#tw insane asylums
ask-insane-au · 1 year
Hi welcome! This is a text based ask account, just so you know this dose have some triggers I will tag them !
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barqnz · 8 months
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sister mary eunice🛐
ahs asylum 2012
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alottieluv · 2 years
mdni. yandere!boyfriend!izuku x implied!fem!reader. no specific reader pronouns used, stalking, implied nsfw, love bombing, manipulation, established relationship, unedited.
you hear failed romance stories all of the time. cheating, wrong timing, or simply incompatibility. all from friends who show up to your door crying after another failed romance attempt, cousins who still seem to find a way to shit on you during family dinners and make it seem like their romance life is still better than yours.
it makes you unsure of what to think, and how to respond. but surely, you know that that could never be you, because you have izuku.
sweet, handsome izuku, whom you could only ever think of as your boyfriend who you, dare-say, love so dearly.
izuku could never cheat on you, not when he was too busy doting on you. almost every second of every day was spent with him at your side, and when he was at work, it was texts every two minutes and calls every five minutes with voicemails blowing up your inbox when you couldn't answer the phone.
then there was the compliments.
compliments. compliments. compliments.
izuku made sure the word beautiful was something you heard daily, a morning and night routine just as the sun rises and right before you fall asleep, and, of course, all those hours in-between alongside the many other affections he expresses throughout the day.
smart, talented, gentle, fashionable, adorable, gorgeous, kind.
every other second, compliments drowned you in an ocean of izuku's affection. it was sweet, so very sweet.
it was love-bombing.
you questioned the term the first time you heard your friend bring it up. "oh, love bombing? you know, it's just bombing someone with love, like giving them compliments, doing stuff for them. it all happens really fast but it's supposed to be some manipulative thing just to get someone's affection."
"oh, really?" you questioned your relationship in that moment, but only in that moment. okay, so maybe it's only been a week or two since you started dating izuku, but surely that's not what happened. izuku is just too good of a boyfriend.
and he just happens to know you so well. from stuff like your usual drink order to your nervous habits.
and little do you know, he also knows where you like to take your lunch break, the route you take home from work, how you unwind once you get home, even though you don't live together.
but that's how he learns, it's how he got to be the wonderful boyfriend you've come to love. and when he asks you to stay for the night, you'll see how he keeps the spare blankets and towels in the closet the same way you do, and folds his clothes the same way you do.
he'll make you feel good, the same way you do.
and then you'll lay in bed together afterwards, kissing and holding each other. he'll press another soft kiss to your lips, long because he wants to savor every second of your lips against his. then he'll pull away, just long enough to ask you to move in with him, and you'll say yes.
because he loves you and you love him.
he made sure of that.
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schizopositivity · 2 years
what to expect when being admitted to a psych ward (this is from my own personal experiences of being admitted to a mixed involuntary/voluntary facility and a valuntary facility, both for adults, both holding people of all genders):
•when being admitted they are going to ask you a lot of personal questions (mental health history, drug use, triggers, etc), sadly you will have to get used to talking to strangers during your stay
• when they tell you the name of the facility try to remember it, you might be asked where you are later to check your awareness
•they will take your picture for the records
•they will confiscate your phone (this is to ensure that you cant take pictures of other patients)
•they will confiscate all other belongings you have on you and keep them until you are discharged
•they will confiscate your clothes and shoes and have you change into scrubs and the famous grippy socks
•you might be strip searched to ensure you arent hiding anything and to take note of any distingushing birthmarks, scars, tattoos, etc (in my experience this was done by someone who alligned with my sex assigned at birth)
• you will probably have a physical medical exam or just talk to a dr about you medical history and what accomidations or meds you may need during your stay, you may be subjected to blood and/or urine tests
•the doors will be locked and you wont be able to walk out anytime (even in voluntary you have to go through the discharge process before leaving)
•if you use nicotine, depending on the place they will either provide you with nicotine patches/gum or allow you to have cigarette smoke breaks (you have to provide your own cigarettes or have visotors bring them to you and they dont allow vapes because they cant monitor what is in them)
•obviously no recreational drugs or alcohol is allowed
•the place itself will feel bland and clinical (think hospital but devoid of anything you could hurt yourself with)
•you will probably have your vitals checked everyday like compression arm cuff, heartbeat finger monitor and temperature taken
•you might have to wear a face mask at all times in the facility
•if you have a wristband from a hospital you can ask staff to cut it off for you
•you may or may not be roomed with other people (i was roomed with a female since i am afab nonbinary, idk how they room binary trans people)
•the bathrooms will either have a curtain or a door you cant lock (this is for your safety)
•depending on the place and your risk, you will be monitered by staff (in the mixed facility they had to physically see me every 15 minutes, just come into the room and check off a clipboard)
•there will be a front desk that is staffed at all times, feel free to approach and ask for things, ask questions or even ask if they want to play board games with you
•there will be a schedule for meal times and activities, it will be the same every day
•the food will be cafeteria food, think hospital or school cafeteria or possibly worse, they will already be aware of any medical dietary needs of yours but from what ive witnessed they do not do the same for religous or personal dietary needs (like a friend i made in the ward asked if the food was hallal, the staff didnt know but encouraged her to eat it anyway) they will also let you opt out of the prepared meal for something like a sandwich or snacks
•they will also have snack times in addision to the meals, but if at any point you are hungry, ask staff and you might get an extra snack or sandwich
•there might be coffee, it will probably be decaf, and the hours they serve it might be limited
•there might be patients who scream, cry, swear or have psychotic breaks
•there might be patients who are detoxing that might gag, puke or cough repeatedly
•there might be patients with visible self harm/suicide attempt wounds or scars
•there might be patients who are violent and/or sex offenders (the staff should keep you safe, but a patient hurting you is a possibility)
•if you have an outburst or hurt yourself or others, you might be physically handled by staff, given sedatives agaisnt your will, placed in solitary confinement or all three (this should only be done when nessasary to keep you or others safe, if the staff do this without reason or otherwise abuse you, you should report it to police when you have the chance)
•if you cry you will probably be left alone, staff might ask if you want to talk to them
•there will be cameras inside the facility but not in bathrooms, and depending on the place not in bedrooms either (this is for safety, so in the event of abuse there will be proof, i witnessed a patient to patient assault in the ward and the police used the footage to convict the perpatrator)
