#And it seems like he was basically falsely accused of stuff
octahedral-chaos · 2 months
Not going to lie but I kind of feel bad for Sebastian,
Dude got turned into a chimera… and he was arrested for no reason… poor thing
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Song of Thorns - WIP Intro/WIP Wednesday
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Jumping on the OPEN TAG by @little-peril-stories (here), and @kaylinalexanderbooks tag (here) because I was really inspired and wanted to give it a try! I tried to give my twist on the same format, because it was really cool!
(Also, I had been wanting an excuse to do an actual intro for this WIP for a while now, even though it's not my main one and is a much smaller side project lol)
By the way, if you like this, please reblog, it helps a lot 💕
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever! It can be literally anything! (:
Title: Song of Thorns
Genre: High Fantasy/Dark Fairytale
Tags: #wip song of thorns #song of thorns
Synopsis/What Is It About?
Roselyn, a teenage girl from a backwater fishing village on the edge of the continent, moves to the kingdom's floating capital with her siblings - Jasen, her older brother and a brilliant aspiring sorcerer, and their 12-year-old younger sister, Portia - after Jasen gets a prestigious apprenticeship in the mystical city.
However, after a while, it becomes apparent that something is not what it seems in the city of legend. In fact, something is very wrong. When Jasen mysteriously disappears without a trace, trying to find out what happened reveals the true facet of the up-til-then-welcoming nobility, and gets her falsely accused of treason.
Sentenced to death for reasons she cannot understand, Roselyn finds her second chance when the royal family's youngest prince, the nephew of the King, sets her free in the middle of the night with a proposal - helping him stop the full extent of his family's schemes and save the city before it is too late.
With the help of the now-exiled prince and a couple other outcasts, Roselyn will expose the city's corruption and save her brother before it is too late. All the while she starts falling in love with the charming though lonely thief (Renn) who has stolen her heart. But with strange forces being tampered with and magic swiftly changing, time is slipping away disturbingly fast.
Tropes and Nice Stuff! (Or, a.k.a. What you can expect in this book!)
Friends to Lovers! (Renn x Roselyn, Prince Alaric x Jasen)
Eldritch horror, dark fantasy, and blood magic. The royals are basically fantasy mad scientists and it gets complicated...
The perfect city has some really fucked up secrets that nobody was supposed to find out. Ever.
Epic heists (or as I like to call it: these fools doing absolutely everything wrong but failing successfully)
Fantasy creatures, enchanted forests, a derpy giant talking cat. You name it! There are loads of peaceful sea monsters too, and some very dangerous creatures I've invented as well!
Sad, absolutely heartbreaking scenes and some goofy, silly scenes!
Goth thief who is actually very nerdy and not at all brooding.
An aro/ace druid's apprentice! A bit unhinged and admittedly clueless about the world outside, but the sweetest character ever"
An actually Good Stepmother! (Subversion of the Wicked Stepmother trope)
Enemies to Friends (that's a spoiler!)
A villain who may act childish but is actually not stupid at all and is the most threatening MF you'll ever meet
Whump! (Potentially)
Medieval/Renaissance period with a touch of Fantasy Science
A soft magic system
Siblings, family bonds, and intrigue!
Sometimes the villains kinda win and it is scary (but don't worry the heroes find a way to fight another day so it's not all doom and gloom, almost, but not.)
And more!💕
Meet The Main Cast! (The good guys)
Roselyn Lethia
A curious and opinionated teenager, Roselyn finds herself dragged into a net of intrigue, lies, and bloodied secrets after her beloved older brother suddenly goes missing without a trace, and the kingdom tries to convince her he never existed. She is kind, brave, and determined, though she can sometimes take on more than she can realistically handle, and needs to rely solely on her book-earned wits and sparse fighting skills to get through her fears. Her greatest motive is keeping her loved ones safe, but she also, deep down, yearns for some adventuring.
Prince Alaric of the Hyghsummit
Naive and slightly arrogant without realizing it, Alaric is the youngest prince of the reigning royal family. He is the nephew of the King and was largely raised by his stepmother Catallinah, a motherly but no-nonsense woman trapped in an arranged marriage to his uncle after the death of her husband, Alaric's father. Most of his other relatives from his large family consider him a weak link and most don't even bother with him at all - but Alaric is much more than the capital's "failed prince". He is a brilliant and well-read young man who has spent most of his time honing his abilities to bring down the lies of his corrupted family. He falls in love with Jasen, who became his friend after the latter started working as an apprentice to the court's High Sorcerer.
Renn Atrius
A foreign noble from beyond the royal lands, he was forced into the lifestyle of a thief from a young age, after being orphaned when his father was murdered for refusing to obey their neighboring kingdom's crown. Learning the art of disappearing into the night and taking valuables from the land that took everything from him and colonized his nation, Renn quickly became quite the nuisance for the King. But thankfully to his connection to raw blood magic, his slight vampiric abilities ensure no human soldier ever proves a real threat to him. He starts to fall in love with Roselyn, having become friends with her after trying to steal her coin purse (having mistaken her for a tourist from the capital).
Jasen Lethia
Roselyn's older brother, Jasen is a brilliant and highly ambitious student of the arcane arts. Their home village never provided much chances for his studies, but he kept practicing until he was good enough to earn a highly prestigious apprenticeship at the capital's Evocation Order. He is pragmatic, soft-spoken, and painstakingly patient, and though his studies are important to him, raising his sisters has been his top priority since their parents were killed in a bandit raid to their village when he was twelve, especially because their grandmother was too frail to really do much to raise them when she was alive. Jasen becomes close friends with Prince Alaric, who is around his age, though Jasen dismisses his own personal romantic feelings, believing that he would never be deemed worthy to love a noble and saying anything would only ruin their friendship, when in fact Alaric feels the same. Jasen went missing after discovering the truth about the King by accident.
Oriana Whisperleaf
A quirky and extremely talkative druid's apprentice, Oriana was neglected by her birth parents, who did not care for her. When she was five, she wandered into a local meadow and into the woods - no one came looking for her. She got really lost, but thankfully, she met the mysterious druidic witch who lived deep in the enchanted woods of the realm, a beautiful woman who took her in and raised her as her daughter and apprentice.
Portia Lethia
Roselyn and Jasen's youngest sister, Portia is a very quiet and often sensitive 12-year-old kid, who prefers to spend her time in the company of animals rather than people and wants to become an animal healer when she comes of age. She is smart, perceptive, and polite/well-behaved for her age, though sometimes she has a prankster streak!
Plot Points .... or not🙃 (so far, because this WIP is still early in creation)
"Peace and Quiet and All Things Nice - wait what tf is that in the water? Eh. Probably just a sea monster, it's likely nothing."
"You're saying we're going to the capital - a city literally built in the mountains floating in the sky?! Count me IN dude I am hyped!"
"Traveling. And traveling. And traveling some more. Gods, does this goddamn road ever end -? Oh, and we're there."
"Two unsupervised teenage girls explore an unknown city and shenanigans ensue. Also, meet this suspicious royal High Sorcerer dude who will mentor their older brother and is totally not gonna betray him at all. Trust me."
"Things are looking great! I'm having fun, this is nice!"
"I have the feeling some sus bullshit is afoot but I don't know why. And I don't know if I wanna know. Everything's fine! Right?... right?"
"BREAKING NEWS: Watch how an entire kingdom tries to gaslight a teenager!"
"...Why are there bloodstains in the castle? What are those gooey-looking branches? Oh, hell to the nah~"
"So apparently I've been arrested. That's new. They have yet to read me my rights."
