#ty anon :3c
6ftkyle · 1 year
4, 7, 16?
4. A character I couldn’t care less about
mmmmmost of the one off episode characters, but like really especially mark and rebecca cotswold. im over it, im tired of those lil home school guys.
7. A character who feels like home
this is such an interesting phrasing. i think, probably kyle? ive been into south park for a long time, longer than some south park fans have been alive and whenever i look back at my old sketches and art work, kyle is almost always present. i showed some friends an old drawing i did from like 2007 of my fursona dressed as kyle today, even.
16. A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
man honestly probably the scene in put it down where craig finally understands how to help tweek. it's like unreasonably unfair how heartfelt that scene is. i think we should legally be allowed to hunt matt and trey for sport for putting that in south park.
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princesshollyberry · 2 years
have u listened to hadestown? if u haven't u should
hadestown? way down? way down under the ground?
TEHE OV COURSE.... not in a while though i don't often sit down still long enough to watch a full two acts. i remember the lighting and staging being amazing...... especially that part with the helmets. i've been waiting for a hot day in winter so i can say 'IIIN THE DARKEST TIME-'
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synnthamonsugar · 2 years
for the intimacy prompts! 54. reading a book together for Eris and Mara (romantic)
Mara Sov reclined on the cluttered futon in Sanctuary's living quarters, reading aloud from a leather-bound book spread open across her blanketed legs. Eris Morn lay beside her, still and quiet, hand just brushing against her thigh, eyes lidded into gleaming half-moons. Sinister red filtered in through the cracks in the shutters while Mara read by the ghostly green light of the ahamkara bone shard that had been lain on the bedside table.
" . . . the child found a beautiful hound hopelessly tangled in brambles," she narrated an old Reef fairy tale adapted from ancient Distributary myths. "The beast snarled and swiped and bared his teeth, his danger increasing as he became more engulfed by the vines with each thrash." A uncomplicated story, one that every Awoken schoolkid would learn in early grades, ideal for easing her companion to sleep.
Mara had come to Earth's moon with the sole intent of spending time with Eris. The last several months had been marked by upheaval, for better and worse: they had triumphed over the Witch Queen, but almost as quickly the mad Emperor's flagship had arrived to menace Luna from orbit. Nightmares had gathered once more, and Eris had undertaken the delicate operation of forging a bond with the Crown of Sorrows to fight them. Mara was glad that Eris was facing the challenge with aplomb — and allies to publicly back her up, a rarity for one who typically dealt in spycraft — but she found herself worried. Eris often messaged her late local time complaining of insomnia, of not being able to quiet her thoughts. Keeping ones head above water wasn't necessarily swimming, and Mara wanted to make sure Eris had the strength to not only confront the Darkness' machinations but counter them.
"What happened?" Eris murmured tiredly. Mara turned the page, before resting her hand gently across Eris', absently circling fingertips across callused knuckles.
"Though the hound growled and snapped, the child was not afraid. She cut the beast from his bonds, and carefully removed the thorns from his long coat and injured flesh. When she finally finished combing the leaves and washing the blood from his fur, the hound turned its elegant head toward her. 'You were the only one brave and kind enough to pass my test,' he spoke, eyes dazzling. 'To you I will grant any wish; choose carefully.'"
Only a little awake now, Eris made a soft, amused huff. Whether it was the similarity between their shared histories and the girl in the tale, or the atypical ratio of wish dragons in Awoken fables, Mara didn't know. She thought about continuing, but realized that Eris' eyes had closed and her hand had gone slack.
She slid an envelope between the pages and laid it next to the bone. "Goodnight, Crota's Bane," she whispered, lightly kissing the chitin above her third eye, and curling beneath the blankets beside her.
