#ty for all the asks again! i look forward to who you pick next..
murdermeadow · 1 year
And now thoughts on Lanz? (I feel like we're gonna go through all the Ouroboros)
aheehee :3 (also that's totally fine I have many thoughts on all of them)
okay so for Lanz. Lanz-y boy. the man who always wants something a bit meatiah. he's so scroinkly to me. he's in that weird limbo between not exactly comfort character but not exactly high neutral either.
he's very <3 to me. just a little guy. fascinating soft little critter that has gone through too much for his own good. and as always, I'm a sucker for protector characters. they always mean so much to me...
but anyways. Lanz!! his character is very intriguing to me. I adore the fact they didn't just make him the classic himbo meathead like they did with the buff dudes in past games (Reyn and Zeke of course have their merits and moments of sincerity but at their root, they are the comedic relief). I like the fact they didn't put all the work on him to be the funny buff guy™. he's such an excellent subversion of that trope, which I really do adore.
I think my favourite scene of his has to be that soft moment with Sena in the Li Garte Prison Camp. it's just... it really sets his character solid. despite all this raw strength that he has, he is weak in his core. he feels he doesn't match up to the rest, that he constantly has to catch up or bear the brunt for them. he acts as their shield, both metaphorically and very physically. he feels he's nothing more than this, because he isn't at the same level of intelligence or wit compared to his friends. and yet - and I think this is the most important part - he doesn't let that weigh him down. he sees it as a sort of motivator, not a reason to never try again. he wants to be at their level, and has the conviction to get him there. Lanz is very stubborn, as a person. and that brings me to my next point.
I really love his temper! well, to watch, that is. he doesn't like people's rude words just brush over his head like some other himbo-esque character might. he's aware of when people are mean or don't like him, but he doesn't let that phase him either (at least not outright). yes it happens to really weigh on him sometimes, but yet again, he uses that as a motivator. no matter what, he'll prove them wrong. he'll get stronger. and that's just something I really admire.
his steadfast determination and solid personality make him an excellent anchor for his friends, constantly being there as a support. he'll stand up for them no problem, every time. he will always get up after a fight. even when all is lost, he won't let those he cares about get hurt.
all in all, he's a perfect protector and defender, inferiority complex and all. I hold him very gently.
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selineram3421 · 1 month
⯅ or 🔼 or ⚠️
You're Off-key
Part 2
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Part 1
Reader X Gravity Falls
Warnings ⚠
⚠ some book of bill spoils, swearing, blood, mentions of dead body, everyone is aged up, haha boy bands, mention of board games ⚠
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Ohmyglobohmyglobohmyglobohmyglob! You thought as the golf cart got closer to the roadside attraction.
Then you saw a familiar goat eating a tin can, and then it turns to look at you.
Very on brand Gompers. You thought before going back to panicking again. OK BUT WHAT DO I DO NOW!?
As you continued to think of answers to multiple questions they might ask, the golf cart stopped and the two brown haired twins hopped out and stood next to you to help you out.
"Careful, we don't want you passing out again.", Dipper says and picks up your backpack, then holds a hand out for you.
"Pshh! Move over!", Mabel pushes her brother to the side. "I'm helping them! I wanna know more about our new mysterious friend!"
"Mabel! They are hurt, we have to help them down carefully!"
"Well, we need to get them into the shack quickly to bandage their still bleeding head! Have you seen the golf cart seat!? The top is all bloody!"
"Wait, what?", you say as the two continue arguing and turn around to see the top of the seat that was behind your head.
Sure enough, there is blood.
"Oh, ew.", you say and get off the cart yourself. "Hey, it's fine. I can walk on my own."
After you take a step, you immediately almost fall and the two react fast, holding you up by your arm, one on each.
"Ok, maybe I'm not as fine as I thought.", you laugh.
"What do you mean? We thought-", Mabel began.
"HEY MABEL! Didn't you have some juice in the freezer? If you don't get it out now you'll have to wait for it to unfreeze!", Dipper says quickly.
"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE RIGHT!", his sister says and pushes your weight onto her brother before rushing inside. "I'M COMING MABEL JUICE!"
Ow, my ears...
"Sorry about that.", he apologizes and walks you into the shack. "Mabel can say some random things and I didn't want her talking your ear off haha."
You are led into the kitchen and are seated on one of the yellow chairs near the table. After he walks off, you take in the cool air conditioning inside the house and sigh.
Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought? You leaned forward and rest your arms on the table before resting your head on your arms.
Did you really look that bad?
"They aren't dead Grunkle Stan!", the twin says back to the older generation twin.
"Do I have blood on my face?", you mumble to yourself.
Dipper turns back to you with gauze. "Uh, yeah? It's not that bad though.", he says smiling nervously.
I look like a dead body for sure. You sigh but don't call him out on his bluff.
"Ok Dipper.", you smile back.
As he starts to clean off some blood, Mabel then comes back from...you don't know where with an empty pitcher that has left over glitter and plastic dinosaurs in the bottom.
"I forgot to offer.", she says.
"That's fine. I still have water in my backpack.", you say.
Gauze is now starting to be wrapped around your head, then you hear someone else walk into the kitchen.
"Ok dudes, who bled on the golf cart? Cuz the cops are outside wondering if it's hot sauce.", the man, the legend, Soos asks wearing the Mr. Mystery suit.
"Soos!", Mabel says and goes over to the man after putting the pitcher in the sink. "We picked up a bleeding person that we found in the woods! AND LOOK!", she then gestures to you as Dipper finishes tying the bandage off. "They are wearing a cool sweater!"
A sweater? You look down and indeed find yourself in a zip up sweater. Ugh..no wonder it was so damn hot outside. Taking off your sweater to tie around your waist, you keep an ear perked to hear their conversation.
"Whoa, are they like a magical person?", Soos asks.
"MmMhm.", Mabel shrugs her shoulders. "We could always find out."
Nope! You stand up and then wobbly sit back down. Maybe I shouldn't get up yet.
"You ok?", Dipper asks.
"Yeah, I just wanted to get my water bottle from my backpack.", you come up with quickly.
"Oh, let me.", he says and picks up your pack and sets it on the table.
"So...", Mabel says sliding over. "Do you like boy bands?"
"Not the time-"
"Actually I do.", you respond. "I like the Front-road Guys."
"Well, do I have a story to tell!", she smiles widely.
"Oh boy..", her twin sighs.
You don't know what you started.
"Sometimes we'll still see them scampering around the woods and eating out our trash.", Mabel says as she finishes telling you about the boy band clone story.
"Wow, ok.", you say, shocked because she told you more details than what the show revealed. "That's crazy."
"Yeah, that was fun.", she smiles.
You've been introduced to Soos, and then you were given a small tour after the twins made sure you wouldn't wobble like a baby deer anymore. Now you were walking to meet the Grunkle.
I was sure the older twins were on a boat. Did they come back for the summer? That's nice. You thought and found Stan sitting in front of the t.v. wearing his house clothes.
Which is just an undershirt, boxers, and slippers.
The old man turns after Mabel says. "HI GRUNKLE STAN!"
"Who's the mummy?", he points at you and drinks from the pitt-cola can in his hand.
"The one who you thought was a dead body.", you say before the twins next to you can speak.
"Ha! Good to see you're not dead.", Stan says before turning back to watch a rerun episode of Ducktective.
Then they have you wait for something..
You're not quite sure and they sit you down at the table where the card games and some family meetings were held from what you saw in the episodes, still in the living room.
The back of your head still hurt, not bleeding from the recent check ups Mabel has been giving you but it still felt like your head was stuffed with cotton and your hearing was kinda going to shit too. You don't know how many times you've asked either twin to repeat themselves.
Maybe a nap would be good.
"And we brought them back here!", you hear Mabel say, probably going to introduce you to some other character person.
"Exactly where in the woods did you find them?", a familiar voice says.
Oh shit! It's Ford! FUCK!
You do your best to keep a straight face as you see them enter the room.
Shit. Fuck. Shit shit FUCK!
Then the author of the journals is standing in front of you with a small flashlight.
"Hello, I'm Ford. My niece and nephew probably already told you about me.", he says and kneels slightly to get to your eye level. "I'm going to run a series of tests to see how severe your concussion is."
"Oh, ok.", you reply as calmly as you could.
"Follow this flashlight with your eyes.", he says and moves it left to right.
You do so, this scenario reminding you of doctor tests that you've done once after getting hit in the head with a soccer ball during P.E.
Then the six fingered man turns the flashlight on to see how your pupils react.
Woop! Woooo.. Woop! Woooo...
You make sound effects in your head as you dilate and constrict your pupils.
Maybe I do need to take that nap...
"Sorry.", you blink and look at Ford. "I think I'm just super tired."
"Hmm..", the old twin hums and puts the flashlight away. "It's too late to go to the clinic now, why don't you stay in a spare room?", he says as he stands up.
"Oh my gosh!", Mabel smiles wide and places her hands on her cheeks. "It's a sleepover!!"
"It's not a sleepover Mabel, they are just staying here until the clinic opens.", Dipper sighs.
"Please no loud music that'll burst eardrums. I don't think it would help.", Ford says and begins to walk away towards the gift shop door.
"WAIT!", you stand up quickly and lean on the table with your hand for support. "Why let me stay?", you ask, specifically to Ford.
The man looks over his shoulder, glasses glinting from a light coming from the t.v.
"I'm a random person they-", you gesture to the younger twins. "found in the woods and know nothing about me! Frankly, if it were me, I would watch that random person like a hawk!"
You're honestly afraid. You don't know how things will turn out. Ford will do anything to protect the twins, same with Stan.
"If you were dangerous, you wouldn't be able to get too far with that head injury.", Ford replies. "You'll need to change your bandages in the morning.", he finishes and leaves the room.
He..has a point.
All you do is slowly sit back down and sigh.
I'm so tired.
"Sooo...", Mabel says as she walks over to you. "Wanna play board games?"
Well, at least the family doesn't find me as a threat. Which is good.
"Got anything stress inducing?", you smile.
You're pretty sure they still have that board game that's like Jumanji.
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~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@diffidentphantom @sleep-7372 @boredwithlifeatthispoint @mspurpl3 @gxstiess @lynkolnevans @fries11 @+?
GF List🏞️ | YO-🎹
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breakfastteatime · 8 months
Cal wakes up from a nap. Oops, fell asleep on the couch again. He's so dozy, so comfy, maybe he'll drift off again and...
Something feels different about his head. He stirs, brushing the blanket pulled up to his chin.
"Shhh. Go back to sleep." It's Merrin. She must be sitting next to his head. "I am not finished yet."
Her fingers are in his hair, brushing through and separating small handfuls into trios. The feeling is familiar, a distant memory from so long ago. He feels himself relaxing. "Why're you braiding my hair?" he asks, although it sounds more like "whyybraidnmuhheyh?"
Somehow, Merrin interprets his mushy words. "It is shiny. And pretty."
"Oh, yes, it is." There's a gentle tug as she deftly braids. "Fiery. Like my magicks."
"Hush, Cal. Let me finish."
Cal zones out, drifting into memories of Master Tapal patiently plaiting his braid, tying it off with the finest of thread. It never seemed possible for someone with such huge hands, and yet Master Tapal managed it every time. Sometimes he would tug on it to get Cal's attention. Other times, if he couldn't grab the hood of Cal's robes fast enough, he'd grab Cal's braid instead, and that never failed to bring Cal to a sudden and complete halt - usually before he wandered into traffic in the Brave's landing bay. He smiles at the memories, at the warmth, the tradition, the simplicity.
Merrin probably isn't going in for simplicity. Maybe he'll look like Cere did in that echo he picked up from Trilla's lightsaber. She looked so awesome with her hair like that. Could he grow his hair out that long? His pictures it - autumn reds, oranges and golds trailing all the way down his back, tied in intricate braids...
...who is he kidding? He'd sling it back in a ponytail and be done with it.