"So either I'm gonna be executed or have my mind erased. That's new. How about neither? No? This is not how I saw my weekend going."
"Breaking out with the prince. I don't know which of us is more confused. We're totally not gonna die in like two days at this rate."
"Getting lost in a very cursed-looking forest and finding out that the kingdom is slowly dying. At least that druid looks friendly - if she doesn't try to kill us. Yet again."
"Meet this 100-year-old lady who looks 30. She's nice. A bit crazy though, I think, but nice? Real talk, I'm not sure if this is tea or poison, or if she knows, but I'm too concerned to ask."
"So your insane family has sent assassins to kill us? Neat. And you didn't think that was a priority to mention, why exactly..? OF COURSE IT WAS A PRIORITY YOU GILDED DIMWIT!"
"This goth mercenary guy did just try to rob me, but he did save my life, so. Plus he does look handsome in this light, ngl. Why does he look so cute, tf is wrong with me?"
"🎶And I'm never gonna sleep again, sleep again, lalala, what the eldritch hell did I just see -🎶
"Rival civilization! Finally! Pls tell me there's not an insane guild of blood sorcerers in this town my dude. I need a break desperately and I'm not sure if my sanity can handle any more - Oh thank goodness. It's just horrifying monsters beyond my wildest dreams then. I'd take that any day. How much does an inn cost here?"
"Group of dumbasses tries to pull off complicated plan. Proceeds to forget said plan halfway through and ends up improvising an entire heist. Also, that's a talking cat. Why is there a talking cat."
"Finding out your prince best friend has been in love with your older brother since they met. Pt 1"
"Not-so-Evil (actually the nicest) Stepmother jumpscares teenagers and feels bad about it. She has cookies though so that's okay though."
"The King throws a massive hissy fit, Special Edition (:"
"So. This is bad. This is bad. Thisissobad. I'm traumatized. I regret all my life choices and I think I'm going to throw up. This is so bad."
"We need a plan. A better one to be exact."
"Absolutely not! We are not breaking into that place, oh Hells no! No. Absolutely not-" (shift scenes, deadpan tone) "We broke into that place and I regret everything."
That's it so far! I'm still workshopping the ending from here (:
Runaway - AURORA
Only Teardrops - Emmelie De Forest
Shadow - Livingston
Elan - Nightwish
Bad Feeling - Jaguar Twain
Tagging (gently, no pressure!) @kaylinalexanderbooks @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @illarian-rambling @clairelsonao3 @conkers-thecosy @anyablackwood @diabolical-blue @cowboybrunch and OPEN TAG for anyone else who wants to do their own spin in this challenge!
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fever-project · 4 months
For the Wip Ask Game, Ace Chain Script?
okay, as the title suggests, it’s not really a fic but just the dialogue and stuff for a specific scene I’m trying to draw for my Ace Chain AU. I’ll just post the whole thing here because I can haha
Wild, stuck behind bars: Hey there Mister Nick, Mystic Maya! Whatcha doing here?
Maya: It’s you! You were one of Zef’s brothers!
Wild: Zef?
Wild: Oh, Zephyr, yeah, yeah. One of my many brothers.
Maya: Like Mister Sky! He called us and said that you got a falsely accused of something.
Phoenix Wright: Are you doing alright in there? You seem rather calm for someone in jail.
Wild: Ha, yeah. I know I’m innocent so why should I worry?
Phoenix Wright: (Well, I guess it’s better to be calm than crazed…I think.)
Phoenix Wright: So, what are you being charged with?
Maya: Betting on murder.
Wild: It was murder.
Maya: Ha! I knew it! Nick, now you’ve own me $5.
Phoenix: I-you didn’t even give me any time to disagree with that! And where did the $5 come from?!
Wild: So, will you help me out with proving my innocence and what not?
Phoenix: Of course! That’s what a defense attorney does after all.
Maya: And a defense attorney should know when to give up $5.
Phoenix: …
Wild: Sweet! Thanks you two.
Maya: Oh wait! Nick, we forgot to ask him something.
Phoenix: What is it Maya?
Maya: We haven’t asked him his name yet!
Phoenix: !!!
Phoenix: (I can’t believe I forgot such a basic question…)
Phoenix: So, uh, what’s your name?
Wild: The name’s Nolan, Nolan Link. [Three heart locks appear]
Phoenix: (Three-three locks already?! I just asked him for his name!)
Phoenix: (Why would he feel the need to lie about his own name?)
Wild: The name means “Champion.” Pretty cool, right?
Maya: Huh, that is pretty cool. What did you think Nick?
Phoenix: Uh, yeah, that is pretty cool. Anyways, let’s get this started.
Phoenix: So, Mister Link…
Phoenix: Do you happen to know where the murder occurred?
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valley-of-the-lost · 8 months
What's recently happened with Lady Emily? Are there new screenshots??
I don't know how much you know about the situation Anon but quick background if you haven't caught up:
Lady Emily accused Youtuber Chuggaaconroy of sexually harassing her and several other women, specifically accusing him of engaging with unwanted foot fetish roleplay with her and trying to solicit feet pics.
She did provide screenies, but how they're cropped and framed is... notable. Such as, one of her sub-allegations is that she ghosted Emile because she felt uncomfortable and that during the ghosting he got more persistent and aggressive. Except when I look at the screenies provided for that period of time and there's things off about them. Yes, Emile does send multiple messages after she stops responding, but they get progressively more staggered over time. As in, for a few days its like 3 messages per day, then it peters off to 1 per day, etc etc. At the end of the screenie he apologizes for bugging her and says he'll leave her be after that message. After that message there's a reply on September 29th (the day after the "I'll leave you alone message"), but we can't see who it is.
The next screenie is Emile messaging into the void again, and you'd think that he lied about leaving her alone, but the dates are out of whack. Instead of where we left off in September, these messages are about a month later in OCTOBER. It's impossible to tell if Emile kept pestering her for a whole month or if this was a different instance, and there's no clear distinction or clarification about these instances so it would be very easy to mistake it for Emile going against what he said about leaving her alone and basically pestering her for a whole month. Which would look a LOT worse than just messaging for a few days before laying off.
The cropping for some of her messages was sus too. She cropped individual messages of Emile's where he talks about his thing for shoes and certain things he says ("glad we understand each other" & "Being forward with you cause I'd rather not keep anything from you and let you make the best decision for you...") appear to signal a direct and open conversation between the two of them about the shoe stuff. But we don't get to see the surrounding conversation, so it was left in the air if she gave consent or didn't.
Turns out she did give consent.
Like she just released the full screenies of those cropped ones of their discord DMs which shows not only Chugga checking in with her on direct terms to explain about and ask her if she was okay with the little roleplays involving his thing for shoes, and she explicitly said she was okay with it.
There's a framing that's been going around that Emily consented to this under the (allegedly false) impression it was a joke and Emile used that to get progressively more creepy and aggressive with her. But there's a flaw in that in the content of Emile's little roleplay segments don't seem to change. By the time he has that open and direct convo with her, he's already initiated roleplay where he does gags like trying to get her shoes (specified as "cartoony") and spins her shoes around so when he throws them back they knock her backwards in her chair. The content of it doesn't really escalate or change, so I fail to see how she was consenting under a false impression.
There's also the thing about the shoes lol Emile sent Emily shoes as a gift and then asked to see her in them. Emily framed this as him soliciting feet pics from her but despite that she agrees right after with no resistance. And it's not like there's something there like Emile pressuring her to zoom in on her feet (she sent him a fullbody pic of herself with the shoes on).
