#turns out the bag w her shoes had a hole in it… shit is all over her shirt and pants and seat and shoes
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gibbyslounge · 2 years ago
“how was ___” “it was good” but everyone is distraught and traumatized
#long tags lol#tw throwing up#boyyyy so i was just sleeping basically this entire 5 hr roadtrip bc this weekend tired me OUT#i open my eyes a little bc yk when the car stops ur like what up and it was traffic#Then i turn to my right and my little sister is throwing up in a paper bag#im like whatt the fuck am i seeing this right#i tap my moms head to let her know her daughter is puking behind her bc shes not reacting or nothing#then she rolls her window down allllll the way so im like Cool she knows shes trying to air this place out!#oh yeah mind you my little sister and i are in the third row of the car luggages all around us shes sitting behind the seat that goes down#i have no exit point whatever happens in this back row i gotta breathe it live it be it#so my sister is sitting there w her paper bag and im like damn uhh shes not stopping this keeps going#she stops for a second to hand me a plastic bag w her shoes in it to open it then she goes back in and im like Shit!#her hands had throw up and now theres throw up on my hands while im trying to open the back w her adidas shoes#and she says oh no my shoes! before she has to accept the inevitable and hurls right on them#turns out the bag w her shoes had a hole in it… shit is all over her shirt and pants and seat and shoes#this is all happening very quickly by the way so the short traffic is done my dad is pressin on the gas w his life tryna get us home#no clue the absolute massacre going on behind him#i have to yell three times dad! can you pull over! his hearing is bad#my siblings r gagging acting like theyre the ones going through all this yelling at my little sister like shuttt the fuck up#my mom is like there r wipes in the bag behind you#so ok my dad pulls over my little sister absolutely covered in her own puke#im sitting there breathing through my mouth just handing her a shittt ton of wipes and new clothes#she changes her clothes in the middle seat and i start cleaning the seats fml#i get a new plastic bag from someone to put the wipes in and that has a hole too so some gets on my pants fml#we clean everything up and drive the rest of the thirty minutes back home#my siblings have their little masks face right out the window#i have absolutely no defenses against what just happened i put my face in clorox container#we get home my dad leaves us to pee but whatever and last but not fucking least the canelles drop all over the street
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karniss-bg3 · 1 year ago
Writing prompt! Imagine Kar'niss and Tav actually getting into a disagreement about something relatively serious (something other than Kar'niss just getting grumpy about not feeding the shadows), and it being a moment of realization for one or both of them that Kar'niss is growing as a person to be more than just a yes-man to a perceived "majesty"
Weeks had passed since Tav’s arrival at Moonrise. During their stay they had bore witness to many incidents that made their skin crawl, atrocities which cemented in the idea that this may not be the place for them. They were in the process of packing their things, stuffing articles of clothing and supplies into their bag in a hurried fashion. Their mind often drifted to Kar’niss, one of few individuals in the accursed place they felt even a sliver of sympathy for. Yet he seemed cemented in place, unwilling to budge from his devotion, putting Tav in a conflicted state of mind. Distracted as they were they didn’t hear the soft clicking that moved along the wall, their concentration broken by a voice tucked away in a high corner.
“What is the True Soul doing?”
Tav whirled around, their heart rate kicking into high gear from the sudden intrusion. Their gaze drifted to see several reflective eyes peering at them from a darkened corner, watching Tav with an intensity that was slightly off putting. They often forgot there were many holes the drider could squeeze through if he wished it.
“Kar’niss, you startled me,” Tav said. They placed their hand on their chest in an effort to steady the rapid thumping within their rib cage. “I’m packing. I don’t think this is where I belong.”
Kar’niss’ pedipalps curled tight to his body, inching from his perch near the ceiling to creep closer to the ground. “True Soul is...leaving?”
“Yes,” Tav murmured, “I think that is for the best. I realize you hold loyalty to your Mistress but I at least ask for a head start before you inform the others. I’d like to think I’ve earned your trust enough for that much.” Tav swung their pack over their shoulder while turning to face the perplexed drider.
He frowned and climbed off the wall, his legs carrying him across the floor to bridge the gap between himself and Tav. “A traitor, a heretic…?! How dare one of Her faithful abandon Her!” He arced up while his front legs lifted into an aggressive stance.
Tav didn’t budge, reading Kar’niss’ face, able to see a tinge of uncertainty within his features. “No, how dare She treat one of Her faithful the way She does you.” Tav snapped, their chest pushed out in an effort to stand up to his advance.
“Wh—What? True Soul speaks lies. We are Her chosen, Her devout! We should rip out your blasphemous tongue!” Kar’niss shifted from side to side in an anxious trot, his hand retrieving the sword at his back.
“I am the first that has spoken any truth to you at all, at least in these walls. Don’t you see how they treat you? You’re less than dirt on the bottom of a shoe to these fanatics. They have one goal and they don’t give a shit who dies to obtain it. That includes you.”
“No, NO! Majesty loves us, She did not see an abomination in us. She saw a soldier, strong and loyal. A guide to shepherd Her followers into Her light. We are important!” Kar’niss’ breathing increased in pace, the grip on his sword hilt so tight that his knuckles grew ghostly pale.
“I don’t see you as an abomination either. Does that count for nothing? Who else besides me has spoken to you since I’ve been here? Who played beautiful music for you while you stood alone at the top of the tower?”
“Who bandaged your wounds when the rest left you to die? Who called you by your name? Not drider, not web-arse, not eight-legged freak. Kar’niss!”
His hands trembled, his eyes darting around in confusion. “W-Wuh—We...are Her chosen. We are nothing without Majesty’s light…” His voice trailed off, wobbled and in pain.
“Which is the lie they have been feeding you since the beginning. But I don’t believe that, not for a second. I think you’re better than playing puppet to some selfish deity. You should come with me, leave this wretched place. Rise above the expectations of someone else.”
Kar’niss backed away from Tav as if he had been struck with a weapon, visibly panting from a growing panic. “They do not know us! They think they can barge in and try to lead us astray!”
“I am trying to lead you astray because I don’t want you to die here!”
“What does it matter if we die? Our lives are forfeit, we belong no where! We are nothing!” Kar’niss’ voice raised, his body lifting up more so as his inner anger churned deep within.
“Stop it, it’s NOT TRUE!”
“IT IS!”
“Tell me what the fuck you want!” Tav yelled as they stepped forward, invading the drider’s space despite how volatile the situation had grown.
Tav marched up and poked Kar’niss directly between the pedipalps. “Don’t hold out on me now, speak for yourself for once.”
“Be silent!”
“Tell me, TELL ME!”
“To be more than THIS!” He cried, the grip on his sword lost causing it to hit the ground with a loud clang. His entire body quivered while he backed away from Tav. His form once puffed up and aggressive shrank down considerably, tucking himself away into a corner. He put his face in his hands, the sob he bit back escaped, a torrent of emotion unleashed. “I want to be more...than this.” His words were muffled by his hands, dripping with pent up anguish he kept locked away for far too long.
Tav exhaled a heavy breath while they rubbed the back of their neck, doing their best to calm down after the heated exchange. They wandered over to where Kar’niss sought to hide away, a frown etched over their features. “As do I. Please don’t give up, there is more for you out there than you may think.”
His hands lowered to reveal his face which was smeared with moisture. He stared at Tav a long moment to think over what was said, struggling to process it. Before he could respond the sound of quick footsteps were heard approaching the room. The door thrust open and a half-orc woman known as Z’rell entered.
“What is going on? We heard a commotion from downstairs!” Her eyes darted to Tav with scrutiny then wandered over to Kar’niss who looked upset. “Drider, you are meant to be on patrols. You’ve been asked not to hassle the True Soul. Must we take you to the dungeons for reeducation?”
Tav frowned while Kar’niss sucked in a sharp breath, his fear of such a fate radiating from his very pores.
“No, Disciple Z’rell. He is not hassling me,” Tav said.
The half-orc’s upper lip curled, taking note of the packed satchel over Tav’s shoulder. “And where is it you’re going? You’ve not been given any assignment.”
Tav’s breath hitched in their throat, their gaze wandering over to Kar’niss. They knew he could out them at any moment as he knew of their plan to leave. A silence fell over the room, each party involved looking to one another, the tension thick in the air.
“W-With us,” Kar’niss said. “We are to retrieve new followers, it is Majesty’s will. With a True Soul they will be more willing to follow an a-abomination.”
Tav’s eyebrows lofted with some surprise. They watched Kar’niss’ features, able to sense it pained him to lie and yet at the same time it was an odd sort of relief to him.
Z’rell huffed. “Very well, if it is in service to the Absolute. Do not be gone for long, we march for Baldur’s Gate soon. And for fucks sake keep it down.”
Both Tav and Kar’niss nodded. “Of course Disciple Z’rell, we understand. Thank you,” Tav said.
The warlock rolled her eyes and left the room, closing the door behind her with a firm slam. The pair left behind exhaled in unison, as close of a call as either could’ve expected. Tav turned to the drider who was still a little dazed and pensive.
“You saved my neck. Thank you, Kar’niss.”
He shook his head while rubbing his hands together in a nervous fervor. “She will be angry with us. We will be punished, She will take Her light away.”
Tav stepped in closer and reached out to cup his face in a bold move, guiding his chin to look at them. He was startled by the touch unsure how to react to it, but he wasn’t wholly opposed to the contact. “We will find a new light. Come with me, leave this place. Be more than this.” They paused and made eye contact with him. “Please.”
His lips trembled while his legs shuffled with hesitation, one hand rubbing at his plated arm in uncertainty. He had never defied the Absolute before, never even considered it. When he looked at Tav he felt things he couldn’t yet understand. Everything they said had been true even if some pieces were still difficult to fully accept. They were one of Majesty’s True Souls, maybe it meant more than he was meant to know.
“I...will go with you, True Soul. But we are afraid.”
Tav bowed their head and nodded. “I am too. Take comfort in the fact that we’ll be together. I won’t hurt you, I won’t make demands. Trust in me.”
Kar’niss’ brows knit, the very idea of trust a foreign concept all its own. “I will try.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
Kar’niss followed Tav out of the room, the pair wandering past the guards without incident. Kar’niss’ eyes darted around nervously as if certain all around him knew he was leaving for good, certain someone would call out their betrayal. No one did, not a peep to be heard from the residents within, all too self absorbed in their own goals and desires to care about the drider’s or Tav’s intent. They’d exit Moonrise tower and march away from it’s looming shadow toward Baldur’s Gate. Kar’niss stopped on the road to look over his shoulder at the building he’d called home for sometime now. A lingering sadness hung over him, the push and pull of desperation for the Absolute’s acceptance locked in a bitter battle with his deep rooted desire to carve his own path. He couldn’t be sure this was the right choice or even if he fully believed in it, brainwashed as he was. But there was a tiny voice growing within his mind, a spark of free thought that told him to follow Tav into the den of the unknown. For better or for worse this was the voice he chose to listen to. He ripped his gaze from Moonrise and looked ahead to Baldur’s Gate, dutifully marching behind Tav to seek out new horizons, his fate left hanging in the balance.
A crack had begun to form in the foundation of his faith. It would be up to Kar’niss if he wanted to nurture the sprouts of change—or stamp them out as weeds.
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yunhoiseyecandy · 4 years ago
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title; after class
genre; smut
pairing; dance teacher!hyunjin x female reader
word count; 1.5k
|||notes- fingering, mirror sex, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex|||
standing in the middle of the practice room, your blood ran cold. to say you were nervous would be an understatement.
you had prepared your whole life for this moment; the moment where you’d be able to make it into the dance academy you’d been studying to get into for, well - forever.
it wasn’t easy. in fact, it’d been one of the hardest things to accomplish. your teachers had been difficult to handle, their constant nagging and bugging, reminding you you’d never make it past high school, and that the only reason you were here was simply because of luck.
but you never believed them, always looking on the positive side of things. and so far, it seemed to be paying off.
because right now, looking around to the two other brave girls standing next to you, you knew you’d made it.
and that was more than enough to give you that boost of excitement to continue in the program.
you watched the girl with short, brown hair smile up at you as she tied her shoes, wondering if it was time to introduce yourselves. “oh, hi. my name’s y/n,”
your eyebrows raised to let her know that if she wanted to greet you back, now was the time to do it. she smiled, glancing at the girl in between you both. “hello, y/n. my name’s kristin. and her name is missy. 
missy gave you a half-smile, resting her hand on her hip. “are you new? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
you placed your bag on the ground, looking around the studio. “yep, I just got in last week. how about you guys?”
“we just got transferred here yesterday from another academy, thought it’d be nice to get a fresh start, you know?” kristin said.
“yeah, I get it alright. sometimes you just have to escape,” and before you could finish your sentence, the door opened to reveal the most attractive man you’d ever laid your eyes on.
he walked in, closing the door behind him and facing you three. “so, are you the new students we got?”
you looked to your side, head gesturing to missy to say something. “um, yeah, we are.”
kristen looked between you and the man, “and you are..?”
he smiled, biting his bottom lip. “oh, right. I’m hyunjin, your dance teacher for this semester.”
oh. that made sense, the id hung around his neck making everything lock into place. 
he placed his bag on the ground, walking to the center of the room and stretching. “so, who’s ready to start?
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the next hour and a half felt like hell for your body, muscles burning almost as much as your skin. you knew you must look like a mess, hair falling out of your ponytail that you’d re-done at least fifty times.
it made you feel better about yourself when you looked over to the the girls next to you, their bodies splayed on the floor as their chests heaved up and down, the only thing running through all of your veins being exhaustion.
turning your head to hyunjin, your voice sounded like a tiny mouse as you spoke to him. “are we almost done? I don’t know how much more my body can take,”
“same.” missy and kristin said in unison.
hyunjin chuckled, running his hand through his wet and messy hair. “we’re done, don’t worry. but I was hoping I could run through a couple more steps with y/n. that is, if you don’t mind staying a little longer..”
his voice trailed off at the end of his sentence, eyes flickering down to your lips as you sat up. your ears burned, confused as to why he’d want you to stay after. you were positive you’d done all the moves correctly, moving your feet and swaying your body to the sensual music.
he’d sensed your confusion, “don’t worry, you did just fine, y/n. I just want to see if you’re eligible to qualify for the upcoming competition. I was hoping maybe we could be partners.”
your mouth dropped open in shock, surprised that he chose you to compete with him. “a-are you sure? I don’t want you to be the reason that you don’t get first place-”
“oh come on, y/n. you’re the best dancer out of the three of us, do it. I’m sure you’ll be great at it.” missy said with a grin as she stood up and packed her things, kristin doing the same thing with her belongings.
hyunjin laughed, “right? I mean, you’ve all got amazing, raw talent, but I feel that y/n’s style will fit the music’s emotion and feeling the most,”
“what song is it?” you said, hand bringing your water bottle up to your mouth.
“pour up by dean, ever heard of it?”
“hell yeah I’ve heard of it, he’s one of my favorite artists!” now you really wanted to practice with him, especially now since you already knew the tempo and beat of the song.
missy  opened the door, “well, I guess that’s our cue to leave. Bye guys! I hope everything goes well!” 
and with that, both girls were gone, leaving you and hyunjin alone fore the rest of the evening. 
he stood up and offered you his hand, pulling you up to meet his eyes. “good. now I can finally focus.”
“what do you mean?” you said, eyes looking back into his. he was beautiful, his lips plump and full, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to kiss him right now.
“you think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been looking at me? all the staring and biting your lips, it’s starting to get frustrating, baby.” he wrapped his arm aroing your waist and pushed you into the wall, hand lingering against your thigh.
“hyunjin, w-we can’t,” your eyes kept drifting to his arms, pupils blown wide with anticipation. you couldn’t ignore your body as you felt the need to close your thighs together, a damp spot forming along your panties.
he teased your shorts, pulling at the fabric softly. “why not, love? it’s only us in here.” he leaned down to pull your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it when your eyes fluttered closed.
“ugh, fuck it.” you said, pulling your shorts down a long with your underwear.
he did sat on the floor in front of the mirror, pulling you so that you weren’t facing him while you sat on his lap. his hands ran up and down your thighs, pushing them apart so he could see just how wet you were for him.
“oh, baby. did I do this?” his hand cupped you, palm rubbing over your clit. the pads of his fingers were rough against your skin, a finger slowly dipping into your soaking hole.
you moaned, “fuck, more.” your head was thrown back in pleasure, his hand underneath your shirt, now groping your breast over your bra.
“more? shit, I didn’t know you’d be so needy for me,” you felt as two more fingers found their way inside you, three fingers pumping in and out of you.
“oh my god, hyunjin. c-can you fuck me already? I want to feel how good you’ll be inside of me.” you turned to face him, licking your lips and meeting him in a sloppy kiss.
“all you had to do was ask, baby.”
he quickly pulled his pants down, returning to your previous position. pulling your legs apart once more he slid into you with ease, your warm and wet walls wrapping around his cock. he felt perfect inside of you, stretching you out until you felt him rub against that spot inside of you.
your head fell forward, body not being able to take all the pleasure that was running through you. “hyunjin, right fucking there!”
his hands came to rest at your hips while he thrusted up into you, the only thing that could be heard being your whimpers and his groans, skin slapping against skin, and the dirty words that left his mouth.
“you must love this, darling. you love how good my cock feels inside you, hitting all the spots your fingers could never dare to reach.” his hand moved from your waist to your clit, barely touching the sensitive bud.
“go on, lovely. make a mess out of yourself on my cock.” 
you clenched around him, trying your hardest not to scream in fear of someone hearing you. “shit, y/n.” 
he came not long after, his hot cum filling you up. you both sat there until your breathing evened out, his fingers running over your stomach to help calm you down.
he spoke, finally, the tense and semi awkward leaving the room. “can we maybe go out for coffee? I heard there’s a new place that opened up a few blocks from here.”
you giggled, “sure. but weren’t we supposed to go out and then have sex?”
requests are: open
[sorry if this was bad, it’s my first skz fic so hopefully my next ones will be better heh]
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inactive-shroomiehomie · 4 years ago
K!nktober Bingo pt.2
Square: Dirty Talk
Warnings: Unprotected sex, slight dom/sub talk but nothing big, and i’m not sure what else to put here but it’s pretty filthy.
Pairing: Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr. x Reader
Word Count: 1629
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Late nights working the precinct seemed to always drag on. Carisi was the last one left in the bullpen to finish up his reports. He had been the lead on the case, so it only made sense for him to get more than the rest did. He glanced over at Olivia in her office; She was deep into a conversation on her phone with who knows who, but it seemed to be business.
He hummed to himself and went back to his work, the clicks of his keyboard eventually blending together and sounding like static. Soon enough though his phone started to buzz on his desk. Carisi glanced down at it to see your name pop up. He picked it up quickly, thinking at this time of night it must be some kind of emergency.
No. Oh hell no. It was far from a real emergency. When Carisi unlocked his phone to view your messages, his face turned cherry red. You were in nothing but your undies and an old sweater of his, your hand shoved down the front of your bottoms. Your bottom lip sucked in between your teeth.
Y: It's nothing like you, Sonny. Hurry home ❤
Carisi quickly finished typing up his report before logging off of his computer. He gathered up his belongings and replied to you eagerly.
C: Missing me that much, doll? You better not come before I get home.
He said a quick goodbye to Olivia, who just waved, and jogged down to the elevator. While he was alone, you just kept sending more and more pictures. Carisi bit down on the inside of his cheek. God, you were gonna get it when he got home.
Carisi’s text made a shiver run up your spine. That school boy demeanor was just something everyone else got to see. But when he’s with you he’s such an amazing and tender, yet filthy lover. 
You didn’t think Carisi would respond to the text the way he did though. So you devised yourself a little plan. Before he could make it home, you threw on an old pair of sweatpants and changed out of his sweater to a hoodie of your own. You skittered into the living room, grabbing a bag of chips from the kitchen as you passed. Flinging yourself back on the couch, you turned the television on to whatever happened to be on.
After a while of watching some sitcom series you could hear the jingling of keys outside of your front door, followed by a couple of annoyed ‘fuck’s. You shuffled further into the couch, getting cozier in your seat.
Carisi swung open the door and stepped in, dropping his items to the floor and kicking the door shut behind him. He stared silently at you as you watched television. You didn’t even look at him. You just continued to snack on your chips and watch your show.
With your eyes focused on the tv, you could hear the soft click of Carisi’s shoes make their way behind you. He leaned down and pressed his hands into your shoulders, lightly massaging them.
You turned around to look up at him, a fake look of shock plastered on your face.
“Oh! Hey, babe. How was work?”
Carisi quirked an eyebrow up at you, as if saying “Seriously?” He huffed out of his nose, fingers digging into the perfect spots on your shoulders.
“Oh, ya know. Same old, same old.” 
While he massaged your shoulders, you let out a soft moan that made Carisi’s jaw tighten. 
“But ya know,” He stopped massaging your shoulders and brushed your hair to one side of your neck. He leaned down close to your ear, “I did get a little text today.”
You didn’t turn to face him, biting your lip gently, “Is that so?”
Carisi hummed in response, “It made things...” He kissed the shell of your ear, “...pretty hard. I didn’t even get to finish my paper work, doll.” He continued kissing your skin, trailing them down the dip of your neck.
You closed your eyes as you reveled in the feeling of his lips against your skin.
“W-What were the texts?” You questioned, trying to hold back a moan.
He immediately removed his lips from you. You let out a small whimper, missing the feeling of him against you. Carisi brushed your hair back to normal on your shoulders and slowly made his way around to your side of the couch. He stopped right in front of you and put his first two fingers under your chin, tilting your head up to face him. His pupils were blown wide and his jaw was tightened so hard you’d thought he was going to break a tooth. You squeezed your knees together.
“You know exactly what those texts were.” 
You bit your lip and feigned innocence. “Why don’t you indulge me?”
