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Beyond Reality , magazine, n. 19, BRM, Inc., March 1976.
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mirendils · 7 months ago
being a twin means you'll never be normal about twins in media
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emotionallychargedtowel · 1 year ago
A Conversation with My Twin About Not Me and Twinship
My twin sister @porridgefeast and I had a discussion over chat about our thoughts on Not Me and how it handled issues of twinship. This is a transcript of our conversation. It's been tidied up a bit and we left out some personal tangents and stuff, but it's still a chat transcript, so there's crosstalk and stuff. I've added some explanatory notes using asterisks here and there. Our tumblr handles have been shortened and color-coded for ease of reading.
This is long! If you don't have the setting enabled where long posts get shortened in your feed, you might be scrolling for a while.
Porridge and I have both done a lot of thinking and had a lot of discussions about twinship over the years, including the portrayal of twins in media. I'm also a mother of twins, which gives me another perspective on this stuff. We're both avid BL watchers but Porridge is more knowledgeable about Thai BL than I am.
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emotionallychargedtowel (“towel”) I think I have a pretty good starting question. To what extent is Not Me a singleton* fantasy about twinship vs. an actual portrayal of twinship? What are the most authentic-seeming bits?
*a singleton is a person who was born from a single pregnancy, i.e., someone who isn't a twin, triplet, etc.
porridgefeast (“porridge”) There are definitely aspects that are the bedrock of the story that are singleton fantasy, no question.
towel Personally I think a lot of it is more along the lines of a singleton fantasy but I was surprised by some moments that touched on twin stuff that seldom gets talked about in media.
porridge Much of the time I don't care to scratch below the surface too much on this sort of thing, because I liked that I enjoyed the experience of watching the show. But if I were actively interrogating the show I would have one major question.
towel You know, I was thinking about the whole thing where twinship intersects with romantic and/or sexual relationships in this show, and I realized that when I was thinking about that before it was all about Sean but I was forgetting about Black's girlfriend
porridge And that would be: in Not Me universe, do all twins have psychic connections? Or just some? Or just White & Black?
towel That's a good question. At the very least it doesn't seem like something non-twins are aware of. I guess if it was universal, maybe they would.
porridge Also, I'm guessing they don't have the connection *because of* the earlier near-drowning. Because their parents say something after that along the lines of “We can't let this keep happening.” IIRC
towel I'd have to circle back but I think there was supposed to be some precedent for it before the near-drowning incident. Right!
porridge Is it because they're extra close? Because their parents suck? It just seems like it could be an interesting area to explore. Like, for the show to have explored.
towel That's a good question. My guess is that the show would say that's just their magical connection, but who knows?
One thing that I think appeals to singletons about the psychic twins trope
porridge I think the incredibly vague implication is "because special."
towel If on some level they're thinking of twins as two halves of one person, then it makes intuitive sense that they would be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings. It's sort of like two people with one brain. Like, the fantasy of two people who are separate but also not works better if they communicate their feelings/thoughts.
porridge Yeah, I think twins seem interesting to singletons because they're paradoxical to them—two people who are kind of one person and kind of not.
towel But also it's a fantasy, though not always a pleasant one. A fantasy of oneness but also a fantasy of the horror of...I guess you could say losing one's individuality.
porridge Yeah, it can feel like singletons think twins are exotic but also kind of gross.
towel Oh, definitely. It's funny because it's related to a real struggle that twins have but singletons don't get it at all.
porridge Occasionally it feels like they feel superior. And it's like uh what? Because you're an individual? Guess what, me too.
towel Yeah, I think that's true.
porridge You're just as much a slave to your genetics as I am, bub.
towel Right!
porridge Like, singletons don't have anything I don't have except for a lack of, like, people acting confused at them.
towel I always think about that girl who told me how much she'd always wanted a twin in high school. “Someone just like me, who I'd have everything in common with. We'd never fight.”
porridge Hopefully that person eventually grew up and became less of a goober.
towel Ridiculous but I appreciate that she was so lacking in the filter department that she voiced what I think plenty of singletons think on some level/at some times.
