#twi'lek tuesday
ultimmmmmp · 2 months
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Twi'lek Tuesday!
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thecoffeelorian · 1 year
[And now, for Tech Tuesday...here's something that's been sitting in my drafts since April, made for a rather old series on AO3. It's mostly about Tech's observations about my original autistic Twi'lek character, especially after just meeting her five minutes ago *wink wink*.
Maybe I'll update that one again, maybe not, but in the meantime...here ya go!]
A Brief History Of The Ignoble House Of Innsur
I Was Curious About You, So I Put Your Name Into The Holosearch, And…
…No, please wait. I can explain.
For one thing, I am well studied on the subjects of stalking as well as consent, for no legitimate soldier of the Republic is permitted onto the battlefield until he—or, in only one currently documented instance, she—agrees to a series of special training modules pertaining to the treatment of the female ratio of most Galactic societies. All subtopics from basic anatomy to zoological companions are covered in these modules, and through them, the vast majority of Clone Troopers, be they considered enhanced or not, are made to understand that they are to be given the same courtesies and protections as the average male civilian.
That rule has not, to my knowledge, been violated in any way from the beginning of the War to the conclusion.
At this same time, however, I cannot ignore the amount of exposure my squad could potentially incur from association with individuals with malicious intent—in other words, “the bad guys”.
As we have not visited every single planet in the galaxy, but rather made as many notes as possible for the worlds that we were dispatched to, it is therefore plausible that we could encounter Imperial sympathizers in the near future.
And, perhaps because this Twi’lek woman has chosen to live on a planet such as Argann rather than with countless others of her people upon Ryloth…could it not then be theorized that she could be so much more than one refugee among thousands previously displaced by the Clone Wars? What if losing her home caused her to lose other things as well, such as the basic practice of restraint in times of possible conflict?
Respect for the rule of law?
Not taking matters into her own hands, or worst of all, seeking revenge against any and all individuals she might blame for her displacement…?
It is possible that the wrath of such a person, if indeed such wrath exists, could then be directed solely at us if we are not too cautious.
This is why I begin a basic anonymous Holonet search with just two blinks of my eyes, then flick my focus to a certain combination of letters upon the digital keypad that appears within the next five seconds.
[My old series is at the link below: ]
] tagging test for: [
@swarovski-yoda @megmca @talesfrommedinastation @giganonyx @12sddddd @tink1221 @omglisalithium @advisorsnips @yardikins @wastingstarsss @paperback-rascal @xylionet @themightychipmunk42 @groguandthebadbatch @riversings42 @sailorsenshisweetheart @lightwise @spinelrose @ovaa-bi-bia @600yearoldlovecraftianhorrorshow
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albertonavajoart · 3 years
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A recent Star Wars OC commission: Tali Sroka
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jarael · 3 years
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Twi’lek Tuesday: I wanted to do this for a while.  I made an AU Aayes where her biological mother wasn’t killed, so she became a Jedi.  I also need another healer on the Republic side.
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// brain going from taco Tuesday to Twi'lek tuesday. thanks summer days for making brain go to mush
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Happy Twi'lek Tuesday!
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moonlitalien · 7 years
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I’m pretty sure following a Jedi on his training sessions would be a bit creepy and would probably be considered harassment, but hey, go ahead I guess? :P
And to answer the third ask... Yes, he is. And I have doodles to prove it. :^)
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Names in Clan Djarin
Hi friends!
Every character I have written has a specially-chosen name. Whether that name had a specific meaning, a certain cadence, or even if it just sounded good, I agonize over the names of my characters. I've been meaning to talk about it for a long time, and now, I finally have some space to do so!
Without further ado, let's talk about how I named my original characters in the Clan Djarin series! I'll start with the Nevarro Three. :)
ELLIS KAZAN: The name Ellis had been kicking around in my head for a character for a long time; I just needed to find it a proper footing. An English/Welsh name, it's notably gender neutral—making it perfect for my lovely enby Mirialan. It also hints at the English accent that Mirialan characters tend to have in Star Wars, i.e. Luminara Unduli (my favorite Jedi master) and Barris Offee (WHO DESERVED BETTER!).
As for the last name Kazan, I used it as a nod to the Middle Eastern/Muslim influence that's clear with a lot of the Mirialan culture and dress. It's a common surname in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern world, so I thought it would fit well for them. Plus—it just sounded right. That's always important. :)
One more note on Ellis—their name derives from “Elijah,” who, if you didn't know, is a prominent prophet in the Hebrew Testament. It only makes sense, then, that Ellis would serve as an access point to the mystical in Din's life.
NEH'NAA: Neh'naa's name is a Twi'lekization of the name Nina. Honestly, the name just sounded right, you know what I mean? It just sounds bright, cheerful, friendly—exactly the kind of woman our Neh'naa is.