Carisi chuckled softly and knelt down to your level more, “Well...” He guided you back on the couch, now hovering over you with a grip on your chin so you couldn’t look away. Nothing rough, just enough pressure to keep you in place.
“The first one...” He paused to shove one of his knees between your legs, “You had on my old sweater. Y’know... the blue one with all of the snags in it? You had your hand shoved down the front of my favorite panties of yours.” 
Not once did either of you take your eyes off of one another. Even when he pressed his knee right up against your cunt. You choked out a moan, not even trying to hide it anymore. Carisi started wiggling his knee against you, not once breaking eye contact.
“You know how difficult it is trying to drive home when my dick is pressed against my zipper? Huh?” 
You shook your head, your eyes daring to close from the pleasure shooting through your body. 
“The thought of you crouching over in your seat to suck me off on the way home crossed my mind so many times on the way over. You just love to rile me up, don’t you?”
“It makes things more fun, Sonny.” You laughed slightly through your moans, “Now instead of your knee, why don’t you show me what you really wanna do with me?”
“Oh you’d like that.” He huffed, a cocky smirk making it’s way onto his face. “I’m not gonna give it to you if you don’t ask politely.”
You whined desperately against him, “Please, Sonny.. Give me more.” You begged, grinding your hips into his knee in an attempt to get more friction.
Carisi shook his head, “Oh I know you can do a lot better, doll.”
You sighed shakily, “Sonny, baby, please... Please fuck me... I need your cock so bad baby.”
“There it is.” He whispered, pulling away from you and sitting up slightly to undo his belt.
You didn’t even wait for him to pull the belt from it’s loops, you pushed Carisi onto the couch so he laid back all of the way. You made quick work of getting rid of your sweatpants and climbed on top of him. 
“Shit, you really can’t wait can you?” 
He dug his hand into his pants and pulled out his cock, pumping himself a few times before squeezing himself at the base. You didn’t have enough patience to go into the bedroom for any lube or a condom, but thank fuck you were on the pill. Not to mention with how wet you are, you could’ve soaked a hole through the cushions.
You waddled your way back onto his lap as he held himself still for you. When you lowered yourself down onto him, the initial stretch made you whine. You couldn’t tell if it was pain or pleasure, but you wanted more and more of it. Sinking all the way down onto him you stopped yourself, giving you and Carisi time to adjust. 
“Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me already.” Carisi moaned, running his hands up the front of your sweat shirt to graze your stomach. “You make me wanna cum in you already.”
“Keep talking like that and I’m gonna cum too, baby.”
You both chuckled a but before you started moving. It was a slow pace to start. Each bounce of your hips making your eyes want to roll back in your head. His cock was angled just right to smack up against that bundle of nerves inside of you. Carisi pressed his thumbs into your hips to steady you, but also so he can bring his hips up to meet yours.
“God, I bet you’ve been waiting for this all day. Having my cock buried in you, with you bouncing on my lap.” Carisi growled out his own moan, “Fuck, doll, I’m almost there.”
You nodded your head, mouth hanging open to let your moans escape freely. “Me too, me too.” 
After a few more thrusts, Carisi grabbed the draw strings in your sweatshirt and pulled you down to meet him. He crashed his lips against your own. The new angle made you yelp from surprise and new found pleasure, giving Carisi the perfect opportunity to shove his tongue in your mouth. When he did that, his hips started to stutter. You dug your hands in Carisi’s hair as he came inside of you, that in turn triggering your own orgasm. Your thighs shook as you both rode yourselves out, your whole body felt like it was vibrating.
Once you calmed down, you fell against him. He lazily wrapped an arm around you and kissed the top of your forehead.
“Now that’s one way to get me home in a hurry.”
You giggled against his chest, kissing his peck as you nuzzled against him.
. . . Tags: @thatesqcrush​
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frenchbreads-writing · 4 years ago
Could I request something for Shinsou who is accepted in the the hero course with a bf who is still in the general course of UA? How would they handle the drastic change of Hitoshi changing courses? (or just any Shinsou insert tbh of this isn't anything you're really feeling atm) ❤️ love your writings
Day of Surprises|{Shinsou Hitoshi}
I tried going for the first idea but all of my ideas came out so sad for some reason😔
So I hope this is okay and that you don’t mind🥺
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479 FOLLOWERS.. ALMOST 500!? I didn’t even notice I want to thank you all I’m so glad you like what I write!! I love you guys so much and I hope you’ll stick around to watch me improve and keep making content for you all!💖💖
I hope you enjoy💖
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Male Reader
Words: 1.7k (1,753)
Warning(s): Injuries, Badly written villain encounter
Requests: Closed
You stared at the ticking clock from behind the convenience store counter.
2 hours to go until your shift is over.
You covered your face and groaned. The store had been practically empty all day with only a handful of other teenagers popping in for a minute for snacks and other various things.
You jumped and turn around.
It was the store’s owner standing there. A short woman in her 40s with a permanent soft smile on her face.
“What’s got you so antsy today? You seem like you’re ready to bolt.”
You smiled.
“I have my first date with my boyfriend today after work.”
She smiled fondly.
“A first date is very important.”
You blushed and looked away.
“Yeah, I want to make it nice for him since it’s his first date too.”
The manager glanced at the clock and hummed.
“Well, the shop has been rather quiet today.”
She turned to you and smiled.
“I do suppose I can run the store myself until your coworker gets here.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you faced her.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded and smiled.
“You’re a nice young man and you really help me a lot around here so I don’t mind letting you off early.”
You beamed before rushing to grab your stuff and clock out.
“I owe you one!”
You shouted as you rushed out.
As you jogged your way through the train station you pulled out your phone and proceeded to call Hitoshi.
The phone rang for a moment before you hear your boyfriend’s groggy voice answer the phone.
“Good morning Toshi how was your nap?”
You hear shifting and a groan before he speaks.
“It was good, are you on break?”
You pass through the ticket gates and walk to your platform.
“Yeah, the shop’s pretty crazy today for some reason.”
He hummed.
“Where are we going today?”
“I was hoping we could go to the mall and maybe to that new cafe that opened there a few weeks ago.”
“Sounds good to me.”
A yawn sounds from the other side.
“Toshi if you want to go back to sleep you can, I have to get back soon anyway.”
���Alright then, I’ll see you when you get here, bye.”
The line clicked and you rushed into the train and await your destination.
When the train stopped you hopped out and headed home to change.
Unlocking and pushing your way inside the door you slipped off your shoes and made your way to your room.
You immediately went to your closet and began to brainstorm on what to wear. It was a casual date to the mall so nothing too fancy. Though everything you put together didn’t seem to be good enough.
Hitoshi had the same issue.
When you had called he wasn’t in bed at all. He was actually getting ready for the date.
He was rooting around his closet for what seemed to be forever. All of his outfits didn’t feel right for a date.
It’s been over an hour after your phone call and he wanted to surprise you at work but he couldn’t choose what to wear.
After picking up what felt to be the millionth article of clothing he thought.
’Screw it.’
And changed into the set of clothes he held in his hands.
He wore a plain black shirt with a purple jacket over it and a pair of ripped jeans.
It wasn’t the worst outfit he could’ve chosen so he’ll take that as a win.
He checked his phone.
’45 minutes left, enough time to get to his store before he gets off.’
Hitoshi quickly stuffed his keys and wallet into his pockets as he made his way to the front door.
Shouting a goodbye to his parents he opened the door. But he immediately froze when he caught sight of you frozen mid knock.
“Uh hey.”
“(Y/N) I thought you were at work?”
You rubbed the back of your neck and chuckled.
“Yeah I was able to leave early and I wanted to surprise you so um, surprise?”
Hitoshi smiled.
“Do you need anything else before we go?”
He shook his head and held out his hand. You took it, your larger hand enveloping his and with that, the two of you began on your way to the mall.
The two of you hadn’t had lunch yet. So after arriving at the mall the two of you immediately went straight to the food court. The two of you each got a simple snack to eat while walking around.
You visited a few stores, goofing around buying cute things. Like a matching set of fluffy cat socks, you insisted that you bought so the two of you could match.
The two of you were sitting on a bench when Hitoshi saw merch of your favorite hero through the window of a shop. So he excused himself with the excuse of using the restroom and walked away towards the store.
You had already bought him so much stuff that he had taken an interest in so he needed to get you at least something no matter how small it was.
He had paid and grabbed the bag his gift was in when a scream came from behind him followed by the sound of the shop’s window being shattered and a loud crash.
Hitoshi spun on his heel and witnessed the cause of the destruction. A trash can was embedded into the wall opposite from the shattered window.
He ran outside and there was more chaos.
Objects floating and slamming into walls and stores, some people already injured and being carried away by other civilians.
He needed to find you and make sure you were okay.
He ran in the direction you were going last.
The villain was standing in the center of the chaos, objects of varying sizes around them being lifted and thrown.
Even with objects almost hitting him Hitoshi still cried out your name and continued looking around frantically for any sign of you.
He didn’t have to look for long when someone shouted.
“Oh god, what’s that kid doing?”
His head snapped where the person was pointing to see you charging towards the villain.
“(Y/N) what are you doing?!”
Hearing Hitoshi’s voice made you pause and look over at him.
But as you look to your boyfriend you didn’t notice the display case being hurled at you.
“Look out!”
You looked and only had enough time to put your arms up to cover your face.
The case shattered and sent you flying backward until you landed sprawled out on the ground.
Shinsou immediately began running to you.
He needed to get you and get away from there and wait for the actual heroes to come.
You groaned as you sat up placing a hand on your head the air was also knocked out of you from your rough landing.
It hurt but if it wasn’t for your quirk it would’ve hurt more.
You looked to see Hitoshi running to you.
He was so focused on you that he didn’t notice the villain dragged a nearby truck from outside and begin aiming it at him.
You noticed though and used a nearby wall to brace yourself as you climbed to your feet.
“Hitoshi, watch out!”
He gasped and his foot snagged on a piece of the ground that had been jutting out.
He looked up to see the truck heading towards him.
His mind blanked all he could do was close his eyes and press himself against the cold surface of the wall behind him.
But the pain never came. Instead, the sound of crunching metal and cracking concrete next to his head was all he heard.
Hitoshi cracked his eyes open to meet your worried gaze. He looked over your shoulder and saw your hand buried in the bumper of the now destroyed truck sitting behind you.
“-Toshi? Hitoshi!”
He jumped and looked at you.
“I asked if you’re okay, here.”
You wrenched your hands from the holes you made and dusted them off before offering a hand to him.
He stared at your hand for a moment before grabbing it.
You hoisted him up with ease but as soon as Hitoshi’s feet hit the ground he cried out and stumbled into you.
“What’s wrong?”
Hitoshi winced and lifted his right foot off of the ground.
“My ankle, it hurts.”
You knelt and rolled his pant leg up to reveal that his ankle was red and starting to swell.
He must’ve twisted it when he tripped. You thought for a moment before an idea popped into your head.
You stood up and hooked an arm under his knees and simply picked him up princess style.
He yelped and clung to your shirt.
“I’ve got you now, let’s get out of here the heroes should be coming soon.”
And just as you said that the pro hero Kamui woods showed up.
“See? Perfect timing.”
You took off towards the mall’s exit with Hitoshi in your arms.
A while after the mall incident and getting checked by a paramedic getting Hitoshi’s ankle wrapped the two of you sat on a train. Your arm around Hitoshi’s shoulders and his head resting against your chest.
“Hey Toshi, sorry our date was ruined. I wasn’t even able to get you a gift since I dropped our stuff back there.”
“It’s fine I had a good time, minus the whole villain attacking the mall part.”
You smiled at him and were about to resume resting your head on his when he jolted up.
“Wait, hold on I almost forgot.”
He shoved his hand in his pocket and rooted around for a moment before pulling out a crumpled receipt and something shiny.
“I uh got us matching keychains, I managed to swipe them before we left.”
You took the keychain from his hand. It was a charm of a small black cat. It was a little scuffed but other than that it was okay.
You chuckled and pulled out your set of keys hooking the keychain onto it.
He blushed and looked away rubbing the back of his neck.
He wordlessly placed himself back into your side and placed his head on your chest.
You hooked your arm around his shoulders and gently pulled him closer.
Your first date will always be a rather memorable moment in your relationship. But now you can schedule even better dates. Ones without villains.
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@your-strangelove @yumeneji
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honeypirate · 4 years ago
Day Off pt 1
Toshinori Yagi/ All Might x Y/n
Pt two
This is definitely not how you thought your Saturday off was going to go.
You woke up early to head to the farmers market, you loved the crisp autum air and the sound of vendors. The farmers market was one of your favorite places to come and people watch, you found the nicest people here. You bought a cup of hot apple cider, some fresh veggies, and a bouquet of flowers before starting the walk back to your apartment. You were a couple doors down when you saw a big, deliciously handsome, back of a man with blonde hair.
Then you realized it was All Might.
Then you realized he was naked.
“Ma’am! If you could be of some assistance!” He says when he spots you. He was holding the tattered remnants of clothing around his privates “could I borrow your phone and maybe some sweats?” He laughed awkwardly and you couldn’t contain the laughter that took you over. You had tears in your eyes, “I’m sorry. I really am” laughter “I just” you snort laughed “I didn’t expect this. Please come inside, All Might” you laugh as you unlock your door and walk inside with him behind you. You clear your throat as you set your bags down on the counter. “Come with me and I’ll find you some clothes. Will you tell me what happened?” You walk into your bedroom and he follows you in an awkward waddle “well I was in an interview and I wasn’t in .. this state.. I usually wear big suits but this time I had on a tailored suit.. I was walking back to my place when a fan wanted a picture so when I used my quirk, my suit shredded from my body and I quickly ran, now naked and lost, and I lost my phone in the process. it was only a few minutes before you showed up and helped me. Which I am really grateful for and will repay you for your kindness” he says with a small bow with causes you to laugh again “well in case you’ll use your quirk again I’ll give you my comfiest favorite sweats, they are a big men’s size so you’ll be fine if any more fans want a picture. Personally I’d want a picture with you normal.” Shit was that insensitive? You were panicking, he was your favorite hero and you were nervous and you tried to play it cool “Not that you aren’t incredibly handsome and charming like this” you try to dig yourself out of this hole, kind of awkwardly word vomiting “all I am saying is, you’re amazing and handsome no matter what you look like.” You sigh and find the shirt you were looking for “I have men’s shirts that I sleep in so don’t worry about it beings girls.” You set the clothes down on the top of the dresser and turn to him with a smile trying to pretend you didn’t just call him handsome so many times, your face flushed and embarrassed “you can change in my room here or there is a bathroom across the hall. I’m going to be in the kitchen and oh” you pull your phone out of your back pocket “the passcode is 1489” you set the phone down too then you smile up at him and his heart stops at how beautiful you are to him. As you walk out of the room he says “I can’t thank you enough Ma’am.” You stop in the doorway, not looking back at him “Y/n! My name is f/n l/n. But since we met in these circumstances you can call me f/n” you laugh and then go out into the kitchen.
Toshinori -
The moment you left the room he let go of his big form and deflates. She had shocked him speechless with her cute awkwardness and how many times you called him handsome. In either state you think he’s handsome. His heart was out of control as he walked into the bathroom thinking about you. “This woman is most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’m standing in her bathroom putting on her clothing.” He whispers to his reflection in the mirror and noticed he was blushing. As he pulled on your favorite black sweats and a plain white shirt he noticed that he actually looks good in it, but he couldn’t help but think about seeing you in this outfit, knowing you’d look better in it than him. Even though it’s big sweats he finds himself wanting to get to see you in every aspect of life. Dressed up, dressed down, but with him. For him. He opens your phone and smiles at your phone background of you with a baby wearing a onesie that says “if you think I’m cute you should see my aunt” he makes his phone call to Nezu, saying he had a mishap and will be late back to the school and will explain everything then he called a cab to take him back. He then walked out into your kitchen a little nervous to see you again. “There you are” you said with a big smile when he came around the corner. And his heart stopped again. You looked at him with the same kind and accepting eyes as you did when he was big.
He came around the corner in his normal self and you realized that he was even more handsome now. “There you are” you felt butterflies in your chest which confused you. This was a retired pro hero, one who you always had a celebrity crush on, but you convinced yourself that there was no way after this experience that he’d ever think of you romantically, you laughed until you cried at him naked and then awkwardly word vomited about his looks. There’s no coming back from that. “You look better in those sweats than I do” you laugh and walk around the kitchen counter to stand in front of him “I’m sorry I don’t have any shoes that will fit you, are you still walking?” You asked and let your eyes take in his features. You feel lucky to see him up close and intimate like this. “No I uh. I called a cab they should be here soon” he hands you your phone “I cannot thank you enough. I’ll have your clothes dry cleaned and returned to you” you take your phone and your fingers brush, you swear you felt literal sparks “don’t worry about it really. You can keep the sweats when you eventually fall in love with their comfort like I did. I’ll get another pair. Do you want a drink or are you hungry or need anything else? Anything at all. My way of giving back to a hero” he can’t help but smile this whole time, you were so sweet and so accepting. He felt incredibly comfortable around you and he felt like he was home. “I’m always hungry but you don’t have to go out of your way for me any more than you already have” you laugh “All Might don’t worry about it. I have some cold soba that I made last night. It should be good. Take it with you” you get it out of the fridge and prepare it for him to go. “Toshinori Yagi, call me Yagi” you smile at him and he melts for the fifth time in the last thirty minutes he’s been in your home. “You know, you saved me once,” you began while tying up the food “I was on the train, I was the last one that you still went back to save. Just think of this as my way of repaying you for saving my life.” You hand him the package and he doesn’t know what to say. “Y/n..” the way he says your name brings your butterflies back to life in your belly but before he finishes your phone beeps with a text from the cab driver saying he was there. “Looks like it’s time to go” you say and walk him to the door “I’m really quite honored to have met you, I wish you didn’t have to go so soon I was really enjoying our time together” you rest your hand on his bicep as you say this, squeezing lightly and he feels sparks go up and down his arm “I feel the same” he says with a laugh “I didn’t expect today to go like this but I am very happy it did” his smile sets your heart ablaze and you wish you could see it every day as intimately as this “well” he noticed the change of slight sadness in your voice now “you better go, don’t miss your cab” you drop your hand and he misses the warmth and pressure “thank you again, y/n” he says and then he walks out of your apartment. You close the door and sit down on your couch, your apartment suddenly felt empty and lonely. You’re kicking yourself for not giving him your number. Your day goes by fairly quickly after that, met up with your sibling for dinner before getting ready for your night on patrol. You get to your job working with Gunhead’s agency and put on your hero costume which includes an ear piece that is a direct link back to the agency, your secretary giving you updates and forwarding calls to you there, a full face mask, and white thigh high reinforced boots that made you feel like kicking ass. You go out on your patrol, your area being a little smaller than usual tonight but you’re not complaining just feeling like it’s going to be a slow night.
A few hours into your patrol, around 8pm, your ear piece beeps before your secretary’s voice comes through “Manta! You have a phone call from your personal number” the secretary said over your ear piece. You press the little button on the side before telling her to patch them through. “Hello?” “Y/n! It’s All Might! Er, Toshinori Yagi. I was at your house today?” His voice made your heart race and he sounded nervous which caused you to chuckle at the cuteness. “Yes Yagi. I remember. How did you get my number?” You are a little confused. He used your phone but did he call himself?? “I just stopped by your place to drop off your clothes I dry cleaned and your neighbor gave me your number.” You smiled thinking fondly of your lovely elderly neighbor, Mrs. Lynn. “I told you that you could keep the sweats. I know you love them as much as I do” you heard his laugh and it made your chest warm “oh no you’re not getting those back” he jokes “I’m never taking them off” you laughter is his favorite sound now, he wants to live the rest of his life making you laugh as his calling. “That’s what I expected no worries.” You suddenly felt gutsy, you weren’t letting him get away again and you weren’t going to be disappointed because you didn’t make a move “Hey Yagi? How would you feel about getting breakfast with me in the morning? I’m on patrol right now but I want to see you again.” “That why I was calling you! I was gonna see if you wanted to get a late dinner with me now. But I guess that’s my answer” he chuckles “yea I’d really love to see you again.....Wait.....I didn’t recognize you today. What agency do you work with?” You laugh “Gunhead’s. You wouldn’t have recognized me. Well. Maybe my hair. I’m the number 13 hero” “YOU’RE MANTA?” He was so shocked “I thought that you’d wear your mask all the time. I have so many questions I can’t believe I met you I’m such a huge fan” he was talking so fast and you thought he was so cute. “I’ll answer all your questions tomorrow morning! eight am! there’s a good breakfast cafe that’s near my place, I’ll text you the address. But I unfortunately have to go back to work now” “I’m so excited I can’t believe the beautiful woman I met today is the amazing hero Manta. I’m so lucky! Okay I’ll meet you there Y/n. Be safe!” He called you beautiful and it made your heart skip and butterflies fill your chest “See you tomorrow, Yagi” you hang up with a laugh and then tou ask your secretary to text the cafe location to the number who called. You’re happy he called so quick, there was a part of you that thought he wouldn’t return or that he’d send back your stuff in the mail. This turned out a lot better than you thought it would and you couldn’t help but smile for the rest of your patrol.
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nah-she-didnt · 4 years ago
Read on AO3! 
I’m sure in the morning I’ll regret not proofreading this enough. Oh well!
“I’m bored,” Sirius declared. He sat with his back on the Gryffindor common room’s carpeted floor, legs bent at ninety degrees to rest on the couch in front of him. He and James had been attempting to finish their Transfiguration homework for approximately 18 minutes. 
James grinned, his eyes trained on his paper. “If you don’t get this done McGonagall’s going to have your arse for breakfast.” 
Sirius sighed and stuck his legs straight up in the air. “Nah she wouldn’t, Minnie loves me. Told me so herself.” 
“Come off it,” scoffed James, still valiantly trying to finish his sentence. 
