#tw: emotional co-dependence
rivangel · 2 years
i wonder what levi would do in a toxic relationship
#tw toxic behavior#tw toxic relationship#tw toxicity#this is a tough one i think depending on au#in canon love for levi would be almost once in a lifetime and he’d spot shitty behavior from a mile away#especially physical toxicity#he’s slamming the door on his way out and never talking to the person again#canon levi is tough and so guarded#even tho he isn’t sure about all the aspects of a romantic relationship; a relationship is so alien and strange alone he’s easily put off#modern au is harder cos it depends on his past exactly but if it was close ish to canon#in any au a cheater is dead to him#even if he’s blamed for it or gaslighted into an attempt for him to believe it was his fault levi is still gone but he’s carrying that agony#/insecurity with him to every future relationship and the grave#it’d be hard for him to recognize emotional abuse for what it is bc he doesnt understand his own most times and if he’s dating someone#he really really really really cares about them#and his present insecurity would make it easier for him to believe things are his fault#then if it escalates he’s so confused and idk brainwashed that outside intervention would be necessary. despite the fact his friends probabb#probably pointed out toxicity about his partner before and he fiiierrceeely defended them#bc he’s levi#but what abt s*x abuse. especially canon levi who has a shitty knowledge of sex and what it is he’d be so vulnerable to that i think. and#assume that’s the way it should be and take it#just in general levi is willing to accept pain if his partner doesn’t have to go thru it and the same would apply to his partners pleasure#god that’s so fucking sad#tw physical harm#tw sex assault#tw sex abuse#why am i thinking about this💀💀#levi.thoughts#levi ackerman
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emmy19-05 · 22 days
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Come Back To Me
Leila Ouahabi x Female Reader
Summary: You are moving clubs and Leila (your girlfriend of 4 years) and you get into an argument about it which leads to you not speaking to each other.
Warning!! Contains: High angst, co-dependence (if you squint), arguing
Word count: 2.1k
3 years earlier…
You and Leila are both sitting on the couch watching your favorite Christmas movie together on Christmas Eve “The Grinch” You look at Leila in her eyes and you smile at her as she smiles back at you and she says.
“I love you so much. I’m so happy I get to be with you on Christmas.” 
As you smile at her you say back
“I love you too, with all my heart. I am also so happy that I get to spend this holiday with you as well.”
She kisses you slowly and passionately.
You begin to pack your bags, you are leaving to go to Wolfsburg on a new contract. Ever since you got the offer from Wolfsburg , Leila has been avoiding you. Manchester City offered to extend your contract, but you denied it because you Wolfsburg offered you a contract too good to pass up. As you pack Leila sits on what used to be your guy’s bed for the past 3 years and now it’s just your bed because Leila refuses to lay with you, and watches you pack. She looks sadder than you’ve ever seen her. You have been dating for almost 4 years and from the first day you two met, it was love at first sight for the both of you. You are so sad you have to leave her. Leila doesn’t know, but you are going to break up with her because long distance that far is almost impossible to do long term, and especially since it seems like Leila is avoiding you anyways it’s obvious she doesn’t want to be with you. You decide to get it over with, because it is bound to happen rather you like it or not.
“Leila we need to talk” You say “You can’t keep avoiding me every time I try to talk to you.”
“About what? How you’re leaving me? Do you know how hard long distance is?” Leila says
“Yes, that’s actually what I wanted to talk about.” 
Leila turns her head sharply and looks at you and says
“Y/N what are you talking about don’t tell me you-”
You start to cry and say 
“Leila, I love you so much and I will for the rest of my life, but we can’t be together, not on these terms. You won’t even talk to me. How will we last hundreds of miles apart if you won’t even speak and have a conversation about us without storming away?”
Leila gets up
“Baby, please don’t do this, don't do this to me, to us.” She says
“Leila we can’t keep doing this ever since I told you I was going to Wolfsburg, you’ve spoken maybe 5 words a day to me, if we get into a fight when i’m thousands of miles from you, how do you think i’ll feel if you go no contact or ignore my text and calls because we got into an argument? It’s not like I can come home and talk to you, we’ll be over 700 miles apart for christ sake.
Leila starts to tear up, but wipes her tears away with her jacket sleeve quickly, but she’s too late and her tears start to pour down her face.
“Ok, fine, what do you want then? To break up? Because I’m willinging to put in effort for us, but you’re not, so don’t blame this on me when you put this upon yourself by signing to a club who is across the continent even though Man City offered you to renew your contract.
“Leila, baby, please can we not-” You start to say, then Leila cuts you off.
“Please, don’t, just don’t call me that, I can't.  it hurts too much”
“Leila I do want-” You begin to say, then to be cut off again.
“Please just don’t, if you don’t want to continue this relationship that’s fine, but don’t you dare say you want me when you aren’t fighting for us, but I am.” Leila says
You begin to cry harder feeling like shit about yourself, you begin to think is this the right call? Are you making the right decision by moving across the world away from the women you love as well as all your friends and family for a team that you know nothing about? It’s too late now you think. I already booked the flight and am going to sign the contract in less than a week.
“Leila, I can’t do this right now. I wanted to have a civil conversation about our future, but you keep shutting down, I am sorry this is happening, but it’s for the-”
“Don’t you dare say ‘it’s for the best’ when it’s not… 4 years down the drain for a club you won’t even like.” Leila says
You see this conversation isn’t going anywhere so you say
“Leila I love you and I am just as heartbroken as you are, but this needs to happen for me to keep sane while in Germany, I simply cannot be feeling like you hate me 24/7 because I moved, I simply cannot do it.”
Leila cries and storms out of the room and grabs her keys and slams the door as she walks out of your apartment you share together.
You feel sick to your stomach as you return to packing.
1 year earlier…
You and Leila are watching Chelsea vs. Arsenal and Leila looks at you and says
“Who are you rooting for?”
You say “Obviously Chelsea come on now, is that even a question, what about you? And don’t you dare say Arsenal or we are breaking up” you joke
“Guess we are breaking up. London is red!” Leila says and you two laugh. Then you say
“Oh no I can’t be with an Arsenal supporter” you say while you’re cracking up laughing, obviously joking around.
“Leila, I’m joking I love you, even if you’re an Arsenal supporter.”
“Love you too mi amor, don’t worry Chelsea is winning haha” She says
“Why am I scared to go against either of these teams though?” You say
“Because they are very strong teams, baby. That’s why”
You both begin to laugh, happy that you get to spend the rest of your life together.
You and Leila are officially broken up. Leila hasn’t come out of the guest room in the apartment in almost 2 days, only coming out once to shower and twice to grab some food from the kitchen and heading back to her room. Since Leila is refusing to look let alone talk to you. You ask your sister to take you to the airport. About 25 minutes before your sister is going to pick you up, Leila comes out of the room and slowly walks up to you, she is dressed in something nicer than the different pajamas sets she was wearing the past few days and she begins to say
“Are you almost ready to go?”
You look at her strangely and say
“What do you mean? Where are we going”
“To the airport?” She asks as if it’s a question.
“Leila, you wouldn’t talk to me, my sister is taking me to the airport, I thought you wouldn’t want to take me anymore.” You frown
She looks angrier than you've ever seen her.
“What the fuck? Y/N, you specifically asked me to take you a few weeks ago and I said yes, plans changed, yes? Why didn’t you tell me?” Leila says
“Leila, I tried knocking on the guest room door probably 15 times in the past few days trying to talk to you.”
“Oh god, I…I-” Leila starts to cry and runs into the room and you hear the click of the lock.
You look at your phone and your sister texted you over 10 minutes ago. She was in the lobby of the apartment and was waiting for you so she could drop you off at the airport. You don’t know what to do, and you know that Leila will never open the door especially for you, so you do what you really don’t want to do, you open the door and leave.
1 month ago
“Leila, guess what I have great news!” You say
“What happened, baby?” Leila says
“The team just called me; Wolfsburg offered me $2 million to sign a contract for them until 2027!!” You say excitedly. “I think I am going to go, that’d be so cool right? This is a once in a lifetime experience.”
Leila’s smile drops almost instantly and you say 
“What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy for me?” You say
Leila looks sad and frown and begins to say
“You’re leaving? What about me? What about us?” 
“It’s ok, baby, we’ll figure it out” You smile at her sadly.
Leila gets up without saying anything and walks away looking sadder than ever. 
You are going down the elevator with your luggage and you are tearing up trying to not let the tears stream down your face, because you don’t want your sister to know what’s going on between you and Leila. You say hi to your sister and thankfully doesn’t say anything about your tear stained cheeks and you then pack your luggage into the car. When you get to the airport, you look at the text you sent to Leila during the car ride there. 
Me: I love you, I’m sorry it had to end this way. Seen 12 minutes ago
You text her again
Me: Leila, maybe we can see each other during the Olympics. It's coming up in a few months, no? Seen
Me:  Leila, sweetheart. Seen
You decide to stop texting her for now because she’s obviously not going to answer.
3 days later…
You’ve been sad since you got to Germany, because Leila hasn’t texted you back it just says “Seen” every time you text her. You read through your recent text with her even though they are only one sided. 
Me: Just arrived. Just thought you’d like to know. Seen
Me: Leila, please answer. I don’t want to end on bad terms with you. Seen
Me:  I am signing the contract tomorrow, wish you were here. Seen
Me:  I miss you. Seen
You sent those all within the past 12 hours and tomorrow morning you are signing the contract with Wolfsburg. You begin to feel tears dripping down your face. You miss Leila so much that your heart hurts. Then you hear a knock on your door. You expect it’s your sister, because she is staying with you for a few days, until you get settled into your hotel. Since moving was a little last minute, you are still trying to find an apartment to move into. You miss living with Leila, nothing will compare to it, you feel. The knocking occurs again and you start to get annoyed because you know she has one of the two key cards to open the hotel door with, but she continues knocking. You pull the door open roughly, annoyed that she wouldn’t use her key card and instead, making you get out of your sorrows to open the door for her. Then you realize it isn’t your sister. It’s Leila. She’s here. Leila’s here, you begin to cry harder than you already were before she got here. She looks at you and smiles sadly and says
“Mi amor, baby, why are you crying?” She walks into the hotel room and closes the door, you run towards her and hug her. Home. You think to yourself. And then bawl your eyes out. You missed her so much. You begin trying to speak but all that is coming out is random words.
“Miss- missed you, lo- love you so much”
“Shh it’s ok, sweet girl, I missed you too. it’s ok, you’re ok. I love you too, "she says.
While kissing your face and neck sweetly she whispers sweet sentiments into your ear making you feel loved and wanted and you wonder why you passed this up, wondering what you are going to do without her when she has to leave.
Leila looks at you and says 4 words:
“Come back to me”.
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ctheathy · 7 months
Yandere Changelings w/ human!Darling
The Changelings x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author's note: Gotta love these big buggo babies
reformed Changelings < unreformed Changelings
The Changelings/Reader [Platonic+Romantic-ish?]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
The Reader is quite humble • Abduction • Jealousy between changelings • Stalking • Invasion of privacy • Co-dependency • Aggression • Use of adhesive/the green goo • Violence • Possessiveness • Overprotective behaviour • Predatory behaviour • Love feeding • Overfeeding/“Overdosing” on love • Heart failure • Corpses of changelings mentioned
Changelings have certainly never had a very positive reputation around Equestria. The species of bug-like creatures mainly known to have ruthless mannerisms that only acts on instinct. Especially when considering the changelings eat love and love alone to keep them from starving. As you can see... These creatures, too, need to feed. And so steal the love hidden within ponies and other living entities for themselves with brute force. And this tiny human here... has love, and a lot of it.
But despite being an aggressive species, they are also known to be rather curious towards creatures they've never seen or heard of before. Which is why being a human is really just a saving grace for you in this scenario. Cause instead of pouncing immediately purely from starving impulse, they know they'd need information to report back to the Queen first. And since this is the first human the changelings have ever met, their natural reaction to encountering a new species is to learn more about it instead of feeding off of it, atleast not before they got all the answers they'd be satisfied with. Considering you are the only source of love and affection around.
The first changelings that have noticed your presence may start seeing you as a tasty morsel. if love is like meat for them, then they're being deprived of it, and then the one creature comes along that's a walking talking buffet of love. They'd observe your actions and behaviours from a safe distance for a little while, taking note of aggression signs or being a potential threat to the hive. But in truth... you weren't. You were more of a lover than a fighter, which gave the changelings the signal to not waste any other opportunity to abduct you into the hive for some answers.
And that's... when something sparked.
Being calm and sedate in your position would usually cease a changelings’ natural instinct to hunt and would often cause in less aggression and forceful measurements. But even if they did try feeding from your love, that would be similar to essentially trying to suck from a dry well, because the transporting process from the human realm to Equestria drained you of many strong emotions to begin with, and it takes a lot more time for your entire alternation from universe to universe to take full effect. And the changelings wouldn't budge from their stubbornness until you reached out to one of them... Brushing a gentle hand over its malnourished frame.
The love that you'd contain would be a tad bit ‘different’ from normal love they'd consume, mainly due to the fact that they never had to actually take it with force. You gave it to them willingly, making the love inserted into them a lot stronger and effective than if they were to steal it. Which results in giving their bodies an intense emotional ‘shock’ as you basically feed them little by little... The shock would still feel good to them, like it would make them feel warm and light headed, but their heart would begin beating rapidly by the shot of immense adrenaline they just got.
The reason why changelings need love and affection in the first place was because they need it for their survival. The value feeds them. As they learn you're capable of feeling and giving love, they would want to keep you around permanently to feed. However, in extreme cases it might lead to a changeling becoming dependent upon one person's love. And their survival might be based on that person's love and affection. and what happens when that person's love and affection starts to falter? There is such a darker side to something so innocent as eating some consensual love.
Which could go either two ways...
Plan A being a bit more complicated. Since they ended up taking a ‘sample’ of you to basically extract the hormones and emotions of love, you had proven yourself to be more productive than all of the ponies they've held captive combined. Feeling more satisfied with the mere sip of love you've happily handed out to them than with any usual prey they had ripped the love from. But the Queen desires love too, because it is essential for their race. And because the hive is almost completely devoid of any love in the first place. You could become a sample for the Queen... Just keeping you there and farm you for love.
But there's also a considerable chance the changelings who captured you would scrap plan A and would instead focus on a plan B... Keep you a secret from Queen Chrysalis and prevent you from being cocooned at all costs, but only under the condition if you keep blindly feeding them with your lovey-dovey personality. Changelings tend to function with a very strict hive mentality... conclusions are set by the swarm's majority of drones’ standpoint. They all have a strong tendency to fall for group decision-making, but they're also quick to swap their beliefs if it seems like the right choice for the best of the colony. So it likely wouldn't even take long for the entire swarm to come to an agreement to keep you secured under high protection and warding.
Due to being a good source, you would give them more positive energy than any other creature who would falter in their fright after being captured... which would make you a rather popular target for the swarm of drones. To a point where the entire hive would start to view you as the "heart of the colony" of sorts. Because a changelings emotions are based on their diet. And the more love they receive, the more addicted and obsessed they'll become with it. So they would all be head over heels at some point, bordering on complete worship ...viewing you as an object of their affection and admiration. And getting even more physically violent to defend and protect you from what they consider a threat to their food source.
They might be feeding off of the love you give them and emotional positivity for now. But if they keep feeding and feeding, eventually they are probably going to want something else than just your emotions, which isn't good... But at the end of it all, they will want to protect you. But their methods might be a bit morally questionable. They have been looking for a more ‘sustaining’ source of love their entire lives. And from what we know... love only grows stronger.
So what happens when a creature becomes utterly emotionally dependant on someone?
What if... they begin to get obsessive?
Instead deciding to ensure no one else gets to have you?
