#twst rpg
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minzart · 2 years ago
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Will and Grim in the twst rpg we're playing are the headmasters of nrc bc I said so.
And because of that they get an older design :D
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harmorii · 7 months ago
shroud gaming
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minzart · 2 years ago
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RPG - Twisted Wonderland
Apenas começando mais um rpg com @minzart :3 e aqui esta o meu bebê!
Postando só pra ter conteudo e para eu ter onde colocar as artes dele, junto com os demais jogares/ a propria mestre :D
Nome: Axel Altura: 1,90 Idade: 19 Serie: 3 ano Dormitorio: Scarapia Pais (morada): Areias Escaldantes
Gênero fluid
Teve diversos animais domésticos em sua vida, mas atualmente só tem um besouro grande. Por isso, ama animais, principalmente marinhos, mas morre de medo do oceano.
ADORA frutas, mas é alérgica a Kiwi.
Não consegue dormir em lugares barulhentos.
Não gosta de café.
Ama comidas apimentadas e azedas.
Odeia abacate na comida salgada.
Ouve música instrumental pra relaxar.
Fica confuso como funciona computadores, mas gosta.
Ela não tem um dente (um dos fundos)
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artsyco3xist · 3 months ago
My Commissions are always OPEN!
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New year, new era! Thank you all so much for supporting and sharing my art whether you're new or old enough to remember rookified TWST characters 🤭
In case you don't know me, I'm artsy_co3xist and I specialize in character art. I love drawing other people's ocs as well as designing new characters for my clients. I do fan art of existing charcters, ocs, character sheets, profile pics, digital wallpapers, twitch banners, and I've even done some dnd/rp characters too!
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If you're interested in commissioning me, just fill out the request form here or follow the link in my bio anytime! I really do get a kick at seeing what new ocs pop up in my docs, but if you want fan art that's totally fine too!
Hopefully I get to hear from you soon! 😊
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r-aindr0p · 1 year ago
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Back to Rolloposting with a few drawings aaaa
Couldve just drawn different outfits but I wanted to add a bit of atmosphere with them. Took the opportunity to try two different ways of coloring and compare them, kinda, one with blended colors and soft edges and the other one with no blending or blurring
No real context, just went with the flow and whatever music I was listening to
3rd pic transaltion : My struggles, my weaknesses. I know them. Oh how I wish it would stop…
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julymarte · 2 months ago
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💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖‪Valentines discounts are back for my commissions💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 the offer will be valid for the whole month of february 5 slots opening now and 10 additional after valentines for late gifts and white day
✨DM B4 SUBMITTING AN ORDER✨ 💖LAST 2 slots available✨
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minzart · 2 years ago
Will now living up to the Crowley name and adopting the random human who got stuck in here AGAIN is something they didn't expected BUT SHOULD HAVE SEE IT COMING :D
Same reaction of Crowley when one of the teachers said the same thing.
Headmaster Will: So... It's your first week here! Are you having fun?
Lyan, almost without an eye and being the one who just wants to sleep but had to chase after all their "friends" to make sure they will not die: It's... New. For sure.
Will: Don't worry... you get used to it after a while. Now help me with the broken floor-
Lyan: *Sigh* ... Give me the damn broom. Also... The people started to think that you adopted me.
Will: ... THEY WHAT?!
@minzart ma'am I'm dead. thank you, NOW I CAN'T SLEEP.
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veilofthorns · 1 year ago
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I heard the song "pepper steak" on tiktok the other day and I was inspired. Both Idia and the batter are trying to reset the world so why not a cross over on the first of October?
Here's the drawing process
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amielikespudding · 6 months ago
Twisted wonderland Magic types that has been mentioned based on the game battle I seen :
(edit more later)
• Wind magic
• Ice magic
• storm/lightning magic
• fire magic
• water magic
• dark magic (That is normal in twst world —this to the harry Potter world)
• light magic
First write: 10/01/2024 — 10:50 pm
Edited: 10/01/2024 — 10:52 pm
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minzart · 2 years ago
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The twst rpg npcs!
I finaly got around to work on their designs better and color them, so I'll post it here too
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blanketorghost · 11 months ago
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overthattwilight · 9 months ago
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Disney: We're making a Pixel game with various Disney characters!
My TWST brain: So...TWST collab is possible?
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minzart · 2 years ago
how to make me cry in less than 5 minutes 😫
Another bad moment.
Lyan, my twisted wonderland oc.
Will and everyone else with colorful names are Minzi's ocs, except for Edward and Axel (one time they're the other players, @chickennest and @lazullop).
