#tw draikinator
reel-fear · 2 years
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Hey guys reminder Draikinators last "I swear I wont DIRECTLY traumatize several people AGAIN" apology post said they would steer away from making content for any fandoms full of kids anyways heres their literal disney animation memes and even ones for FNAF, Undertale and Transformers.
They literally haven't even kept up with the promises of their FOURTH APOLOGY THEY MADE AFTER SENDING PORN TO A MINOR. Plus harassing several small creators, causing one minor to leave the internet entirely after sending waves of harassment their way [they didnt apologize or acknowledge that], defending their friend drawing CP and apologizing to not the friends or people they hurt but someone they called out for having made feral p*rn.... Several of Draikinators friends have spoken out abt more like them using a zine their friend had ordered to find out THEIR ADDRESS AND SEND THEM A LETTER ABT THE DRAMA THAT WENT DOWN WHICH IS SO FUCKING CREEPY? Not to mention despite what Draikinator has CONSTANTLY SAID. Most of their friends say they were never apologized to even after Draik had directly hurt them.
The only redemption for them is to leave the internet again because they have run out of second chances. If I were count all these incidents that were forgiven it would come out to about 6 or 7 chances the internet gave them after they traumatized someone with their actions.
Reblog this please. I Cannot fucking comprehend the fact Draik is still out there growing a fanbase while they STILL CONTINUE TO LIE AND COVER UP THEIR BAD ACTIONS AND WORSE PAST... They are an active danger and creep do not let them convince u otherwise. They are not sorry At All.
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spaceumbredoggos · 4 months
Need to clean out my YT subscriptions. There are some really questionable characters that I don’t want to affiliate with, and some YTubers I just don’t watch anymore. I’m also unfollowing Drakinator aka Polyhexian on tumblr. They have good art, but they sent p*rn to a minor. While there isn’t concrete evidence that they are a ped*, I don’t want to take that chance. I hope they just leave the internet, but they keep crawling back. I did leave a comment on one of their videos, and I apologize sincerely for interacting. I will do my best to stay away from problematic creators.
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d0vegum · 2 years
I feel like I have a memory of draikinatpr being in neglected space but getting kicked or something
I have no source on this I just recall seeing them on the parts list and i feel like this is some sort of fever dream
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polyhexian · 1 month
TW: Suicide
You've got that headcanon that Hunter makes a few suicide attempts after Belos's defeat; how would that factor into the eventually au?
Does he not attempt it cuz instead he just shoves so much of his self-loathing onto Jasper that first year after? Or cuz having his dad around in general just helps somehow?
Does he try it like he did in your Loving is Letting Go fic but instead of calling Camila he calls Jasper? Does he still call Camila, but she calls Jasper instead of Darius? Does she still call Darius and then Hunter doesn't want them to tell Jasper this happened because he feels awful about it but it's like, dude, there's no way your dad isn't going to find out about this?
Jasper having to deal with the realization that while he feels like he's dead, and he wishes he had died, and he's so, so tired of existing, he can't stop yet because apparently his son is having some similar issues and if this happens again Jasper is probably the only person who'd be able to locate him, teleport to him, and heal him all in 60 seconds tops.
There's a couple of sort of "Nate draikinator fanon canon" things like, hunter has killed three people and who they are, vee tried to kill him once, he tried to kill himself that one time and called Camila for help when he changed his mind. Lots of little things that I generally repeat unless I have a specific reason to change them.
I definitely think he still does it. He's come out of an extreme trauma and he's adjusting to a new normal and it's completely to be expected he's going to have wild and violent emotional swings as he tries to come to terms with everything that has happened to him. A lot of it IS guilt, that he feels like a massive burden who is never going to recover and he's just going to ruin the lives of anyone who cares about him (just like he ruined Jasper's) and that's terrifying and heavy and soul crushing and miserable. And one bad night he just snaps and makes a very poor spontaneous decision in a manic depressive spiral of self destruction. But he still changes his mind at the last minute and calls for help.
And I think he's still calling Camila. He's not thinking clearly but she's an emotional rock for him he relies on and he's going to call her. Then we have her dilemma: call Darius or Jasper? Both can teleport, but jasper is an incredibly skilled healer.
But he's also incredibly unstable, and she doesn't know if she can trust him to keep his cool jumping into the old throne room when it's covered in hunters blood. So she calls Darius. And when HE gets there he realizes it's Pretty Bad and calls jasper. Even tho hunter is like noooo noooo don't call him noooo. And jasper pops in and there's only like one second where Darius actually recognizes him as present and afraid and himself before he fully locks down into serious GG mode and drops to his knees.