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porridge That's one thing about singletons' thoughts about twinship. I get that they haven't examined a lot of their assumptions and of course I can relate to that when it comes to other things in my own life. But you just want to go “Stop. Think about it for literally ten seconds.”
towel So often they clearly haven't. Like that person who asked when my birthday was and then asked when yours was. And was then like, “Wow, what a coincidence!” when I said they were the same. (They figured it out but it took, like, a minute or two)
porridge I think when some singletons put themselves in twins' shoes, they don't put *themselves* in our shoes. They put some imaginary magical twin version of themselves in our shoes.
towel Definitely.
Well, it tends to be really polarized. Either being a twin is this lovely sense of communion with another human being or it's a terrifying thing where someone is going to steal your life
And then there are the times they don't put themselves in our shoes and just find us scary.
porridge I often prefer media depictions of the latter simply because I want so badly to correct for the former. Oh for sure. This is part of why I like that movie Adaptation so much.
towel Though that brings up something that happens in Not Me as well, one singleton actor playing twin characters.
That's something at least. There's a part of me that wants to say, “No more singletons playing twins. Get some danged twins. Or make them fraternal.”
porridge To go back to your question a little. I think the elevator pitch and general concept is a singleton fantasy, but at least some elements of the actual events are more like reality. It felt like somebody actually bothered to think through what that would be like.
towel Yeah, same here.
porridge Like, as I said when I wrote about it, the part where White is like Black won't come back, he's let me have my place in this group and we both know we can't both be part of it.
towel Yeah, there's that quote, “Nobody wants to live in another person's shadow” or something to that effect. I find it both sort of insightful and ridiculous at the same time. Like “everybody knows two twins can't both be in the same activist cell.” Uh, no.
But yeah, sometimes it seems like you can't be in the same space or group in certain ways
porridge Yeah that's not true. It's just that White now has closer relationships with each of those people.
towel And it may be true, though it's almost never entirely clear.
porridge It's not impossible for twins to be part of the same close group, but it's not always easy either. And that's partly because of the people around them.
towel And it depends so much on circumstances. Yes! And the other people involved.
[conversation ensues about people from school trying to get Porridge to make Towel talk less in class]
towel I was thinking about how polarized White and Black are. To me that's a bit of a red flag, when twins are even sort of opposites. And it's not true that White is perfect or that Black is evil but White is mostly right about things, mostly nice, occasionally cranky but that's about it, and Black is very hostile, clearly not in a great mental health place, etc.
They're closer to being all good and all bad than I'd like
porridge Yeah, I may have let that go partly because it wasn't quite as bad as I might have feared. But it's not ideal either.
towel It definitely could be worse. But it reminded me of the "which one are you" thing, which you certainly remember but I'm going to lay it out here for posterity.
"Are you the smart one or the [ableist word for unintelligent] one?" "Are you the nice one or the mean one?" and so forth. I used to blame the Sweet Valley High books and they certainly didn't help, but the twins-as-opposites thing is everywhere.
porridge Being at summer camp and me being "the brave one." I'm not sure what that made you exactly? If the description were correct it would have been "the homesick one," but there wasn't enough subtlety for that. Really it was the one who cries and the one who doesn't cry even when kicked by a horse. But that second part was just because in the fight/flight/freeze department, I'm a freezer.
towel Same, usually. I've tried to figure out why that is so appealing to singletons. My best guess is that maybe they like the idea of splitting a person into good and bad and then running the bad half out of town, so to speak.
