#tw confrontation
defectedsources · 23 days
below is a list of starters from both sides of the conversation , with prompts geared toward scenes involving some sort of confrontation. prompts rage from friendly to not so friendly. please consider following for more prompts and please do not steal!
❛ i can't believe you hid this from me. ❜
❛ that's it. we need to talk about this. right here. right now. ❜
❛ don't see how we can get around talking about this anymore. ❜
❛ you can't just keep avoiding me! ❜
❛ i'm not leaving until we talk about this. ❜
❛ come on just . . . talk to me. ❜
❛ all this time . . . and it was all a lie? ❜
❛ i trusted you. ❜
❛ did you think i wasn't going to notice? ❜
❛ start talking. now. ❜
❛ when are you going to stop lying to me? ❜
❛ i just wanna talk. ❜
❛ can we talk about this? please? ❜
❛ i came to talk this out. ❜
❛ you and i can work this thing out. ❜
❛ enough lies. tell me the truth! ❜
❛ i just wanna know what happened. ❜
❛ you can tell me. ❜
❛ just . . . start from the beginning. ❜
❛ are we gonna talk about this like grownups? ❜
❛ can you just be an adult about this for once?! ❜
❛ i didn't think it was gonna be so hard to talk about it. ❜
❛ i don't wanna talk about it. ❜
❛ i said leave it alone! ❜
❛ it's not that simple. ❜
❛ can we just . . . not talk about this right now? ❜
❛ i didn't want to see you get hurt. ❜
❛ okay fine. you wanna talk about it? here it is , ❜
❛ i kinda hoped you would just ignore it. ❜
❛ okay , fine just . . promise you won't get mad. ❜
❛ i don't wanna lie to you. ❜
❛ i wish it were that simple. ❜
❛ we passed the talking stage a long time ago. ❜
❛ the truth is more painful. ❜
❛ the beginnings , still a little hazy. ❜
❛ stop saying i'm not taking this seriously! ❜
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bridoesotherjunk · 6 months
HEY GUYS does anyone have advice on how to talk to someone who is in an abusive relationship but doesn't realize it yet?
How do you break the ice there without them turning and running or getting defensive?
What am I supposed to do here????
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peskyduck · 1 year
@demon-of-the-radio liked for a starter
'You? A demon? I've taken shits scarier than you.' Wings are folded, promptly. A satisfactory nod. This is good way to conduct himself in literal hell. Just sass all the horrors... Well it's not like he hasn't died a hundred times over already.
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A bored expression, with a dismissive wave of his hand. 'At least sing me a song. That's what the demons in my house do. Sing me a little song while they torment me. They have true showman ship...except for maybe that worm...'
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tword-brainrot · 1 month
A moment never taken
With tensions still high, Wilson confronts Cameron before finally enjoying a well deserved evening with House.
Ler: Wilson 🖊️
Lee: House 🏡
Word count: ≈1300
(As a warning, this is a continuation of “Broken Lines” which delves into topics that are tagged below. As a result;)
⚠️Viewer discretion advised!⚠️
“I didn’t steal anything!” Cameron exclaimed as she raced down the stairs, a still furious Wilson hot on her trail.
“No, you don’t understand! He doesn’t let just anyone do that, you tried to take it before he was ready to allow you to see it. That’s so unbelievably wrong of you!”
Wilson drew, keeping up with Cameron as they made their way to the parking lot.
“You stole something safe from him, something that allows him to just feel in the moment. And you stole that from him. You stole moments that weren’t yours to steal!”
Cameron whips around to face him.
“Then what makes you and Cuddy so damn special?” She sneered, a genuine curiosity fusing with envy.
Wilson’s gaze burned into her skull as he held his hands tightly together.
“We aren’t constantly seeking his damn approval..He’s just House. He’s not a god, he’s not a demon, or even somebody particularly worthy of idolizing. And he’s certainly not an object that you can toy with at your leisure.” Wilson dropped his expression as Cameron looked away, mildly distraught about her choices.
“He’s just House, as House as the day is long. And we seen him as nothing more and nothing less.”
