#typing lyrics up is hard as is but then I have to type with special characters *and* translate it?
telleroftime · 1 month
I was looking through my mum's playlist and found a song called "Czarny chleb i czarna kawa" by Strachy Na Lachy, and seeing as SatoSugu weighs heavy on my shoulders, guess who my mind went to immediately...
"Świat ma tylko cztery strony ; a w tym świecie nie ma mnie" -> The world only has four pages ; in this world I am not
"Gdy swe oczy otworzyłem ; wielki żal ogarnął mnie ; po policzkach łzy spłynęły ; zrozumiałem wtedy, że..." -> When I opened my eyes ; a great grief overwhelmed me ; tears fell against my cheeks ; I understood it then, that..."
"Czarny chleb i czarna kawa ; opętani samotnością ; myślą swą szukają szczęścia ; (które zwie się wolnością!)" -> Black bread and black coffee ; possessed with loneliness ; with their thoughts they seek happiness ; (that calls itself freedom)
I can't listen to songs in different languages without these two ruining it for me :((
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
hobie brown (spider-punk!!) is giving me severe brain rot, i love him sm 😭
if you ever decide to write for him, could you do some relationship hcs??
ty ^^
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Not sure wether this is what you wanted but I hope it was worth it.
Music from the heart:
One of the most obvious ones is that Hobie would have a plethora of songs about you, it’s fucking adorable and so sweet, and so he would play them for you within the comfort of your room because where else would you rather be serenaded?
If anything it makes the moment more special and memorable for the both of you as something you can look back on with fondness.
Though you probably try teasing him one day by asking how many more songs of you he had in the works and Hobie would either say ‘too many to count.’ Or ‘a whole albums worth.’ He’s not going to hide the fact that he’s got notebook after notebook filled with song lyrics dedicated to you.
Pda though not quite:
Hobie isn’t the type to heavily involve himself in PDA but isn’t against the likes of:
holding hands.
his hand being placed on the small of your back when guiding you somewhere else.
the classic arm over the shoulder.
Thigh holding
His/ your head resting on each others shoulders and or laps.
Guitar pick:
This one came to my head out of the blue but I’m gonna add it here even though I’m not too certain but here it is anyway:
if Hobie uses guitar picks to play his guitar -which he probs doesn’t but idk- I’d like to think he’d make you a guitar pick necklace from one of his old picks.
Sure he hates gifts and such but this is the sole expectation alongside any and all handcrafted jewellery you may give him because he wears that shit with pride.
Terms of endearment:
Impromptu sleepovers:
Hobie crashes at your place more often then not to the point he might as well be living with you in regards of how often he leaves something of his at yours, so much so you’ve begun to wonder if he was doing it intentionally or accidentally.
Either way you made sure that his stay was comfortable by having a makeshift bed set up for him so he didn’t have to constantly sleep on the uncomfortable couch and wake up with a crooked neck.
Hobie appreciates all that you do for him but would often tell you it’s not necessary but you weren’t about to get into a discussion about whether or not he was deserving of help because the answer was obvious and that answer would always and forever will be; yes.
Also he’s a bit of a cuddle bug but only with you but that’s your little secrete.
Date nights:
Most, if not all of your dates are either just the pair of you being your natural selves in the comfort of your own home where’d you would talk about anything and everything that came to your mind, free of judgment.
showing Hobie your undying love and support by showing up to his gigs and scream the loudest because he is talented as shit and deserves a lot more in your eyes.
Either way as long as you were within each others company, anywhere you both went could be considered a date.
Spidey business:
Now this is all dependant on wether or not you know he’s Spider-Man:
If you did then you’d probably would help him patch up his wounds after every fight he had
If you weren’t due to Hobie wanting nothing more then to keep you and that life as far from each other as possible, you’d most definitely would be concerned when you see him with any sustained injuries he tried patching up himself.
No matter how hard you try to get him to tell you what’s wrong, Hobie would just tell you it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
Meeting his friends/ Bragging rights:
Before introducing you to the likes of Pavitr, Miles and Gwen(if you haven’t already met her), it’s almost an 100% guarantee that he brags about you anyway he knows how which only intrigues them more and more to the point they’re just pleading with Hobie to introduce his cool, kickass partner to them.
So when he does, the three are practically hounding you about your relationship with Hobie and when you looked back at him for help in wrangling in his over excited friends, the little shit merely smirks and shrugs his shoulders as though he had no idea they’d react like this, all the while leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest; happy to see all his favourite people he cares about a lot interacting with one another to the point that by the end of the day you’re very good friends with each of them.
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artists-ally · 11 months
I think Harvey would be thw type of person who makes love specially when he’s feeling sad. Like he needs comfort and to be as close to his s/o as possible, fingers intertwined and all that nice shit. How do you think reader would comfort him after he had a discussion with someone of his family?
{Oh, My Human Heart} Reader x Harvey Specter
So my mind went to [SEASON 8 EPISODE 5 SPOILER WARNING] where Harvey went up to Boston to defend his brother against his wife's divorce. That shit crushed my soul man, so this is based on that! Enjoy!! Title is a lyric from this song.
Word Count: 3,191
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, smut, Season 8 Episode 5 Spoilers
Summary: When Harvey returned home from visiting his brother unexpectedly, there is an obvious weight to his shoulders as he slumps inside. And it’s your mission to find out what it is and wipe it from his memory.
Tagging: @kjbg-fantasymoon (your request is next babes <3)
The door slammed. Hard. Concerningly hard. 
“Harvey?” You shouted out into the kitchen, taking off the towel from your shoulder and set it on the counter. No one responded. Worry coursed through you, and you grabbed the knife from the cutting board. Just in case. 
Your husband rounded the corner and you jumped, but let the fear drain from your held breath and set the knife down. “Jesus Harvy, you could’ve… hey, what are you doing back here?”
Harvey looked indecipherably pissed. He had hard creases in his face and his lips pressed in that flat line that meant someone was about to see that side of him that meant he was gonna raise hell. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, and he let his hands fall to his sides. 
“Okay, okay come sit, love,” You reached for him and guided him to the island. “Do you want to talk about it? A distraction? To be left the hell alone?”
That communication strategy had worked wonders when Harvey came home from a lethal case. All the details you knew about this one involved his brother and a divorce from his wife. It had already shattered Harvey’s heart to hear they were splitting up, but this was… this was rage. Raw fury. 
“I am going to open my mouth and let the floodgates go with it, and I just need you to try and make sense of it. Because for reasons only known by Jesus-fucking-Christ himself can this be possible.”
You just nodded, letting Harvey take some deep breaths. You noticed his hands were shaking. He was shaking. What the fuck happened in Boston?
“Marcus called me up there to represent him for his divorce,” Harvey started, thumbs in his eyes. “He told me that it was because she had an affair. I was ready to go kick down her door and take their kids away myself. Turns out, he lied to me. She was divorcing him because he started gambling again and he told Haley not to tell Katie.”
Your blood ran cold, all remorse leaving your body for Marcus. How could he fucking do that? 
“So, tell me this Yn. Why would my own god damn brother, who I spent my money on to build him a dream restaurant, lie to my fucking face? Not once. Not twice. Four times. Four opportunities he had to tell me and he waited till the last fucking second. I-I can’t even begin to describe how sick it makes me feel to have Haley be put in that position.”
“It is wildly unfair for her, and for their son,” you felt awful for them. They were the sweetest kids and didn’t deserve to have that weight on their shoulders. 
“I mean, was he not apart of the fucking family when mom did that to me? Did he suddenly just show up on our doorstep one night looking for a place to sleep like a stray cat? No, he didn’t. He’s my fucking brother. He was there when mom did it to me. And he saw what it did to our family. What it did to me. He was the one trying to fix our fucking fucked up family. To piece it together after the fall out and he expects me to do the same when he did the one thing worse than practically fucking cheating on her.”
“Harvey I think that's a little-”
“Now he’s destroying his own life. No, not even destroying, destroyed. He has ruined all chances of working things out between him and Katie and honestly, I can’t be fucking bothered to watch it crumble to the ground. And the worst part of it is he had the audacity to ask me to win this case. He doesn’t deserve to win let alone ask me. What a selfish, lying son of a bitch-”
“Harvey,” you placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him from walking away. He had been moving around animatedly, now up out of his seat and waving around. “Take a deep breath. Please.”
He did.
“Good,” You smiled softly. 
He took another. And another. “Sorry… just- sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You came and stood in front of him, hands flat on his chest. “Let’s go and get you changed and we can keep talking through it. If you’d like.”
Though Harvey’s eyes were harsh, that anger wasn’t directed at you. You’ve dealt with him like this on more than one occasion, and you’ve learned to recognize the difference. He didn’t dare look at you the way he is now.
After taking his hand and leading him up stairs, you took your time undressing him so he could be more comfortable. Once upon a time he had told you that the feeling of your hands on him could make him forget anything and everything. It was only in your best interest to do that for him now. To calm him so he could see the full picture.
Starting with his tie, you walked to the closet and hung it up in the empty space from where you picked it out this morning. Much the same with the jacket, tossing his still crisp white-shirt in the laundry. He handed you his belt and shoes, and while you put them away, he took off his dress pants and put on sweats by the time you came back. 
“Better?” You asked, placing his hands across your middle. 
He smiled, “Better.” 
Harvey was still sitting, but he rested his forehead against your stomach, just breathing. With calm hands you massaged his scalp and neck, his shoulders and arms. It was important to give Harvey his space at times like this, letting him speak when he wanted. Otherwise he’d just get defensive and shut down. That was not beneficial to either of you.
“I’m so fucking mad at Marcus, Yn.”
“I know, my love. I know,” You spoke softly, kissing the top of his head. “So am I.”
“I just don’t understand how he could do that after what mom did to me. I thought- I thought we were brothers again.” 
His voice cracked, and you could feel the first tear drops soak through your shirt and cool your skin. Your stomach clenched and dropped. You know Harvey and Marcus have been rocky for decades, but since he forgave his mom and started rebuilding their relationship, things naturally got better with Marcus. 
So much for all that hard work. And you had been so proud of him for taking those steps. And you knew the toll it took on him. Now it was all back at square one. 
“I am so sorry, Harvey.”
“What the fuck do I do?”
You paused for a long while. “I don’t know.”
When he looked up at you, eyes all red and bleary, you wanted to fly to Boston and smack Marcus yourself for putting Harvey right back where he was when he was sixteen. He may not have been the one asked to keep a secret this time, but he knows what it’s like to be in that situation. To feel so pinned and powerless. The looming decision of whether he should betray his mom or dad, a constant threat, and either outcome will ruin the family. 
“Are you up for listening to my ideas or do you still need to get things off your chest?” All you got was a shrug and a few spilled tears. “Okay, there’s no rush.”
“I just don’t know what to do, Yn. I have no fucking clue what I’m supposed to do. I want to beat him into the dirt the most. I want to hold Haley and tell her that none of this was ever her fault and she is not the one to blame. Goddamn do I want to hug Haley right now…”
You had to close your eyes. You didn’t want to see Harvey in this position, especially because you knew what this did to him. It stirred up all those memories and emotions from decades ago. Now they were all at the surface, controlling every one of his thoughts. And there isn’t a whole lot that you can do to get them to stop.
