#tvs genuine parts catalogue
smartpartexporter · 2 years
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socpens · 6 months
Do you like the youhitmetal17times_everyday analogue horror?
I dont watch any analog horror. I dont really like any "devised" analog horror, none of them feel authentic enough both from a tech standpoint but also from a content matter standpoint. They are trying to be scary and I feel like once youre going down that road your shit will never be scary. The only stuff Ive seen that manages to interest me in that genre is stuff that makes earnest and genuine attempts at mirroring feelings we've all had, through analog mediums, instead of conjuring up a scary face for 2 seconds or writing some scary text.
Ive had some of my work be called analog horror and Ive never set out to make it horror. I think people are just unsettled by genuine and authentic portrayals of analog mediums because of their inherent imperfections. And I also think that making things as accurate as possible - from graphic/motion design, sound, editing, every part of it - will either transport the viewer back to when they saw that kind of stuff on TV, or make a viewer who never had that experience feel like they did.
A lot of people shit on the use of nostalgia as lazy or low-effort, but I think it's more about what you do with it, it's a tool. Most analog horror makes no attempts at using nostalgia. Nothing about them is accurate or genuine, it's just a flavor slapped on the work. If you use nostalgia in a way that's real and genuine then you've come pretty close to being able to communicate one to one with the viewer. It's a way of disarming people so you can express what it is you want to express clearly. And thats really hard to do in art, but it's the goal (at least for me)
Feel free to recommend me any analog horror you think fits the bill. No local58 or mandela catalogue or whatever. Only real stuff.
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. miles morales (1610 & 42)
summary. Once Miles arrives on Earth-42, he goes to visit “his” boyfriend.
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, violence, foul language
a/n. Girl that’s not meee!!! 😫
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“What the hell was that...?”
Y/n lowered the volume of the TV, straining his neck to catch a glimpse of his dimly lit room. Miles stumbled into the living room, drenched in rain, his eyes wide with a hint of panic. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. "Man, Miles, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Y/n walked toward his slightly trembling boyfriend, a small smile forming on his face. "You took out your braids? Well, I'm definitely not doing them again." Miles frowned, his eyes welling up with tears. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. Y/n looked at him, perplexed. "Sorry? For what?" Miles continued, disregarding Y/n's question. "I'm sorry for being careless, for neglecting you. I should have cherished what we had, but I got caught up with Gwen, and it cost me something important. I'm so sorry..." Miles's voice trailed off, tears coming down his face. Y/n stared at his boyfriend in disbelief before bursting into laughter, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Miles, baby, what telenovelas have you been watching? And who the hell is Gwen...?" Y/n settled back onto the couch, motioning for Miles to join him.
Miles looked at Y/n, confusion etched on his face. "You don't remember? The huge fight we had?" he asked, clearly puzzled. Y/n whipped away the tears. "Miles, the only thing we've argued about in the past few weeks is which flavor of cake we should make... I don't remember any major fight." Y/n picked up the remote, flipping through the channels, skipping his favorite show since he knew Miles didn't enjoy it. "Wait, go back. I love this show," Miles exclaimed, grabbing the remote from Y/n's hand. Now, it was Y/n's turn to be surprised. "What! No, Miles, you literally threw a bagel at me the last time I put this on!" Y/n chuckled. "A bagel? What is with me and throwing bagels...?” Miles muttered, "Was it at least buttered?" Y/n rolled his eyes, getting up and heading to the kitchen. "I'm getting popcorn. If you're really into this show, we'll be here for a while." Miles nodded, satisfied with the response.
While waiting for the popcorn, Y/n decided to browse through his phone when a text from Miles popped up. Y/n glanced at the living room and smiled before focusing on the text:
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Who you with?
Y/n I know you see this.
You fr ignorin me?
Y/n remained frozen, staring at the text for exactly three minutes, desperately hoping it was some kind of twisted joke. Snapping back to reality, Y/n looked down at the message and quickly gave a response.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Is this a joke?
Miles. I’m with you rn
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Why would I joke abt this? 😑
I’m with my Uncle Aaron rn
Does he look exactly like me?
Get away from him until I get there
Before Y/n could hit send, "Miles" entered the kitchen, questioning the delay. "What's taking you so long? Is the microwave not working?" "Miles" peered through the transparent part, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. Y/n swiftly grabbed his phone, retreating a few steps, attempting to avoid any suspicion. "Uh, yeah, maybe you can fix it? I need to use the bathroom," Y/n replied, never taking his eyes off the impostor. Once out of "Miles'" sight, Y/n rushed toward the bathroom. "Damn it, why didn't I grab a knife!" Y/n cursed, making sure to lock the door behind him. "Is this one of them Mandela catalogue shits? Oh, please, let it not be!" Y/n whispered anxiously, crawling into the bathtub and opening his phone to find multiple notifications from Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Answer me
Where is he?
Are you hiding?
Get something to defend yourself
It’s gonna alright, I swear
I’m hiding
Are you almost here?
Y/n’s thumbs hovered over the screen, his hands trembling. His mind going blank, until he heard a knock at the bathroom door. A voice came from the other side, “Babe?” Y/n got up, putting his ear to the door “Miles?” The voice on the other side responded “Who else? You doing good in there?” Y/n noticed the lack of Miles’ accent, so he crossed out the option that it was his Miles. He still decided to play it off until his Miles gets here “Y-yeah…I just feel a little sick, that’s all. I’ll be out in a minute.” He heard a hum from the other side, “Alright. You aren’t mad about that thing, are you?” Y/n furrows his brows, “N-no, I told you I don’t even remember it…”.
"Miles" chuckled. "Alright, hurry up. We're already halfway through an episode," Y/n nodded, listening to the fading sound of footsteps. A notification caught his attention—a text from the real Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
we’re here
I’m in the bathroom
Stay there
I’ll come get you
Y/n followed the instructions, remaining inside the bathroom. He tried to calm his racing thoughts, finding solace in the fact that Miles was strong and capable of handling weird situations. After all, he had chosen to date Y/n, so he must possess some level of resilience. Opening the conversation with Miles, Y/n scrolled through their messages, a twinge of worry still lingering in his chest. What if Miles couldn't handle this? "I shouldn't be thinking like this," Y/n muttered, attempting to push the negative thoughts aside.
Another voice echoed from the other side of the door, calling out to Y/n. "Y/n, Bebé, are you in there?" It was Miles. Relief washed over Y/n, as he quickly opened the door to see his boyfriend. Without hesitation, Y/n pulled Miles into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down his face. "Oh my god! You have no idea how scared I was. I thought he were one of those creepy anomalies that impersonate people." Miles returned the embrace, looking at Y/n with a puzzled expression. "The ones from TikTok?" He chuckled, finding humor in Y/n's paranoia. Y/n nodded, lifting his head from Miles' shoulder. "I can't believe I kissed a complete stranger..." Y/n sighed, still in disbelief. Miles pulled back slightly, his frown evident. "You did what?" he questioned. Y/n quickly backtracked, "Nothing... Just forget it." Pulling Miles back into the warm hug, Y/n chose to ignore the current gaze Miles directed at him.
“We’re gonna talk about that.”
“No we aren’t.”
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box-dwelling · 3 months
There's honestly a really weird thing I've noticed with the legend of ruby in how it's dividing new fans. One part is new who fans feeling more cheated by not seeing Susan fully while classic fans are more excited about getting any information about her. But that's not really what I want to focus on.
The thing that's getting me is the difference between classic and new who fans on the Sutekh reveal. Classic fans have of course been hyped as hell.
But I've seen a lot of sentiment of new who onlys that honestly I think is really valid even though I do watch classic who.
RTD would pull this trick a lot. A finale episode would end on a cliff hanger of an old villain returning. See the master at the end of Utopia or Davros' reaval in season 4. And these worked. In part because they were already hyped up. But truthfully I think this seasons done that too. We have seen who scary the masetro and toymaker are. Even the trickster if you go before second reboot. This is the one they're scared of. His is the being that made them. He is big and intimidating and powerful and that's kinda all we got for the master and Davros' on a first watch too. Some general background context about why they're signifact and why they pose a threat.
But the reason I think this is hitting different is that well, if you were 3-4 seasons in, there was kinda the acknowledgement then that you were going to be missing some context. You would be brought up to speed eventually but still that context is missing and you knew that. If you wanted it you'd have to invest the time in classic who and if you weren't willing to put up that investment you adjusted expectations accordingly. And I want to say that's a completely reasonable thing to do. But everyone was kind of on the same page there. I was rewatching the first season of confidential recently (btw I highly highly recommended it, it's is some genuinely excellent documentary film making) and they'd spend large portions of the episodes talking about the shows history to bring new fans up to speed.
The thing is now, we're 14 seasons and nearly 2 decades in, the show is ment to be a reboot ala season one (which did not expect prior knowledge at all btw) and now the big bad is just some Egyptian god most new who fans have never heard of? I get how that's a let down especially because a lot of fans HAVE invested a ton of time in. They have invested time in 20 years worth of television. But that's still been proven to not be enough. I get why you'd be pissed. It's kinda how I'd feel if a reveal was based on a big finish property. Like I want to get to big finish but TV content comes first. And I don't have unlimited time to give to a show even my favourite show.
But the thing is, I don't know how we solve this. There are interesting bits of the classic canon that haven't been explored yet. Pyramids of mars is an iconic and beloved serial and it hasn't been touched on. I don't want the show to abandon the back catalogue of interesting monsters and charcaters. But I don't know how you thread that needle when new who fans also deserve a return on their time investment. Like if they bring back the rani or Romana they'd deserve so much fan fair and classic fans would feel cheated if it wasn't given. But it's not going to mean shit to new who fans.
Idk, I feel like there's nothing I would do to make the Sutekh reveal hit harder for new who fans. They built him up. They made him scary. They had him be related to other monsters we knew some of whom were entirely new, but I completely get why even that wasn't enough.
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teruthecreator · 30 days
Karen if you haven't done her already :]]
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
one of those lesbians who uses the term as both a sexuality and a gender (like meeeeee except i dont think she’s butch. she Could have butch swag but it’s not my immediate thought)
A ship I have with said character:
karen/gingi is my automatic go-to bc like. shes a dateable the gingi ships are all so fuckin cute but KAREN AND GINGI ESPECIALLY. i think the fact that it takes so much for you to even Convince karen to leave work with you and how quickly she not only warms up to gingi but becomes possessive of them makes me go absolutely insane. it makes me bonkers it makes me want to ram my head into a wall. literally WHERE is the karen gingi sex scene dogman come ON THEY DESERVE TO HAVE FLOP SEX AT KARENS APARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah i also have karen/mingus thoughts but those will be saved for a secret project i desperately need to start working on
A BROTP I have with said character:
karen and oliver are a dynamic i am super interested in! they have some like canon basis for hanging out—karen was being commissioned by oliver to make some stuff for the scare shack and the two had running text conversations, as mentioned in ch3. and i just think it’s super neat for those two! i know she can probably only handle oliver in small doses but i think the two would genuinely geek out over artsy stuff together. like if you put on an animated movie for them both they will both go on two separate tangents about two separate things but will completely understand the other. i just think theyre neat <3
A NOTP I have with said character:
once again, don’t ever think i’ve seen a karen ship that’s made me scratch my head and go HUH so i think we’re all good here!
