#tw false accusations
bodhrancomedy · 2 years
So, uh. I don’t know how up Tumblr is up on The Dreaded Place (Tiktok), but every couple of months (usually 3) a new openly, usually flamboyantly queer person is singled out and pursued as a “groomer” and every time there’s no real evidence, just out of context ten seconds clips and then people start screaming “would you prefer to wait until something happens?!?” and, I’d prefer to wait until you have evidence. Like, I’d prefer to wait until you have evidence and go to the authorities with said evidence because trying to incite mob justice on Tiktok because you don’t like someone’s vibes since that actually does nothing to “protect” the people you think need protecting.
“Would you prefer to wait until something happens.” You do know that trying to get someone hurt/arrested/killed because you think they’re icky without any actual evidence is fascist, right? You do know you’re just repeating Nazi propaganda?
“Would you prefer to wait until something happens.” I would prefer to wait until something exists? Until there is an actual reason to act because otherwise would be the Thought Police you’re so fond of throwing out.
If there is actual evidence that this person is a threat to children, take it to the police. They’re queer. The police will investigate in the way they won’t investigate conservative politicians, conservative beloved entertainers, and priests. Or the police themselves.
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The Rest of Our Lives, Part 10
TW: Verbal Abuse, TW: Child Abuse, TW: Physical Abuse/Violence, TW: Racism, TW: Adultery/Cheating, TW: False Accusations
Finn sits down on one of the chairs in front of Margaret’s desk. Butterscotch sits in the one on the opposite side, while Margaret sits at her desk. She closes her laptop, folds her hands together, and looks at Finn.
“So, Phineas. I know you came here for answers, and I did promise I’d give them to you.” Margaret sighs. “It was a long time coming, and honestly I probably should have told you this years ago. Just that it took so long for you to even ask…then again it did take a long time for anyone to tell you the existence of this rumor…because I sure as hell wasn’t going to.”
“Mother. I just want the name of the man you had an affair with that led to me being born.” Finn says calmly.
“Now hold on, I do believe context is needed! It’s a really long story, so I suggest you get comfortable.”
Finn sighs softly. He knows she’s not going to give him his father’s name that easily. He had to listen to her entire story first.
“Alright…go on.”
Margaret sits back in her chair.
“William and I were betrothed…much like you and Nancy were. Do you remember Nancy?”
“Yes, mother, I remember Nancy. She was horrible, and cruel. But please, continue.” Finn has a lot of patience.
“Now don’t get me wrong. I do love William, very dearly. But more like a friend, if that makes sense. He’s aware of this, and he’s comfortable with this. That being said, he made it quite clear that we are to be loyal to each other whether we actually love each other or not. I was not to see other people, nor was he.” Margaret continues.
Finn stays quiet, listening to his mother’s story.
“However…at one point, I had grown bored of him. Three children later, and I still felt nothing for him. Not to mention, full disclosure, the sex was incredibly boring.”
“Mother.” Finn doesn’t want to hear this.
“So one night, I went out. I ended up in a small dive bar here in Jackson. That’s where I met your father.” Margaret explains. “He was an angel…both in a figurative and literal sense. Very handsome, and kind. He bought me my favorite drink…then one thing led to another…”
“Wait, hold on, time out. You said he was an Angel?” Finn pauses the story.
“Yes, Phineas. Your father was an angel.”
“So…that makes me…” Finn blinks.
“Half Angel? Yes.”
“That’s a LOT of information for me to take in in just a single sentence!” Finn crosses his arms.
“The fact that you never thought about it until now is surprising, even to me, I’ve known you to be a damn idiot since birth. Though to be fair, I did tell the butler to lie to you when you grew wings and panicked. Tell me, what did he tell you?” Margaret asks.
“He told me that…the wings, and the abilities I was given, were a gift from Heaven. Heaven was rewarding me for staying kind despite everything I was being put through…that’s what he said to me.” Finn says softly.