“I think you’re angry.”
“You’re goddamn right I’m angry,” Harvey huffed, making you let out a weak chuckle. 
“And I also think that I know you when you’re angry. And that you don’t think clearly when you are. So, how about we distract you for a while and then we get some sleep. Then, maybe in the morning, we lay it all out again and go over what we know. Look at all the facts and whatnot. Because, despite your very much warranted anger towards Marcus, he is still your brother. And family means more than anything to you, Harvey. I can’t let you spend the next thirty years in regret for not trying. You owe that to yourself. Not anyone else.”
“I don’t even know where to start with all this bullshit.”
“That’s where I come in,” You smiled, sitting in his lap with one leg on each side of his. “Look Harvey, you have every single right to be upset. I am pissed at Marcus for doing that to Haley. But I will not let this drive another cavern between you and him. The two of you have been through enough. He fucked up, and he knows it because you’re Harvey goddamn Specter and you told him he did. But you forgave him once. And you forgave your mom. It is worth a shot to hear him out, and I’m not saying it has to be right away either. Just eventually.”
Harvey’s brown eyes darted around your face, that tight line still on his lips. When you tilted your head and batted your lashes, he sighed out, nodding. “Okay, okay fine you’re right.”
“Of course I am,” your smile made him finally unclench the space between his brows. “It’s because I’m really good at knowing who you are, and knowing how to approach a situation. You’re good at being a kick-ass lawyer and I’m good at taming that kick-ass lawyer.” “You love it when I let that animal out of the cage,” he smirked, hands stroking down your thighs. 
“If you refer to yourself as an animal in a cage again I will walk out that door and spend the night at Donna’s.”
“Okay okay,” he grinned ear to ear, pressing kisses on your cheek, then down your neck. “I’m sorry for being so… hostile. Thank you, Yn. For calming me down.”
“You’re welcome, my love.”
“I don’t know what it is that you do, but you make it all disappear.”
“It’s my secret,” you whispered, kissing his lips. “And I won’t ever tell.”
“I bet I could make you tell me,” Harvey winked and grabbed around your waist, taking you with him when he leaned back. 
“Oh, is that a fact?” “No, but it is a challenge.” 
He tangled his hand in your hair, bringing your mouth to his. He tasted like whatever cheap whiskey he had on the plane and mint. You let your body form to his and didn’t mind the way his tongue found yours. Harvey’s hands were gentle as they peeled away the cardigan on your shoulders, tossing it away to be picked up later. 
He took his time, slowly stripping you and easing you on your back. You wrapped your legs around his waist and needed to have his mouth on yours again. He was such a good kisser. So thorough and precise with what he wanted to do to you. 
And he was always very thorough. 
Harvey placed kisses down your chest, down your stomach and to each hip.
“Shh,” he hushed. “Just let me do what I want. You just lay back and look pretty. Fuck do you look pretty, my love.”
Your heart melted. Normally he had a wicked, dirty tongue but tonight was obviously different. He wanted something to focus on, and if that was going to be you, then so be it. You surely weren’t going to stop him from spreading your knees and tucking his head to your core. 
If Harvey could do one thing for the rest of his life, he’d sure have a hard time picking between you and the law. While he loved his work, your mind and body were two things even the high of winning couldn’t compare to. Harvey loved you. Ferociously. With every part of his body he loved you. 
His tongue circled your clit, and your hand went in his hair to keep him there. The laugh that tumbled from him was nothing short of star-seeing. One thing about Harvey is if you weren’t satisfied and thensome, neither was he. He loved making you cum on his tongue, loved how you tasted. 
It wasn’t long before you warned him you were close, and he just hummed into you, vibrations making you arch up off the bed, tugging equally as hard on his hair as you did the sheets beside you. 
“I will never get sick of making you feel good, Yn. I love that I am the one who gets to spend these moments with you.”
“Harvey,” you swooned, cupping his face to bring him back up so you could kiss him. Your scent was strong on his lips and made you only need him that much more. All it took was a few impatient grabs at his shirt to make him take it off so you could finally get your hands on that body of his. 
All that time in the boxing gym surely paid off. 
Harvey brough your knee up and pushed it flat on the bed, pulling the other one around his hip. He pushed in, chest to chest with you as he sat still for a few moments. 
“I love you so much, Yn,” Harvey whispered, thumb training down your cheek, your neck. He slid it all the way down your arm and laced your fingers together, kissing them as he pulled back. He wouldn’t leave your lips alone, not that you wanted that in the slightest. He was all soft words and pleas of desperation. Telling you how good you felt.
It was like your wedding night all over again. When the two of you met, it had been in a fury of hands and tongues. All fast because there wasn’t a second to waste when it finally happened. But on your big day, he laid you down, just like this, and worshiped you all night long. 
Every word from his mouth was just him telling you how much you meant to him, his body seconding that omission. He was so dedicated to you, to making you feel good. It was all long, smooth strokes of his body inside yours, the warmth of your combined breaths. Swallowing each other's noises of pleasure.
“I am so in love with you,” Harvey smiled. “I am so fucking in love with you.”
You couldn’t hide your smile if you tried. It wasn’t rare that Harvey was affectionate– per say– but this was an illusive moment. He wine and dined you whenever you asked, you were always his plus one anywhere in the world. But it was these small, yet enormous moments of intimacy that you cherished the most. This was a side of Harvey that took a very long time to bring to the surface. And he too realized the weight of just taking his time and being soft with you. 
“I love you too, Harvey,” you whispered against his face, his mouth now busy with the side of your neck. Harvey couldn’t keep his hips slow for long, and they snapped to yours. Air pushed out of your mouth and right into his ear, right where it drove him crazy to hear what he did to you. 
“Fuck, my love, if you keep making those sounds this isn’t exactly going to be how I-”
“Now it’s my turn to take care of you,” you responded, locking your ankles together behind his back.
A shiver ran through his shoulders and he dropped to his elbows, hips driving into you faster and faster. Harder. It didn’t take him long to reach his high, fucking you through it. His heart pounded underneath his skin so hard you could feel it. A slight sweat at the back of his head where hair met skin. 
When he lifted his head, his eyes looked less… weighted. He looked much more himself. Muc more like Harvey and a little less like Mr. Specter. 
You mentally patted yourself on the back. 
There wasn’t anything you could do to convince him to not drag you into the shower down the hall. The warmth of the water, the heaviness in your body only made his fingers on your scalp that much better. He kissed all over, giving your ass a loving smack when getting out before wrapping a big towel around the both of you. 
“Promise in the morning that we can do this all again and then I can make you a big breakfast?”
“Only if you promise that there will be sausage and bacon,” your eyes were droopy, but the smile reached them anyway. 
“Good thing Postmates will go to the grocery store nowadays,” Harvey slipped one of his shirts over your head, straightening it out over your body. “You look so adorable in my clothes.”
“I know, why do you think I wear them when you’re gone?” “You wear my clothes when I’m gone?” You pff’ed out some air, “Don’t act like you don’t notice the suspiciously large pile of your laundry in the hamper when you come back.”
“I don’t think you know how happy that makes me, Yn,” Harvey’s smile was nothing short of pure adoration. He was never short on pure adoration when it came to you. 
“Yes I do,” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Why do you think I do it?”
“Because you know me. Really really well.”
“That I do.”
Harvey breathed out, shaking his head. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me for something anyone would do for their husband.”
“Well, in my experience, most wives aren’t nearly as observant or as dedicated as you are, Yn. And I want you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you help me through when I don’t know how to help myself.”
Your eyes melted, much like your heart when he hugged you. Nice and tight and just how you liked them. You always felt impossibly safe with him, and his hugs were impossibly your favorite thing in the world. 
Harvey would listen better in the morning. Especially after a good night's sleep. You just hope that all your efforts will lead him in the right direction. And that direction isn’t the clearest right now, and that’s okay. Both of you know it’s okay to not make a decision as big as something like this.
But you know Harvey will try. And that is all you can ask of him.
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bellasprettywords · 5 months
Hey, I love your writing! I was wondering if you’d do a little something based off of the lyrics “Well, every once in awhile, she'll find my number in her phone and we'll talk for hours She'll tell me things I would have never known about when we were together She's saying, "Sorry, it's just such a long walk home" So she's coming over cause it's better than being alone” Spencer Reid x female reader. I was thinking more like a Midwest emo alt type of character, totally not someone you’d expect Spencer to go for?
I think your nose is bleeding (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Thank you very very much for the request!! I hope you like this little one shot, because I didn't know the song, but I hope I could meet your expectations🩷✨
My masterlist
Requests are always open🥰
Warnings: Mmm apart of it being a little messy, I think there's nothing, but it fluff
Word count: 1,232
y/n – your name
Spencer and you were kind of an odd couple, excuse me, a couple of friends for the untrained eye. While he’s a trained scholar with a collection of PhDs on Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering; with an impressive job as a profiler at the FBI, which most of the time had him travelling all around the country, and a shy personality with socially awkward tints, and a genius brain. You are a tattoo artist with a free spirit, a soft spot for poetry, love for sassy comebacks, and a special love for midwest emo music. Once upon a time, almost a year ago, Spencer and you were a couple, but the two of you decided to leave things as friends, because your lifestyles were quite different, which made a relationship considerably difficult for you. However, the two of you decided to stay friends, which seemed kind of easier as you established a set of rules to make sure everything between the two of you could flow naturally.
Even if it was as friends, you knew that the two of you seemed like polar opposites, but the love you shared always made you be better for each other, growing up, learning about the other’s point of view, and becoming empathetic, even if you didn’t see eye to eye under certain circumstances. After your break-up, Spencer and you learned to compromise and commit to make sure the friendship could work, sure, sometimes it was hard considering his packed schedule, and your love for spontaneous adventures.
It was a little later than you would usually close the tattoo studio, so you decided to call Spencer to see what he was up to; you hadn’t talked in a while, so you weren’t even sure if he was in the city, but it was worth it to take the shot.