A random headcanon:
this hc is kind of self-indulgent BUT it has basis in canon since karen is canonically an enjoyer of stopmotion AND really old christmas movies. but i think karen LOOOOOOOVES the rankin/bass set of classic holiday straight-to-tv films. she used to watch them as a kid and now as an adult she can appreciate the animation work and laugh at the stupid plotlines and just genuinely enjoy herself. she has as many of the movies catalogued at her house (primarily in digital form i think) and watches them whenever she’s bored or sad. this is a trait i think she shares with mingus (who likes rankin/bass for a COMPLETELY SEPARATE REASON that is also a self-indulgent soulread) but once again i go into this a bit more in my secret project i need to desperately start working on, so i won’t get into it here >:-) you’ll just have to wait and seeeeeee
General Opinion over said character:
my absolute beloved. god i just. i REALLY like karen. like even beyond a character standpoint i think i am just attracted to her. she has a printer for a head but she makes me swoon. literally could replay her route a million times just to watch her get possessive over me and giggle and kick my feet. it’s so bad folks. she has a fucking PRINTER FOR A HEAD AND I’M NOT OBJECTUM SO I DON’T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED. SAVE ME KAREN FROM DIALTOWN SAVE MEEEEE
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this part has genuinely made my heart flutter before there is something wrong with me
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yorshie · 7 months
Please eXCUSE some upcoming like+reblog spam from me for I am EATING UP(!!!!) your soft, platonic fics where reader and the BoysTM are just existing >:O
I C R A V E more slice-of-life fics where the brothers are just being goofs. Where nothing major is happening, y'know? It's movie nights and good times and just-
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Hello! Don’t worry like/reblog spamming doesn’t bother me at all, if I’m gonna be honest I don’t even register it because that’s how a lot of ppl catalogue things for later reading and I love when I see someone loved something enough to reblog it!
Oh man I know what you mean! For a while I was a little worried because I thought I had them watching tv or eating in EVERY fic but then I just decided to role with it. Let them eat cake and watch tv and do nothing important, because that winding down Is Important. Also, not biased at all, but. Turtle Snuggles. With slice of life I can write all the Turtle Snuggles. 🤣
And it’s so interesting you use the word platonic! I mean this genuinely, because I’ve had a few discussions with ppl asking what the ships in those fics are (Appy slices, cistern and warm coded come to mind) and I’m just like “whatever you want them to be?” I think I described it to someone as “they love you but you get to decide how” the most important part was feeling like reader belonged with them. (And I didn’t want to rewrite declarations of love over and over). I def had a certain outlook writing them, but I’m so open to ppl interpreting it different ways and I’m a little nosy looking at how ppl tag them when they reblog. Sorry btw, you probably chose that word without thinking much of it and I pounced on it lol.
Thank you for stopping by and saying hi!
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jayswing101 · 2 years
Y'all. I have just finished reading one of the most incredible fics I've ever read in my life. It was so good and hopeful and moving and thoughtful and I just. I don't know really how to describe it, or explain how I felt while reading it or how I feel now after having finished it, except to say that the world feels a little less grey, a little less lonely, and a little more hopeful.
The fic is a Guardian fic, and it's the story of Shen Wei's life told from the perspective of people who have helped him along the way. It's in seven parts, from the perspectives of seven different characters, and the whole thing is written from the pov of those characters looking in on what parts of Shen Wei's life they can see.
It's set in drama-verse and does follow the canon ending of things, but just like how the drama ends with that hopeful little promise to meet again, this fic also ends on a note of hope, even after everything that happens.
And it is told from the pov of several OC's which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea, it usually isn't mine either, but it's done so well and with so much care, that it genuinely feels like those characters were there all along, that they were always meant to be there, and the author integrates them so well that you can see how those characters could've influenced Shen Wei. Like, they weren't present in the show, their names aren't mentioned anywhere in the wiki page, but you can still somehow see where their hands have guided and supported and healed Shen Wei.
The fic is 68,662 words long, split over seven chapters, each chapter being a different part of Shen Wei's history and told through the perspective of a different character. The author is good at providing specific warnings before the start of each chapter, but please check the tags and archive warnings as well and keep yourself safe!!
Anyways, 100/10 would recommend!! Genuinely one of the best fics I've ever read, and also one of the best stories (or rather, collections of stories) I've ever read too. I will be thinking about it for days and weeks to come, and will be reading it again.
Title: a hand within a hand (holding light)
Author: @forerussake
Summary: Shen Wei doesn’t remember the face of every single person who’s ever helped him. He tries. He really does. Shen Wei tries to remember, but he doesn’t always manage. Perhaps it’s cowardice, or perhaps it’s his mind’s own way of trying to protect him. There are only so many memories a mind can store before it starts to fray around the edges after all. So he remembers the truly important faces. He dreams of them sometimes – Fu You, Ma Gui, Kunlun, not his own parents though, somehow never his parents – and others have faded away with time.
No, Shen Wei does not remember the names and faces of every single person who’s ever helped him, but he remembers some, and they remember him in turn.
or, a catalogue of unassuming strangers and their stories of helping Shen Wei.
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ear-worthy · 8 months
STEM Toy Company & Wondery Announce Collaboration Due To Wow in the World Podcast
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Podcasts have engendered TV show, movies, and other podcasts. But now, podcasts have launched toys? Could we see Roman Mars, Ira Glass, or Malcolm Gladwell dolls?
Maybe in the future, but right now, podcast studio Wondery (owned by Amazon), and award-winning makers of premium STEM toys, Thames & Kosmos, have announced a first-of-its-kind collaboration. The companies will debut an all-new line of STEM toys and science kits inspired by the #1 science podcast for kids and their grown-ups, Wow in the World. Launching at retail in Fall 2024, the Wondery Kids Wow in the World toy line is designed by Thames & Kosmos and combines classic science learning toys and engaging audio content to offer kids and families a brand-new way to play. The toy line further builds on Wondery’s stated vision, giving fans new ways to engage with their favorite podcast shows.
Developed for kids ages 4+ (those who love science, and even those who think they don’t!) and their grown-ups, the Wondery Kids Wow in the World toy line invites kids to tap into their curiosity and connect to the world around them. 
Ranging in price from $14.95 to $29.95, the toy line offers a strong value proposition with incredibly well-made products designed for replayability. Launching with the release of seven unique products—from a timeless volcano experiment kit with a twist to a high-flying air rocket that has a delightfully surprising “WOW!” factor—each toy incorporates durable, high-quality materials and open-ended play patterns and includes a classic science tool that can be used beyond the scope of the toy itself. 
Each toy also features exclusive companion audio content from Wow in the World hosts Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas, and a complimentary 3-month subscription to Wondery+ for grown-ups to explore Wondery’s full catalogue. Available Fall 2024, the toy line will introduce kids to a range of STEM subjects including physics, geology, biology, and the natural world. 
Created by Tinkercast and hosted by podcast influencers and New York Times-bestselling children’s book authors Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas, Wow in the World is a beloved part of family routines everywhere, and is forging ahead as the first kids and family podcast to deliver a full 360° lifestyle franchise. 
The toy line joins a New York Times-bestselling book series published by HarperCollins, a sold-out live tour that meets fans across the country, and TinkerClass, the first-of-its-kind “podject” (podcasts & projects)-based learning that invites students in grades K-5 to listen, wonder, tinker and make. Additional Consumer Product partners will be announced in the coming months. 
 Nicole Blake, Head of Franchise Development, Wondery, said, “Podcasts are the perfect complement to families’ existing routines, whether it’s their daily school commute, bedtime, and even playtime. As the leading innovators in STEM toys, Thames & Kosmos was the ideal partner to level up playtime by bringing together premium audio content with physical toys for the first time to offer a truly unique play experience.
“As a toy company rooted in sparking curiosity, imagination, and a genuine love of learning, we are thrilled to work with Wondery to develop a toy line based on Wow in the World,” said Andrew Quartin, CEO, Thames & Kosmos.
Ted McGuire, President, Thames & Kosmos, added, “At Thames & Kosmos, we pride ourselves on pushing the boundaries of STEM learning through play and wanted to take this opportunity to level up classic products and play patterns in a whole new way with toys that kids will learn something new from every time they play with them. We really feel like we’ve achieved that with these new products and can’t wait for kids’ reactions this Fall.” 
 Wondery says: "Listen every Monday as Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas share stories about the latest news in science, technology, and innovation that tickle our funny bones and make us all say "WOW"!
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In a Heartbeat ~ Doctor!Bucky x Reader Oneshot
A/N: Title subject to change. This is a GIANT CONGRATULATIONS PRESENT for my fave Doctor!Bucky lover and yours @captainscanadian Because my girl finished undergrad today! Congrats, bby! Enjoy this doctor!bucky fluff that I said I would write a million years ago. ;) I'm so proud of you!!
Summary: What should have been a fun night out ends in the ER. At least your doctor is handsome?
Characters/Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: Injuries (fractured ankle), hospital, getting a cast, xrays and catscan. I think that's it. Fluff
Word Count: 2190
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For the first hour of your stay in the ER you couldn’t decide if the constant beeping from the machine beside you was calming or irritating.
As it rolled into the second hour, you settled on irritating. You glared down at your ankle even though it was hidden under the blanket. You moved it ever so slightly, wincing as it caught on the sheet.
You unlocked your phone, letting your friends know that yes you were still here. And no you didn’t have any updates. And no they shouldn’t feel guilty.
A small part of you had blamed them in the first moments, after all they were the ones who convinced you to celebrate the end of finals with some drinking and dancing.
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You checked your make up in the mirror next to your front door before locking up. You glanced at the door across the hall, hoping to catch the eye of your hunky neighbor before heading out. But no dice.
Oh well. At least your dress would likely be appreciated at the club. You’d even pulled out your comfy heels. Heels which were now mocking you from their spot on the chair next to your purse.
You’d been feeling good strutting down the stairs of your apartment building when a group of college kids who had clearly been pre-gaming, thundered past you, forcing you to press up against the wall. When you’d taken your next step your heel broke and you went sliding down 15 stairs.
You’d thought your ass had taken the worst of it until you tried to stand up and immediately cried out in pain.
So instead of ferrying you to a club, the Uber your friends arrived in took you to the hospital. You’d sent your friends on their way once you’d been processed and were waiting to be admitted. No need to spoil everyone’s night.
But now five hours later and bored out of your skull you were regretting that decision. You were going to lose your mind. You’d only left the room twice. Once for an x-ray and once for a CT scan.
You turned on the TV and settled on the game show network, letting the episode of family feud distract you.
You were on your third episode when a nurse came in.
“Hello. I’m Wanda, the night shift nurse. How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay. I’m just eager to get out of here.”
“I’ll bet you are. Dr. Barnes should be in soon,” she assured you. “He just finished up a surgery.”
“Sounds good.”
She checked your chart, noting your vitals and making sure that you weren’t tangled in any wires.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Can I have some water?”
“Sure. I’ll be right back.”
Wanda brought back a cup of water and a warm blanket.
“Thought you might be cold,” she explained.
“Actually yeah. Thanks. Is there any way I can take this off?” You gestured to the heart rate monitor on your finger.
She shot you an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry. It’s protocol.”
“Worth a shot,” you shrugged.
“I’ll come and check on you in a little bit.”
“Thank you.”
She bustled out of the room and you turned your attention back to the TV which had moved on the Price is Right reruns.
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You must have drifted off because the next thing you know you were being gently shaken. Your eyes were finally able to focus on a pair of entirely too blue eyes.
As your brain caught up, you realized the blue eyes were set in a very handsome face. A familiar handsome face at that.
“2A?” you asked cocking your head to the side.
He chuckled as you readjusted yourself trying to discretely check that you hadn’t drooled in your sleep.
“Most people call me Dr. Barnes. Or Bucky.”
That made even less sense. You were certain the name on his mailbox was James.