Just a headcanon I did last night for fun about @minzart twst rpg :)
I'm too anxious for december.
I can hear the sound of something dripping, something sequential, with the same time interval, again and again... It sounds like the sound of a poorly closed tap, but there is no sink around.
In fact, there is nothing around me, literally nothing. I try to look around, looking for where the supposed drops are coming from, but it's pure pitch, total darkness, a complete lack of light. I feel swallowed by void, I feel like my body isn't mine, like this is a first-person game.
When I slowly turn around and look behind myself, I see where the drip is coming from. Not just one, but more and more drops, falling and hitting the floor, making an agonizing sound of dripping water. Water that clearly looks like dirty slime, or at least that's what I'd bet it would be if I wasn't already aware. Black ink dripping from all of them, running down their faces, dripping from their hands...
Hakan, Edward, Bariki, Corvi, Ajay, Axel, Nicolay, Phobos, Lewis... Even Will, Mal and Grim are part of the huge group of students with monsters made of pure ink behind them, and I feel it. I can feel the pain and reason behind their worst fears and the situations they were exposed to... until they reached this point. My heart hurts, squeezes, breaks, crumples... It's like I'm about to have a panic attack, but my breathing is completely perfect, and I don't feel my hands shaking.
Actually, I can't feel my hands... When I look at myself, I can see nothing but the same ink starting to drip from me. I don't understand... This shouldn't happen. This shouldn't happen to me. I'm not from here, so why...? I didn't do anything wrong. I tried my best. I did my best. So why...?
I don't feel my movements, my limbs, just excruciating pain inside something I don't even know if I can call a body. I'm scared... I wish I could wake up at once...
"Will... Please, help me..."
"I can't hold it anymore..."
- - -
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Cute Lyan :D
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 1 year ago
Staying up late with you, RPG (2)
Summary: Kuroki Yuuya, Enma Yuuken, and Asaka Yuuki all find themselves dragged into their favorite piece of media. They're all… coping. If you can call it that.
Pt 1
Enma Yuuken wasn’t really the kind of guy to read manga. 
He had only picked up Twisted Wonderland one day because he’d had nothing else to do. He had rolled his eyes at the MC, a bright-eyed boy who had just gotten into Night Raven College, only for things to go wrong before he had even been sorted into his dorm. A monster, named Grim, was spouting about how he was going to roast the MC alive and take his clothes so he could enroll in the school in his place.
And then he had.
From then on, the manga followed the monster and his adventures through Night Raven College – dealing with people looking down on him because of his status as a monster, making friends despite his more prickly nature, shenanigans as Grim struggled to hide the truth about his ‘enrollment’ situation, and disastrous Overblots alike.
It was a good twist, and it immediately had him hooked. He found himself checking the shop once a day just in case they happened to get the newest issue early.
It was a good twist… until he was the one who had tumbled out of the coffin, who stared up at Grim, who had to see the flames puffing from the monster’s mouth with every word.
And the flames were hot, he could feel them lapping at his shoes, threatening to fuse the rubber soles to his feet. Which meant this wasn’t a dream, and that he was going to die.
But then the girl simply left.
Apparently, that was an option.
One that Enma took without hesitation.
Now, Yuuken-san, you might say, isn’t it wrong to leave that poor guy to die?
And he would respond with yeah, probably. Even if the ‘main character’ had been doomed to die from the start, he probably should have tried to help the poor guy, but… he hadn’t been able to think of a way to do that. If all of them were to leave, Grim would surely follow. The guy in the original novel hadn’t been able to reason with the monster, and Enma doubted that anyone could, and he didn’t want to die...
So, yeah, he would have to live with the fact that he had run away and let someone else get burned alive in his stead.
Sure, it wasn't like he had a choice, that guy was destined to die, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel a little bit bad about it.
Unless he simply didn’t process it. Which was kind of what he was hoping for.
It was easier to not process things when he was currently panicking about what to do. He would need to find a way to get into the group heading to the ceremony, because that would be the only way to track the people on campus and make sure that he wouldn’t get spotted, but there really wasn’t a way to do that inconspicuously…
Wait a minute.
He waited in a hallway until the group was just about to pass, and then stumbled his way into line hastily. “I’m here, I’m here,” Enma mumbled, tugging on the front of his hood, trying to cover his face, as if he were merely embarrassed.
No, he was trying to hide the fact that no one had ever seen his face before.
And he was embarrassed. He was a man of many talents, what could he say?
