#tw adorable
roxyandtheroxies · 2 days
I’m obsessed with the idea of Rainbow Dash accidentally discovering and reading The Ego and Its Own and becoming a Stirnerite:
Rainbow Dash: "Everypony always tells me I have a big ego... sweet!"
A week later
Rainbow Dash, now wearing Stirner’s glasses, calmly trots through the park until Scootaloo runs into her.
Scootaloo: "Hey, Rainbow Dash! I haven’t seen you in a while. How’ve you been? :D"
Rainbow Dash: stares intently "Are you still trapped under the dogmatic spell of your cutie mark? Don’t you feel like the social conditioning tied to it forces you to follow its commands, instead of listening to your true self?"
Scootaloo: "I-i… Dash… WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! D:"
Rainbow Dash: "Ah, you react with confusion. You don’t see how your short life has been controlled by spooks! Ghosts of the mind! Forces born from the decayed corpse of the Church, tricking you with promises of fulfilling your deepest desires, when instead you should become an idol unto yourself! Every time Celestia delivers a decree, it’s only clearer that her greatest conviction is not the boundless freedom of ourselves, but the belief that nopony can manage their own affairs! That if we did, it would tear apart the 'foundation of civilized society!' This so-called foundation is nothing more than the self-loathing of the working masses—the true producers and most capable organizers of Equestria—"
Scootaloo starts backing away slowly.
Rainbow Dash: "-but instead we’re taught to idolize her rule! It’s obvious, Scootaloo! Her power is a-"
Scootaloo runs for her life
Rainbow Dash: waves "Goodbye, Scoot! I just love that little crusader :)"
cinematic credits roll
Note: i need to take this version of the character further.
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sweetbunnytears · 1 month
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strayklds · 22 days
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There’s a moment of happiness, and it comes out of the blue. So, I think happiness is like a visiting guest. It may not be big, or grandiose. I think that’s what happiness is. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAN JISUNG ♡ SEPTEMBER 14, 2000
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guardian-angle22 · 3 months
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911: Lone Star | Tarlos Kisses (S1 -> S4)
↳ for @herefortarlos
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priceofreedom · 5 months
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Zack talking about Aerith flashback
Bonus, Cloud remembering him:
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apparently-artless · 16 days
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 3 months
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what if i told u,,,,,,,,,,, i had another new au idea
say hello to the 'two-faced' au! where u start to work at the daycare and become besties with Sun n Moon right as Vanny is putting the whole virus-thing into motion. Moon rlly likes u and feels like he can b his genuine Professional Silli Boi self around u, so when he starts having some more murdery tendencies he makes the executive decision to just kinda Lie About It and make sure u don't know! and everything will be fine, so long as u never find out about those missing kids! or where ur coworker went. or why ur other coworker quit. or why that one guy is in the hospital. or,,
(it gets way more complicated when management starts to wonder if u could be tied to all these accidents that only ever seem to happen on ur days off)
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kimtaegis · 5 months
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three superheroes, anpanman! for @sopekooks ♡
cr. jung-koook
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wahgifs · 7 months
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anonbeadraws · 9 months
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illustration Commission for @comiclz of Saga. who even when Raging and covered in blood, is the hottest one in the room 🥵🩸 🩸commission info/tip me?🩸
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
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9-1-1 ▸ 3 times buck drove eddie vs 1 time eddie drove buck
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merakiui · 2 days
is stepbrother skully worth anything..... ( ՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞ )
weird, misunderstood stepbrother who has been so fixated on horror and his appreciation for the nightmare before christmas that he completely neglects his (nonexistent) love life, instead choosing to fantasize about the gothic romances from the literature he's read. but now he's living under the same roof as you, his stepsister, and it's entirely new territory.
he doesn't have many friends (none at all, for that matter), so now he finally has someone he can ramble to about his interests in jack skellington and everything terrifying!!! he's so excited. you genuinely listen to him, sharing the same love for these things, and skully's so happy because for the first time someone actually understands him. :O
he has no concept of personal space, so be prepared when he looms over you with curiosity. what's this? the perfume bottle you always carry with you? aaah!!!! so that's why you smell so good! and what's this? lip gloss? is that why your lips always look so soft and shiny and kissable? >w< he's just so fascinated with you and all of the little things you carry in your bag. and when he finds lingerie mixed in with the laundry and he picks it out and admires it, picturing these soft frills adorning your body... omg what a pretty vision!!!! and maybe you'd look up at him with that cute face of yours when you lay in his bed,,, what if you let him peel these dainty ribbons off of you?!?! omg omg omg that's way too erotic!!!! he thinks, covering his face and blushing fiercely. isn't he supposed to court you properly and have a chaste romance before any of the naughty stuff!?!?!? uuuwaaa how embarrassing........
sometimes you'll catch him poking around in your room. he's a horrible liar, always stumbling over his words, avoiding eye contact, fiddling with his hands... no, he wasn't peeking in your closet and he wasn't looking through your drawers!!! >_< he's just,,, admiring the interior design???? OTL the ruby-red blush on his face says otherwise, as does his sweaty appearance. ;;; he's just so flustered. maybe he found a sex toy and it baffles him that you can fit all of that inside you. >_< waaaa does that mean you might be able to fit him??? (hopeful question) AAAAA OTL what is he thinking!!!!!
not once does it occur to him that his interest in you is wrong. you're his first crush. he thinks this is all par for the course.
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paper-starz · 7 months
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I think he sees you!
(AGHHHHH OMGGGG FINALLLY!!! ART!! I haven’t drawn Wally in ohhhh so very long. And I think this is by far the best Wally I ever drew. Holy shit I’m so proud of this piece!)
(Extras under the cut!)
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Without text + noise effect.
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Closeups!! (You all know how much I love TEXTUREEEEEEEEEEE)
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clown-cult · 8 months
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Imagine ignoring and villianising the original feminist hero in favour of a straight love story 💀
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chrisbangs · 1 year
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BANG CHAN — Special MC KCON LA DAY 3 (230821)
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cosmicdreamgrl · 9 days
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𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘫𝘬 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴: (109/?)┃𝘤𝘳: 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥
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