’d get them too.
Lictors! Okay so the pictures are a bit weird. Lictors are one of my favourite units, but the Leviathan one looks bad to me. Like it’s limbs are too thin, too gangly, and its torso too big, like it’s wearing an oversized vest. But the Behemoth Lictor looks great, so hopefully it’s just the camera angle. Neurolictors look great too, I love the tail, and the head, and everything really. Now let’s hope these units actually have good rules and can actually assassinate things like they’re supposed to.
Biovores/Pyrovores! I’m mixed. It’s a dual kit which is cool, but I honestly have trouble telling them apart. Maybe if the Biovore’s gun was aimed up more like a mortar? Their look reminds me of the Swarm Host from Starcraft, which is one of my favourite Zerg units, but I also don’t like that these look like Zerg more than Tyranids. They look more like artillery now which is cool, more sturdy, but they’ve lost the Ork resemblance which I liked. Also how big are they? I thought Bio/Pyrovores were Hive Guard sized, but these seem a little bigger. If Hive Guard are 3-6 models per unit though, and Exocrines/Tyrannofexs are 1 model per unit, I hope the Bio/Pyrovores are 1-3 models per unit. If they are 1 model per units, they might have some issues.
And finally, the Norn Emissary/Assimilator! Their size is confusing, a little bigger than a Wraithlord? Riptide sized? Both these and the Nuerotyrant are disappointingly small. They seem to fill the same role as the Dimachaeron, and they also sort of have the same general silhouette as the Hive Tyrant, which isn’t great. I kind of wished for something more unique. That being said, I still like them, and I’ll probably buy the Emissary.
Overall I’m personally happy with these. I have some gripes, but nothing so bad that it ruins things.
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exonia-jackal · 2 years
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Tyrannofex, The Brimstone Swarm.
- Exonia Jackal
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hive-fleet-blight · 11 months
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WIP pictures and a height comparison of the Tervigon and Tyrannofex/Psychophage kitbash.
...Not sure how I'm going to actually going to get it to stay *on* the base 🤔
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alphaxenos · 12 days
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fromcommorragh · 3 years
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Tyranids by Beniamino Bradi
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kgustin87 · 3 years
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WIP of my Hive Fleet Kronos Tyrannofex. Acid sprayer is done, just gotta finish up the body.
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trying-to-paint · 3 years
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Based up the Tyrannofex.
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