He giggles to himself.
"You are strange, Cal," Merrin tells him.
She has no idea.
A few minutes later, Merrin's fingers pull away. "Done. You may wake up. BD? You can come and look now."
Familiar feet tippy-tappy their way over. BD gives a long, slow beep of awe, and then the light of his scanner shines through Cal's eyelids.
Pretty, BD declares.
"I am not pretty," Cal grumbles.
"You are. You are a pretty princess," Merrin says. "BD, quick, make a recording."
"Excuse you, I'm no princess, I am a queen," Cal corrects.
"Forgive us, Your Majesty," Merrin says.
Curiosity wins and he opens his eyes, sits, frees his hands from the blanket, and explores his head. What he finds is a series of small, tight braids encircling his head - much like a crown. He leans forward and catches a glimpse of his reflection on the table. "Huh."
"You like it?" Merrin asks. "Cere explained to me how to do it, but it is easier to practice on somebody else."
"I do like it," Cal says. "It's really practical. Keeps it out of my eyes, too."
The hatch opens. Cere and Greez board the ship, both carrying several grocery bags. Cere clocks Cal first, nodding in approval. Greez does a double-take, puts down his bags, and moves in for a closer inspection.
"Well?" Cal asks, moving his head to really show it off.
"I love it!" Greez gushes. "I mean I really love it. I want it. I want that style right now."
"When you have more hair, I will teach you how," Merrin says.
He grins. "It's a deal. You heard it here, folks, Greezy is officially growing his hair out."
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avianyuh · 10 months
Hello 👋 can I pls request Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi reaction? They left their dogs at their crush's house for a few days but when they come back to take them home, their pets had become very fond and clingy towards their crush and refuses to leave with their owners. Thank you ❤️ ❤️
Request: Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook reaction to their dogs liking reader more
I wrote something similar which I'll link for all of the members here but I'll write this too :) Ty Anon
Yoongi had trusted you with Min Holly for a few days while he was away with work. You texted him frequently to update him on Holly. Also sent lots of pictures of the two of you, which Yoongi secretly loved.
So when he arrived back from his work trip to pick Holly up, he was excited to not only see his dog again, but also you.
"How was he?", Yoongi asked, rubbing Holly's head as he sat on the couch.
"Oh he was great, a total sweethear", you smiled as you gave Holly another treat. "One for the ride home", Y/n said.
Yoongi laughed before asking you if you were free later that week, to which you responded yes. Then he clipped Holly to his leash and tried to walk towards the door, yet Holly wouldn't budge.
"Holly, you have to go home", Y/n said. Yoongi, however, found it amusing.
"I think he wants to stay here with you", Yoongi laughed as he unclipped Holly.
"How about I come visit you for the next few days, to ease Holly into it, you know?", Y/n asked.
"Sounds good to me", Yoongi said, looking forward to the next week.
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Taehyung had a performance in Japan which required him to leave Yeontan for a few days.
Though Taehyung wasn't dating Y/n, they spent most of their free time together and he couldn't think of anyone better to watch over Yeontan for a few days. He trusted you and he knew Yeontan was great with you.
So, he went to Japan for the week, and facetimed you every night, speaking to you for hours and getting a little screen time with Yeontan too.
So when he got back from Japan, he immediatly went home to greet his furry baby, and of course, you.
Y/n had actually house sat for Taehyung so he didn't need to pick Yeontan up at all.
When he stepped inside, Yeontan immediately trotted over to greet him, with Y/n following from behind.
"Tae! Welcome home", you said, moving to hug him. Taehyung sunk into the hug, missing your warmth and appreciating you more than ever.
The two of you sat for awhile, you asked about his trip, he asked about your week with Yeontan. You know, the usual.
After a few hours and a few episodes of the tv show the two of you had been watching recently, you leaned over to pick up you phone on the coffee table and checked the time.
"Oh, Taehyung, I have to go home soon, it's getting late", Y/n said, standing up and heading towards the door to put on her shoes.
"Aw, alright, call me when you get home.", Taehyung said as he watched Y/n put on her coat.
But what was most surprising was Yeontan, who planted himself in front of the door and wouldn't let Y/n leave.
"Yeontan", Y/n giggled, "I have to go, I'll see you soon!", Y/n said, crouching down so she was eye level with Yeontan.
Taehyung laughed as he stood up and walked over towards the both of them.
He picked up Yeontan and looked at Y/n,"You might as well stay, he doesn;t want you to leave.", he smiled shyly.
"I guess I could stay", Y/n responded, petting Yeontan, a blush creeping onto both, Taehyung and Y/n.
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Jungkook was currently promoting his solo album and had to go abroad for promotions. He left Bam with you, as he not only trusted you, but he knew that Bam loved you a lot.
So, when he got back from his promotions, he was excited to see you and pick up Bam.
He arrived at your apartment and unlocked the door with the key he had been given by you.
"Oh, Jungkook! You're back!", Y/n said as she walked into the living area, coming to inspect who had opened the door.
Bam followed close behind her, and immediately ran to greet Jungkook, who he had missed dearly.
"Bam missed you", Y/n smiled, watching as Bam come back over to her.
"He seems pretty happy here", Jungkook said, watching as Bam sat in his dog bed that you had boughten for him.
That's what Jungkook loved the most about you, you were so considerate and you took such good care of Bam.
The two of you watched Bam go back and forth between the both of you for the next hour. The two of you caught up about what the other had missed.
But when Jungkook thought it was time to leave, Bam had other plans.
When Jungkook called him over signaling towards the door. Bam stayed firmly planted by Y/n's feet. "Bam, come on we gotta go home", Jungkook said, finding it somewhat amusing. He looked up and watched as you covered your hand over your mouth, trying to stifle a giggle. He called Bam again, yet still nothing. "Bam, I'm serious.", Jungkook laughed, trying to sound stern.
"You don't sound very serious", Y/n joked. "What's the rush to go home...do you not like me", Y/n playfully pouted.
"You know that's not true", Jungkook laughed before heading back towards the couch. He could stay a few more hours.
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hello, I was wondering can you write a levi headcannon for what he does for aftercare? I’ve read so much of the smut I want something different but the same I guess haha, not sure if you’ve done this before :)
HI I KNOW THIS REQUEST IS FROM JUNE AND TO MAKE UP FOR THE LONG WAIT I TURNED THIS INTO A ONESHOT, HOPE U LIKE 💕💕 if you would still like a headcanon version, feel free to send a follow-up request :3
Fucked Out | Smut and Fluff Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ ~1.3k ✧ notes ➼ smut at the beginning, MDNI, mean dom!levi, afab!reader, fem!reader, soft!levi doing aftercare, fluff ✧ content/warnings: rough sex, gagging, bondage, whipping, creampie uwu
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The only real sound that could be heard over the sound of skin slapping skin as Levi continued to snap his hips into yours were your muffled cries. He was currently fucking into you from behind with his hand on the back of your neck to hold you in place. All of the sounds he was pulling out of you were muffled by his cravat that he had tied around your head as a gag.
You just creamed onto his cock again—you had lost count of how many times he had brought you over the edge. He just knew your body that well. You were getting more overstimulated every time, prompting you to pull harder against the belt that currently tied your wrists together onto the bedpost.
He was fucking you stupid and you were doing nothing but whining and drooling into the gag. Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes over how intense your orgasms were getting.
You felt your pussy clenching up around him again, as if you were trying to suck him in, as he picked up in speed, breathing more erratically as he approached his own climax.
Levi almost collapsed forward onto you, using his hand that was on the back of your neck to press up against the wall so that he could hold himself up as he fucked you through his own climax, barely audible whimpers escaping his throat as he let you milk him dry.
After a brief moment of just laying with his chest against your back as he steadied his breathing, he pulled out his now softening cock, grunting from the sudden movement, still being sensitive from his fresh orgasm. He watched as his cum oozed out of your dripping cunt and down your thighs.
You were beyond disoriented and fucked out. You asked him to fuck your brains out, and that was exactly what he did, being the ever diligent soldier that he was. You slowly opened your eyes again as you felt Levi roll over next to you, beginning to untie the belt that was binding your wrists to the bedpost, pulling apart the knot he had tied the ends of his cravat into so that the gag fell from your mouth.
As soon as the cloth fell from your lips, you gasped as you took in a sharp breath, able to finally breathe properly again.
Levi pulled you in as you collapsed flat onto the bed, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. He tucked your hair behind your ear, feeling both a sense of pride and adoration at how absolutely elated you looked.
He pulled himself up, sitting and immediately placing his hand around the red lash marks that littered your thighs and ass. He had been using the belt to whip you for being a brat throughout the day before settling with tying you up with it after you began to desperately beg for his cock.
"Too much?" he asked softly, gently running his thumb over the marks to gauge how much it still hurt.
You shook your head, still breathing heavily, but otherwise didn't respond.
He scoffed, mostly because he was able to see that you were trying to respond.
"How fucked out are you?"
You whined, forcing your eyes open and pouting at him once you saw the amused glint in his eyes.
"Wonder who's fault that was," you grumbled.
"That your way of telling me to stop?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, although the question was genuine.
Upon seeing that you were struggling to answer, he patted your ass before crawling up off the bed, drawing a quiet whine out of you at the lack of warmth.
He came back fairly quickly with a warm towel in hand, beginning to wipe off some of the sweat and cum that had gathered on your tired body. He gently dabbed the towel at your inner thighs and massaged the area around the lash marks, just to be sure that he didn't go too hard, even if you said that he didn't. He had to be sure.
The frown lines usually present around his eyes softened as he looked over at you again, noting how hard it was for you to stay awake.
"...just saying..." you mumbled as you shook your head. "...if you're going to fuck my brains out...might as well own up to it..."
You trailed off as you lost the battle in fighting to stay awake.
"Hey," Levi gently called out, muttering your name as he shook you awake. "Let's get you cleaned up before you pass out on me, yeah?"
A subtle smirk formed on his lips as he heard you mumble something about needing five minutes to catch your breath. He knew that was a lie and that you were going to straight up fall asleep.
Instead, he took those five minutes to draw a bath for you, filling the tub up with warm water, running the water over his hand to make sure it wasn't too hot.
Once he looked over at you again, he saw that you had indeed passed out, and could even hear you gently snoring when he walked back over to you.
He placed his hand on your shoulder and gently shook you again. You were only able to respond with a whine once he tried to get you to get up.
"You're such a pain in the ass," he grumbled with a groan before gently looping his arms underneath your knees and your back, picking you up, and walking you over to the tub.
A relaxed sigh fell out of your lips as you were gently submerged into the warm water.
It was hard enough for you to stay awake at baseline, but the warm water in addition to how gentle his touch was as he bathed you threatened to pull you back under again. You'd feel him occasionally shake you again to wake you up, not wanting you to fully fall asleep while submerged in the bathwater.
Part of him felt bad for wearing you out this much, so he didn't feel particularly bothered about getting you cleaned up as you were half-asleep. He was the one that put you into this state after all.
After drying you off, he picked you up again and brought you back over to the bed, tucking the blanket around you, making sure that you were comfortable.
Any further efforts to stay awake left your mind, and you were fully asleep by the time that he came out of the shower, and his showers were not particularly long.
Although you were asleep, you felt yourself wrapping an arm around him as soon as he laid down in the bed next to you. He pulled you further in, resting your head against his chest so that you were able to hear his heart beating.
You were mumbling something in your sleep, but it was incomprehensible. Your grip on him was strong and you buried your face further into his bare chest, a content 'hmm' coming from your throat as you smelled the bodywash that he had used just a few minutes ago.
He ran his fingers through your hair, clearing some strands from your face so that he could see you better, and your calm state elicited a small smile out of him.
Levi planted one last small kiss on the top of your head, also being pulled under, elated, as he slept with you in his arms.
