#two main accounts
goofominides · 1 year
Tumblr last 2 braincells right now
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wriochilde · 7 months
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radioroxx · 3 months
ok hi usually i dont post these kinda things but
recently theres been a discord scam going around and i havent seeeeen anyone bring it up? nor was i able to find a lot of info online about it
essentially, the scammer (using the account of someone you’ve friended OR someone in a server your in) will approach you and tell you that theyve falsely reported you + that your account could be deleted if you dont appeal to discord. this is the message that was sent to me v
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and this is a version sent to my friend (the same email screenshot was also included after this message) v
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once you reach out to the user listed in the email, they’ll ask you to fill out your information, then boot you from the account. by that point they will have access your account and will more than likely use it to spread to more people
as shown the scam itself tends to have some variety- not all of its gonna be word for word, exactly the same- so be careful! if you suspect someone you know has been caught up in the scam, be sure to block and to reach out on other platforms if possible.
stay safe !
(bonus- a closer up of the email + some scam advice from a friend)
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(scam advice from friend)
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tepli-mravenci · 5 months
What if Val has bad vision because of all those years of making out with a literal tv
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localaceken · 2 months
I can't believe there are people who are mad over me calling Jay "my wife" lmao
By the way for their information, not only all ninja except Lloyd are my wives, Nya Pixal and Skylor are my husbands 😊
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crabussy · 6 months
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whybeast… save me whybeast………. image IDs in alts!!
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pansyfemme · 19 days
GOD 2018 AUTISTIC TUMBLR WAS SO SO GOOD... im so nostalgic for like the autistic headcanons that were everywhere and the advice everyone was giving each other and the stimming art.... it was so sweet
it was such a nice era..,, ive noticed a real shift in attitudes the past few years in the online autistic community and it makes me so nostalgic for that era.. like it was when i first realized i was autistic before i eventually got a diagnosis and that community was so.. helpful? it was a real mix of soft comforting stuff and genuine advice. i’ve heard some ppl refer to autistic tumblr as like discourse hell but i really. dont remember it that way? a lot of the blogs were really supportive and gave advice primarily. sure there was issues, but a lot of the posts were genuinly helpful. i learned how to handle stuff like going to the dentist and arcades and other overstimulating spaces through the advice i gained from other people. also i just miss stim gifs. there are still stim bloggers but its not the same….. sigh
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dailydst · 1 year
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day 6
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tj-crochets · 14 days
Hey y'all! The merry-go-round of doctors* I am on seems to be cycling back around towards an allergist again, and I have a question for y'all because idk how to word this for doctors: How do you word "if it walks like and allergy and quacks like an allergy it's an allergy" to an allergist? Less flippantly, I have allergy symptoms that multiple doctors have said allergies should not be able to cause. Mainly, my first allergy symptom is high blood pressure**, which if left untreated will progress to migraines, stomach issues, and eventually a bad blood pressure crash***. I have been told allergies do not raise blood pressure, but mine is caused by specific foods most of the time and taking a benadryl stops the reaction, so I have no idea what else it could be? But my main food allergy is acetic acid/vinegar, which I have also had multiple doctors tell me it is not possible to be allergic to
*the "you have a problem but not one I can fix try this kind of specialist instead" mobile **130s/80s, not super high, but high for me ***80s/40s
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unicorncoalition · 11 months
for clarity: fully separate accounts with different logins, not pseuds!
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marvelousthoughts · 11 months
Christen: "Where did you leave my froyo?"
Y/n: "I swear I put it in the fridge"
Christen: "It's not there!"
Christen: "Did you eat it?"
Y/n: "No, I would never get in between you and your yoghurt"
Christen: "Who did eat it then?"
Christen: "The house elves?"
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beolh · 2 years
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p’tites racailles de bac à sable
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moothecowgirl · 3 months
I get so repulsed by my main instagram account sometimes. I’ll go through periods of time where whenever I post on there I am overcome with what I imagine chicken pox to feel like. Such a ferocious ITCH. The only relief would be to delete the story or post!
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marscats37 · 1 year
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Drawing trios i like pt. 1/?
The heathers ! 💛❤️💚
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entered the siriusxm wwwy24 give away. everyone pray to our lord and savior gerard that i win 🙏🙏🙏
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I'm trying to not make it a habit to literally wait a full month each time I post something on here, but what can ya do.
Anyways, uh, hey guys. I'm still breathing, and I hope y'all are doing the same. My 24th birthday is in three days, which is also slated to be the final session of that tabletop game I'm running. Because, like clockwork, my hypothesis of it ending in March/April was simply incorrect, as my players (love you guys) always find new and unique ways to take their time. But, for real this time, the 28th will unequivocally be the final session for this game I've ran for the better part of two years, so that's pretty cool.
Additionally, I'm in the midst of moving. I honestly don't have a huge amount of stuff, so it's not nearly as exhausting as it could be, but still pretty stressful to deal with as I'm sure any of you who's moved before can relate to. But, on the bright side, I'm just about done with that as well.
Now, I'm sure the burning question is, "What's all this mean for Act 2?"
Simple. Means that, as soon as I get the campaign's epilogue sorted and my furniture in the right spots, I can finally be in a position to actively work on it once more. How long will it take? Who the fuck knows. I'll burn that bridge when I get there. Hope y'all who've followed so far are willing to be patient for just a bit longer. I also hope that it'll be worth the wait once it's finally finished.
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