#twain logan
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princessesaphi · 2 years ago
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J'ai lancé ce challenge en avril... Et je l'ai fini en avril aussi, j'ai juste oublié de le poster... ^^"
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mllenugget · 2 years ago
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Commission done for @the-ashkore
Want something like this from me ? Consider checking out my commission sheet !
[Process under the cut]
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manglechanbluh · 2 years ago
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Lenny jour 2 : Ouais les verts sont ultra chaud…Faut faire attention
Les verts jour 2 :
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capitainerowen · 1 year ago
La pluie qui tombe - RPZ
Résumé: Le soleil transperce à peine au travers de l’épaisseur des nuages épais qui couvrent la quasi-intégralité du ciel. C’est peut-être s’avancer, mais avec un temps pareil, on peut s’attendre à de la pluie, autant dire le temps idéal pour M.T.
Personnages : Twain M.T. Logan, Liam Dunne, Thomas Giorno, Marcello Capone, Pitch, Gérard Pichon, Bernard Pichon, Béatrice du Tournesol, Jim Westwood, Yann Allée
CW/TW : drogue (mention), alcool (mention)
Liste des fanfics que je vais publier en 2024
J'adore les listes! :D Alors en voici une autre, vu que je suis auteur de fanfics, eheh
J'espère en tout cas que certaines de mes fics (très majoritairement sur RPZ, je ne m'en excuse pas du tout, c'est ce que je suis) vous plairont!
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chelsietx · 1 year ago
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There is a website standrewsny.org where I assume this photo is posted. However, I couldn’t find it there. I credit it to the Downton Abbey Fan Page on Facebook.
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artificiallita · 3 months ago
sapphic deadclaws headcanon
- logan really loves country music (of the johnny cash willie nelson sad old man variety)
- wade also really loves country music (of the shania twain carrie underwood girlypop variety)
- great! this is something they can bond over
- incorrect! logan apparently took her finger off the pop-culture pulse circa 1980-whatever, and she doesn’t even know who miranda lambert *is* (or maybe her universe just doesn’t have one? either fucking way)
- and wade tries really gd hard to get into her stuff, but it’s a bit too much god-and-jesus dirge for her. have you ever *tried* shaking your ass to ain’t no grave? it’s a hard sell
- they eventually crack it and bond over a shared love of dolly parton
- apparently jolene is explicitly a lesbian love song in logan’s home timeline, as god intended
- this definitely does not lead wade to pestering the tva for weeks trying to convince them to let her go back to planet worst-wolverine for like five minutes because she just needs to hear it *once*. definitely not.
- but yeah, two decidedly different tastes eventually start to merge into one
- logan is humming before he cheats under her breath while she’s cooking, and wade is trying to harmonise to chicken in black in the shower because logan is right and cash had a lot more hits than misses
- blind al hates country music of any variety. she needs them both to stop this yeehaw bullshit immediately
(this silly idea brought to you by having talladega ten by the chattahoochies stuck in my head for the better part of 24 hours, because god wade would fucking love that shit)
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tragedry · 11 months ago
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Logan Fields, on 'I am made brave by LOVE'
Mark Twain / Red, School Bus Graveyard / Brette Warshaw, What’s the Difference Between Courage and Bravery? / Definition of 'Courage' / Marina Tsvetaeva, Poem of the End / tornadocountrymp3 on tumblr / Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird / Hanya Yanagihara, A Little Life / kafk-a on tumblr
part vi/vii
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i-am-church-the-cat · 1 year ago
i can't write a whole thing but Jake Seresin/Logan Sargeant identity porn au
Jake + Oscar meet through a wrong number situation. Here are the things Oscar knows about Jake: 1) blonde with green eyes, 2) comes from a military family, 3) was in a fraternity in college
Logan + Bradley meet at a Halloween party where Logan has a full body costume on. Here are the things Bradley knows about Logan: 1) A little bit shorter than him, 2) has a little bit of a southern accent, 3) is really good at pool
Here's how the mix up happens: Oscar and Jake agree to meet up at a cafe. That cafe happens to be just next to the record shop where Logan and Bradley plan to meet up