Cameron began to stutter, drawing a hand to her quivering lips.
“I-I feel like I should apologize but I also feel like I should…”
“Never mention it again? I think that’s best, maybe he’ll speak to you the same as usual instead of not at all. Goodnight, Cameron.”
Wilson walked away from her, still extremely frustrated about what House had to go through.
He couldn’t help but think it was partially his fault, he didn’t have to draw it out any longer than it had been going for. He knew it couldn’t be helped as he made to his car. He was met with a confused house leaning against his passenger door.
“What took you so long?” He yawned, his head still resting on the roof top of Wilson’s car.
“Nothing important…let’s head home, ok?” Wilson replied by softly, gently grasping House’s hand.
“Ummm.. yeah, let’s go..” House agreed, averting his eyes from Wilson’s worried gaze to get in.
Although it couldn’t be readily apparent in his body language, Wilson could see in House’s eyes that he was still shaken up from what had happened. As he began to drive them home, House placed a hand atop Wilson’s on the driver’s shaft of his car which earned a soft smile from his counterpart. The trend of House initiating touch continued when they arrived home and, instead of matching Wilson’s legs on the table, House curled into Wilson and draped his arms around him.
Wilson brought his arm over House’s shoulder to pull him in as House arguably nuzzled into the crook of Wilson’s neck.
“You’re being awfully sweet, aren’t you?” Wilson chuckled a bit, holding House closer as he stared deeply into his piercing, yet soft, blue eyes.
House began to stumble over his words, as if he was being verbally tripped by Wilson’s remark.
“I-I just really needed to be…seen? Er- Held? Umm..Touched by someone I actually trust. I guess take it a-as a thank you for….trying to-“
House paused as Wilson cuts his nervous rambling off by pressing his lips gently into his forehead. He lets out a sigh, nearly wistfully.
“You just know me so well. You know when I’m in over my own head. You know when to push me just past my boundaries without me feeling as if I’m….trapped or unable to escape. You know when I don’t need that either, when to draw back, if you will. It’s…real nice, actually.”
House continued as his face covered with a dusty pink, his thumbs twiddling in his lap.
“I’d…say that you shouldn’t have to thank me for that but..I’m glad I can read you like that. It’s…very reassuring to hear.” Wilson admitted, his voice faltered at House’s unadulterated sincerity.
Wilson’s hand ghosted against House’s neck they watched Monster Trucks together, earning a soft giggle and a trail of goosebumps following.
Wilson attempted to stop himself from going much longer, knowing how badly House was pushed today. However, every few minutes, he caught his fingers fluttering against House’s neck again. Tiny chortles escaped House’s lips, his hands coming down from around Wilson to cover his face.
“S-sorry, I-just…umm…is…this too much?” Wilson stuttered, noticing House’s withdrawing. He was struggling to keep his fingers still.
“Did you not listen to anything I just told you? Or did it simply go in one ear and out the other?”
House chuckled as he looked up at Wilson with a bright grin, his hands flicking at each of Wilson’s ears.
Wilson squeaked lightly but, kept his hands firmly where they were, recognizing the blatant provoking.
“I’ll tell you if it’s too much..ok?”
The green light was blaring.
Wilson took no time in continuing his fluttering fingers, this time, against House’s collarbones.
He quickly started to dissolve into tiny giggles, his hands firmly planted against his trembling mouth.
Wilson gently pulled House’s hand away from his lips. As he did this, he drew small circles into House’s wrist, earning a squeaky yelp.
“You’ve got to stop hiding that smile, it’s…so beautiful. You don’t need to hide it from me, it’s safe.”
Wilson reassured as he directed House’s arms to drape over him again, wrapping his own around House’s torso. Wilson’s fingers landed at the lowest of House’s ribs, ever so gently buzzing into it.
“Nahahahaha!!! Ihihihit looks sihihihilly behehecause its croo-HAHAHA! WaitwaitWAIT!!”
House shrieks as Wilson buzzed firmer, his arms squeezing around Wilson.