It's very strange that she cut this all out in the first place, and honestly if you asked me she did it to whip up the twitter mob so she could release the rest later either to undercut Emile using the screenshots or because she'd already set the framing that Emile sexually harassed her so no matter what the screenies actually said people would still side with her.
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep26: Basics pt 1
Voyager's first season finale cliffhanger! While I hated cliffhangers back in the day (waiting months to find out what happened was not fun, let me tell you) I think this one was pretty good in general, and it certainly set up some very high stakes to be resolved in the next season opener.
I'm not a fan of the Seska baby plot, and I honestly don't see how they wouldn't have figured out it was a trick, but I guess suspension of disbelief is required here. If I were Janeway, I'd never risk my entire ship to go rescue some baby who's most likely not even in any danger, but I guess when someone tells you they love you, it puts you in a weird bind where you kind of have to give them leeway to go back for the kid they didn't want with the Cardassian spy you both hate. (But yet, no such concern for the Threshold lizard babies- why didn't they go back for them??? Huh??? Why are Cardassian babies so much more important than lizard babies?? Answer me that, Kathryn! And I see Commander 'fuck them kids' Chakotay whistles a different tune when it's his unwanted space children they want to leave behind! Dude really hates Tom Paris that much, doesn't he?? What did he ever do to you, Chakotay?? I'm joking, but also a little bit serious.)
We get some Suder scenes, where, thanks to his mind meld with Tuvok, he's now just a weird ass dude obsessed with gardening, which, somehow, makes him even creepier.
If you ignore how stupid the actual plot itself is, the rest of the episode, where they try to figure out a way through Kazon space, and come up with ingenious ways of tricking the Kazon into thinking they have more ships, is actually pretty interesting stuff. (It could have done without the zany gag of accidentally projecting the Doctor into space in the middle of the battle- the whole episode has been pretty serious, and it was a little too incongrous to stick a silly gag in there while shit is otherwise getting very real.)
The part where the Kazon take over the ship is pretty hair raising stuff, I don't think we'd ever seen anyone capture a Starfleet ship on screen before. It definitely did not need the gross gendered violence thrown in there though- a bad guy hitting a Starfleet captain on their own ship is enough to show villiany, we didn't need the 'you're just a woman, shut up' bs in there too, that was just gratuitous misogyny. We've already established the Kazon are misogynists, there was absolutely no reason to put it in there. And did they really have to have Seska making a false rape accusation? The misogynist trope that women just go around making false rape accusations to get what they want is only bolstered by stuff like this, and it's harmful and unnecessary. We already know that Seska is bad, they didn't need to add that at all. (And anyway, a patriarchal society like the Kazon probably wouldn't even care or believe her, so they should have made up another reason for Cullah to want the kid.)
Leaving the crew stranded on a planet with no Voyager, no tech, a bunch of volcanos, some possibly unfriendly natives, AND a large snakey-dragony creature looming in the background seems almost like overkill in terms of having enough peril to place them in, but I'll go with it. Everything moved along at a good pace, and having the ship stolen is a hell of a cliffhanger. Seeing the Kazon fly Voyager away from her crew is deeply sad, and you know seeing that would have just lit a fire in Janeway and company to work even harder to get it back. And they do have a small sliver of hope of rescue- Tom Paris is out there in a shuttle, which was presumed, but not confirmed, to be destroyed (because of course Tom volunteered to fly a shuttle through a space battle to go back and get help) and Suder is still on board, having hidden in the vents when the Kazon takeover, and he said he wants to do something for the ship, so he's probably gonna fall back on what he knows best: murder! But like, its for a good cause this time- he's gonna kill those Kazon and present them to Janeway llke a cat bringing it's owner a dead mouse lol.
So yeah, even though I had a few issues in this ep, it's still an edge of your seat cliffhanger where you have to see what happens next.
Tl;dr: Some questionable story choices, but done with enough panache that it compels you to find out what happens in the second part asap.
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I was going to just let stuff go, say "Carlos and Lando are both basically universally hated by F1 fans online but loved at the tracks," and move on. But I think there is something to say about all the shit BOTH their families are getting after this most recent race. 
It's 2023. Lando has proved his talent and worth to McLaren time and time again. He's among the best paid drivers on the grid. Yet you still have these salty ass fans carrying on on McLaren's socials about them having to prioritize him because he's a pay driver and his daddy pays McLaren's bills. Which is not only a HUGE slap in the face to all of the hard work and effort (especially in the midst of the chronic pain he's discussed) Lando has put in to the team, but also slandering the entire Norris family's character. These people are accusing his dad of paying the team to sabotage his son's teammate? Seriously? The same man who was cheering for Oscar just as loud as he was his own son? These assholes need to build a bridge and get the fuck over their baggage with Lando. They don't have to support him, but this spreading false information and even dragging his family into it is disgusting. Both he and his family know the team is the priority. They've never implied he should be favored over his teammate. (And the Oscar fans hating on Lando over team strategy decisions that Lando doesn't make himself need to get the fuck over it too. Unless these same people were screaming "sabotage" in Silverstone when Lando nearly got undercut but not only Oscar but also George had that safety car not saved McLaren's ass, then I quite literally don't want to hear how the team pitting the second car in the placements is "sabotage." Especially not when the team has routinely explained their reasonings. Shit happens. It's racing. If people can't handle that without spreading lies and conspiracy theories and blatant hatred, try a cooking competition show instead. They usually don't have to work as a team anyway – it'll be right up their alleys). 
Same thing with Carlos. They're not asking for Carlos to be favored. They're asking for equal treatment. Which frankly - given Ferrari isn't fighting for championships or wins right now, shouldn't be that difficult for them to do, yet as Sainz Sr. pointed out, Carlos isn't even sure when he's allowed to fight his teammate because there's completely different standards based upon who is in front of who. That's not being "political" anymore than Ferrari continuously giving Carlos orders to hold position when Charles is ahead, but allowing Charles to fight every time Carlos is ahead is "political." Also, as I mentioned previously, the ONLY time his family gets involved like this is when it's warranted. Contrary to popular belief, McLaren has never prioritized just Lando,  just like they didn't prioritize just Carlos when he was on the team. They prioritize who is faster — sometimes by race pace, sometimes by strategy. Point being, in McLaren, unless it's a situation where one driver is blatantly off the pace, they are generally treated equal. There was no reason for the Sainz family to go on the offense, and now look, practically everyone they encountered on the team when Carlos was here, they're still close with. The ONLY teams that seem to have a problem with the Sainz family are the teams that either don't want to give equal treatment or the other teammates' relatives were causing problems to begin with. 
In short, both their families are tremendously supportive of their sons. And when their sons are being treated fairly by their teams, they're tremendously supportive of those teams too. I don't think you can fault either one of them for defending their sons when their team doesn't treat them fairly, however. 
Okay. End rant. I've just had a laundry day and all of the stuff I have read about both of them in between loads of laundry has thoroughly pissed me off lmao.
i really needed to read this right now. sorry i was so late to post ❤️
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goldentigerfestival · 9 months
@crestfallencrest replied: Unfortunately I am now being haunted by this Yuri too, WHAT!!!!!!! Im not too familiar with Crestoria so Im not sure what a transgressor is in this context but holy hell this design???? O_O
Basically a transgressor is someone who was condemned by the majority of the world to be a sinner. Everyone in the world carries a Vision Orb with them to use to record things and they can broadcast things other people do to the entire world, spin a narrative and the world decides if they're guilty of the mentioned crime (they can also leave things out, make things up entirely, etc to fit the narrative they're going for if they're lying).