“Hey, y/n, it’s nice to hear from you” you heard Spencer’s voice through the phone
“How are you, mighty Doctor Reid?” you asked excited because, deep down, you were really longing to hear Spencer’s voice
“I’m… I’m alright, you know, just doing my thing; how are you? It’s been ages” he said trying to hide his own excitement to hear from you. Sure, you were friends, but deep down Spencer hoped that with time and more organization, maybe someday the two of you could rekindle your previous relationship
“It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I know what you mean! I’ve missed you Spence, I hope I’m not interrupting you at work or anything” you said, walking to your car
“No, I’m just home solving a puzzle, and deciding what to order for dinner” he said
“Uh, that’s nice, I was actually thinking about going to Little India to get take out. I’m really craving chicken curry, want anything?” you said jokingly, pretty sure Spencer wouldn’t catch the subtext
“Uh… sure, some chicken tikka masala and flatbread would be pretty amazing, thank you for asking” Spencer said, ensuring you he didn’t catch the joke
“An order or chicken tikka masala, white rice, and flatbread, coming right up” you said getting ready to hang up the call, when Spencer interrupted
“Wait, don’t hang up” he said as you turned on your car engine “I want to go with you, if that’s okay, I mean, if it’s not an imposition” he stuttered this time
“It would be delightful, sure, I love talking to you” you said with a shy smile forming on your lips, “What have you been up to? Any cool cases I can know about?” you asked Spencer
“I flew in today from Atlanta, we went to solve a case there” Spencer stared telling you all about the case, the unsub and how the team managed to save the victims that were abducted, when a car cut you off and honcked at you
“Jerk” you said under your breath
“y/n! are you okay? what was that?” Spencer asked frantically
“I’m okay, I’m okay, it was just some jerk” you said hoping to soothe Spencer’s concern “Did you know I hate driving?” you asked the young doctor
“I didn’t know that” he said sounding quite surprised at your revelation
“I really do! That’s why I’d always ask you if we could carpool when we were together” you confessed
“Hu… That would’ve been useful information back then” he said, making sure of making a mental note about that, to ensure to drive you whenever he could do it
The two of you kept talking, and the 40-minute drive that you needed to get to your favorite Indian restaurant, suddenly felt like a 5-minute stroll with the one you loved. Talking to Spencer like this felt amazing, it was peaceful, it almost felt natural like breathing, he always had the right words for you and even when you paused the conversation for a little while, the silence between the two of you was incredibly comfortable. You arrived at your destination and while you were ordering the food, Spencer stayed on the line with you, speaking about an impressive number of folkloric Indian stories, and facts about the country. You picked up the food and drove to Spencer’s apartment, this time, the drive was quite short, but that didn’t mean it was least pleasant with Spence’s rambling
When you arrived to the apartment building, Spencer was already downstairs waiting for you
“Hey boy-genious, I was at least hoping I could separate the orders before giving them to you” you said, a little butt hurt that apparently, Spencer didn’t even want you on his apartment
“What are you talking about? I’m here to help you carry the bags upstairs” he said a little confused by your comment
“Oh, I thought… Never mind” you said brushing off the butterflies that starter fluttering inside your stomach
“I’m really glad you called, you had no idea how much I missed you” Spencer said as you were entering the apartment building
“I missed you too Spence” you said
The night went amazingly, and the damn butterflies wouldn’t go anywhere. The two of you eat dinner together, and it almost felt as you have never broken up, the conversation flowed, and you could feel how this was one of those moments you’d always treasure in your heart
“I should get going, it’s a really long drive home” you said as soon as the clock struck 12:00 am
“Don’t go, please, just… stay the night” Spencer pleaded with his puppy eyes
“I really shouldn’t” you replied, avoiding eye contact with Spencer. Sure, one would argue that a friend can stay over at another friend’s apartment, but you knew that with Spencer it would be complicated, especially as you weren’t over him yet
“I’m begging you, I may seem alright, but as soon as I go to bed without you I feel so… empty and alone. This apartment is not the same without you, as a matter of fact, my life is not the same without you” Spencer said taking your chin so you could look at him in the eye
“If I stay the night, I may never leave” you said, gifting Spencer a side smile
“Maybe I just don’t want you to leave” Spencer said, leaning forward and starring intensively into your eyes, so you did what any normal person who has the object of his or her desire would’ve done: you leaned forward, and kissed Spencer
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘Me & My Broken Heart’
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Miguel O’Hara x Teen Spider-Woman Reader
Spider-Woman goes by - ‘Dulce’ means ‘sweet’ in Spanish.
Summary: Miguel finds a daughter in you.
Warnings: FLUFF. period. It’s very short but it’s cute
“All I need is a little love in my life... all I need is a little love in the daaaaaark... A little but I'm hoping it might kick start... Me and my broken heart... nah nuh nah nuh na na na..”
Miguel typed away on his numerous screens, trying to ignore the way you sounded from afar off... as you sang this song ‘Me & My Broken Heart’ for the 1 millionth time. It was a sweet melody to his ears, you sounded almost angelic and carried the chords and lines perfectly... but it was the lyrics that shot him to his soul and made his heart squeeze painfully.
He hadn’t let himself feel love for a very long time now.. and he desperately craved it. Especially when he had you around, yes you were a teenager, but he felt a special care for you, ever sense you saved his life when he first came to your universe. He hadn’t seen anyone do such for him in a long time. And it made him feel in a way he hadn’t felt in a while.. a fatherly love submerge him.
Now he always has an eye on you, making sure you were safe and sound, he guarded you like a father would. If he couldn’t get being a father to Gabriella right, then he’d be your guardian as best as he could.. back in your home you didn’t have a family anyways, you fended for yourself and worked hard in between your two lives. Being Spider-woman sacrificed your family.
So Miguel went as far as providing a home for you in your universe and paying for your early college classes, when you admitted to him you wanted to be a chemist. You told him it wasn’t necessary but he swore by his decision that it was, and that you deserved it after all you’ve done for your city.
You two ended up being around one another a lot, on missions and even in your civil lives, he’d come to see you and make sure no one was bothering you or just hang out around your favorite places.
Miguel would be quiet most of the time, but he was genuinely happy and invested in you as he watched you be care-free around him, with your talk about teenage drama from school to your silly pranks on him.
And when you were a little quiet he spoke to cheer you up or teach you something new, like making a mess with empanadas or a cool swinging trick.
At the end of the day he either had a new bruise from try skateboarding with you or a sharpie drawn heart or cheesy joke on his arm. But nonetheless he was a listening ear and wise voice to you too, and he protected you with his life.
Everyone knew Miguel had a special place for you, and they left it at that, not wanting to take away what he found peace in- even if he hardly showed it or ever admitted it. Ever so often they’d push you to be around him when he was the grumpiest, and you gladly stuck to his side like glue, even if he told you he didn’t want to hear your voice at all or tell you to sit where he couldn’t see you.
But that was only because he wanted to control himself from hurting you with words or actions, like when he tosses things out of anger or frustration. He knew he’d kill himself if he ever hurt you, you were his best little buddy, his ‘little me’ and shadow.
Although he kept you around for he found a sense of comfort at knowing your peaceful and sweet soul was around to calm his raging feelings. Even when seen and not heard- or vice versa.
And today he wasn’t feeling his best… today was Gabriella’s birthday. The anger and guilt he felt towards himself weighed heavier than anything he had ever carried. So he asked Lyla to nicely ask you to go on a mission check with Gwen, and to come back later.
Soon when he didn’t hear your sweet voice singing anymore, he broke out and tossed his stuff everywhere, shouting curses and blaming himself for screwing up, regretting what he did.
Amongst everything he tossed around, a sticky note got stuck to his arm, and seeing he bright pink paper on him caught his attention and he ripped it off, but his curiosity had his honey eyes reading it intently, not remembering if he had ever used such papers.
Miguel’s emotions swirled around like a angry hurricane in him, it was ready to swallow him while as he let himself drown, refusing to crawl out again. But.. the simple words he read off the note in your messy teenage handwriting, caught his heart in your grip before he went under.
‘All is not lost, hold onto what still yours.’
He released the breath he was clinging onto, believing it’d be his last, and he clutched the paper tightly against his chest, over his heart. Tears brimmed in his eyes, but he choked them away when he heard Lyla claim,
“She’s on her way in here Miggy, she finished her mission.”
He cleared his throat and huffed to himself, his heart wanting to see you again,
“Ok.. that’s fine.”
Not even a minute passed when he heard you skipping and humming the toon from earlier… and he couldn’t help but sing it himself, even if he didn’t remember all the words,
“all I need is a little love in my life... all I need is a little love in the mmm mmm... a lil’ but I hope it might kick start.. mm hmm mm hmm.”
You had just walked in, when you heard the soft words being spoken with a rhythm, it was pretty good and calming.
Like a warm breeze on a cool day, it made a warm feeling seep into your chest as you embraced the peaceful atmosphere of it. You thought that it was perhaps one of the Spiderlings that was always singing around, for the voice was pretty smooth and came out like a low rumble, but it rocked your soul in a warm embrace.
You searched as you walked deeper into the lair, but it made you realized no one was around- not even Hobie Brown. It made you frown in confusion as to where it came from as you continued to hear the voice of what was deciphered to belong to a man, it made your heart swoon like when you danced in the rain or saw it puppy... it made you feel nice as it was your favorite song.
‘Sounds so beautiful...’
“all I need is a little love in my life... all I need is a lil’ mmmhm in the mmm mmm... a lil’ but I hope it might kick start.. mm hmm mm hmm.”
The last hum was a deep rumble from the heart out, it was like a sweet groan of a perfect motor that drove the perfect night drives. You've heard this comforting tone, though he never used it in a way to comfort others.. it was usually given when he was tired of someone or arguing. So it had clicked for you who it was, though it surprised you,
Quietly to not disturb him you swung up to his liar that was lifted high (which was usually like that when he didn't want to be bothered) but you just wanted to listen closely, not bother, so you were good right?
Once your feet touched the ground, you got a clear visual of him as you looked up to him, and your heart sunk. He was hunched over his desk, and in his hand he held onto the pink sticky not, holding on to it very tightly. The note appeared tiny in his hold, as his hands were larger than normal- not that it was bad of course ;)
His other hand delicately swiped the screens around as he looked at them all attentively. His face reflected off the screen, and you could see the most endearing, hearts took over the size of his pupils and he didn't look so dark as usual... pink practically covered his cheeks... even a soft smile made it on to his lips. A photo of him and you on a polaroid, the one you snapped while hanging off the Statue of Liberty that one evening.
You had on rare occasions seen Miguel’s sweet side, but that was only when he had a full tummy and was not being bothered by Hobie. But either way you cherished every part of him, he had become your father figure, with the harsh scoldings and comfortable silences. With the pat on the head or smacking your shoulder when the most ridiculous things came out of your mouth or actions- he meant the world to you.
As you drew closer, you remembered he didn’t have strong spider-senses, so you went with your gut, and let your intrusive thoughts win the best of you. Regardless of what he could do- it was Miguel.
Letting your hand extend towards him, you pushed on your wrists and webbed his back, hearing the web smack his brick-wall looking back, giggling when you heard him scowl nicely,
“What are you doing? I know it’s you Dulc- oh!”
You smiled to yourself and closed you eyes, sighing,
“I love you Miguel..”
You had pulled yourself against him, squeezing his waist tightly and leaning your head on his broad back- well like on his lower back, he was a giant compared to you. You could feel the way his muscles tensed as he sucked in a breath. It was like if he was afraid of touch- a strong, loving embrace, but slowly he let the air out from his lungs, and relaxed into you.. allowing himself to be loved and feel loved. His large hand rested on your little one, patting it gently, he then squeezed your hand and replied softly,
“I know you do Dulce... I know.”
His arm then came around behind him and grabbed onto the back of the collar of your suit, bringing you in front of him. You looked up to him right away, wanting to read him before he spoke, but you could hear his heart beat.. it was calm and steady, as he radiated peace and wore a small smile. Hope surged you as you mirrored his expression, a small ‘oof’ left your lips when he pressed the sticky note to your forehead, then pulled you in for a hug.
He cradled you close with his hands while you wrapped your arms around him once again, your head against his stomach this time, feeling his calm breathing an hearing his heart more clearly. It was the sound of home and undeniable peace. Miguel rested his hand on your head and the other reached your shoulders, where he pressed you closer to him.