“She did! She said, ‘Black, you’re a god among men, my greatest pride and joy, your Transfiguration skills are the stuff of legends,’ then she kissed me on the forehead, turned into a Hippogriff, and flew off into the sunset.” He paused. “On second thought, it’s possible it was all a dream.” 
“No kidding,” James muttered, throwing down his quill and rubbing his eyes. At this rate there was no way he was going to finish his homework before nine. He only had 30 minutes before he, Sirius, and Peter had to leave the dormitory to prepare for midnight with Moony. 
As James contemplated his homework crisis, Mary McDonald slid into the seat on the couch next to Sirius’ legs. She sighed dramatically as she dropped her school bag down next to her, then threw her head into her hands. “Gentlemen,” she said, her voice muffled by her palms, “it’s been a horrendously long day.” 
“Do tell?” said Sirius, his interest piqued. Listening to Mary complain about her day was less boring than watching James do homework. 
Mary looked up. “Have you ever wanted to trap all the seventh year Slytherin boys in a cage, then drop that cage in the middle of the black lake?” 
Sirius grinned. “Once or twice.” 
“Well, after today, I reckon Lily and I have had enough of them for a lifetime.” 
James’ head snapped up from his desk. He would have to finish his homework tomorrow.
“What happened?” he demanded. 
Mary looked surprised at his outburst. “Blimey, calm down. We were walking to Charms today and got cornered by Mulciber. Nothing major,” Mary said sharply, noticing that James had opened his mouth to interrupt her, “at first it was just the the usual ‘moodblood’ this and ‘mudblood that,’ nothing we haven’t heard before. But he wouldn’t let us past him, right? Held us up for a couple minutes until finally we got our wands out. He was outnumbered and he knew it, but he still wanted to goad us, so he started saying shit about Lily’s house.” 
James felt his blood run cold. “What do you mean, what about her house?” 
“What it looked like, the color of the front door, what her father looked like when he came home from work,” Mary shuddered. 
“We’ll get him.” Sirius said darkly, “I’m going to kill him.” 
“Easy, Black,” Mary said firmly, “he hasn’t got anything coming to him that I can’t deliver.” 
“What happened then?” interrupted James, whose hands had curled into fists. 
Mary shrugged. “We blasted him out of the way and made it to Charms two minutes late. Flitwick told me I couldn’t hand in my essay because ‘if it isn’t on time, what good is it at all?’ Wanker. Now my whole average is down because Mulciber decided to be an arsehole.” 
“What happened to Lily?” James tried not to sound annoyed as he spoke. He didn’t care much about her Charms average. 
“Haven’t seen her since, she wasn’t at dinner. She said she wasn’t bothered by what Mulciber said, that he wasn’t a threat. But I know she was lying,” Mary sighed, ‘she’s been worried this would happen for months. Mulciber and his little friends know she grew up near Snivellus, and they know where he lives. It was only a matter of time.” 
James jumped to his feet. “Sirius, tell the others I’m going to be late tonight.” 
“Uh-” Sirius stumbled, choosing his words carefully in front of Mary, “I dunno, mate. Bit of a tight schedule tonight, yeah? There isn’t a ton of room for error.”
“I’ll be there, just go without me,” James promised, and jogged toward the portrait hole. 
He pulled the map out of his pocket as he clambered into the corridor. He knew that she often tutored younger students after dinner, so when he unlocked the map he scanned every classroom he could find, but her name did not appear.  
James considered every conversation he could remember having with Lily. She loved the cozy atmosphere of the greenhouses, the peacefulness of the library, and hated the Astronomy Tower due to her fear of heights. She often visited the dungeons to tend to overnight potions for their NEWT class, but James remembered her encounter with Mulciber and reckoned she’d be keeping her distance from anywhere near the Slytherin common room. Finally, he found her. 
Lily’s dot sat motionless along the shore of the black lake. 
James frowned. He’d never known Lily to sneak out of the castle at night. Over the years he’d seen her miss a curfew or two, but as Head Girl she never went so far as to stray from the safety of the school. Still, it made sense. Lily loved the lake, loved to take of her shoes and socks and walk out into the shallows. James tried not to think about another time when Lily sat by the lake, when she called him an “arrogant, bullying toe-rag.” 
James pulled the invisibility cloak out of his other pocket and threw it over himself. He was half-way down the hall before he stopped in his tracks. What was he doing? Did Lily even want to be found? Clearly, she had taken care to put distance between herself and castle. That must mean she wanted to be alone. Even so, James didn’t like the idea of her alone on the grounds at night, especially when Mulciber and his cronies were getting more restless by the day. Lily’s spot on the shores of the lake was not far from the Whomping Willow. He could sit under his cloak just far enough away from Lily to give her privacy, but close enough that he could watch her back. 
He set off at a brisk walk, satisfied with his plan. He strolled down the hallway, through a tapestry into a secret passage, then down a flight of stairs. Nearing the main entrance he decided to check the map again to make no one would meet him between here and the Great Hall.
To his surprise, Lily’s dot had vanished. 
“Shit,” muttered James, feeling panic set in his stomach. Where had she gone? Had someone else found her first? 
No, there it was. Lily’s dot was back inside the castle, moving through the Great Hall and toward the- 
James stuffed the map in his pocket and darted down the corridor into the Great Hall. He bolted for the door to the dungeons and hurtled down, trying his best not to trip over the ancient stones that made up the staircase. As he reached the bottom of the stairs he slowed his pace, still aware that he was invisible. He hurried around a corner and under an archway into a silent corridor. It was nearly 9. The Slytherins should all be in bed by now. 
He spotted a figure at the end of the corridor. Lily’s silhouette was just visible against the torchlight. She leaned against the wall tapping her wand against her leg nervously. She was waiting. 
James pulled off the Invisibility Cloak. It wouldn’t work to sneak up on Lily and scare her half to death. He would have to try the reasonable approach. 
He walked purposefully down the hallway towards Lily. Sensing movement, Lily looked up, and frowned. “Out of bed, Potter? On a school night?” 
James raised an eyebrow. “I could say the same for you.” 
“Yeah, well,” Lily glanced darkly at the Slytherin common room door, “I’ve got unfinished business here.” 
“I heard,” James took a step between Lily and the door, and Lily faltered. 
“Don’t,” she breathed, holding out her hand to brace his arm, “Don’t try and stop me. He’ll sneak out tonight, I know it, he sends owls secretly at night. Sending information. He’s done it since fifth year. Sev told me. He’ll want to tell them all he got to me. But I won’t - won’t just sit by and watch it happen.” 
James nodded slowly. “What do you think you’re going to do tonight, Lily? Kill him?” 
She flinched. “Jesus, James,” she said, fear in her voice, “no, I’m not going to kill him, what’s the matter with you? He just needs to know that my Dad is off limits.” 
James put his hand over hers that still clutched his arm. “It’s not smart, waiting for him here. He could have backup in a second. You could get in trouble, get detention, suspended, kicked out. You’re not thinking this through.” 
Lily laughed coldly. “That’s a bit rich coming from you, don’t you think?” 
James clutched her hand tighter. Her eyes finally met his. “Lily,” he whispered as he stepped back, pulling her gently down the hall away from the Slytherin common room, “not tonight, alright? We’re going to protect your family, I promise, but this isn’t the way.” 
Her eyes widened further, but she nodded in agreement. She silently allowed James to guide her down the hallway. She turned when they reached the stairs, threw one last contemptuous look towards the dormitory, then turned to walk up the stairs. 
“It’s not my family, you know,” Lily spoke so softly James almost couldn’t hear her, “it’s just my Dad. Petunia lives in London so she can be near her atrocious fiancee.” 
James nodded, not looking at Lily. He knew that her mum had died a few years ago. “Sounds like family to me.”
The reached the top of the stairs and entered the Great Hall. Lily shrugged, sliding onto a bench. “I guess I mean it’s not my whole family, though really he’s the only one I’ve got left. And it’s not his fault, right? That I’m a witch? Not his fault that he’s being hunted just because by some freak accident his daughter was born magic.” Lily stopped abruptly, afraid that her resolve would break if she continued. 
James sank into the seat beside her. They sat in silence for a moment, Lily trying to regain control of her composure. James wasn’t sure what he could say. He couldn’t relate, really, to what she was going through. She was a muggleborn, he was pureblood, he’d never know what it was like to be any other way. 
But he did understand some things. 
James sat up a bit straighter and wrapped an arm around Lily’s shoulders. “Did I ever tell you that our house was attacked this summer?” 
Lily started. “What? What do you mean, attacked? By who?” 
James grimmaced. “Take a guess.” 
She stared at him. “What happened?”
James sighed, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “My folks have been with Dumbledore for a long time. My Dad was big at the ministry for a while, until he started speaking out against Voldemort. He and mum made their fare share of enemies, and I guess we got a bit lazy with our protective enchantments. They blasted a hole in the side of our house. Must have thought they would get my parents’ room.” 
Or my room, he thought suddenly, but he pushed the thought away hurriedly. 
“Anyway, they missed, got the library instead. But we had to beef up security after that. We’re unplottable, for now, and we’ve got caterwauling charms all over the place. Caught Sirius sneaking out one night to see Remus,” James chuckled.
Lily leaned a little closer to him under his arm. “That’s awful,” she muttered, twisting her hands in her lap. 
“Yeah, it was,” replied James, resting his cheek against the top of her head. 
They sat like that for a few minutes, silent, breathing together, touching but not caressing. Clinging to one another. 
Suddenly, the giant clock above the hall chimed. It was 9. 
James swore. “Shit. Lily, I’m so sorry, I have to go.”
Lily looked crestfallen. “Really? Well, alright, if you have something better to do than talk me off ledges.” 
“Would it make you feel better if I told you it was for Remus?” 
Lily’s face broke into a small smile. “Yes, it would.” 
“Well, it is. Here,” He pulled the cloak from his back pocket, “take this, you’ll need it to get back to the dorm without running Filch, or anyone else.” 
“What-” Lily’s mouth fell open, “is this an invisibility cloak?”
“Er, yeah,” James said awkwardly, “it was my Dad’s.” 
“Jesus,” she breathed, rubbing the fabric between her thumb and forefinger, “you’re a mysterious man, Potter.” 
“Yes I’m a regular Unspeakable, now you’ve got to go. Just keep that cloak safe, will you?” 
“Yes sir,” she said with a mock salute. Then she threw the cloak over herself and, he presumed, left the hall on her way to bed. 
35 notes · View notes
crybabyjam · 4 years ago
ship: todochako 
rating: g
length: 3k
summary: Todoroki picks up hitch-hiker!Uraraka.
c/w parental death (past), joking about murder
deleted from twitter, written for a former friend
The sun beats down heavy as Ochako tightens the straps of her backpack. In it was three changes of clothes, some stale bread, her dead phone.
It was only mid-morning but already she was sweating her absolute ass off.
She runs her fingers through her choppy hair, uneven on one edge because she hadn't had a mirror when she'd taken a rusty pair of scissors to them. Now she wishes she'd just shaved it all off, if only to save herself from a sweaty, overheated neck now.
Her parents had loved it when she'd had long hair.
Ochako remembers how her mom would wash the long strands for her every weekend, even when Ochako huffed and puffed and said she could do it herself.
Her mom always took the time to wash it gently, and condition with something sweet smelling— "Because a sweet girl like you deserves sweet hair, too."
And how her dad would braid it every time she visited, even when Ochako would have to undo it the next day. He would take his strong, worker's hands and lift each length of hair carefully so that he didn't tug on her tender scalp.
Now that they were gone, Ochako didn't see the point in keeping her hair long. It just slowed her down. It just made her /sad/.
She sighs, and steps out of the way when a car plows through a puddle right beside her.
Her legs get soaked, but it isn't anything worse than the day prior, when a truck had soaked her from head to toe.
Ochako just sighs and brushes the muddy water droplets from her already dirty legs.
It's a good thing she was out of socks, or else she'd have to start worrying about her shoes molding at this point.
She's just begun kicking her shoe off, to finish the rest of the trek up to the next city barefoot, when a car pulls up to a stop beside her.
"Are you alright?" A low voice asks, to her left. Ochako startles and twists on her heel.
She almost ignores it, because cars like that didn't stop for hitch-hikers like her.
But the car follows her a few more feet as she slows to a stop.
When she looks over her shoulder, confused, the man in the car tilts his head at her and nods.
"Are you alright?" He repeats. "I saw you get wet."
"Ah!" Ochako yells, and then lowers her voice. Geez, where are your manners, Uraraka? "I'm fine! Sorry."
The man blinks, and Ochako belatedly notices that he has the most stunning, grey eyes. Like darkened silver.
"Why should you be sorry?" He asks with a frown.
And then, he shakes his head.
"Do you need a ride? It's dangerous to get in a stranger's car, but you shouldn't walk around barefoot. Glass would hurt." He pauses, and then adds. "Probably less than murder, but I promise not to murder you."
Ochako is speechless.
But not speechless enough not to /laugh/ at the absurdity of the stranger.
She feels it bubble up in her chest like boiling water, and it floats out of her ugly, like when a pot spills the water and burns on the stove burner.
The man just watches, silent, as she wipes tears from her eye and keeps on laughing. He just leans against the steering wheel and waits patiently, face completely deadpan.
He's /serious/, and that just makes it funnier.
She gasps for breath as she leans against his car, one shoe falling to the pavement and skipping beneath the undercarriage, shit.
Ochako's laugh starts up again as she drops to her knees to retrieve it.
When she comes back up, knees blackened by sidewalk dust, and hands darkened by asphalt, the man is smiling. Just barely.
"I guess murder /would/ hurt more than stepping on glass." She agrees. "Depending on the type of murder."
He murmurs the words underneath his breath, eyebrows furrowing.
"You're right," he says, troubled.
She leans into the rolled down window, arms crossing to hide the ripped hem of t-shirt.
"You sure you /promise/ not to murder me? I kind of need my life."
Well. All things considering, it was pretty much all she had left. She couldn't exactly afford the house after her parents died. They hadn't been able to finish the down payments, and none of them (including Ochako) had enough savings to keep her afloat.
So, hitch-hiking. Walking to nowhere and hoping for more.
A few miles in an air-conditioned car was more than what she had, so she'll take it.
The man turns serious, though. The smile wipes off of his face— not replaced with a frown, but replaced with another deadpan look. He nods his head, making eye-contact the entire time, and says,
"I promise not to murder you."
He promised, at least. Ochako still had a little bit of mace in her pocket, if she needed it.
So she gets in the car.
His name is Todoroki Shouto and he has an open duffle bag of yen, two pillows with embroidered pillowcases, a shattered phone, and a half-full photo album in his backseat.
Ochako stares at the photo album instead of the other three things, because she definitely does not want to get murdered, thank you very much.
He was a cute baby. Two-toned hair from birth, and big eyes that only had one expression: wide. Ochako traces her ragged thumb nail across one of the pictures, where he's covered in cake frosting at his second birthday, and accidentally creases the polaroid image.
She hurriedly flips the page.
"Are you hungry?"
"I'm fine," Ochako mumbles, ignoring her tummy which immediately begins to grumble in argument. She flips another page to muffle the noise, and comes across more empty pockets than full ones.
From the way there's the edge of one polaroid still caught in one of the slots, Ochako assumes that they used to be just as full as the rest.
She flips to the back, and a roll of film flops into her lap.
"Do you even still have a camera for this?" Ochako asks, holding the strange, almost novel-looking thing up to the waxing light of the returning sun. Then she brings it back down to the shadows in case that might ruin the film inside, oops.
"At home," Todoroki says, low. Her shoes are in his lap, because he wanted her to have more room to look at the photo album. Ochako had tried to just place them on the floor of the car, but he looked so earnest in his offer that she hadn't been able to say no without feeling bad.
Besides, she had a feeling he was pretty harmless. Weird, but who wasn't?
"Oh, are you moving or something?" Ochako asks, and then immediately grimaces at the invasion of privacy. "I mean… 'cause of the stuff in your backseat."
"Moving…" Todoroki repeats, focusing on the road. They're driving slow enough that almost everyone passes by them, but Ochako got pretty motion-sick so she appreciated it.
Todoroki leans back in his seat, both hands at the very apex of the steering wheel. It's outlined in a leather cover and is so shiny that it almost looks metallic. Expensive as fuck, probably.
Everything about him looked pretty expensive, actually. The car was brand new, from this year. Still had the new smell and everything.
Ochako was actually pretty glad he insisted on the shoe-thing, if only to prevent mud stains.
Although his pants /did/ look pretty designer. Ah, fuck.
"Yes," Todoroki says, after the long moments of silence. "I'm moving."
"Oh! That's… fun. That's fun!" Ochako nods.
Todoroki turns them off of the road, and pulls into a parking spot. Ochako blinks past the raindrops on her side of the window, and squints out at the illuminated signs.
A restaurant. Ah, /fuck/. Ochako pats her shorts for her wallet, as if she could even /pretend/ it had money in it. All it had was her ID (almost expired) and a coupon for leg waxing.
"Do you want to come in with me?" Todoroki asks, turning to her completely. The seatbelt gets caught, and it does that thingy it does where it locks and gets tighter until you take it all the way off. He doesn't seem to mind.
Ochako smiles, though even she can feel how strained it is. "Ah, I'm fine. I should probably go actually, but thank you for the ride. The rain should stop soon, so…"
Todoroki frowns, glancing at the arm rest between them. He's engaged the parking brake even though they aren't on an incline, and Ochako's smile relaxes to something more real.
"It was really nice to meet you," she says. "I'd give you my phone number but I kinda didn't pay the bill." (Since, uh, last year, but he didn't need to know that.)
"It was nice to meet you too," Todoroki says. "I can buy you food."
"Oh," Ochako parrots, dumbly. Her eyes dart to the yen-bag and she hurries to shake her head. "I couldn't—"
"I don't mind. It's my dad's money— and he hates me. And I hate him, so." Todoroki finally takes off his too-tight seatbelt and it rattles noisily as it smacks against the car door.
Ochako isn't sure how to approach /that/ particular landmine. Nor is she sure how she's supposed to resist free food. When had she last eaten. Two days ago, or something? She'd kinda been ignoring it, but the walking helped.
Now that she's technically resting, she can feel her tummy about to throw a conniption.
Todoroki blinks his wide eyes at her as he waits, not making a move. His blinks are slow, like a cat, and his eyes flicker back and forth between her own.
She sighs heavily, but a grin is already parting her lips. "You're a strange one, Todoroki."
"Am I?"
"I don't have any money, so you have to pay for all of it," she warns.
"I will."
"And I eat a lot! I haven't eaten in a while."
"And… and I want my shoes back."
Todoroki hands her the shoes. There's mud residue on his pants and the bottom of his shirt.
But he has a small smile on his face as he watches her struggle to put her shoes on in the closed space, so maybe it was alright.
Shouto watches as Uraraka stuffs two donut holes in her mouth, licking away the powdered sugar that paints across her lips. It looks like snow when it dusts down to her shorts, and smears chalky residue on her thighs.
He hands her a napkin, and she blushes pretty like a sunset paints ocean water pink when it sets at night.
"Sorry for the mess," she says quietly.
"It's okay. Is it good?"
"It's good!" She wiggles in her seat, and it reminds Shouto of a really happy hamster. "Do you want some?"
She's very beautiful. Her hair is cut in a way he's never really seen before, but it frames her face nicely. He likes it more than his almost-bowl cut. Some of her hair tickles across her shoulder, but she ignores it as she holds a donut hole out to him with a toothpick.
She keeps holding it as he bites down on the warm, cooked dough. He'd never really been fed by someone before. Well, as a baby— sure. But he had a feeling this was different. Was it different?
Shouto chews thoughtfully, and Uraraka smiles at him. She doesn't seem to mind feeding him. She stabs another one with the same toothpick and holds it out for him again, one hand underneath to catch the crumbs.
"Yummy, right? Thanks for buying them! I'll…" She flinches, interrupting herself. Her smile dims a little, like she'd lost power. "I'd offer to pay you back but, uh… ahaha, you know?"
Shouto /doesn't/ know, but he nods anyway. "I can buy you more," he says, soft. "You can take them with you. When you leave."
She uses the toothpick to prod and poke at the remaining few donut holes. They roll in the leftover powdered sugar at the bottom of the box.
"I'll be alright. But thank you." Her eyes get watery at the bottom lashes, and Shouto frowns. "You've been really kind."
When she laughs next, it's thick like she's close to sobbing. Her voice is shaky. Shouto doesn't like it- liked it much better when she was laughing /happily/ instead.
"Thanks for not murdering me," she adds. "This is probably the most fun I've had in a while."
"You can stay. I can drive you anywhere you want."
"Oh!" Uraraka jumps in her seat, as if he'd yelled it. He hadn't really spoken any louder than before, but he clears his throat and speaks even softer anyway.
"We just met, but I can take you anywhere you need to go. And I have enough money for the both of us. I really enjoy your company."
They're pulled off at an empty lot near a supermarket. Somewhere off in the distance is a park. The children there are loud, voices echoing in the evening ambiance.
Uraraka looks out towards the noise, but he can see her swallow heavily.
"That's kind of dangerous, isn't it? We just met."
She says it like how she says other things that are meant to be teasing. He nods anyway.
"It is. You can drive, if that makes you feel better. Or you can sit in the backseat. I would have bought a bigger car if I knew I would meet you today."
She laughs again, starting with a snort and ending with a giggle. It makes his heart beat faster in his chest, and he isn't sure if he's nervous or happy to hear it.
"What if /I'm/ the murderer?" Uraraka stabs one of the donut holes and brings it up to her mouth. She smiles at him when he frowns, and then smiles wider when he shrugs.
"If it happens, it happens."
"/Todoroki/." She slaps her palm against her forehead and sinks down in her seat. "That's the most dangerous mindset I've ever heard."
"I'm sorry?" He glances down at her the further she sinks, but she doesn't seem particularly angry. It looks like she's fighting, but on the inside. "It's not that dangerous."