#: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @moonmalice @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @emiwhore @bejewelledd @sad-darksoul @ackermendick @aomi04 @apolloshaiku @laraackerman @pulpolicia @raenacreates @nube55 @roseofdarknessblog @saenora @noctemys @sixpennydame @sleepyfairyxo @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @catskze @nixie-writes-aot @la-undercover-latina @v4mp-wife @meltingforthatackerman @chocoyanchan @darkstarlight82 @professorweezy join my taglist!
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hey-august · 6 months
For the prompt event, can I request a #8. Sing where reader sings buggy a lullaby, with quote #4. "What are you looking at?"
I'm loving these, they're all so cute.
Phew, so sorry for the wait! I severely underestimated how busy March was gonna be. TY so much for this request and for picking a lullaby!!! That was such a great idea.
Prompts: Sing (lullaby), "What are you looking at?" Teaser: "You quickly raised your still-full cup and washed away that thought. He was your captain. And your captain’s exuberant movements had you bump against his chest. You drank again." Warnings: SFW. Not an established relationship, Buggy x GN!reader, pirate party and drinking, that's about it. Word count: ~1.2k
Check out my 250 Follower Prompt Event and see fulfilled prompts here.
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The party raged on into the night. Rowdy laughter, drunken cheers, and music exploded from the belly of the ship, carrying across the darkened waves and shooting up towards the stars.
Buggy’s crew never needed an excuse to celebrate, but this time they had one - a new crew member. Although you first stepped on the ship just over a week ago, this party was thrown for you. As the guest of honor, you were kept in the dark until the sun was split in half by the horizon. Stepping into the mess for dinner, your vision was cluttered with bodies and confetti, your ears with shouts of your name and indecipherable cheers, and a drink was pressed into your hand.
You were pulled into the room, a victim in a tide of enthusiasm. Slaps on your back and hands on your shoulder guided you further in the room. Drinks were downed with each cheer that filled the room, yet your container never remained low for long. You couldn’t even keep track of when or who filled your cup, but you were grateful for it with each swig.
The music picked up and the celebratory current carried you through the room. You visited whirlpools of twirling dances. Riptides dragged you into boastful conversations. The flow carried you past plates of greasy food, bright smiles, and joyous laughter. Eventually you ended up in the corner of the room occupied by sirens. As you listened to performances showcasing lilting songs and off-pitch lyrics, you weren’t sure if they were more like sirens of the sea or blaring warning signals.
When a blue haired performer took the platform next, you sided more with the sea sirens. And when his painted lips parted and released an overly confident, nasally rendition of a song you almost recognized, you cast any relations to ethereal sirens out to sea for good. 
What Buggy lacked in pitch and tempo, he made up for in wild enthusiasm. He knew how to work the crowd and it wasn’t long before you were clapping and singing along to lyrics you didn’t even know.
Buggy ended his performance on one knee, a hand raised to the sky, and eyes closed. With his chest heaving, skin glistening, and blue hair shining in the light, you were captivated. The hold on your attention broke the moment his eyes sought out yours and he beckoned you to come to the stage. That was one order from your captain you would not follow.
Knowing your limits, you stayed in place and shook your head. When the group tried to surge you forwards, you grabbed onto a nearby crewmate and pushed them forwards until they took your place in front of the crowd. The attention ebbed and latched onto the new performer, who drained the rest of their drink and launched into a song with a throaty shout. 
The sacrifice was accepted and you drifted back to the edge of the crowd, stopping only when you crashed into a solid object. Gloved hands grabbed your shoulders and kept you steady.
“Why didn’t you sing?” Buggy asked, his voice drifting from behind you.
“It’s not my thing. You were great, though.”
“Of course I was! I’m the amazing Buggy, after all!”
Although you were facing forwards, you could hear the grin his gloating came from. Buggy’s pride was infectious, tugging a broader smile on your own face. The captain continued to flaunt his many skills and his enthusiasm was emphasized by his hands squeezing and gripping your shoulders. His grasp was so large that it almost felt like he was hugging you.
You quickly raised your still-full cup and washed away that thought. He was your captain. And your captain’s exuberant movements had you bump against his chest. You drank again. He was practically shouting in your ear so you could hear him over the music. You also felt his breath on your skin. Another drink. A longer drink, with ale trailing down your chin. The cup was finally empty. Your stomach was sloshing, your head was full of fuzz, your face was hot, and it was time for bed.
“What?” Buggy shouted.
You turned to face the pirate and were surprised to see just how close his face was to yours. Leaning away but staying in his bubble, you repeated yourself.
“I think it’s time for bed. I’m tired.”
Buggy nodded and tilted his head, signaling you to follow him. He finally lifted his hold and your shoulders felt chilly. You trailed behind him until you both reached a quieter area.
“Let me show you to your new room,” Buggy said, clearly excited to deliver the news. “We don’t want you getting lost again.” 
You pursed your lips at the teasing remark and rolled your eyes. “Alright, Captain. Lead the way!” You gestured broadly and were surprised to see another drink already spilling out of your mug.
Buggy noticed the flash of worry on your face. “Need help with that too?”
You passed him the drink and he took a long swig.
“Alright, follow me.”
Once out of the mess, the sounds of the party were muffled, which lent a comforting presence to the empty ship. You and Buggy walked through a hallway, talking about nothing. It was a slow journey, each of you subtly trying to match each other’s pace. Any awkwardness from two individuals attempting to follow one another was dispersed by the easy conversation and laughter that flowed.
Buggy drained the rest of the ale and exhaled loudly. “I don’t suppose you have any food you also need help with?”
“No, I wasn’t handed a magical refilling plate,” you chuckled. “That’s probably a good thing. I would have eaten too many of those spicy cheesy things.”
“The pepper bombs! Those are my favorite!” That comment launched another conversation that was just a tad shorter than the rest of the walk.
The next silence arrived slowly and calmly. There wasn’t a need to fill the space, but a small desire in your body was the right shape. You started humming softly, carrying a soothing tune. A familiar tune. Buggy followed along, mumbling the words under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear.
With the end of the walk in sight, Buggy slowed his gait so the song could finish.
“What are you looking at?” you asked at the end. Throughout the impromptu duet, his ocean eyes kept flickering towards you and it was making you nervous.
“I haven’t heard that one in so long…”
“My parents used to sing that lullaby to me. It’s the only song I could think of.”
“But you still didn’t sing.”
“I was going to, but I like hearing your voice.” The confession slipped out too quickly to take back. Rather than dwelling on what you said and letting the embarrassment in your body bloom faster, you changed topics. “I- uh- guess this is my room?”
“Yeah. S’all yours.” Buggy slapped the doorframe, his hand coming down faster than he intended. He leaned into the pins and needles coursing through his palm. “I hope you enjoyed your party.”
“I did, thanks Captain.” You flashed him a smile before opening the door. “I’m glad I’m here.”
After bidding him good night, Buggy turned back towards the party. You weren’t the only one glad you were here.
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ya-zz · 1 year
I really want something a little bit silly with the very serious robut so I have a request, please hear me out
So Ramattra with a crush on a little human who is friends with Zenyatta and absolutely gets into shenanigans with him. Like they’re usually quiet and even timid but the moment Zen asks them to help him with a little prank or goofs and gaffs or a little bit of trolling they are in.
Mischievous is the word I’m looking for…
Also I love the way you write Rama so ty in general because (chef’s kiss🤌) ✨marvelous✨
Aaaa thank you! This was such a fun request to do!
Gotta add Zen into the gif for his participation in this~
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1620
For a few months now, you and Zenyatta formed this bond, one full of playfulness and banter. You would go to him when you needed help and he was usually always there and he would always come to you when he was feeling mischievous - he had a new scheme each week. Of course, they were harmless pranks, never intended to hurt any omnic. Being the only human in the Monastery was challenging at times, so having Zenyatta there made it worthwhile. 
He brought you out of your shell for a moment or two, and you greatly appreciated that.
Just like any other day, Ramattra would wander the halls of the Monastery, the metallic feet of his tapping away as he walked, a schedule he rarely broke unless absolutely necessary. However, there had been a lot of noise recently, especially between another monk and a human. The other monks didn’t seem to mind, but it clearly irritated the ravager until he finally gave in and ignored the laughter altogether. 
Yet, despite all of the irritation, he would still listen, his circuits warming when he hears you laugh. If he could smile, he would - just the thought of you laughing brought him some comfort he hadn’t really felt for a long time. 
Ramattra never admitted it, but you had grown on him, more than any human had ever done in the past. The irritating days grew into a soft admiration in a matter of weeks, and with the help of his brother, those feelings only grew more. 
Now, today was no different - Ramattra went about his day, sitting outside and meditating in the spring time sun, the orb of his hovering above him, slowly spinning in rhythm of his ‘breathing’ as the breeze gently passed by. 
But that peace was disturbed when he heard two entities approaching. His head tilted, trying to pick out the footsteps. Only when he heard your laugh did he know who else was with you. 
“Ah, brother.” Zenyatta calls out, waving at Ramattra when he turns. “I do not suppose you could look after [y/n] for awhile? I have an errand to run.” 
Ramattra looks at you, noticing the hesitant smile. “Of course.” He cocks his head to the side, wanting to seem friendlier than what his appearance lets on. 
“Thank you. I will not be long.” Zenyatta gently taps your shoulder as he walks away. You smile gently at his touch before turning your attention to the larger monk as he turns back, facing forward to resume his meditation. 
You took a seat next to him, careful to leave enough space between the two of you, the grass beneath you feeling warm against your knees. The air around you was calm, sun shining warmly on your cheeks as you look out across the mountains. 
No words were said between the two of you, despite Ramattra wanting to talk. He glances down at you every so often, noticing the way your breathing softly and in rhythm to his orb. For once, he realises another purpose of it, to bring you comfort and peace, should you ever sit next to him again. In that moment, he was content with everything. 
He was that content that he never saw his sensors going off in the corner of his vision. His mind was too busy in thought, his guard was down… 
It was the perfect moment for Zenyatta to strike and you were just the distraction and the perfect one you were. Zenyatta knew, he knew quite a lot than what he let on. The way Ramattra looked at you was all he needed to fuel the next act of his play. 
Pulling a harmless prank on Ramattra was not something you had ever wanted to do. You knew who and what he was, what he had done before coming to the Monastery, but having Zenyatta with you only fuelled what little courage you had inside. You sat there, listening to the humming within Ramattra’s body, feeling the warmth on your cheeks before droplets of water rained down on the pair of you. 
“Rain was not on the forecast today.” Ramattra spoke out, head still facing the mountains in front. He raised his hand slowly, but no rain was landing on him. 
You look up, the sky still clear and blue. “Perhaps a sudden burst of rain?” You suggest, knowing exactly what was about to happen. 
“It has stopped.” He remarked. By the time he noticed the warning in his system, it was too late. A sudden splash of cold water hits him in the back, dripping down the metal framework. He lets out a surprised gasp, head tilting back slightly from the sudden cold. Ramattra stands and turns around, head cocking to the side as he speaks. “Brother. Do you think this is funny?”
Zenyatta lowers the water gun and you can tell he has a smug smile behind the expressionless faceplate of his. “Very. Did you think you were free from us?”
Ramattra turns to look at you as you let out a small laugh before standing up, brushing the dirt from your legs. 
“Sorry.” There was a light airy tone to your voice as you smiled, turning to face your partner in crime, a small nod of your head.
The smaller monk raises his weapon again, pointing it directly at Ramattra. 
“Don’t you dare.” Ramattra’s voice was low as he stared down Zenyatta. 
There was no hesitation as Zenyatta fired the water directly at his omnic brother but the water never hits him. Ramattra’s movements were quick as he grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of him. The yelp you gave out as the cold water hits you was all the satisfaction he needed, a smug feeling spreading throughout his body. Ramattra kept you in his grasp as he moves his optics on his brother. 
“I warned you.” He spoke out. “Look at what you have done.” A mockingly pity tone joined his voice. 
