#tw r word mentioned
ophanim-vesper · 4 months
Personally always hated the 'mouthbreather' insult. Having a cleft lip and palate meant my upper respiratory system makes it harder to breathe through my nose. My nasal passage is literally distorted and sometimes I can't even breathe at night while lying down, because my mouth instinctively closes while my nose is completely blocked. So, I had to resort to mouthbreathing, and that has been belittled and ridiculed and associated with being 'retarded' or generally stupid. Being born with a physical defect that literally makes it harder to breathe through your nose shouldn't be an insult. Having a chronic illness that makes it harder to breathe shouldn't be an insult. Needing to have a less socially accepted adaptation in order to LIVE shouldn't be an insult. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
I’m not sure if the turtles know this or if anyone has already given you this idea, but rats have very bad eyesight - almost enough to be considered blind. For a short term but satisfying revenge they could cut Splinter’s whiskers off in sleep. He would literally be crippled for awhile.
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donnie knew this information, but so did splinter, and splints has a way of hurting them, even if it isn’t physical.
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happy disability pride month and also a reminder that the r slur IS A SLUR and is used in a derogatory way towards people with mental conditions/disabilities.
denying that it is a slur / using it in a derogatory manner is ableist.
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ashrimpnamedlauren · 4 months
If you are using Moonpaw's lineage as an excuse to be an ableist bigot.. As someone with Autism and Adhd, I'm going to say this as nicely as possible.
Get the fuck out. Unfollow, bye bye, leave my space. See you later.
We don't want you here.
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a quick reminder to everyone
I am literally disabled because of my learning disabilities, I have faced literal descrimnation because of it.
everytime you call us retarded or a retard you are ACTIVLY upholding the systems in which I am trapped in.
I take more offence in being called a retard than anything due to the literal DECADES of systematic abuse and descrimnation from the medical system, every single government resource, and almost all school alternatives.
fuck you greatly if you use these words against us, I have to live in a country where they hate people like me and would rather us dead than to do literally anything to help people like us.
call us what you will, but I will never call anyone retarded because it’s a basic decency reserved for everyone.
I’m a very happy retard, fuck your ableism!
I will happily live and love and learn even if THE LITERAL GOVERNMENT doesn’t want me too.
(yeah being a mid supports autistic with other learning disabilities and disabilities in general that made me unable to attend a school just means I deserve to die. 100% legit I deal with this literally all the time always fuck the Australian government)
so again fuck you all greatly, for using a literal slur against me one that has been used against me since I was a baby.
fuck you all, genuinely.
did I forfeit my rights to be treated as a human being the moment I had a bit of trouble learning things? Because if I did I’d like to break someone’s teeth with a brick.
Edit: the language and lines between what the fuck developmental disabilities and intellectual disability are is confusing as fuck.
I have gotten very confused between the 2 because they are grouped together half the time.
My apologies to everyone for being utterly confused where I fall because it is extremely confusing to figure out, and internationally it varies wildly according to my brief reading.
I did not mean to be mean or anything I just was genuinely going off what I’ve been told most my life lol.
Shout out to my developmentally disabled brethren you are loved
#-pop#activism stuff#disability#Learning disabilities#learning disability#dyslexia#anticapitalism stuff#anarchism stuff#mental health stuff#dysgraphia#adhd#autism#I’m actually somewhat on the intellectually disabled spectrum lol. Not that it’s changed my tune (I got other severe devoplmental disorders#I still had to experience insane ableism my entire life and like continue to into my adulthood with no sign of it stopping soon#like genuinely fuck some people. Those are not your words to use#r slur mention#r slur tw#(idk what even counts but man I have so much wrong with me. and like it's not like this shit does not run in my family LOL my bisnonna was-#actually illiterate and had severe learning disabilities lol she was awesome and made a life for herself so again this shit does not stop-#anyone it just sucks because the education system is fucked screw that shit. idk :shrug: I've never actually looked at my medical record-#I actually should because I have a strong feeling I'm diagnosed with some crazy shit that none of my family remembers bc we just have shit-#memory (for my parents it's the trauma ngl. for me it's also the trauma and the ADHD LOL)#so at this point I just have been disabled by fuck do I know there's literally more maladies that run in my family than I can describe. lik#it's not that weird for me specifically to have severe learning disablities and also devoplmental ones it makes sense with what I know.#I was literally a tinny tiny failure to thrive child actually. who could barely eat anything due to severe allergies and more shit!
