#ty so much everyone for reading along
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Day 7: Daddy Steve
wc: 2.5k | rated: E | tags: Sub Eddie Munson, established relationship (they're in love), soft dom Steve Harrington, anal sex, crying, pet names, Eddie Munson needs a hug
written for @subeddieweek <3
Some days are just too much. Everything crawling up too high and burying Eddie where he stands. Days where he just can't handle it anymore. Needs a break. Some care. A little softness.
It's been one of those days.
The car Eddie’s working on just doesn’t want to run right and he heard a customer whispering to his boss, Jimmy, about his scars. Assuming it made Eddie someone untrustworthy; ‘you really want him in your shop Jim?’.
Jimmy set them straight but it really set Eddie’s teeth on edge. They’re not in Hawkins anymore, but sometimes, it feels like he never got away. Still a suspect. Still a freak.
Eddie slips into their apartment, shoving off his shoes and jacket. It's not so cold out anymore but he’s still got a henley on under his overalls, he pulls those half off and ties them at his waist. He keeps the henley firmly in place though. Pulling the sleeves further down over his hands.
The scars over his forearms aren’t even that noticeable, some of his faintest. But that guy, at the shop, he noticed. He noticed and it made Eddie’s skin crawl.
Steve is at the stove in their tiny kitchen, stirring something and humming to a song on the radio.
Eddie stalks over, opening the fridge and pulling out a beer. ‘Good day?’ Steve asks from his spot, eyes already trained on Eddie, on the knit of his shoulders.
Eddie grunts, taking a pull from the can. Not looking directly at Steve, at his soft eyes.
Eddie doesn’t deserver them.
‘Okay then, bad day.’ Steve jokes but it rips something up in Eddie. Pulls at his sinew, makes his scars itch. Everyone seems to know everything about him already, knows all his secrets, who he is. And maybe they do, his past is already laid out all over his skin anyway.
‘Need to talk about it?’ Steve asks, but it sounds so patronising, so, so.
‘God, just shut up Steve!’ Eddie scoffs, slamming his can down on the counter and turning away, arms crossed.
He regrets it the moment it comes out of his mouth.
Steve takes Eddie's outburst in stride, slowly taking him in his arms, wrapping around his back and hooking his chin over his shoulder. ‘Steve? Not heard that one in a long time.’ A soft kiss to Eddie's temple. ‘What happened to Stevie?’ Steve rubs his cheek up against Eddies. ‘Or sweetheart?’ Buries his face in Eddie's neck. ‘Or doll, hm?’
Eddie turns so they’re facing. Letting the weight of the day, the guilt over his outburst show on his face, in the slouch of his shoulders.
‘That bad huh?’ Steve asks, running his eyes over Eddie's expression.
Eddie sniffs. ‘M’sorry. Don’t, please don’t shut up.’ He pleads, wishing he could rewind time 30 minutes, rewind to this morning. Do it all over.
Steve cups Eddie’s face in his hands, holding him up and looking right into him. ‘What do you need?’ Steve asks, forcing eye contact.
Eddie blinks, breaths in through his nose but his exhale gets choked on a sob. Fuck, it’s been such a bad fucking day. ‘I need to not fucking think for a while, don’t, don’t wanna exist anymore Stevie. Just wanna be here, be yours.’ He pleads, eyes on Steve’s soft brown ones. He feels tears sliding down his cheeks and snot filing his nose.
Steve hushes him, pulling Eddie into his neck and Eddie sobs. He cries ugly and loud and stains Steves shirt with his tears.But he can’t stop, felt too much today. Too bad.
He can’t do it tonight, exist. Wants to hide, needs it.
Stroking his hand over Eddie’s hair Steve hold him close, swaying them gently on the kitchen tiles and Steve statrs to hum again. Eddie thinks it’s Fleetwood Mac but he can’t really hear over the sound of his own ragged breathing. He just knows Steve is there, that Steve’s got him.
Eddie cries until he can’t anymore.
Once his breathings back to normal Steve pulls his head back out. Lifting his own shirt up to wipe Eddie’s face clean. Eddie grimaces because, gross. But Steve just has this little smile on his face, private and grounding and Eddie goes still. Lets Steve do as he pleases and just focuses on breathing.
Steve kisses his forehead once he’s done. ‘Go shower for me now Ed’s, yeah? It'll help you relax. I’ll make you some food.’ Eddie stiffens slightly at having to leave Steve’s arms. But, a shower does sound nice. Chance to scrub the grease and sweat from his hair and skin.
Eddie nods and Steve kisses his cheek, murmurs ‘good’. Eddie bites his lips as he shuffles away.
Eddie opens the shower curtain to see a small pile of clothes sitting in the toilet seat. A pair of loose shorts and one of Steve’s old crewnecks. Both Eddie’s favourites, they’re worn with age so they’re soft and usually reside in Steve’s side of the draws, making them smell a little more like him.
Eddie feels his shoulders dip further, tension spilling away. Takes Steve’s quiet instruction, his love filled action, puts on the clothes and breathes deep.
He smells Steve’s cooking, hears him singing softly through the walls, definitely Fleetwood Mac.
After they eat, Steve insists on doing the dishes while Eddie drinks tea - watching Steve, waiting for him to be done - before they move to the couch.
With the TV on low and main light off, Eddie finally feels his shoulders relax fully. Able to finally focus on just this.
Now, here, with Steve.
Eddie straddles Steve's thighs, making himself as small as possible in his lap, hooking his feet behind Steve's calves. Tangling them till they’re one, connected.
Eddies closes his eyes to focus on the feeling of Steve below him, the softness of his sweats against the backs of his legs, the rise and fall of his ribs. Pushing his forehead into Steve sternum Eddie shifts his fingers up under the hem of his t-shirt. Taking a deep breath as his fingers roam over Steve's soft healed sides, over his stomach and up to his pecs. Eddie cups them and squeezes, trying to fill all his senses with nothing but Steve.
Steve's voice is honey warm as he speaks quietly into Eddie's hair. ‘You want Mommy tonight baby?’ And Eddie gasps, looks up at him with watery eyes, feeling caught.
Until Steve is trailing soft fingertips over his face and jaw, over his fluttering eyelids and ears, over the scar that makes the side of his mouth droop.
So faintly, Eddie worries Steve will miss it, he shake his head and keeps his eyes closed. Swallows around the lump in his throat. ‘Tell me what you need baby.’ Steve hums, still close, still touching.
‘Daddy.’ He whispers, softly, into Steve's fingers at his lips, breathing it into his bones. A secret confession, a little bit of his insides spilt outwards.
Steve ‘hmm’s’ in quiet understanding, kissing the corner of Eddie's scarred mouth, the tip of his nose, the furrow between his brows. ‘I’ve got you. Gonna take care of you, yeah?’
‘Need it. I’m sorry, just, I. I need it.’ Eddie's voice wavers, his eyes screw up tight. The relentlessness of the day, the week, claw at him again, fill up his lungs, fit to drown him.
‘Hey, hey it’s okay. Whatever you want. You’re doing perfect. Answered my question so perfect Ed’s, okay?’ Steve smooths his hands over Eddie’s back, repetitive and grounding. ‘It’s just us, remember? Just us here. I’ve got you.’
Eddie nods dumbly, feels tears prickle his eyes. He takes a shuddery breath and tries to focus on letting the day drift away from him again. The soft blanket of ‘Steve’ and ‘home’ and ‘safe’ taking its place.
They stay like that, Eddie clinging and Steve holding him through it. Letting him relax enough to fall, to dip. Softly Steve trails fingers through Eddie's scalp, scratching lightly, tucking his hair behind his ears. Starts tapping Eddie's lip with his thumb, toying with it, playing with the seam of them. Waiting. He’s always so patient with Eddie, when Eddie gets like this.
Fisting the neckline of Steve’s sweatshirt Eddie inches impossible closer, sandwiching his forearms between their two chests. Nuzzling at Steve’s nose with his own. ‘Say it again’ Steve whispers into his mouth. In that way that's a little demanding but still playful, cocky, unbelievably Steve.
Eddie leans away just slightly to see Steve’s eyes, hooded, with pupils blown impossibly wide. Eddie's insides churn.
Steve buries his hands in Eddie’s hair and brings their mouths together. Crashing into a kiss that's teeth and spit and soft need. Eddie keens at the sensation, how all consuming it is, when Steve kisses him.
They kiss until there’s no breath left in Eddies lungs, until the spit on his chin threatens to slide down his neck, until he feels the tip of his cock sticking to the fabric of his shorts.
Steve pulls him away gently by the hair, just enough for them to suck in greedy lungfuls, sharing the air between them. Eddie breaks. ‘You, you say it again.’ He demands, desperate.
‘Say what, hm? Tell me what you want Eddie.’ Steve moves strands of hair away from Eddies face, bit by tiny bit, preening him, taking his time.
‘Want you to say it again, call me it again.’ Eddie pants, unable to catch his breath. he needs it.
Leaning in close Steve tucks some of Eddies hair back behind his ear, sweeps it over his shoulder. Ghosting his lips over the shell of his ear Eddie feels the smile pulling at Steves lips. Goosebumps break out over his thighs.
Eddie full body shivers. Feels his vision tunnel with the sweet floaty feeling that comes when he’s held like this, talked to like this. Allowed to be, like this, with Steve.
Whining Eddie shoves lightly at Steve's chest to get their faces back together. Kissing and kissing and kissing, Eddie whines into Steve's mouth as he sucks on Eddie's tongue, swallowing each other's moans and Eddie can’t help canting his hips forwards, grinding in tight little circles on Steve's lap.
‘Does baby want anything special?’ Steve asks, tongue still dipping in and out of Eddie’s mouth.
Eddie shakes his head, still close, needs to be close. ‘Just want you. Want Daddy.’ he sounds desperate, feels desperate.
Steve kisses him again, slowing them. Pecks Eddies cheeks, his nose.
And it’s done sweetly. Steve always so sweet, and soft, with Eddie. Only getting mean if he asks for it, only going harder if Eddie begs.
‘Bedroom.’ Steve says into Eddies cheek. Stealing another kiss but stopping the movement of Eddies hips with firm hands at his waist.
‘Fuck, you look so pretty on my cock baby.’ Steve pants. ‘So beautiful Eddie, always.’
Eddie whines and squirms, arms above his head, turning his face to rub his cheek against the pillow. He bites the inside of his arm as Steve thrusts especially deep, groaning above him.
‘Say it.’ Steve says. ‘Say it for me baby.’
‘Ah fuck, fuck. Love your cock Daddy, love having your cock inside me.’ Eddie says, the filthy plea zinging up his spine and making his cock twitch.
Steve strokes him, lightly, way too lightly. Thumbing his wet tip. Collecting Eddie’s pre and presents his wet thumb for him. Eddie opens his mouth greedily, sucking the digit clean.
‘Say the rest of it baby.’ Steve insists. ‘Daddy needs to hear you say it.’
Eddie furrows his brows, confused, mind too fuzzy. Then a deep blush spreads across his face, down his neck.
‘Daddy.’ Eddie pleads. He doesn’t. He can’t.
Steve slows his thrusts and Eddie thrashes, still feeling the drag so deep as Steve bottoms out each time, but he’s grinding so slow it sets Eddies skin on fire.
Eddie crosses his arms over his eyes, pouting. ‘I’m ah I’m- I’m beautiful Daddy.’ His chest rising and falling, breathing shakily through his nose.
‘That’s is. So good.’ Steve placates. Leaning over Eddie to talk in his ear, pushing him deeper into the mattress. ‘Again.’
‘I’m, I’m beautiful.’ Eddie feels tears threaten to spill over his lash line. Feels his heart beat in his ears. Feels Steve’s stubble against his cheek.
Steve kisses over Eddie’s jaw and neck. Over his scarred skin. Following the lines of his healed sutures, raised and jagged. Steve mouths over them, following the trail back up to Eddies mouth. ‘So so beautiful baby. Such a good boy for Daddy.’
Eddie can’t contains the sob that escapes him. ‘Daddy please.’ He whimpers,
He doesn’t want to talk anymore.
Steve wraps his arm around Eddie’s knee, pushing it into his chest. ‘I know, I know baby. Gonna give you what you need yeah? You’ve been so good, so perfect.’
With a final kiss to Eddie’s mouth Steve hauls himself back up and resumes the previous pace. Thrusting deep and quick and Eddie moans, feeling split open and raw. Feels his cheeks wet with tears and he knows he’s being loud but his mind is so so quiet. Nothing but the feeling of Steve and the blanket of getting taken care of.
‘My pretty boy. My baby. You’re everything Eddie, my everything. I love you so much, love you more than anything.’ Steve pants out and Eddie cries. Tears falling into his hairline, cheeks warm and he’s probably splotchy all the way down his chest but Steve pushes into him deeper, speeding up and grazing that spot within him.
Eddie feels his orgasm build inside him. A string of wet ‘ah ah ah’s’ leaving his lips, in time with Steve’s quick thrusts.
Steve changed angle, leaning over Eddie again, holding himself up on his palms. Able to get impossibly deeper, Eddie feeling him up his spine, in his mouth, all over.
‘Together baby, together.’ Steve pants, wrapping one giant hand around Eddie, fisting in time with his thrusts. Which are getting sloppier, but still so deep.
Eddie arches of the bed, hands grasping for purchase on Steve’s broad shoulders, his neck. Their chests pressing together as Steve bottoms out again. Tugging on Eddie just right, filling him up with a deep moan. ‘Daddy.’ Eddie wails, cumming all over their stomachs and chests, some hitting his chin as he gulps for breath. Fingers still digging into Steve’s skin, keeping him close.
Steve grinds his softening cock into Eddie, sinking down on top of him, a deep body pressure. Eddie drifts.
Steve is laying on his side mouthing at Eddie’s neck, leaving soft kisses over his skin and scars, up over his cheeks. Eddie groans, turning and wrapping his arms around Steve. Crowding in closer so their bodies are back flush.
Steve hums, petting Eddie’s hair and kissing the crown of his head. ‘Back with me again sleepy head?’ He asks.
Eddie grunts, nibbling at Steves collarbone, mouthing and smoothing his lips over Steves soft skin. Eddie still feeling fragile, a little quiet, and needy.
But so, so much better than before.
‘Thank you.’ He mumbles, voice wobbling, but he’s too tired to cry any more today.
‘Baby.’ Steve coos, kissing Eddie’s head again. ‘No need for that, want to help. Love you so much Ed’s, always.’
Eddie sniffs again, hiding in the darkness of Steve’s chest, hiding away in his heart, in his bones. Still awed by the beauty and kindness of his soul.
He knows Steve’s got him, will let him rest there, basking and healing. Until he’s ready to face it all again.
Tag List: @pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @scoops-aboy86 @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor @marvel-ous-m
#it’s done!!!#ty so much everyone for reading along#a sweet soft one to end us :)#mwah!#hotlunch#steddie#steve x eddie#steddie fic#my fic#sub eddie week#subeddieweek#<3
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Sleepy Crow

Word Count: 1.8k words
Tags: sylus x fem!reader, somno, noncon, mentions of breeding, pet names such as kitten, sweetie, darling, reader is somewhat drugged but its her sleep meds!
AN: Hi all! This isn't my first time writing fanfics but I noticed a lack of Sylus fics with a darker undertone ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ". PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the tags and if this isn't something that interests you or is potentially triggering, please do not interact! I get this isn't everyone's cup of tea but this is a fic for people who like darker romance stuff!! Please enjoy, and I AM taking requests as I really want to get back into writing again. Do not hold back, this is a safe place! Ty!! <333
Sylus trudged through the pouring rain, his jacket soaked through and his hair matted against his forehead. The drops were heavy and unrelenting, pelting against the pavement and creating small rivers that flowed along the gutters. The barely lit streetlights of the N109 zone cast an eerie glow on the slick surfaces, reflecting off the wet asphalt like a distorted mirror.
As the man approached his mansion, he couldn't help but feel relieved. The warm glow of the lights shining through the windows beckoned him home. He fumbled with the keypad to the door, his fingers slightly numb from the cold, before finally hearing the click that beckoned his entrance.
The sound of raindrops hitting the roof and windows followed him, a steady drumming that seemed to fill every corner of the place. He took off his sodden jacket and hung it up, feeling the weight of it pulling him down. He walked through the dimly lit hallway, his footsteps echoing softly on the marble floors, trying his hardest to be quiet. Mephisto was perched on his cage (not that he was ever really in it, it was more for decor) tilting his head when he saw Sylus brush past him but not making any sound himself.
He made his way to the bedroom chambers, deciding to make sure you were where you belonged. Peeking his head in the bedroom doorway, he saw your sleeping figure, chest rising ever so slightly with each breath. He smirked, closing the door behind him as he entered. He was happy you finally seemed to be getting some rest.
Your insomnia had been getting worse, and he'd been getting worried when he saw you were often messaging him at 4 am, sometimes as late as 8 am with no sleep. Of course he’d offer to have you over, to hold you and whisper sweet things in your ear until you succumbed to sleep, but he couldn’t always. Sometimes business was needed to be handled, and for those nights he had gotten you the best sleep medication that money could buy. You had been weary about taking them at first, but he had assured you that the side effects were basically none. He had made sure of it.
Sylus made his way to the bathroom, proceeding to rid himself of the damp clothes clinging to his skin. A quick shower and then he could finally curl up next to his little crow. Not that he would be sleeping yet, but it was nice to watch you dream. Sometimes you’d whine or make little noises, which he found absolutely adorable. He wondered what you dreamt about sometimes, but you had refused to answer much to his annoyance.
The hot water felt amazing after being gone practically all night. He washed all the blood and dirt from his skin, examining all of his various injuries. He had a run in with a few “pests” that he quickly exterminated, but they had managed to get a few nicks on him. He touched his arm where the biggest cut was, his Evol immediately snaking around it and healing it faster than he could blink. He did the same for the others, feeling brand new once more.
Some time passed before he finally turned the water off, dried himself, and slipped into a pair of boxers. He slowly made his way into the bedroom, hoping that he wasn't being too loud but you were out like a light. Sleeping like a rock.
Sylus slipped in bed next to you, sighing with pleasure as the soft mattress sunk beneath his weight. It felt heavenly. He turned to put his arm around you, trying to get as comfortable as possible so he could hold you. He softly kissed the corner of your ear, his head starting to swim with thoughts. Surprisingly, he felt comfortable enough to possibly fall asleep with you.
But he couldn't.
He had been laying in bed for thirty minutes just thinking. He thought about all the business arrangements he needed to finish. Tonight had been…messy. No doubt he had made some new enemies. How impatient he was getting about the new weaponry he had bought from Spain. They should be arriving soon, but it had been taking forever.
How he wanted to feel your tight cunt pulsing around his fingers.
Sylus stiffened, attempting to rid his head of these thoughts about you. His efforts were in vain though, as he was already rocking a semi hard on that was steadily growing into a full erection.
Obviously there was nothing he could do about it. You were sleeping after all. And not only that, it's not like he could wake you to do anything anyways. He hates quickies, they bored him. He likes to take his time. To take in your reactions, your faces, and your noises. Besides that, you were taking a pretty high dose of your sleeping meds and he kinda doubted he could wake you even if he really tried.
This thought stirred in his head for a bit.
Yeah...you wouldn't wake even if he tried. He sighed with a twinge of pleasure as he pressed his erection against the soft cotton of your underwear. The pressure felt immaculate, and if he hadn't been gone all night he probably could've finished just by pressing himself against you. You were the only girl ever that could make him finish that quickly.
But it wasn't enough. He needed more. It had been a bit since he touched you like this.
You moved a bit in your sleep, letting out a small whine. He leaned over you to get a better look at your face. Still sleeping, mouth open slightly ajar. You were so fucking pretty when you slept.
“Such a sleepy kitten” he growled lowly, snaking his fingers underneath the hem of your underwear. He didn’t know why, but the mere sight of your sleeping face was getting him worked up. You looked so docile, so vulnerable. He wanted you. Sylus began to tug them down slowly.
This was very wrong. He knew this and yet he couldn't stop. He kept going, making empty promises to himself that he would only take a peek. He just wanted to see you. All of you.
Sylus froze has he finally pulled your underwear down to your legs, practically breathless at the site of your cunt at his fingertips.
"Fuck..." he groaned, unable to stop himself from pressing a finger between your folds. He watched you carefully for any signs of discomfort or movement, but you were still fast asleep as he pushed his finger in. You were warm, inviting even. It's like your pussy was sucking his finger in, deeper and deeper. He slid a second finger in, picking up the pace. Soon enough, your cunt was slightly wet, spots of your slick forming on the backs of your legs near your pussy. Pulling out, he practically shivered with excitement.