You inhale sharply as a breeze passes by, your shirt sticking to your skin as you look at Zenyatta, his head cocking to the side slighty as if to silently apologise. Ramattra’s hands never left your shoulders, keeping you in place, a shield for anymore attacks. 
Ramattra leans down to speak to you, head gently brushing your ear. “That is what you get for being his accomplice.” He chuckles, his proximity making your cheeks warm. “Getting my guard down was one thing, I’ll give you that.” He admits. “Whatever shall I do with you now?” You could hear the playfulness in his tone as you feel him squeeze your shoulders gently, still not removing them from your body.
“Zen-” You speak up.
“No, no, look at me.” Ramattra moved one of his hands, placing his thumb and forefinger on your chin, turning you to look at him. “He cannot help you now.” 
You glance over at Zenyatta who was just standing there, head cocked to the side, watching everything happen.
Ramattra’s circuits warmed up at the sight of you, so helpless, so… cute. 
“In fact…” He looks over at Zenyatta then back at you and the realisation hits you. 
“No- No, don’t you dare!” You look over at your friend who had already raised the water gun at you. “Zen, I swear to-” Before you could even finish, water splashes on your torse, the breeze only adding to cold. Ramattra holds you still, smaller droplets falling down his faceplate from the backsplash. 
Ramattra chuckles again as you struggle, a faint warmth spreading through his chassis. The feelings he felt for you only just grew more and more with your pleas. 
“Zen, stop!” You cry out, laughing as your legs give way, dropping your body to the floor. You keep laughing, leaning back against Ramattra’s legs as you try to catch your breath. Ramattra looks down at you on the ground, relishing in the moment of your laughter. He enjoys listening to your laugh, something of which he won’t admit just yet. He enjoys the change in your body language when you’re comfortable just as much as he enjoys the more timid side of you. Every part of you he adores more and more the longer he’s around you. The monks look at each other, nodding in silence, passing silent words to each other before Zenyatta lowers his weapon and slowly approaches you. 
Ramattra hooks his hands underneath your arms and pulls you up, eliciting a surprised gasp from you. 
“I am sorry, [y/n].” He speaks, standing in front of you.
“I will get you back for that.” You reply to him, subtly accepting his apology. 
Zenyatta chuckles at that before looking up at his brother. “Perhaps you should go inside and dry off before you catch a cold.” 
“I wouldn’t have to if someone didn’t use me as a shield.” You turn and face Ramattra, wiping your cheek as a droplet of water falls down it. 
“My apologies.” He looks down at you, the smugness still coursing through his wires. “Come, my quarters are closer.” He offers his hand out to you, hoping you will accept and when you do, he feels his metal heart skip a beat, his servos warming up at the contact. He notices the blush on your cheeks, how you’ve become shy once more. Ramattra keeps his optics on you before turning and leading you back down the path towards the Monastery, hand still holding yours. He feels your heartbeat pick up, a silent sigh escaping him.
Zenyatta watches on and if he could smile at the sight before him, he would. His plan had worked, and he had you both to thank for that. 
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ezispunk · 1 year
hello, I saw that u were taking requests.... so.... can I request a javier pena x male reader.... where reader is a childhood friend of murphy came to visit him and is very physically close to him and it irritates javier cause he has a crush on reader since he entered the office... it can there have smut or not as you want (reader does not speak a word of spanish) ty ily have a good day <33
Friend of a friend.
Note to anon: hey anon! thank you for the request! i actually enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it! ilyt<3
Warnings: gay sex, anal, fingering + more that i can’t think of.
Word count: 900+
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You were friends with Steve Murphy since childhood, but ever since he moved to Columbia, you both have had to keep in touch over the phone. It didn’t bother you at first, but the more and more that you both talked on the phone, the more frustrating it was for you. You were a physical person and always needed physical attention and Steve knew that. One day, out of the blue, you decided to surprise him by visiting him. You got a ticket to the earliest flight that you could for that night.
The next day after you landed, you texted Connie, who was your best friend’s wife, that you were there at the airport. Connie texted back and said she was already there to pick you up. You walked outside to where Connie’s car was and greeted her as she got out of the car. “Hey, Connie! He doesn’t know I’m here right?” you asked, wanting to make sure that you visiting Steve was still a surprise. “Of course! I would never ruin this kind of surprise!” You chuckled then got into the passenger seat of her car after you put your bags in the backseat and trunk of the car.
Once you guys arrived at Murphy's apartment, you walked inside with all your stuff, going to the extra bedroom that Connie and Steve had. Connie looked at you then spoke, “He’s not home, I think he’s at the office still. I can drop you off there, if you’d like?” You looked at her then smiled softly, “Can you at least come with me, so people think I don’t look suspicious?” She nodded, “Of course!” You smiled softly at her again. You both walked back to the car and got in.
When you guys arrived at Steve’s job, you guys got out of the car and walked into the office building. Connie started introducing you as one of hers and Steve’s friends, which was true, then she took you to Steve’s office that he had shared with, you’re guessing his work partner, Javier Peña. When you first saw Javier, you thought he was really attractive. When Javier first saw you, he couldn’t stop thinking about you from that day forward.
Skip to a couple days later, Javier always noticed you were always on Steve, which caused him to be really jealous. You always noticed this once he confessed his feelings for you two days earlier which was also the day you confessed to him as well. You guys never made it official since you both knew that you were only visiting. Javier couldn’t handle it anymore when he saw you have your hands on Steve.
You were in Steve’s and Javier’s office waiting for Javier to finish up. Steve had finished a while ago, but you stayed behind to keep Javier company, so Javier took this opportunity to officially claim you. You were sitting on Javier’s desk when you felt Javier’s hand on your thigh. You looked at him and bit your lip softly, “Javi..” you said as you felt your pants tighten as you were getting turned on from Javier’s action. Javier looked up at you and smirked, “What, baby~?” he said as he stood up and ran his hand up more towards your erection.
You couldn’t help but pull Javier into a kiss. You felt him kiss back roughly and hungrily, so you started kissing back the same way. You then tugged on his shirt, which caused him to take it off. You then felt him tug at your shirt as well so you decided to take it off for him as well. Javier started kissing you jawline, down to your neck, leaving marks. You then moaned softly into his ear which caused him to put a hand on your pants and unbutton them. You then stood up so he could pull them down, along with your boxers.
He then wrapped his hand around your cock, which caused you to moan in his ear, “Javier..please..~” He chuckled a little then looked at you, “What, baby~? Tell me what you want~” “N-Need you to f-fuck me.” When you told him that, he smirked then turned you around to bend you over his desk. Javier then puts his fingers in your mouth to wet them. After you basically soak his fingers, he puts on of them in you to prep your for his cock.
As you felt his finger open you up, you moaned loudly because of how much he stretched you with only his fingers. Once you were prepped, he lined his cock up with your entrance, putting the tip in. As you felt this, you moaned loudly, “More, p-please~..!” He smirked then pushed himself inside you slowly. He then bottomed out from how tight you were around him. “Oh~ fuuck~!” Javier moaned out. He then reached in front of you and grabbed your cock and jerked you off, so you can cum from the pleasure that he was giving you.
You then felt a knot in your stomach then moaned, “I’m close, J-Javi..~!” He then groaned then spoke, “Me too, baby~” “Cum in me, baby, please~..!” As he heard those words, that's exactly what he did. As you felt him cum in you, you clenched around his length. “Fuuuck~!” He said as groaned and felt you tighten around him. Javier then pulled out slowly then sat down on his chair. He then pulled you into his lap, making you cuddle into his chest.
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kamiversee · 6 months
IK THIS ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN BUT I HAD SUCH A GOOD THOUGHT! Imagine this whole book was actually a movie that they were filming. So gojo, choso, sukuna, the reader and everyone else are just actors. So like when the book ends, it’s interrupted by a “Cut!” and then everybody js breaks character and start telling eachother great work and congratulating everyone for finally finishing this movie. And gojo and the reader are actually close friends so while everyone’s busy cleaning up and getting ready to go home, he asks her if she could get him his bag from his dressing room. She says sure and makes her way there. She enters the room and spots his bag, while picking it up, a book falls out. Originally, she was going to grab it and js place it back inside but her curiosity gets the best of her and she opens it. She realizes its a journal and while she’s skimming through it, shes giggling to herself at the first silly pages her best friend had written. But then she gets to a rather odd page. Covering the whole sheet, leaving no spaces of white whatsoever, is her name. Just her name. Over and over again. And it went on for atleast 4 pages. After turning the fourth page, she finds something very disturbing. The funny and silly man you knew as your good friend had written about how obsessed he was with you. He wrote that he would look forward to seeing you everyday, obsessed with your scent, hair, eyes, legs, hands, mouth, etc. Basically every single part of you. While you kept reading it, it js kept getting weirder and weirder. When you turned the page, there was hair taped to the book. YOUR hair. SEVERAL strands. Your face twisted in disgust and your hand flew to your mouth. There was more writing on the next page and smth disturbing had caught your eye at the end of the entry. “If you think about it, I really don’t have to do much acting for this role. Part of it is being an obsessive freak who would do anything for the woman he loves. And that’s exactly me. Can you really blame me? Look at her. Shes so pretty. Especially when she’s sleeping. But lately she’s been getting a little too close to Choso..i really don’t like that. But it’s fine! I’ve gotten rid of that problem already so i dont think he’ll be talking to her anymore..” Her eyes grow wide and you realize..Choso hasn’t been here these past few days. Someone had called in saying he was sick and wouldn’t be showing up for the last few scenes you guys had to film…that’s why you never grew worried. But now..now you know that choso was probably never sick. Oh god..was he..? Before you could finish your thought, someone broke you out of your trance. “what are you doing.” Your head slowly turned towards the door of your room and there stood gojo, lifeless, serious look on his face. You couldn’t speak. He continued to stare at you with dead eyes until he smiled at you. A wide creepy smile. “Guess you know my little secret now, huh? Sweets.”
& funny because I like to think of all my fics as movies that I’m directing & everyone’s just an actor💀
I do rlly love this concept tho, 10/10, ty for this <3
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erisenyo · 1 year
If it’s not too late/you feel like it, maybe “shh, c’mere” for zukka? Because the only thing Zuko’s worse at than showing emotions (other than anger) is being comforted because of said emotions (at least in my brain haha) also ik I said this in tags but I absolutely adored your Ty Lee suki ficlet with the crystals it hugs my heart ;-; she’s protecting her friends
。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
For this prompt game!
“—and the utter gall of them to suggest—”
“Uh huh,” Sokka says, tugging Zuko by the wrist around a clump of slow-moving market shoppers.
“—like I haven’t spent months on the proposal—”
“So much time,” Sokka assures him, taking a moment in the next intersection to orient himself against Caldera’s cratered rim before pulling Zuko left.
“—to just come in and in one meeting—”
“Ridiculous,” Sokka agrees, shooting a quick, apologetic smile to the person who gives him started, half-offended look.
“—think they know more than me—”
“You researched a lot,” Sokka sympathizes, dragging Zuko clear of the line at his favorite food stall, which he's regretfully going to have to come back to later when Zuko—
“I researched—Sei Zun research—we researched—"
—isn’t at risk of popping a vein. Or starting to spit rainbow sparks in public, which would really give them away. Going incognito and relying on people’s expectations of where a Fire Lord won’t be only goes so far.
“And you did a really good job of it,” Sokka soothes, picking up the pace a little as Zuko hisses out a curl of smoke through his teeth.
“To just eel swan in—”
Sokka lets out an audible sigh of relief as he sees the sign for their destination, hand-painted and cheerful, before clearing his throat and quickly offering, “So rude."
“—and imply that I don’t care enough about—”
“Sh, c’mere,” Sokka interrupts as he pushes into the curious crowd thronging the square, Zuko spitting himself to a stop and making a low, seething noise of outrage. “Don’t be like that,” Sokka huffs, rolling his eyes and tugging on his wrist again. “C’mere.”