You took in a deep breath and sighed happily, feeling safe and sound in him, knowing he was your safe haven and that he’d never let you go to be alone.
And Miguel smiled to himself, knowing he had you, confident that he would never let you slip away ever, and that you wouldn’t go either.. so with a tight squeeze he admitted,
“I love you too mija.” (Darling)
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wonijinjin · 9 months
seventeen’s vocal unit when their s/o feels lonely
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author’s note: reminder, you are not alone. if anyone needs someone to talk to my dms are always open, you are welcomed to chat! stay safe yall.
synopsis: what the title says.
word count: 0.8k | genre: hurt/comfort | pairings: vocal unit x gn! reader | warnings: description of mental health issues, mentions of food
hannie: babies you all day, all night, trying to keep you company, never leaving you physically alone.
jeonghan is the type of person who can be really mischievous and will tease you every time he has the chance, but when he senses that something is wrong he comes to the rescue with lots of babying and fun activities to keep you distracted. he loves to coo at you every minute of the day, secretly hating how you feel lonely, not daring to upset you further by any means; so in conclusion he does anything and everything you want. he would be always by your side even though you might not want it; he would refuse to leave you alone, afraid of the feeling getting stronger in you if he leaves.
“my angel, i know you feel like you might not have anyone but you know that i’m here right? i will always be by my baby’s side.”
shua: sits down with you and tries to understand your feelings.
when it comes the horrible feeling of loneliness joshua is the best person to confide in; he listens to others very well and is always ready to share the burdens you carry with you, whatever they might be. he is a gentle lover, and would do anything to reassure you how good times would be coming soon, and that your feelings are valid, so he would like to have a deeper conversation with you, trying to slowly unravel your mess of emotions in order to help.
“darling i am so sorry you feel this way, but you know what i always tell you. life is very diverse, sometimes you might feel lonely, other times you might not. i will do everything in my power to prove you that i can be your other half, so you don’t feel this way anymore.”
jihoon: makes you spend time with him in the studio, creating a new song based on your feelings.
now jihoon is not the most talkative person, and his love language is definitely music, which is why he would love for you to try to get him to feel what you feel by creating music and lyrics. he would be eager to replicate what you think, to give you a piece of himself to which you can say that that is exactly what you were thinking about, to feel that he understands you. he is a big believer in connecting through music and its therapeutic power, so he would work very hard to satisfy you and show you a copy of your mind through music.
“babe please come with me, i have something to show you. i finished the song we started the other day, is it accurate? i want you to have the comfort music always gives me.”
dk: drags you out, ranting about wanting to experience many exciting trips with you, trying to make memories to forget how lonely you feel.
dokyeom loves to take care of his lover, and it often comes in the form of food; he would take you to a special place which he had been keeping a secret from you, wanting to use that restaurant for an occasion when you need some cheering up. he is a sunshine so he would be trying really hard to make you laugh lots, so even if for a short amount of time, but you can forget about any worries you had been keeping in yourself. he isn’t pushing on talking about it, since he is afraid you would break like you were some kind of fragile item, so he acts.
“honey, taste this! isn’t it so good? gosh i love this place! i have so many ideas which we can do in the future! don’t worry your pretty little head about anything anymore, let’s stay busy, should we?”
kwan: rests with you in the nature, trying to make you empty your mind for a bit.
he himself tends to feel strong emotions from time to time, and he knows how overwhelming they can be, to actually live life while not being mentally well, so he makes you hit pause. he isn’t trying to tell you what or how to feel, he just simply lets you talk about your thoughts freely, being there, just listening. if you needed advice he would give you some, but otherwise he won’t; he knows you are perfectly capable of expressing what you need, and just gives you that little push to help you find a solution and peace.
“say whatever you need to, i am here. you know you are not alone babyboo, even if you might not completely see what i mean yet. talk it out, then if you want to we will discuss what can be done.”
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pinkhoodi · 1 year
pop princess !
✎ᝰ — spider boys with a gf who’s a popstar !
♡⃕ — tasm!peter parker, ffh!peter parker x popstar!fem!reader
♡⃕ — genre + warning: fluff + peter is a major fan girl, mention of anxiety, failure, insecurity. lemme know if i missed anything !
♡⃕ — a/n: this includes andrew garfield and tom holland’s spiderman !
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Ꮺ at first peter was doubtful of dating a pop star, especially being a simple nobody in his high school. just a boy with his camera but now he’s in front of the camera. don’t get me wrong, peter is more than thrilled to be dating you but he’s dating you. thee famous y/n, everyone’s favorite pop girl, star girl that has little girls dreaming
Ꮺ but also the lights, camera, the attention can be quite overwhelming and he will take a minute to adjust from all this. though, you won't always ask him to attend every event and he doesn’t mind attending attending every event so there
Ꮺ cause of his lowkey nature, you try to keep the relationship discreet. you would rather not have your fans swarm at peter’s door or harass him constantly at school
Ꮺ out in the public, you two would wear some type of covering so paparazzi or fans cannot tell who you both are
Ꮺ he’s try very very very hard to be your supportive boyfriend and attend every concert, every showing, every fan meet, any and everything. but being spiderman, and a high school student, he won’t always be at your hip at all times. If he can’t, he’ll send you a text that he won’t be there and send words of encouragement
Ꮺ during his duties as spiderman, if he’s not too busy, he’ll swing through the city until he reaches the venue of your concert. he’ll take a seating on the roof of it and sing along to your words, it’s not the best view but hey, it beats missing your girlfriend’s concert
Ꮺ on the roof, peter snaps some pictures of your concert and prints them off at home. he’ll hang them up on the wall above his desk, along with the many other cute pictures of just you
Ꮺ strangely enough, when you two are out on the red carpets, reporters ask about your views on spiderman. some even ship you with the masked vigilante and you just laugh it off
Ꮺ when you’re not around, he’ll sing some of your songs but definitely won’t tell you. he knows how much of a tease you can be and jokingly calls him your number one fan. of course, that title he won’t deny
Ꮺ whenever you’re at peter’s home, you play a cd of your unreleased songs or demos. you two would just sit and listen to them in peace or he’ll learn the lyrics to sing along. you always give him a copy of the cd before you go home
Ꮺ of course peter has backstage pass to your concerts so he’s usually chilling there until the show starts. he’s there to compliment your outfits, help you go over your setlist, and of course take many pictures of his beautiful pop princess
Ꮺ when things get overwhelming, you go to his home and just rant. you lay on his bed and just talk until you can’t no more, while peter sits and listens to you rant, he’ll rub your back or the top of your head. he would study how your body fluctuates as you vent, for future reference. he would silence sit in for a while than talk you through what is bothering you. whether it would be the lack of privacy, the expectations from fans, fear of failure, insecurities, etc., peter will advise well on how to handle them all. well, at least most of them
Ꮺ if the both of you are not too busy, you would bring him to your studio and show him your song-making process. it’s a very special and private place for you and why not show your loving, supportive boyfriend ?
Ꮺ he would ask questions here and there but for the rest of the time being, he’s quiet. peter would watch you write the lyrics and create a melody, he would watch you scribble and scratch in your journal as he sat across from you
Ꮺ if you appear to become frustrated, he silently hug you and asks if you want a break. he would take you on a walk, and ask more about the song to help you piece it together. sometimes you guys would stop for food, talk more about the song, and figure out what direction you wanted to go for
Ꮺ though, you don’t always have the energy to talk about songs so you would rather chat about your daily life. peter would update you on aunt may and you would tell him about your latest crazy fan experience
Ꮺ if he doesn’t have any advice, he will tell you words of encouragement. he would tell you how proud he is, how far you came, that you’re in control of who you are and not the public. he would remind you of the real you, the raw, organic y/n that he knows and loves. but also reminds me of how happy you look to be on stage or shooting in magazines as the world’s pop princess
Ꮺ speaking of, every shoot that you do for magazines, best believe peter would have every collection. sometime he’ll try to read it in class and some people speculated that he was a fan girl cause there’s no way that every issue always includes you on the front. that’s odd parker, very odd
Ꮺ your biggest, BIGGEST fan. he’s got all your merch, your cds, you’re his wallpaper. literally he couldn’t be more proud to the boyfriend of everyone’s pop girl, y/n l/n
Ꮺ peter is singing your songs, loudly and bad, posting your new song on his socials, the whole nine yards. I wouldn’t say he’s staying up to listen to your new song but he does learn the lyrics to impress you
Ꮺ I would say your relationship is discreet but not too lowkey ?? like ned and mj knows about the two of you but also you post peter from time to time. If not, then you two would usually hint about the relationship but not give too much information
Ꮺ on red carpet events, peter is recording you from the first step ‘til you hit inside the venue. he’s complimenting and hyping you up, fixing any small details like a loose lash or a small wrinkle on your dress
Ꮺ as bad of a fangirl he is for you, he might be even worse for other celebrities he meets. listen, he is a teenage boy from queens, did he expect to meet gwen stefani or rihanna ? rihannna ? he’s passed out on the floor at this point. if you see one of his favorite musicians, drag him the other way….
Ꮺ now, not all the time he can attend due to his school and his duties as spiderman. but he is sending words of encouragement to fulfill his presence
Ꮺ peter would be starstruck every time he’s out with you. no he’s still not used to being in your dressing room filled with priceless jewelry, clothes that must cost hundreds, and accessories that are so unique and made just for you to wear. it’s like he’s stepped into a popstar’s bubble and very scared to touch
Ꮺ I feel like peter would refuse to believe he’s dating thee pop girl, y/n. like he knows he’s dating you but has he accepted it? let’s just say he still pinches himself every time you text him, ya know, to make sure he’s not dreaming
Ꮺ whenever you’re at peter’s home, you play a cd of your unreleased songs or demos. you two would just sit and listen to them in peace or he’ll learn the lyrics to sing along. you always give him a copy of the cd before you go home
Ꮺ secretly peter has a playlist of just your songs and only your songs. he wouldn’t allow you to see since he would feel embarrassed but ned and mj are for sure teasing him about it
Ꮺ like the other peter, he would have every single issue of your magazine covers. he doesn’t care if they’re small articles of your latest look, he is reading it !
Ꮺ between class times, he would try to watch clips of your interview and blush over how cute you look. certain questions would have him a tad bit concerned but he knows you can handle it well
Ꮺ throughout the day, peter would ask if you’re doing okay, mentally and physically. he understands how draining it is to be well-known in the public eye, especially in the age of social media. If you say no, he’ll stop by your place and comfort you with what is bothering you. also, please don’t lie to him about how you’re feeling cause his spider senses will tell him
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♡⃕ lately I’ve been listening to music from the 2000s and it makes me wish to be a pop girl in the 2000s saurrrrr bad. omg-
♡⃕ it doesn’t help that one of my fave shows was hannah montana. the pop princess FRRRR
♡⃕ ngl, tasm peter was VERYYYYY hannah montana coded. I’m sawry she’s like my pop girl inspo 😞
♡⃕ I felt like I kinda didn’t do my best with tom holland peter parker ngl 😭
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: romans 8:26
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗂. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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outro-jo · 1 year
writing a song with skz
pairing: skz x reader
type: scenario
warnings: none
a/n: please read info befor requesting! 🩵
masterlist | info
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chan- you held the album in your hand and stared at it, frozen in time and space. now, yes, you’d held over a dozen stray kids albums in your hands before but none of them were quite as special. chris came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waste and tucking his chin into your shoulder. he was silent solely because this was your moment, he just wanted to be apart of it. you slowly lifted the lid off the box and dug through the contents. normally the only thing you wanted was to see which photocard you wanted but you let it and some of the other loose contents fall on to the table as you went for the lyric booklet. you flipped through to the page that read “Under the Moonlight”, tracking through the lyrics in both korean and english until you got to the credits at the bottom. tears brimmed in your eyes as you read your name. not only did you help write the lyrics but you helped chris with the production which meant your name was there twice. “i did it, chris.” you whispered as the tears fell down your cheeks. chris hummed in agreement and pressed a kiss to your temple. “you did it, baby. i’m so proud of you.”