“My middle name is Buchanan. And what shall I call you, 2B?”
“Well it’s very nice to officially meet you, Y/n. Although I wish it were under better circumstances. Let’s take a look at this ankle shall we?”
You nodded, and he took that as an assent to lift the blanket. He folded in neatly up over your knee leaving most of your lap covered. You grimaced when you saw the swelling was even worse now than when you arrived.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
You relayed your story to him, omitting the bit about hoping to run into him. He listened intently, making the occasional note but mainly he just nodded.
“I’m going to examine it now,” he announced.
His hands were sure and practiced as he gently turned your ankle from side to side. It twinged occasionally, so you focused on his features to distract yourself.
You catalogued each in turn but lingered on his sharp jawline. Your thoughts drifted to peppering kisses along it and down his neck.
You were startled when his cerulean gaze met yours with a concerned look.
“Did that hurt?”
“Not really. Why?”
You were genuinely confused by the question. You hadn’t noticed anything amiss in his examination.
“Your heart rate was elevated. And you, ummm,” he broke eye contact for the first time.
“I what?”
Your eyes widened and your chest felt hot with embarrassment. You glanced at the traitorous machine which was live casting your racing heart. Although that probably was less of the issue than the fact that you squeaked.
“I guess the hospital just makes me nervous,” you lied lamely.
He didn’t look convinced but thankfully let it go.
“I just need to check one more angle.”
This time it was painful and you yelped.
“Sorry.” He gingerly placed your foot back on the pillow that had been elevating it and covered it with the blanket.
He held the CT scans and X-rays up to the light as you watched him. You once again failed to notice your heart rate climbing as you admired the bulge of his bicep.
Dr. Barnes however definitely noticed. He smiled over at you reassuringly, which failed to help the issue at all. He glanced at the erratically beeping machine, before looking back to you. You would swear that there was a hint of smugness in his expression. But he kept it well hidden.
“Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.”
“Lay it on me, doc.”
“Well, the good news is that you will not be needing surgery. It’s a minor fracture.”
“And the bad news?”
“It’s a minor fracture that requires a cast.”
“How long?”
“Eight weeks. Total.”
“Eight weeks on crutches?” You whined.
“You should only be on crutches for the first four. After that, assuming everything is healing well, you’ll be in a walking cast.”
You groaned and shot a murderous glare at your heels once again.
“The price we pay for fashion.”
“I’ll have Wanda prepare everything now. It should only take about an hour.”
“Well, that sure cuts into my dancing plans,” you joked, frustrated by being stuck there for another hour.
It would be morning before you got home.
“Is that where you were headed?” he asked as he pressed the call button.
“Yeah. My friends finally convinced me to go out with them for once and look where it got me,” you laughed humorlessly. “Well at least I’m done for the summer. So the leg won’t mess me up too bad.”
Wanda appeared in the doorway.
“What do you need, doctor Barnes?”
“I need a cast kit. For the ankle.”
“Got it. I’ll be right back.”
You expected Bucky to leave then, but he continued bustling around the room.
“You said you’re done for the summer. Are you a teacher?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you.
“I’m a graduate student. So I just finished up TAing for the semester.”
“Ahh. Are you doing research then?”
“I’m finishing up the edits on my thesis actually. So this might actually make me do it instead of procrastinating," you giggled.
“What’s your thesis on?”
You were in the middle of explaining your thesis, when Wanda returned. Genuinely interested in your area of research, Bucky continued asking you questions as he wrapped the liner around your leg.
From time to time he would grin up at you and the damn heart rate monitor would go off all over again. You’d gotten over your embarrassment for the most part, until Wanda had to suppress a giggle because your heart actually skipped a beat.
“Alright. You are all set. Wanda will grab you your crutches and your discharge papers. You’ll need to make a follow up with your Orthopedic in four weeks.”
“Since I don’t have an orthopedic on speed dial, do you know any good ones?”
Bucky chuckled.
“I’ll have her put my practice’s number on the sheet.”
“Thanks, Doc.”
“No problem. Do you have any questions before I go?”
“How long do you think getting all the paperwork sorted will take?”
“Not long. Twenty minutes or so. Why?”
“Just wondering if I should order my Uber now or wait.”
He glanced at the clock on the wall. His fingers drummed against the clipboard in his hand as he momentarily mulled something over.
“If you’re willing to wait another forty-five minutes, I can drive you home when I get off my shift.”
You immediately shook your head.
“You so don’t need to do that.”
“Please. It’s literally on my way home.”
You nibbled on your lip. It would be a lot easier.
“If you’re sure.”
He seemed almost relieved when you accepted.
“Absolutely. It’s been pretty quiet tonight, so you can just hang out in here until I get back.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
He smiled, softer than the other ones he’d given you so far before hanging your chart on the end of your bed and exiting the room, bumping into the glass door as he went. You stifled a giggle. Maybe you weren’t the only one affected.
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It took a little over thirty minutes to get you processed. And before you knew it Bucky was helping you into his car. You went in butt first and then swung your cast leg, followed by your good leg in just a hospital sock. Bucky handed you your shoes and purse.
“So, do you chauffer all of your patients home?” You teased as you left the parking lot.
“Only the ones who live across the hall. Speaking of which, I am sorry this is the first time we’ve gotten to meet properly. Not very neighborly of me.”
“I can’t imagine why you haven’t made your way over with your loads of free time,” you deadpanned, earning you an eyeroll. “But however it happened, I’m glad that we met. It was getting to the awkward stage.”
“Yeah, seven months of passing waves is a long time.”
You hummed your agreement.
“So, how did you get into medicine?”
“Family business.”
He told you all about his surgeon mom and physician father as you drove home. His siblings were also in medicine and even his childhood best friend.
“That is so many medical degrees in one house. Must be rousing holiday dinner conversations.”
“We actually have a no shop talk rule.”
“And how long does that last?” you asked knowingly.
“Through appetizers… maybe.”
“Your family sounds amazing.”
“They are. I wouldn’t trade them for anything,” he admitted as he parked his car.
Bucky carefully helped you out of the car and up to your apartment. You’d never been so glad to live in a building with an elevator.
“I feel like I should offer you breakfast for bringing me home,” you admitted as you plopped down on the couch, and lifted your foot onto the coffee table exhausted from the crutches.
“You need to stay off that foot. But I’m sure you’re starving and so am I. Got any pancake mix?”
“Doctor Barnes, you really don’t have to do that.”
“It’s Bucky. We’re back to just neighbors here. And I want to.”
“How can I repay you?”
“Think about going out on a date with me when your leg is all healed.”
You cocked your head, as you appraised him.
“Just think about it?”
He scratched behind his ear as he shrugged a little.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for well… about seven months. But I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything. Because you don’t. I would have brought any of my neighbors home,” he rambled.
“You’re a really good guy,” you hummed.
“Could you tell my Ma that?” he joked, though his ears tinged pink.
“Happily. And I’d love to think about going on a date with you.”
He beamed back at you.
“I’ll take it. So pancakes?”
“In the cabinet above the fridge. Next to the chocolate chips.”
He nodded, taking the hint on your favorite add on.
“I’m on it.”
Eight weeks later when your walking cast came off, you and Bucky went out for dinner… for your two month anniversary.
Your heart definitely still raced when he smiled at you. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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A/N: There we have it! I hope you enjoyed @captainscanadian.
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dailytomlinson · 4 years
While many artists would jump at the chance to tell you how lockdown has been a fruitful opportunity for self-improvement, full of pseudo self-help books and pompous podcasts, former One Directioner Louis Tomlinson is adamant that he has done, well, nothing.
“I’ve just watched loads of s___ TV,” he says after a long pause. “The Undoing is decent, isn’t it?”
Twenty-eight--year-old Tomlinson from Doncaster was always the down-to-earth Directioner, frequently describing himself as fringe member who spent more time analysing the band’s contracts than singing solos, known for chain-smoking his way through several packs of cigarettes a day and swearing like a trooper. A rarity, these days, among millennials who’d rather suck on a stem of kale and tweet about their #blessings.
He's getting ready to rehearse an exciting one-off gig that will be live-streamed from a secret London location on December 12, announced today exclusively via the Telegraph. The proceeds of the night will be split across four charities: The Stagehand Covid-19 Crew Relief Fund and Crew Nation, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice and Marcus Rashford’s charity FareShare, to help end child poverty.
The gig means a great deal to Tomlinson, whose first ever tour as a solo artist, to promote his debut solo album WALLS, was cut short back in March after just two concerts in Spain and Mexico. It was an album he’d spent five years working on: a guitar-led project that ruptured with the preppy pop anthems of One Direction, inspired instead by Tomlinson’s love for Britpop.
No doubt he was anxious to get it right following a decade “grown in test tubes”, as Harry Styles once described the band’s formation on the X Factor, where they came third before going on to make a reported $280,000 a day as the most successful band in the world. The pressure, too, was intense: all four bandmates had already released their own solo debuts.
Was he left reeling, I ask, unable to perform at such a crucial moment?
“The thing that I always enjoyed the most about One Direction was playing the shows, so my master plan, when I realised I was going to do a solo career, was always my first tour. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for the best part of five years now. I got so close, I got a taste for it, and it’s affected me like everyone else, but I’m forever an optimist,” he says down the phone, with what I can only imagine to be a rather phlegmatic shrug.
Sure, I say, but the last year can’t have been easy. Didn’t he feel like his purpose had popped?
“You know what,” he says, reflecting, “maybe because I’ve had real dark moments in my life, they’ve given me scope for optimism. In the grand scheme of things, of what I’ve experienced, these everyday problems...they don’t seem so bad.”
Tomlinson is referring to losing his 43-year-old mother, a midwife, to leukemia in 2016, and his 18-year-old sister Felicite, a model, to an accidental drug overdose in 2018. The double tragedy is something he has been open about on his own terms, dedicating his single, Two of Us, from WALLS, to his mother Johannah, while often checking in with fans who have lost members of their own family.
It’s not unusual for Tomlinson to ask his 34.9 million followers if they’re doing alright, receiving hundreds of thousands of personal replies. It’s not something he will discuss in interviews, however, after he slammed BBC Breakfast for shamelessly probing his trauma in February this year. “Never going back there again,” he tweeted after coming off the show.
“Social media is a ruthless, toxic place, so I don’t like to spend much time there,” says Tomlinson, “but because of experiencing such light and shade all while I was famous, I have a very deep connection with my fans. They’ve always been there for me.”
In return, Tomlinson is good to them. Last month he even promised some new music, saying that he’d written four songs in four days. Does this mean that a second album is on the way?
“Yeah, definitely,” he says. “I’m very, very excited. I had basically penciled down a plan before corona took over our lives. And now it's kind of given me a little bit of time to really get into what I want to say and what I want things to sound like. Because, you know, I was really proud of my first record, but there were moments that I felt were truer to me than others. I think that there were some songs where I took slightly more risk and owned what I love, saying, ‘This is who I want to be’. So I want to take a leaf out of their book.”
Fans might think he’s referring to writing more heartfelt autobiographical content such as Two of Us, but in fact, he’s referring specifically to rock-inspired Kill My Mind, he says, the first song on WALLS. “There’s a certain energy in that song, in its delivery, in its attitude, that I want to recreate. People are struggling at the moment, so I want to create a raucous, exciting atmosphere in my live show, not a somber, thoughtful one.”
He sighs, trying to articulate something that’s clearly been playing on his mind for a while. “You know, because of my story, my album was a little heavy at times and a little somber. And as I'm sure you're aware, from talking to me, now, that isn't who I am.”