"It's pretty dangerous."
She brushes her legs clean. Sits up straight and looks out the window again. Her breath fans out across the glass, fogging it.
He rolls the window down for her, and she does that snorting laugh again.
"You're a funny guy, Todoroki."
"Am I?"
"You are." Uraraka shifts in her seat, to pull her legs cross-crossed. There's one donut hole left in the box, and she rolls it around a few more times before she pokes it with that same toothpick and shoves it in her mouth.
As she chews, she glares at him. Almost like she can't see him and needs glasses. He leans in closer so that she can find what she's looking for.
"You're funny in both ways. Weird… but you make me laugh."
She closes up the box, fitting the toothpick between her teeth so that she can absently chew on it.
"So you're… 'moving'," she says, finally. "- and I don't have a home anymore. Where would we even go?"
Shouto glances past the parking lot, at the semi-distant street that is starting to pile with traffic after a brief lull. But his eyes inevitably drag back over to her.
Uraraka stares back, cheeks pink. A small smile grows on her face. She runs her fingernail across the edge of the empty donut box. He'd have to figure out a place to recycle it if he could.
There are so many places they could go. Somewhere warm, towards a beach. Or somewhere quiet, with wide hills and short buildings. To a festival. To a shoe store.
"/Everywhere/?" Uraraka shakes her head, exasperated. "What about when we run out of money?"
Shouto shrugs. Uraraka laughs again. Her hand drifts to the middle console, palm up, and Shouto watches it for a while.
Then she leans over to grab his hand. Her fingers are warm, rough at the tips but soft everywhere else. She would look pretty in nail polish. /Prettier/, rather- if it were possible.
He maybe had a crush on her. Was this what love felt like? Soft hands and warm smiles? He liked it.
She interrupts by leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. It's soft, like a feather landing on snow. "Take me everywhere, then. And then I'll give you my answer."
Shouto, dazed, touches his fingers to his cheek. He forgets to stop holding her hand, so hers come along with it. She doesn't seem to mind. "Your answer?"
"On whether or not I'll stay," she says, cheeky. "So you'd better make it a fun ride."
Shouto squeezes his other hand down on the steering wheel, if only to keep his heartbeat in his veins so that the organ doesn't leap out of his chest and act a fool. He accidentally steps on the gas, and the car revs in protest.
Uraraka laughs again. She tightens her hold on his hand and pulls it back down between them. He squeezes it back.
And when they get back on the road again, fifteen minutes later, Uraraka has gone from laughing to singing loud to the radio and dancing in her seat. She's pure joy.
It stops raining, and the world feels brighter.
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talesfromlissom · 4 years ago
  A/N: Hey everybody, Omens here. This series is part of my series for the (Y/N)’s. These works are here to establish the backgrounds, personalities, and such of each of my (Y/N)’s, as they’re all separate characters and not a blank slate. 
So far, I’m doing my three most popular requested ones which are; Hanzo, Mcree, and Genji. This is Mcree’s. I’m sure these works will have about 3-4 chapters each, with the first being the beginning of their life, to the last being present time. That being said, you don’t have to default to these (Y/N)’s either. If you have a request that’s specific like 
‘Mcree with an S/O who has a body like Genji?’. I will easily do that. These (Y/N)’s are just the default if you request something vague such as ‘Mcree goes on a date with (Y/N).’ and such. 
However, I do have placeholder names for each of these characters. If you would like a request with this specific (Y/N) you can use (Y/N)!Ambrose. Sorry if this was confusing but :)
                            |  Chapter 2 -  Dirty Shoes|
Chapter Summary: They say your childhood flies by faster than your adulthood. That is true. They say that you should do the things you enjoy while your young. That is also true. 
They also say that there’s no such thing as monsters under your bed. That’s not true. 
!WARNING! This work contains graphic depictions of violence, foul language, and other sensitive topics. Reader discretion is advised. 
Overwatch Masterlist 
Ninjago Masterlist
The Arcana Masterlist
Ask Box (Requests are CLOSED!) 
Wattpad Version
                     “They broke my wings, but forgot I had claws.”
Your entire life, you had spent it being common. You had a 'common' sob story of losing your parents in the omnic crisis. You had the 'common' new blood mark. You wanted to be special, you wanted people to notice you. You didn't know that this wish would cost your humanity, however.
!WARNING! This chapter contains blood, violence, and death. Please proceed with caution. 
Song: Dancing with the devil - Set it off
Tumblr media
It was 9:30 at night when you had received the call from Holland. You had just gotten home to your small apartment which you shared with your (crappy) roommate. The familiar made you pull the phone from your pocket immediately.
"Hey (Y/N)! It's been a while, huh?"
You chuckle, twirling your car keys on your ring finger. "Yeah." You began, leaning against the door. "College has been busy, how have you been?" You ask, recognizing the voice immediately, your day improving instantly from this call.
"Ah, I've been better," Holland says. "I've been so busy, so I figured I wanted to go down to a bar to loosen up a little. Wanna come?"
"Sure, which one?"
"Lilac Gardens."
"The one that opened up two months ago?"
"Hell yeah, a lot of people are saying their food is good, and apparently most of their staff are nice to look at too."
You roll your eyes, turning around and grabbing the door handle.
You're halfway out the door when you ask; "I'm guessing you want to go now?"
"Hell yeah I do, I wanna pick up some chicks."
You fake a gagging noise, locking the door behind you. "Don't ever say that again, please."
"So, you want me to meet you there?"
"I bet I can beat you." You say.
Holland laughs.
"You're forgetting I can walk really fast."
"And you're forgetting that I own a car." You retort as Holland sputters over the phone before hanging up.
Just as you expected, you showed up at the bar before Holland did. Not that he minded, of course, it would be fun to tease Holland for being late.
Soon, you see a bus roll up across the street, various passengers coming off. There, you see Holland in all his glory, just as you expected.
Same pale skin, with freckles littering his face, same round eyes, flushed cheeks, and bright cyan hair. He's wearing a nice jean jacket, a white and black striped shirt, with jeans and Adidas. His face immediately brightens as he crosses the street and sees you.
"Since when did you drive?" He asks as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"Since I got my driver's license back sophomore year of college." You reply, rustling his hair.
You two enter the rustic bar, taking a seat as Holland orders two drinks.
"So, has college been pummeling you into the ground?" Holland asks.
You shrug. "Well...kinda. Speaking in front of the class still makes me nervous...but I'm gonna have to do it if I wanna be an art history teacher."
Holland leans back in the chair, sighing.
"Hm, the exact opposite of me then," He muses. "I've been buried in work, might as well dig my own grave with the papers I still have to finish."
You shake your head as the glasses are passed to you two.
You down the drink in one gulp, as Holland, mimics you. The two of you slam your glasses on the counter, as Holland chuckles.
"So, other than college kicking us in the ass, how have you been?"
You shrug.
"Pretty good I guess. Roommate's nice."
Holland frowns.
"Okay, he sucks ass, but he helps pay rent so, y'know. He stays."
"Thank god he does. If he didn't I would've hauled his ass into the nearest dumpster."
You snort.
"He's three times your size."
"So? No man is safe from a kick in the balls."
This time, you laugh, throwing your head back in the process.
"Have you called your moms yet?"
Holland scoffs. "Have I? No, have they? Yes, every day."
Holland shakes his head.
"I love them really, it's mainly just them showing me their dog doing stupid stuff like barking at the wall." Holland pauses. "What about yours?"
There's hesitance. Holland raises an eyebrow.
Your face contorts. "It's just...Mrs.Parkiston is in the hospital."
Holland's eyes widen. "Oh god. I'm sorry (Y/N). Why didn't you tell me?"
You shrug. "Didn't wanna bother you. She'll be fine, she's tough as nails."
Holland frowns. "Are you sure...you don't wanna talk about it?"
You nod slightly, swirl your drink around in your hand, watching the ice swim in circles.
Holland nods his head slowly and asks for a refill.
"Woah there, don't wanna make yourself drunk, Holls."
"Hey now, I'm a grown man. I can handle a drink or two."
This time, it's you who shakes your head.
"Damn, it's almost midnight," Holland mutters, gesturing to his watch. "Think we should call it a night?"
"Depends. Do you have classes tomorrow?"
"Only one, but it's at 5ish."
"Ha! I have no classes, so why don't we go somewhere else?"
"Like a movie?"
"With you and your loud mouth? We'd get kicked out during the movie trailers." You tease, and Holland huffs. You place your card on the counter, and spin around, surveying the rest of the bar. It's mostly empty, minus the small frail woman on the couch in the far corner of the room.
You raise an eyebrow, upon seeing the woman being approached by a man. Your nose crinkles as the man practically forces the woman to her feet and begins to walk out the door with the man.
\You pause, as the man turns to you, and for a second you feel your heart drop to your stomach, your skin turning cold. The man's eyes are wide, the lighting surely makes them red, and the blood veins are bright as ever. The minute this man looks away, that feeling is gone.
"Hey Holland, are you done yet?" You ask, trying to not stumble over your words, as you take your card back from the barista.
Holland turns to you. "Yeah, why?"
"Did that woman enter the bar with anyone?"
Holland pauses, as you gesture to the woman who's giggling and nearly falling to her feet, just outside the door.
The woman is pulled away and the two begin to walk down the street, past the window. Holland turns to you.
"I know that look (Y/N)."
You're already out the door as Holland races to catch up with you, as you walk down the street, eyes peeled.
"(Y/N), she probably called someone to pick her up-"
"I don't know, Holland. That guy looked at me, and his eyes were all...all bloodshot! I felt so cold, you don't get like that looking at somebody-"
"(Y/N), you're probably just a bit tipsy-"
"I had two drinks-"
The two of you pause before you hear a shout escape through the air. Holland freezes, exchanging a look with you.
"Don't you dare-!"
Before he finishes you take off running towards the sound of the scream. Holland is shouting behind you, but you don't hear it as you slide to a stop on the outside of the alleyway.
You feel your jaw become slacked, your gaze fixated on the black heels on a woman's legs. The legs twitch once. The figure above the body making smacking noises as they lay hunched over her upper body.
"H-hey!" You shout.
The man turns around, and your eyes go wide. Red drips down the man's mouth, and you know damn well that the man's teeth is much longer than normal. His eyes are beet red, pupils blown wide, and his skin is so pale, it's practically white and glittering off of the flickering street light above you.
You slowly peer down at the woman's face, your heart pounding in your chest. Two holes are in the woman's neck, more blood pooling down the wounds and onto the concrete below. Her eyes are wide and glossed over.
"W-what the hell did you do!" You shout, the man doesn't move.
You hear footsteps behind you.
"(Y/N)? Seriously, just-Holy shit!"
Holland stumbles at the scene before you. As the man slowly stands up.
He's muttering under his breath as Holland grips your shoulder.
"Y-Y/N, we should...we should get outta here-!"
The man screeches before launching at you two. One hand coming forward to grasp your plaid shirt, and the other grabbing Holland by his hair. The two of you are thrown into the alleyway, and Holland screeches as he lands on the woman's body.
He scrambles, practically on top of you.
"Oh god, we're gonna die...(Y/N) we're gonna die-" Holland trembled.
"We're not gonna die, Holland." You hiss.
The man, who has blood dripping onto his t-shirt, hisses.
You shove Holland to the side, and the man slams face-first into the dumpster. There are two holes where his teeth were, and you look around the area.
Your hands dart across the ground, scrambling to find something of use, and your fingertips brush against something. You pull out a....bag...from under the dumpster?
"Look out-!"
The man screeches and dives at Holland this time, Holland cries out as he's wrestled onto the floor. His legs kick out, and all over the place, trying to kick the man off. Holland has his arms on the man's shoulders, who lashes out and snaps at him like a dog.
"Call the cops (Y/N) holy shit!"
You reach into your pocket, but don't feel your phone nor your car keys. "They're gone!"
Holland screams as the man snaps at his face.
"Then just do something!" Holland yells.
You tear open the bag and with that, your eyes widen.
"What the hell..." You mutter, grabbing the piece of wood and grasping it in your hand. There's a strange symbol on the top of it. You don't recognize any of it.
The man stops, snapping his head towards you so harshly that you hear it. You make eye contact with the man, but this time you don't freeze. The wood feels hot in your hand, almost driving away the cold, and your entire body seems to get a rush from this.
The man jumps at you, your eyes flicker to the wood.
You're slammed into the wall by the man, who shouts when you plunge the wood directly into his shoulder. You pull it out again as he staggers back. His eyes go fully red, and you hear cracking noises.
The man- no, this thing attacks you again, grabbing your wrist and twisting.
You shout out as the wood drops from your hands, and the man wrestles you to the ground. Jaw snapping.
"Ah! Holland do something!"
There isn't a response from Holland at first, but the man pauses for a second, sputtering. You cry out as you see the pierced end of the stake go through the man's chest, forcing blood onto your clothes.
You shove the man's body off of you. This thing sputters, his eyes slowly meeting your own.
He reaches a frail hand out before you hear the blood drip onto the concrete, and his bloody hands smear finger marks on your cheek. The man collapses onto the ground.
Holland breathes out heavily.
"Holy...did...did I just kill that guy!"
"You...You didn't mean to! Right?"
"Of-of course not! He kept moving too much and I just went for it I-" Holland grabs fistfuls of his hair. "Holy fuck (Y/N)! Now we're screwed, we're so screwed!"
For a moment, you're stunned. There's blood on you, you know there's blood on you.
"We...We should call someone." You quavered, feeling your body tremble as you step back into the wall.
"And tell them what? 'Hey my friend and I just got back from a bar and killed a guy who killed a woman! Ooh! And we also killed him with a fucking stake from Home Depot!"
You make a face at Holland, who gestures wildly at the wood.
"I don't know (Y/N)! I could go to jail for this, we're ruined-! So ruined-"
"Holland calm down."
"Calm down!" Holland roars. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down-!"
Holland pauses, the anger turning to shock, eyes going wide.
You raise an eyebrow and slowly turn towards the bodies. The man's body slowly becomes bright, before it fades to dust, leaving his destroyed clothes behind. Just as the man's body disappears, the woman does as well. Not leaving any trace of evidence behind. The concrete is clean of any blood.
"What. the. Fuck." Holland mutters. "This is some supernatural type shit."
There's a tense silence shared between you two. You grab the stake, and the bag, and swing it over your shoulder.
"We're leaving, now."
Holland's eyes widen.
"Holland, let's go!"
You harshly grab his wrist as you two run down the street, you see Holland's gaze never leave the alleyway as you two run. Before he faces the ground, his lower lip is bitten. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was on the verge of tears.
You slam the front door to your apartment, and let out heavy breaths.
"Now...now what." Holland whispers. "Are we going insane or something? Maybe...Maybe we had too much to drink?"
While Holland tries to rationalize what just happened, you sigh and shut your eyes.
You softly guide Holland to the couch right to the door. He sits down, hands over his mouth, eyes flicking left and right.
You place the bag on the coffee table before you.
Holland puts his head in his hands as you turn to the bag. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you slowly unzip the bag.
"Jesus, what the hell is all of this?" You ask, slowly grabbing the large wooden cross with your left hand, and a smaller stake with your right.
Holland slowly uncovers his face.
Holland shoves past you, whilst you shout out a 'Hey!'. You reach into the bag and pull out a white bottle, as well as a rolled-up piece of paper.
"Holy water?" Holland mutters, as he places it on the coffee table and unravels the paper.
He snickers. "Jeez, d&d nerd much?"
He nudges you in the side, as you raise an eyebrow.
"Why is that guy on a wanted poster."
You crinkle your nose. "Jeez, they really did him wrong. Look at his nose."
Holland smiles. "look...his teeth too."
"Cain Soloman." Holland reads. "Vampire lord....19 grand for live...capture..."
Holland tosses the paper onto the coffee table.
"I'd say that was a load o' bull, but...you know I'd be lying."
You place the stake and the cross down.
"Is there anything else in there?" Holland began. You shrug, opening the bag wide.
"Nope, that's it."
Holland shakes his head.
"Who would leave a backpack with all of this stuff under a dumpster anyways though?"
"It's not a backpack."
"Then why does it look like one?"
You let out an exasperated sigh.
"Do you...really think that thing was a vampire?" You ask, hesitantly.
"Probably." Holland leans back, head aimed towards the ceiling. "Makes sense. The eyes, teeth, super strength, dead woman with the two holes in her neck."
"But Holland-"
"He turned into dust after you stabbed him, that woman disappeared too, blood and all!" Holland adds. "Holy crap we're in deep!"
"I always wanted to be a sorcerer when I was a kid and fight monsters, but I didn't think that'd actually happen," Holland mutters.
Holland groans and puts his hands on his face again, as you turn to the bag. You pick it up and zip it up again, fingers lightly brushing the stitched symbol on the top.
"Hey, Holland. Recognize this?"
Holland sits up and stares at the golden stitch and shrugs. "I'm a doctor (Y/N). Isn't this up to your alley?"
You scoff.
"I was just asking for a second opinion," You reply. "It's not Egyptian. I can tell you that. Definitely not kanji either."
"Then what the hell is it?"
You analyze for a moment, your eyes going wide.
"Latin maybe?"
"It looks like a really straight 'M'."
You pout as Holland throws his hands in front of his chest.
"What! It does?"
You shake your head, opening the bag again.
"C'mon, let's put this stuff away."
"And then what?"
"I'll just toss it in the trash tomorrow."
"Alright." Holland whispers. "Then what?"
You sigh.
"I...we should just pretend it didn't happen?"
There's a silence shared between the two of you, as Holland fidgets, but slowly nods his head.
"yeah...I...I guess so."
Silence again.
"You uh...wanna stay over?" You ask, hesitantly.
"Yeah, I...I'd like that. Don't wanna get attacked by any uh..vengeful vampires right?"
It's about 6:50 in the morning, and you still haven't gotten any sleep. You hear Holland tossing and turning in the sleeping bag on the floor next to your bed. You aren't sure if he's asleep or not, but don't want to bother him and risk waking him up if you do ask.
Instead, you stare at the ceiling, eyes never leaving the fan that blows a soft, cool breeze onto your face.
You put a hand over your eyes as the sun peaks through the cracks of your curtains. It seems that sleep is escaping you tonight. So, you sit up, stretch and swear you hear your back crack as you do so.
You carefully roll out of bed, tip-toeing over Holland. Making your way towards the bathroom, you turn the light on.
You make eye contact with yourself in the mirror before letting out a shout and stumbling backward.
Holland bursts upright as you make contact with the floor.
"Wh-what! I'm up!"
"Why do I have a tattoo?"
"What are you talking about-HOLY SHIT!"
Holland makes eye contact with your chest, seeing the three large, black rings plastered on your left pec.
"Uh, okay then," Holland mutters. "Did you have...have that last night?"
"No." You cry out, sitting up and turning to him. "And I- oh Jesus you have one too-!"
"I'm sorry wh-holy hell I do-!"
You gesture to the very large eye tattoo on Holland's shoulder.
"Did-did you feel anything strange before you went to bed?" Holland mutters.
"No! No I didn't...did you?"
"No! I fell right asleep!"
Your fingers softly trace the eye on Holland's shoulder.
"This...could this be from last night?"
"Unless there's a boogeyman who likes to give random strangers weird tattoos while they're sleeping, I-"
The two of you freeze as you hear the doorbell ring. You make eye contact as you scramble to get to your feet. You pull on a pair of sweatpants and an undershirt, while Holland looks out the window.
"Oh shit, are those the cops."
Your eyes widen.
"Oh fuck me! Those are the cops!" Holland yells. "Well, it's been nice knowing you, pal. Hopefully, we'll be roommates in prison!"
You roll your eyes as you open the bedroom door, and make your way down the stairs. You hear another set of footsteps behind you.
However, as your hand ghosts over the doorknob, you see Holland in the hallway, hands over his mouth. He motions for you to go forward as he hides behind the wall further.
You scoff, muttering 'pussy' under your breath before you open the door.
The man and the woman turn to you, eyes widen.
"You're (Y/N) Parkinston? Correct?"
You nod. "Yes, I am."
"Good...Good. Can we come in?"
You step aside, letting the two enter the apartment.
The woman smiles.
"Ah! There's your bag!" She chippers as she races towards the bag and lifts it up.
She then pauses.
"Who opened this?"
You freeze, as the two people turn to you.
"I did it!" Holland calls out. "He-he had nothing to do with it I swear!"
The man and woman pause. The woman opens the bag and immediately pulls out the stake, eyes widening at the dried blood on the tip.
"You did this?"
Holland hesitantly nods, before the man narrows his gaze at Holland.
The woman turns to the man. "I can't find the contract."
"Means it's been completed. By civilians nonetheless."
The woman scoffs. "This is gonna be a tone of paperwork, Jason."
Jason grins.
The woman frowns.
"Jason. No."
"What? He's got a marking anyways."
The woman pauses, turning to Holland, and nearly drops the bag in shock. She shoves past you, rather rudely at that, and you narrow your gaze at this.
She grabs Holland by the arms and examines the eye tattoo.
"This is! This is the eye! Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've seen a new blood with one of these!"
Holland raises an eyebrow.
The woman turns to you.
"Did you...get one by any chance?"
You hesitantly nod, pulling your undershirt down to show the rings. However, the woman frowns.
"Aw." But her grin comes back again.
"New bloods! It's been so long since there have been new bloods?"
Holland raises an eyebrow as you fidget.
The woman giggles. "You see, we are monster hunters!"
Silence goes through the apartment.
Jason groans. "And, whenever a new monster hunter or hunters, in this case, is chosen, they are given a marking that explains their best abilities."
He gestures to Holland. "You, have the eye symbol. It means your powerful, confident, independent. It's rare to see a new blood be gifted one of those."
He then turns to you. You fidget slightly.y
"You have the rings. Fairly common, typically means teamwork, marriage, and all that jazz."
"Wait wait wait. Backup a minute." You interrupt. "So, monsters are real?"
