#twewy roleplay
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oc-menagerie-archived · 1 year ago
Roleplay Starter Call for The World Ends with You Tia!
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Tia is an American who moved to Shibuya due to family business and has quickly grown to love the city. She loves the fashion and individuality, often found where all the shops are.
She also loves to rollerblade and uses that to get around, wearing a cute bunny hoodie when she does so. She’s quite good at it and has performed tricks in certain spots, making some whisper about a mysterious ‘Usagi’ girl. She is also an amateur graffiti artist, her signature being a cute anime bunny face with goggles.
Like or reblog (if sideblog) to be tagged in a roleplay starter with Tia! Crossovers accepted! Can be fandomless!
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verumrexrp · 13 days ago
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Welcome to Kingdom Hearts: Verum Rex, a canons-only, sfw, 18+ Discord RP server set in the world of Kingdom Hearts. Though the server has been around for a year, there’s still plenty of characters left for application.
In the Realm of Light, a year after Sora’s disappearance, people are still trying to pick up the pieces after Xehanort’s rise to power and the True Organization’s fall. This era of peace came with great sacrifice, and it seems the Guardians of Light are faced with a new challenge: grieving the loss of the “Keyblade’s Chosen One”, and finding out where they fit in a world without Sora.
Meanwhile, in the reality of Quadratum and the city of Shibuya, another Reaper’s Game is coming to an end. For almost a year, the souls of Players have wandered the city, participating in missions assigned by the mysterious Composer, the Master of Masters. In this fight for a second chance at life, familiar faces and former foes are made to work together or face erasure.
Characters from Kingdom Hearts, The World Ends With You, and certain Final Fantasy games and Disney movies are welcome. We hope to see you there!
May your heart be your guiding key, and let the games begin! For an invite to the server, send a direct message or ask with your discord username, and you'll be invited into the server!
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venjamin-kingdomhearts · 3 months ago
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Welcome to Kingdom Hearts: Verum Rex, a canons-only 18+ Discord RP server set in the world of Kingdom Hearts. Though the server has been around for almost a year, there’s still plenty of characters left for application.
Click here to see a more in-depth story summary
As of December 2024, we're currently looking for Joshua Kiryu, from The World Ends With You!
We hope to see you there!
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vicsmakes · 1 year ago
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          ♔ » 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. ( claim slot. )
My phone has been cut off due to having lack of funds to pay the past due. My goal is to get what I can to pay off the past due balance along with the following month's payment due on April 13th. I'm opening up emergency commission slots and would appreciate any potential help! I do have a donation goal set up if you would also like to donate. I'm waiting on potential job callbacks but without a phone being on for them to call, I'm a bit backed into the corner. Currently there are ten slots open to try and not overwhelm myself but the set will include the following for $6.00USD:
pinned banner
two promo graphics
answered banner
headcanon banner
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated even if it's just a reblog! The claim slot link above will link to all potential commissions that I'll be opening up soon as well!
Please make the commission through ko-fi for ease of access!
UPDATE: dash icon slots are available for $1.00usd.
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reconnect-re-union · 2 years ago
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Beat helps deal with Cloud's sexuality crisis. Luckily, he has the perfect advice to help with Cloud's "bleeding out and about to faint" crisis, too.
See here for our server summary! See here for our current taken and available muses!
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rollinggirlrunahika · 2 years ago
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 So that I may become a “kind” person, rather than a “strong” person.. So that I can understand what “importance” means--
A KINGDOM HEARTS x TWEWY OC || Sora’s Twin || Sanae Hanekoma’s Daughter ||
Crossover, Multi-Verse and Multi-Ship Friendly. OCs Are Welcome. Semi-Selective and Semi-Active
If any of you are interested in interacting with Runa, feel free to like/reblog this promo!!
|| Rules || Verses || About ||
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nepenthe-moved · 1 year ago
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Nepenthe is a mun aged 20+ server that allows characters across varying fictional media (drawn, animated, live action, literary, etc).
The setting is the afterlife, set in a city split into two halves. The North District, which is fashioned after a larger city and allows the usage of powers and abilities, and the South District, which is fashioned after a smaller, cozier town, and bans all powers. There is a subway that runs continuously between them.
☾ Muns must be at least 20 years old. Characters must be at least 18 years old.
☆ Semi-literate to literate.