It must be draining, I say, the weight of expectation in both the media and across his fanbase, to be a spokesperson for grief and hardship. To have tragedy prelude everything he does and says.
“Honestly, it’s part of being from Doncaster as well, I don’t like people feeling sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.”
Too many incredible memories to mention but not a day goes by that I don't think about how amazing it was. @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles @LiamPayne @zaynmalik . So proud of you all individually.
The problem is, says Tomlinson, he doesn’t have the best imagination. “I have interesting things to say musically, but what’s challenging from a writing perspective is that I write from the heart, and I can’t really get into someone else’s story. And right now, being stuck at home, you have so little experience to draw from. It’s actually quite hard to write these positive, uplifting songs, because actually, the experiences that you're going through on a day to day basis, you know, you they don't have that same flavour.”
There is something that’s helping, though: a secret spot near Los Angeles, where he divides his time. “It’s remote and kind of weird, and I’m going to go there for three days and write. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to it. I found it via a YouTube video. It’s got some very interesting locals who live there, it’s sort of backwards when it comes to technology. It feels like you’re going back in time when you’re there. But I don’t want to give it away.”
Another source of inspiration for his second album is the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ back catalogue. “I grew up on their album Bytheway. And during lockdown I've been knee deep in their stuff. I’ve watched every documentary, every video. And I find their lead guitarist John Frusciante just fascinating.”
Has he spoken to Frusicante?
“I f______ wish,” snorts Tomlinson.
Surely someone as well-known as Tomlinson could easily get in touch?
“No, honestly, I think he’s too cool for that. He’s not into that kind of thing.”
Tomlinson’s passion for all things rock is also spurring on a side hustle he picked up as a judge on the X Factor in 2018: managing an all-female rock band via his own imprint on Simon Cowell’s Syco label. While the group disbanded before releasing their first single, and Tomlinson split from Syco earlier this year, the singer is keen to nurture some more talent.
“I'm not gonna lie, my process with my imprint through Syco, it became challenging and it became frustrating at times,” Tomlinson says a little wearily. “The kind of artists that I was interested in developing – because I genuinely feel through my experience in One Direction, you know, one of the biggest f______ bands, I feel like I've learned a lot about the industry – they weren’t ready-made. So I had lots of artists that I took through the door that were rough and ready, but major labels want to see something that works straight away. I found that a little bit demotivating. I love her and she's an incredible artist, but not everyone is a Taylor Swift.”
Tomlinson spends much of his free time scouting new talent either on YouTube, Reddit or BBC Introducing – he’s currently a huge fan of indie Brighton band, Fickle Friends. His dream is to manage an all-female band playing instruments. “Because there's no one in that space. And I know eventually if I don't do it, someone else will!”
Before he drives off to rehearsals, we chatter about how much he's been practising his guitar playing, and how he can't wait to take the whole team working at his favourite grassroots venue, The Dome in Doncaster, out ice-skating after he performs there on his rescheduled tour. “Because I've got skills,” he says, and I can hear his chest puff.
And then I ask the question every retired member of One Direction has been batting off ever since they broke up in 2015, after Zayn Malik quit. Rumours that his bandmates saw him as a Judas went wild after some eagle eyes fans noticed they’d unfollowed him on Instagram. Payne, Tomlinson, Horan and Styles have barely mentioned him since. Recently, however, they re-followed him, and Payne has teased that a One Direction reunion is on the cards.
So: might 2021 be the year of resurrection?
“I thought you were going to ask something juicier!” say Tomlinson witheringly. “Look, I f______ love One Direction. I'm sure we're going to come back together one day, and I'll be doing a couple of One Direction songs in my gig. I always do that, so that's not alluding to any reunion or anything. But, I mean, look, I'm sure one day we'll get back together, because, you know, we were f______ great.”
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woolieshubris · 3 years
OKAY im going to preface rant with this- 1) i know none of yall know this game cuz while its popular enough to get a series, its not really popular enough to be part of the general consciousness 2) I've only played the 3rd and 4th installments, so I dont have an extensive knowledge on the series. What I'd want to see in Girls Mode 5 (Aka, style savvy 4, or new style boutique 4) 1) UPDATED TEXTURES. this game has been going on since the DS days, and they just port the old clothes into the new games to pad out the inventory. It's nice because it means you can pretty much move on to the new games with little to no regrets, however the textures on the 3ds XL screen, and emulator (because emulator is the only way to get HD screenshots lol rip) are really really nasty. It's super pixelly but not in a nostalgic way, and it clashes heavily with the newer textures and clothes, making it harder to coordinate outfits. The new game would be coming out on the switch, so the old textures would be even more noticeable when on a TV. You don't need to update the models itself, just the textures on the models. 2) KEEP THE MINI PLOTS. GM 4 has a really cute system with the characters, making it so a handful of them have reoccurring stories and plots! (Not every single one of the characters, because there are tons). I really like this, and it genuinely makes me play day after day. 3) FIX THE DAYS SYSTEM. GM 3 had a day system similar to animal crossing, where the stores and story would only update on a day by day basis. I liked the stores only updating once a day (made it less overwhelming to check for new clothing) but the story progression was longer. GM 3 did have less plot to follow however, so it made more sense. GM 4 has a day system typical of life sim games, where you go to sleep when you run out of tasks to do for the day. I like this system because it doesn't limit the things you can do in one play session, and it can make the story more engaging. It also updates the stores more often, making it easier to 100% and collect all of the clothes, however, it makes the game less engaging over time, and doesn't give an incentive to play day after day. I think a mix between the two could create a more interesting game, but I'm not sure how they would go about doing that. There are pros and cons to each system. 4) BRING BACK RAINBOW Rainbow was a character in GM 3, where by taking screenshots of the game and showing them to her, she would find and unlock hidden colors. I really like this mechanic and think it is interesting, even though it can be a bit tedious at times. Maybe a system where instead of you showing the pictures, she automatically tells you if you unlocked them + shows you the photo that unlocked it? 5) REMOVE OR CHANGE THE DESIGN CLOTHES The main gimmick of GM 4 was designing your own clothes. The game doesn't really push you to do it at all, and the clothes they have you design don't match the clothes already in the game. Most of these "customization" options in games aren't actually that useful and I personally just ignore them in favor of prebuilt pretty clothes. I think either changing it so that certain clothes can be recolored by you/dyed, or changing it so that you can recycle clothes into new ones would be interesting, and a good way to add the mechanic to future games. 6) CHANGE THE BUILDING EDITING SYSTEM. GM 3 and GM 4 both struggle with a clunky furniture moving system. The design is similar to happy house designer, however the menus feel clunky to navigate through and are overall more difficult to use. I think revamping it a bit to make it smoother would be the way to go. GM 3 had a dollhouse theme, and so changing the furniture and collecting new pieces was referred to as collecting miniatures, which I liked. 7) INCLUDE MORE STYLES OF CLOTHING. One of the biggest draws of the GM series, that brought me to it specifically, was the subculture themed clothing! They have punk/emo, classic/sweet lolita, gothic lolita, "retro", preppy, decora kei, and probably more. Adding more styles, such
as Mori, would be a good move for the series, and also a good way to market it to a young teen demographic, especially as dress up games become more popular. 8) REMOVE/CHANGE THE BOHO-CHIC ITEMS. A lot of the boho-chic items in the game are actually just culturally appropriated from native americans, which while true to the style it is trying to emulate, is a bit weird to see, and could cause controversy later in the line. This game is made by a japanese company and translated to english, so I understand why they are still in a game that came out in 2017 but still, it isn't a great look for nintendo. 9) ALLOW YOURSELF TO CHANGE YOUR PERSONA LATER IN THE GAME. In GM 4 and 3, at the start of the game, you get to design a character and choose facial features, skintone and height. You should be able to edit the character later in the game, possibly through settings or something. Fixed character customization is a bit of an outdated thing anyways, with most modern games allowing you to change your avatar as much as you want. 10) CHANGE ONLINE PLAY. Currently, in GM 3 and 4, online play usually consists of sharing the building and your personas outfit. I think there should be less of an emphasis of sharing the building, and more emphasis on sharing outfits, since that is what the game centers around. Obviously the boutique interior is the place you are going to see the most in the game, but focusing on outfits you have created makes more sense for the series and genre. There are more additions/changes to the series that I'd like to see, such as a larger male catalogue/allowing to pick a male avatar, a range of body types, LGBT rep, or disability rep, however, I know those are mostly too much to ask for a light hearted dress up game RPG made for a young female demographic, sadly. I think marketing the game largely to young teens on platforms such as instagram and tiktok, and emphasizing the subculture styles such as punk and y2k would be a great marketing strategy, especially since those demographics are flocking to online dress up browser games that have a similar focus. Promoting the shareability of the ingame outfits by having an easy/quick to use photo booth and an easy way to crop the photos/videos to fit a phone format would also be a great way to have the game spread through word of mouth. Of course, nintendo can kind of suck at marketing their games, especially more obscure titles like this, so I don't expect most or really any of this to happen.
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smartpartexporter · 2 years
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louistomlinsoncouk · 4 years
While many artists would jump at the chance to tell you how lockdown has been a fruitful opportunity for self-improvement, full of pseudo self-help books and pompous podcasts, former One Directioner Louis Tomlinson is adamant that he has done, well, nothing.
“I’ve just watched loads of s___ TV,” he says after a long pause. “The Undoing is decent, isn’t it?”
Twenty-eight--year-old Tomlinson from Doncaster was always the down-to-earth Directioner, frequently describing himself as fringe member who spent more time analysing the band’s contracts than singing solos, known for chain-smoking his way through several packs of cigarettes a day and swearing like a trooper. A rarity, these days, among millennials who’d rather suck on a stem of kale and tweet about their #blessings.
Far from aimless, however, today the singer is full of beans, cheerily shushing his barking dog as he potters about his North London home where he lives with his best friend from home, Oli, and his girlfriend, the model Eleanor Calder.
He's getting ready to rehearse an exciting one-off gig that will be live-streamed from a secret London location on December 12, announced today exclusively via the Telegraph. The proceeds of the night will be split across four charities: The Stagehand Covid-19 Crew Relief Fund and Crew Nation, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice and Marcus Rashford’s charity FareShare, to help end child poverty.
The gig means a great deal to Tomlinson, whose first ever tour as a solo artist, to promote his debut solo album WALLS, was cut short back in March after just two concerts in Spain and Mexico. It was an album he’d spent five years working on: a guitar-led project that ruptured with the preppy pop anthems of One Direction, inspired instead by Tomlinson’s love for Britpop.
No doubt he was anxious to get it right following a decade “grown in test tubes”, as Harry Styles once described the band’s formation on the X Factor, where they came third before going on to make a reported $280,000 a day as the most successful band in the world. The pressure, too, was intense: all four bandmates had already released their own solo debuts.
Was he left reeling, I ask, unable to perform at such a crucial moment?
“The thing that I always enjoyed the most about One Direction was playing the shows, so my master plan, when I realised I was going to do a solo career, was always my first tour. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for the best part of five years now. I got so close, I got a taste for it, and it’s affected me like everyone else, but I’m forever an optimist,” he says down the phone, with what I can only imagine to be a rather phlegmatic shrug.
Sure, I say, but the last year can’t have been easy. Didn’t he feel like his purpose had popped?
“You know what,” he says, reflecting, “maybe because I’ve had real dark moments in my life, they’ve given me scope for optimism. In the grand scheme of things, of what I’ve experienced, these everyday problems...they don’t seem so bad.”