•there will be landline phones you can use, there may be limited phone hours, and they may limit your time on the phone, the phones are placed by the front desk so staff will be able to listen in on your conversations, they will let you write down phone numbers while you still have your phone during intake so that you can have the numbers later when making phonecalls (in my experience the time limit depends on the staff thats around so some will let you talk as long as you like)
•the phones you use will not allow you to call 911, if you are having a medical emergency you should inform the staff if possible (they will treat you or take you to a hospital if nessasary), if you need to report a crime you should ask the staff to call the police or otherwise file the police report after discharge
•there will be communial TVs with limited hours, you will need to ask the staff to operate the remote (one ward only had cable and the other one only had DVDs and us patients took turns choosing the movie)
•there will be daily group therapy, depending on the place it could be manditory (in the voluntary ward i asked why i hadnt seen any group therapy like the schedule said, and they said no one was asking to go, so i asked and i was the only person in the group therapy lol)
•they might have activities like yoga, art therapy, craft time, music time or other things (if you see it in the schedule you can ask them to tell you when its happening)
•there might be outside time in a fenced off area or there might be no outside time at all (this is for safety)
•the windows might be frosted, tinted or have a dotted film over them (this is for privacy)
•there will probably be activities that you can always access like coloring pages with crayons and/or colored pencils, puzzles, board games and paperback books
•you will get your clothes you came in back probably the next day, they might wash it
•visitors can bring you clothes but it has to have no strings (like drawstrings or shoelaces) no metal bits, and no graphic or offensive prints on clothes
•jewlery is not allowed unless its a piercing
•visitors can bring you books as long as its paperback, and journals as long as it doesnt have a metal spine, and other safe activities like paint by sticker books
•visitors cant bring blankets or towells, that will be provided by the facility
•anything visitors bring has to be checked by staff before they can give it to you
•you might not be able to recieve calls unless the person has an access code that they will provide for you, so you have to call first
•there can be meetings with visitors, it could be limited to certain days of the week or certain hours, your visitors may be subjected to a search, and your visiting time might be monitored by staff
•you will be given your psych meds as normally perscribed, they may have you open your mouth and lift your tounge after you take them to show that you actually swallowed them, you might be able to meet with a perscriber to get a med change
•you will probably have short daily private appointments with a counselor, this wont be as in depth as therapy but rather a way to check your progress, it could even just be like "on a scale form 1-10 how depressed are you?"
•you can still have any phone/telehealth appointments you already had planned, just inform staff and you might be put in a private room with a computer
•ask staff for things! like deoderant, toothbrush, toothpaste, blank paper, to print out an image of something that can cheer you up, honestly anything just ask
•ask staff if you want to shave, clip your nails, or apply makeup, you will probably have to do it in front of staff at the front desk
•for showers ask staff for towells, shampoo, conditioner and maybe body wash (the shower usually has a soap despensor in it) the shampoo and stuff will come in little cups, also if you can, ask for extra towells to place on the floor for when you get out
•your shower time might be limited, the shower probably wont get very hot (to avoid people burning themselves) and it will probably be a timed button that sprays water for 30 seconds at a time so youll have to keep pressing it to shower long enough
•the bed will probably not be very comfy, like thin foam matresses and scratchy sheets
•you can ask the staff for over-the-counter meds like ibuprofen, laxatives, sleeping pills, etc
•the days will feel long, try to keep yourself occupied with activities and phonecalls
•i encourage you to talk to the other patients! you can connect and relate to people in simular situations, older mentally ill people with experience, and just to make friends while youre there (ive even witnessed two men agree to have a romantic relationship only during their time in the ward, they called eachother "hospital boyfriends")
•i encourage you to journal about your experience and feelings while youre there
•how long youll be there really depends on your situation, although both times ive gone they said the usual stay was one week or less and thats how long i stayed both times
•they may require you to do certain things before you are allowed to discharge like get a med change, improve your mood, set up appointments with drs or counselors in the future, get stabalized on meds or show recovery in other ways
•even if you are voluntary, you will need to go through the discharge process before leaving like signing paperwork, collecting your belongings, setting up a ride to leave, and confirming that you have somewhere to go (ive witnessed staff hire taxis, and help people apply and get into shelters)
i dont say all this to scare you or keep you from volunteering yourself into a psych ward, just to warn you about things so that you dont have to be shocked by a totally new environment all at once like i was
everyones experience in psych wards is different, every place is different, i didnt cover psych wards for people under age 18, or gendered wards, or addiction recovery wards or otherwise specialized wards because i have no experience there
but despite the bad parts, my time in psych wards has seriously helped me, it kept me safe from myself when nothing else could, literally saving my life twice, it gave me very important med changes, and it gave me experience with other mentally ill people, like the older woman who told me "as mentally ill people we cant always trust our insticts" and other advice that has helped me
it may feel bleak, it may make you feel trapped, you may feel like you dont belong there, but the bottom line is this is place meant to help you, even if just in the most basic form of keeping you safe, housed, fed and properly medicated
and remember youre still a human, you still have rights, if anything unjust happens to you there you have every right to report it to the police
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hoeforbillieeilish · 17 days
yall @na girlies would THRIVE in my dance school. im being told to lose weight. im being told to restrict. its insane of course, a normal healthy person wouldnt last a day there, but i still cant fathom the fact that this is normalized. students being bodyshamed by teachers. all i hear every day and every hour is that "skinny is beautiful" and "big girls dont belong on the stage". going to school for me is like having a real life me@nspo-giving person
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burgertaco6 · 1 year
Something isn't right about her.
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ava-of-shenanigans · 2 years
Thinking about how a Victorian asylum would probably be an ideal hunting ground for a vampire (a vampire like Dracula or Carmilla, who tended to prey on young women, that is). They were full of young ladies (since a lot of families sent their daughters or wives there for being “disruptive” or “disobedient”), the patients wouldn’t be believed if they tried to tell someone about what was happening to them, and no one would really care about them dying. Just a whole bunch of incredibly vulnerable people gathered inside one building. Plus, would it really be that hard to convince someone already living in absolute hell to say “come in” to the mysterious voice at the window that promises them freedom?
