#tweeter refugees
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
minzart · 5 months ago
Mas q porra é o tumblr~
Uma tentativa de guia de uma br q usa saporra desde os 14.
Como pode imaginar aqui é bem espaço de gringo mas q se dane isso meu bem se tu persistir vai da certo confia.
Primeiro passo: mude seu ícone.
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Tá vendo essas porrinha? Provavelmente são seu ícone se vc n mudou eles ainda
Aqui temos uma mania de bloquear seguidores com esses ícones pq geralmente são bots q querer fingir ser humanos pra manter link pra site pirata/porno/q rouba seu cartão de crédito, eles fazem isso tendo seguidores q engana os bots do tumbrl temporariamente. Ent é melhor mudar se pode fazer isso(no cell) assim :
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[Mais abaixo]
2. Ache povo pra segui: pra esse site funcionar como uma benção tu precisa começar a achar povo pra seguir
Dica: Q VC GOSTE DO Q ELES FAZEM, pelo amor do krl não vai se meter num ninho de cobra e achar q não tem escapatória pq aqui a regra é "se não gosta não siga, não leia, não interaja, continue rodando pra baixo e vá ser feliz", se alguém te bloqueou? Nada pessoal, genuinamente isso é comum por aqui eu já bloqueio povo pq tem uns q fala q gosta de X do que Y e eu não concordava, a pessoa n sabe e eu continuo minha visa sem dor de cabeça(e ja trombei em blog q me bloqueou sim, morro de curiosidade? Tb mas bola pra frente q qm remoe o passado é velho mal amado)
Mas como q faz isso? Vc vai achar um icone de lupa bem embaixo da sua tela no celular, ela vai te levar pra cá:
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Ali vc vai escrever geralmente uma ou duas palavras chaves, q chaves seriam essas? Pois bem, fandoms, estéticas, nomes e sobrenomes. Eu ando mais pelo lado de desenho e animação portando o exemplo q eu vou dar é vc escrever "Undertale", ou pro povo de rpg "ordem paranormal" sem os aspas(""), aí vc vai achar o povo q posta sobre isso e vc escolhe qm segue.
3. O q krls são tags? Resumo da opera: são o q permite vc achar os posts na lupinha de pesquisa, são esses # cinza no fim dos posts
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Aqui no tumbrl as 20 primeiras tags são importantes pra vc colocar seu post no mundo, sem elas n tem como facilmente acha-lo, mas tb temos uma cultura de falar nelas, o q, qualquer bosta, seja meta comentário do próprio posto ou responder reblogs, pq tags n carregam de um post para o outro sem a outra pessoa propositadamente colocá-las novamente .
Ent quer dizer q eu tenho q colocar um bando de tag pro povo me achar? NÃO, se vc fizer um post de undertale e mete nele as tags de dragon ball e naruto só pq vc quer mais atenção vc vai tomar bloqueio E ser denunciado por spam de tags, aqui é pra relaxar e crescer DEVAGAR, o povo vai gosta de vc só tenha paciência, spam de tags é infuriante e inútil pq vai mais afastar pessoas de vc to q conquista-las. Aqui não é instagram.
4. Ok troquei meu ícone e segui povo, e agora? Agora vc vai se aventurar nas configurações, mas pq? Isso é pq o tumblr permite vc customização sua experiência de diversas formas, dentre sua primeira aba ser somente feita de posts de pessoas q vc segue, de ocultar seus gostei e lista de qm vc segue, para retirar posts recomendados pelo algoritmo etc.
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Foque em "acount settings" e "visibility"
No primeiro se atente nessas opções
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E no segundo essas:
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Eu confio q vc saiba ler/ouvir e usar o tradutor pra configurar de acordo com a sua preferência as opções q ele te dá.
Caso vc n ligue pra nada disso e tá gostando de como ele tá nessa forma base ent pula essa etapa mas pelo menos vc já sabe se quiser mudar tem como ;)
5. Blz, fiz tudo isso, agora posso ir embora? Calma, tamo terminando só falta as últimas dicas.
Primeira dica: a subcultura mais forte no tumblr são fandoms, se vc quer crescer te aconselho a fazer seja fanfic ou fanarte, coisas originais são difíceis de vingar aqui sem muitos, MUITOS, seguidores. Ou interagir em tudo, nós artistas somo tudo esfomeado por comentários e elogios, tá escaço aqui disso e nois br somo um povo bem amigável e meu bem é só falar um "q lindo" nas minhas criações q eu já tô chorando de felicidade
Segunda: Reblog. Sabe o retweet e o quote do Twitter? É. Aqui é reblog, e ambos dão visibilidade pro blog q criou o post original, vc pode comentar tanto no reblog quanto em suas tags q é tudo bem vindo aqui.