Sylus was quick to put his fingers in his mouth, savoring every drop of you. You tasted so sweet to him, the best flavor he ever had the honor to try. He wanted nothing more than to dive head first into the source and lap it up. But his erection was so starting to bother him. It was rock hard, and throbbing ever so slightly, begging to be freed.
He had to have you. And he had to have you now.
He pulled his erection through the hole in his boxers, beginning to stroke himself with an intense grip. Groaning as quietly as he could, he stared at your wet and welcoming cunt. He swore it was just begging to be filled by every inch of his cock. Still wanting him, even when you were asleep.
"You’re so pretty sweetie" he whispered in your ear, closing his eyes as electrifying pulses of pleasure crashed through him. Sylus told himself he should stop now, but it was past that point. He knew himself better than that. His mind was already made up, no matter how much he was trying to talk himself out of it.
Turning you a bit more on your side, he readied the fat head of his tip to your entrance. You stirred once again, mumbling incoherent nothings before becoming silent again. Sylus chuckled softly, pressing his lips to the tip of your ear as he stroked himself a few more times.
As he sinks his tip into your tight entrance, his precum smears all over your hole. He shudders with intensity, trying his best to hold back a groan, worried that making too much noise next to your ear would wake you. He pushes further and further until he can't possibly sink himself into you anymore. You squirm, letting out another whine, this one a bit louder than the last.
"Im sorry kitten…" Sylus coos, laying his head behind yours as he fucks you with a slow, rhythmic pace. "Just need to cum in what’s mine. Be a good girl and stay asleep for me”.
He rests one of his hands on your hip, trying to keep from shaking you too much as he continually plunges himself inside you. You were warm, your gummy walls constantly tightening around him. He moans your name over and over like a prayer, feeling lost in your walls. The soft clap of his skin meeting your ass echoes a bit in the room.
"You're fucking made for me. Look at you sweetie, tightening around me, trying to squeeze me dry even when you're sleeping" he whispers, feeling himself getting closer and closer to bliss.
His thrusts became sloppy and he had to slow himself, trying to savor every moment he had inside of what essentially felt like heaven. He had been wanting to fill you for days. Images of his seed erupting onto the walls of your fertile pussy, eventually giving you a nice, round tummy that would grow his baby filled his head and he couldn't stop himself from finishing anymore.
As his hot ropes of sticky cum shoot against the walls of your womb, he accidently grips your hip a bit tighter than he meant to. You yelp, and he quickly rubbed his hand over the spot he'd hurt you, ensuring you remained asleep. He checks the spot and sees some slight bruising already starting to form and curses himself silently for losing control and hurting you. His Evol was quick to move over the injury where his hand lay, instantly restoring your skin back to a healed state. Sylus was amazed he could even do that. His Evol had only ever healed him. It wasn’t until you came along that it had ever revealed that kind of power and it didn’t work for anyone else either.
"Shh shh, its ok. Just be still, I'm almost done filling you up darling…”
Once his orgasmic high subsided, he took a moment to catch his breath before watching as his cum pooled out of you. He took his finger and scooped as much of it as he could gather before gently pushing it back within your folds. Feeling satisfied with his work, he pulled your panties up before finally pulling the cover back over you.
"There you go. Gotta keep my seed where it belongs so you can make us a baby. Right kitten?" he chuckled, finally feeling tired enough to cuddle you and fall asleep.
#umi writes ♡︎#love and deepspace#love and deepspace smut#sylus x reader#sylus#lads sylus#lads#lads smut#lads fic#sylus x reader smut#love and deep space x reader#l&ds smut#lads scenarios#love and deep space scenarios#sylus x reader fic
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So far this file is called 'birdritch'. Those of you who follow my art tumblr might know where this is going. I needed something light to write, been a low day. There has been zero editing or reading through and it is past 2am, sorry and enjoy! (Don't need any typos pointed out, ty.)
“You are supposed to be home.”
Danny blinked up from his work to find Lucius Fox standing in the doorway of the lab. The man had the sport of expression one wore around a child who had just done something disappointing.
(Danny was used to the look, even if it had been a long time since he'd been a kid. Or seen his parents, for that mater.)
“Okay, but,” Danny started, “we agreed that I could start at ten and take my eight hours and one for lunch—”
“A mandatory one hour for lunch away from your desk,” Lucius interrupted.
“Yes, yes, I’ve been doing that! I’ve been eating out on the rooftop garden or even leaving the building and eating out or taking lunch to the park. I’ve been behaving, Lucius, I promise.”
Lucius raised a judgmental brow. “It’s after eight, Danny.”
“What? No. I have an alarm on my phone and everything… okay, well, that only works if my phone is charged.” Danny jabbed uselessly at his phone screen. He followed the charger, which was plugged in, all the way to the wall. He resisted the urge to let his head fall against the wall. “I guess Leslie fried the outlet again or something. I’m sorry, Lucius.”
“It’s fine, Danny,” Lucius said, “but only because, one, I know you have been trying, and two, I am going to buy you the most embarrassing alarm clock I can find and mount it to something in this lab. Now it is late and I am going home and so are you, Mr. Fenton.”
“Yes sir, Mr. Fox,” Danny said and made an exaggerate show of packing up his backpack, dead phone and all.
Lucius gave a little snort at the antics, but left with a ‘get home safe, Danny’. After his boss was gone, Danny took the time to actually make sure everything was in his bag and secure. He still didn’t get why he couldn’t just work late, but apparently WE had something of an insistence of work life balance. According to Lucius, Danny crossed the line too often and so was being kept in line. (Danny didn’t think mention he didn’t have much of a life, literally and otherwise, would help his case.)
Still, Danny mused as he stepped inside the empty elevator, the rules did keep him from becoming his parents. And that was a very, very good thing! Being a mad scientist in Gotham usually ended up landing someone in Arkham. It was just that after the chaos that Danny grew up with, going back to his empty apartment was depressing. It wasn’t as if Danny never got out and did things, it was just that all those things were mostly on the weekend. Most days he just didn’t have a reason to go back to his place.
There was no getting out of it tonight, the great and powerful Fox had spoken and Danny knew better than to try and sneak back up. He lifted his hands over his head, stretching as the elevator descended the last few floors. Oh well, at least it was before ten. He could still grab something on the way home and have a full, warm meal to take his pain meds on. By the pull along his forearm he would need them.
“Night, Bill,” Danny said as he passed the security guard who was on the evening shift. He got another ‘get home safe’ in response and gave a little wave in reply over his shoulder.
Even after the few years in Gotham, it still amused Danny how much everyone wished everyone else some sort of safe travels here. As much as Gotham was a city of hardened realists, there still was so much hope about it. Hope people got home safely, that the Bats would get where they were need in time, that the city would rebuild again and again and again. The undercurrent of hope was so strong that Danny could practically feel it moving through the city like a river.
It had been one of the reasons Danny had taken the job.
He could use hope.
He also had been very careful not to look too closely into it all. While Danny’s early life may have been dominated by the occult, he tried to stay away from it these days outside of the necessary visits to the Realm for his health. As much as the Far Frozen was full of ghost yetis, Frostbite was still a being of science and being there felt more like a cold vacation to his weird relatives than anything else those days.
Danny was actually worried that he was getting close to needing another visit. He shouldn’t, not yet. He wasn’t actually due back for another three months, but the thought of visiting Frostbite had been pulling at the back of Danny’s mind. The most annoying part of it all, is that there wasn’t any concrete reason that Danny felt he needed to go, just a lot of little things: the ache was deeper in his bones, he’d been missing noticing little things, his near constant vertigo was worse, and, oddest of all, he had been feeling chilled.
Maybe he should just take a long weekend and go for a quick visit.
Lucius would undoubtedly approve of the break.
Tomorrow, Danny would ask tomorrow.
(As long as he remembered.)
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do you have anything more from office frenemies with james? i just read it and i loved it so much
yes! love u ty
—you and James don’t get along until you kind of, sort of do. fem!reader, 1.5k
James listens to the most obnoxious playlist in the mornings. There’s about a fifteen minute window between when he arrives and when the workday officially starts, which coincides exactly with your window. He often gets the same elevator ride, walks a pace beside you, and decides whether he’s going to let the ‘lady’ go first through the door depending on the day.
That morning, he’d opened the door widely, grinned at you with music blaring loud enough to make a normal person deaf from his earphones, and let you pass. Then he pretended to stick his foot out to trip you up, pulling it back at the last second.
Jerk, you think, angry even now as he tucks himself into his desk, his earphones still ridiculously loud. He actually, genuinely, is going to get hearing damage. You’re not being bitter. Human ears aren’t meant for that.
You click onto the workplace Outlook and open a tab on your desktop. How loudly can you listen to music? you google. A few articles appear straight away that fit your purpose —you drag them each into an empty email. Then, smiling to yourself, you find an article on the negative effects of workplace noise pollution and how this sort of selfishness can affect your coworkers’ mental health and add that at the very top.
Hi James,
please find attached a few articles I felt might be important for you to read.
Your unhappy adjacent desk.
You know he’s received it when he laughs loudly, turning down his music with a few quick clicks on his phone.
An email comes through to your inbox shortly after.
Hi bestie,
I’m so so sorry for the noise. Please find attached a few articles I, in turn, felt you might enjoy.
James Potter :)
He’s attached an irksome variation of articles. Why music can help you get ready for the day. Ten ways workplace friendships are important. Can you really find your soulmate at work?
You open your personal messaging system. You tend not to use it with James, but this morning he’s winding you up.
I could report you to HR for that last one, you send.
He replies quickly. You try very hard not to look up at him from over your desktop. I didn’t mean me.
You’ll be deaf by thirty.
Jealous you don’t have such great taste in music?
Jealous of everyone in the annex.
Want a cup of coffee?
You meet his gaze finally over the computer, find him already looking at you. You shake your head scornfully. In what world would you ever want him to make you a coffee? He’s never actually offered to make you one before, to be fair, but he’s awful to you so what are you supposed to think? He’ll probably poison it.
He stands to leave. Remus, the other accountant to complete your trio, arrives while he’s gone with his boyfriend Sirius in tow. They’re also James’ best friends, unfortunately. It makes for some awkwardness.
“Where is he?” Remus asks you, in the midst of a quick goodbye kiss before Sirius makes his way to his desk further down the office.
You nibble your lip and give a dispassionate shrug. You hate talking about James. You hate his stupid mess of hair, his reading glasses, his lips when he smiles crookedly and worse when he’s glaring at you. You hate the way he sighs as he clicks his neck, the quick lap he does every other hour complaining of tired legs, the genuine tenderness he shows you whenever you’re sick. You hate James. You don't like to think about him too much lest you get caught, a fish in a net.
Or a fish with a painful hook in its lip.
“Ah, you’re here,” James says, two cups of coffee in his hand.
You’re only a little heartbroken when he puts one on his desk and one on Remus’. Didn’t want one anyways.
Remus grins as James comes up behind him for a rough hug and hair ruffle. “How was last night?”
“I wish you’d come. Sirius spent all night trying to out drink Marl, you know he can’t, so I spent all night holding his hair out of his face. I wasn’t gonna talk to him this morning, but he was being very pathetic.”
James laughs. You pretend you aren’t listening to them, pretend you don’t feel left out even if they have no reason to be your friend, clicking at random things on your screen and scrolling through spreadsheets long finished and filed. “You know I couldn’t come, Moony,” —no point starting on their awful nicknames— “what if she needed me?”
You still. She?
“James, there’s not much you can do,” Remus says gently. He’s a quiet, soft sort of man, but they’re all so loud about loving one another. “You have to let her… you know.”
You feel them both looking at you, your gaze steadfast on your screen.
“Try not to think about it,” Remus says.
“I’ve been distracting myself,” James agrees.
Oh, you think. Oh. I’m such a dick.
“You could go home?” Remus says, putting his face in his hand. “I could cover you.”
“It’s too much work.”
“I know, but, you know, I’ll do half, and you’ll only have half to catch up on when you come back.”
You’re not sure who she is, and you very much still don’t like James Potter, but you're not heartless. He sounds awfully upset, fragility to his voice and a foreign balling of his fist by his hip. “Um,” you say, clearing your throat weakly, “well, with me and Remus, we could cover for you.”
James’ face is unreadable, looking down at you. “You’d cover for me?” he asks.
“Your work isn’t exactly hard, James.”
“But you’d do it?”
“How long will you be off for?”
James frowns. “Like, two days?” he says quietly.
“That’s fine. We can do that,” you say, checking with Remus from around James hip. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” Remus says quickly.
James looks at you long and hard. “You’re not kidding?”
“No, James. Not kidding. You’d do the same for me, right?”
James leans down to hug you before you can stop him. His arms wrap around your shoulders, a perfectly amicable touch made up of sleeper muscle and the attractive smell of almond oil, nearly sweet, slightly woody. He laughs against your cheek as he pulls away, turning back to Remus for a similar hug. “Thank you. I’ll go tell Danny right now.” He beams at you. His relief is thick as honey, palpable in his warm tone. “Thank you.”
You can’t look at him very long.
The memory of his fingers linger, the weight of his arm behind your head. He excuses himself to go talk to your boss, and you and Remus sit in a semi-awkward silence, of which you’re wholly responsible.
“His cat is dying,” Remus says eventually.
You wince. “Oh, no, really?” you ask.
“He’s had her since we were kids. It’s really nice of you to do this.”
“I really do think he’d do it for me,” you interrupt. “I’m not, you know, cruel, because we don’t get on.”
“I know. James knows that too.”
You want to get defensive. Why does it matter if James knows? But Remus is too nice to argue with, and secretly, strangely, you’d wanted James to know you aren’t mean. You wouldn’t have sent him that email this morning if you’d known, and maybe this is apology enough for that.
Still, it doesn’t feel right when James returns, gathering his suit jacket from the back of his chair. “Thank you guys, so much. I will bring you the most amazing desserts of all time as a thank you. I won’t even put your mug on the top shelf the next time I wash it,” James promises you.
You bat aside the rage of knowing he’s the culprit and instead get out of your seat before he can leave. “Uh, James?” you ask.
He raises his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
You look at the floor by his shoes. “About earlier…”
James stands subtly between you and the bulk of the office. “You okay?”
“I just– I’m sorry for complaining about your earphones. I wasn’t trying to be insensitive.”
“You weren’t insensitive,” he says, “I was being obnoxious. Don’t worry about it, okay?”
“I–” You hate yourself for all your stammering. “Hope whatever is wrong, that you’re okay. I’ll cover for you for the week if you need me to.”
“Please stop feeling sorry for me. It looks weird on you. I much prefer you when you’re frowning, you get these super deep wrinkles in your forehead that I just love.”
You turn away without looking up. “I’m gonna input all your sales information wrong.”
“And I’m gonna bring you the best donut you’ve ever tasted to say thanks, sweetheart.”
#james potter#james potter x reader#james potter x fem!reader#james potter x y/n#james potter x you#james potter fic#james potter fluff#james potter blurb#james potter drabble#james potter imagine#james potter fanfic#james potter fanfiction#james potter scenario#james potter oneshot#the marauders#marauders era#marauders
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Message from the Universe to you
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
About me | Masterpost Book a reading with me - KO-FI (→ personal reading)

Fortune comes and goes, fickle like the wind. But it sure favours the bold. Whatever predicament you're in right now, it will come to pass. But also take notes, whatever blessing or good luck you think you're having, there will come a day it will also pass. It's the art of going with the flow of life, never expecting anything to bend to your will or to last forever. Such is life's ephemeral beauty. You lose some and then you win some.
There's a knot inside your mind, tying everything closely together. In fact, too close, to the point of rigidity and confinement. The fear of not living up to some lofty standards you have heaped upon yourself is excruciating, it cripples your ability to look forward and to step out of the shadow. You feel like you have to perform, to meet a certain criteria, to please, who do you seek to please? Is it yourself, is it a distant ghost of the past, or is it the nagging of the future? What will happen when there is displeasure? Will you be punished, or will you be free? You see yourself through the eyes of other people, yet forget the very eyes that are yours. You wear the clothes that people compliment on but forget the naked body inside feeling those clothes. If you untie the knot inside, take off the clothes (armour) and look at the mirror, see if there are tears reflecting back at you, or are they smiles? Whatever they are, they are real, they are you.
When you're free, you will realise how much you can do yet how little you have to do anything. The unexpected might happen, but you are not afraid of it, you let it wash over you, or maybe push you a little. Then you will find yourself stronger, brighter. And along the way, you will find companions, whose perception of you won't be the target of your worries, you just feel confident in knowing that you view the world with similar eyes.

So many things to do, so little time, so little energy. Your energy is so straightforward and blazing that sometimes it can be cutting or becomes a burden for you. Like carrying a lightning rod. But this energy is being stored in such a small room, it's frustrated and wants to break out. Do you find yourself lying awake, sleepless, mind buzzing with constant noise? Or do you find your stomach and your chest heating up, like a fire burning inside? A simple word or a simple shake of the head is enough to push this fire back inside, under lock and key. You could feel like bursting out at the smallest remark, taking everyone aback , yet you would show the most placid expression when someone is being emotionally open to you. This energy bursts out when you don't want it to, it stays silent when you struggle to call for it. Your energy, your enthusiasm needs grounding, it needs to be directed with a clear purpose. Only so can it become productive.
Remove superfluous things, thoughts, and objects. Don't burden yourself anymore than you already are doing. Don't take on so many projects, interests, and even people. Your inner load is already heavy as it is, don't pile more on it. Sometimes, things needn't be heavy and serious, they can be fun and lighthearted. Some connections shouldn't be labelled with heavy implications or expectations, yet. Some worth pursuing, but with a gentle reach. Keep the jest of life, you're not meant to keep yourself in the dark, you're meant to shine brightly and radiate warmth like the Sun.

I think you need a vacation, take time to pamper yourself, take time to unwind, and release all the negativity bottling up inside you. Take your life to the centre stage, don't be distracted by the so-called responsibilities and work. How can you work if you're in shambles. The body temple of yours needs lots of care and maintenance. It won't stay the same years in and out, time will chip away its vigor, a heart in pain will lose its lustre. This group is all about taking care of your physical body and the reality around you.
Take time to be alone with yourself, maybe this is a foreign feeling, you're so used to the presence of others, their noise, their energy, that you find it hollow when you're alone. It's like you're the last one to leave the room, and suddenly you find yourself in such a huge space, all alone. What will you do in that situation? Hurriedly get out of the room to catch up with people, fearing an invisible shadow will materialise itself if you stay in the room long enough? Or do you stay, take a look around the room, notice the small details that you've never noticed, play some music, and sway back and forth to the melody of it? What action is more sensible, what is more fun, you decide.
I see a waterfall, a downpour, I see you just sit there, inside the house, looking out, or holding an umbrella, being still at try to catch a look at each rain drop, let time slow down for you, work diligently at staying still and relaxing, you will find how hard they are. Make them your habits. In the stillness of the body, you find movements in your mind, amidst the rain, you hear the thunder in your heart, ideas strike like lightning and you would be wise to catch them.

You have been working so hard, putting all in to get the work done, please be proud of yourself, pat yourself on the back, no one deserves it better than you do. Now it's time to reap the reward, things will fall into places, more opportunities will come. But to save your energy for those opportunities, you should take a rest first. Don't fret, don't worry, you won't miss a thing if you stop and rest a little, in fact, you will even go further into your path than you realise. Isn't it amazing how you can stay still and yet are advancing at the same time?
It's time to learn more about yourself, get to know yourself, your most earnest wishes, your brightest light, your biggest gifts, but of course, your biggest fears also. There are so many things to learn, you will never get enough of yourself. The image you hold of yourself is fuzzy and ever changing, ever elusive, always out of reach. You might feel lost when you're alone, but you also feel lonely when you're with other people. But that's just the effect of a fog draping over your eyes.
By seeing yourself better, you will also get better at seeing people. Exchanges with others will have deeper meaning for you. The words you say, the words you hear, they can contain love and affection, use them wisely, listen to them closely. From others do we find our love echoes back at us. You will see love in the most mundane thing, find it in the most unexpected manner. Then let it fuel your wishes.

You feel like you can do it all, at the same time, you don't feel like you're doing enough. Ideas and plans swirling in your head, burning to be put into reality. One could say you're a manifestor, or more correctly, a manufacturer, in the purest sense, of ideas, inspirations, and projects. Though some of them could be better if finished before a new one starts. Be selective in what you're investing in, your energy, your time, your effort, your attention. Don't mass produce things, make bespoke things, things tailored only to a selected few. Or else you will find yourself overburdened by the stress of unproductivity and the guilt of not finishing or not starting enough projects.
