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bellxx9 · 1 month ago
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Some of his twich era✨🎀
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 5 months ago
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Here is the playlist for our stream coming to you this Thursday October 31st starting at 11am EST!
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aspergilluskin · 1 year ago
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1 hour drawing
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ultumitbeelord · 1 year ago
SALUTATIONS!!! I know I usualy repost, but I decided I like this enough to show my crowd of 0 :]
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Might add de blue if I find the right one
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chronicallykiki · 1 year ago
VOD : January 25th 2024
Final Fantasy XIV & Capybara Spa
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akira666htr · 1 year ago
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the-bi-panic-idiot · 1 year ago
I don’t get why are people mad about person acting their age, like he is in his twenties, he is allowed to ne a little unhinged
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softanxiousatmosphere · 2 years ago
Does anyone has tips on how to deal with overstimulation when watching a twitch stream ? I'm really interested on the qsmp right now but yesterday I couldn't keep up with the lives because it was too much for me ( it was the first time i watched so much content also simultaneously because i didn't want to lose some informations )
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gablunker · 1 year ago
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Here is a small sample of my love for this series <3
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bellxx9 · 14 days ago
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axelotl3427 · 1 year ago
Reopening free commissions!!
Can be anything from twitch/discord emotes to a fully colored, shaded, and background having artwork. just let me know what you are hoping for, or don't and ill surprise you!
Example and rules under the cut
Art style #1 aka doodle style
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full body example
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headshot example
Art style #2 aka my regular style
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full body example
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headshot example
No nsfw (im 18 now but I'm not doing that for free)
Furry art is allowed (but be warned i have little experience drawing it)
Give credit (i don't care how you use it as long as im properly credited or else i will eat your toes)
Don't edit my art (if you need something change please just let me know and I'll do it for you.)
I can refuse a request for any reason.
Im only going to do 15 requests max before this closes (0/15)
You may send your requests either in my dms or my ask box!!
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 5 months ago
Kore Character Sheet
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Thank you to @anxident for the incredible commission of my new D&D character Kore.
If you're interested in seeing her in action, come join us on Twich for Barovia by Gaslight streaming this Halloween 11am EST.
Name: Kore
Alias: Katherine, Selena, Maggie, Alex, etc. 
Age: 28
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual, Panromantic 
Gender Identity: She/They
Species: Aasimar
General Personality Traits: Cautious, Melancholic, Loving
Flaws: Fearful. Fear of being caught, fear for her own life and the loss of those she holds dear drives most of her decisions. 
Bonds:  Nothing is dearer to her than the family she managed to scrape together and their loss haunts her every step. 
Regrets: Running and not standing to fight alongside her husband.
To say Kore was born into a religious household would be an understatement. Both her parents were clerics of Cyric and her birth was considered a blessing not just to them, but their entire congregation; a sign that their worship pleased their god. Kore grew up not as a little girl, but as an object to be placed on a shelf until its use was necessary. 
Her natural connection to the divine meant she could be used as a battery in various rituals, leaving her often drained and in considerable pain. Of course, once the ritual was over, she was not left alone. She was well fed and had a comfortable place to sleep. Her parents would tend to her and praise her for her suffering. Of course, she wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without one of them being there. A lock was placed on her door. When she did go outside, they made sure to cover her markings and ensure her eyes stayed down so as not to draw attention. 
The older she became, the clearer why they did all this. They did not want to kill their proverbial golden goose. What they didn’t count on was for her to pick up on a few things in the many sermons to the gods of lies. 
She ran away at sixteen and didn’t look back. 
For the first few years she simply wandered from town to town, getting what honest work she could and keeping her head down. She learned to cover the gold markings on her face. There was no hiding her eyes, but in a world of tieflings and magic, odd eye color could be easily dismissed. Of course, her parents wouldn’t let her escape that easily and eventually she’d have to move on. 
During one particularly close call, she ended up running straight into a young man named Ezra. The moment they made eye contact, they recognized each other as Aasimar. Without a second thought Ezra helped her back to her feet and pulled her some place out of the way, safe from her pursuers. He later revealed he thought they were after him. He and his party had a way of attracting unwanted attention. 
He led her to an out of the way area of the city where he and his companions were laying low; all of them Aasimar with similar stories to her own. They had all found each other in different ways and decided it best to stick together to keep each other safe. It didn’t take much convincing for Kore to join them. 
Kore spent the next ten years with them, moving from town to town, but never being without people she could rely on. 
It was also during this time she and Ezra became closer, falling in love and finally marrying much to the entire party’s joy. 
Despite all the danger and never knowing where they were going next, she felt well and truly safe with Ezra and her makeshift family. 
Of course, it couldn’t last. 
While staying in a quiet village, someplace they thought was safely out of the way of prying eyes, a group of mercenaries descended on the party. 
This wasn’t the over zealous cleric or opportunist thief they had dealt with in the past, but a coordinated attack. The party was quickly overwhelmed, but Ezra managed to get himself and Kore away from most of the fray. Making their way towards the cellar, Ezra swore he was right behind her, only she shut it closed the second she was through and locking it shut. 
Kore tried to push against it, but hearing the commotion overhead frightened her, making her freeze. Her silence possibly saved her life as the assailants never did go looking for the cellar door. 
She didn’t know how long she stayed down there. She didn’t move until there was complete silence overhead. 
Slowly she crept out of the cellar as was met with carnage. Her friends didn’t go down without a fight. Many of those who attacked them laid dead, but it was plain enough the mercenaries won in the end. To her shock though, she didn’t see any bodies of her companions. It was enough to give her hope. Maybe Ezra wasn’t dead. Her parents and others knew Aasimar were more use to them alive. She just needed to find him.
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420radiolord · 5 months ago
Come join me with Soma and Weed, gonna be live again in my Sally Face cosplay where you and the rest of chat can get me blazed stream starts around 5-6pmEDT
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anrimortis · 1 year ago
my fursona for twich streams
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holytragedycat · 1 year ago
probably no one here on Tumblr knows what crymua is, but it doesn't matter I love that ship
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chronicallykiki · 1 year ago
VOD : January 23rd 2024
Final Fantasy XIV & Bunny Park
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