His ruse worked. No one spared him a second glance. Outside of the many second glances thrown his way by amused onlookers, of course, but at least no one was suspicious.
Some of the tension drained from his shoulders. Okay, he was safe.
He would still need to figure out how to stay alive in this strange new world – he had an idea, but trying to stay in the abandoned Ramshackle Dorm would come with its own challenges – assuming he was there long enough for that to be necessary… but, for the next hour or so while the ceremony took place, he would get to relax a little.
Or, at least, that was what he had thought, until Crowley had flung the doors open, about to show off the gorgeous ceremony hall for all to see, only for everyone to realize, very abruptly, that the entire place was in flames.
Enma’s eyes had landed on the boy from the coffin once again. Perfectly alive and well, sat in the middle of the flames with the monster.
“My familiar is claustrophobic,” the boy said, smiling sheepishly.
Enma almost didn’t move with the rest of the group, who accepted the explanation easily enough once the fires had all been whisked away by Crowley’s wind magic. Had he and the girl changed the story, somehow, just by being there? By choosing to leave? What would this mean in the long run?
Probably not much, outside of maybe having another person to deal with the Overblots… or not having Grim around for them, if the boy was as nerve-ridden as he seemed…
Was he this anxious in the original story?
Enma didn’t remember that, he had assumed that all of the fear he’d displayed was due to the fact that he was actively being threatened, but the guy hadn’t existed for all that long, so…
Whatever! Surely there will be no world-ending consequences from this! On a completely unrelated note, Enma would like to go home, now, actually.
The world did not listen to his silent pleas, unfortunately, so he was stuck trying to eavesdrop on the conversation Crowley and the fakeout MC(? Could Enma still call him that?) were having:
“I see you are eager to get sorted, but there is a proper procedure to these kinds of things, young…?”
“Kuroki Yuuya,” he said, smiling nervously.
Enma went very still. Because that wasn't quite the name of the original MC from the manga. One of Enma's favorite one-off jokes was Grim introducing himself to Riddle Rosehearts, where he said 'Yes, yes, my real name is Mito Yuuta, but you can call me Grim', only for Riddle to ask how those names were even related. It was dumb fun.
This, though? This was not dumb or fun.
Because, if Enma’s understanding of things was right, then this wasn’t the fakeout MC from the beginning of the novel, but instead some other random guy who had accidentally been beamed here, too.
Crap, Enma had almost allowed a random guy to die in his stead.
… he would like to go back to not thinking about this.
He tuned back into their conversation for a distraction:
“- Yuuya-san, would you be alright with taking a seat until your name is called?”
He nodded.
Grim opened his mouth, surely about to complain about not being able to go first as he had done in the manga, but Kuroki slapped his hand over the monster’s mouth.
Said monster was not pleased by this development, because he immediately bit down. Something Enma wouldn’t know if not for the pained expression on Kuroki’s face and the blood dripping down.
Crowley didn’t seem to think this suspicious, because he simply waved for Kuroki to go find an empty seat so the ceremony could start.
The ceremony was… a ceremony. Enma wanted to get this over with. Desperately. He was in the world of Twisted Wonderland for a possibly limited time, and he was spending it listening to people’s names getting called and the monotone voice of the Mirror repeating one of seven words repeatedly. It was so boring.
He didn’t stand out, though. Almost everyone was shifting restlessly in their chairs, chatting with their neighbors, lowering the brightness of their phones so they could text and play video games…
Enma’s phone buzzed in his pocket – wow, he was a terrible teenager, he hadn’t even thought to check for his phone – and he pulled it out, wondering how someone had managed to contact him even when he was within the confines of a manga, splayed in the grass by a bus stop.
“Dude, what model even is that?” the guy next to him asked.
Enma merely shrugged and tilted the screen away to check his notifications.
Kuroki has started a chat with you! Welcome!
Kuroki: Are you one of the other people from the coffin
One of the…?
His head shot up to look at Kuroki.
In a world with magic, it was likely that they would have some magical way of communicating, so the only phones that they would be able to connect to were each other’s.
(Though how their phones were even working here when there weren’t cell towers was another thing entirely. Enma couldn't even begin to try and figure out that.)
Enma: Yeah.
To his surprise, Kuroki didn’t say anything back once he got confirmation. What, did he just want to exchange numbers or something? For fun?
Then could they do the fun bit? Enma was currently practicing this little-known coping skill called avoidance and –.
Never mind, he got another notification.
Kuroki started a group chat! Welcome to ‘HELP’.
Kuroki: Guys, quick, I need help
Asaka changed the name to ‘what the fuck is going on’.