Signs of attacks outside of the hive would become more apparent as time went on, a variety of breeds beginning to disappear aside with half dead creatures covered in adhesive emerging from their hideout as no entity even dares to get close to the shapeshifters. Some changelings would begin arguing with eachother over the delightful taste of your love. But knowing how naturally greedy and hostile they can get, these would convert to physical violence sooner or later, causing a bunch of internal conflict in the colony. A bunch of love starved changelings just riskily fighting over a single human.
It would get so bad, in fact, that there's possibly not even second you'll spend in the hive without a changeling being nearby, just ... watching you. With or without you knowing, there to strike and pull you back in at a moments notice if your demeanor gets too close to flight response. The changeling that you first bonded with would feel remorse about doing it, but the rest of them won't really care much as long as they can keep you in their grasp. Though you would still be allowed to travel closely outside of the hive, they'll keep their little eyes on you anyway...
You'd have this love that's a bit diluted, but even with just having a weaker type of love to feed off of, they'd have to feed for a longer time and drain their energy in order to get it. Which in terms causes in them taking more than they can physically handle. You aren't necessarily a dry well, but rather more of a dripping faucet while they are all dying of thirst. So they could still eat from your given love for a while, but if they try to go all out, there could be horrific consequences...
Because each of them are essentially trying to take enough to survive, their individual feeding sessions can become more aggressive. They don't want to kill you, nor do they understand how strong of a heart you have. So they don't see that they need to be gentle. Because in their eyes, you're considered weaker as a mortal. And your emotions, not being very strong, make their hearts race and they aren't feeding slowly and cautiously enough to keep the heart beating at its normal pace. You're basically a complete reverse card on them. To the point of them becoming so infatuated with you, that they literally forget what they are doing, and basically, accidentally kill themselves with a massive case of overdosing love.
The more of your love they take, the more they will like you. And the more they like you, the more they would try to suck it out. And the more they try to suck it out, the more it would turn into a "want" instead of something more natural. And then, that's when some would begin to die from overfeeding. The emotional shock and overdosing on love being much more overwhelming than the changeling's bodies are capable of handling. And of course, you wouldn't really understand why they were all suddenly lifelessly scattered around you...
It would be quite a challenge for many changelings to have the self control to prevent that fate. I doubt the majority of them would even understand the concept of death enough to avoid it even when their heart rate was going at unsafe speeds. The situation would honestly be safe for the changelings that have enough self-control to hold themselves back, but those who don't would become history real quick... Especially as changelings mainly seem to cocoon their prey. You may have more love to give when you're out in the open, but perhaps you even walking freely might just be enough to push many changelings over the edge.
Though this would also highly depend on the distinct personality of each changeling. Those who were more reasonable would try to just suckle in love. Then we have those who would become a bit feral and aggressive trying to tear the love out of you. Making it like a really twisted irony that they want love, but by trying to obtain love, in this way, they could essentially doom themselves. The ones who are more in control and more disciplined may survive. But either the greedier or younger, more immature changelings might get too excited and just want more and more. Which leads into them destroying their bodies via the very thing they wanted. The ones that do manage to control themselves will remain very interested in you however. But even if their fair sense of attachment and perhaps even bond towards you won't fade...
This is nothing more and nothing less than a parasitic relationship
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kenjirose · 3 months
what kind of yanderes do you think the whole cast would be ?
Tw: Yandere stuff.. that’s explanatory. So expect mentions of violence- some more extreme than others and manipulation/stalking/etc.
Caine: Obsessive Yandere
Caine is so incredibly fixated on you. You are the only thing in his mind and it’s completely consuming him. He simply can’t think about himself or the others if your needs aren’t tended to first. Caine is the type to spend hours on end just fantasizing about you and what yall could do and what y’all can do and what to do- and just what it takes for you two to be together. He will think and daydream about your every movement, phrase, your first arrival, your connection to himself and the others, as well as being the one you simply love the most and trust with all your desires and secrets. Aka, this is the type of yandere that usually ends up to be a stalker, which I find particularly fitting considering his “ALL SEEING EYES” would never leave you a moment of privacy.
Pomni: Manipulative Yandere
Pomni would want a bit of control over your actions. This sort of relationship is the type that seems very normal on the surface… She will use your trust for her to spin advice that ultimately helps her, because she really does love you and for example- if you were already in a relationship? She would pull you to the side and say real nice and calmly that “hey.. I don’t think they are good for you.” Just to manipulate your trust for her to believe her and listen to her. Now in the actual relationship, Pomni would often bring up your secrets and weaknesses in arguments and such to encourage co-dependency so you don’t leave her.
Ragatha: Overprotective Yandere
Ragathas most important concern is the carefully supervised and protect you to a concerning degree. She never wants to leave you alone and she struggles to balance her concern and respect for your independence. The digital realm is scary and not to mention the adventures- she’d always want you right by her side so she can interfere. She really does genuinely believe that she’s acting in your best interest, but it can come off as extremely controlling and overbearing.
Jax: Sadistic Yandere
Jax will intentionally cause you suffering and distress by bringing harm to your way, and will likely derive pleasure from doing so. He will spread rumors and lies about you, in order to twist the others perspective of you and to isolate you in order for him to swoop in to “save the day.” Or, I could see him letting you escape him on purpose just for the thrill of recapturing you. Jax wants to know and understand you limitations, all of them and just how to reach them. He would want you to easily squirm under his control and ultimately traumatize you in a way that would unfortunately leave you with no choice of crawling back to him.
Zooble: Impulsive Yandere
Zooble acts on their desires and whims- not really thinking before she makes a decision. This makes him one of the more dangerous Yanderes. Zooble will act in response to their emotions that she is feeling in the current moment, not caring to realize how his actions will affect you. She is prone to these erratic mood swings- overreacting, outbursts and even grabbing you and being aggressive at times. To look at the positive side, because Zooble acts this way, he tends to be honest.
Gangle: Clingy Yandere
Gangle is very emotionally dependent on you. She’s fragile and will seek your constant attention and support. She is the type to be blowing up your phone because you did not text her back within a span of a few minutes, and to be very very physically touchy with you. It’s extremely overwhelming, as you will never have an ounce of privacy with Gangle. Her upmost important goal is to insert herself into your personal live and become extremely upset if you are wrapped around her finger in every given moment. Her relationship would be the definition of draining and she’d smother you 24/7.
Kinger: Delusional Yandere
Kinger already believes that you love him, because he’s not in touch with reality. He takes your actions the wrong way, and to the extreme. You can do something simply out of kindness and he will believe that you are doing it because you are in love with him. He’s the type of yandere that dismisses your feelings; if you say you don’t love him he will think you are just joking or lying, or that you are just being shy.
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
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Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, sadism, paranoia, co-dependency, threats, blackmailing, isolation, abduction, death
Yandere Bungou Stray Dogs Hc’s
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️Jouno may not be able to see but as a compensation for his lack of vision, he is able to pick up on so much more than the average human. He can read someone's emotions based on their heartbeat, their breathing pattern and even their blood flow and that is perhaps the most terrifying aspect of having him obsessing over you. He knows you better than anyone else as you are essentially an open box for him as all secrets are always spelled out by the melody of your body. There is no privacy for you when around him and Jouno abuses and uses all of this against you. At first he is more subtle about how he presents himself before you, careful with the words he chooses and the secrets he reveals about you. Even if he is so composed, there is this certain creepiness he has as he gives you a small smile and sometimes his sadistic side seeps through as he torments you more to relish in your rapid heartbeat and the unease he can sense inside of you even if you try to hide it desperately.
♦️​It is fairly easy for Saigiku to track you down even among other people, your heartbeat a special song he has engraved in his mind and your voice a siren's song that pulls him in as soon as he hears it. Jouno is stalking you, he follows you as he remembers the places you visit often until he can almost predict where he can find you if he has free time and wishes to see you. He exhibits some very possessive traits as he doesn't enjoy other people you keep around you as he is a man who could never imagine himself sharing you with someone and unfortunately even friends and family are put in this category. You feel this growing dread as weeks pass by until he pulls the rag from beneath your feet as he organises for the government to place you under special security and ensure that you are always kept within his reach. Saigiku tells you that it would be better for you to just get used to your new lifestyle because he surely won't let you leave his side again. It's your fault being such an adorable and interesting thing~
♦️​Truthfully spoken, Saigiku belongs in a category where he is overall most of the time more possessive than he is jealous. If he had to describe to you how he feels when he senses you conversing with someone else, he'd just bluntly tell you that he just doesn't enjoy it. He has never enjoyed hearing you talking with someone else unless it was necessary and he ensures that your abilities to speak with a lot of people besides himself are limited as soon as you are where he wants to have you. Especially when he is with you he would greatly appreciate it if you were to refrain for ignoring him for someone else but even if he is on missions, you aren't able to talk with a lot of people. Most of them just ignore you out of fear of Jouno because no one has the courage to talk to you, much less flirt with you because Saigiku will always find out. Worst is that you are in most cases also made a scapegoat and punished which manages to scare you away from any unnecessary conversation. The only people you can chat with without too much consequences are the other Hunting Dogs.
♦️​Despite Saigiku often trying to appear like the most civilized one of the Hunting Dogs, he's still just as violent as everyone else. He just tries to hide it better behind his composure. He doesn't take any injustice or disregard of his rules lightly though. You are often punished when you don't behave as you ignore the rules he has told you about and the same counts for others. Harsh threats are often given out despite his calm expression as he is not afraid to threaten and wish ill will upon those who he takes orders from. His sadistic nature makes him quite the terrifying enemy if someone dares to commit any injustice against you because he has never taken crimes lightly and he takes it even more seriously when it comes to you. You know that he doesn't just give a criminal who tried to harm you just a simple death because that would be too easy. No. he'll make them regret the day their pitiful existence came to be in this world.
♦️​Saigiku gives you the most legal abduction as the government decides to support him for this one thing. They can't risk one of their Hunting Dogs potentially being distracted because of you and Jouno knows this and uses this to have them agree. It's undeniable that you are his soft spot and as much as he dislikes you for making him feel more vulnerable, he knows that he has to preserve you somewhere for this exact reason. If enemies would find out about you, they would without a doubt come for you since you are an easier target than the Hunting Dog himself. The mere thought of someone using you against him only because you hold such meaning for him is almost humiliating so prevent anyone from ever using you against him, he locks you away and keeps you fairly isolated. the government covers your disappearance up as not even friends and family are ever allowed to figure out what happened to you.
♦️​It's best for you if you learn how to keep your emotions properly under control because otherwise you will get on his nerves. Jouno is incredibly insensitive to strong emotions because he can pick up on them so well and for that they annoy him. So it isn't uncommon for him to leave you alone when you have a mental breakdown and just tell you harshly and coldly to calm down before he goes. He just never gives you a break, especially the first few months after he has abducted you. It's all harsh and humiliating words as you aren't able to lie or hide anything from him because he always senses it as your own body betrays you. Eventually he slowly starts adjusting though as he learns to deal better with your emotions although he is still very hesitant to allow himself to be more vulnerable around you. He can’t say that he doesn’t enjoy it though, knowing that he’s the one who protects you.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸Tetchou is much more pure in comparison to Jouno as his desires lie in the genuine wish to protect you from any harm. Although this simple desire can drastically escalate because he is very protective. In fact Tetchou is so protective to the point where he can delude himself into believing that what he has done was the right thing to do even if his actions have caused you sorrow and fear. He’d never hurt you, he knows that. So tears and sadness from you tear away at his core belief and almost as if in a way to cope with the situation and to not break down, he deludes himself into believing that he knows better. He’s a Hunting Dog after all, he has experienced so much more than you could ever in your entire life. His decisions are based on those experiences you have never endured nor will ever have to endure now that he’s in your life. Don’t hate him for he has only done what is best for you.
🌸Having already established this man as someone who is tattering on the side of delusional thoughts, it should be pointed out that it takes Tetchou a good while until he has even figured out his own feelings for you. He initially never suspects his feelings to be of romantic nature as he sticks with you whenever he has the time nor when his mind is constantly drifting to you multiple times a day. Surely you mean much to him but not in that way…right? Somehow he remains oblivious to his feelings or perhaps he is just not willing to acknowledge his feelings to keep the lid sealed on his obsession. Acknowledging means losing to his obsession and almost unconsciously he seems to be aware of that and attempts to deny his feelings. Until either time wears him down or a trigger happens which causes everything to just explode out of him with such an intensity that it almost overwhelms him.
🌸Much more lenient than some other Hunting Dogs, Tetchou attempts to let you keep as much of your freedom as he can. That includes your social life as long as no one poses a threat for you. He doesn’t mind your friends and family and if they are loyal and friendly, he acknowledges them as people who have helped you through your life so far. Jealousy is low-key a bit awkward for Tetchou though as he stands there and stares at the other person as if trying to decipher why the hell they trigger such nasty feelings within him. He isn’t overly vocal though as he is more the type to admit at one point very bluntly that he wants them to not step so close to you or that he doesn’t like them talking to you all whilst standing right behind you or stepping protectively in front of you. At this point he has held it in for too long and usually tries to end the interaction.
🌸He isn’t nearly as patient or enduring when it comes to his wants to protect you. He is quick and acts as swiftly as possible. Tetchou wouldn’t admit it to you but he runs a brief investigation on everyone you keep close to you to be completely sure that he can trust them. If anyone is suspicious, he has small remorse to cut them out of your life until he has found out everything he needs to know. He is a very strong advocate for justice and whilst he wouldn’t be as discriminating as Jouno when it comes to everyone who has a bit of a bad history, he isn’t lenient either. He’d prefer to only have good and honest people surrounding you and with his delusional belief that ultimately he does what is best for you, he can be strict and harsh under certain circumstances when he cuts your ties with people who physically or mentally abuse you and he has no guilt when he delivers the deadly blow if someone should pose a severe threat for your life.
🌸If he should ever erupt with the most likely trigger being your own life being in danger, he will use the same method as Saigiku. He will request special custody for you. That includes the isolation and your mysterious disappearance as he is fully aware what that will do to you. Your disappointed and resentful eyes cut deeper than his own sword ever cut as he feels something slowly collapsing. This is when his own defense fully kicks in as he builds those delusional walls to protect himself from going insane. He reaches the peak of his delusional behavior as he genuinely insists that what he does is only for your own good. Whilst he still understands why you are upset, he prioritizes your safety over your freedom. Sometimes you just can’t have both of those options coexisting with each other and have to sacrifice one of them. He has decided to sacrifice your freedom for your safety.
🌸Tetchou probably is one of the most normal people from the Hunting Dogs. He still has his fair share of weird quirks but most of them are quite cute for the most part. This man could literally stare at you for hours if he has the time and You can’t even remember that you see him blinking much whenever he does so. He’s kind enough to share his strange mixtures of same-colored food with you and legitimately doesn’t seem to understand what you find so appalling about it. He’s rather chill most of the times as he just lets you decide what you two should do. As long as he can accompany you, he doesn’t complain much and is alright with most of the stuff you do together with him. Be careful though if you ever have a cuddle session with him as he is very reluctant to let you leave his hold once he has you in his arms.
Nikolai Gogol
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🕊️Nikolai is a wonderful actor as he stumbles in your life, parading as someone who is perfectly normal and despite being extremely crazed in reality, you don't suspect anything. Because he does such a wonderful job in hiding everything he is. Above all what stands out about Nikolai is his unique obsession he has with you as he isn't quite possessive in a normal sense. He envies the birds able to fly freely in the sky without any chains binding them yet here he is, shackled with the chains of his own feelings which rob him of his capability, his right, to soar high into the sky. His obsession is the heaviest of those chains and behind his sweet smile he hides a deep resentment against you for caging him in like this. His fantasies range from sweet and innocent images of both of you sharing a passionate kiss with each other to truly deranged ones where he is choking and strangling you and both make his heart beat equally enraptured out of his chest to the point where he doesn't know what he wants.