Twi'lekizing a name that already exists in our world is relatively simple. For me, I considered how the name Nina would have been pronounced using Old and Middle English pronunciation. Before the Great Vowel Shift, our vowels sounded very different: “Ah,” “ee” “ay” “oh” “oo” instead of how we pronounce a, e, i, o, u today. So, in Modern English, we say “Nee-nah,”  but in Old and Middle English, we would pronounce it “Nay-nah.” Spell it phonetically, add an extra “a” and an apostrophe, and voilá—a Twi'lekized version of Nina.
TOBALAS: Tobalas is a “Star Wars-ified” version of the name “Tobias.” It’s kind of funny, but as I was trying to formulate Tobalas’s character, my sister was watching the Divergent movies in the same room. And the name Tobias (which is Four’s real name) just jumped out at me. Another name that just felt right for this character, I've only just now really researched the meaning of the name. And honestly, it totally fits. Tobiah was a hero in the apocryphal Book of Tobit, wherein, with the help of the angel Raphael, he fights off a demon from a woman who later becomes his wife. And you may just see Tobias fighting some demons with the help of an angel at some point in his career as a character......
Tobias, to me, is a very serious name. I associate it with a certain level of self-assurance mixed with a hint of devil-may-care attitude. That attitude comes through in his interactions with Din (whose name, by the way, is derived from Arabic and means “way” or “path.” Just FYI.). Din is very serious, not to be trifled with; Tobias rails against that structure, wanting to do things his way.
For the “Star Wars-ifying,” I literally just made it up. I toyed around with what consonants could replace the “i” in Tobias, and after going through almost the whole alphabet, I landed on “l.”
So, there you have it! A long-ass ramble about my naming practices. I’m thinking I might post another about the villains and their names. I hope you enjoyed this look into the behind-the-scenes!
Until Tomorrow (or Tuesday),
E <3
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ultimmmmmp · 9 months
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twi'lek for Tuesday
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thecoffeelorian · 2 years
I finally finished scratching out the rough draft for my next Tech fan fiction chapter. It took me a lot of time and second guessing myself...but guess what?
I'm finally introducing my autistic Twi'lek gal!
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allegriana · 7 years
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#Twilek Tuesday 😁😁😁 Costume was designed by me, using #Organicarmorarts. It's my lazy Twi'lek for when I don't want to get fully painted 😅 I believe the photo was taken by Almonz Le Maitre at Dragoncon at the #noodlehead meetup! 😙 #starwarscosplay #afrolatina #cosplaying #starwars #poccosplayer #alien #gold #headdress #scifi
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jarael · 3 years
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Twi’lek Tuesday: Forged Alliances edition
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b-radley66 · 7 years
Chapter 4 Preview of Land of Song
As usual, posts on Tuesday. A tiny bit of steamy memories Fairly mild, but with some pain as well. Don’t know how to put the ‘continue reading’ thing in.
Bly’s fingers trace the soft skin of the Twi'lek’s hip as both of their breathing steadies. He replaces his fingers with his lips, eliciting a purr from his General. From his lover.
“You know exactly how to relax me, dear,” she says. “My strong trooper,” she adds with a smile. Aayla Secura rolls to her back. His mouth naturally moves to her core with the shift. The purr turns to a growl. “No, love,” she says. “We only have an hour or so before stand-to. I need some rest, as do you.”
His face collapses on her thigh as he realizes the truth of her words. He crawls up to lie next to her, his head pillowed on her shoulder. He sighs as her unbound lekku twines about his close-cropped hair. “Probably wouldn’t have lasted this long, if Kit had been with us,” he says with a grin. She smiles softly as she thinks of their occasional other lover, of the combinations they had been able to achieve with the other Jedi Master.
“You both can wear me out,” she says with a laugh. Her eyes lock with his. She seizes his head and devours his lips.
“Aayla, what are we going to do? Everyone says the war is winding down. What will happen to you and me?”
She is silent. He brings his mouth to her breast, his tongue circling the hard tip. Between intakes of breath, she replies, “I don’t know, Bly. I don’t really want to think of more than today. It is how I have gotten through the other thousand days of this war.”
They both lapse into silence at that. Their breathing matches and becomes steady, as the morning begins to lighten.
Bly wakes up from his memories with a start. His eyes close and he puts his head in his hands as he hears the musical accent of his ghost.
His brain thrums. Good soldiers follow orders.
<i>But what if those orders cause the slaughter of your loved ones?</i>
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qenvarith · 5 years
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Happy Twi'lek Tuesday! This is a side-by-side if my original concept drawing and the finished costume. A few changes here and there, but pretty close! #StarWars #twilek #smuggler #slicer #costuming #cosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rdx9ZgWmJ/?igshid=1t9gdwtvtgant
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Happy Twi'lek Tuesday!
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brennenmarr · 5 years
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