“Wow, and you actually believed that shit? Your stupidity knows no bounds!”
“I was, like, five!” Finn defends himself, then sighs. “Alright…so…continue, I guess.”
Margaret nods.
“Your father and I had a connection…a real one. One night turned into two, two turned into three…and then it became an almost daily occurrence. We saw each other almost every day…it was honestly something out of a fairy tale…”
“Did you ever tell him you were married…?” Finn asks calmly.
“Nope. Never once.” Margaret answers bluntly. “He never knew I had a husband and three children…and honestly, I was considering leaving it all behind to be with him. That was…until he decided to leave me.”
“Smart idea.” Finn huffs.
“Watch your mouth.” Margaret glares. “Anyways…your father told me that he wanted to continue his education, go for a law degree at Harvard, where he had been accepted. And since the internet didn’t exist back then, that essentially meant I wouldn’t see him again. I was furious…but inevitably, I would wind up pregnant with you. That was when William found out about the affair, because let's just say he knew right away that you couldn't have been his. I had to think of something…and since your father decided Harvard was more important than me? I had to get revenge…”
Finn blinked. He didn't like where this was going, at all.
“...What did you do…?” He asks, voice shaking.
“Simple. I told William that your father forced himself on me. In response, William sent some of his guys to beat him up, then spread the word all around Jackson that he was a rapist.” Margaret says this like it's not a big deal.
“WHAT!?” Finn gasps in shock and anger. “Mother, that's horrible, why would you do that!?"
“Because he left me. Simple as that. He had to pay the price for breaking my heart.” Margaret shrugs.
Finn is trembling, before he takes a breath.
“Did he know? About me?”
“Yes. Even after he was dealt with, he made it clear that he wanted nothing more than to be in your life. But I couldn't allow that. He broke my heart, so he could take the consequences. He only stuck around in Jackson for a few years after that, then he left after the harassment as a result of what was spread around got to be too much for him. Never saw him again…don't know where he is. That's the full story…now you know.”
Finn is quiet for a moment…
“So…what's his name?”
Margaret looks at Finn, then smirks.
“See…I would tell you. But I must be honest, Phineas…it's more entertaining to make you suffer.”
“What? I came all this way, did everything you asked, and you STILL won't tell me his name!?” Finn stands up.
“It's what you get for being born…your birth was my punishment for cheating on William. I paid my price. Now you must pay yours.” Margaret smirks evilly.
Finn shakes.
“...You're a monster.”
“What was that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of your sniveling…” Margaret huffs.
“I said you're a MONSTER!” Finn repeats, louder. “You ruined that innocent man's life for no real reason! You went on to torment his child for 22 years! You tried to make me hate myself over things I couldn't control! 97 years later, you treat my fiance horribly over his race and species! And now, you're not even going to be decent enough to give me my real father's name!? GOD! You're not just mean. You're EVIL! YOU'RE A FUCKING VILLAIN!” Finn shouts.
Butterscotch takes Finn's hand.
“NO! I refuse to stand here and take this bullshit! I won't anymore!” Finn growls at Margaret. “You're a twisted piece of shit! Fuck you! Fuck you, and fuck this entire family too!”
Margaret stands up.
“Don't you raise your voice at me! You're lucky to even be alive! You should hate yourself, because you are a failure!”
Finn hisses
“Well the joke's on you! You tried to make me hate myself, but it didn't work! I love myself! I love my body, my clothes, and my house! I love Elliott, and I’m going to love our children! I love our dog Bruno, and our rat Cheese! I love my life! The only thing I hate about myself is the one thing I cannot control, and that’s the fact that I share DNA with a WORTHLESS PARASITE LIKE YOU!!!” Finn screams.
Margaret slaps Finn across the face hard enough to leave a mark on his face. Butterscotch stands up swiftly to defend Finn, as he said he would, but before he can even say or do anything…
Finn turns to his mother, and slaps her even harder in retaliation. His claws are out, and they make contact with her skin when he slaps her, blood dripping from the new scratches on her cheek. Margaret winces at the pain, covering her cheek.