🕊️​Nikolai is surely also very sadistic because as his lover you should also take part in his suffering. He stalks you, follows you and even breaks into your house as he slowly induces you with paranoia without ever revealing himself. He watches with delight as you slowly start losing your sanity as he forces your paranoid mind to push away and reject all the people in your life as they start seeing you as mentally ill which has you shedding tears as you don't even know yourself anymore. It escalates until only he is left to soothe your tears, his grip occasionally tightening on your face as you wipes your tears away with his thumb, a sweet grin on his face that slowly darkens. Sometimes he has a hard time taming his dark impulses as his eyes dart to your neck, his hands brushing against it as he has to swallow slightly when he feels your pulse underneath his palms. Suddenly you feel him squeezing your neck in a slowly tightening hold and only when you look confused and startled up does he snap out of it and returns to his harmless grin.
🕊️​Jealously is a burden to Nikolai as it is only a heavy chain more that ties him down to you. He feels like he is forced into acting as this feeling always presses onto his chest as he watches you with someone else. A part of him despises how carefree you look, so liberated from any negative emotions whilst he is left silently suffering behind you. How dare you? How dare you to rob him of his freedom whilst enjoying yourself so much? He plays quite the despicable play whenever he feels this pressuring jealousy wrapping itself around his body like a rope he can't free himself from as he resents you equally as much as the one you interacted with. He will punish both his darling and the other person for their low and infuriating display of emotions, for their crime of looking so free whilst he is left chasing after his own.
🕊️​Death through his hands is genuinely horrifying as he treats it all like a twisted game. He dangles the option of escape always in front of his victim's nose only to shatter that illusion seconds before they could get away from him. If he can't get his own freedom, they won't either. Worst is that not only people who are involved with you get involved with this. He occasionally lets you play one of those games too as he literally just collects people from the street who mildly annoy him upon first impression. As cruel the deaths of those people are, they aren't his real victims but merely pawns in his game where the main attraction will be your downfall into madness and hopelessness. You are forced to follow the twisted rules of his game as he sometimes even forces you to kill those innocent people yourself. He enjoys your downfall into despair though. You don't look that free anymore yourself as the chains of guilt and terror keep you down on the ground. At least both of you are on the same page now~
🕊️​For quite a long time Nikolai just seems to play around with you like a child would with their favorite toy. He follows you around as your stalker and masked nightmare whilst simultanously taking the role of your only friend at one point as everyone else abandons you. He just enjoys to see your struggles as he loves observing you as every tear you shed and every mental breakdown you have has him feeling a bit better about his own fate as he extracts his revenge upon you. There is no real plan to this abduction besides a simple and random will of his. Both of you could be literally anywhere before he suddenly reveals his other side to you and admits to you that he has been the one who has driven you over the edge and that he was the one who made you doubt your own sanity. There's a gleeful grin on his face as he drinks in your horrified expression. Dove, did he ever tell you that you would look lovely in a cage?
🕊️​You have to fear for your life constantly each and every day from that day on as you always have to prepare for the worst possible. Nikolai's behavior can switch so suddenly as he is quite unpredictable. In one moment he could shower you with kisses before he suddenly presses a knife against your neck and you can feel a thin trail of blood trickling down only to go back to kissing the wound on your neck again affectionately. It is a torture to not know what might be happening. Unknown to you though, not Nikolai knows anymore what he should do. In one moment he wishes to feel your cold and lifeless skin under his fingers and in the next he wants to just cuddle and shower you in affection. Your death and your life both seem equally appealing to him as he feels the chains tightening around his body as he always lacks the final push to murder you. The next time, he always tells himself. There's always the next time.
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☁️​Sigma is an utterly dedicated man who has come to terms that his whole reason for existence can be found in you. His purpose is pinpointed back to you and so with a finally concrete goal in life, he almost throws himself willingly into the pitfall of his own obsession. Perhaps a part of him can rationalise why you are so unappy with your current situation as well as why his feelings are wrong from several perspectices. Yet Sigma would take this new obsession anyday over the dark and empty tear inside of him that used to grow everyday because he didn't know of his purpose of being in this world. So whilst his guilt is enough for you to occasionally manipulate him and enough to make him spoil you in his attempts to appease you and give you happiness, it isn't enough so that he would ever allow you to leave his side. He's too selfish to ever let you abandon him and leave him all lost and shattered.
☁️​With a fierce determination and a feeling of need inside of his heart, he memorizes everything about you until he could repeat it at any given time. He has a duty to know everything about you from the food you enjoy to the allergies to please you and fulfill you your wishes like no one else could. When one of the information he has gotten proves to be wrong or outdated, he panics quickly as he apologizes over and over again to you. Sigma is certainly very paranoid that anything could happen to you so there are cameras installed in the large room he has specifically designed for you in his casino so that he can always check what is going on if he should feel uneasy. Then there are also special guards assigned to not let you leave or to accompany you at the very least if you should go somehwere.
☁️​Sigma is for sure on a more insecure side so he is prone to jealousy which is induced by paranoia and fear that you might try to leave him for someone else. He needs a lot of reassurance from your side in any form to feel more peaceful with his life and better about his own existence because if you were to truly try to leave him for someone better, he would have failed his only purpose in life. It's this unease that often leads him into keeping you isolated more than he should as he is so incredibly skittish to let you go under other people. Even if he allows you on certain days to chat with some of the customers, he somehow can't ease his controlling grip as he schedules purposely for you to end up talking with people he has studied beforehand and has paired up with you with the thought that they wouldn't appeal to you for different reasons. Please don't hold it against him. He's just so terrified that you might want to leave him for someone else.
☁️​He's probably the member of the Decay of Angels that would be considered the most harmless because despite his paranoia, Sigma isn't sadistic nor does he take the act of murder lightly. He takes so much preparation for you to never run into any sort of troubles and for his Sky Casino to never be attacked in any way or shape that he already keeps trouble often away before it can appear. That doesn't mean that he won't take extreme measurements if anything should ever pop up that might endanger your life. As skittish and insecure Sigma might be at times he is definitely putting up a different facade when your life is in danger as you are the one thing he can not effort to lose. So even the act of killing someone will be ordered by him if he can't think of any other way to solve this issue. As guilty as he might feel for it at times, he is still clinging onto the thought that at least their death ensured that you wouldn't be in any harm.
☁️​An abduction with Sigma is bound to happen, although he takes a less rough and violent approach to it. He is planning the entire thing weeks before it happens as he reads every information about you he could get his hands on and then prepares and designs the room himself with what he thinks you would love most. He puts so much heart and soul into it because he only strives for perfection when it comes to you that you would almost feel flattered if you wouldn't be permanently stuck in this suite now. You don't even know what he has in mind when he one day nervously asks you to come with him only to lead you into this room before offering you a drink, spiked with drugs. He explains everything hastily you just before the drugs start taking effects and you start feeling sluggish and tired and don't possess the strength needed to rebel against his sudden declaration that he can't let you leave him anymore.
☁️​Getting into arguments with you is never good for his mentality especially if you harshly critize him and he can basically feel your resentment and your hatred festering inside of him. He needs your approval, he needs your affection because otherwise his existence will never feel validated. He showers you in presents of clothes, food, jewelry and hundreds of other things he hopes you enjoy in an attempt to appease you and lessen your anger against him. Sigma has a hard time leaving you alone for even a few hours as he gets quickly anxious and uneasy without your presence and checking the cameras he has installed inside your room only help that long. So he often pays you short visits in between his work to bask in your presence for a bit and to calm himself down before going back to his work. Even with his composed image in his workplace, he is awfully easy to tease and to fluster as his face quickly flushes red whenever you show him affection and he is especially shy when it comes to physical affection because you're literally the first one to do about everything with him. From the first hug to the first kiss.
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suninyourmoon · 1 year
🗣 Not professional astrologer! It’s only based on my own experience, people that i know, and self-observation. So please take with grain of salt! :D
Venus in Libra peeps could be those who keep nagging about how they want a relationship so bad. (i know a few people in my life with this placement and they can't stop complaining about how single they are help)
Leo moon are lying to themselves if they say they don't like attention. (perhaps don't realize it yet?)
A lot of Venus in Virgo people that i know at some point in their life will questioning whether they really want a marriage or not. (yeah me too)
Someone said "i can't see myself getting married. I don't know, it seems unrealistic to me" yeah you are Virgo Venus in 12th house retrograde.
I mean, Venus in Virgo itself already make this person picky when it comes to love, and then the confusion and unrealistic idea they had because of the neptune influence. And in retrograde? jeez. i believe they have been in a relationship but then the relationship they had never meet their expentation because this people have a hopeless romantic idea of what romance is.
Venus in Sagittarius / 9th need a lot of freedom. Have a special place for foreigner in ther heart. Love someone who can keep up with their wild energy. Love people who is aware of society problem. Might also into smart people. Probably like to joke around with people close to their heart as well. (or people in general)
Moon in 7th house / Moon in Libra find comfort from being around people.
or they might feel the need to be in a relationship so that they won't feel lonely. Might dealing with co-dependency. (i know it's not your fault but please seek theraphy)
Friend of mine have 7th stellium (5 planet) and i swear to god, the attachment issues they have with is not a joke. They struggle with being on their own and need someone approval in every aspect of their life. Feel like they are incomplete if they're single. Too selfless, too giving. Later in life, people with this placement might have to realize that they should learn to stand on their on feet.
Neptune in 3rd house might having a hard time to communicate what they want to say. They also might say something they don't mean.
Uranus in 3rd house saying something in such a random way. i can't understand you sometimes,,,,,,
Chiron in 2nd house peeps could deal with feeling unworthy and feel unsave. They could feel guilty if they spend money on themselves. My Friend with this placement struggle with fear of end up lacking money all the time.
TW : ED!
i've met a few people with Chiron in 1st house, all of them stuggle with self-image and body dysmorphia, and also struggling with Eating Disorder. :(
Those with Jupiter and Saturn together in 8th House will likely to be extremely wealthy. They are hardworking and blessed with money.
They might also are curious about the deeper things in live, spirituality and the theme around 8th house but at the same times fear of the unknown and uncertainty. They might be those people who want to dive deeper into sex (or just have high energy on that) and desire devoted relatonship but hold themselves back and blocking themself from intimate relationship because a deep fear of commitment. It's very frustasing when jupiter and saturn are in the same house.
this is actually synasty thingy but i felt like i need to mention this, DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH SOMEONE YOU HAVE 8TH HOUSE SYNASTRY WITH WHEN YOU’RE NOT READY AT ALL🩸👄🩸 i have my experience with someone who my planets fall into their 8th house (stellium), and they are OBSESSES. I help bring their true and darker side of them so now they’re attach on me, it’s sorta my fault for trying to fix them tho that’s why i’m telling you stop messing around with this synastry if you’re not ready.
8th house placement… did astrology became your free therapy because they can validate ur emotion and understand you so damn well? Same👍🏻
Mercury-Saturn aspect, i know it’s a good thing to be careful with ur words but please say something if you really want to say it. You literally limiting ur self sometimes and overthinks a lot
There someone i know said that they don't know how to get mad and have Mars-Saturn aspect. These people (Could be Saturn in 8th house as well) might been told during their childhood that it's wrong let their temper loose so then growing up they feel guilty to express their anger and try to burry those temper.
They also could be those who struggle with supressed sexuality.
idk but my mom have Scorpio Mars and used to make a lot of sexual jokes during my childhood. (please don't do that)
Sagittarius Asc peeps i knew in the first impression look so innocently religious and calm, and they always turns out to be not. Like, literally
Thats it✨ thankyou sm and you can give me a feedback 💥 cheers peeps🫶
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cybercl0ne · 1 year
A Duty to Owe // Ghost x Medic!female reader // One-shot // 18+
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Summary: You're reunited with Ghost after he ends up in your care. 
TW: Angst at beginning, 18+, Swearing, names used: baby, good girl, love, etc., gunshot wound(s), p in v, potential impreg, unprotected sex. 
You were notified of another patient in a mild condition. Abruptly the staff only door blasted open with a frantic co-worker flashing their attention in your direction. 
“Y/n we need you, stat!” They yelped. You laid the freshly ground coffee on the table and sped off into the ER room, giving a reassuring nod to the frantic co-worker that sped off with you. 
“What’s the status?” You demanded, getting on your gloves as you entered the room. Not yet seeing the patient before you and the group. 
“Mild to critical. Tactical wounds, several.” The tech next to you added. 
“Any stray bullets?” You ask pulling up your surgical mask, scrambling for the respective tools. 
“One clean through, two other punctured lower arm and left abdomen.” 
You finally get a clean view at your patient. It was Simon. Simon “Ghost” Riley. You knew it was bound to happen one day. The infamous “Ghost” getting hit and in need of medical help. Although he probably was defiant to the bitter end of his consciousness.
“Alright let’s get to work, I need forceps.” You claim, taking a big sigh before readying yourself. 
Ghost stirred awake as you lifted his shirt to get a view at the healing process. 
“Well good morn’ to you to Y/n.” He gruffly stroked out. You didn’t realize how much it spooked you to hear his voice after being in his room multiple times with dead silence. 
“Like the view that much?” He teased, a small groan escaping his lips as you prodded at his wounds. 
Ignoring his small antic you continue to trail your cold fingers up and down his abdomen. Ghost shivers under your cold yet slim and gentle hands. His rough, war raged hands flew to his shirt, pulling it down to “end” your little examination. 
“Hey, stop being fussy. The only view I’m interested in is this bullet wound.” You counterfeit. You slapped his hand away, finally meeting face to face with him. You saw his eyes flash with fiery emotions. He always did love the attitude you struck him with. 
“You did a good job doc.” 
“Thanks Simon.” You slyly snuck in, smiling at him before looking back at his raw scratched up chest. He gruffed in disprovement. 
“Y’know I don’t want you calling me that.” He whispered, trying to sit up straight.
“And you don’t want me to check your clearly attention needed wounds. Pick one.” 
“Fucking minx..” he whispered, closing into your ear. You jumped, jumping up out of the seat that you pulled up next to him. 
“Simon!” You said flushed as you readjusted yourself. 
Simon just gave you a shit eating grin as his arms looped around your waist, pulling you in. 
“M’ sorry, ya big baby.” He continues as you slowly fall into his arms. 
“You gonna let me finish checking on my patient?” You ask condensing. You roll your eyes as you watch how ghost shrugs. 
“Maybe, depends. Is it me?” He teases. He finally let’s go reluctantly as you roll your chair back to you, this time focusing on his buff arm. 
“How’s Soap and the rest of the team.” You change the subject. You hadn’t seen them in forever and missed the way Końig would make jokes about your accent. And how Soap and you could stay up for hours talking about nothing. 
“There fine, but now that you mention soap..” he adds. 
“You should join us on base and field again.” 
“Ghost you know I don’t do that anymore.” You sulk. You remember the endless amount of people you couldn’t save, the eyes you’d look into watching them fade into the other side. 
“I know, just think about it. You can shoot like you got a damn head, your a fucking divine medic. And I- we need people like you on the team.” He tries to get you to look at him as he pampers you with praise. 
“Ghost I’m sorry your medics are shit but that’s not my problem. It’s different when your behind the scenes, cleaning up after the bloodshed.” You whined. It’s not that you didn’t miss everyone and lost your lust for saving people live, but you didn’t think you could mentally do it anymore. 
Ghost finds his hands to your waist again, knowing that normally he’d never get this close to other people. But you weren’t other people. You were special. 
“It’s been three years. Three fuckin’ years since I’ve seen you Y/n. I don’t wanna have to take another bullet to see you again.” You scoffed lightly. 
“Is that what you did. You risked your life to end up in here to see me?” 
“No, I just requested that you work on me.” He says, closing in, wanting to giggle at your worried and pouty face. 
You watched as his face fell closer to yours. You slowly felt yourself closing into him. “You know your impossible right?” You scoff, staring at his juicy lips. His mask just barely covering his nose. you went limp as Simon kissed you while laughing. You fell into the way your lips smacked so sensually against each other. He used his oversized hand to guide you onto him. 