Jake gets there early and decides to head into the record shop bc he sees an album his sister would like. Oscar gets there earlier and is in the cafe when Logan goes in to grab a snack after he was at the gym
Bradley walks into the record store, sees a guy that's a little shorter than him and has a little bit of a southern accent. He's like "yo, good to see you again, do you really listen to shania twain?" (this is the record jake went to grab). Jake, has never seen this man before, but has to defend Our Lady Shania to this guy
Oscar sees this blond guy come in who looks like he's just been working out and of course waves him down bc this must be Jake. Logan, friendly and eager to please as he is, comes to talk to this stranger and somehow gets roped into a conversation about Logan's supposedly lackluster flirting skills if the guy he was hitting on gave him the wrong number. Logan, of course, then has to prove Oscar wrong by showing him he definitely CAN flirt
Jake figures out Bradley thinks he's someone else when he brings up the Halloween party, but doesn't get the chance to say anything before Bradley has to leave. Logan doesn't realize anything is wrong until Oscar says "bye, Jake" and he's just left sitting there like an idiot
Jake and Logan bump into each other while they're leaving their respective stores to meet their ACTUAL dates and realize what happened. These two then have the brilliant idea to decide to continue being each other to keep seeing Oscar and Bradley
This crashes and burns when they find out Bradley and Oscar both graduated from the same engineering program and they meet at some networking event. Oscar had already figured it out bc Logan always took a good 30 seconds to respond to "his" name, and Bradley had figured it out when he saw Jake's ID with a different name.
And they live happily ever after the end
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mysteriousscottishdragon · 1 year ago
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The 267th Annual Banquet in celebration of St. Andrew’s Day was held on Friday, November 17, 2023. New York’s original Scottish evening celebrated the best of Scotland with honored guests from far and wide.
The presentation of the Mark Twain Award, fondly referred to as the “Sammy,” was made to our Honoree, internationally acclaimed actor, Phyllis Logan.
Here’s the link to the gallery.
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 1 year ago
Pray To Me A Little Longer (pt 2.1/3)
yeah, I'm splitting chapter 2 into two parts, the whole point of posting on tumblr (for me) is to be able to post things before they're ready for AO3, besides, it makes perfect sense as its own chapter
Part 1 • Part 2.2 Part 3 Devotion
Word count: 1788
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Moceit, future qpr Intrulogince (Remus/Logan, Logan/Roman)
Warnings: murder (comical), mythology-esc hijinks, animal death (by other animals, sentient animals? sentient animals killing non-sentient animals for food)
Long ago, near the dawn of humanity, Thomas, King of all Gods, had a Son: Patton, Prince of Gods, Flame of the Earth. He grew tall and fair, and when He had grown old enough to come into His own, Thomas had a second Son. 
Romulus was a rascal of a God, full of wild energy and teasing jests. Many a God privately expressed Their regret that Thomas had had a second Son, though never would They say a word against Him in the presence of His Father. Still though, Thomas knew His second Son was a handful, and when He had a third, He sent Him to be raised in Logos, where His most trusted priestesses and nymphs would keep Him out of trouble. 
One day, Patton came to His Father with a snake draped around His neck. The serpent spoke mostly riddles and lies, but still, the God of Truth professed His love for the creature and begged His Father to grant him the divinity His own Children had been blessed with. Thomas agreed, saying that if the snake would stay with Patton until the solstice in one month’s time, then the two should be wed, and the snake would be blessed to remain at Patton’s side forever more. The serpent happily acquiesced. 
The serpent’s loyalty in that month was surely tested as Romulus teased the poor creature cruelly, calling him ugly and attempting to pry scales from his tail. Patton had always tried to show His Brother patience and kindness, but this disrespect of His lover was something He could not stand for. He cursed at His Brother, and bid Him not come to the wedding at all unless it was to beg on His knees for the serpent’s forgiveness. Romulus was not cowed and declared that the snake would just as likely leave His Brother after receiving divinity as not before storming off in a huff. 