Zuko gives him a sideways, nettled look, clearly annoyed at being managed. “What are you—” he cuts off as he finally swings his glare up to actually take in their surroundings. Sokka can see the moment he realizes where they are, his face going suddenly slack with shock, mouth working silently a moment before he finally whispers, disbelieving, “…The baby animal adoption drive?”
“Mhm,” Sokka says, breaking free of the crowd and turning to walk backward so he can get a nice, good look at Zuko taking it all in.  
“The one we couldn’t make last year?” Zuko asks, dazed, stumbling along after Sokka.
“Mhm,” Sokka grins.
“And couldn’t make this year?”
“It rained last week,” Sokka reminds him. “They had to move it.”
“Oh,” Zuko says, with feeling, and Sokka doesn’t resist the urge to plant his feet and keep pulling, tugging him into his body so he can enjoy Zuko's closeness and also the dumbstruck look on his face.
“Yeah,” Sokka hums, dropping a light kiss onto Zuko’s lips and murmuring against his mouth, “Want to pet your feelings out?”
“Yes,” Zuko says, plowing forward through Sokka like that was all the permission he needed, face somewhere between determined and transfixed, and Sokka can't help but laugh before spinning to follow.
Sokka trails after at a more normal pace, grinning to see the tension melting out of Zuko’s body one kitten fawn and goat puppy—and inexplicably, a baby puma goat—at a time, until Zuko’s practically a boneless pile on the ground, baby animals crawling over him, head pillowed in Sokka’s lap.
“This was the best idea Aang’s ever had in his entire life,” Zuko mumbles into the side of the tiny kitten owl determinedly navigating his face.
“It was a pretty good one,” Sokka agrees, unable to do anything except smile at the sight. Spirits, he must look stupidly fond and sappy right now, but he can't seem to find it in himself to care about who might be seeing it.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this was happening,” Zuko slurs, both hands focused on giving ear scritches, and Sokka pauses on the braid he’s working into Zuko’s hair.
“It worked out, though, right?” he checks, relaxing again when Zuko lets out a deep sound of contented agreement and after a long moment adding slow, like he’s drunk,
“You have work to do.”
“Eventually,” Sokka hums, perfectly content to be where he is for now.
“Poak and Sun Chen are waiting for a reply?”
“Hawks only go so fast, and they need to rest, too, love,” Sokka shrugs, searching around a moment before plopping another kitten fawn onto Zuko's chest. “It’s nothing that can’t wait a few hours,” he assures him.
And nothing worth missing the sight of this, for, of Zuko’s small, delighted smile up at him before he turns to coo at the new creature, everything else happily forgotten.  
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lookismaddict · 2 years
hi again 🤪 so far, we have knowledge that gun, goo, johan, samuel, & jake can drive a car. we got ryuhei and jay for motorcycles. eli for... bicycle lmaooo
MY QUESTION IS!! who would make the best & worst uber drivers? 🤔 who gets the ★★★★★
OK, THIS TIME. I SWEAR, I MANAGED TO HIT THE “Save as draft” BUTTON. 💀 IF THIS GETS DELETED AGAIN, I WILL LITERALLY SMACK MYSELF. 😤🥲 (Also I’m sorry Jann, this is such a late reply. I hope you’ve been doing well. And ty for the ask!! 😭💕)
Gun Park: ★★☆☆☆
Gun would successfully drive people to their destinations sometimes. But if he gets a text from Crystal or Chairman Choi while he’s out, he has no choice but to literally pull over to the side of the road and tell that customer to immediately get out.
Anon. Review: This driver made me get off on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, when I’m basically tired and just got out from a party that my co-workers held! When I told him, “Why do I have to get off from here?! I don’t even know where we are!” All he said to me was, “Pity. Not my problem. Step out now, or I’ll drag you out.” He was OUTRAGEOUS!!! 🤬
Goo Kim: ★☆☆☆☆ (Worst)
Goo is a fun driver to be with, until… he accidentally crashes into a car in front of him. He usually talks a lot while driving his customers, but gets distracted most of the time while driving. However, he’ll dismiss the damages as if it’s nothing.
Anon. Review: This guy… Whew, let me tell you. One time, this driver picked me up from my house since I called an Uber to drop me off at a karaoke place to meet up with a friend. When I left my house, I saw that he was parked in between two cars on the side of my street. One in front, and one behind him. When I got inside his car, he greeted himself and he asked me to confirm my destination to the karaoke place. He then started talking about his experiences in karaoke. It was quite an… interesting topic. I wasn’t sure if I heard him right, but I think he mentioned something about having to beat up people…? Couldn’t entirely remember. But while he was trying to get out from in between the two cars, he looked behind me to talk. I noticed that the car was still moving forward since he forgot to hit the brakes, and I did say, “SIR, THE CAR IS STILL MOVING!!!” Next thing you know it, he accidentally hit the back of my neighbor’s car. All he said after that was, “It’s fine! It’s not a big deal!” Well it is for me, you b******. I had to pay for the repercussions because you wouldn’t. AND WHO OVERCHARGES THEIR OWN CUSTOMERS WHEN IT’S THEIR FAULT WHO SMASHED INTO ANOTHER CAR’S REAR??? 😭
Johan Seong: ★★★☆☆
Johan is a nice driver. He makes sure passengers are all buckled up and ready to go, but his driving can be scary at times since he usually drives really fast while on the road.
Anon. Review: Johan is so considerate towards his passengers right when you enter his car. Even though he’s a young driver, he made sure safety is key before hitting the road. But when he started driving… the kid was a menace. While he was driving me to work, HE BEAT THREE STOP LIGHTS IN ONE GO!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO DIE!!! Despite the speeding, I made it right on the dot thanks to him. That’s why, in my opinion, he deserves 3 stars. (If you see this kid, thanks for getting me to work on time. But please drive more safely next time.)
Samuel Seo: ★★★★☆
Samuel is a gentleman when it comes to being an Uber driver. He is a responsible man who gets the job done. His service is excellent, down to the last objective. But when it comes to driving, he has a flaw with patience.
Anon. Review: Oh my, this handsome man was such a good driver! Samuel picked me up from the airport and he managed to drive me to the right hotel. While driving out of the airport, however, he can be a little impatient. We were stuck in a line full of cars, just to leave the pick-up/drop-off area in about 45 minutes. Every few minutes, he would roll down the window and yell at other drivers to move whenever he saw that there’s room. The road-rage was a bit scary, but he was kinda hot while doing it ngl… 😳 But he was still very polite, since he apologized for his pushy behavior. Once we got out of the airport’s vicinity, he was very careful. He followed the rules of the road and he was very helpful when we arrived at the hotel. This man assisted me by unloading my luggage bags from the trunk too! He’s so nice. AHHHHH I wish I get this hunk again to drive me to other places!!!
Jake Kim: ★★★★★ (Best)
Jake as a driver is like the life of a party. Not only is he a polite and charming driver, but he also offers good additional service. This includes giving out free water to his customers and asking what type of music they’d be interested in listening to while he drives.
Anon. Review: Oh my god, I love this guy! He’s the coolest driver who I’ve ever encountered. Right when I hopped into his car, he was so sweet! He asked how was my day, and made sure I was comfortable in his car. Afterwards, he asked if it was too hot or too cold in the backseat, and what type of music do I want to listen to. I had a VERY interesting chat with him, that is mainly focused on the topic of his butt. That was…fun. He’s even good at driving! I’ve never felt so relaxed while speaking to an Uber driver AND while riding in an Uber car before. When he dropped me off at the right destination, he gave me a refreshment before I left. Even if it’s just a bottle of water, he really made my day. His kindness towards me amazed me, and that’s why Jake deserves 5 stars from me!
Again, I’m sorry this was really late! I decided to create these reviews because I just imagined different kinds of people who’d meet these guys if they’d ordered an Uber. I can’t help but write these silly reviews. LMAAOOO And thank you for resending the question because of my dumbass mistake. 😅 I hope you have a good rest of your day!! 😊💗
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
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Chapter Two: Fair Fight
WC: 4.9k
Pairing: Jeongin x AFAB Reader / OT8 x AFAB Reader
Series General Synopsis: Hundreds of men respected you, bowed down to you, and most importantly feared you. None other than the second in command, and in line to take over one of the most prolific gangs in all of South Korea, Miroh. You had it all, money, respect, and seven of the most loyal men by your side. So why do you feel the need to bring in one more? What’s so special about this so-called assassin, Chan?
General Warnings: Violence, Mentions of blood, fluff if you squint, strong language, anything else I may have missed please let me know
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“Jesus christ, this is exhausting” one of the recruits, Jongho, said to another, Mingi.
“Bro, I know. I didn’t know it was going to be this intense. I would’ve prepped more if I knew to expect this.” Mingi said as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
The first of the tests was quite simple, in your and Changbins opinion. It was a fighting match. Recruits go head to head to win each fight. All fighting styles were welcome, as long as no weapons were involved. Each opponent that won moved forward in the winners bracket, and those who lost still had the ability to prove their strength in the losers bracket. Recruits were allowed to choose any opponent that was present in the room, which was always entertaining for you. For some reason the recruits really loved to pick Hyunjin and Han, who on the outside seemed weaker than they actually were. And your two boys always showed how skilled they were when it came to fighting. It always brought you such joy to see your boys absolutely crush the spirits of the new recruits.
It was another recruit's turn to pick their opponent. “We’re allowed to pick anyone?” he questioned.
Changbin nodded. The recruit smirks devilishly. “Ok. Her. I choose her.” he said as he pointed his finger at you. Everyone in the room was suddenly quiet. You remained stone faced and looked at Changbin whose eyebrows were squeezed tight on his face. You sighed and began taking off your jacket. You handed your now empty mug of coffee to Han and your jacket to Hyunjin as you made your way to the recruit. You could hear Changbin mutter your name quietly but it didn't stop you. You looked past the recruit and noticed Chan eyeing you, his hands curled into a tight fist, his eyebrows scrunched together in irritation. The smirk on the recruits face told you enough about him already - proud, thought he was hot shit, his ego too large to make up for his shit personality, someone who needs to learn their place.
You stood in front of him, hands at your side “are you sure?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
He pouted his lips at you, “having second thoughts, your highness?” he laced the nickname with poison. Your eye began to twitch. You turned towards Changbin and nodded for him to start the match. He rolled his eyes muttering “it’s your funeral” before he yelled for the start.
Your opponent immediately went to charge at you but you quickly dodged. How predictable of him. He turned around and charged back at you, you dodged again but this time landed a nice elbow to the back of his head. You reached into your pocket and fished a hair tie out to tie up your hair, giving your opponent a wave of your hand to pause his movements. He looked at you confused as he watched you finish tying up your hair. You chuckled, “well at least you have the ability to be obedient.” 
Apparently he didn’t like what you had to say and charged at you again, swinging his fist towards your face. You immediately blocked his fist, and landed your palm straight across his cheek, sweeping his arms towards his back and slapping your other palm right over his ear, successfully discombobulating him. He tried to kick out your legs, but you brought your knee up to his chest before he could, knocking the breath out of him. You landed blow after blow onto his chest and up to his face with your knee, successfully breaking his nose. He yelped as he stumbled away from you. He charged back to you, he grabbed at your waist and launched the both of you to the ground. You smirked up at him as he tried to wrestle for your hands. You got your legs out from under him and wrapped your legs around his head, pulling one of his arms up towards your head and you pushed your legs downwards, successfully trapping him in a leg lock. You squeezed your legs tighter and tighter as he continued to struggle to grab you with his remaining hand. He tried to kick his legs out to get leverage but you didn't budge. You just squeezed your legs tighter as you smiled and bit his hand that was trapped by your arms. You heard him make a gargled sound, most likely unable to make an audible sound because of your crushing thighs. You waited patiently until you felt him tap your thigh, signaling that he had indeed tapped out. You quickly let go of him and pushed yourself away. You got back on your feet and pulled your hair out of its ponytail as you walked back towards your boys. You felt movement behind you and you turned and WHAM. You punched your opponent square in his already broken nose causing him to fall to the ground. You tisked and shook your head at him, “Really? You couldn’t take the loss like a man and you just had to sneak up on me like a fucking coward?” You spat at him, “Bet you thought you were gonna win that fight easily, huh? Think again the next time you pick a woman cause you think she’s an easy target, alright?” you grabbed a towel from the stack in front of you and threw it in your opponent's face. 