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hedonicghost · 1 year
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I don't feel too bad posting this at almost midnight, lol. I've never made a fantroll before so have two
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fatsmyname · 1 year
I feel obligated to report that I'm finally reading Stone Butch Blues. I am not very far but sweet merciful jesus. The whole sequence from Jess first going into a club to losing so many people from that world so quickly is a roller coaster. I read Rubyfruit Jungle right before this, but I think SBB captures the whiplash from the joy of community and the trauma of losing it better. I'm enjoying it but I'm glad I waited til I was more emotionally ready. Sorry for the unsolicited gay book club. Hope you have a good day.
i am so glad ur reading sbb! i always give warnings about how heavy the book is because i had no clue what i was getting into lol. im glad you waited to read it when you were safer to do so.
you described the book so perfectly lol its literally just horrible thing after horrible thing. not a day goes by that i dont think about the injustice, mistreatment, and literal violence the characters in sbb went through but i am also reminded of the pure resilience and joy these characters embody as well. i do not lie when i say i sobbed nearly every chapter, whether from the happiness of reading about butches as complicated and human as me or from the sorrow
i think sbb should be required reading for any queer person. its so raw, vulnerable, real, and touches on the complex nuances of being butch, trans, lesbian, working class, etc etc etc its just such a good book
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thanking funny kuro blogs for keeping the fandom alive just as much as artists or cosplayers, a lot of them don't know how much they're needed!
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If they married what would their last name be? Two Masons? Sunderlands? I kinda doubt they would double-barrel the surname, cause of Mary. Boy does Munderland sound ridiculous. Imagine if they swapped surnames just to mess with people; someone would call for Mr Mason (hoping for a certain author) then James would just appear. Or maybe they'd just keep their surnames.
..... so i actually rly love talking about this, LOL
bc ACKTSHUALLY, i like to think that they'd go with the hyphenated name - like Mason-Sunderland, in particular. >:3c
tho here and there i've written it in as Sunderland-Mason, and I've actually used only the surname "Mason" for a&s (but also, don't worry about knowing what a&s stands for, bc i promise that it'll only tear ur heart out <;3 RIGHT, @magnolian-gold??? ........ right. >:)))cc) ), but for my own uses and preference, honestly go with the surname Mason-Sunderland. :3c! .. >:3c!
again, i don't post much about it, but Mason-Sunderland is primarily used in the event of -adjacent (an au that is formally called sh-adjacent (as it was in my Notes docs)), and if and when i decide to write some more of my random AUs in which Harry and James are an endgame :3c which there are a lot. .. i have a lot, oh GOD, do i have a lot--
.. but anywhoo: yeah. them's my two cents :3c
hope u enjoyed!! (and i'll add the tags for a&s as well as -adjacent in case u dare to go tag spelunking with this, too >:3c (tho be forewarned for this now-- my "-adjacent" au is NOT GOOMT-compatible, because while it is sort of an offshoot of GOOMT, the timelines and characters have been altered and are NOT the same, with a big, primary difference being that Harry is now trans, and short (demoted to 5'8" 😔 pls pay ur respects in hitting that F in the chat for the poor guy)m and James is, like, well........ Huge. like 6'6" huge. .. yeah. :) and good for him!!!! :3c!)
(and while on that note, too, a&s is also an au that i share with a friend (namely @magnolian-gold, LOL, if it wasn't obvious enough), and contains a LOOOOOOT of Super Sad, And Possibly Triggering Content™️ (such as, including, and not limited to: mentions of self-harm; suicide; grieving and mourning; two men being horribly tragic; and, to top it all off and spin a happier light on the mountain of Hard Things.........: Ridiculous Amounts Of Fluff And Happy Family Hours™️™️ :)!!!)
ANYWHOO. LOL. so YEAH. hope u enjoyed that lil (happy) rant :3c hehe. and idk!! i LOVE the idea that they like to be huge dicks and trolls and swap surnames around, just for the hell of it. i totally imagine that they'd like to be Big Jokesters and fool around with everybody; that's totally in line with what i think their (eventual) marriage would be like >:3c it's really no WONDER where Heather gets her wicked streak, LOL
(tho ok, in addendum: it WOULD be PRETTY FUCKING FUNNY for Harry and James to go with Gail Waters-Waters route and do Mason-Mason or Sunderland-Sunderland (going off ur initial starting comment of Two Masons or Sunderlands), bc that shit would be fucking MINT, LOL!! AAAHHHHH, good times....; and then good times were had by aaaalllll.... >:3ccccccc!!!!)
