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we-are-ronin · 7 months ago
Estoy cambiando constantemente esperando encontrar una versión capaz de amarme.
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 3 months ago
I don’t normally comment about booktube here. But I’ve just seen a video and I have to get some comments off my chest.
This video was about e-readers. And while the person has a huge collection of books behind them, goes on to explain that e-readers are so unnecessary, cause they are expensive. And if you are going to buy an e-reader, just buy an iPad cause they are similar in price….
I’m sorry but in what world is an iPad and an e-reader the same price?? (Or yk other tablets of a similar nature).
This person goes on to talk about how e-readers can’t install apps like Libby etc…are we just going to ignore the e-readers that run on android?? That function like a regular phone just with an e-ink screen??
I honestly gave up watching this video cause this person just sounded like they were pretty single minded on the topic. So here’s my two cents.
Pro’s for an ereader: (at least in my case)
1. E-reader’s are amazing for portability. Physical books can get very heavy, and although I love them, I hate taking physical books out with me cause I’m terrified of damaging them.
2. Books in my country, are incredibly expensive. You can go to the bookstore, and end up spending $50 AUD and get 1-2 books depending on what you get. Hard covers are usually $40+! Paperbacks can range between $17-$40 also. And if it doesn’t get printed in Australia?? Good luck. The only way I could get Hunting Adeline was to pay $65. Because whenever I ordered it from Amazon at $35, from America, it would come absolutely obliterated because they don’t package it in anything but a basic plastic mailer bag. No protection at all.
3. E-readers are much better for your eyes and don’t have constant distracting notifications and people trying to ring you. I have weak eye muscles. Always have. I wear glasses for this. And I used to read on my phone cause it’s what I have with me while I was out. But once I got an e-reader, I realised just how bad my eye strain was from my phone. E-readers have seriously improved my reading stamina especially since mine has the orange light feature. It’s not like we all don’t have an internet or phone addiction anyway. At least according to statistics I’ve seen in the past. Majority of us are trying to spend less time on our phones and more time doing what we love. And e-readers absolutely help with that. (Much better for my ADHD too honestly.)
4. I live with roommates, I have very limited space. So big book collections is just not something that’s possible for me. I’d love to, but again, space and money.
5. E-readers have given me the opportunity to read books that I’d never be able to get. Because of space reasons, money reasons, and the fact that Australia just does not get the wide selection of books that other countries do. We miss out so much. Some books, we have to wait YEARS for, while everyone else gets them on release dates. My e-reader has been such a huge investment for me, as well as an opportunity maker to give me the option to read books I’d never be able to get other wise.
I will clarify this by saying yes, I do have an iPad. But that was a gift. I didn’t buy it for myself. My mother very graciously bought it for me with her inheritance money. She went out of her way to make sure I had a good working device for university. That iPad was over $2,000 aud. My e-reader?? $250!!! HUGE price difference. And it has helped me save so much money in the process. Cause if I read the ebook, and don’t like it, that’s okay, refund. If I do??? Then I can absolutely go out and hopefully track down a physical copy. If that’s not possible?? I still have the digital version. That I can enjoy over and over.
No, I’m not ignoring the cons to do with DRM, and companies censoring ebooks, not at all. But I feel like either way there is still more pros then what this person was giving e-readers credit for. She sounded privileged honestly, she may not have a use for e-readers. But to be saying that you don’t need one, and that they are completely unnecessary….its just incorrect.
I haven’t even touched on how e-readers help others with disabilities to be able to access books. I have a friend for example that has been very unwell for many years now. And because of this, she has fatigue and strength issues. She at one stage could barely hold a book. But once she got her kindle, she was so over joyed cause she could finally enjoy books again. Kindles are so light, they have stands etc. It honestly reminds me of the people that say audiobooks arnt counted as reading and you shouldn’t do it. Sure, let’s just alienate all the people that can’t read or have vision impairment right? (For clarity, I’m being sarcastic.) Or how about all the cultures that past on the culture, history, legends etc all by word of mouth?? For centuries, way before anyone invented written script. But that’s a whole other tangent I can go off about later.
