#tv head child
sarxzu · 10 months
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i've missed them sm
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okurrroye · 8 months
OK BACK uP cause wt- you mean to tell me Hermes is literally the god of thieves and these idiots think a child of Ares stole the masterbolt???
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keykidpilipili · 5 months
Blaine light corruption arc this, emblem heartless lore retcon that, what truly would surprise me is to see humanoid nobodies outside the org and their impact on keyblade society.
You definitely saw your keyblade guardian get done by a heartless but they came back wrong the next month. You grieved them, you learnt to wield their keyblade over your own and now they're back.
Also hilarious scenario of murdering sby in a heartless ambush for power only for them to come back as a nobody possibly stronger.
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metanarrates · 3 months
What Are your thoughts on cinna
cinna's job, his literal livelihood as presented in these novels, is packaging and selling children up to a live audience for eventual slaughter. it is horrifying. he is complicit, perhaps the most complicit a person could be, in all the exploitation that occurs. this at bare minimum should make him misguided, at worst horrifically sinister. he is not presented as either.
as of right now, he is being presented as a complete good guy. katniss is pleased and flattered by the nice clothes he dresses her in, his "girl on fire" image is treated as a gift because it gives her an edge, and his attempts to provide emotional comfort seem to be very genuine. katniss is not made uncomfortable by his efforts to package her into a palatable concept - she is glad that he is nice to her.
in a subtler work, I would take this to mean that katniss has been taken in by his outward image and is blind to the ways that he is using her to further his career. but the hunger games is incredibly unsubtle when katniss' viewpoint is meant to be unreliable, and the rest of the time, her viewpoint is always confirmed to be 100% factual even in situations where that makes no sense. it is not a work that hides it when a character is meant to be sinister. which is fine, because this is a story for middle schoolers. but it ruins a lot of the story's alleged societal critique if cinna is never treated as even remotely culpable for his role in the games. I don't have much faith in the story's ability to reckon with that, considering how many other interesting moral dilemmas the book tends to gloss over.
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lynx-224 · 9 months
haters when an adaptation adapts
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henswilsons · 9 months
starting 2024 the way i dont plan to go on which is bedbound with a hangover
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foreverfandomobsessed · 9 months
"It doesn't have to be a thing, you know. I mean, we're, like, friends now. That seems like a thing friends do. At least, I think they do."
yeah, yeah, percy's a lovesick idiot because that's where his mind went, but also...
this boy has never once experienced genuine friendship and care from peers before in his life!!
which like,
grover and annabeth, you need to guard this boy with your life
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
One thing I think about a lot since the season finale of Season 2 of Chucky.
Whatever happened to the original souls of Glen and Glenda's human bodies? It seems Tiffany transferred them before the age of 5, given the end of Seed of Chucky.
I would've thought that the human twins' souls would've been in the Glen/da doll in the same way the Tiffany/Jennifer swap went, but they made no move to make that true throughout the season after the doll was reintroduced to Glen.
So where the hell did the original souls even go?
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subjectsix · 5 months
in lieu of doing my homework that is due tonight (i will still do it) i have instead invented three cowboy bebop ocs
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psalmsofpsychosis · 7 months
So, i finished watching Batman (2022). Long story short, it's wonderful. The cinematography and the atmosphere are simply impeccable, it's got one of the best productions i have seen in blockbuster superhero movies in the last decade. The flow of the movie is perfectly executed and choreographed; it's a truly seamless visual experience, eye candy to the bone, and the story is intriguing and lovely and pleasing to the senses too. It's a reasonably well made movie.
It also does quite remind me of my main point of disdain towards live action Batman depictions post-Batman&Robin, which is, i think fellas take Batman way too seriously.
Listen, the guy walks around with fucking pikachu ears on for fucks sake. I dont think that straight up looney tunes comic relief is the right flavour to put in the live action batmanverse blender, even though it has the potential to be incorporated very well, but. There's a certain quality of offbeat, paculiar weirdness to Batman, a quality of almost playful and offputting bizarre wit, there always has been. He's got a fucking sith pikachu mask on. It's very human, very endearing almost. it's an element of imagination and wonder which is something Bruce Wayne has, even when it's corrupted to only include doom and gloom scenarios.
and the comics successfully translate that subtle wit and uncomfortable quality of all the characters, including Batman, by incorporating acidic colors, borderline hallucination-esque imageries, warped character designs, the whole thing feels like the worst acid trip you've ever had in an alley behind a bar and that's how the tone carries. It's how the worldbuilding and the characters feel congruent and authentic. The colors also give Batman a dynamic personhood by depicting his unceremonious humanity as much as they buff him up. There's a fun and gore-ish, psychopathic sincerity to the comics.
and the movies absolutely take that element out and all you get is the most "just some guy" artless character depictions and Batman himself doesn't feel human. he is written way too seriously for a guy who has pikachu ears and wears his underwear on his pants.