If the world decides someone is guilty, their Vision Orb breaks and is replaced with a mark called the Stain of Guilt (which is apparently physically painful to get), proving they've sinned and are "guilty", and monster-like creatures called Enforcers show up to kill them (they warp them away into another dimension and kill them basically). Since Yuri isn't dead he warded them off and is on the run like the main cast. Enforcers tend to lay off after a while, but if people see the person again and recognize them, they're likely to call for Enforcers again (in Yuri's case I imagine they'd just call for them anyway, recognized or not, because he clearly has a mark).
When the judgment is that someone is a sinner, the person literally hears their voices of their opinions/comments about them in their head before their Vision Orb breaks, so seeing the general design for Yuri I feel like it fits, but I'm still going to lose sleep for the rest of my life wondering what his story was and how they were going to fit him into the main story (crossover characters could be pretty important and Milla's backstory was tied to the at-the-time main antagonist to the whole story). I'm also ruined over the fact that I am craving Yuri and Vicious interaction in general, plus on top of their Crestoria game stories, as well as their knight boyfriends getting Tired just by watching them together.
Which, for that matter, a Yuri side story probably would've included Flynn, and we'd probably see how Flynn feels about seeing Yuri's crime if not "crime" broadcast to the world and seeing him condemned to be a criminal worth being killed (they don't use Vision Orbs for all crimes, hence why they have knights who handle the small time stuff. Use of a Vision Orb means you're gunning for the person to essentially get the death penalty, which is what will happen if they're condemned and can't fight the Enforcers off). In Vespy we have Flynn being the one who keeps warning Yuri while the people generally love or appreciate him, but in Crestoria it's the complete opposite just based off the fact that he was condemned. Flynn just having to live knowing the whole world hates Yuri and probably thinking he did do something that bad and being so distraught about it... 😔
I imagine it'd ultimately be something like, Yuri was condemned on either false or not-the-whole-story accusations and Flynn used to be one of those people who took Vision Orb users at their word, only to find out how skewed the system was. Would probably meet up with Yuri at some point to get answers (I don't think he'd go there to arrest him if he was a knight in this verse because bringing Yuri back would quite literally mean sending him to his death) and find out the truth. Don't know if Yuri would be on a mission to destroy all the Vision Orbs to prevent good people from being condemned in the future like Kanata is, but he seems to definitely have had a goal in mind. Sad we won't know because his interests feel like they'd have aligned with the main cast's like Milla's did.
Also I get the feeling that Yuri wouldn't regret his sin because I can't see him not doing it for a good purpose (and he's got the damn mark on display like Vicious, who was essentially also wrongfully called a sinner). It's a shame that he would have to be a crossover character in status too though, because the mix of his canon story and his Crestoria story would've normally landed his ass right into the main cast and him getting a Blood Sin from Vicious (which Vicious gives people when they accept their sin and vow to live with it basically). Heck, he might've even done that as a side character and just helped on the side like Milla helped on the side.
I'm sorry this is so long LOL the possibilities were just... THERE. If you ever have the time I'd recommend giving the game a watch on YouTube from what's been recorded from the game. The main story is fully voiced, and you've side stories for the crossover characters and event stories like the other gacha games. The manga changed up a few chunks already because of the removal of the crossover characters, so I personally would recommend the game before the manga. :O
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pirdmystery · 9 months
the somerton apology video is really world historically bad and almost impossible to watch. what always kills me about the crying youtuber apology videos is that they don't seem to show awareness of why what they did is bad or address any specifics of the accusations without resorting to making excuses. for every thing he says he's sorry for he has to slip in some mitigating factor that in his eyes makes it less bad. "sometimes there was some credit" "i split the money with nick" "i didn't realize anyone thought i was doing journalism" my god dude. it's not like this is the fault of your audience wrongly holding you to some impossible moral standard. the most basic assumption people make watching video essays is that what they are hearing is the perspective of the person making the video and even that was not true. even the editorializing wasn't yours and when it was it was false and/or bigoted. and he keeps saying stuff like that somehow "made it into" his videos. without ever mentioning what exactly "that stuff" is and how it got there (apparently through no fault of anyone?) and why it's bad.
what i truly do not understand is why this guy is interested in making videos at all. he doesn't have his own ideas, that much is abundantly clear. he can't have any genuine intellectual curiosity or he would have a baseline level of respect for the sources he steals from. the only thing i can think of is that he wants to be known as a great lgbt cultural critic, solely for the recognition, without having to do any of the work to deserve that title. which. well.
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
Fallen Dynasty
This sh*t with Jonathan Majors is getting real serious, man. Dude is getting dropped by his representation left and right, more cats are alleging brutality, and Disney might have already fired the dude from the Kang role. This sh*t is wild to see, man. Majors was finally, deservedly, on the upswing with his career. Dude had some stellar performances under his belt, both Lovecraft Country and The Harder They Fall come to mind, but was poised to have his signature role, this far, really leave a mark. I was a little hesitant to give this man the nod as Kang the Conqueror when Marvel announced his casting, not because of his performance or his race, but because Kang is just a goofy ass villain. But then Majors sauntered through as He Who Remains and I was sold. That one episode we got of his, was more than enough for me to get behind what Feige had planned. Dude was so nonchalant about the destruction of an entire timeline, so smarmy with is inevitable fate. I loved it! I haven’t personally seen Ant-Man III but I’ve heard that Major’s performance as the Conqueror proper, is the best thing about that film. I was looking forward to The Kang Dynasty but all of that is up in the air now because of this chick’s allegations.
It must be stated that Majors has steadfastly denied the allegations and that his primary accuser has basically recanted her initial claims but, goddamn, does this sh*t look grim. His lawyer finally released the evidence she had and, while I think it reads clearly as someone who has come to their senses and wants to try to mitigate the damage they have done to a person’s life, I can see how it can be interpreted as another abuse victim kowtowing to their abuser. As one Twatter reaction stated, “This ain’t the flex you think it is.” I get that. I also get that Majors removed himself from the situation and it was he who called the cops that night. I also understand that the cabbie gave a statement and even handed over the video of the ride where the incident took place. For my money, Majors is being wrongfully accused because, you know, giant, rich, black man. Wouldn’t be the first time. Definitely won’t be the last. But this time is wild to me because of the worms coming out from under their years long hibernation on this subject to make their own claims. If Jonathan Majors abused this many people, if he was violent to all of these alleged victims, where the f*ck have they been? Major’s has been in the spotlight for some time and not a word. But now that he’s on the cusp of super stardom, there’s a line of bodies in his wake? Make it make sense.
I already addressed the stuff about the cats claiming battery from back in his college days but these new “victims” are nuts to me. I get that the case against him was floundering because of the recantation and the cabbie’s statement so now the cops needed way more, which they got. Sh*t just seems real fishy to me, especially considering that there are rumblings of coaching being caught on the body cam footage of the initial response. I imagine it’s not a coincidence that the strangulation charge was dropped but I digress. If that sh*t is sus, how am I supposed to take the sudden influx of other victims seriously? Obviously, I could be wrong and Jonathan Majors could be a decades long violent psychopath but that doesn’t feel real to me. It doesn’t feel accurate. It feels made up. It feels like a false claim. It feels like the systemic lynching of a another rich, famous, black man. But that remains to be seen. I want to believe Majors is innocent in all of this because I want him to be Kang. I want him to get that Marvel shine. I want him to be that superstar. We already lost Chadwick, we need Majors. Time will tell how history sees this situation but, so far, these optics are real bad.
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jeweledstone · 1 year
A Dream I Had Last Month that was Kinda Fucked Up Now that I Think About It
Chronologically, this dream was had some time in between the Noise/Mickey tulpa thing’s first appearance and the Painful Sound dream, so at least around May 9th or 10th.