“W-wait Si, we can’t…” you whimper into his mouth. He peeked his eyes open as he ignored your pleas, watching you try to fight against him. 
“Come on baby, scared someone’s gonna walk in? That never stopped you before.” You would’ve been lying if you said your heart didn’t do a somersault. You once again lost complaint and continued to kiss him while you straddled him.
“Don’t know how much I missed this, n’ you.” He added, unbuttoning your classy uniform. 
You grinded into his already bulky bulge feeling the way it’s veins made themselves visible from underneath his boxers. 
As sounds of you both kissing filled the room a sudden knock infiltrated the atmosphere. 
Shit. You both thought at the same time as you scrambled to button your shirt back, and Simon readjusting his all to obvious hard on. 
“Doctor Y/n? Are you here?” One of your intern nurses asked timidly. 
“Y-yes, I’m here h-hang on a minute.” You spoke, trying to regain yourself. As you composed yourself you opened the door and talked with the nurse about diagnostics. 
As she left you faced your heated attention to Simon who was impatiently waiting for your return. 
“I’m asserting a week of bedrest.” You assign with your clipboard from the nurse.
“No can do sweetheart.” He shakes, clearly disapproving. 
“Well it’ll have to do because I don’t want you moving out of bed Simon Riley.” You put your hands on your hips, finalizing the decision.
“You won’t be getting any action for the rest of this week and some, so get comfortable.” You say patting his leg and motioning out of the room. 
“Aww, no goodnight kiss?” He teases on the way out. You calmly walk back and give him a smack on the forehead. 
“Goodnight Simon.” You wave with your back turned to him. He chuckles to himself as he rubs his forehead where your touch was. 
He also gently rubs his hard on that hadn’t gone away. 
You fill your eyes with papers as you feel your eyes getting annoyingly droopy. A sudden knock from your office door wakes you from your doze. 
“Mhm, come in.” You say, not looking at the door or the intruder. You instead focus your eyes between the computer full of assignments and papers of documents. 
When you finally look up, you see Simon sitting in the chair closest to you, waiting for you to notice him. 
“Thought I told you your on bedrest.” You prod, pointing at him with your inked out pen. 
“Don’t listen.” He simply put it, shrugging. He stood up, rounding the desk to fit behind you.
“You need sleep darling. You're really gonna need it.” He says, kissing your temple. 
You nod, deciding to listen to reason rather than fight on something you know you need. 
He gives you a flick to your temple as he walks out of your office as you scowl.
“Goodnight Y/n.” He smirks.
After a long week, you found yourself boarding with Ghost onto a plane, readying yourself for the mission. You’d recognized that it had been awhile since you were out of your element, only really remembering how to shoot on a dime. 
“Nervous Y/n?” Końig ask, looming in your direction while toying with his delay device. 
“Well you know I haven’t been in this environment for awhile.” You scratch. He gives you a reassured smile. 
“You’ll do great y/n.” Soap adds, taking no time to take up as much space next to you as possible. 
“As a prize after the mission you should let me take ya’ out to eat.” He slickly adds in. Ghost shoots daggers at Soap, clearing his throat to remind him of his presence. 
“Oh i'm sorry LT, did you want to say somethin’?” He flashes a grin towards Ghost. Ghost balls his hand in a fist where he sits. 
“Focus on the mission Johnny.” He coldly commands. 
“Just makin’ small talk LT.” he smacks his lips before turning to you asking you about a life update. 
You oblige and talk with interest as ghost stares deeply at you. Almost enough to want to trade places with Soap. He watches how your eyes shine with enthusiasm to help people. But that’s just who you were. Someone who had light, and wanted to radiate it to others. 
When it was time to deploy from the plane, the plane rumbled telling its passengers to jump.
You hastily double check your straps and wraps as you embarrassingly forgot how parachuting works in the last three years. You feel ghost wrap his arms around your leg, searching the work himself. He readjust some small parts, stretching and tightening your waist strap. 
“So handy Ghost.” Końig says as he observes how his hands linger on your body a little too long. 
“Y’know that ain’t it.” Ghost denies while you and Końig knew it was. 
“Yeah it’s not like that końig.” 
“You can lie to Soap guys but you can’t lie to me.” “Mexico guys.” He peeks at you two, sharing looks of clear disbelief. You both instantly remembered the steamy incident that happened between you both. You both were sure nobody had heard your pounded screams and desperate mewls but it was a lie since Końig was apparently living proof. 
Końig jumps out of the plane a little after having a smirk session with you two. 
“You ready?” Ghost nudges. You take a deep breath, nodding. Ghost grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him as he leaps from the still moving jet. 
You land on the moist ground, your nose filling with gunpowder and tropical humidity. You pushed up with a teammate. Scoping the area for the injured and enemy. 
A sudden explosion takes you by surprise as you pull your teammate who was running in that direction behind a rock. He starts stuttering, breathing heavily, and not being able to focus his eyes on you. 
“I-I..h-he.” The man babbled. You slapped him out of his provocative hyperventilation.
“Focus soldier! Your ok!” You shout over the instant gunfire and explosions over the city. 
Ghost pulls behind you two soon after, his gun smoking from usage.
“You guys alright?!” He shouts, you nod, focusing and drawing your gun out before shooting a guy that tried to push up to you. 
“Good girl!” He praises. You take cover as you hear a sniper try to take your head, just nearly missing by a hair. You draw your walk-ie talkie to announce a sniper on building 5. 
“On it!” Końig radios. You then hear a single shot and końig radio again. 
“Taken care of, you should be able to push up!” Końig replies. You thank him, logging off. 
You command the little team you traveled with to move up, you quickly moved with them, finding your own present in the process. You stab the intruder and move the body to make it your grounding place.
“UAV dropping!” Ghost screams over the radio motioning you and the straggler to move in toward the Churchyard. You run to the steps, seeing Soap protecting his flank as he gets stray bullets. 
You cover him, taking out some of the guys that knew his location. 
“Thanks Y/n!” Soap mentions to you as you push into the church. Soap follows while Ghost and the man you were with before took behind. 
Another explosion landed but this time it was landing right towards the church. You heard the small screech and listened to how close it was. 
“SOAP WAI-“ it was to late as your body was launched to the wall, of the courtyard. When you sat up it was all filled with smoke and you were covered in dead grass. You coughed franticly searching for something, anyone. You notice Ghost over in the small corner that he was blown to. You rush to him instantly, checking if he was stable. He chuckles and grabs your arm, telling you he’s alright as he tries to restabilize himself.
You flash your head and see Soap laying of the church steps. You rush towards him, as soon as you got to him fire started opening on you instantly. You hastily pull and lift Soap to safety inside of the confession booths. As you lay him down he smiles at you proving how he’s at least still alive. 
It’s not until Ghost rounds the corner that you notice your hurt. A bullet through the abdomen, shit. You turn away from Ghost, trying to assist Soap with your opposite side. 
“How bad is it doc?” Soap mumbles. 
“Y-you’ll be f-fine..” you shakily breathe out. They both look at you instantly with the same face. 
“You ok Lad?” Soap questions. You hide the wound, knowing that if Ghost finds out he’ll get himself killed. 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
“You got your gun on you Johnny?” He pats his side, showing his small yet effective pistol. 
“Never leave home without it.” He chuckles. You observe his leg where he was hit and see that at best it’s a minor sprain, with maybe some stray nails that stabbed his leg. You then see the giant gash that flew inside his leg. It was glass. You wanted to pull it out but instead decided against it so he doesn’t die from blood loss. 
You go to grab your radio only to notice how it’s not there. Double shit. “We have to go, Soap protect yourself until we get back!” You command. He nods as ghost and you motion to walk out of the room. You fall back to your knees as the sharp and unignorable pain forced you to sit. You started huffing hard, staring at your hand that covered the wound overflow with blood. 
“Shit!” Soap shouts. 
Ghost turns around, noticing how you weren’t behind him. 
“Fuck! Y/n!” He drops to the floor beside you, dropping his gun in the process. 
Soap returns fire to the enemies pushing into the debris filled building. 
“Don’t worry I can hold them off!” Soap calls, trying to calm Ghost. 
“Fuck sake Y/n!” He grumbles. You uncover your hand to show the wound, you look up at him and motion for your kit. 
“S…stop bleeding.” You whispered out, trying to wrap the white bandage around your waist. Ghost’s eyes shared nothing but pain for you as he scrambled to stop the bleeding. You felt your strength weakening as you fell limp in your arms, the burning halting progress. 
“No,no,no. Don’t leave me Y/n! Please don’t go! Stay awake love!” He screams. With your little strength you touch his hand that rested on your stomach.
“Ghost. Grab your gun…” he shook his head, defiant till the bitter end, or what felt like the end. You fully went limp, your heavy eyes closing to gain some sort of energy. 
“Bravo 07…Ghost what’s going on up there? What’s your status?” Końig calculated. 
Ghost grabbed his radio, “Końig! I need medical support now!” Ghost demanded.
“Medical support on the way!” Końig radios back. His voice more frantic. 
White noise filled ghost ears as he watched you and Soap getting lifted to urgent care. 
Ghost was making Końig dizzy as he paced the room back and forth. 
“Ghost she’ll make it. That girls tough as nails.” Końig tried to reason. Ghost was to busy ignoring Końig to think about reason, just thinking about how your limp body was straggled through the ER doors, eyes that didn’t even flutter. 
“God..oh god… this is all my fault.” Ghost sighs, finally sitting in one of the chairs that made him look bigger. 
“You know you can’t blame yourself.” Końig places his hand on ghost shoulder, sitting down next to him. 
“No Końig, it is. I pushed her to come to this wretched mission.” Końig sat in silence as he tried to think about a common answer. 
“How’s Soap?” Końig asked, trying to change the subject a little. 
“He’s alright.” Ghost sighs, standing up to pace again. 
Him and Końig sat in a penetrating silence. 
“Y’know when she gets out of this, take her somewhere nice. Treat her to dinner. Something fun.” Końig slouches. Ghost thinks for the first time tonight. ‘Somewhere outside of the field?’ Does such a thing happen? He sat in thought, it was short lived as he knew if you didn’t make it… he couldn’t even bear to think of warm thoughts yet.
“Ghost…she’s her own person, she accepted out of free will. Remember she’s not a child.” Końig said, standing up as Ghost did. 
You felt your body lifting in between limbo. It’s be light then heavy, shifting with the tide of the world. You woke up in a strange bed. It was extra strange as the bed was in the middle of a beach. You tried to remember what you were doing as you were in completely different clothes. That’s when you heard the faint sound of laughter. Simons laugh to be specific. You got up, your feet digging into the sand you walked on. 
“Stabilize her! I need another set of hands stat!” 
You ignore the faint ringing in your head and made your way to Simon. He was standing at the ocean's tip, letting his toes be swept in the shallow bits of the water. The sea was calm and collected as the tide shortened when getting to close to the sand. 
“We need blood transfusion! Grab the syringe. She’s losing blood by the minute!” 
“Simon?” You call out. Your voice echoed until it reached his ears, his doting eyes turned to you with a smile you’d only seen a number of times. 
“Com’ here.” He whispered. You obliged and stood beside him, turning to face him. 
“What is this place? What are we doing here?” You asked as he held your hand tightly. 
“Extracting the bullet now. Keep her breathing steady!” 
“Y/n. Y’know I love you very much.” Simon confessed. You continued to look at him, the waves getting stronger, roaring like your pounding heart. 
“…yeah…” you answered. You finally looked forward at the beach that stood before you both. 
“Can you see it, love? The sun blazes just right when you look at it here.” He claims as the crashing tides catch wilder. You try to focus on the words he’s saying but with the overwhelming sound of waves crashing and the constant lingering sound of beeping you couldn’t focus at all. 
“Si..do you hear that?” You said peeking around trying to find the source of the noise. You looked over to where Simon was, just to realize he’s not there. He was no longer holding your hand, doting on you with a loving look, he was nowhere. 
You fell to the ground as the beeping got harder to tune out. “S-Simon I-I’m scared.” You whispered as you curled into a ball on the sand. You felt a shelter build over you as Simon wrapped his body along yours. 
“Don’t be scared, just wake up, my love.” 
You looked up to see the crashing wave that was high enough to eat you whole, you watched as it swooped down to take you into its den. 
You closed your eyes one last time, this time only hearing the faint sound of beeping. 
“She’s alive, good job everyone.” 
The tired and weary surgeon takes a step out of the Emergency Department as Ghost dashes to the door that he’d been waiting for. 
“How is she? Is she ok? Is she alive?” Ghost asked so many questions that the surgeon didn’t bother trying to keep up. 
“Sir she’s alive. She’s stable and alive.” The surgeon confirms. Ghost looks at Końig and his face is full of relief. He can tell that Końig didn’t want to run the risk of having to drag a mourning and guilty Ghost home. 
Just as Ghost was about to rush off to find you, Soap wheeled in smiling. 
“Hey guys, miss me?” He peers. Końig rushes to Soap, excited and telling him how you were ok. 
“What room is she?” He asked. The surgeon blinked a couple of times before churning his throat. 
“You can’t see her right now sir, I’m afraid it’s against policy-“ 
“Ya’ think I give a fuck about your policy? If you won’t tell me what rooms she’s in I’ll just find it myself.” Ghost threatened. When he saw that the surgeon wasn’t budging he pushed past him and went on his search to find you. 
Końig and Soap lacked behind as they apologized for Ghost behavior, and trying to catch up to him as he kept speeding up. 
“So I guess this means the Lad is really off limits.” Soap sulks.��
“Yep, unless you want him to put you here.” Końig adds, pushing Soap down the hallway. 
You stirred away, stubbornly confined in a cocoon why the tight bedsheets. You felt a numbing pain as you tried to sit up. As you did you saw a blonde fluff laying at the end of your side. Simon rested against your legs, clearly worn out and asleep. It wasn’t long as he instantly shot up at the sudden amount of movement. 
“Good morning Ghost.” You smiled as you petted his fluffed hair. He looked at you in disbelief. You snickered at his reaction, Ghost reaching for water to give you. 
“Y/n I thought I’d lose you.” Ghost whispered as he clasped onto your face. You smiled loosely at him as you kissed his stubble face. 
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Simon Riley.” You kissed again. 
He laughed with guilt, but also overjoyed. 
His head hung low as you still held onto his face. You lifted it up making him meet you eye to eye. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, observing how his demeanor wasn’t cold but distant. 
“It’s all my fault. I made you go out there. You would have never gotten hurt if it weren’t for me!” He explained, dumping his heavy guilt on top of you. 
You clicked your tongue as you melted into his face. 
“Simon, it’s not your fault. I wanted to go on this mission, do you know how long I’ve wanted to see you all again? How much I wanted to see you?” 
“Simon, it's not the first bullet I’ve eaten, and it certainly won’t be the last. What matters is that you can hold me without having to put me in a body bag.” You explain. You watch as he listens to your reason, smiling a gentle smile as he closes in peppering your face with comfort kisses. 
He pauses for a minute, taking you in. He slowly leans into your face heading for your lips that he’s wanted to taste since the beginning. 
You both melt into each other as you feel the emotion Ghost was implying. It wasn’t a kiss of pure lust, or plain sexual attraction, it was a kiss of fear and passion. The fear that he might lose you if he doesn’t kiss you, and the passion that burned inside him when he was around you. 
“Don’t ever leave me again you minx.” He whispered in your ear. You felt your heart flutter as you melted in his arms. You engulfed him in a deep hug, allowing his hands to travel to your waist.
Just as you two were about to get “handsy” a burst through the door knocked the semi romantic moment. 
“Końig and Soap!” You cheered. You were glad to see them both ok, as Soap wheeled to your bedside. 
“Hey doc. How ya feelin’” Soap questioned. 