Terceira: vc é dono de si, aqui qm cria sua experiência é vc, siga blogs q só reblogam, siga blogs q postem arte, fanart, fic, ocs, se aventure para ter uma experiência vasta. Devagar vc vai pegando a manhã do site, e qm sabe se com um pouco de persistência uma comunidade q fale br mais do q inglês, pq queira ou n a maioria aqui e gringo mas vc pode mudar isso ;)
Crie 30 subblogs se quiser cada um com.um tema diferente, só viva de um blog, poste arte, aconselho a não postar foto sua pq aqui anonimidade é o q mais atrae pessoas e o q me atraiu pra cá em primeiro lugar, se divirta, use tradutor, use extensões, fuçe em TUDO. E no fim do dia o q era mais amedrontador vai parecer instinto
Bem vindo ao tumblr, eu amo seus cadarços e euprometo q não é tão assustador assim,vc só tem q aprender a sujar as mãos um pouco ;)
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odinsblog · 11 months ago
are you disappointed that bree newsome wants trump reclected?
Bree Newsome is a prolific tweeter and I’ve looked, but I haven’t seen anywhere where she said that she wants Trump to be re-elected. Please send me the link to the specific tweet if I’m wrong.
I understand and agree with much of what Bree has been saying on Twitter though. I mean, I dO get it. I think her major concern is that 1) in some important ways, the difference between Trump’s policies and some of Biden’s policies has not been all that great, and 2) if Biden should win (definitely not a guarantee) liberals will go right back to brunch and act as if the problem is gone and everything is “okay” again.
As far as the first point goes, you don’t need to look any further than Biden’s Title 42; or how the Biden administration literally sued to keep using Trump’s previous racist immigration policies. Not a good look. And now, you’ve got Democrats trying to out-Republican Republicans by showing how tough cruel they can be to refugees who are legally seeking asylum at the Southern border. Bottom line, the immigration policies are white supremacy-lite, and some of the changes Biden is proposing—like forcing asylum seekers to wait in another country while the government takes its sweet time with endless immigration red tape—these changes will fundamentally change America’s immigration system, for the worse.
And that’s without me even touching on how badly Biden is fucking up with Palestine.
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And as for the second point, conservative Democrats have gone back to brunch once orange man gone. Remember how hard Democrats came down on the Trump administration for their poor Coronavirus response? Yet now we have the CDC basically telling people to stay their asses at work even if they’ve tested positive for COVID. WTF?? Did I mention that measles are making a comeback?? And Biden isn’t saying anything, and neither are his surrogates. And so it is perhaps this tendency towards inaction(?) that is the most significantly damaging and damning aspect that creates disaffected voters who should be motivated to get rid of Trump and Republicans writ large —in a lot of ways that matter, disaffected voters don’t see any significant differences. Sure, the stock market is doing great, but people are getting their asses kicked on a lot of day-to-day, kitchen table issues. Unemployment is down, but a lot of people still have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet.
So yeah, I won’t be dismissive or derisive about Bree Newsome. She’s making some really valid points for anyone who is willing to actually listen.
Now that all said, I think that there is something fundamentally wrong that people are missing when they say misguided things like, “We survived one Trump administration, and we can survive another one.” A lot of marginalized groups and oppressed people won’t survive a second Trump administration. They just won’t.
Because if you thought it was bad the last time, I promise you the next Trump administration won’t be anything like the last one. Last time Trump was unprepared and didn’t even expect to win, so they made rookie mistakes. That won’t happen next time. The next Trump administration will be stacked from top to bottom with diehard Trump loyalists who will ruthlessly execute his most racist policies, foreign and domestic. (See also: Project 2025).
And yes, Biden is 100% for shit on his policy of standing by Israel no matter what. People who agree with Bree think that we will, more or less, have the same kind of problems under Trump that we’re having under Biden now. Those people are what I like to call deadass wrong.
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Literally EVERYTHING will become exponentially worse in a second Trump term. For everyone who isn’t a wealthy, cisgender heterosexual white male.