It was another dream about the high school I never physically went to irl (which has become a common trope in my recent dreams). The school in this particular verse had this… club? class? event? idk? where a group of students would be taken to a movie theater in the basement where they’d watch random movies and then discuss/critique them afterwords. Kinda like a Cinematics course I took for college where we’d watch movies and then write little essays critiquing them but in high school instead. As you can imagine, a class where you just watched movies would be highly popular for students who have to endure boring, under stimulating lessons for the rest of the school day, so a lotta them attended it.
Seems innocent and wholesome right? Well, not for long…
One day, one of the teachers who ran the movie class found five dvds somehow. Each dvd was blank, save for a title written in black sharpie reading Disc 1, Disc 2, etc. (kinda like the tapes in 10 Tapes (and arg you should really check out btw) but with dvds instead of vhs tapes). Be it through pure obliviousness or them already being “influenced” by the discs (you’ll get what I mean by that later), the teacher brought said discs into the movie class to be viewed by the students and other staff.
This is the part where it gets kinda cringe…
Apparently, the original creator of the five discs was a version of G-E Spamton that was less powerful than ours (only a B class reality bender rather than S) but WAY more malevolent. He basically implants these 5 discs somewhere in a random universe for some idiot to find and watch. Each disc contained two “movies” (sides?) of sorts on them that featured images and video of gore, violence, and other horrific imagery as well as bizarre propaganda-ish stuff talking about how great he is and that everyone should follow and obey him. The goal was to slowly brainwash the viewer, turning them into one of his mindless drones that follow his every command.
So, when you take something as dangerously powerful and mind-melting as those dvds and show them to a fairly sized group of people, obviously shit’s gonna go down.
It only took a few viewings of the first disc (both sides were watched twice for some fucking reason) to make the people who attended the movie class to develop a cult-like obsession with this, let’s call him False Spamton for clarity’s sake. Eventually the school (consisting of both students and staff) was split into three groups:
The people who watched the discs and started borderline worshipping the false Spamton (I was one of them, mostly cause I didn’t know he wasn’t the G-E I was already a loyal follower of)
The people who’ve never seen the discs and didn’t know wtf was going on and basically acted as a neutral party
The people who didn’t see the discs, but did enough research to know what was happening and were actively fighting to stop it
I remember the people actively fighting against the cult were mockingly referred to as “clowns” by cult members (you can probably guess what’s gonna happen to them if False Spam wins in this scenario…) and were often abducted by said cultists and forced to watch the brainwashing movies in order to try to “convert” them whenever possible.
The way I personally found out the Spam the cult was worshipping wasn’t my Spamton was pretty Deus Ex Machina-y. Basically I was kinda sorta questioning how brutally the other cultists were towards non-believers, which caused my fellow cultists to shun me and accuse me of being a clown. Panicking, worried I might get kicked out of the group and face “Spamton’s” wrath because of it, I ran down into the school’s basement to the theater where the movie class was held (and thus where the “holy” discs were kept) and started praying to him for forgiveness. Cause y’know, I’m crazy like that. It was during that prayer session that the real G-E Spamton appeared and basically told me that I haven’t actually forsaken him and the Spam my school was being controlled by was a false god.
It was then that I woke up, so I can’t say wether the false god was ever stopped or not.
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in really really towards omega jobe because i feel like that would bring the most pain/angst!! also i understand the jude not acting quite like a full on incel but from my experience, when you have to watch someone you grew up with change like that to someone more irritated and was openminded and understanding, the change seems so drastic that in your mind they’re basically an incel anyways.
also i feel like a headcanon like this is really interesting because irl people are always like “oh but this guy has sisters so obviously he won’t turn out badly!1!1” completely ignoring the fact that those sisters sometimes turn into the first ‘victims’ of whatever the guy internalises. so it would be interesting if when jude first starts changing and stuff if jamal is like “nah, it’s not possible, why would jude act like this when he’s always so protective and loving towards jobe” but then one day he sees the two interact and sees that even that’s different.
like maybe the protectiveness becomes more toxic, where instead of jude wanting to make sure that jobe is safe and that jobe can always turn to him for help, jude starts to be more harsh like telling jobe not to go putting himself or asking for trouble and just his tone and everything is not the loving tone that jobe was always so used to hearing and jamal is standing there shocked and maybe makes eye contact with jobe where they both come to the same silent realisation.
Anon I just want you to know the detail you are sending this asks in with is literally something I will forever treasure. I feel so lucky that you decided I’m worth all these words.
(and a content warning for mentions of abuse/s*xual assault here)
And I can see Jude using Jobe as a shield for his own misogyny. He’s not going out of his way to harm beta women or omegas, but he’s also still associating himself with people who have because, well, they didn’t go to prison right? That means they aren’t bad? The bad men go to prison and none of my friends are in prison therefore they can’t be that bad, right?
Whenever Jobe calls him up on it, he gets defensive really quickly, saying that he knows that the things they’ve been accused of are bad in concept, and he’d be disgusted if someone he knew actually did those things (despite the fact that yes, people you know have done those things), but then he goes into a point about ‘false accusations’ and you can see Jobe just deflate. Knowing that whenever Jude is asked about omega rights, he immediately uses Jobe’s career and ambitions as a reason why he is actually this big feminist who is for gender equality - cause on the outside, it looks like he is. Jude does some shoutouts for women’s teams, does some campaigns denouncing the mistreatment of beta women and omegas in sports and just general other stuff in that regard (aka. the Mason Greenwood ‘r*pist’ comment incident). But it does nothing to solve these inherent issues that Jude carries simply from being a man in society. Is it his fault that these biases have been instilled in him? No, it happens to every beta man/alpha before they even realise what’s going on. But is it his fault for not challenging these biases, especially when pointed out to him? Absolutely.
Part of me kind of wants to give Jude a slight ‘redemption arc’ but also I’m not sure. Most men don’t have a ‘redemption arc’, but also I think Jude is at a stage in his life in this fic universe where he’s still open to change, it just takes a lot of work to get there. I feel like at one point, Jobe would basically go non-contact with Jude, and it would either be a wake up call that he needs to sort himself out or it would make him double down on his subconscious beliefs.
(Btw I do just wanna remind people (mainly for the sake of my own anxiety) that what I say in these head-canons isn’t real. I don’t know if the real Jude Bellingham would also hold these beliefs or not. It just happened that this idea I had fell on the fictional version of him’s shoulders. Just saying this before I get any hate or accusations that I’m making false claims about some celeb. Remember guys this is all FAKE.)
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navree · 1 year
Do you think Margaery in the books will have the same fate as in the series? She seems too sly for her own good and there’s really something hypocritical about her
I'm not the best when it comes to theorizing about ASOIAF proper, so there are probably people who can answer this better than me, but I think it's certainly possible.
The books have both done a lot to build up Aerys's hidden caches of wildfire under King's Landing, so we know that, at some point, those are going to come into play. We've also gotten some important stuff surrounding Cersei and wildfire, like when she burns down the Tower of the Hand and how disturbed Jaime (one of only two people alive who knows about Aerys's wildfire plot) felt watching it. So the idea that there's a connection to wildfire, the destruction it can cause in the city, and Cersei isn't out of nowhere. And doing something insanely destructive and so incredibly large scale isn't out of character for Cersei, she's vicious and she believes in might as power above anything else and it seems like the kind of big and insane gesture that she'd do without thinking of the long term consequences, all for the sake of getting rid of her rivals.