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lee know- you didn’t even realize he was home. minho had just finished a long day of practice and recording when he came home and found you standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. he was almost on his way to the bedroom when he noticed you humming something as you cleaned that had him stop in his tracks. slowly he turned around and walked towards you, careful not to distract you. he silently reached for his phone and hit record as you repeated the melody again. you were so immersed in your work, you had no clue of anything going on until minho was right next to you. suddenly you screamed sending the dish in your hand and his phone flying as you scared him right back. “lee minho!” you scolded him with a hand to your chest trying to regulate your breathing. “i’m sorry! i’m sorry! you were just humming and… did you write that?” he asked. “write what?” “that melody. the song you were humming.” “oh… i mean i guess. i’ve always kinda hummed it when i’m walking or working. it’s just a mindless little tune. i’ve kinda built on it over the years but, yeah.” you explained. minho thought for a second before asking, “do you care if i use it?” your eyebrows knit together in confusion. “uh, yeah, sure. it’s not like i was gonna use it.” you chuckled and went back to dishwashing. in an hour, minho had constructed a full song, using your tune as the chorus and had it sent to chris to start production and get verses from the rappers. you had no idea the song you made up as a child would ever be a hit for your popstar boyfriend. 
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changbin- everyone knows that changbin wrote all his own raps but chris and jype had decided that this comeback was going to be in all english. this song wouldn’t be a conversion from korean so it had to be written in english from scratch. he was sitting in your living room, listening to the crude beat chan had come up with just for him to get an idea of the flow but the writers block was settling in. changbin was trying so hard to get it right but was struggling. nothing was working and he eventually tossed his headphones on the coffee table and threw his head back on the sofa with a groan. his curls were disheveled on the top of his head from the way he was tugging at them. hearing the faint groan from the back bedroom, you came in to check on your boyfriend. “what’s wrong my binnie?” you asked with a kiss to his cheek, taking a seat next to him. “i’m frustrated.” he said. admittedly he’d come a long way with learning english and having a partner that was fluent in the language helped, but he still had challenges. “let me see what you had.” you said in korean to give him a little break. it wasn’t bad actually. you read over the lyrics and they were impactful but you knew he probably would have liked a bit more word play. changbin laid back, staring at the ceiling as you put his headphones on and listened to the track. you started with what he’d written so far but the words just kept flowing out of your mouth. his head shot up and he watched you in your own little world, head bopping to the beat and words flying. “yah!! i didn’t know you were a rapper!!” he cried out. you giggled and pulled off the headphones, “i’m not really. i liked writing poems growing up and i have a kendrick lamar obsession. i don’t think that qualifies me to be a rapper.” binnie ignored you and tapped the notebook still in your hand. “write it down, please.” he was adorable. suddenly with his creative flow unlocked, you were able to help changbin write the verse he needed and earning yourself a writing credit on the next album. 
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hyunjin- he didn’t mean to find it, honest he didn’t. he was rifling through the top shelf of his closet looking for something chan had given him when he knocked the notebook off the shelf and it landed open. normally he wouldn’t look through it, he understands creating art and it being something personal, so someone looking through it without permission could be pretty upsetting for some. hyunjin just couldn’t help it, the page was already open when he lifted it up. he read through your lyrics and they were so beautiful. “baby, food’s rea—“ you stopped in the doorway of your closet, looking between him and your old notebook. “hyunjin, what…” “i’m sorry, baby, it fell open, i promise. why didn’t you tell me you wrote music?” he asked. “oh, i mean, it’s not that good. i did poetry in high school but it was like weird and angsty.” you laughed at yourself. “no, baby, this is good! do you mind if i show these to chan hyung? i think we can use these.” you were shocked. there’s no way he really liked them, let alone wanted to use them in a stray kids song, but you let him anyway. 
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han- jisung was beside himself. this comeback was proving to be the most successful they’ve ever had and he honestly attributed it to you. while they were in practice, they received some of the best news and he took off because he just had to tell you. completely unaware, you were at home folding laundry when jisung burst through the door. “BABY!” “in here, ji!” you called from the bedroom and heard his footsteps. “BABY! WE’RE! NUMBER…” he tried so hard to tell you but he was so out of breath. you put down the tshirt and walked over to him. “hey, slow down. take some deep breaths.” “no, baby! Racer went number one! we’re number one on the billboard charts!” “YOU’RE NUMBER ONE?!” “WE’RE NUMBER ONE! THE SONG WE WROTE IS NUMBER ONE!” the two of you jumped around the room screaming. you never thought you’d ever write a song for stray kids, let alone see it go to number one on the billboard charts. it was a dream come true. 
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felix- “you know, you have a lovely voice. have you ever thought about singing or writing a song?” the question was seemingly out of nowhere. you had no idea where felix had gotten the idea that you could sing since you really only did it in the car or in the shower and you certainly weren’t trained. but felix had heard enough to know he wanted to work with you on a song. the company had sat down with them the other day and said they were planning a comeback. chris had already written several songs but he was always open to the other boys creativity. while you sat there, staring up at him confused, felix took a seat next to you on the sofa and spread out a notebook with all kinds of lyrics written on the pages. “help me out. i have this one i like and it goes like…” he proceeded to sing and ask your opinion. it took a little bit for you to come out of your shell and sing along or offer your thoughts but eventually the two of you came up with something that actually sounded pretty good. the next day, felix brought you down to chris’s studio to sing it for him. the oldest liked it so well that he ended up using it on the album and even asked you to sing some of the background vocals. 
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seungmin- it was finally his turn. seungmin was finally given the green light from jyp to create his own solo project and he couldn’t have been more excited. while stray kids was amazing and he was given a lot of creative freedom within the group, this would be a project that was completely him that he could share with stay. something he wanted on the album was a song that you helped him create. when he told you this, you thought it was a joke. you didn’t sing or write, half the time you thought you were tone deaf but it was important to seungmin that the love of his life was involved. when the two of you finally sat down to write, it was hard to get you to open up. the voices in your head were winning and keeping you silent, almost working against you to prove you right that you couldn’t do this. once seungmin came up with a good melody, however, the words just poured out of you. for some reason, all you could think about was him and how much you loved him, your favorite topic in the whole world, one that you could talk at length about. before you knew it, you had a full song ready to be recorded. as if he couldn’t get any cuter, singing a song you wrote about him, he used some audio from something he recorded when you weren’t paying attention. the song was perfect. 
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i.n- chan had finally finished the masters on the first ever song you had written and callled you into the studio to listen to it. on a drunken night, you accidentally let it slip to jeongin that you’d always wanted to write a song and from that moment, he did all he could to make your dream come true. he let chris know and the following day he called you into the studio to work with you. it was so cool to see the process from start to finish from writing lyrics and seeing chris come up with a beat and song production to seeing all the boys laying down vocals. but it was finally time to listen to the finished project. the boys sat you down at the soundboard and you had butterflies in your stomach. chan hit play on the song and it filled the studio. the song wasn’t particularly emotional, it was actually a fun, upbeat trap song that would likely be used as a title track. you could already envision the cool choreography that would be created to go with it and the styling for the concept. despite it not being an emotional song, you couldn’t help but tear up. it was so good which you mostly attributed to the production, but still to be apart of something that you considered to be a dream of yours that had now come to life made you emotional. when the song ended you looked up at jeongin. “aw, babe! why are you crying? it’s good!” he asked, pulling you against his chest. “no, i know. it is! i just can’t believe i actually did this.” you explained. jeongin chuckled affectionately and kissed your head. “you did, love and it’s so good! i’m so proud of you!” “i am too, y/n. you did such a good job.” chris encouraged you. you didn’t realize when dating a stray kids member that you’d secretly become one.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 4 months
Finally! Meet my spidersona, SPIDERBEAT!
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Here's Omari without the skirt
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(Click for better quality)
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As always, feel free to ask questions about him. Likes, comments, reblogs are always appreciated! And yes, you can draw them if you wish
Special thanks to @cherryvampiro for the tutorial and for giving me anough inspiration/confidence to finally draw her!
P.S Omari was originally going to be a girl, but then I wanted her to be a boy, then I thought...why not both?
I'll be adding more to this post (or I might do separate posts) so stay tuned!
Text (In case it was hard to see):
Omari Jewel Octavious is from earth 222A is Spiderbeats - A beat dropping, bars spitting, melodic singing, dress making, y2k sensation.
She's super optimistic and friendly, maybe a little sassy and snarky. Just think Poppy from trolls, Charlotte from princess and the frog, Veruca from Willy Wonka, Darla Dimple from "Cat's don't dance", and Bugs bunny. 
 Omari also has the ability to sing in two different tones, masculine and feminine. He started practicing at nine just for fun and now he uses his two different voices for singing and rapping. She also uses these tones whenever he is feeling masc or fem. 
Omari's parents are Olivia Octavious and Maxwell Dillon. Olivia is a scientist and Maxwell own's an Electric company. Omari also has an older brother named Marcus (19) who is studying to be a lawyer, and two younger twin siblings, Olivia (girl) and Micha (boy), who are both eight.
Right before omari was about to perform on stage he got bitten by a radioactive Orb Weaver Spider. (A CIA experiment lab was training spiders to act based on certain sounds. Over time, with a little biological adjusting, they started making webs that created music. Each strand had a different note attached to it and the spider would make sounds similar to songs they would hear the scientists play.) 
What makes him different?
The spider venom caused his brain  to change how he hears things. Giving him a version of MES “Musical ear syndrome” if you will. His brain now creates music in various ways and types.
When it comes to people he knows like family or friends she’ll hear their “theme song”. Basically just sounds/beats his mind makes up corresponding to the person's vibe. But the theme songs are always the same when it comes to a specific person, never changing. 
The theme songs are at a low velocity in the back of her mind like how we hear music in our brains but just a smidge louder. Villains also have a theme song of their own in her brain. But they are very loud, almost overwhelming (it works as a constant spidey-sense until the battle is over). The reason for this is because he’s going through an intense and frustrating moment so the music will be intense and frustrating in his mind. 
He can still hear regular music and even change it to her liking. She can add lyrics, switch lyrics to different songs, switch beats as well as even add and control different instruments. He can even speed it up or slow it down. 
She can make it stop but only if he manages to calm down and focus. Or if that doesn't work she'll use her headset. 