It's a bit like that Buffy episode, actually. The Replacement. [There's a monster/wizard dude who wants to turn Buffy into a strong half and a weak half so he can kill the weak half and get rid of her entirely, but he hits Xander with his magic beam thingy instead.] It's worth noting that that's one of the only examples I can think of where instead of having one actor play twins they had Nicholas Brendon's twin brother play his double. I mean, it's one of the only examples I can think of where they had twins play a person and their double.
porridge There's arguably a whole separate treatise to write about the doppelganger concept and why it's compelling.
towel Yep
porridge For whatever reason I don't feel able to touch on it briefly, I can only go full tangent or kind of wave in its general direction.
towel I'm OK with either. I mean, a big part of the doppelganger thing is the fear that if someone resembles you they'll be able to take your entire life away from you.
porridge It's one of those things that has some perceptions-of-twins mixed up in it, but seems more about identity from the POV of singletons than anything else.
Yep. And that's the entire crux of that Buffy episode.
towel I do think their assumptions inform the doppelganger thing and twin stuff in a similar way.
porridge Yeah, it's from the point of view of singletons, thrilling themselves with fear that a nefarious twin could appear.
towel There's also the whole question of, like, if people met your double and did know it wasn't you, what would they be perceiving? How would that work? Do people have some kind of essence to them that we can distinguish?
I mean, obviously in reality the difference would be that person's behavior. And that comes up in Not Me.
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porridge Seems like a lost opportunity that AFAIK nobody's ever made a body-snatcher film where a twin is a plot point.
But like I said when I wrote about the show,* as twins we know that people would just think the person they know is being weird for a very long time before they would go to a twin as an explanation. At least if those twins look as much alike as White & Black do.
*Check out the older post Porridge is talking about here.
towel Yeah, that's true. I think if Sean had figured it out sooner that would have really bothered me, for that exact reason.
porridge I mean, I say this as somebody who took ages to realize a friend was psychotic because I was convinced he was just really mad at me for a few months.
towel That's just human nature, though. We keep using the heuristics that worked for us for a long time. And most of the time that's the right thing to do.
porridge All I needed was for somebody to say "So [friend], do you think maybe..." without finishing the question before I was like yes. Shit!
towel When Sean asked if Black had a twin brother, a part of me felt kind of impressed that he figured it out. I can't decide if it's actually realistic or not. Like, would it ever occur to me, if someone started acting really different, that they might have a secret twin?
porridge Even then it was partly because of something somebody else said.*
*Porridge thought she remembered something to this effect, but so far neither of us has been able to track down the quote she remembered, or thought she remembered. But neither of us has fully rewatched Not Me since this discussion, so maybe it's there and we just didn't find it.
towel Still, it's either that Sean was really astute there, to a potentially unrealistic degree, or he had a theory that would have been incredibly dopey except that it happened to be true. I guess it's kind of both? He was astute and the theory would be dopey most of the time.*
*Since this conversation, I (Towel) have had some more thoughts about this that I'll put in another post soon.
porridge I guess that's one area where the implausibility sort of cycles back to making the plot make sense.
towel Heh, right.
porridge It makes more sense that he figured it out because they are so different. That's kind of a fantasy too. Like, "the person who loves me would definitely know if I wasn't me."
That reminds me of something I could ask you.
Wondering if you had a similar reaction to something. When Sean finds White (out of his Black drag), I had an unexpected rush of emotion. I was glad they were going to talk (presumably) with the twin stuff out in the open but it wasn't just that. I almost didn't care about Sean, but the fact that he was seeing White-as-White made it more real that yeah, this is actually White. White is getting to be himself now. It was like gender euphoria I guess only it was individuality euphoria.
towel That's interesting. I think I might try to peek at that scene real quick if that's OK.
porridge I think it was also because prior to that we'd only seen Black for a while.
towel I think I'm almost at the right spot but in the meantime, the recap for the part I pulled up included the whole denying he's a twin thing ("Twin, my ass!") immediately followed by "Stop messing with my little brother!"
Omg, Black's bitchy face when he throws the handcuff key away.
I don't identify with Black a whole lot and he's honestly a bit incoherent as a character, like somebody's pushing faders up and down with his various traits depending on what they need to have happen plotwise. But even though I don't want him to keep White away from Sean & the others I still kinda feel for him there.
