queernarcissus · 2 months
:D 💚
green u r so cool and talented
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hollowslantern · 27 days
my twmp is 97.9 now
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hyperfixat · 2 years
it was like four degrees where i live a couple days ago (?) and i want to write an obey me piece relating to the demons and cold weatherbut idk of i want them immune or worse off than reader / mc and what the devildom’s notmal twmp is 😓 idk so much thinking i cant decide
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1-800-i-ship-it · 3 years
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I know I’m really late to this party, but I just watched Starlight Brigade and I’m on the train. Beautiful.
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twmp · 3 years
Are there any plans to put episodes back up on SoundCloud or another place like Spotify or Spreaker or just have them as downloads available?
Hi nonny! I've been meaning to clean these up for a while now but haven't gotten around to it. Just so I don't leave you guys hanging, I've put it on Google Drive as-is for now. If you find that any of the episodes are particularly difficult to listen to, drop an ask of which one(s) need attention and I'll see what I can do. - ravewulf
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
Oh my god. If i ebegged would u guys help me
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itconsumesyou · 2 years
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The Weeknd’s albums as movie posters → Dawn FM
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purplepints · 7 years
6B Big Bad & 6Bx01 Meta
If you listened to @twmp #37 this week, you heard me mention 'Memorex' and the catchphrase from the 1980s ads. I am now using 'Memorex' as a name holder for the 6b Big Bad. Here's a taste of my 6x11/6Bx01 meta post: * That Voicemail: Let's venture for a moment that the voicemail is not from Stiles. .....wait, what? Remember during 6A how I repeatedly mentioned that Peter wasn't showing his eyes, and how the last time we see them is as he is caught by Riders? They are blue in that scene, but for the rest of the season, no matter how intense the fight gets, Peter's eyes remain human. In the 6B trailer we get a glimpse of Peter flashing his blue 'wolf eyes, apparently at the location of the Guns Blazin' showdown which is happening later in 6B (I'm guessing 6x19) and that is all we have for his character at this point. All we do know is that we never saw his blue 'wolf eyes during any Hunt interaction. So....what if Memorex used Peter as an Ubernatural to get back to the "real world"? Let's assume Peter is 100% himself until he passes through that barrier, but then *boom* Memorex hops on board and rides Peter out just like Peter is riding the Rider's horse. In the 6B trailer, we see Supes with purple eyes, as well as one of them disgorging what looks to be either purple material like wolfsbane or a swarm of purple spiders. I'm going to guess they're connected and that Memorex would be seen as purple eyes in any Player. Knowing this, Memorex simply doesn't flash them. Memorex has been with The Hunt for (assumably) a very long time, doesn't know what the Hunt knows and can't reliably access Peter's thoughts, so it defaults to "parents love their kids, wolves love their packs"-type thinking, hence the 180° on emotions toward Malia, actions to save Scott, all of the odd moments we saw after Peter escapes the Station the first time. This now could split several ways from 6A endpoint: A) Memorex bailed out of Peter before the final fight and was already inside another body B) Memorex took a backseat & let Peter GTFO Beacon Hills C) Memorex drove Peter to another Player - In 6A, the merging of the worlds happens 3 months prior to the end of the school year. - Monroe states she has been speaking to Nolan "over the summer", meaning she has either been physically around BH or at minimum in contact with some students for a portion of the summer. - Gerard has, after not being seen since Chris Argent shot his ass in 5B, taken Monroe under his metaphorical wing and possibly sent her back to Beacon Hills on purpose (yeah, she could have already been there/had BH in her sights, but there isn't any indication of either, yet) to fit a larger agenda. - In the trailer we see the gang listening to a message while in/around Roscoe that I swore sounded like started in Peter's voice and ended in Gerard's, which (if I wasn't hearing things) could be Memorex using the voices of Players to mock or confuse. - And back to the Voicemail we are! Ready? You're going to hate me, but.... Memorex could have been what/why woke Stiles up at the Station. This explains having ability to sound like him. As far as why, it could be to encourage Scott to leave BH in hope of weakening the protection around Beacon, train switch, Nemeton, whatever. The strategy behind this would be sound, especially if Memorex has learned about the BH dynamic itself or was told of it by an ally in the time from escaping the Hunt & leaving the voicemail. - If that message coming out of Roscoe is from Memorex, being that it happens in the last 2 episodes, does that mean the Faceless Memorex meatsuit is complete and can mimic voices (and possibly faces/people by wearing their skins) or does it mean Memorex is without a body yet able to communicate over radio/frequencies? {**ARGH OK FINE BRAIN FINE JUST SPIT IT OUT: goddamnit, what if Memorex got out by using the radio signal Stiles communicated with Scott & Lydia on in 6x05? Great, brain, now I have to work a way out to get from A to Z on that and writing off Peter's lack of eye flash. I'll do that later in detail, I guess. } Could Gerard be Memorex? Possibly. But if so, I don't think Memorex was what started all the things that Gerard had put into motion. I'd posit that Gerard has already been planning a way to strike back at Scott & BH for Kate, Allison, Argent name and the destruction of LA Betê. If anything, Memorex temporarily taking over Gerard is more likely, especially if It is slowly learning how to absorb knowledge or imitate behavior. If anything, I'd guess a chain of control by Memorex that goes Peter —> Kate —> Gerard with unknown Players between (or even after Gerard). I'm also operating under the theory that Gerard fed the video of Derek to the FBI as well as being the source of Monroe's information, and that he is the one encouraging Hunters & Dogs ("dogs of war" are mercenaries) to head to BH, thereby forming a three-pronged Pitchfork-led attack: Governmental (FBI) , Supernatural (Hunters) and Residential ("mundanes" aka pitchforks). Now, as far as what Memorex actually is or was before/during the Wild Hunt...... Power browning out, more on this later.
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hearty-an0n · 3 years
the human body is a loser you get one single degree higher than you’re supposed to be and now you’re dying like. pussy
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moved-19871997 · 3 years
im so cold thi s is a crime
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vampyrluver · 3 years
The heat is killing me, its making it almost impossible for me to do anything
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lindholmilari · 2 years
September 17 , 2022 . Offline kirjoitus .
Sää on ollut tänään koko päivän ajan vaihtelevan pilvinen , täällä meillä Etelä-Suomessa . 😐 . No jaa . 😐 .
Lämpötila oli tänään aamulla noin +9°C asteen tasolla , meidän lämpömittarilla mitattuna , ja lämpötila nousi tänään päivän aikana hädin tuskin noin +13°C asteen tasolle . 😐 . No jaa . 😐 .
Minä paistoin tänään aamupäivällä kaksi isoa hiivaleipää , ja ne paistuivat hyvin herkullisen näköisiksi . 😀 . Kivaa . 😀 .
Minä en lähtenyt tänään polkupyöräilemään maantielle , koska minä kastunut eilen sadekuuron aikana , kun minä vein metalli - ja lasipurkkeja Perttulan Keudan kierrätysasemalle . ☹ . Murrr . ☹ .
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ignatiusteto · 3 years
i wanna play valorant or catch up on mutuals but these vaccine side effects are Kicking my butt
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1-800-i-ship-it · 3 years
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“Be careful”
“Alright” *whips out knife and stabs the table* *gets right to business*
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qr-closet · 4 years
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hanbok designs 🌸
right: MO-TWMP-67R3-0PQH
left: MO-RGTK-9P5R-7R1X
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