Why the headset?
Sometimes the noise becomes too much for him so the headphones are just noise cancellers. But they can also be used to drown out other noise so his spidey senses are the only thing she can hear/focus on. 
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datlokibumtho · 6 months
EDIT: I said I'd add more, and so I shall. I swear, the more I rewatch it, the more abserdity crosses my mind. I forgot some, so I'll add those when I remember them.
Rewatching the Mugen Train Arc, and there are a few things I noticed that I shall now share with you. I will add more as I think of them.
▪︎Rengoku's mom is hot
▪︎You will never be able to convince me we didn't see Akaza's O Face during that final attack.
▪︎Why didn't Akaza just drag Rengoku along with him to escape? All that oomf he has, and you're telling me one dude is too heavy? Nezuko can carry someone easily while in baby mode and was strong enough to curbstomp Daki, and you're telling me Akaza, Upper Three, the fourth most powerful demon in existence can't drag one guy along for the ride while bailing? I'm calling that shit hard.
▪︎Tanjirou's VA knocked this shit out of the park.
▪︎I call bullshit that Rengoku didn't activate his Demon Slayer Mark during all that.
¤ Edit: I now know why that didn't happen, so nevermind this one.
▪︎While we're on the topic of Rengoku, can I just briefly express my confusion as to his dream of choice when Enmu put him to sleep? Out of everything he could have dreamed, all the scenarios his mind could have conjured up, he chose "that one time I did something extraordinary and my dad didn't give a shit" followed by any given day of the week. Tanjirou got his family back, Zenitsu got to spend time with the girl he loved, Inosuke got to do whatever the fuck that was...and Rengoku's got an alcoholic father who doesn't give a hair on a witch's tit if his kids live or die, a mom that's still dead from illness, and last Tuesday, the Tuesday before that, and the Tuesday before that, also known as his everyday life. Why? He could have had a father that was a presentable human being again, a mother that wasn't dead or ill, a happy life...and he bypassed all of that. Just. Fucking. Why.
¤Edit: upon further thought and some amateur analysis of his psyche, the dream probably revolved more around time with his brother, or his boundless optimism making him think every day is a gift or worth celebrating or special somehow. Or maybe he just has a really bad imagination.
▪︎Rengoku just gave Enmu his first brush with heartburn.
▪︎Look up the lyrics to Homura by LiSA, and I believe you will join me in saying fuck whoever chose the music. Why they gotta do that? Why?
▪︎Get you a man that's an absolute goober, a total badass, a complete and utter derp, a major sweetheart, and a super serious hot mess all at once. Get you a Flame Hashira. Get you Rengoku Kyoujurou.
▪︎"I'm a box lunch vendor" wasn't suspicious until he said it wasn't suspicious. Then it became suspicious.
▪︎Rengoku moving his ass like "Total Consentrstion Fuck You I'm A Hashira" speed mode activated. "Ecceleration Mode", for anyone that's up on older anine.
▪︎Pigtails runnin' her way through Rengokus dream world like the edge isn't invisible and she was at zero risk of slamming face first into it.
▪︎God damn, Tanjirou, right between the man-titties. Rude as fuck.
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▪︎Tanjirou: smells blood in a snow storm, Muzan in the middle of Tokyo, identifies people by their scents after only meeting them once, can smell character traits
Rengoku: two cars down from them, chowing away at bento, unnoticed
Zenitsu: hears thing down to a celluar level and can figure out what something's species and intent are based solely of of their sounds of existsnce
Rengoku: two cars down from them, practically yelling "tasty" repeatedly, unnoticed
Inosuke: has super insane instincts and the ability to lock onto things miles away
Renkgoku: STILL just two cars down from them, living his best life with a crapton of bento, unnoticed
Tanjirou/Zenitsu/Inosuke: "Wonder where the Flame Hashira is."
▪︎Slasher demon: "No one's faster than me!"
The Other Speedy Stripy Boi Of The Mugrn Train Arc: "Destructive Death: Kick-Your-Ass-Faster-Than-The-Speed-Of-Sound-You-Scrub Type."
▪︎Rengoku's Dream World: sunshine, daisies, and fatherly rejection
Rengoku's Subconscious: flaming hellscape
Enmu's Lackey: "What the flip flap fuck is going on with this man?"
▪︎Enmu: shocked Zenitsu did anything while under his spell
The rest of us: "Yeah, it was always gonna go that way, chief."
▪︎My thought process through my original watchthrough eons ago: "Rengoku is a silly mans. Rengoku is kinda cool. Rengoku is utterly endearing. Rengoku is awesome. Rengoku is one BAMF. RENGOKU IS DEAD."
▪︎My almost simultaneous thought process through my original watchthrough eons ago: "I can't believe he dies, he's so amazing and wonderful and i love him. Ok, he dies in this fight, and now that i know the man, i instantly hate whoever did it. Oh no, he's HOT! My emotions are very mixed right now. My emotions are completely decided in their stance, and I am getting teary-eyed over yet another ficticious character."
▪︎My afterthoughts of my original watchthrough eons ago: "Akaza is the absolute worst, that pretty face, hot body and smooth af voice cannot change that. Wow, Muzan was mean to him after he did his damndest. My opinion can not change now that I have seen Senjurou, he is a wonderful little cinnamonroll, and Akaza must remain the worst. He can be terrible and still look good. I mean, are he and his utterly whorish waist and very lovely, somewhat delicately featured face really to blame or is Muzan or psychosis of some kind? Wow, that's a nice hourglass physique and horribly tragic backstory."
▪︎End conclusion from my original watchthrough eons ago: "My opinion of Rengoku has done a 180. I would die for Senjurou. I will probably never truly like Rengoku Shinjurou despite understanding that grief and disillusionment do strange things to people. Akaza is too hot, broken, and in a weird way endearing and lovable to hate. I loves me a tragic backstory and damaged man. I DO NOT HAVE A NEW SHIP I DO NOT HAVE A NEW SHIP I DO NOT HAVE A NEW SHIP"
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▪︎I had a new ship
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mrsshabana · 7 months
if you’ve already done this you can go ahead and delete this! could you do a fic where the reader doesn’t celebrate their birthday?
love your work btw! 💚
𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
Today is actually the birthday of one of my very close friends! So I thought it'd be fitting to answer this request today. I hope you had an awesome birthday @chibi-absol ♡
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Gyutaro never celebrates his birthday, but he is not going to let you get away with not celebrating yours. You are much too important for that.
He won't ask why you don't celebrate your birthday, he will just make the day special for you no matter how much you protest. It will be an intimate celebration though, with just the two of you and maybe his sister. He doesn't want anyone else to be there because he'll get jealous. He wants to be the only person making your day special.
He doesn't know a lot about birthday celebrations because quite frankly he never really cared for them, but he's going to try to make sure you have a memorable birthday.
This day is going to be all about you.
He won't let you lift a finger on your birthday, you will be treated like royalty.
And for your gift, he'll probably give you something handmade. He's not very crafty but he is going to work on your birthday gift for months in advance, making sure that it's absolutely perfect. And when he presents it to you you'll see all of the little flaws in it, but that just makes it all the more special. When you tell him that you love the gift he will feel genuinely proud of himself for the first time.
He's even going to sing happy birthday to you. His voice will be shaky as he does so, and his face will be red, but he tries his best. He's going to get some of the lyrics messed up because he's never sung it before.
He puts a ridiculous amount of effort into making your day special. It's actually quite surprising because he's not the type of person to care very much about sentimental things like this. But the fact that he tries so hard makes it obvious how much he loves you.
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jonathantaylorthomas · 10 months
ED: People are saying they're inspired to shoot their shot with their crush because of Travis. Recently, you said you’re happy he shot for the stars. How do you feel about him having this impact?
DK: It’s awesome. You’re never going to achieve your dreams, do what you want, or find that person that you really care about unless you open up and you’re vulnerable. And it’s so important to try to find that person or find that career that you really want. You’re not going to get it if you never ask for it.
When I was at work, women would come up to me and ask me, “What’s the one piece of advice you could give me to become a vice president in a bank?” And I said, “If you want something, ask for it. Don’t expect anyone to ever give it to you. You have to let them know that that’s what you want.” And that’s what he basically does.
ED: Do you have any advice for shooting your shot?
DK: If you truly believe that you can be who you want to be in life, I think it’s important that you persevere because perseverance and hard work trumps talent any day.
ED: Similarly, Drew Barrymore said she was re-inspired by how much Travis and Taylor are putting their romance out there in public — like Taylor changing her song lyrics to “Karma” to reference him. What do you think about that?
DK: They’re telling their story how they want to, and I think that’s important to let them do that.
ED: What’s your advice for dealing with being in the public eye?
DK: Be yourself. Don’t try to put on any airs. Just be who you are, and I think people can relate to you.
ED: You previously said you loved the Eras tour movie. What did you love about it?
DK: I’ve listened to a different genre my whole life. So I went to the movie to find out what it was all about and how important it was for me to understand the type of music that she sang. What inspired me was that it was very artistic. She’s just amazing. As an entertainer, she can command an entire stadium, and she can reach out and make them feel like they’re special. And I think that’s a special person that can do that.
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
Love Changed the Minds of Pretenders
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Pairing ▹ Bucky Barnes x gn. reader
Word Count ▹ 1k
This fic contains ▹ angst, fluff, songfic, unestablished relationship, mentions of sex, mentions of Joaquin x reader, mutual ending of relationship, light beta reading (even though there are no explicit mentions of adult themes, I do not want minors or blank blogs interacting with this fic)
Summary ▹ Do you remember | The 21st night of September?
Notes ▹ I should be asleep right now because I have work at 7am but I just had a random burst of creativity and I needed to let it out. Anyways, this is my submission for @bucks-and-noble Summer Send Off. Thank you @buckets-and-trees and @sgt-seabass for creating this challenge and refueling my love for Bucky. And a special shoutout to the book club! I am so happy I met y'all and I am beyond grateful for the bond we have created 💖 Fun fact: This is my first ever Bucky fic woop woop!! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed! 😊
Prompt ▹ use a lyric [from September by Earth Wind and Fire] as direct inspiration for a theme/idea
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September 21, 2022. 10:02 pm.
The night you met Bucky Barnes. 
Of all places, you met Bucky at a bar. The same bar where your friend performed their first live show and they invited you to watch. You weren’t expecting to meet anyone that night. Your heart had been broken only a few weeks prior. 
Everyone thought: Was he a rebound? A distraction?
No. He was so much more than that. It could have been easy to feel that way fresh out of heartbreak. Even more so when outsiders were constantly questioning what you and Bucky really were. But there was clearly a reason Bucky showed up in your life after this period of hurting. 
Bucky gave you love and security. He made you feel safe when he took you to the movies, when he made love to you, when you slept peacefully in his strong arms. You always thanked him for the things he did to make you feel secure and loved. He’d reply with his typical phrase, “I’m glad I make you feel that way.” 
He welcomed you into his home, his life, and his heart after many years of keeping the door locked and the key tucked away. Waking up and stroking your face before pressing a kiss to your dry lips was something that made your love for him stronger. Then after an hour or so of getting tangled between the sheets, you both would jump in the shower, gently caressing one another with soapy hands. Breakfast with Bucky was another tender ritual that you cherished. Whether it was at 10 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon, you never skipped breakfast with him.