That's pretty true. Well, I think they're kind of deciding if he needs to be the opposite right now or if he needs to be someone who cares for White and/or their cause.
porridge Bit of a damn right moment.
towel Yeah, there are a few relatable things there.
Being protective of your twin is real, of course. And he doesn't like Sean and probably has seen a really bad side of him because of how contentious their relationship is. There's also an element of feeling jealous and/or threatened by your twin's romantic relationships, which I found was more of a thing when we were younger. It's something that's pretty embarrassing so it's hard to talk about and I think often gets swept under the rug, but it's real and it's understandable. I wonder if there's a homophobia and/or gender role thing going on there. Like, does Black perceive White as being in a more vulnerable or feminine position in his relationship with Sean and if so does that seem more like Sean is taking advantage of him somehow?
porridge Could be. We know from earlier events that Black is very protective of White.
I don't feel strongly that I know the motivation there.
But I could make one argument for a possible interpretation. It could be that Black wants to protect White from Sean because he doesn't like Sean, but mostly he wants to protect White from their radical activities, keep him away from lawbreaking and risks.
towel It's kind of perfect that when Sean finds White-not-dressed-up-as-Black he not only has his glasses on (which seem to symbolize White being White for a lot of the remainder of the show) but a white t-shirt, something that gets dirty easily and wouldn't hold up well in Black's style of life.
porridge And he could resent Sean that much more as a result for keeping White tied to them in another way.
towel That's true.
porridge That interpretation is sort of optimistic in the sense of giving the writers a lot of credit. But I think it's plausible.
Even if Black isn't consciously homophobic, there's a subtler kind of gender thing / homophobia-lite factor that could be in play. Where that person suddenly seems more vulnerable than if they were with a girl.
towel Yeah, I think so. And I think they may seem more vulnerable than if they were perceived as being "the man" in that relationship
porridge And he's smaller, etc. He's new to the group and to their risk-taking, etc. Bunch of things connect. But of course the gender piece isn't rational or correct. It's just the sort of residue of homophobia that gets in people's brains.
towel I'm trying to remember that meme or whatever it is. About the horror of being known versus...well, the appeal of things that require that you are known
That meme is what came to mind watching this scene where Sean meets White as himself.
porridge One more thing about that scene. I also liked how relieved Sean seems when he learns White's name. That seemed meaningful. No idea how much of that is me looking through my twin lens.
towel I guess it's "the mortifying ordeal of being known." I think White is very much having the mortifying ordeal in that scene. I just went back to the scene and that's where I was, at the point where Sean asks White his name.
It's a remarkable thing to have fallen in love with a person and not to know their real name but you can imagine how much you would want to know.
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[discussion of doctoral program practica and names]
porridge Yeah. Watching back a little and a big part of Sean's epiphany is that Black doesn't catch him in a trust fall. Just looks at him like he's an idiot. A big part at that moment; it's clearly a test so he already suspects.
towel Good point. It's remarkable that after Black has already behaved this way he still does that trust fall without holding back.
I thought it was interesting when they had White think, in voiceover, that he was surprised that he could feel so close to Sean, that he thought he could only feel that close to his twin. I go back and forth on what I think about that. I'm not super fond of the comparison because it's such a different type of connection. But I guess I can relate to it in some ways. Especially when you're young, it can be surprising when anyone can be close to you in a way that's even sort of comparable to your twin. Okey doke. How about a silly question to mull over?
porridge Yeah sure
towel If we were in a world that operated under Not Me universe rules
Who would I have to sleep with to make you wake up from a coma? I tried to think of a real [porridge] nemesis and the only person who came to mind was someone who used to work in your office whose name starts with a [letter].
porridge HA
towel I wouldn't go near her with a ten-foot pole except maybe if it would bring you back to life. Works for me!
[Porridge’s answer is somebody she was very close to at one time who she then had a sort of friend breakup with. then we talk about emotionally unavailable people and those who are attracted to them.]