Thomas made His second Son apologize at the wedding, but nothing could stop the God of Ego from laughing when it was revealed that His Brother’s Husband’s name was Janus. 
Janus continued to accept every jab, every aggression, every abuse from Romulus with a sly smile on His face. At every turn He held His Husband back from losing His temper at His Brother. Then, during the Festival of the Eclipse, as the moon passed in front of the sun, plunging the world into darkness, the God of Secrets pulled out an axe and cleaved His Brother-in-law in twain. 
From the right half of Romulus’s body grew Roman, God of Romance, Music, Theater, and Literature, and from the left half grew Remus, God of Sex, Sculpture, Painting, and Weaving. The sun and the moon, separated once more. 
The other Gods, while now more mistrustful of Janus — though none would say so, lest they face the unrestrained wrath of either Janus or His Husband — were pleased with this change. 
After that, almost all of Romulus’s temples were added on to so that Roman and Remus each had their own shrine and new temples were built, leaving out Romulus’s shrine altogether, though they did still have a common shrine where priestesses and disciples alike could pray to both Gods at once. 
Despite the fact that it had stood abandoned for years, the Lykos temple — which lay in the middle of the woods of the same name — was Roman’s favorite temple. It had been the spiritual center of Romulus’s cult during His time, and even now, it was still the home of Romulus’s sacred wolf pack. 
Running with the wolf pack was one of Roman’s favorite things to do. He loved the dirt beneath His paws, the wind running through His white fur, and the feeling of taking down prey with His sharp teeth. 
But most of all, He loved getting to take a break from being a God; wolves didn’t care about Gods, wolves cared about their pack, and their hunt. And of course, when Roman decided to take time to run with the pack, for a night at least, Remus came too — it was just as much His pack as it was Roman’s. 
So Roman and Remus ran with the wolf pack through Lykos. 
Roman prowled forward slowly, carefully, the deer He was stalking had no idea of its danger. It was a large stag, with mighty antlers and its fair share of battle scars; a kill like that would feed the pack well — Roman and Remus did not need to eat such mortal fodder, but there was something incredibly satisfying about it. 
Roman was almost close enough to pounce when Remus came thundering up behind Him. The stag, having obviously heard the ruckus, took off running. 
“REMUS!” Roman barked unhappily, but Remus just laughed as he continued after the stag. 
Roman shook His head. Wolves were not pursuit predators, but of course, Remus could hunt however He liked. 
A howl went up in the opposite direction than Remus had gone, signifying that another member of the pack had made a kill and was inviting the rest of the pack to indulge with them. Roman continued the howl, but did not move to join them — he preferred meat slayed by his own teeth and claws. 
A few minutes later, He heard Remus howl His victory over the stag. He heard a few other wolves moving in Remus’s direction to share His kill with Him, but still, Roman continued to search for His own prey. Preferably, He’d find something before Remus decided to ‘help’ Him again. 
A rabbit ran across His path, but it was small, and Roman was not interested in so weak a challenge. He crept on until he found a doe drinking from a stream. She was not as big as the stag, but she would do. 
Roman stalked closer, keeping a careful ear out for signs of Remus’s less-than-graceful approach. Just as Roman was about to pounce, the doe seemed to catch wind of Him, she tried to take off running just as the stag had, but it was too late, and Roman quickly took her down. She struggled a little, but as Roman tore at her throat, her struggles lessened until finally, she was still. 
Roman howled out His own kill, and relished the answering howls that came back. A mother wolf appeared then with her two cubs, and Roman graciously allowed them first pick. 
As the mother and cubs ate, Roman noticed for the first time that there seemed to be quite a few birds in the trees. Birds were normal, as far as Roman could tell, there were birds everywhere, but He had never noticed so many diurnal birds out at night before. 
Scavengers, perhaps, except that even when the mother and cubs moved away from the felled doe to allow Roman His fill, the birds made no move to approach the carcass. 
Roman tore chunks of savory meat from the doe, and as no other wolves had appeared to share in His kill, He ate until a sharp feeling, almost like that of an axe, struck Him — it was not a physical blow, but it still managed to knock some of the wind out of him. 
