#turtle language
turtle-programming · 3 months
The history of LOGO Programming ...
Post #42: TurtleSpaces, Auntiemyrtle, Past and future turtles, The evolution of the Logo Programming, Part 1, 2021.
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It would be so funny if Rise Donnie & Cassandra had a constant Battle of Wills going on- NOT because he thinks she's still evil or because they hate each other -but because he keeps trying to plant a sub-dermal tracker on her in the most fucked-up declaration of familial acceptance possible and she keeps dodging his knock-out darts.
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kathaynesart · 10 months
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What, you thought there wasn't going to be some drama in this holiday special?? Do you even know me???
Also, see?? Leo’s doing fine! It’s been a few years since the last post so he’s had plenty of time to set up all his unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Whew, I have to say this special is easily the most extensive thing I've done so far for Replica. This is the only time we'll probably see the Central Park Colony in its hay day so wanted to make the effort to show what I could. I love visual story telling, but hate doing backgrounds haha, it's a problem! I'll admit this is a lot messier than what I've been doing as of late but we're just going to have to deal since we have so much ground to cover. It might get messier, I make no promises. Next up, I think Casey and Raph need to have a talk.
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meggalice · 1 month
Can you do number 9. Disaster Twins with some softshell angst, please?
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"I know, I know it hurts."
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yujateaandpi · 2 years
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Bless rottmnt for remembering that Splinter is an Asian dad.
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
Love the thought of Leo just casually being well traveled to absurd degrees. Like one day they’re facing their new Big Bad of the year and like, Draxum or whoever says that the key to their fight is located somewhere in, like, Latvia or some place, but no one knows where to start.
Then Leo’s like “oh I know a place” and when asked how the heck he could know of one it smash cuts to Leo falling through the ceiling of said place due to a portal mishap.
Also love the idea of Leo, being as accidentally (and then later, purposefully) well traveled as he is, sometimes taking his family on outings to different places all over, maybe to some new Yokai spots he found along the way.
In these places, Leo 100% lets his bros get scammed by tourist traps.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Part Four || Part Three
Donnie thinks this is simple. Idk is it?
Part One
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creativealmonds · 2 months
The turtles having their own language made of clicks, grunts, growls, chirps and other turtle noises that humans can’t hear.  A language that they know right out the gate, something to fall back on when stressed, angry or afraid. 
They speak English to their friends and allies, Japanese to Splinter and themselves but the turtle language as something for only the brothers.
Their own sign language too. Using ASL as a base but modifying it for their hands, adding sports hand signs and random gestures they make up “this whole situation”
Something made by them for them.
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citristik · 2 years
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Here’s more self indulgent HOH Don because it makes me happy
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olowan-waphiya · 8 months
A huge ancient city has been found in the Amazon, hidden for thousands of years by lush vegetation.
The discovery changes what we know about the history of people living in the Amazon.
The houses and plazas in the Upano area in eastern Ecuador were connected by an astounding network of roads and canals.
The area lies in the shadow of a volcano that created rich local soils but also may have led to the destruction of the society.
While we knew about cities in the highlands of South America, like Machu Picchu in Peru, it was believed that people only lived nomadically or in tiny settlements in the Amazon.
"This is older than any other site we know in the Amazon. We have a Eurocentric view of civilisation, but this shows we have to change our idea about what is culture and civilisation," says Prof Stephen Rostain, director of investigation at the National Centre for Scientific Research in France, who led the research.
"It changes the way we see Amazonian cultures. Most people picture small groups, probably naked, living in huts and clearing land - this shows ancient people lived in complicated urban societies," says co-author Antoine Dorison.
The city was built around 2,500 years ago, and people lived there for up to 1,000 years, according to archaeologists.
It is difficult to accurately estimate how many people lived there at any one time, but scientists say it is certainly in the 10,000s if not 100,000s.