Lemme see here. I was trying to remember what happened with White and Eugene. I spaced out a little at that part and I wonder if it's because I was getting pretty uncomfortable with the idea of White pretending to be Black with Eugene. I think they kissed? And I was like, please get out of this situation. But I think I spaced out on the show in an avoidant way at that point because I can't remember if anything else happened between them or if he got away and if so, how.
porridge He actually drugs her which is not great...
towel Gracious
porridge He's in a position where he's trying to avoid a lot of things while trying to get some information from her about what happened to Black, and he doesn't do anything to her while she's knocked out. But it's not an okay thing to do by any means.
towel I was going to look up the Eugene scene and I went to the window where I had been watching the episode 12 part where Sean sees White as White, and there was an interesting line. Sean said he had had a feeling because Black seemed so different, and White said, "Your feeling was pretty slow!" Kind of resentful that it took him as long as it did, even though at the time he wouldn't have wanted him to figure it out.
porridge If you read between the lines / fill in some blanks yourself you could say that while we saw White being generally relieved the others didn't work out that he's not Black, he wasn't always completely happy about it and about pretending. The more involved he becomes, and certainly the more he cares about Sean and is invested in something between them.
His feelings aren't made apparent after that initial relief.
towel Do you think White kind of gets a bit softer after Black comes back? Like, that he seems to become more of a contrast to Black? Maybe it just seems a bit like that to me because of the contrast. Black coming back also just leads to some emotional scenes, so we see more of Sean doing things like crying as well.
I'm going to mention something for later because I'm scared of forgetting: there were a few times when Black and White broke some "twin rules" I have for myself and I was like, "you can't do that!" but the biggest one was White getting Black's tattoos. They show his arm getting tattooed during the opening credits and every time I'd see it I would cringe so hard. You can't get the same tattoo as your twin unless you get intentional bro tats!
Of course then I found myself thinking about how much harder it would be for me to simulate your tattoos. Not just because there are more of them but because they're much more complex. And I think one might be in the same spot as one of mine?
porridge That to me is so kinda preposterous to begin with that I didn't get to the point where I was like "that's not allowed." A new tattoo doesn't look like an older tattoo so unless Black got his a month ago it's ridiculous.
But I agree, that's against the rules.
towel Oh gosh, I couldn't stop thinking about how his tattoo and the piercings weren't going to look right because they were still healing
In a way, the next day the tattoo might look more correct than it would a week later when you get that layer of skin falling off
porridge To return to your earlier point, it's confusing because if White seems a bit gentler and softer, is that the comparison? Is it an intentional choice among the filmmakers and Gun to contrast them? Did White maybe relax in his efforts to seem like Black once he felt accepted?
Also, maybe White is occasionally grumpy and seems more Black-ish and that has factored in at some points.
It would help if Black were a more nuanced character, though he is SOMETIMES nuanced.
towel I feel like those are all possible. Some of it is just the comparison and the events of the story at the time, but I also think that the writers/director were probably playing up the differences at least to some extent. And as you point out, Gun probably was too.
I feel like Black has the most depth when it comes to Eugene, but it's fleeting and not that nuanced.
porridge Having had an ear piercing since I first saw the show, I feel more like the piercings are plausible because he doesn't change posts. In the case of those, the main thing that would be visible would be some swelling for the first week or two and the gang likely wouldn't notice that.
I'm not sure whether Black has more depth with Eugene or if she's tied with White and Todd for interactions with actual feelings.
Black's Todd-related emotions include a lot of anger and rage, but in a way IMO where you can tell Black has actually let Todd into his world and has confided in him in a way he may not have done with the gang or others in his life. Maybe because they go back so far.
towel That's true. You can see why people ship Black and Todd, write fic about them, etc. I mean, I don't think there's actually something going on there in the show but he feels more strongly about Todd than almost anyone. He shows more emotion interacting with Todd than he does interacting with White.
porridge It feels like he's guarded with White partly out of protectiveness, though it's also clear that he's not eager to open up to White hugely. He cares about White but he really just wants White to do what he says, and hearing more about White's feelings and thoughts won't help with that.