"Yes," Tassy said.
"And we just killed one. So that makes us monster hunters."
Jason nods.
"Holy crap." You mutter.
"Congratulations! Pack your stuff boys, and make sure to travel lightly, because it's safer for you to stay on base!"
"Why's that?"
"You could get mauled by a werewolf...sacrificed to a vengeful god by an evil cult...made into a thrall by a vampire, the list goes on and on," Tassy says.
"Jesus Christ," Holland mutters.
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brookethegamer · 4 years ago
I made a fanfic! It contains forced sex tho. I hope this is approved
Finally...out of work, Roman reigns just left the building of WWE after the show ended, he is now heading to his car and is gonna drive to the hotel, everybody else already had left, he had to stay in the trainers room with injured ribs, head is beating, nose is bleeding, head is also spinning, it took them a while to help him get better and treat his wounds, but he’s okay now, he’s just really sore, But after they finished helping him out, he made his way to the locker room and he took off his gear and took a warm soothing shower to wash off the filth and sweat off his tanned- like skin, but after the shower, he heard something...like a laugh or a strange noise. But he just shrugged it off and just assumed it was nothing, he put on his black zip up hoodie and his sweatpants and his shoes, grabbed his bag and headed for the door, Paul Heyman was insisting that he’d drive him to the hotel but Roman just let him go ahead without him. QUICK FLASHBACK “Are you sure you want me to go? I’m willing to wait for you so we can leave together” Paul Said Adjusting his tie “Paul, it’s okay alright? I’ll be fine, go back to the hotel and get ready for next Friday and get some sleep, alright?” He said wiping his universal title with a rag with method spray, Heyman sighed and nodded his head in agreement, “of course sir, ill be going now then.” Paul said as he took his briefcase with his things in it and headed for the door “Okay see you next Friday��� END FLASHBACK
Roman had no idea where Jey went, he just disappeared when he’d say he’d be in the VIP room. Roman didn’t bother to tie his hair up like he usually does when he leaves because it was getting really dark outside, so dark, he had to pull out his phone flashlight out so he can see which car is his, is was raining, not too harsh, but raining, but then he heard the same laugh he heard in the locker room and heard a small voice “Found you!” Said in a cheerful tone Then Roman quickly turned around and spotted Alexia Bliss with a syringe full of a clear liquid, She had her hair in two ponytails on each side, black bows in her straight, golden blonde hair with pink tips on the ends, a few individual hair pieces of her hair twisted into a dred, black crop with her spiked vest, with a black skirt with a pant chain, black stockings that stop at her knees and had doc martens on, with her signature new gloves that say “play” “pain”, kinda like a WWE Harley Quinn. Roman stared at her in confusion, she smiled, looking dark as ever now that he fell in....her trap.. then Roman realizes what she’s about to do, but before he could try and yank the syringe from her hand, she jumped on top of him and stabs Roman in the neck and pushes the liquid right into his veins so the drug could work. Roman roughly pushes her off of him “W-What the hell is wrong with you Alexia!?” Roman’s hands start to violently trumble as the drug starts to kick in, he puts two fingers on the part where she stabbed him and felt a bit of blood coming out his neck, but then his vision get blurry and he felt like his body is getting numb then he passes out, Alexia smiles even wider and puts hands under her chin where the top of her hands were touching the chin then starts to laugh, but then her face turned into a serious face “Let. Him.In” then goes back into a smile and back to laughing when Bray Wyatt, Braun Strownman, Kevin Owens ,walk up on Roman’s unconscious body, they Teamed up and they all were all tougher and was doing all of this because they all hated him, they wanted to disrespect him, they wanted to break him, to hurt him, to tell him what to do. “Get him up, and put him in back of the van” then Bray smiles “we’re gonna have the greatest play date ever” then Bray starts to do his terrifying laugh and Alexia joins in with him as Braun carries Roman limp body in the back of the vehicle, He couldn’t wait to dominate the fuck out of Roman. He wanted to release all his anger inside of Roman after he lost of his final battle between him and Roman , he was getting hard to the thought of it, really, but he must focus for now. But then the crew took off.
5 hours later
- [ ] Roman wakes up with a pounding headache and his ribs are even more sore then before, but as he tries to stand up he can’t move, then he realizes that he’s bend over a wooden desk with 4 ropes on each side of the desk leg, holding his arms and legs intact so he couldn’t go anywhere, and he also had a gag in his mouth, so that bitch can suffer, so Roman is unable to speak. Now Roman was starting to panic, he was unsure about why their doing this, and what they are truly capable of doing, he was also afraid that he might choke on his own spit as a ocean of spit starts to slowly rise in his mouth. Then Roman begins to struggle even more to try and get out then he hears Bray’s psychotic laugh and pauses -That bastard! He better let me the fuck out! Roman thought as Bray approaches him, and then Bray bends down so his crouching on his feet. “Yowie Wowie! it’s been what- 7 years and you still look pretty. . .” Roman did his best not to make himself seem vulnerable and Feared his new self, and looked at the dark reddish pink sweater wearing man in an angry way, bray looks at him serious for a few seconds, then gets up and walk over to the backside of Roman, staring at his clothed ass. Bray hungrily licked his lips, and then without warning, grabbed the left and the right side of the base of his sweats and torn it right open. Roman let out a Perturbed type yell type Groan, you feel me? But yeah anyways he cried out but he was muffled so you couldn’t really hear him you wanted to, then bray grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off romans boxers leaving the pants on, “Nice ass. . . I can’t wait to destroy it, Now, Make yourself at home or should I say basement “ Bray briefly laughs but then continue his statement “so just sit tight, and I’ll get our toys that we are gonna play with” Keeping that shit- eating grin on this face, Then Wyatt goes up the stairs and leaves. Then a few seconds later, Braun comes down the stairs, seeing a weak Roman reigns tied up. “ what did I tell you, son?? I’m gonna show you how much of a monster I can be” Braun bends down on his knees and start to roughy lick at romans tight hole, Braun couldn’t wait to abuse it, Roman Moaned through his gag “ N-No! I refuse to let this happen” Roman began to struggle and try to get away from Braun, Braun’s tongue was so thick and fat and wet and warm. Then Braun comes closer to romans backside and rubs his clothed cock near Reign’s hole. Braun just couldn’t wait to violate him, and hear him scream. He hummed at the tight feeling of his hole “ I’m gonna make sure I claim you as my bitch” walks in front of the slowly choking man and Braun pulls down his boxers showing Reigns his massive size, Romans eyes widened at the monsters package, Braun didn’t care if it was too big, he wanted reigns to choke on his cock. Then he undos the gag that was around reign’s mouth. Roman violently coughs and lets the spit that’s been sitting in his mouth pour from his lips then Braun shoved his cock is romans mouth, Braun was in heaven, romans mouth felt amazing, his mouth was steamy and the spit that’s been in his mouth for the past few hours was making it even better, “Look at you, choking on my dick, it’s time you use that mouth what it was meant for instead of talking shit and yelling at your lackey boys” tears and spit were everywhere, Braun kept thrusting and thrusting in and out of Romans warm mouth until he pulled out and came on romans face and his silky black hair. “damn I could fuck this mouth for hours” Roman couldn’t believe that his longterm rival really came on his face. “ member Roman. I’M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU”
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chasseurdeloup-retired · 4 years ago
Brittle Blazes || Nicole and Kaden
TIMING: Current LOCATION: White Crest National Park PARTIES: @nicsalazar and @chasseurdeloup SUMMARY: Nicole calls in Animal Control to help with a totally normal not at all supernatural bug infestation. Nothing goes wrong what so ever.
A new day at work often meant a new set of problems to deal with. For the most part Nicole didn’t mind, it kept the job interesting. No day was the same. That particular day wasn’t expected to be the most exciting, though. Beetle infestation near one camping ground, they had said in the morning briefing. Animal control would be present later that day and assess the situation. Boring and annoying. Why people bothered to visit the woods if they hated the bugs was something Nicole still struggled to understand. How hard was it to bring spray with you? Perhaps they should’ve tried the beach instead, she mused as she made her way to the ground hours later. Part of her, however, wasn’t convinced the issues were caused by ordinary beetles. It didn’t explain the few trees that straight up collapsed near the grounds in the previous days, or the crying fits a few campers had experienced. Maybe it was all unrelated, though  if she had learned anything in the years at the park, very rarely that was the case. She stood outside the guardhouse, where she expected to meet with animal control, entertaining herself by keeping an eye on the campsite for any signs of strange activity. Everything appeared frustratingly normal, until she heard steps approaching. Hopefully they’d be done with the beetles soon.
There was a lot in Kaden’s life that didn’t make sense right now. Entirely too much, if he was being honest. Work wasn’t one of them. Work hadn’t abandoned him. It didn’t add to any gnawing ache of emptiness or questions. It sure hadn’t slowed down either. He pull his truck up to the guardhouse. He’d made sure all his equipment was in tow considering he had no clue what he was dealing with. Not yet. “Hey,” he called out to the ranger as he got out of the car. “Officer Langley, animal control,” he said, offering her a hand. “So what is it we’re looking at? Dog? Cat?” Monster? The call mentioned something about beetles and he hoped like hell that was a lie. He trusted the park ranger knew better than to call on animal control for that. “Or something else?” He didn’t know where she stood on the whole supernatural thing and he wasn’t going to be the first to let the cat out of the bag on that one. “Call mentioned something about downed trees, right? We looking at something large?” He’d take stock, figure out what he wanted to bring from his truck based on what she said. Either way, he was pretty sure his shotgun was coming with him. Call it intuition. Or just Wicked’s Rest.
“Right” nodding in acknowledgement, Nicole circled around the truck to meet with him. She went for a quick handshake, eyes only meeting his gaze briefly. “Nicole” with a mumble, she motioned behind them,“this way...I’ll show you”. Eyebrows furrowing at the question, Nicole paused before continuing. She had expected him to know something beforehand, the idea of explaining the ridiculous reason for the call making her dread what was coming. “Uh, not even close— really, shouldn’t have bothered you guys, but—” she began, her tone apologetic. An arborist would have dealt with the trees easily. “The trees— it’s just a few odd things piling up” trying to gauge his reaction, she shot a quick look at him. “We got beetles everywhere...people complained, then trees dropping out of nowhere” she had to mention it, despite no obvious correlation. It wasn’t even the weirdest part. “Then...then—” she played with her belt, bracing herself for the strange looks. Luckily, they were reaching their location, away from the campsite and past the bonfires. They would be near the pond in no time, and she wouldn’t have to explain anything else. “Then, two families...crying for no fu—for no reason. Bawling, couldn’t stop them. Thought some sort of gas leak could’ve been the issue but…” she clicked her tongue, shaking her head as they came to a stop. The beetles were crawling everywhere, that much was evident even if she tried to keep some distance. “If I can help with something, let me know”.
“Nice to meet you Nicole,” he said after shaking her hand. Oh, so she was using her first name. Was Kaden dumb for going all “Officer Langley” on her? Putain. He still barely felt like he knew what the hell he was doing sometimes with the official type stuff. The animals and monsters, however, that he could handle. Only he was starting to wonder what it was he was really going up against. “Yeah I heard something about fallen trees. So I assumed…” Well, it was his fault for assuming, wasn’t it? Shit. He rubbed the back of his neck a moment before pulling out some gear from his truck and following along. He hoped like hell it was enough, or appropriate. Guess he’d find out. “Beetles?” His mind started to narrow down the possibilities. Bug looking monster, alright. That, uh, well it left a lot of options for sure. “Alright. Beetles. Trees dropping. How big were they? And, uh, what do you mean by dropping?” She carried on about the families crying and what not. His brow furrowed, trying to piece it together before they reached the site. He was struggling to find the threads. Until he saw them. “Oh shit,” he said as he watched the maroborers crawl along the forest floor and trees. There were so many. “Putain de merde,” he muttered to himself. “We need to get out of here right n--” He turned and saw that they were surrounded. Small beetle sized monsters surrounded them. Monsters that made things brittle. Brittle enough to crumble to pieces at a single touch if they hung out with them too long. “You really should have called pest control, you know. And not-- putain.” He rubbed his temple a moment to think. He didn’t have fucking bug spray on him. “Fire will work. So will crushing them. But it’s a risk. Both of them. Fuck.”
Nicole pressed her lips into a thin smile at the pleasantry. One look at his equipment calmed some of her nerves. It seemed he had brought something for every possibility. “The size of—the beetles...or, the trees?” she took a moment to glance at him, brow furrowed in confusion. She cleared her throat, rubbing her jaw before continuing “Just that. They collapsed. Healthy trees—weren’t due for any kind of maintenance. No one got hurt, luckily”.  It seemed Officer Langley had managed to figure out the root of the problem the second he laid eyes on the scene. Her eyebrows shot up impressed, thinking of commenting on his knowledge, until he said they had to leave. Taking a step back out of instinct, her eyes widened at his reaction. What was so bad about some beetles? She did agree with him however, that Animal Control shouldn’t have been called in the first place. “Fi—fire. You want to...” she lifted her hand, pointing at the trees surrounding them, “you wanna to burn things...” in a National Park was left unsaid. Judging by the tone of his words she suspected he understood how absurd the suggestion was, or she hoped so. But, if he had been quick enough to assess the problem, she had to trust he knew the right solution. Even if that meant starting a fire in an area it was very much forbidden to do so. Still, she preferred to leave that as a last resort. “Got—I’ve a can of bug spray you can use?” she helplessly offered, hand ghosting over her pocket. No, that was stupid. Why did she say that? One spray wouldn’t do shit against all those bastards. She had underestimated how bad the issue was and the reports hadn’t been too informative either. “W--Why’s crushing them a risk?” she glanced down, finding a few of them crawling under her boot. It could be so easy to do.
“The beetles but I’m not sure I need an answer anymore,” he said, looking around them at the scope of the issue. Kaden really wished they had been facing a big monster knocking down the trees. Like a bies or even a werewolf or literally anything else other than what they were up against. He rubbed his brow, trying to plan the best way to handle this. Safely. “I’m really fucking aware a fire in a forest is a bad idea, alright. I’m just saying it would work.” And possibly destroy half of White Crest’s woods. Which might not be a bad thing considering how many monsters loved there. Putain de merde, no he couldn’t think like that. Probably didn’t work that way in this cursed fucking town anyway. The fire would cause something bigger, badder, far worse. “These bugs. They have pheromones or some shit that make things brittle. Very. They could drill a hole in your skin. Or worse.” As if on cue, Kaden looked over to see a tree covered in the marob just crumble right in front of them. Shit. Fucking shit they were getting closer. Instinctively he stepped on the few threatening to climb up his shoes, slamming his heel down as he killed what he could. He could already feel the rubber sole of his boot getting stiffer, his steps having less give. Fuck. “Spray a path!” he shouted at her. “And cover your face as best you--” A few of the bugs started flying, buzzing near them. He held his jacket up in front of his face, trying to shield it as best he could. “Faster, any fucking faster!” he snapped.
Nicole stared dumbly at Langley as he explained, processing all the information he was throwing at her. Pheromones. Making trees collapse. Drilling holes in your skin. Normal stuff. She swat away a few coming at her face, wincing as she another tree crumbled, this time in front of them. Her mind began to race. Tentative fingers brushed against her radio, debating whether to call for back-up. Did they have resources and equipment for skin drilling bugs? No, they most definitely didn’t. She lowered her hand, deciding against her initial idea. It would only expose more people to it. She could run back, it wouldn’t take her more than a couple  minutes. And then what? Bring the whole stock of bug spray? No, they needed to act fast. She was already failing by going over possibilities while the officer was already taking action. It was just them against the bugs, then. His shout seemed to snap her out of her thoughts, and with a swift move she seized the bottle and sprayed as told. It felt like an uphill battle. As much as she sprayed, the bugs kept finding different paths to get to them. She raised the collar of her shirt to her nose, shaking her spray until it was empty. She coughed, paranoia setting in. It was too late for her. She could feel it. Particles, pheromones, whatever the fuck, in her throat, in her lungs. She remained stoic, a slight frown the only tell sign that something was happening inside her. The bugs flew closer now, from every direction. “Look just— just burn it all down” she let out, breathless. No. No that wasn’t a good idea, it was a terrible, dangerous, very illegal idea. But she couldn’t think straight knowing she might turn into dust any second now. She stumbled backward, “I’ll—I’ll get some extinguishers. The—the bonfires are close...we have them there” and buckets, she remembered. They could use the pond's water too. For once she didn’t wait for the okay, she couldn’t waste another second. She shot one last distraught look at the officer before she took off as fast as her legs allowed her, no time for pretending to be human.
Kaden pulled his collar up to try and cover his face, but it didn’t do much. Putain, putain, putain. They were definitely going to ingest some of the pheromones, no doubt about it. He just hoped it wasn’t too much. At least she acted fast enough, spraying the bugs away and he followed her as they picked a path away from them. Or tried to, at least. He ran after her, trying to breathe as little as possible. Which wasn’t exactly possible while running. “Burn it down?” It sure sounded like a terrible plan but he wasn’t going to argue with her when he didn’t have a better one. “Okay.” His words were muffled by the fabric attempting to cover his face. She ran off to what he assumed was the bonfires. Really fast, too. Huh. She must have been a runner. Right. Okay. Focus. Burning down. Burn it down. He was going to burn down the forest to kill the maroberers. With what? That’s right. He rummaged one handed for his lighter. Shit, shit, shit, this was an awful idea. He looked down and he saw flakes coming off of his jacket. Putain. He liked this jacket, too. “Fucking hell,” he grumbled to himself, wasting breath he shouldn’t and breathing in more pheromones with every word. Great. He had a lighter. Now the fuck what? He stomped his feet around him, doing everything he could to squash the bugs nearby, frantically looking for something, anything, that would catch. Leaves. Pile of leaves. That was about to be overtaken by bugs. Putain. Kaden ran over, desperately holding his jacket in front of his face as he did, his lungs begging for deeper breaths, more air than he was allowing. He flipped open the lighter and did his best to coax it alive. It caught and started to burn, blazing brighter with every second. He scrambled for more leaves, branches, to build it, help it move along the woods. Hopefully she got back with that extinguisher soon. And shit, how to get the bugs in the flames. He exhaled a small sigh. Was he really going to sacrifice the jacket? At least it wasn’t his favorite. Putain. He shrugged it off him and started using it to scoop up bugs and throw them on the flames. The fire was growing as he did, but the bugs kept coming. Shit.
Nicole couldn’t remember the last time she had run at full speed. Years and years ago, no doubt. She had been too concerned with appearing human to ever attempt it. It was entirely too freeing, but she had no time to process the conflicting feelings. She powered through, despite the dryness in her throat and her lungs threatening to collapse. Long strides and fast cadence, she made it to the campfires site in a matter of minutes. Her legs weren’t the only thing running, though. She couldn’t stop her panicky mind. She was going to be in so much trouble. Probation time at least, if she was extremely lucky. What was she thinking? She wasn’t, clearly. If those things could get in her brain too, they definitely were. She didn’t want to think about the problems she could get officer Langley into. She had trusted him blindly. Stupidly, almost. He seemed knowledgeable and prepared. But what if he got it wrong? What if arson wasn’t needed and she had gone and supported him on that insane idea for nothing? She burst into the empty station and barged straight into the storage to gather what she needed. One, two fire extinguishers. The biggest they had. Her chest heaved painfully, eyes darting across the poorly illuminated room. Her stomach sank. She didn’t have enough hands for every item. Tears began to sting in the corners of her eyes. Was it frustration at her incompetence to blame, or the bug’s pheromones doing its work? She couldn’t tell. Both were equally likely. Judging by the smell, Langley had succeeded at starting the fire. He needed her now. Fuck, it was such a bad idea. She blinked tears away furiously, stacking a couple of buckets and slid her hand under the handles, holding them with her wrist. Two extinguishers in her hands, she took off. She clenched her jaw, breathing sharply through her nose. The knot in her throat was messing with her. The smoke column was easy to spot, and within minutes, she made it back to the officer. To say he was struggling was an understatement. “Fuck” fuck, fuck, fuck. He didn’t look close to done. They couldn’t put out  the fire yet. She dropped everything and took off her own jacket, imitating the man’s motion to lure the bugs into the fire. People would start to notice if they hadn’t already. The smell, the smoke. “Now what?!”, her shout was muffled by the elbow covering her nose.
“That was fast,” Kaden said as she came sprinting back with the extinguishers. He’d hardly noticed she had left. Might not have even believed she had made it all the way there and back  had it not been for the extinguishers in her hand. Little by little, the fire was growing, but it was slow. “Come on, come on,” Kaden said to it, as if it could respond to him. Shit, that was stupid. Speaking meant he was breathing more. And that meant… Fuck. He kept shoveling bugs into the flames alongside her. It was doing something, but not enough. He had to figure something out. He had to. He turned around, spinning, looking for anything when he crashed right into her as she was continuing funnel bugs to the flames. “Watch it!” he snapped. It was harsher than he’d expected it to be, angry and sharp. Huh. Oh well. Even so, something clicked. “Bug spray! Now!” he said as he reached out to yank the can from her. He turned and started spraying a line on the ground, back and forth, as much as he could. Then he pulled out his lighter again. “Back up!” It was the only warning he gave before he set the area on fire. The flames roared to life, brighter and faster than the other. He threw more leaves and under brush towards it along with whatever insects he could manage. “Get off me you fucking assholes!” he yelled at them as he flung them away from him. The bugs were dwindling. The just might have dealt with them. The problem was the fire was catching. Rapidly. “Shit. Shit! We have to run! Or something!” he said, backing up towards her. He wasn’t sure a fire extinguisher or two was going to cut it. Putain.