The reason behind such an intense drive for productivity, besides your inherent creative power, is an emotional baggage lies deep inside you, you think it's sleeping, but it's not. It will wait and find the most opportune moment to spring out or seep out, into every social interaction of yours. Encouragement from the crowd fuels your confidence, but it also has the potential to wreck havoc on your psyche, if absent. Why do you feel you need to do so much? For whom? For what cause?
When your affection is turned inward, it has an effect of shooting and cracking the dome of the cell holding your emotional baggage. Whether it will fly out to be free or stay inside, is dependent upon how brave you think you can be. This will literally give you a makeover, a change of identity. Remember your manufacturing power. Don't wait for the orders to come in to start the lines, prepare them beforehand, and your biggest customer, you, will be satisfied.

A short and sweet message: leave your fears at home and going enjoy life. There is something you're fighting, with or for, it seems to be both. A hollow feeling, a sense of nostalgia for bygone good things, a deep seated fear of past wounds resurfacing, making you relive the memories all over again. But with practice, you can leave those behind.
I see an arrow. There are two choices for you. One is aiming forward and let go, another is fighting back everything you encounter.
Relationships in general might be a source of headache/heartache for you. You feel everything so deeply, every interaction feels like a part of you is at stake. Your conviction can be so unmoving that every interaction feels like a battle. That you need to prove something, to protect something, to challenge something. It also makes you suspicious of people's intentions, what do their words mean? Is there a hidden meaning behind them? Are they sneering at me? You past colours your future, connections are felt through the lens of past experiences, you've become a veteran, in the war against the invasion of your inner world.
What propels you to take a step away from this habit is probably the realisation that you don't have to define yourself by your past nor your future. Let bygones be bygones, let the hereafter be uncertain. Pour yourself into the sea of shared hearts. Let yourself feel suffocated by the dense air of a crowd, your heart beating loudly while standing in front of a crowd, the agonising fear of judgement. All of these, while you feel like running away, are also those times when you're actually connected the most with life.
#pick a card#tarotblr#pick a pile#tarot#tarot community#crystal reading#tarot reading#lithomancy#astrology#astro#astro community#astroblr#divination#pick a stone#crystal#witch community#witchblr#tarot witch#occult
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This came to me in a dream but imagine.
Max Verstappen x MotoGP!male!reader. They're very similar, both started very young, they both have four championships and they're both Dutch. But Max is well, Max and reader is an absolute sweetheart and cinnamon roll.
Thank you!
just read all abt motogp and didn't realize how fucking cool it was until now so ty for that! gonna start watching it this season!

max verstappen x motogp!male!reader
synopsis: two racers, both alike in dignity, in fair motorsports, where we lay our scene- you and max are very similar in a lot of ways yet so different that you guys just make it work
author's note: motogp, i was not familiar with your game. but srsly i have to start watching bc just reading and researching on it had me so pumped up at 11:45 last night bc i forgot to rest up 😅 worth it bc AHAHAHAJDLLWWN <- that's how im feeling abt motogp. hope you like it!
you guys are so similar before you even knew each other
you both started around the same time, being the youngests to ever race in your respective sports
fans were quick to point out the parallels between the two of you
you won a good set of races (even if it's hard to do) and max was dominating the f1 world
plus you guys were both dutch
so everyone's all like "what the hell do they feed those motosports kids in the netherlands?"
you guys meet in like some random gp, maybe yours maybe his but either way a random gp
im thinking cota lowkey before daniel was booted (rip king)
so like daniel sets you guys up practically
turns out you got along amazingly, followed each other on instagram and like added each other on whatsapp and stuff
like you guys really hit off
you talk and get to know each/build a stable friendship for like a year and half before you ask him out
he says yes of course, claiming he was just about to do it and you stole his spotlight
you don't care because you are just happy to have date with someone you've come to care a lot about
you go on this date, probably to the beach because you still aren't sure what he wants to eat and when
you guys start being official shortly after
skip forward and you have won your second championship and max as one so far so you guys are out celebrating and stuff
fans spot you, ask for some pictures and notice how drastically different your personalities are
like you seem all cheery and happy all the time while max only seems to enjoy himself when he's with you or other people he likes
but they also realize how perfect you guys are and how much you counter balance each other
like one gets too overwhelmed the other is taking them home and obviously vice versa
and you guys are so so supportive
like if your bike decides not to work and you have to quit mid-race, max is there to support whether actually at the circuit or over facetime
if max has a particularly bad race, you are supporting him in anyway you can to make sure he knows how talented and amazing he is
you guys don't fight a lot, but when you do you guys are both lowkey overdramatic and realize like ten minutes later how stupid the argument was and then make up/make out over it
anytime you guys can, you support each other
like if there just happens to be the races on the same day, you make sure to tell max before and after your race how amazing and proud of him you are and max makes sure everyone knows what an amazing boyfriend you are
also championship celebrations are insane
like drunk asf, waking up sire the next day
you guys are just happy you got to celebrate them together
even if max is a little overprotective
not as much as you though, because some guy looked at max the wrong way at a bar one time and you just about punched out his lights
look, you're sweet and all but you love max and don't want people to judge that
plus you are a max defender til the day you die
you tried getting max to ride your bike that you have a home, but he almost broke his arm and you almost got berated by horner
but horner's opinion doesn't matter to you because he's horner—pretty self explanatory i think
you guys will sometimes go karting together but max always wins (you jokingly accuse him of cheating to win but he just has a cheeky smile)
its always fun because you guys really just like to battle on track
though you are less aggressive both in your motogp driving and on the kart
max, well, you guys know how max's driving is
also i feel like you would drive him around, if that makes any sense
like he screams passenger princess to me and i don't really understand it but you know what, fuck it we ball
TAGS! (if you want to be added, lmk!)
@op-81-lvr-reblogs, @koalapastries, @justaf1girl, @ghostking4m, @spoonfulofmilo, @seonghwaexile, @alex-wotton, @raizelchrysanderoctavius
#oli's 100 event#formula one x reader#formula one x male reader#f1 x reader#f1 x male reader#formula 1 x male reader#formula 1 x reader#max verstappen x male reader#max verstappen x reader
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Summary: You have been dating In-ho for quite awhile, and though things are amazing, there’s one fantasy you’ve always wanted to try. Something a bit darker than usual. One night he surprises you with your darkest desires. Tags: Edge Play, Torture, Fear play, Dom/Sub, Restraints, Consensual but pretty insane. Knife play, spanking, fingering, face fucking, orgasm denial, forced orgasms, humiliation, degradation, dirty talk, Read with Caution. Notes: This story is definitely not for everyone and may contain elements that people aren’t entirely happy with. Please read with caution. This story is for adult entertainment only.
You have been dating In-ho for quite a long time now and both of you get along amazingly. Luckily when it all started you were both into the same things, wanted to explore the same concepts and eventually went from normal BDSM into edge play. Your sex life was anything but boring or vanilla but there was something in the back of your mind you always wanted to try.
He always seemed kind of hesitant telling you that you wouldn't like it, that the fantasy was better than the reality. Not that he was really being dismissive or rude, just concerned that it could be too intense and scare you a bit too much. You reminded him that you had a safe word so if it got that way then it wouldn't matter but he didn't seem too keen on it. You figured that maybe he was right and you could live without that fantasy at least for now.
Still every time you entered the house alone it was on your mind. The thought of some intruder grabbing you, taking you somewhere “against your will” and forcing you into submission. Of course, the fantasy was for In-ho to do this while pretending to be someone else, and also, you knew he could because of who he was. You could see how it may not interest him, basically asking for him to “work” and also have sex with you but it never left the back of your mind.
In-ho had been out of town for a bit for work and you were returning from your own job. As you head into the kitchen to heat up some leftover food from the night before you are grabbed from behind. A knife presses into your throat as a hand covers your mouth. You scream and struggle until you realize you recognize this hold, you recognize this scent, you know exactly what and who this is even if you never expected it in a million years. Your heart is still pounding because he doesn't seem very keen on breaking the immersion of this fantasy despite your reaction.
"All alone?" He growls in your ear.
"Yes I-"
"SHUT UP!" he snarls, the knife pressing into your skin sharply cutting it just a bit. You hiss with pain but your body shivers with pleasure, completely stunned he's using a real knife but you have no complaints. He's done things like this before and you've always loved the little marks he's left to signify how much he owns you. "I know exactly what I'm going to do with you, little girl."
You can feel him as he rubs against you a bit, how aroused he is already. You are a bit stunned as he always made it seem as if this scenario didn't interest him in the slightest but it is now clear that he'd been lying to you about it. He leans in and bites at your neck roughly, on the other side, as he keeps the knife pressed where it's already being held before he reaches up and grabs you by the hair yanking your head back so you are forced to look up at him at a nearly impossible angle.
"We are going to have a lot of fun," He grins. The switchblade he's holding is pocketed and you are pulled by your hair into the next room where he quickly pins you face first into a wall. "Such a pretty little cocktease you know I've been watching you for awhile." He grabs your ass, squeezing it painfully hard before yanking your arms behind your back and tying them at the wrists with some annoyingly rough and irritating rope but that just adds to the rest of the sensations that he is providing you.
"Please what? Do you think I fucking care what a little fuck toy like you wants? No...you're mine now and I will do what ever I please and you will do what I fucking say...got it?" He snaps though he doesn't give you any actual time to answer before he lifts you and throws you over his shoulder roughly. You squeal, not expecting that at all but he pays no attention to it. You are far too small and powerless to fight him, even if you actually wanted to, and now your arms are restrained behind your back making any effort futile. You kick your legs a bit which really only earns you a slap to your ass. Then another, then another. He's not being gentle either, in fact, he's using as much force as possible and it's harder than it's ever been. You are sure it will bruise but the idea of that only makes you wet.
"Please...sir I don't want-"
"The fuck did I just say about what you want?" He snarls and heads up the stairs with you. "Who's even gonna stop me, that weak little boyfriend of yours? Yes...I know."
"Oh no bitch...I'm your Daddy tonight." He cuts you off. You enter the bedroom and he throws you onto the bed with very little regard for your feelings, almost as if you are just a sex doll there for his pleasure. He looks you over with a gleam in his eye. The switchblade is once again removed from his back pocket. You whine and back up on the bed but there isn't much you can do with your hands tied like they are. The blade pops up and he joins you, crawling over you to hold the knife right where you can see it. Your eyes naturally focus on the weapon in his hand. "Going to be a good girl?"
"Y-Yes..." You breathe but he slaps you roughly and then grabs your chin forcing you to look right back at him.
"YES. WHAT?" He demands.
"Y-Yes...Daddy." You whimper.
"That's a good girl," He replies in a voice that is as sinister as it is soothing. He runs his tongue over the knife lewdly before he moves the blade down to your blouse, using it to slowly and meticulously pop off each button until he has it open. His strange grin gets even bigger when your breasts are partially exposed but he wastes no time cutting the bra open from the front to release them. "Fuck..." He leans in, starting to lick over your chest, seemingly making sure to leave behind as much saliva as he possibly can.
"Please!" You beg pathetically, though what you really want is his cock you also don't know what kind of punishment you will get for not cooperating or what he'll do to you if you start begging like a pathetic little whore.
"PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME!" He taunts in a mocking voice before using the knife to make a cut across the top of your breasts, nothing that will scar or bleed too much but enough to sting. You cry out in pain and look away from him before he grabs your hair and turns your head back to look at him, roughly, and spits in your eyes. "You better start acting like the whore you are for him, you think I don't know huh? Bet you suck his cock real good little girl."
"I...I don't-"
"You don't what? I know what girls like you do...what you want...you fucking whore." He accuses moving the blade he's been using to your lips. "Give it a kiss...for Daddy." You whine and try to shy away but he persists until you have no choice but to kiss the blade. He laughs before violently stabbing the knife into the wall right by your head. Not expecting that you scream loudly, that seemed like a close call.
"FUCK!" You yell then shy away from him as you notice that he didn't like a scream that loud in his face.
"Fuck? Is that what you want? Thought you did, glad to see you're coming around on this." He grins. He pats your face roughly as if you are some sort of idiot lap dog before running his hand roughly up your thigh and under your skirt to your panties. "Looks like someone's hot and wet for Daddy..." He teases. You thrust up towards his hand and can't help but moan. He growls, shoving your panties aside to get two fingers in there roughly. You moan again and he leans in, capturing your mouth in a sloppy wet kiss. It seems he's intentionally being awful at this which only really makes it better.
"You think I'm really going to let you cum like this huh? Before me? Before DADDY?" He asks. You look at him, dumbfounded, then shake your head no slightly. He laughs, removes the fingers from your cunt and jams them into your mouth roughly, making you choke and gag, his other hand holding the back of your head in place so you can't possibly get away from this. "Think again...Daddy cums first and then maybe if you make it real good he'll let you cum too. Got that?" He pulls his fingers from your mouth and you gasp and cough trying to get your breath back.
"Y-es Daddy...of course..." You pant.
"Now...show me how you suck his cock." He tells you. He grabs your ankle and slides you down until you are on your back. Getting over you he unbuttons then unzips his pants, getting them down only far enough to get his cock out. He straddles you so he's right over your face, stroking himself a few times but he's already incredibly hard. Dripping precum. HIs hand moves to your jaw to pry it open before he jams himself in there angling his body in just the right way that he slips into your throat if you like it or not. "Oh yeah...fuck...that's a good little girl bet you don't ever let Daddy do this do you? No, you're too fucking good for that shit...stuck up little spoiled princess..." He's panting and even growling like an animal as he starts to fuck your throat almost as brutally as he'd fuck your cunt. It's restrained, of course, but it's still pretty rough. Not that you care, he hasn't ever done this before and you are in absolute heaven being used in such a fashion.
"That's right...you're nothing but a dirty little bitch huh? I know you’re nice and fucking ready for me aren't you? But you aren't getting this cock...no you're just getting my cum going to take it like a good girl and like it." He pants and speeds up a bit. You know the best thing to do here is just relax and take it but luckily at this angle it makes it much easier for him to do what he's doing and keeps the gagging and choking to the minimum. You are already an expert at deep throating so that was never a problem but he's never attempted to literally fuck your throat. His groans are loud, coupled with angry almost feral growls as he continues his assault. Every so often he pulls back just enough to make sure you can get in a few gasps of air before going back to it until his hand grips at your hair tightly, yanking it back.
He lets out an almost glorious roar as he cums but he makes sure to move back to get it in your mouth and then stroke the rest of it over your face and hair. You swallow when you get the chance, gasping loudly as you don't expect the rest of it. He smiles and sits back, admiring his work before he grabs your throat and shoves you until you are sitting up and looking him in the eyes as much as you can through the cum he left on your face.
"You pretend like you don't know what you're doing but you fucking know...I know all about girls like you. Get up." He snaps. All you can do is nod and scramble to your feet the moment he releases you. He gets up as well, tucking his cock away as you feel a sad pang that you won't be getting fucked with that tonight and yet, it'll still all be worth it, you are sure whatever he's about to do will make up for that. Grabbing your hair again he forces you down to bend over the bed. You struggle with your restraints and he shoves your skirt up over your hips to expose you from behind. He pulls the belt from his pants easily enough and lashes you a few times roughly.
"Such a pretty little cunt...nice ass too...bet he loves that." He snarls and strikes you again causing another scream. "FUCKING THANK YOUR DADDY FOR TEACHING YOU A LESSON BITCH!"
"T-Thank...Thank you Daddy! I deserve this!" You yell back without thinking.
"Deserve it...for...what?" He demands punctuating the last two words with the most brutal slaps yet. You are sure he has broken the skin there and you become more positive as the belt drops and he grabs your ass again, squeezing it tightly. You scream.
"Thank you Daddy! I...I deserve this for being such a horrible...cockteasing...slut!" You sob, mostly because you are so desperate to cum it's painful and he's only denying you the pleasure you seek. He chuckles and slaps your cunt with his hand next as it is in the perfect position for that with how you are bent over the bed. For whatever reason, that's enough to send you over the edge to your climax. You squeal and writhe against the bed, pulling at the restraints around your wrists roughly.
"Oh....no no little girl no one gave you permission to do that, you cum when Daddy tells you to cum," He breathes in a deliciously evil voice. His fingers penetrate you again, roughly but knowing exactly what you like. You squeal, as you are hypersensitive right now but he doesn't show any signs of relenting. He starts to use his thumb to stimulate your clit. You scream in pleasure and in pain almost unable to catch your breath, struggling to get away from him just as much as you struggle for more stimulation your body doesn't really know what it wants. "Aww is the poor little slut tired of cumming already?"
"DADDY!" You screech but it doesn't matter, a moment later you a climaxing again and again, against your will but fuck...is it amazing. Pain, ecstasy, everything combined into one until you are certain you will pass out. Seemingly only after he's milked your body for every last orgasm it can possibly get he stops and removes his hand. He pats your ass gently and picks you up in his arms kissing your forehead.
"You okay?" He asks softly. You glance up at him lazily, noticing his playful grin despite all his protests about not wanting to do this before you can see how proud he is of his own performance, and yours as well.
"Yes," You whisper, "Thank you."
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He says, then carries you towards the bathroom. You don't think you've ever experienced anything so intense with him before and you are grateful that this is the type of thing you two can share and enjoy together.
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Hi, I asked you a few days ago if you take requests I was too scared to bother you by sending an actual request. But would you do a Valentine’s Day smut/fluff for Jason x fem reader. Jason actually being super Sweet and romantic and spoiling her on Valentine’s Day, I know it’s late you don’t have to if you don’t want and thank you for responding to my question a few days ago 🤎🤎🤎
Awe please bother me!! 🥺
I really don't mind if you guys inbox me. If you have a request, wanna say hi or have a question, please don't be afraid to message me! I'm all ears 😁👍🏾
Sorry it took me so long to respond. It took me some time to muster up your request. I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you or anything. I did have something in my drafts and was having a hard time articulating the way I wanted it to go. Luckily your request came in clutch, I appreciate that very much.
I feel like my brain was going into a hundred different directions with this one 😂 please forgive me if it's not exactly what you wanted but believe me when I say I really tried.
I feel with Jason Valentine's Day is an every single day thing with him, I got nothing but love for that man.
Don't be afraid to comment your thoughts, also like and reblog if you want. Ty!! Enjoy lovebugs :) 🩷🦠
(p.s.) do y'all like regular fonts or tiny fonts? Please lmk your preference when it comes to reading. Hopefully everyone is on the same page, I know that'll kind of be hard because everyone reads differently but I'm curious either way.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 | +18, mdni, fem!reader, vigilante/bf! JasonTodd, good ol' missionary, love making, oral (f receiving), lovey dovey, a little bit of masturbation, submissive, pet names: babe, baby, mamas, doll, love, sweetheart. This is a pretty long one, longer than I expected so please forgive me for that. Edited, but in case of any errors, ignore :) ty <3<3<3

𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, hits his nose upon entering your apartment. The sight of your spacious living room made him freeze as it was pristine and polished...not at all clustered with clutter or seen as untidy like it usually does.
Junk mail shredded and thrown to the trash. The floor in every room vacuumed and mopped.
Rose petals along the floor.
Books and vinyls were placed on the bookshelf in alphabetical order. The numerous polyester blankets you loved collecting were placed in the wicker basket near the brown entertainment center.
The lamp beside the couch was dimmed low. A few candles lit around the space. Gentle, slow music played lightly through the record player.
On the coffee table was a box of assortments, chocolate covered fruit with a drizzle of white chocolate on top, two glasses of wine and a red heart shaped gift bag on the side.
The atmosphere was warm and cozy. Intimate and sacred meant for two. Undoubtedly, there was something so perfect and elegant about this space that it had his heart fluttering.
It was subtle and simple, it made him grow impatient wanting nothing more than to see you and hold you. After a day of patrolling, dealing with Bruce and so on, he couldn't wait to get home.
This morning, he gave you breakfast in bed, surprised you with six different banquets of flowers, a diamond necklace with matching studs and ring that had the words "my one and only," engraved around it. He went as far as to give you his debt card.
Now, you never liked to spend his money on anything. You didn't even like the fact that he was spoiling it on you, but because he was as stubborn as a mule, he had cleared out your schedule anyways. He scheduled an appointment at the spa to get your nails done and an appointment at the hair salon. Although you pouted out of appreciation and told him he didn't have to do that, he rebuttal with a kiss on your lips and said, "I would do anything just for you."
After a day of getting pampered, you figured since your schedule was cleared, it was the perfect opportunity to tidy up the place, make it all presentable with rose petals on the floor, some vanilla scented candles, dim lighting-- make it look intimate and homey. Setting a few gifts in line, a box of chocolate covered strawberries and red wine on the table. You wanted it to look perfect before Jason came home.