towel Anytime one twin feels responsible for their twin's safety, it's bound to have some big downsides when it comes to their abilities to be emotionally authentic with each other. That's what I associate with it, anyway
porridge And they've been apart, but Black has maintained his childhood scheme for their relationship.
towel Because the person protecting is overloaded (they aren't supposed to have to take on this responsibility) so they're bound to be reactive to the protectee being distressed.
porridge As a protective twin and kinda parentified caregiver toward my twin (at some times in some ways), I didn't want to boss you around but when I felt you were in danger it was incredibly difficult not to feel like I could do anything about it.
towel I know that must be a feeling that comes up a lot--like, the horrible powerless feeling when someone you love is in an abusive relationship.* But I'm sure there are unique aspects of it and a lot of intensity when it's your twin..
I was looking for some other parts of the show to comment on and I found when White sees Black for the first time and I thought it was interesting that he says that unlike all the times he imagined this moment, it's "surprisingly frightening" (I think that was the wording. I find it remarkable that he says it's "like seeing my doppelganger." Because Black isn't the doppelganger. White is! "I stole my brother's entire life and he wanted it back. Such a doppelganger.")
*I (Towel) was in an abusive relationship for most of my 20s. Naturally, this was really hard for Porridge.
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porridge You're right, but that experience (as I imagine it, having not gone more than like 9 months without seeing my own twin) would be uncanny to anybody in a way where you would lose all perspective about like recent events.
towel That's true. I guess I feel like the narrative kind of lets White off for his actions a little too much. I mean, his replacing-Black actions. There's very little time spent on the fact that Black doesn't like that he did that and it's not like he had his consent. His motivation to protect his brother matters but it doesn't negate everything completely. And of course Todd is nudging him along the whole way because it's in his interest for the anti-Tawi stuff to continue.
porridge I get what you're saying but I don't think that’s in service of making White out to be so perfect, I think it's more about keeping the narrative clean. There's a hypothetical version of the show that uses that to interesting ends.
towel I guess it just seems kind of lazy to me, or convenient
porridge And Black does tell White that the others won't want him around once they discover he's been lying to them. And White thinks (voiceovers) the same about Sean specifically.
towel I'm probably more interested in those implications because I'm actually a twin.
It's kind of wild how readily they're okay with it, the group, I mean. Maybe people are more likely to forgive that sort of thing if your twin is a huge butthole.
porridge If I wanted to explain that I would say that on some level they already knew.
towel I was wondering what you thought about the whole separating twins as children thing. I'll explain just a bit.
You pointed out that it doesn't really make sense for White's and Black's parents to think that separating them is going to change their psychic connection and I agree. There's no justification for that. But it reminded me of other ideas about how somehow twins being "too" close is going to be bad for them. I forget if I sent you a link to that recent article* but I remember I definitely shared a passage from it. This woman is kind of musing about her relationship with her twin and some of it is kind of self-indulgent but there are some good bits, and my favorite is where she talks about separation.
She talks about this case where an adoption agency separated a bunch of twins and adopted them out to families, never telling the families or the kids that they had twins. And there was a researcher kind of in cahoots with them who interviewed the families and the kids over the years to observe them, looking at the twinship angle but pretending it was for other purposes. It's all incredibly unethical.
But the justification was that being dependent on one another is unhealthy so twins are better off apart.
I wonder if that's part of what singletons find scary about twins. Maybe it would be better to say it’s a thing that scares them when they see it (or think they see it) in twins. And that's dependency, or more accurately, interdependence. Of course, that's kind of a culture-bound reaction. But in an individualistic culture like we have in the U.S., being sort of born into an interdependent relationship could seem horrifying.
*The article I'm referencing here is Giving Away My Twin by Jean Garnett, which came out on 7/10/23 in the New Yorker
porridge That's horrible. Would be even if they were non-twin siblings.
towel Yeah. Some of the saddest examples were from a book by Anna Freud's partner* talking about kids she observed when they ran a place for kids who were sent out of London during the Blitz.
