#tw fatherless behavior
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leev0r · 4 months ago
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Pov: ur Murderface in that one episode
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azulapunchedozai · 4 months ago
I HATE HATE HATE how toxic sides of fandoms would pick on popular straight ships by commenting father-daughter on every other straight ship contents and had the balls to say "I'm allowed to have an opinion!🤪" like can you keep it to yourself and find contents that suits you?
Also.. father-daughter??? Seriously??? Do they even know what father-daughter relationship is like??? Or do they not have a father to know what father-daughter relationship actually is???
The straight ship apparently had
✅ Jaw dropping symbolisms
✅ Subtle flirty lines (seriously? what father daughter would flirt with each other)
✅ Treats each other like an equal and have no need for parental affection
✅ Has official crumbs from the creators
And they would be like, OMG FATHER DAUGHTER!
Don't get me started with the "siblings dynamic" they always gaslight themselves to believe in because apparently that certain straight ship gets in the way of the most sexualized/fetishized ml𝐦 ship that has no actual mlm shippers and was just created because some fans are so h0rny they want to get off by making two of the most random male characters f𝐯ck with each other and the most "obvious evidence" they could present is that the male characters are beside each other in the official art or "they give g𝐚y vibes" / one is dominant and the other is a "f𝐞mboy" self insert character.
...or maybe they're insecure about some female characters? ISTG they will always find a way to hate the most gorgeous/kind/gentle/well-written female characters especially when they're involved in a popular straight ship on which one of the characters (most of the time male) is also involved in a rival g𝐚y ship.
And when there's an actual healthy g𝐚y ship they'd act as if it doesn't exist, probably because the characters don't make them h0rny asf.
Like come on, just say you hate straight ships instead of finding the most ridiculous "evidences" to debunk them and shoehorn your headcanon to other people, ignoring the actual pieces of information presented to you because you're butt hurt from the truth and you use shipping g𝐚y characters to cope with a certain real life straight relationship trauma.
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dingdawny · 5 months ago
Hi chat sorry to drop this on main but I just wanted to explain my possible absence for a bit so no one worries and also bc I don't have the mental energy to dm people individually to say that I won't be online. But my dad died last night in his sleep so erm yeah. Might not be super active for a while and I'm sorry if I seem off or dismissive or anything.
Love yall <3
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moonentries · 5 months ago
I‘m scared,
trying to protect myself,
but you ruined my mental health.
You were supposed to be my dad,
are you proud of yourself?
For running away when you should‘ve been there?
I face consequences for things I never deserved,
when I was just a little girl.
Still smell the substance,
you consumed,
knowing your wife and kids would be home.
Waiting for you to comeback, sometimes wishing you were a different person.
Are you listening to what I say?
Right, you never did anyway.
Denied everything you‘ve ever done,
you hate to be held accountable.
Always did and always will,
so why am I still hurting still?
When you still don‘t even care about,
how you made me or other people feel all day long.
Crying in class,
they ask ‚why?‘,
I looked up and I replied,
my lastname won‘t be the same again.
It‘s for the better but I was only seven.
The little girl I once was,
is all grown up and a strong woman now.
I can hold myself accountable and realize it was never my fault.
(c) moonentries
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dubb0-g0ldfe11 · 11 months ago
Yo, I'm going to be cringe. So here it is.
Pokemon Legends Arceus OC. Hotaru
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This is Hotaru, Kamado older sister. She is 53 and She is a very soft spoken person with the heart of gold! But if you make her mad may Arceus have mercy on your soul lol.
Hotaru secretly keeps Kamado in check and make sure he doesn't exile the MC when they first appear in Jubilife Village. She is a VERY PROTECTIVE of her little brother, although she does not smother Kamado. She knows that he's a perfectly capable adult and leader...who is stupidly paranoid, she tries her best to help the MC much to Komodo's dismay, with there survey tasks/adventures giving them items and occasionally but rarely money, and is always willing to give you some advice rather be helping you with your tasks or generally motherly advice
Evan calling the MC "sweet pea" or "sweetheart" (This is strictly platonic/motherly don't get any weird ideas) sadly she isn't there when the MC eventually does get exiled. But when she does find out she gets PISSED.... You don't get to see it but you do hear after when you're welcome back into Jubilife Village
That Hotaru and Kamado got into a HUGE FIGHT which landed Kamado in the Medical Corps for a few days before the fight with Palkia and Dialga. Then he formally apologized to you like in the game with Hotaru next to him like a disappointed mother. Here's a close up.
