alyxstrasza · 1 year
Bugs. Nightmare bugs. With spots 😋
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blue-scribbl3s · 2 years
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Please ask before using my scribbles and do not repost.
A book cover illustration for Madeline Miller's Circe. I love her writing style and just pour through her books every time I read them.
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silly-ghostz · 2 years
Trygon kindaaaaaa
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mtg-cards-hourly · 8 months
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Trygon Prime
The walls of the Necron tomb were unbreakable. The ground beneath it was not.
Artist: Mathias Kollros TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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jean-deaux · 1 year
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Mantis Shrimp Tyranid
Follow up: Mantis Shrimp Trygon
Mantis Shrimp Hive Tyrant
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hive-fleet-blight · 3 months
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Painted up Trygon! I kept flitting between different models but have found the motivation to finish a bunch of them.
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dryderpunk · 1 month
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Was trying to find pics, but apparently never posted the finished ones of the makeceptors & trygons, from when I started back, and psychophage were £6 each,
If I was doing it now, would be alot more distinct, but they're good enough
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Now I’m waay to aro/ace to be allowed to have an opinion on the whole “are space marines and their gene daddies hot in a monsterfucker way or a himbo way or anything around and in between” discussion but I must put out a bit of food for thought for y’all. Consider: tyranid warrior forms,hive tyrants,lictors and trygons/mawlocs. Now I might not have any form of sexual or romantic feelings in any bit of my bony body but they are kinda “hot”. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
(P.S if you are having trouble with the concept of hot tyranids, just look at their beautiful and vivid crests, people probably find that hot right?)
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gaywrathwife · 18 days
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I spotted this on eBay listed as a hive tyrant and thought "no way, that's a trygon"
But sure enough, it IS a hive tyrant! Someone used the flying version's tail and legs but no wings to make it look like it's leaping. I'm not getting it, but I love the look and idea!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
Do you think the Miraculous Team of all 18 members would be able to defeat Trygon (Raven's father) ? Let's say they get protected from instantly getting petrified by him once he comes like the Teen Titans were.
If we are talking Comic book Trigon.
Snowball’s chance in hell.
If we are talking Animated series Teen titans trigon?
I think they could distract him. Maybe if they used the Rooster power to Seal him. Or Chat noir full power cataclysm could do damage. But Trigon was basically Toying with the titans until Raven used her powers to send him back
But unless Marinette summoned Gimmi. I can’t really see a win scenario for them.
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the-french-belphegor · 10 months
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The reason I posted so little art here in November was because I've been writing (and since I work full time now I have to choose between art and fic. Rude), but the reason I posted so little art here in October is because I was working on this! There was a fantasy event recently in my little town with a drawing contest, and I participated. (I didn't win anything - wasn't even in the top 3 - because turns out the other contestants were teenagers and their mothers shared the contest polls on Facebook and got their friends and families to vote. Eh, it happens.)
Anyway, here's my very first session of DnD :D Antinua the half-elven mage, Malva the middle-aged halfling bard (that's me ^^), Trygon the tiefling rogue and Grumpf the half-orc monk were beset by kobolds! ...and almost TPKed because we are level 2s and not a cohesive group yet XD So yeah, the encounter wasn't nearly as epic as this drawing makes it look. But isn't my job as a bard to tell our tale well, even if it gets a little embellished along the way? ;o)
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cultofthewyrm · 2 years
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Trygon by engineer0
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belphegor1982 · 9 months
Whewww, guys, three DnD sessions in and I died 🙃 Straight up died, no death saving throw - 14 hit points in one go when I was already down to 1. The DM bent the rules to let me keep my character, so I'm alive, but at what cost 😬
The fight started so well too! The party (Antinua the half-elf mage, Grunt the half-orc monk, Trygon the tiefling rogue and my halfling bard, Malva) stealth down a corridor only to find a guard room with three guards and two drakes, ready for us. (Grunt absolutely destroyed the door. Take that, door.) Malva steps in and successfully Charms one of the guards into seeing the party as old friends but also attacking another guard, so that's those two occupied, but we still have to deal with the third guard and two drakes (I think they were ash drakes?). We hadn't rested from last time, so I was at 11 HP. At one point one of the drakes bites me and keeps my arm between its claws, so I drop down to 1HP... And this is were our mage makes a crucial mistake: she forgets to account for the cone of her fire bolt and hits me as well as the drake. BAM, -14 HP, bye Malva. (the player was just "SHITSHITSHIT WAIT" but nope, what's done is done.)
The only one in the party with anything to heal with is me, with my 1st level Heal spell. The irony 😭
Medicine rolls are made, and the DM asks me to make a Constitution roll... and I roll a 1. AND FORGET TO REROLL IT (as a halfling, I can reroll ones) BECAUSE I'M A MORON.