It had only taken two and a half hours to shower, drench yourself in vanilla scented soap, moisturize your soft skin with Shea butter and spray on some perfume. You applied on some mascara and blood red lip gloss before slipping on a little something something.
And while you got yourself ready and the night began to set, you hear the apartment door shut.
"Baby, I'm home!" Jason feels his body relax when he hears the sound of your soft hums coming from down the hall, "Be right there!" Presumably believing you were in the bathroom since your bedroom light was off.
While he occupied himself with placing his weapons in a nearby safe box and leaned down to untie his boot laces, he hears you emerge from out of the bathroom, down the short hall towards the living room. You find him hunched over by the door placing his shoes to the side.
"How was it tonight?" You ask.
He hears your steps grow slow, pacing around.
"Slow as fuck. Don't know why Bruce called me in when he could've been back home with Selina. There was barely anyone out tonight." He states with slight irritation in his voice.
You nearly giggle as he continues to grumble underneath his breathe. When he stands up straighter, he's taken back by the sight of your appearance.
Suddenly breathless and speechless, his eyes scaled over your gorgeous anatomy moving around the coffee table to grab yourself a chocolate covered strawberry.
Jaw clenched and body slightly tense, a wave of emotions hit him all at once. He watches you approach the end of the sofa and perch yourself up on the armrest of the couch. Your soft, glowing legs crossed one over the other as you take small bites at the sweet fruit.
Flushed and piqued, his eyes grew wide from beneath the helmet. In all your glory, you looked so plushy and soft as your body was snugged in a sexy cherry red two piece lingerie.
It's material hugged around the bust of your tits, giving them an extra lift from the band underneath. Your nipples were hard from the lukewarm air seeping through the vents, causing them to surface through the thin fabric. The delicious sight of the thong hugging around the curves of your hips and richness of your thighs made you look all so yummy.
More yummy than that damn chocolate covered strawberry in your mouth right about now. He thought.
You nodded towards his direction, smiling a little when you noticed he hadn't moved an inch since you made eye contact, but, was just standing there, staring at you. "Need some help taking that off, handsome?" You say teasingly, impressed and aroused by the newly improved suit branded in all black hugged and defined every muscle and thick part of his anatomy. The symbolic red bat emblem placed in the middle of his chest, some pieces of his suit were still kevlar and others were leather.
He chuckles, finding himself stunned by you entirely. He thinks he might go insane just by the way you were looking at him. Ruin you and devour you. He had to take a moment to register your words, finding it hard to focus on anything but you.
"Uh, well....that's if you're up for the challenge, babygirl." He reckons, the modulator within the helmet making his voice ten times deeper than usual. "Otherwise, I'll gladly strip this off for you."
"Mmm, a strip tease? I believe you got me there, baby." You purred, tilting your head to the side curiously. The sound of clicking is heard, hissing from underneath causing pressure to be released. His hands reach up for the red helmet, slipping it off carefully to reveal his head.
"Personally I think that option would be more... sexier." You thought out loud allowing your shiny red lips to wrap seductively around the berry and deliberately suck on the chocolate.
He releases a deep chuckle as he sets the helmet to the side. His short black and white streak hair sexily tousled and curly from the humidity of the helmet.
The sight of his handsome face and those piercing sapphire eyes made you feel a storm brew from within, butterflies swarming in the pit of your stomach, your nerves tingling. You felt a wave of excitement circulate through your system as he glances between you and the living room.
"I love what you did with the place."
He stood tall, glaring over your gorgeous profound frame. He doesnt take his eyes off you as he begins to slip the gloves off, setting them on a nearby shelf. Carefully unzipping the leather jacket, he slips it off and lays it to the side.
"I wanted it to look extra special for tonight."
Your words were sweet, too sweet, to the point, his own teeth were about to rot. Effortlessly, you had him in a chokehold, you lived rent free in his mind. With all your cuteness, your down right innocence and flaws, you had a way of tugging at his heart strings.
Like any other time, you always found yourself swooned at the sight of him. Whether he's in armour, shirtless with grey sweatpants, roaming around here in only boxers or just outright naked, his fine ass could never fail to amaze you.
You fell hard for Gotham's most favorite vigilante.
The way he treats you, cares for you, makes you feel like a queen, practically worshiping the ground you walk on and then some, he would do just about anything to see you smile again and again and again-- he had your heart, and you had his.
"Hm, and this?" He points to the lingerie you were currently settled in, walking up to you with his hands buried in his pockets.
"Oh this? I bought it after I got my hair and nails done. Which thank you by the way, it was very much needed." You stated twinkling your fingers his face. "I figured I'd give it a shot," you shrugged intentionally running your hands over your body, "I wanted to see how it looked on me and honestly I think I made the best decision in my life, don't you agree?"
Purposely wanting his eyes to stay on you at all times, you stood up from your seat to give a little spin. It was slow and cruel as your hands roamed down along your sides to the band of your thong, fingers curling underneath the band to then hear them smack against your skin from the tight restriction. His eyes examined closely with a low hum in satisfaction at the sweet roundness of your ass cheeks.
"So, what do you think?~ You like it?" You chimed in a sing-song tone.
"Hm, I do," He draws you closer, your hands resting at the tops of his shoulders to feel his own squeeze at your sides and slowly draw lower, pressing you possessively against his hard torso. The tip of his nose brushes against your cheek, delicately planting kisses to your skin feeling how your flesh begins to heat up. He whispers into your ear "In fact, I love it on you so much, I just might fuck you in it."
You'd be lying if you said that wasn't your plan from the beginning. However, somewhere in your goofy mind, you didn't think it was gonna be this soon.
He kissing along your cheek and adventuring to ghost over your lips. He feels you lean into his embrace, reaching up on the tops of your tippy toes to place your delicate hands along his face, he engulfed every ounce of you.
With half lidded eyes, Jason watches how your lashes kiss at your cheeks, brows scrunched at the savoring taste of mint and chocolate on each other's tongues made you moan softly. With each peck, the kiss grew deeper and deeper. With needy intent, his fingers began to dig into your flesh, groping at the fat of your sides.
"God, you smell so good." He murmurs between kisses. Burning with desire, your heavenly intoxicated touch made it so hard for him to detach from you. It left him breathless, forgetful and completely immersed in the presence of you.
It was the kind of intoxicated that made things feverish and desperate, lips feeling more like petals as they move in sync with his. Intoxicating to the point you had him grunting lowly, growling a little as he starts to become greedy.
Everything moved so swiftly as he laid you on the couch. His massive body proceeding to loom over you. You giggle as he tries to follow in pursuit, smiling a little while he leaves a trail of kisses up the navel of your torso.
Laid beneath him in a vulnerable state, your hands were above your head feeling breathless and overwhelmed. You couldn't process everything at once as you felt like the predator had caught its prey in one go.
You observe how his large palms effortlessly veiled around the bust of your breasts. Squeezing them with a gentle yet firm grasp, his thumbs graced ever so gently over your nipples in circular motion. Attentive to the shaky exhale, he notices how your buds become swollen and hard. Taking one in his mouth, he sucks on it gracefully while he teases and pinches the other.
Although you were growing anxious, impatient and needy, you found yourself staring at the boxes of fruit.
"Mmph, jason?"
"Mm'yes baby?"
Your nipple pops from out of his mouth, going in to give the other a lick, he proceeds to leave more kisses down your navel. Mentally thanking God for every imperfect perfect flaw he had placed along your body.
"Shouldn't we...ah, shit...put the fruit away before they melt?"
Jason was too enthralled, in his own little world, to worry about that damn fruit. The way you were worrying your pretty little head over the littlest things had him chuckling wholeheartedly.
He was too bothered to say a word as he was preoccupying himself with your cunt. It looked like a beautiful sloppy mess after he pulled the thong to the side. To see your pretty little pussy glisten under the dim lighting, had his dick twitching in his pants.
"I don't want them to melt...if we...don't put them... Oh my god..." You gasp out of surprise when you feel something soaking wet and warm lapping at your cunt. Gripping onto the cushions, your body tenses as you grew a frown on your face. "Ooh Jason" He spots the rise and fall of your chest as your breathing altered and had grown rapidly.
He moans at the taste of you, closing his eyes to concentrate on the way you lingered on his buds. As large as his hands were, you felt comfortable in the warm callous of his palms. Holding your thighs wide open in place, Jason caresses your skin lovingly while he coaxes you in a deep trance, completely wiping your mind clean as you focused on the way his mouth maneuvered.
It left you speechless, surprised, mind blown, mouth gaped open at the wet muscle gliding between your folds and over your clit. You felt frozen in place, gripping at the cushions as you moaned his name in bliss.
"Fuck, you taste so good, baby."
Relentless and quenching for thirst, the more he inhaled your scent and continued to wallow in it, he found himself growing careless while he devours you.
Your arousal messily drips from around your thighs onto the sofa. You nearly clench your legs closed to the weird sensation of smacking, slurping, squelching and gushing from your pretty little hole.
As he latches his mouth around your lower lips, he dips two fingers into your heat. The vibrations of his grunts sends a tickling sensation to your clit. His other hand gripped your thigh steadily in place, feeling a surge of shivers go down your spine when you feel him pull away.
"Mhm, there you go, baby, that's it, just relax for me." He instructs, watching as your head lulls back in the armrest, shoulders slumped as you tug at the cushions.
"Focus on me. Focus on the way I make you feel, feels good now doesn't it?" You nod, humming in response. "Good...you always got your mind wondering about the littlest things, sweetheart." he chuckles observing how your body responds to him, hips bucking for more. "As much as I love you catering to me, tonight I just want it to be all about you. You deserve to relax, to feel good, you deserve to shut your brain off and let me take care of you. Let me treat you to something more soft and sweet. I wanna make sure you're at peace. You deserve to enjoy yourself, mama. You think you can you do that for me?"
You nod but he grunts in disapproval, "use your words, y/n, I wanna hear you say it."
"G-God yes, I can do that." You moaned.
Jason's fingers enter inside your leaking cunt, long and intruding, he thrusts them into your gummy walls. Feeling your sticky walls contract around his digits, he hums pleasing to her sucking him further in, each time getting deeper and deeper. Receiving a glossy shine from your arousal, he smirks moving forward between your thighs.
He takes charge effortlessly controlling and molding your body the way he wants. Massaging at your calves, up around your knees to your thighs where he skims his fingers down and over the inner parts of your thighs and around your hips.
The tips of his fingers reaches towards the curve of your breast, fondling and playing with your hardened nipples, he feels you start to move against him. His tongue thrusting in and out of you, you begin to moan loudly as you swivel your hips to match his pace.
"How does that feel baby? Feels good? Am I doing okay?" His voice grew an octave lower, deeper and raspier than before.
He was near the brink of wanting to ravenously eat you out the more he inhaled your essences. He felt your hands begin to tug at his hair and whine and whimper to the nibbling of teeth at your neck, tasting your perfume along his buds.
"S-So good, you're treating me so well." You stutter.
Groans and moans grew intense, finally giving in and throwing in the towel. Your body submits to the need of yearning, allowing him to stubbornly tend to your aching need.
He took his time appreciating, glorifying, worshiping your body and you as whole. He knew the right words to say, ones that made you feel bubbly inside. He knew how to make a girl feel special.
You always found yourself worrying about something or someone. You could never catch a break. You could never just take a breather for once. But that's what he wanted from you, for you to catch a break. To let someone else take the reins for once and just let you lay back and relax.
At some point you felt so weak and helpless emitting these pathetic whimpers as he slowly took his time to cherish you. But you couldn't help it, that's just how you felt, you were vulnerable underneath his care.
"M'gonna cum, Jay..." You stifled, arching into him.
"Mm, go on baby, cum for me." He instructs benevolently.
Once you release your final shakey exhale, your eyes fluttered close. Your lower abdomen churns and twists as if a knot had become undone, the rushing feeling of liquid exiting from out of your entrance spurts all over his fingers, a creamy substance coating them prettily.
"Mhm, there you go, baby. Such a good girl." He praises, licking your cum from off his fingers and down from your center. "Damn, you taste sweeter and sweeter every time." He murmurs, cleaning the rest of the mess you made before planting a kiss.
"Mm, off...please," you demand eagerly.
"Heh, needy baby?" He puzzles, pecking your lips repeatedly with an amused yet teasing tone to his voice.
"Very." You say trying to search for an opening any where in his suit.
"Okayokayokay! Hold on, love. Patience." He laughs prying your hands away from his body.
You watched as he strips of his suit, when he feels your gaze on him, he turns to you with a mischievous smirk, eyes filled with lust. "How you want it, baby?" He asks voice sultry as he kisses between your jaw and neck.
"Like this," you respond, pouting. "I wanna see your face."
"As if you don't see this face enough, every single day." Brushing his hair from out of his face, he groans to the feeling of his hand wrapped around his dick. Thick and long, precum protruding from his pink mushroom tip, you glimpse at the way his thumb begins to smear it around the tip and along his shaft, collecting salvia halfway, he slowly strokes himself off.
"When we have sex it's different. It's more intimate and sweet, gratifying even." You say seductively, biting on your lip.
Pussy beginning to ache and throb at the sight of him. Your delicate fingers draw south of your body like a magnet, gliding them between your folds, up and down and around your clit, you start to apply more pressure.
He notices you start to work yourself through, twitching in the palm of his hand, he glares over the way you handle yourself with such elegance.
Silky and sultry, he's vigilant to the way you moan his name, persuading him to come closer with just one single look.
Gradually with close and careful precision, the tip of his dick asserts itself inside you. Inch by inch, the girth of him painfully yet pleasing stretches you out.
Immediately groaning at the tightness, you praise him for the way he completes you, fulfilling every inch till he was half way in.
He fitted right on in like a missing puzzle piece clearing the void perfectly with the roll of his hips.
With a blissful sigh, your head goes back.
Welcoming the agonizing warmth through your body, your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth. As you focus on the way he thrusts in and out of you steadily, slowly you try to adjust to his size, cursing underneath your breath, "F-fuck it's been too long. You're so big, baby." You whimper.
"I know, baby, I i know, just relax for me, m'kay?" he coos burying his face into the crook of your neck.
Danity hands running past his shoulders, the rippling effect of his muscles beneath your fingertips to then wrap your arms around him completely, drawing him closer.
Eyes fluttering shut the scent of his heavy cologne and gunpowder overwhelms you, traces of your kisses left on his shoulder and neck, your right hand moves towards the roots of his hair, curling around his silky strands.
Veiny hands brushing between the ends of your thighs to the roundness of your ass, your knees bend and legs open a little bit more for him to bottom out. His cock domineering into the dark enclosed space, he feels you pucker around the base of his dick, sucking him in deeper and deeper till he reached your pillowy cervix.
Your beautiful raunchy melodies grew louder and louder with every passing minute.
"Shit, Jay yes, right there."
Moaning his name repeatedly, his pace accelerates, hips starting to rut in rhythmic motion. Breaths bated, heavy grunts and cursing underneath his breath, he listens to you begin to wail as your nails dig into his skin. Skin slapping skin from the result of his hips pounding into yours, the continuous squelching of your arousal coaxes around your thighs with a fervor.
Nose ghosting over your pulse, he hums at the increase of your heart beat, lips placing a delicate kiss to the inimate space, he hears you start to speak gibberish.
"Fuck... I love you, I love you so much."
Without second thought, your words overflow like a fountain.
Joyously overcame with the idea of being adorned and desired from someone worth loving. You chose him out of all people, you chose him to be the love of your life.
And hearing those three little words slip from out of your mouth, made his movements go slow.
Eyes shot open and wide, he swears his heart just skipped a beat.
Flushed out of shock, his head stayed at the base of your neck. You, however, continued to hold him. Knowing that your words were gonna come off as unexpected and sudden, you didn't want to let him go, you weren't going to allow him to run away from the fact that the moments you've shared together wasn't all for nothing. That feeling that scared the living shit out of both of you was there.
Jason was terrified to say it. Maybe because he didn't ever want to run into the possibility of his lover being taken away from him? How his lifestyle is, he never had the problem of losing anything but when he met you, it was different. There was a chance, a possibility, that you could be gone in a blink of an eye. It was hard to fathom how someone, like you, could be so precious and yet so sweet, live in a world that was all dark and gloomy, his world, specifically. It didn't add up and didn't make any sense why you stayed with him after knowing what he does, after knowing about his messed up past and who his family truly was and what he was all about. How could you have stayed all this time?
There was silence.
You feel his head lift to give you a studied gaze, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks. Your thumbs stroke at his scarred face.
He leans into your embrace, his forehead meeting yours, nose brushing against yours, his breath bated just as much as yours. This unfamiliar emotion growing deep within his chest made him suddenly shy, eyes flickering between yours with swollen gaped lips.
"It's okay, Jay, you can say it." You coerce in a hush tone, glancing between his orbs.
He completely melts into you, his gaze softening with grace and adoration.
"I love you, y/n," He utters, feeling his chest tighten. "I love you so much. I love you with fiber in my body. I love you to the point of living...to the point of death." His jaw clenched, swallowing hard. "Fuck... you make me feel so alive...I couldn't lose you to anything, baby, I can't...you'd be the death of me."
All you could do was smile and reach in to give him a sloppy kiss.
Like countless times before he proves himself right.
Without even telling you, you knew from the way he cared for you time after time again that he's always loved you and vise versa of course. You knew deep down inside he loved you from the start. It was evident in the way he kept engaging with you, there was consistency, constantly making effortless eye contact with you and attentive to you mentally, physically and emotionally. He loved you past your flaws. Equally, you both loved how you two just connected with a snap of a finger.
Even after this moment you were so sure of his promise-- his oath, that you were his one and only.
And after a few rounds of endless love making, intensive fucking and tainting each other's skin, Jason and you were tangled up on the floor with your backs against the couch. While opening the last bit of gifts, a polyester blanket covers your lower halves as you feed each other chocolate covered fruit and sip on some wine.
Aside from the necklace you'd gotten this morning, you received a pair of your favorite shoes. You've been keeping your eyes on them for awhile now. They were expensive as hell and you were just waiting for them to get on sale.
Jason, however, went ahead and bought them without hesitation. He also bought a couple of outfits to even complete the look. You'd receive a goody basket of all your favorite snacks, a big stuffed teddy bear and another vinyl to add to your collection.
For Jason, he was gifted another book from a vintage store, a brand new pair of shoes since the last ones were starting to get a little raggedy, two matching hoodies and sweatpants, and a recipe book that he had been meaning to get but completely forgotten about it.
When the boxes were all empty and red wrapping paper was all over the place, he noticed one more sitting on the coffee table by the half empty bottle of wine.
"I'm assuming this one's for me?" He points, cocking a brow at you.
You frown following his gaze.
"Oh shit, yeah, that's yours alright." You confirm stuffing your mouth with a gummy bear, propping your arm up on the couch and resting your head in your hand.
He chuckles with a shake of his head, reaching for the red heart shape bag and settling back down beside you.
You study carefully as he starts to pull the paper from out of the bag. Expecting to see the present right then and there, he scoffs when he lifts the box in his hand.
"What did you get me, woman?" He grumbles playfully, putting the bag and paper to the side.
"Open it and you shall find out." You state smartly drawing closer to him with anticipation.
The last gift you'd gotten him was a military dog tag, a locket with a picture of you and him inside it. It captured the moment when he had asked you to be his girlfriend in midwinter. Around the falling snow at a nearby park. There was a wide smile on your face when you had said yes. Jason was so nervous that day, he thought he was going to shit his pants.
Beside it was a silver sterling ring with gold edges around it and along the inside of it were the words "forever mine" engraved on it.
Although he wasn't the kind of person to lavish in jewelry, this was something worth showing off... aside from you of course.
He looks to you with gratitude, leaning in to give you a passionate kiss, you move half way. Your noses brush before your lips collide.
The lingering taste of pineapple kiwi from the candy along your tongue evolves in his mouth as he deepens the kiss.
Sucking the sweetness off your lips, his hand wraps around your neck, engulfing every sense of you as your mouths moved leisurely.
"I love you." He whispers once more, after parting from you.
Observing the sparkle in your eyes under the candle lighting, he notices the smile across your face grew wider, nudging your nose against his sweetly.
"I love you too, Jason. Happy Valentine's Day, baby."
𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐋 ©𝐦𝐭𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓
Masterlist | 𝕾𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋
#mtcloud's thoughts#mtcloudsworld#black writers#black fanfic writer#black fem reader#black reader smut#18+ mdni#black fanfiction#jason todd x y/n#jason todd x you#jason todd x reader#jason todd fluff#jason todd smut#jason todd x black!reader#jason todd x fem!reader#jason todd#dc comics x black!reader#dc comics x you#dc comics x reader#dc comics fluff#dc comics smut#dc comics#red hood x black!reader#red hood x you#red hood x reader#red hood smut#red hood#red hood x y/n#red hood x fem!reader#red hood x female reader
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need a jealous!hyun-ju x fem!reader who gets a bit too close with gi-hun, ANDD reader ends up getting edged and fingered roughly by jealous!hyun-ju as reader tried to quiet down in the bathroom??
HEYYYY👋🏻 Are you becoming a regular?!😂 Let me see what I can do!
Summary: During the games, you become close with Hyun-ju, not realizing the envy that builds inside of her when you start also getting close to Gi-Hun.
Pairing: Jealous!Hyun-ju x Femreader!
Warnings: SMUT and jealousy.
Not an adult? Don't read! 🔞

Hyun-ju grits her teeth as she hears you laugh along with Gi-Hun's group. Just because they decided to work together didn't mean that you could just leave her.
That thought made Hyun-ju tense. You weren't together. She had no right to be feeling this way. But the sight of you smiling at someone else after you had been so kind to her, made her want to strangle Gi-Hun.
Looking back over at you, her blood boils. Gi-Hun was offering you his gimbap. He'll no.
She was walking towards you before she could even think. You looked up at her as she stood in front of you and Gi-Hun, the rest of the group talking about random things, not really paying attention to Hyun-ju.
"Hyun-" You go to question, only to be silenced when she holds out her gimbap as well. The look she was giving Gi-Hun made you tense where you sat.
With both of them offering you their food, you didn't know what to do. "Um, thank you both, but I'm not that hungry!" You say, letting out a nervous chuckle that only Gi-Hun returns.
You give Hyun-ju a soft smile, trying to ease whatever tension this was. You can see her relax a little.
She sits on the other side of you. Young-il asked Gi-Hun about what he thought the next game would be, and you listened closely, leaning in closer.
You heard her scoff before you felt her hand on your forearm. She pulled you a bit closer to her, leaning down close to your ear. "He doesn't know anything about the next game. He was wrong about the second game. We shouldn't trust him." She whispers.
You frown. You did trust Gi-Hun. He helped everyone in red light, green light. He's voted to go home, which is more than Hyun-ju has done. She voted to stay once after all.
"He's not untrustworthy-" you try to say until you notice her soft glare, making you shrink a bit into yourself. "You can't be sure of someone's intentions, sweet girl, especially in here." She explains softly. You knew she was right. But that means you also couldn't trust her.
She seems to know what you were thinking, and you see her eyes soften. "You know I'd never betray you, don't you? Not after what happened to Young-Mi." She whispers, making you look down in guilt.
"I know." You whisper back softly, your breath hitching as she reaches to hold your hand. "I won't let anyone hurt you. Not any of the players, not any of the guards, not even yourself." She says. Your eyebrows furrow for a moment, not really knowing what she means by not letting you hurt yourself, but she doesn't clarify.

You made a mistake. That's all. You wouldn't leave her. Not for him. He's old enough to be your father. But the way you clung to him during lights out...
She clenches her fists. As soon as the guards shut it down and announced it was time for bed, she grabbed your wrist, making you get out of your bed. Not enough to hurt, but enough were you knew she was serious. You question her with your gaze, but she looks straight ahead, her pace much faster than yours.
She knocks on the door, and a triangle guard opens the little window to see what she wants. "She got her period. Would you please let us through so I can help her clean her pants?" She asks making your eyes widen. You weren't on your period.
When the window shuts, she quickly takes off her jacket, tying it around your waist. Knocking again, this time, the guard lets you through.
She was smart. The guard checked your backside when you walked past him.

As soon as the woman's restroom door shut, Hyun-ju rushed and pushed you against a wall, her touch firm, making you gasp.
"W-What are you doing?" You ask, the look in her eyes changing from firm...to hunger.
"You let him hold you." She whispers close to your ear. "W-what? Wh-" She inturupts, "Gi-Hun. Player 456. You let that asshole touch you." She sneers. You have to crane your neck to look up at her. "I-I don't underst-" you try to say.
"You will." Hyun-ju says, her eyes dark. One of her hands travels down your body, stopping just under the line of your bra. "What color is it, baby?" She asks in a whisper.
You give her a confused look. "What color is your bra?" She says, one of her fingers tracing where your nipple is.
Your eyes widen, but you feel the need to answer her. "P-Purple" you whisper, hearing her inhale sharply.
"Has he seen it? Gi-Hun?" She asks, starting to lift your shirt up gently. "N-No of course not, w-why would-" She shuts you up with a kiss. Her lips are softer than what you would have thought, and moist.
"I see the way he looks at you, baby." She says as she breaks the kiss. "And you give him those sweet puppy eyes, don't you?" She asks, lifting your shirt over your head, her eyes immediately taking in the sight of your breasts.
"I don't." You whisper. "You do, baby. Don't lie. But that's okay, I'll fix it." She says, leaning down and kissing the edge of your cleavage. "Mmm, so soft." She mumbles against the supple flesh of your right breast.
"What do you mean? Fix what?" You ask, a little breathless already. You can feel her smirk. "I'll make sure you only look at me." She says, keeping her eyes on yours as she rips your bra.
You gasp, making her chuckle darkly. She throws the now useless peice of cloth on the bathroom floor, returning her hands to your chest, squeezing.
Hyun-ju leans back down, waisting no time with taking your nipple into her mouth. The cold bathroom, in contrast to her hot mouth, makes you shiver.
You gasp as she switches to the other breast, giving it the same treatment. "H-Hyun-ju we can't" you whimper, making her chuckle. She's already kissing her way down your stomach, getting on her knees in front of you.
Faster than you can think, she has your pants pulled down, looking at your matching purple underwear. "You're so fucking beautiful, baby." She whispers, starting to kiss up your thigh.
She gently kisses your clit through your panties, making you gasp. "I can see how wet you are, Y/n. You've soaked your panties." She whispers, looking up at you hungrily. You don't protest as she slides them down next.
"Oh baby..." She coos, looking at your pussy. "Your little clit is swollen...do you want me to make it all better? Hmm?" She asks, making you whine.
You nod.
That clearly didn't satisfy her because the next second, you feel a small slap to your pussy. "Use your words like a good girl." She says firmly. Holy fuck.
"Y-Yes...please make it better!" You whimper. She gives you a smile before you feel her tongue on your clit.
She teases you just a little before reaching up and putting two of her fingers inside you. "Fuck baby, you're so tight. You can take another one, can't you?" She says, her tone mocking. When you whine, shaking your head, she adds another anyway, giving you a nice stretch.
Having both her fingers and her tongue feels like heaven. Pure heaven. But that thought quickly leaves your mind when you feel her change the pace.
You could hear the wet sound of your pussy as her fingers set an unforgivable pace. "H-Hyun-ju!" You squel. "T-To much p-please slow down!" You moan.
You look down, watching as she pulls away from your clit, smirking.
"To bad." She says, fingerings you a little harder. "Oh fuck!" You scream, the back of your head against the wall.
"Do you think Gi-Hun could make you feel this good? Hmm?" She asks, her eyes sharp. You quickly shake your head, which makes her stop.
"What did I say about using your words?" She sneers, taking her fingers away. "No no please don't stop!" You beg, your hips lifting trying to get her back.
"Are you going to be a good girl for me?" She asks, her lips kissing the skin just above your clit.
You go to nod, but remember her words. "Yes!" You say, making her tikt her head. "Tsk tsk tsk, say it properly, baby. Tell me you'll be a good girl for me." She commands.
"I'll be a good girl for you!" You say quickly, making her chuckle once more. "Only for me?" She asks, and you nod quickly. "Yes yes only for you Hyun-ju!"
She puts her fingers back inside you, setting another brutal pace. "Are you going to cum for me?" She asks.
"Yes yes! I'm so close!" You whimper. Not expecting her to pull away again, but she does.
"I don't think so. Not until I know you're sorry. You hurt my feelings with the way you looked at Gi-Hun. How do I know you won't let him touch you again? Hmm?" She says, licking her fingers clean of you.
You almost cry. "I am sorry, Hyun-ju. I'm so sorry, I only want you!"
She pretends to think, her thumb reaches up, keeping you on edge by rubbing tight circles on your already overstimulated clit.
"If I see you even look in his direction, I'll have you over my knee, no matter if we're in the bathroom or not." She says, making you nod.
This time, when you feel her fingers and that familiar pressure building in your tummy, she doesn't pull away. "Cum for me, pretty girl." She says, her voice sending vibrations through your core.
She stimulates you through your climax, making sure not a second of pleasure is wasted. "Such a good girl for me." She whispers, her head getting awfully close to your core.
"W-what are y-" you can't finish your sentence as she licks into you. "Mmm let me clean you up, baby." She says.
After she helps you put your shirt and pants back on, she picks up the discarded bra, putting it in her pocket. "Come on, sweet girl, you need to rest for tomorrow." She says, her tone now soft.
She holds your hand on the walk back to your bunk. She even kisses your forehead before she walks back to her own.
You don't notice that she makes a stop first.
Hyun-ju walks up to player 456's bed, leaving a torn purple fabric next to his shoes.

Stay away from her girl Gi-Hun✋🏻😏
#squid game#squid game 2#cho hyun ju x reader#hyun ju x reader#cho hyunju#hyun ju#hyunju#cho hyun ju
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AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Niece! Targ! ( Strong ) Reader suggest song to listen to whilst reading: Like Real People Do by Hozier or Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives prompt : would you be open to writing a part3 for like real people do where they both find out that y/n's pregnant so aegon genuinely wants to be a better person for her and their kid, and wants to prove it to her. she still hasn't forgiven him and she's pregnant and moody so one day they have a similar fight like in part 1 but this time its her who's telling him to stay away from her. they stop talking to each other and during that time aegon realizes how he made her feel when he said all those things. her pregnancy gets harder for her and one day she faints and is put on bed rest so aegon slowly starts befriending her and falls for her but on the other hand she's still cautious of him. he's by her side when she gives birth and through raising their child together they finally start having a normal relationship and on a feast held for their baby they finally patch up and make love afterwards??? ty ❤️❤️❤️ word count: 1, 000+ words
It was now Aegon that looked for you when he entered a room. It was now Aegon that was patient. It was now Aegon that was met with sneers and glares. It was now Aegon would dote on you, no matter how many times you snapped at him to leave you be. A bitter twist of fate. It killed him. It was worse than dagger or dragonfire. You, the one person who had treated him with so much kindness, had finally run up. But, it was a fate he had created himself.
He gave you your time. He slept in separate bed chambers. He ate alone in his chambers. He avoided small council meetings when you sat in. He was just alone. His Mother was livid at him for his treatment towards you. His Grandsire was even more livid, condemning him for ruining years of planning and plotting with his foolishness. His siblings had been distant, Aemond purposely bumping shoulders with him or tripping him when they passed by each other.
Then a Maester came to him. Four simple words that made him want to fling himself from Maegor’s Holdfast. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child.
You were with child. His child. Exactly two moons, not long enough for anything to show. It all made sense. It all made fucking sense now, on why were you so keen on tending to him. On why you attempted to mend the distance. On why you tried so hard with him. It was all for the sake of the babe that was growing in your belly. It killed him. You were trying so hard to not repeat history. And he had gone out, fucking it all up.
Tucking his hand behind his back, he stares at the door of your bedchambers, attempting to muster up some courage. You were four moons along now in your pregnancy. He could only imagine what you looked like now. Would you have a tiny bump now? Would you have that glow that many pregnant women had? Would you be miserable? Would you detest him and the babe? Would you damn him to the seven hells for having to carry a babe made from hate and duty?
“Come on, come on, stop being a coward.” He murmurs, attempting to hype myself up.
You ruined her. You fucking ruined her. It was all your doing, the voice in his head says.
“Come on, come on..” He fusses with his hair and doublet, attempting to fix his appearance.
She hates you. She hates you just as everyone else does. Just leave her be. Leave her alone. You’ll only just worsen things. You’ll break her just as you do to everyone else, the voice taunts.
Flattening out the wrinkles in his doublet, he fidgets with the gold livery collar chain, fixing the gold and emerald dragon pendant. Looking over at a polished mirror on the wall, he looks at his reflection with wide eyes, sharply turning around to face it. Swallowing the thick lump in his throat, he anxiously smoothes out his hair, the strands of white hair all greasy and a mess.
Gods, damn it! Why did no one tell him how bad his hair looked?! Had he been walking around the Red Keep like this the whole damn time?! Desperately attempting to tame his hair, the loud creaking of a door opening fills the air, making him freeze. Looking towards the door in dread, there you stood, eyes racking him up and down like a provoked dragon.
“Why are you standing at my door like a fool?” You ask, only keeping the door open a crack.
“Um, I…I missed you?” He blubbers out, sounding like a complete and utter fool.
“You. Missed. Me?” You ask agonizingly slow.
“Yes..?” He sheepishly smiles, the words coming out as more of a question.
Watching you open the door just a inch more, he can see the soft periwinkle of your maternity gown, soft silk with gold embroidery on the neckline and hem. It was the same one that your Mother had worn a few years ago after giving birth to your youngest brother Joffrey.
Gods, that shade of blue looked beautiful on you. Slowly taking in the parts of you he could see, he chews on his bottom lip, fiddling with his wedding ring. You were beautiful, strong willed, stubborn, and as fierce as a dragon. He felt like the wee lamb that had been given to you to eat.
“I..Um, why would I not? You are my wife and I..”
“Oh, really? Now, I am your wife? I thought I was just the burden, the thing you crawled to when you needed your cock wet..” You mock, repeating the same insults he had sneered at you over the years.
“It was a mistake, me saying all of that to you.” He looks down shamefully, “I am, truly, sorry for what I have done.”
“I take it the Maester’s have told you already. Tis’ quite pathetic that only now you wish to rekindle, all because I am with child. You would still be gorging yourself fat on wine if it was not for that.” You snip back, unimpressed.
Opening his mouth to argue back, he stops himself at the last second, a cruel insult on the tip of his tongue that threatened to come out. No. No. No. He would not do that. He would just sit there and take it. It took weeks to get you to even look at him, he would not ruin this now. He could not allow it. Gulping as his heart skips a beat, his hands grow clammy, watching as you open the door a little more to reveal the tiny baby bump. It was small, just noticeable.
A clear sign you were still in your early months of pregnancy. But, it was all he could see. You were with his child. His heir. A tiny part of him wanted to reach out and touch it, to see if he could feel the tiniest of kicks yet. He had seen so many couples in Court doing things like that, touching the baby bump and then giggling at the feeling of kicks. He wanted to do that. He wanted to do that with you.
“No, I..I, um, have been wanting to give you your time.”
“Then, why did you come here today?” You ask, face softening even so slightly.
“I..I suppose I had hoped that we could speak, and I could ask you how you fared so far. If there is anything, absolutely anything, that I can do to ease any pain you feel. I can even have a raven sent to your Mother if that would please you⎯” He rambles on, the words spilling out like vomit.
“Stop talking. Just, stop talking, Aegon.”
“I can stop talking. I can stop talking for the rest of my life is that is what you⎯” He rambles on, unable to stop the words from spilling out.
“Aegon!” You repeat, a little louder.
Watching your nose softly wrinkle up in irritation, you reach out for him, covering his mouth with your hand. The words instantly die on his tongue. His heart skips a beat, his breathing growing ragged. You were touching him. For the first time in weeks, or was it months, you were touching him. Finding himself melting into your touch, he stares up at you like an obedient dog.
“If not for my sake, then for the babe, let us..” You look like you were dreading saying it aloud, “Let us try again. No more fighting. No more silence.”
“I..I would love that.” He stutters, cheek heating up.
“I do not wish for this babe to grow up with the same tension we had⎯”
“It won’t, you have my word. I will do as you ask of me.” He vows, a dead serious expression on his face.
He meant it. He meant every word. Watching you shake your head with a sigh, you open the door a little more, sauntering inside of your bedchambers. He resists the urge to frown. What happened? You two were on seemingly good terms. Standing in the doorway like a kicked puppy, you turn to look at him, hand resting atop of your tiny pregnant belly. Had he done something wrong?
“Stop standing there like a fool and come inside.” You crack the tiniest of smiles, “My feet are aching from standing for so long.”
“Coming, coming.”
“Now, what dull names did you come up with for the babe? Or are you going to name him 'boy' just as you do all of your squires?” You ask, a flicker of your old self returning back.
"Oi! It was one time!"
this little series is done done, no more, and i love it soooooo much..
#house of the dragon#house of dragons#house of dragons x reader#house of the dragon x reader#aegon ii targaryen#hotd x reader#aegon targaryen x reader#hotd#aegon x reader#aegon ii targaryen x reader#hotd aegon#king aegon#hotd imagine#hotd imagines
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my best friend's dad | part 1
Y/N and Scarlett Styles are best friends in college. They share everything even their plans for Spring Break. They have a trip to Bahamas planned. Everything takes a turn when Scarlett is unable to fly, and Y/N is forced to coexist and interact with Scarlett's dad.

Author's note: hello everyone, i hope you are all having a lovely night. As promised, here is a two-part one shot. I tried to make it one part, but as I wrote I realized I needed to give more context and build up the tension between Harry and Y/N.
check out my patreon (starting at $2) and get full access to the second part (+4K words) and much more :) thank you beforehand!
word count: 6.9K
warnings: talk about smut
From the very first day, Y/N had doubts about the career she had chosen to study in college. To be truthful, she had picked journalism because she admired how polished the reporters looked on the news. Her uncertainty vanished the moment she met Scarlett Styles at the end of her freshman year. Meeting Scarlett made it all worthwhile. They met in one of those classes that was just a filler for the syllabus, where no one ever attended and the professor didn’t seem to care, giving everyone the same grade.
Since freshman year, they had been inseparable. Y/N admired Scarlett in many ways. She loved how Scarlett stood up for what she believed was right, fighting with grace and facts. Scarlett influenced Y/N and helped her gain the confidence she lacked. She was much different from her freshman self.
"Alright, what do you think?" Y/N asked as she finished tying the side strings of her bikini bottoms. "Be honest." Y/N had Facetimed Scarlett for the approval of her outfits for their upcoming trip.
"Love it. That's definitely your color. How many are you taking?" Scarlett was in England, having flown back home to see her grandma and meet her youngest cousin before flying to the Caribbean to meet Y/N.
"Ten?" Y/N asked as she wrapped her bathrobe around herself and slipped off the red bikini she had just tried on. "Is that too much?"
"I think that's too little," Scarlett giggled. "I think that's all we’re going to wear for those two weeks."
"Crap," Y/N said, pursing her lips as she looked for more options. "The rest of my bikinis are too skimpy. I might have to buy more."
"Just take those," Scarlett rolled her eyes, looking at her best friend through her phone. "Stop spending money. Your mom is going to have a heart attack when she sees the credit card bill."
"I can't! They're too tiny! Your dad is going to be there," Y/N complained as she held up one of the smallest bikinis. "I want to make a good impression. He’s going to think I’m a whore."
"Please! My dad is probably going to be locked up in the house, designing and drawing. We’re barely going to see him."
"Fine, but you have to stick up for me when he kicks me out of the rental for nudity," Y/N said, laughing along with Scarlett, who knew her father was likely too busy to pay attention to their outfits, even on vacation.
Y/N continued her packing, occasionally glancing at the screen to see Scarlett’s reactions. After sorting through a few more outfits, she plopped down on her bed with a sigh.
"I'm so excited," Y/N said, smiling at Scarlett. "A much-needed break."
"From all the partying," Scarlett laughed. "I'm actually looking forward to some quiet time away from all the nonsense."
"Have you talked to him? Has he texted you?" Y/N asked, referring to Scarlett's boyfriend, Henry. They had a fallout two days before the break when Scarlett told him he couldn’t go to the Bahamas with them.
"He's still giving me the cold shoulder," Scarlett shrugged, trying to act like she wasn't hurt, but Y/N could read her too easily. She could tell Scarlett was hurt and disappointed. "I’m just not ready for him to meet my dad. Why is it so hard for him to understand? He means everything to me. I don't bring every guy I date to meet my dad. It's disrespectful."
Henry and Scarlett had started going out four months ago after meeting at a dorm party.
"His reaction is very childish if you ask me," Y/N said. She could tell that they weren't going to last. Scarlett hated being restrained or forced to do something she didn’t agree with. "He’s your dad. You choose when is the right time to meet him."
"I feel like he's just using the excuse of meeting my dad to tag along on the trip," Scarlett revealed. "Why would he want to meet him when we’ve only just met?" Y/N nodded; she had thought about it too but had refrained from saying it.