Just imagine America with a Republican controlled House and Senate. Goodbye Medicare and Social Security. Goodbye labor laws. So long minimum wages. See ya, state local and federal courts not totally stacked with Federalist Society judges. It was nice knowing you, “shithole” countries full of people who I love and care about.
Look, I finally figured out something that used to bother me when I first became politically aware: it bugged tf out of me whenever I heard someone say, “THIS is the most important election everrrr!! Because THIS time, democracy itself is on the line!” Pfft. I was like a lot of people I see now, saying “But that’s what you said about the last election.” The truth is, every election is pretty much life or death. Every single one. Because elections aren’t like something you do once, and then afterwards everything is all good forever and ever. Maybe it should be, but you got assholes like Mitch McConnell and Ron DeSantis and Trump and whoever comes after them, you got people who will always be trying their hardest to constantly make shit worse for everyone who isn’t wealthy and white. They aren’t going away. So we can’t go away either. Because the moment we checkout and go back to brunch, they get right back to working on their usual transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, bullshit culture wars.
So as long as Republicans, Libertarians and conservative “Democrats” keep punching in, we gotta punch in too.
I wanna be really clear about something here: Joe Biden has done some very good things (like capping the cost of insulin), but he has also been, in many ways (not all), a terrible “Democratic” president. Biden is far too enamored of “bipartisanship,” and reaching across the aisle (to people who do not want to compromise), and Biden is far far too enamored of the non-existent good old days™ when Republicans weren’t the evil pieces of shit that they are now, and he takes far too long to change his position on important issues. Like Palestine.
But yeah, (can’t believe I’M saying this) he’s definitely better than a second Trump term will be. And even if he’s slow to change positions, at least he can be persuaded. Trump can’t.
I’m not white and I’m not rich. I am terrified of a second Trump term. I’m basically a single issue voter now, and my issue is keeping Trump out of office and HOPEFULLY making him pay for every single law he’s broken.
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joannerowling · 1 year ago
Man PinkNews really can't stay away from Jo for too long lol, they're back at it again with more slander, this time with a supposed like of a pretty offensive tweet. And as always people are eating it all up.
Now I went to check and that supposed like wasn't there which makes me think it's fake(either that or much like few years ago when she liked and then unliked that one tweet-I forget what was it about, and if her like was real then it could be the same case again, an acidental like).
But like, I really don't get these people...I get it, they hate her, but why make up stuff? Is it cause perhaps normies are waking up and seeing that Jo isn't this evil person the likes of PinkNews and TRAs are trying to paint her as...it's so weird.
Well they can't exactly go and talk about anything wrong she would have actually done, can they, since when you look up what Jo really does with her money it's all charity and paying her taxes. We're still waiting on that list of anti-trans organisations she would have supposedly funded or donated to - you'd think they would line up to claim her patronage, and yet! Crickets! Strange, isn't it?
So they are reduced to this: dishonesty, defamation, and just making shit up when they run out of ideas. Take this week's example of what has the gendiboos shitting themselves: Jo liking a darkly humourous tweet saying "at least the Talibans know what a woman is". Someone tried to paint that as a) original tweeter was supporting the Talibans (yes, in this era where people can just say "kill yourself" to a celebrity over them claiming to like raisins); b) JKR herself implicitly supports the Talibans by proxy because she liked the tweet. Now, the person who said that claims to have received a cease and desist order. Gee, why would that ever happen??
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… Yeah, i guess Jo's a little sensitive about that particular brand of defamation of her character. It's almost like, unlike these bozos, she actually cares about hate crimes against women.
Honestly i wish she'd actually take them to court, just once. She would absolutely wipe the floor with them and that would set the record straight for any more who wants to try her. And i'm not even saying that with her sake in mind tbh.
Like hey!! guys, gals and nonbinary pals! Maybe… just maybe?? we shouldn't use victims of horrible religious tyranny as pawns in some stupid gender wars?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know we're all convinced in our heart of hearts that JK Rowling is a big bad meanie, but maybe we could act like the better people we pretend to be for once and treat this topic with the seriousness it warrants?? ufuckingwu!
And since i had the unpleasant surprise to see that in the tag this morning: same thing with Ukraine. No, JK Rowling is not friend with Putin, she has actually helped Ukrainian refugees since the start of the war, and the fucking Harry Potter store being maybe still up in Moscow on Google Maps is the last of Ukraine's problems even if she had the actual power to shut it down (assuming GM's infos are even actualised).
