#tw: knife mention
feminaferitas · 8 months
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a poem from one of shauna shipman's journals, dated february 14, 199x???
It's bloody work, to love the girl who holds the knife. She has a heart like you and I, but hers is trained to beat, to beat and keep beating until all is raw and tender and weeping.
That's why it's in a cage, you see. Even if she would crack every rib to set it free. Her knife cuts bone, but it prefers the flesh.
She keeps her mind sharp like her weapon, full of cutting cleverness. The word cleave has a double edge for her knife's single one. With it, she would cut you in two and hold fast the bleeding halves, as if time and tenderness would make you whole once more.
The girl is both Damocles and the sword, held in place by the strength of one lock of hair -- brown, sleek, and at her age, meant to be kept in a locket close to the heart of her love.
But it's bloody work, to love the girl who holds the knife. You move in close and the sharpness piercing your skin sounds like the whisper of her sorrow. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
From where I stand the handle's dull and wrapped in beaten leather, soft and worn in my hand. Safe, familiar, home.
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still-got-no-idea · 1 year
Pumpkin spice drink tastes like pumpkin pie
I love pumpkin pie
This is happi
(I also got a knife but that's not something I can show just yet- it's rainbow)
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Mumbo regresses to around 6-8
He once attempted to shave off his mustache with a toy knife
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oruzhiyex · 7 months
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@smertzimy asked: [ clean ] sender cleans blood off of receiver's body accepting | from here
The silence after a fight was always more deafening than anything experienced during the fight. After the adrenaline had worn off, Nat was always faced with how much she actually hurt, what was actually broken and bruised. Exhaustion sunk deep into her bones afterwards- but at least Bucky was here.
The bathroom was a mess of gear and bandages, a bright red knife gash sliced deep into her side just below her ribcage. Natasha hissed through her teeth as Bucky brought the alcohol soaked gauze to the wound, wiping the blood away from her skin.
"Ouch," she grumbled.
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thebumblecee · 2 years
Hello my lovelies, how are we all doing? For todays Sneak Peak Sunday it’s something a little different. ✨
This one is definitely NSFW.
TW: knives
He pulls out a wooden case with a glass top. Like something a jeweller would use to display their work.
TK sits up to get a good look and he’s not surprised to see it’s full of sharp, sleek, knives. These ones are different to his throwing ones, for starters they have handles of polished wood.
“Knives are your thing then.” TK says unnecessarily. He knew that from the second Carlos’ eyes darkened when he kissed the blade on stage.
“It’s not illegal if everyone consents.” Carlos says immediately, as if he’s defending himself. Maybe he’s had to in the past when people find out about this particular kink. It’s possible people got freaked out by it, it’s not exactly the safest of activities for the bedroom.
TK couldn’t care less. He just met this man and he’s ready to let him mark him up.
“I’m definitely consenting.” TK purrs. He’s going to get murdered one day.
Carlos puts the case on the bed next to TK and says, “pick one.”
TK’s dick is back to throbbing. He hasn’t been this hard without instantaneous relief in years.
He’s getting off on being made to wait for it instead of rushed handjobs in bathrooms.
Carlos is busy picking up supplies they need, lube, condoms, restraints.
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griim · 1 year
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TW: Foul Language, Blood Mentions, Knives, Assault.
They haul her lifeless body into a dark room, the smell of smoke and alcohol filling the room, a familiar scent. Handling her the same way a proud hunter might drag in their latest kill, their latest TROPHY. They are pleased with their triumph, but the muscle required to take her down would make their master displeased. It took twelve fully trained men to subdue her, and it was sheer luck they got her here. One would be shocked at what rage can make a person do. Seven men limped away to let the boss know they had her. Three of the strike team members were absent due to… 'Serious injuries.' The one who stayed disregarded his injuries, though he knew he would feel it in the morning. He wanted to bask in the glory he captured Gemma Harding, the infamous Grim.