The birds seemed to sense the change too, as they suddenly all at once took to the skies, cawing and clamoring as they went. Roman was too stunned to pay them much mind — someone had entered His temple. 
Another God had the audacity to enter one of Roman and Remus’s temples uninvited. 
“The nerve of some people,” Remus sniffed, jogging through the woods until He was at Roman’s side. “Don’t Gods have any manners?”
Roman rolled his eyes at the question. Remus had a habit of entering other Gods’ temples to annoy Them — He was lucky that Janus seemed to like Him, otherwise Patton might have smote Him long ago. His favorite target was the God of Wisdom, but so far, said God had yet to rise to the challenge, though if He thought ignoring Remus would work, perhaps He was not as wise as He ought to be. 
It was hard to pinpoint which temple the intruder was in since, as far as Roman knew, They were in Romulus’s shrine. If this God had gone into one of Roman’s shrines, or one of Their common shrines, then He would be able to find Them, but as it stood, all He knew was that there was a God in one of Their temples somewhere. Not the most helpful lead. 
“Well?” Remus asked, having had waited for Roman to collect His thoughts while He scratched His own mangy fur against a tree. He did not care as much about intruders. 
“They’re somewhere,” Roman concluded, unhelpfully. 
“Great! Well I vote that we don’t worry about it. Maybe it’s Janny, vandalizing one of Romulus’s statues for fun!” Remus shrugged His shoulders as well as a wolf could do. 
“Maybe,” Roman agreed tentatively. Janus’s feud with Romulus seemed to have ended with His forced mitosis, but perhaps the God of Lies had felt the need to blow off some steam. 
Roman tried to shake off the odd feeling of having a God in Their temple and continue the hunt with the rest of the pack, but that feeling was always there, in the back of his mind. When at last the pack had eaten their share and stretched their legs, the two Gods accompanied them back to the temple where they denned. 
They had been intending to leave after that, but intriguingly, They found a God, asleep, beneath Romulus’s citrus tree. 
Roman had never seen this God before, and he knew most of the rest of His fellow Gods very well. That wasn’t to say that there weren’t Gods that Roman didn’t know, just that it was uncommon. 
Remus sniffed the other God curiously. “Why’s he dressed like a human?” He asked, wrinkling His nose, which came across as more of a snarl on His wolf muzzle. 
“That’s what you’re focused on?” Roman yipped. “Why is He in Our temple? And why is He sleeping here?”
“Probably explains the birds at least,” Remus shrugged once more, before seemingly making up His mind and curling up on the intruding God’s left. 
Birds? Roman wondered before suddenly remembering the crows. The birds had come with the God, though why, Roman didn’t know — it wasn’t like peacocks followed Him around. 
“Why are you sleeping with Him anyway?” Roman demanded. 
“Warm.” Was Remus’s only answer. 
Roman sniffed suspiciously at the other God for another moment before He was forced to admit, Remus looked comfortable and He was jealous. He curled up on the God’s other side, and He had to admit, it was comfortable. 
I’m sick and I would like some serotonin pls 🥺
Docs did not like how I was spelling “axe” to the point where I needed to google axe to make sure I was right. I don’t know what it wanted from me smh
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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knife-dad · 6 months ago
Top ten (or five depending on how many you can think of) Reluctant Fictional Dads
Oh girl you KNOW I've got a list:
Sir Miles Hendon from The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain. He's the original reluctant father figure (to me)
Jean Valjean from Les Mis. I think about his character arc for any length of time and it makes me cry
Sam Vimes. I don't have to explain this
Din Djarin (self evident, given my pfp)
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, who basically tag-team adopted the same kid and ended up raising a great child, despite the odds
Loid Forger, and Yor also because adopting Anya was definitely life changing for both of them and I love that
Also not strictly a dad but Ellen Ripley, a rare reluctant mom. I just love her relationship with Newt
WAIT IM PUTTING MY OWN OC ON HERE because I'm just obsessed with Darwin being Iban's adoptive mom and she definitely falls into the reluctant parent category!