And this is by no means a Batman (2022) problem; it's a persisting trend of live action superhero media progressively stripping their stories of heart and soul because executive fellas have cought the "THIS IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!!! EVERYTHING IS SO SERIOUS HERE!!!!!" disease and think giving superhero narratives their color and humanity back somehow makes them less poignant and significant. There's no sense of dynamism and wit to the batman movies, and the tone and atmosphere of Batman (2022) is fucking gorgeous, it's a singular experience, but it feels so out of place with Batman. It feels like Batman's costume belongs to another movie entirely, something more playful and weird.
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volt-the-tvhead · 10 months
Human Pester
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did someone ask for random 3am art? No? Well too damn bad! Here you go!
Jester & Pester are probably some of my favorite ocs tbh.
I didn't forget the hat this time :]
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usermoon · 10 months
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character/story/oc inspiration tag
rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
i just had to do it again for my girl terri
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mayisgoingnuts · 1 month
I may be a stinky teenager, but I've loved a specific show since I was at least 7. The show in question is Gravity Falls. If anyone knows anything about it it's that one of the main characters didn't want to grow up. While the other wanted to grow up too fast. In the end, they realize that they can still be childish but still be adults. The creator even said it himself, "growing old doesn't mean growing up." Which I tell myself daily. I don't know if this will mean anything but I hope it helps <3
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girderednerve · 3 months
i don't think i have anxiety or anything but i get upset when i see people, especially kids, on bikes not wearing helmets or wearing incorrectly fitted helmets. i have had one (1) minor concussion in my life & it was so unpleasant & frightening—it locked my brain in terror mode for six hours, my head hurt, i couldn't think, i saw things that weren't there, blah blah—and that happened while i was wearing a correctly fitted, certified helmet for the activity i was doing, and i promptly received appropriate medical care. i don't want that to happen to anybody! if you are riding a bicycle, a scooter, a horse, whatever, or supervising a child who is doing one of those activities, please make sure to use a helmet which is certified for that activity and fits correctly: it should sit level on your head, covering the forehead to just above your eyebrows. the helmet should be snug, so that when you rock it, it gently moves your eyebrows; if you nod your head, it should not lose contact with your skin. the chinstrap should be fastened so that it makes light contact with the underside of your jaw. if you need a bike helmet, check to see if an organization in your area—it is often, unfortunately, the police department—is putting on a bike rodeo or other bicycle safety event; they may have giveaways.
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tosxa-h · 9 months
[TOUCH] make it angst make it angst
[TOUCH] The sender's touch is gentle as they explore a particularly sensitive scar on the receiver's skin. Tw. Harm, child abuse mention.
Ajax was littered with scars. As long as he could remember his body was marred in some way even if only slightly; scrapped knees and elbows from various raucous activities, fingers cut from fishing hooks or serrated knives, and there was also the time his father once hit him so hard he lost his balance and opened his chin on a kitchen chair. Perhaps he hadn't meant too, perhaps he forgot just how young his son was and Ajax almost didn't blame him- who else could do the damage he did to others at his age? Breaking the neighbour's kid's leg? How inconsiderate can you be? But we were playing soldiers.
I wanted to win.
By the time his long months in the abyss had passed that scar on his chin had become one of many and by the time he had grown into the adult he was today it had practically faded. You may mistake it for a shaving accident perhaps (if he could grow a beard). Or a natural divot in his skin. Ajax, however, knew it was there. He wasn't angry at his father and his old school notions of parenting for it, he rarely gave that punishment amongst the many much thought beyond how he had lost his balance.
His balance got better after that day.
It was also safe to say it was far from feeling sensitive now. It was simply a memory from his childhood. A lesson his dad had taught him.
Lumine's gloved hand was gentle and warm , perhaps it was that gentleness that caused a chill down his spine. Gentle wasn't a gesture he was used too. Her petite fingers brushed the tissue just above his left hip and he briefly caught his breath, his muscles stiffening ever so much.
After all this time, was it really so delicate? How strange... of all scars to still feel. It was this one.
Instinctively Ajax grabbed her hand in the split second his mind had tried to process it all. The breath, the stiffening sinews, the memory. Panic. It was brief and not something he often felt. It unsettled him. He released her hand as fast as he had held it. But the uncomfortable feeling it left created a heaviness in his chest.
"That's enough show and tell, Girly." Ajax did his best to keep his voice normal with a smile, despite his heart racing. How had this started again? Oh right, something about his pain tolerance, how some other injury was nothing compared to this. He didn't realise how right he was until she touched him.
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un-pearable · 11 months
songs that sound like sonic songs but aren’t:
take a chance (yugioh zexal 1st opening)
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