Boyfriend Vernon
70 posts
Quick scenarios and late night imagines. This is what it would be like to date Hansol Vernon Chwe of Seventeen ~REQUESTS OPEN~
Last active 3 hours ago
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boyfriend-vernon · 4 years ago
this blog will be on hiatus until further notice. i run lots of other blogs and coming up with ideas for all of them has been draining me a lot and i feel like i can’t put my 100 percent into this blog currently so for fairness i am stepping away until i’m less swamped with everything. i hope you all understand and aren’t too bummed. 
much love, 
vernon mod
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boyfriend-vernon · 4 years ago
[5:32 am]
“If we weren’t in the city, we’d have been able to see the stars instead of just watching the sunrise,” Vernon says matter-of-factly, shoving his hands into his pockets. You mimic his action and shiver a bit. 
“I think that the city lights, in a way, are just as pretty as the stars would have been... and if you pretend I said something super introspective about sunrises, I’m sure they would seem cooler too,” you smile, the wind bites at your skin and you watch as it whips his hair around and a big grin spreads across his face. 
You are both standing on the top level of some random parking garage in downtown Miami. The sounds of the already bustling streets below becoming background noise. “Yea, introspective,” the hint of a laugh riding on his tone. After a moment, Vernon looks at you out of the corner of his eye, taking one hand from his pocket and reaching into yours, grabbing your hand tightly, “I think my mom is really happy that she finally gets to meet you.”
“I hope so,” a soft sigh leaves your lips, “your sister too.” 
“They are probably planning our marriage as we speak,” he chuckles. 
His words make your smile widen, but you try and contain yourself, “Well I’d hope not, it’s literally 5 in the morning.” 
Vernon chuckles, turning his head to stare at you clearly. Normally you’d notice, but your mind is already drifting through the wedding invitations and cake tastings. He can’t help but stare at you lovingly, watching your eyes sparkle with a beautiful anticipation. He won’t say it out loud for fear of spontaneous combustion, but the thought of seeing you walking down the isle, ready to spend your lives together, makes him happier than anything else in the world. 
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boyfriend-vernon · 4 years ago
[3:15 pm]
Your hands swing between one another, fingers laced, grip tight. Smiles adorn both of your faces, even as the cold air licks harshly against your skin. You had both come to Jeju to visit a couple cafe’s per Mr. Boo Seungkwan’s recommendations. 
The two of you wear matching hoodies and brightly colored beanies that stick out against the cloudy coldness of the weather around you as you walk next to the freezing waters of Geumneung Beach. 
“This is nice,” Vernon mumbles as he gives your hand a squeeze. 
You smile up at him and nod, “I love when we get days like this. Seungkwan also has impeccable taste in coffee, sweets, and date ideas.” 
“Yeah,” Vernon chuckles, “I’m pretty sure he has like a book or something where he keeps all his date ideas.” 
“Is that why you always have so many places for us to go?” you ask with a laugh.
“Absolutely! Boo is the best wingman there is!” 
“I’m gonna tell him to stop giving you ideas,” you tease and Vernon scoffs. 
“Looks like the rest of our relationship will be spent with you sitting in the studio with me and laying in the bed doing nothing,” he says with a shrug and you playfully hit his arms. 
“Ooooo,” you say sarcastically, “nothing sound so exciting!” 
“Doesn’t it! Maybe we should end this trip early and go do nothing since you seem so excited.” He looks at you with a cheeky grin. 
“Vernon, I’ll fist fight you.” you say with a pout as he laughs. 
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boyfriend-vernon · 4 years ago
[2:15 am]
“Verns I can’t sleep,” you whisper, rolling onto your back with a huff of frustration.
Vernon shifts next to you, slowly mimicking your action and laying on his back. He brings his hands to his eyes, trying to rub the sleep away, “What’s wrong baby?” 
His voice grumbles still laden with sleep and you feel bad for waking him, “I dunno,” you mumble and he sighs. 
“Well then,” he shifts again, this time rolling to his side, pulling you closer to him. You relax into the curve of his body and rest your head on his naked chest, “I’ll just have to cuddle you to sleep, yea?” 
You smile softly against his warm skin, nuzzling further into his touch as he slowly and lovingly runs his fingers through your hair, “Yea.” 
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Ooh can you do a stargazing imagines. ( Reminisce about life and old memories of their etc) Do you just do Vernon or the other boys. If so wonwoo or dk.
i only write vernon on this blog, however, i have requests open in my shop @gm--requests and will happily take any fic requests. (the form for requesting is on the pinned post on that blog) 
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
[4:36 am]
the two of you sat on the floor of the dorm kitchen, backs pressed against the cabinets, each holding a large bowl of cereal. 
“Management would kill me if they saw me eating this,” Vernon whispered to you quietly, before taking an over-sized bite of his Fruity Pebbles. 
You smiled at him widely, “Not if Seungkwan got to you first.” 
“Or Coups,” he grinned, watching as you took a bite to match his. 
The two of you stare at each other until you’re both giggling quietly. Vernon leans over a plants a chaste kiss on your cheek before you both return to eating your cereal that is quickly getting soggy. 
“What are you two doing up at this hour?” a voice from above the you, snaps you out of your comfortable silence. Both of you freeze mid-bite, looking up to meet Soonyoung’s sleepy and confused gaze. 
“Uhh,” you and Vernon begin, but Soonyoung cuts you off.
“Are you guys eating cereal at 5 am?!” He whisper shouts, his look of surprise fades into a pout.
“I can’t believe you didn’t invite me.” 
You extend your bowl of cereal up towards him and he takes it, sliding down his back down the counter opposite you and Verns.
“It’s soggy,” he laughs as he takes a bite. Vernon passes him the open box of cereal that he has sitting beside him. 