If e-readers arnt for you, that’s totally fine. But to say no one has a need for them, because physical books exist, is just closed minded. Just because you have the privilege of a huge book library and may not have use of an e-reader, doesn’t not mean that other people don’t have a great use for them.
Anyway, that’s my rant. I don’t like ranting online. But this just frustrated me so much. No hate to this person personally, I just think they weren’t open to the possibilities of how these devices are used and fulfil needs for other people that live differently.
If you read this, cool! I hope you have a good day. And enjoy reading what you are currently 💝
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 1 month ago
Okay here’s the plan: try to find maybe a version of these images without text. Edit them if need be. Print them off. And stick them to my books.
I really like this russian edition of classic books. Letting famous artists do the covers in YA style was such a simple but clever decision. According to the recent study the number of teenage readers increased, possibly thanks to these covers. I own traditional classics with blank covers but if I ever see one of these in the wild, it’ll probably make me go feral.
Here are some of my favs:
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Dracula (art by Renibet)
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2.Jane Eyre (art by Ulunii)
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3. Little women (art by чаки чаки)
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4. The Idiot (the hedgehog-omg-) (art by Xinshi)
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5. Pride and Prejudice (art by Cactusute)
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6. War and Peace (art by Xinshi)
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7. Wuthering Heights (art by Renibet)
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8. The Great Gatsby (art by NIKEL)
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9. Frankenstein (art by Iren Horrors)
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10. Crime and Punishment (art by REDwood)
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11. Anna Karenina (art by Ulunii)
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12. The Cherry Orchard (art by lewisite)
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13. The Master and Margarita (art by Renibet)
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mikkaeus · 4 days ago
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eventhoughthestarisgone · 11 months ago
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 8 months ago
I heard recently chronic dehydration can make your muscles sticky, and eventually stick together creating pain. I don’t know if this is true but IM NOT RISKING IT!!!
drink some fucking water
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we-are-ronin · 5 months ago
Qué bello eras, Lucifer, pues vi tu semejanza en esa mujer, la cual tu infierno me llevó a conocer. 
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 5 months ago
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November Challenge Day 5: Books And Food
Unfortunately…I’ve already eaten, but my cup of water is cute 🥰 keep hydrated my friends!
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kpchrs · 4 months ago
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 2 months ago
Last year I found one of my favourite books and in turn favourite author this way. I just thought the cover looked interesting. Turns out it was popular for a little bit when the first book came out. But I’d never seen it specifically as a TikTok book. But I did see a few people mention it on BookTube.
House of Salt and Sorrows, and its sequel, House of Roots and Ruin, seriously deserves more love.
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cupiidzbow · 6 days ago
i talked abt this on Twitter but I have to take a realllyyyyy take a good hard look at people’s sonic humanizations sometimes bc people really just have such an uncknowledged colorism issue 😭😭😭 like why are people so comfortable making knuckles and shadow the darkest bc they “aggressive” or “stupid” but so against making sonic darker skinned bc he’s a “good guy and cool” LIKE QUICKLY TELL ME WHY 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
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we-are-ronin · 8 months ago
Lo único que deseo es un amor bonito. ¿Acaso eso es mucho pedir?
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 2 months ago
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books-and-strawberry-tea · 6 months ago
Me but also not me
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chaosu-no-hime · 10 months ago
‘‘Red flag” this “Green flag” that
white flag. i just want peace. i surrender🏳️
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lesbiansforeddiediaz · 3 months ago
Thinking about season three eddie and he was actually in hell. His wife died. His son and best friend almost died. His parents are evil. His best friend legally can't talk to him or his son who is going through trauma due to the death of his mother as well as the near death experience he shared with said best friend. And he legally can't talk to him because he's suing the fire department. He's fighting people. He almost killed a man and then saved his life. He's so hot also unrelated.
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