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Hotaru has heavy scaring from wild pokémon burnt their village down, back before they came to hisui, she lost her arm as a result of protecting Kamado when a pokemon that attacked him from behind during the attack.
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She has a prosthetic arm made of wood with a hidden blade in its wrist. With the help of Beni who designed it and had someone make it,
she is very grateful to Beni for helping protecting her brother. But after she finds out that Kamado sent Beni to assassinate the MC, she is LIVID, she almost killed beni not only because he tried to assassinate MC and because he tried to assassinate a literal child. But thankfully she didn't because she still cares about him deep down. The relationship between the three becomes very sour after that. BUT if you continue to play the game after the final battle with volo, you can get a secret piece of dialogue!
if you go talk to Hotaru she'll ask you if she should forgive Beni and Kamado for what they had done to you. And to apologize to them for sending them both to the Medical Corps, regardless of your answer she will forgive them even if it is a little bit. but depending on your answer she will/will not apologize.
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Hotaru is VERY STRONG! her Zisu spar with each other frequently. Just because Hotaru is old does not mean she's helpless! She frequently goes out of the village on surveys with people if they need the extra help, she also taught Beni and Kamado everything that they needed to know for self-defense, being a leader, and so on and so forth.
Anyways here's Hotaru recovering after the Pokemon attack
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Ya she lost a lot of blood, and nearly died actually! That may be the sole reason why Kamado is so deathly afraid of pokémon lol.
Hotaru's and Kamado's parents where... something, they're father was extremely abusive, and their mother being fairly absent in their lives, what I mean by that is that she would actively ignore and neglect them, Hotaru took it upon herself to protect Kamado from their father and mother.
Then they're Father found out that their mother was a psychic (I hc that psychic people were declared dangerous/witches and hunted down back then, like the Salem witch trials)
Then their father told the rest of the village that they were living in and murdered their mother (L) Hotaru told Kamado to hide while the rest of the village were looking for them thinking that they were psychic too.
Then Hotaru used her psychic abilities to murder her father including the entire village in a blinding act of RAGE and REVENGE. When she realize what she had done she immediately grabbed Kamado and ran until they reached the village that Beni was staying in, and his parents took them both in. Kamado and Beni never learned about but truly happened that day and they never will...Hotaru was 15 and Kamado was only 5 when all this happened.
Beni was also 15 when he first found them. Neither of them knew what truly happened that night and they never will. That's one secret that Hotaru will keep to her grave...
It also doesn't help the fact that Hotaru looks exactly like her mother and Kamado looks exactly like their father. Hotaru dyes her hair black because when she looks in the mirror, all she can see is her mother...
(her and her mother have natural white hair)
I might actually give her a character she I don't know. Lol. I hope you like it feel free to use her for anything! (NO NSFW!!!) Just make sure to give the proper credit! Thank you!
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thou-shall-not-d13 · 2 years ago
If the universe didn't want me to comit fatherless behavior, it shouldn't have taken my father from me when I was 11 years old. Now if you'll excuse me I have dead dove fic to read!
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pixlpxie · 7 months ago
why is that anon so upset over the weeknd? it ain’t that deep lmao (and i thought save your tears was a great choice)
Idek but it's so funny imagine bitching over a song lmao truly fatherless behavior 💀 and tysm babe 👩🏻‍❤️‍����‍👩🏻 i just can't help but feel like yunho fits tw so much
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creative-time · 2 years ago
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Mf all I said was that I liked the pilot a little bit more than the tv show (this isn’t even all of what was sent)
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zhylik · 2 years ago
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you were supposed to love me unconditionally. if you didn't stay, why anyone would?
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gorgugplushie · 4 years ago
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Bad Kid!Katja for a role swap au ive been cookin up. Going to draw Penny next >:]
[ID: A Digital drawing of Katja Cleaver. Katja is a half-orc with black hair tied into a ponytail with a red bow, green skin, slightly rounded ears that flop down, gouges, black sclera eyes with white irises, a nub tail, and small yellow tusks. Katja is wearing a red polo shirt with a horse icon, a brown belt, white pants, and a brown cap. Katja holds a long mallet in one hand, and fixing her hair with her other while wearing a nervous expression. The background is of a heavily distorted and stretched image of a field with fences, distorted horse pngs, and dark borders. / End ID]
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strangehellhole · 2 years ago
i will literally take anything. take any information i can get with kilaeh and aladdin… and solomon
“Anything” you say?