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sandygarnelle · 15 days
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Bullying is cringe
Just a little diddly doodle
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ichverdurstehier · 8 months
It is really very annoying that "brain damaged" "retarded" and the like are used as insults. I am trying to find Tumblr blogs from people who have brain damage or traumatic brain injury, but when I search for it on Tumblr, I get people insulting each other.
Also yes I'm aware that retard is technically a slur, but it's a medical diagnosis as well, and I am writing a character. (R word is not seen as okay in universe)
Tldr pls stop using "brain damaged" "retarded" and related terms as insults. These are real medical diagnosises and I do not appreciate you clogging the tags
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lostryu · 1 year
The wild part about tr*ns*ndrophobia is how happy and quick people were to latch onto a term coined by a guy with a lesbian correctional r*pe fantasy who also loved the idea of r*ping butches into being trans men. Not to mention all of the perpetuators of tr*ns*ndrophobia all support Saint as well.
Like I dunno, maybe these guys do not have both lesbian's and women’s best interests at heart.
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mydarlingdahlia · 7 months
An update on where I’ve been.
Warning: mentions of topics that could be a trigger warning for some. reader discretion is advised.
A/N: if you don’t want to read any of that stuff, basically, I’m okay. I’m alive.
As I’m writing this post, the whole stalker situation has blown over, for now…but I didn’t think it would be resolved as quickly as it did.
It turns out that the guy who was stalking me turned out to be one of my coworkers. Evidently, a guy who worked under me. (I’m not going to say his name, as to respect his privacy, even though he doesn’t deserve it.)
As he stated, as he was being dragged off of my mother in law’s property screaming his head off, it had started off as a crush, and that he “didn’t mean to hurt me”. Hate to break it to you, but attempting to stab me and giving me multiple bruises and cuts isn’t exactly not hurting me.
I’m okay, no fatal injuries were inflicted.
But basically, I was peacefully sleeping in my mother in law’s house, as I announced when I was going on my semi-hiatus. I was feeling restless, so I went up go get a snack from the kitchen, but I noticed Snoopy, one of my beagles, was acting strangely.
I assumed it was nothing, and let him walk down with me to the kitchen. But as soon as we got downstairs, he started growling. Like, he did not sound like a one year old beagle. It scared me even. Again, I brushed it off, until he started barking loudly at the pantry.
Long story short, the guy was hiding in the pantry waiting for me to come down. He claimed he knew whenever I came down for a late night snack, because he had apparently had been watching me. For months. Yeah.
He jumped out, knife in hand, and wrestled me to the ground while trying to stab me. He didn’t sink the knife in too far, but I did get a few cuts. I was able to disarm him and get the knife away, and my mother in law had come downstairs after hearing the noise combined with my dog’s barking.
After that, she tackled him and had to tase him and held him down while my father in law called 911.
I still don't know how he was able to disarm the alarm system and break into the house.
I’d say about ten minutes later the cops showed up. They escorted him out of the house and put him in the police car before he could do anything else. I was called to the station a little later to do some questioning.
After they were done questioning me, they told me what he had originally planned to do. (Surprisingly, he had admitted to everything) I had to vomit after what they’d told me he said.
Apparently, this all started a whole year ago, when he first started to work under me at my job. (He's been fired, don't worry) I was unaware, of course. He said he'd been fixated on me from the moment he saw me walk in, and he "had to have me". (I know, this sounds like a fic I'd write. But seriously, this shit happened.)