Like, i can sort of laugh it out when these idiots make up bullshit about the Goblins being antisemitic caricatures. (Except, it's not actually funny, not when you take two seconds to think about the implications that a whole generation of people apparently think that this is what antisemitism is, OR, care so little about antisemitism that they are happy to pretend that this is it.) It's a whole 'nother business to pick victims of current wars and religious extremism and make up a story about how it's all some writer you don't like's fault. Those are real people ffs. Whom JKR is tangibly helping. What the fuck is Pink News doing for them, hmm? Not even showing them an OUNCE of decency and respect, that's what.
Anyways, apologies for this outburst. To answer your question : why do they do it? Hatred. Hatred is the point. It goes nowhere deeper than this i'm afraid.
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sekhithefops · 2 years ago
Today on "Elon Musk's Mark Zuckerberg's Steady Descent into Madness"
Rejoyce Tweeter Refugees! Threads has launched! Mark's answer to the utter ruination Elon is bringing to your once beloved... well, once tolerated social media platform!
Except... it auto-links to Facebook and Instagram so here's hoping you weren't planning on posting anything you wouldn't want seen by your grandma who still uses Facebook to follow her quilting friends and that nice newscaster who tells it like it is I tell you what sonny.
And there's no option to only see posts in your feed from people you follow.
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Infact, there are no options except for the "For You" option basically, which is something about Tweeter I despised so much I actually used addons to permanently remove it from my browser version.
Speaking of, no browser version. What? Don't you guys have phones?
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So yeah, its literally just advertising, clickbait, and other bullshit all the way down whether you like it or not.
Mark you nitwit. You had a golden opportunity to give everyone fleeing Twitter a new place to call home and THIS is what you came up with?! O_o
Oh well, I'm sure Tumblr's owners are thrilled at least. >w>
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zeitghost · 2 years ago
tumblr is the sunset empire. it’s slowly fading from existence, the survivors eking out humble lives together.
twitter and reddit are both nations, alike in population and dignity, stricken by tyrants seizing and misusing power. twitter is like the former colony of tumblr that gained independence. there has been no great alliance, no world war one - tumblr detests twitter, and sees all Tweeters as abhorrent foreigners that deserve to be shot on sight.
reddit and tumblr had a good trade allyship going so tumblr welcomes reddit refugees
it’s wonderful to see
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captainfaithful · 1 year ago
hellooo to whoever finds me here, i'm Cap'n :3
I guess I'm a tweeter refugee but I originally was a tumblr girlie lmao. I'm back here for obvious reasons.
I'm still building up my blog so bear with me <3
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recreationaldivorce · 2 years ago
man we really do live in times of unprecedented reaction against trans people. i live on terf island and i'm the social media person for my org and i've taken to pre-emptively disabling replies on all posts we make about trans people (there are no other kinds of posts where i pre-emptively disable replies!) bc any time we put out something pro-trans we get literally like 50 different transphobes in the replies and 0 supportive replies (there are supportive people but they just rt/share/like so it's not as visible, & normally the ratio between supportive & unsupportive interactions vary between 1:1 to maybe 2:1?). ofc disabling replies on tweeter just means they go to the qrts instead but that's less visible and the main point of disabling replies is so that trans people don't have to see that shit when clicking on our tweets so it's still an improvement.
i remember when the main media scapegoat du jour was migrants and i mean—whenever we post something pro-migrant or pro-refugee, it usually gets no negative interaction, occasionally one (1) fascist complaining about immigration in the qrts or something.
& i can't think of any other topic we've posted about that's elicited reaction like that? we post stuff deriding the labour party and the tories and starmer and sunak all the time and we don't get libs trying to fight us under those posts. i guess sometimes when we post about abolition we get bootlickers being like "lol who are you gonna call when someone burgles your food mixer" or w/e. and sometimes when we post something republican we get monarchists malding in the replies (which is a fact that apparently my american friends find baffling and very funny). but generally nobody gets that mad at our other posts. there's just always a very dedicated transphobe brigade for our posts about trans stuff and it's straight up something i have not seen for any of the other stuff we post about (i only came to the role in 2022 so this is only about the state of things right now—obviously trans people were not always the main media scapegoat & i'm sure posts about migrants in 2015 could've elicited similar responses).