I doubt the circumstances will be exactly the same though. Cersei and Margaery are both in pretty different places by the time ADWD ends than they were by the end of season 5, and so they're both gonna be in different places whenever this happens in the books. Margaery isn't the only member of her family accused, for one, and she's accused of much serious crimes than she is in the show (in the show I think her main crime is bearing false witness in connection to Loras's trial, while in the books Loras isn't involved in this at all and is currently dying, which will also affect Margaery, and she's accused of adultery against Tommen with numerous men) for another, and even beyond that, she's already released from the High Sparrow's custody by the time ADWD ends, having been put into Randall Tarly's custody because the case against her is already falling apart. Cersei's also gonna be dealing with different things, because Jaime's not currently on her side anymore, Myrcella is still alive and isn't dead, and she was under some strict house arrest on Kevan's orders before he died, which is absolutely going to cause some upheaval in her life as well as just the realm at large. So while the overall motivations might be the same, the intricacies of it might be different, as well as the process for both Margaery and Cersei to get to that point.
I've never really gotten anything sly or hypocritical from Margaery in the books, at least the way I've read it. I think she's more than just the doe-eyed little thing she presents herself as, and there is absolutely an intelligence and a cunning to her that most people ignore, but even when viewed exclusively through the eyes of other people, the only person who thinks that she's a schemer or devious is Cersei, who is just not very good at reading people, insanely delusional, and also completely blinded by Maggy's prophecy, which drives far more of her actions in the books than it does in the show (it's basically the impetus for nearly everything she does). Margaery's interacted with Tyrion, Sansa, and Jaime in their POVs, not just Cersei, and all of them agree that she's nice, but also intelligent, and definitely has some of her grandmother's steel in her, but not that she's actively playing people false or being a hypocrite. It's more the show that played that up, since it seems D&D decided to take Cersei's interpretation of Margaery at face value rather than, like, understand that Cersei's never had a correct opinion about another person ever in her life.
TL;DR I think it's definitely possible, and there's some clues that point to that being set up, but the circumstances will likely be different in their minutia to account for the way the plot is going in the books, and as well as the fact that Cersei and Margaery are different characters to their show counterparts.
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smokeybrand · 1 year
Fallen Dynasty
This sh*t with Jonathan Majors is getting real serious, man. Dude is getting dropped by his representation left and right, more cats are alleging brutality, and Disney might have already fired the dude from the Kang role. This sh*t is wild to see, man. Majors was finally, deservedly, on the upswing with his career. Dude had some stellar performances under his belt, both Lovecraft Country and The Harder They Fall come to mind, but was poised to have his signature role, this far, really leave a mark. I was a little hesitant to give this man the nod as Kang the Conqueror when Marvel announced his casting, not because of his performance or his race, but because Kang is just a goofy ass villain. But then Majors sauntered through as He Who Remains and I was sold. That one episode we got of his, was more than enough for me to get behind what Feige had planned. Dude was so nonchalant about the destruction of an entire timeline, so smarmy with is inevitable fate. I loved it! I haven’t personally seen Ant-Man III but I’ve heard that Major’s performance as the Conqueror proper, is the best thing about that film. I was looking forward to The Kang Dynasty but all of that is up in the air now because of this chick’s allegations.
It must be stated that Majors has steadfastly denied the allegations and that his primary accuser has basically recanted her initial claims but, goddamn, does this sh*t look grim. His lawyer finally released the evidence she had and, while I think it reads clearly as someone who has come to their senses and wants to try to mitigate the damage they have done to a person’s life, I can see how it can be interpreted as another abuse victim kowtowing to their abuser. As one Twatter reaction stated, “This ain’t the flex you think it is.” I get that. I also get that Majors removed himself from the situation and it was he who called the cops that night. I also understand that the cabbie gave a statement and even handed over the video of the ride where the incident took place. For my money, Majors is being wrongfully accused because, you know, giant, rich, black man. Wouldn’t be the first time. Definitely won’t be the last. But this time is wild to me because of the worms coming out from under their years long hibernation on this subject to make their own claims. If Jonathan Majors abused this many people, if he was violent to all of these alleged victims, where the f*ck have they been? Major’s has been in the spotlight for some time and not a word. But now that he’s on the cusp of super stardom, there’s a line of bodies in his wake? Make it make sense.
I already addressed the stuff about the cats claiming battery from back in his college days but these new “victims” are nuts to me. I get that the case against him was floundering because of the recantation and the cabbie’s statement so now the cops needed way more, which they got. Sh*t just seems real fishy to me, especially considering that there are rumblings of coaching being caught on the body cam footage of the initial response. I imagine it’s not a coincidence that the strangulation charge was dropped but I digress. If that sh*t is sus, how am I supposed to take the sudden influx of other victims seriously? Obviously, I could be wrong and Jonathan Majors could be a decades long violent psychopath but that doesn’t feel real to me. It doesn’t feel accurate. It feels made up. It feels like a false claim. It feels like the systemic lynching of a another rich, famous, black man. But that remains to be seen. I want to believe Majors is innocent in all of this because I want him to be Kang. I want him to get that Marvel shine. I want him to be that superstar. We already lost Chadwick, we need Majors. Time will tell how history sees this situation but, so far, these optics are real bad.
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seyfertgalaxy · 2 years
an entire collector analysis. somewhat
in a previous analysis post about the Collector, i said that their "bad" intentions weren't entirely their fault in almost any case. i acknowledge that they definitely had some things that were conscious decisions of their own accord, but most of what WE see, is.. ehehdh. yknow?
especially with Belos. aka Philip.
this is a child, so they're obviously gonna be gullible and easily influenced. even negatively influenced. they have no way of knowing whats wrong and whats right, and I doubt their morals are in check, so the only adult figure in their life doesn't help with that. at all. he's an evil jackass who clearly abuses the Collector, mainly emotionally. not to mention that he literally lied to them for hundreds of years, and kept them trapped under a false promise. (pinkie promise at that)
he had never intended on freeing them. and when he did have them in his possession, it seemed like he encouraged lots of bad shit. my main point to this is how he kinda played along with them, and smiles at their silly "accusations"(hint hint: grimwalkers). he also clearly fucking uses them. for the magic, spells, and its also implied that they helped with the grimwalkers. "we can make another grimwalker" is a main line of indication.
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i saw a few people say that, with them being a child and Belos the only adult around, they wanted to "impress" him and make him proud. like how most kids might do. and i agree with this, i would even consider it canon! and based off of my own personal experience, its probably true either way. i used to do stupid stuff all the time as a child, just to make the adults in my life laugh or smile. sure, the outcome wasnt always good, but its what kids do anyways.
also Collector has been around for thousands of years and I doubt they ever had a positive role model, parental figure, or any good adult in their life. and with no consequences to their actions(disregarding entrapment), it makes sense.
also their lack of empathy and understanding of others' safety makes sense as well. being alone with little to no social interaction for hundreds of years can do that to somebody. especially someone so young(mentally).
they're just immature, gullible, easily influenced, quick to trust(like with King and Philip), and more. overall, a child with too much power. i do think they understand this power(in contrast to what others think), since they have loads of powerful knowledge on magic and spells. so its only logical if they understood their own abilities, at least to varied degrees.