Please someone stop me before I start having story ideas.
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zarnzarn · 1 year
I love having a mental break, flat out cracked moment, fucked up as hell- and then having to snap out of it not even ten minutes in because my mom is outside having a bigger, more dangerous cracked moment and my sister is screaming in fear
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cagesings · 2 years
after  hours  of  research  and  confusion,  i  have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  toby  probably  won’t  be  hanged
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fantasy-cursedkrystal · 3 months
WIP (may not make sense)
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(Thus was supposed to be an animation but I don't know how to animate so I made it into comic format)
Featuring my OCs or original characters
the one at the top is a boy, why is he wearing that outfit, he's dressing up as a drag queen
the bottom person is a girl, why is she dressed like that, she is wearing softie clothing (that's what I call it , or aesthetic clothing)
they actually work in an insane mental asylum but they don't get paid enough to care anymore (it was fun at first now it's getting tiring taking care of people) so they went out, they actually have another person with them but I couldn't make her fit.
(maybe I'll add more context in the morning, maybe Ii won't well wait and see)
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justemptylife · 1 year
The decision is hard lol
My cat would be so fuckin sad, so would be my mom and brother
I adore my bf/fp. I’m so bad for his mental health tho, I can see him fading.. I know he’d be better off without me but the thought of being without him litteraly hurts my heart.. If I would km he would be so incredibly sad and broken..
My cars will be scrapped ‘cause they’re junk lol
My ex said "mark my words, she’s gonna kill herself" and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction tho
Goddamn shitshow that is life
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rainrot4me · 3 months
Keep It Rolling
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Summary: You and your friend decide to see if you can find ghosts in an abandoned asylum as you record the whole thing. When you run into Hoodie, he thinks it’d be fun to record you instead.
Characters: Hoodie x Female Reader
TW: Recording sex, bad blowjob, vaginal, threatening with a gun, pussy slapping, size difference, forcing, gagging, stretching, cream pie, size difference
Words: 3.9k
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You spent your whole life filming everything. 
It didn’t matter what. Eating breakfast, going to the store, hanging with friends, everything was caught on your little camcorder. You had an internet personality to keep up with and feeding your viewers your personal life was a hefty job. But you loved it. 
So, of course, when your best friend messaged you about some supposedly haunted mental asylum twenty minutes off the interstate, you had to get it on camera. 
The mid-autumn breeze blew through your hair as you and your friend packed your filming equipment into the back of your car, shutting the trunk before climbing into the driver's seat. The asylum wasn’t even an hour away. But as you sped down the interstate, it was like the whole atmosphere had changed. The clouds were dark, the wind blew leaves from the trees, and this ominous darkness loomed around you. 
“Where did these rain clouds come from?” Your friend mumbled, scrolling through her phone and checking the weather which didn’t offer many answers. Brushing it off, you turned down an overgrown dirt road off the highway and searched for the building. If it did start raining, there was no way you were getting your camera out of the car. And if there was no camera, there was no reason for you to go inside. But as you drove further, an overgrown sign dangled on the side of the path. ‘State Asylum for the Mentally Insane.’ Charming. It was much farther after that that you could see the run-down building come into view, boarded up windows and patches of wall missing. The decorations of the building had all but disintegrated, but the foundation and skeleton of the building still stood strong minus the crumbling sections of walls. You pulled the car as close to the end of the path as you could before the overgrown plants stopped your path. Shutting the engine off, you sat and stared at the rolling clouds swarming overhead, judging if this was a good idea or not. Obviously, you knew it wasn’t.
“Shit, whole things coming down. Wonder how much longer it's got till it completely crumbles.” Your friends laughed, hopping out of the car and opening the trunk, slinging a bag full of voice recorders over her shoulder. “I hope we don’t find out.” You joked back, sliding to the back and grabbing your camera and backpack full of batteries and hard drives. The wind howled through the building, an eerie whistling noise echoing off the decaying walls that were visible from the outside. If you couldn’t find anything haunted in there, at least you’d get some good aesthetic shots. “I say we make a lap through the building and see if we can find any particular room that feels right to set up in. Y’know, see if it feels haunted.” They laughed, slamming the trunk shut and sauntering towards the entrance, a large dark door with shattered lanterns on either side. You flipped open your camera lens, filming a good shot of your friend shoving the door open and peeking inside. You quickly followed behind, skipping up the steps and peeking inside yourself.
The entrance was dark, furniture and paintings rusted with age and tossed around on the ground. Leaves and cobwebs accented the space, giving just the right amount of old and creepy as you filmed you both entering. The wind howled through the halls as you scanned each room, discovering abandoned medical supplies, facility rooms, and rows and rows of medical beds. All of it was caught on film, the dim lighting giving just the perfect balance with the soft glow of your flashlight. This had to get you views.
When you and your friend finally decided on a spot, a recreation room fit with a stage and tables, you set your audio recorders on the tables, little blinking lights illuminating the room as you pointed the camera. Your friend pulled out their flashlight, laying it on the table and flicking it on. You angled the lens, catching their face in the glow as they began to ask questions, the eerie quietness echoing their voice. “If there are any spirits here who are wishing to make themselves known, please do so now.” Silence. Besides the settling of the old floorboards, there wasn’t a movement or sound to be made. They tried again. “We’re here to do nothing more than talk. Please don’t be afraid to communicate.” Nothing again. You were growing impatient, switching your camera between your friend and the dormant recording devices, no lights signaling activity was being captured. Your friend groaned, holding out for maybe just some noise but ultimately flipping off the flashlight and scooping the recording equipment back into their bag. “Maybe we just picked a bad room. I want to try something though.” You flipped your camera shut, breathing deep and smelling nothing but mould and concrete. “And?” 
They shuffled the bag onto their shoulder, shining their flashlight around the disheveled room. “I saw on some ghost channel they split up and went to opposite ends of their hospital and got a lot of activity. Apparently, ghosts like it when you’re alone.” They smiled, shuffling back to the hallway. “Sounds good to me,” It didn’t, but who were you to say no to some good content? “Walk to opposite ends of the building and meet back in thirty minutes?” You both nodded, turning away from each other as you trudged your way to the farthest end of the asylum. 