The archaeologists combined ground excavations with a survey of a 300 sq km (116 sq mile) area using laser sensors flown on a plane that could identify remains of the city beneath the dense plants and trees.
"The road network is very sophisticated. It extends over a vast distance, everything is connected. And there are right angles, which is very impressive," he says, explaining that it is much harder to build a straight road than one that fits in with the landscape.
The scientists also identified causeways with ditches on either side which they believe were canals that helped manage the abundant water in the region.
There were signs of threats to the cities - some ditches blocked entrances to the settlements, and may be evidence of threats from nearby people.
Researchers first found evidence of a city in the 1970s, but this is the first time a comprehensive survey has been completed, after 25 years of research.
It reveals a large, complex society that appears to be even bigger than the well-known Mayan societies in Mexico and Central America.
Some of the findings are "unique" for South America, he explains, pointing to the octagonal and rectangular platforms arranged together.
The societies were clearly well-organised and interconnected, he says, highlighting the long sunken roads between settlements.
Not a huge amount is known about the people who lived there and what their societies were like.
Pits and hearths were found in the platforms, as well as jars, stones to grind plants and burnt seeds.
Prof Rostain says he was warned against this research at the start of his career because scientists believed no ancient groups had lived in the Amazon.
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happyfoxx-art · 2 years
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Aftermath 13- tw/blood!!! lots of it! Y'all have been asking and asking what Dee's been hiding 👀 cats outta the bag now.
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turtle-programming · 2 months
The Turtle System Of Oxford University ...
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Post #43: Oxford University, The Turtle System, a free educational program for several programming languages, (Basic, C, Python, Java, Pascal and TypeScript, 2024.
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idiot-mushroom · 6 months
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Flower Children Au: if ttnm splinter never turned into a mean rat man and they were all happy and lived in the hidden city forever
pls search up the flower language shit i put in there i beg of you
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kathaynesart · 1 year
Language Before/After Kids
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Sorry if the humor is a bit crass, but I've witnessed this phenomena so many times with friends who become parents that I could not help but wonder which extreme side of the line these boys fall on.
This is also a bit of a character dive. I kind of like the idea of Leo constantly censoring himself around Casey Junior, because it gives it even more oomph when he says "badass" in the beginning of the movie since it signals that he now views CJ as an adult who he respects, depends on, and can speak with frankly. No censoring needed.
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cycloneeddie · 1 year
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Part 1
Mikey’s finally regained enough strength and control after the Krang to work on a mural concept he’s had on his mind for a while. I wonder what he’s been itching to create…
This comic started out as a way to explore Donnie’s affectionate side, basically to dismantle the bad boy image he oh so believes he has (you’re not fooling me donnie boy), but I want to expand it to the other guys too, a sort of “exploring their love languages” kind of thing.
I sketched out the panels and dialogue ages ago but I was about to scrap it because I thought it was bad. But you know what? Fuck that. I’ve never made a comic series before and that was my childhood dream. Don’t worry child me, I’ll make it real one way or another.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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hi sorry hello excuse if i could just pardon trying to get through sorry just lemme makikiraan po it’s okay gonna sumimasen squeeze in right here perdón yeah no it’s fine just excusez moi just gotta gonna commit a little words crime and i’ll be outta your hair hha ha a
... my humor isn’t so much low hanging fruit as it’s the fruit on the ground that the wasps have eaten and gotten drunk from the fermentation and are uselessly trying to sting the air
click through to see flowers given to people for their gorgeous gorgeous work
... i legit don’t know the general etiquette for tagging people you don’t know two days in a row... 
w elp; y’all should read up, 10/10 i love
Odd Man Out by the @threestripeslider​
We’ll Meet Again, Soon @chiangyorange
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by @mutantninjamidlifecrisis
Trial and Error by @apatheticrobots
Replica by @kathaynesart
EDIT: .......... i forGOT MNMC’S RED CRESCENTS  FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF but I remembered his dumb nipple dents, call that equivalent exchange
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