Tomlinson is referring to losing his 43-year-old mother, a midwife, to leukemia in 2016, and his 18-year-old sister Felicite, a model, to an accidental drug overdose in 2018. The double tragedy is something he has been open about on his own terms, dedicating his single, Two of Us, from WALLS, to his mother Johannah, while often checking in with fans who have lost members of their own family.
It’s not unusual for Tomlinson to ask his 34.9 million followers if they’re doing alright, receiving hundreds of thousands of personal replies. It’s not something he will discuss in interviews, however, after he slammed BBC Breakfast for shamelessly probing his trauma in February this year. “Never going back there again,” he tweeted after coming off the show.
“Social media is a ruthless, toxic place, so I don’t like to spend much time there,” says Tomlinson, “but because of experiencing such light and shade all while I was famous, I have a very deep connection with my fans. They’ve always been there for me.”
In return, Tomlinson is good to them. Last month he even promised some new music, saying that he’d written four songs in four days. Does this mean that a second album is on the way?
“Yeah, definitely,” he says. “I’m very, very excited. I had basically penciled down a plan before corona took over our lives. And now it's kind of given me a little bit of time to really get into what I want to say and what I want things to sound like. Because, you know, I was really proud of my first record, but there were moments that I felt were truer to me than others. I think that there were some songs where I took slightly more risk and owned what I love, saying, ‘This is who I want to be’. So I want to take a leaf out of their book.”
Fans might think he’s referring to writing more heartfelt autobiographical content such as Two of Us, but in fact, he’s referring specifically to rock-inspired Kill My Mind, he says, the first song on WALLS. “There’s a certain energy in that song, in its delivery, in its attitude, that I want to recreate. People are struggling at the moment, so I want to create a raucous, exciting atmosphere in my live show, not a somber, thoughtful one.”
He sighs, trying to articulate something that’s clearly been playing on his mind for a while. “You know, because of my story, my album was a little heavy at times and a little somber. And as I'm sure you're aware, from talking to me, now, that isn't who I am.”
It must be draining, I say, the weight of expectation in both the media and across his fanbase, to be a spokesperson for grief and hardship. To have tragedy prelude everything he does and says.
“Honestly, it’s part of being from Doncaster as well, I don’t like people feeling sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.”
The problem is, says Tomlinson, he doesn’t have the best imagination. “I have interesting things to say musically, but what’s challenging from a writing perspective is that I write from the heart, and I can’t really get into someone else’s story. And right now, being stuck at home, you have so little experience to draw from. It’s actually quite hard to write these positive, uplifting songs, because actually, the experiences that you're going through on a day to day basis, you know, you they don't have that same flavour.”
There is something that’s helping, though: a secret spot near Los Angeles, where he divides his time to see his four-year-old son, Freddie, whom he shares with his ex Briana Jungwirth, a stylist. “It’s remote and kind of weird, and I’m going to go there for three days and write. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to it. I found it via a YouTube video. It’s got some very interesting locals who live there, it’s sort of backwards when it comes to technology. It feels like you’re going back in time when you’re there. But I don’t want to give it away.”
Another source of inspiration for his second album is the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ back catalogue. “I grew up on their album Bytheway. And during lockdown I've been knee deep in their stuff. I’ve watched every documentary, every video. And I find their lead guitarist John Frusciante just fascinating.”
Has he spoken to Frusicante?
“I f______ wish,” snorts Tomlinson.
Surely someone as well-known as Tomlinson could easily get in touch?
“No, honestly, I think he’s too cool for that. He’s not into that kind of thing.”
Tomlinson’s passion for all things rock is also spurring on a side hustle he picked up as a judge on the X Factor in 2018: managing an all-female rock band via his own imprint on Simon Cowell’s Syco label. While the group disbanded before releasing their first single, and Tomlinson split from Syco earlier this year, the singer is keen to nurture some more talent.
“I'm not gonna lie, my process with my imprint through Syco, it became challenging and it became frustrating at times,” Tomlinson says a little wearily. “The kind of artists that I was interested in developing – because I genuinely feel through my experience in One Direction, you know, one of the biggest f______ bands, I feel like I've learned a lot about the industry – they weren’t ready-made. So I had lots of artists that I took through the door that were rough and ready, but major labels want to see something that works straight away. I found that a little bit demotivating. I love her and she's an incredible artist, but not everyone is a Taylor Swift.”
Tomlinson spends much of his free time scouting new talent either on YouTube, Reddit or BBC Introducing – he’s currently a huge fan of indie Brighton band, Fickle Friends. His dream is to manage an all-female band playing instruments. “Because there's no one in that space. And I know eventually if I don't do it, someone else will!”
Before he drives off to rehearsals, we chatter about how much he's been practising his guitar playing, and how he can't wait to take the whole team working at his favourite grassroots venue, The Dome in Doncaster, out ice-skating after he performs there on his rescheduled tour. “Because I've got skills,” he says, and I can hear his chest puff.
And then I ask the question every retired member of One Direction has been batting off ever since they broke up in 2015, after Zayn Malik quit. Rumours that his bandmates saw him as a Judas went wild after some eagle eyes fans noticed they’d unfollowed him on Instagram. Payne, Tomlinson, Horan and Styles have barely mentioned him since. Recently, however, they re-followed him, and Payne has teased that a One Direction reunion is on the cards.
So: might 2021 be the year of resurrection?
“I thought you were going to ask something juicier!” say Tomlinson witheringly. “Look, I f______ love One Direction. I'm sure we're going to come back together one day, and I'll be doing a couple of One Direction songs in my gig. I always do that, so that's not alluding to any reunion or anything. But, I mean, look, I'm sure one day we'll get back together, because, you know, we were f______ great.”
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hlupdate · 4 years
While many artists would jump at the chance to tell you how lockdown has been a fruitful opportunity for self-improvement, full of pseudo self-help books and pompous podcasts, former One Directioner Louis Tomlinson is adamant that he has done, well, nothing.
“I’ve just watched loads of s___ TV,” he says after a long pause. “The Undoing is decent, isn’t it?”
Twenty-eight--year-old Tomlinson from Doncaster was always the down-to-earth Directioner, frequently describing himself as fringe member who spent more time analysing the band’s contracts than singing solos, known for chain-smoking his way through several packs of cigarettes a day and swearing like a trooper. A rarity, these days, among millennials who’d rather suck on a stem of kale and tweet about their #blessings.
Far from aimless, however, today the singer is full of beans, cheerily shushing his barking dog as he potters about his North London home where he lives with his best friend from home, Oli, [...].
He's getting ready to rehearse an exciting one-off gig that will be live-streamed from a secret London location on December 12, announced today exclusively via the Telegraph. The proceeds of the night will be split across four charities: The Stagehand Covid-19 Crew Relief Fund and Crew Nation, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice and Marcus Rashford’s charity FareShare, to help end child poverty.
The gig means a great deal to Tomlinson, whose first ever tour as a solo artist, to promote his debut solo album WALLS, was cut short back in March after just two concerts in Spain and Mexico. It was an album he’d spent five years working on: a guitar-led project that ruptured with the preppy pop anthems of One Direction, inspired instead by Tomlinson’s love for Britpop.
No doubt he was anxious to get it right following a decade “grown in test tubes”, as Harry Styles once described the band’s formation on the X Factor, where they came third before going on to make a reported $280,000 a day as the most successful band in the world. The pressure, too, was intense: all four bandmates had already released their own solo debuts.
Was he left reeling, I ask, unable to perform at such a crucial moment?
“The thing that I always enjoyed the most about One Direction was playing the shows, so my master plan, when I realised I was going to do a solo career, was always my first tour. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for the best part of five years now. I got so close, I got a taste for it, and it’s affected me like everyone else, but I’m forever an optimist,” he says down the phone, with what I can only imagine to be a rather phlegmatic shrug.
Sure, I say, but the last year can’t have been easy. Didn’t he feel like his purpose had popped?
“You know what,” he says, reflecting, “maybe because I’ve had real dark moments in my life, they’ve given me scope for optimism. In the grand scheme of things, of what I’ve experienced, these everyday problems...they don’t seem so bad.”
Tomlinson is referring to losing his 43-year-old mother, a midwife, to leukemia in 2016, and his 18-year-old sister Felicite, a model, to an accidental drug overdose in 2018. The double tragedy is something he has been open about on his own terms, dedicating his single, Two of Us, from WALLS, to his mother Johannah, while often checking in with fans who have lost members of their own family.
It’s not unusual for Tomlinson to ask his 34.9 million followers if they’re doing alright, receiving hundreds of thousands of personal replies. It’s not something he will discuss in interviews, however, after he slammed BBC Breakfast for shamelessly probing his trauma in February this year. “Never going back there again,” he tweeted after coming off the show.
“Social media is a ruthless, toxic place, so I don’t like to spend much time there,” says Tomlinson, “but because of experiencing such light and shade all while I was famous, I have a very deep connection with my fans. They’ve always been there for me.”
In return, Tomlinson is good to them. Last month he even promised some new music, saying that he’d written four songs in four days. Does this mean that a second album is on the way?
“Yeah, definitely,” he says. “I’m very, very excited. I had basically penciled down a plan before corona took over our lives. And now it's kind of given me a little bit of time to really get into what I want to say and what I want things to sound like. Because, you know, I was really proud of my first record, but there were moments that I felt were truer to me than others. I think that there were some songs where I took slightly more risk and owned what I love, saying, ‘This is who I want to be’. So I want to take a leaf out of their book.”
Fans might think he’s referring to writing more heartfelt autobiographical content such as Two of Us, but in fact, he’s referring specifically to rock-inspired Kill My Mind, he says, the first song on WALLS. “There’s a certain energy in that song, in its delivery, in its attitude, that I want to recreate. People are struggling at the moment, so I want to create a raucous, exciting atmosphere in my live show, not a somber, thoughtful one.”
He sighs, trying to articulate something that’s clearly been playing on his mind for a while. “You know, because of my story, my album was a little heavy at times and a little somber. And as I'm sure you're aware, from talking to me, now, that isn't who I am.”
It must be draining, I say, the weight of expectation in both the media and across his fanbase, to be a spokesperson for grief and hardship. To have tragedy prelude everything he does and says.
“Honestly, it’s part of being from Doncaster as well, I don’t like people feeling sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.”
The problem is, says Tomlinson, he doesn’t have the best imagination. “I have interesting things to say musically, but what’s challenging from a writing perspective is that I write from the heart, and I can’t really get into someone else’s story. And right now, being stuck at home, you have so little experience to draw from. It’s actually quite hard to write these positive, uplifting songs, because actually, the experiences that you're going through on a day to day basis, you know, you they don't have that same flavour.”
There is something that’s helping, though: a secret spot near Los Angeles, [...] “It’s remote and kind of weird, and I’m going to go there for three days and write. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to it. I found it via a YouTube video. It’s got some very interesting locals who live there, it’s sort of backwards when it comes to technology. It feels like you’re going back in time when you’re there. But I don’t want to give it away.”
Another source of inspiration for his second album is the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ back catalogue. “I grew up on their album Bytheway. And during lockdown I've been knee deep in their stuff. I’ve watched every documentary, every video. And I find their lead guitarist John Frusciante just fascinating.”
Has he spoken to Frusicante?
“I f______ wish,” snorts Tomlinson.
Surely someone as well-known as Tomlinson could easily get in touch?
“No, honestly, I think he’s too cool for that. He’s not into that kind of thing.”
Tomlinson’s passion for all things rock is also spurring on a side hustle he picked up as a judge on the X Factor in 2018: managing an all-female rock band via his own imprint on Simon Cowell’s Syco label. While the group disbanded before releasing their first single, and Tomlinson split from Syco earlier this year, the singer is keen to nurture some more talent.
