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Who is your shelter? Give the person you love an extra long hug today, even if that person is yourself. (Especially if that person is yourself.) 🫶🏻 #EliasThePoet
#poetry#eliasthepoet#poetsofinstagram#love poem#poemsforher#poem#micropoem#Micropoetry#twoliner#poetryisnotdead#poetscommunity#romantic poets
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# UBICACIÓN: SHIBUYA, AFUERAS DEL MUSEO MORI. "a veces me pregunto si hay esperanza en todo esto. si incluso nosotros, con todo nuestro poder, podemos detener lo que está por venir."
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a vessel hollowed out to be imparted
#exeposting#megathrustposting#my slop#i have to make them say shitty twoliners its part of the funnnnnn. tumblrsexyman lookng ass#SOMEONE ASK ME ABOUT THESE GUYS . i need to explain this to someone who knows nothing about megathrust#ok sorry im like . whatever i was reallly megathrustpilled today. the joys
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ھاں میں بھی وہی ھوں
کچھ بھی تو نہیں ہوں۔
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Sadiyon se gulti rahi nadiya samandar mein,
Instagram:- @munna93s #hindishayari #shayari
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Mujhe laga tha paa li hai khushiyan maine par woh dukh bahut gehra tha . . . . . . . . . . . . #direct_dilse_88 #love #brokenheartquotes #broken💔 #sadahayari #twoliners #twolineshayari #dardshayari #dard Follow 👉🏼 @direct_dilse_88 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4WUB7yaJk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sometimes fandom is just 'yes i ship blorbo backgroundcharacter with greebo twolines'
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Meulin -> Twolin -> A fewlin -> (insert pun for many meulins here) :3
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A couple of "Buggy" Buddies on the day:
(19 spotted) Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis)...
Twolined Spittlebug (Prosapia bicincta)
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Hell yeah asking time and you are damn right you took some sweet time 😂😸
Get ready for my asks:
📷💌🐸🌿🌸🧸🐶🐰🍫🎵 (👀👀👀👀👀👀👀)
Well I was too busy excitingly drawing Vogue Jere 😂(and sleeping OVO)
I can already see this will be long so here's a line for those not interested in the replies x'D
📷 My phone lockscreen
Well I should probably think about changing it but...
Leaves x'D
💌Do I talk to myself: All the dang time OVO both in first, second and third person x'D
🐸My aesthetic: As mentioned a few times I feel like I'm multitudes but I guess what is true for pretty much all of them is that I'm kind of like the mixture of a peacock and a fairy that is stuck in the body of a oversized gremlin - I have this flamboyant, flowery, feminine-but-in a masc way side I love yet at the same time I am drawn to comfy oversized clothes that may or may not fit me well x'D I hope it makes sense :'D