*Anna Freud's partner's name was Dorothy Burlingham and her book was called Twins: A Study of Three Pairs of Identical Twins with 30 Charts
porridge The thing is, and I'm not saying there isn't any closeness kind of inherent to twinship. But yeah, any siblings can be closely dependent but when you add that to the appearance of twins people get wigged out.
Though I do know of kids being punished for being too close to their siblings, referred to negatively because of it, etc. Non-twin siblings.
towel I do think that being the same age increases the chances of being close or relying on one another.
porridge Yeah I don't discount that.
towel But yeah, it could happen at other ages and is totally penalized in some families.
porridge But I'm saying do the people outside that relationship perceive the additional closeness or do they just perceive closeness plus twin appearance
towel I do think that they overestimate it a lot based on twins looking similar.
But it gets kind of chicken-and-egg there, because part of what makes you closer is everyone treating you like you're a) weird, b) a unit with this other person, c) unbelievably similar to them, etc. Like, you know that closeness is expected, and you can get excluded by others because of their perceptions of your twinship.
Well, I was going to say that separating twins for no reason like that adoption agency is something I think most people would find disturbing. And separating twins the way White and Black were separated would probably seem like a bad idea to a lot of folks. But there are smaller examples of this that are really normalized. Like, I remember feeling really surprised, almost startled, when I found out that there's no empirical basis for [the idea that it’s] better for twins to be in different classes at school.
And I really think that became a convention because of that thing where twins being close--or just the prospect that they might be--freaks singletons out.
Maybe even more so when you're talking about adults who are considering a set of twin children. I know in our family of origin it was sometimes implied or even directly stated that our relationship somehow undermined the parents' authority.
And that's sad, because what you're talking about is children’s ability to provide each other comfort. Like, these are adults who basically resent that you have an ally who will make it harder to break your spirit.
porridge And you shouldn't be dependent on your children being ineffectual to parent.
towel Well, I think it's interesting how their separation is dealt with in the show. I'm tempted to go back and look at that part again, actually.
It's both treated as more and less of a big deal than I expected.
Like, it's not treated like it's nothing, which I think they could easily have done. But if they were going to acknowledge that it was painful, I wish they'd acknowledge it more.
At this point we got sidetracked and trailed off. Of course, this post is long enough as it is! That said, I do have some additional thoughts about Sean figuring out the twin thing, as I noted above. I'll be posting about that soon. And I wouldn't be surprised if Porridge and I end up having other thoughts about all of this down the road.
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qoldenskies · 16 days ago
Okay, I finally read the "justice isn't mercy" chapter, and I just gotta say in the scene with Mikey killing Kitsune, I was SO satisfied by that scream. I know each of them have already had that scream. But this chapter it really shined.
It was an everything scream. A scream of pain, anger, and despair all in one. Mikey was screaming and crying through every horrible memory he would never forget because of what she did.
Even though I know he killed her himself, after that moment, the first thing that came to mind was the scene from the movie.
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Like, I believe there was a parallel going on there. So I can just imagine that in that scene, in a moment of clarity, that both Leo and Raph were there with Mikey, conjoining their ninpo, to kill her together. All of them screaming and giving Donnie Vengeance together.
But, he carries the burden himself. At 13...
Which makes it all the more tragic.
And wow, my invision of that scene was so perfect. That entire witchtown part was so clear it might as well have been animated.