Butterscotch blinks, as Finn stands there panting, blood dripping from his clawed fingers. His pupils are slit-like, and his ears are folded back. As he pants, fang-like teeth are present, and his green eyes are glowing.
Margaret slowly turns to Finn, before growling.
“HOW DARE YOU!” She raises her hand to hit Finn again. This time, however, Butterscotch steps in front of Finn and growls at Margaret threateningly.
“Go ahead…try it.” Butterscotch growls.
Margaret blinks, then huffs.
“You know what? You’re not even worth it, Phineas. You're not even worth the ground I walk on. You’re nothing but a mistake.”
“And who made the mistake, Margaret?” Finn glared. “Because last I checked, I didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. You may think that me being born is punishment for your sins, but you know what your real punishment is going to be? Sitting there and watching me thrive without you, and having nothing to do about it. I hope it burns you inside to know you can’t fucking do anything to me anymore. Keep burning in it, and when you die, you’ll continue to burn. I hope the next time I see you, it’s at your funeral. Rot in Hell, you worthless cretin.”
Finn turns and walks away. “This was a waste of time…expecting you to even show me a little bit of kindness for once in your miserable life was clearly naive of me. Come on, Elliott, let’s go home.” Butterscotch nods, before glaring at Margaret and following Finn. It’s quiet as they step toward the office door…then they hear Margaret sigh.
“...What?” Finn looks over at his mother.
“Your father. His name is Theodore Richmond. I don’t know where he went after he left Jackson, or where he resides now…but his name should be enough for you to track him down and find him. And...if it helps...”
Margaret pulls out her wallet and opens it. She pulls out a small photo that was hidden inside...and hands it to Finn. Finn looks at it. The photo is in black-and-white so he couldn't make out details like hair color and all that, but it showed a handsome man with curly hair, smiling. His smile was just like Finn's...and even without the colors, Finn could tell that he inherited his green eyes, freckles, and face shape from the man in the photo.
Finn blinks…then nods softly. “Thank you.”
“Whatever…just get out of my sight.” Margaret huffs.
Butterscotch looks at Finn.
“...Go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Finn nods and opens the office door, leaving the house.
Butterscotch looks at Margaret, his pupil slit-like and his yellow irises glowing.
“Just because you gave birth to him, doesn’t make you his mother. Not after all of the horrible things you’ve said and done to him. You should be ashamed of yourself, but feeling shame would require you to feel anything at all. I’m going to give Finn the best life I possibly can, and I’m going to laugh as I watch you cry while I contaminate your family bloodline with my demon genes. Finn and I will raise our children better than you ever could.”
“Why are you still here? Get out of my house before I call an exorcist, hellspawn!” Margaret hisses.
“Gladly…your taste in interior decorating disgusts me. Oh and by the way? You might want to fix your lip fillers…out here looking like Kylie Jenner did crystal meth. Nice meeting you, and very happy Go Fuck Yourself.” Butterscotch flips her off as he walks out the door.
Finn waits by the rental car for Butterscotch, touching his cheek and breathing deeply. Butterscotch walks over.
“There you are! What took you so long?” Finn asks.
“Just taking out the trash.” Butterscotch shrugged, then got in the car. Finn gets in the passenger seat.
“Theodore Richmond…I have it written down in my phone, and we have his picture, too. When we get home, we can begin our search…”
“Yup…how do you feel?” Butterscotch asks.
“Honestly? I feel kind of…awful…” Finn admits. “Did I go too far? I mean, I hit her…then I said some pretty awful things…”
“Finn, she hit you first. You were defending yourself. Also, nothing you said to her there is worse than the things she’s said and done to you for years, not to mention what she did to your pa. It was deserved, and I think you’re justified in your actions…to be honest? I think you were too nice. I’d have been WAY meaner if that were me.” Butterscotch looks at Finn and smiles “I’m proud of you…”
“I love you, Elliott…”
“I love you too, Finn…now let’s go home. We’ve got a father to find…and a wedding to start preparing for.”