“I'm not gonna lie, my process with my imprint through Syco, it became challenging and it became frustrating at times,” Tomlinson says a little wearily. “The kind of artists that I was interested in developing – because I genuinely feel through my experience in One Direction, you know, one of the biggest f______ bands, I feel like I've learned a lot about the industry – they weren’t ready-made. So I had lots of artists that I took through the door that were rough and ready, but major labels want to see something that works straight away. I found that a little bit demotivating. I love her and she's an incredible artist, but not everyone is a Taylor Swift.”
Tomlinson spends much of his free time scouting new talent either on YouTube, Reddit or BBC Introducing – he’s currently a huge fan of indie Brighton band, Fickle Friends. His dream is to manage an all-female band playing instruments. “Because there's no one in that space. And I know eventually if I don't do it, someone else will!”
Before he drives off to rehearsals, we chatter about how much he's been practising his guitar playing, and how he can't wait to take the whole team working at his favourite grassroots venue, The Dome in Doncaster, out ice-skating after he performs there on his rescheduled tour. “Because I've got skills,” he says, and I can hear his chest puff.
And then I ask the question every retired member of One Direction has been batting off ever since they broke up in 2015, after Zayn Malik quit. Rumours that his bandmates saw him as a Judas went wild after some eagle eyes fans noticed they’d unfollowed him on Instagram. Payne, Tomlinson, Horan and Styles have barely mentioned him since. Recently, however, they re-followed him, and Payne has teased that a One Direction reunion is on the cards.
So: might 2021 be the year of resurrection?
“I thought you were going to ask something juicier!” say Tomlinson witheringly. “Look, I f______ love One Direction. I'm sure we're going to come back together one day, and I'll be doing a couple of One Direction songs in my gig. I always do that, so that's not alluding to any reunion or anything. But, I mean, look, I'm sure one day we'll get back together, because, you know, we were f______ great.”
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
In Another World
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Summary: In another world, it was Jensen that got the role of Captain America, not Chris. You have dreamed of meeting Jensen ever since you saw him in his CGI glory in The First Avenger, and your comicon experience you discover to be underwhelming. But then you meet a cosplayer in the bar... and life takes an altogether different turn for you.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Comicon, Comic Convention, Strangers at a Bar, Cosplay, Captain America Cosplay, Unprotected Sex, Hotel Room Sex, Oral Sex, Fingering, Blow Job, Anal Play.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader (no race specified)
The above Jensen manip i cannot trace, it was sent to me years ago by a now deactivated tumblr user, with the signature half chopped off. Its the artwork that inspired this fic. In case you weren’t aware, Jensen auditioned for the role of Captain America but it of course went to Chris.
I do not operate a tag list, but feel free to go ahead and follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified when i post a new story. Oneshots will be posted on Tumblr and AO3, Multichapter stories will be AO3 exclusives.
Due to the amount of stories i have written over the years i no longer have a masterlist, instead please check out my AO3 HERE.
In Another World
You sat at your computer, staring at the screen as you streamed the latest press junket. Marvel was going all out with its ten-year plan for The Avengers and with this press tour for The Winter Soldier you had fallen in love even more with Cap.
 As the images streamed live from the far east, you watched as Jensen flexed his muscles and his co-stars laughed in admiration. He was born to be Captain America.
 But you weren’t the only one watching.
 In a small apartment in Boston another pair of eyes watched with an added level of sadness. He remembered the audition. Standing in the hallway with a bunch of other guys, all in their 20’s, all having a few bit-part roles under their belts in teen TV shows or low budget horror movies. The same green eyes that stared out of the screen had looked at him in the hallway, holding his hand out to shake;
 “Hey man. Jensen”
 Jensen smiled;
 “Strong Boston accent there dude”
 Chris chuckled;
 “Say the same about you, what’s that Houston?”
 “Eh, close enough”
 They chatted for a while as the guys ahead of them in the line entered the room, only to leave 5 minutes later. They didn’t look up at the guys left, no-one wanted to read expressions to give themselves fake hope. The door opened and the annoying droll voice of the elderly secretary called out;
 Chris looked up, holding his hand out to his new acquaintance;
 “Break a leg man”
 Shaking it briefly Jensen nodded;
 “Thanks man”
 You clung to your priority tickets, the excitement so intense you weren’t sure if you were going to puke or cry. You hoped for neither. It was your first convention and you had maxed out your credit card and called in sick from work when the special edition tickets had been released, refreshing your computer every ten seconds so that when they had been released online you had made your purchase within 30 seconds. 
 Now standing towards the front of the queue you were terrified. You had loved Jensen from the first moment you’d seen him in all his CGI glory in The First Avenger. You’d followed his career and had even gone back and watched his entire back catalogue. He was a natural for the role and the stealth suit from the most recent movie had made him look so handsome you had actually swooned when you had seen those first opening scenes of the movie aboard the Lumerian Star. 
 The con volunteers were doing an amazing job, herding the fans into some form of order, and as you got closer you could hear the laughter and squeals of joy as fans ahead of you were rapidly shown in.
 It was your turn. The flimsy black curtain was pulled aside, and you were pushed into the brightness of the well-lit area that was surrounded on all sides by vivid blue panels that bore the con’s logo. Jensen turned and smiled, putting his hand out and you found you were standing next to him. Your head swam;
 “Do you have a pose?”
 “Umm…”  You could see the con workers and volunteers moving their arms in a ‘hurry up’ motion; “I guess… a hug?”
 “Sure thing”
 He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pointed towards the bored looking photographer;
 “Smile sweetie”
 You did. You smiled, your saw blobs as the flash blinded you. You didn’t even register as Jensen pressed his hand to your back, thanking you before turning to the next person who had already been pulled through the black curtain. A volunteer took your wrist and pulled you gently through the curtain on the far side, giving you your photo number as they apologised it was so fast.
 The curtain closed and you stood there, blinking as you tried to focus on the small piece of paper you held. It was done. Over. You’d met Jensen and it had been so rushed you hadn’t even had chance to look at him. 
 The bile started to rise, you looked around and saw a trash can, leaning over it and vomited into the piles of used coffee cups and candy wrappers. 
 The hunt for a bottle of water at a con hadn’t been something you would think would take so long; a lot of the vendors had already sold out, others the line was so long it would have taken you longer to get the water than the queue for the con in the first place. It seemed as if everyone was walking against you, or you were going against the flow of them, but when you finally got your water you drained the entire bottle, soothing your bile parched throat. Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand you heard an announcement over the PA system;
 “We apologise, but the Jensen Ackles panel won’t be broadcast out of the auditorium due to technical issues”
 “WHAT?” you grabbed your wrist, looking at your watch as your eyes went wide. You’d been so dazed by your photo op and feeling ill afterwards you had forgotten about the panel. You needed a drink, and something stronger than water.
 Chris adjusted the helmet of his costume as he looked in the mirror. The men’s room was quiet, the main panel of the con was on and he couldn’t bring himself to sit in the same room as the guy that had won the role that had made him millions; of fans and dollars. 
 After not getting the Captain America role Chris had continued to take bit parts and small independent movies. He was recognised occasionally but he hadn’t hit the big time. In fact there were months when there was nothing coming in and it was only after someone had asked him to fill in at a kids party where one of the superhero guys had fallen sick at the last minute did the idea of cosplaying come to him. Now however he was well known in cosplay circles, even getting paid for some appearances. He was called a natural for the role, but that was the hardest to hear. He’d worked hard with his costumer and within just a few weeks of the latest movie coming out they’d successfully recreated the amazing Stealth Suit in its darker colours. 
 Checking his pants for his wallet he decided he needed a drink, and something stronger than a soda. 
 Nodding to the bartender, you thanked him as he set the beer down in front of you before he went to the far end of the bar to pull the latest load of glasses out of the dishwasher. You sat picking at the label and tracing patterns in the condensation that gathered on the cool glass. You were vaguely aware of other people coming and going, and when the barstool next to you was taken you didn’t look up.
 “What’ll it be Cap?”
 The bartender’s greeting drew your attention from your drink, casting your gaze to your side and your breath was sucked from your body. You watched as the man set his helmet onto the surface of the bar before nodding to what you were drinking;
 “Same as the lady please”
 Your eyes travelled from where his hand sat on the countertop of the bar up the dark sleeve of his stealth suit, taking in his wide shoulders and up to the fluffy dark blonde hair, slightly messed up from where he’d been wearing the helmet. You couldn’t help it, but you were staring. Your jaw was hanging low as he turned slowly to you, his blue eyes sparkling with just the faintest hint of green as he looked at you and a self-conscious smile tugged at the corner of his mouth;
 “You’re… you’re…”
 “No, just cosplaying…” he turned back to his beer for a moment until you finally found your voice
 “No. You’re Chris”
 He set his beer on the countertop and turned to you, this time a genuine smile on his face;
 “Do we know each other?”
 “Well…” you blushed; “We spoke on Instagram” He cocked an eyebrow, but his attention didn’t waiver from you as you continued; “You’re ‘AlmostCap’, right? You posted about wanting advice on how to dye leather boots a deeper colour? I messaged you with the details of the dyes costumiers use”
 His face broke into a wide smile;
 “Oh yeah, that really worked! How did you know that?”
 “Majored in theatre design at college”
 “Well that titbit of knowledge brought the whole costume together” he motioned to his stealth suit and you couldn’t help but to look him up and down; “Without you I wouldn’t look this good”
 You snorted back a laugh;
 “I’m sure you look just a good without the suit”
 Bringing your beer to your lips you took a sip, not realising Chris had moved closer until his lips brushed against your ear;
 “Would you like to find out?”
 The hotel room door crashed against the wall, the metal doorknob leaving a dent in the drywall. Chris had you pressed up against it, one hand holding you flush with his chest as his other hand blindly reached out for the door to close it. As soon as his fingertips grasped the cool wood he threw it shut with a thud that reverberated through the room. 
 Your hands clawed at Chris’s costume, desperate to find purchase, something, anything to hang onto and anchor yourself as he kissed you so hard you saw spangled stars. He’d put his costume helmet back on for the rather quick walk through the convention to the hotel where you were staying. His lips traced patterns over your cheek before he pressed kisses down your neck, whispering as he went;
 “I don’t normally do this…”
 “Me neither…
 “...especially in costume…”
 “Oh Chris…Cap…”
 “It’s Captain tonight, Princess”
 His fingers had found their way to the buttons on the front of your dress, skilfully plucking each one from its grasp on the thin cotton fabric, before his still gloved hand roughly cupped your breasts. As his lips found yours again, he groaned into your mouth as he weighed your breasts in his large hands, the rough leather against the lace of your bra sending chills through you. If Chris had a Captain kink you weren’t about to say no, hell, it would be one of your biggest fantasies. 
 You found yourself being manhandled towards the bed, Chris’s kisses hard and ravenous, and when he wasn’t kissing you his tongue was doing the most devilish things on your skin. The bed touched the back of your knees and you were falling back onto the covers, Chris following seconds later as he pressed you into the mattress. With a thick thigh he pushed your legs apart, the rough Kevlar fabric of his suit brushing against the delicate skin of your soft skin as his fingers sought out the juncture of thighs. The brush of the harsh leather of his fingerless gloves made you groan into his mouth as he tugged your panties to the side and his thumb found your clit. Rubbing small circles, he teased it from its hood, before his fingers slid through your folds to ease some of your slick moisture from you to smooth his efforts. 
 When his lips left yours you chased after them, but his voice made you settle back against the bed and open your eyes;
 “Uh-uh… stay there Princess”
 You watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth, before his kiss bruised lips closed around his glistening digits and he moaned as he tasted you;
 “You taste amazing”
 “Umm… thank you?”