You felt like you had walked forever, stepping down two flights of stairs until you ended up in what you assumed to be the basement. Random trash and unorganized medical equipment littered the floor but it was charming in a way, like the place was a relic of what it used to be. The damp air surrounded you, every step echoing off the concrete walls and recording beautifully as you flipped on your camera. Cobwebs hung in every corner, more afraid of running into one than running into an actual ghost, but content was content.
You set your camera on the ground, shining your flashlight at your face as you crisscrossed in front of the lens. The hall was silent, the dark corners sending chills up your spine as you couldn’t see past where your flashlight glow went. You settled yourself, breathing deeply before calling into the darkness. “If there are any spirits here who would like to communicate, please make yourself known.” Silence. The rhythmic dripping of water from the pipes offered some relief as you listened closely, but ultimately heard nothing. You sighed, trying again. “I am only here to talk. Please make yourself known.” Nothing still. It was relieving, sort of, praying internally that you’d find nothing as you stared into the camera’s lens. Shaking your head, you gave it one final attempt before you’d decide to head back upstairs. “If any spirits wa-” 
That was when you heard it. The loud thud echoed from down the dark hallway. Fear shot through you, quickly aiming your flashlight but seeing nothing that could have made the noise. “Hello..?” You called, picking your camera up and directing it the same way. There was no response. But as you went to stand, a very clear sound of someone clearing their throat echoed. You scrambled to your feet, realizing this wasn’t going to be paranormal, but some squatter you’d accidentally run up on. Your hands were shaking but relentlessly keeping the camera trained on the hall, staring intently for any sign of motion. Deciding not to press your luck further, you quietly stepped towards the stairs, barely reaching the railing before you saw it. The tall figure of a man resting his shoulder on the wall beside you and staring straight at you. 
A scream bubbled in your throat, panic building before he was on you in a second, his large hands shoving his over your mouth and holding your head still. You gripped your equipment tightly, panicking desperately as you tried to wiggle your way out of his grasp. That all stopped as soon as you felt the gunhead press against your ribs, nudging you to be compliant. “One word and I shoot.” He huffed, his deep voice reverberating against the walls. That’s when you could see him in the glow of your flashlight. He wore a ski mask that covered every feature of his face, but had a weird face drawn on. Tears rolled down your cheeks, realizing what a heap of trouble you were in. Whining, the man released your mouth but nudged the gun deeper into your rib, forcing you to the wall behind you. His gruff demeanor shakes you. “Explain yourself. Now.” He commanded, shoving the hilt further up. You panicked, quickly answering. “Uh- My f-friend and I came to see if we c- could find ghosts. I was making, uh, a video.” You cringed, holding the camera up as it was still rolling, capturing everything that had happened so far. The man jerked the camera out of your hand, examining it before tossing it to the floor, a whine escaping you as you watched it skid against the concrete. He leaned in close to your face, his breathing mumbled by the mask. “No ghosts, huh?” He towered over you, his large frame encapsulating you easily. You shook your head awkwardly, gulping as he pulled the gun from your side but quickly repositioned it under your chin, nudging it forcefully. “Sorry sweetheart, but I’m afraid this is as far as you’ll get.” He cocked the trigger, the noise sending a full-blown panic through you as you gripped his arm. “Please! Please- oh, God, I’ll do anything,” You huffed, tears pouring heavily. “Anything you want. Money, your dick sucked, food, anything!” You pleaded, face growing red as you shook with fear. 
The man leaned back, pulling his finger off the trigger as he chuckled. “What was that second thing?” He smirked, resting his hand on his hip but not letting that gunhead leave your chin. You blushed roughly, your words betraying you as you just word-vomited something to save yourself. “I said anything.” You huffed, gritting your teeth as you felt the cold metal leave your skin, sighing deeply. 
The man holstered his gun in the back of his jeans, sauntering over to your camera on the ground and scooping it up. He wiped it off, flipping the screen open before pointing it at you. You blushed, feeling awkward on the other side of the lens for once. He chuckled, stepping closer to you as he moved the camera to the side, staring at you directly. “Well?” He grinned, focusing his gaze back on the camera screen that captured your red face, the flash accentuating your features. His mask concealed his expression making you unsure if he was being serious or not, but you didn’t want to test those waters knowing full well he had a gun.
You awkwardly knelt in front of him, the concrete wall behind you cramping you. The truth was, you had no clue what you were doing. No boyfriends made their way around to lay you, so whatever you were about to pull out of your ass: your life literally depended on it. 
You fiddled with his belt, sliding it open before nervously pulling the zipper of his jeans down. He wasn’t even half-hard in his boxers. You palmed at the bulge awkwardly, glancing up as the camera stared at you, his face peeking behind and watching you closely. Growing in your hand, you tucked your fingers under his boxers and tugged them down, his large cock barely bobbing out. It was awkward, but you took the length in your hands and slowly began to stroke, feeling it harden slowly. This was good. Nervousness pricked at your stomach as you licked at the tip. You slowly pressed the now hard length into your mouth, getting as deep as you could before pulling back. Slobber coated the length, gleaming in the flash of the camera. You leaned back in, wrapping your hand around the base of his cock and taking the rest of what you could in your mouth. It wasn’t good and you knew it. Your teeth constantly scraped against his length. Not to mention any time the tip passed your tongue you were gagging back off of it.
He was growing impatient, the half-assed attempt at head making his head hurt. You felt his hand slink up the back of your head and grip a handful of your hair, slowly guiding your head back onto his cock. “Open wide.” He commanded, holding the camera lower to get a good shot. You hung your jaw lower, gripping his jeans quickly as you felt him press into your mouth further than you knew you could take. You gagged, straining to pull your head back but he wouldn’t let you, he just kept pushing your head further. You slammed your eyes shut, tears pricking as you wrapped your lips around the thick cock deep in your mouth. He finally pulled your head back, giving you a second to breathe before you snapped his hips back into your mouth quickly. You whined, throat choking as he thrust your head on his cock quickly. He held your hair tightly as he forced himself down your throat, practically face-fucking you and not giving you a second to adjust. 