“Better than I did a few hours ago.” You scratched your head, claiming. The square giggled as you sat with your feet hanging off the bed that Ghost and you were sitting on. 
After a few days you were discharged from the hospital, prescribed minor pain meds but other than that you were taken for leave at your job so now was the time for a vacation. You daydream of what you could do now that you had actual time off. 
You stepped out of the hospital, only to be met by Ghost. He had left to go back to base a few days ago so your face was puzzled when you saw him in casual clothes, his car pulled to the parking lot, and no one else around. 
“Hey Ghost. Didn’t expect to see you here. Thought you were on duty.” You question, still trying to see if Soap or Price was with him. 
Ghost sighed, nervous as hell and fidgety. 
“No. I asked for timed leave..” you smiled at him, making his heart flutter and finding himself even more nervous. 
“That’s good! Lord knows everyone on the team could use timed leave.” You joke. 
You motion to an opposite direction as Ghost grabs your arm without warning. You stare at him with patience as he loosens his grip. 
“Where are you goin’?” He asked curiously. 
“Home, I got a timed leave too. I don’t want to waste it at the hospital.” You joked again. 
You watched as Ghost cleared his throat, straightening himself for you. 
“Then hop in my car and waste your leave with me.” He finally spat. You felt your face growing with heat as you nodded, accepting and hopping in the car. 
You two made small talk on the way home, him talking about what meals he wanted to eat as they didn’t have them on base. You talked about back home and how you sort of missed your family. 
As the car rolled to a stop you realized that you both were at a restaurant. 
He let your side of the car out, watching you step out and in awe.
“You just wanted to take me out, huh?” You slyly ask, looking over at Ghost.
“You knew and you still teased me, fuckin’ hell.” He playfully who rolled his eyes, latching his arm to yours as you both went into bananbee’s. 
As he pulled into his driveway to his house you stepped out of the car to meet him at the front door. “Huh, I didn’t know there was a pin.” You talk to yourself as you fiddle with your shirt. 
He walks up shortly after, pulling out a set of keys and unlocking the door. As soon as you both entered he snuck down and started feasting on your lips. 
“S-Simon! At least let me take off my jacket!” You squealed as he hungrily kept smacking his lips against yours.
As a reply he just grunted, ripping the annoying jacket off your body. You bumped into the wall as his force on you was so strong. He broke the kiss, panting and wanting. 
“You're just gonna eat me like this?” You flirt. He snickers, grinning as he works to declothe his shirt. 
“So fuckin’ sweet.” He concluded, pinning you into the wall. You moaned under him as he nibbled and suckled at your precious neck. 
“To fucking good sweetheart.” He says, breathing you in. You find your hands traveling through his hair as he fights with your bra, watching your breast pool out, your nipples growing stiff and pointed as the air nipped at them. 
He wasted no time in latching his hungry mouth to one of your nipples, sucking and licking at them with hope that maybe you’d draw milk. 
You felt your lower half getting wetter at the constant attention this man was giving to your body. You felt how he hit every nerve on your chest, leaving his mark wherever he felt. 
You grinded into him, hoping the cause of friction would give Simon the memo. 
“Si…I want you. I want it so fucking bad.” You moan out. He stops to stare at your face, begging with neediness. 
“My fuckin’ baby want me that bad?” Ghost teases as he unbuckles his strap, letting his pants drop to the floor, freeing his oversized cock. 
You squirm to get out of your pants. Your pretty painties soaked to the touch. 
“All for me baby?” He grunts as he jerks himself towards your hip. You flex into him, your pussy clenching around nothing as his hand travels between your folds. 
“S-Simon your such a tease.” You hiss. He laughs, tapping his middle finger on your sobbing clit. You flinch as he taps, jerking into his hand as he relishes in you. 
He pops his finger out of your panties, drawing his fingers in his mouth to taste you. You see his eyes flutter and feel his cock twitch at the taste of you. You don’t hesitate to push your panties to the floor with the rest of your clothes as he grunts.
“Fuck baby… I gotta put it in.” “Sure you can handle me?” 
You grind roughly into his cock as a reply, only answering with straggling mewls. 
“So fuckin’ needy..” he whispers, grabbing his fat cock and stroking it aside your pussy. He lifts you up against the wall as he props you above his cock. You already felt your mind slipping as he lowered you onto him, his tip barely inside of you making you want to cum. 
He thrust deep inside you, bottoming out as you both shouted. You slured his name, your mind only thinking about getting fucked. 
“Good girl..my good girl.” He says as he starts pounding you against his wall. The rough pattern of his thrusting making you cock drunk. 
“Fuck baby.. I can see your stomach bulging. You look so cute with my cock inside of you.” You whimper as he kisses you roughly and with passion. The taste of you stil, faintly on his tongue. 
You feel the coil in your stomach lurk even tighter as you feel yourself giving into pleasure. 
“G-gonna…g-gonna cum Si!” You practically scream out. 
Ghost fastens his pace as you feel him twitch. 
“M-me to baby.. fuck! Cum with me baby!” He screams as he pounds you harder. You grasp onto his back, leaving scratches along it. 
He gets to his final thrust and unloads inside of you. You feel yourself give in and squeeze tight around him, cumming. 
“I can feel it.” You breathe out, feeling up and down your stomach from how much he came inside you. 
You felt his cock soften inside of you as cum started to drip down his cock. 
He grabbed your limp body, taking you into the bedroom with him still inside of you. 
Ghost gently pulled out of you, unplugging the supply of cum that he’d filled you with. You winced at the empty feeling it gave you. 
“Don’t worry baby. There’ll be plenty more times when I can plug you full of my cock.” He teased, kissing your lips softly. You snicker as you get up to go to the bathroom to wash up. After a while you find Ghost in bed waiting patiently for you. You crawl into bed beside him as he flicks on the tv. 
He wraps his arm around your waist as he spoons you, gently sliding his cock inside you again. You slowly fall asleep watching tv, Ghost notices and kisses you gently on the head before turning off the tv and falling asleep next to you. 
A/N: Hey guys! I hope this one is WAY better than the last Ghost one :} Also credit to @Valbrainrot on TikTok for giving me the idea. This one shot is based off of their account.
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aang3ll · 7 months
The Wilbur Situation
I wanna start this off by saying that I am not on Wilbur's side. I am a long time fan of Wilbur, I've been watching him for five or four years. He was what made my days better. He was even in my suic!d3 note a few months back. But I do not, and will not, support an abuser. And anyone who does so, get the hell off of my page, and block me. William Gold took advantage of people who loved him. Who cared about him, and wanted the best for him. Shelby literally had to clean the house 24/7 and buy him food. Because she cared about him. And he took advantage of that. From weaponizing their safeword, to causing her physical and emotional harm. We also know from folks like Bill and Freddie that Shelby wasn't the only victim of his manipulation. We were told that Wilbur tended to manipulate and intimidate his younger friends. Minors. HE. ABUSED. ACTUAL. FUCKING. CHILDREN. Using all of this information, he clearly targets those who are weaker (mentally and/or physically) than him, those who he thinks won't say anything about it. This, in itself, is an evil thing to do. What Wilbur did should not be classified as "drama", or "cancelling." What he did was commit a fucking crime. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to be charged, which he clearly deserves. He is an abuser. I feel like we also need to take into account things like Wilbur's music and videos. When I look back at them, it becomes painstakingly clear that he is just the perfect formula for what is normally classified as an abuser. Please keep in mind while reading the list of these traits, that these do not automatically make someone an abuser. Whether he knew what he was doing or not. Abusers aren't always evil people who are so obviously cruel. Abusers are smart. Avoidant. Manipulative. They are the best actors you will ever meet.
While listening to his music, it's clear Wilbur is completely co-dependent on relationships and such to keep himself stable. This is shown especially in the "E-Girl Triology." 2. Let's just be clear. We all know Wilbur is not mentally stable. When you look at his characters, REALLY look at them, you'll realize that they aren't just characters. They're all depictions of parts of himself. His true self. 3. While watching him casually explain hurting his friends as if it were no big deal, it made me realize the amount of sympathy he lacks. He hardly apologizes for anything, ever. This lack of sympathy probably gave him much less regrets while he was abusing others, especially Shelby. Now, enough about Wilbur. Because this isn't his story. It's Shelby's. Shelby, we are all so proud of you for coming out about what happened to you. You opened doors for many others to come out and say something. You went through hell, but you made it back out. You survived. And you're going to make it through. Not only have you finally started getting justice, but you've helped others do that, too. Because of you, Wilbur Soot will never abuse another person again. Thank you, Shelby. If you are a victim of abuse, you will make it out. You're going to be okay. There will always be a community to love and support you, and you will find someone to truly love you. (Wilbur was my comfort streamer. Now, I find comfort in knowing he will never hurt anyone ever again.) National Domestic Abuse Hotline -------------------------------------- 1-800-799-7233
National Child Abuse Hotline --------------------------------------
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qierxing · 7 days
Tipsy Spells
A/N: Drabbles based on drinking prompts for a warm up.  Yan! LaDs x Reader TW/CW: Implied confinement/captivity, obsessive behavior, drinking problems(so many drinking problems), unhealthy coping mechanisms, emotional manipulation, dub//con, unhealthy relationships, co-dependent behavior, unbalanced power dynamics
Xavier/Shen Xinghui
Xavier doesn’t have many rules in his apartment.
He lets you eat whatever. Books, TV, games, and even more are open for your entertainment. There’s no limit to what you do, so long as you’re not endangering yourself. It’s almost…normal. As normal as you can get when you’re under a sociopathic captor. 
So when you open up the shopping bags Xavier went out to get, you’re rather disappointed.
“Really? Beer?” Holding up the bottle from the bag, you glare at Xavier balefully. “When you said you were going to get something ‘special’, I hoped you would, you know, get something stronger?”
Xavier gives you his signature innocent look while putting away some ingredients from the other bag. “I thought you liked beer though.”
You did. But living with Xavier has been terribly dull and grating. If it meant some reprieve, you’d rather not be sober.
“Can’t you get some huangjiu at least?” you plead.
Xavier looks at the digital clock above the stove. Nearly one in the morning. “I think the supermarket nearby is closed now.”
You groan. Giving up, you open a drawer and retrieve a bottle opener and crack the beer open. At this point, you’ll take what you can. Anything to not feel like clawing your eyes out from hysteria or boredom, whichever the two strikes your mood first.
Xavier follows you out the kitchen into his living room as you slump into the cushions of the couch, chugging the bottle. You protest as he takes the bottle from your hands.
“Don’t drink too fast. You’ll end up feeling sick,” he softly says. You roll your eyes and huff. After a moment, he gives you back the bottle.
“It’s not like there’s much anyway,” you mutter reproachfully. 
And it’s true. The second time you lift the bottle up to your lips, there only remains several spoons of liquid that goes down your throat. By the time it trickles to several drops, you start to feel the whoozy effect of the alcohol in your system. Not strong enough to really do anything, but just enough to make your tight shoulders relax.
You barely register Xavier taking the bottle again and setting it on the coffee table. When he winds a warm arm around you, you don’t protest. You’re too tired to fight. And it would only result in being banned from going outside again.
“Want to watch a movie?”
Maybe you could get yourself to fall asleep midway.
Zayne/Li Shen
When he came home late that night, he expected you to be sleeping. This, however, was not entirely surprising. 
You’ve been behaving so well, he’s forgotten about how you were prone to being susceptible to easy and unhealthy escapes. 
You’re on the floor leaning against the slanting open doors, nursing a bottle of vintage port wine. Several other empty bottles litter the floor; sauvignon blancs, rosés, and various other kinds of wine he never bothered to open. He’s never been one to drink, but gifts were gifts, and it felt like a waste to throw them away.
He wants to scold you for breaking into the wine cabinet again, but he supposes it won’t register in your foggy mind right now.
“My love,” he says softly, kneeling down and wrapping a solid arm around your shoulders. “Let’s get you some water.”
Your glazed eyes slide over and it takes a minute for them to process Zayne in his doctor’s coat. 
“Shaddup…” your face pinches into a sour expression, and his heart freezes at the sight. Your head lolls to the side unsteadily over his supporting arm and you click your tongue. 
“You–you’re sucha, ahh, ah party pooper, ya–y’know?” Your words slur together in a loopy insult. He hasn’t seen you this drunk in a while.
“Let’s get you some water,” Zayne repeats, more firmly this time. He works to release your death grip on the glass bottle, but you fight him every step of the way.
“S-stop, stop that, Li Shen,” you garble in distress. He pauses in surprise at the once affectionate name in your voice. “I don’t wanna feel…if I can’t drink, then I-I, it, ah, it starts to hurt so much...” you giggle, as your cloudy eyes look up at him brimming with wetness. “It hurts so much…I just, just–don’t wanna hurt anymore.”
He swipes a gentle finger under your eyes, catching the tears and flicking them away. Zayne knew everyone had their lapses, but this time in particular made his heart ache.
Of course, you didn’t take to being resigned from your job and brought under his care. Even if he devoted every bit of his body and love, it seemed it wouldn’t be enough to bring back the love you used to hold in your heart.
Zayne decides to leave the bottle and bring your slumped body up into a chair instead. By the time he brings you a glass of water, you’ve already finished the bottle and planted face down onto the kitchen table. 
Puffing out a worried sigh, Zayne rakes his fingers through the messy tangle of his dark hair before setting down the glass and reaching for some painkillers. 
Come tomorrow morning, you’ll awake with a pounding headache and queasy nausea, and he’ll be by your side, even if you’re reluctant to rely on him. But no matter how much you cry and struggle, Zayne couldn’t give you up anymore. Not when he couldn’t go on without you. 
“I’m sorry, my love,” as he presses a kiss to your limp hand. “I can’t let you go.”
Rafayel/Qi Yu
Rafayel is an interesting kind of drunk.
You suppose it’s a combination of the Lemurian blood and his passionate, artistic soul. For anyone else, it would either induce sleepiness or giddiness. For Rafayel? The end result is a highly unstable, ludicrously stupid merman who thinks that nothing else matters but you.
Granted, he already had this mentality while sober, but while imbibed with alcohol, the effect was more pronounced and obvious.
“I looove youuuu, like,” Rafayel hiccups, pausing his proclamation. “-like, thiiiiiiis much~” He opens his arms wide in a flourish as if he was in front of an applauding audience. 
You only hum in acknowledgement as you swipe his glass of baijiu out of his hand. Rafayel whines, but ultimately gives up retrieving his glass back when you finish the rest of the liquor inside. Setting down the crystal glass as gently as you can, you sway unsteadily as you land back on the couch cushions. 
“I love you when you’re drunk,” you admit shamelessly. “At least you’re less annoying that way.”
If Rafayel had been sober, that statement might have ended another few nights being forbidden from stepping outside the studio, more bite marks littering your skin, or forced to beg for your clothes back. But he isn’t sober. Instead, he giggles loudly, as if you just told him the funniest joke in the world.
“You’re sooooo mean,” he gasps. He giggles again. “But it’s okay! You’re still cute as ever~”
You briefly wonder if you could get away with strangling him to death. The thought is dismissed when he starts to cling to you. You forgot that unfortunately, while his senses may be clouded, his innate strength was most certainly not.
Despite your best(while drunk) efforts, Rafayel’s arms remain tight around your waist, his face buried into your stomach. You click your tongue in annoyance.
“Qi Yu.”
No response.
“Qi Yu, get off me.”
For a moment, it was quiet. Then a loud snore echoes and air is blown directly onto your stomach. 
Maybe you can try seeing if you could get him by suffocation.
Sylus/Qin Che
Formal dinners don’t make you nervous.
What did make you nervous is the very man who invited you to his grand dining room.
The head honcho of Onychinus. And N109’s ticking time bomb.