 He brought his hand to your mouth and you grasped it as you sucked gently on just the fingertips, watching as Chris’s already lust blown pupils widened even further;
 “Jesus fucking Christ, your tongue…”
 Letting go of his fingers with an audible pop, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, resting on one arm as you slid a hand between your bodies and palmed his erection through his suit;
 “What about my tongue?” you grinned before you tugged him down to lay beside you. 
 Pushing up onto your knees you ran your hand down his chest and stomach, the costume warm from his body heat and firm to the touch. Your fingers clawed at his suit to try and find the zipper, and after thirty seconds of searching you let out a huff;
 “Ok, how the fuck to I get in here?”
 With a low chuckle Chris reached down and lifted a hidden Velcro flap that revealed the button and the top of the zipper, and you eagerly tugged the pants of his suit open. The large bulge in his boxers immediately filled the space of the open zipper, and you found yourself nuzzling against the hardness that the soft jersey fabric could hardly contain. Pressing open mouthed kisses to the hard shaft through the fabric, you felt Chris’s hands on your head, he wasn’t pushing but you could tell he wanted you. With a smile you just about tugged his boxers down enough to free his cock, the thick shaft standing proud from the fly of his stealth suit. You wrapped your hands around it, the flesh hot to touch and pumped him slowly. 
 “Ah fuck Princess…”
 “Yes Captain?”
 He sounded wrecked, and as you leant forwards and licked at the bead of clear precum that was pooling at the tip you not only heard but felt the low rumble of his moan of appreciation. Wrapping your lips around the tip you started to suck, your tongue working over the hot smooth flesh as your fist worked up and down, pumping him slowly as you let the saliva pool in your mouth so you could take him deeper. In a moment when you pulled off to take a breath Chris’s hands were suddenly on your hips, moving you until you were kneeling on the bed and straddling his shoulders, and for a moment you squealed where his sudden strength had moved you with such ease.
 “Gotta taste you…” he muttered from beneath the skirt of your dress, his hands smoothing over the globes of your ass and you could feel his breath hot on your skin. His fingers tugged your panties to the side and he was pulling you down onto his mouth, his tongue swiping through your soaked folds. 
 For a moment you lost yourself, Chris’s efforts driving you closer to orgasm than you thought was possible, but you found your senses and leant forwards again, taking him as deep as you could and you felt his moan deep in your cunt as he almost came on the spot. Working your fingers into his suit you cupped his balls, feeling them tight and hot in your hand as you sucked hard on his cock. At the same time you felt Chris drive his tongue into your soaked hole and his thumb sought out your clit. Your orgasm was rapidly approaching, and you could feel your legs start to shake. The harder he drove forwards the deeper you took him into your mouth. You heard a muffled cry from between your thighs and you felt that first tremble of the thick vein that ran the length of his cock. At the same time you felt his fingers dance over the crack of your ass, one finger pressing lightly against your dark rose and you were cumming over his face as he pumped thick ropes of cum down your throat. 
 When your legs were about to give out you tactfully rolled to the side, laying on the bed next to Chris as he fought to catch his breath. With laboured efforts he wrenched his helmet off, and you propped yourself up on your elbows to watch as he started to fumble with his costume;
 “Gotta get out of this…”
 Watching a hot guy strip was not something you’d experienced before, and a hot guy dressed as Captain America? Well that was hitting all your buttons in one go. You smiled as Chris was muttering to himself;
 “Fuckin’ suit, so fuckin’ hot… fuckin’ drenched in sweat…”
 When he was down to just his pants you finally spoke up;
 “Need a hand there Captain?”
 Chris looked up and grinned;
 “You mind if I use your shower?”
 “Sure thing, it’s all yours…”
 Chris started for the small bathroom door, his utility pants hanging low on his hips before he paused and turned, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth;
 “Wanna join me?”
 Showering with a guy you had literally just met was a surreal experience. The comfort and security of being partially clothed during a hook-up was completely stripped from you as you stood in the small shower enclosure the hotel room offered. Chris had looked absolutely sinful as he had stood beneath the cascading water; his skin patterned with multiple tattoos and just the right amount of chest hair that made you want to run your fingers through it as the hot water coursed over his body. Your fingers had trailed down over his hard stomach, tracing the trail of hair that led to his thick cock hanging heavy between his muscled thighs. 
 His lips had met yours eagerly again, and he soon had you pressed against the wall, his leg wedged between your thighs as you ground yourself against the firm muscle. Chris’s hands found your ass and eagerly pulled you hard against him, trapping his now angry cock between your bodies;
 “Fuck… you’re so fuckin’ sexy” he muttered against your ear, his fingers digging into your asscheeks; “You gonna cum for me Princess? Soak my thigh?”
 “Yes Chris, please…”
 “What do you need Princess?”
“Something…. Just more…”
 He pulled back from you, searching your expression for something, anything as he chose his words;
 “I can give you more…” The depth of tone sent a shudder down your spine; “I’m gonna ask you this and you can say no, and I won’t walk out that door if you say no, but do you like ass play?”
 You growled. You god-damn growled like a feral wildcat, nodding eagerly;
 “Yes Chris… fuck, yes…”
 He captured your lips for another fierce kiss as his hands slid over your ass and one finger trailed up the seam of your cheeks before pressing gently against your rear;
 “Now Princess” he muttered against your lips; “I haven’t got any lube in here so it’ll just be a gentle press, you tell me if you want me to stop”
 You nodded, biting your lip as he pushed forwards, one hand gripping your hip as he slid you up and down his soaked thigh, the other pressing gently but insistently against your back door.
 Just that stimulation alone was enough, and you were cumming hard, your head pressed against the cool tiles as Chris sucked a hickey into your neck. 
 You stood there panting as you tried to regain your composure, Chris holding you tight in his arms as he gently caressed you as you finally came to your senses. Nuzzling against his neck you felt him push his hips forward, his thick cock hard again against your hip;
 “Ready for another round?”
 “Anything for you Cap” you grinned.
 The pair of you had fallen back onto the bed, half dry and oblivious to anything other than pleasure. Body heat rising, you felt your back naturally arch as Chris lay on top of you, pulling his knee up to part your legs further and you could feel his thick length laying hot and hard against your soaked folds. As his other leg pushed up and parted your thighs even further, you felt that first nudge of his tip at your soaked entrance, your legs instinctively wrapping themselves around his waist and with one firm squeeze you felt his breach your body and slide into you.
 The base noise that escaped your throat as you felt each glorious inch stretch your velvet walls was music to Chris’s ears, and he let you take the lead even though he was the one on top, letting your body grow accustomed to his size. His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke softly;
 “You’re doing so good Princess, feel so fuckin’ amazing, takin’ me so deep”
 You slowly relaxed your thighs grip on his waist and Chris started to move, sliding his hips back as he slid out, before pushing slowly back in. Propping himself up either side of you, you watched as his arms bulged as he looked down and watched as he pulled out again, your wetness liberally coating him. 
 With his tip just notched inside you whined at the loss, before with a powerful thrust he filled you completely;
 “Holy FUCK!”
 “Do you like that Princess? Like my thick dick splitting you open?”
 “Fuck Chris, yes, do it again… please!” you whined.
  The gorgeous man above you grinned down, seemingly turned on by your begging, and with a loud grunt he started to pile drive into you, his impressive girth stretching you in all the right ways, the slight upward curve to his shaft making your g-spot his number one target with every push. The man was a demon in bed, fucking you hard as he pressed kisses to your chest and breasts, all whilst uttering the dirtiest things about how good you felt, how well you were taking his dick. You begged for more and he eagerly gave it, fucking you through one orgasm before chasing another. His thrusts started to get sloppy, his hips stuttering and he cursed quietly under his breath;
 “Fuck… I’m gonna cum soon…”
 “Cum inside me… I’m on the pill…”
 He pushed a hand between your bodies, rubbing hard circles against your clit and soon you were coming, your orgasm triggering his, and you as your body milked the cum from his body you both felt like you had found heaven. 
 With a grunt Chris rolled to your side, his dick sliding out of your soaked channel and he lay on the bed, his head propped up on one elbow, his dick full and swollen at your hip, still shining with your combined fluids. Your body trembled with the aftershocks of your intense orgasm, and you practically purred when Chris gently ran his fingertips over your breasts;
 “That was fuckin’ amazing… I’m probably going about this the wrong way, but can I buy you dinner?”
 “That’d be nice”
 Dinner had been a fun affair; you had redressed, and Chris had worn his stealth suit pants but just wore the thin Under Armour undershirt instead of the full suit. Although the hotel was well used to people in cosplay costumes during the conventions using their facilities, Chris didn’t want to draw attention to himself, instead he wanted his sole attention to be able to be on you rather than people asking for photos. Throughout your meal the conversation had been fun and light, Chris telling you how he had in fact auditioned for the Marvel role but didn’t envy the craziness that came with the now worldwide recognition that Jensen had to put up with. You had explained how you now worked for a theatrical costumer’s agency on the West Coast, but had heard about some openings for a new series production out of Vancouver.
 Chris laughed softly;
 “Typical… I fall for a girl that lives on the opposite side of the country”
 “You… you’ve fallen for me?”
 Chris paused, resting his hand over yours;
 “I’m sorry, I’m kinda sappy when it comes to relationships… and I gotta be honest, when I saw you at the bar, I recognised you from your Instagram and when you helped me… I was trying to play it cool…” he took a deep breath; “I hope I’m not scaring you off…”
 Leaning forward you pressed a kiss to his cheek;
 “No… it’s nice… its more than nice…”
 Once the meal was over the pair of you stood in the foyer, unsure what to do before Chris pointed out the rest of his costume was in your room.
 “Where are you staying tonight?”
 “I was meant to be crashing on a friends couch”
 Grinning you pulled him close;
 “Did you want a bed rather than a couch?”
 “Fuck yes”
 Minutes later you were crashing in the door to your room, Chris’s hands and lips trying to cover every inch of your body, and this time with the knowledge of how his costume worked you knew exactly how to get his pants open, tugging them to the floor as you pushed him into one of the chairs and knelt at his booted feet. With his dick in your mouth he was soon hard again, but that was when he took control, standing and moving you until you were knelt on the soft chair arms looking out of the high rise window over the convention center and city below, the lights of the city oblivious as he flipped your skirt up and pulled your panties down, and filled you with one smooth thrust;
 “Fuck… this pussy is fuckin’ perfect, you feel like heaven…”
 Wrapping his strong arms around you he pulled you flush with his hard chest, sucking at your neck as his dick rubbed so beautifully against your g-spot you were coming again, screaming out your release as Chris pulled out and lifted you, pulling you to your feet before you found yourself pressed against the wall and he filled you again. 
 Clinging to his wide shoulders you felt him filling you over and over, your pleasure climbing higher than you ever thought possible. Chris’s strong arms were holding you up, his large hands gripping your ass as he fucked you into the wall, your legs wrapped around his narrow waist;
 “Chris, I’m gonna cum…”
 “That’s it, cum for me, let me feel that pussy milking me as I fill you up… you feel so good, I’m never letting this pussy go…”
 As you came so did he, your walls squeezing him so tight he thought he may pass out from the sheer pleasure. For the longest time he just held you there, your bodies joined until Chris’s dick softened enough to slip out of you. Letting your feet fall to the ground you kissed as you made your way to the bed, falling onto the mattress before wrapping the covers around your flushed bodies, falling asleep soon after.