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syrups-edit-corner · 2 years
bc you this kind of stuff is literally illegal and u are a danger to real people /srs
and how is it illegal? not only is most of my content literally just moodboards with fictional characters slapped onto them, I don't even do nsfw themes, and I doubt the police give jack shit about something like this, let alone fiction in general.
also, please explain to me how minding my own business, tagging my own shit, and not telling people to die over fiction makes me the dangerous towards real people? I've literally been sent graphic r-pe/death threats (Which mind you is probably far more illegal than making a moodboard) over fictional content, and IM THE DANGEROUS ONE? Like, whatever your definition of dangerous is, it is utter bullshit.
now unless you have actual proof that I'm the more dangerous one in the 'proship vs anti' argument, fuck off my blog and learn how to avoid content you don't like. Like, legit, if you send any more bullshit asks like this, I'll just block your anon, I am literally giving you the chance to be the bigger person and just end this argument here.
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Mod Kokichi (Taki shift)
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octahedral-chaos · 2 months
Not going to lie but I kind of feel bad for Sebastian,
Dude got turned into a chimera… and he was arrested for no reason… poor thing
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John Finnemore in Avenue 5 S2E3 "Is It A Good Dot?"
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werewolf-cuddles · 11 months
What happened with inquistor3?
Basically, three people (a 17 year old girl, her apparently 20 year old boyfriend, and a Tik Tok user who makes exposed videos) spent several months putting together a plan to cancel a 23 year old who made Call of Duty cosplay videos by falsely painting him as a groomer.
The 17 year old claimed to be an adult, because he explicitly had "minors dni" in his bio, and started doing editing work for him while he believed she was an adult. She started taking screenshots of anything he said that would look bad out of context. Eventually, somebody brought it to his attention what was going on, and he cut off contact with her. After that, the drama channel made the "evidence" public.
And it worked. The narrative that Vince was a groomer spread, other people began reporting the story as fact, and he began recieving widespread harassment. Not long afterwards, he hung himself.
The drama channel has basically denied all responsibility for what happened, and has since deleted her account because she was getting a lot of shit for it, and the boyfriend has set his account to private.
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ciderjacks · 3 months
Sending this to you because you'd understand. I am just so sick and tired of these powerful men who use that power to be creeps while hiding under a nice, friendly mask. It pisses me off so damn bad that I can do next to nothing about it.
no srsly, it’s at the point where I’m really just done with any male celebrity. Like I’m so close to just not supporting any of them anymore. Which sucks but MAN. SRSLY. They ALL end up this way, because apparently men are just incapable of having any position of power without inevitably using it to abuse young women.
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fungal-boy-witch-yay · 2 months
the man vs bear argument is stupid because whether you pick bear or man you will be harassed and berated for your opinion. Statistics aside if you see someone pick bear, you know exactly why they picked bear, and if someone picked man, you know exactly why they picked man. If I see one more man say they wanna see a women get ripped apart my a bear or one more person get bareted and harassed simply for choosing man I will LOOSE MY SHIT.
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traumatizedjaguar · 10 months
Some people won’t let you explain yourself and all they’re doing is looking for arguments that’s what bullies do. Ignore people.