Ok back to dads: Geralt of Rivia. I have not read the books but I do have a soft spot for his relationship with Ciri in season 2 of the show
Logan (wolverine) but specifically when he's characterized as a good teacher being followed around by crews of children
Batman. Lego batman.
Thanks friend!!
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spottys-rathole · 2 years ago
J'viens de percuter que j'ai jamais uploadé ça mais j'avais fait un teaser pour ma vidéo Fashion ft les Families de RPZ (canon et fanon)
Teaser des projets avec des dessins de pieds c'est ma marque de fabrique I guess
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Toxic by Britney Spears (Glee version Season 5)
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wimblr-rok · 1 month ago
Let's go for Political Awareness in 2025
Listen, I've never considered myself interested in Politics but this year, and for my future, I'm making it a goal to be more involved. Nothing gets better if we don't do anything about it. The recent election and inauguration has a lot of people (myself included) feeling rather nauseous and generally full of dread.
So, I've compiled lists of Celebrities, Companies, Music Artists to Block on your socials and music streaming services. And a list of Banned/Challenged books to read or try to gain copies of (if you're in a place where you're able to.) I'll also be including a link to a google doc at the end of this that's open access. Feel Free to Add to the list, but here's what I've found.
Celebrities/Public Figures:
Mark Zuckerberg
Elon Musk
Megyn Kelly
Joe Rogan
Caitlyn Jenner
Jake/Logan Paul
Buzz Aldrin
Hulk Hogan
James Woods
Kevin Sorbo
Roseanne Barr
Russell Brand
Dana White
Rob Schneider 
Amber Rose
Savannah Chrisley
Randy Quaid
Dennis Quaid
Danica Patrick
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Zachary Levi
Jim Caviezel
John Daly
Tucker Carlson
Harrison Butker
Brittany Mahomes
Joe Exotic
Victoria Jackson
Brett Favre
Paula Deen
Mel Gibson
John Schneider
Richelle Ryan
Dr. Phil
Tony Hinchcliffe
Bryce Hall
Sylvester Stallone
Jeff Bezos
Music Artists (Socials + Spotify!!)
Carrie Underwood
Snoop Dogg
Lee Greenwood
Christopher Macchio
Kid Rock
The Village People
Billy Ray Cyrus
Jason Aldean
Rascal Flatts
Parker McCollum
Gavin DeGraw
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Jackie Evancho
Sexyy Red
Lil Wayne
Lil Pump
50 Cent
Chris Janson
Kodak Black
Kanye West
Taryn Manning
Kelsey Grammer
Top Contributors, federal election data for Donald Trump, 2024 cycle - OpenSecrets 
Coca Cola
Banned/Challenged Books:
Office for Intellectual Freedom | ALA 
Why Are Books Banned? - EveryLibrary Action 
Top 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books: 2010-2019 
Book banning is a form of censorship. Reading and access to all library resources is your First Amendment right.
Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood
1984 - George Orwell
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon
The Giver - Lois Lowry
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess  
The Color Purple - Alice Walker  
Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
A Lesson Before Dying - Ernest J Gaines
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement - Kimberle Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Garry Peller, Kendall Thomas
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
Call of the Wild - Jack London
The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
And Tango Makes Three - Justin Richardson,  Peter Parnell,�� Henry Cole  
The Children and the Wolves - Adam Rapp  
Sold - Patricia McCormick
Google Doc Link:
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year ago
More songs that have the Sanders Sides vibes/fit Sanders Sides
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry is an oddly cute song for Prinxiety??
Him and I by Halsey and that other guy is 100% a Dukeceit song
Baby, It's Cold Outside but with Dukeceit?? How lovely would that be?? Ik the song lyrics in general are all creepy but like with the more playful tone of Janus doing his Saying The Opposite of the Truth thing it would be cute
Also The Snake by Eric Church is a good song for Janus and Remus; Janus, of course, being the rattlesnake and Remus being the copperhead.