“Ah-ah-ah! No talking bad about yourself, ya big bully!” He brought both hands up a few ribs to dig into House, making sure he understood the consequences of his actions.
House squealed, his arms shaking.
“Don’t say sorry…say…I’m the most handsome doctor in the hospital.” Wilson smirked, moving his buzzing fingers to House’s third rib.
“You-HAHAhaHA! You’re the mohohost handsome dohaHAHacter at the hospital!” House blurted out, clearly not so clearly missing the point.
Wilson chuckled, blushing at how quickly House admitted this.
“N-no. You need to say “I’M the most handsome doctor at the hospital.” As in, you. Get it, giggles?” He teased, now buzzing into House’s second rib.
“B-AHAHA! But thahahat would be a lie! I juhust sa-HAHAHa said you were. That was thehehe truhuhuth! EEHEheheHe!! NoHOhoHo!!”
House squealed as Wilson landed at his top rib, digging slightly under House’s arms.
“Cmonn~ you know you are, with that handsome swagger.” Wilson jived, earning a cackle out of House.
“I-HIHIHIt’s called A-ahahaha! H-HAHahaHa hobble, gehehehet it rihihiHIHIHIGHT! S-SHIHIHIT!”
House retorted, his head throwing back Wilson now directly dug under his arms, determined to get make House think about it differently.
“More like the stankiest of stanky legs, you have such a sexy gait.” Wilson playfully flirted, nuzzling his nose into House’s neck.
“PPFFFFfffftt! YoHo-*snrk!* nAhaHAHA! You gooHOhoHooHoo*snrk!*hohohoof!!”
House’s face burned red, barely able to say a word through his loud snorty laughter.
Wilson turned his nuzzling to light trailing kisses, slowing his hands to a stop as he did so.
House caught his breath after a few minutes, now just making happy low grumbly noises from the kisses.
”So, are you-going-to-say-it?” Wilson asked, continuing his kisses up House’s jaw to land right on the center of his right cheek.
“NaHahahat a chahance!”
House giggled, shaking his head at the sensations.
“Fine, then I’ll say it. You’re the most handsome doctor in the hospital, if not in the country.” Wilson smiled, knowing House’s stubbornness well.
“That’s so nahahat true but, it meheheans a lot coming from you..” House admitted, his blush and smile still burning, giggles still occasionally lingering on his lips.
“It is to me, House. Always has been, always will be.” Wilson beamed, feeling so lucky to be in this moment with him.
RNG fic: prompt 5, I took a fairly different route on this if only to see Wilson and House be soft together challenge my writing. Yeah, that 😅😅
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domibomz · 5 months
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MORE ANASTASIA! The design belongs to my wife @ghostsessioned ! Did you know she finds skulls to be the least interesting bone in the human body ?
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A lil rant about my experience with this god forsaken fandom
I made this blog around 2020 when I was 13 years old. This was my first shot at a dedicated fandom blog and I was pretty excited for it, to make friends, draw fanart, post fun stuff and what not.
All fun right? Right, so tell me why was it that literal 20 years olds felt the need to harass me, a then 13 year old girl with a relatively small blog, for the dumbest reasons possible?
What did I do that subjected me to 2 and a half years worth constant daily threats and harassment? Hmm???
You wanna know my crime? Apparently I showed interest in an antagonist character, which is so awful that grown adults felt the need to bully me. And following those adults came young impressionable people my age, that joined the bandwagon of hate against me.
As if other fandoms don’t have people literally dedicating themselves to a villain, no one bats an eye to that. Why did this fandom have such an issue? I also apparently dared to criticise the main character for a few of his flaws. Such a horrible thing to do right? I need to be burnt at the stake for it right?
I didn’t follow the “fixed” standards of the fandom so I was to be sent de*th/r*pe threats daily?? For not following the “rules” I was to be ostracised?
No please someone explain…I’m but a dumb bitch, I don’t understand what I did so terribly wrong to deserve this? Did I start a war? Did I rip open someone’s plush? Did I bully someone for not having the same ideology as me?