 The sound of a phone ringing pulled you from sleep, the warm body next to you grumbling at the sound before it rapidly jumped out of bed;
 “Fuck, that’s my phone”
 Through bleary eyes you watched Chris’s naked ass as he rummaged through the piles of clothing on the floor, finding his phone and answering it just in time;
 “Yeah… uh-huh… for real?! Yeah absolutely! Send me the details, I’ll be there!”
 You watched as he listened a little longer before ending the call, turning to you and he had the biggest smile on his face;
 “I might have gotten a part!”
 “Really? That’s amazing!”
 “Yeah, they want me to do some screen tests with a possible co-star, see if there’s chemistry”
 Jumping out of bed you ran and hugged him, kissing him deeply as he carried you back to the bed;
 “I feel like celebrating… how about breakfast in bed?”
 “Ok, I’ll call room serv… oh…”
 Chris was pushing your legs apart and kissing up your inner thigh, and that’s when you realised he was talking about a different kind of breakfast in bed. As you lay back and enjoyed the magic he could perform with his tongue, you blissed out from pleasure.
 Three Weeks Later
 Chris finished the last scene, the director calling cut and he grinned as he looked at his castmates. None of them could quite believe how they were there, standing in a cold and rainy British Columbia small town, with writers and directors that had been trying to get their series picked up for years. 
 The rest of the cast of ‘Supernatural’ was a small ensemble, and having been given the role of the older brother; Dean Winchester, Chris felt at home with the role and had been given he contract straight after his screen test with his on screen brother Sam. Laughing with the actor that played Sam - a native New Yorker by the name of Sebastian - the two of them had immediately clicked and their friendship and on screen chemistry shone through the camera.
 “Hey Evans, Stan!”
 The sound of the producer’s voice caught Chris’s attention;
 They need you two back at the studio, costume fitting”
 “Sure thing”
 The sound of the small doorbell that had been fitted on the counter drew your attention from the racks in the back room, calling out for your new arrival that you’d be out in a second. The job you’d applied for in Vancouver had pulled through, and it was your first week. A new show that needed a lot of men’s casual wear, yet things like jeans and jackets needed seams strengthened for fight scenes and pockets added for prop weapons. You were yet to meet the two main stars of the show, the casting having not been fully finalised until just days ago, and everything was hush-hush until it was going to be announced at one of the late summer conventions. 
 Dumping the armfuls of clothing onto the counter you turned and almost fainted;
 For a second he looked in shock before he vaulted the counter, and took you into his arms;
 “You’re here? You’re really here?”
 “You’re the star?! You didn’t tell me!”
 You kissed him deeply, before a quiet cough from behind Chris drew your attention, Chris turning;
 “Seb, I want you to meet the girl I was telling you about”
 The other guy raised an eyebrow;
 “You’re THE girl? Wow, it’s a pleasure to meet you” he held his hand out over the counter and you shook it, Chris still holding you in his arms; “I’m Sebastian but everyone calls me Seb”
 Looking at the two of them you knew in that moment the show was going to be a hit, and you looked forward to making these two look even better on screen… if that was even possible.
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lt2archive · 3 years
The former One Direction star and solo artist reveals his plans to manage woman rock bands, and tackles those pesky One Direction rumours
24 November 2020 • 4:05pm
While many artists would jump at the chance to tell you how lockdown has been a fruitful opportunity for self-improvement, full of pseudo self-help books and pompous podcasts, former One Directioner Louis Tomlinson is adamant that he has done, well, nothing.
“I’ve just watched loads of s___ TV,” he says after a long pause. “The Undoing is decent, isn’t it?”
Twenty-eight--year-old Tomlinson from Doncaster was always the down-to-earth Directioner, frequently describing himself as fringe member who spent more time analysing the band’s contracts than singing solos, known for chain-smoking his way through several packs of cigarettes a day and swearing like a trooper. A rarity, these days, among millennials who’d rather suck on a stem of kale and tweet about their #blessings.
Far from aimless, however, today the singer is full of beans, cheerily shushing his barking dog as he potters about his North London home where he lives with his best friend from home, Oli, and his girlfriend, the model Eleanor Calder.
He's getting ready to rehearse an exciting one-off gig that will be live-streamed from a secret London location on December 12, announced today exclusively via the Telegraph. The proceeds of the night will be split across four charities: The Stagehand Covid-19 Crew Relief Fund and Crew Nation, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice and Marcus Rashford’s charity FareShare, to help end child poverty. Tomlinson will also be donating money to his own touring crew, many of which have been out of work since March. “I've been incredibly worried about them and felt incredibly powerless, so wanted to give something back.”
The gig also means a great deal to Tomlinson on a personal level. His first ever tour as a solo artist, to promote his debut solo album WALLS, was cut short back in March after just two concerts in Spain and Mexico. It was an album he’d spent five years working on: a guitar-led project that ruptured with the preppy pop anthems of One Direction, inspired instead by Tomlinson’s love for Britpop.
No doubt he was anxious to get it right following a decade “grown in test tubes”, as Harry Styles once described the band’s formation on the X Factor, where they came third before going on to make a reported $280,000 a day as the most successful band in the world. The pressure, too, was intense: all four bandmates had already released their own solo debuts.
Was he left reeling, I ask, unable to perform at such a crucial moment?
“The thing that I always enjoyed the most about One Direction was playing the shows, so my master plan, when I realised I was going to do a solo career, was always my first tour. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for the best part of five years now. I got so close, I got a taste for it, and it’s affected me like everyone else, but I’m forever an optimist,” he says down the phone, with what I can only imagine to be a rather phlegmatic shrug.
Sure, I say, but the last year can’t have been easy. Didn’t he feel like his purpose had popped?
“You know what,” he says, reflecting, “maybe because I’ve had real dark moments in my life, they’ve given me scope for optimism. In the grand scheme of things, of what I’ve experienced, these everyday problems...they don’t seem so bad.”
Tomlinson is referring to losing his 43-year-old mother, a midwife, to leukemia in 2016, and his 18-year-old sister Felicite, a model, to an accidental drug overdose in 2018. The double tragedy is something he has been open about on his own terms, dedicating his single, Two of Us, from WALLS, to his mother Johannah, while often checking in with fans who have lost members of their own family.
It’s not unusual for Tomlinson to ask his 34.9 million followers if they’re doing alright, receiving hundreds of thousands of personal replies. It’s not something he will discuss in interviews, however, after he slammed BBC Breakfast for shamelessly probing his trauma in February this year. “Never going back there again,” he tweeted after coming off the show.
“Social media is a ruthless, toxic place, so I don’t like to spend much time there,” says Tomlinson, “but because of experiencing such light and shade all while I was famous, I have a very deep connection with my fans. They’ve always been there for me.”
In return, Tomlinson is good to them. Last month he even promised some new music, saying that he’d written four songs in four days. Does this mean that a second album is on the way?
“Yeah, definitely,” he says. “I’m very, very excited. I had basically penciled down a plan before corona took over our lives. And now it's kind of given me a little bit of time to really get into what I want to say and what I want things to sound like. Because, you know, I was really proud of my first record, but there were moments that I felt were truer to me than others. I think that there were some songs where I took slightly more risk and owned what I love, saying, ‘This is who I want to be’. So I want to take a leaf out of their book.”
Fans might think he’s referring to writing more heartfelt autobiographical content such as Two of Us, but in fact, he’s referring specifically to rock-inspired Kill My Mind, he says, the first song on WALLS. “There’s a certain energy in that song, in its delivery, in its attitude, that I want to recreate. People are struggling at the moment, so I want to create a raucous, exciting atmosphere in my live show, not a somber, thoughtful one.”
He sighs, trying to articulate something that’s clearly been playing on his mind for a while. “You know, because of my story, my album was a little heavy at times and a little somber. And as I'm sure you're aware, from talking to me, now, that isn't who I am.”
It must be draining, I say, the weight of expectation in both the media and across his fanbase, to be a spokesperson for grief and hardship. To have tragedy prelude everything he does and says.
“Honestly, it’s part of being from Doncaster as well, I don’t like people feeling sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.”
Too many incredible memories to mention but not a day goes by that I don't think about how amazing it was. @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles @LiamPayne @zaynmalik . So proud of you all individually.
The problem is, says Tomlinson, he doesn’t have the best imagination. “I have interesting things to say musically, but what’s challenging from a writing perspective is that I write from the heart, and I can’t really get into someone else’s story. And right now, being stuck at home, you have so little experience to draw from. It’s actually quite hard to write these positive, uplifting songs, because actually, the experiences that you're going through on a day to day basis, you know, you they don't have that same flavour.”
There is something that’s helping, though: a secret spot near Los Angeles, where he divides his time to see his four-year-old son, Freddie, whom he shares with his ex Briana Jungwirth, a stylist. “It’s remote and kind of weird, and I’m going to go there for three days and write. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to it. I found it via a YouTube video. It’s got some very interesting locals who live there, it’s sort of backwards when it comes to technology. It feels like you’re going back in time when you’re there. But I don’t want to give it away.”
Another source of inspiration for his second album is the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ back catalogue. “I grew up on their album Bytheway. And during lockdown I've been knee deep in their stuff. I’ve watched every documentary, every video. And I find their lead guitarist John Frusciante just fascinating.”
Has he spoken to Frusicante?
“I f______ wish,” snorts Tomlinson.
Surely someone as well-known as Tomlinson could easily get in touch?
“No, honestly, I think he’s too cool for that. He’s not into that kind of thing.”
Tomlinson’s passion for all things rock is also spurring on a side hustle he picked up as a judge on the X Factor in 2018: managing an all-female rock band via his own imprint on Simon Cowell’s Syco label. While the group disbanded before releasing their first single, and Tomlinson split from Syco earlier this year, the singer is keen to nurture some more talent.
“I'm not gonna lie, my process with my imprint through Syco, it became challenging and it became frustrating at times,” Tomlinson says a little wearily. “The kind of artists that I was interested in developing – because I genuinely feel through my experience in One Direction, you know, one of the biggest f______ bands, I feel like I've learned a lot about the industry – they weren’t ready-made. So I had lots of artists that I took through the door that were rough and ready, but major labels want to see something that works straight away. I found that a little bit demotivating. I love her and she's an incredible artist, but not everyone is a Taylor Swift.”
Tomlinson spends much of his free time scouting new talent either on YouTube, Reddit or BBC Introducing – he’s currently a huge fan of indie Brighton band, Fickle Friends. His dream is to manage an all-female band playing instruments. “Because there's no one in that space. And I know eventually if I don't do it, someone else will!”
Before he drives off to rehearsals, we chatter about how much he's been practising his guitar playing, and how he can't wait to take the whole team working at his favourite grassroots venue, The Dome in Doncaster, out ice-skating after he performs there on his rescheduled tour. “Because I've got skills,” he says, and I can hear his chest puff.
And then I ask the question every retired member of One Direction has been batting off ever since they broke up in 2015, after Zayn Malik quit. Rumours that his bandmates saw him as a Judas went wild after some eagle eyes fans noticed they’d unfollowed him on Instagram. Payne, Tomlinson, Horan and Styles have barely mentioned him since. Recently, however, they re-followed him, and Payne has teased that a One Direction reunion is on the cards.
So: might 2021 be the year of resurrection?
“I thought you were going to ask something juicier!” say Tomlinson witheringly. “Look, I f______ love One Direction. I'm sure we're going to come back together one day, and I'll be doing a couple of One Direction songs in my gig. I always do that, so that's not alluding to any reunion or anything. But, I mean, look, I'm sure one day we'll get back together, because, you know, we were f______ great.”
Tickets for Louis Tomlinson Live In London are on sale tomorrow from 4pm
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