You walked over to your boys and put your jacket back on and sat back down in your chair as if nothing had happened. The recruits were all looking around at each other, shocked that that had actually just happened. 
“Is it bad that I’m really turned on right now?” Han whispered into your ear. You laughed and pushed him away, making eye contact with Chan who seemed to be proud of the show you had just put on. 
“Well, who’s up next?” you asked, and the recruits got refocused to continue their trials.
“Shooting range. As most of you know, this is a dangerous profession. Some of you have been in this game already and know just how bad it can get. We want to get a head start on where your skills lie. Targets will pop up across the field, you are to shoot every foe, but watch out for your teammates.” Hyunjin spoke from the observation deck with the recruits. “Alright Hannie, show em how it’s done” he spoke into the mic, notifying Han it was about to begin.
The buzzer sounded above the range, from the observation deck you could see the entire field. Debris everywhere, flashing lights throughout half the course, and targets everywhere. You could see Han make his way through the course, his hand gun poised and shining in his hand. Han was a fan of his silver glock - his go to weapon. He stalked his way through the course, expertly shooting each foe right through the center of the target and ignoring all of his “teammates” markers. After he successfully completed the course, the strobe lights turned green, marking he had successfully defeated all foes, and spared all teammates.
One recruit after another had gone through the course. Some failing and most passing by the skin of their teeth. The person you were waiting to watch the most, was last in the lineup, Chan. He had made his way to the course and awaited the signal. When the starting horn sounded, the strobes began. Chan was quite calm as he moved his way through the course, something a lot of the younger recruits around his age were lacking. Of course the older gentlemen who were recruited were basically pros at this, but for someone around Chan's age he seemed quite comfortable in the situation. He fired off round after round throughout the course, tagging his teammates as passes and shooting through all the foes. When he made it to the other side, the strobe light turned green, marking he had passed. A few of the younger recruits gasped in awe at how good this guy was. You were impressed to say the least, and judging from your boys' expressions, they were just as impressed.
Chan made his way back to the observation deck and was stopped by Hyunjin who met him out in the hallway. Chan had sized him up, he sure as hell was pretty, and surprisingly strong based on the fights he was pulled into during the last trials. Hyunjin looked at him quizzically.
“Where’d you learn to shoot like that? What’s your story?” Hyunjin asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the hallway wall.
Chan huffed and mirrored Hyunjins pose on the wall across from him. “I was a work for hire. Learned on the job basically.”
Hyunjin nodded, “so you’re an assassin.” he said plainly. Not really a question, more of a statement.
“I guess you could say that. I like to call it a gun-for-hire, but assassin works too.” Chan nodded back, finally earning a smile from the pretty man across from him.
Hyunjin didn’t say much else as he leaned off the wall and motioned from Chan to follow him back to the observation deck. Hyunjin made his way to stand behind you as Chan made his way to the front of the mob of recruits. Changbin began to address them all.
“Alright, we have a few more tests for you. We will be splitting you in half to make this process smoother. Half of you will be going with Hyunjin and Han to review interrogation techniques, and the other half will be following myself and Miss Y/n to review multi-weapons training.” Changbin announced as he listed off each name of the recruits, dividing them into their appropriate teams. 
The remainder of the tests were quite bland in your opinion. You were stuck observing the multi-weapons training when you would have much rather been a part of the interrogation squad. The only thing that was keeping your attention was the mystery recruit Chan. He was incredibly skilled, you could tell through his fighting style and his weapons training that he had been disciplined well in your world. You began to wonder where he learned it, itching to know more about this beautiful stranger. The more you watched him the more familiar he felt, like you had seen him before, but that was near impossible, you didn't recognize him at all. His aura was familiar, not his face. His face. You wondered where he got the scars that adorned his cheek, neck, and forehead. The gashes must have been deep to have left such scars. The one on his neck was the darkest and longest of the three. It stretched from below his ear to his jugular. The gash must have been cut with a ragged blade based on the way it had healed. The one on his cheek seemed to be just about faded but still quite visible, went from the top of his cheek bone down towards his lips. And the one that adorned his forehead sat above his left eyebrow almost all the way down to the eye. It seemed like he had seen some shit, much like you had. Maybe that’s why he felt familiar. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when Bin nudged your side, giving you a knowing glance. You rolled your eyes and muttered a ‘shut up’ before looking at the papers he was handing you. “It’s time to make some decisions.” Changbin had announced that the recruits would be escorted back to the main meeting room while the eight of you will deliberate on who will be brought into the ‘family’.
You met with all 7 boys in your private meeting room. It was your office but it was more of a living room than an actual office. There were large couches in the center of the room - enough to fit all eight of you - a large flat screen tv perched on the wall in front of the couches. A large workstation - Felix's usual spot - was placed neatly in the corner of the room next to the large floor to ceiling windows that stretched the back of your office. On the opposite end of the room was a large bookshelf adorned with movies, books, and photo albums of yours and the boys. In front of the bookshelf was your desk, simple, elegant, and of course covered in paperwork that you had not even dared to touch. And on the wall behind one of the couches was a mini kitchen, stocked with snacks, drinks, and of course your life-blood, coffee. Seungmin immediately made his way over to the coffee machine, noticing the exhausted look in your eyes.
You plopped yourself down on the couch dramatically, flinging your arm over your face and loudly sighing. “I fucking hate recruit day.” Jeongin chuckled as he snaked his way over to you, lifting the top half of your body off the couch so he could slither beneath you to rest your head on his lap as he played with your hair. You all began going through the recruits one by one, marking who should stay and what team they would best fit in. Seungmin had brought you your cup of coffee, and you thanked him wordlessly as you sat up and snuggled closer to Jeongin. Jeongin had repositioned himself sideways on the couch and opened up his legs and arms so you could cuddle more effectively against him. You smiled and shuffled your way on top of him, positioning your back against his chest and settling your legs across the couch. Seungmin had grabbed your legs off the cushion and sat down bringing your legs across his lap and gently began to massage your calves with one hand and remove your heels with the other.
“So what do we think about this Chan guy?” Han asked as they were getting towards the end of the recruit list. You perked up when you heard the name but tried to remain neutral. Jeongin however felt you stiffen and lightly chuckled in your ear, not mentioning your reaction to the other boys in the room which you had to thank him for later.
“I spoke to him after one of his trials. Apparently he used to be a gun-for-hire as he called it. Makes sense why he’s so skilled.” Hyunjin said as he looked at Bin and the rest of the boys.
Minho tipped his head to the side, “Doesn’t that mean ‘assassin’?”
“That’s what I said. But he said it sounded better as gun-for-hire. I can't help but agree on that one.” Hyunjin shrugged as he got up to get some snacks from the minikitchen behind him.
“Well, I think we let him in, especially since y/n couldn't keep her greedy eyes off of him.” Han smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
You just rolled your eyes, “yeah as if you weren’t also checking him out.” you spat back and Han just stuck his tongue out at you not being able to think of a comeback.
“I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t think he’d be this good, especially since he literally came in off the streets. But he’s really good, I think he could be a valuable asset to our team.” Changbin listed off as he spoke more to Felix, Minho, and Seungmin about Chan's performance during the trials, filling them in on all the details. Jeongin was only half paying attention to the conversation as he was too busy playing with the ends of your hair and the zippers on your jacket, quietly humming to himself. 
“You’re awfully quiet.” you speak softly to Jeongin while the other boys continue their conversation.
Jeongin leans his head closer to yours and rests his cheek on the crown of your head. “Yeah.” he says so quietly even you almost missed it. You try not to bring too much attention to yourself by bringing your hand up to his, threading your fingers together.
“Was it too much today?” you whisper while rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
He squeezes your hand in acknowledgement. A silent way of letting you know he’s overwhelmed. Jeongin had been through a lot, and being around new people who were incredibly skilled at killing people always put more stress on him than he would have liked. Especially considering that you and the rest of his friends were professional killers. The difference is that he trusts the 7 of you with his life. Those strangers out there don't know him, don't know you. How can he feel comfortable without knowing if they had any ulterior motives? And you understood how he felt more than anyone. You went through that trauma once before, you don't want to live it again. Recruitment day was never a fun day for you or Jeongin. 
“How about you and I spend some quality time together later, hm? We can snuggle up and watch your favorite bad movie?” you say softly, still not wanting the other boys to try to interject into your much needed quality time with Jeongin. You felt him relax behind you slightly at your suggestion. He loved spending time with you, especially when it involved snuggling. You felt him nod his head and whisper softly, “that sounds really nice.” You smiled and brought his hand to your lips, leaving a soft and quick peck to his fingers. As you did so, it seemed that the boys had come to a conclusion about this Chan boy.
“So, how does that sound y/n?” Minho asked with a knowing look in his eyes. He totally caught on that you were not paying attention to them one bit. 
“Recap.” you said as you looked at Han.
“He’s good, we need another on our team to make 8. So we should add him to our squad. He’s skilled enough and he’s young enough. Also he's completely unaffiliated*.” Han listed off.
“How do we know he's not affiliated?” you asked leaning off of Jeongin to lean closer to the coffee table between the two couches.
“Lix looked while the recruits were trying to hack. Key word: trying.” Seungmin rolled his eyes. Apparently this year's tech recruits were as disappointing as last years.
“Yeah, I did my research. He was quite hard to find. No identification for him existed before 5 years ago. Seems like he did all sorts of “for-hire” work. He did work for multiple governments, a couple of crime families, apparently he was also a gym teacher and swimming instructor for a while. But the dude's track record is stacked. Every job he did, he hit his mark. Cleanly too. No mess.” Felix spoke as he tapped away on his computer in the corner of the room. He wasn't doing any actual work from the looks of it, most likely playing a mind-numbing game where he doesn't have to think too hard.
“Hm. And why do we need an 8th? I am the 8th.” you said matter-of-factly.
“We are an 8 piece love, but the 7 of us are basically your bodyguards. It would be more effective to have even pairs of bodyguards at all times. Either 2 and 2 or 4 and 4. You can't be your own bodyguard, so don't even ask.” Changbin cut you off before you could interject. You hate that you have to be protected. You hate to have the people you love most throw themselves in front of a bullet and die for you. You think that sort of loyalty is dumb, mostly because you don't want to lose the people closest to you. You love them far too much for that and you’ve already lost far too many people that way.
“Alright, fine. I won't put up a fuss, but he's your responsibility.” you quip to Changbin. He rolls his eyes but nods at you. You slump back into Jeongin’s chest, he firmly wraps his arms around you snuggling you closer. “Do I have to go back out there with you guys?” you whine as you pull Jeongins arms closer to your face.
“Yes, princess. You still have to come back with us.” Seungmin says with a soft look. “These are going to be your men, your soldiers, not Big Boss’s. You need to make sure they know who the real boss is, and that’s you.”
“And you know that they already doubt you cause you’re a woman,” Felix says, eyes still trained to the computer screen in front of him.
“Well not exactly,” Hyunjin giggles.
“What do you mean by that?” Seungmin asks, quirking an eyebrow between you and Hyunjin, Changbin, and Han.
“Some stupid ‘man’s man’ picked to fight Y/N during his trial. Let’s just say that guys gonna need to see a plastic surgeon to have a remotely normal face again.” Han giggled. You felt Jeongin squeeze you tighter into his chest. You just looked at Seungmin and shrugged your shoulders, earning a smirk from him. Seungmin nodded in approval and muttered, “proud of you”.