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Well i just wrote all the main infos you need to know at my OCs blog so i’ll just give out some blursed stuff, i hope that’s okay ehehehhe.
Tw/ swearing and more.
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An advice from Kileah (who never had a father figure) to Solomon and other characters who has father issues:
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*cough*everything Kileah does are all fatherless behavior *cough*
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The first thing Kileah does if he ever meets Solomon again would be punching him in the face. They will have a Tom and Jerry chase once Kileah was dead but this time Tom has a gun.
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Kileah had an S/O in his days back at Anthens wayyy before the war between Orth and Anth broke out.
His one true love is an incredibly hot and smexy trans femboy whose race is like a mixbreed of ghoul, vampire and elf.
If you saw that one fanart where i draw my Magi children doing the shirt cut challenge, you must’ve seen him in the bottom right corner 👀💦
He’s the one who taught Kileah all the fighting and other important skills since he was found in Anthens. The training session is pretty much like Demon slayer’s type of training but it’s a little bit more hardcore.
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Differences between Kileah, Solomon and Aladdin’s pupils. Kileah is identical to his mother.
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Fun fact: Kileah can eat raw meat.
About that one monster who chased Judar, the Red Lions loved it. Kileah went down the great rift to learn magic from Mother dragon, he had the chance to live with Red Lions for a while abd got to taste their fav food, it slowly make it’s way to his #1 fav dish.
Some other facts about Kileah:
- He loves sleeping ;
- Has multiple incredible talents but only takes pride in his average drawing skills ;
- At first i made him having those two horns to look like a devil since he’s somewhat inspired by Lucifer and the very first idea of his backstory is that he got yeeted down the Great rift because Ill Ilah chosen him, not David, so it was like Kileah was stealing David’s throne lol.
- Now he looks like a cat, loves cats like they’re his brethren instead of loving Solomon.
- Bathsheba was gonna name him Kileab but Kileab basically means he looks like his father, Bathsheba HATES David so she named him Kileah. The name has no meanings because of that but “It sounds cute” Bathsheba said.
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Kileah could turn into an eldritch monster that looks like Ill Ilah once he let the piece of Ill Ilah spreading all over. When he doesn’t get energy from food like other humans do, the piece of Ill Ilah will spread around his body to absorb magoi easier. To prevent it from spreading, he must eat and sleep regularly like a person.
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When hungry and injured, he must force himself to stay awake and keep the piece in his chest from absorbing other people’s magoi.
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In his fight with Judar in Balbadd, when he almost finished Judar, he got donut-ed by Kougyoku, Ugo then took matters in his hands, Kileah blacked out, got taken away and placed at where the injured people was at, the piece in his chest spread out and took away their magoi, many people was dead.
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If you’re read my post about his adventure with Kouan (Whose old name was Kouhyoku, i renamed him to Kouan now, i’ll make revisions later), you will know that Kouan was almost dead because Kileah fell asleep on his way out of the dungeon.
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In Magi school AU, Kileah would be the type of teacher who sometimes wears pajamas to school. Same goes for Kileah as a student.
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Kileah did called David “father” in the epic battle of Team Solomon and David. David’s expression was somewhat a little bit shocked, then it returned to his default confident face, in response to Kileah, the old man surprisingly said “…son.”
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Solomon was a replacement to Kileah for David, Solomon resembles David for all the species and now Aladdin bears the same treatment, everybody looks at him and only saw his father.
Therefore, Kileah always snaps at others when they regards Solomon as David or Aladdin as Solomon’s son and all that crap once he got his memories back.
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Bathsheba’s mission was to guide humans, if she fails, she must become one with Ill Ilah and reset the world and her memories, when she passes the piece of Ill Ilah down to Kileah, Kileah will also face the same punishment once things went down. She had failed multiple times before and so does Kileah, the world resets itself multiple times, it was all a loop until Solomon unintentionally breaks it by banishing Ill Ilah to another dimension. I hope the brothers get to made up once they had their reunion.
