#two creative liberties
zillychu · 2 months
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warmup doodle of @sorensouls ghost king Danny :)
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demaparbat-hp · 8 months
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lovexmemonster · 3 months
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Irumeanie in the PASWG style !!
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appri-dot · 3 months
Can we get a w for tragic siblings (ignore the fact I didn't finish the second bit)
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Both chars (and the dialogue) belong to @twisting-roads [the text is directly from LOTG]
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sunderberry · 8 months
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Obsessing over one (1) old cat man and also his spider bf
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beetleye · 9 months
kieran perlers i made using sprites made by @kyledove on twitter (left) and @shlubbyart (right) !!
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 8 months
Nothing better to start the fungi battles with than with a new profile picture!
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Ta-da! The new profile picture for @battle-of-the-taxons is here! Like I said, the more we figure out Tumblr's favourite organism, the more specific the profile picture will get :3 Get ready to see the fungi phyla polls in the near future!!!
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kettlefire · 24 days
Hey, hey... question for sleep deprived/drunk/high me, wtf is this???
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What am I supposed to know from this??? Please, for the love of all things phandom, give me a hint!!
I just know I was cooking up a good idea, but... why didn't I add absolutely anything else?! What am I supposed to get from this? Where was my brain going? Omg I hate myself sm sometimes, like bruhhhhhhhh. It's just a title and the fandom 😭😭😭
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byberbunk2069 · 10 months
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You awakened a memory that had faded. One that I can enjoy again. Another conversation I had once with a close friend. Honest, real, no ulterior motives...
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okeydokeylackey · 4 months
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that's not my neighbor 😱‼️‼️‼️
i don't know what i'm doing with my life right now, actually
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bigtrilobite · 10 months
Heyoo episode 4! Sorry for the delay, finals have me kinda busy. I hope yall are enjoying this as much as I am
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smiles-ocs · 9 months
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Sea monsters for Castor and Ronan’s story. A Leviathan, Kraken, and an aspidochelone.
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A sneak peek of my contribution for the HashiMada Week 2024 event Day 7 prompt, “Historical AU”
It’s a Gladiator AU set in the world of Warring States Period x Ancient Rome
(Wordcount: Approx. <1k)
“There, Tobi,” Hashirama said after a while. “I’ve healed the worst of your injuries, but I can’t do anything more than this. That last blow was a fatal one so your body needs to properly recuperate. On top of that, your chakra reserves are nearly depleted so you must let Mito help you get back to safety.”
Then he turned to Mito. “Mito?”
“Of course.” She bent down to assist Tobirama.
Hashirama made to stand up and execute a shunshin, but Tobirama grabbed him by the arm before he could do so.
“You’re not—you’re not coming?”
His voice was pained that Hashirama suspected was not just because of the injury, so he gave his brother a smile that he hoped was reassuring. “I have to go back to the frontlines.”
“Hashirama—” Mito began, but Tobirama was faster.
“We’ve already issued the command for retreat. You’ll only end up running straight toward the enemy—”
“I’ll be fine, brother. I’ll meet you at the rendezvous poin—”
“No.” Tobirama’s face crumpled. “Anija, don’t go. They’re going to capture you.”
“Tobirama.” Hashirama gently cupped his brother’s face in his hands. “If there’s even a single one who got left behind, then I want to save them.”
Tobirama closed his eyes in despair, and nodded in resignation. When he opened them again, his expression was resolute. “Then, if you get captured—”
“I told you, I w—”
“If you get captured, then they would most probably take you first to the Capital to be paraded as spoils of war. Once you’re there, seek out—” Tobirama swallowed. “Seek out Izuna. He’ll protect you.”
“Uchiha Izuna? Your childhood friend?”
Hashirama furrowed his brows. “But... how would I find him? I don’t even know what he looks like.”
“They will take you to him since he is…the current Emperor.”
That bit of information shocked both Hashirama and Mito. Save for the crest bearing two uchiwa, no one knew the true identity of the monarch outside the Capital.
Except Tobirama, it seemed.
“This battle would most likely be declared as a triumph in Izuna’s name,” Tobirama continued. “So you’re going to be meeting him when they hail the general of the army as Imperator. Ask Izuna to grant you sanctuary the moment you have the chance to speak to him.”
“Very well.” Hashirama nodded. “I’ll plead my case to him. Still, I'd like to at least get a description of what he looks like.”
“Didn’t you say he’s a beauty?” Mito piped up, casting a knowing glance at Tobirama.
Hashirama raised his eyebrows even higher at his brother. Now that was high praise, considering “passable” was the best compliment he had ever heard his brother say about someone’s appearance (Mito was still disgruntled about that). Today was full of surprises, it seemed.