It had started out "simple". You know, just finding out my entire schedule, stalking my posts, taking pictures of me when I wasn't looking, you know, the good stuff. (This is sarcasm. Don't bitch and moan about it.)
Apparently, by the second month, he claimed he knew everything about me! He even knew that I (at the time) had a girlfriend. He assumed our relationship would burn out, because he was jealous of her and "wanted me all to himself". Well, that clearly didn't happen.
When he heard of our engagement in the summer, he was pissed. (Allegedly) That's when he started to stalk Mia.
He found out everything about her that he could. Her address, her workplace, where she went to university, most of her family members, friends, and that she has a hearing impairment. And that she's basically mute.
I don't know what he would've done with that last bit of info if this had all been discovered a bit too late, but I can think of a few examples that make me sick to my stomach.
After all this happened, he had apparently been working up the courage to ask me out. After he got rid of Mia, of course. (Again. Sarcasm. This is how I cope with traumatic events.)
More than half of his phone storage was just of me. Pictures, documents detailing horrible things he'd do if "the time came", screenshots of some of the platforms where I post, and some of my favorite things, which he planned to "lure me in" with.
He planned to essentially (R-word) me, and get me (with his child) so I "couldn't leave him". He also planned to (unalive) Mia, so he could "get her out of the way of his true love". I don't know what he planned to do to her after he (unalived) her, but I can gurantee that it would not have been good.
He did get me something for Christmas, actually. He uhh...he got me a s3x toy. And he mailed it to me. (Or delivered it himself, I don't know which.)
I assumed it must've been a mistake, because there was no indication that it was mine, or even for me, so I assumed that UPS or something had the wrong address. So I threw it away and basically said, "Oh well, guess someone's boyfriend/girlfriend will have one less present this year." He didn’t appreciate that.
He was mad because he knew I wasn’t using the toy he got me, because he’d been watching me when I was going solo a few times. He was disappointed because his gift wasn’t there. Not that I wanted it, anyway…
The creepy thing about it though, was the letter that was attached to it. Basically, in summary, it said: "I miss you so much, my one true love, we'll be together soon."
I thought the person who mailed it to me might've had a long distance partner or something.
After Christmas, he'd calmed down for like a month, but at the beginning of February, he picked up again. He found out Mia's phone number from where she worked, and started to text and harass her. She hadn't told me, (I think she was scared to) so it all came as a surprise to me when he texted me eventually.
Basically, most, if not all, of the texts were basically him threatening and pressuring her to leave me or else "something bad would happen". He also sprinkled in a few "she's mine", "she doesn't want you", you know, the like.
After she'd blocked him, she hadn't told anyone about it.
So after he started to text me, she admitted to everything. I wasn't mad, of course. So, we contacted the police. I'll spare you the details.
I think I was more concerned for Mia than myself, even though his motto was basically "If I can't have her no one will". I think, at the time, she was in more danger than I was. Apparently, he somehow knew (Of course he fucking did) that I was going to my MIL's house.
A few hours later, he somehow managed to start texting Mia again, and he began to threaten me. Saying bs like "I'm gonna (R-word) you and your fiancée if you don't listen to me". I probably can't say much more without guidelines sniping me.
And then the rest of it happened. So, yeah. That's the end of it.
Thank you all (especially my mooties) for all of the support, and I'm (thankfully) okay now and (fortunately) fully intact.
Everything’s happened so fast…I know it probably seems fake to you guys, but I’m not in the mood for any snarky comments right now. Most of this happened literally the day after I received those messages.
Also, I might take down a few posts with pictures of myself soon. Just a heads up if you liked one and it suddenly disappears.
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dying-weeds · 9 months
it's probably you're fault they raped you. if you didn't fight back you must've wanted it. lucky men
That's so fucking hilarious thank you so much that must be the answer.
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doodlboy · 9 months
wanted to make sure i told you again! it is literally basic fandom etiquette not to use the main tags for vent/anti/hate about a character! people use those tags because they LIKE solomon, not because they want to see some idiot calling him "basically a rapist" for something >>NOT EVEN ASMODEUS<< interpreted that way. fix your fucking tags! go fuck yourself!