Life Is Fun by TheOdd1sOut but with like, either Prinxiety, Virgil and Thomas, or Virgil and Patton
I like to listen to Dear Theodosia from Hamilton when I think about Virgil and Patton even tho it's not a perfect parallel, it's just a good song about parental love :)
Crybaby by Melanie Martinez but with Virgil and Patton as well
This one is TOO FUNNY TO NOT INCLUDE: My Oh My by Camila Cabello is literally the perfect song for Remy
Also Little Red Wagon by Miranda Lambert
Less funny but Speechless from the new Aladdin taken out of context is perfect for Logan. Born Without A Heart by whatever her name is (lol) and False Confidence by I think his name is Noah Cyprus? Are good for him too as well as Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons.
A Million Dreams is very good for Roman.
Human by Christina Perri for Patton (sad)
I Don't Dance by Lee Brice is a really cute for Logicality :3
hero n villain duet is great for Anxceit BUT with Virgil as the "villain" and Janus as the "hero"
Also see: Just Give Me a Reason by P!nk
Exs and Ohs by Elle King is great for Remus heheh
Also Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez
Also Poker Face for a gender swap/Lesbian AU
Copycat by Billie Eilish is really really great for if you want some angst between Remus and Roman. Also, bad guy for Remus but Only If you imagine him singing the "might seduce your dad type" while making eye contact with Patton and then Patton going bright red lmao
Oh And Also good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo for Janus directed at Virgil
Janus and Remy would both really love the song Any Man Of Mine by Shania Twain so do with that information what you will lol
So uh...I don't know why, but whatever the I Have Been Searching For You reunion song from Centaurworld is called, it has Logince vibes somehow??
Fragile Things for Virgil also
There are definitely more but these are all of em off the top of my head. Lmk if you agree with these or have any other songs you like to listen to when thinking about the Sides!
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chelsietx · 1 year ago
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candied-peach · 1 year ago
ao3: "say my name like an elegy" rating: T warnings: roceit, post pof, crying genre: hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending description: Sometimes you have to get the poison out. Janus knows this all too well. (happy birthday, @treenissanderssidesstuff !) (lyrics are from crane wives "curses")
Every word I say is kindling But the smoke clears when you're around Won't you stay with me, my darling When my walls start burning down, down, down
Regret is immediate, sour and sharp on Janus's tongue, as he registers what words have just spewed from his mouth. Roman's face is pale, shocked, and hurt, and it burns. Janus doesn't know what to say. There's nothing else he can say. Roman's words about his name are raw and open and stinging, but Janus's response is a nuke.
He knows how Roman feels about his brother. He knows how Remus feels. He knows that Creativity is split in twain, and he- 
The rest of the so-called episode passes, but Janus is no longer paying real attention. Oh, he tries, and he's sure that no one else can tell that something is wrong, not in the uproar. Perhaps Logan would, in another life, but not when Janus replaced him. Not when-
No. Janus takes a deep breath as he sinks down into his room. No one waits for him. He didn't expect it.
Before this, he and Roman were exploring (tentatively, oh so gingerly) a relationship. The trial opened new doors, Janus realizing his flattery was not mere empty promises and string pulling, and Roman realizing that perhaps Deceit wasn't so bad after all. Janus hadn't revealed his name yet, but he had been prepared to do it soon. He didn't realize that everything would fall apart when Thomas actually went to the wedding, but perhaps that shouldn't have been such a surprise. After all, Janus knew what would happen if Thomas prioritized the wedding. His self-care had fallen down a well and unlike little Timmy, Lassie couldn't help pull it out.
Thomas should be his priority. Janus should be happy. Thomas is willing to consider his thoughts. His perspective. Thomas has begun to understand and accept him. It's all he's ever wanted, and more.
But the devastated look on Roman's face can't leave him. He never, ever meant to hurt Roman, especially not with one of his biggest insecurities.
Didn't you, though? His room whispers to him, in honeyed poison words. You wanted to hurt him, Janus, don't lie to yourself. You wanted to hit where it hurt the most, because he laughed at your name, and it hurt you.