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with all the othersite refugees, i'd like to say im a proud never-tweeter. i dont know what a qrt is and i will die saying its another way of saying qpr :)
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padfoot-lupin77 · 2 years ago
A handy guide to twitter refugees:
•at first tumblr might seem cringy but you’ll get used to it (it won’t get less cringy though)
•always read the hashtags!!
•everyone here is either lgbt+ or a huge ally, you have to get used to it. This app is like an all-year-round pride month 😁🏳️‍🌈
Yeah that’s all pretty much… fellow older tumblr users reblog with other stuff that could be helpful to newer tumblr users :)
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meraarts · 2 years ago
Twitter users scrambling to tumblr is funny and all, but it’s also weirdly uncomfortable? I feel so visible, all these Twitter screenshots of posts and prominent users making accounts here. We used to be a little ecosystem on the fringes of the internet, safely watching everything unfold from afar, or dealing with our own intrasystem shit. Now the epicentre of the web is shifting our way and I’m scared for our delicate status quo.
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martyrbat · 6 months ago
[ID: a tweet by @/iHateCogsci on August 1st, 2024. The tweet reads: “Neil Gaiman forced a single mother of 3 to have sex with him under threat of evicting her and her 3 young children—a threat he eventually made good on, which concluded with him forcing her to sign a NDA.” Attached to the tweet is a link to the Tortoise Media article on it and several screenshots from it. The tweeter manually highlighted some sections, which is emphasized in bold here. Text follows:
Caroline Wallner lived in a house on Gaiman’s property in Woodstock, New York between 2014 and 2021 with her three young daughters and, until 2017, her husband. Alongside her work as a ceramic artist in a studio in a barn on the property, Wallner and her husband worked for Gaiman and his then wife Amanda Palmer, including doing property maintenance, gardening, and grocery shopping. Gaiman had moved to the area to teach at Bard College.
Around the time Wallner’s marriage ended in 2017, which she said devastated her emotionally, Gaiman told her ex-husband that there was no more work for him on the property, which had provided the family’s main income. Wallner and her daughters were now dependent on Gaiman for work and housing. While she was in this situation, Wallner, then 55, said that Gaiman began pressuring her for sex.
Wallner said: “There were little hints of, ‘we’re going to need the house’. And I remember saying, let’s talk about it. Let’s figure it out. That’s when he would just come to my studio and make me give him a blowjob”. There is no suggestion of physical force, but rather of coercion in light of her housing and family situation. Wallner said: “And he can say it was consensual. But why would I do that? It was because I was scared of losing my place”, characterising Gaiman’s treatment of her as “sexual abuse.”
The UN defines sexual abuse as actual or threatened sexual contact by force or coercive conditions. The UN’s refugee agency, where Gaiman is a goodwill ambassador, has described the allegations against him published by Tortoise as “very serious”, adding that it is “assessing the detailed reporting”.
During Gaiman’s oral sex with Wallner, she said “he used to say to me ‘Call me your master. Tell me you want it. Tell me you want it.’ He would choke me sometimes.” Wallner recalled one incident where she had fallen asleep reading in bed: “When I woke up, Neil was in the bed and he put my hand on his cock.”
Wallner said that whenever she resisted his sexual advances, Gaiman would tell her Palmer wanted the house back where she lived with her three daughters, as well as the studio she worked in. Wallner recalled one occasion when she said Gaiman told her: ‘‘but you take care of me and I’ll take care of you��, understanding it to be a reference to what she called the “sexual trade”.
Gaiman’s position is that his relationship with Wallner was entirely consensual and denies any wrongdoing with her. His account is that their sexual encounters were instigated by her.
Palmer did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
When Gaiman left the Woodstock property during the Covid pandemic, Wallner said she felt “so, so relieved”. But then Gaiman began sending her sexually explicit photos and videos of himself, asking her to send him ones of herself. After Wallner stopped answering Gaiman’s sexual video calls, in June 2021, she said his business manager told her to vacate the property by December that year.
Gaiman settled with Wallner for $275,000 and a non-disclosure agreement less than two weeks later. The NDA “disputes and denies that Wallner has sustained any losses, damages, or injuries for which Gaiman is legally responsible.” Gaiman’s position is that he settled with her to avoid expensive and protracted litigation.