He challenged your negative thoughts and beliefs. You and Bucky would stay on the phone until 3 in the morning talking about the universe, aliens, and other conspiracy theories. The two of you would ponder on the purpose of your lives and the ways of the universe. One thing you both were certain about was that you wanted your lives to be fulfilling and meaningful. Your world expanded and bloomed with beauty and wonder because of him. You wanted to be better and so did he.
Bucky made you believe in love again. And you made Bucky believe in love again.
As the months passed, everything was splendid. Perfect, even. But with perfection, there’s always something lacking. Of course, you wouldn’t have seen what was lacking if it slapped you in the face.
After 10 months of dating Bucky, you finally revealed your love for him. Now, Bucky wasn’t the type to say it. Heck, he didn’t even say “I love you” to his sister unless she said it first. Yet that wasn’t a deal breaker because he expressed his love in other ways. 
“I love you, too. I know your feelings for me are strong, but I don’t know if I can give you what you want.” 
It was understandable. He did mention in the beginning that he wanted to casually date. You forgot that you wanted the same thing. Man that felt like such a long time ago. Time really does fly when you start to fall in love. And hard you fell.
You hid your disappointment by making more excuses as to why being committed to Bucky would not be in the cards. First, there was the long distance. Then, there was the uncertainty about both of your futures. For a couple that talked a lot about your ambitions, you both lacked the confidence in where you would go in life. As the list of reasons piled up, there was one that made your brain fuzzy and your heart swell.
That reason was Joaquin Torres.
You met Joaquin through your cousin. There was an instant attraction between the two of you yet neither of you pursued each other. If you had gone for Joaquin, you would not have created the world you had with Bucky. So when your feelings for Joaquin grew stronger than your feelings for Bucky, you knew you had to take action before someone got hurt. 
Contrary to your belief, no one got hurt. You were transparent with Joaquin about your status with Bucky, and he understood. When you revealed to Bucky your feelings for Joaquin, he too understood. 
“Listen, angel, I know you. You know what you want in your life and you don’t let anything get in the way of that. I do love you, but who am I to stand in the way of living the life you want. You’ve let people tell you how to live your life for so long and now it’s my turn to stop that cycle. If this is what you want, don’t let me stop you.”
You and Bucky shared beautiful memories over the 10 months of being together, but the words he said to you on August 8, 2023 will always be ingrained in your brain for the rest of your life. That night was the last time you spoke to him and saw his face, even though it was over a video call.
“I’m grateful for having you in my life,” you confessed to him, trying not to cry. You couldn’t figure out if it was because you were surprised this conversation went way better than you thought or because you were saying goodbye.
Bucky grinned, “No need to get all sappy on me, angel.” You shared a final laugh together. “Well, if you ever find yourself in the city, you know where to find me.”
Part of you wanted to make a joke about how you’d run into him at the bar where you met, but you stopped yourself. Instead, you replied:
“You got it, Buck.”
And that marked the end of you and Bucky. 
You and Bucky’s love was never meant to fail. Yet it was never meant to succeed. Perhaps it was just meant to simply exist. 
But who knows, maybe that fateful night in August was not the end. Only time could tell. That was the beauty of time and the universe. You can plan and make certain choices, but ultimately, the universe will lead you to where you’re meant to be.
Now, it’s September 21, 2023. No, Bucky is not in the picture, but your thoughts are with him. 
Do you remember? Yes, you remember. You always will.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Jack forgetting it’s Valentine’s days and he’s out all day working and y/n been mentioning it all the things she’s gonna do like dinner but he forgot or ir came in one ear and out the other he gets home really late after irban mention it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s late already so he rushes home to see the reader dried tears sleeping in her lingerie while waiting for jack ending how ever you want
Valentines Blues 💘
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It was your first ever Valentines Day with Jack and of course you were beyond thrilled and excited you’ve been planning on things you were going to do a week before Valentine’s Day came around.
You woke up that morning before Jack so you were able to make him a big breakfast he was supposed to be going to the studio today but he’d be back just in time for dinner.
“You’re really going all out for Jack aren’t you?” Your friend Khloe asked as she set down some flowers you had gotten for decoration.
“Well it is our first ever Valentine’s together so I have to make sure everything is perfect for him.” You we’re literally on edge everything had to be perfect or you weren’t going to be happy.
“Do you need anything else before I leave?.” You looked around one last time before shaking your head no. You gave Khloe a quick hug before she left.
You began to make waffles and bacon for Jack he wasn’t really a big breakfast type of person so you didn’t really go out for his breakfast. You just finished putting the final touches on his plate when he came walking around the corner.
“Good morning baby girl.” He mumbled and stretched before rubbing the crust out of the corner of his eyes.
“Good morning Jack, how did you sleep.” Walking over to him you took his hand and led him to the table and set his plate in front of him as well as his orange juice. “I slept good baby, what’s all this for?” He licked his lips.
“I just wanted to do something special for you is all especially since you work so hard.” “Well I appreciate it very much baby thank you.” You both ate in silence for the rest of the breakfast. Once you finished you collected your plates and did the dishes before meeting Jack in the living room.
You took out your phone and opened up Instagram and smiled seeing all of your friends being posted by their boyfriends and girlfriends and them doing the same but your smile soon enough turned into a frown, you knew Jack wasn’t that big on pda but a story of you or something would’ve been nice to have seen.
“Why are you all frowns over there baby?” Looking up that’s when you noticed Jack was dressed and ready for the studio. You didn’t want to be a nag today or seem like you were complaining it was the day of love not the day of drama.
It ran across your head that maybe Jack forget it was Valentines Day but there was no way he could’ve because you talked about it non stop last week.
“Oh nothing I just saw a sad video of some puppy being lost but he found his family.” You lied and prayed Jack would fall for it because he was able to tell if you were lying.
“Well stop looking at stuff like that baby you know how sensitive you can be.” He teased, rolling your eyes playfully you helped him organize his folder he had filled with lyrics.
“You’ll be home for dinner right? I’m making homemade macaroni with salmon and some greens and for dessert homemade ice cream.” He licked his lips at the thought of homemade ice cream.
“I’ll be home tonight baby I promise, I love you and I’ll see you soon.” He bent down and gave you a quick little kiss before leaving and the moment the door closed you got to work right away.
You put the macaroni in first since it was obviously going to take a minute and then you got started on the greens, before you knew it the time was now 4pm and Jack said he’d be back by 7 so it gave you time to clean up and get ready.
At the studio
Jack was getting frustrated the pile of crumbled up lyric sheets on the floor was obviously the reason why but he wasn’t the only one annoyed.
“Jack, why don’t we call it a wrap man I mean it’s getting late and I’m tired and I’m hungry.” Urban complained as he paced around the studio trying his best to stay awake.
“Urban I’m almost done stop complaining.” Neelam looked down at her phone seeing it was now 5 minute till 10pm. “It’s literally almost 10 and we’ve been at this since 8am this morning we’re done for the day Jack.” Neelam was just as exhausted as Jack and she knew how much being in the studio and getting songs done meant to him but she was tired and wanted to be with her man.
“Dude I’m surprised you didn’t have anything planned with Y/N today like how did she even left you out the house.” Sunni asked, Jack looked at him as if he had three heads. “What are you on about Sunni? She’s my girl and all but she doesn’t own me.”
“What? It’s Valentines Day don’t tell me you forgot.” Sunni said making Jack almost immediately stop in his tracks. “You forgot it was Valentine’s Day? Oooo she’s definitely making sure you sleep on that couch till you’re 75.” Urban and Sunni joked.
“Fuck that’s why last week she kept going on and on about some dinner fuck I totally messed up big time.” Jack literally hated himself in that moment he knew there was no way you were about to forgive him. “Good luck Jack you’re gonna need it.” Sunni laughed with Urban but the two of them instantly shut up when Neelam glared at them.
The entire ride back home all Jack could think about was you he just knew you were going to hate him and you had every right to, this dinner was special to you especially since you spent hours with Maggie trying to make sure everything turned out right and you spent all your hard owned money on groceries.
He barley had time to shut his car door before he was speeding inside the house, his heart was pulling at sleeve when he saw all the millions of flowed peddles you had laid out in the living room that spread to the kitchen as well as the once lit white candles, you even had heart balloons floating on the ceilings.
“Oh baby.” He said sadly and made his way to the kitchen where he saw you sleeping on the chair with tears stained on your cheeks. The dinner you spent hours on laid untouched on the counter which meant you were waiting for him to come home.
You had your silk robe tied around you tightly and underneath was one of Jack’s favorite lingerie pieces you had owned.
“Baby” He shook you gently and you woke up slowly. “Jack?” You said sleepy “Baby, fuck I’m so sorry I feel like such an asshole i completely forgot it was Valentines Day today and I’m so sorry baby girl. Can you please forgive me?”
“I spent hours on this dinner Jack I waisted all my time and energy on tonight just for you to not even show up and I don’t see how you can forget when I told you about it all last week.” You were no longer tired all the tiredness completely left your body.
“I’m sorry Y/N, please forgive me.” He begged but you weren’t falling for it you understood his schedule got busy at times but not listening to you nor even putting you as a priority was your last straw.
“Just saying please isn’t going to cut it this time Jack. I think we need some time apart for a bit clearly you have several things on your plate and I don’t want to interfere with any of it.” Your voice cracked as you spoke.
“So what are you saying?” You sighed deeply and hugged yourself tighter and looked up at him. Jack had this fear in his eyes like he knew what you were going to say but didn’t want to come to the realization of it.
“I’m saying that you need to find somewhere else to say for a few days.” You bit your lip as it began to tremble. “Please Y/N let’s just talk about this baby please.” He tried to approach you but you stepped back making him stop.
“Just go Jack I don’t have anything else to say.” You whispered, he nodded and got his car keys before leaving out the door. The minute he did you instantly started crying. All you wanted to do was spend a day with Jack but you had no idea you came second to last.
@heavyhitterheaux @hoodharlow
@nattinatalia @a-moment-captured
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chelledoggo · 5 months
My Analysis of "Lazarus Drug" by Meg Washington, and how it pertains to Bluey's "The Sign" [MASSIVE BLUEY SPOILERS]
(This post is going to deviate from my typical "all lowercase" typing style because I kinda want it to be taken seriously lol.)
So, I was doing some dishes earlier, and I started thinking about the song "Lazarus Drug" by Meg Washington. I started mulling over the lyrics and thinking about how it was used at the ending of the Bluey special "The Sign." The wheels kinda started turning and I felt compelled to attempt to present my interpretation and the thoughts I have about it.
Now, I'm not a music theorist or a seasoned philosopher or TV critic. I'm just about as much of a layperson as one can be. I'm just kinda calling things as I see them.
Although only the final portion of the song was used in The Sign, I wanna go over the full version of the song to give a better understanding of what all the pieces mean put together.
This probably won't be a play-by-play of every lyric (because I'm not that smart lol), but I'll do my best to get the point across.
Let's begin!