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mothnoir · 1 year
reverse anon hate. anon love. i am showering you with affection and approval
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6ftkyle · 2 years
im scott malkinson and i have diabetes
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i see him and uwuwwuwuwuwuuu baby mode is unlocked in my brain
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nicepersondisorder · 1 year
How are you soo cool it’s not fairrr
thanks! its the overflowing swag of mental instability <3
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kulvefaggoth · 3 days
idk if you answer asks but i agree with your last post especially being tired of garlaens but still wanting like an ongoing conflict. like maybe they’ll introduce another group in the patches but if it turns out to be more of the ascians i will k word myself (i love the ascians i worry however the devs have literally run out of new ideas sometimes)
See the thing abt the Ascians is that i don't think they still exist as an organization (specially now that Zodiark is GONE) but we also have at least 5 or 6 of them M.I.A. as far as we know.
Emet, Elidibus, Laha, Danny, Iggy and Nabriales are confirmed 100% dead. Loghrif and Mitron were killed but we don't know if Emet raised two new shards to those seats between that and we killing him. Emmerololth was killed when Galuf threw the Isle of Val into the aetherial sea but there's indication another got raised to the position.
But assuming everyone i just mentioned got killed and no subs have been raised into the position that still leaves Altima, Deudalaphon, Halmarut and Pashtarot . Altima and Deudalaphon are the two Gaius took masks from and you could infer they might've died but Yoshida was very coy when talking abt it like "Oh but y'know ascians are hard to kill for good tehe :3c" so i consider them alive.
My point here is that we are for SURE meeting Ascians in the future but i think they might be relegated to side stories and stuff like that and i don't think they'll have the same vibes. Hell the Arcadion storyline seems like some kind of Ascian experiment with souls or some kind of pyramid scheme so we'll probably meet them this expansion but i doubt it will be business as usual. They might even be on the msq again but i doubt it's gonna be the same thing too, or at least i hope so...
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Hello ari I have a question
gn reader means reader can be of any gender right? So when I read your Satoru fics I self insert (I identify as female) but you mentioned that you don’t see Satoru liking woman So should I not self insert as a female in your gn reader Satoru fics?
Or am I misunderstanding.
I’m sorry this is a genuine question and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to and this is not intended to be mean or rude 🙈 I’m knew to the self ships and reader x and gn reader and all that so I am curious, and I love reading your fics and I love your blog it’s rare to find a smut free blog on here it’s refreshing ❤️❤️
hi anon!!!!! pls don’t apologize, i don’t mind questions like this at all!!! and i’m sorry for confusing you 🥹
it’s more than okay to self identify with any of my readers!!!! i make my readers gn both for myself and so that people can view them however they want <333 so you’re more than welcome to view them as women!!! my hcs are just my hcs, nothing else :3 and even though i hc gojo as gay i still like picturing him with women, men, enbies, and so on <3
but yeah!!!! bottom line: imagine my readers however you want, i really don’t mind at all!! whatever makes the experience more enjoyable for you <33
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cyberne0n · 9 months
give me ur top 5 sounds to hear >:3c
the rain!!
general city sounds, i love watching city walk-around videos for this reason
my wife's laugh
heavy basslines/synth-y basslines
cat purring
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eievuimultimuse · 10 months
👤 and Cynthia utrom 4 Baxter?
     “ THERE IS SOMETHING NOT RIGHT about that woman.” Zero hesitation in saying it — in his defense, Baxter’s thought it for a LONG time. He’s just yet to have the opportunity to express it ‘til now. “ I find her to be cruel and HIGHLY disturbed — and I feel quite comfortable in using that phrase given some of her methods and ideals. Starting out, I mistook her motives as nothing more than pure greed; I’ve since come to realize that it’s something FAR MORE than that. “  Far more sinister, he adds mentally.
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“ Her AMBITION knows NO bounds. I truly believe that there is absolutely NOTHING that is so MORALLY ABHORRENT that she would not do it if it meant getting what she wanted. And THAT, quite frankly, makes for a very SCARY individual. “
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unyanizedcatboys · 1 year
Did you change your url/icon recently? Or did I accidentally follow you at some point?
(No complaints here ofc, I like your blog lol)
I changed my icon from one pitou commission i had to another a month ago iirc but otherwise no i’ve had this url for a long time now actually
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enthusiastic · 2 years
whats favorite.. bird
OOOOO its a close one between parrots 🦜 & hummingbirds ❤️‼️
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