You don’t like the man. Call it paranoia, intimidation, or anxiety, you simply do not like him. He’s a towering sort of brute with appropriately broad shoulders and height that makes heads either turn or bow instinctively. His eyes, you shudder, makes you think of hellfire, brimstone, and all sorts of terrifying things. People have whispered of those who have been buried under his hand. 
You don’t want to be next.
But, business is business, and information is information.
“Does the bourbon suit your taste?” Sylus asks with an amused arch of his eyebrow.
You smile uneasily as you take a sip, bittersweet tones of chocolate burning your throat and all the way down to your stomach. “Surely you’re not bribing me with liquor to figure out what I know?” 
“I take offense at that, sweetie.” You stiffen at the affectionate pet name. The fondness dripping from his tone leaks disgustingly over your skin. “I’m sure you know I have my own ways of getting what I want.”
You hide an annoyed grimace with the glass as you take another sip. “Then, how may I help you, sir? I only broker info and nothing else.”
“By being mine.” 
The response is so ridiculous that you can only stare. It takes too long for you to come back to your senses. Your smile strains your taut cheeks.
“Very funny joke, sir.”
“Oh, but it’s not.”
Your smile fades as you feel two presences behind you. You grip the glass tightly. Before you can even move, Sylus clicks his tongue in a patronizing way.
“Don’t even try it, sweet thing.” He smirks. “I don’t want to use force if you don’t cooperate.”
You loosen your grip.
“Why are you doing this?” you whisper. You’re only one among thousands of other info brokers in N109 zone. And even more so, you’ve been on the outer edges like an outcast compared to other highly sought people. 
Instead of answering, he simply holds out the bourbon bottle with a genuine smile that sends shivers down your neck.
“I simply have a taste for fine things, and you, my dear, are one of them.”
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onionhaseyeoo · 10 days
NEW Seiun Lore analysis!
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“Parallax-polysemy” is a whole reference to her ability, I’ll break down both words.
•Parallax is a term primarily used in astronomy and photography, referring to the apparent shift in position of an object when viewed from different perspectives. In a broader sense, it can refer to the idea that something may appear different depending on the viewer's position or perspective. Which is a reference to Seiun’s ability to change her appearances, or even reality to an extent.
•Polysemy is a linguistic term that refers to a word or phrase having multiple meanings. Like how Seiun has multiple “selves” and is never sticking to just one persona.
When combined, "parallax polysemy" suggests the idea that the meaning of a word or concept can change or shift depending on the perspective from which it is viewed, like how Seiun changes depending on the task at hand or how she’s feeling. Essentially, it implies that the multiple meanings (polysemy) of a word or concept might vary or appear differently depending on the context or viewpoint (parallax) of the observer.
“Polysemic Monodrama” refers to again, the word polysemy, and then a “monodrama” refers to a dramatic work, typically a play, where only one character is present or one actor performs all the roles. It's often an intense, focused exploration of a single person's thoughts, emotions, or experiences. Like Seiun’s view on the world being “one big stage play” and how she refers to herself as an actor.
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Seiun’s name (星雲), is a whole astrological reference, tying to the origin of the word parallax. 
•In Japanese, "nebula" is written as 星雲 (せいうん, seiun). This term combines 星 (hoshi), meaning "star," with 雲 (kumo), meaning "cloud," reflecting the concept of a star cloud or nebula.
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Seiun’s concept itself was heavily inspired by Sparkle of Honkai: Star Rail, and Heath Ledger’s Joker. A case of method acting gone wrong. Here is a brief summary.
TW: Mental illness, idk what else but I feel like it should have a TW..?
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The Great Actor: Heath Ledger
(Seiun Performance No. 1)
those being hidden under the veil
Heath Ledger was an Australian actor. After playing roles in several television and film productions during the 1990s, he moved to the United States in 1998 to further develop his film career.
Heath Ledger made history with his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight won Ledger a posthumous Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.
Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight was initially deemed "inappropriate," but he delivered an unexpected and incredible performance that silenced the skeptics.
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Mirroring Character: The Joker
(Seiun: Performance No. 99)
those being reflected on the mirror
During the filming of Batman: The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger kept a scrapbook which he called “The Joker Diary”. It was a scrapbook where he kept everything that was related to or could be helpful for his role.
He sometimes wrotes horrifying stuff in the diary as the Joker himself, like how blind babies and AIDS make him laugh. He also placed pictures of villains from other movies in this Joker Diary.
Ledger isolated himself for weeks before the movie, in the hotel room, people used to hear him laugh all by himself and make creepy voices. He was trying to choose the perfect voice and laugh for The Joker.
The actor even tempted one of his famous co-stars to hit him while filming the scene. Bale said to Ledger: 'You know what, I really don't need to actually hit you. It's going to look just as good if I don't.' 
Then Ledger replied, 'Go on. Go on. Go on ...' as he was slamming himself around and there were tiled walls inside the set which were cracked and dented from him hurling himself into them.
Heath Ledger explaining his sleep troubles when portraying the character and summed it up on New York Times Interview back in 2007 while the film in production, he said: 
"It's physically and mentally draining role: psychopathic, mass-murdering, and schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."
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Losing Himself: Self Doubt
(Seiun: Performance No. 990)
those being stared by her own mask
After Batman was filmed, Heath Ledger could no longer separate the character and himself, he suffered from serious depression. Some said he got too absorbed and didn’t know how to come back.
He wanted fame and then when he got it, he didn't want it. The whirlwind shock that came with a new level of renown struck the actor hard. Like many artists, Ledger grappled with self-doubt. 
He often felt there was a chance his performances could be better or that he simply hadn't hit the mark. He comments about his consistent nervous energy:
"It's pattern for me, going into any job carrying certain level of anxieties and doubt, self-doubt, fears toward my inabilities and not being able to. I fooled them, or I can't do this. I'm not an actor. I shouldn't be here. I think everyone goes through that. I certainly do."
I won’t say anything else cause this is already pretty long, but I’m sure you can see the parallels with him and Seiun.
@the-mafias-muzzled-dog here!
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yan! Miles Prower(Where was my Hero) or Yan! Nine(Prime) your choice please.Just basic headcannons for either one is fine please. Have a good day too
Yandere Miles Prower [Where Was My Hero] Headcanons
Miles “Tails” Prower x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author’s note : Good afternoon, Nonnie~! You’re in luck, I’ve been having immense brainrot about these two for the past month or so, because of this I’m willing to write for the both of them in separate posts.
We’ll start with Miles from Where Was My Hero? due to him being the first when it comes to the villain Tails concept. He also feels a whole lot more personal on my end, so that’s why =}
Yandere Nine + Differences ➷
WWMH Tails/Reader [Romantic]
+Slight Nine x Reader in bonus section [Romantic//platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs ⚠️ :
Possessive+Predatory behaviour • Sadistic behaviour [Not directed torwards darling] • Cunning characteristics • Descriptions of intense bullying • Delusions • Co-dependency • Implications torwards mass murder • Suicidal implication • stalking • Abuse of power
This version of the Miles we all love and adore has been a very ... Ill-treated character. He’s been met with uncountable variants of both harassment and bullying, having him shown specifically being pushed around a lot by his persecutors. Other examples being his work getting destroyed to bits, nasty stares being given, insults being thrown left and right when given his presence, and pretty much just tormenting the poor thing to no end, for absolutely no reason nonetheless. The invalid reasonings and arrogant choices having turned his life into a living hell for the longest time. Yet even so, he still remained to be a sweet and gentle soul, but all it took was one last hit to completely push him over the edge.
You could have met the fox throughout his youth or perhaps even through adulthood, but that wouldn’t change anything within the unnatural behaviours the mobian would indicate torwards you in particular. Though there would certainly be quite the difference in both states when it comes to how his emotions seem to appear, the potential for yandere characteristics have always been there. And pushing him to that condition wouldn’t even be too difficult in itself, it honestly only requiring holding the bare minimum of decent behaviours. But as mentioned before, there will definitely still remain a few important changes out there in both his habits and mannerisms to take note of when describing the specific ageing state of his.
For example; there should be noted that he’d be one to fall a whole lot quicker at a younger age, the immense shock yet immediate admiration already glowing in his eyes right off the bat when you do as much as defend him from the bystanders’ ridicule. Even just not looking down upon him like any other he has crossed paths with can already make the fox completely smitten with ease, almost making the fox cling to you like it’s the only bit of life support left for him. His adoration is also one to grow rather quickly over time, inserting his obsessive streaks who are slowly starting to find themselves into both of your lives right off the bat. Young Miles isn’t necessarily one to stand to violence at any early points, but that really does not mean he’s not capable of it if it fits his desires. But for now on, he’d much rather prefer to just let you do whatever you want to him, and perhaps acts on the unsavoury side that include watching you from afar and collect any of the potential items you may leave behind right for the taking, having no realisation over the fact how creepy his ways truly are, despite how much his delusions may try to convince him otherwise. Other than the stalker-ish tactics he may hold, he couldn’t really be considered harmful torwards his darling in any way, but it’s rather his own stability and the safety of anyone around which is put at intense risk.
Where the real threat comes in is how he’d quite literally do anything his beloved asks of him, and while these may just be small and innocent gestures, this could also include those who could be considered dangerous or even meant as ill-intented. If his darling is one to be the manipulative type, it’s only then when real victims start to appear. It unquestionably confirming the fact that he’d really be just as dependent on you as the original Tails Prower would, and while Miles may have been identical to him at some point, you’d be able to notice how careless he actually grows torwards any other life over time. Starting to view them as lack of priority and instead just wanting to concentrate on the goal of keeping you satisfied with him.
When he became an adult, however ... He is described to have straight up become a sadistic, uncaring and perhaps even considered detached mobian right after the accident; being robbed of all emotion and feelings zero remorse for any other being out there in a way of advancing the little bird that had lost its life for his sake. The most fitting way to directly say it would just be saying that he’s apathetic; apathetic torwards any life around his own. Though I don’t believe that to be entirely true. Not for this case, at least. As right on the other hand, when having met him around the matured years of his, he’d fall harder than his younger self, but he seems to have trouble showcasing this; while clearly being more gentle with his darling in indirect mannerisms, he’d unfortunately still remain rather dispassionate when it comes to their affectionate demeanour showing, the fear of both betrayal and slight distrust in their genuineness holding him back, much like it would with Nine aswell.
But unlike Nine, Miles could be considered to be a whole lot more low-key; operating as a cold and calculated mobian and usually keeping to himself in order to keep his schemes under control, where Nine instead has no hidden motives to concentrate on. Miles’ behaviour would very much symbolise that of a chess player; gaining the upper hand and power through manipulation and being more patient in the category than Nine is. Another thing that should be mentioned is how you can barely even read the fox’ facial expressions and body language, it almost seeming as if it has been plastered into a mere poker face on the daily, making it difficult to keep up with any plans and tricks he might have up his sleeve.
Another thing I’d wish to concentrate on is how forceful and cunning he can become in his position of power when the darling is one to be disobedient. Though never wishing to cause any physical harm onto his darling, and absolutely demolishing anything and everyone that manages to even lay a finger on them; I can however see him enjoying the idea of toying with them. May that be through small tactics that could affect you emotionally or overall just playing with your desire for escaping, even if he has made it very obvious that leaving isn’t even an option for you anymore. He’d likely be one to get your hopes up, only to crumble all of it into bits at the last second. Much like the adjustments he’s made on his own self over the years, specifically the spider-like antennae on his back would also be something that could definitely describe the fox and his characteristics. When you manage to find your way into his heart, there’s unquestionably no getting out of it. This part of the dynamic could very much resemble the prey and predator trope, much like being stuck in the web of the insect itself.
Having worked himself up to an incredibly high rank, he’s most certainly going to take you in with or without your consent. It’s not like he doesn’t care about your feelings and boundaries, but he believes other topics to be prime concern, especially when being very well aware of the fact that it’s quite the opposite of safe out there. All he’s doing it for is in order to keep you secure and sheltered-! Yeah... Atleast, that’s what he tells himself. When realistically, hidden somewhere in the back of his head, it’s much closer to keeping the core that keeps his mental state stable locked up for his own stability. Even as he got older, the only real things who’d ever treated him decently being his machinery creations aside from-well-- you. But he’d never be able to admit to himself that he is still this reliant on another, especially after making himself out to be so independent as the feared and well-known mastermind everyone knew him as. But another thing that would have pushed him on edge even further would be the fact that it’s still undoubtedly dangerous out there. He knows his creations have the mechanics to target and attack anything moving, and he sure as hell doesn’t want you to fall victim to his robotic comrades.
Even when abducted, I can the fox being rather on the paranoid side, questioning his ability to keep you safe while being such a wanted delinquent. If anything, you may or may not already be able to notice a pinch of his sanity slipping away even further if you manage to get hurt in the slightest. I can also see the fox having quite the struggle when it comes to showing you his genuine intentions and emotions. Hiding his true feelings behind a large wall that seemingly lacks any kind of emotion... But if anything, it might even be the complete opposite when paying attention to the little details; perhaps when diving deeper into it, he might even be considered as emotional. In a way, he behaves incredibly repulsive torwards any of the affection you offer, often flinching at the slightest hint of a touch and usually even just avoiding it at a regular basis. But right at the same time, he clearly craves it; unintentionally leaving out small hints here and there when he longs for the simplest act such as holding your hand. Making it more than obvious that despite wanting to deny it on severe levels, he is just vulnerable as his younger self would be.
Something on a sweeter note, however, he’d certainly compare you to the little bird he nursed back to health when he was younger. He’s never had many creatures whom he could share his love with ... Aside from his pet bird, practically none, even. And because of this, he feels incredibly understood and puts a lot of trust in you for even allowing him to adore you like this, especially when considering your position. He hasn’t experienced a lot of joy in his life, but you? You make him happy. He understands your feelings may not be mutual to his own, but to him; you truly are his forever. The longer you’re with him, the closer he becomes to reaching the point of believing you to be the only dream and motive left for Mobius entirely. And though feeling a bit guilty for not showing it as much as he should have, he had always already found you to be the one hope left in this pitiful universe. You’re one of a kind to him, and he had finally gotten his hands onto a true motive to keep himself going; making you shine at your best.
Even if it requires his own demise in order to get you to that point.
Bonus section #1 : Similarities
An early yet important part to take note of is that both would absolutely not hesitate to get violent when it comes to their darling. Both live in fairly dangerous environments and given the circumstances with their behaviour, they’re definitely going to be ferociously overprotective when it comes to you. When looking at both foxes, I do however see Miles as a much bigger threat when it comes to the safety of any other living being out there. Instead of attacking them out of pure instinct and an obvious outburst of rage like Nine would, Miles is eerily calm about the entire situation, instead making a mental note of the said mobian and making very well sure to make their life a living hell before coldly finishing them off in a brutal manner. And tho they’d both usually be the type preferring to avoid conflict, neither would be uncertain to shed blood or better said, even take lives for your sake.
However, there would definitely be a major weak point that could be used against the both of them with ease; affection. They both have no clue on how to indicate it and how to react to it. Being as lonely as the two have always been in their lives, it’s no surprise to say that such acts leave them completely bewildered and perhaps even somewhat flustered with zero doubt. It may often even be considered awkward in a way, but they seem to crave it to severe extends right at the same time. Unquestionably, they could be seen as touch starved, acting reserved and perhaps even defensive about the entire thing, but melting in your hands when you do the simplest thing such as giving a scratch behind their ears. Over time they’d have a higher chance of getting dependent on your physical love, it literally becoming closer to a need to get through the day. And having no real reasons to hold them back and restrict their limits this time, both foxes might even become somewhat overbearing torwards their darling in response to it.
Another thing is how they’d both seem like the type to get attached rather quickly torwards those who are decent enough to treat them properly. They’ve honestly lacked any kind of politeness for so long that they’d immediately get completely faithful torwards those who show them kindness. The only thing truly holding them back being the question lingering in the back of their heads how long they’ll be able to put up with them before they start treating them like everyone else had done. But like most variants of Tails do, they are honestly in such a high class of emotional devotion to a point where they cannot get themselves to care for it for long.