“Alright we gotta get going,” Changbin motioned for everyone to get up. He looked at you and Jeongin and his gaze softened slightly. “Out you fools.” He chirped at the rest of the boys, slowly 1 by 1 they left the room. Changbin looked at you and Jeongin, “we’ll be waiting out here when you guys are ready.”
He left the room and closed the door. You and Jeongin just sat in silence for a few seconds, his arms were still so tight around you. You rubbed up and down his arm trying to calm him down.
“I don't like that you fought one of them,” he whispered to you, just barely audible, you wouldn't have heard him if you weren't sitting so close to him.
“I had no choice Innie, it’s not like I wanted to,” you muttered back. “It’s part of the rules. Anyone who's in the room can be picked. I was in the room. He picked me. There’s nothing I could’ve done,” you could feel his arms tightening around you once again. “If it makes you feel any better, he barely got his hands on me.”
“Barely? So that means he got you?” There was worry laced in his voice. You pulled his arms from around you and maneuvered to face him, holding his hands tightly in yours.
“Innie, look at me. I’m ok. Not even a scratch or a bruise on me. You know I’m one of the best fighters in this crew, especially when it comes to dumbass men who think they can pick on women.” you reached up and cradled his cheek in your hand, he leaned into your hand and lightly nuzzled into it. “I promise I’m ok,” you said, giving him a soft smile.
“I’m sorry” he whispered, slowly wrapping his fingers around your hand on his cheek, “I know it's your job but I just get nervous, you know?” 
“I know Innie,” you whisper back, bringing his head down to yours to press his forehead to yours. “I don’t want you to worry too much okay? I’m a lot stronger now. Nothing’s gonna happen to me, especially when I have you guys around.”
“I know you can take care of yourself. I just don’t want anything to happen to you again.” he whispered softly, unable to look you in the eyes.
“That was a long time ago, Innie. I’m not the same I was then. I can take care of myself now. And when I can’t, you guys always have my back.” you smile at him.
He pulls your arms away from him and wraps you in a bone crushing hug. You both sat there for a few minutes, basking in each other's warmth. He gently pulls you away from him and smiles warmly at you.
“We should probably go,” he whispers, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. 
You hum in recognition, “and don’t forget you and I have a cuddle date later too.”
He chuckles at your teasing tone. You both remove each other from your embrace and walk out to the rest of the boys. Nobody asks either of you any questions. They’re already vaguely aware of what went on since it has happened every year on recruitment days.
All 8 of you make your way back to the recruits. Changbin names off all of the people who have been accepted to join your ranks and thanks the men and women who didn’t make it for their time. You stay silent at the front of the room, eyeing the recruits that are joining your ranks. They were all pretty incredible based on their results, you were lucky to have them join. Your eyes finally landed on Chan who has been staring at you since you walked back into the room with the boys. This time he was staring a little too intensely as Jeongin stood next to you, a little closer than he probably should have. You make eye contact with Chan and he seems to snap out of his staring. He fights a smile as you two continue to look at each other.
“Chan,” Changbin calls his attention and Chan immediately stiffens and looks quickly from you to Changbin. “Please stay here as we would like to give you your assignment. The rest of you may leave and join the rest of your new teams.”
“Before you all leave,” you speak loudly, immediately commanding the room, all of your newest recruits looking to you in attention. “Thank you for taking the time to come here today to join our ranks. I will work to the best of my ability to take care of you all and protect you as much as you protect me. I look forward to seeing all of your abilities in the future. Make sure you all have something to eat before you go to your assignments, Kihyun will show you to the cafeteria.” Kihyun nods at you from the door. All of the recruits are still standing there looking to you. “You are all dismissed.” you smile at your new members.
“Thank you Ma’am.” they all say.
“It’s Boss, not Ma’am” you correct
“Thank you Boss!” they all yell, you chuckle to yourself and watch as they all file out, leaving just you, your 7 boys, and the newest recruit to your inner circle Chan. He’s still standing at attention, waiting for direction from you. He was definitely well trained.
“Relax Chan, we’re not gonna haze you,” you look at Han and Seungmin, “well, I actually can't promise they won't.”
“Hey, what's that supposed to mean? We’ve never hazed anyone!” Han yells, throwing his hands in the air.
“Need I remind you of Jiung? You hazed him so much he had to leave our team and join cyber just to get away from you two.” 
“Heh, yeah I remember,” Seungmin smiles.
“Anyway, we have your new assignment.” Changbin eyed Seungmin and Hannie as they reminisced. “You’ll be joining our team, the direct inner circle of Boss. You'll still go through the extensive trainings like the other new recruits, but this is an incredible privilege for you. We don't normally let new recruits join our inner circle right off the bat, so you’ll have to prove that we can trust you with intel, but for now, your main mission is to protect Boss.”
Chan looked down at his feet and cautiously looked back up at you. “Can I ask why you’re entrusting me to protect you when you don't normally do this sort of thing?” he asked, almost shyly.
You could feel the rest of the boys looking at you expectantly. Chan had kept your eye contact, his features had softened, you could tell that he was a bit insecure or shy even about asking you that question. “Well, obviously you are incredibly skilled. Your resume was pretty vague so we did some digging into your past and learned about your past conquests.” You saw him flinch at that but you didn't comment on it. “You were at the top of the list compared to the other trainees, incredibly skilled for someone your age, and it seems like you would get along well with my boys.” You took a beat and softened your gaze on him. “And you intrigue me.” Chan once again stood rigid, as if your comment caused his brain to short circuit, causing you to smile and let out a light giggle. 
“I intrigue you?” Chan asked softly.
“The thing you’ll get to know about Y/N is that she is incredibly fascinated by people she can't read,” Minho said from behind you. His statement wasn't wrong but you were still slightly embarrassed and you turned around to punch him in the arm just causing him to laugh loudly, throwing his head back with a huge smile on his face.
“Well, if we’re done here, I have important things I have to get to. You are all dismissed. Jeongin, accompany me,” you said as you so desperately wanted to get out of that situation and just snuggle up with Innie and watch movies for the rest of the day. The rest of the boys already had an idea that you weren't actually doing any work, but Chan just stood there still gazing at you. The boys said their farewells and you and Jeongin left to head up to your bedroom.
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Tags @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @sinforsuccubus ♡Thank you for letting me tag you♡
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tyler Hoechlin- Our Love
Tears And Fears
January 2012
Tyler and still haven't confirmed our relationship, although there is a lot of speculation in the fandom and a lot of shipping, it hasn't made it into mainstream media since at the moment Teen Wolf is kinda small.
However recently my ex has been messaging me, I tried blocking him but he just gets a new number. This has started to make me nervous.
I'm on set right now having my hair and makeup done. Melissa walks in and sits next to me
"Hey sweetie"
"Hi Mel. Looking forward to our scene today"
"I bet you are. A shirtless Tyler in front of you while you have to stop bleeding"
"Oh hush up" I laugh just as a text comes through. I look to see that once again my ex has messaged me. I sigh blocking yet another number
"Are you ok?" Melissa asks
"Huh? Oh yeah fine"
"You sure?"
"Uh huh"
"Come on YN I'm a mom. I know when somethings bothering someone"
"Ok but promise you won't tell anyone?"
"As long as your not hurting yourself or anyone else or anyones hurting you then yes"
"Ok" I take in a deep breath "my ex keeps messaging me, I've tried blocking him but every time I do he just uses a new number. Guess at this point I'll have to get a new phone number"
"Have you told Tyler about this?"
"YN you need to tell him"
"Mel my ex is an ex for a reason, I haven't told anyone what happened during our relationship. Didn't think I would need to"
"Look all I know is if you don't tell Tyler and he finds out another way, or this ex finds out your dating Tyler and he messages him, then your going to have a lot more explaining to do"
"I'm just worried that if I tell Tyler everything, he won't want to carry on our relationship"
"You know Tyler won't be like that, but if you keep secrets he's going to be more upset" I know she's right, I really need to talk to Tyler about this, but not here. Not on set
"I'll ask him to come over tonight after we finish filming"
"You'll be ok"
"Thanks" I give Melissa a small smile.
I sit in my seat waiting for my scene with Tyler
"Hey where have you been all day?" Tyler says sitting next to me
"Sorry had a costume malfunction then hair and makeup took a while" not wrong but also not 100% true. I've been avoiding Tyler because like I said to Melissa I don't want to tell him on set and if effects both of our acting "erm do you want to come over tonight? We can order in?"
"Sure. What time do you finish today?"
"6 this evening"
"Ok I'll swing by yours when I finish"
"Ok YN, Hoechlin your up" Jeff says looking towards us. I slide off my chair and walk onto set.
Later on in the evening Tyler comes over after picking up a pizza and fries
“Hmm” he hums in response before taking a sip of his drink
“I need to tell you something” I say nervously which Tyler obviously catches on to because he frowns
“What’s wrong?”
“I haven’t really told you anything about my past relationships”
“You don’t have to. They’re in the past”
“Not quite”
“What do you mean?”
“My ex has recently been messaging me. I keep blocking him but he’s just getting a new number. When we were dating he was very controlling, kinda manipulative. I couldn’t have male friends, tried to keep me away from my family. I know your different I can already tell, but him messaging me worries me”
“What worries you?” Tyler asks placing his arm over the back of couch
“Him messing up what we have” I then feel a tear run down my check. Quickly I wipe it away but it’s replaced by another one “what if he messages you or sells a fake story to the press or…”
“Ok first look at me” I finally look at Tyler who places his hands on the side of my face
“No mater what happens, I’m here by your side. I’m not going anywhere”
“No buts. We will get through this together”
“Why is he messaging me now?”
“I don’t know, but if it carries on we can go to
The police with harassment” I take in a deep breath and nod my head
“I’m sorry I have a crazy ex”
“No need to apologise. Come here” Tyler holds his arms out for me. Of course I scoot closer and let him hold me close to him, my head resting on his chest “you want me to stay over tonight?” I give Tyler a little nod “ok”
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
Hey ya’ll. I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been going through some real shit in my personal life that’s been a big drain on me. Any feedback on this chapter is welcome - another request from my inbox!
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Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Chapter 27: Tips
“Oh my God, I’m so excited,” Vanessa grinned, a wild look in her eyes as she fluffed her bangs in Carmy’s office, leaning down to check herself in the broken mirror perched on his desk.
“You’re the first person I’ve ever heard say they’re excited to be a server,” Carmy shook his head, grabbing his lucky pen to stick in her pocket.
The Bear was short employees – extremely short. A virus was running through the staff and Carmy exhausted all of his other options before picking up his cell to call Ness.
“Hi Baby how’s work?” She answered, he could hear the rustle of the wax paper he’d wrapped her a sandwich in before he left for work earlier that day.
“I need a favor, Ness,” he said, and she could practically see him running his hands through his hair. “How would you like to turn The Bear into a family business for the night?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” She asked through a mouthful of bread.
“Ricky and Ginny and Leo are all out sick,” he spoke of the serving staff that started after the renovation.
“Oh no,” she swallowed, “who’s going to serve tonight?” She asked, standing in front of the mirror over the kitchen sink, running a finger under her eye to swipe away a wisp of dried mascara.
“Tulo’s going to help,” he mentioned one of their on-again off-again dishwashers. “And maybe you?” He added.
“Me?” Vanessa’s brows shot up. “You want me to come in and help?” She asked.
“If you don’t mind, Ness,” Carmen sighed. “We’ve all called around people we’d trust but it’s a Saturday night…” he trailed.
“So you’d get to be my boss?” She asked with a small grin, already knowing she’d come in to help.
“Babe, I’m already the boss,” he countered, making her throw her head back with a laugh.
“Oh, you wish,” she giggled. “Of course I’ll come help,” she insisted, lifting a weight from her husband’s shoulders. “But baby I’ve never served before, I don’t know what to do,” she added, already walking back to the bedroom to freshen up.