The NDA prohibits Wallner from talking about Gaiman with “family members, friends, associates” and from filing, reporting, or prosecuting any action or proceeding in “any court, governmental agency, or before any tribunal whatsoever or wheresoever”. If Wallner is asked to make disclosures by a “valid legal process”, the NDA says she must give Gaiman 20 days notice and help him resist disclosure.
New York courts have voided NDAs that sought to frustrate official investigations and, across the US, NDAs are void when they attempt to limit reporting of criminal allegations by an alleged witness or alleged victim.
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Link to Twitter Thread
Link to article
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functionally-immortal · 2 years ago
anyone else getting inundated by only fans bots? no, just me?
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momo-de-avis · 2 years ago
all of this “tweeter refugees this” and “never going back to tumblr” that, meanwhile none of us are outside
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in-nihilo · 2 years ago
PSA for tweeter and tiktok refugees
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year ago
It’s ok to get INFORMATION from TikTok, as long as it’s just neutral. Don’t believe it’s real. You might learn really interesting and valuable things on TikTok. Especially about oppression and systems of inequality, but that information is either useless or actively dangerous if you don’t know how to verify it properly. You have to understand what a trustworthy source is and seek that source (preferably at LEAST THREE trustworthy sources) to verify the information you received. If you cannot verify it from trustworthy sources, then you should not believe that information.
Idk how many people on TikTok or tumblr have access to higher education. But I don’t like to assume everyone does. College is expensive as hell. And not everyone has resources. So I don’t like to shit on people for not having the skills that many people learn there. But this is something that many people learn in university.
I trustworthy source will tell you where and how it got it’s data. You should be able to interrogate a trustworthy source. By that, I mean you should be able to say “how did you get this data/information” and the source will tell you in some documentation “I got it from X source using Y method.l”
And this is the important point: a trustworthy source isn’t afraid to admit it’s shortcomings. If a source is able to cite a bunch of other sources but not able to express problems with any of THOSE sources, it is likely not only a bad source, but is an actively harmful originator of bad information.
Think about antivaxxers. A lot of antivaxxers cite “studies” That confirm their beliefs. Most of this “studies” do not stand up to scrutiny. They are either directly rebutted by other sources or cannot tell you where they got their numbers or leave out other relevant and important data.
It’s honestly not very often where each individual blogger/tweeter/tiktoker has a tremendous impact on the issues they’re discussing. Social change is a collective effort.
But with specific reference on the I/p conflict, every single share/post/reblog has an immense impact on the innocent civilians involved.
A post about the bombing of a refugee camp or hospital is so important. But make sure the resources you’re linking to aren’t sources that aid a terrorist organization who is ALSO brutalizing them. Make sure the sources your linking to that report on it are impartial sources that aren’t Israel’s military OR a Hamas-run organization capitalizing on your sympathy to further harmful narratives.
I cannot emphasize enough: people who are used to having minimal impact with your words online, that is NOT the case here. Antisemitism and Islamophobia are horribly on the rise right now. Everything you post—EVERYTHING YOU POST—has the DIRECT potential to get someone killed.
This is not a game. This is not about raising awareness for Palestine or Israel. This is about actual aid. Actual harm. The resurrection of genocidal language. The destruction of two extremely small cultures on the brink of extinction. Your words matter. Your actions matter. And anyone posting like this is a stark problem with a simple solution is posting in bad faith. People are dying. Not just in far away places where westerners only watch from afar. But in your own communities. In the USA. In England. In Mexico. In France. In Gaze. In Israel. In Syria and Iran.
You have the potential to cause incredibly irreversible harm, destroy lives, end entire cultures and communities. I cannot emphasize enough that sources matter. Putting in actual effort to learn from Jews AND Muslims. Israelis AND Palestinians. That is the ONLY way you can speak responsibly on this conflict. If this flare up is your introduction to the complexities and horrors of the conflict between Israel in Palestine, then I can guarantee you do not have enough information to be speaking and spreading information.
If you are just becoming acquainted with Jewish/Israeli/Palestinian history, then you should be doing a lot more listening and asking questions. And a whole lot less talking and judging.
You should be amplifying trustworthy Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, and Palestinian voices who know more about literally all of this than you do.
please don’t tell on yourself that you get your news/‘news’ from tiktok. come on. the whole ‘don’t trust mainstream media! trust this 21 y/o streamer’ is really bad
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sapnapsimparc · 2 years ago
actually i dont think we should teach twitter refugees how tumblr works. nobody told Us either. its either find out or at least we'll know who is a tweeter.
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