At last I’d like to mention is how they both wished for the better in the world at atleast some point in their lives. They want to live in a place where all is well and good, wanting to get back the childhood that they’ve been robbed of. Wanting to create a future with you next to them. And though Miles never got the chance to recreate a world to his own favour, he wants to improve the world for your sake. He knows the amount of power he holds over their entire societies, and he will make damned sure to make good use of it, not seeming to care much about the clear misuse of power. Every act shall be done to fit your benefits and they shall not stop until it’s completely adjusted to your preferences. Hypocritically believing it would validate each and every single death and perhaps even the fall of Mobius itself during the process. It would really just become your own world, and they, including Miles are only just living in it.
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xpl3001 · 4 months
jinhyeok at his dad’s funeral banquet like the big back he is
LMAO hi everyone and happy opening! i’m anwar (not hadid) and this is my first chara — kim jinhyeok, part of the glitched out subplots as well (harvey). super excited to plot and write with you all, so by all means kindly leave a heart and i’ll get back to you asap! i’m also the mun behind @everymandeadman so anticipate another intro later today as well, thank u!
navigate — general info, pinterest
tw / boy mom behavior.. girl i know (closes eyes)
kim jinhyeok, 23, some guy working in tech and on allah he doesn’t know what he’s doing for the most part but anyways: the youngest kid born to a mother who filled for divorce from her first husband (sorry big sis @iscariotish). her current husband helped her out and was like “yo i’ll marry u bc ngl i need a wife and some kids” so she took that as an opportunity and also? i expect that south korean societal beliefs have transferred (kinda) to terra so the notion that divorce is highly stigmatized against women is a thing so. she married her second man and filed for a child asap under the assumption that she’ll be secured for life. the first boy is born and we all cheered
this is a woman who doesn’t really want to be a mother but whatever, right? so she’s like “what do u mean you want another kid just one is enough” (also she’s carrying a whole second marriage too) when her husband’s filing for another child (ie jinhyeok). bro is born a preemie and ngl chances at survival was kinda slim. his mom was lowkey gonna call the baby off with terrascape co but said “mm nah, guess i’ll keep the child” and so kim jinhyeok is born unwanted from the start but who cares
kim dongmin (dad) is a radiologist tech who signed his life away to terrascape co as a medical professional in the outer world. they never see their father who’s dedicating his life out there to support terrascape’s advances. his wife is hella lukewarm bc the money is gonna look crazy good when he ends up dying, but anyways i think being in a second marriage applied pressure to jinhyeok’s mom in order to make shit work out in the marriage. so it made her tune out to her kids initially bc she was so busy doing fuck all to please her man OK MOVING ON
jinhyeok’s relationship with his dad’s “okay” except he doesn’t see him like at all bc bro works in the outer world/earth and agreed to spend his whole life for terrascape. his mom is trying to heal from her bullshit first marriage and basically expects emotional support from her two sons in place of how her first marriage went wrong + in absence of her current husband so basically she’s a boy mom who is entitled to her son’s affections and the rls becomes very emotionally dependent on her kids.. this is not good! (cue jinhyeok’s expectations of skewed masculinity in relation to being a victim of a boy mom)
but like shit goes crazy with jinhyeok bc every birthday he gets tossed into a new avatar in the north american server (allara) so he has to live in a body of an asian american girl and navigate thru that for a whole 24 hours while instead every year someone inhabits his body back in terra’s sk. jinhyeok hasn’t been able to celebrate his birthday since then, and once he gained consciousness he tried to open up about it to his family which didn’t go well. it’s a big ass faulty glitch and he feels deeply violated bc he doesn’t know what’s happening in his body/avatar back home while in a separate avatar in north america every year on february 1st. so essentially this glitch peeks his interest in coding/it/compsci, but under the guise that he’s pro terra bc it’s all a programmed facade and all that
but like u know he gains an unique experience being that asian american girl which broadens his knowledge about gender and the asian diaspora. largely he grows up insanely misunderstood by his family and peers because of this unique experience that jinhyeok’s been having as a child, in spite of never being able to properly celebrate his birthday and hasn’t been able to, which.. yeah. very sad and because of the glitch jinhyeok hates it when his birthday approaches for plenty of reasons. also since his mom saved his life kinda she thinks jinhyeok’s hella ungrateful and shit for questioning terra’s ethics and morals like we should not be doing this or be existing for a reason maybe?? she enjoys gaslighting him by using the “i saved you!” rhetoric with the typical “you got clothes and a nice home what else do you want” type shit
fast forward: his dad ends up passing away in the last year. he’s been having health problems as a result of working in outer earth and it’s basically evidence(?) of how terrascape has labor issues. they lowkey view their professionals as expendable to their needs which heightens bro’s suspicion of the corporation while acting like he don’t know a goddamn thing. and well, he doesn’t have enough merit to prove terrascape’s shadiness, but in recent events with his dad’s passing and with bae gyuok, jinhyeok’s like.. um? wtf. this is weird
very extroverted! it doesn’t take long for him to strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone, so jinhyeok doesn’t mind having to constantly break the ice. he knows what to say and when to say it, so i think he tends to mirror the personalities of others very well (libra rising + mars for all my astrology hoes), but this is initially before he can truly be himself (he likes testing the waters with people before finding out ohh okay i can REALLY be myself). but with this, he tends to lean into his people pleasing tendencies (lmao AGAIN libras.. am i right) which was conditioned since childhood having been raised by the mother he has, but he has a limit and a temperament before you get the chance to walk all over him. naturally intuitive, enjoys thinking out of the box, has an acute sense of justice even if his priorities are scattered. impulsive-heavy, says things he doesn’t mean when angered/irritated and always falls back into his regret. not the easiest to be made frustrated, but once he is, there’s really no turning back and he’ll gladly ball your face up because well. he’s a man and men do love fighting or getting worked up so lmfao
i prefer brainstorming, but bare bones for connections remains: friends, lotsa exgirlfriends, maybe a group of gen z-ers (ok i know there’s probably gonna be a name for the 2997-3012 generation but bear with me) in tech who’s doing their best out here lmfao BUT YEAH BYE
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thedistortionsno1simp · 5 months
Harry Potter but He's constantly wearing a suit of armour(for medical-magic reasons) and has C-PTSD(I can't even with this title)
(TW for body horror, and mention of child abuse) Soooo I had a lot of time on my hands and you know, as I do when I have daydreaming time, I started thinking about Harry Potter. Now I've read Harry Potter and I think the one thing that always frustrated me was his lack of personality. It always felt like characters were telling us who he was, instead of him *showing* us who he was. So I came up with more interesting versions of him as one does. And then today I came up with a version where the magic that struck him in childhood and was cast by musty dusty Moldemort didn't just leave a scar...oh no no no this was the worst of magic and it had been just left to stew in his body, a scar is too small. His ENTIRE BODY SLOWLY MELTED FROM THE INSIDE OUT AND PULSED WITH MAGIC in this little alternative universe I created. Now this left most of his body a mushy magical mess and now Dumbledore has to figure out what to do with this somehow still alive pile of flesh, magic and warped bone that was baby Harry. So he stuffed it in a suit of porcelain armour of course. This gave Harry's body a sense of structure but came off as a bit uncanny and couldn't pass for human. So most of his life before Hogwarts was spent in Dursley's closet but you know for slightly better reasons this time. This also give the Dursley kinda better reasons to be disgusted by him. He's allowed to go out at night when no one can see him though. He regularly goes to see Mr.Weasley to check on his armour, since Mr. Weasly is the one who designed it. This introduces him to Ron before Hogwarts and allows them to form a friendship. Once Harry gets into Hogwarts, he would have to slowly build up friendship and trust rather than the quick way it happened in the books cos he's slightly uncanny now to most people and I just find it more realistic. Here are some doodles I did on my phone to get an idea of what this Harry kinda looks like:
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(The silly face was something he drew on for fun and friendliness purposes. The one on the right us to show what he looks like underneath)
Also the C-PTSD comes in with the Dursleys especially Vernon(I think that's his name) This would most likely be due to physical abuse that not even his son or wife would know about. Harry would push this all down and then from then on start being a happy go lucky guy who just pushes down every negative emotion and has terrible memory. And this would backfire on him in a key moment in the story. Why C-PTSD? Why so specific? Well bc it's the one I know how to write well, since I've researched on it a lot and have experienced symptoms of it. Also I think he should have some sort of mental scar after all that's he's been through
Other things that would probably change in this weird au :
James and Lily had a *terrible* relationship and James was secretly gay for Mr.Weasley just never had the guts to confess
Dark magic isn't a thing, there's just magic and some just happens to be able to kill you
Sirius x Lupin and Dumbledore x Snape are Canon in this au(Please don't come at me for Snape and Dumbledore, they are both adults)
Dumbledore ain't smart or wise, he's just a master of bullshit and Snape sees right through it(Snape tries to better him, whether it's working is a different story)
Ron x Harry does become a thing in this au but it's slow-burning in a way? Just know feelings are weird
Hermione is a ball of anxiety and burnt out gifted kid syndrome but she is still the only logical one in the iconic trio
The story's main theme would not be grief but rather trauma and more specifically on trauma, mental illness, autonomy and free will and how they relate.
Magic would be very, very dependent or have unwanted or different effects depending on the emotional state of the user at the time. Think magic bursting out during a panic attack or a water spell become an electrical and water spell due to the castor's overexcitement
Uhhhh this is just a silly au I wrote and I might refine it more in the future and you know seriously think about details like why Harry is living with the Dursleys still cos 'for safety'does not feel solid enough but then again it sounds like the kinda thing this Dumbledore would say.
If you read all of this thanks and goodbye
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feastonkings · 16 days
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boyd holbrook / he/him ——— no way is that FINNEGAN ‘FINN’ O’CONNOR.. they’re a 37-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being ABRASIVE & UNHINGED but there are some people who have seen them being LOYAL & DEPENDABLE. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of a blood tinted smile, embracing the darkness to become limitless, the roar of a beast within hungry for more, fanning the flames of violence, and a taunting laugh, but that could just be because they’re considered the BLOOD KNIGHT around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
full name: finnegan patrick o'connor nicknames: ireland, finn (preferred name) classification: enhanced human gender / pronouns: cis man, he/him age / birthday: 37, march 27th orientations: bisexual, homoromantic occupation: capo for skyport mafia & co-owner of exposed circuits location: middle district status: single family: patrick o'connor (father), margaret march (mother, unknown), kirby (half sibling), several half siblings and cousins strengths: hard-working, loyal, dependable, stoic, protective weaknesses: abrasive, unhinged, sadistic, violent, stubborn character inspo: tba
tw: violence, child abuse, addiction, murder, implied homophobia, neglect
born in a chicago prison to a drug addicted sex worker, finnegan o'connor was destined to walk the wrong path from the beginning. patrick o’connor, his father, escaped as a fugitive to america from ireland. He was on the run after being arrested on suspicions of his involvement with the irish mafia. very true accusations, hence why he ran.
in the states, patrick kept his ties with his mafia family back home, running weapons, taking people out, making explosives, and getting rid of whatever other contraband they needed to move outside the country. by the time the guards handed him finn, he had already become a well known name in chicago for all the wrong reasons.
with his father knee deep in international crime, one would assume that they had money but it never seemed like Ffnn or any of his siblings got any benefit from it. they lived in the southside, in a house that should have been condemned long before they occupied it but there were not many city workers brave enough to enter their area.
his mother was non-existent, most of his younger siblings related to him through his father. if finn were to sit down and think about it, he probably has a lot more brothers and sisters out there. the money for food Patrick gave whatever woman he was seeing at the time rarely made it into the kitchen. they were expected to eat what was there, or find some other way to feed themselves. it was a damn miracle any of them survived at all but somehow they managed.
once they were all old enough for school, they had a system down and were already involved in the family business in one way or another.
his volatile home environment offered little nurture there and love was non-existent. he only ever learned a few things: don’t talk to the cops, don’t ask stupid questions, protect the family, and do whatever his father says. the last one was key, because if you didn’t listen you were sure to feel it. which may happen regardless if his father was in one of his moods.
he would claim finn needed to learn some lessons and over time, it became normal. crying or showing any type of emotion made you weak in his eyes so finn learned early on to bottle it up and find other ways to express pain. usually it was through violence, picking fights with anyone who would oblige him. by his teen years he would add substances into the mix to drown the demons or induce a short period of numbness to escape.
finn went to school when he felt like it and wasn’t much of the academic type. as far as he was concerned, by the time he hit ninth grade he had learned everything he needed to for life. he spent most of his time terrorizing fellow students, stealing what he wanted from them and beating the piss out of anyone who messed with family or looked at him wrong. his fuse has always been short, and his first reaction was and often still is violence, it excited him.
otherwise, he was doing work for the family business or running around in the streets of chicago. sometimes this meant partying with friends and associates, other times it meant running and hiding from the cops. he ran from cops like he ran from his feelings and he was damn good at it, for the most part.
things changed when patrick was arrested and five of the children currently living with him were put into the system. finn tried to get as many paired off as possible to keep them together. he'd done his best to look out for his younger siblings when he could, as the oldest he took a bit of responsibility in it, only a little bit though. over time they all had their own agenda and were angry and bitter just like him.
the plan had always been to get out of chicago. once he turned eighteen he could take a sibling or two and they could head anywhere and start over. get a better life with clean air and sunshine in a place where the name o'connor had nothing attached to it. dreams were just dreams, though and at the end of the day finn should've known patrick would find a way to fuck it all up.
all he'd wanted was to take advantage of the empty house for once and then get what was his before his father returned. instead, he was interrupted mid-session with his boyfriend axel who he'd been seeing for awhile. drunk, hateful, and barely coherent, a mixture of strong irish laced slurs fell from his father's mouth. no son of mine is going to end up becoming a string of gay slurs and other remarks. where was everyone else? he had a business to run, was this why wasn't finn taking care of it while he was gone? a worthless failure just like the rest of his offspring.
finn tried to push axel out while his father rambled on. he wouldn't admit it, but axel was the first person he made an attempt at some real kind of relationship that wasn't filled with toxic sewer waste with. his father stopped axel from leaving, and threw him across the room like a ragdoll. he hit finn with several strong fists and pulled his gun on both of them, forcing them to stay in the room.
when patrick returned, he brought a woman with him who happened to be a sex worker. he gave him the ultimatum to sleep with her and 'prove he was a man'. knowing his trigger happy pops, finn did as he said trying not to look at his frightened boyfriend still sitting in the room. he regretted it, because the other got up and once again tried to flee. finn stopped what he was doing to try and prevent his father from doing anything but it was pointless.
patrick beat finn to the brink of unconsciousness, just before things went black he watched him unload the pistol into axel. when he came to the body was gone and he was forced to clean up the mess left behind. his father screamed at him, calling him every slur in the book and told him to get his shit together or he wasn’t his son. for some reason finn stayed around for another month, practically a drone while he healed, blocking out everything around him.
it wasn't long before patrick noticed and confronted finn again. when finn started to pay attention to what he was saying, it was like he woke up. he pushed the older man away from him. patrick stepped forward and raised an empty bottle in his hand to strike, but this time a hand caught his wrist.
something snapped inside finn, he was not going to take any more of his father's bullshit. years of pent up rage, resentment, and pure unadulterated anger poured out of him as he laid into the only man he'd ever feared. blinded by the rage, he didn’t remember who pulled him off his father or if he stopped on his own. all he noticed was patrick didn’t appear to be breathing and a female voice yelling she’d called 911. the next thing he heard was the sirens.
he got up and ran as fast as he could, but this time he couldn’t hide from the pursuit of the police. they caught up with him hiding behind a local bar and threw him to the ground, arresting him. the charges were attempted murder and possession of an illegal firearm. “so, the asshole lived?” was the only response he gave and laughed as they put him into the car.
since he was seventeen, they were able to charge him as an adult. he had a chance to change that if he was willing to give them information on patrick and his involvement with the mob. of course, even after everything the man had done to him and his siblings, finn was no snitch. the judge took the long history provided by the social worker assigned to the o’connor family into account, giving him a sentence of only five years versus the max of fifteen.
he took the sentence with a smile, going away for five years wasn't hard. prison was not that bad of a place in comparison to what he was used to. it was clean, full of people he could relate to, and he was served three hot meals a day. he was cold and numb for the first few months, but soon enough he'd built a reputation for himself as someone who could get any job done and wasn’t to be messed with.
he made some quick money once he was free and a car, not looking to go back home ever again. finn took off to texas, with the promise of a job he'd be good at from his cell mate who'd been involved with the mob down there. soon enough he was in dallas, with new documents and a capo position with the skyport mafia.
over the next several years he built up his name again, as someone who is ruthless, sadistic, and to be feared with enemies. to some he was a protector and others just saw him as a weapon. truly finn could give a fuck less what anyone thought.
he co-owns exposed circuits and enjoys the services they're able to provide the public. some of his siblings, even ones he hadn't known before, have popped out of the woodwork and some cousins too. finn looks out from them from afar, but he's not much of the loving type. protective if they deserve it, and cold otherwise.
has an all black with dark green leather interior vintage dodge charger named morticia
among his many tattoos his body is riddled with scars both old and new, the worst being on his back from the times he was whipped with the buckle side of a belt
he has a hard time looking in the mirror long because he has his father's eyes and similar features
he hasn't had any sort of real relationship since before he went to prison.
finn prefers knives to guns, despite being a hell of a shot. he likes to drag out his encounters, even when it doesn't call for it.
more to come
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chiffonlime643 · 1 year
Renfield and How it Handles Toxic Relationships and Trauma
// TWS: continuous mentions of manipulation, toxic/abusive relationships, trauma, etc. Please be careful!