Of course it hurt him. Why wouldn't it hurt him? He thought- It hurt. It already hurt to see Roman going so hard against him, based on Patton's words when Patton was so confused himself, but he could sort of understand it, because Roman had always tried to listen to Patton's word before. But Patton didn't laugh at Janus's name. That- that was Roman's idea.
Janus crumples to the bed, sweeping his hat off in one motion and burying his gloved hands in unruly brown curls. His scales tingle down one side of his face, perpetually reminding him how different he is.
He wants Remus. He wants Roman. He wants Vir-
He wants home. He wants love. He wants, he wants a hug. How selfish is that? How can he dare to want something like a hug, from anyone right now? He has no doubt that Remus has heard what he said. He also has no illusions about whose side Remus will choose. His brother's. Always his brother's. And Janus agrees.
Janus swallows, his throat burning.
There is a knock on the door.
Janus's head flies up, his body tensing like he is ready for flight.
"Yes?" He calls, willing his voice to remain steady. It cracks in the middle instead, and Janus flushes with humiliation. 
The door creaks open. Roman stands there, silhouetted in the doorway. He is disheveled, his prince costume a rumpled mess. His hair sticks up every which way, and his eyes are red-rimmed, like he's been crying a long time. Janus's heart cracks, his own human eye watering and blurring his vision.
"Can we talk?" Roman asks hoarsely.
"Yes," Janus whispers. Roman hesitantly steps in, closing the door behind him. Janus gestures at a chair at his desk, and Roman folds himself into it. It is fumbling and awkward and nothing like the brash, charming Creativity that Janus so adores.
But isn't that the thing? It's a front, a mask, and Janus knows all about deception. Doesn't he?
"I'm sorry," Janus says, but Roman shakes his head.
"I shouldn't have made fun of your name," Roman says. He sounds weary, exhausted even. There are dark shadows under his eyes that weren't there before. "I apologize, De- Janus. It was cruel of me."
"I shouldn't have gone for the jugular the way I did," Janus says. His face still burns red. He fumbles for his hat, placing it in his lap and fiddling with the brim. "I'm so sorry, Roman."
"It's fine," Roman dismisses. "You- maybe you were right."
"No, I wasn't," Janus denies fiercely. "Neither of you are evil. You- you're just different parts of Creativity. Remus is like the brainstorm and you are like the polish into something you can present. You're not evil. I was unfair- to you and Remus."
"I don't know what to say to that," Roman admits. He looks ill at ease, scrubbing a hand through his hair. Janus's throat tightens. The room swirls tantalizingly with gold, and Janus takes a deep breath. Roman can't stay in here much longer.
"You should go," Janus says, his heart aching. "My room- it's not safe long term-"
"I don't care," Roman says, slumping in his chair. "We need this. We need to talk. About us. If-"
"If?" Janus prompts. His heart feels like it is lodged in his throat.
"If there even is an 'us,'" Roman says. Gold threads through Janus's heart, pulling together the cracks.
"Please," Janus says, trembling. His fingers tighten on the hat's brim. "Roman, please."
"I don't want to be hurt like that again," Roman says. "I don't- I don't want to hurt you like that again. Where- where do we go from here?"
"I don't know," Janus admits. "Everything feels like it's on fire right now, if I'm completely honest with you." The taste of sulfur blooms on Janus's tongue, and he makes a face.
"I want to try," Roman says. "I don't- I don't want to lose you." He leans forward, reaching out a hand to clasp one of Janus's. Janus looks down at Roman's hand on his, then withdraws it. Roman's face falls, then smooths into confusion as Janus pulls off his gloves.
"There," Janus says, proffering his hand again. Roman smiles as he takes it. His hand is gentle and warm, almost hot, against Janus's cool fingers.
"I want to work on things together," Janus says. "Please."
"Please," Roman echoes. Sunlight spills through the window from the Imagination, washing them both in light and haloing them in gold.
Oh ashes, ashes, dust to dust Tell me I am good enough Ooh, lay my curses out to rest Make a mercy out of
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