Hi there, If your initial reaction to seeing someone talk about negative [yet still canon] things related to your favorite character is to come into that person's ask box and tell them to go fuck themselves, you need to get up, turn of your computer, and go outside for a while.
Whatever post you're mad about was made months ago, using tags that are meant to be used when discussing a character regardless of how much the op likes said character.
Solomon is fine, I don't really care for him, but what I'm most likely referring to in the post you're talking about is the hypocrisy of the obey me fandom when it comes to Solomon's behavior.
When Solomon attempted to give Lucifer a drink that was enchanted to make him want a pact with Solomon, it was fairly well agreed across the fandom that what Solomon did was pretty fucked up and not okay. However, when talking about how Solomon got his pact with Asmodeus by taking advantage of the fact he was heartbroken and drunk to tie him into a forever binding pact against his will, somehow people are making excuses as to why it was necessary and why what Solomon did is fine actually and not a problem at all. This is where my issue with Solomon and his fans lies, with the hypocrisy. I couldn't give 2 shits whether he's your favorite character or not, good for you if he is! But what we're NOT going to do is scream bloody murder when Solomon attempts to do shady shit to Lucifer, but overly demonize Asmodeus, say he deserved it, say his charming power is non consensual regardless of the fact nowhere in canon says he has ever used it to have non consensual sex and has only used it to get himself and his family out of danger, or say that he is a beast that needs to be controlled when we don't talk that way about the other 6 brothers, when Solomon succeeds in taking advantage of his inebriated state to tie them together so he can use Asmodeus' power for his own gain.
And one more thing we aren't going to do; call me an idiot and accuse me of calling your blorbo a rapist when *you* cannot tell the difference between someone saying "a character was taken advantage of while under the influence" and "this character is a rapist." Solomon did not sexually assault anyone, however the framing of that scene is open to interpretation and to my interpretation, it was heavy handed in showing Solomon doing something that is extremely not okay and laughing it off like it was completely fine. Because to him, it IS fine to treat demons like that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my interpretation of the scene, and I will continue to use characters' main tags when talking about them because the tags are used for discussion.
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sigs-gurney · 1 year
TW: Abelism, gaslighting
Rant time.
So a coworker called me “r*****ed” at work today. He’s been consistently trying to push my buttons and trigger me ever since he heard me say I was autistic, but today he finally called me the r-word. Not to my face ofc, but to my manager behind my back.
Today when we were closing we agreed that he’d put up chairs, but he tried to leave before he did the one thing he was supposed to, which I asked him to because I have kidney pain that prevents me from lifting the chairs myself. When the manager on duty asked him what he was doing, he told him that his ride was here and he had said as much to me, and that I was cool with it. I told him, “no, that is not what you said.” And he tried arguing with me. Before I fully shut down and went non-verbal I managed to say, “you can say what you want, but you did not say that, and I’m not putting up with that gaslighting bullshit” and walked away and hid in the cooler. And when I did so, he said to the manager (which the manager told me later when getting my side of the story),
“Bro, why is she so fucking r*?”
And did the hand to chest thing to emphasize the r-word.
Luckily this guy has this delusion that everyone is naturally on his side, even though he is a notorious liar and either doesn’t show up for his shift or leaves early without asking, so he thought it was cool to say this to my manager. This manager is only a shift lead so he can’t actually fire him himself, but now the two GMs have no excuse not to fire him.
When this guy heard that for the first time he asked me “are you r*?” And when I said “no I’m autistic”, he just said, “so are you r*?” He’s also tried to trick me into saying slurs and insults me to try and get me to react. He makes fun of me when I stim by dancing or counting things, and when I call him out he frames it as “curiosity”. Which it clearly is not and has never been. My manager agrees with me when I say he knows full well what he is doing, as he has always managed to stop himself before saying anything directly offensive. Until today.