So MEDICAL MAGIC STUFF he tells Darius to hold pressure because he can't heal the wounds yet until he gets as much blood as he can back in him, because you can't just regrow blood, so he's immediately drawing circles so that blood gets pulled off the ground and out of his clothes and he's basically picking it apart to filter out particulates and dirt or anything before he can put any back in, and only some of it is good since some is already old cuz hes been here awhile. And hunter is crying and apologizing and jasper literally is not even acknowledging him. He's fully 100% on task. Refills what he can and heals the cuts but advises Darius that he could still die of exsanguination without a blood specialist, and then says he is too low on magic to translocate two people so he has to take hunter to the hospital without him, and tells him like "you're going to tell them he's a stage 2 triage, massive blood loss from radial artery damage, and that you want to see [name], the resident blood specialist and NOT [name] because she hates him and can't be trusted with his life" and Darius obviously has like a moment he tries to argue but jasper like. He's in GG mode. He knows how to deliver an order.
Which leaves him sitting there on his knees in front of the throne in the dark soaked in hunters blood
Just like. Staring at nothing. Because jasper is 100% not home right now
Or also maybe he's fixing up hunters blood and realizes there's not enough clean blood here to save his life so without even missing a beat he tears off a sleeve, ties a tourniquet around his arm and pulls it tight with his teeth and then cuts himself open just to get some for him. Darius horrified like the fuck are you DOING and jasper just completely deadpan informing him that their blood is completely identical like twins so he can safely use his and he can safely lose quite a bit of blood himself before hes in trouble, so it's only makes sense. And besides he can heal himself when he's done. It's not a big deal. Obviously.
So like. Hunter's good. He's safe. Darius is gonna bring him to a hospital anyway tho. Obviously. But jasper is just like. Not fucking home rn. He's truly going through it. He's already convinced HE'S dead. And jasper has never struggled with suicidal or self harm thoughts in his life, any time he has ever hurt himself was for a reason. He can't possibly fathom what hunter is going through because it is so DIFFERENT from his experience. But he knows he waited too long, he didn't even save hunter, Luz did, and it was too late because he has everything he needs now and he still wants to die. He should have acted sooner. He should have taken the risk that hunter would get killed if he tried to liberate him sooner because he waited too long and it's too late.
And also hunter called CAMILA and Camila called DARIUS. Not him. Hunter didn't call him even though he can teleport and heal. Not even Camila called him despite the fact he can teleport and heal. Hunter is dying and he doesn't call him for help. He calls his mom who can't even help him instead. He's just going to be so utterly crushed by this. Meanwhile Hunter is struggling with the kind of overwhelming shame and humiliation that comes with an aborted suicide attempt. And he doesn't want to see jasper because he's terrified to see him, he feels like- like he broke his whole life and he can't even be grateful for it, jasper sacrificed everything for him and Hunter tried to just throw it in the trash and he's ashamed of that and guilty and miserable.
And jasper is STILL just sitting where he got left staring at the throne and sitting on his knees covered in his and hunters blood.
I literally cannot give eventually jasper a fucking BREAK, can i
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esoteric-terror · 3 years
hey besties i found a draik//inator blog id recommend blocking @// returntheoriginaljellyteam
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this is gonna sound really weird but has anyone else felt just... less stressed ever since draikinator left the fandom? Like, obviously the whole fallout last summer was horrible and the tipping point hurt a lot of people, but ever since they left everything’s just been like... more peaceful?
Like I don’t wake up everyday wondering who’s been cancelled. I don’t worry that harmless comments I make are going to make me be witch hunted by draikinator’s fans. Having differing opinions from someone doesn’t cause huge drama. I can just... breathe.
Basically I’m glad that they’re officially gone and we can all stop thinking about them. If they come back again, by all means, let’s make sure they know that they aren’t welcome. But some much toxicity that they brought to the fandom... I’m glad we can all- especially those that were directly attacked by Nate- start to heal.
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blizzardinferno · 4 years
After thinking about this for a long time, I've made a choice to post this, and I'm sorry to anybody who wasn't expecting this. Have a lovely day.
Nate Schoonover (this is not a doxx, their real name is available publicly in multiple places and they're fully aware of that), known on tumblr as @/charadreemurr, @/whirlibirb, or, more popularly, @/draikinator, is a very manipulative and awful person.
You ever hear of the Warrior Cats fandom? Nate was kicked out of the fandom the moment they sent porn to a 14 year old while they were angry in order to prove a point. They said it was an accident, but contradicted themselves in stating that they did send it on purpose.
Many minors were their friends, and became unsafe around them. Aside from the situation above, they've told a minor to get hit by a train, send their fans to attack anybody who calls them out, and lie in order to manipulate the story in a way that will make them sound in the right.
They'll delete anything they can so their fans don't get information on what they did, and despite saying how many times that they'll change, they never do.
They promised to stay out of the Warrior Cats fandom, but came back about 6 months later with a story about how they couldn't stop creating content for the series and just HAD to share it. So. They broke their promise, and that's all the community asked for.