Focused on the task at hand, Nicole could barely hear what the officer was saying, choosing to remain quiet instead. Her brain registered his words a moment later. She had been so concerned about the urgency of the situation that she hadn’t stopped to consider how fast she had been. She hoped, with the adrenaline of the moment he wouldn’t pick up on certain things. After all, who would think about sprint times when the threat of turning into dust loomed over them. Priorities, right? It was becoming difficult to breathe properly while covering her face from the beetles and the tears filling her eyes didn’t help to guide the bugs the right way. She huffed when he crashed into her, but stood her ground. Through glossy eyes she shot him an angry look. Did he have to be so clumsy? She shook her head, that was hardly something to get mad about, the fuck? She let him take the spray, surprised there was any left, but it seemed to do the trick. The fire grew faster than before. Perhaps a little too fast— in the blink of an eye it seemed to get out of hand. Not that she ever fully believed starting a fire was a good idea to begin with, but seeing the rapid destruction in front of her brought more tears to her eyes. She couldn’t blame it on bugs’ pheromones. Though maybe it was increasing her own proclivity to cry about many things. She had to call the fire management unit. If people saw she stood there and did nothing to stop the flames she’d be fired. She reached for her radio, but a wild flame jumped toward them. She stumbled backward, as Langley shouted for them to run. That was smart yes, but she couldn’t do that. She didn’t do smart. ‘Or something’ sounded better. Her hand closed on his forearm and she forcefully tugged him backward, to where she had dropped the extinguishers. Taking one, she pulled the pin to unlock it, wasting no time to squeeze the levers. “Get the other one!” the knot in her throat made her voice shaky, her order sounding more like a plea. They had to control it somehow.
Kaden was prepared to take off running. He wasn’t a fucking fire fighter. He threw himself into a lot of danger, sure, but standing around while there was a fucking forest fire? Not one of them. But she grabbed his wrist and kept him there. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he shot her. “Just us and two fucking fire ex--” He started coughing before he could get all the words out. But honestly, they were going to be the force to stop this shit? Fucking hell. He still thought they should run. It was clear she wasn’t leaving, though. He could pick her up and carry her. Fuck, that’d slow him down way too much it wouldn’t be worth it. “Bordel de merde, “ he grumbled to himself, picking up the stupid fucking extinguisher. This was moronic. He tried to cover his face with his collar again before pulling the pin for the extinguisher. The heat from the flames stung his eyes and breathing was getting harder and harder. But he didn’t have much of a choice, did he? He stood there and doused the flames as best he could with the extinguisher. At first, he wasn’t sure if it was working, the flames seemed like they were fighting back with everything they had. But there was no other option but to stand there and keep trying. At least for now. “Is this,” he coughed some more, “is this working?”
“Just— shut...shut the fuck up and help, jesus!” despite hearing her own voice, the words still felt foreign. Nicole couldn’t remember the last time she had been so frustrated. She didn’t have time to question her sanity. Not when all she could focus on was putting out the fire. Between the smoke and the pheromones, she wasn’t sure her lungs were having the best of times. Thankfully, their combined efforts seemed to appease the flames, if only for a brief moment of hope. It was easy to ignore the stabbing pain under her ribs, or the way her legs felt like giving up when it appeared they would get things under control. At least, she couldn’t see any more beetles flying. Small victories. The fire fought back, however, extending despite the initial decline. It caught nearby trees, violently consuming one. It crumbled in front of them, causing her to retreat. All the progress they had made, gone. She shook her head, groaning at the physical effort. No, it wasn’t working. “God” a sob escaped her lips, turning into a cough fit. “It—it’s not. It’s...n—ot” her chest heaved as she gasped for air. She tried to hold onto him, but he wasn't at reaching distance. She dropped the extinguisher to the floor, her arm felt like it was gonna fall as well. She had to contact the firefighters. They would ask questions, investigate, sure. It was their job. They’d realize it was intentional. She didn’t think the bug threat would be a valid excuse. But she couldn’t risk the officer’s life any longer. “Run....” she managed to rasp, weakly motioning him to drop the extinguisher. Bringing a hand to her chest, she picked up her radio and did what she should’ve done in the first place. She stumbled backward, trying to get to Langley. Now they had to run to safety before the flames embraced them.
“I fucking am!” Kaden snapped back. He grumbled some more as he continued trying to fight the flames. As much as they were trying to push the fire back, it was winning. The heat and smoke slowly overtook the area growing and spreading faster than they could work. It was more than some sily fire extinguishers could handle. For a moment, he was stunned and stood in silent awe. Then he felt the smoke prick at his eyes and lungs, snapping back into reality. Shit. He heard her gasping behind him. She suggested what they should have done all along. Run. She didn’t have to tell him twice. He turned and started to run. Every step felt harder and hard. His lungs pleaded for more air, but each breath pulled in more smoke. His pace slowed, the coughs started to take over as he stumbled through the brush. She was just in front of him. Good. She could run faster. She’d be okay. He didn’t have to worry about her. Just had to keep pushing forward. His legs felt like lead but he kept going. Until his foot caught on a root, sending him sprawled on the forest floor, doubled over and coughing. Fuck. He groaned as he pushed himself up. Had to beat the flames. Had to keep moving. A little farther and they were at the office, his truck still parked in front. “Get in,” he said through coughs as he swung open the driver’s side door, throwing himself inside. He had no idea if they were in the clear this far up but he didn’t want to take any chances. “I’ll call it in, too,” he said, “but we have to get out of here.”
Once she made sure Langley had understood the message, Nicole took off. Her legs weren’t as powerful as they had been earlier, but still maintained a good distance from the flames. Her attention was on the steps behind her, turning every now and then to make sure he still followed. Her stomach sank when she heard him stumble, freezing for a moment before she saw him pick himself up. She watched him until she was sure he could continue. And they ran again, this time the station in sight. Somehow she managed to climb the truck as he ordered, smashing the door shut. Only then she allowed herself to believe danger was behind them. She threw her head back, panting painfully. The pressure in her chest wouldn’t let her catch her breath. She lifted her arm to her forehead, noticing how hot her skin was. She was dying for some water. She turned in her seat, trying to get a look through the back window. They were at a safe distance, but the flames would keep growing. Her heart hammered wildly in her ears. Or was it his? Bringing the radio to her lips, she waited. When the other end spoke up, she let out a shaky breath before relaying the information. She did her best not to let her voice waver, being as precise as her foggy brain allowed her. After the location details, she advised to dispatch more than one management unit, though she figured they’d assess that on site. Once the static signaled the end of the conversation, she groaned, another fit of cough taking over her body. She spared one look at the officer. She was ready to hear the ‘I told you so’. She deserved it. She had been so reckless. And shit— was she going to keep crying? How powerful were those bugs? She closed her eyes, shaking her head. “Shit...you alright?” No, of course not. What could she even say to him? “Sorry for— snapping at you and…” she coughed, “sorry...I really thought—-I don’t...don’t know what I thought.”
As soon as they were both in the truck, Kaden took off down the winding path back towards the main road. It wasn’t reckless driving but it sure wasn’t the pinnacle of safety. He grabbed his own radio and started calling it into the WCPD, doubling down on the need for the fire department. The fire in the woods would only grow for the time being, it would swallow up everything in sight. He needed to be sure it wasn’t them. There were no screams in the distance, no marker of his imminent death that he could make out. That didn’t do much to stop his heart from hammering. He turned the truck, parked it at the side of the entrance to the park, leaning over the wheel and letting out a few more coughs he’d been holding back. It took him a moment to make out what she was saying in between hacking up his own lungs, but when he turned he saw she was tearing up. “It’s fine. You don’t--” He started but sighed before he could figure out what he was trying to say. “You don’t have to apologize. I--” Kaden was fairly certain this was his fault. Hell, this was his idea anyway. He turned back to look at the smoke billowing up through the trees in the distance. He had no idea if it was the right call. The maroberers in that area were dead, certainly. But he’d helped burn down who knew how much of the forest. Then again, White Crest. Those woods were dangerous. Maybe it was the right call after all. “This was my idea. You don’t have to--” He looked back over at her. Clearly she didn’t have to handle situations quite like this too often. He wished he could say the same. “You alright? I’m not… I’m not sure if we can leave the scene. But I can see if one of my colleagues can drive by with something.” Kaden wasn’t sure how to be reassuring in these sorts of moments. “It’ll be okay,” he told her. “Just breathe. It’ll be okay. This will pass.”
It had to be the most intense car ride Nicole had experienced. If it weren't for the threat of fire hovering over them, it would’ve been a thrilling experience. That thought alone was proof her emotions weren’t in check yet. When he approached the park’s entrance, her breathing was  less shallow. Anger towards him bubbled again when he spoke. She would’ve preferred him to be honest. It was definitely not fine, not when the flames had already consumed so much  territory. Fuck, she hoped it’d stay away from the campsite. She opened her mouth to reply a few times, finding herself with nothing to say. She was even angrier at herself. She should’ve said no. Had she suddenly forgotten what her job was supposed to be? She forced herself not to think about her job situation after everything. She wouldn’t snap at him again, though. As much as it would’ve made her feel better. He couldn’t feel that great either. He had started the fire after all. “No. No we can’t—they’ll want” she pressed her lips tightly, frustrated at her own tears she shook her head, “we’ll have to talk to them” he knew, there was no point in explaining it. “I’m...I’m—the bugs...” she set her jaw, failing to explain why she still appeared to be tearing up. She exhaled sharply when he told her to breathe. She wasn’t even sure the difficulty to get air into her lungs was down to the smoke anymore, she really hated to be so vulnerable in front of a stranger. She couldn’t see, realistically, how things could be okay, but if that’s what he needed to tell himself she wasn’t going to go against it. Apprehensive eyes met his gaze for a moment, before examining his face. He was a mess, she had to be in a similar state. She wanted to thank him for not leaving her behind, but she couldn’t get her mouth to work. Eyebrows knit together, she nodded slowly. “Okay” was all she said, before opening the door. At the distance she began to hear sirens. All she could do now was to hope it’d be over soon.
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
s t u d y  b u d d i e s
g e n r e - s m u t
w a r n i n g s - h i g h s c h o o l  a u, v i r g i n  r e a d e r, u n p r o t e c t e d    s e x, e x p l i c i t  l a n g u a g e
o r i g i n a l  c o n t e n t - i did write this and the original that can be found on wattpad at the user ong_seunguwu
o r i g i n a l  i d o l - k w o n  j i y o n g
a u t h o r  n o t e -  i do not condone underaged or unprotected sex. by writing that they are seniors in highschool i am implying that they are 18 years of age. the reader is on the pill (mentioned briefly at the end). please do not engage in unprotected sex unless you are in a long term relationship with a trustworthy partner.  that being said please enjoy sex as much as you want with the use of aforementioned protection!
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A paper ball hits you in the side of the cheek and you roll your eyes. Seriously? We are fucking seniors for crying out loud. You pick it up off of the desk with a sigh. As your economics teacher drones on and on about monopolies and societal revenue, you quickly and stealthily open up the wadded piece of paper.
"Pssssst Y/N,
I need your help studying! I know the test is tomorrow and I can't fail it! PLEASE!
-Call Me Mr Fuckin' G.O.D."
You roll your eyes, not at the request, but at how he signed the letter. You smooth out the paper and grab your pencil.
 Of course, I'll help you study, but you'll owe me! And if I call you anything it'll be dipshit...
-You're Saviour."
You gently fold up the paper into a neat little square and hand it to your neighbour.
"Pass it to Vernon." You mouth at them. They nod and pass the message until Vernon is the one holding the note in his hands.
He opens the letter with little to no discretion, causing you to fight the urge to facepalm. He smiles happily to himself and rolls his eyes before grabbing his pencil to reply. A few minutes later the once again balled up piece of paper is laying on your desk again.
"Y/N calling someone older than you dipshit is disrespectful... Maybe you'll tutor me in the ways of economics and I'll tutor you in the ways of mannerisms. I'll walk home with you mkay?
xx- Vernon"
You bite back a light grin and when the teacher isn't looking, turn around and flip him off. He glares at you and you stifle a giggle.
Later that afternoon as the bell rings for the last time, signalling the end of the day, you walk through the crowded halls quickly. You finally make it to your locker. Unlocking it you shove the textbooks you don't need inside with a sigh. Shutting it allows you to finally see the goody boy leaning against the locker beside your own.
"Hey there pumpkin." He says cheekily.
You roll your eyes and turn towards the exit. You begin walking, with your backpack over your shoulders and Vernon beside you. Once outside of the large high school he links his hand with yours.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You ask him incredulously, a dark blush flowing over your cheeks.
"Shut up loser. I'm only holding your hand. You won't die." he replies slightly annoyed.  
"It's just weird! Since when do we hold hands?" You question.
"Hush, I just wanted to hold your hand, but if you're gonna whine about it then never mind." He says sounding embarrassed.
"N-no... It's fine. I was just surprised is all." Your blush grows darker.
By the time that the two of you reach your home, he is swinging your hands back and forth cutely and your chattering is nonstop. Once inside you both kick off your shoes and drop your bags by the door.
"Snack first?" You ask, making your way towards the kitchen. You two had been friends since you could barely walk and so this obviously wasn't his first time in your home. Before you could make it more than a few steps away he grabs your wrist and pulls you back. You yelp as you stumble back towards him. He chuckles and pins you up against the door.      
"Is everything okay down there Y/N?" A masculine voice calls out from upstairs, making both you and Vernon freeze.
"Sorry Mr. Y/L/N! I accidentally bumped into her and scared her!" he calls out.
"Hansol is that you? It's been a while!" The voice calls out again.
"Yes sir it has been a very long time," he begins shooting you a look that gave you chills, "Y/N invited me over to study for our big economics test tomorrow!"
"Oh that was a great idea on your part honey!" your father calls out to you this time.
"Yes sir, he is pretty good at the subject and I figured it would be v-very b-beneficial to m-me." You stutter out as Vernon licks up the side of your neck before beginning to suck on it.
"Well, I'll leave you two be! I have a big presentation tomorrow so I'll be up here in my office working on that! Knock if you need me!"
"Will do sir!." Vernon responds all the while looking at you with a smirk. You both here the door to your father's office close and you look at him incredulously.
"What are you doing?" You whisper sternly.
"You asked if I wanted a snack." He replies with a shrug looking you up and down hungrily, "I figured I'd help myself to what your parents made."
"Not only was that extremely cringe, it also isn’t on the fucking menu."
"When you tell me to stop I will, but for now..." He trails off as his mouth returns to your neck.
"Verns, s-seriously. My d-dad is l-literally right up the stairs." You say biting back moans.
"But your daddy is right here," he replies with a cocky smirk, lifting you up and wrapping your legs around him.
You protest in harsh whispers as he walks you to the kitchen and sits you down on the table.
"Oh hush Y/N.," he says darkly, spreading your legs.
You push down the hem of your skirt to cover your crotch. He chuckles before grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling it back. It hurts a little, but it turns you on more. His hot breath fans over your ear.
"Y/N I'm going to count to three. You better have your skirt lifted up and your hands above your head by the time I'm finished counting. If you don't this will be a lot harder for you."
He lets go of your hair and squats down until he is eye level with your crotch. All the while counting slowly to three. His voice has never seemed so sexy to you. You proceed to lift your skirt and raise your hands obediently. He smirks up at you as he hooks his fingers into either side of your panties and gently moves them down your thighs, then down your calves, and onto the floor. You are looking down at him nervously, as he pulls your hips to the edge of the table, his mouth centimetres from your heat. He gently kisses your clit and you shudder. He smiles and proceeds to lick it. You gasp loudly and he looks up at you.
"Your father is upstairs." he reminds you before licking your clit once more.
You bite your bottom lip and drop your hands to his hair. After assaulting your clit numerous times he surprises you by dipping his tongue into your dripping hole. You open your mouth, but no sound comes out, just a face expressing extremely pleasure.
"You're so tight Y/N and this is just my tongue. I can only imagine what you'd feel like around my fingers... Or better yet my cock."
"I-I wouldn't mind finding out..."
He sticks his tongue back inside of you and hums lightly before pulling it out again to look up at you.
"You're still a virgin aren't you Y/N?"
You look away embarrassed by the obvious fact. He chuckles, "Let's change that."
You look at him wide-eyed as he stands up and unzips his pants quickly. You try to look everywhere but at his obvious erection.
"You're so wet I should be able to just slide in. I'll be gentle with you Y/N, don't worry." He looks at you, but this time you see a lot of love in his dark eyes, not cockiness.
You nod lightly, a dark blush painting your cheeks. He pulls down his boxers and you finally give up on trying not to look at his erection.
"My eyes are up here ya know?" He questions jokingly, cupping your chin in his hand and lifting your head. He stares deep into your eyes before kissing you lightly. You are the one who deepens the kiss, with a cross between passion and aggression. He raises his eyebrow in a shocked but doesn't protest. As your kiss continues to heat up, you feel his tip brush against your core and you moan into his mouth. He slowly pushes his tip into, while lifting you lightly off the table. He slowly pushes his entire length into you and you tear up. You bite his lip harshly. He groans both at the bite and how tight you are around him.
"F-fuck Y/N." he groans out quietly.
"P-please move Vernon," you mumble.
He nods, pulling out and pushing back in. With just the first thrust you are already weak. He is surprisingly vocal; whispering out profanity and a slur of compliments to you. Eventually, his thrusts get faster and his grip on your hips gets tighter. You begin to meet his upward thrusts with downward grinds and when he hits your spot you connect your lips with his harshly. This quieted your moans significantly.
"Vernon, I th-think I'm g-gonna... Ahh." you moan out and he smirks thrusting harder and faster.
"Do it baby girl. Cum around my dick." he groans into your ear.
Right after he says these words you do and he groans. He tries to hold his orgasm in, to let you ride out your high, but he can't hold it for long and cums. Some inside of you and some on your stomach. You are both panting and sweating. He chuckles and so do you.
"I never thought you'd be my first," you say in between heavy breaths.
He smiles widely, "Can I be your last too? And every time in between?"
"Are you asking me out you asshole?"
"Is that a yes loser?"
"Well, no shit! And you’re so lucky I’m on the pill," you say as he sets you back down on the table and he nods knowingly.
As you try to stand up, you stumble forward and he catches you.
"So, what you're saying is I have to carry your fat ass?"
"Shut the fuck up! You didn't have a problem holding me up just a few seconds ago!"
He laughs as he pulls his pants and underwear back up. He rolls his eyes and picks up your underwear from the floor and then you. He lugs you over his shoulder and you yelp.
"TO THE BATHROOM WE GO!" he calls out loudly.
"Did you kids say something?" Your father calls out from up the stairs.
You tense up and Vernon answers, "Sorry I yelled in victory. I won our little economics game review!"
"Oh okay! Well, congratulations!" your father calls out once more and then the door is heard closing once more.
"Nice save douche-bag."
"Don't make me drop your ass." he replies.
You both laugh as he carries you to the bathroom and helps you clean up.
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hipsterteller · 4 years ago
My mistress
Happy Halloween you crazy sons of bitches. And @vanillaamoursucrethings  I hope you enjoy this
As soon news came out, the first thing Fallen did was to infiltrate Marina location, her privacy and everything.
It didn’t took long when she enter the academy with something to spell out to that lying bitch as soon she found her in cafeteria. Fallen wanted nothing to slit her throat, put her body in bag, then throw it to the hole were no one will ever find her.
“Excuse me, Marina?” Fallen approach to her table were a few students notice her and Marina look up to her.
“O-Oh Fallen, w-what brings you here?” Marina asked seeing her dark look, she notice her hand at table as her nails were close to scratch the table.
“I heard that My Husband had harass you...correct?” the word husband made things a little bit awkward as Marina slowly stood up as Fallen had to drop the kind act and slam her hand on the table again this time, she scratch it deep as she approach to her
“Cause some people have a bad day. I've had a bad life. If I want something, it's taken from me, I don’t hesitate to end that person life...” She said as she continue to scratch the table and Marina book as she tore about 4-8 page and grab the knife from the tray. “And I’m sure as hell as I’m tired of a person who acts all fidget and innocent but turns out to be a two face bitch that would do anything and I mean anything.” The last part she had raise her voice up as she had pin Marina to the wall were there she stab the knife deep to the concrete wall.
Everyone watch as Marina is now scarred as Fallen’s eyes were now black sclera and red pupil like hunter along black tears running down her cheek as she continue to talk to bitch.
“And to make sure that person life becomes a living hell, but here’s the thing Marina bitch. The last person who fuck with me, ends up dead and I don’t do that...unless I was told too now here’s an advice Marina...” She lean close as Marina is now shaken as her voice is now from serious...to demonic.
“If I ever hear you talk shit about my husband, the last thing your gonna hear or see is me holding you by the throat watching you bleed on this floor surrounded by your warmth blood.”
Fallen pull away as Marina knee’s slowly gave out and she is lost at words. She let go of the knife as it’s stuck to the wall were it is as she also said something to her.
“And I suggest to tell the truth...You do not want to mess with me, if you mess with me, you mess with Chamberhoods.”
And just like that she left the cafeteria, Marina look at everyone who are now shock at her action and lies as well that Rayan is married to a Chamberhood.
Why? Cause The Chamberhoods are like Mafias...and if anyone tries to up against them, especially their precious daughter. All hell will break loose as she is known to be very hostile and deadly if anyone harms her or anything she desire.
Especially her husband, Rayan Zaidi.
That night, Rayan had came home early after the college announce to cancel all class for the afternoon after Marina had confess her lies and everything. At first he wonder how it happen or who made her spill it out.
But judging her looks must have been someone threaten her, and he wonders who done it. But as soon he enter the living room, he notice the whole area is dim lit and saw his wife, Fallen in black lace nightgown.
Her legs were close seductively as Rayan knew she was the one, he knows if she acts like this there is two possible choice...
“Were you envy or angry?” He asked as he put his bag down as he began to to strip his shirt off and shoes.
Fallen look at him as she answered “Both, if Priya is not gonna help. Then I had to do it...after all, my family knows two best lawyer and prosecutor...and I don’t hesitate to have my hands dirty...”