I know that my manager has been trying to get this guy fired for a while. Basically everyone hates him for one reason or another, but the GMs don’t want to deal with the emotional baggage of firing someone because they are genuinely nice people. But now they have to pick between a stupid high school fuck boy and an autistic adult female who many a customer I’ve interacted with has made positive notes to said GMs; because if they don’t either fire him or change his schedule, I will just not show up when I have to work with him or fucking quit.
Because like I said, I’m not putting up with gaslighting bullshit.
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volunruud · 11 months
just remembered a few years ago this tinder man i had been talking to (i was like 19 looking for attention okay..) he like Full on admitted to being a rapist to me. im actually flabbergasted rn i never thought abt what he said b4... he told me unprompted that the last girl he went on a date with said he raped her. and i was like ummm.. did you? and he goes no no... like okay. but now im thinking... he definitely did. im thinking of that quote about history "men only tell the truth by accident" i read recently. i cant remember the book title rn. and i think he wanted to rant about this crazy bitch to me thinking id be on his side, thinking id ever meet up with him after this reveal, maybe thinking id fuck him or give him a chance, maybe to gauge my willingness to fuck him, to see if id be an easy target or at least not be open about accusing him if there was any "confusion" down the line. men always do this thing: admit some fucking insane shit to you about themselves (in this example he admitted to being a rapist) and when you rightfully criticize/question this they deny it and say "it was just a joke" "there was some confusion here" "she was crazy/youre crazy" "you just dont understand"
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kits-ships · 11 months
i don't plan on doing f/ovember but it's very funny to imagine with my newest gaggle of f/os and a few older ones
alec doesn't know how to use or understand tumblr. he manages to make a single post that just says 'hi' with no tags or context. no one even knows that it was alec that posted it
harry posts bible verses trying to be friendly and sweet but he keeps getting anons and people asking him to stop or tag his posts and he responds to every single one like a concerned dad
🌙✂️ posts a single, blurry picture of the floor and their shoes before going on a rant about how they hate this website and don't understand it. after realizing it's fun to vent, they then proceed to vent about literally everything. everyone hates them
campbell replies to every single post he likes trying to start a conversation and keeps getting left on read. he's also posting every single thought that runs through his head and we lose all our followers
the doctor starts posting and reblogging scientific discoveries, theories, and discussions and adds a wall of text regarding their own thoughts and the REAL science behind it all.... they make 0 sense to anyone except the master who is sending them death threats
🔪🍷 only cares about reblogging pictures of themselves. everyone sends them messages hating on them and telling them to stop flooding their dashboard and they proceed to angrily rant in response to all of them
crowley is arguing with everyone who is mad at aziraphale and secretly clogs all the drains in their houses and makes their floors oddly sticky. he also posts selfies and pictures of sera looking confused
aziraphale is complimenting everyones art, writing, and other creations. it's gotten to the point where he's commenting happily on 3 year old posts. he also talks about his day with sera and crowley as well as his favorite books. never returns after he sees a mean post about himself
the master is reblogging gifsets of themselves and is reminiscing in the replies about whatever the post reminds them of. they're also sending hate to anyone who compares them to the doctor or acts like the doctor is a saint. gets us banned.
🥂💊 manages to make a single post. all it says is '(4,//($' because 1.) he doesn't know how to use a computer and 2.) he got distracted and started pointing out that, "oh i know what this symbol is.'
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apple-os · 11 months
wondering if i can make a strict-ruled fanfic site cause im sick of finding proship shit everywhere
anybody know how tf id do that or find someone to code it fer me
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niteshade925 · 2 years
What kind of irked me about true crime podcasts that talked about Richard Ramirez and the wikipedia page is how they all just gloss over the fact that his cousin Miguel took part in WAR CRIMES by killing and raping Vietnamese women while in Vietnam as a soldier in the us army, and how that was a huge factor in shaping Richard Ramirez to be the inhuman scumbag that he was. Instead they all just pretend that Richard Ramirez became a piece of inhuman shit out of nowhere. Guys. There is a fucking elephant in the room. Guys.
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