When joining a Warriors MAP (multi-animator project), they left the link to the MAP Call in the description. People who saw immediately commented on the call, requesting for them to be removed. Even the participants were dropping out, feeling unsafe in their presence. Later Nate deleted the link to the call, complaining about how they were ashamed that people went to the call and got them kicked out. They said they didn't want the host to get harassed. They were the one who left the link and let it happen.
When they did post their apology video back before they rejoined the fandom, they apologized to their fans. Not the people they directly hurt. They did end up removing their apology video later, claiming it was old news and that their fans already knew about it, and I'm not sure if it's back up at the moment.
Here is a link to a thread with multiple people talking about their personal cases with Nate.
Now: the reason why I'm choosing to discuss this here is pretty important to me.
Nate was the one who got me into Transformers with their videos about it. I followed their advice and watched Prime first. I followed their word when it came to the franchise and basically worshipped them for their views.
Of course, they probably don't even know I exist, and only ever interacted with me once in a comment I made on one of their videos, but it's a big deal for me. I idolized them. They were one of my biggest inspirations and I tried to get into whatever they got into just so I could keep up with everything they did.
They're the whole reason I got into this franchise and it absolutely disgusts me that something I love to dearly came from somebody like this.
And I'm saying this as well because I can see their posts being reblogged and I can see people talking with them and it just reminds me how almost nobody knows who they are and what they've done. You can call this an overreaction from me, but this is something I feel so strongly about.
The fact that somebody like this can just escape to a larger fandom where nobody's aware of what they've done in order to escape the criticism and the harm they've caused to other people.
I'm saying this because I just want some peace of mind. I'm saying this because I just want to know at least who I should avoid or who might cause me harm.
I know it's selfish and I never wanted to bring up anything like this, but I just want people to know. If you know, then that's that. If that's the case then I can know who to avoid at least.
Will this get me excluded from the tf fandom for bringing up drama that might not be necessary here? Yeah. Probably.
I just want people to know.
Thank you for reading.
Edit: I should mention, this all took place second half of 2019, early 2020. So it's very recent.
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pantherstormy · 5 years
I... kind of need somebody to talk to about all this Nate bullshit
I fucking hate them and I hate how manipulative and entitled they are
But GOD... I can't stop watching their shit and looking at their content purposefully
Even though I'm unsubscribed every single day at 3PM I go and check what the new video is, and at 3:30PM I go see what they've put on tumblr
I have a serious problem and it's destroying me and I just don't know what to do because I fucking hate them but I just can't STOP and I'm FORCED to listen to every single thing they say and do because my body can't help itself, even if it forces me to the point of tears
I know I'm being dramatic, but I can't handle it and I don't know what to do
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need1etail · 4 years
🌹 and 🥀
🌹 - Favorite ship
AlderPuddle and AlderPuddleNeedle. I could also throw in BlossomIvy (in AUs where Blossomfall apologized for her actions to Briarlight) and TallJake and RavenBarley!
🥀 - Least favorite ship
Hmm, probably Spottedleaf x Mapleshade. I think that was a Dr*ikinator thing and it made me feel gross.
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daemion · 4 years
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Omg finally some good news for 2020!!
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Mapleshade is one of my favorite warrior cats character dr*kinator dont you dare touch my bby girl again we kicked you out stay tf out
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
just got compared to draikinator for telling someone to fuck off when they told me to hold back on the self harm scars on my characters :)
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General warning to the fandom: Draikinator is back and seems to be pretending like nothing ever happened.
Thanks for the heads up, they came back a little while ago and while they aren’t putting out warriors content (I believe), they are putting out content minors will definitely watch and interact with.
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BRO Draikinator HAS to go on an Iceberg. And Cloverpaw. The characters who appear in one book that were based on an actual family who died in a hurricane. The conspiracy theory that Squirrelflight had Ashfur's kits but they were stillborn.
oh god or the "ashfur is actually dovewing and ivypool's dad" conspiracy because he appeared next to whitewing like once and they are gray
or basically all of those "warrior cats facts" videos that were entirely bullshit
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gougarpaw · 3 years
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Half Moon from the Warrior Cats books. Half Moon is a very very light pink cat with purple and blue eyes, a pink nose and a pink tongue. She has light pink blush on her cheeks and above her nose, dark thick eyelashes, and freckles. On her chest is a drawing of a half moon. She has black hair with jagged pink, white, and blue stripes, a bright red bowtie with a small white skull emblem, and is wearing one black and white striped sock and one pink and white striped sock. She is sticking her tongue out and smiling. End Description.]
who would win in a fight? dr*ikinator’s half moon “emo” design or mine <3
context: me and some friends were talking about the mama map and decided to have some fun redesigning some of the designs nate made lol 
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thejojolands-moved · 3 years
Hi Warrior Cats Tumblr! Draikinator's back! They posted an apology video! Holy shit why is this happening! See for yourself! Christ!
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