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and they're far from a villain, at least an intentional one. at the most, they're just an antagonist(so far). they're also literally described as morally grey/chaotic NEUTRAL. and morally grey basically means: "The simple definition is that morally grey characters are those who are not completely good or completely evil. It's the characters who wobble in the “grey” area between hero and villain."
as to say, they don't really have their "own" morals put into place. in a way, they usually just go with whatever is asked of them as long as theres some form of game involved. once again, a childish trait.(or a pinkie swear, usually used a "deal". another childish thing)
and on the topic of pinkie swears/promises, Collector views these things as sacred. to them, you *cant* break a pinkie swear. its the ultimate bond, the best type of deal, you CANNOT break it no matter what. until someone does break it, their world just. shatters. hint HINT: Belos.
thennn cut to them being thrown off of a bridge into a pit of dead children after trying to "reason" with Belos. and so many people have pointed this out before but the collector was probably crying before King found them. their eyes indicate some type of puffiness, (to me)their voice sounds like its cracking/breaking, and the sorrow in their voice at "leave me alone". crying or not, theyre still very obviously saddened by the betrayal. and its understandable as to why theyre upset. someone who they thought they could trust for hundreds of years just turns around and backstabs them, out of greedy selfishness. and others have said Belos was in the right for not freeing them, since they're so dangerous. and yeah, they're dangerous, but what Belos did wasnt okay. especially since he promised that he would set them free after the day of unity for YEARS. and when the day finally came.. nope. it didnt happen, and they were literally thrown away. Belos still abused them, lied to them, used them, took advantage of their trust and gullibility, and probably more.
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"you can trust me", "we have to wait until after the draining spell/day of unity", "your patience will be rewarded".
then, when King set them free after finding them, Belos STILL attempts to gaslight them. even when he's terrified. "Collector? you're free. just as promised."
and luckily, Collector catches on this time because now they KNOW better. "as promised? i remember someone throwing me off a bridge." then they ask if Belos wants to play tag, and then.. SPLAT! they boop him to death(literally. and while Belos may not be *dead*, thats for a different post). and honestly, good on them!
and this is the thing I really wanted to talk about. i can't rephrase my own words any better so I'll copy and paste them from a different analysis of mine. its from this clip if anyone wants better context:
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not like this matters or anything, but i think it could have been a 50/50 thing. i say this because the Collector's eyes were still glowing and the line: "you guys look slow, too" probably indicates some malicious intent(and we know the Collector's eyes only glow whenever they use their power/magic, or at least something similar). but he's still a kid, he still enjoys games;;legitimate games. i remember him saying to King: "do you like hide and seek? I'll hide first" which just tells me that they genuinely like playing traditional, childish games. however, their way of playing games can definitely be considered dangerous,,unsafe. that can be for several reasons, but its probably just because they don't consider that they are actually hurting people. well, either that(or something similar)OR they just don't care. which makes some sense in Collector's POV, they're a young child mentally. and most children don't actually think about their actions or the consequences that follow. and for the Collector, there probably isn't any consequences(disregarding entrapment). so i do believe that they wanted to actually play tag, or something, with the other kids. but the game probably would have ended up being dangerous for the others, without the collector fully realising that(or caring, like i said previously). also yeah, their eyes do stop glowing whenever King shows up("King!" and their arms are spread wide in a welcoming manner), which probably was indication of the "game" ending before it even started. maybe their eyes glow whenever they're playing? it would make sense, in some context at least.
and yes, i do agree that the Collector was trapped for a reason! probably more than once given some clues. they're dangerous and their way of playing is straight up unsafe(given that they wanted to play with King whenever he hadn't even hatched yet.)
but so young(mentally), being trapped was obviously traumatic for them and probably terrifying. whether they "deserved" it or not.
they also MIGHT be linked to the wailing star, but my only evidence for this is because the cries sound similar to the Collector's voice. hopefully we get some insight on this in a twitter post, or even better: season three.
also, whenever Belos picks up Collector's disc, i SWEAR they said "stop". maybe im hearing incorrectly but i just wanted to say it here.
and if that is true, then.. hdgdgdh /neg ueghb
and if there is more than one collector, i hope we get some type of backstory. maybe its like an "extinct species" situation. like with the grimwalkers and titans. specifically the titans since they're clearly linked.
also copying and pasting this from another post.of mine: " isnt it so fucked up that Belos had intended on killing the Collector when he threw them down. he probably expected the disc to just shatter, but luckily it was caught on some bones instead. also throwing them into a "pit of failures" whenever all they had done was help him is kinda messed up.. like dude, that kid helped you for HUNDREDS OF YEARS and only wanted freedom in return. like how selfish do you have to be to consider that a "failure" or something similar.. this is just from Belos' and Collector's POV, but man. what the Fuck" and its true. i dont think they would have actually died, based on context clues we are shown, but the INTENT is still there. and thats what makes it so messed up.
i also dont think that the Collector understands the gravity of their actions. they reconstructed the titans skull, and possibly the rest of the boiling isles. or even the entire demon realm itself. we dont know yet. and they did it for a *game*, and i dont think they understood how harmful that was. they also clearly don't see how upset King is to leave his friends behind just to play with them. but in all fairness, King seemed to want to leave the Collector after promising them he would set them free and play with them. so their small rage fit and "you pinkie swore!" was somewhat justified. but all in all, King just wanted to save his friends, family, and everybody else. he didnt want *this*, but Collector doesnt know that. all they know is that the baby titan who they wanted to play with for years is here, alive, and promising to play with them. and that is what theyve been wanting. and waiting for.
i would also like some more information on that dream sequence! yknow, Collector's first appearance like a year ago or so. they seemed to have trapped the owl beast, aka Eda's curse. and from what i can tell, that beast didnt always use to be a curse. the Collector seems to have trapped it inside of a scroll. some have speculated it to be related to their *collection*, given their name, but im not too sure. theyre a god in relation to Titans of all beings. surely theyd have a more valuable collection than some curses and/or random beasts. but who knows? theres probably more to that event than we know, since this curse has shown to take a big toll on Eda(and Lilith, later on). "don't bother, beast. you can't run away anymore. its over." so maybe they had a chase that lasted a while? considering, in the dream, Collector is being remembered as much more menacing than they actually are. which is a common theme with memory in TOH. like with Luz remembering her mom, the collector, Hunter exclaiming how Belos probably remembered events incorrectly, and King recalling Luz saying something that she didnt actually say. or maybe theres separate collectors, like i said. and there is evidence for that, but theres also evidence that goes against that theory as well. at this point, its really just a 50/50 shot. but the appearance was still wicked /pos
okay! i will add onto this post later
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tonnerredebrest · 2 years
I just want a super villain/super hero au, it doesn't matter who
oh. my. lord.
i completely forgot i had some posts in my askbox. dear anon, please forgive me. AO3 link is at the bottom of this. Enjoy !
Rating: Teens and Up
Warnings: Brief and non graphic mention to violence, wounds, and uh… all the stuff that comes with a superhero!AU
Paring: Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg
Tags: Superheroes & Supervillains, Alternate Universe, Breaking Into a Federal Prison to save your Love, Ennemies to Lovers, lewis is basically batman and nico is the joker, you can read daniel as wonder-woman, IF THAT’S NOT A SELLING POINT THEN IDK WHAT IS
Lewis groans. Another bruise was left on his ribs, adding to a purple and more faded collection. 
“You need to manage yourself,“ Daniel says, a smirk on his face but a worried light in his eyes. You’re not as young anymore, it’s OK if you don’t go out as much as the others.“
That’s all he can say, as he slowly gets out of his costume. Another night fighting crime, another night going after Nico. These last days, it seems like his ex-lover is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Every clue he leaves turns out to be either a false lead or a dead end. And Lewis is tired, so tired. Daniel can see it too well.
“Lew..“ The Australian says, getting closer. “Just ta-“
“No, Daniel. You know I can’t do that.“ Lewis faces him now, furious his friend ever dared doubt him. “You know I can’t rest when he is out there, doing God knows what, to God knows who…“
His voice breaks at the end, and he has to look down, ashamed of his reaction. He got fooled by that man once, and he is not letting anyone be too.