‘Stubborn bitch’ he laments as he dumps her body onto the steel chair, that is bolted to the floor. An extra precaution for Gemma, he began the process, cuffing her hands behind her back and taping her legs to the chair, making sure to leave her mouth uncovered. Oh, he was going to enjoy watching this woman squeal. Then the voice of his boss came over the comm.
‘ Boss. We have her. Gemma is captured and subdued. ’
The man had wanted to kill Gemma. (for personal reasons and selfish delights, more than anything else) but he also understands how DANGEROUS Gemma was. He has seen her work, especially on those who get on her ever so large, bad side, and he knows the RISK keeping her alive poses. But Christian had been clear with his orders. He wanted the woman taken in ALIVE. Christian was confident ‘sister dearest’ could be convinced to cooperate. The man is doubtful, but questioning Christian is not in this goon's best interest. Whatever the boss has up his sleeve, it is time to start putting it into motion. Convincing her will not be easy.
‘Whatever his hand is, it better be good.’ The man muttered.
“And he better make sure I’m convinced or DEAD,” Gemma mutters teasingly, gliding her tongue over the blood pooling from her split lip. Spitting it out at the goon's feet, finally able to see straight, Gemma smirked. So her brother finally had the balls to capture her, well, pay someone to do the work. She knew damn well her brother could not do anything of the sort. He was either too concerned about his looks or too much of a sissy to act on his emotions. Hearing the footsteps and the familiar voice, she knew he was there. Surprisingly, he usually was not home on the weekends, too many parties and women. Brown eyes rolled as she waited to see what he had in store for her.
‘Long time, no see. Sister.’ His voice came out smoothly, nearly cocky, and as if he had won. Christian began to roll up his sleeves, nodding, at the man in the room, giving him the out to leave if he wanted. But of course, he stayed, wanting to enjoy this.
“Brother, if you wanted a family reunion, you could ha-“ punch. Her head followed the punch the pain shot through the lower left jaw up her head. Remaining looking to the right, she took a slow deep breath, the iron taste and smell of blood filling her mouth and nostrils. Ah, yes, she gets to be the punching bag. He must have had a bad day. Looking back at him, she smiled, "I missed you too.” though my aim is getting better, she thought. Several more punches to the jaw, she seemed to take each one well, but the next blow seemed to make her flinch. This time she made a sound that resembled a whimper.
Christian knew what he was doing when he landed this one, right to the right temple. Her vision darkened for a few seconds before she blinked hard, returning to reality, realizing she had fallen to the ground. “You must be mad..” Coughing, she looked up at him. This seemed to please him, knowing he had caused her some pain. Eyes watched as he held out his hand, seeming to be asking for something. Though no words are spoken between the two, Christian grabs a blade. Then an order followed, ‘Sit her up.’ Though clearly, the man was not quick enough, ‘I SAID SIT HER UP.’ Quickly the man sat her up, and she looked at the blade and sighed. Was she going to get another death threat? What made this one so special? Why not just text her like he had the other fifty times?
As Christian walked over to her, he leaned in front of her. A sadistic grin on his face. 'You have been a pain in my ass for far too fucking long. Enough is enough,’ he paused. 'Now are we going to have any other prob-’ Gemma, with a swift movement, headbutted Christian, causing him to stumble back, nose beginning to bleed, the blade clanging to the ground. The second man in the room stepped forward to deal with her, though had been quickly stopped. 'keep her here. I’ll be back.’ He walked out of the room, going to clean himself off. When alone, she watched the man, a smirk appearing on bloody lips, and all that is heard was a small pop. Thumb popping out of place, she slipped a cuff and began to cry, hoping the man could buy it. “please… I’m sorry. tell him I’m sorry..”