No it was but the fandom itself that for some reason found it so fun to bully a 13 year old, send her de*th and r*pe threats all because of not being of pjo fandom standards…let’s go and bombard her with hate!!
Do you realise how fucking stupid…this all sounds? Do you realise how low this is? Was bullying a child so fun? So trendy at the time?
Then came the victim blaming- I laugh everytime I remember people saying I must have done something really bad to get such harassment, that it’s all for attention. What kid wants to get hate everyday of their life for 2 whole fucking years? Tell me?
You know wanna know what I did wrong? Fight back, call the hate anons out for their bigotry. I was vocal about it, that’s what I did wrong right? Stand my ground? People said to ignore it and I did. But I still got bullied daily even if I didn’t respond. What was all this for?
I can imagine people asking why I didn’t simply leave the fandom? Why the fuck should I? I enjoy the stories, I enjoy the characters, they were my escape from real life struggles. It was the bullying I didn’t enjoy. Everyday I’d log on to enjoy posts and a few minutes later when the bigots found out I was active I was sent an anonymous threat.
Many of my oldest friends had to reduce the amount they interacted with me in fear of receiving harassment themselves. The extent of this is bigotry is beyond my understanding.
I did not deserve this much suffering AND ALL FOR WHAT? A STUPID LITTLE REASON THAT HAS BARELY ANY WEIGHT TO IT. Do people even realise the extent of what happened is beyond me. And Idc if I sound selfish, I want a fucking apology from all those bigots. I want compensation for the 2 and a half years of abuse I endured alone. I just want this bigotry to end, which surprise surprise! Still continues to happen.
Why do I bring this up now that it’s all over you ask? I’ve actually brought it up once before, but it was swept under the rug, (My deepest appreciation to the very few people who supported me when I first talked about it) I’m just finally being more vocal, because this has stuck with me. For all those 4 years this has stuck with me. It doesn’t mean if it’s over for now that all the trauma doesn’t linger. It still affects me to this day.
In fact I’m still being stalked by one of the people who sent me hate anons. One of the hate anons was revealed to be one of my bestest friends, they had admitted this to me and had the nerve to beg me to still remain friends. They were also the person who groomed me. They have left the fandom scene and I’ve rid of them from my life but they still continue to stalk me.
What do I get from ranting about all this? A bit of solace, a bit of weight off my shoulders. But nearly not enough for me to actually fucking heal. I also want people to realise how bigoted some are and how horrible the mentality of “fixed fandom standards/ideologies” is and that we as a fandom need to fucking change. Heck I know this issues in every fandom. But can we at least start with ours for a change for once?
Along side all of this there’s also a lot of racism and trans/homophobia that still actively prevails. Just look at what Leah went through when her casting was announced. Did she deserve all of that?? “Not my annabeth” do you realise how horrible that is to say to a CHILD? She is Annabeth whether you like it or not. And you are very welcome to leave if you wish to stick to your stupid racist nonsense.
I bet there are many others who have probably suffered the same may it not be for the same reasons, but everyone of them deserve their apologies and compensation as well.
Idc if I’ll get hate for this. I said what I said. I’m just so done.
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musingmedia · 11 months
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Do you have any comments? You bitch!
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illyabata · 1 month
why do i get attracted to fictional men i know would manipulate me and why am i okay with it🧚‍♀️this post is about sunday from honkai star rail
like imagine him telling you you have to stay with him because the strong (powerful?) protect the weak or whatever he says with his philosophy. like it sounds chivalric and stuff but also we all know hes kind of a lunatic and whatnot, so he’d use it solely to convince you that you need him, you weak little thing—you would not survive if he didn’t keep you safe.
you’re just like the little baby charmony dove he and his sister nurtured in their youth: a precious, vulnerable thing without the ability to fly.
sunday had seen that baby bird try with all its scarce might to learn. he had then seen it plummet to its death. he had picked it up, had watched it writhe pitifully in his palms before it breathed its last breath; if only he had kept it safe and sound. if only he hadn’t let it try what he knew it could not do.
that baby bird was never meant to fly. and neither are you, darling.
but like omgggg giggling and kicking my feet. scary powerful morally questionable man who provides protection 😍 😍😍😍😍 he can lock me up idc i love him
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strawglicks · 2 months
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flint getting themselves into trouble cuz its funny
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So, I rewatched the disc finale for an AU with one of my besties and noticed something.