Tobirama clicked his tongue as he looked away. “They say that he’s grown up to be a beauty. I didn’t say that he is. Beauty is subjective, anyway.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “He has the typical Uchiha features: pale skin, deep black eyes, long dark hair. He’s going to stand out in any type of crowd. Your first interaction with each other will be him smiling at you. Mention my name, and…take this as proof.”
Tobirama still had difficulty moving, so Hashirama took it upon himself to reach for the pendant necklace. He secured it over his head, beneath the armor.
“Emperor Uchiha. Got it.”
“Not Madara. Avoid any interaction with Madara at all cost if you hadn’t made contact with Izuna first. Madara is extremely protective of his brother and you’re going to escalate things fast if you make even a tiny misstep.”
“Avoid Madara. Got it.”
“I’m serious, Anija. If he—” Tobirama broke off coughing, curling on himself as he gasped in pain.
“Tobirama, we have to go.” Mito’s voice brooked no argument.
“Go, brother.”
“…fine. Be safe, Anija.”
Hashirama smiled. “You too, Tobi. I’ll see you both later.”
He watched the two retreat and when they were a good, safe distance away, he turned on his heels toward the frontlines.
Later, much later, as enemies swarmed around him, Hashirama let out a rueful smile before losing consciousness.
I guess Tobirama was right after all.
The conquering general, now hailed as Imperator, stood tall, his shoulders broad, his bearing regal.
He’s going to stand out in any type of crowd.
Well, Tobi, Hashirama thought, casting a glance around him, the only one standing out in this crowd is the Imperator himself, so…
Then the Imperator faced the crowd, the high priest holding a laurel wreath above his head, and—
Without the red face paint, Hashirama could see what Tobirama was talking about. Smooth pale skin, penetrating deep black eyes, and a wealth of long dark hair. Now unfettered by the helmet, the jet-black spiky mane ran wild, the strands shot-through with blueish-purple starlight under the sun, swaying with deadly elegance in the wind.
The conquering general was the Emperor himself.
As if with preternatural instinct, Emperor Uchiha zeroed in on him, meeting Hashirama’s gaze with unsmiling midnight eyes.
Your first interaction with each other will be him smiling at you.
Here goes.
Hashirama mustered a tremulous smile, transforming into a brighter one as he slowly dredged up his confidence. To his dismay, however, the scowl became even more thunderous. He could practically hear the contemptuous snort that followed as the gaze slid away from him.
Ah, Tobi, Hashirama thought in lament, resisting the urge to shed crocodile tears. It seems that you’re wrong on this one. I’m probably too much in his bad graces to even be deigned a smirk, let alone a smile.
No problem. He would simply show the shard blade pendant the first chance he got. That would win him over.
And as the procession continued, Hashirama was left with one thing in his mind.
Emperor Uchiha was indeed a beauty.
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orcelito · 1 year
with some ppl following me here bc of my analysis posts, i figured i'd do a lil pinned post for my fics so you guys know what all this analysis is even for in the First place, SO!
my current main focus:
In the Next Life
a trimax vashwood time travel longfic where late trimax vash (aka as late as chapter 94) travels back in time to try to fix things. he's determined to change things, hopes to have a happy ending in this time, but still can't let go of his grief for what he lost in the time before (cough Wolfwood cough). currently a WIP, this is gonna be a Long One, so if ur into longfic this could be for u. just mind the spoilers lol
& i guess i can mention my other Trigun fic that ppl seem to like:
it's complete! started as just a drabble piece to give myself practice with writing these characters. it's a 5 chapter character study for Vash, exploring the ways his inhumanity manifests in each of his senses. it is also very much an autism metaphor done by Yours Truly (someone who clearly has the 'tism) bc i just think autistic Vash is very good. set in tristamp events bc i wrote this before i finished trimax, but has a lot of trimax influence (especially in the last chapter). i'd say it's a tristamp/trimax fusion.
I have a vashwood discord server, good for chatting about vashwood or even just trigun in general. It's 18+ so please don't join if you're a minor, & there's also a no plantcest rule (bc we wanted a place where we wouldn't have to see it lol). If that sounds good to you, then feel free to dm me for an invite link!
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meganechan05 · 5 months
It's finally here!!!
Chapter 1 of my HimeRita Cinderella/Robinhood AU fic!
I figured before Lesbian Visibility Week ends, I would finally get at least the first chapter out while refining everything else.
The characterization is based off initial impressions of Alt!Rita and Alt!Himeno from the VS Kyoryu trailers so the two will be pretty OOC. I'll do my best to keep their personalities as close to the original as well.
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bulletbilltime · 2 years
Nerdy Prudes Must Die Spoilers Inbound!!!
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Fuck it doodled Steph Lauter being protective of Pete Spankoffski because that moment from Nerdy Prudes lives rent-free in my head and it's just so fucking cute
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