☾ Canon characters only, with exceptions for MC / player character OCs.
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darkestaken · 1 year ago
aight tag drop time
𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐄. ✦ ( ic. ) ✦ ( verse // twewy. ) ✦ ( verse // genshimpact. ) ✦ ( ooc. ) ✦ ( commentary. // games. ) ✦ ( crack. ) ✦ ( musing. // aesthetic. ) ✦ ( headcanons. ) ✦ ( roleplay memes. // prompts. ) ✦ ( asks. // answered. ) ✦ ( self. // artwork. )
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dehliadelights · 1 year ago
looking for a somewhat new server for chatting and roleplay? look no further!
hi! my name is lyric, and with my friend @abrasive002 we have a server, the forest of shadows!
mostly just to chat and roleplay cuz we're both incredibly silly, and we're bored. So! If you like roleplay, undertale, deltarune, omori, or twewy, feel free to stop in and chat!
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durasoup · 1 year ago
NEO: The World Ends With You // Silent Sunsets
8:00 PM EST https://www.twitch.tv/durasoup The high road to the end of the world.
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verumrexrp · 6 hours ago
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Welcome to Kingdom Hearts: Verum Rex, a canons-only, sfw 18+ Discord RP server set in the world of Kingdom Hearts. Though the server has been around for a year, there’s still plenty of characters left for application.
Click here to see a more in-depth story summary
As of March 2025, we're currently looking for Sanae Hanekoma, from The World Ends With You! If you're interested in applying, ask us for a link to the server over asks or direct messages, and we'll give you access.
We hope to see you there!
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firestorm09890 · 4 months ago
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put my fuckin guy in the combination persona 4 dungeon twewy plot dnd roleplay thing and it's awesome. mandatory persona 4 glasses made him pull his hair out of his face and it is regrettably very cute. he's trying so hard to keep the party from going off the rails. he's on the verge of sensory meltdown himself. he's a genius whose input is valuable. he's projecting and probably shouldn’t be here. he's so cool. he's visibly uncomfortable being around everyone else. he cast the level 3 spell Fear on a Shark Noise. yeah the one from week 1 day 4 that killed Rhyme. it didn't kill Rhyme this time, heh [puts on my sunglasses
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starblazes-a · 4 months ago
5, 10, 27, and 28!
( casual munday prompts / accepting !! )
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05. what  character  have  you  never  written ,  but  have  wanted  to ?
honestly? any character i've ever wanted to write, i've made a blog for at some point in time. i have no impulse control, which is why i have 2093485093285 blogs at the moment. i genuinely cannot think of a character that i want to write but haven't yet. i guess maybe someone from twewy because @unmeiha keeps bullying me, but i haven't finished watching a playthrough of it yet.
10. is  there  a  piece  of  your  character’s  canon  that  you  refuse  to  accept ?
you know, at this point in time, i don't think there is. i know a few people who also write stelle don't tend to run with the "she digs in the trash" antics, but that is 100% canon to my interpretation. it's funny and stupid and i refuse to let anyone judge her for it!!!! LET HER BE A FERAL RACCOON GREMLIN!!!!
27. what  is  a  trend  within  the  rpc  that  you  would  consider  to  be  overrated ?
formatting. which sounds odd coming from me, who formats my replies and posts and generally enjoys aestheticism; but what i mean by 'overrated' is it's literal definition in that people put too much emphasis on it being important or integral to the roleplay experiece. or that the tumblr rpc, specifically, is in any way new or different for implementing it. it's not. formatting has been a thing in writing since the dawn of internet rp. i was formatting my forum posts to hell back in the olden days of gaiaonline and invisionfree/proboards. superfluous formatting is not new and you're not a bad person if you enjoy it. * as long as you're willing to accommodate partners who have trouble reading heavily formatted replies, otherwise you're just an asshole lmao.