Hearing the woman cry, he smirked. She broke quicker than he thought, damn. Walking over, he stood over her 'Not such a tough woman now, are you? this famous grim, but I see nothing to fear.’ Then in nearly a blink of an eye, Gemma was moving, a free hand coming and quickly punching the man in the face. The man fell over, hitting the ground, quickly trying to stand up, though not fast enough that Gemma did not have time to grab the blade that had hit the ground. Straddling the man, hands held the knife up high and quickly brought it to the man’s neck. Hovering for a moment, she pondered what to do, kill him. Nah, that would be taking out the trash for her brother. With a swift movement, Gemma used the handle to strike the man hard in the face. Knocking him out, her brother could deal with him later. Gemma stood quickly, gaining her footing, Gemma looked around, her head beginning to throb. Adrenaline slowly subsided.
Opening the door, she rushed out, head looking from side to side, gripping the knife handle. Running down the hall, she stopped. This place… It was familiar. Stopping dead center in the hallway, she noticed a door cracked. Walking over, she pressed the blade to the door. The door creaked open, and as brown hues saw was inside, she nearly dropped the blade. Memories flooded back, albeit fuzzy ones. The chair sat in the darkness. That seven-year-old girl was screaming 'run’ deep inside her, so that is what she had done. Gemma found her way to the main door, kicking it open, eyes squinted as the sunlight consumed her pupils. Looking around, she ran to a car. Looking around, Gemma smashed the window. The alarm blaring, she hotwired the car and sped off. Though from inside the confines of the car, she began to scream as tears fell down her face. Memories once more flooded back. For now, Gemma needed to lay low.
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Alder: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Caitlin: Rude.
Shauntal: That’s fair.
Grimsley: Not again.
Marshal: Are you going to want this back?
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crookedhvnd · 2 years
who: @jack-seo
where: notting hill, jack's place of residence
when: 11:12pm
Even in the absence of their former leader, there are still things to be done. Coins to be counted, ledgers to maintain. And it’s while flipping through said ledgers that Theo catches the inconsistency. He’s on a hairpin trigger these days, a short fuse looking to burn the heart out of anything that strays too close - and by the time he’s done checking everything twice he can practically taste asphalt. 
Still, Theodore drives down to the warehouse himself and counts everything. Reviews security footage. Checks the numbers - twice (gets out his goddamn cellphone calculator). All of this to say — when Theodore lands on the doorstep of one Jack Seo, he’s a wolf at the gates if there ever was one. An arching dagger that should be stopped before it meets its mark. He knocks — and then when Jack opens the door without checking to see what lurks on his doorstep, Theodore  wedges his foot in the door, shoulders his way through so his hand can catch the wooden frame. The Crimson King slips in like a curl of smoke before he is stopped.
The Notting Hill residence is certainly an upgrade from the apartment they’d tumbled into when Jack was 18, but then again, who’s really to say? It’s not as if Theo was paying much attention to anything other than the body bending in front of him back then. He's finally gleaned some patience for observance, set the smolder of his gaze to ‘melt’.  And if his latest fuckery is anything to go by, Jack’s just as foolish as ever. Tonight, Theo’s here as a warning, an omen. A foreboding symbol that doesn’t discount the literal knife in his pocket.
“Hello Jack. You’re both bolder and stupider than I’ve been giving you credit for.”