Rayan drop both his knees in front of her as she lift his chin by her foot, he held her foot as he kiss it.
“You must been tired of walking back to academy huh?” He said calmly as Fallen gaze soften and pull away her foot as she approach to him and is now on top of him holding his chin.
“I’m the only one who can make you submit to me. Not Melody, not Chloe or that bitch Marina. Me. “ She said as the last part is a growled as she held Rayan by the back of his hair.
Rayan knows she angry again and decided to calm her down by kiss her neck to he is greeted by her moan as she relax.
“Yes...your the only one...my mistress....”
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fandima-moved-read-pinned · 5 years ago
Would it be awesome to see you do all 100 asks? Yes. Will you do them? We shall see.
Wanna bet 
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? - More cereal than milk! 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?- No, actually. I hate the cold ^^' And if there's cold air on my cheeks then it's on my nose and that's no good 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? - Usually a post it note! Not very random, but it's normally what I have on hand. 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? - Depends on my mood! Sometimes I'll take my coffee black, other times ill add a fricc ton of creamer, whipped cream, and sugar. Also sometimes I mix coffee with hot chocolate and it's amazing. 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? - Very. 
6: do you keep plants? - Always. I still have the carnations from Valentines Day (which surprisingly haven't died yet) 
7: do you name your plants? - Nope. 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? - just a mechanical pencil or a graphite pencil. They usually end up being sketches. But if I like how it looks I'll go over them in pen. 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? - Yes and no? I'd do it more often but I don't want anyone to hear me. Especially my mom. 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? - Side, always facing the wall. 
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? - The only one I can think of off the top of my head is *slap slap slap* *jumps out window*. No I will not explain. 
12: what’s your favorite planet? - Pluto! Or Make Make. Make Make used to be my favorite because me and my brother would pronounce it wrong on purpose. But Pluto is ver pretty. 
13: what’s something that made you smile today? - seeing my brother's reaction to his birthday present from me! I made a little felt monkey with bushy eyebrows (I needle felted it) 
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? - Probably very messy. But also it would constantly smell like food! 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! - Mars is shrinking. It is Smol. 
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? - Fettuccine Alfredo with Shrimp! It's what I usually ordered at Olive Garden until I found out that it was expensive and was probably stressing out my parents. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? - Don't laugh okay but pink! I want to dye the bottom half of my hair bright freaking pink. Like hot pink. 
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. - That time I slapped a guy twice for picking me up. That guy was my best friend. He picked me up from behind and I sorta whipped around and slapped him. The first time he didn't put me down, he just laughed. So I slapped him again. He got the hint. 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?- I don't. I tried a while back, but I figured it would be easier just to talk to people about my issues instead of writing them down. 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? - Green. Or dark brown. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. - Not sure what this means, sorry. I've got this pencil pouch that has a tree print on it that I've used for a few years now even though it has a hole it it. Does that count? 
22: are you a morning person? - No. I wake up at 5:30 am on weekdays and usually don't get out of bed until I have ten minutes to get ready and leave. 
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? - Stay in my room and draw! Although I don't have lazy days. Every time my mom comes upstairs I immediately start cleaning because if I don't she'll yell at me for being lazy. 
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? - Yes. Take a look at who sent this ask. Also my other two online friends! One of them I spam with worms on a string and the other I just know I can trust and I don't know why. 
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? - the only place I've broken into is my own house. I had to climb the backyard fence to go through the back door because me and my brother forgot our keys. 
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? - My plain black tennis shoes. I need to get new ones because these ones are old and barely fit but every time I mention it, it's like I never said a word. 
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? - Candy Cane! 
28: sunrise or sunset? - Sunset! I get to see the sun setting behind the Rocky Mountains and it's really pretty. 
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? - exist 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? - Yes. I'd rather not talk about it. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. - socks can burn in hell for all I care. I hate socks. I only wear them if I have to (like while wearing shoes) 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - I remember being at a sleepover a few days before I moved (this was in South Korea) and I woke up at 3:34 am (yes I remember the time don't ask why) because one of my friends was playing Megalovania on the keyboard. Then she turned around and asked who the hell took her pretzels. They were under her pillow. 
33: what’s your fave pastry? - c w a s o a n t (with jelly inside!) 
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? - I still have this stuffed animal now (I have all of my stuffed animals. I haven't brought myself to get rid of them). It's a little pink blanket with a bunny head named Squeek. Not Squeak. I didn't know how to spell that. 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? - No. I don't have any. 
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? - https://youtu.be/7TqLXIBG-6g   not a band but still
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? - Messy! It may sound strange, but I can't find anything when it's clean. It also feels empty unless I've got stuff all over the floor. 
38: tell us about your pet peeves! - When I tell remind someone of the rules and they say "okay" and continue breaking them. Like we aren't supposed to put pans in the dishwasher because it ruins the pans. Yet my brother always puts them in there. I remind him and take it out, and he says "okay" and puts it back. I also hate it when I ask someone to stop doing something (usually when it's making me nervous or upset) and they ask "WhY?" in a really annoying tone and keep doing it. I ALSO hate it when I'm in charge and yet no one listens to me. 
I also don't like it when no one says thank you. It makes it seem like they don't appreciate me. 
39: what color do you wear the most? - Grey. I want to wear colorful clothes but the last time we went clothes shopping and I asked for pastel colors, I walked out of the store with grey, light grey, brown, and dark blue clothes. 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? - I have a locket that I made for my seventh birthday. It has little charms in it (a rose, my first initial, a heart key, and a birthday cake) and it's gold. I love it and I don't know why. 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? - There's a book series that I don't remember the name of but it's about a girl who is forcibly turned into a siren by three other sirens. She has to eat human hearts to live. It's kinda gorey, kinda romantic, lots of action. I love it. 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! - Unfortunately no, I usually get coffee at a gas station ^^' 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? - My dog Freyja! Whenever I take out trash, she comes with, and when the sky is clear I like to point out the starts with her before we go back inside. She's very sweet. But I can't stargaze for more than a minute. 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? - Last year I went on a trip to Florida to stay with my grandparents for a week. I remember waking up one morning with a beautiful view of the ocean and the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. My grandparents have an apartment of sorts that faces the Atlantic and you can literally go down the stairs and go swim in the ocean if you want to, it's like a two minute walk, not even. I love the ocean and the sound of waves and seagulls is always calming to me. But my house is very loud and there's no peace here. 
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? - Yes. When I have a bad feeling about something, I address it. It's not always true, but I don't want to risk anything. 
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. - Sorry, I don't know many puns. I guess I'm just not a pun-ny person. 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? - fucking macaroni with bread crumsb that shit is nasty af 
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? - Storms, especially tornados. Now my biggest fear is death. Whether I'm the one dying or its someone I care about. 
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? - Not really, I don't have money to buy anything ^^' Even when I do have money, I spend it on art stuff. That reminds me that I need to fix my radio. 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? - Fabric. I have so much and I don't even use it. But when I see a nice fabric, I get it (if I have money). 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? - 'Old Timer Rock and Roll' (probably not the name of it) always reminds me of my dad. One day we were driving in his Jeep, just us two, and I mentioned that I wasn't a fan of the music on the radio. We ended up compromising and that song was the first one on the radio station that we switched to. 
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? - I am unfortunately not up to date with the memes. Although the ones where it's like "you've mc-ed your last Donald" or "you've ratted your last tatouille" always make me exhale aggressively. 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? - None of the above! I've been wanting to watch Heather's though. I just never get around to doing it. 
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? - My brother. Not the same one from before. 
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? - nothing, sorry. I'm not very dramatic. 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? - when they pour their heart out about a certain subject that they love. I know a lot of people tend to bottle up their opinions but when someone trusts me aniugh to tell me all about it, it's just sorta nice. 
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? - I just sorta spaced out for the first have then did a little dance for the rest of it. I love the line "I see a little silhouetto of a man" and it's more upbeat and the music just makes me dance a little 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? - bold of you to assume I have a group of friends 
59: what’s your favorite myth? - There's this one I heard as a kid that involves a faceless girl on the side of a highway who tries to steal faces. 
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? - I can't think of any off the top of my head, but poetry is nice! 
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? - I don't really remember. I try to only give gifts that are meaningful. 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? - nope! I usually drink milk! 
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? - I usually leave my music to its own devices, but all the books are organized by series and genre. 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? - Blue! Just any other afternoon sky. 
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? - My older brother. We don't get to talk much. 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? - Colorful, with a few white flowers! 
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? - Those are usually the days that I don't feel anything. 
68: what’s winter like where you live? - The weather is all over the place. A little snow, then the next day, it's like 60°F. Not even joking. It snowed Friday and Saturday was warm. 
69: what are your favorite board games? - Monopoly and Battleship! 
70: have you ever used a ouija board? - No, but I really want to. But my dad won't let me. 
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? - I don't really drink tea, sorry! 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? - Nope. I'll forget it anyway. I usually set alarms for certain things but then I don't do it. 
73: what are some of your worst habits? - Biting the inside of my cheek and scratching/pinching my arm when I'm nervous. 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. - kind, a good listener, talented, and understanding 
75: tell us about your pets! - We have four dogs. There's Emrys (the dog I've posted pictures of before), Cirilla (a husky German Shepard mix, very sweet), Cayde-6 (a Rottweiler mix I think, super energetic, loud, and steals food off the counter even when someone is watching), and Freyja (a German Shepard mix, puppy, also very sweet! She knows the phrase 'give hugs' and she always comes with me to take out the trash for whatever reason). I also have a Guinea Pig (who I want to get a friend for because she's lonely, but my parents keep saying no) names Neo. 
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? - Working on my Someconsious series, cleaning, and probably checking in with some friends. 
77: pink or yellow lemonade? - Pink 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or Fan club? - Hate club. I don't like them. They're just annoying and bright and their language is stupid to me. 
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? - One of my exes surprised me with a cars and roses out of nowhere. It wasn't Valentines Day, it wasn't my birthday, he just went out of his way to do something nice for me when I was having a rough week. 
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? - They're a sort of off white. I want to paint them light lavender or pale blue but my parents have only painted the living room and refuse to paint anywhere else for whatever reason. I know we can afford paint, I know we have time. They just stopped caring. 
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. - Not sure what it means by abstract, but I'll try. Her eyes are similar to the bottom of a small river. The brown in the middle with green rings on the edges remind me of a river I used to go fishing in back in Oklahoma. 
82: are/were you good in school? - I'm okay. I have all A's and B's, but I have easy subjects that aren't very hard. 
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? - I don't really listen to albums, my music taste is mostly individual songs. Even then I don't really pay attention to the art. 
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? - I want to get a quote of sort on my ankle. Something in another language so I can tell them it means something mysterious and deep when in reality it's the description of a toaster oven that hasn't been cleaned since 1995.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? - I read a few webcomics if that counts! I like Castle Swimmer a lot! Gay fish bapeys are best fish bapeys. 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? - I don't know what those are, sorry 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? - The Princess Bride and the Last Unicorn. But I'm biased because they're both a part of my childhood. 
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? - not in particular! 
89: are you close to your parents? - I'm only close with my dad. My stepmom can go fuck herself. She just told us that's she'll be making a schedule for the next two weeks because there won't be school. One of the weeks was spring break anyway! We aren't missing much! 
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. - I like Palm Beach in Florida! It's fairly quiet, right next to the ocean, and filled with retired people who are all really nice. 
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? - Nowhere, we don't travel much. I really want to go to Florida again though. 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? - I don't add cheese at all! It sort of ruins the texture for me. Especially the grated sprinkle cheese stuff l. I hate now it feels. 
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? - I just keep my hair down. I don't like it in any other way. 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? - My brother. His birthday is today! 
95: what are your plans for this weekend? - cry a lot cry some more lose feelings for a few hours draw watch YouTube art videos then try not to yell at my mom like I did last week
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? - I just get it over with so I can do whatever needs to be done. Or I schedule it for when I'm not going to be using it. 
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? - INFP-T/Mediator, Scorpio, and Hufflepuff 
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?- A few weeks ago. And no, I did not enjoy it considering I was supposed to be working on an important project that day. 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. - Where We Started, If You're Going Through Hell, and We Like to Numb (a mix of We Like to Party and Numb) 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? - Future. In five years I plan on being in college and I want to see what I should be prepared for and if my interests have changed. 
This took me at least an hour and a half. Thank you though! I 
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elizaviento · 6 years ago
Manipulation (part 13)
Note:  Uhh.  So yeah -- sorry it’s taken me 1 billion years to post this update.  Lazy bitch syndrome is real and it hit me pretty hard.  At any rate, I hope this makes up for it.  :)
NSFW -- 2950 words
(FYI: This story is a sequel/companion piece to Assimilation, which can be found in the Rick Fic Masterpost link in my blog’s description along with additional chapters of Manipulation.  Or, you can click the #manipulation tag in this post, within my blog, to access all additional chapters.)
When I awoke just a few hours later – as if my mind could ever quiet down enough to grant me more than that – she remained fast asleep.  At some point, she’d turned in my arms and was now lying flat on her back with her hair draped over her face.  Several strands had fallen into her gaping mouth and were completely saturated with her saliva.  Suppressing a laugh, I gently picked them from her mouth before dropping the moist stands on the pillow.
“Fuckin’ gross,” I grumbled before hauling my aching bones from the cot.  Getting dressed was the usual task, along with fishing my flask from my lab coat breast pocket for my morning dose of pick-me-the-fuck-up.
I didn’t have any concrete plans for the day.  Morty was at school and I briefly considered yanking him from Math class. All of my current projects were not interesting in the least at the moment.  My mind was so preoccupied with the woman sleeping in my bed that even going on an adventure seemed terribly bland in comparison to the intense desire to portal back into my room – because walking would take way too much precious time – and fuck her brains out. But, considering how absolutely haggard she’d looked earlier that morning, I gathered up enough willpower to leave her be.
Several hours later, I was shifting through the boxes on my metal shelves in the garage, tossing things to the side that I had been procrastinating throwing out, I caught movement from the corner of my eye.
She was casually strolling toward the open garage door with a sway in her hips that I hadn’t witnessed firsthand since before I’d left all those years ago and my eyes glued to her figure like flies on shit.  The grin gracing her lips was playful and sexy as hell and I caught her wink as her styled hair bounced with each step, in time with her breasts.  Hitching a breath, I prepared to quip a clever turn of phrase in an attempt to hear that delightful giggle of hers but before I could, her cell phone issued a shrill chirp from her small handbag, drawing her attention to the hand held device.  Then, giving a quick and curt wave, she turned on those ridiculously high heeled shoes and pranced her way to the lime green hatchback parked on the street.
Wait a second, I thought as her car zipped through the residential streets.  Where the fuck is she going?  She looked absolutely stunning and there was no way she was going somewhere dressed like that… alone.
I’d hopped in my ship and followed her by air as she weaved through the streets, making her way toward one of the many places that humans congregate in throngs.  Then, she finally parked her car in the nearly full lot of a restaurant that probably housed its fair share of douche bags. Narrowing my eyes, I glared holes through the windshield of the ship as they remained trained on her form.  She was obviously meeting someone and, even though I knew I shouldn’t give any shits, I actually gave many, many shits.  And, as much as I wanted to immediately chase her down, I opted to sulk in silence for a half an hour or so before making my way inside.
I spotted her nearly instantly, tucked away in the corner of the restaurant with some goober looking mother fucker and I felt my blood pressure rise to a degree that was actually concerning.  And, she was smiling – she was fucking laughing.  What the actual fuck?
My mind was screaming at me to leave; just turn around and abandon this fiasco waiting to happen.  But, let’s face it, when have I ever listened to logic where there was a full bar within spitting distance?  So, I sat down and ordered the biggest, strongest, cheapest drink.  And, she continued smiling – she continued laughing.  I felt my fingers twitch as my hand seemed to move of its own volition; sliding across the slick top of the glass covered bar, toward my lab coat to fish though the inner pockets until it located the flat, rectangular device that I knew would be my ruin.  Without restraint, my fingers flew over the touch screen –
Me:  So how’s your boyfriend?
Me:  He looks like a doofus.
Me:  He can’t be THAT funny.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spied her distracted expression as her phone drew her attention away from the moron blabbing across the table from her.  She did, however, sweep her eyes across the expanse of the restaurant, until I felt them settle on me.
Me:  He thinks he’s getting his dick sucked.
Me:  I bet his nuts smell like cottage cheese.
Me:   Does he know you like ‘em swaggly?
Her:  Jealous?
Again, THAT word – that fucking word – flashed like a beacon behind my eyes.  I felt the actual emotions course and burned through my veins almost as keenly as the cheap whiskey and all I could do was scowl at the bottom of my glass, helpless and pitiful, as she carried on with her date.
After what felt like hours of straining to eavesdrop on their conversation, their check arrived and she snatched it from the edge of the table before the doofus she was sharing her time with could protest.  At this point, my body went on autopilot.  Rising from the bar stool, my legs felt like jelly as they moved of their own accord, toward the secluded table in the corner of the restaurant. Then, before she noticed my presence, I slide smoothly into the booth seat beside her and eyed her idiotic date warily.
“Heyyy, babe. Who – who’s your little friend?”
She gawked at the bug eyed moron across the table, her own eyes wide with shock.  A swell of pride bloomed in my chest when I realized that I had successfully ruined whatever ‘romantic’ evening he may have had planned for my girl.
“Hi, I’m Trevor,” he said, extending a hand toward me from across the table.
“Rick Sanchez,” I replied, not taking ‘Trevor’s’ offered hand but, instead, pulling her closer next to me.  She remained speechless until I placed a hand on her knee and began gliding it up her nicely shaped thigh.
“Trevor and I were just going over the architectural plans I drew for his house,” she offered, lifting a large portfolio from the booth on the opposite side of her, closest to the wall, and placing it on the table.  She turned to look at me straight in the eye and resisted the obvious urge to flinch back when she saw that my face was mere inches from hers.
“So, are you two… um…” Trevor began.
“Fuckin’? Yeah, man.  Oh yeah – all the way.  She – uh – she’s wild, too.  I-I-I mean, not like you’d know.  Or – or anything.  Nah – she’s wayyy too hot – too fine.”
From beside me, she issued a terse laugh that bordered on hysterical while her date began to gather his things to leave.
“Don’t forget the drawings,” she said, taking the large, folded prints from her portfolio. “Please, look them over again and get back to me with the changes, okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” he agreed, plucking the drawings from her delicate fingers. “I’ll email you.”
Just then, I felt a hot flush erupt though my body, originating from my chest, when the realization hit me square in the gut that I’d completely mistaken this entire situation.  They really had been attending a business meeting and I’d just acted like a complete asshole; which was not a rare occurrence, to be sure.  But, no fucking doubt, I’d screwed myself to the wall with the dumb ass shit I’d just pulled with her.  Instead of folding my shitty hand, however, I kept with my time honored tradition of making sure I always get the last word – no matter what.
“Don’t l-let the door hit ya on the way out,” I called, giving Trevor a salute as he turned on his oddly high shinned loafers and hightailed it out of the restaurant. And, as soon as he was out of sight, she groaned and covered her face as my arm slowly retreated from her shoulder.
“Why?” she asked, her voice a high pitched whine but muffled behind her hands. Instead of replying, I ordered us both a scotch on the rocks as the waitress came by to pick up the check. When the drinks were delivered, she downed hers in one shot and then snatched mine to do the same.
Can you fucking blame her? my conscience chimed in as I pulled my flask for a swig and hunched over the table while attempting to play nonchalant.  Then, she started giggling.
“What – w-what’s so fuckin’ funny?” I asked, sounding like a sourpuss even to my own ears. She giggled harder.
“You really think I’m fine?” she asked, shifting her upper body to fully face me in the booth.
“Shut up.”
“Seriously, though.  What the hell was that?”
Again, I supplied no response.  She knew that I knew I’d fucked up.
“By the way, Trevor is totally gay,” she cooed, breaking me from my pity party.
Something was happening.  Glancing in her direction, I could see the blush rising in her cheeks.  Then, in a not-so-subtle move, she pressed her tits against my arm when retrieving her card that the waitress had just dropped on the edge of the table and I literally had to force myself not to react.
She scooted closer to me in the booth and attempted to ‘casually’ drape one thigh over mine and grasped one of my hands from the table, planting it on her knee in a recreation of our secret grope session in the back of Beth’s car. Quirking a brow, I trailed my hand further up her thigh at a sensually slow place.  She hitched a breath when I finally reached the hem of her lace panties, where I hooked a finger under the elastic and playfully snapped.  She flirtatiously laughed in response, tilting her head to rest on my shoulder, but I refused to look at her – only slowly trailed my finger around the elastic on her thigh until I reached the apex of her legs.
Then, finally, I made eye contact as I nudged the thin fabric to the side and smoothly slid my middle and ring finger inside her.  She was soaking wet.
“Oh fuuuck,” I whispered, closing my eyes.  When I dragged my fingers out and slowly pushed them back in, she bit her bottom lip and dug her nails in the meaty flesh of my forearm to stifle a moan.  She was still looking up into my face when I opened my eyes and pressed my lips her forehead, repeating the motion once more.  “That feel good – y-you like that, beautiful?”
“Rick,” she breathed, as I withdrew my fingers to gently rub her clit.  Her legs began to tremble so she circled the calf of the leg draped over mine around my calf and hooked her foot behind it, opening herself up wider.  I pressed inside once again and she exhaled a shaky breath while staring up into my face.  Just then, every dark desire I’d ever harbored for her bubbled to the surface and I simply didn’t have the willpower to refuse them any longer. Dropping a comically chaste kiss to her forehead, I performed a quick visual scan of our immediate area.
The restaurant had a dark ambiance by design to make each booth feel intimate.  We were seated in a booth that was situated in the corner, set further apart from the remainder of the dining area. The side of the booth that we currently occupied was facing in such a way that we could not be seen head on.  In the few seconds it took for me to perform a visual assessment, my hand and grown still between her legs.  Apparently, that simply would not do – as evident by release of her vice grip from my forearm to my upper thigh, gliding upward until she fully cupped my already painfully hard cock through my slacks.  I involuntarily jerked at the contact and returned my gaze to her face.