So, Dream would not come down the elevator. So, Tommy threatened to kill himself if Dream didn’t come down.
Then, a few seconds pass. The elevator was not coming down and Dream was nowhere to be seen.
So, Tommy goes to step on the elevator platform to make a new deal.
But as he turned to everyone and checked his items (before he could say the new deal), there’s a certain someone you can see above his item menu.
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This bastard.
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This motherfucking green bastard.
It’s blurry but his skin is recognizable. It’s him.
Dream was already there before Tommy could say his new deal about telling him something he never told him.
That means that this bitch ran to the portal after Tommy said that he would kill himself if he didn’t go down.
He ran just to make sure that Tommy didn’t kill himself even though he knew that Tommy was going to try and kill him again.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
for the abused children life is just being tortured and broken for most inane things like being sad or needing attention or making a face someone doesn't like, and then when you despite all efforts grow up, you're supposed to suddenly know how to stand up for yourself?? you're supposed to negotiate your salary?? tell people OFF?? without feeling like you will be crushed to the inch of your life if you even look at someone wrong?? what on the gods good earth
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greenqueenhightower · 11 months
Welcome to yet another episode of DISTURBING Things I Notice in HOTD:
Today’s installment is on bloodlust and dermatillomania (tw!) as expressed by our two key figures of the Dance, Rhaenyra and Alicent, and their similarities between Daemon and Criston respectively (pls bear with me on this).
First up, even though we have seen many scenes of bloodshed in the show, I want to mainly talk about the two scenes of bloodlust we have seen with Rhaenyra in episode 3 where she kills a boar, and with Alicent when she cuts Rhaenyra's arm at Driftmark.
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Why, though, do I say bloodlust? Because it describes a desire for bloodshed and carnage, often aroused in the heat of battle or the moment, leading to uncontrolled slaughter and torture. The perfect example of this description is Criston's killing of Joffrey at Leanor's & Rhaenyra's wedding because it was moved by a desire for bloodshed further motivated by Criston's emotional turmoil, it was aroused in the heat of the moment because Joffrey provoked him, and, most importantly, he had lost control. This means that Criston is not generally like that; had he not lost control, he would not have performed the act.
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The exact OPPOSITE is Daemon's cold-hearted killing of Vaemond: there was no underlying desire, the moment was not heated, nor was he personally attacked, and he did not display any loss of control. This means that he did not need any provocation to perform the act. In other words, bloodlust and bloodshed are in general part of Daemon's character.
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I think that the analysis of these two extremes helps in understanding where Alicent and Rhaenyra lay in the spectrum of bloodlust.
Starting off with the scene at the hunt where she slays the boar, Rhaenyra ticks all the boxes for bloodlust: a desire for bloodshed because of the hunt, arousal in the heat of the moment because she was attacked by the beast, which then results in uncontrolled slaughter. Yet, that doesn’t seem to have any effect on Rhaenyra, as we see her walking back to the camp, completely drenched in blood. Her sight stuns and terrifies spectators, Alicent included, but Rhaenyra's detached attitude toward carnage resembles that of Daemon's. I am not saying that bloodshed and carnage are part of her character to the extent that they are a part of Daemon’s, but she and he both display a higher tolerance to the sight, thought and feel of the act.
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Let's get now to the scene at Driftmark and the confrontation between Alicent and Rhaenyra. Alicent, too, ticks all three of the boxes for bloodlust at that moment: a desire for bloodshed because of the maiming of her son, arousal in the heat of the moment because her concerns are not taken seriously, and loss of control that results in obtaining the Valyrian steel dagger and cutting Rhaenyra's arm. However, Alicent shows how horrified she is that the situation has gotten out of control, and she drops the dagger. Later on, we see her remorse which mirrors Criston's, who wanted to commit suicide. They both understood the lengths of their actions and were devastated.