it was a parallel yes, mostly in the way that i was trying to invoke the same kind of righteous anger mikey was feeling in that scene, as well as the thing with the cracks in his arms (and THAT i chose because kintsugi metaphor, especially because its already been invoked before in ch7) im sure at the very least that was felt in the ninpo bond, because while mikey's sixth sense for it is way more intense (feeling donnie's ninpo break, noticing the absence first afterwards, feeling chills when leo gets particularly murderous) all of them still have that intuitively,,,
but also mind you, at the same time mikey mentions a little earlier that theyre united so strongly under one goal at that point that they may as well be one person, and considering things like raph and leo mind melding in the moment,,, it would make a lot of sense! :]
im glad my imagery was clear!! im not suuuper proud of some things in that chapter but there's a lot of moments i do like from it, very good animatic-bait. if i had the balls and patience to make one LMFAO maybe some day. mikey standing in front of the shrine is so clear in my head,,, you can tell he KNEW he was cool as fuck. guy with swag
#ask#canary continuity#speaking of that scene with the witches#here's something i keep consistent in almost every fic i make: donnie sees leo as a twin and never acknowledges leo being older#while leo only will when he is very very upset usually on donnie's behalf/when he's being protective of him#there's a moment like that in cvd a moment like that in cu#leo in most cases will only call donnie his little brother when he's REALLY furious about him being hurt#because this subconsciously plays into their dynamic. its unavoidable it influences all of their behavior#but i always think leo THINKS of it more. donnie really only acknowledges it when he's lumping himself in with mikey#as yknow. one of the younger brothers. even then that's more of a solidarity with mikey thing#its smthn i do that explains the actual canon intention with leo being older while also explaining why its never actually brought up#i also think this makes all of miner's eulogy more depressing because oh is leo fucking thinking about it then isnt he :(#idk i think its a neat way to play their dynamic ... leo quietly likes feeling responsible for someone in the way that he feels he is-#-for donnie. while donnie loves leo so much because he just Gets It. truthfully i like donnie caring about the chosen twinship thing Way-#-more although i believe leo was the one who came up with it#leo likes being twins and he also likes when he gets to be an older brother. donnie cant imagine a world where theyre anything BUT-#-twins now#like god yeah of course leo wanted to keep the birthday thing a secret from him with that in mind huh
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cream-and-tea · 2 months ago
it must be said that i’m always on some level thinking about mercer and gage can we talk some more about mercer and gage i feel like we all moved on too quickly from mercer and gage
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tangledinink · 1 year ago
ok we're doing sad on main again you guys ready
every time i see someone celebrating their birthday and receiving birthday wishes and all that, i'm very happy for them. but i'm a little sad for me. 'cause my birthday isn't... really my birthday anymore? it's my brother's. and he's not here.
it's not something happy anymore. it doesn't feel like smth i can enjoy or celebrate. and i don't know if it ever will be again? that kind of sucks. coz. like. no birthday. :/ bummer.
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fumifooms · 7 months ago
"Meijack and Flertom are twins" I am going to punch through walls
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charlestrask · 10 months ago
oh. hm. and god never rejected abel.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 years ago
Agni: An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away! Indra: An Apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.
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jessaerys · 1 year ago
feel like a centrist trying to court the matt enjoyers vote
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 9 months ago
happy birthday to you birthday twin!!! hope your day is wonderful and your year is full of good things!!
Happy birthday right back at you birthday twin!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful year!!! hope your day was good!!!!
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in-asterism · 10 months ago
taking psychic damage every time someone thinks my younger brother is my twin vs the glee my cousin and I feel when we are mistaken for twins
strangest has gotta be "you have a TWIN??" "uhhh..." *sees brother* "TRIPLETS????"
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red-elric · 2 years ago
rose and dave brainworms :)
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purpleturtle9000 · 2 years ago
"Why are you wearing a lab coat, rubber gloves, and two sets of goggles?" Leonardo asks.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to," Tello said.
Leonardo's pretty sure they're hiding something behind their shell, but decides he doesn't want to know after all.
"Just don't kill anyone."
"I promise anyone who dies will have only their own stupidity to blame."
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i-got-da-rubes · 1 year ago
I found you doin a lil jig again.
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Ngl I might start sending you lil jig gifs every time I come across one because they permanently remind me of you now hoxhochfffifgdg if that bothers you lemme know 😌
Rubes caught in the wild once again
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mudvi · 1 month ago
read a comment somewhere a while back that went something like my grandma was only allowed to be left handed as a kid because they thought she was already fucked up from being a twin and i realized i act the same about twins in the year 2024.. my sincerest apologies to all of the twins following me
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