#tw csa mentions
anti--transid · 5 months
radqueers genuinely cant deny being a safespace for actual predators now, I've seen three seperate posts, by three seperate accounts, about how they want to rape and abuse children, one of them referred to a BABY as a "slut" and that they "wanted to use her", if you genuinely dont see anything wrong with that, you're vile.
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buni-gutz · 26 days
i remember seeing a screenshot from twitter of an anti saying its about protecting fictional kids and that they don't care about real ones
well here's an anti telling someone to look at ACTUAL CSEM instead of writing fanfiction
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corvidcaeneus · 5 months
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corelle-vairel · 7 months
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I had this idea, so here it is
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fireyfobbitmedicine · 3 months
H*rry P*tter author is into pedophilia pass it on
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damagedcoda6669 · 2 months
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radfemsiren · 3 months
I’m the type of person that doesn’t cry easily, but one exception to that is seeing women protect young girls.
In this video, 2 young sisters, Zian (20) and Ashanti (11) Fagan, see a man and a 13 year old girl, and know something is terribly wrong. They call their mother, and the three of them follow him and the child until he finally releases her. Later they will find out that he had just raped her on her way to school.
The ending always brings me to tears. We hear Zian, the older sister recording, start crying because she understands what it feels like to be a vulnerable girl and live in a world hellbent on stealing away your innocence and hurting you for the crime of being born female. The child saying, “I was just on my way to school.” breaks my heart so badly.
Radical feminism is about love for women and girls, that’s the core of the movement, never forget that women are the protectors and that’s why we do this.
The young girls name is protected so I couldn’t find much information about her, except that she is back with her family recovering from this horrific crime.
The attacker, Kadian Nelson, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for child rape… and if it gives you any consolation, searching his name on twitter will show his face slashed with razors by his fellow inmates, with reports of him requiring plastic surgery to remedy his facial disfiguration. It’s not death, but it’s something.
In the original 8 minute long video, these girls are following him for so long, and you can hear their voices soft and afraid… but they keep going. Their bravery in the face of danger is something I’ll never forget.
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bbcphile · 2 months
Anyone else crying happy tears about Simone Biles’ victory??
I’ve always been so proud of her for the way she prioritized her mental health and safety at the Tokyo Olympics despite the pressure to push through and endanger herself, and she was already my hero for the way she testified during the Nassar trial.
And to watch her come back from all of that to win in the all-around is just so incredibly beautiful!
(There aren’t nearly enough stories in media about CSA survivors succeeding and triumphing, and I hadn’t realized how much it would mean to me to watch her single-handedly change the narrative of what we can accomplish.)
Congrats, Simone!!
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I am so immensely tired that people are STILL blaming Ang, one of Kyle's victims, and call her "just as bad" for coping with Invader Zim nsfw she kept on a PRIVATE account
now youtuber "saberspark" talked about the situation in an hour long video and did exactly that, he said "both of them are bad"
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Kyle is a pedophile who was arrested for owning 600 child sexual abuse images. You CANT compare that to someone lewding Invader Zim characters, they don't exist!
But hey, apparently both Kyle and Saberspark were totally cool with posting this, yet Ang is the one who isn't a real victim and has to hide
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He also defended an adult waiting to reciprocate a minor's crush until the minor "was at least 20"
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kittykatninja321 · 1 month
Not to rehash this discourse so close to his birthday but genuinely what other mysterious unnamed trauma of Jason’s is Bruce referring to in bftc if not csa? We know that:
It’s something that happened to him
It’s something that happened to him pre-Bruce, so it presumably could’ve happened while he was an extremely vulnerable unsupervised homeless child
It’s something associated with secrecy and shame: Jason only told Bruce about it and freaks out about Dick playing his hologram talking about it
It’s something that affected him profoundly, Bruce says it left him “broken” (ugh side note: hate this language) and he seems to get retriggered by it being brought up again
What other trauma is coded like this besides sexual assault? Like genuinely I have yet to hear an answer that fits as well or better
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nerves-nebula · 7 months
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finished product of that poll i held. enjoy.