He remembers the good times, when Nico and he were inseparable. Like two digits from the same hand, always there for each other. Yet, it didn’t stop Nico from turning bad, from abandoning his studies and getting into more or less legal affairs. Lewis took the other path. Always the same two faces of the same coin. 
Lewis closes his eyes, it’s no good to bring back painful memories.
It’s almost as if Nico wanted to be caught. Lewis finds him at a dead end, cornered. He cannot run, not anymore.
“Nico,“ Lewis greets him, almost growling behind his mask.
“Sweetheart,“ the German-Finn replies, smirking. “I guess our game of cat and mouse ends now. You can cuff me, if you want, I’m done running away.“
It’s too easy, Lewis thinks. It shouldn’t be this easy.
Yet, it is. Nico lets himself be taken away, as simple as that.
When Lewis hears about Nico’s extradition to the US, he spits out his coffee. He knows what the villain is accused of there. Terrorism, drugs, corruption of officials, abuse of federal money. That can earn him prison for life, even death. 
At first, Lewis decides to do nothing, just to see how things play out. Nico’s trial comes and goes. The Federal Bureau of Investigation requires the death penalty. The jury grants it. 
It makes Lewis’ heart die a little more. Nico? Dead? That can’t happen. That man is bad to the bone, rotten in ways young thugs on the streets cannot even begin to imagine, but he is Lewis’s . He is the only one who can bring him down. He is the only one who can decide his fate. That's how things have always been. That’s how things will always be.
So Lewis prepares. He isn’t proud of what he does, and he finds himself not even caring about that. He just goes over transportation plans, and blueprints of federal prisons, and even starts researching potential people who can be bribed. It’s making him a mess, a bundle of nerves, un-acknowledged and repressed emotions. 
It’s making his relations with the rest of the super-heroes fragile, and fearful. He doesn’t go to the meetings anymore. He doesn’t run the streets after criminals at night, no. He must stay focused, for his and Nico’s sake. 
A wall explodes. Nico awakes from his slumber. He had been on the death row for weeks now, awaiting his sentence. He doesn’t know when he’ll get it, as the queue is quite long, but he is sure it won’t be today. He hears guards rushing toward the sound, shouting instructions. He tries to look at the other prisoners, but their cells are made in such a way it’s impossible to do so.
Another explosion, closer this time. Nico hears some guns firing rounds, even a body falling on the ground, but it’s hard to decipher the cacophony ruling in the block. Some prisoners are shouting, and others crying. Who knows what they had done to end up there, and for how long they have been waiting. 
Then, in the absolute chaos that the federal prison is, Nico hears a sound. It’s subtle enough to not be heard by the other inmates, but he is very accustomed to it. After all, it is the only thing he can hear in his dreams. Clack, clack, clack. Those are boots, a special kind with titanium-reinforced heels. Only one person wears them in the world: Lewis.
Nico feels hysterical, feels like laughing into tears of joy becoming tears of sadness, feels like throwing himself out of the window, to feel free again. 
Lewis, the face of unwavering justice, the superhero, is here, saving one of the greatest villains the world has ever seen. It’s surreal, fantasist, phantasmagorical. It’s everything Nico ever dreamed of, everything he ever wanted.
The heels stop in front of his cell, as does a very familiar face, wearing an even more familiar obsidian mask. Nico smiles. The face doesn’t. Instead, Lewis growls. They have been friends and lovers for too long to need words anymore. The villain steps back, as far as he can, shielding his eyes. 
For the third time, something explodes. The door is unhinged, like their mind at this moment. Nico looks up, only to see the Dark Knight hoovering over him, covering their body with his cape. Nico can clearly see in Lewis’s eyes from where he is. Against all odds, if those latter were even placed by ordinary people, the German-Finnish can see some gentleness and sweetness in them. 
He hadn’t been looked at like that in a long time, ever since he left Lewis’s side.
Nico opens his mouth for a clever, witty, snappy remark, but he is swooped off his feet by the Justice . Lewis carries him in his arms, starting to run towards the exit. Nico is too busy laughing, tasting the feel of the air brushing against his face, making his semi§long hair flutter, to speak.
They pass several rooms he doesn’t recognise, and Lewis jumps over several bodies tied down on the ground. They escape by a giant hole in the side of the prison, as if they were in a cartoon. There, a helicopter awaits them. Without much ceremony, Lewis yeets him in there, before climbing too.
They take please on strap-on seats, face to face. The pilot immediately takes off, gesturing toward some headphones. Nico doesn’t waste anytime by putting them on. Lewis seems reluctant to do so.
“Scared to hear me? After all this time?“ Nico shouts over the deafening sounds of the chopper. 
The superhero glares at him, putting the headphones on.
“Now, that wasn’t hard, was it?“ Nico jabs at him again, grinning like the deadman he was not an hour ago.
Lewis says nothing. It looks like he’s searching for his words, or rather, trying to understand what the everloving thousands of federal offences he just committed. Nico can just soften his smile, taking his saviour’s - the villain doesn’t have the brain cells to figure out their relationship status at the moment - hands into his.
“I…“ Lewis croaks out, as if he had to pull his words out of his lungs with his bare fists. 
“It’s OK if you don’t want to say anything, darling,“ the villain says back, gently pressing their hands just a little closer.
Lewis's face closes off again, before he gets up from his seat, choosing the one next to Nico instead. He wiggles his hands free, cupping the German-Finnish face instead. Nico can see a new light in his eyes. It's bright, hot, and dangerously close to him. Before he can do anything, lips are pressed against his, desperation pouring into him.
It’s as if they parted yesterday. Nico’s reflexes take over as he answers, pushing back, lips moving of their own will. It’s heated, it’s sad, it’s like it used to be and yet, it’s nothing alike. They have grown during those years spent away from each other, they have kissed other people. Lewis has more technic, Nico dares to take more than he can.
They part away as they land on the ground, states away from the prison. 
Jumping on the ground had never been more thrilling. Disappearing into the dark too.
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harostar · 2 years
What happened with Shield Hero?
It has many problematic elements, which makes people go "......bruh". I've heard from other people that the author seems to, based on the work itself, have very Conservative Japanese Values (tm) that are unsavory.
Among the issues:
The series starts off with a woman getting close to the protagonist, then falsely accusing him of Sexual Assault. His life is ruined, his driven out of society, he's basically Enemy #1 while the other three Heroes get all the worship and support.
The female protagonist and love interest is introduced as a child he buys from a Slave Trader, then forces to learn to fight. (Because his powers are inherently Defensive, so he needed a Fighter tm). Her species matures by Leveling Up, so when she reaches Level 18 she becomes an adult and his eventual love interest.
He acquires a second party member by buying a monster from the same slave trader, which turns out to be a super-special one that has a human form and full sentience.
Later on, one of the other Heroes challenges him keeping two cute girls bonded to him with Magic. The seal is broken, but this is treated as Very Bad and the girl gets the Slave seal replaced by the slave trader.
The Slaver Trader is treated as a shady evil dude, but also an important ally. Yikes.
The series alternatively treats Slavery as terrible (when its the heroine's sad past) while also having the protagonist make use of a Slave Trader and the tools of Slavery to do stuff. There's no attempts to dismantle the slave trade, and it's used as a plot device which is ???
Apparently there's a bit about an abusive relationship, and the heroine basically doing the Japanese "we should mind our own business" thing.
Like it's......honestly, I watch it and enjoy it overall. But damn if it doesn't have aspects that make me cringe.
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