That's when we took a break, and during that time Trygon's player suggested he use his magitek arm (he lost his arm opening a trap that killed him, after Shenanigans the DM let him live with only one flesh arm and he got to have this cool kinda robotic arm with features like electricity and stuff). So he shocks Malva with it and brings her back up to 0. But then the arm the drake bit starts to do funky stuff (acid or poison damage, I'm not sure), and he has to cut it, so he does... and rolls a 2, which means Malva loses her left arm at the elbow.
So now Malva is a one-armed bald halfling who has been burned to a crisp, with bad burn scars over her body up to her neck, with 16 Charisma instead of her previous 18. (My modifier is down to +3 now, dangit ;____;) Thank goodness we levelled up to 4 and I had my eye on the Warcaster feat (it allows a spellcaster to cast even with one or both hands occupied, among other things). She's going to wear a scarf/turban, like my aunt Bernadette (who lost all her hair when she was in her 20s or 30s) until she got implants.
So now the plan is to finish the arc/dungeon, and afterwards go seek out a powerful mage (if we find one) who might regrow Malva's arm in exchange for a quest.
Guys. I was stress grinning through the whole thing and making little jokes because I couldn't not (I think I got a glimpse into Sam Riegel's mind as a player) but I was Very Not Fine. I love Malva! She's cute! She's not super smart or perceptive and she's shy when she's not performing, but she just wants to protect everyone! Half her spells are pure support, a quarter are manipulation (for Enemies) and the last quarter are just "I WILL FUCK YOU UP IF YOU TOUCH THEM"! (Vicious Mockery and Thunderwave my beloved, and you can bet I packed Shatter for my levelling up.) I want to use Cutting Words and Healing Word! And I want to regain those two Charisma points one day 😭
But hey, Malva's alive and I don't have to roll another character - I can still spend some time with her, thank goodness.
You can bet two things, though. First, I think our mage will be much more careful in the future about where she aims her spells; and second, I will make myself remember to reroll those bloody ones!!
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ask-ciaphas-cain · 6 months
Ok hear me out. Cain but 5' even.
If he were that height we'd have even MORE tunnel scenes, and at least one story where he's straight up eaten by a Trygon but he carves himself out of it like a reverse chestburster and everyone cheers
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drawn-on-phone · 9 months
Hive Fleet Update! (Projects and Paints)
Dissertations are tough. They kind of mean I only get to bit and bob at things when I get the chance. Still I did get some painting done, some models built, and 2 kitbashes (no paint) done this year. I also have a better organized list of units and models to get so I'm not buying everything my poor executive function gets it grubby eyes on.
So first up some paint!
I've gotten a 10 unit squad of Termies and 5 Genestealer finished (not pictures).
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Probably going to go a bit easier on the spotting for the rest of the batch (about 50 primed and needing paint) so I can use these guys as unit "leaders." I also have a pack of hormagaunts primed and based needing to be painted as well/
On to the thing I feel I have time for: Kitbashing. (I know I can paint, but I don't get the same feeling of accomplishments as I do with smooshing units together) I've kind of come to a decision I'm bashing to make the Dr. Moreau ideas more aligned with a "Daughters of Norn" concept. Think corrupted Terrans from Starcraft but 40k. Lots of biomechas honestly, with a wee bit body horror.
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First is the a Flesh Eater Court Termie. Spine Fists + Basic Ghoul body. I need to Green Stuff the arms a bit more, but he is together and is one of my favorites for how simply he was to make. I have an idea that it's akin to the Arco-Flaggelent, but I need to get more Hormigants to make it closer to the original unit in Sisters.
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Next is my Corrupted Moren Val / Paragon Warrior. Necropolis Stalker + Tyranid Warriors. The "control arms" are custom made out of spine fists and rippers, and of course the head is GSC Reductus Saboteur. Not sure if I'll make more or not, but she definitely need mold line removal and paint.
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Final one is a Neurotyrant / Corrupted Celestine. It's Lady Olynder + Psychoge base with a Neurotyrant Arms. I really life how this one turned out, but its currently curing.
2024 / Future Projects
Thanks to my fancy list I have new projects planned for next year.
I have a Sylvaneth Vanguard Box incoming to try and more more "Biomecha" units. More info on that later.
First is converting a Lady of Vines into a Deathleaper. I have the Lady of Vines form a deal earlier this year, I just need to source some Lictor parts to finish the conversion (with "driver" in chest). figured this could also double as a Moren Val since the Paragon Warrior is a weee bit smaller than Val's actual base (50 instead of 60).
Converting Drycha (have one) into an Ol' One Eye. She is the right size, and there are already some easy fits for the claws and shell. Feels like the perfect unit for the Biomecha theme.
And that's about it for updates. The goal is to focus on Sylvaneth conversion for this year. If I finish those I have plans to dip into Daughters of Khaine to turn the Khinerai into specialized Gargoyls, the Medusai into Ravengers, and maybe a Morathi into a Trygon. But those are super hella long term plans, esp. since I still need to paint my gaunts and Leviathan Box.
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jean-deaux · 1 year
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Mantis Shrimp Trygon
Follow up to the Mantis Shrimp Hormagaunt
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