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keithbutgay · 2 months
notes goal post
because i really need motivation
(i stole some of these but shhhhh)
if this post gets 50 notes i'll drink water right now
100 i'll go to bed at midnight for the rest of the week
200 i'll actually do my laundry
500 i'll take a shower every day for the rest of the week
1,000 i'll brush my teeth every night for a full week
2,000 i'll stop binding for an unhealthy amount of time for a full week
3,000 i'll start actually wearing my ankle braces consistently
4,000 i'll eat breakfast every day for the rest of the week
5,000 i'll stop binding while sleeping
6,000 i'll stop wearing earrings i'm allergic to for a full week
7,000 i'll start doing makeup again
8,000 i'll stop eating chocolate for the rest of the week
9,000 i'll make my autodale masks
10,000 i'll touch grass every day for the rest of the month
11,000 i'll water my plants twice a week for the rest of the month
12,000 i'll put on my lotion when i need to for a full week
13,000 i'll eat at least two meals every day for the rest of the week
14,000 i'll finish my water bottle every day for a full week
15,000 i'll write more for forest files
18,000 i'll clean out my backpack
19,000 i'll take my vitamins every day for the rest of the week
20,000 i'll finish my stained glass project
21,000 i'll go to bed before midnight for the rest of the week
22,000 i'll do my summer reading
23,000 i'll move the knife out of my room
24,000 i'll eat three meals every day for three days
25,000 i'll stop purposefully triggering myself for a full week
50,000 i'll try my best to stay clean for two full weeks
i'll probably add more goals if this somehow get past 5k, but there it is for now :)
spam allowed
tagging allowed
ummm the deadline is halloween
*thumbs up*
go for it
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bearllydruid · 13 days
“I know that look.” Astarion’s tenor slipped through the night like ink. Even on the darkest of days, it still carried such an effortless charm to it. As dusk shifted into night, a quarter-crescent moon hung in the skies, casting just enough light to shave his pale profile in half. “It keeps coming back to you, doesn’t it? Whatever that wretched thing has done.” It was a look Astarion was no stranger to, he’d worn that face many times himself. More times than he cared to count. Trauma had a way of imprinting itself to its host after all. “Oh, did I startle you?” For once, Astarion's surprise had been unintentional. “My apologies. Old habits and all that… lurking about in the night.”
The druid regarded the rogue for a moment with a curious glint to his hazel eyes. It seemed that Astarion had appeared from the shadows themselves, manifesting from the void in the most natural way. Every shadow was a danger, every face a potential threat - but they had felled Orin. They'd come for him. They'd rescued him again. They had done it in the Goblin Camp and then again in the Temple of Bhaal, but it did not mean that he had been able to relax since. He felt his proverbial hackles relax, and the swift urge to lash out in defense slowed to only a sluggish afterthought. The Bhaalspawn was dead. She would wear only her own twisted skin for the rest of eternity until she fell away to rot as she deserved.
Gold still lined his eyes, a promise that his wildshape as a mere thought away, a breath, a heartbeat. "It does," He admitted, his voice gruff. It was not his first time in shackles, after all, and Halsin had been kept in the present only by the knives that cut his flesh. It was surprisingly grounding, but Orin was a creative thing and delighted in keeping Halsin aware. She had all but feasted on his pain. "I know that she is dead. We ensured she would never wear another face. but....I am still there, on the slab, when my mind drifts."
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feminaferitas · 9 months
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@perfectionreached is the maid of honor on Shauna's happy (?) day
Thank god for wedding day superstitions. The groom wasn't allowed to see the bride until that fateful walk down the aisle, so that meant Jeff wasn't nearby to see Shauna threatening to ruin an hour's worth of careful makeup with an ill-timed bout of tears. Taissa, her maid of honor, was on damage control, and boy, was it a lot of damage.
Not only was the sight of herself in a white dress (pure as the driven, deadly snow) hard to comprehend, but Shauna just remembered something--
"Tai, there's... there's the cake knife. Oh, god -- it's beautiful and it has our initials engraved on it. It was a gift from the Taylors, and what if I try to hurt him with it?"
For almost two years of her life, knives had not been beautiful, silvered things for slicing sugared breads in delicately manicured hands. They were hard, leather-wrapped things with edges held to the whetstone, pointed and lethal. Shauna had wrapped her dirtied fingers around the handle and skinned, cleaved, and butchered humans and animals alike. Hungry eyes holding fast, watching. What would she do today, in front of the crowd of loved ones waiting to see how that cake would bleed what flavor they'd finally decided on?
"Taissa, I don't think I can do this..."
Yes, thank god for wedding day superstitions. Too bad they never said nothing about seeing the ghost of your dead best friend sitting in the corner, watching the scene and saying absolutely nothing.