"Time will only tell, Scar." Her best friend only nodded. After they hung up, Y/N felt a mixture of excitement and nerves. She finished packing and went straight to bed.
The day of the trip finally arrived. Y/N was getting some much-needed coffee and a snack when she was interrupted by a call from Scarlett.
"I'll never understand why people can be so slow through the TSA—"
"Y/N, please don’t kill me," she interrupted, her voice filled with urgency. Scarlett had a knot in her throat.
"What? What happened?"
"They aren't letting me board the plane. My passport expires in less than six months." She was embarrassed; nothing like this had ever happened to her. Scarlett usually checked everything multiple times. However, the one time she hadn’t was last night. "I've talked with my dad, and he's calling some people, but I'm going to miss my flight and probably the first week of the trip until I can renew it."
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice-cold water on her. She was disappointed and felt like crying.
"Y/N? Are you still there?"
"Y-yeah," she cleared her throat, noticing that the barista was calling out to her. It was her turn to order. Y/N stepped aside and allowed the next person to go before her. She was no longer thirsty or hungry. "So, I’m just going to find someone to get my luggage back and go home."
"What? You aren’t going to get on the plane? Why not?"
"What am I going to do without you?"
"Relax, read a book, listen to music, get a tan and a massage, and wait until next week for me to get there. Don’t be silly," Scarlett stated the obvious. She was just calling to let Y/N know the reason for her absence, but that didn’t mean the entire trip was canceled. She was just going to be late.
"I don’t know, Scar…"
"I am not taking no for an answer, Y/N. You spent way too much money on your seat on that plane. You opted out of eating quite a few times just to be able to afford it. My dad is already there, so you won’t be completely alone."
Y/N sighed, feeling torn between her disappointment and Scarlett's insistence. "Okay, you’re right," she finally conceded. “but please hurry up”
“I will. I’ll miss you,” Scarlett replied. “I promise I’ll get on the flight first out as soon as I get my passport sorted. In the meantime, just try to enjoy yourself. It’s the Caribbean, after all.”
Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath, trying to normalize her pulse after the panic attack that she had started having.
“I’ll try my best.”
“That's the spirit. Give my dad a hug for me and have a safe flight. Text me when you land”
“Love you. Bye”
After hanging up, Y/N forced herself to focus on the positive. The trip was a chance to unwind, and she needed to make the best out of it. She ordered her coffee, though her appetite hadn’t quite returned and headed towards her gate.
Y/N boarded the plane and found her seat and after stowing her carry- on, she settled into the window seat, gazing out at the bustling airport below.
Just as she was about to pull out her book, a tall, handsome man appeared beside her. "Looks like I'm your seatmate," he said with a friendly smile, gesturing to the seat next to her.
Y/N smiled back, noticing his warm hazel eyes and easygoing demeanor. "Great, nice to meet you," she replied.
"I'm Anthony," he introduced himself, extending a hand.
“Y/N," she said, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too."
As the plane took off, they struck up a conversation. Anthony was friendly and easy to talk to, and Y/N found herself enjoying his company. They talked about their reasons for going to the Bahamas, shared travel stories, and laughed about the little quirks of airplane travel.
"So, what's bringing you to the Bahamas?" Anthony asked after the plane reached cruising altitude.
"I'm meeting a best friend for spring break," Y/N explained. "She got held up with a passport issue, so I’m flying solo for now."
"That’s a bummer," Anthony said sympathetically, “I am also heading there for spring break with some friends. Maybe we’ll run into each other again. What are your plans for the trip?”
“A bit of everything, I guess. Relaxing, exploring and trying out some local food. You?”
“Pretty much the same. We’re staying at a resort, but I’m hoping to see more than just the touristy spots. I’ve heard the local culture is amazing.”
They continued chatting, sharing their interests and dreams. Anthony told her about his job in marketing, his love for surfing, and his plans to travel more. Y/N opened up about her studies, her passion for writing, and her excitement for the upcoming trip.
As the plane began its descent, Anthony turned to her with a smile. “Let me give you my number. In case you ever want to join us”.
"Sure," Y/N said, smiling back. She handed him her phone, and he quickly entered his contact information.
“Feel free to text me if you want to hang out” Anthony said, hanging her phone back. “And if you ever want to try surging. I am your guy”
"I might take you up on that," Y/N said, slipping her phone into her bag.
Once the plane landed, they gathered their belongings and headed towards baggage claim together. "It was really nice meeting you," Y/N said as they reached the terminal.
"You too, Y/N. Have a great time, and hopefully, I’ll see you around."
"Definitely," Y/N replied, giving him a wave as they went their separate ways.
Scarlett had arranged for a driver to pick them up, so after she collected her luggage, she met with him by the exit doors of the airport.
As Y/N exited the bustling airport, she was greeted by a warm, tropical breeze and the vibrant colors of the Bahamas. Her driver, a cheerful man named Marcus, welcomed her with a friendly smile and helped load her luggage into a sleek black SUV. Once she was settled in the backseat, they set off toward the villa where she would be staying with Scarlett’s dad.
The drive began with a stretch through Nassau’s lively streets, brimming with a mix of local culture and tourist attractions. Y/N watched as vendors sold fresh fruits and handmade crafts from colorful stalls, and locals mingled with visitors in an atmosphere buzzing with energy. The smell of jerk chicken and conch fritters wafted through the air, making her stomach rumble in anticipation.
As they left the city behind, the scenery shifted to a more serene landscape. Palm trees lined the roads, their fronds swaying gently in the breeze. The vibrant turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea came into view, sparkling under the bright midday sun. Y/N marveled at the clarity of the water, so inviting that she could hardly wait to dive in.
They passed through quaint villages with charming pastel-colored houses, each with its own unique character. Children played in the yards, and neighbors chatted over fences, giving the area a warm, community feel. Y/N felt a sense of calm wash over her as they continued along the coastal road.
Y/N nodded, taking mental notes of places to explore once Scarlett arrived. The drive continued, and the road wound through lush tropical forests, alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, adding to the sensory delight.
As they neared the villa, the landscape became even more picturesque. The road led them up a gentle hill, providing breathtaking views of the ocean and the surrounding islands. The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything.
Finally, they arrived at the villa. It was a stunning, two-story retreat perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. The architecture blended modern elegance with tropical charm, featuring large windows, spacious balconies, and a thatched roof. The garden was a paradise of vibrant flowers, exotic plants, and a sparkling infinity pool that seemed to merge with the ocean beyond.
Marcus helped Y/N with her bags and guided her inside. The interior of the villa was just as impressive as the exterior. The open-plan living area was filled with natural light, and decorated in soothing, coastal hues of blue and white. Comfortable, stylish furniture invited relaxation, and the large glass doors opened onto a terrace with panoramic ocean views.
That’s when she heard a heavy British accent say, “she is here. I’ll call you later. Let me know what they say. I love you”
Harry, Scarlett’s dad appeared from upstairs. “You must be Y/N” he said, walking over to her. “I am Harry. Welcome to our little paradise”. To say that Y/N’ was beyond surprised was an understatement. Slightly sunburned from a day in the Caribbean sun, his skin had taken on a warm, reddish hue that only accentuated his natural good looks. He was shirtless, revealing a toned, athletic build, with tattoos peeking from various places on his chest and arms. His swim trunks hung low on his hips, showcasing a casual, relaxed style. Harry’s tousled hair, still damp from a recent swim, fell in soft curls around his face, and he wore a pair of sunglasses that added a touch of mystery to his striking appearance. His easy smile and confident demeanor made him all the more attractive, embodying the perfect blend of laid-back island vibes
She had expected someone older and more conventional, not the youthful, charismatic man before her. He looked far too young to have a college-aged daughter.
“Hi,” Y/N replied, feeling a bit fluster. “Thank you for having me, Mr. Styles. It’s so beautiful here.”
“Call me Harry” He laughed softly, a sound as charming as his smile. “I hope you’ll feel at home”.
As he spoke, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the easy confidence with which he carried himself was undeniably attractive.
She suddenly felt self-conscious, acutely aware of her travel-worn clothes and the fact that she probably smelled like the airplane. She smoothed her hair, hoping she didn't look as tired as she felt.
Harry seemed to sense her unease. "Long flight?" he asked kindly.
"Yeah, a bit," Y/N admitted, feeling a little dirty and disheveled beside him.
"Well, I can imagine you might want to freshen up. Your room has a great view and a nice big bathroom. Why don't you get settled in, and we'll have some lunch out here later?"
"That sounds perfect," Y/N said, grateful for his understanding.
Harry gave her a reassuring nod. "If you need anything, just let me know. Scarlett speaks very highly of you."
"Thank you," Y/N said, touched by his kindness. "I really appreciate it."
As she turned to head to her room, she caught herself glancing back at Harry, who had returned to lounging by the pool. His relaxed posture and the way he effortlessly fit into the tropical surroundings only added to his allure. Y/N shook her head, trying to focus. She was here to enjoy a vacation with her best friend, not get distracted by her best friend's dad, no matter how attractive and intriguing he was.
Once in her room, Y/N took a deep breath and started unpacking. The luxurious surroundings helped her relax, and as she stepped into the shower, she let the cold water wash away the travel grime and her lingering nerves. She knew this trip was going to be full of surprises, and meeting Harry was just the first of many.
After a refreshing shower, Y/N felt revitalized and ready to embrace the beauty of the Bahamas. She rummaged through her suitcase, deciding on an outfit for the evening. With a bit of confidence restored, she picked out a vibrant bikini that Scarlett had convinced her to buy. It was a flattering shade of coral that accentuated her curves and complemented her complexion. The bikini top offered just the right amount of support, enhancing her figure without being too revealing.
She took her time getting ready, applying a light layer of sunscreen and letting her hair dry naturally into soft waves. Y/N gave herself one last approving look in the mirror, feeling much better than she had after the flight. She slipped into a flowy cover-up and grabbed her favorite book before heading downstairs.
As she walked through the villa, she could hear the faint sound of music and the gentle hum of conversation from the terrace. Stepping outside, she saw Harry lounging by the pool, sipping a drink and reading something on his tablet. He looked up as she approached, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her appearance.
Y/N nodded, feeling a rush of warmth feeling embarrassed by her appearance earlier.
“I though I’d take your advice and relax by the pool for a bit.” As she placed her book on the sunbed, just so she could let her cover-up slip off, revealing her bikini. Harry’s appreciative gaze didn’t go unnoticed and she felt a surge of confidence.
“Good” he replied, gesturing to the sunbed next to his. “I hope you applied some sunscreen. The sun here is ruthless”
“I did” She smiled and settled onto the sunbed, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. She opened her book, trying to focus on the words, but she couldn't help but steal glances at Harry. He was even more attractive up close, with his sun-kissed skin and the tattoos that peeked out from his swim trunks. The way he effortlessly exuded confidence and charm was captivating.
"Good book?" Harry asked, breaking her reverie.
"Yeah, it is," Y/N said, trying to sound casual. "I’ve been meaning to finish it for a while.”
"What's it about?" he asked, genuinely interested.
"It’s a mystery novel," she explained, holding up the cover for him to see. "Keeps me on my toes.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, the sound of the waves and the tropical breeze creating a soothing backdrop. Y/N felt a sense of contentment she hadn't expected. The rest of their first day was spent by the pool. Harry excused himself after dinner to work. On the other hand Y/N stayed outside to watch the sunset on her own.
“What are you working on?” Y/N asked the next day as she noticed Harry picking up his tablet and stylus.
“Designing a new building” Harry was the owner of an architectural firm. He spent most of his days, leaned over his design table, drawing.
“What kind of building is it?” Y/N said, genuinely impressed.
"It’s a mixed-use development," Harry replied, turning the tablet so she could see the screen. "It’s going to have retail spaces on the lower levels and residential units above. The idea is to create a community where people can live, work, and play all in one place."
Y/N leaned in closer, sliding her sunglasses down, admiring the detailed sketches and blueprints. “What’s your vision for it?”
Harry’s eyes lit up as he began to explain. “The design focuses on sustainability and integrating green spaces. There will be rooftop gardens, lots of natural light, and energy-efficient systems. I’m trying to create something that not only looks good but also feels good to live in.”
Y/N could hear the passion in his voice as he spoke, and she was fascinated by his creativity. “It sounds truly special”
“I hope it is” Harry said, smiling appreciatively.
Y/N watched as Harry continued to draw, the lines and shapes forming into intricate designs under his skilled hand. "How did you get into architecture?"
“I’ve always loved drawing and building things," Harry said, leaning back and gazing at the horizon. “When I was a kid, I’d spend hours with sketchbooks. It just felt natural to pursue architecture. I studied it in college and worked my way up through different firms before starting my own. How about you? What are you majoring in?" Harry asked, his tone genuinely curious.
Y/N frowned slightly, feeling a twinge of disappointment that she didn't share the same passion for her career choice as he did. "Journalism," she replied with a hint of hesitation, her gaze momentarily drifting away. She took a deep breath, feeling a pang of uncertainty as she compared her own career path to Harry's evident passion for architecture.
"It's... it's something I chose because I thought it would be interesting," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of honesty and self-reflection. "But lately, I've been feeling like maybe it's not what I'm truly passionate about."
Harry listened attentively, his expression thoughtful. "I understand," he said gently. “It’s okay. You are still young and it takes time to find that passion. Have you though about what inspires you?”
Y/N nodded, grateful for his understanding. "I've always enjoyed writing and telling stories," she admitted. "But I haven't found that one thing that really lights a fire in me, like architecture does for you."
Harry smiled warmly. “Don’t beat yourself up for it. You still got a long way ahead of you and sometimes that passion reveals itself unexpectedly” he said.
Y/N felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she listened to Harry's encouraging words. She realized that she didn't have to have everything figured out right away. This trip, with its new experiences and conversations like this one, was already helping her see things from a different perspective.
After a while, Harry put down his tablet and stretched. "I think it’s time for a swim down at the beach. Care to join me?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Sure, why not?"
They made their way through a winding path bordered by lush foliage, leading to a secluded stretch of beach that seemed untouched by the usual tourist crowds. The soft sand greeted their feet as they approached the water's edge, the gentle lapping of the waves creating a soothing soundtrack. Harry glanced around with a smile.
“Breathtaking as always” he remarked, gesturing to the pristine beach.
Y/N nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over her. The beach was indeed stunning, with its turquoise waters and powdery white sand stretching into the distance. It felt like a hidden paradise, far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
"I can see why Scarlett loves it here," Y/N said, taking in the beauty of the surroundings.
The next day dawned with a soft, rosy glow creeping over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. Harry woke before the sun, as was his routine, slipping on his running gear quietly so as not to disturb the peacefulness of the villa. He tiptoed downstairs, the floor cool under his feet, and headed for the front door. As he passed through the living room, he glanced out onto the terrace.
There, on one of the sunbeds, Y/N lay curled up under a blanket, her silhouette softened by the early morning light. She had fallen asleep waiting for the sunrise, her peaceful expression making her look even more serene. Harry couldn't help but smile at the sight, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He found it endearing
Resisting the urge to wake her, Harry quietly slipped outside and started his jog along the quiet streets. The rhythmic pounding of his footsteps helped clear his mind, but try as he might, thoughts of Y/N kept intruding. He couldn't shake the image of her in that attractive bikini, her laughter echoing in his mind from the day before. It wasn't just her physical beauty that captivated him; it was her warmth, her intelligence, and the easy way they connected.
Feeling a pang of guilt, Harry quickened his pace, pushing himself harder. He hadn't expected to be so affected by Y/N's presence, and he chastised himself for dwelling on thoughts that felt inappropriate given their relationship. He had spent the previous day enjoying her company, sharing stories, and learning about her dreams and ambitions. Yet, now he found himself unable to shake the attraction he felt towards her.
By the time he returned to the villa, the sun was fully risen, casting a bright light over the tropical landscape. Harry took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts as he cooled down. He decided to take a cold shower, hoping the shock of cold water would help clear his mind. As he stood under the refreshing spray, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his inner turmoil. He didn't want to complicate things or make Y/N uncomfortable during their time together.
He just couldn’t get that damn bikini off his mind. The one she had wore the day before. The red color complemented her sun-kissed skin beautifully, accentuating her curves in all the right places. His hand creeped down and grabbed throbbing cock, trying get some release from the torture that he was experiencing. Her confidence and natural grace shone through, making her even more captivating. He admired the way she moved with a relaxed elegance, her laughter and smiles lighting up the surroundings. Every detail, from the way her hair fell in gentle waves to the sparkle in her eyes as she talked animatedly, only added to her allure.
He couldn’t help imagining her naked, under him, moaning, begging for him. Harry though about how deliciously tight and warm she could feel around him. He thought about how she would taste and his mouth water. He didn’t last long. As he allowed the water to wash him off, he couldn’t help feeling ashamed. Ashamed that he was acting like a schoolboy. He was forty-four years old and fantasizing about his daughter's best friend while she slept downstairs.
part 2
#harry#harrystyles#harry styles#harryimagine#harryimagines#harry imagines#harry imagine#harry x you#harry x reader#harry x y/n#harry styles x you#harry styles x reader#harry styles y/n#harry blurb#harry angst#harry fluff#harry smut#harry styles fluff#harry styles blurb#harry styles angst#harry da#harry fanfic#harry fanfiction#harry fic#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fic#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles imagines#harry x au#harry styles x au
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Pretty Boy Sub!Javi x F!Reader
Masterlist ★ Wordcount: 4.2K
📽 —★ Summary: The Christmas you made Javi your sub
-or -
javi teases you at the dinner table and you make him pay for it
📽 —★ Warnings: 18+, mdni, javi is a sub, lots of edging an obscene amount, javi is called pretty boy, good boy, m!oral receiving, javi is tied up with a ribbon that is stronger than steel lol, reader wears a dress and has breasts
📽 —★ Notes: thanks to @thundermartini I wrote this at 10am in a Costco on Christmas Eve waiting for them to have chickens ready to pick up because what else was I supposed to do... so anyway, thank you and @milla-frenchy for reading and being the best Javi girls around. I love you both so much. ty @saradika-graphics for your amazing dividers as always
The Christmas dinner table is a picture of warmth and cheer, twinkling lights reflecting off wine glasses and silverware, the low hum of conversation blending with the soft holiday music playing in the background. Everyone seems caught up in the festive spirit—everyone except Javier Peña.
He sits beside you, his broad shoulders relaxed in a way that’s almost deceptive, his dark eyes glinting with something far less innocent than holiday cheer. The corner of his mouth lifts in a knowing smirk as his hand disappears beneath the tablecloth.
It starts innocently enough—a light brush of his fingers against your knee as he leans over to pour you another glass of wine. But then his hand doesn’t retreat. Instead, it inches higher, his calloused fingertips drag along the inside of your thigh, setting your skin on fire even through the thin fabric of your dress. If anything he could say you were asking for it, not wearing underwear at the table.
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep your expression neutral and your hand tightens around the stem of your glass. Javier leans closer, his lips brushing against your ear under the pretense of saying something.
“You’re awfully quiet, cariño,” he murmurs, his voice low and teasing. “Something wrong?”
You shoot him a pointed look but his fingers slide higher, just grazing the edge of your folds, and it takes everything in you not to let out a soft gasp.
The chatter at the table continues, oblivious to the silent battle happening under the tablecloth. Javier’s thumb presses lightly against you, slow moving, sending a pulse of heat straight through you. You squirm slightly, and his smirk widens.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice dripping with faux concern.
You don’t answer, but your hand drops to your lap, brushing his wrist away just long enough to regain your composure. When your fork slips from your hand and clatters to the floor, Javier barely hides his amusement.
“I’ll get it,” you say sweetly, pushing back your chair and slipping under the table.
The faint flicker of triumph in his expression vanishes as your hand slides up his thigh, your nails dragging over the denim of his jeans. Javier tenses, his breath hitching when your fingers press against the bulge straining against the fabric.
“Careful papi,” you whisper, just loud enough for him to hear, your lips brushing the edge of his belt as you work the button open. His hand twitches as he grips the tablecloth, but he doesn’t stop you.
You free him, your hand wrapping around him with a firm, teasing stroke. His hips shift slightly, a faint curse slips from his lips as you run your tongue along his length, savoring his quiet reaction.
“Everything alright, Javier?” one of the relatives asks, and Javier clears his throat, forcing a smile.
“Yeah,” he replies with a tight voice. “Just, uh, enjoying the food.”
You suppress a smile, your movements are languid, making it as hard as possible for him to focus. His thighs tense and his fingers twitch against the table as he struggles to keep his composure.