“I – I gotta taste you,” I declared, pitching my voice low so it could only be heard by her ears before completely extracting my soaking fingers from her cunt and exiting the booth.  Obviously confused by my actions, she made to exit the booth herself and I stopped her with a curt, “Stay,” before taking a seat in the booth on the opposite end of the table, facing her.  Then, propping my elbows on the table, I did one last visual scan of the room. Curious, she turned to see what I could be searching for and, while she was distracted, I slid from the booth seat to situate on my knees under the table before she or anyone else was the wiser. When I shuffled toward her and closed my hand around her right ankle, she squealed and jerked upward, attempted to yank her foot away in the process.
“Calm the fuck down!” I hissed, tightening my grip slightly in silent warning before gliding up her calf, my lips and tongue following close behind.
Glancing up her body in the semi-darkness, I caught her attempting to peak at me from under the cloth and smirked as my hands and mouth and tongue continued their teasing upward decent.  When I reached her knee, I hooked my hand beneath it to hook her leg over my shoulder. Then, I shoved her opposite leg outward and wedged myself between her thighs to make room before hooking my fingers under the lace of her panties, yanking them to the side.  Her body slightly trembled in a way that made my heart rate skyrocket drastically and, when my tongue finally made contact, I felt every muscle in her body tense and my ears were just able picked up her muffled gasps and moans.
I didn’t waste time with teasing.  I lapped at her pussy, from top to bottom – truly tasting her – dragging the flat of my tongue up and down over and over.  I probed her hole, pushing my tongue inside, fucking her with it until her legs instinctively tried to clamp around my head.  I simply pushed the leg not over my shoulder outward once more and continued my mission, darting my tongue upward toward her clit where I circled and flicked the engorged bundle of nerves, making her body tremble and jerk in response.
Suddenly, I stopped and moved back slightly when the most scandalous idea occurred to me. Retrieving my cell phone, my fingers flew across the touch screen.
Me:  Your pussy is so delicious baby.
Above me, she barked out a strangled laugh before shuffling around on the table top. Seconds later, my phone vibrated in response.
Her:  Suck on my clit.
Feeling myself flush at her bold request – which seemed ironic considering I was the one eating her snatch under a restaurant table – I moved in closer still and wrapped my lips around her clit, just as she asked.  No – demanded.  No more than two minutes later, the familiar buzz interrupted me once more.
Her:  I’m so close, Rick.  Fuck me with your fingers, please!
And, I obliged – pressing my eager digits inside; curling and dragging and pressing.  My mouth resumed the gently suckling of her clit, adding the sweeping motion of my tongue for good measure until she was full on shaking, unable to disguise it as her cunt clinched violently.  I knew my good girl was so close for me.
Me:  Cum on my face, my beautiful girl.
Right on cue, her body went entirely rigid; one hand slamming the top of the table while the knee resting over my shoulder jerked upward and slammed the bottom simultaneously as she came all over my face – just as I’d requested.
A moment later, I pulled back and gently lifted her leg from my shoulder.  She nearly slid down the booth to the floor but I caught her calves and shoved her upward before reaching for my phone once more.
Me:  Let me know when the coast is clear.
It was at least a few minutes before she stuck her hand under the table to wave me out.   But, while I waited, I continued to sext her – making sure to keep her hot and bothered now that I knew she had a penchant for voyeurism.
Me:  I’m not finished with you yet.  I’m gonna fuck you stupid, sweetheart.
Me:  It smells like your pussy under here.
Her:   Bet me I won’t be banned from this restaurant for the rest of my life.
Me:   Fuck that.  Bet me this table won’t be reserved for months by every horny pervert within a 20 mile radius.
Me:  We’ve done this dumb a favor.
When I finally reemerged on the other side of the booth, the spent expression she wore was so obvious that I couldn’t help the Cheshire grin that spread across my teeth as the rose colored blush tinted her chest, neck and cheeks.  I had truly underestimated this girl, perhaps since the moment I’d met her.
Well, I was more than ready to make up for lost time.
To be continued…
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edensgay · 6 years ago
Cleaned Up
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Cleaned Up: An Eli Palmer Fanfiction
Relationship: Eli Palmer x F!Deputy
Rating: 18+
Summary: Eli and his favorite Deputy spend some much needed time together.
Warnings: Smut. It’s smut but it’s soft. Pegging, ass eating, oral sex.
Word Count: 3946
Author’s Note: Eli deserves to be pegged. I finished this on VDay but didn’t wanna spam the fics I finished so I’m posting it now!
It wasn’t often that Eli left the bunker, but when he did it was to hunt, do recon or go to the cabin a few miles down the road. Today was a cabin day and as such, he’d prepared. He'd brushed his hair, his shirt was clean and he’d even managed to trim his beard a bit. It was a smidge uneven but that wasn’t important, what was important was that he tried. Tammy and Wheaty had given him odd looks as he’d picked up his bow and headed for the exit, a nervous hop in his step and a grin on his face. They hadn’t been able to figure out where Eli went or why he went, all they knew was that he came back completely relaxed with a swagger in his step. He’d been at the cabin for half an hour, Rook would be arriving any minute now. His leg jiggled as he sat on the couch nervously flexing his fingers as he stared at the wall and waited for the door to open. The grandfather clock in the hall ticked the seconds by, slow and painstaking. Eli wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, he hadn’t had time to wash them but a sniff test had revealed they weren’t that dirty. The clock let out a long chirping and then the door opened, sending Eli rocketing to his feet. He stood stock still, trying not to fidget as her eyes traced over him. Starting at his feet, a small smirk working its way onto her face as she noticed the bulge already forming in his pants, moving up to his chest and finally settling on his face. She blinked in surprise before an easy grin worked its way across her face, her arms crossing over her chest as she leaned against the doorway. “Well, well, well. Look who’s all cleaned up.” “You like it?” Shit, when did his voice get so raspy? His palms were sweaty again, his heart thumping in his chest as he tried to casually wipe his hands on his jeans again. Rook raised an eyebrow at him and then spared a glance to the stairs before giving him a hard look. Eli knew what that look meant, it meant ‘Go upstairs and get naked. Now’. So, he did. A chuckle escaped her as he darted towards the stairs, trying not to trip over his feet as he tried to walk up them like a normal person and not take them two at a time like some sex-starved loon. He could feel her eyes on his ass as he took the stairs, that in itself was motivation enough to slow down and give a little shake every other step. At the top he stopped and looked back at her, shivering at the hungry look in her eye. She was going to devour him, and he couldn’t wait. In the bedroom, he kicked off his shoes and threw his shirt in the corner within mere seconds. His pants took a little longer, he attempted to kick out of them but instead got his legs tangled in the fabric and fell onto the bed. The soft comforter muffled his frustrated groan as he took a minute to debate life and ask every deity why. After a minute of wallowing at his lack of finesse, he managed to pull the jeans all the way off. Eli got to his feet and stood proudly in the middle of the room clad in just his underwear before shimmying out of them and nodding to himself. Next was figuring out how to sexily position himself on the bed. How could he lay to look the most appetizing? Or as he once heard Wheaty say, like a snack? He settled onto the bed, leaning up against the pillows with one arm behind his head and the other on his junk. Yeah, that would work. Rooks footsteps echoed through the small cabin, his heart thudded knowing she would soon join him in the bedroom. Then it promptly plummeted when he realized he’d forgotten to remove his socks. Judging by how far away she sounded he had just enough time to hop off the bed and take his socks off then lay back down in his sexy position. The first sock was unceremoniously thrown across the room, landing nowhere near the rest of his clothes. The second proved to be more difficult but in the end, he got it off, tossing it somewhere in the general vicinity of the other sock. When he went to climb back onto the bed he tripped over his feet in his haste and ended up face down ass up leaning against the bed. Of course, that’s when the Deputy walked in. “Someone’s eager.” No, well, yes, but that’s not why he was in this position. Her hand ghosted over the swell of his ass and he let out a soft breath, instantly relaxing into the mattress. With that soft touch, he dropped the title of Militia Leader and simply became Eli, Rook taking charge but also letting go of her position. She wasn’t the Deputy, wasn’t spearheading the resistance against a doomsday cult, she was just Rook. At the cabin, they were just two people. With a little shimmying he managed to prop himself up and gaze at her over his shoulder, heat blossoming over his cheeks as he saw how tenderly she looked at him. Adoration was warm in her eyes, an amused but tender smile stretching her cheeks. She’s not wearing shoes anymore, having left them by the front door and for a minute Eli feels like a heathen for wearing his upstairs. Then the bag on her shoulder fell to the ground with a loud thunk, causing Eli to jump ever so slightly--no he wasn’t scared, he was Eli Palmer and Eli Palmer wasn’t scared of loud noises. “While you’re here,” her sentence trailed off as that hunger returned to her eyes, flashing him a smile before licking her lips. She would be the death of him. Her hand kneaded his asscheek as she sank to her knees, his cock twitching at the sight. “You’re overdressed.”  Any other protests he might have had, though they all would have been half-hearted at best, forgotten as her hand trailed over his inner thigh. “You can undress me later.” Fair point. Far be it from him to argue with that. He wriggled against the bed, spreading his legs to allow her better access which she immediately took advantage of, tongue licking a strip from his balls to his hole. His yelp of surprise turned into an indecent moan as her tongue flicked a gentle circle around his hole then traced back down to his balls. Rook gently envelopes one of them in her mouth, sucking tenderly and with that Eli lets his head drop to the bed, face pressed into the blanket. She pulls away, pressing gentle kisses to his perineum as her hands find purchase in on his hips. Air leaves her mouth in a gentle stream, cooling the hot saliva that coats him, the sudden cold causes him to let out a soft gasp. She chuckles and his bones turn to jelly then she’s back at it, tongue lavishing him with obscene wet noises. He knows he’s making a mess on the bed, he can feel the precum soaking into blanket where his dick rests. He almost feels bad for his neglected dick, but not quite because she’s still sloppily lapping at the sensitive skin of his hole and it’s hard to focus on anything other than that. As if she’d read his mind she grips his hips, nails softly digging into the flesh, and pulls him towards her. Before he can let out the undignified yelp that builds in his throat her mouth leaves him and he lets out an undignified whine instead. A hand leaves his hip followed by a clicking and a wet noise then she’s back to french kissing his ass. A wet hand wraps around his cock and gives it a few give tugs before settling into a slow rhythm that matches the speed of her tongue. Lube. She’d been opening a bottle of lube. “Did you,” a stop for a gasp as she penetrates him with the tip of her tongue, “open that with one hand?” He sounds breathy as all hell, his throat dry from how much gasping and mouth breathing he’s been doing but he can’t find it in him to care. She hums against him and he moans at the tingling feeling. Rook picks up the pace, her tongue fucking him as her hand works his dick in a circular motion. He’s on the verge of over stimulation but is being kept on the edge, he knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s keeping him needy. Then it’s all gone and he finds himself holding back that same needy whine from before and he must not be doing a very good job of it because she chuckles and makes a clucking noise with her tongue. Her hand squeezes his ass one more time before he hears her shuffle to her feet, his dick twitches knowing what’s coming. Eli rolls over and looks at her, eyes hazy with lust and adoration as he notes the saliva glistening on her chin. His chest is heavy, his cheeks are rosy and he’s aching for release, but save for the wetness on her chin she looks perfectly put together. “You look completely debauched.” She’s going for joking but the hitch in her voice and darkening of her eyes gives way to the fact that she is loving this just as much as he is. He clears his throat as he props himself up, letting out a shaky chuckle while shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts. “You’re still overdressed.” Her smile makes his chest tighten painfully. “Well, it’s later.” She said, waggling her eyebrows at him playfully. Eli’s a smart man, the Dep doesn't need to tell him twice. She’s standing close enough that all it takes is for him to lean forward and hook his thumbs into her belt loops to pull her closer to him. A shrill laugh escapes her and she stumbles towards him, his heart sings at the noise. All his previous clumsiness is gone as he tugs her shirt over her head, stopping to admire the shape of her torso. Hands trail over her sides, one stopping to cup her breast while the other works on undoing her bra. His movements are slow, tender, as he drinks in the sight of her and takes a minute to worship. Her bra falls to the floor, forgotten as he leans forward and presses wet kisses to her exposed skin, trailing up until he’s able to swirl his tongue around her nipple. She stops, leaning into him and letting him lavish her breasts with attention, any last traces of tension draining from her body. Eli finds himself pulling away from her, looking up and shivering at the look in her eyes. They’re dark, pupils blown as she studies his face. He surges forward as she leans down, lips meeting halfway as they breathlessly taste each other. Rook cups his face as he firmly plants his hands on her hips, pulling her close enough to him that their knees knock. Tongues tangle and he tastes himself on her, groaning into the kiss. Her hands leave his face to find her belt, now she’s the impatient one, unbuckling it with precise movements. They pull apart, both breathing heavily, lips swollen. In one fluid motion, she yanks the belt down away from her and it’s freed from all her belt loops with a soft cracking noise. The sound makes him shiver, mind racing with images of her using that belt. But she tosses it aside--somewhere near his socks--and moves to unbutton her pants. Something on his face causes her to pause, maybe it had fallen a bit when she tossed the belt aside. A calloused hand holds his chin, tenderly lifting his face to meet her eyes. There’s mischief in them and another smile that makes his heart flip-flop. “Another time.” His hands cover hers and take over unbuttoning her pants, it feels like Christmas and he’s unwrapping the present that’s been tormenting him under the tree for weeks. Her underwear is simple but that doesn’t matter, he’s more interested in what they cover. His fingers toy with the waistband, dragging against her skin in a way that makes her sigh and relax under his touch. One of her hand's tangles into his hair, holding him tightly enough to remind him who’s in charge but soft enough to allow him some freedom. Eli pulls the cloth down her legs, licking his suddenly too dry lips as she became just as bare as him. She lets out a soft noise as he leans forward and presses a kiss above her mound, hands gripping her thighs like a lifeline. With a little maneuvering, he slides to his knees in front of her and pulls a leg over his shoulder, taking in the sight of her. “Eli.” There was a soft demand in her tone, accented with a whine. A gentle nudge of her leg against his head, begging him to not leave her hanging. That’s all it took, just her saying his name in that tone and he was diving his face between her thighs. His own needs forgotten as his tongue pressed against her clit in a broad stroke, groaning at the taste of her. Rooks' fingers tightened in his hair, a breathy sound escaping her. He presses a sloppy kiss to her clit before moving his attentions a bit lower, going down on her like a man on death’s row eating his last meal. She’s vulnerable like this, leaning heavily on him, head tilted back and body relaxed. Eli glances up at her, enjoying the view. She’s biting her lip, struggling against the whimpers that threaten to escape. It’s not often he gets to see her like this, these moments are ones he cherishes, moments when there’s nothing but them. He pulls away for a moment, beard glistening and breath heavy he presses adoring kisses to the skin of her thigh, nuzzling his face into her and letting out a content sigh. The hand in his hair softens its hold for a moment, brushing stray strands from his face. Their eyes meet and his heart leaps, the way she looks at him makes him ache. He’d do anything for her. One of the hands holding her thighs migrates to her sex, fingers spreading her folds. His mouth returns to her clit, tongue flicking over the nub in quick movements as he slides a finger into her. She’s so wet for him, clenching around the single digit. He adds another and the groan she makes is one he commits to memory, a strangled version of his name. Hands tighten in his hair as he finds the spot that makes her muscles clench and her jaw drop, fingers fucking her as his tongue spells out the feelings he struggles to speak of aloud. Rooks' nails dig into his scalp as she grinds herself against his face, struggling for some semblance of control. He lets her have it, allowing her to nudge his head to exactly where she needs it, to angle her hips so his fingers hit just right. Her orgasm has her taught as a bow, body stiff and toes curling into the shag carpet. Eli helps her ride it out, diligently continuing his ministrations until he feels her body loosen. His name leaves her lips in a breathless sigh, fingers slipping through his hair as her legs shake from the effort of keeping her upright. “I-” she pauses, letting out a shaky laugh as she smiles down at him. “Shit.” There’s a pause, both of them stopping to catch their breath, Eli holding her steady as she comes down from her high. He’s the only one who gets to see Rook like this, completely relaxed and at ease. He takes a mental snapshot of her face right now, eyes filled with adoration, cheeks flushed and lips swollen from biting down to keep quiet. With slow motions he sets her foot back on the ground, keeping his hands on her to make sure she’s stable. Also, maybe because he needs to touch her, has to feel that she’s real and right here. He rises to his feet and finds himself caught off guard when her hands catch his face and pull their lips together. She nips at his lip, tongue darting into his mouth to chase the taste of herself. His hand grip her hips like he’s afraid she’ll disappear, but she won’t. She’s real, and she’s right here with his tongue in his mouth and his dick against her thigh. They pull away, breathing heavily and looking at each other through heavy-lidded eyes. “Hey.” Her voice is soft, a bit raspy from all the panting she’d done earlier. Her thumb traces over his cheek and he leans into her touch, a dopey smile plastered on his face. “Hey.” She grins at him, pressing another quick kiss to his lips before pulling away. His stomach ties in knots at the loss but the tightness quickly turns to butterflies as she crouches in front of her duffel. “Find the lube?” He ends up crawling around on the outdated carpet listening to the jingling music of her wiggling into the harness. By the time he finds the half-empty bottle and gets back to his feet his knees burn and she’s laying on the bed, idly stroking the orange cock. From the smirk on her face he can tell she enjoyed watching him crawl around on the ground it makes the rugburn worth it, his eyes find the discarded belt for a split second before darting back to her. Not today, but someday. “Come here.” It’s not a question, her voice is soft but firm and he can’t help but shiver. It’s rare that they do it in this position, usually, she takes him from behind, fingers tangling in his hair and hands trailing down his back. As he crawls onto the bed towards her, feeling more like a lumbering idiot than a sex kitten, he can’t help but gnaw on his lip. He settles on his knees beside her, eyeing the dildo with an expression she can’t read. Her hand catches his chin and forces him to make eye contact, she searches him for something--hesitation, maybe. “Is this okay?” Again, soft but firm, no room for non-answers. “Yes.” With that she leans back, giving a meaningful glance to the cock before relaxing into the pillows. With timid movements he spreads the lube on his hand, tentatively grasping the strap on and coating it with lube. From the corner of his eye, he can see the easy smirk on her face, the slight quickening of her breath as his strokes on the Fanta colored dick grow more fluid as his confidence builds. They’ve done this nearly a dozen times, but each time he’s reduced to a shy bumbling idiot. Something about Rook being in control, taking the reins, gets to him in the best way. Before Eli can succumb to the butterflies threatening to cut off his airways he sets the bottle down and throws one leg over his lap so he overs above her cock. Her hands immediately hold onto his thighs, feather-light, not pushing him just grounding him. One hand goes by her head to stabilize himself while the other grips the cock and positions it near his entrance, he releases a breath and then slides down. His movements are slow, scooting down inch by inch, stomach muscles clenching until it’s fully seated inside of him. Almost involuntarily he grinds himself down onto her, he needed this. His cock brushes against her stomach, leaving a shining smear of precum. All shyness gone he slowly begins to ride her, his first few bounces shallow as he adjusts. “That’s it.” Her voice is soft, encouraging and that’s all he needs. Now adjusted his hands gently settle on her stomach, afraid to put too much weight on her but needing support, and he begins to ride her in earnest. Rooks' hands grip his thighs harder, one sneaking around to grab his ass. A groan escapes him as he rolls his hips, grinding on the dildo, the hand on his ass gripping harsher. Her nails threaten to break the skin, digging into the soft flesh of his ass in a way that one could almost call lovingly. His thigh muscles burn with use, he really should exercise more, and a layer of sweat covers his skin. “You look so pretty,” She coos, eyes alight as she takes in his sweat shined form. Her tongue swipes out to lick her lips as she takes in the swollen head of his cock, his eyes follow the movement, cheeks flushing as he continues fucking himself onto her. His hair sticks to his face, rivulets of sweat stuck in his chest hair, but she continues looking at him like he’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. The hand on his thigh moves to grip his cock, giving him a firm squeeze that has his head lolling back a surprised gasp bursting from his lips. She knows exactly how to touch him to get him to make that sweet sound, and she does it again, and again until his gasps turn into groans and the groans turn into whines. Eli’s hips stutter in their movements as her hand continued stroking him, thumb tracing over tip in teasing motions. He doesn’t want it to be over, but he’s so close to the edge, almost ready to fall. “That’s it, sweetheart.” The soft words send him over, grinding down onto her with everything he has left in him. A knot tightens in his stomach, chest heaving as he moans what he'd intended to be her name. His cum drips over her stomach and even up to her chest in ribbons, coaxed by her strokes. He feels boneless, body heavy and throat tight. But it’s a good feeling, he sits there for a minute catching his breath as one of her hands twines with one of his, fingers tracing soothing circles on his knuckles as he comes down. “You okay?” Rook squeezes his hand, an easy smile on her face as she studies him. He’s better than okay and he goes to say so but all that comes out is a contented sigh with a jerky nod. His words fail him and Eli can feel that his body is about to fail him as well. With the last reserves of his strength, he lifts himself off of her, scooting to lay beside her. She wraps her arms around him, pulling his face to rest between her breasts as she hugs him and strokes his hair. “You did so good.” The praises cause a shudder to run through him, his hands locking around her waist. Laying in her arms is perfect, being with her is perfect. It’s a perfect distraction from his responsibilities, from their responsibilities, from their actual lives. He wants to tell her that he loves her, talk about the feelings they both so clearly have, but the words get caught in his throat. So instead he settles for nuzzling closer to her and pressing a kiss to the skin of her chest, right over her heart.
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