“Damn, you got a mouth on you, huh?” He huffed, shoving the camera closer to your mouth wrapping around him tightly. You groaned, eyes rolling as you gagged each time his cock pressed against the back of your throat. It was loud and vulgar, the wet sounds echoing off the walls. He refused to let up though, groaning as he held your head back. “There you go. Keep that throat open, sweetheart.” He moaned deeply, pressing your head flush against him but not pulling away. You began to panic, gripping at his jeans as you choked, no air reaching you. He chuckled, cock throbbing in your mouth at the sound of drool gurgling in your throat. He finally pulled you off his length, a loud gasp escaping you as air filled your lungs. He pulled your hair back making you stare at the camera, your flushed face and slobber-covered lips shining brightly against the flash. “God…” He let go of your hair, pumping his cock into his hand before kneeling at your level. “Yeah, I’m not done with you.” He grinned, gripping your legs pulling them out from under you and landing you on your back. He crawled over you, nudging himself between your legs as he tugged at your shirt until it bunched above your bra. He hooked his fingers under the cups, pushing them up and exposing your tits. Hands were on them in a second, massaging and pulling at the mounds. 
Your whines echoed as he pinched your nipples, pulling them roughly and kneading the buds in between his fingers. “You’ve got such a nice body sweetheart. I can’t wait to ruin it.” He scaled the camera across your body and shot your curves well. It was incredibly embarrassing. 
He pulled his hands off your nipples, leaning back to set the camera on the ground and angle it between your legs, getting a good shot of your crotch. If anything, you were impressed with his familiarity with a camera. But the other half of you cringed as he unbuttoned your pants and slid them off your legs, giving the camera a clear shot of your damp panties. His fingers rubbed at the spot, his thumb pressing roughly against your clit and making you squirm. You reached down quickly, grabbing his wrist. That wasn’t going to happen. He immediately grabbed your wrists in return, pinning your hands above your head and relishing the way your body arched in defiance. “Calm down, huh? Relax…” He grinned, sliding your panties off your hips with his right hand and sliding his fingers up your folds, collecting your arousal. Pressing your legs open, he spread your folds the same, the cold air making your clit twitch. “Such a pretty cunt…” He groaned, spreading your lips and spitting against your hole, making you squirm.
He rubbed his fingers against your entrance, circling the area as you arched your back, silently begging for him to slide them in. That was when you saw his hand reach back and quickly slap down on your cunt, a sharp sting hitting you. You gasped, his hand slapping you again before you could even say anything. His palm continued to connect with your cunt, rubbing the area roughly before bringing his hand back to slap down again. You were a whining mess, every sting and slap making you so much wetter. The squelching sounds your cunt made every time his palm reached was embarrassing, your moans mixing and creating an insanely lewd noise. “God! Please…” You whined, squeezing your knees closer and trapping his hand against your cunt. He chuckled, giving in and pressing his fingers into your soaked entrance, a loud squelch echoing. You groaned, his fingers reaching deeply inside of you and curling just the right way. When he began to pump his fingers, it was all you could do not to scream your pleasure. Your throbbing clit ached as his fingers curled against your walls, each curl causing them to clench down. His thick fingers worked you open, your squirming body being easily held down by his muscled arms. Your orgasm came incredibly fast, your walls tightening around his fingers as they stretched your entrance wide and became soaked with your ecstasy. 
He pulled his fingers out sharply and brought them to the hem of his mask as he slid it up just above his nose. He licked his fingers of your arousal, smiling at you as he took them down to the knuckle. Your eyes frantically glanced at the camera lens, the flash blinding you as you begged the battery would magically die and none of this would be recorded. No luck. “Damn sweetheart, you think that cunt’s ready for me yet?” He grinned, pulling his mask back down and wrapping his hands around your ankles, pulling you quickly to rest your thighs on top of his. His cock was twitching and angry, the head pulsing as he pumped it in his hands. He let it rest on your tummy. You glance down, head spinning as you realize just how big he is. “Oh, I’m gonna be in there.” He chuckled, releasing your wrists to scoop his hands under your hips and angle them up. He nudged the head of his cock against your entrance, leaning down to meet his face with your as he breathed deeply. “Try to not scream, yeah?” 
Before you could question why, he slammed your hips down onto his length. The rough stretch and sting of him entering you so abruptly made you cry out, tears leaking down your cheeks. He didn’t wait. Either because he couldn’t or because he didn’t care. His hips snapped into you quickly, fingers digging into your bare hips as he forced your hips to connect with his. “Shit-” He was grunting with every thrust, heavily breathing behind the mask. Your moans and cries matched his, every nudge of his cock against your walls making your back arch and jaw hang open. It was dizzying. He was perched on his knees, holding your hips off the ground and fucking into you like some fleshlight. 
Every tug at his hands and pull at his jacket went unnoticed as you clawed against him, trying your hardest to find some stability as your body was being rammed against. Your cunt throbbed with every squelch and slap, your walls constricting around the thick length invading inside of you. The camera caught it all, angled perfectly to see every inch of his cock sink into your cunt as he thrust quickly. It caught every lewd moan, every slap of skin. The tears were rolling down your cheeks, the sting and stretch of him mixing with the absolute pleasure slamming into you. “Fuck, so tight. Gonna milk me dry, sweetheart.” He huffed, repositioning for a split second before angling his hips up to ram into your g-spot. You screamed out, hand reaching for your clit as you rubbed in pace with his thrusts up into you.
That’s when he grabbed the camera, angling it down directly at your cunt as he sunk into you quickly. “Cum on my cock. Yeah, let me see it.” He moaned, shoving your hand out of the way to press his own fingers against your clit, rubbing quick and rough. You slapped your hands over your face, eyes rolling as you felt your orgasm rushing against you. The masked man was moaning louder, little whines escaping his lips as his own pace became sloppy. “Cum all over me, sweetheart.” He groaned. It sent you over, waves of pleasure crashing into you quickly as he refused to let off of your clit. You screamed out, arching your back against his fingers as he rubbed your orgasm out. Walls around his cock constricted, milking him as he held the camera close, the flash catching every drop of sweat and arousal that mixed on you. He bottomed out against you, moaning loudly as he released deep into your cunt. 