I am asleep, I am a slug I am a thief, I am a thug
The first lines of the song give the impression that the singer perceives herself as an impure person. She seems to bring attention to her vices of focusing too much on the self to the point where it could potentially hurt others.
You are grace, you are belief You are a Lazarus drug
This is where the song title comes in, and this section in particular is clearly very heavy on Biblical imagery.
Lazarus was a figure in the Bible, specifically the Gospel of John (John 11:1-45). He died of illness and had been in the tomb for four days. Jesus loved Lazarus so much, that he had wept upon the confirmation of his death. He then went to the tomb where Lazarus lie and resurrected him.
Note how the singer refers to the subject as a "Lazarus drug." When you think of a drug, you think either of something meant to treat an illness, or something meant to give someone a high. However, in this case, I think it's both.
Meg Washington said the following in an interview with ABC's (Australia) Double J radio station:
"'Lazarus Drug' is a song about love and euphoria and revival. It's really just an ode to whatever it is in your life – or my life – that makes you feel like rising up and floating in the middle of the air and splitting into light beams of happiness. "Writing this song was really special for me, because every time I sing it I feel the same way that I felt when I wrote it. I really wanted to make something that sounded like how we can make each other feel if we try very hard to share love."
The subject of the song is a loving, caring figure. You could even argue that they are a Christlike figure. The love and compassion that they extend to the singer not only heals their pain, but makes them feel high, as illustrated in these lyrics a few lines later.
And when you make A perfect circle in the sky I get so high I get so high I'm like a planet And I can't come down Oh, I can't come down
The next verse begins like this:
You are an angel And when you weep, the heavens rain I am a mermaid, eating at the sushi train
The "mermaid at the sushi train" metaphor is kind of up in the air, but I believe it might once again be highlighting the singer's selfishness.
Like, why would a mermaid be eating sushi? Why would she be eating her little fishy friends? Like imagine if Ariel was advertising frozen fishsticks... Oh wait...
It seems like a metaphor for thinking more about your own hunger rather than the needs of those you're meant to care for.
We sort of see this in both Bandit and Rad's subplots in "The Sign."
Bandit gets this high-paying new job in another city. He's going to have to uproot his family's life and take them away from the people they love and care about in Brisbane. However, Bandit doesn't really seem to consider too much how this might emotionally affect Bluey and Bingo. The way he sees it, he's doing the right thing. He believes he's guaranteeing a bright and comfy future for the Heeler family. He means well, of course. But in this case he's being so short-sighted that he doesn't seem to really take his family's feelings into account.
Likewise, Rad plans to move himself and Frisky out west after their wedding... Except that he didn't bother bringing this up to Frisky herself. His motives were arguably even more self-centered and short-sighted. He didn't bother asking Frisky how uprooting her own life would affect her. He just... assumed he could just smooth it over after the wedding. (I love you Rad, but... dick move, man. Dick move.)
But when you look in me With language in your eyes I get so high I get so high I'm like a planet And I can't come down
When the singer stops and looks at the subject, gazing into her eyes without needing to say a word, that "Lazarus drug high" comes back. She realizes that she's not in it alone. That there's people around her that love her and care for her, and they matter just as much as she does.
When Rad finally catches up to Frisky at the Lookout, they have this moment:
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Now at surface level "I know you like it here" could just be referring to the Lookout, since it's one of Frisky's favorite places. But on a deeper level, I think we can tell what this really means. It's referring to Brisbane. You can even see the city in the background here.
Rad finally wakes up and realizes how much Frisky's home means to her. Neither one of them has to say a word about Brisbane for us to know that Rad's had a change of heart about moving. The way they look at each other during this scene speaks volumes.
Likewise, there's... the moment.
Moving day.
I feel it in the morning I feel how low it lies And then I hear you calling And then I start to rise I feel it in the morning I feel how low it lies And then I hear you call my name And then I start to rise
The Heeler house is all packed up in boxes, and the family is getting into the car to leave their driveway for the final time.
But just as Bandit's about to get in the driver's seat, he stops to answer a call from Bucky, letting him know that the Sheepdogs decided at the last minute not to buy the Heeler house.
After the call ends, Bandit walks over to peel the "SOLD" sticker off the "For Sale" sign.
He then gazes back at his family waiting in the car. No words are exchanged. He just takes a moment to look into their eyes. He's reflecting on what this move will mean for them. He remembers all the sorrow Bluey and Bingo endured over the revelation.
And suddenly his eyes are opened to what really matters...
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And when I hear you calling Like you were always there I rise until I'm hanging In the middle of the air
He grabs hold of the sign, pulling it with the strength of two Bandits.
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And when I hear you calling I split like I'm a snake With golden light like fingers And then I start to break Into a billion pieces
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Oh, I shatter into constellations Like I've never been more here Like I completely disappear
The ego shatters. Bandit foregoes the self and realizes his oneness with his family. That they all matter. That what they have in Brisbane is beautiful.
Sure, he could assure himself a cushy high-paying job and ensure a "comfy" life for his family.
But his family was already comfortable. More than comfortable, even.
His preconceived notions of what a "good life" could be disappear, because he knows they already have a good life.
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I'm nothingness, but shining And everywhere at once I'm everything and everyone who is or ever was
Now this line is particularly interesting to me.
In eastern spirituality, especially Buddhism, there's a concept of "emptiness." Basically nothing and no one exists purely in and of itself. "Everything and everyone who is or ever was" exists because of interconnections through other factors. There's no inherent "thing" or "self." We're all one.
The words "emptiness" and "nothingness" in our western mindset seems to denote a feeling of despair and sadness. I think this is why Meg chose to word it as "nothingness, but shining." In the eastern mindset, "nothingness" is something that is shining and beautiful. It's not a sense of loneliness, rather a sense that you are not alone.
Bluey isn't a stranger to incorporating eastern spiritual thought into its episodes. Probably the most famous example is the episode "Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound," which is loosely based off the Buddhist story of Kisa Gotami. The episode "Hide and Seek" alludes to the practice of mindfulness meditation, which is a practice rooted in eastern traditions. You could even argue that the episode "Slide" has themes of Ahimsa, the eastern principle of nonviolence and not causing harm to other living things.
Even "The Sign" incorporates the Taoist parable of the Farmer, which teaches about accepting the unexpected of life, and not labelling anything as "fortunate" or "unfortunate."
I also personally see themes of the aforementioned principle of interconnectedness. The whole episode is basically a literal "butterfly effect." Every little thing, from Frisky leaving the wedding and the Heelers going to look for her, to Flappy (who originally appeared in "Slide." Oh wow, this goes deep!) flying into the Heelers' car, to Bluey finding a lucky coin, only for it to get stuck in the binoculars that the Sheepdogs later use to spot their new dream house... it all leads up to the ending.
The ending in and of itself can't really be labelled as a perfect happy ending, either. Bandit can no longer accept his new job, and will probably need to find new work in Brisbane. How will it go?
"We'll see."
And You're nothingness, but shining And everywhere at once You're everything, we're everyone who is or ever was, forever
The final lines are just a pronoun switch of the ones before them. This could be interpreted in multiple ways. The singer could be addressing the subject of the song, but she could also be addressing the listener.
The song ends on a reminder that we're all connected. We're affected by the circumstances we face, including the love we're shown by others. Likewise, the love we show others affects them and those around them.
Isn't that kind of one of the overarching messages of Bluey as a whole? How we treat others - our friends, our families, our children - goes a long, long way.
WHOO. That ended up being more of a ramble than I thought.
Anyway, I'm just calling this as I personally see it from my silly overthinking layperson perspective. You shouldn't by any means take what I say as gospel, but I do hope I've at least given you something to think about.
And, of course, feel free to share your own interpretations!
If you've made it to the end of this massive skyscraper of text, thank you so, so much. I love you. 💖
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themusicistrue · 1 year
Hozier’s music provides something most people can’t think to express by showing relationships as they truly are – healthy, flawed, hopeful, and fraught. He has an idyllic view of love expressed through symbolism, making you think and feel whether you know the context or not. Listening to Hozier’s lyrics is a deeply intimate experience, like looking through an old pane of glass. At times, a rediscovery of something once beautiful. And at others, a forgotten shard of love lost to time. Let’s examine love through those lyrics.
There’s not much of Hozier’s distinct lyrism in his self-titled first album (2014), but it has one of my favorite instances in the song “Jackie and Wilson.” The lyric “She blows out of nowhere, a roman candle of the wild,” as a girl we were taught to be quiet, and keep to ourselves, and not bother other people with our thoughts, or words. Hozier describes the woman he loves as a firework and he loves her all the more for it. He praises the parts that we have been taught to tamp down overtime.
Now moving on to his sophomore album “wasteland, baby!”(2018) has far more instances of him writing in this distinct style of him. The first track of him actively doing this style of song is in “Movement”. Hozier says the phrase “you are a call to motion”. He makes it all feel so full as if his Love is his world. He makes it seem as though just her moving, and doing something so normal like dancing can make him want to do better, and move with her. Later on in the song he says “Honey, you, you're Atlas in his sleepin'” in this he compares her to the titan atlas who is known for holding the weight of the world on his back. He makes her seem so effortless even holding up the world. He shows how she can move even under the weight of everything.
Now in the song “Would that I” touches more on the hard parts of love. He says “Though I've handled the wood, I still worship the flame”. In this the wood is a metaphor for trying to pick up yourself after leaving a relationship; while the flame is the relationship, something he knows might not end well but he still goes to it. He puts himself in the path of it and seeks it out actively. He also touches on this theme of wanting, and seeking out something that might be bad for you in “Wasteland, baby!” (the song that is) in the words “Like the holding of hands, like the breaking of glass”. He compares a small act of love to the end of the world as if they can somehow be connected. He brings out these small beautiful and yet heartbreaking parts of love so often.
Now in his most recent album “unreal unearth”(2023) he has completely perfected this type of song writing. Now in the song “First time” he gives the lyric “And the first time that you kissed me I drank dry the River Lethe”. This lyric is so special when you take a look at the moving parts of it. So the River Lethe in the under world made people forget when they drank from it. He compares kissing her to forgetting what makes his life tragic. All that pain willed away in one simple act of affection.
Yet another instance of him comparing the woman he loves to the world is in “I, Carrion (Icarian)” this whole song is a big metaphor of how these two people are so different. He is more flighty – able to leave and move around; where as she is anchored. In this way, he sees her in everything, everywhere. For example, in this lyric, he says, “Once I wondered what was holdin' up the ground. But I can see that all along, Love, it was you all the way down.” This lyric shows just how much he relies on her love. It is his foundation.
The most gut wrenching song he has ever made is “Franchesca”. It fully embraces the pain that love can bring you. It has the theme that when you do finally get to be together it doesn't always work perfectly or well. The most painful part of it is he says that through all the pain he’d continue it all he wants to still be together. In the lyric “I would still be surprised I could find you, darlin', in any life If I could hold you for a minute”. this song all has the pain that is so natural and true. It gives the full feeling of just how insane it is that you are able to find someone you click with.
Hozier sees the world the way it is, and yet makes it so beautiful. His world is hard, and harsh yet it still has an air of romanticism to it all. He uses metaphor to brake the walls simple words are confined to. He gives a warmth and normality to love often not voiced in words.
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