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xx-slug-xx · 1 year
//tw- mentions of pedophilia, csem, csa, and lolicon
Guys, please please please don’t use the term CSEM to refer to fictional pornographic drawings that involve fictional characters who are depicted as minors
I can’t believe I have to say this, but I’ve seen too many people, just in the past 24 hours, use the term to describe porn that someone drew
Holy shit, lolicon and the like is not CSEM, CSAM, or CP just because a hypothetical and fictional minor is involved in the art. Those terms are specifically used when talking about real sexual abuse cases involving real-world minors.
Fiction cannot be CSEM because it doesn’t involve the direct sexual exploitation and abuse of a real minor! The creation of these pieces of media do not involve the direct harm of a real minor!
Just say “lolicon” or “fictional porn involving fictional minors”. Just use something, ANYTHING, that isn’t used to specifically identify real life abuse materials! Please just don’t use a term that has this much seriousness attached to it as a means of labeling fictional content that you don’t like, even if it triggers you!
You being uncomfortable doesn’t justify the misuse of a term that is used to directly describe abuse, and it makes real victims of CSEM feel like shit when you label some random anime girl as a “victim” right next to them. Because, get this, when you label something fictional as CSEM, CSAM, or CP, you are inherently insinuating that there is a victim involved in the creation of this media, which is inherently untrue with fiction. STOP DOING THIS!!!
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shitswiftiessay · 1 month
Since Blake Lively is being talked about again, let’s not forget about this.
Defending Woody Allen AND Harvey Weinstein.
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findmeinthefallair · 23 days
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*eats recycled cardboard* Won't be the last time they both experience suicidal ideation too T_T
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Kyle Carrozza is a prime example of the present day issue of people being too distracted by fictional media and drawings to notice abusers amongst them. Kyle directed ire towards one of his victims' art, Got others to lash out for him, and positioned himself as the victim in it all
naturally the core issue here is abusive workplaces and abusive industry networks. However, it wasn't retained to JUST the industry. Kyle gladly encouraged the public shaming and harassment of said victim, which went on for at least 4 years to RUIN their name and credibility
This online environment allowed Kyle Carrozza to completely decimate his victim's credibility and name. They didn't want them to be able to ever have another job again, every randos go to response was: "Isn't _ a pedophile?" because of art they made.
And that's not even counting the fact that Kyle and others literally made social media accounts with his victim's FULL NAME going “[full name] is a pedophile", reposting their supposed 'pedophilic' 'criminal' artwork for the world to see, and using the victim's favorite type of bird as account icons to mock them
That's not "setting a boundary" like his friends (mainly Jane Amber and Tony Goldmark) liked and like to imply, that was targeted defamation, abuse, and harassment with intent to harm.
Kyle weaponized the current media discourse in film, art and fandom circles which is: "What you draw is what you want in real life, and what you draw can reveal criminal intent" and ran with it. His target was people who warned about his predatory behavior, he couldn't have that
Behind the scenes he'd like tweets from other figures actively harassing and defaming his target, keeping his hands clean of it all while others went out as attack dogs on his behalf. All the while he possessed 600+ instances of CSAM and had a YEARS long history of grooming
Allowing the focus to center on media contents alone gives potential future victims a false sense of security that’s allowing actual groomers free reign. It prioritizes taking a Good vs Evil approach instead of paying attention to what predatory BEHAVIOR actually entails in real life
Instead of people evaluating what each individual person is doing (how they treat them and how they treat others behind closed doors) people take the approach of 'Oh you're on the Good side! You're Safe!' Instead prioritizing room to attack people innocent of any actual crimes
You can't tell who is safe based on what media they consume or put out, just like being a bible thumper doesn't indicate one's morality. You need to pay attention to their actions and TEACH people red flags and warning signs they can apply to ANY person/situation for safety
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shaunashipman · 1 month
I'm gonna fucking vomit.
they put the fic in my inbox.
I already have them blocked and they got one of their friends to put that shit in my inbox. I never clicked on the fic I just used the skin to block it, so I didn't even realize what it was for the first few sentences.
I'm literally fucking crying rn, and I don't cry. these people are sick. fuck you hunybody. fuck you thatbuddie. fuck everyone else who is downplaying this.
this is the 2nd piece of pedophilia that has been put in my inbox. I'm not even counting the one accusing tommy of being a pedophile.
I don't even know what to say anymore. I haven't turned anon off because I've got I don't trigger as easily as some and figured it was better to just block and report, but I think I'm gonna have to.
fuck I'm genuinely shaking
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