The room went quiet apart from your panting. The camera caught it all, each pulse of his cock as he filled you full, your hands gripping tightly against his wrist as he held his thumb over your clit. He slowly pulled out, hissing as you felt the stretch of him. When his head popped out, he moved the camera down, catching every second as his seed leaked out of you. “Did so good sweetheart. Took me so good.” He huffed, sliding his fingers through your folds and spreading his release across your cunt, making you squirm. He pressed his fingers into your swallowed entrance, pressing his seed back in. When he pulled them out, he flipped the camera shut, turning the flash off and setting it back on the ground. 
Finding your panties, he slid them back on you and relished as he watched them soak darker. He helped you button your pants back, pulling your shirt down and helping you stand. Handing you the camera, he laughed at your hazy expression, your heavy eyes and swollen cheeks evident of your fucked out cunt. “Thanks, sweetheart, now run along before I change my mind.” He huffed, turning back to the dark hallway and waving you off. “Good luck with your ghosts.” You nodded, frantically turning back to the steps and rushing up to the fresh air. It hadn’t been long, but as you listened closely and heard the sound of heavy rain, you trudged to the other side of the asylum and found your friend just as hopeless as you left them.
“Did you find anything? I had a whole lot of nothing.” They sighed, leading you to the entrance and out to the car as you tried to hide your equipment from the rain. “Nah. Nothing interesting.” You sighed, climbing into the driver's seat and speeding off back down the dirt path. 
When you eventually made it home, you sprinted to your laptop and shoved the SD card in, loading up the video. Your hand covered your mouth as you watched the scene unfold, arousal growing in your pants again as you felt the leak of the masked man’s seed against your folds. 
The video played through, every squelch and moan sending shivers through you as your hand slid down between your legs, rubbing lazily as you rewatched his cock sink inside of you. 
You’d have to go ghost hunting more often.
Comments are reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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Reading "A madness so discreet"
Yeah uh, Crooms kills the goddamn baby
Like, the mom wanted to deliver him. She even had a foster mom she was okay with taking the baby when he arrived
And Crooms fucking kills it because she's a sadistic monster of a woman.
Sure, that wasn't her intent, probably maybe, more likely she didn't care and those super hot sheets suddenly staining with a lot of red and the arrival of a small Corpse was a "happy accident" or "really gross another thing to beat Grace for"
I kinda don't care.
In a weird, horribly despicable way its probably the best thing that could have happened to Grace because that's how she got into the cellar and then found her ticket out of there and away from her pedophile of a dad for good.
But I can't express how much I want to punch Crooms, Heedson, and a good chunk of side characters that are just mentioned.
Like, accurate look at an insane Asylum at that time. Pregnant daughter? Oh she's insane. Wife's complaining about her period cramps? Asylum's your answer.
It's horrible and they managed to make goddamn lobotomy look like an escape instead of the cruel and overused "easy fix" it was treated as.
And the doctor doing it calls it out! He does say they treat it like an easy fix, but that he doesn't know if the people are okay in there after he's done!
Anyway, good book but damn it should have some trigger warnings.
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demigod-jack-hearth · 23 days
Au - Open starter (Mental)
TW (insanity, self harm)
Au - all relationships with jack are the same / his kids are still his kids
You haven't visited jack for 6 months, not since he was sent to the mental asylum after he finally snapped from a power overload
You've decided it was time to visit him.
Once you arrive at the asylum and sign in. you can hear screams of patients as you are led through the corridors towards Jack's cell
Once you enter Jack's cell, you realise how horrible he's being treated
The cell is painfully white, squishy pillows cover the walls with marks on each one
Jack is curled up in the corner wearing a straight jacket and gently rocking himself, muttering incoherent phrases
(tag list mention if you want to be added or removed)
@unhinged-waterlilly @zariahthewitch @beauty-queen-official @that-girl-cupid @ariathemortal @nicoswill2live @unproblematic-hestia @if-chaos-was-a-boy @the-gods-strange-children @silena-daughterofaphrodite @love-lightning-forethought @fabulousdaughterofhecate @weakest-son-of-sun @chaos-pers0nified @neoptolemus-achilles-son @bast-the-best26 @goddess-of-bubblegum @hispanic-daughter-of-hermes @gaygirldoodles @the-puppeteer-witch @luck-is-crucial @pink-koi-lovejoy @smileyalater @the-bosses-of-you @the-goddess-aphrod1te @cloak-of-ares @heraaaaaaaa @theycallmejeezycreezy @queenofthedeep @giant-prophetic-snake @sophia-goddess-of-spring @reyna4ever @queenofthedeep @vicious-daughter-of-zeus
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evanpeterspeter · 2 months
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An: this is a request from a lovely Anon!!! Hope you like it :3
Wc: 2.8k
Tw: Virgin y/n, P in V, dom, sub, slight abuse, super hot kit and so on
You've become a Postulant at the, Briafcliff Manor insane asylum, and has been there for a good while. Just recently a gentleman named Kit Walker, arrived for allegedly murdering his wife. Once you laid eyes on him, you grew an obsession towards him. The way he would keep that scolding look across his face when your sisters or sister Jude would walk by. Just the way he looks at you when you walk by it just always made you flutter, as he would lick his lips and look at you up and down. If he only knew what was going through that dirty mind of yours. You were just so astonished by his strong built and his corny accent, it always made you aroused for him. Today was just like any day.. So what you thought.
"Y/n?" Sister Jude called. You turned around, facing her. "Oh yes, Sister Jude?" You said with your hands together and giving a slight bow of respect. "I have a very special job for you." She turned and put her hand on your shoulder, walking you to the main unit of the asylum. "Since one of the sisters are no longer with us.." she looked up to the ceiling with sad eyes and did the sign of the cross, then looked back at you. "You my dearest, will be in charge of watching one of her patients." She gave a cheeky smile and patted your shoulder, pointing at the dozed off man in the corner. "Kit Walker." Your heart sunk. "You'll be taking good care of him." As she was walking away, she stopped in her tracks. "Discipline him if need be... or I will.." she said not turning her head, then walked off.
You shyly walked over to the drugged man in the chair, still buzzing from his Electric Shock Therapy session. You gently placed your hand against his shoulder. He jolted and jumped back upon his chair causing it to scoot way back. You flinched at his response and reluctantly took your hand back. "M-Mr. Walker?.. are you okay?"