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trans-leek-cookie · 7 months
Random fucking post bc im. Mad. Gonna try not to say any buckwild shit bc it's not really my place but. Eugh. First of all it feels weird as fuck to see a hing that's is a call-out for like 3 diff ppl working on co-host and someone pointing out "hey the first person here (who is a transfem) is being slandered" (this isn't the weird part bc. Transfems r extra vulnerable to slander n pedojacketing) which includes a screenshot from the Transfem in question saying "the accusations are focusing on my actions when I was being groomed and abused" and respond "PURITY CULTURE!!! WHY ARE PPL SO MAD ABOUT FICTIONAL CHILDREN THIS IS THE PROBLEM WYOUNG LGBTS" like. 1. Why is it about purity culture and not trans misogyny (also not what purity culture fucking is) 2. GROOMING. GROOMING IS WHY! GROOMING IS THE PROBLEM MOTHERFUCKER FICTIONAL STUFF CAN BE USED TO GROOM MINORS (HEY, QUICK ASIDE- YOU CAN EASILY SEPERATE FICTION FROM REALITY. KIDS FUCKING CANT! I KNOW FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING A CHILD EXPOSED TO CSA BEING NORMALIZED/DENIED IN FANFIC).
And let me say again: young transfems are also especially vulnerable bc they often have little to no support system, meaning not only can ppl get them Into those situations with promises of friendship and community, it becomes crazy hard TO GET OUT
Second thought is if any of the cunts who were like "megapope was kinda right honestly" start making hammer car jokes they should delete their fucking accounts
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Jane is back, hi Jane! Say do you have no hobbies or something? Must be pretty funny to obsess over someone who can’t hurt you, who is not talking to you, is still in end of life care (which you denied) and you even made up theories of how a totally unrelated person is Ang, damn she really lives rent free in your head!
I also heard that xenocrat, whom you shared murder fantasies with, was your boyfriend! That he’s apparently from Ang’s circle is something i don’t really know about as I don’t remember Ang ever being involved with someone who would stick to a white racist woman, who uses her poor poor uwu victim status that’s completely made up to be transphobic and ableist!
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since @angvondrapedo aka Jane amber likes to lie about people “fabricating” evidence, let me just leave a link to an archive of this post. Can’t really fabricate archive entries now, right? So let me get this straight:
Jane Amber, aka @angvondrapedo is allowed to be racist, is allowed to make murder fantasies she sent to her then boyfriend Xenocrat and lie about Ang ever grooming her
Jane Amber, aka @angvondrapedo is allowed to use the n word multiple times as a white trans woman, is allowed to behave like a kiwi farms reject, is allowed to continuously obsess over someone who has never evidently gone after REAL CHILDREN but who you claim is a pedophile regardless over cartoons
And you stick up to your equally racist and weird friends, who make stalker comics about someone you hate, someone you’ve blocked and shouldn’t care about but nooo we continue to shed crocodile tears while living a lavish life, proudly calling herself murderer and crying about getting told to stop being a hobbyless child
because let’s face it, if you really cared about bringing justice, you’d actually involve the authorities. You have the money! You can show us all that your “harassers” are in the wrong! Except you somehow believe they’re not going to do anything, why? Because you’re trans?
more likely because you have no evidence! Not even your own pedobox “evidence” actually proves you were groomed and that people were worried! And only naive idiots who virtue signal how “righteous” and “pure” they are believe your lies and contribute to your scams so you can continue playing the victim!
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anglerflsh · 2 years
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noticing a trend in this specific book
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spectralpaws89-19m · 5 months
So I was browsing Palestine posts, and came across a post that had pro-Hamas as one of the tags.
When I made my reply: “Fuck Nazis, Hamas, and Israel—Palestine will be free,” this user @religion-is-a-mental-illness proceeded to falsely accuse me of being a Nazi. I proceeded to block and report them and unfollow them, as I had initially followed them due to our views on the evils of religion.
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werewolf-cuddles · 11 months
Just heard about what happened to Inquisitore3 on Tik Tok.
To say that I am disgusted and outraged is an understatement.
I'd say that the three people who were directly involved in spreading false grooming accusations that led a 23 year old to take his own life should be held accountable for their actions, but as you'd expect, all three of them have either deleted or privated their accounts to escape the consequences.
How fucked up do you have to be to deliberately collaborate to ruin someone's life for kicks?