28. what  is  a  turn - off  when  you’re  seeking  writing  partners ?
since this has been my most recent issue on other blogs — people who expect me to reply to threads/asks within x amount of time and have no patience or empathy for those with personal lives, jobs, and other responsibilities. roleplaying is not a job. it's not a career. no one is getting paid to play barbies on the internet — and if they are, put in a good word for me because i want in on that. more and more i find people getting impatient or making passive-aggressive comments on the dash in hopes to stir sympathy or guilt. which like, sure, you can curate your space how you want to curate it. but if i state specifically in my rules i am a slow writer, and you follow me anyway and then get mad and hardblock me when i don't respond in two weeks? that's pretty shitty and indicative of being chronically online to an unhealthy degree. i wish i had that kind of free time to just sit on my butt and write all day, but i don't. and neither do most others in my age group ( 25+ ). as long as there is equal communication on both ends, i don't see the point in having a proposed time limit. if you want to reply to something i wrote for you two years ago? do it. i love getting surprised by stuff i don't even remember writing or sending slkdjglksdjgsd.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years ago
You might already be aware of these TTRPG designers, but I figured I'd pass them on if they might add to the knowledge pool for recommendations!
Will Uhl: https://willuhl.itch.io/ Just an absurdly prolific games designer, with a grounding in rules-light action-y games but has a wide range of tones and genres in their work. Mystic Lilies comes strongly recommended, their most famous game, Netbattlers, isn't on itch.io as it's a fangame that uses the Megaman IP (and is also excellent if you like games with in-depth character building)
Nathan Blades: https://sixofspades.itch.io/ More of a performer than a designer but has written a number of games, generally focused on upbeat anime action with queer community subtext. Heartbeats in Perfect Sync is probably their best known; they also have a one-pager in The Ultimate One-Page RPG Book.
Farmer Gadda: https://farmergadda.itch.io/ Explores a lot of system kits (CaltropCore, Lasers & Feelings, etc) to make games that reference specific game series and the like. The energy of picking up your favourite toy and moving it around the room with whoosh noises.
Rook/RJK Games: https://rjkgames.itch.io/ Prime itchio game zine production; passionate, feelings-first releases that each put a spin of a different indie game or system kit. A transformation of the orginal tone of a game to something else, like a magic trick.
Thanks for the recs! I've heard of some of these designers, and some I haven't. Let's look at a highlight of theirs that stands out for each one!
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Mystic Lilies, by Will Uhl.
In a sealed-off region full of fantastical phenomena, the land is falling out of balance. You will play to find what people take and what people lose to regain that balance.
It looks like it's a card-based roleplaying game about witches fighting to get what they want. I'm interested in the character abilities, and curious about how the PvP interacts with different player styles. I'd assume that safety tools are a given at this table, and I'm definitely drawn in by the art.
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Heartbeats in Perfect Sync, by Nathan Blades. (@theneoncaster)
Heartbeats in Perfect Sync is a tabletop RPG inspired by the shounen battle aesthetic. Play as a group of ordinary people who fight monsters with ridiculously over-the-top weapons.
I have heard of Nathan Blades before! I can see how this game would appeal to folks who love TWEWY, or Persona 5. I'm curious about what kind of dice this system uses - is it safe to assume that you need d6's for this game if the page doesn't specify? Also, folks should check out Iera Entera, a game by the same designer about killing, butchering, and eating gods. I think the concept is amazing.
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SW//NG, by Farmer Gadda. (@farmergadda)
Because you have Power, you have Responsibility. Because of your Responsibility, you have to face your Past. And your Past? That's the one thing your Power can never fix.
I love complicated superheroes! I love emotional superheroes! This game gives you complicated and emotional superheroes! It also has some lovely GM advice and I always always appreciate good GM advice.
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Our Love Will Destroy Us, by RJK Games.
You did it, exactly what the old fools of the Hunters’ Guild warned you against. Fell in love with your target, the both of you. One of you was barely trained, untested, didn’t know any better; the Guild might forgive you, but the other? You were meant to know better.
I'm pretty sure I've talked about this one before when I covered Tragic Games, so that might be why this game stands out to me. I think the use of Tarot Cards to reveal what the Hunger does to hurt the Vampire Hunter who has fallen in love with a Vampire, is really emotionally fitting.
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reconnect-re-union · 1 year ago
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We're looking for a Sanae Hanekoma roleplayer to join RE:Union!
See here for our server summary!
See here for our current taken and available muses!
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pulsefelt · 1 year ago
did nanowrimo and wrote 50k of an original cosmic horror project of mine. i do plan on continuing it (there is a lot of writing to be done still, and then there are rewrites and edits), but i'll keep most of my work on that for weekends and let workdays be for reading, roleplay, and other hobbies. 🫡 i have other blogs including my multi i want to be on, but with the gang being into twewy... i will also be here a bit!
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