He looked up with red eyes, nose still runny and his body swaying. "Fuck you want?.." the dazed man muttered. You cleared your throat and stood up properly. "I'll be taking care of you.." he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Let's see how long you last.." he muttered looking away. Your brows furrowed and tilted your head. "What is that supposed to mean?" You spoke with a stern tone. Kit stood up, trying to look tough but got hit with being dizzy and nauseated. The poor soul stood above you, giving a nasty expression. You couldn't help but feel your heart ache for him. You pressed your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb against his cheek bone. His expression turned from nasty to a soft pout. "Ladies and gentlemen, please make your way to your rooms." The nun projected. You step back, clasping your hands together against your chest, giving him one last look before parting ways and you turned leaving the main room.
The next morning came by rather quickly than usual. Heading to the main unit, you spot the brown eyed man playing cards with another patient. As instructed, you put on that god awful french song. Kit slammed the cards against the table and looked at you. "You really have to play this fucking song?!" You walked over to him and the other patient. "Excuse me?" You said in an assertive tone. Or at least you thought it was. He reached out grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to the upper of his lap. He dug his finger tips down to your hip bones, pressing his dick to your ass and he leaned over to your ear. "Whatcha tryna do to me doll?.. drive me insane?" He growled. You felt your core tingle and your breath hitch. As much as you felt so into him you knew you had a job to do. You definitely don't want to get in any trouble with Sister Jude. You leaped up from his lap and slapped his face. Slapping him in the face was definitely not ideal for you, but it felt needed. Kit held his hand to his rosey red cheek, absolutely stunned. "Do not touch me, Mr. Walker or else your delinquent behavior will be lead to a well deserved punishment." You said while straightening and smoothing out your habit. He smirked and looked you up and down. "Oh yeah? Okay lil lady." He turned back to the table and picked up his deck of cards. You huffed and walked back to the record player and turned it up louder, looking over your shoulder to see the stuck up man kiss his teeth, shaking his head at you.
The afternoon soon came around, you've tended to all your duties, including watching the troubled man. He'd been quite a ruckus all day, but didn't break any rules, though he's in the cusp of doing so. You went into the kitchen to clean up supper and gather the used utensils. All of a sudden you heard a crash and shouting. You dropped everything and ran to the source. There stood Kit with a kitchen knife on top of another patient, his arm holding up the knife while his knee was placed on the poor man's chest. "MR. WALKER!" You shouted. Another postulant ran and attended to the other man as you pull Kit off onto his feet, snatching the knife and throwing it behind you. "What, Doll? He tried taking my food away." The man peered up and shouted. "I just wanted a piece of your bread!" He said, struggling to catch a breath. You growled and grabbed Kit by the ear, dragging him to the electric shock treatment room. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay okay fine let me go!" He whined holding your hand that's tugging his ear. You let go, slamming the door shut and locked it. He winced cupping his hands over his ear "C'mon Doll face, I don't want to do this useless treatment." You shook your head and pushed him onto the examination table. "No, no please. I'm sorry. Please don't use it on me.." he started to become more anxious and is squirming around.
You straddled his chest, reaching for the cuffs and buckling them down. You hopped off and tied his ankles to the metal frame of the examination table. As you peeked your head up from tying his legs, he seemed to have 'pitched a tent'. Though he seemed slightly nervous, his little friend got excited. You raised a brow and he turns hot in the face. "I-I can't help it, especially when I have such an Angel face like you, securing me up.." you felt slightly flustered but you had this surge of dominance rush over you. You walked over to the side of the table facing him. Pulling out the drawer near by, some bandage tape. You tore off a long enough strip and placed it over his mouth. "No more talking." You took off your black gown, leaving you in just your thin lacy black underwear and veil, removing it revealing your long wavy hair. His eyes widened and you could tell he fell head over heels for you. You tugged his pants and underwear's off of him, causing his cock to spring free. Your face becomes flushed by the size of him. You bit you bottom lip and straddled his waist. Your cunt leaving your slick on his body made his cock twitch and a soft groan came out of him. You leaned forward and pinched his nipples roughly. "Shut up or else..". He raised a brow and smirked under the tape letting out another groan. You crawled forward, ripped the tape off his soft pink lips. "Ah fuck!" Shouted Kit. "You asked for it.." you crawled up to his head, your knees on the sides of his ears and you lowered your cunt to his lips. He instantly licked a strip up your cunt and started suckling on your clit. Leaving your honey suckle juices all over his lips and chin. You placed your gentle hands on his pecks, leaning your self onto your arms, arched back grinding your soft cunt against his lips and his nose rubbing your sweet bundle of nerves. You let out soft whimpers of lust just fill the small dainty room. You leaned forward and gripped his hair, looking lustfully into his eyes. His eyes focused on yours, he continued to eat you out and all your sweet nectar.
You tossed your head back, feeling how powerful his tongue and lips were. You felt yourself coming to a teetering rush of an orgasm. You quickly pulled off, not wanting to finish just yet and looked at the breathless man underneath you. "F-fuck.. you taste so good, Doll..." you leaned into a heated kiss, tasting your juices and his soft mint and cigarette breath. You pinched his nipple as he let out a gentle groan. Massaging his hardened nipple, he bucks his hips looking for some sort of friction. You giggled gently pulling away from his tender lips. "Are you needy now, Mr. Walker?" He took shallow breaths and nodded his head. "Call me kit, baby." You couldn't help but become flushed from that comment. You backed yourself down to his torso, and decided to tease him by rubbing your cunt on his red velvety tip. The friction against your clit made you so needy for him, but you knew that you had to stick with your plan. "G-god.. you're such a fucking tease." He bucked his hips in effort to get himself inside you, but you pulled up and wrapped your hand around his neck, choking him. "Nuh uh pretty boy.. I'm not the one who misbehaved am I?" You smirked as you went back down, rubbing your cunt against his cock. "Come on suga, can't I get a taste?" "Oh but you all ready had.." you brought your hand up to the underside of his jaw, prying his head up. You leaned down and started sucking on his neck, leaving beautiful pink and purple spots and love bites on his neck. You decided enough was enough and lowered yourself onto his shaft. You knew you've always been kinky but you were still a virgin. You placed your hands on his chest and guided yourself onto him. You felt your walls stretching and it burnt. You gasped and tightened very tight, clawing his poor chest. He hissed and bit his lip. "Baby, have you done this before?" Your eyes watered as you try lowering yourself on him, wincing in pain. Kit looked at you with a worried expression and shook his head. "Baby, hey.. let me help you okay? Just unlatch me, Doll.. I promise I ain't goin no where... I wanna make this right for you.." you bit your lip, thinking of the pros and cons. "Y-you promise?" He gave you a gentle smile and nodded. "Of course, Doll." You chewed the inside of you cheek debating if he was being honest or not and then decided you'd let him. You winced as you pulled off of him, leaning over his torso, unclasping the cuffs that withheld his wrists, then with hesitation his ankles. You looked at him with pleading eyes as he stood up. He laid you down onto the cold metal table and put his knee upon the frame. "Trust me, okay, Doll?" He spoke comfortingly. You bit your bottom lip and nodded.