!!! Disclaimer !!!
I am NOT a licensed professional; this is all from either personal experience or research/knowledge I have previously had. Please do not take things in this essay too seriously. (also yes i know it's a dark comedy but comedic movies can have serious undertones in them too)
Renfield is a movie that was released on April 14th, 2023. It follows Count Dracula’s (played by Nicolas Cage) assistant/servant, Renfield (Nicholas Hoult), and his efforts to escape his current lifestyle.
The movie has significant undertones, ranging from toxic, co-dependent relationships to extreme corruption of government. While the ‘undertones’ are more prevalent, they are still sometimes put in a more comedic light, to replicate the movie itself, as a dark comedy.
If you remove the comedic points, you’ll find a relatively serious movie with genuine character development and story.
Beginning with Renfield’s journey.
He was turned to Dracula’s assistant centuries before, going off of the original Dracula movie. Since then, he has been caring for Dracula and bringing him humans to feed off of. You can tell he’s sacrificed a lot in the process, essentially tossing away his own wants and needs for Dracula; and while it isn’t completely focused on, it leaves him with a sense of longing and apathy. 
He realises this after going to many anonymous meetings about toxic relationships, which is portrayed primarily as a way to find victims, but in reality is a scapegoat to listen to people talk about similar experiences to his. 
So when he saves many innocent people and gets called a ‘hero’ by someone, something changes in him. He truly comes to terms with the way he is treated; has been treated for many years. He goes to one more of those meetings, and begins his new life. Almost instantly, you can see genuine happiness and content, both with the way he acts, and his actions, in turn. 
It leaves a connection with the viewer and Renfield- a want for him to stay safe and happy, away from Dracula.
The events of the story play out, with Rebecca’s (Awkwafina) story being especially fleshed out.
Later, Dracula learns of Renfield’s disobeyment.
He arrives at Renfield’s apartment, acting nonchalant and almost kind. Renfield lies to him, saying that he had retrieved many bodies to feed Dracula. Of course, due to previous information and context clues, it was expected that Dracula knew the real actions Renfield had taken.
What was a silly, comedic, yet slightly anxiety-inducing moment turned to pure dread. Dracula becomes increasingly angered, to which Renfield attempts to stand up to him.
This is one of the most serious parts of the underlying message.
Many people in toxic/co-dependent relationships take a long time to realise their situation, and even longer to stand up to their abuser. This is typically due to the extreme emotional manipulation the other may use.
While it did take Renfield quite a while to fully realise and come to terms with his situation (a few centuries at least), he is portrayed to almost instantly stand up to Dracula- which is fantastic! To be that prepared to stand up to someone like that is very hard. 
Which is why the viewer’s heart breaks when Renfield eventually closes in on himself. When he is cornered, and clearly afraid.
This can be seen as him being afraid of a vampire with God-like powers- which does make sense.
But it hits even harder when you see it as just Renfield and Dracula; how Renfield is so fearful of what Dracula could do, despite Renfield’s vampire-like powers. He could defend himself.
So why does he nearly break down?
People who are/have been in abusive relationships like this, between friends, partners, positions of power, etc. can understand this reaction.
You get scared of what the other is going to do.
When viewing this scene of Renfield and Dracula through a lens of a realistic toxic relationship, instead of one between a human and vampire, you feel Renfield’s experience differently.
Obviously, he is scared due to Dracula’s vampiristic abilities. But, there’s something else there. Earlier, he was attacked, nearly killed, due to making a mistake with the bodies he brought to Dracula. Then, he was healed.
This brings us to another part of the toxic relationship.
Renfield is constantly revived/healed by Dracula. Yes, Renfield does technically do this for Dracula as well, but much less, and in different circumstances.
And, judging by the previous scene where Renfield’s scar was reopened by Dracula, then healed, a significant amount of these injuries followed by healing could be caused by Dracula himself.
This is one of the main building blocks of a co-dependent relationship. What people in co-dependent relationships are often manipulated into believing are statements similar to this: “I am keeping you safe. I am keeping you alive. I am helping you. You cannot survive without me. You will not survive without me. You need me.”
Through this action, Dracula is essentially telling Renfield that he needs him. That Renfield would die without Dracula.
This is reinforced when Dracula directly says this to Renfield.
The previous time Dracula was ‘killed’, Renfield was being told by the Church that he would be free from Dracula, saved.
To this, Dracula instead implanted the thought that Renfield would be killed by the Church, that he wouldn’t survive. Not without Dracula.
This co-dependency built on emotional manipulation is what toxic relationships thrive on. Renfield feels he cannot leave because Dracula is the one keeping him alive. 
So, bring this back to the scene where Renfield first stands up to Dracula. All the previous events of pain, of manipulation, slowly being stacked back onto him as Dracula continues his angered yelling. 
The scene gets significantly harder to watch, as time goes on. It begins with Dracula first having an outburst towards Renfield, then consistently berating him. 
I have yet to watch the original movie (no idea where to find it), so I have no clue whether or not the claims made by Dracula about Renfield’s greed/abandonment of his family is true, but if they are not, Dracula is also gaslighting him- a commonly used form of manipulation, especially in co-dependent relationships.
Renfield makes an effort to stand up to Dracula, to stop him, to which Dracula laughs at his efforts, then tells him that he isn’t worthy of love- another way for people to keep a hold on their victims- slowly backing him into a both literal and metaphorical corner. 
He threatens others that Renfield is in contact with. Keeping victims away from other outside people is a common practice for abusers to keep a hold on them as well.
After Dracula figures out who he needs to kill, he throws Renfield’s book at him, before disappearing. After Renfield is hit, he goes into a really defensive position, trying to shield himself from other possible attacks. He is clearly surprised when Dracula is gone instead, which implies that this may be common, and that Dracula suddenly disappearing is not the usual.
He realises, almost instantly after glancing at the logo on his book, that Dracula was going to kill his friends.
The carnage that ensues after is, obviously, terrifying for Renfield.
However, after Dracula confirms that after what Renfield did, he would be destroying the entirety of the human race, just because Renfield wanted to be a part of it again, Renfield is left on the edge of a panic attack- just sitting there, holding the meeting leader’s hand, despite him being a corpse.
At the scene of the crime, he goes with the police with no attempt at escaping their grasp despite him being framed, which matters especially since his friend was the one to find him there. His face throughout the scenes prominently don a solemn, given up look.
Rebecca is cornered after putting Renfield in the car, by both corrupt policemen, and the crime family who is linked to their corruption.
This movie has a significant part of its story driven by the town having a severely corrupt police force- most people dislike the cops in this movie, and I completely agree. However, they can't really be removed from the story, as they are important to show the severe corruption. I feel a better course of action would be to have Rebecca's character stop being a cop by the end of the movie, but that is just my opinion.
Corruption is like this in real life, and it affects many people and places. While I am most definitely not the person to talk about it, the movie’s plot including the way government corruption works and how anyone in power can go mad with it soon enough, actually helped the story- especially Rebecca’s backstory, which we will get into later.
Later on, after Rebecca and Renfield go to the café to meet up with Rebecca’s sister, Renfield talks about his experience.
He talks about the manipulation Dracula uses to get people under his thumb, and Renfield’s (at that time) greed and desire for more power that got him into this situation.
Rebecca, understanding of this, talks to him about how life can throw you situations that are hard to manoeuvre around.
 After it is revealed that Rebecca’s sister has been captured, the two head to the Lobos’ house, to which a long fight ensues.
Rebecca reaches Dracula first, and he begins trying to manipulate her- it is hard to tell whether or not she is somewhat susceptible, but she definitely does not fall for it.
She had a plan. A plan to trick Dracula.
Now, whether or not Renfield was aware of it or not is also hard to tell, but judging by the way he is portrayed, it appears to be he was unaware.
Instead of overly yelling for her to not fall for it, it almost feels like he’s come to terms with it. Like he knows that she can’t say no. This would make sense, after all; he fell into Dracula’s trap the same way.
And as Rebecca is embraced in Dracula’s arms, Dracula stares at Renfield with a triumphant expression.
To Renfield, it’s over. Dracula won. She’s enveloped in Dracula’s lies too.
However, she turns off the blinds- burning Dracula and accidentally guiding the three of them to the torture room of the house.
Renfield is killed- or at least severely injured- by the bats Dracula turns into temporarily.
Rebecca is left to fight Dracula, and he drags her into the air after taunting her. She shoots him in the foot, causing his blood, which has reviving/healing powers, to revive Renfield. 
To which, he stops Dracula’s fangs with his own hands, drags him to the ground, to which Dracula appears behind him and puts him in a chokehold.
Renfield is (now physically) stuck in the same position he has always been in, controlled by Dracula.
However, now he has himself to guide him- his self-love, his strength.
Dracula asks “Do you know what you are?”, expecting Renfield to give in, to answer with what Dracula wants, to keep Renfield under his thumb.
Instead, Renfield gets out of the chokehold and pins Dracula to the ground, continuously punching his face in while repeating similar lines to that of the earlier scene where Dracula cornered Renfield- but this time, Renfield has all the power. He admits that he was the one to give his power to Dracula; it wasn’t taken from him. While Dracula overpowers him eventually, Dracula is caught in a protection circle laid down by Rebecca.
This is a parallel to the introduction sequence, where Dracula is saved from a protection circle by Renfield- instead, now he’s trapped in it thanks to the both of them.
The two completely destroy the physical body of Dracula, tossing the remains down the drain.
With that, now that Dracula is gone, he uses some of Dracula’s Blood to help Rebecca’s sister and revive his previously-mauled support group.
Finally, after centuries of confinement to Count Dracula, Robert Montague Renfield is free.
So… how did Rebecca fare through all this?
Her character, upon the release of Renfield, was not entirely liked by most. Oftentimes, people thought her character was annoying and selfish, other times they disliked her being played by an actress who has been in many other movies and was thought of as annoying, once again.
I do not care about the personal strife between people who like/dislike Rebecca or the actress, Awkwafina, who plays her.
However, whether or not you like her character, she is rather nuanced and has trauma of her own, along with her (sadly very rarely seen) sister.
Rebecca is seen as a strong, smart policewoman with an ‘idgaf’ attitude towards most things and people. Despite this, she is given very small jobs within the district.
She is very angered at this (and the police’s corruption and ignorance when it comes to the Lobo family), and continuously calls the police out on their negative aspects.
Part of her anger, however, is due to the loss of her father, who worked as one of the best policemen and was murdered.
We are never entirely told the circumstances of her father’s death, however. It is implied that the police station did nothing about it, and that he was killed by the Lobo family after investigating some of their crimes. Rebecca is fully aware of this, as well as her sister.
While Rebecca is willing to face the corruption head-on, her sister tends to do so silently, being careful with her job.
The two bicker a lot, but it is shown that they care about each other a lot.
So when Rebecca’s sister is captured and then killed, it strikes a nerve.
She seems slightly less careful while fighting the Lobo family (though she wasn’t very careful before), while also very calculative- more than she had shown previously.
So when she talks to Dracula about reviving her sister, both Renfield and the audience feel that she actually will do it.
She doesn’t join him. It’s a shock to most, especially due to her losing an important family figure at such a young age and only having one other person, who at that point, was on the brink of death/already dead.
For her to take that risk so they could take down Dracula is amazing, especially since her character was shown to care about family first, everything else second.
(and I'm still very annoyed she stayed a cop by the end)
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lexiklecksi · 1 year
Sc intros: faeries Yoni, Karim, Sarika
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Made with this picrew Name: Yoni [etym. Sanskrit: womb or vagina; it is the symbol of the goddess Shakti in Hinduism] Gender: female Race: faery Age: 32 (life expectancy of faeries up to 50) Defining looks: stern look, hard facial expressions, carefully coiffed wavy white hair, lilac skin, butterfly ears, noble clothing Character: power-hungry, righteous, sarcastic, clever, emotionally suppressed Backstory: build a religious cult around herself to stay in power longer; is worshipped by the fairies as a sex goddess Motto: "I will protect my Queendom at any cost." Magic: The faery Queen can shrink other beings down to their size (faerys are 10-15 cm small) Sexuality: pansexual Lovers: all her subjects
(Spoilers ahead! tw: sexual abuse) When Yoni learns about the sexual abuse, she sends Isobel away because even though the fairies believe in polyamory and free love, they value consent, communication and care in intimate relationships and sex orgies. The punishment was the morally right thing to do, but she also did it to protect the good reputation of her Queendom.
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Made with this picrew Name: Karim [etym. Arabic: generous or noble person]
Gender: male Race: faery Age: 28 Defining looks: tall, long black hair, narrow eyes, strong jawline Character: impatient, gentle, morally ambiguous, submissive, vigorous, wicked, devoted, co-dependant Backstory: always does what Isobel asks him to do because he is devoted to loving her, even though she treats him badly. Motto: "I will worship Isobel like a dog at the shrine of her lies." (yes, this is a quote from Hozier's "Take me to church", come after me) Magic: can defend himself with shock waves (male faeries have less intuitive magic than female faeries) Sexuality: bisexual Lover: Isobel, the evil faery
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Made with this picrew Name: Sarika [etym. Hungarian diminutive of Sarah, which originates in Hebrew and means "princess, lady-like"] Gender: female Race: faery Age: 12 Defining looks: blue hair, big round eyes, Character: empathetic, quirky, shy, independent, morally good Backstory: her parents don't know they are her parents because they procreated during an orgy; she grew up with other faerie children and learned to care for herself from a young age Motto: "I can feel what you feel." Magic: empath; can feel others feelings when touching them and also slightly change their emotions to another nuance
WIP only tag list (comment + if you want to be added or - to be removed): @matcha-chai @callmepippin @zettelkaestchen @silversynthesis @ladywithoringes @stargazingandpoetry @scaevolawrites @lyra-brie @constellationapex @eos109 @azriel-alexander-holm @cirianne @charlies-storybook @betweenthetimeandsound @captain-kraken @thesorcererspen @poetinprose
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