Enma changed the name to ‘No cursing, please.’.
Asaka changed the name to ‘fuck fuck fuck’.
Enma changed the name to ‘What is going on?’.
Kuroki: Guys
Asaka changed the name to ‘bastard’.
Kuroki: Seriously
Enma changed the name to ‘What is going on?’.
Kuroki: Okay. I’m just going to talk over you Kuroki: Where in the body would you say the soul is
Enma paused, his thumb still hovering over the button to change the chat name back to ‘What is going on?’ the moment Asaka changed it to something dumb again… his eyebrows knitting together.
Slowly, he navigated back to the chat box.
Enma: Do I want to know why?
Kuroki: Just tell me, please
He thought for a moment. If he were to guess…
Enma: The heart, maybe?
Asaka: wouldnt it just be all over Asaka: why would it be concentrated in one place Asaka: if you get a transplant do you swap souls
Enma decided he did not like Asaka. So much so that he wasn’t even going to dignify her questions with a response.
Instead, his gaze found its way to Kuroki, who was heavily considering their ideas. He looked at the mirror, as if it would give him all the answers. It would not, for it had no pupils for Enma to track.
His phone buzzed in his lap, and he quickly picked it up to see who had won.
Kuroki: I’m deciding that it’s in the brain
Okay, Enma officially despises everyone he had woken up in the coffin with.
Asaka: what the hell
Enma: Why even ask at that point?
Their (valid) complaints were ignored.
Maybe, partially, because Kuroki was called up to the front at that moment.
He stuffed his phone back into his pocket, and then slowly got to his feet.
Slowly, he shuffled up to the mirror.
And then he grabbed Grim, dragging him in front of his face, holding him in the way one might hold something they were trying to hide behind when nervous. Which he clearly was, so it was a successful act.
Whether it would fool the Mirror, though, was another thing entirely.
“The shape of your soul is…”
Enma, Kuroki, and Grim waited with bated breath.
They all exhaled, however shakily.
Kuroki rushed to go sit with the other Heartslabyul students, though sitting wasn’t really necessary because he had to be one of the last people to get sorted with a name like ‘Yuuya’. Enma knew that much from experience. Might as well just stay standing, at that point.
Or maybe he just wanted to slump dramatically in his seat, which Enma could respect.
Enma relaxed just slightly as he watched Kuroki take a seat next to Deuce Spade. He set Grim in the spot Ace had long-since vacated to ditch with Epel, and the monster scowled at him, but Kuroki wasn't all that pleased either as he went back to pressing on the new wounds in his hand. Deuce raised an eyebrow at the pair of them, but quickly went back to paying rapt attention to the ceremony, determined still to be an 'honor student'.
It was nice to know that most things hadn't changed, even with the addition to the school. No need to worry about the plot, things should go pretty smoothly from here, which meant that he could sit back and enjoy this new world he had found himself in! Sweet!
Wait. Something not-as-sweet has occurred to him.
Kuroki was right about the soul being stored in the brain, apparently.
That was dumb.
Kuroki: Told you
Enma: The mirror was probably just being polite.
Asaka: wait seriously he was right Asaka: that sucks
Maybe Asaka wasn’t that bad after all.
Asaka: still makes sense more than heart though
Okay. Whatever. He powered off his phone.
“Thus concludes this year's ceremony!” Crowley said, rising to his feet, smiling brilliantly. “Let’s all make this a good year!”
Enma snickered into his hand. Across the hall, he was pretty sure he saw Kuroki do the same.
Enma got to his feet with the crowd and followed after Leona and the other Savanaclaw students until he reached a bathroom and immediately ducked inside to wait out everyone.
And then, it was off to Ramshackle dorm for him.
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fair-night-starry-tears · 1 year ago
This is Darling and her old friends in the RPG land au and yes everyone is stupid chaotic yet normal tame EXCEPT JOSEPH
Barbarian: Aaron
Wizard: Vicktor, Darling
Bard: Haruto
Paladin: Elliot and Malik
Druid: Joseph and Grimsworth
Evil King: idk but fuck it Gabriel as some evil pathological liar cultist king
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198
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asherasgayagenda · 2 years ago
basically the plot of twisted wonderland is like. you get isekai’d to a messed up magic school (still not as messed up as yumenosaki somehow) where every few weeks a student has a mental breakdown and tries to kill people and you have to give them therapy by beating them up
the normal idol school is Less Normal than the twisted magic school!!?? no way…
what the heck. what kinda game is this anyways
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