Hoshi takes it and refills the bowl, “Management is gonna kill us,” his grin spreads widely and you and Vernon laugh. 
“Yea, we were just talking about that,” Vernon replies, shooting you a quick wink. 
You smile at him and then at Hoshi, “I guess this means we are sworn to secrecy.” 
They nod at you. 
“Well then you all suck at keeping secrets.” You all three look up like deer caught in headlights to find Seungcheol standing above you, arms crossed, an unamused expression on his sleepy face. 
“Well fuck,” the three of you whisper in unison.  
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
[12:43 pm]
“What if I kissed you right now?” Vernon asked as he brought his face closer to yours. 
“Well,” you hummed, “I just might have to kiss you back.”
“What are my odds on that?” He questioned, his lips already ghosting on yours. The tickle of the feather like touch making you giggle softly. 
“I’d say you’re looking about a 95%” 
“What is that other 5% ?” He asks, he eyebrows furrowed slightly, a smirk tugging softly at the corner of his lips. 
“Me kissing you first,” your voice playful. 
His lips press softly against yours, they are soft and plush and addictive. You almost whimper when he pulls away.
“Welp, there went my 95%,” he teases. 
You smile at him, your eyes meeting his warm brown ones, “I guess its time for my 5% then huh?” 
“Yea, I’d say so,” he mumbles as you wrap your hands around the back of his neck and pull him in. Your lips attaching to his again, this time with more fervor. To say you’d missed him would be an understatement. 
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Sorry I’ve been so inactive,
What kind of content would you like to see from me? Please drop some requests for me. 
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
who would win in a fight. woozi or hoshi
One million percent Woozi. He'd bust Hoshi's ass. It does it sometimes now...
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
vernon, drink water!
Yah~ I know, I know... Right now I just wanna have a little fun with the boys.~
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Hello my lovely Carats~
Please talk to me, Im a bit drunk right now. :)
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Hey sunshine, it's me again. I'm sorry you feel so lonesome. You know I know the feeling too well, too. All this exam prep is killing me and I swear I would break out of my own house and run to you if I could, so that you would never have to feel alone again. I'm sorry I'm rambling, but it's late at night again and I just hope you're ok. Love you to the moon and back, -☀️
Hello love, my loneliness is nothing to worry over I promise! I am well taken care of and all of the boys, we all feel it at some point or another, but I am happy. I’m proud of you for working so hard on studying for your exams! I know you’ll do great. 
Please try to get lots of rest, you shouldn’t be staying up too late. I’m always here if you need me. 
Would you believe me if I told you that I loved you more?~ (sorry was that too cheesy?) 
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Sol, sunshine, it's 11 pm and I finally finished all my assignments, how are you faring? Please don't be like me. Don't overwork yourself. Take care, I love you lots☀️
Hello, my love, I’m alright. Though honestly, I’m a bit sad lately. I feel lonely sometimes even around lots of people, I wonder why that is... 
I’m SUPER PROUD of you for finishing all of your assignments. I’m sending lots of hugs your way~ 
Please be well and don’t worry too much about me, mkay? I’m always right here. 
Love you. :)
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
[1:46 pm]
You watch Vernon, from the hardwood floor of Seventeen’s practice room. Sweat drips down his face and from the hair plastered to his neck and forehead. 
The only sounds heard are his heavy breathing, his breathy whispers of counting, and his squeaking shoes against the glistening floor. Over and over he practices the same moves until they are mastered with perfection, but each time he struggles with the same part. 
You can’t help but to watch him with love filled eyes. It’s like you’re in a trance, that is until he lets out and angry scream and falls to his knees. You jump into action immediately, rushing to him, water bottle and towel in hand. 
“Are you alright?!” 
“Yeah,” he lets out a defeated sigh, “I just can’t fucking get this move down. Every time I’m too slow. The jump isn’t high enough. My angles are off,” he continues to mumble off the imperfections until you wipe off his forehead gently with the towel. 
“Hansol,” you begin, “you are doing wonderfully. You’ll get it eventually. You’re going to end up overworking yourself and that will be more upsetting for the boys than you being an inch closer to the ground than them.” 
Vernon looks up and meets your eyes, giving you a soft smile. You hand him the bottle of water and he gulps it down as if he has never had something so refreshing. 
“You’re gonna do great Ver. Please don’t worry too much. You have lots of time left to practice and I’ll be here to cheer you on! Every step of the way!” 
He smiles widely and hands back the now empty bottle of water, “With you as my cheer leader I couldn’t possibly fail! Fighting!” His fist shoots into the air, a symbol of his hard working spirit. 
“Fighting!” you yell back mimicking his motion, before returning to your previous spot and watching him continue with his practice.
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Hey Ver, I just wanted to say that I hope you are doing okay among the chaos of Covid-19. I love you so much and I hope that you are doing some fun things to keep yourself occupied. Stay safe for me honey. 💜
Hey baby, I’m doing well. I’m keeping safe and practising my social distancing! :) I love you bunches and I working hard to keep myself busy. I hope that you are staying safe and entertained. Don’t worry too much about me, m’kay? 
Stay safe my love. 
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
Thank You
Thank you to my wonderful Carats! I had no idea that in such a short time I would reach 600 followers. I hope you will continue to stick around for my content! It would also be nice if we could all talk more. I love my cutie carats~ 
I will work hard to be an even better Vernon for you all. I hope that you will continue to walk this flower path with me. I give my endless love and thanks. 
- Hansol
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boyfriend-vernon · 5 years ago
i’m just running out of shit to do, i’m not sure how to keep myself motivated anymore. i’m so tired all the time.
Have you tried just doing a self-care day? Just simple and small things that make you happy accompanied by a good nap or two? 
That is what I like to do when I feel burnt out. 
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