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plutosring · 29 days
okay what the fuck
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shaepschift · 4 months
continued from here 【 @redemptioninterlude « 】
IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY. Was he supposed to let her fade away into obscurity? Let her grow old, marry, wither and turn to dust? No-- this was better : this was meant to be. A courtesy Ji-Woon could only hope Alice might repay should the shoe be on the other foot : or the knife in the other hand. They were meant for more, better than most everyone else. This the superstar knew in his heart of hearts and why he'd felt so compelled as she mimicked for him, performed for him. There would never be a more captive audience and he himself, right this very moment at his ornate dining table.
Anticipation radiates through his being, the taste, metallic and tingling running rampant against his tongue. He'd felt it before, so many times : but this was different-- this was Alice, and a part of him couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what kind of screams she might make. Would she beg for her life, the girl who sat wide eyed and endlessly obedient. She who could make a crowd hang their heads with shame for the cheers she could muster all on her own. All for him : all for Ji-Woon.
Metal slices flesh with zero resistance, as if she's welcoming him to cut her : like she wants it too. Maybe she does, wouldn't that be the most generous gift of all : to present him her screams? Their expressions seem to mirror each other : she with her half mad grin and he with his twisted smirk-- for a moment he can't help himself, distracted by the elation and allows a bubble of a snicker to pass through clenched vocal chords. The star breathes deeply, vast mahogany iris shimmering with a derangement all his own.
But she doesn't scream-- indeed, Alice doesn't even whimper. Instead she speaks : seemingly elated by the discovery of cool metal against warm flesh. 'now we really are bound for life.' He can only blink, frozen in place, right hand gripping knife while left braces her delicate shoulder. Eyes catch wide and insanity turns to disbelief. For a moment he's glad-- in his haste he hadn't set up a single scrap of recording material : Alice's screams surely would need to be immortalized through song-- and oh what a song he would make for her. "Alice. . ." It's a breath, barely a whisper as he wonders if he's too late. Would she follow him to his recording studio-- no that felt false : forced. This moment had been organic, unique : he'd do the best he could and pull his phone across the table, recording her with the meagre microphone inside the tiny electronic casing. It would have to be enough. "NOTHING WOULD MAKE ME HAPPIER THAN HEAR YOUR AGONY."
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writeouswriter · 6 months
People sorting ao3 solely by stats and only clicking on fics with a certain amount of kudos or comments, you will not survive the winter, nor the summer, nor at all, *brings out knife,* run
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soupdwelling · 3 months
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never love an anchor - the crane wives
closeups under the cut
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smolcuriouskitten · 1 year
BLOOD. -What types of injuries has your muse sustained? What was the worst? PRIDE. -What is your muses biggest flaw? DNA. -What was your muses home life like? - for Rocky and Renelle
BLOOD- Rockelle has sustained too many to list. Burns, stabs, anyway to injure someone, it happened. This was due to the horrible abuse she suffered with Magic and due to him being a witch, he was able to make those scars stay in ways that humans cant. The worst one would be a stab wound that ran all down her back, one long continuous scar from the top of her neck to her tailbone. She currently has a tattoo to cover it so its less obvious.
Renelle on the other hand is pretty clean when it comes to scarring. Besides the normal childhood scars from scraping your knee too hard or cuts from playing too roughly, there's not much to mention. The worst scar would be where she fell and cut open her knee so bad, she permanently altered the skin around that area.
PRIDE- Rockelle doesnt know how to relax. She has to keep her brain moving and staying active. Unless her body has a crashout where she cant do anything BUT relax, she will work till her limbs fall off.
Renelle doesnt know how to speak up for herself. She's regularly walked all over and made to be a naive fool since she cant believe people would often take her for granted or play a joke on her.
DNA- Both of their home lifes were great. Their father made sure they lived a calm and soft life and their mother (when she returned) made sure they were taught how to be proper women. However like most things, parents cant protect their children from the outside world, case in point with Rocky. She was isolated from her family shortly after she got married to Magic since it was a part of his plan. Despite Rockelles heavy abuse, she made sure Renelle/her family was none the wiser.
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