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unladielike · 5 months
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So since it has been brought to my attention some rumours have been circulating about me, I just wanna make a few things clear.
First off, I did not supposedly stalk anyone's blog for years.
If need be, I can even provide my IP address (aka self-dox myself) to prove any screencaps to be false, but I'm nowhere near obsessive enough to check somebody's blog everyday. Like, sure, I might visit blogs of ex-mutuals every once in a blue moon out of curiosity, but contrary to popular belief, tumblr doesn't take up 90% of my time and at best, I would maybe lurk on COAR to read new confessions or refresh my dash once per day just in case non-active partners of mine have returned.
If anything, my time has been mostly comprised of going to work and grinding mobile gachas; in fact, should I notice I have replies to write, I will log in, throw my replies into the queue/save written replies in my drafts folder to queue later, and then fuck off to do other stuff. Honestly, provided someone has beef with me, it's unlikely I would know why unless my encounter with them on tumblr had been rather recent.
To my knowledge, I haven't harassed anyone off of tumblr.
Now, did I have spats with my own fair share of people over the eight or nine years I have been on this hellsite? Yes. Have I made vague posts about ex-mutuals, unintentionally ghosted others, privately vented to friends about people from the RPC I personally can't stand, and commented on COAR confessions? Also, yes.
But that being said, the only one I've ever sent anon hate to was myself and if I played a part in somebody deactivating their blog or quitting tumblr roleplay altogether, then that's certainly news to me, because I don't like participating in public smear campaigns, to the point where I even avoid name dropping certain users in my rules or PSAs I've made. Heck, the way I see it, I can only ever recall myself being relentlessly harassed/bullied, because when it comes to me for some reason, people on this site sadly don't know how to block and move on like normal people.
I also have never encouraged anyone to delete their blogs or chase them out of the RPC and have only ever reported one person due to the fact they would not stop posting about me/attempt to provoke me into engaging in drama on a site that we both frequent despite having me blocked; therefore, I have no idea where the narrative of me harassing people off of tumblr even comes from. Besides, I'm nowhere near popular enough to influence whatever following I have to dog pile on whoever I have grievances with, let alone have many people who would go to bat for me each time I'm being unfairly criticized. Honestly, the one time someone did call out my harasser, it was something I had no control over and they did so without my permission, to the point where I did privately tell them to stop url-dropping me and engaging with this person on my behalf... because again, I just wanted to be left alone.
Furthermore, I make it very clear to mutuals I've vented to that they don't have to unfollow/block roleplayers I've had bad experiences with... so I'm not sure if this is merely a case of the Mandela Effect rearing it's ugly head, individuals making up bad faith reasons to dislike me, or an issue of mistaken identity (especially since I'm likely not the only one who goes by the mun handle, 'Livi', and it has happened before where somebody had wrongly assumed a blog belonged to another person).
Of course, it's possible I could have forgotten stuff, as I have had more than three blogs over the years, so naturally, I won't remember all the OOC posts I have ever shared, let alone every instance before 2022 where I have been involved in drama... but regardless, I refuse to take accountability for things I have never done unless you personally come to me off anon with screenshots that provide evidence.
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goat-shoe · 3 months
Ur gna awld DX autism but not ocd ? Ableism much ?
i never said i didnt anon..... i dont think you understand how neurodivergencies work to begin with ^^;;;; but im gonna take you in best faith ;;;
it really is not ableist to not self dx OCD! sometimes, ppl just do Not fit the criteria laid out for a specific diagnosis, and thats ok ^^ fun fact actually that not all ppl with a certain diagnosis fit Every criteria for the diagnosis! (^^ sometimes they fit none even, and its just vibes!)
i do not need to lay out my experiences and symptoms to you anon. but i have said it before and ill say it again now: i experience neither obsessions nor compulsions!
i would thank you for the ask, but, it isnt my job to educate you as an nd person ^^;;; maybe take a psychology class, k?
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