He placed his pointer finger and his middle finger together and began to rub your sensitive bundle. You propped yourself up with your elbows and forearms, tossing your head back. You let out some soft enchanting moans, the pretty boy gave a crooked smile. "You're beautiful.. I hope you know that.." you felt your heart pounding with his comment. You started to grind your hips against his fingers. "Easy there tiga', so needy are we.." he stuck his fingers in his mouth to lube it up and slid only the pads of them, then slowly slid the rest in, curling them upwards. You gasped, gripping onto the edge of the cold metal table. He continued to finger fuck you with his thick, strong fingers, using his other hand to rub your clit. You felt all of his wonders against you and it felt whimsical. You leaned back and started to play with your perky nipples. "Mmm" you hummed.
"Do you feel ready enough, my angel?" With your mouth agape and nodded. He pulled his now coated fingers and tasted them. He let out a hum and smiled. "So good.." Kit pulled you to the end of the table, pumped himself a couple of times and then lined up with your entrance. "Hold on to me if it hurts, okay?" You looked up at him sheepishly and gripped onto his biceps. "I have you, don't worry. I'll be gentle, I promise." He leaned down to peck your lips, then slowly entered himself into you. You squealed and clawed his strong, toned arms. He hissed sharply but barely noticed because of how tight you were. "God, Angel.. you are so tight.." he said in such a masculine manner. "Let loose.. stop tensing up, that'll only hurt more..take a deep breath with me, okay?" He took a deep breath, and so did you, in through the nose and out with the mouth. He finally slid in all the way. "There you go.. I'm in all the way.." he smirked, giving you an alluring smile. He began to slowly move in and out, giving a gentle rhythm. Your eyes started to flutter as you felt that burning stretch slowly fade into sweet lust. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you gripped him tightly, burring your head into the crook of his neck, smelling a faded sent of supplied spring fresh soap, slight hint of sweat and whatever was left of a smoked cigarette. He moved his rhythm to a faster pace and it became a bit more unorganized timing. He reached his lower hand and started rubbing your sweet bump of lust, fast but steadily. You felt your cute small cunt becoming wounded up so tight it could almost snap. You let out some mewls of ardor and let out a loud gasp as you feel a sudden wave coming your way. "K-kit.. I think-" he slammed his plump, luscious lips into yours as that tsunami of sexual longing came to its highest peak. You let out a loud kind of moan that probably anyone in the unit could potentially hear. Kit gripped onto you, pulling you into a tight embrace and he lets his thick white ropes fill your insides. He let out a girthy moan into your ear, as he rides out his high, making all of his muscles tense up and his cum seeping out your cunt.
As he caught his breath he pulls out his now softening cock, letting the rest of his mess ooze out and spill and pool onto the table. He kissed your ear and pulled away, fixing your beautiful long hair and pinching your nose. "Cute as a button.." The first thing he did was to tend to you. He found some white cloths folded neatly and stacked under the cabinet. He dampened it with a slight bit of water, then came to your aid, wiping your sore and swollen cunt gently. Even though you and him were at an asylum, he still found a way to provide after care. After cleaning you up, he wiped off the table, tossed the towel on a rolling tray and grabbed you bridal style to place you down gently onto the faded tiled floor. "Let's dress you back up.." he flashed a smile. You no longer felt the need to be dominant nor aggressive, you felt pampered, like a princess. No man, especially here, made you feel so respected, loved and cared for. As he helped you dress and put your gown back on. You grabbed him by the cheeks and planted a very sensual kiss. He was slightly in a shock but then grabbed you by the waist, deepening the kiss.
You pulled away looking him up and down, and gave an alluring grin that was so contagious, kit smiled widely. "I love that smile, Doll.." he planted a final kiss on your forehead and then finished dressing his lower half. He walked over to the door, bringing his arms to showcase the exit, in an invitation to unlock it. "I guess I got some cleanin to do, huh?" You giggled and unlocked the door letting him out to clean his mess he made.
Tag list: @evansonlylove @xrag-dollx @warrenlipkaswife @jazz-berry
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cumtastiics · 9 months
How about a young victorian yandere doctor who saved his darling from the asylum he works at (they had nobody and were deemed insane) and constantly reminds them that the only way for them to not end up in a cell is to marry him?
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tw: yandere/obsessive behavior, manipulation.
a/n: like i said in his hcs he is much more controlling over you and veryyyy manipulative !!!
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"Calm down," he said to you, grabbing your wrist so you'd stop trying to take the chain off. "You'll hurt yourself."
"I told you, I don't want to be here!" You argued, trying to throw his hand off, desperate to get far away from him.
Everything about this place made your skin crawl, it was worse than the asylum. You were kept in his basement, which was quite large but smelled horrible, like something was rotting.
You never understood how you caught his attention at the asylum; he wasn't even your doctor, but when he noticed you, it wasn't long till you were out of the asylum.
"Our wedding is only days away. Don't you want to look nice and clean on the day? I have to keep you here till you know that I am just ensuring your safety, it's as simple as that."
"No, you're not! You're crazy!" You spat, trying to not start crying in front of him. "You're worse than me!"
"Don't lie to yourself," he said, dryly. "If you don't marry me, everyone is going to see you as someone insane, and you'll be all alone. No one to defend you. Wouldn't it be better if you had me? I could prevent you from going back into the asylum."
You knew he was right, but you knew you couldn't fight him. Just by his influence alone, you didn't have to stay in the asylum.
But you didn't want to stay with him.
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