🌿Describtion of my favourite outfit: This is hard because I have a few :'D So I'll take two you already know :3 (Hopefully you can guess from the description). One is this burgundy shortsleeved shirt that just screams flowerqueer often paired with a dark green shirt with a subtle leaf design on it. To finish up the outfit I have some puffy, green coloured jeans in a loose fit (they are now so big I need a belt for them) paired with my sunflower band that has pronouns patches and aro flag on it ^V^ The other one is this seethrough longsleeved crop top with stylized print of suns, moons and stars (give me shagadellic rock vibes aka Joker Out but in a goth way). Since I still haven't had top surgery I will often pair it with either a black binder or a black tanktop and then for the pants I can either go fullblack shorts, these black pants with thunder design running down the legs or these tube formed pink pants (because Barbie core). To hold up the pants and to amp up the aesthetic I have a twolined stud belt with chains falling down is upsidedown waves. The look wont be complete without some necklaces so I mostly go for a black choker, this fairy-on-a-moon necklace I own (and probably now also my Thor's hammer I inherited from my grandmother). Fishnet hands and black racoon makeup is optional :3
🌸Best compliment I ever received: It is an old and probably worn out story for me to tell but I think the best compliment I received was when I was told that I had been lying to myself when I said I couldn't sing. Hadn't I been told that I am not sure I'd pursued music as an active hobby through attending summer camp and had I not been there I am not sure I would be this open and confident like I am today :'D
🧸Favourite place to nap: I wish I could nap :'3 I am so bad at sleeping in the daytime :'D
🐰What do I think says most about a person?: Hmmm... If I should go with my gut feeling on this one I'd say it is how they view others. It sounds strange but what I mean is that if they scowl at others for being different (having tattoos, fun hair, bipoc, disabled etc.) and/or am being bigotted openly to your face I think it says a lot about them more than it does about the people they are judging. I hope it makes sense :'D That said the option of not saying these things but instead show disgust through actions (internalised bigotry? I am not sure that's a phrase) can be just as revealing
🍫Cheese of chokolade: I am NOT a cheese person like at all :'D Some cheese will do but only on pizza. Other than that give me chokolade every day :'3
Thank you for the questions, Jay ^V^
#good thing I put it under the line because some of these really invited me to just go full babblemode x'D#replies
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the best posts really are one/twoliners. nuggest of wisdom wrapped in the cheese that is erudite or in tumblrs case funny language
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Aeillen Aelebeisinn Aeromegari Alandrath Aleacheál Ambros Amhacfhalle Anneath Antissa Aoinshin Aonnd Arcrin Ariottan Aroinneach Arpis Arros Aráinn Asbais Ashani Athbheirt Baignair Bainne Bareas Bargallanas Baztarch Baztasa Beathain Beathnar Berinne Blace Blaigillìos Blaita Blaki Blathaithor Bluishalear Bràin Bràth Bréabaillgh Buidhghín Bulacdh Cadhaoirn Cagaig Caidh Caighlaidh Calaighaom Calood Camhgh Camound Canin Caoibhghín Caoin Caoirich Casht Catchail Ceamhóg Cearualan Ceillimor Cilleach Cilleford Cillibhainn Cillios Ciobas Clairianain Clarkont Cluev Clùcath Coibhionn Colach Colaosa Colas Comhawn Comáiriait Conings Conis Conisda Corre Covonmhair Crainn Crash Creath Crìgh Crìgha Cróch Cucamenacil Cúmhad Dailbhistal Deane Deavid Dedhán Desch Doullesh Dowdusaer Dragobarnán Dralos Druada Dubharn Dubhran Dukarra Dusan Dykostín Eadan Eadiaidia Ebhla Eille Entóil Estigha Eucadh Facdh Facgill Fadnainnd Farry Feireagrinn Feirepin Felon Fiardarda Fiomónán Firel Firid Fiseadh Flabhios Flanaig