“We’ll do a run through in the next hour,” he explained, “can you just get down here before four?” He asked.
“Changing now and I’ll hop in a car,” she said, stepping into the bathroom. “See you soon, boss.”
Carmen shook his head as he hung up. He was so grateful to have Vanessa on his team, and he was excited to see her a little longer tonight.
“Ness coming?” Syd asked, withholding her own sniffles. There simply wasn’t time for her to be feeling under the weather tonight.
Carmen nodded and Syd could also breathe a little easier.
“Run me the specials again,” Carmen said, tying up Vanessa’s blue apron at the small of her back.
“A little tighter, Carm, I’m trying to make some tips tonight,” she replied, earning an open-palm smack to her ass. She rattled off the night’s specials with a smile, looping her arms around Carmen’s neck. “And a cherry on top,” she finished, leaning forward to press her lips against his.
“No kissing the boss,” he said, eyes soft nonetheless.
“Baby, I am the boss,” she replied, giving him one more soft peck.
“Butt looks good,” he said, sliding his hand down over her curves. She’d donned a pair of fitted wide-leg trousers that generously showed off her nipped waist and round ass.
“You think I’m kidding about these tips?” She asked, “I called Nicola and she gave me some pointers, including the pants,” she laughed. Nicola was a waitress at a family restaurant in West Town through high school. “I might be new to serving, but I know how to work a room,” she winked.
And boy did Vanessa know how to work a room.
The kitchen was a well-oiled machine. At full strength, Carmen could easily focus on his tasks for the night. Even missing a few parts, they all knew what needed to be executed, but every time he could hear Vanessa’s gentle laugh and lilt, he found himself looking out toward the dining room.
He thought it was a total load of shit she’d never worked in the restaurant industry or as a server before. She floated in and out of the kitchen effortlessly – collecting dishes with a smile and taking in the chaos of the room without blinking. She took direction and listened as she received instructions, asking intentional questions and making sure to effectively and efficiently use her time.
Between the second and third rounds of seatings, she stole away to Carmen’s office, a cold diet coke in hand.
“Checking in,” Carmen poked his head into the office as well, seeing his wife sitting on his desk with her feet perched on his desk chair.
“Hi, baby,” she smiled, taking a sip of her drink.
“How are you doing?” He asked, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
“Good,” she insisted with a nod. “Kinda wish I wore better shoes, but I’ll make it work, only two more rounds of reservations left,” she shrugged.
“Tulo is impressed,” Carmen said, wrapping her up in a hug, rubbing his hands up and down her back, feeling her melt into his chest. “We all are,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her cheek, just in front of her ear.
“It’s fun,” she said, eyes resting as he held her close. “I’m glad I can help,” she added, “plus, I’ve made eight hundred bucks tonight, so I’m going to be funding a whole spa day next week.” Carmen laughed, not surprised at all.
“Good plan,” he encouraged, “anything you need from me before next shift?” He asked.
“Just you,” she smiled, leaning back to look into his eyes.
“You already got me,” he reminded, flashing up his left hand where he was donning his black silicone ring. His gold band never came to the restaurant.
“Forever,” she grinned, squeezing a handful of his ass in her hand.
“I’ll tell HR,” he threatened as two loud knocks landed on the door.
“Five minutes!” Syd called.
“She’s the real boss,” Vanessa commented, Carmen nodding in agreement.
The third round of dinner went by quickly and Vanessa continued to impress both the staff and the customers. It wasn’t easy getting a reservation at The Bear these days and she knew that part of paying for the experience was exceptional service – she didn’t want to let Carmen or anyone else down.
On the last round of the night, and as some of the staff had moved to kitchen clean as dishes were finalized, Vanessa’s purview whittled down to three tables, an older couple at one, two newly divorced girlfriends at another, and a four top of corporate business bros.
“Now fellas,” Vanessa smiled as she approached the table, which had already rung up an $800 bill on alcohol alone. “I know I can’t send you out into the night without dessert,” she added. “I need you to try our pastry chef’s chocolate cake – it will ruin all other chocolate cake for you,” she insisted.
The closest to her, a blonde, who’d been eating up her presence all night grinned in a way that showed off each and every crown in his mouth.
“I think you might be the most delicious thing here,” he leaned back in his chair, confident from his several glasses of bourbon. “So if you’re saying it’s the best, I gotta take the recommendation.”
“Careful now,” Vanessa shook her head with a smirk, “my husband is a very jealous man, and he handles all the sharp knives back there,” she jammed her thumb over her shoulder. “But I’ll put in an order for four slices.”
And if she put a little extra swing in her step back to the kitchen – that was between her and God.
“Ness?” Carmen asked as he watched his wife push her cleavage up, tucking away any stray baby hairs that had escaped her ponytail from earlier.
“Tuition isn’t cheap, baby,” she replied, making Ebraheim howl with delight. A joke, of course, as her tuition was coming straight out of her trust fund – an exception made by her father who was all too thrilled that his daughter was going after an advanced degree. “Men are so easy,” she finished, smoothly stacking four plates of chocolate cake on her arms before heading back out to the dining room. Carmen looked over to Tina, who simply shrugged with a smile.
After the last reservation settled their bill, and the lowboys had been properly cleaned, Vanessa and Carmen made their way back to the train stop to head home – the evening quickly approaching midnight.
“Twelve-hundred dollars and two phone numbers,” Vanessa waved around her receipts, making Carmen laugh.
“I’m never asking you to fill in again,” he replied.
“Oh, I’ll go right to Syd,” she countered. “This was fun!”
“Thank you for helping out,” Carmen said, pulling her into his side as they picked the back corner of a nearly empty car.
“’Course, baby,” Vanessa smiled, “anything for you.”
“Anything?” Carmen asked.
“Yes, Chef.”
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nomdepen · 25 days
At her next trip to the modiste, a box of fabric shall be waiting for her. Imported Italian silk of the finest quality, in an emerald green colour; the latest fashion of the country there, which would yet take a season for a society’s worth of fabric to arrive here. This was brought specially over, with great cost. The box bears a card, with no signature, only an inscription in elegant penmanship: Green —- for envy.
"Miss Penelope! Come quick, I have to give you something."
Before she can even conjure a greeting, the modiste is shuffling over to the door and tugging Pen by the hand. When Genevieve informs Pen that there's something waiting for her, she assumes it must be Whistledown related. Her bond with the modiste had strengthened over the months, their shared secret tying them together in a way she'd never imagined. Neither of their businessnes would've thrived tyhe way they did if it were not for one another, and Pen felt eternally grateful for Madame Delacroix's friendship.
But she isn't entirely sure what she expects when's handed the box. She must've worn a perpleced expression, for Genevieve tsk tsks her to open it wityh haste. Clearly the modiste was excited to see the contents, or perhaps she was merely excited for Pen to see them. She opens the box and Genevieve watches over her shoulder with a mischievous glimmer in her eye. It's clear to Pen that her partner had already taken a look inside, and was filled to the brim with joy.
It makes Pen nervous. If it were from anyone else, she might think it a horrible prank. Was it a box filled with terrible insects? Or a rat? Or perhaps a potato sack designed for her. She shakes the thought away. Penelope trusts the seamstress, probably more than anyone else at this point, and she knows it couldn't be anything too terrible.
And she's right. It isn't anything terrible at all, instead, it's something wonderful. Magical, even. Pen opens her mouth to speak, but the words catch in her throat and before she can manage to pry them out, Genevieve starts.
"Ah, before you say anything, ma chérie, there is no mistake. The gentleman made sure it went to a Miss Penelope Featherington. Which," The modiste rested her hands on her hips, allowing her faux accent to drop. "I believe is you."
Pen blinked. A gentleman had sent this for her directly? Names and faces rattled around in her brain, but none sprung to mind. Who would send her something so luxurious? No doubt this was more expensive than her entire wardrobe at the moment and Pen couldn't remember making that much of an impression on anyone.
She ought to have been grateful, if not flattered, but all she could feel was confusion as she picked up the silky fabric. It was the softest thing she'd ever felt, it's smooth texture nearly slipping out of her hands as she held it up to the light. It wasn't adorned with glitter or rhinestones, and yet it sparkled beneath the candlelight.
"Who?" It's all she can croak out.
"Hm?" Genevieve leans forward.
"Who," She starts again. "Sent this? Did they leave a name? O-Or a calling card, or anything?"
"He looked familiar, but I can't seem to remember his name. You'd think I would. We don't get a lot of gentlemen that come through. Stern looking fellow, he was. He wrote something down, though. Should still be in the box, no?" Genevieve gestured to the box with the point of her chin.
Pen turned and finds the card that had fallen in her haste to open the present. No signature, no address. But the words are enough to tell her the identity. Closing her eyes, she lets out a deep breath and mutters a soft 'thank you' to the universe, hoping that Lord Cromwell may hear it from wherever he was.
"Madame Delacroix, I believe I have a favor to ask of you."
As the woman's smile stretched from ear to ear, she once again adorned her French accent. "Anything for you, mon ami."
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
hiiii, could you write something for fem skater!reader x chrissy cunningham? i don't see a lot of people writing for her... if not thats okay, i don't want to pressure you!! tysm :))))
word count: 0.4k
requested: yes | no requests: open | closed request rules here
warnings: awful title (its kinda funny), one curse word, i dont skate so this might be a little off, i think thats it but lmk if i missed smth
a/n: sorry, this is super short, i just thought it was a cute little idea. not my best writing unfortunately so i apologize. ty for the req &lt;3
remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing <3
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"Alright, now just bend your legs a little."
You instruct the blonde who's wobbling around on your skateboard in front of you. She bends her previously stiff legs like you suggested, but her arms stay locked out in front of her to hold your hands.
"Perfect." You smile at her, but her gaze is on the ground, "You ready to try moving?"
Chrissy's eyes go wide at the suggestion, causing her to start wobbling again as she whips her head up to look at you. She had asked you during lunch if you could teach her how to skate, but so far shes only managed to stand on the board. "I don't know..."
"You're gonna be fine." You kindly reassure her, lifting one of her hands so she can see yours joined with it, "I'm gonna be right here, remember?"
She thinks for a moment, talking herself up mentally... "You won't let go?"
You shake your head, repeating, "I'll be right here."
Chrissy takes a deep breath, squeezing your hands tighter to balance herself as she kicks off the ground to push herself forward. She rolls slowly across the empty parking lot as you walk alongside her. "See? You're already doing great, Chriss!"
She smiles at that, feeling brave enough to go a little bit faster. You pick up your pace slightly to keep up with hers, still able to comfortably follow along.
"You think you're ready to try turning that corner?" You ask as you approach the end of your current section.
Chrissy wobbles a bit still, but is much more comfortable than she was a few minutes ago. She nods in response, "Yeah. How do I do it?"
You smile at her confidence, "Just lean into your heels to turn right. Yeah, just like that."
Chrissy leans back as you instructed, rounding the corner perfectly. "I'm doing it!"
"Yeah, you are!" You praise, excited to see her making such good progress, "You know, you're a very quick learner, blondie."
"Maybe I just have a really good teacher." she smiles, pulling herself back into an upright position after completing the turn.
She stabilizes herself for a moment, until all of a sudden, the adjustment feels disorienting. She wobbles and looks to you for help as she feels herself starting to fall backwards. In order to salvage it, you pull lightly on her hands to pull her back upright. You clearly pull a little harder than you meant to, as the next thing you know, you're lying on the concrete with Chrissy splayed out on top of you.
You feel her shaking, and you immediately sit up to see if she's hurt or crying. "Shit, are you okay?" Relief washes over you to find out she's not crying, she's laughing uncontrollably. She nods against your shoulder, unable to get out any words. Her giggles are contagious, and you can't help but start to laugh yourself, the both of you looking absolutely insane together in the middle of the empty high school parking lot.
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