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And what about Rhaenyra when she gets cut in that scene? She is once again oblivious to the pain, staring Alicent dead in the eyes which terrifies Alicent even more. I have a few reasons as to why.
First of all, Alicent suffered from dermatillomania growing up, which is a mental health condition where a person compulsively picks or scratches their skin, causing injuries or scarring. Also known as excoriation disorder or skin-picking disorder, this condition falls under the category of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCDs) and can be triggered by anxiety. There are several scenes where we see that same anxiety permeate Alicent and her resort to dermatillomania, as early as episode 1 (this is where her brother Gwayne is fighting with Daemon):
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What science says is that such behavior is anxiety-induced, a clinical condition, and even though she could stop it if she chose to, it is not that easy or simple. Alicent was addicted to the numbing pain as a relief from her anxiety but she loathed herself for its destructive nature. She was often made fun of it by her father who told her that she was "destroying herself." We see that as her confidence grew in the later episodes, and when she was released from the strenuous puppeteering of Otto, she was able to overcome the habit.
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To my eyes, this is why it is shocking for Alicent to a) cause pain to Rhaenyra and b) to see Rhaenyra oblivious to such pain. The fact that Rhaenyra doesn’t even flinch, when Alicent hated herself for causing harm to her own body for years and when she already hates herself for losing her temper, confirms to her Rhaenyra’s absolute callousness. Yes, she, who lusts after what she wants and knows no limits, and whose ambition runs thicker than blood, does feel entitled to Aemond’s eye.
In fact, Alicent barely recognizes Rhaenyra at this moment. Alicent has just become afraid of herself, and of the newly discovered bloodlust she didn’t know she had, and seeing Rhaenyra show no reaction to the pain, Alicent becomes doubly afraid of Rhaenyra. The one who stares deeply into her eyes and shows her that she cannot hurt her. Who tells her that she can take in much more. Who is not like Alicent, to become consumed by pain. Rhaenyra is a warrior, and she is capable of showing her heartlessness when necessary. And that’s when Alicent understands that she doesn’t know Rhaenyra anymore. Alicent becomes even more afraid of her, and the person she has become. The person she could potentially turn into when provoked.
This is what absolutely terrifies yet humanizes Alicent, who already hated herself for causing injury to herself, and who hates herself now for causing injury to Rhaenyra. Yet Rhaenyra won't let her hurt or pain show like Alicent does, and she is used to causing injury without feeling anything; just like Daemon.
*added the coloring to keep track of the many lines of thought happening here
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peskyduck · 2 years
@yellowhug taught- “ do you truly think so little of me? ”
Oh. Ouch. Duck didn't expect this from the yellow one. Usually he'd take the bird's insults and even acts of violence; without any question what so ever. He'd fight back often. But never has he ever questioned Duck's opinion of him before.
The green bird uncoils his fists a frown plastered on his beak. When had they started fighting like cat and dog? Photos of them, with Red, happy and smiling, stare down at him from the walls. They burn holes into his very soul..
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He looks at his feathery hands... 'No.' He sighs. Hands now move to pull at the feather's at the side of his face. 'No...' He whimpers. 'I-'
'I'm just a silly sad duck, just a silly sad duck.' The words don't even sound like his own, he rips a few feathers from his head and they fall to the floor.
and then silence.
One beat.
Two beat.
'Why are you looking at me like that? How did you get so roughed up?' Duck waddles over to the other one, pulling him to standing.
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makviles · 9 months
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wizzard890 · 1 year
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raynedayys2 · 18 days
If you are queer and you say slurs that do not apply to your specific identity, you are being homophobic/transphobic. Full stop.
I don't care if you're queer, if you're not trans you have no business saying the t slur.
I don't care if you're queer, if you're not a non man who loves non men you have no business saying the d slur.
And if you're not queer in any regard you have no business using any slurs against queer people. I don't care who gave you permission, or a "pass". If you are not in a situation where you genuinely understand the history behind a slur and the impact of being referred to as that slur you have no business using it.
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