Satisfied with your small victory, you tuck him back into his jeans and rejoin the table, your expression as innocent as ever. Javier’s dark eyes follow you as you sit back down, smoldering with a silent promise of retribution.
Later that night, after the dishes are cleared and the guests have gone, you take Javier’s hand and pull him into the bedroom. The way his eyes follow you, heated and curious, tells you he knows something is coming—but not exactly what.
“Sit,” you command softly, nodding toward the bed.
He arches a brow at the sudden authority in your tone but obeys, settling on the edge of the mattress with his legs spread, casual yet confident. You hand him a small box, wrapped neatly with a red bow, and watch as curiosity flickers across his face.
“What’s this?” he asks, tugging at the ribbon.
“Your Christmas gift,” you reply, your voice deceptively sweet.
When the lid comes off, his expression changes. His eyes widen slightly, and then he chuckles as he pulls out a long length of red silk ribbon and a smaller spool of the same material. A tiny bottle of oil is nestled beneath it.
“You’ve been busy, haven’t you?” he says, his smirk curling upward.
“I had to get creative,” you reply, stepping closer. “You’ve been a very bad boy tonight, Javi.”
“Oh, have I?” he drawls, amusement flickering in his tone as he eases back onto the bed, propping himself up with his hands. His eyes glint with a playful challenge. “And what exactly did I do this time?”
You slide a hand up his chest, wrapping it around his neck and lean in close enough that your breath fans across his lips. “You know exactly what you did,” you whisper. “Teasing me under the table like that? Getting me all worked up in front of everyone?”
His grin grows wider. “You liked it.”
“I did,” you admit, pulling back before he can kiss you. “But you don’t get to tease me like that and get away with it. Tonight, I’m in charge, papi.”
You step back, letting your gaze sweep over him as you tug at the hem of his shirt. “This is in my way,” you say, pulling it up and over his head. He raises his arms obediently letting you take charge.
Your fingers slowly trail over his chest, down his stomach, following the trail that leads lower to the waistband of his jeans. “These, too,” you murmur, undoing the button and zipper.
“Eager, are we?”
“Quiet,” you reply with a smirk, tugging his jeans and boxers down in one smooth motion. His cock springs free, hard and already glistening at the tip, you take a moment to appreciate him.
“Mmm look at you, now lie back handsome.”
There’s a flicker of hesitation in his eyes—he loves control, loves the chase—but there’s also curiosity. Slowly, he leans back against the pillows, his broad shoulders sinking into the mattress as he looks up at you.
You climb onto the bed, straddling his hips, and slide your hands up his arms, guiding them above his head. “Let’s make sure you don’t forget who’s in charge tonight,” you say, as you wrap the red ribbon around his wrists and tie him to the headboard.
“Red ribbon, huh? Very festive hermosa.”
“I'm not done,” you reply, holding up the smaller spool. His eyes darken as he watches you unwind a length of it.
“What are you planning to do with that?” he asks.
You smirk, trailing the ribbon down his chest, lower and lower, until it brushes against his growing erection. “This,” you say, wrapping the silky material around his already weeping cock, tying it snugly, the bow perched just below the tip.
Javier groans and his hips jerk slightly. “You’re killing me.”
“Oh no,” you purr, sliding your fingers down the length of him, your touch featherlight. “Not yet. But you’ll wish I would.”
You smirk and watch his eyes burn with hunger, his body already taut with tension. You get off him admiring your beautiful sunkissed gift before slowly reaching for the hem of your dress, dragging it up inch by inch until the lacy bra underneath is revealed. His nostrils flare, his jaw clenching as he fights against the silk binding his wrists, desperate to touch you.
"Look at you," you murmur, letting the dress fall to the floor, your bra quickly following. "So eager, so needy. You can’t wait to bury your face between my tits, can you?"
"Fuck, no, I can’t," he growls, his voice rough. His cock twitches against the ribbon, the sight of you makes him ache.
You step forward, leaning over him just enough that your breasts brush against his lips. His tongue flicks out instantly, trying to catch one of your nipples, but you pull back with a grin.
“Not so fast,” you say, cupping your breasts and squeezing them together, the movement making his gaze darken with lust. “You think you’ve earned this, Javi? After teasing me all night? No, baby. You’re gonna have to work for it.”
He lets out a guttural groan, his hips jerking as he strains against the headboard. “Let me taste you, baby. Fuck—please.”
You laugh softly, dragging your fingers over your nipples, tweaking them until they’re stiff, your breath hitching slightly at your own touch. His eyes are locked on you, his desperation is palpable.
"Look at how hard you are," you taunt, glancing down at his cock, admiring the pretty ribbon straining against his shaft. "You’re throbbing just watching me, aren’t you?"
“You’re fucking killing me,” he growls, his voice is rough with frustration.
“Oh, I’m just getting started,” you reply, leaning down again to press your chest against his face. This time, you move them against his lips, letting him feel the softness he craves but pulling back just as he tries to latch on again.
“Bet you want to suck on these tits so bad, don’t you?” you purr, dragging a nipple across his cheek. "Bet you’d bury your face right here, lose yourself completely, wouldn’t you?”
“Fuck, yes," he rasps, his voice breaking. "Let me, baby, please. I’ll do anything."
You trail your fingers down his chest, over his stomach, until you’re lightly stroking his cock. His hips buck at the touch, his head tilting back as he groans.
“You’ll get what you want,” you promise, gripping his shaft just enough to make him gasp, “but not until I’m done with you. And baby, I’m gonna take my sweet time ruining you tonight.”
“Please,” he groans again, as you straddled him. His voice drips with need, more desperate than ever. The sound of his beautiful, breathless whines sends a shiver down your spine—you think you could grow addicted to them.
“Please, what?” you ask, leaning down to kiss his neck, letting your teeth graze his skin.
“Let me touch you,” he murmurs, his tone is rough with need like a man that has been starved for far too long and it turns you on even more. “I’ll be good. I’ll make you feel so good, baby, just let me—”
“No,” you interrupt, with a firm voice.
He groans. “You’re torturing me.”
“Good, you deserve it.”
You shift your hips, grinding against him slowly, the friction drawing a strangled moan from his lips. His head falls back against the pillows, eyes closing as he fights to stay still.
“You’re so sensitive, poor baby,” you tease, your nails grazing his skin as you move lower. “I could make you come just like this, couldn’t I?”
“Try me,” he challenges, never one to back down.
You smirk, sliding off him, in between his legs, your tongue darts out to flick over the head of his cock—a quick, teasing touch that leaves him trembling.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his hips jerking as he tries to chase your touch.
“Ah, ah,” you chide, sitting back. “If you can’t behave, I’ll have to tie your legs, too.”
You smirk as you settle between his legs, your fingers tracing the red ribbon tied snugly around his cock. “You look so pretty like this, Javi,” you say as you press a featherlight kiss to the tip of his length.
“Pretty? I don’t think anyone’s called me that before.”
“First time for everything,” you tease, your lips brushing against him again. “And right now, you’re all mine, pretty boy.”
His jaw tightens, but he doesn’t respond—not when you take him into your mouth, your tongue swirling around the head slowly. His reaction is immediate—a sharp intake of breath, his thighs tensing beneath your hands.
Fuck, hermosa,”his voice is strained, thick with need, desperate for more. “Stop teasing. Just—let me—”
You hum around him, taking him deeper, the ribbon soaking with his arousal and your spit. Your hand strokes the base of his cock in tandem with your mouth. The sounds he makes are delicious—low groans, muffled curses, the occasional helpless whimper when your tongue finds just the right spot.
But just when his breathing starts to hitch, just when his hips start to buck up slightly, you pull away with a soft pop.
“Goddamn it. Baby I can't do this, please. You already got me begging what more do you want?”
You smirk, enjoying his strangled pleas. You wipe the corner of your mouth with your thumb. “You don’t get to come until I say so.”
You return to your slow, torturous rhythm—taking him into your mouth, sucking and stroking him just to the brink before pulling back. Each time, his curses grow louder, more desperate, until his voice is raw with need and he's begging.
“Please,” he groans. “Please, baby, just let me—”
“No,” you interrupt, with a sharp tone. “You don’t get to beg your way out of this, Javi. You’re going to take it, just like I did at the dinner table.”
His eyes blaze with frustration and arousal, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. You crawl up his body, capturing his mouth in a heated kiss. His tongue pushes past your lips immediately, tasting himself on you as he groans into the kiss.
“Feel that?” you whisper against his mouth, grinding your soaked cunt against his cock, the ribbon still snug around his shaft. “Feel how close you are? How much I want you?”
You shift again, letting the head of his cock brush against your entrance, your wetness coats the tip. “You’re so close to getting everything you want, Javi. But you have to behave.”
“I’ll behave,” he promises. “Just—please, baby. Just once. Let me taste you.”
You lean over him, letting one nipple graze his lips. "Once," you whisper, your voice dripping with warning. "You get one lick, or I’ll stop. Completely. Do you understand?"
His eyes burn with hunger as he nods, and you lower yourself just enough for his mouth to capture your nipple. His tongue flicks over the sensitive peak, and you moan softly, arching into him.
The second his tongue flicks out and tries to suck harder, you pull back abruptly. “That’s all you get,” you tease, dragging your fingers through your dripping folds, coating them in your slick arousal before pressing them firmly against his lips. “Taste that, baby? Taste how fucking soaked you’ve made me?”
Javier growls, sucking your fingers into his mouth greedily, his tongue swirling around them like a man starved.
“You’re fucking merciless,” he rasps, his voice raw, thick with desperation.
“Merciless?” you echo, smirking as you slide your slick fingers down to the base of his cock, stroking him slowly, torturously. “No, baby, it's just you don’t get to come until you’re begging me like your life depends on it. And even then…” You pause, leaning in close so your lips brush his ear. “I might just make you wait even longer.”
His breath hitches, his head falling back against the pillow as he bites out a string of curses. "Fuck, baby, please. You can’t do this to me.”
“Oh, I can,” you purr, capturing his mouth in a searing kiss, your tongue teasing his as you taste the mix of your arousal and his desperation. “And you love every second of it, don’t you? You love being completely at my mercy. You want me to let you come, Javi? Maybe I’ll just ride that pretty cock of yours until I come and leave you tied up like this, dripping and desperate.”
Satisfied with his desperation, you shift, crawling up his body until you’re straddling his face. His eyes widen slightly, and then his lips curl into a knowing smirk.
“Oh, you want this nena?”
Shhhh,” you snap, your grip on his hair tightening as you yank his head back. His lips part, his breathing heavy as his eyes burn into yours. “You don’t get to talk. That mouth has one purpose right now, and it’s not to speak.”
You lower yourself onto his face, thighs bracketing his head, and he immediately dives in like a man starved. The first swipe of his tongue against your slick folds draws a sharp gasp from your lips, and your nails dig into his shoulders as you grind down against him.
His muffled groan vibrates against your core, and the sound sends a shiver up your spine. His tongue works you with precision—long, slow strokes that have you trembling, alternating between licking and sucking on your clit until your head falls back, your hips moving on their own.
“Good boy,” you murmur, your voice low and breathy as you roll your hips against his face. “That’s it. Just like that. Eat me like you mean it, Javi.”
A growl rumbles from his chest, muffled by your thighs, as his tongue plunges inside. His nose presses against your clit, and the way he moves beneath you—licking, sucking, devouring—makes your thighs shake as you grip his hair tighter.
“Fuck, you’re so greedy,” you moan, your nails raking over his scalp. “You love being smothered by me, don’t you? Love how I taste, how I feel?”
Javier’s response is a guttural growl, his lips locking around your swollen clit as he sucks hard, pulling a strangled cry from your throat.
“Look at you,” you pant, grinding harder, your thighs squeezing his flushed cheeks. “You’d suffocate just to get one more taste of me, wouldn’t you? Such a desperate, filthy little thing.”
His moan vibrates against your cunt, and you let out a breathless laugh, tugging his head back just enough to let him catch a fleeting gasp of air before pushing him right back where you want him. “Not until I’m shaking, Javi. You don’t get to breathe until I say you can.”
Your orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave, and you cry out his name, your body arching as your thighs tremble against his cheeks. He doesn’t slow, doesn’t let up—his tongue keeps working you through every shudder, every pulse of pleasure, until you’re left panting and boneless.
Finally, you lift yourself off him, your legs unsteady as you look down at him. His face is flushed, his lips shiny and swollen, his chest heaving as he gasps for air.
“You’re such a good boy for me,” you murmur, dragging your fingers over his slick, damp hair. “You’d do anything for this, wouldn’t you?”
He licks his lips, his gaze dark and feral as he nods. “Anything,” he rasps, his voice raw and wrecked.
“Good boy,” you murmur, stroking his jaw. “You earned that one.”
Javier smirks up at you. “Can I touch you now?”
“No,” you reply, sliding back down his body until you’re straddling his hips. His cock is still painfully hard, weeping with need.
You trail your fingers down his chest, your touch featherlight as you reach for the ribbon. “Now,” you say, your voice teasing, “let’s unwrap my real present.”
Javier’s groan is low and desperate as you untie the ribbon with deliberate care, letting it fall to the side. His cock stands free, thick and glistening, and you take a moment to admire him.
“Such a pretty gift,” you murmur, wrapping your hand around him and giving a slow stroke before positioning yourself over him. “You’ve waited long enough,” you say, sinking down onto him slowly, savoring the way he stretches you.
Javier groans, his head falling back against the pillows. “Fuck, nena,” he mutters. “You feel so—”
“Quiet,” you interrupt, placing a hand on his chest. “Be good for me papi and you'll get a treat.”
He nods and you start to move, your hips roll in slow, deliberate circles. The friction is exquisite, and the way his eyes darken as he watches you is enough to make you feel drunk on power.
“You’re so good for me,” you murmur as your nails drag down his chest. “Taking everything I give you, just like a good boy should.”
“Ah,” you warn, pressing him back down when his hips buck up again. “You don’t get to move unless I say so.”
“Cariño,” he groans, his voice a mix of frustration and need.
You lean down, your lips brushing against his ear. “If you’re a good boy,” you whisper, “I'll let you come.”
You adjust your hips slightly, taking him deeper, drawing a strangled groan from his lips. His jaw tightens, but he obeys your command to stay still, though you can feel the tension in his body as he fights the urge to take over.
“That’s it,” you purr, your fingers trailing down his sides, nails grazing his skin. “You’re learning.”
His dark eyes lock onto yours, smoldering with restrained desire. “You’re making this harder than it has to be,” he murmurs.
“Good,” you reply, rolling your hips again, the pace slow enough to keep him on the edge without giving him relief, you lean down closer to his face. “You deserve it for what you pulled tonight, might just sit still and keep your cock warm all night.”
A low growl rumbles in his chest. “You’re being a brat hermosa, I'm gonna return this favor later.”
“I know,” you say with a smug smile. “But you like it, don’t you?”
Instead of answering, he lifts his head just enough to nip at your shoulder, his teeth grazing your skin. The heat of his breath sends a shiver through you, but you don’t let him distract you.
“Careful,” you warn, your nails dragging over his chest hard enough to leave faint red marks. “You don’t want me to stop, do you?”
His head falls back onto the pillow with a frustrated groan. “No, don’t stop, please, don’t stop.” He begs you.
You tilt your head, pretending to consider his plea. “I don’t know,” you say, tightening your grip on his shoulders as you grind down harder. “You’ve been awfully bossy for someone tied up.”
He grits his teeth, his hips shifting involuntarily beneath you. “I’ll be good,” he promises, his tone desperate now. “I’ll do whatever you want, just—don’t stop.”
Your smirk widens. “Whatever I want?”
“Anything,” he breathes. “Just tell me.”
You pause your movements, watching as frustration and arousal war in his expression. His cock twitches inside you, and the sight of him so undone and needy sends a thrill through you.
“Then you’re going to stay just like this,” you command. “No moving, no talking unless I say so. Got it?”
He swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and nods.
“Good,” you murmur, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead.
You resume your slow, deliberate rhythm, rolling your hips in a way that leaves you both gasping. Every movement is calculated to draw out his pleasure without letting him fall over the edge.
You lean forward, dragging your lips along the column of his throat, your teeth grazing his pulse point. His body arches beneath you, and you feel the control he’s so used to having slip further and further away.
“Please,” he rasps again, his voice thick with need.
“Please what?”
“Let me come,” he groans, the words ripped from him. “I need it baby. I can’t—”
You cut him off with a sharp roll of your hips that has him biting back a curse. “Shhh pretty boy. I know you're hurting, I got you, don't worry, but you need to be quiet for me.”
Javier’s chest heaves, his dark eyes pleading with you, but you don’t relent.
His entire body is taut like a bowstring, his lips part as if to speak, but no words come out—just a low, guttural sound that makes you shiver.
“You’re so close, aren’t you?” you murmur, your nails raking lightly over his chest. “You can feel it, can’t you?”
“Fuck, yes,” he chokes out, his head thrown back as he teeters on the brink.
You slow your movements again, watching as frustration clouds his features. His hips jerk upward in a desperate attempt for more friction, but you press him back down with a firm hand on his chest.
“No moving,” you remind him, your voice a soft but stern command.
Javier’s growl is deep and feral, but he forces himself to obey, his body trembling with the effort it takes to stay still.
Finally, when you decide he’s suffered enough, you quicken your pace, your hips grinding down on him with a purpose. His entire body tenses beneath you, his breaths coming in harsh, uneven gasps.
“That’s it,” you purr, leaning down to nip at his earlobe. “I want you to come for me, Javi. Show me how good you can be.”
The permission is all he needs. With a strangled groan, his release crashes over him, his body shuddering violently beneath you. You don’t stop moving, drawing every last wave of pleasure from him until he’s a trembling, panting mess.
You finally slow to a stop, your body still trembling from your own lingering aftershocks. Leaning down, you press a soft kiss to his lips, savoring the way he melts into it.
“Good boy,” you murmur against his mouth, your fingers tracing the faint red marks on his wrists as you untie him.
Javier groans softly, his arms falling to his sides as he gazes up at you with a dazed, satisfied expression. “You’re going to be the death of me, cariño,” he mutters.
You grin, brushing a strand of hair from his damp forehead. “And you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
#javier peña x reader#javier pena smut#javier peña#javier pena x reader#javier pena fic#javier pena fanfiction
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ft. kaeya alberich — genshin impact
as a werewolf, it’s hard to control your animalistic urges as is. but while in a heat; dizzy and restless and constantly feverish with your tease of a boyfriend around, it just gets that much more difficult.
ruling. nsfw — mature content
content warnings. amab! werewolf! reader, breeding kink, heat, anal pen, “monsterfucking”, spanking, belly bulge, established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, slight feminization (using “mother” for kaeya, talking about carrying the reader’s child), reader can be viewed as gn because there is no gender-specific vocabulary except the male anatomy lol
an. hello everyone i’m back, ty for all the kind words you all sent to me! this was not proofread so don’t make fun of me for any errors. i don’t read my shit b4 i post it. enjoy!!
kinktober 2023 masterlist
heats are the worst time of the month, you think.
when your brain is a constant blur; images running into themselves and you can barely make out what is or isn’t. voices make your head pound and your body is always on fire, with hands sweating a downpour and you can’t help but shed your clothing the moment you step into your shared apartment with your boyfriend, kaeya.
kaeya. that’s right, the love of your life— kaeya alberich was the damndest thing that’s ever happened to you. when you first met he was such an angel. gentle with a sweet tongue and smooth words that made your heart race.
when you first told him of your origins as a werewolf a few weeks after you started talking, he told you he saw you all the same. not as a monster like everyone else did.
and when he experienced your first heat about a month after you started dating, he learned something new about himself.
he liked it rough.
rough with the way you’d manhandle him, tossing him around into different positions to stuff him full just the way he liked after he teased you all day.
rough with the way you shoved him down onto your shared bed, quickly tearing his shirt apart— quite literally as the buttons flung off of the fabric and he let out a dissatisfied sound.
“that was my favorite shirt,” kaeya breathed, watching as your big hands fussed with his belt buckle “you’ll have to pay for that, y’know.”
“oh, i’ll pay for it.” you grumbled, swiftly tugging his pants off and discarding them onto the floor with his belt. quickly pushing his legs apart and rushing to press your lips and teeth to his exposed chest and skin.
he let out a shaky breath as your lips left marks on his skin. deep purpling marks and outlines of sharp canines messy along his collarbone. your hands crept down to his twitching cock, but swiftly passing it as your attention was focused… elsewhere.