Thank you so much for your time reading all this nonsense!!💖Have a noce dayyy
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itsjustfire4 · 2 years ago
More things my friends and I have said as the Marauders
(TW!!!! mention of @borti0n)
Remus: Bruh I said “I’m gonna go read” which loosely translates too “leave me alone” right??? So tell me why tf this mf came over to me after I left to go read???
Sirius: :(
Peter: Well your not interesting you’re just gay
Sirius: the masculine urge to beat the shit outta my dad
Sirius: is anyone awak
James: no
Sirius: die
James: did you just say “yum yum” to death..?
Sirius: duh, maybe if i seduce it it’ll leave me alone or better yet he’ll join me for dinner- or lunch.. i’m pretty negotiable
Remus: checking under my covers to see if the thing i felt brush my leg was psychosis or a cockroach
Peter: if its a cockroach name it Fred
the face of a orphanless father
i mean fatherless orohan
Sirius: fatherless behavior
James: its cannon now, Padfoot is the queen of england
Sirius: I slay like one
Sirius @ James: i love how in a matter of 4hrs of talking we came up with a song and a book of inside jokes
Remus: thats a weird way of calling me a homosexual *proceeds to drink monster and listen to David Bowie*
Remus: turtle
Sirius: slow @ss hybrid frog-
Might do more…
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cloversugar · 3 years ago
tw: father’s day, loss of loved ones, general fatherless behavior.
as i write this there are only 48 minutes left of father’s day. happy fathers day to people who don’t have anyone to celebrate it with. both of my grandfathers died, one of colon cancer long before i was ever born, the other died when i was very little. not too little to understand what happened, but enough to not remember a single moment i had around him. my actual father was abusive, and at this point i have decided that i emotionally cannot take him being my dad, so i had to decide that i would be ok as his friend but never again his daughter. i think that’s a really shitty decision for anyone’s kid to make. so happy father’s day to anyone who hates this day for any reason.
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domdomnicky · 3 years ago
Contains SPOILERS!
My notes while reading this:
- filipino representation (side character)
- tw: cheating
- solving ; scrutinizing your parents relationship before you were even born to see if it was already a 'doomed relationship' before it even started.
- lee is a raging bisexual
- max is wrong both him and lee are both messy bisexuals
- me as im writing this: i love bisexuals
- i also have kinda hooked up with someone named claire and dont hook up with a girl named claire
- Dilettante! Heck yeah
- risa is so obvious about how she likes lee, that is so fucking cute
- claire ur jealous side is showing "we're all goddamn pretty" yeah right
- lee is also so obvious about how she likes risa, this is so fucking cute
- love junkie: "You’re in love with love. Or lust"
- Max is a gemini
- lee is so messy, she's a hot mess
- suddenly reading this story made me feel like im a child in a middle of a divorce as what the story is actually #i dont have a dad #fatherless behavior
- vincent has been kicked and spun around the room and been kicked again (not in the story)
- i hope lee miller and man ray are real id be so disappointed of they weren't
(Unless a surgeon sold your heart to the black market)
- this is lee configuring her romantic life to look like a season of polyamorous queer Bachelorette
- risa you beautiful lesbian come back here!
- yo this book kinda made me think if i was a polyamorous person too.
- best character: max
RATING: 3.5/5
Even though it's not a fantasy book i enjoyed it very much. I think this is a YA book? It felt like that.
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plshelpl · 3 years ago
important! <33
if you need to contact me, here’s some stuff about you should know.
ahem, my blog will have bad words. if you are a follower/friend and need tws, contact me and i’ll make sure to put them in tags when i rb/tag. thank you!
i am under the age of 18. please be mindful in how you contact me or address me. however, things like inappropriate or crude humor are chill in my book. just don’t make it weird. thank you!
i am nd. i have a panic disorder and i have some symptoms that could be related to adhd but i’m not gonna self-diagnose because thats fucking disgusting. whether i do or not remains to be seen, but my behavioral symptoms are impulsivity, irritability, and fidgeting, my cognitives are forgetfulness and a short attention span, and frustration/sadness moodswings. so please keep that in mind if you think i’m behaving weirdly. thank you!
if i follow you and i’m active on your blog (and your chill with it ofc) i only need tws for vomit/gagging, suicidal mentions, sh mentions, and “fatherless behavior” (they just piss me off) meme templates. thank you!
my ask/messaging will always be open. don’t be afraid to chat! and i’m fine with anons as well.
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