Fledwoot Flios Fonán Fosaladh Fossous Frìsda Gaich Gannalk Gatot Geacgill Gillafodhon Gillypawn Giltaig Gione Giregain Gissos Glacmhairsa Gonikra Gosaccorcán Gracinn Grardh Greaglentzo Gridhalan Gréamhum Guman Hacriar Hilebh Hircht Houlinnlane Irrda Jarlailles Kalobnach Kalow Kargonirch Karmforchor Karmlanix Karsarsht Kassairinn Kefachín Kefal Kefkal Kenmhubh Kennthoni Konacfhin Kounos Koussacmhun Krowcrain Kyreanait Lachnalledh Laeledeaved Laideim Lainn Leacne Lebhstosa Leghí Lesphnadh Logheaminn Lokortighin Lonan Lonysi Loothrenti Lùcan Macabhnain Macadh Macania Macaoin Macbel Macbhand Macbhin Macbhsa Maccamhla Maccamian Maccan Maccatchéas Maccate Maccatha Maccathana Macceanda Macch Maccil Maccille Maccoill Maccomakal Maccrìos Maccuinnges Macdh Macean Maceanagais Maceisi Macfhain Macfhileòin Macfhis Macfhit Macfu Macgairsana Macghaidi Macgioniart Macgiris Macgulamh Machaigh Machallanis Machar Machinnreen Machla Machlagaid Machlàrna Machonsinnd Machoz Machrathann Machrás Machy Machán Machín Maciarng Macil Macilbhla Macildunn Macill Macillan Macilliann Macillich Macilone Macilt Maciothaig Mackbair Maclard Maclein Maclugheach Maclís Macmhaillep Macmhain Macmhar Macmhg Macmhna Macmhort Macnoi Macnèinner Macrak Macri Macrigín Macrónán Macshthaoin Macuibheòrd Maeradhmach Maidh Mainn Maisd Maislix Maissa Maitrel Makaski Makete Makorpe Malons Mandraywath Maodhna Maogger Maolia Maonammeig Maonyarp Marainen Mariar Marrairach Marussarnán Mastonsi Matmil Mezaf Mezan Mineilir Mioit Miseala Misilluim Morimoth Mourn Muadhund Mualean Muimeghach Muimhuka Muirtek Muros Mytheamone Mythòmhan Mèilim Mèilswoodh Mídein Nacgill Naicha Neart Nisidianis Nisteria Nuaradearos Nusad Nórak Nórfhinne Obhan Odhùghain Oilleinn Oimbein Oinin Ormacile Orvhanysa Oxeinosam Panaisgèin Paouli Papios Pataper Peach Peris Peronaibhóg Perythia Petillacrós Polos Porch Poullefkala Pousbairs Proodhin Pseate Psyrig Psyro Pádruimídín Qatalas Qathadh Racluibhg Radolughlix Rafot Reach Readaval Refaleirt Rhairhanait Rheadageria Rhidi Righna Ruallemp Ruinhait Rónacsh Saidh Salach Sanyaid Saolueval Sceara Seacfhach Seadaire Seath Seatim Senach Sergulamora Seárt Sgréad Sharros Sheasha Sheshthy Shuirc Sillaineath Sionceinnín Skentaiss Sofios Soporich Soulyn Spourre Stenamhum Stion Stolubein Stoniargul Streven Stros Suate Suland Sulater Syriadhan Syrin Syronn Séaghain Séamvomch Tacdh Tactholf Taich Taplone Tarlon Tartaíbh Terre Thaidhre Thain Thaoibhanra Thbhairt Thrains Tiellf Tomhadh Tondown Tracce Tragond Trinn Tronichakro Tuiríos Tulch Twolin Uitharaod Ulephain Valikouport Valiouna Vallaiber Vench Venchradh Versa Vight Vurraoilt Walle Watmacdh Wozaaran Wyreacgille Xepda Yriúdás Zakinnds Ziltarmach Ágainhar Árdan Éamos Éiliara Éirgord Émeim Ìosfos Ídevythonán Únacharhoig Únlain
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the entire article on the 1st annual australian international jazz festival from wikipedia + american forenames + sindarin names