“gonna prep you, kaeya.” you muttered against his burning skin before looking up for approval. “gonna prep you good so you can take my cock, m’kay?”
he nodded, and you continued. your large fingers began to work him open, making your lover gasp and clench tightly around the two digits inside of his hole.
kaeya felt his own thoughts blur. your thick, long fingers working in and out of him, making his body tense up with every thrust. it doesn’t take much to work him up— the smooth-talking captain really isn’t as suave as he thinks.
by the time you’ve fucked him open he’s already melting. biting his bottom lip to silence any sounds that may slip past his lips.
“ah… darling,” he whispered before being cut off by a whine. “please, i’m ready for you.”
“are you sure?” you asked, voice almost a purr, deep and rumbling in your chest. kaeya nodded eagerly, and a smirk splayed onto your lips. “you’ve spurred me on quite a bit. i won’t be gentle.”
“i don’t care,” he shook his head. “i want you. please?”
and so you positioned yourself right. throwing his slender legs over your shoulders and pressing your tip to his entrance.
he thought you’d never give in. kaeya opened his mouth to protest, to whine. but never got to for he felt your length split him nearly into two. you forced yourself in and he keened, head thrown back and hands grasping for the pillows behind his head as you began to fuck into him at a relentless pace.
“gonna fuck you full,” you panted, the smell of sweat and sex leaving the both of you breathless. “this what you wanted, huh? wanted me to use you ‘til you can’t speak?”
all he could muster was a breathy whimper. too focused on the feeling of your long cock breaking his body and forcing him down. just the way he wanted it. just the way he needed it.
kaeya felt as if he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak. until a harsh slap to his bare thigh brought him back and he flinched, gasping for air as you kept fucking him.
“answer me.” you demanded, and he immediately scrambled to answer. “yes, yes, feels good,” kaeya whined. “you feel so good. so b-big, i can’t—”
and your hips began to speed up. thrusts growing hard and sloppy, your hands suddenly just beside his head as you angled his hips up to buck into his prostate.
kaeya almost wailed— maybe he did. body jolting with every thrust. voice dissipating into strained moans and whimpers as you continued to use his body.
“y/n, y/n,” he chanted. the sound of skin against skin and your rough groans in his ear only spurred him further. “so big, so full! fuuck!”
your growls turned into chuckles of amusement as you continued your rough pace on his body. “gonna breed you.” you whispered into the shell of his ear. “gonna use your body up and fuck you full of my babies.”
“yes, please,” kaeya nodded, huffing and whining. “fuck me full. wanna— i wanna feel you!”
he knew it wasn’t possible. you couldn’t actually get him pregnant. but the thought of it was exhilarating. you, knocking him up and leaving him with a baby. would he be a good mother? maybe. maybe not. he wish he could figure out. but if not, this would be just fine.
more than so.
kaeya opened his pretty eyes to try and look at you while you fucked him. instead, his vision fell to the bulge in his stomach that grew every time you drilled your hips up into him. the sight left his mind swirling with thoughts. so badly did he want your cum deep inside his stomach— so much so that the big bulge your cock imprinted in him did a baby take its place. he whined out, staring as your dick shaped his insides and left him moaning messily out for more.
“fuck, baby.” you groaned into kaeya’s ear. “i’m gonna cum. gonna make you take all of my cum. you’re gonna take my knot like a good boy, aren’t you?”
it was all ‘yes, yes, yes’ and ‘cum with me, please!’ from the lips of your lover. so badly did he want to experience the high of your release together.
and when you finally let go, finally pump all of your cum into his hole does he scream. the loudest he has in a while. you’re so warm, you make him feel so full— his eyes roll back into his skull and he’s stuttering pleas and begging for you to fill him up more, more, more.
his voice is giving out. similarly to his legs. you groan lowly into his ear and he feels his stomach churn. his own high leaving him breathless as it crashes over him and he himself cums streams of white all over his stomach.
the captain isn’t quite sure if he can breathe. not sure if his lungs are working properly, or if he’s even alive at all. not with the way he’s gripping the sheets for dear life as if worried he’ll find himself lost if he lets go.
and this is why he teases so much during your heats. to feel you inside him, stuffing him full and threatening to knock him up as if he’d take it like a curse— when in reality, he’d do anything to make you happy. even if it meant bearing your pups.
#@ genacity kinktober 2023 ! 🩸 ☆#sub character#dom reader#sub kaeya#kaeya smut#sub genshin impact#sub genshin#sub character smut#dom reader smut#tw dom reader#genshin impact smut#genshin smut#genshin x reader smut#kaeya x reader#kaeya x you#kaeya x y/n
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Hey Jade!
I can’t remember if you’ve already written this or not but if not, could you please write bombshell!reader finally joining the BAU? I wanna know how Spencer and everyone else reacted to her finally joining
Thanks lovely :) hope you’re doing well
ty for requesting 💌 fem, 1.3k
The trek from the SCU to the BAU is familiar. If you aren’t being asked to consult, or occasionally brought along on sex crime specific cases, you’ll make any excuse to get there. A broken laptop, an updated reading list, a good cup of coffee. Spencer Reid always provides.
He just doesn’t get it. You think about it every time you see him, but he can’t understand how nice, kind, and pretty he really is, or he wouldn’t be so shy, and he wouldn’t act surprised to have you seeking him out.
He’s sitting now behind his desk with a hand over his mouth. You can tell he’s smiling despite it, a warm light to his brown eyes as you approach.
“Hello,” you say.
“Hi.” He sniffs, curling his hand into a fist under his nose. His smile is a thousand times more obvious as he tries to hide. “You okay?”
“Hotch asked me to come. You don’t know what it’s for?”
His smile finally softens before fading to a more neutral expression. “I have no idea.”
You wipe your hands down over your hips. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, and not at all like last time.” Hotch has never been angry with you before. It was strange. “I hope he still likes me.”
“What are you talking about? Of course he does.”
“What am I talking about?” You agree. “Kiss for luck?”
“Pucker up,” Morgan says, a coffee cup in hand. Without coffee you’re sure this office would cease to function.
You shoot him a smile, Spencer a promising look to return, and start up the stairs to the office. You watch your shoes on each step, their shiny black, and you try not to be nervous, but Spencer was acting strange and Hotch has enough reason to revisit his anger.
Your best defence is a smile, you decide. If you act like nothing happened, you won’t get another rehashing of your mistakes.
You knock his door. “Hotch? It’s me.”
“Come in, please.”
You turn the handle and feel the weight of the door against your elbow as you enter. Hotch sits behind his desk, as usual, but when you’re a few paces from the desk he stand up, which is unusual.
“How are you?” he asks.
Your eyes widen against your will. “I’m fine. How are you, Hotch? How’s your sweet boy? Did he have fun at little league?”
“Jack’s perfect. I’m good, I need to talk to you about something.”
“I assumed.” You wait. Then, neck growing warm, “If it’s about last time, I'm still so sorry.”
“I’m not going to get angry at you twice for a mistake. But no, that’s not what you’re here for.”
He’s making you nervous. Is this a guessing game? You lean into your nerves and put your arms behind your back, grasping your wrist as you tilt your head ever so slightly to the side. “It’s not about Spencer, is it? I told you, he’s just a friend. A good friend. But I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise my chances.”
“It’s about that.”
You stand straighter. “I do like him,” you confess, which Hotch already knows. Everybody seems to know except for Spencer. It’s not like you’re in love with him, just you could be, maybe. “But I’m really not– I would never do anything–” You start again. “I want this job more than anything. I know I flirt and I make more jokes than I should, but I take the work seriously, I promise. You guys are the most impressive people I know and I might feel like you’re a friend to me, Hotch, but you have to know how much I admire you. I admire Spencer, and I’d never let my feelings impede my professional ability.”
“Y/N, I’m not reprimanding you for anything.”
You swallow awkwardly. “You’re not?”
He raises his eyebrows and turns to his desk. There’s a packet waiting across his outgoings, which he picks up and gives to you. “I need you to fill these in, first and foremost.”
He’s smiling. Why is he smiling?
You peer inside cautiously. Chest suddenly aching, thinking, It isn’t what you want, don’t break your own heart, you pull out the very top sheet from inside. FBI letterhead greets you.
Facilitation of department transfer for Y/N L/N from the Sexual Crimes Unit to the Behavioural Analysis Unit, as requested by Unit Chief Supervisory Special Agent A. Hotchner and approved by Unit Chief S. Peterson.
You lay it on top of the envelope. All the papers whine under your tight hand. “You requested it?” you ask.
“Months ago.”
“And Sandy said yes.”
“Strauss, finally. If you sign them today, Penelope’s promised to expedite your processing, whether that’s fair or not. Your desk is ready.”
“Hotch,” you whisper, not without excitement, but sound hard to summon, “are you serious? You’re not messing with me?”
“You deserve it. You have for a long time.”
You squeeze your eyes closed. For five long seconds, you stand there, and you think about how hard you’ve worked and how badly you’ve wanted this, and how much faith everybody’s had in you the whole time. You’re so thankful. For Hotch, Morgan, and especially for Spencer Reid.
“Don’t get upset,” Hotch says, taking your arm. He gives it a good squeeze. It’s so friendly and kind you consider jumping up to wrap your arms around him, but you restrain yourself.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, pressing the packet to your chest.
“You’re welcome. I didn’t mind fighting for you.”
“I need to go and tell Spencer.”
“Spencer, your good friend.”
Your laugh comes in fractures from a sudden deep breath. “My good friend,” you agree. “Hotch, thank you. Thank you, I’m gonna go tell Spencer. I’ll be right back.”
“It’s fine. Just make sure you finish those forms before lunch.”
You leave with some dignity. You close Hotch’s office door, and you walk to the balcony and look down at Spencer where he’s waiting for you. His hair falls against his neck, his head angled up, and he’s smiling so hard he must’ve already known what you were summoned into the office for.
You rush down the stairs. He, in all his loveliness, stands in time to open his arms. “I can’t believe it,” you say, your laugh like a ring as you lean against him. He holds you tight and hugs right back, forcing you to bend under his weight. “Spencer.”
He pulls away just as quickly. “Tell me,” he says.
“I’m gonna be part of the BAU.” It’s so insane to finally say aloud.
Spencer looks extremely, achingly happy for you, but his second hug still surprises you. Your nose ends up pressed to his hair, strands of it falling from behind his ear as his palm cups your shoulder.
You close your eyes. Spencer laughs, his lips a hair's width from your cheek.
Your excitement grows too much. You squirm away from him and wrap your hands around yourself, holding in a girlish, giggly squeal. “I did it. I can’t believe I did it.”
He takes your hand. You barely notice. “Why can’t you believe that? You’re amazing. You work hard and you didn’t give up.”
Morgan returns from wherever he’s been with Emily and Garcia in tow. “There she is!” he says.
It’s possibly the best round of hugs you’ve ever had in your life. The little congratulations cupcake they present you with is the sweetest you’ve ever tasted. Spencer puts a makeshift name tag on your desk and you don’t bother pretending your eyes haven’t filled with tears, but nobody cares or minds.
#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid oneshot#spencer reid scenario#spencer reid drabble#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fanfiction
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Steve knows that it’s Eddie from the way the RV door sticks awkwardly before it opens, which makes him smile. The guy can break in and hotwire the thing, as smooth as you like, but then apparently turns into a klutz as soon as the pressure’s gone.
Eddie doesn’t notice that he’s inside at first, seems more focused on tying a few makeshift spears together with string so they don’t fall about the place. It’s only when he looks up, does a double take and says, amused, “Sorry, didn’t realise I was interrupting something,” that Steve remembers he isn’t exactly cutting a fine figure right now.
To put it bluntly, he’s currently hunched over, sat at the little table, eating canned frosting with a teaspoon.
“What are you even…?” Eddie sits down opposite him, peers closer and sees the label on the can. “Harrington,” he says, like someone reading out orders of execution, “that’s fucking gross.”
“Hey, I found it sealed in the cupboard, it’s not expired. And it’s chocolate, man,” Steve defends.
A pause. “Can I have some?”
Steve laughs. “Sure.”
He finds another teaspoon, moves the frosting so it rests in between them. Smiles when Eddie knocks their spoons together, like they’re sharing wine instead.
They sit in comfortable silence. Steve has the sudden thought that if it wasn’t for the impending everything, he could pretend like it’s a lazy Saturday, where they’re free to do harmless, juvenile things, like just watching movies all day. Like sharing frosting out of the can.
“God, you’re so unbothered by all this, aren’t you?” Eddie says around his spoon, which makes Steve suspect that perhaps their thoughts aren’t exactly aligned at the moment. “Steve Harrington. Mister Cool.”
He says it softly, a little like Robin had—and Jesus, Steve thinks, did everyone in school have such an idea of him?
“Unbothered, meaning?”
Eddie shrugs. “Alternate dimension. Real life monsters. Uh, I dunno, the potential end of the world? Take your pick, man.”
Steve thinks for a little while, scrapes the bottom of the can repeatedly even though they’ve already eaten it all.
He doesn’t know how to say that over the years, fear has become normal, a reassuring background noise. It’s when he doesn’t feel it that he’s really, truly scared shitless.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Steve says, “I think we all just got so used to it, that—”
“Yeah, that doesn’t make me feel better,” Eddie interrupts with a huff of a laugh. “If I think about it for too long, I might actually cry for you all, Steve.”
“Nah, don’t do that,” Steve says lightly—though he thinks that a part of Eddie really means it. “It’s more like… like I’m a duck, y’know? Calm on the surface, but…” He drums on the table in demonstration. “Freaking out underneath.”
Eddie’s looking at him with a little smile Steve thinks he hasn’t quite seen before—almost like he’s charmed.
He wonders just how many smiles Eddie Munson has. Wants to have enough time to find out.
“And you’re like an upside down duck,” Steve says, matter-of-fact.
Eddie snorts—another smile, wide and bright. “Excuse me?”
“Like, you might think you’re freaking out on the surface, but underneath, when it comes down to it, you’ll be…” Steve moves his hand in a straight line, imitating a duck calmly gliding along.
Eddie shakes his head. “Think you’ve got too much faith in me.”
And sure, it’s said like it’s a joke, but Steve holds his gaze when he replies seriously, “No, I don’t think so.”
You think I’d trust Dustin with just anyone? I saw you pull him back from the edge of the lake. That’s all I need to know.
Eddie glances away almost like he can see Steve’s thoughts dancing in front of him, as if the honesty is too much to witness.
“Plus you’re, like, my guide for what’s a normal reaction to all of this shit. You’re good for us, man. Keeps us grounded.”
Eddie laughs again. “Christ, I’m the guide for what’s normal. God help us all.” He drops his spoon into the empty can with a clatter. “It’s getting late. We’d better, uh. Round up the troops.”
He stands up, shuffles out from the table.
And Steve finds himself standing, too, with the sudden fear that he’s watching a window close before him.
He reaches for Eddie’s wrist—just two fingers, barely a touch—and Eddie turns to him immediately.
“Hey, Eddie, you’re—you’re good with them, y’know? The kids.” Steve laughs quietly. “God, they’d be… scared far sooner without you. When you were messing around with Dustin, and… Jesus, it’s the most I’ve seen Max laugh in a… in a while.”
Eddie’s smile turns gentle. “Nah, man. Any fool could do that.”
“No,” Steve says.
No, don’t you get it? Only you could. We’re all… we’re better with you, happier with you. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else. Please fucking understand how important you are.
You matter.
Eddie’s eyes flicker across Steve’s face. Like he’s understood without Steve having to say a word.
“Careful there, Harrington,” he murmurs.
Steve’s suddenly aware that he still has one finger on Eddie’s wrist. “What?”
Eddie stares at him. Shrugs with one shoulder, but it’s slow. Thoughtful.
“Just thought I’d get ahead of you, in case…”
“In case?”
“I don’t know,” Eddie says, abruptly sounds a little breathless. “Could be the end of the world, right? And you’re…” He glances over at the frosting can, smirks slightly. “You’re kinda under the influence. Don’t want you saying anything you wouldn’t mean in any, uh, normal circumstances.”
Fuck normal. This is my normal.
“And what if I meant it?” Steve says.
Eddie swallows. Calm on the surface.
“If you’re sure,” Eddie says slowly, eyes never leaving Steve’s face. “Then… go ahead.”
Steve steps closer.
Kisses him.
Eddie’s mouth tastes sweet from the frosting. Steve can feel it when he laughs, can feel him shaking from where he’s leaning up against the edge of the table.
He pulls back. “You okay?”
Eddie’s smile is tremulous, like he’s one second away from crying.
“Freaking out,” he says, but he pulls Steve in for another kiss, so Steve knows he’s not referring to…
“Yeah,” Steve admits. “Yeah, me too.”
Eddie laughs breathily, and the sound is enough to finally drown out the background buzz of terror. He’s so close Steve can count every eyelash.
“You’d never know, Steve.”
“Think this—” A last kiss, pressed to the corner of Eddie’s mouth. “Think this is the most scared I’ve ever been.”
“Me too,” Eddie echoes.
And just before he pulls Steve along, just before he opens the RV door and calls for everyone, he leans in close, whispers against Steve’s lips:
“Worth it.”
#forever compelled to write missing scenes before the battle. on a missing scenes kick in general thqh ❤️#steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie fic#steve x eddie#steve harrington#eddie munson
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the way i just know robb is a giant gentleman. sigh thinking about him tying your dress for u before he escorts you to the feast
he’s the firstborn of the most honorable man in the seven kingdoms, heir to winterfell, the man was raised solid.
he doesn’t have to know the girl to be respectful towards her, but it only increases tenfold when it comes to you. you’ve grown up alongside the starks, and robb’s been smitten with you ever since he could read. robb quite literally gives you princess treatment—he thinks you deserve nothing less, and if he was giving you anything less, he’d rather feed himself to greywind.
theres a feast tonight, celebrating robert baratheons arrival to winterfell. catelyn insists everyone must look their best, having the three men shave (much to robb’s dismay), you & sansa’s hair braided, and even arya was not exempt from dressing appropriately. robb was buttoning his shirt up when you knocked at his door.
you stepped in after knocking, both of you having abandoned curtesy with each other long ago. his expression softens at seeing you, your presence quickly doing wonders to lift his sour mood. you’re beautiful (as always), long hair fastened into a braid that falls behind your back, dress hugging your curves—extenuating all the right parts of you. his heart skips a beat at the sight of you. his brows furrow, taking note of how one of your hands is behind your dress.
“what’s all that?” he says, nodding his head towards you. “theon tie your hands behind your back, again?”
“robb stark, everybody. the most hilarious man in the seven kingdoms.” you say, pushing the door closed behind you, making your way to him.
“handsome. you forgot handsome.”
you roll your eyes, suppressing your smile.
“i can’t reach, tie me?” you say, referring to your dress. robb nods, hands moving to your waist, turning you around in front of him. he moves your braid to fall in front of your shoulder, the brush of his hand against the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine. he swallows thickly, seeing the exposed skin of your back. he does it without thinking, knuckles running across the indent of your defined shoulder blades. your eyes flutter shut at his touch, hating how he can pull you apart so easy.
your voice is quiet, barely audible as you whisper his name. he knows what you’re saying, truly. you won’t be able to function properly at the feast if he keeps touching you like that. he chuckles, voice crawling up your spine as he stops his wandering hands, moving to tie your dress. he goes from lace to lace, having figured out young how to tie a ladies dress—from you asking his help when you couldn’t figure it out yourself. goosebumps trail along your skin from the ghost of his hands against your back, not fully touching, but only lightly brushing along as he moves the strings along one another.
the dress grows tighter as he finishes, tying the last one. his hands settle on your waist, pulling you closer, as he leans his head onto your shoulder. one of your hands lay over his, the other resting on the back of his neck. your sigh is a shaky exhale, content to stay in his arms for the rest of the night. they wouldn’t notice, right?
“don’t want to go.”
your voice is quiet, trying not to complain about things that were expected of you.
“i know. have some fun, yeah?”
you swallow, nodding. robb senses your hesitance, removing his head from your shoulder.
“hey. you’re goin’ with me, are you trying to say i’m not fun?” he says, turning you to face him. your brows furrow, smile going upside down at his accusation. your lack of response only makes him playfully roll his eyes, tsk’ing you as he shakes his head. he places a hand on the small of your back, gently guiding you towards the door.
“hurtin’ my feelings, missy.” you both walk down the hallway, your hand on his bicep as he escorts you to the feast.
“it’s a gift.”
“right you are.”
shoutout to the seamstress for making this dress 4 me to wear.. and shoutout to robb stark cause he’s gonna be takin it owaff of me later tonight! winks
#asoiaf#game of thrones#robb stark#i am yours robb stark#robb stark x reader#robb stark x you#robb stark prompt#robb stark imagine#guys#as much as i love robb stark as a gentleman#i need him to ravage me#ok thanks for coming to my ted talk
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