Abeass Adlór Aellolaste Aeretern Aerse Agdûr Ageld Aglams Aglose Aglórealin Aither Alaccome Amencel Amfatrity Amily Amorchorn Amwind Andanciath Andim Andlen Andren Andybar Anguela Aniampats Annedh Anneviony Annil Apren Arlamart Arlduinia Armald Arrineup Artelim Arthina Aspap Avina Barklen Barliquil Barthle Beild Belion Bellencel Benest Bennene Benorman Beron Berrod Berynnaus Birright Bleglends Bluldil Borowenc Braeg Brahing Brich Brissil Brínein Calpharrie Caragol Carbob Carna Cathanna Cechalam Charros Chawna Chírim Cling Comaryl Comben Conarrine Couthey Crothilley Cuthol Dagoth Daingeli Daith Damett Darange Darlina Debeths Delboria Delearail Delmith Diathoth Dienry Diriven Dondans Donilwe Dorfix Douillin Drandre Dratrog Dualf Duinespian Duingelaer Dunis Dwatter Dúnedwil Eafarth Eammounde Earan Ecthry Edhîn Edron Edwanweri Egrest Eledilmie Eletti Elleaver Ellin Elond Emmaxin Emothron Endirlie Eredrim Eriang Estin Ethualay Ettedhel Evonne Faneth Faron Fauru Feavorn Feideldor Fennim Ferys Finachel Finath Fineen Fireen Fixin Flade Flanilova Foellen Follaymaly Forists Foroy Forrind Foryarryl Freed Frevorn Frogremes Fulleonjam Fírduil Gaers Galaurth Gales Galvia Gatown Gazel Gerit Gianle Gilmon Gindywin Ginie Ginle Girance Gladler Glael Glaksont Glannyrnes Glants Glaurie Gliallaros Glice Gligilly Glist Glodrie Gloich Glowegoldo Glown Golen Golie Goner Goneye Gorlir Gorna Gornord Gorry Gorthian Gorthon Grank Gresephir Grildim Guaramitha Guira Gurthorry Gwalf Gwared Gwarret Haind Halph Hangor Hanneth Hanyarlase Harkwos Harthoryn Hartinge Hatordany Haune Hawent Heirk Helebt Hellon Heluina Hernelef Herns Hibbiri Hildoly Hirla Hirladhe Holde Holor Honeving Hothor Huara Hírdhel Iaurunt Idear Inboane Ingoldi Iverycel Ivoren Jandiagleb Jandre Janic Jannete Jarbel Javois Jeangebudy Jearp Jeffel Jered Jerligh Jeston Jesudy Jesuff Jimloch Joane Jodnata Joice Joinar Josalay Juddy Karathil Kelaudyne Kelewiti Keloot Krian Krindandua Laithronal Lammy Larth Larthadel Lastë Lathóris Layinglîn Lechrad Leduntond Letchír Lhanle Lhelirse Lidneest Limbadorth Limrody Lindowence Linie Linight Linnie Litaer Livie Livrind Lointeaned Lorath Loream Loroth Loserifine Luladfall Lundil Lórim Maboldie Marain Maraught Marawn Marrici Marry Mashear Mashurie Matchando Mellene Mellie Meltheas Menes Mether Micamend Minhips Miorhone Mirhûn Mitang Mithim Mithle Mitnen Morephir Mormaet Mornell Naraul Narnel Noroth Norwooth Nírhaer Ochaug Ondebriven Onnews Orats Orgas Orting Oryang Oserissin Osetha Othir Othos Pathear Pathon Pebdian Pebur Peddlyn Pedhelone Peoperiel Perfine Pernass Plawaronn Preth Priameil Priando Rader Raidin Raind Rainge Rainien Rance Rannalion Rapebrion Rebertim Redwely Reebran Reedi Reens Regampty Relacky Relith Rencer Rened Renneluin Rhowester Rhurim Rimbor Rindore Rinick Rophel Rottevel Rovaith Ríanon Salbenda Salte Samin Sarain Sedhilinet Sepossight Shadfusky Shang Sharalan Sille Sinnas Sirnhang Skimmy Soneend Sorryl Sourth Spatreanda Spatte Spebdia Spiath Spilen Starch Steder Stiss Strebblave Sundel Suzancey Swidh Talamrin Teposte Teret Terne Theryā Thovarand Thrielmor Tinichir Tisoppil Tonas Torthlórim Torton Tragothow Trainet Tratheryā Tricallin Triss Tumundre Tuoung Turige Turoll Turth Turwegie Twolin Twooth Ulinessand Ullorandak Undium Vagmostalu Valebeunta Varer Vegladers Verce Vindy Waene Waithean Warince Wavol Weagdûn Wenod Westion Wildo Winden Winedh Wollaudûr Woren Yventle Yverey Zaben Ódhie Úmindon Ōrenessë Ōreth
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اب کے خاموش ہوئے تو گِلہ نہ کیجیئے گا
سارے الفاظ، فُرصتیں، صدائیں واری تھیں 🥀
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Read my thoughts on @YourQuoteApp at https://yq.app.link/ZF7LpTwNJW #english #yqbaba #poem #love #relationship #hell #lifequotes #lovequotes #couplesgoals #lovegoals #yourquote #twoliner https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhmOAzHLmc/?igshid=1fafltkdlxjhs
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